Supplemental Information

SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 5 International Classification of Diseases and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Diagnostic Codes Extracted From EHRs Diagnostic Category ICD-9, ICD-10, DSM-IV, and DSM-5 Codes Example Descriptions ADHD and related behaviors 314, 314.01, 314.9, F90.0, F90.1, F90.2, F90.8, F90.9, F98.8, ADHD, attention-deficit disorder, hyperactive behavior, R45.87 hyperkinetic behavior, overactive behavior and related behaviors 300.00, 300.09, 300.02, 300.23, 300.29, 309.21, 313, 313.21, Anxious behavior, generalized anxiety, mixed anxiety, 313.23, 313.89, F40.10, F40.11, F40.218-298, F41.1, F41.3, , separation anxiety, shyness, social F41.8, F41.9, F94.0 and/or anxiety disorder ASD 299, 299.8, F84.0, F84.5, F84.8, F84.9 , ASD, autistic disorder, pervasive Disruptive behavior disorder and 312.34, 312.81, 312.89, 312.9, 313.81, 780.99, F69, F91.0, Behavior concern and/or disorder, , related behaviors F91.1, F91.2, F91.3, F91.8, F91.9, F98.8, R46.89, V40.39 destructive behavior, disruptive behavior, explosive behavior, oppositional behavior, oppositional defiant disorder, temper tantrums Developmental delay 315.5, 315.8, 783.4, 783.42, F81.9, F88, R62.0, R62.50 Altered growth and development, concern about development, delayed milestones, developmental disorder, global developmental delay and/or delay 307, 307.9, 315.31, 315.32, 315.35, 783.42, 784.59, F80.0, Abnormal vocalizations, articulation disorder, F80.1, F80.2, F80.81, F80.9, R47.9, R48.2, R62.0 , developmental language disorder, dysfluency, dysphasia, expressive , language delay, language regression, late talker, motor , phonological disorder, receptive language delay, restricted , slow rate of speech, speech delay Motor disorder and/or delay 315.4, 781.2, 781.3, 783.42, F82, R26.9, R27.9, R29.898, Abnormal gait, ataxia, clumsiness, developmental R48.2, R62.0 coordination disorder, dyspraxia, gross and fine motor delays, hypotonia, imbalance, lack of coordination, late crawling, late walking, motor delay, muscle weakness, toe-walking Sensory processing difficulty 315.8, F88, R48.2 Hypo- or hypersensitivity, sensory apraxia, sensory integration disorder, sensory processing difficulty Social delay without ASD 313.89, 315.39, 315.8, 780.99, F80.82, F80.9, F88, F94.8, Decreased social interaction, delayed social development, V62.4, Z73.4 problems with peers, social communication disorder, social pragmatic language disorder DSM-IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition; DSM-5, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition; ICD-9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision; ICD-10, International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision.

PEDIATRICS Volume 144, Number 4, October 2019 1