UTOPIA WEEKLY REPORT ___M5S and PD Face the Test Of

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UTOPIA WEEKLY REPORT ___M5S and PD Face the Test Of UTOPIA WEEKLY REPORT October 25, 2019 M5S and PD face the test of Umbria elections The regional vote in Umbria on Sunday, No- the 2014 European elections depict a polling vember 27, will be the first real test for the advantage that went eroding almost inexora- M5S-Democratic Party (PD) national ruling bly. Eventually culminating in the 2018 gen- coalition. The region went to early voting af- eral elections, when the center-left has defin- ter the resignation of president Catiuscia Ma- itively lost its scepter of first regional force rini in May 2019. Former PD governor was in and the center-right managed to win over 50 fact investigated together with other mem- percent of the votes. Largely thanks to the bers of her own regional council for alleged League of Matteo Salvini, which jumped from wrongdoing in health sector hiring. Umbria 2.5 in 2014 to 20.2 percent in last year’s elec- has long been one of Italy’s so-called red re- tions and now up for winning 38 percent of gions, or authentic feuds of the left, as well as votes, according to the latest polls. The at- historically inviolable lands for all other par- tractive force expressed in this two-year pe- ties. Center-left presidents hold its reins since riod by the party of Italy’s former Interior 1970, although never as in this phase opposi- minister was indeed undeniable, permitting tion forces see before them the possibility of the center-right to advance in practically all winning the small Apennine manor. In this region already administered by left-wing gov- regard, the eve’s polls designate as favorite ernors. Except for Lazio, in 2018 the center- League senator Donatella Tesei, a lawyer and right camp confirmed itself in Lombardy be- former mayor of Montefalco, who is sup- fore storming Molise, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, ported by the three main center-right parties Valle d’Aosta and the autonomous province (League, Brothers of Italy and Forza Italia) of Trento. The same dynamic was confirmed and civic lists such as Tesei President and this year, with victories one after one in Civic Umbria. Her main challenger will be the Abruzzo, Sardinia, Basilicata and, finally, businessman Vincenzo Bianconi, currently Piedmont. Of course, the Umbrian vote will president of Federalberghi Umbria and with- also provide important indications on the un- out previous political experiences, who is at precedented M5S-PD alliance, a fact simply the head of grouping consisting of M5S, PD, unthinkable until just a few months ago given Green Europe, Green Civic Left and Bianconi the political-ideological distance that persists for Umbra. Despite supporting the left-wing between the former adversaries that now candidate, Matteo Renzi’s Italia Viva party support premier Conte’s second administra- will not be present on the ballot papers and tion. We will have to understand whether the for this reason it won’t be possible to evaluate pact in support of Bianconi constitutes a its actual electoral strength. In Umbria, over mere tactical solution, to stem the “sovereign the last five regional elections, the main party avalanche” in the name of “progressive re- of the center-left area (PDS, Ulivo and PD) sponsibility”, or the first draft of a strategic had always managed to soar above the 30% of project, capable of surviving unscathed to the votes. Still, the election trends observed since deadly rifts of Italian politics. ____________ Analysis & Strategies Office Tel. 06.97790308 E-mail: [email protected] www.utopialab.it .
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