Recommendations for the Use of Common Outcome Measures in Traumatic Brain Injury Research Elisabeth A
1650 SPECIAL COMMUNICATION Recommendations for the Use of Common Outcome Measures in Traumatic Brain Injury Research Elisabeth A. Wilde, PhD, Gale G. Whiteneck, PhD, Jennifer Bogner, PhD, Tamara Bushnik, PhD, David X. Cifu, MD, Sureyya Dikmen, PhD, Louis French, PsyD, Joseph T. Giacino, PhD, Tessa Hart, PhD, James F. Malec, PhD, Scott R. Millis, PhD, Thomas A. Novack, PhD, Mark Sherer, PhD, David S. Tulsky, PhD, Rodney D. Vanderploeg, PhD, Nicole von Steinbuechel, PhD ABSTRACT. Wilde EA, Whiteneck GG, Bogner J, Bushnik comes Workgroup adopted the standard 3-tier system in its T, Cifu DX, Dikmen S, French L, Giacino JT, Hart T, Malec selection of measures. In the first tier, core measures included JF, Millis SR, Novack TA, Sherer M, Tulsky DS, Vanderploeg valid, robust, and widely applicable outcome measures with RD, von Steinbuechel N. Recommendations for the use of proven utility in TBI from each identified domain, including common outcome measures in traumatic brain injury research. global level of function, neuropsychological impairment, psy- Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2010;91:1650-60. chological status, TBI-related symptoms, executive functions, This article summarizes the selection of outcome measures cognitive and physical activity limitations, social role partici- by the interagency Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Outcomes pation, and perceived health-related quality of life. In the Workgroup to address primary clinical research objectives, second tier, supplemental measures were recommended for including documentation of the natural course of recovery from consideration in TBI research focusing on specific topics or TBI, prediction of later outcome, measurement of treatment populations. In the third tier, emerging measures included effects, and comparison of outcomes across studies.
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