
I ~ The K wajalein Soviets May Revive 'Star Wars' ~ Pubtt.ca.tton. 1 () Issue Before Moscow r _!t:_t!';~w_c£a.~~tetes_t..n~toU. M.a.rsfl,a.U By W. Dale Nels n tstan.c:ts does not thmk It wIll doom hopes fense 10 space and arms lImIta­ gomg forward WIth SDI .. Uourg~~~l AssOCUlJed Press Wrller for a treaty on long-range nuclear tIons on Earth In an apparent effort to clear weapons Reagan and SovIet leader up the confUSIon, the presIdent Volume XXIV No 235 Wednesday, December 16, 1987 WASHINGTON - PreSI­ The statements Tuesday by MikhaIl S Gorbachev, who saId, poSItIon, we took ours, and dent Reagan's top arms control the presIdent and by Paul H sIgned a treaty lImitIng mterme­ It'S put that way m the commuOl­ advIser predIcts the SOVIets WIll Nltze added to a puzzlIng pattern dlate-range nuclear weapons last que, the Jomt commumque, that Ortega Agrees To Christmas Truce ratse the "star wars" Issue on the of post-summIt pronouncements week 10 Washmgton, say they we are gomg forward .. way to a proposed Moscow from Moscow and Washmgton hope to follow up at a Moscow When asked whether U S - summIt, but the presIdent says he on the twm Issues of mIssIle de- meetIng In the spnng WIth a 50 SovIet dIfferences on the Issue By FllandeIfo Aleman Dec 4 for a Chnstmas truce WIth foreign techmcal experts to meet the Contra will send as well a percent reductIon m mtercontI­ would get In the way of the stra­ ASSOCiated Press Writer the US-supported Contra rebels WIth a SImIlar group of Contra team of techmcal foreIgn adVIS­ nental mIssIle arsenals tegIc arms treaty, he replIed, The preSIdent dId not say why the representatIves next Monday 10 ers, we don't knOw what natIon­ Mafia Leaders Get But the presIdent says he WIll "Nope " MANAGUA, NIcaragua - decISIon was changed Santo Dommgo, the Domlmcan allty, WIth the medIatIOn of Car­ go ahead WIth hIS "star wars" Nltze, meanwhile, speakIng PreSIdent Daniel Ortega an­ Ortega also SaId hiS govern­ RepublIc dInal MIguel Obando y Bravo," Life Sentences plan for a space-based mISSIle at the NatIonal Press Club, was nounced today hIS government ment wIll send a commISSIon of "The Umted States through the preSident said defense and has gIven conflIct­ asked whether Gorbachev would wIll decree a cease-frre In all PALERMO, SIcIly (AP) - prosecutIOn, descnb10g the Ing signals on whethentcould be "ambush" strategIc arms talks by combat zones WIth Contra rebels Korea Election A Jury today convIcted the men structure of the mob and the who an obstacle to agreement, as It makIng them contIngent on "star on Dec 24 and 25 at the request considered the top leaders of the and how beh10d major decISIons was at the Reagan-Gorbachev wars" constramts of Cardmal MIguel Obando y Mafia and sentenced 13 of them Buscetta, who was extradIted summIt 10 ReykJaVIk, Iceland, "I fully expect that he WIll," Bravo Government Candidate Ahead, to bfe ImpnsonmenL m 1984 from BrazIl on drug last year Nitze replIed "ThIs WIll be "Only offenSIves agaInst our Among those condemned to charges and charges of cnmmal Gorbachev SaId 10 a speech ratsed, but not necessarIly at the forces and the CIVIlIan popula­ life terms was Michele "the assoclabon, was convIcted and on SovIet teleVISIOn Monday summIt next lune, but It wIll be bon WIll be repulsed," Ortega Opposition Charges Fraud Pope" Greco, descnbed as the sentenced to three years and SIX that It was ,tdangerous" to "try to ratsed by the negouators as we told reporters on the pabo of the By Barry Renfrew returns today from the frrstdlrect ElectIon CommISSion said Roh, head of the Mafia's mulb-billion lead up to that summIt" months 10 pnson assert that the talks m Wash mg­ cardmals offices after a meetIng AssocUJIed Press Wrller preSidentIal electIon 10 16 years a former army general, was lead- dollar mternabonal herom op­ The readmg of the verdIcts ton have removed dIfferences on Nltze satd he hoped the mat­ WIth him The opPOSItIOn accused the 109 WIth about 45 percent eratIOn and leader of the "cu­ for the case's 460 defendants such a problem as SDI and under ter could be resolved before the ,'VIe Sandmlsta government SEOUL, Soutb Korea - government of extenSIVe fraud Opposlbon candIdate KIm pola" or "commissIon," the or­ began shortly after 6 p m The that pretext make calls for speed- leaders meet 10 Moscow "B( ~r had rejected a proposal Government can~te Roh Tae­ WIth 13 percent of the natIon­ Young-sam traIlIng WIth 26 per­ thIS IS one of the dIfficult Issues, gamzed cnme synrucate's Pal­ process was expected to take 109 up work on that program .. made by Obando y Bravo on woo took a strong lead 10 early WIde vote counted, the Central cent, followed by nval OPPOSI­ ermo-based hIerarchy hours SDI stands for StrategIc De­ he SaId bon candidate KIm Dae-Jung Prosecutors accused mem­ The tnal was seen by many m fense ImtIatIve, the formal name As to whether the two super­ WIth 19 percent KIm long-pll, bers of the commISSIon of order- Italy as a test of the state's com­ of the "star wars" plan powers can work out a treaty to one of two mmor OpposItIon 109 the key slaymgs that were mItment to defeat the Mafia, Reagan. asked about the sharply reduce theIr long-range candidates, had about 9 percent among the 90 murders covered 10 whIch evolved 10 the last genera­ statement by the SovIet Commu­ weapons by next year, Nltze of the vote the case agamst the 460 defen­ bon from a largely Slclhan­ mst Party general secretary , SaId,"1t IS poSSIble, but It wIll be The Central ElectIOn very difficult oj dants based operatIon thnvmg on ex­ said, "Well, we are 10 disagree­ Enca CommISSIOn, whIch IS con­ The star prosecutIon wItness tomon, smugglIng and kIck­ ment" WhIle defendmg the mlssIle­ Lothndge Ho trolled by the government, said m the 14-month-long case was backs to a multI-bIllIon dollar When remmded that he s~l1d ban treaty sIgned at the W ash1Og­ Ho Ho's as part after the polls had closed that 89 Tommaso Buscetta, who defIed InternatIonal drug bus mess last Fnday that the two leaders ton summIt, Nltxe SaId he could percent of the country's 26 mil­ not guarantee the SovIets would of the KwaJ the Mafia code of "omerta," or Thework of the tnal were had resolved the "star wars" IS­ lIon elIgIble voters had cast bal­ silence, and cooperated WIth the staggenng sue, Reagan SaId, "It IS, we are not hIde Illegal missIles Cutles presen­ tation at the lots Chnstmas Tree Whoever wms the largest bIllIon A report that showed Amencan 10dustry operated at 81 7 number of votes IS elected A percent of capacity m November proVIded a more OptImistIC Lighting Cere­ maJonty IS not requIred Briefly ghmpse of the economy mony The rest OpposItIon leaders repeat­ *** of the Cutles, edly charged dunng the cam­ WEST MEMPHIS, Ark (AP)-A dusk-to-dawn curfew was m MANILA, FllIpmos (AP) - The PhIlIppInes wants to have directed by paign that the government would effect today throughout thIS MISSISSIPPI RIver cIty as reSIdents and deposed PresIdent FerdInand Marcos tned on corruptIon charges 10 MartyMesh­ resort to fraud to w10 the elec­ emergency workers cleared rubble left by a killer tornado the US capItal Instead of Hawdll for fear of demonstratIons by hIS ensky, Kathy tIons AuthontIes say the tWIster that hIt West MemphiS late Monday followers, a FllIpmo offiCIal SaId today Koyanagl and kIlled SIX people, mJured 237 and dIsplaced 1,500 The damage The ManIla government has been dlscussmg WIth U S offiCIals Merlyne Berry- could go as hIgh as $35 mllbon, Major Keith Ingram satd late the POSSIbIlIty of havmg a PhllIpp10e court try Marcos m the Umted man, look on Tuesday States on charges he and hIS famIly plundered up to $10 billion 10 See story page "We have had a number of large busmesses along the mterstate government and pnvate funds dunng hIS 20-year rule that have been destroyed," Ingram saId, add 109 that he Imposed the *** 6 curfew mamly because power outages left reSidents vulnerable to WASHINGTON (AP) - The Au Force, as part of a draft plan (Photo by Larry Allen, PRC Ken­ cnme to reduce Its fiscal 1989 budget, IS propos1Og to cancel development tron PhotoLab) *** of the Mldgetman mobIle nuclear mISSIle, offiCials say (AP) - Crude 011 pnces reached their lowest level 10 mne The plan, submitted to the Pentagon's clVllIan hIerarchy last months, but he bond and stock markets gamed after mterpretmg the week, suggests that the s1Ogle-warhead Mldgetman be dropped 10 U declIne as a sIgn that 1OflatIon may not be an Immment threat favor of pursumg development of a ratl verSIon of the gIant MX Separately, the government reported Tuesday that the natIon's nuclear miSSIle, Said the OffiCialS, who spoke Tuesday on conditIon current account deficIt Widened 10 the third quarter to a record $43 4 of anonymity • Pagt' 2. HOUf,l!hlss. Wulflt'sday, f),'l\.'llIlwf ](,.11)0\7 n'orld News

: Donna Rice excellent care of plants and pets. CouhtrfCI\lb &. dancmg to Sh­ With USAKA Reg 1-6 Island resident who o;ees the Mayor Removed From Please call Donna Tarlton at ennIe & FnendS Bus transporta­ SOVIet stnp Brand X, or any other Replaced A. ,.34 tIon departs chapel after servIce ACCESS RESTRICTION In­ ve~l WhICh looks out of the fO( KCC and wIll servIce Island frequently, the western portIon ordmary for KwaJalem Atoll, to Offlce In Recall Election Jeans Moder' SERVICES bus route after 7 30 pm, con­ ofKwaJalem wIll be restrIcted to please call USAKA Provost tInuously untIl 11 30 p m on duty personnel travehng 10 Marshal dunng normal duty By D W Page StrIpped of hIS office when the OFFERED Holley "You can't help but lIke NEW YORK - The maker perfonnance of therr officJal hours at 3530 or the PolIce De­ ASSOCiated Press Writer vote IS made offICIal, whIch the man I'm not mad at him," KWAJALEIN ATARI USER'S dutIes due to explOSIVes laden partment after duty hours could come as early as today, of No Excuses blue Jeans says Baldwm SaId Donna RIce lS no longer a model­ NEED AN EXPERIENCED GROUPMEETING,Dec 16,7- aIrcraft bemg parked on the PORTSMOUTH, Va - The authOFltIes saId The CIty ColIhCd can pick spokeswoman, hut the deCISion BABYSITTER? Mother of two 8 pm, CRC Room 4 ElectIon of "HOT SPOT" WIlen thIS condI­ REMINDER TO USERS OF city's frrst black mayor says he The mayor, a 60-year-old one of Its members to serve as to replace her was unrelated to wIll babySit 10 her home week­ new officers tIon eXIsts, all personnel should POOLS AND BEACHES Adult harbors no ammosIty after losmg dentIst and longtIme CIVIl nghts mayor, go outside of the councIl Gary Hart's deciSion to re-enter days Good hot meals and good aVOId the area unless absolutely Pool The buddy system wIll be office 10 a recall electIon trIg­ leader, has demed allegatlOns for a mayor or do nothmg Ifafter the preSidentIal race family atmosphere Call Sue KWAJ ALE IN SHRINE CLUB necessary No dependent or rec­ 10 effect at all tImes, FamIly gered by accusatIons that he sent that he sent hate maIl to commu­ 60 days the seat remams vacant, 2543 MEETING, scheduled for Dec reatIonal access wIll be allowed 10 I Reports about Hart's rela­ Pool the buddy system wIll be racist-tInged hate maIl to com­ mty leaders who opposed the three CrrcUl t Court Judges would tIonship With Rice forced him to 17, has been postponed untIl Jan When such SItuatIons eXIst, pub­ effect dunng after-hours usage closmg mumty leaders of a predommantly black appomt a mayor to fill out drop out of the race for the CARPET SHAMPOOER 21,1988 hc announcements wIll be made for lap sWlmmmg (6-11 pm), "You wm some electIOns and high school Holley's four-year tenn, which Democratic preSidentIal nomi­ A V AILABLE (steam type) Call and appropnate barrIcades Coral Sands Beach The buddy you lose some," Mayor James "I have no ammoslty toward exprres June 30 natIon 10 May Patty for detaIls at 2793 SCHOOL PICTURE MAKE­ erected system will be 10 effect at all anyone," W Holley III told 75 supporters he SaId "I urge you to The turnout of 23,299 voters "Frankly, we'd made the UPS wIll be taken tomght from tImes, Emon Beach When no Tuesday mght after becommg come together as a family to surpnsed many observers, who deciSion and planned to an­ 6-10 p m at the CRC meetIng ATTENTION ISLAND RESI­ hfeguard IS on duty the buddy the frrst V rrgmta mayor ousted 10 work for Portsmouth We can had predicted that 18,000 to nounce It Thursday, but we COMMUNITY room 5 Please call Beth Sholar DENTS It IS requested that any system wIll be 10 effect a recall Improve the I qualIty of hfe for 20,000 would vote moved It up after we heard about NOTICES to select a convement tIme for The unoffiCial vote was everyone by workmg With "At the last mmute, the Hart," said Dan Marder, a 1';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:.1I your photograph Call 2628 after 13,438 or 577 percent, forrecall whomever assumes leadership" blacks tried to rally thelT people spokeswoman for New Retail I- I5pm WEDNESDAY and 9,861, or 423 percent, Eugene Baldwm, a retrred because they wanted to keep a Concepts Inc, which makes the NEW YEARS EVE AT THE Tonight On Television agamst Shghtly more than half frrefighter who coordmated the black 10 office," Baldwm SaId No Excuses hne YUK - The restaurant Will be KWAJALEIN YACHT CLUB of thiS port city's 46,284 regis­ recall dnve, S3Id the vote was a open for nonnal dmner servIce MEETING Will be held tomght Kwajalein tered voters cast ballots 10 the message to pohtIclans "that the from6-10p m Make your reser­ at Emon Beach at 7 p m Meet electIOn Blacks compnse 47 CitIzens of Portsmouth want Pacific Storm Adds vatIons early smce seatIng wIll the new officers Channei9 percent of the populatIon clean government" be lImited Call 3409 from noon­ Holley WIll be formally But he did have praIse for To Brutal Weather S pm, Monday-Fnday BOY SCOUT TROOP 314 WIll 4 51 General HOSPItal hold theIr weekly meetIng to­ 5 37 Dance Fever By Howard Goldberg coast and southern mountatrA ():>KWE YUK CLUB HOURS mght at 7 p m at the Scout Hut 600 NBC News ASSOCiated Press Writer expect 2 to 5 mches of ram ~ Mon-Fn nooo-5 p m Guests and newcomers are al­ 6 29 CNN Sports Tomght Israeli Army Cracks because a strong stonn had Sat-Sun 2-5 p m ways welcome Last meetIng 6 55 Commumty BulletIn Board An mtense PaCific stonn stalled and was IDtensIfymg Just untIl Jan 6 Down On Violence brought heavy snow to the Call­ west of the San Fran SISCO Bay DON'T FORGET THE '87 6 57 Shadow Chasers (12 24) fonua and Oregon moun tams area USAKA C:ijRISTMAS I\.REM..'S _CHILDREN'S 749 NIght Court (141) By Masha Hamilton tImanson Tuesday Twoprotest­ today and Will sweep across the It caused snow 10 southern PARTY' KIck-off IS at the CHRISTMAS PARTY -Mo1l­ 8 14 Arthur Hailfy"~ Mmel (141) ASSOCiated Press Writer ers died 10 a clash at Shlfa HospI­ nation hke the system blamed for Oregon that closed schools Tues­ Yokwe Yuk ClUb. Thursday, day, Dec 21 at the Yokwe Yuk 906 "A Woman For All Men" (233) tal MIdwest blIzzards, Southern day 10 outlymg areas and snarled Dec 17 at 6 pm Dmner and Club from 1-3 P to For tIckets 10 39 CNN Headhne News GAZA CITY, OccupIed It was the nInth straIght day of tornadoes and at least 61 deaths, traffic entertalnment - Island fonnal and mformatIon, call Anne 11 08 Entertamment Tomght Gaza StriP - Israel's army to­ VIolence In the OCCUPIed Gaza forecasters SaId The other storm left hIgh­ attrre for more mfonnatIon, see (3793) or Judy (4473) day staged a major show of force StrIp, WhICh Israel captured 1ft "It's off the CahfomUl coast ways ICY or snowpacked across your dIVISIon polht of conlact In the OCCUPIed Gaza StrIp, and the 1967 MIddle East war, along now, and It wIll follow the Jet the Plams, and caused school Sponsored by Range Command MICRONESIAN HANDI­ Channel 13 hOSPItal OffiCIalS saId an 8-year­ WIth the West Bank The VIO­ stream - and It looks lIke a re­ clOSIngs in parts of IllInOIS, IndI­ CRAFT New amval hobday old girl and two men were shot lence has been among the worst peat of thiS stonn but not as se­ ana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, IF YOU NEED A UNIVER­ Ideas - the MIC Shop has Just 4 30 NBC Tomght Show and wounded 10 protests at refu­ 10 10 years vere," Roy Pnngle of the Na­ MiChigan, Mmnesota, MISSOun, ISTY OF MARYLAND &i mter- receIved new story T-shIrts in 5 30 CNN Sports Tomght gee camps Columns of smoke rose from tIonal Weather ServIce 10 MIl­ OhIO, Oklahoma and Wisconsm est survey," please call 2800 beautIful new colors Best news, 6 00 ABC Nighthne The army sent hundreds of the Jabahya refugee camp near waukee SaId Tuesday mght BlIzzard condItIOnS Tuesday they are now aVaIlable dunng all 6 30 CNN Headline News soldIers and several tanks Gaza CIty About 40,000 fales­ "You could call It the sister of 10 southern Wisconsm dImm­ FAREWELL PARTY FOR shopp1Og hours 7 00 CBS West 57th Street through the streets of Gaza CIty, tImans bve 10 the camp's shacks thiS stonn," Prmgle said, refer­ Ished to flumes early today, but DENNIS KAAIHUE on Sun­ 7 55 Return to network the largest city 10 the Gaza StrIp Amar KhamlS Abu Taklya, nng to the blIzzard Tuesday that not before snowfall totaled 128 day, Dec 20 at Emon Beach 9 25 Return To CNN Soldiers opened fire dunng whose 22-year-old son, Khahd, closed the natIon's bUSIest arr­ mches at MadIson and 10 mches from noon-5 p m Anyone who Ii O~~~ NOTICES II 10 00 Late NIght w!Davld Lettennan protests at the Jaballya and was kIlled Tuesday, sat barefoot port and schools 10 11 states at Green Bay W mds gusted to 73 would hke to partICIpate, please 11 00 NBC Tomght Show Nussetrat refugee camps, on a mat outSide hiS house 10 the MIllIons of Amencans spent mph at JanesvIlle call Matea at 3621 or Gma at wounding the gIrl and two 25- Jabahya camp Tuesday c1eamng up from record The storm moved mto the 2516 for more mfonnauon USAKA REGULATION 1-6, 11 30 Commumty BulletIn Board year-old men, offiCials at Shlfa "It IS better to use tear gas and snowfalls 10 the Southwest, blIz­ Northeast W mds were gusty and Commencal ActiVIties states 12 00 NBC Today Show HOSPItal ID Gaza CIty S3Id rubber bullets mstead of kIllIng zard condIttons 10 the Midwest up to 4 mches of new snow had NOSCHOOLDec 21-Jan3due that, "IndiViduals and organIza­ One ofthe men was 10 senous my son, but It'S best of all for the and tornadoes 10 the South fallen thIs mornmg from the to Chnstmas VacatIon Regular tIons Will not engage 10 com­ Roi-Namur conditIon after bemg shot 10 the army to stay away," he said Wmd, combmed With up to Great Lakes to Mame, and where classes Will resume on Jan 4 mercial actIvlttes WIthOUt pnor 5 30 General HOSpItal back, the offiCials S3Id They S3Id addmg that two other sons, ages 14 mches of snow 10 the MIdwest .t wasn't snow 109 10 New Eng­ wntten approval of the Com­ five teen-age Jaballya reSidents 12 and 14, were prevIOusly killed on Tuesday snapped power lInes, land, sleet and freezmg ram were LUM/FOKKEN WEDDING mandIDg OffIcer, USAKA" 615 NBC News suffered mJunes from beatIngs 10 clashes With Israeh soldiers tore loose trees and caused Wide­ common In the Midwest, eA; • WOWS Saturday, Dec 19,Island IndiVIduals conductmg commer­ 643 Facts Of LIfe Arm y offiCials said they were Israel's parlIament today spread power outages, mcludmg to dig out were summed u~ WMemonal Chapel, 6 30 p m Cial actIvIties WithOUt reqUISite 7 09 60 MID utes checkIDg the reports began debatIng five left-wmg one that affected 170,000 Chi­ Don HOOo, a dispatcher for the Reverend Pt]a Matauto officIat- approval are remmded that thiS 8 04 Falcon Crest The army crackdown fol­ motions of no confidence agamst cago-area reSidents Mlssoun State Highway Patrol, 109 and Ebeye Umted Church Of constItutes a ViolatIon of a lawful 8 57 "sIlent Sentence" lowed nots 10 whIch soldiers the coalItIOn government's The weather service warned who SaId, "You ml~ht call today Chnst JUDIor ChOIr Afterward regulatIon Contact the Legal 10 31 Entertamment Tomght shot and killed at least four Pales- tough handhng of the unrest residents of CalifornIa's central the Big Meltdown' dmnerreceptIon at the K waJalem OffIce for help With comphance .. Page 14, Hourglass, W.:dncsd:.lY, D·.'Ccmbcr 16, 19S7 \Vorld News Hllurgla,s,Wednt:sday,Dccember 16, 1987, Pag~ 3,

sheets (prud $80) wtl.l sell aU for gtrl's 20" btue/red handk grips $45 Also, tw10 bed mattress $50 All avrulable Dec 18 Call 'Tanker War' Toll Rises In Gulf cover $10, Futon $10, two dr Janet 3649 ~ brown bolster pillows $15 Call i ~ Ed Blanche millIOn tons of merchant srup­ when even big vessels were Jets are fmng theIr wave-sklm­ 2715/Tr 593 PCS SALE-afterpack-out- ASSOCIated Press Writer p10g sunk 10 World War II midgets compared to today' s mmg Exocet miSSiles With more clothes, household Items and "It's never been so bad 10 the seaborne behemoths deadly effect these days FISHING LURES GALORE­ much more Low pnces Qtrs NICOSIA, Cyprus - Nearly gulf," said Diana Rues1Og. an Two fIre-ravaged 250,000- The Iranians use speedboats slurts, heads and assembled Also 443-B, Dec 16,6 a m ADULT pad, some software, $650 Call 3 million tons of shlppmg has analyst for the aSSOCIaUon, also ton supertankers hit 10 recent armed WIth rocket launchers and II lot for makmg your own acryhc known as Intertanko EDUC .4. TION Al Anderson W2065, H2478 or been sunk or wntten off 10 the weeks were among the latest machme guns or missIle-armed III!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;n;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Joe Ball W2065, H3612 deep-sea lure heads Will sell all PersIan Gulf smce July 10 the "The escalation 10 attacks has addluons to the gulf graveyard naval fngates fO( their attacks or1OdIvldually Call Dave, 2715 PATIO at Tr 722 (transfer), most savage escalatlon ofattacks made the threat to freedom of and accounted for a half-mIllIon and 10creasmgly are rummg for THE NEXT TEST DATE FOR SEARS "ALL-HOUSE" pallO, plcmc bench, gas gnll, by Iran and Iraq 10 theIr 7-year­ navlgauon 10 the gulf greater tons between them the crew's quarters to mfllct as THE GRADUATE RECORD PAINTING SYSTEM - cata­ hammock, plants, plus much old war, Shlpp10g analysts report than ever," she saId 10 a tele­ "If the bellIgerents keep up many casualues as poSSible EXAM (GRE) IS Feb 6 Post­ log page 1356 Includes 3 roller IRONING BOARD $10 Call more, $450 Call W1412 That rruses the total of ton­ phone mtervlew from Oslo thiS Intensity of attacks, WhICh The latest and most ferOCIOUs mark date forregularreglstrauon refills, 2 pads and 34-mch exten­ 3649 nage lost 10 the so-called "tanker Intertanko StaUStlCS show 51 are becom1Og mcreas10gly de­ phase of the tanker war began IS Jan 4 Reglstrauonn forms are Sion Two months old, $75 Call LADlE'S BLUE 26-INCH war" to 10 86 mIllion tons smce ShiPS, 45 of them tankers, have strucuve, that total's sure to 10- when the U S and European available at the Adult Educauon 435 SEARS SEWING MACHINE 10 HUFFY BIKE With balloon tIres 1981, accord 109 to StatiStiCS been so badly damaged smce crease conSiderably," Rues10g navies mtervened 10 the gulf to Center, Room 1, George Seltz good workmg condItIon In­ and rear baskets Excellent con­ compiled by the Oslo-based 1981 they were wnlten off as saId protect therr shIpp10g from Ira­ School Call 2800 for more mfor­ ZENITH GREEN SCREEEN cludes extra sew10g notIOns, dillon $75 Avatlable Dec 18 InternatIonal Assoclauon of In­ "total construcuve losses " An average of two vessels are man attacks U S warshIps are maUon MONITOR for computer (new) $100 Call 2715 Call P A , H2594, W2220 dependent Tanker Owners The allies lost 5,150 mer­ hit by one Side or the other every escortIng 11 reflagged Kuwalu $65 Call 2715{fr 593 That's Just under half the 24 chant ships dunng World War II, three days Before July, the rate tankers THE ADULT EDUCATION PIONEER LASER DISK - RARE OPPORTUNITY' Plan- was one attack every three days Iraq, WhICh has long sought CENTER Will be closed Decem­ TWO ORIENTAL RUGS - 8ft excellent condmon, mcludes 109 to stay on Kwap Available At least 31 seamen,mcludmg to mternauonallze the war to ber 21-January 4 for the Christ­ x 12ftand2ftx8ft Both for $40 remote control Local club has soon, a large trruler addition (Tr Bar Association Danes, Norwegians and Bntons, pressure Iran to the negotlatmg mas holIdays Regular hours Will Call 3588 over 1,500 laser disk mOVies, 834 - not scheduled for re­ have been killed smce July, With table, stepped up ItS au strikes, resume on Tuesday, Jan 5 $200 Call 2715 moval) Contact Jim Brown at another 20 mlssmg and pre­ apparentl y hopmg to provoke the LARGE COVERED PATIO (at 4651 for detatls Endorses Kennedy sumed dead Iramans to hit convoys escorted Qtrs 481-A), covered bike park­ HOOVER UPRIGHT V AC- The maraudmg Iraqi Mirage by warships l HELP WANTED I 109, fenced yard, 3 au condIuon- UUM - aVaIlable Dec 29 - only I I By James H RubIO Senate JUdiCIary CommIttee at I I three-months old & mcludes two ASSOCIated Press Writer 1,;_~------;;;;!.I. ers, drapes, dishwasher, carpets, I,I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;F;;;O~UN~D;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;JI ItS third day of heanngs on the PAN AM WORLD SERVICES plcmc table & benches, quality boxes of vacuum bags, $95 Call .. nommauon 2715 ~""\ WASHINGTON - An- Reagan Blamed IS recrUiung for a Records Clerk constructIOn Call 3612 and see LADlE'S GOLD W ATct \ The ABA's glow 109 en­ With expenence m handhng clas­ to appreciate \ Jny M Kennedy was endorsed dorsement comes on the heels of PATIO COVER FOR TWO­ found near elementary scho~ today by the Amencan Bar Asso­ Sified matenal Typmg a plus, To mquue, call 3601 durmg support for Kennedy from key THREE AIR CONDITIONERS BEDROOM HOUSE (at Qtrs CIaUon as someone whose mteg­ For Hunger And secret clearance desuable Con­ regular workmg hours Senate Democrats who say hiS tact MIke Nussmeyer at 1506 or $100 each, dishwasher $30, TV/ 487-B) Farmly PCSmg Jan 1 nty, temperament and mtellec­ confrrmatlon chances are excel­ 1507 stereo stand $5, tan carpet & PatIo cover recently mspected, tual abIliues make him highly lent no termites, wood 10 very good LOOKING FOR LOST PROP­ qualified to be a Supreme Court Homelessness mlsc rugs, self-suck carpet hies ERTY? Check wIth the In response to questions, - make an offer, set of curtams condition, metal roof, water bar­ JustIce KW AJ ALEIN JOB CORPS K waJalem Police Department Tyler said the ABA panel that By Christopher Callahan ger and homelessness CENTER IS seekmg volunteer for 400-senes house $30, rel, ram gutters (Transfer or relo­ "No one doubted hiS 10tegnty reviews JudiCial appomtees con­ Assoclllted Press Writer Flynn placed the blame for cate) $100 Call 2322 4448 or 4445 tutors to asSiSt 10 teachmg Eng­ women's Huffy bike $35 (avrul­ or mtellectual ablhty," ABA Sidered the fact that Kennedy had the "ternble human tragedy" lish as a second language and Job able Dec 21) Call 2534 or 3865 leader Harold R Ty lerJr told the been a member of the all-male WASHINGTON - Hunger squarely on the shoulders of the corps math program to Mashal­ TV/STEREO CABINET w/wal- r.~~~~~~~~~ OlympIC Club m San FranCISCO and homelessness 10 Amencan Reagan admmlstraUon lese students, Monday-Fnday MUST SELL THIS WEEK' nutflmsh-74"x48"x21",wIll II WANTED II Kennedy qUit the club m October clues rose sharply 10 1987 and "What IS most tragic IS that all Hours are flexible, between 8 30 Commodore VIC-20 computer hold Tv, 2 VCRs, laser disk I.!.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:.1- _ Financial News and had raised ObjectIOns to Its Reagan admmlstrauon cutbacks thiS suffenng IS unnecessary 10 a player, stereo receIVer & turn­ am and410pm w/cassette umt $40 Call 2838 dlscnmmatory poliCies 10 1986 are to blame, says a report re­ nation as wealthy as ours," the DOLLAR CLOSING If mterested, contact Ro­ table, plus four storage cabmets HOUSE OR TRAILER TO SIT Tyler, the chrurmen of the leased today by the U S Confer­ mayor said "The growmg epI­ sanne Marullaro, 1244, between PCS SALE - men's bike $30, at bottom Call H2715/W2035 for old tIme KwaJ couple, R&J In Tokyo was ABA panel, saId, "ThiS busmess ence of Mayors demiC of hunger and homeless­ Saslela Feb 18-28 ,or any days 12760 7 30 a m -4 30 pm, Monday­ book shelf umt - great new was not a disquallfymg factor at FamilIes With chIldren now ness 10 the Umted States IS the SEAQUEST DEEPW A TER BC and 10 Bonn Fnday addluon for your home - $50 wIthIn that tIme frame Call all I suppo!>e one can say he make up 33 percent of the home­ result of the frulure of federal Call W2903, H3563 and backpack Call 2500 after Manka or Ken, 2388 1 6340 West German marks might have been more senSlllve less populauon m 26 major U S government pohcles " 430pm CLOSING TOTALS to the problem earher than he clues surveyed, nearly a one­ Flynn CIted cutbacks m fed­ FOR SALE II PCS SALE - Iron book shelf SKIPPERS AND CREW to par­ Gold unavaIlable was But on balance he behaved third mcrease from the prevIous eral housmg rud, Job trammg IIi!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:.i $30, track lighung w/3 lamps - BOY'S 16" HUFFY BICYCLE, ticipate 10 the first annual Silver unavailable m a responSible fashIOn" year, the report saId In New funds, food stamps, health care PERSONAL COMPUTER great for reading m bed - $25 one year old - rear tube need KwaJalem Cup (end of January) Platmum unavailable Ty ler added that federal York City, the fIgure IS 63 per­ and nutritIon programs and re­ Atan 130XE Icludes lOMEG Call W2024, H3563 replacement, new tube mcluded ThiS Will bea match racmg senes DOW JONES Judges "should aVOid that type of cent sources for commumty-based hard Idsk, 1 floppy dnve, pnnter With bIke Runs well Call 3674 where two Idenucal boats (cape CLOSING AVERAGES place" but he srud there WdS no Two out ofevery three people services for the mentally III dones) wIll race agamst each 30 IndustrIals mterface, clocklclaendar mod­ BOY'S COMFORTER 10 dk between 3-6 p m eVidence "Judge Kennedy In­ requestmg emergency food as­ Campbell Gardett, a spokes­ ule, 13" color Tv, numenc key- green With two sets of match 109 other You do not need to own a unavaIlable tended to be part of an orgalllza­ SIstance are chIldren or therr man for the Department of THREE-WHEEL ADULT boat or have much expenence to 20 TransportatIons Uon that purposely dl!>cnml­ parents, the survey found Health and Human SerVices, BIKE, two years old, $100, flsh- race There Will be classes on unavailable nated " "If the record number of declined to comment "It's our 109 rod and reel, new, $60 Call rules and regulatIOns, safety and 15 Utilities Sen Howard MeLLenbaum people on Amenca's streets and policy not to comment on any­ 3523 srulIng techmque Please contact unavailable D-OhIO, suggested the O\BA soup kitchens had been dnven thmg until we've seen It," he Dick loser at 3555 or Mlch~ 65 Stocks report VIrtually "canolllLed" there by a natural catastrophe saId BICYCLES One men's 27" Smith at 6334 If mterested '-.j unavaIlable Kennedy and asked whether the many parts of our country would The task force found a 21 frame, 6-speed, good condluon Volume unavruable panel had found any "negatives" be declared disaster areas," said percent mcrease m the demand $65, one 26" frame (men's) 6- VISITING GRANDMA Wishes Tyler said some lawyers who Boston Mayor Raymond L for emergency shelter, rangmg speed, good condItIOn, $65 - to house-or-trruler Sit, on or See Llsungs were mterviewed disagreed With Flynn, chaIrman of he from a44 percentJump 10 Kansas both With back rack carners, one around Dec 22-Jan 6 Will take m Grace Sherwood Library some of Kennedy's deCISIons conference's task force on hun- City to no change m LOUISVille Commentary • I CI'OBBWOni By Eugene Sheller Representatives Push Anti-Consumer Law ACROSS 44 Sklmnsh 2 Jmnny's 21 Ayatollah S npro­ 46 Gin-makmg daughter pred- Your ladivi"ual By Jack Anderson and J seph Spear from hun The bIn would perform the needed se~ ssed Site? 3 PurplISh ecessor AdvIce IS one dung, but lawmakers ap- Ice of umfymg how the state courts handtlU' ~error 50 Deceit flower 22 ''The Way WASHINGTON - If an observer 1cnew peared to rely on the hkeable Schwartz for product liability SUits, but It would also let 8-medIa 51 Lot size 4 Bent We -" Boroscope all the players, the scene that unfolded re- more than academic ana1ysJS, especmUy manufacturers off the hook m slgmficant 12 francOis' 52 Standards 5 Syllable 23 Today centIy m a House subcommittee heanng was consldenng that mdustry IS paymg for ways They would be safe from pumtlve friend of before 27 Diamond, ======F~KnDRke======~~~= 13 Gown unsettIm~ Schwartz's time as he Sits m comflllttee damages If the Food and Drug Admlmstra- Judgment muff e g matenal 56 Noted 6 Wnter 29 Petri dish FOR THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1987 Bill -Richardson, D-N M, 'mmlll~!mmmm~J!l!l!'IQem tIon approved the product before it 14 Western Kmgsley reSidents needed an answer to a tough ques- went on the market And the manufac- deSigner B state 57 Welles 7 Attam 30 Smger ARIES SCORPIO tIon about the bin he sponsored to turers would be protected If thea 15 EmotIOnal role 8 Changed Billy (Mar 21 to Apr 19) (Oct 23 to Nov 21) standardize the way state courts products were designed With the best excess 58 PromIS­ form 31 Record Rely on InItiative to get you out of Your WIllpower IS very much In decide product hablhty lawsUits technology at the time, even If that 17 MUSical sory note 9 On the 33 Tell's t~ doldrums rather than an exces eVIdence now You'll want your own In those dreaded moments, a technology later proved defective sound 59 WhIrl summIt of forte slve use of credIt There could well be way, but others may find you stub­ lawmaker often turns to those who .. HEALTH WATCH - TheClA 18 Smger pool 10 RatIOnal 35 Move up a dIfference of opInIon WIth an born or ton .,elf inSIstent Moderate authored the bill for an explanation ~"-.. IS watchmg Mlkhrul Gorbachev for Ritter 60 Lead II Lose haIrs and adVIser regardmg a finanCIal concern demands 19 Abraded player 16 One of down Richardson turned to V Ictor ~~ ':"] telltale signs of the state of hiS health, TAURUS SAG ITTARIUS Schwartz, the attorney for an alh-! as we reported earher thiS week But 21 Uppsala's 61 AdditIOn the 38 "The Boy land ally Kennedys King" (Apr 20 to May 20) (Nov 22 to Dec 21) ance of mdustry groups that would the Soviet premier IS not the most 24 Faucet DOWN 20 Flshmg 40 Mondale The more you push others now, the ClearIng out some clutter WIll lead besltungprettYlfRlchardson'sbill challengmg case for CIA doctors A word 1 Cheer need or more resistance you II encounter to greater peace of mind and also WIll IS passed A congressIOnal rude ~ more elusive pauent IS North Korean 25 That gIrl CronkIte CompromIse IS the only way to Improve your abIlity to concentrate shuffled Schwartz's answerback to /' -' ~'~/~ leader Kun II-Sung, who for years 26 Follow ;;,.;.;,;~,...., 43NHL eliminate a stalemate Seek harmony It s a penod of deep mSlghts for you Richardson took pams to keep the CIA from dlag- 28 Red mk equIp WIth close tIes CAPRICORN To the representatives of con- ~/ ; nos109 a large tumor on the back of his amount ment GEMINI (Dec 22 to Jan 19) sumer groups slumg 10 the Com- It',--:,,.f neck He grew hiS half long and 32 Sills solo 45 Draw (May 21 to June 20) Though you re loyal to your merce, Consumer Protection and Ql:llla.---r:r'..... - ~- aVOided bemg photographed from the 34 Network 46 Ordered Once you get over the rough spots, fnends, you needn't fight theIr battles ~~~ 47-ram Competitiveness SubcommIttee rear Fmally Kim admitted the tumor 36 Ernst s It s smooth salilng regardmg a work for them Be careful not to arouse art ~~~1 48 Stepped hearmg, the scenario was Just one pubhcly and acknowledged It could project PersIst and overcome Don t antagonIsm tOnIght but do mIngle 37 -of -A-l'~~~~-I'-'1 49 Rotten more bit of eVidence that leaves be cancerous But the CIA, 10 a top- let a momentary obstacle throw you WIth other~ Darkness ~~1Qj.. kId them feeling hke the odd man out 10 secret report, srud Kim was wrong Hang In there AQUARIUS 39 Cut the 53 One - the debate over a bin that could about hiS own tumor From PhO~ blades II!".E~m~.~ millIon CANCER (Jan 20 to Feh 18) make It tougher for victims to sue and descnptIons, the CIA conclu Beat 54 Charged (June 21 to July 22) ,"W8 Stand up for your pnnClpie'l WIth the makers of dangerously dcfec- the tumor was benIgn O walker atom MIXIng bU~Ine~s and pleasure now out becomIng Involved In an unneces tlve products MINI-EDITORIAL - Demo- 42 ReCipe 55 TV sound llIay not mtcet WIth expectatIon., ~ary row Today acclnt~ C'l.reer Michigan Democrat John Dm- cratIc preSidentIal contender Scn amount abbr However , It., a definIte plu., tor Interests and you re motIvated to gell, chrurman of the Energy and Paul Simon of IllinOiS has taken It on 11 12 13 15 16 17 8 19 110 I" leIsure ae tIvltle~ Don t be manIpula dt hIt ve Forge ahead Commerce Committee, where the the chm for hiS unwIllingness to dlS- Imr 15 tlve tOnIght PISCE~ >tID' bin got ItS start, has held the door to cuss how he would fmance the large 112 13 II1II14 LEO (Feb 14 to Mar 20) ..-.c negotiatIons Wide for big busmess, SOCial programs he espouses In na- II1II (July 2 310 Aug 22) 't!( You may have some doubts about 5 11 6 l17 while slammmg It shut 10 the faces '~ tlOnally teleVised debates last week, Try to aVOId a dlctatonal attItude at adVI( ( you n neve nov. A travel pian m home You may not be able to reach a may v. ell be on your agenda Exerclse of committee members who want to for example, fellow Democratic con- 11 8 119 20 temper It That IS uncharactenstIc tender Richard Gephardt of Mlssoun, Ii deCISIon today about a holIday out tolerance If faced WIth VIews that for Dmgell, who has a reputatIOn for takmg note of Simon's taste 10 neck- 23 124 Ing One matter IS 'luccessfu lly dIffer from your own cutung big bus mess down to size wear, declared "Slmonomlcs IS really II brought to a e oncluslOn IF BORN TODAY you are some 25 127 128 129 130 131 what adventurou!> and dIslIke routIn e Every consumer group ourasso- 'iL_ With a bow tie" We lis VIRGO II Ii (Aug 23 to Sept 22) s!1 Interested In both the arts an d Clate Stewart Hams contacted told personally like Sen Simon, but we 36 132 133 134 135 A tendency to be fixed In Idea." bU"Ines'l, you sometlme~ have dlffi us they were excluded from nego- beheve he IS bemg exeedmgly vague " '1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIImmmm~ III 11 need., WatchIng now Present culty makIng up your mind about th e tIatIons over the UnIform Product ~ With hiS bottom-line answers It re- 137 138 139 140 141 LlablhtyActofl987 CongressIOnal sources hearmgs mmds us of Richard Nixon's mystenous II 00 VIeWpOInts, but don t come on too rIght VOL atlon for you Interested In ~trong HOWL \er, wntmg and publIc th! We'llal e of other'> you may b e confess pnvately that a deal was cut With At one pomt 10 a subcommltlee hearmg 1968 soluuon to the Vietnam War, which he 143 44 145 mdustry behmd closed doors, and that Dm- on the bill, Rep Cardlss Colhns, D-Ill, wouldn't share With us unul after he was II! '>peakmg are favored drawn to humamtanan pursuIts gell may be servmg hiS consUtuen,-y, the suggestedanamendmentthatwouldreqUire elected We'd like some answers, Sen SI 146 147 48 49 LmRA Often ongInal III your thmkIng, your II~ !!1m II s automakers, who would like to reduce theIr manufacturerstokeepdocumentsaboutthelr mon (Sept 2.3 to Oc t 22) trh creatl"e work may be ahead of It 151 154 155 ~hoppIng tIme Income often fluctuates and a t nsk oflawsUits products for 25 years so the courts would BUYING IN BULK-Llkeanysmart l1li52 153 You II do .,ome now, but don t he In too much of a ru.,h or Urnes you c an be both the ~pende r That makes partIcularly senSItive the have a paper trail to follow If someone sued shopper, the Pentagon tries to save money by 56 57 1 158 II( and the ."lver Rlrthdate of Erskin e questIOn of who mIght have helped ghost- Manufacturers have been known to hold usmg mulu-year contracts - buymg larger 111 Judgment WIll off Be Careful not to burn a hole m your fa'vonte ~weater Caldwell wrIter, Arthur FIedler, con wnte the bill shreddmg parties With matenal that might quantities all at once, 10 return for a pnce 159 60 161 Safeguard pos~eSSlOn., ductor, dnd JulIa Meade actress Schwartz IS a respected law professor of help a victIm 10 a lawswt break But a plan to buy more than $9 billion 111 Georgetown UnIversity - hIS students refer Liberty Mashlglan, an aSSOCiate 10 10 eqUipment next year and save 8 9 percent to him as "Schwartz on torts" - and author Schwartz's fIrm, was 10 attendance, heard over five years has already hltasnag Ofnme of five books He says that Richardson's bill Collins' amendment, and got a note to Rep Pentagon contract proposals reviewed by The KwaJalem Hourglass IS an unoffICIal publlcallOn authomcd undcr the provISIons of AR 36081 It IS published by Global ASSOCIates Monday through Fnday (excludmg holIdays) at the dIrectIOn of the Commandmg OffIcer Col Richard G Chapman Jr IS a version of the Model UnIform Product Norm Lent, R-N Y Lent shot down the congressional audItors, seven enher don't commandmg offtcer US Army KwaJalem Atoll Marshall Islands under contract DASG60 82 C Public AffaIrs OffIcer Pat RobbIns Liability Act he drafted m 1977 while work- amendment after readmg the note save enough money or the products ha-.:at ~ \,0063 TIllS IS an offset {lubllcatlon WIth a dally clrculallon of 1 450 The vIews and opInions expressed EdItor Brett A Marsh 109 for the Commerce Department But he At other times durmg the subcommittee been suffiCiently tested to enable the~­ V'herem are not necessanly those of the Department of the Army CommunicatIOns should be addressed Copy EdItor Roberta Consalvl says lawmakers have made sIgOlflcant hearmg, mdustry lobbYist gathered com- gon to predict problems In the case of a to the Hourglass POBox 23 APO San FranCISCo CA 96555 or call 3539 (AUTOVON 2543539) Actmg Feature WrIter Megan Stegmann Matenals appeanng m the Hourglass may not be repnnted WIthout the approval of the commandmg Sports Wnter Nancy Narleski changes smce then fortably 10 the hearmg antechamber, tradl- Hawk missile contract, the Army and Manne officer US Army KwaJalem Atoll All want ads and notIces must be submitted on GA Form 8028 R As he IS a scholar on the subject, he says bonally off limIts to all but subcommltlee 4 by 12 30 p m the workmg day pnor to publicatIon It IS only natural that lawmakers seek adVice staff and those mVlted by the members Continued on page 5 !lourgla,s, Wednesday, O(;{;embcr th, \1)87. Page 5

J Dale Carnegie Leaders Celebrate

f '- 75 Y ears Of Training By Ed Schafer pact was the pnmary thIng," Crom saId last CarnegIe course and her answer surpnsed Associated Press Writer week "You have to reach the people you are me 'I never trusted whites,' she SaId 'Now tryIng to commUnIcate WIth " I feel I can trust everybody' SInce then I've ST LOUIS - Dale Carnegie representa­ Ennque Castellanos, a Dale Carnegie heard thiS many tImes We're domg a lot to tives from around the world rolled up their sleeves and got down to bus mess last week, YOU GUYS AREA B B celebratmg theIr company's 75th year of COUPLE OF E A wmnmg fnends and mfluencmg people NERI/5' "ThiS IS a workmg convention, let there E I be no doubt of that," SaId J Ohver Crom, an executive with Dale Carnegie for 25 years T L and preSident smce 1978 L E Crom SaId hIS schedule for the fIrst day of E Y the four-day mternatlOnal meeting consisted ofa senes of meetings at 15-mmute mtervals Dale Carnegie began hIS fIrSt classes 10 human relations and publIc speakmg 10 New York 10 1912 Smce then, more than one mIllIon people have graduated from the course, and classes are offered 10 69 coun­ tnes outside the His book, "How To Wm Fnends and H Influence People," has sold more than 15 mIllIon copies A "What Carnegie learned IS that what he G lis domg IS unIversal," Crom SaId "It A 6esn't matter who you are or what your polItics or relIgIOn might be, the basICS of R effective commUnIcations are the same" Crom said that even Carnegie admitted he started off wrong, teachmg vOice control, dlcnpn and geswres for effectIve pubhc speakmg "He came to reabze that emotional Im- G A Anti-Consumer Law R Jrompage4 F CorpS can't even agree on the amount of the I savmgs TIle Army says there would be no sponsor from Santiago, Chile, agreed close the gap between the races there" substantIal savmgs WIth a multi-year con­ "It's Just hke Coca-Cola," saId Castella­ Stemp saId he started multIracial courses E tract, but the Mannes say they can save 13 nos "It's the same everywhere WIth maybe mcludmg black students long before the L percent Just a lIttle change In the flavor, the accent .. South Afncan government gave the go­ D MINI·EDITORIAL - Have you In fact, Castellanos said, many of hiS ahead heard about the Manne Corps reservIst who students 10 Chlle are Amencans WIth such "Whites saId they wouldn't take courses IS cIrculating a petitIon censurmg former comparues as IBM, Coca-Cola and CltIbank With IndIanS," I said 'nonsense,' and It turned Army general and GOP preSidential con­ The work IS not easy, he saId, but he enJoys out that way fH6Y"5OLD tender Alexander HaIg for crack 109 a Joke It Crom, when asked whether SOVIet leader THe LA