THE SIIIELD Chance of Showers, High at 70

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THE SIIIELD Chance of Showers, High at 70 ~ ~- ~ I ~-- - l i ' ! ; . I ---- j - - - - i Today, cooler with high in the mid-40s. Thursday, cloudy, high near 50. Friday to Saturday, THE SIIIELD chance of showers, high at 70. Vol. 18, Issue 27 The University of Southern Indiana • Evansvi ll e, Indiana Wednesday, AprM ~ 11 , 1990 Man charged in drunk driving death of student An EvaJ1S\ille man has been charged with the Octobet drunken driving death of ,. He's no US! s tudent. Dennis Mounts . 45. of 101 Court SL. in Evansvill e. was dummy charged March 7 with operat­ ing a motor vehicle while in­ toxicated causing the death of Ventriloquist James Renee Myres. said Bob Pig- ·· Wedgwoocl wi ll perform ma n. Vanderburgh County April 19 a t II a.m . in prosecutor. llie Eagles Nest. Key­ Mounts faces a pre-ttia l boardist Rick Kelley will. conference on April 26 to de ­ perform April 18 a t 7~ termine if he \vi ii plead guilty p.m . Bolli programs are or wa nt a liial. being sponsored by Myres. a 21 -year-olcl US! Activities Programming junior. d ied Oct. 23. six clays Board. after her car was s truck head ­ on by a pickup truck dtiven by Mounts. Mounts' blood-alco­ hol level (BAL) was .226. more tha n twice the legal limit in Ind ia n a. Drivers ar e consicl+ erect l e~a ll y cln.tnk if the it· BAL photo courtesy of APB exceed s . 10. Mounts was in critical condition a t Welborn Baptist Hospital for a while after the wreck. Pigman said Mounts AIDS victim, mot!Je.r continue struggle was recently released from llie hospita l. First in a'series on AIDS The cha rge is a Class C by Cheryl Knapp a tube. Daily she gives him. been seeing fo r 10 years. He felony a nd carries a pena lly of s urvive pneumasis ti s three Staff writer mist treatm ents and percus·­ was not a homosexual_n or a n two to eight years in prison. tim~ and histoplasmosis twice. sions, which is pa lling on the , IV-drug user. She had n o If s he had know llie reality of Belli is 30 )'ears old. She chest to break up llie mucous a ppa rent reason to s uspect he llie disease. s he wouid not have lives in Ind ia napolis with her in his chest. Belli explained had HIV. ha d John. 5-year-old son , John. She is llia t if llie mucous isn't kept Belli didn't know she was Because symptoms of llie Shield to take a HIV positive a1;d J ohn .. has cleared out. it can form clots s ick until John was diagnosed virus may not occur for sev- · AIDS. To protect llieir a no­ lliat cause pneumasistis. a form when he was 2 . She said lliat era! years. a woman may have rest next week - nymity. Beth declin ed1.o give of pneumonia tha t is a lmost s he. expected leukemia, per­ more llia n one child willi AIDS her last na me. always fatal in ~squ ire d Im­ h aps, but not AJDS. before whe is diagnosed . Beth Due to a dwind ling "I used to dream of getting mune De fi ciency Syndrome Her pa rents a nd John's said that more a nd more chil ­ budget. The Shield will take ma rried a nd having a white (AIDS) pa tients. father were wi lli Beth when dren a re being born with AIDS a week vacation a nd not picket fence a nd the 2.2 kids.· Between medicine;>. a nd llie doctors told her about J ohn. because women don't know publish next week. Belli said. "I wanted to setUe treatments , John likes to play "I cried a lot," Belli said. "Th at's they a re infected. The lac)<: of money is down and h ave a marri ed life· cards a nd .watch VCR tapes. how I reacted . I jus ( cried a "I don'tlike to talk about it. also why lliere 'will be more and a couple of kids. I really Belli said that she doesn't . lot." · 0.: but I was pregnant when John advertisements llian you 're J ov~ kids." -' ' really lliink about the future.• Not knowing llie effects of was diagnosed. " said Beth. probably u sed to in llie But now B.elh s pends h er "Since I do have llie AIDS AIDS on a baby, s he said llia t "When I saw what John was pa per. days caring fo'r J ohn: chang­ virus a nd John has full-blown s he probably would h ave h~ going llirough, I had a n abor­ The Shield will res ume ing diapers. carrying him from AIDS, I don 't make long-term John, even if sh e had been r tion. It was really hard for me publication on Wednesday. room to room and. when llie goals anymore. Sometimes I aware of her HIV infection. to deal with ~he fact that I April 25. The_semester 's weather is perfect, taking h im ma ke plans for John, like "The odds of (an infected would n't be able to have any fina l issue will be May 2. outside in his wheelchair. She maybe we'll get. him to ta lk," mother) h aving a child with more children.· We're sorry for any in­ mus t a lso see that he follows a Belli said. · llievirus is 50-50. Loving ch il ­ Beth said that a pos itive convenience this m ay s trict regimen of medications -.Belli contrj!.cted the hu­ dren the way I did, I would altitude is important in fight­ cause. and trea tments. m·a'h immunodeficien cy vi rus have taken the chance. I ing AIDS. John rarely eats food. ln ­ (HIV) during pregnancy and llioughl it couldn't be llia t bad." "I've seen John in llie worst ..' ~tead . he is hooked up. to a passed it on ls>.tJO,hn . She was But it has been bad. Be th s hape. lying in intensive care, .:: pump that feeds hin? ~rro ugh ' Infected by a man she had has seen John remarkably See BETH on page 5 by Rodney Mathews' ' J ' { Mid-America Student Hous­ Beginning this fall the figure Myers. director of s tudent Staff writer lng (MASH) and Campus Apart­ will increase 3.4 7 perren t to housing. Housing ments will include a new pro­ $637. Student hou ing ' lvill in­ grari1'or students des igned to "This may eem like a The cost of phone lnsta l­ crease its ra tes beginntltg this minimize overall living costs. substantial increase. but we lalion and local use ls added costs rise faiL The current cost for regu ­ a re introducing a new phone to the price of one semester. The increase in price at la r accommodal!ons is $575. system to students.· said Greg Myers said. 2 The Shield-- Apri I 11 , 1990 Widely-read poet CAMPUS BRIEFS Easter At USI. The university will close for Good office by today. For info contact Michelle Friday and classes will resume Tuesday. An Mitchell at 423-8710. to visit-campus ecumenical service will be today at n oon in UC 352. Summer Child Care- The Children's Center Nikki Giovarmi, one of the will deliver a reading from will offer summer care for pre-school chi!· most exciting and dynamic her works April 19 at 8 p.m. Activities Programming Board will sponsor its dren (ages 2-6) and school-age children (ages poets of the 20th century. A reception will follow. annua l Easter Egg Hunt for children of US! stu­ 6- 12) beginning June 11 through Aug. 29. will visit US! on Aptil 19 a nd On Apiil 20, she will make dents, faculty, and staff Saturday at 9 a.m. in The center will be open from 7:30a.m. to 5 20 as the School of Liberal informal presentations dur­ Forum I. p.m. Monday through Friday, except July 4. Art's 1990 Enlow Dis tin­ ing two classes a t 9 and 10 guished Scholar. a. m . in Fontm III. All three The Student Art Club will s ponsor the vistt of American Management Society will meet Giovanni. professor of programs are free a nd open Lotahar Sanchez-Spheer, a young German who April18at 7 a.m. in L 100. New members are creative writing a{ Virginia to the public. studied at the Great Mas ters School in Vienna as welcome. The club will be planning for the Polytechnic and State Uni­ Her s tyle captures the a youth and now works in Chicago. Tuesday he 1990-9 1 school year. versity in Blacksburg, Va., moods a nd feelings of our will demonstrate lithography and printmaking society wi th su ch a clear from 9 a.m. to noon in the Art Annex Print Studio N a tiona! Library Week - (Apri I 22· 28) This sense of reality that her work and lecture on his workat8:30 p.m. in Forum III . year's theme is "Reach for a Star. Ask a is truly exceptional. She April 18 he will demonstrate silverpoint from 10 Libraria n.· The US! library is sponsoring a discovers a nd uncovers a.m. to noon in the Art Annex. contest "US! Library Sta1L .Stars Every One.· people, feelings and situ­ Students will be provided with a sheet of ations across a wide spec­ A Mud-Volleyball Competition will be April 28- clues and asked to match them to the library trum of life.
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