Student’s worksheet answers key

Cricket Activity 1 Reading skills Objective: Understanding the rules of through reading

After Reading the text above order chronologically the following events in a cricket match. a) Batting 1 - Electing a captain b) Fielding 2 - Tossing up a coin c) Running 3 - Choosing to field or bat d) Tossing a coin 4 - e) Passing 5 - Batting f) Electing a captain 6 - Running g) Choosing to field or bat 7 - Fielding h) Bowling 8 - passing 1

Institut Maria Rúbies Patrick Ossmann larrea Lleida i) breaking the wickets 9 - breaking the wickets

Activity 2 Writing skills Objective: To make clear the aims of cricket

Write clear and concise ideas about the aim of cricket. (The general aim or goal and the aim for batting and fielding teams)

The general aim of the game is to get more runs than the opponent’s team.

The aim of the defenders is to catch the ball and get the batsmen out.

The aim of the attackers is to bat to get runs.

Activity 3 Listening skills Objective: Listening comprehension

After listening to the definitions one by one, write the number to the word it corresponds

Fielding Bails Wickets Bowling Batting Catching Scoring Boundaries

3 5 4 2 1 6 7 8

Activity 4 Writing skills Objective: To make clear the cricket skills

Write which are the complex skills we need to learn to play a cricket match?


Institut Maria Rúbies Patrick Ossmann larrea Lleida The complex cricket Skills are bowling, batting and catching the ball. Some simple skills used in cricket are running and jumping.

Activity 5 Warm up Objective: To make an easy warm up for cricket

Write warm up activities in chronological order. Start with general exercises and develop to more specific ones.

a) General exercises: 1- Running easy for 5 minutes. 2- Dynamic stretching: Calves, quads,

a) Specific exercises: 1- Passing 2- Bowling 3- Batting

Activity 1 Reading/Writing skills Objective: Understanding the rules of

Fill in the gaps using information from the lacrosse power point presentation and the text above.

Text The of lacrosse comes from a ritual game played by native americans. is a reduced version of field lacrosse. Teams have 6 players. The game is four parts of 15 minutes. The game is played with a kind of stick with a net at one end called “crosse”. Players have to take control of the ball using it and pass it in order to try to shoot it into the opponent’s goal. It is a fast and aggressive game where the contact is permitted and the winner is the team that gets more goals by the end of the match.


Institut Maria Rúbies Patrick Ossmann larrea Lleida

Final activity Spider Diagram Objective: Summarize the whole content of the units.

Draw the spider diagram.


Institut Maria Rúbies Patrick Ossmann larrea Lleida

Write below 3 rules of cricket:

1. The batting team starts with two batsmen on the at the same time. 2. The batsmen try to hit the ball over the boundaries. 3. The bowler tries to break the wickets with the ball.

Write below 3 rules of lacrosse:

1. There are 6 players in each team. 2. The area surrounding the goal is only for the . 3. The contact with the ball carrier is permitted.


Institut Maria Rúbies Patrick Ossmann larrea Lleida