Poking up Drcwned
JL it S. WEATHER BUREAU, September 19. Last 24 hours' .01. rainfall, SUGAR 96 Degree Test Centrifugals, Temperature, Max. 83; Min. 73. Weather, cloudy to fair. 4.125c.; Per Ton, $82.50. 88 l-4- d.; Analysis Beets; 9s. 11 Per Ton, $81.70. I I ' ESTABLISHED JULY 2. M VOL. XLIV., NO. 7525. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1906. PRICE FIVE CENT. E. P. DOLE FAVORS THE SMITH NOT EXPE1ES poking up Ai CHINESE urn SITE EXPELLED 10 OBJECT drcwned - I I IS WlYUi lflI filIi If Tells Washington That F. J. Lowrey's Prefer- Hilo Lawyer Scored by A Weak Man to Oppose for Bar They Are Needed " ence Federal Kinney at the Brown Wanted at Here. Ground. Association. Any Price. Five Thousand Chinese Victims-Fren- ch Gun- a Wreck-Cu- ban (Mail, Special, to the Advertiser.) Former President Lowrey of the "A life a minute" Is the terse way in There is some doubt of the correct boat Rebels Submit Terms Chamber of Commerce stated his pref which Attorney Kinney summed up the ness . of the rumor that Kalauokalani, 8. --5- WASHINGTON, D. C, September mith erence at the meeting of that body manner in which he alleges Attorney Sr. will be a. candidate for the office of Inaugurated, W. A. Bryan of Honolulu was here for yesterday afternoon for the Mahuka Carl s. Smith of Hilo wrote away the Sheriff on the Home Rule ticket. He a brief visit last week, but went back premises, Waikiki of E, O. Hall & Son's lives of the five Koreans whom he de- has stated to some Republicans that he to New York.
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