Table of Contents Section 4 Power Monitoring and Control

PowerLogic® Energy and Power Management Systems

Introduction 4-2, 4-3 Power Monitoring Software PowerLogic ION Enterprise Software 4-4 PowerLogic System Manager Software 4-4 PowerLogic Scada 4-5 PowerLogic Powerview Software 4-5 PowerLogic ION EEM Enterprise Energy 4-6 SMS software Management Software PowerLogic Metering PowerLogic Power and Energy Meters 4-7 ION-E software ION8600 4-7 ION7550/7650 4-7 ION7350/7330/7300 4-8 ION6200 4-8 PowerLogic ION and Power and Energy Meter 4-9 Selection Series 700 Power Meter 4-10 Series 800 Power Meter 4-10 Series 3000 Circuit Monitor 4-10 Series 4000 Circuit Monitor 4-11 Submetering Tenant Metering Software 4-13 CM4000 ION7650 PowerLogic E5600 Socket Meter 4-13 High Density Meter Enclosures (HDM) 4-14 Multi Circuit Energy Meters 4-14 Energy Meter 4-15 Enercept® Meter 4-15 Split Core Current 4-15 Branch Circuit Power Meter 4-16 New! Branch Current Monitor 4-16 Multi-Circuit Meter 4-16 Submeter Display 4-16 PowerLogic Solutions for Utilities 4-17 PrimeRead Software 4-17 PowerLogic Energy Profiler Online 4-18 Communications Ethernet Gateways 4-19 Web Page Generator 4-19 Engineering Services Sepam series 80 Consulting & Analysis 4-20 Industrial Energy Efficiency 4-20 HDM4 Panel Power Monitoring Applications 4-21 Power System Control Applications 4-21 System Integration 4-21 Factory Assembled Enclosures 4-22 Technical Support 4-23 Power Management University 4-23 Sepam Digital Protective Relays

Series 80, 40 & 20 Features 4-24 Series 80, 40 & 20 Applications 4-25 Series 80, 40 & 20 Pricing and Accessories 4-26 Selection Example 4-27 ReactiVar® Correction Capacitors

Low Voltage Fixed Unfused Capacitor 4-28 Low Voltage Fixed Fused Capacitor 4-29 Automatic Power Factor Capacitor Banks 4-30 Anti-Resonant and Filtering Capacitor Banks 4-31 LV Transient Free Reactive Compensation Banks 4-32 CT Selection and Enclosure Dimensions 4-33 Low Voltage Fixed Capacitors Medium Voltage Fixed and Automatic Capacitor Banks 4-34 AccuSine® Active Harmonic Filter 4-35 Hybrid VAR Compensator (HVC) Overview 4-36 CONTROL POWER MONITORING AND MONITORING POWER 4 © 2009 Schneider Electric 4-1 All Rights Reserved energy and ® ture typically e-source energy and is required for a buildingrequired for a is sts-but that's just the “tip of sts-butthat's just the “tip products, innovative s turn to Schneider Electric. is not necessary to suit up in over thecustomers past productivity. As an added ical infrastruc sts throughimproved efficiency, ely accurate and high speed event ely accurate and high e this kind of savings, resulting in a is accessible from the safety of your lity to provide singl ept to us, it's a legacy and a promise-for ringpower system reliability improvements ke the most of your energyke the most by: hat can help attract or retain tenants. By isions on a plant's to capacity handle new ring key points and collecting system loading And if you're a property you can manager, ourselves on reliable power disturbances are often correctable and energized equipment over the network. creasing Energy Efficiency if additional distribution equipment productivity. That's why leader power monitoring system, our improved worker safety since it ® better utilizing existing electr ealizing a 2-4% savings in utility co savings ealizing a 2-4% metering that offers extrem pensive and often hidden risks to ® educed direct consumption-related co systems give you the power to achiev ® expansion. results in another 2-5% savings. By monito information, engineering is able to make dec production lines or to determine lower emissions and moreaccountability. increase the of energy settlements t accuracy simply installing a PowerLogic companies that seek an edge in power management solutions. It's a not just conc systems, expert engineering services, and our abi power management systemspower management you ma will help Reducing Utility Costs & In & Costs Utility Reducing Achieve significantly r Utilization Equipment Optimizing by Avoid or defer capital costs & Safety Reliability System Improving 10%Typically, another canbe foundby discove with powerful PowerLogic Three dimensions of energy and power management savings management power and energy of dimensions Three control operational D profits at risk. Square costs thus putting PowerLogic twenty years have reported r the iceberg” in terms of your potential savings. capture information. Once detected, future can help facilities avoid ex benefit, PowerLogic monitoring system information personal computer. This offers personal protective equipment to access PowerLogic quick return on your investment. We pride ® 4-2 PowerLogic POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL Reduce EnergyReduce & Costs 4.1: Table All Rights Reserved All Rights Electric © 2009 Schneider Engineering Services Improve Reliability & Optimize Equipment Equipment Optimize Energy Efficiency Utilization Safety o rdcsseDGS eto:4641 - - hu41 4-13 thru 4-16 4-4 4-12 thru 4-5 4-17 4-6 For products see DIGEST section: o evcsseDGS eto:42 -042 -14-22 4-21 4-21 4-20 4-20 section: DIGEST see For services Transient Voltage Detection System Monitoring & Analysis Commissioning & Troubleshooting Improve MaintenancePractices WAGES UtilityPulses Revenue Metering Power System Assessments • • • Auto Throw Over (ATO) • Advanced ReliabilityServices • • WAGES Management/Shedding Load • Total Energy Services Control • • Energy Services • • notification Remote alarm Waveform viewing capture DistributionElectrical & Event Alarm Analysis Alarm &System • Power Quality Compliance Power Analysis Quality &Harmonic • • • • Monitoring Sag/Swell Disturbance • • Optimize ChillerMechanical & Equipment Balance Generator Usage Loading Circuit Balance Improve Efficiency • • • • • • Equipment Asset Optimization • • Determine Stress Identify Equipment Capacity Facility Planning • • • PDU, UPS, etc. panelboards, protective equipment, capacitors, generators, status, breaker switchgear, circuit switchboards, • • Equipment Monitoring: transformers, MCCs, • • • • • &Curtailment Response Demand Reduction Power Factor Correction Emissions Tracking Energy Efficiency Total Load Aggregation & Profiling Benchmarking Interval EnergyAllocate Costs Procurement Optimization Energy Usage Analysis Cost Allocation &Utility Billing Sub-billing Automatic Meter Reading Meter Application System Studies (SC/TCC/Arc Flash) Consulting Services Protection Network Power System Control Stamping Time GPS Sequence of Events Recording Emergency Power Supply System Test Reporting Peak Shaving/GeneratorControl esrmn eiiain•••• • • • Measurement & Verification PowerLogic Diagnositics ® 1stm/tm)•••• • • • • (1ms time/stamp)

Property Management, Management, Property Industrial Buildings, see section 4- 20 for Engineering Services see section 4- 20 for Engineering Services Data Centers; Data Enterprise aaPeetet&Mngmn Data PresentmentData &Management Utilities Engineering Services see section 4- 20 for Online Energy Analysis Utilities see section 4- 20 for Engineering Services Industry,Centers, Data Supervisory Control& Supervisory /Wastewater, Data Acquisition Heavy Process Critical Power • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• • • • • • • • • • Acquisition,Ala commercial buildings, Power Monitoring Industrial, large Military Bases, Healthcare System • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • rms & Monitoring rms & Government Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Tenant Submetering Engineering Services Engineering Services Engineering see section4- 20for see section4- 20for Military BasesMilitary • • 4-3

POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL PowerLogic® PowerLogic Operations Software

ION Enterprise Software System Manager Software

PowerLogic ION Enterprise Software PowerLogic ION Enterprise software is an all-in-one package for operational power system monitoring, analysis and control that helps you reduce energy-related costs. It offers control capabilities, comprehensive power quality and reliability analysis and helps reduce energy related costs. The software is a suite of applications that allows you to collect, process, analyze, store, and share data across your entire enterprise. PowerLogic ION Enterprise software is designed to give you the information and analysis tools you need to make sound decisions. Its cutting-edge flexibility and compatibility allow you to extend your energy management system at your own pace, adding newer components as they become available, without interrupting or impacting existing functions. PowerLogic ION Enterprise collects data through serial, wireless, modem or Ethernet links and can manage a single site or, through the Internet, connect a global network of devices.

Table 4.2: PowerLogic ION Enterprise Software Ordering Information Description Catalog No. $ Price Core Software Productsa ION Enterprise Base software IONE56BASE 719.00 ION Enterprise Device license (For 100+ devices, please call the factory for volume pricing) IONE56DL 251.00 ION Enterprise Client license IONE56CL 719.00 ION Enterprise Unlimited devices version upgrade to 5.5 or later (requires IONE56UPGRADE) ION56-UNLTD 13421.00 OPC Server support for ION Enterprise IONEOPCV1 3055.00 SQL Server 2005 bundle option (CD and 1-CPU license) IONESQL2005 2440.00 SQL Server 2005 additional CPU license IONESQL2005CPU 1525.00 Upgrades to PowerLogic ION Enterprise 5.6 ION Enterprise Base Upgrade IONE56UPGRADE 359.00 ION Enterprise Device upgrade IONE56DLUPG 125.00 ION Enterprise Client license upgrade IONE56CLUPG 359.00 ION Enterprise Unlimited device license (requires IONE56UPGRADE) ION56-UNLTD-UPG 26841.00 Related Items ION Enterprise Replacement CD IONE60REPCD 215.00 ION Enterprise 5.6 Software Documentation Binder DOC-BINDERIE5 143.00 ION Enterprise 5.6 Administrator Guide DOC-UGUIDE204 71.00 ION Enterprise 5.6 Client User Guide DOC-UGUIDE205 35.00 a Every new system must be ordered with 1 IONE56-Base software and a minimum of 5 IONE56-DL device licenses.

PowerLogic® System Manager Software PowerLogic System Manager Software is designed to help control the cost, quality and reliability of your electrical and piped utilities. With a PowerLogic system installed at your facility, you can identify where extra capacity exists, determine if and where the equipment is being overstressed and balance loads on your power equipment. By examining and changing the way you use power, you will save money. System Manager gives access to information so effective decisions can be made concerning utility cost allocation, capital equipment purchases and building improvements. Plus, System Manager is an essential tool for operations personnel to keep systems running before problems occur, using graphical data and early alarm notifications. 4 Table 4.3: PowerLogic System Manager Software Ordering Information Description Catalog No. $ Price Core Software Products POWER MONITORING AND System Mgr. Device Limited (1 web-enabled client, 16 devices, up to 32 devices with SMSDL32U, Interactive Graphics) SMSDL 4150.00 System Mgr. Standard Ed. (1 web-enabled client, MSDE or SQL Personal Edition with Interactive Graphics) SMSSE 12750.00 System Mgr. Professional Edition (10 web-enabled clients, SQL Server, Advanced Reports, Interactive Graphics) SMSPE 19950.00

CONTROL Add On Modules SMS OPC Server Application SMSOPC 2980.00 SQL Server 2005 End User License SMSLIC 1785.00 Active Pager Module - Paging applications with conditional alarms assigned by shift 9789PAGE 3820.00 WAGES Module - Monitoring electrical and piped utilities available with engineered project Available as Engineered Project SER Module - Sequence of Events software interface for GPS time synch available with engineered project 9789SER 15000.00 EPSS Test Report Module available with engineered project 9789EPSSTSTRPT 4650.00 Extension Products Enables Standalones (DL & SE) with Remote Web clients (5 pk licenses) SMSWebXTR 2575.00 Extends SMSDL to 32 device limit SMSDL32U 2575.00 Converts SMSDL to SMSSE SMSDL2SE 8755.00

4-4 PM1 PL1 Discount © 2009 Schneider Electric Schedule All Rights Reserved All Rights Reserved All Rights Electric © 2009 Schneider PowerLogic powered by Citect powered fast including distribution systems, logging for devies without onboard memory. logging fordevieswithoutonboard displayst historical data time and al 4.4: Table orint stakeholders other sharing with Custom more. power, and demand peak usage, energy of analysis ti user-specified demandvaluesover and and connect devicedetect itsautomatic and easythrough simple With applications. ofsmallsystem maintenance performing designed levelsoftware Powerviewisanentry PowerLogic PowerLogic PowerLogic SCADA PowerLogic includes a web-based client for remote clientforremote aweb-based includes SequenceofEventsRecorder( features (t redundancy, andreliablecommunications interface, enhanced alarm management, onesecondresponse enhancedalarmmanagement, interface, complete PowerLogicsupervi which change according to status information. The flexib The changeaccordingtostatusinformation. which symbols tofacilitateeasyone-linedi Powerview Power Software Monitoring ® ® SCADA software was created to meettherequirement SCADAsoftwarewascreatedto ® PowerLogic ScadaSoftware Powerview™Software ® SCADA technology butisspecif technology SCADA sory controlanddataacquisi sory Description Catalog No. $ Price $ No. Catalog Description hat retrieveonboarddatalogsfromc response times andhighreliability response agram creation. Real-time and hist and creation.Real-time agram egrating intoexistingbusinessplatforms. PL1 viewing capability. Thegraphi viewing capability. SER) logs with time stamps of 1ms of logs withtimestamps SER) me periodstosatisfyspecialbilli Schedule Discount hrough hardware components and network topology). The system also systemalso The networktopology). and components hardware hrough The software also features timeof softwarealsofeatures The ically designed forel ically designed le graphics editor includes editorincludes le graphics tion (SCADA) solution includes tion (SCADA)solution for monitoring power consumption, allocating costand allocating for monitoringpowerconsumption, Powerview software,system times forcontroloperati feature. The software provid software feature. The reportsareavailabletoo for real-timemonitoringand cal user interface consis cal userinterface through redundancy.PowerLogicSCADAis through onnected devices and performs PC-based onnected devicesandperformsPC-based orical trendingisalsosupported. ectrical power syst power ectrical ng requirements and predefined reports for ng requirementsandpredefinedreports SCADA and PowerviewSCADA Software resolution. PowerLogic SCADA software software PowerLogicSCADA resolution. use capabilities forreportingenergy capabilities use Powerview Software both ANSIandIECelectrical both PLVENGUS on andstatus,transparent and device configuration is and deviceconfiguration adynamicgraphicaluser ems applications. The ems applications. for easyviewing,analysis, es pre-configuration real- es pre-configuration ts ofanimatedobjects control of electrical controlofelectrical 2850.00 4-5

POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL All Rights Reserved © 2009 © 2009 Schneider Electric on every driver and erprise-wide access integration of views ring systems (water, air, dashboards, reports, ems. Information and all energy assets. From the you manage energy in financial terms. It location, benchmarking and budgeting,location, benchmarking key Data presentment tier Web portal delivers ent through personalized detailed analytics, and from third-party syst alerts via cell PDA, pager phone, and more. Business applications tier Standard and optional modules tailor functionality to specific needs. Advanced analytics and reporting relationship affecting energy cost and reliability. Data management tier Integration of data from many sources: power monitoring and control (PowerLogic systems or third party), utility mete gas etc.), Internet energy weather, real-time pricing feeds, manual input, energy assets (power distribution and reliability equipment, generators), line-of-business systems (BAC, DCS, ERP, EAM, accounting). Data quality module assures complete and reliable data from all inputs. Sales Specialist or PowerLogic ftware allows energy to be managed as a variable cost. er quality on your business and integration of all relevant drivers and contextual data contextual and drivers relevant all of integration indicators, charts, trends, real-time conditions real-time trends, charts, indicators, ing feeds, other enterprise applications (e.g. BAC, ERP) BAC, (e.g. applications enterprise other feeds, ing enterprise to identify energy inefficiencies energy identify to enterprise quality assurance, data warehouse, web framework warehouse, data assurance, quality nal analysis, prediction, statistical rollups statistical prediction, analysis, nal hip goals or mandated impact targets impact mandated or goals hip lex conditions, notification, logging notification, conditions, lex procurement support through procurement support cost al ucture capacity avoid overbuilding capacity ucture and contact your local PowerLogic ION EEM Enterprise Energy Management Software Management Energy EEM Enterprise ION advanced analytics, PowerLogic ION EEM helps and validate contract compliance contract and validate tegies across your tegies across ications, cleanses and ive visualization and fying and extending the reveal opportunities, Report 2 Manage all utilities (, gas, water, etc.) and emissions through a single, unified interface unified a single, through and emissions etc.) gas, water, (electricity, utilities all Manage across an entire performance facility Benchmark contracts or performance projects energy conservation from savings and verify Measure life asset prolong processes, and costs, improve operational Reduce stewards environmental corporate Meet generation on-site or loading base shaving, peak shedding, load schemes, control demand Manage programs load curtailment pricing and in real-time participation Enable rates utility and comparing energy needs for and budgeting forecasting by procurement Optimize errors billing Identify utility etc. processes, departments, tenants, costs from utilities and recover Allocate infrastr use of existing the Maximize to uptime risks reduce and Identify True enterprise-level software architecture: data architecture: software enterprise-level True performance key dashboards, personalized portal: Web distribution scheduled graphics, data and complex for support content, rich and customized Reporting: dimensio visualization, advanced Trending: correlation, normalization, analysis, regression Modeling: rate wizard rate and engine built-in Billing: correlation filtering, classification, event monitoring, wide-area analysis: quality Power on comp triggering and events: Alarms pric and weather devices, other and meters Integration: CO • • • • • • • • • • • • Key features • • • • • • • • • • applications Typical PowerLogic ION a complete is EEM enterprise energy management solution that unites business and stra energy entire enterprise by uni benefits energy-related of your existing data resources. management from Stakeholders to operations will be empowered by actionable energy intelligence to isolate and drive cost problems and risk reduction strategies. PowerLogic automatically ION acquires EEM data from power monitoring and control systems, building and process automation systems, utility information systems, weather services, spot-market energy pricing feeds, and enterprise business appl warehouses it. browser-based Personalized, dashboards innovat and modeling make the information tools then available to whomever needs it, so you can accurately monitor, validate, predict and control energy-related expenses. From operational cost reductions to performance indicators and also helps you gain unique insight into the impacts of pow service entrance to the PowerLogic ION EEM so boardroom, Inside Sales at 1-866-466-7627. For price and ordering information, ® Personalized dashboards dashboards Personalized and management help personnel operations of aspects all monitor to respond and use energy or threats. opportunities Produce aggregate billing, billing, aggregate Produce profile, cost allocation, load or forecasting power quality, inform to help reports budget stakeholders andtrack goals. against results 4-6 Monitor power quality risk power quality Monitor benchmark factors, determine performance, contract validate impacts, problem isolate compliance, your and confirm sources, return-on-investment. Use advanced billing billing advanced Use energy support to functions manage and procurement in assets generation or load or curtailment to response signals. pricing PowerLogic POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL instantaneous power parameters. They meetstringentAN They power parameters. instantaneous monitoring and control. The metershavea The monitoring andcontrol. Note: Please refer to for the most complete and up and complete the most for refer Please Note: Powe ION7550/7650 PowerLogic Typical 4.6: Table Meter Features PowerandEnergy PowerLogic andION7650 ION7550 moni areidealforcompliance The meters protocols. management energy other with beintegrated softwarecan operations Botharecompatible capabilities. control rev capabilities, qualityanalysis featuresfrompower advanced sensit pointsand Used atkeydistribution Meters PowerandEnergy PowerLogic andION7650 ION7550 Configurations MeterOrdering Energy and Power ION8600 PowerLogic Typical 4.5: Table Meter Features PowerLogic PowerandEnergy ION8600 operations Enterprise ION PowerLogic software, management totalization pulsingand energy control and equipment monitoringand appl and power producers qual power complex energysupplycontractsthatinclude to manage isusedto ION8600 PowerLogic The web-enabled Meters andEnergy Power ION8600/7550/7650 All Rights Reserved All Rights Electric © 2009 Schneider 2 optical port) plus Ethernet, plus standard 2 opticalI/O port) Integrated display, with 1024 samples/cycle, 10 MBlogging memory I/O standard modem, plus port) optical Integrated display, with 512 samples/cycle, 5MB logging memory, 5A inputs, standard power supply, standard comms. (1 RS232/RS4 plusoptical Ethernet, standard port) I/O Integrated display, with 512 samples/cycle, 5MB logging memory, 5A inputs, standard power supply, standard comms. (1 RS232/RS4 plusoptical Ethernet, standard port) I/O Integrated display, with 512 samples/cycle, 5MB logging memory, 5A inputs, standard power supply, standard comms. (1 RS232/RS4 optical plus Ethernet, port) standard I/O, EN50160 compliance monitoring Integrated display, with 1024 samples/cycle, 10 MB logging memo Typical PowerLogic ION7650 PowerMeter andEnergyOrdering Configurations I/O standard port), optical Integrated display, with 512 samples/cycle, 5MB logging memory, 5A inputs, standard power supply, standard comms. (1 RS232/RS4 plusoptical Ethernet, standard port) I/O Integrated display, with 512 samples/cycle, 5MB logging memory, 5A inputs, standard power supply, standard comms. (1 RS232/RS4 Typical PowerLogic ION7550 PowerMeter andEnergyOrdering Configurations standardRS-485, Optical I/O port, ION8600, feature set C, 9S socket base, 5A nominal current inputs, power auxiliary pigtail 65-120Vdc/80-160Vac, 60 Hz, communic — Optical, RS-485 ION8600, feature set B, 9S socket base, 5A nominal current inputs, power auxiliary pigtail 65-120Vac/80-160Vdc, 60 Hz, communic — RS-232/485 —Optical, RS-485 ION8600, feature set A, 9S socket base, 5A nominal current inputs, power auxiliary pigtail: 65-120Vac/80-160Vdc, 60 Hz, communi Data pushcapability through SMTP(email) Dial-out capabilitynear whenmemory full is • • Communications: fiber, Ethernet, serial, internal modem, optical port, and • 5MB log/event memory (10MB optional), waveform logging up to 96 • Power quality:sag/swell, harmonics -individual,odd, even,total the to • True RMS3-phase voltage, current, and power that meets stringent ANSI 3.5” x 4.5” (87 x 112 mm) backlit LCD display • • ION7550 includes: The PowerLogic • 65 setpoints 65 —math,logic, trig, linearization log, formulas through Data pushcapability SMTP(email) • • Multi-user,multi-level securitywith control andcustomized access to Dial-out capability whenmemory isnearfull • • Communications: Fiber, Ethernet, Serial, Modem, Internet and Ethernet • Transformer/line losscompensationInstrumentand transformer • log/event 2MB memory, min/max parameter, forany historical logsup • Power quality:sag/swell, individual,even,odd, total harmonics to the • True3-phaseRMS voltage, current,meets powerand stringent ANSI 9S, 39S, 35S, 36S, 76S socket and switchboard • cases • includes: C set Feature TCP and MV-90 a gateway functionality, ION,DNP 3.0,Modbusslave,& -master RTU front panel 0.001seconds,time GPS synchronization and historical trends through cycles,800 upto channels historical, min/max, timestamp resolutionto 63rd, waveform capture at 256 samples/cycle C12.20 0.2, Class 2, 10, & 20 sensitive dataup forusers to16 MV-90 protocols to serialgateway ION,3.0, andDNP Modbus ModbusRTU, TCPand correction synchronization to 32channels, timestampresolution to 0.001 secondsandGPS time 31stsymmetrical and components 20 & 10, revenuemetering standards including ANSI C12.20and 0.2 Class2, PowerLogic ications that require the accurate bi-direc the require that ications ® with PowerLogic ION EEM enterprise energy m energy with PowerLogicIONEEMenterprise ive loads, the web-enabled Powe ive loads,theweb-enabled toring, disturbance a disturbance toring, high visibility, adjustable fr high visibility,adjustable ry, 5Ainputs, standardpower supply, standard comms.(1 RS232/R , 5A inputs, standard power supply, standard comms. (1RS232/R monitor electric distributionnetworks, electric monitor -to-date list of feature availab listoffeature -to-date Description Description SI C12.20 0.2, Class 10 & 20 revenue metering standards. 10&20revenue 0.2,Class SI C12.20 r and Energy Meter Ordering Configurations MeterOrdering Energy r and nalysis, cost allocation and billi and nalysis, costallocation enue accuracy and multiple communications options, through c andmultiplecommunicationsoptions,through web enue accuracy software or other energy management and SCADA systems. SCADA and energymanagement software orother PM1 ity guarantees. Low-range currentac ity guarantees. ont panel display that ont paneldisplay can that applications. Integrate it with PowerLogic ION EEM enterpr ION PowerLogic itwith applications. Integrate or buildingcontrolsystemsth or Schedule Discount ility. Some features are option are features ility. Some rLogic ION7550 andPowerLogic rLogic ION7550 tional measurement of energy. It is well suited is well energy. It of tional measurement ION8600/7550/7650 Power andEnergy Meters • Max 96 cycles ofhistoricalchannels waveformlogsand800cycles of 96 Max 10MBstandard memory • Harmonics:magnitude, phaseinter-harmonicsand tothe 40th • Transient detectionat65µs to 60Hz; • • Waveform capture256 upto samples/cycle, PQcompliance • Cycle setpoint minimum response time Feature set Aadds the following to feature sets Cand B: Master Modbus onserialports RTU • Historicalchannels logsupto320 • standard 4MB memory • Harmonics -individual,total even, totaltoup odd the 63rd • • Feature set B adds the following to feature set C: Built-in I/O: 4 KYZ digital outs and 3form A digital ins, an optional protection Password andanti-tamper seal protection • • Symmetrical components • Flicker to EN50160 and IEC 6100-4-7/4-15 (also configurable for Harmonics:magnitude, phaseinter-harmonicsand tothe 40th • Transient detectionat17µs to 60Hz • Waveform capture1024 upto samples/cycle • • adds: and ION7550 the of features the all has ION7650 The Extensive standard I/O includes: 8digital inputs, 4digital outputs • protection Password andanti-tamper seal protection enhance • 65configurable _cyclesetpointsfor single, multi-condition and • Multi-user, multi-levelsecurity with controlcustomized and • service entrances and substations. It ena It andsubstations. serviceentrances anagement software, PowerLogic IONEnterpr PowerLogic software, anagement logs configurableIEEE to 519-1992, IEEE159,SEMI) CBEMA/ITIC monitoring, flicker to EN50160, IEC 6100-4-7/4-15 (also external I/O expander pr IEEE 519-1992, IEEE159, SEMI), plus CBEMA/ITIC and 3onboardrelays meter security dial outand onalarm math, logic, trig,log, linearization formulas accesssensitive to dataup forusers to16 ng, demand and power factor cont andpower ng, demand cations card with: 10baseTEthernet ations card with: 10base T Ethernet T Ethernet 10base with: card ations ations card with: RS-232/485. S485 port, 1 RS485,S485 port, 1Type2 al. depict TOU, harmonics, event depict TOU, S485 port, 1 RS485, 1Type RS485, 1 port, S485 85 port, 1RS485,85 port, 1 Type 2 1RS485,85 port, 1 Type 2 1RS485,85 port, 1 Type 2 1RS485,85 port, 1 Type 2 1RS485,85 port, 1 Type 2 rough multiplecommunicationc curacy makesitidealfor ION7650 meters combine a meterscombine ION7650 ovides additional I/O S7650A0C0B6C1A0A S7650B1C0B6E0A0A S7650A0C0B6A0A0A S7650A0C0B6E0A0A S7650B1C0B6E0A0E S7550A0C0B6A0A0A S7550A0C0B6E0A0A S8600C0C0H6A0A0A S8600B0C0H6E0A0A S8600A0C0H6E0A0A Catalog No. $ $ Price No. Catalog Catalog No. $ Price $ Catalog No. logs,phasers,and to load curtailment, curtailment, load to rol and equipment ise energy bles businesses ompatibility, and ompatibility, independent independent hannels and ise wealthof 2609.00 4700.00 6252.00 9279.00 7140.00 8409.00 7869.00 9279.00 5589.00 6318.00 4-7

POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL PowerLogic® ION7350/7330/7300/6200 Power and Energy Meters

Used in diverse applications such as feeder monitoring and sub-metering, the PowerLogic ION7300 series meters are also suitable for high-accuracy power and energy metering, bill verification, cost allocation and billing, demand and power factor control, load studies, circuit optimization, equipment monitoring and control and preventative maintenance. They are ideal replacements for analog meters, with a multitude of power and energy measurements, analog and digital I/O, communication ports and industry-standard protocols. The ION7330 meter adds on-board data storage, emails of logged data and an optional modem. The ION7350 meter is further augmented by more sophisticated power quality analysis, alarms and a call-back-on-alarm feature. They are compatible with PowerLogic ION EEM enterprise energy management software, PowerLogic ION Enterprise operations software or can be integrated with other energy management or building control systems through multiple communication channels and protocols. PowerLogic ION7350, ION7330 and ION7300 Power and Energy Meter Features The PowerLogic ION7300 includes: The ION7330 adds the following features: • Multiple form factors: transducer integrated and • Time of use - multi-year scheduling, hourly activity profiles remote display models, GE S1 or ABB FT21 • 4 digital inputs for status monitoring and pulse counting switchboard forms • Communications: a second RS-485 port, internal modem, DNP 3.0 • True RMS 3-phase voltage, current, and power that through serial, modem and I/R ports, EtherGate and ModemGate, meets stringent ANSI C12.16, Class 10 data/alarms via e-mail and MV-90 on serial and Ethernet ports • Power quality: harmonics - individual, even, odd, total • 12, one second setpoints for single, multi-condition alarms, plus math, to the 15th, maximum 32 samples/cycle logic, trig, log, and linearization formulas • Communications: 1 RS-485 port, 1 optional Ethernet • Non-volatile onboard memory capacity of 300kb, min/max logging, port, 1 ANSI Type 2 infrared optical port, 1 PROFIBUS min/max logging, up to 32 channels of historical logs, timestamp DP port (ION7300 only), onboard web server resolution to 0.001 seconds • Supported protocols include : ION, Modbus RTU slave The ION7350 includes the following additional features: on serial, modem, I/R ports, Modbus TCP through • Power Quality: sag/swell, individual, even, odd, total harmonics up to Ethernet 31st , maximum 64 samples/cycle • Extensive standard I/O includes: 4 analog inputs, • Up to 96 channels of logs and up to 48 cycles of waveform logs 4 analog outputs, 4 digital relay outputs • Alarm notifications via e-mail • Minimum/maximum recording --

Table 4.7: Typical PowerLogic ION7350/7330/7300 Power and Energy Ordering Configurations Description Catalog No. $ Price Typical PowerLogic ION7350 Power and Energy Meter Ordering Configurations Integrated display with optical port, 5A inputs, standard power supply, standard comms, (two RS-485 ports) plus 10BaseT Ethernet S7350A0B0B0E0A0A 3567.00 Integrated display with optical port, 5A inputs, standard power supply, standard comms, (two RS-485 ports) S7350A0B0B0A0A0A 2906.00 Typical PowerLogic ION7330 Power and Energy Meter Ordering Configurations Integrated display with optical port, 5A inputs, standard power supply, standard comms, (two RS-485 ports) plus 10BaseT Ethernet S7330A0B0B0E0A0A 2800.00 Integrated display with optical port, 5A inputs, standard power supply, standard comms, (two RS-485 ports) S7330A0B0B0A0A0A 2159.00 Typical PowerLogic ION7300 Power and Energy Meter Ordering Configurations Integrated display with optical port, 5A inputs, standard power supply, standard comms, (one RS-485 port) S7300A0B0B0A0A0A 1436.00 The modular PowerLogic ION6200 is a low-cost, ultra-compact meter that offers outstanding versatility and functionality. It is simple to use, and has a big, bright LED display. It offers four-quadrant power, demand, energy, power factor and frequency measurements, and is available in a variety of flexible configurations. It is available as a low-cost base model to which enhanced functionality can be added over the long term. The PowerLogic ION6200 is ideal for customers who need revenue-accurate and/or certified measurements and want easy integration with power distribution assemblies and systems. A Megawatt version is available for applications requiring readings in megawatts and kilovolts. It is well suited for sub-metering, energy cost tracking load profiling, and substation panel metering and is an ideal replacement for analog meters. It can be used for stand-alone metering in custom panels, switchboards, switchgear, gensets, motor control centers and UPS systems. The meter consists of a base unit with options card and a power supply pack, with a remote display being optional. PowerLogic ION6200 Power and Energy Meter Features • Only two inches deep, and fits a standard The standard ION6200 is available with the following parameters: ANSI four-inch switchboard cutout, or as a Voltage L-N average and per phase, Voltage L-L average and per phase, TRAN model with no display and can be Current average and per phase fastened to a flat surface with a 4” (10cm) ANSI bolt pattern or mounted to a DIN rail. Option EP#1, includes the standard measurements and provides the A remote display module (RMD) can be following additional parameters: ordered for the TRAN and mounted through I4, kW/mW total, kWh/mWh total, kW/mW peak, Current demand an ANSI 4” (10cm) and DIN 96 cutout. average and per phase, Current peak demand average and per phase,

4 • LED display with twelve 3/4” (19mm) high Power factor total digits that display all basic power parameters • Pulse Outputs: optional kWh, kVARh and/or Optional Enhanced Package, includes the standard measurements kVAh pulsing and provides the following additional parameters:

POWER MONITORING AND • Via two Form A outputs kW/mW per phase, kVAR/mVAR total and per phase, kVA/mVA total and • Communications: optional RS-485 port with per phase, kWh/mWh and del/rec per phase, kVARh/mVARh total and Modbus RTU and ION compatible del/rec per phase, kVAh/mVAh total and per phase, kW/mW demand, • 64 samples per cycle true RMS kVAR/mVAR demand and peak, kVA/mVA demand and peak, Power

CONTROL • 3-phase voltage and current inputs Factor per phase, Voltage THD per phase, Current THD per phase -- Table 4.8: Typical PowerLogic ION6200 Power and Energy Meter Ordering Configurations Description Catalog No. $ Price Integrated display, 10A inputs, standard 100-240 Vac power supply, RS485 port (Modbus RTU), Enhanced Package #2 S6200A0A0B0A0A0R 943.00 TRAN Model, with remote display, 10A inputs, standard 100-240 Vac power supply, RS485 port (Modbus RTU), Enhanced Package #2 S6200R1A0B0A0A0R 977.00 TRAN Model, (no display), 10A inputs, standard 100-240 Vac power supply, RS485 port (Modbus RTU), Enhanced Package #2 S6200T1A0B0A0A0R 753.00 Note: Please refer to for the most complete and up-to-date list of feature availability. Some features are optional.

4-8 PM1 Discount © 2009 Schneider Electric Schedule All Rights Reserved All Rights Reserved All Rights Electric © 2009 Schneider PowerLogic Table 4.9: PowerLogic ION Power and Energy Meter Selection Meter Energy and Power ION PowerLogic 4.9: Table S8 S3 ot • / • / • / • / / • / • / / • / / • / • • / • • /• / • • / • • /• / • • /• / • • /• / • • / • • /• / • • /• / • • /• • • / • • /• • • /• • • / • • /• • • /• • • /• • • / • • • / • • Modbus /DNP / MV-90 protocols RS485 /RS232 ports InfraredTelephone / web / email port Ethernet Communications Downloadable port •••••••• modem firmware port ••••••• ••••••••• nucain/cl u naam•/••/••/••/••/••/•• • /• • • / • THD 0.001 15th • / • • 0.001 15th • / • 0.001 • 31st 0.001 • / • • / 0.5 • rd 63 0.001 • • / • object-oriented • / 0.5 •/ Custom programming: arithmetic, boolean, 63rd 0.001 Special features Trigger •/ 0.5 0.001 31st • /• Trigger • Annunciation / call out on alarm alarmsSetpoints, andcontrol AC/DC •/ 63rd 0.5 • /• GPS sync AC/DC Timestamp resolution (seconds) 63 rd •/ Events • / • 0.2 • AC/DC Min/maxTrend • AC/DC • / • andevent logging Data • / • 0.2 Waveform AC/DC Uptime 0,2 / • / • measurement Harmonics AC/DC • / • 0.2 • Sag 4,4 /4,4 Transient AC/DC • / • disturbance capture 4,4 /4,4 Flicker measurement • / • 0.2 ••••••• • AC/DC Compliance monitoring (e.g. EN50160) 4,4 /4,4 • / • Power quality analysis 16,4 /4,4 AC/DC •/ • Loss • 0.2 16,4 /4,4 Measurement • / • ANSI energy 8,8 / 3,4 accuracy class (% of reading) ••••••• Energy /time-of-use (energy per shift) 8,8 / 3,4 • Power, /V, 8,8 / 3,4 energy measurementsPower and andPower options supply demand snapshot relayDigital inand out /analog in and out I, logging3-phase / single-phase Inputs, outputs and control power F, compensation (numberPF swell capture • ••••••• / or •• ••• / •• digital monitoring / • •• of Canada / •• / 9's) • ••••• • • output calculation Approval •••••• •••••• control • •••••••• ••••••• b Specifications represent maximum capabilities with all options inst options withall capabilities maximum represent Specifications please refer to detailed product specifications. product detailed to refer please Features ® b ABC ••••••• PL1 Schedule Discount ION8600 alled. Some options are not available concurrently. i This concurrently. available are options not Some alled. Circuit Monitor and PowerMeter Selection O75 O75 ION7350 ION7550 ION7650 O73 O70 ION6200 ION7300 ION7330 s not a complete feature list, list, feature acomplete not s 4-9


PowerLogic Series 700 Power Meter The PowerLogic PM700 series power meters offer all of the measurement capabilities required to monitor an electrical installation in a single 96 x 96 mm unit extending only 50 mm behind the mounting surface (less than 2 inches). With its large display, you can monitor all three phases and neutral at the same time. The anti-glare display features large 11 mm high characters and powerful backlighting for easy reading, even in extreme lighting conditions and viewing angles. • Panel instrumentation (OEMs) • Remote monitoring of an electrical installation • Sub-billing and cost allocation • Harmonic monitoring (THD)

Series 700 Power Meter Power and current demand, THD and min/max reading in basic version A high-performance solution for trouble-free monitoring of your electrical installation. Energy Class 1 as defined by IEC 62053 (or IEC 61036) Suitable for sub-billing and cost-allocation applications. Table 4.10: Description Catalog No. $ Price Series 700 Power Meters PM710 Power Meter with integrated display and comms PM710 710.00 PM750 Power Meter with (2) digital input, (1) digital output PM750 950.00

PowerLogic Series 800 Power Meters The PowerLogic PM800 series Power Meter is a high-performance power-monitoring unit able to provide advanced power measurement capabilities in a compact 96x96 mm unit. Its large, easy to read display allows you to monitor all three phases and neutral simultaneously. With its easy to use intuitive interface and self guiding menus, the large anti- glare and back lit display makes this meter the easiest yet to navigate and use. The modular design allows for flexibility with an easy upgrade path to grow the meter's capabilities with the addition of Communication and I/O Modules. • Monitor current, voltage, power and energy simultaneously • Available with 2 standard Digital I/O • Trending/Forecasting Curves functionality (PM850/870) • Field installable Digital and Analog I/O • 128 samples/cycle-zero blind metering • THD measurement • Waveform capture (PM850), configurable waveform capture (PM870) • Meets IEC 60687, IEC 62053 and ANSI C12.20 Class • Onboard logging (80k in PM820, 800k in PM850/PM870) 0.5S accuracy Detection of sub-cycle sags/swells on both voltage and current • Programmable (logic and mathematical functions) Series 800 Power Meter • • Individual harmonics up to 63rd on both current and voltage • Optional field installable Ethernet communications card with standard and custom web pages • GPS Time Synchronization (PM870) Table 4.11: Description Catalog No. $ Price Series 800 Power Meters PM820 Power Meter with integrated display, THD, Alarming, 80kb Logging PM820 2390.00 PM850 Power Meter with integrated display, THD, Alarming, 800kb Logging, Waveform Capture PM850 3889.00 PM870 Power Meter with integrated display, THD, Alarming, 800 kb Logging, configurable Waveform Capture, Sag/Swell Detection PM870 4799.00 PM820 Meter unit only without display PM820U 2050.00 PM850 Meter unit only without display PM850U 3529.00 PM870 Meter unit only without display PM870U 4460.00 Series 800 Power Meter Accessories PM800 Display for integrated meter unit PM8D 443.00 PM800 Module, 2 digital outputs, 2 digital inputs PM8M22 635.00 PM800 Module, 2 digital outputs (relays), 6 digital inputs PM8M26 635.00 PM800 Module, 2 digital out, 2 digital in, 2 analog out, 2 analog in PM8M2222 856.00 PM800 Mounting adapter for CM2000 PM8MA 267.00 PM8ECC Ethernet PM8ECC Ethernet Communications Card; 10/100 Base T Ethernet port and 1 RS-485 master port PM8ECC 1150.00 Communications Card PowerLogic Series 3000 Circuit Monitor The PowerLogic Series 3000 Circuit Monitor is designed for industrial, commercial and OEM users and is the ideal monitoring device for electrical mains, branch feeders, as well as OEM applications, such as computer power. It provides instant access to real time web pages without installing or learning special software. CM3000 can serve up instantaneous readings, energy usage cost, power quality and disturbance analysis or even 4 customized web pages. Web-access summary data transparently from other devices connected downstream. • Comes with 8Mb of standard memory allowing for more data • Built-in Trending and Forecasting functionality allows you to logging than any other meter in its class forecast energy usage up to 4 days in advance

POWER MONITORING AND • 128 samples/cycle allow for zero blind metering • Custom web pages with optional Ethernet Communications • Sag/Swell disturbance monitoring(CM3350) Card • 100 ms Event recording(CM3350) • Field installable Digital I/O card • Harmonic Powerflows to the 40th harmonic • Meets IEC 60687 and ANSI C12.20 Class 0.5S accuracy CONTROL • Sequence of events recording using GPS synchronization Table 4.12: Description Catalog No. $ Price Series 3000 Circuit Monitors Instrumentation, On-board Data Logging Waveform Capture, Disturbance Waveform Capture, Configurable I/O, 0.15% Accuracy CM3250 3944.00 Same as CM3250 plus Sag/Swell Disturbance Detection and 100 ms RMS Event Recording CM3350 5121.00 NOTE: See page 4-11 for Series 3000 Accessories Series 3000 Power Meter

4-10 PL1 Discount © 2009 Schneider Electric Schedule All Rights Reserved All Rights Reserved All Rights Electric © 2009 Schneider IOC44 I/O I/O Card IOC44 CM4000T with VFD Display VFD withCM4000T PCM4000 ECC21 PowerLogic received thegreateststress received Italsoperformsa each. of andtimeofoccurrence duration ofthe historicalrecord acomplete maintains CM4000T c andalongerdisturbance capture waveform transient as perchannel)asshort MHz detectsandcaptures The duration. CM4000T Table 4.13: Series 4000 CircuitMonitors Series4000 4.13: Table • • • • Circui 4000 Series PowerLogic last (disturbances problems. Transients CM4250 providesthe down,the shut tobe cannot afford industrytoday. monitorinthe mountedcircuit permanently Series4000 PowerLogic awardwinning,Web-enabled The Monitor Circuit 4000 Series PowerLogic Table 4.14: SER Time Synchronization SERTime 4.14: Table • • • • • • • • • • • Portable 5ACT1000/2000 Monitor Circuit Portable Circuit Monitor 5A CT 500/1000/1500A Range (Order 3 for complete set) Portable Circuit Monitor 5A CT 150/300/600A Range (Order 3 for complete set) 3for (Order complete Range CT 150/300/600A 5A Monitor Portable Circuit 30 foot display cable 12 foot display cable 4 foot display cable I/R communications interface for the vacuum fluorescent display 4-line x20 -character vacuum fluorescent display with proximity sensor 4-line x20 - character liquid display crystal with backlighting Current/Voltage module with high speed transient detection Current/Voltage module Ethernet Communications Card; 100 MB Fiber or 10/100 MBand UTP 1 RS-485 Ethernet port master port I/O Extender module no with pre-installed I/O I/O Extender module with 8 status inputs I/O Extender module with 4 status inputs and 4 analog inputs (4-20 mA) I/O Extender module with 4 DC status inputs, 2 DC digital outputs, 1 analog input and 1 analog output Field installable I/O card with 3 relay outputs, 1 pulse output (KYZ) and 4 status inputs Accessories Monitor Circuit 4000 Series Portable CM4000 plus Impulsive Transient Detection and Flicker (IEC 61000-4-15) Portable Unit, Detachable Base CM4000 Vacuum Fluorescent Transient Impulsive plus Flicker 61000-4-15) CM4000 as and (IEC Same Detection Instrumentation, On-board Data Logging, Waveform Capture, Disturbance Recording, Configurable I/O, 0.04% Accuracy Monitors Circuit 4000 Series Power Supply, 24DC/50W, DIN-mountable Antenna ModuleSmart Interface Cable - 200 FT AntennaSmart Module Reference Time Satellite Module PowerLogic Satellite Time System, Circuit Monitor and SEPAM GPS Time Synchronization, 100 microsecond accuracy c b a Optional user configurable display screens Remote LC (liquid crystal) display with backlighting also available Displays meteringdata, min/ High remotedisplay visibility VF(vacuumfluorescence) Also availablerugged ina sealed caseas aPortableCircuit Monitor True RMSMeteringthrough the 255th harmonic field installableCVMT current/voltage module transientHigh speed voltagedetection MHz perchannelat with 5 Waveshape alarm monitoring and disturbance alarms Multiple alarms including standard, digital, Boolean, high-speed, (patent pending) Alarm Setpoint Learning feature allowing optimum threshold setting standardcustom and webpages Optional field installableEthernet communications cardwith optionTwo card slots for field installablecards Sag/Swell disturbance monitoring forecast energydays4 usageupto inadvance Built-in Trending and Forecasting functionality allows you to Waveform capturetoup withsamples/cycle 512 Also availableCM3000 for module. specified of features additional provide to upgradeable field is CM4000 Contact your nearest Square D/Schneider Elec ® from transient overvoltages. from transient max values,alarms, inputs one microsecond in duration. The CM4000T The induration. onemicrosecond /3000A Range (Order 3for complete set) a t Monitor Opti t Monitor PL1 ing less than one cycle) are particularlydi lessthanonecycle)are ing tric sales office for additional I/O options. Description Catalog No. $ $ Price Catalog No. Description $ Price Catalog No. Description b Schedule Discount Display, Bag Module, Cable Carrying Setand Ride-though oscillatory and impulsive oscillatory onal Displays apture toshowtheconditi number of transients per phase, along with the magnitude, phase, alongwiththemagnitude, per transients number of ability tomonitor,troubles Designed for critical power forcriticalpower Designed stress calculation to determine the circuits thathave thecircuits stress calculationtodetermine Circuit Monitor (CM4250) is the most advanced advanced most isthe (CM4250) Circuit Monitor • • • • • • • • • • FCC compliant UL Listed,Approved,CSA CEMarking, NOMApproved, highercurrents inrushavailable, field installable Extendedcurrent/voltage range module(CVMXR) for Oscillatory transientrecording detectionand technology Sequenceof events recording using GPS synchronization IEC 61000-4-15 (Flicker) Integratedpower quality standards including EN50160, Standardnon-volatile 32MBof memory Standard KYZ pulseoutput powerflowsHarmonicup tothe 40th harmonic extender modules installableField Digital/Analog I/Ocardsflexible and I/O Extended waveform capture (up to 110 seconds) transients (up to 10,000V transients(upto automatically performs a high-speed ahigh-speed automaticallyperforms ons surrounding an event. The ons surroundinganevent.The fficult to detect, due totheirshort due fficult todetect, hoot and preempt power quality andpreemptpower hoot and large energy users who who largeenergyusers and PLESHP32335 PLESNS36005 PLESH163155 peak, line-to-line at 5 at peak, line-to-line STS3000 SAIF200 PCM4000T PCM4000 CMDLC CM4000T CMDVF PS080 STRM ECC21 CAB30 CAB12 OCIVF IOX0404 IOX2411 CM4250 IOC44 SAM CAB4 CVMT IOX08 CVM IOX c c c c c c c c Metering 17643.00 14205.00 2827.00 2292.00 5348.00 1886.00 1359.00 1207.00 5393.00 1325.00 1948.00 1650.00 1253.00 8474.00 6386.00 558.00 611.00 856.00 161.00 604.00 688.00 703.00 459.00 796.00 89.00 53.00 4-11


Table 4.15: PowerLogic Circuit Monitor and Power Meter Selection Features CM4000T CM4250 CM3350 CM3250 PM870 PM850 PM820 PM750 PM710 Inputs, outputs and control power 3-phase / single-phase • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • Digital in and out / analog in and out 24 / 4 24 / 4 9 / 0 9 / 0 18 / 8 18 / 8 18 / 8 3/ Power supply options AC/DC AC/DC AC/DC AC/DC AC/DC AC/DC AC/DC AC/DC AC/DC Power and energy measurements V, I, F, PF •• • •••••• Power, demand •• • •••••• Energy / energy per shift (time-of-use) • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • / Energy accuracy (%) 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Standards compliance to ANSI / IEC • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • Power quality analysis Compliance monitoring (e.g. EN50160) • • • • • • Flicker measurement • High-speed transient disturbance capture (200 ns) • Transient disturbance capture • • • • Disturbance direction detection • • • Sag/swell monitoring • • • • Harmonics measurement•• • •••••• Uptime (number of 9's) calculation • • • • Waveform capture • • • • • • Waveshape alarm • • Data and event logging Trend / billing • / • / • / • / • / • • / • / • Minimum and maximum•• • •••••• Events / maintenance • / • • / • • / • / • • / • / • / •/ • / Timestamp resolution (seconds) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 1 1 1 GPS sync • • • • • Setpoints, alarms and control Annunciation / call out on alarm • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • •/ Trigger logging • • • • • • • Trigger relay or digital ouput control • • • • • • • Special features Custom programming: arithmetic, boolean • • Downloadable firmware •• • •••••• Communications Ethernet port / web / email • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • RS485 / RS232 ports • / • • / • • / • / • / • • / • • / • •/ • / Modbus protocol •• • •••••• 4 POWER MONITORING AND CONTROL

4-12 PL1 Discount © 2009 Schneider Electric Schedule All Rights Reserved All Rights Reserved All Rights Electric © 2009 Schneider PowerLogic ® these premiumservicesandreli long-termtenants high-quality, commerc In today'sincreasinglycompetitive PowerLogic Submetering E5600 enables businesses to uti E5600 enablesbusinessesto effective sub-billingor for software solutions, sub-metering Unlike traditional moreforrent. charge bythecommunitywhil quality, andrecognition buildings Green green buildings. a partof as com Itisafoundational efforts. conservation accuratelybi costs bycircuitorsuite, neededto information the tenants byproviding reduce electricalcosts, socket metercanhelp and wide-rangingcapabilityinade isacosteffectivesocketmeter The E5600 Meter Socket PowerLogic E5600 demandingco more for offunctionality range truecost of yourfacility’sut the and recover Edition TenantMetering Commercial PowerLogic So Metering Tenant • • • • providing: buildings for multi-tenant areideal systems and metering management energy PowerLogic • • • • • • Contact yourlocalSchneiderElectric sa • • • • • • 4.16: Table utilities. comprehensive r tomanageawide flexibility necessary low-cost meter that is part of an end-to-end solution for tenant sub-metering. fortenant anend-to-endsolution thatispartof meter low-cost billing and measurement, verification systems energysub-metering PowerLogic spent. costs requiresinformati Minimizing energy utility costsisthechallenge. PowerLogic Tenant Metering Commercial Edition Software LEED certification initiatives essentialobtaining to Implementefficiency energy infrastructure with energyreliablea and the costswhile providing tenants efficiency to recoveraccurately Monitor energy usage and quality power high-end energy allocation requirements to Integrated approach from simple Policy Act2005 assure complianceEnergy to to tools Verification & Metering Commercial buildings Offices Mallsfood / courts Shopping centers Campuses Residential high-rise andlow-rise S-base meter socket compatible. load conditions, poor power quality conditions and tampering. Onboard diagnostics continually monitors for equipment failures, improper installation wiring, poor Automatic configurationand ofservicetype voltage. Revenuegrade accuracy C12.20 –ANSI 0.2% /0.5%. Onboardinterval data loggingprofiles). (load Real, reactive,and apparent energy values. PL1 Schedule Discount ecito Catal Description ftware Solutions by offering exceptional value is exceptionalvalue offering by able infrastructurevs.thefi lize their existing S-based so existingS-based lize their vice that is simple to install. The PowerLogic E5600 PowerLogic issimpletoinstall.The vice that comprehensive energy management, thePowerLogic management, energy comprehensive ll tenantsforenergyused,andverify needs of multi-tenant properties. properties. multi-tenant of needs ange of tenants, multiple locations and tenants, multiplelocations ange of les office for pricing andavailability. forpricing les office which must be manually readormaylack mustbemanually which on on how energyusagetranslatesintomoney on how that combines high accuracy, superior quality quality accuracy,superior that combineshigh ilities. TMSCE is designed to offer a broad toofferabroad isdesigned ilities. TMSCE ial property market, attracting and retaining ial propertymarket,attractingandretaining ponent for LEED and Energy Star certification EnergyStarcertification forLEEDand ponent mmercial billingapplicat enjoy higher tenant retention, higher tenant tenant higher tenant retention, enjoy higher increase property values and attract good attractgood valuesand property increase e typically allowing property managers to managers property e typicallyallowing manage energy costs. Track and allocate manageenergycosts.Trackandallocate are specifically engineered toaddress the engineered are specifically Software (TMSCE) allows you to allocate you Software (TMSCE)allows allocate to TMSCE nancial exposure tovolatile nancial exposure gN.$ Price og No. cket infrastructure with a with cket infrastructure the primary goal. Balancing goal.Balancing theprimary ions providing the ions providing Submetering 5880.00 4-13

POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL PowerLogic® Submetering FOR CURRENT INFORMATION PowerLogic High Density Metering High Density Metering (HDM) is engineered to answer the metering and billing needs of multi-tenant properties:

Features and Benefits • HDM comes standard with the PowerLogic PM210, PM750 or ION6200 meters. Please consult the factory to discuss cabinets equipped with the PowerLogic PM800 series meters. • Lockable, 16 gauge NEMA Type 1 enclosure provides tamper-resistant security. • NEMA Type 3R also availalbe. Please consult factory. • Mounting channel and surface-mount flanges simplify installation. • Factory installed cover plates are included to cover empty meter spaces. • Factory installed wiring harness simplifies installation of additional meters and provides future system expansion. • Each High Density Metering cabinet is provided with standard RS485 Modbus®, and optional Modbus Ethernet TCP communications are availalbe. For wireless communications, please consult factory. • Available in the following configurations: 208Y/120V wye; 240V delta, 48 = 480Y/277V wye (PM210/PM750), and with provided 2.5:1 CPT (control power transformer); 480Y/277V wye (6200); 480V delta (6200, PM210 or PM750). • CTs required. Must select separately. Table 4.17: High Density Metering Cabinet Meter Enclosure # Enclosure Category Series Voltage Phasing Size Meters Rating Description 1 or 4 High Density Meter Enclosure with a b c ION6200 meters; ideal for outdoor as well as High Density Metering factory assembled enclosure HDM ION6200 12, 4T 31 or 41-4R or 1 indoor applications at all voltage levels including for multi-tenant properties 600V delta and 347/600V wye systems 12, 48, 1, 4, 8, or 8 or 16 High Density Meter Enclosure with HDM PM210 a 1 or 3 1-16b 1 PM210 meters; ideal for single or three phase 4T 16 indoor commercial building applications 12, 48, 1, 4, 8 or 8 or 16 High Density Meter Enclosure with HDM PM750 a 3 1-16b 1 PM750 meters; ideal for 3 phase indoor 4T 16 commercial building applications a Voltage Ordering Notes: 12 = 208Y/120V wye; 240V delta. 48 = 480Y/277 wye; (PM210/PM750) 4T = with provided 2.5:1 CPT (control power transformer); 480Y/277 wye (6200); 480V delta (6200, PM210 or PM750) b Meters Ordering Notes: Please indicate the number of meters to be pre-installed when placing your order. You may order any number of meters in the enclosure between one and the maximum number of meters each cabinet will hold. c Please enter R as the last digit for Type 3R outdoor on 1 or 4 HDM enclosure with the 6200 series meter.

High Density Meter System includes: • Enclosure • Power Meters, installed • Installation bulletin for Enclosure • Wall hanging bracket 8 meter configuration • Installation bulletin for Meters Table 4.18: Accessories and Options Description Catalog No. $ Price Auxiliary Wiring Harness for installation of additional meters (includes connectors and shorting terminal blocks) HDMPMHKIT27 221.00 Cover plate for empty meter base HDMCVRPLT 5.90 Water and Gas Meters Consult factory for details 50 Amp HDM Solid Core Current Transformer, 1.13” window size HDMCT050S1 35.00 100 Amp HDM Solid Core Current Transformer, 1.13” window size HDMCT100S1 35.00 125 Amp HDM Solid Core Current Transformer, 1.13” window size HDMCT125S1 35.00 150 Amp HDM Solid Core Current Transformer, 1.13” window size HDMCT150S1 35.00 200 Amp HDM Solid Core Current Transformer, 1.13” window size HDMCT200S1 52.00 250 Amp HDM Solid Core Current Transformer, 1.13” window size HDMCT250S1 52.00 400 Amp HDM Solid Core Current Transformer, 1.13” window size HDMCT400S1 52.00

Multi Circuit Energy Meters The PowerLogic E4000 series multi-circuit energy meters combine accurate electricity sub- 16 meter configuration metering with advanced communications technology. They are ideal for multi-tenant or departmental metering applications within office towers, condominiums, apartment buildings, shopping centers and other multi-point environments, metering up to 24 individual circuits from the same meter. The E4800 series has a system accuracy of 0.5% for power and energy, including the metering class CTs. Each meter is available separately or as part of a Scquare D integrated power center (IPC) for use in building retrofits or new AND CONTROL AND construction. POWER MONITORING Table 4.19: Description Catalog No. $ Price Energy measurement for 24 (1CT) or 12 (2CT) single-phase circuits or 8 4 (3CT) 3-phase circuits; Ethernet; modem; onboard interval logging; E488010SQD Consult Factory for Pricing compatible with 80mA low-power CTs (solid-core) Energy measurement for 24 (1CT) or 12 (2CT) single-phase circuits or 8 (3CT) 3-phase circuits; Ethernet; modem; onboard interval logging; E483310SQD Consult Factory for Pricing compatible with 333mV low-power CTs (solid-core or split-core) Energy measurement for 24 (1CT) or 12 (2CT) single-phase circuits or 8 (3CT) 3-phase circuits; Ethernet; modem; onboard interval logging; E480510SQD Consult Factory for Pricing compatible with standard 5A CTs (solid-core or split-core) 200A current transformer (CT), 80mA secondary, solid-core (1 CT) ECT80200 Consult Factory for Pricing 400A current transformer (CT), 80mA secondary, solid-core (1 CT) ECT80400 Consult Factory for Pricing 800A current transformer (CT), 80mA secondary, solid-core (1 CT) ECT80800 Consult Factory for Pricing

4-14 Discount © 2009 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved PL1 Schedule All Rights Reserved All Rights Electric © 2009 Schneider SA Split-Core Current Energy Meter Enercept Meter Transformers PowerLogic al 4.27: Table Enercept Meter 4.24: Table CT quantity and amperage must match meter model. Total of combined Note: Additional CT Sets 4.21: Table 208Y/120V Vto Basic120/240 4.20: Table Energy Meter application notes in the Energy Meter instruction bulletin for the proper installation procedures. installation the proper for bulletin Meter in instruction Energy notes the application CTs for metering multiple electric loads. Additional sets of CTs can be ordered separately. Please refer to the multiple CT Meter up to 3 individual services witho 3 individual Meter upto bythe EMCB. also provided Enercept meters employ the the Modbus employ meters Enercept canbe connected to either three-phase orsingle-phase circuits. comm the inputs, voltage the connect CTs, the on snap Simply mete the with CTs split-core interconnected three of consists EnerceptThe Meter the is idealsolution for submetering elec PowerLogic Enercept Modbus and output pulse with come meters Range Extended services. of 120/240 and 208Y/120 volt metering for isdesigned model Basic The models. Range Extended Basic and in Available accuracy. metering exceptional su systems-based and is forstand-alone ideal Meter Energy The PowerLogic EnergyMeter The 3090 SCCT series of split-core current transformers prov transformers current split-core of series SCCT 3090 The PowerLogic SplitCoreCurrentTran equipment. series provides acost-effective means to transform electrical service amperages to a 0-5A level compatible with monitoring current. Foruse withCircuit Monitors, Power Meters, data loggers, chart recordersand other instrumentsthe 3090SCCT changing the parity between the two networks. two the between parity the changing a PowerLogic 4-wire network. The ENA converts thesignals fr into tobe integrated meters Enercept the allowing adapter, toact as a network is designed (ENA) Adapter Network Enercept The network. 4-wire a into incorporated be to meters Enercept allowing adapter network a as act can EDI the addition, In Optional Enercept Display Interface acts as astand-alone operator alarming for used format, graphical or in tabular presented network and PowerLogic System Manager™ software as other PowerLogic devices. Data from the Enercept meters can be b 3090SCCT164 3090SCCT124 3090SCCT084 3090SCCT083 3090SCCT063 3090SCCT043 3090SCCT032 3090SCCT022 aao o ecito $Price Description Catalog No. $Price Description Catalog No. $Price Description Catalog No. aao o ecito $Price Description Catalog No. 3020B244 3020B164 3020B084 3020B083 3020B043 3020B032 3020B012 3020E012 3020E244 3020E164 3020E084 3020E083 3020E043 3020E032 EMCT164 EMCT084 EMCT083 EMCT043 EMCT032 EMCT021 EMCT010 EMB3164 EMB3084 EMB3083 EMB3043 EMB3032 EMB3021 EMB3010 EMB2083 EMB2043 EMB2032 EMB2021 EMB2010 EMB1032 EMB1021 EMB1010 ft.white and black color-coded wire leads. loads must not exceed rating of meter. All additional CTs shipped with 6 See Handout / Instruction Bulletin for derating properties. ® RS-485 serial communications are provided with the the with provided are communications serial RS-485 b b b b b b b ® Enhanced 100A, 1.25" x1.51" ID Basic 2400A, 2.45" x5.50" ID Basic 1600A, 2.45" x5.50" ID Basic 800A, 2.45" x5.50" ID Basic 800A, 2.45" x2.89" ID Basic 400A, 2.45" x2.89" ID Basic 300A, 1.25" x1.51" ID Enhanced 2400A, 2.45" x 5.50" ID Enhanced 1600A, 2.45" x 5.50" ID Enhanced 800A, 2.45" x5.50" ID Enhanced 800A, 2.45" x2.89" ID Enhanced 400A, 2.45" x2.89" ID Enhanced 300A, 1.25" x1.51" ID Basic 100A, 1.25" x1.51" ID 1600 A, 2.45” x5.50” ID, 1 CT 800 A, 2.45” x 5.50” ID, 1 CT 800 A, 2.45” x 2.89” ID, 1 CT 400 A, 2.45” x 2.89” ID, 1 CT 300 A, .90” x1.90” ID, 1 CT 200 A, 0.75” x 1.10” ID, 1 CT 100 A, .518” x 1.28” ID, 1 CT Basic 1600A, 2.45"x5.50" ID, 3 CTs Basic 800A, 2.45"x5.50" ID, 3 CTs Basic 800A, 2.45"x2.89" ID, 3 CTs Basic 400A, 2.45"x2.89" ID, 3 CTs Basic 300A, .90"x1.90" ID, 3 CTs Basic 200A, 0.75” x 1.10” ID, 3 CTs Basic 100A, .518"x1.28" ID, 3 CTs Basic 800A, 2.45"x2.89" ID, 2 CTs Basic 400A, 2.45"x2.89" ID, 2 CTs Basic 300A, .90"x1.90" ID, 2 CTs Basic 200A, 0.75” x1.10” ID, 2 CTs Basic 100A, .518"x1.28" ID, 2 CTs Basic 300A, .90"x1.90" ID, 1 CT Basic 200A, 0.75” x 1.10” ID, 1 CT Basic 100A, .518"x1.28" ID, 1 CT Split Core CT - 1600A (sz.4): 2.45" x5.50 Split Core CT - 1200A (sz.4): 2.45" x5.50 Split Core CT - 800A (sz.4): 2.45" x 5.05 Split Core CT - 800A (sz.3): 2.45" x 2.89 Split Core CT - 600A (sz.3): 2.45" x 2.89 Split Core CT - 400A (sz.3): 2.45" x 2.89 Split Core CT - 300A (sz.2): 1.25" x 1.51 Split Core CT - 200A (sz.2): 1.25" x 1.51 ® Meter services. ExtendedRa The ® RTU 2-wire communicationprotocol, ne Energy Meter. The Energy TheEnergy Energy Meter. ne PL1 sformers-Instrument Gr Schedule Discount 1221.00 1190.00 1159.00 1128.00 1097.00 1066.00 1035.00 916.00 893.00 869.00 847.00 823.00 800.00 776.00 130.00 130.00 123.00 106.00 106.00 903.00 903.00 855.00 825.00 799.00 766.00 750.00 517.00 505.00 480.00 464.00 438.00 482.00 440.00 426.00 165.00 160.00 137.00 129.00 129.00 129.00 120.00 120.00 99.00 92.00 nge model will meter 120 willmeternge model and historical logging and trending, and to produce reports. reports. produce to and trending, and logging historical and ring and communication electronics built into the CT housing. housing. CT the into built electronics communication and ring tric loads where space is at a premium. The compact design design compact The premium. a at is space where tric loads ide secondary amperage proporti amperage secondary ide om the 4-wire networktothe 2-wire network, aswell as Energy Meter Comms Board, EMCB. Optional kW demand is kWdemand Optional EMCB. Board, Comms Meter Energy unication lines, and installation and lines, unication phase loss output not available on the Basic unit. Optional Optional unit. Basic the on available not output loss phase al .3 Energy MeterAccessories 4.23: Table V 120/240Vto480Y/277 Range Extended 4.22: Table published ratings. published operat transformers by caused injury or personal equipment of damage for responsibility no assumes D Square transformers. current the and primaryconductor the between is applied insulation additional adequate unless 600V, than greater voltage phase-to-phase a having circuits to transformers current Class 600V apply not Note: Quantities Enercept Metering 4.26: Table Accessories 4.25: Table bmetering applications. It is easy to install and provides It is easytoinstall and applications. bmetering kWh, energy usage a interface supporting up to 32 to up supporting interface aao o ecito $Price Description No. Catalog $ Price Description No. Catalog aao o ecito $Price Description No. Catalog kW, real power EMBOND EME3164 EME3084 EME3083 EME3043 EME3032 EME3021 EME3010 EME2083 EME2043 EME2032 EME2021 EME2010 EME1032 EME1021 EME1010 2W485C ENA485 EMBK-3 EMFP3 EMFP2 EMFP1 EMCB EDI32 Meter will allowthe Meter PS24 whereeither kWdemand and/or communicationspecified. is models of the Energy Meter. Order one EMCB for each Energy Meter Energy Meter communication board (EMCB) can be used with all Basic Max. Voltage without additional insulation 600Vac. Do Do 600Vac. insulation additional without Voltage Max. ade 5 Amp Split-Core CurrentTransformers Amp Split-Core 5 ade b and can utilizethe sa Energy Meter Bonding Kit Bonding Energy Meter Energy Meter Fuse Pack, Set of 3 Energy Meter Fuse Pack, Set of 2 Energy Meter Fuse Pack, Set of 1 Board Communication Energy Meter Extended Range 1600A, 2.45"x5.50" ID, 3 CTs Extended Range 800A, 2.45"x5.50" ID, 3 CTs Extended Range 800A, 2.45"x2.89" ID, 3 CTs Extended Range 400A, 2.45"x2.89" ID, 3 CTs Extended Range 300A, .90"x1.90" ID, 3 CTs Extended Range 200A, 0.75” x1.10” ID, 3 CTs Extended Range 100A, .518"x1.28" ID, 3 CTs Extended Range 800A, 2.45"x2.89" ID, 2 CTs Extended Range 400A, 2.45"x2.89" ID, 2 CTs Extended Range 300A, .90"x1.90" ID, 2 CTs Extended Range 200A, 0.75” x1.10” ID, 2 CTs Extended Range 100A,n.518"x1.28" ID, CTs 2 Extended Range 300A, .90"x1.90" ID, 1 CT Extended Range 200A, 0.75” x1.10” ID, 1 CT Extended Range 100A, .518"x1.28" ID, 1 CT 2-Wire 232-485Conv Enercept Display Interface Enercept Network Adapter 24Vdc Power Supply (for use with EDIor ENA) Enercept Mounting Brackets (Set of 3) per phase and avg. Current - A, per phase and average kVAR, kVA, PF per phase and total voltage- V, L-L, L-N kWh, kW per phase and total, min kW, maxkW, kWd, /240 volt up to 480 /240 voltupto addition of upto 3 is complete. Both versions ed on circuits above their their above circuits on ed onal to the primary (sensed) (sensed) primary the to onal meters (63 with a repeater). repeater). a with (63 meters me communication me communication Enhanced volt Wyeconnected • a sets ofparallel Submetering 1338.00 117.00 142.00 267.00 471.00 157.00 971.00 971.00 921.00 880.00 864.00 829.00 811.00 585.00 567.00 550.00 536.00 511.00 518.00 483.00 471.00 94.00 47.00 78.00 75.00 4-15

POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL PowerLogic® Submetering Class 3030 PowerLogic Branch Circuit Power Meter The Branch Circuit Power Meter (BCPM) is ideal for data center customers who are focused on eliminating costly downtime, managing existing capacity efficiently, and reducing energy cost. The BCPM helps data center managers by providing alarms that signify potential issues within the power system and supplying power and energy data down to the circuit level. This data can indicate areas wither over-used or under-used within the facility. It can also be used to effectively control energy cost. The BCPM can monitor up to 84 circuits and fits any Power Distribution Unit (PDU) or Remote Power Panel (RPP) with minimal space requirements. It has a wide monitoring range allowing customers to monitor circuit current from 0.25A to 100A with high accuracy (3% for current 0.25A to 2A and 2% for current 2A to 100A. It can also measure power and energy readings at the circuit level as well as the incoming main. This eliminates the need for two different meters. The BCPM also has a flexible numbering scheme which allows customers to match that of the PDU or RPP and field BCM42 configuration adds ease to either a new or a retrofit installation.

Key features: • Full PDU monitoring • Low current monitoring • Cost effective communications • Flexible configuration • Advanced alarming • Easily integrates into a PowerLogic system or other existing • Wide monitoring range networks using Modbus® communications Table 4.28: Catalog No. Description $ Price BCPMA042D 42 circuit power and energy meter. Includes 2 CT strips, 21 CTs per strip, 3/4” CT spacing. 3569.00 BCPMB042D 42 circuit meter, measures power and energy on the mains, current per circuit. Includes 2 CT strips, 21 CTs per strip, 3/4” CT spacing. 2901.00 BCPMC042D 42 circuit current meter. Includes 2 CT strips, 21 CTs per strip, 3/4” CT spacing. 2331.00 BCPMA142D 42 circuit power and energy meter. Includes 2 CT strips, 21 CTs per strip, 1” CT spacing. 3569.00 BCPMB142D 42 circuit meter, measures power and energy on the mains, current per circuit. Includes 2 CT strips, 21 CTs per strip, 1” CT spacing. 2901.00 BCPMC142D 42 circuit current meter. Includes 2 CT strips, 21 CTs per strip, 1” CT spacing. 2331.00 BCPMA084D 84 circuit power and energy meter. Includes 4 CT strips, 21 CTs per strip, 3/4” CT spacing. 5748.00 BCPMB084D 84 circuit meter, measures power and energy on the mains, current per circuit. Includes 4 CT strips, 21 CTs per strip, 3/4” CT spacing. 4627.00 BCPMC084D 84 circuit current meter. Includes 4 CT strips, 21 CTs per strip, 3/4” CT spacing. 3495.00 BCPMA184D 84 circuit power and energy meter. Includes 4 CT strips, 21 CTs per strip, 1” CT spacing. 5748.00 BCPMB184D 84 circuit meter, measures power and energy on the mains, current per circuit. Includes 4 CT strips, 21 CTs per strip, 1” CT spacing. 4627.00 BCPMC184D 84 circuit current meter. Includes 4 CT strips, 21 CTs per strip, 1” CT spacing. 3495.00 PowerLogic Branch Current Monitor BCM42 The Branch Current Monitor reports the current level of each of the breakers of a panelboard to provide timely circuit loading information. In addition, as the circuit load approaches one of two user set levels, an alarm can be generated back to the monitoring software such as PowerLogic System Manager Software. Four models of the Branch Current Monitor are available. The BCM42 consists of rail mounted solid-core CTs intended for mounting inside new panelboards or complete panel retrofits. The BCM42SR is designed to fit into a column width panel design. The BCMSC model is made up of split-core CTs that are an ideal solution for retrofit applications in existing panelboards. The BCMSC_ _ H is a 100 Amp version of the split core design. Table 4.29: Catalog No. Description $ Price BCM42 Branch Circuit Monitor 42 circuits, 3/4” center line CT spacing, 10–50 Amp range, configurable 2350.00 BCM42C1 Branch Circuit Monitor 42 circuits, 1” center line CT spacing, 10–50 Amp range, configurable 2350.00 BCM42SR Branch Circuit Monitor, single row, 3/4” on center CTs 2950.00 BCM42SRC1 Branch Circuit Monitor, single row 1” on center CTs 2950.00 BCMSC12 Branch Circuit Monitor, split core, 12 CTs 1975.00 BCMSC18 Branch Circuit Monitor, split core, 18 CTs 1975.00 BCMSC24 Branch Circuit Monitor, split core, 24 CTs 2350.00 BCMSC30 Branch Circuit Monitor, split core, 30 CTs 2750.00 BCMSC42 Branch Circuit Monitor, split core, 42 CTs 3250.00 BCMSC12H Branch Circuit Monitor, 100A split core 12 CTs 2225.00 BCMSC24H Branch Circuit Monitor, 100A split core, 24 CTs 3300.00 BCMSC42H Branch Circuit Monitor, 100 split core, 42 CTs 4950.00 Note: CT hole size accommodates up to #6 THHN insulated conductor. PowerLogic Multi-Circuit Meter Typical BCMSC Designed for OEM style placement in electrical distribution equipment the MCM8364 is configurable to meter 1 or 3 panelboard installation phases of up to eight individual loads, six loads if neutral monitoring is required. The MCM will monitor up to 10,000 amps per service using standard 5 Amp CTs. All of the metered circuits must share a common voltage source. The MCM8364 is a great solution for monitoring critical power distribution equipment and provides 24 different electrical metering quantities plus an additional nine Modbus register alarms. With one RS-485 connection, the multi-circuit meter provides Modbus RTU communications output that communicates to each individual metered circuit. Up to 30 multi-circuit meters can be addressed on the same Modbus network. The multi-circuit meter can provide warnings to the central monitoring computer via its Modbus output using the MNode software provided or can be integrated into PowerLogic SMS software. The MCM also works with the submeter display as shown below. Electrical Data: Energy Consumption (kWHr), Real Power (kW), Reactive Power (kVAR), Apparent Power (kVA), Power Factor Total, Voltage, L-L, avg. of 3 phases, Voltage, L-N, avg. of 3 phases, Current, average of 3 phases, Real Power (kW) phase A, B, & C, Power Factor, phase A, B,&C, Line to Line Voltage, phase A-B, B-C, A-C, Line to Neutral Voltage, phase

4 A-N, B-N, C-N, Current, phase A, B, & C, Frequency (measured from phase A) (Hz). 3-phase, 4-wire Modbus Alarms: (with neutral current wiring) Over Voltage, Under Voltage, Over Current, Under Current, Over kVA, Under kVA, Phase Loss A, Phase Loss B, Phase Loss C POWER MONITORING AND Table 4.30: Catalog No. Description $ Price MCM8364 Multi-Circuit Meter 8364 1863.00 CONTROL PowerLogic Submeter Display The PowerLogic Submeter Display (SMD) is a comprehensive electrical submetering display that provides a view of electrical parameters from multiple metering products with one networked LCD. In addition to viewing system data on the display itself, you can also view data on a remote PC via a network connection. Touch pad buttons provide a convenient way to view downstream devices on the power-monitoring network. The display is RS-485 Modbus RTU compatible. It has additional RS-485 and RS-232 Modbus ports for networking to additional displays or to a master PC. The submeter display is compatible with the following metering devices: BCM, MCM, & Enercept® meters. Table 4.31: Catalog No. Description $ Price SMD Submeter display mounted in enclosure 725.00 Submeter Display SMD OEM OEM style submeter display, no enclosure 595.00

4-16 PL1 Discount © 2009 Schneider Electric Schedule All Rights Reserved All Rights Reserved All Rights Electric © 2009 Schneider capability provideleading industry integrationcapability Slave, DNP 3.0, Modbus TCP) and a unique gateway multi-protocol communications (Modbus RTU, Master, Multi-port, (serial, optical,internal modem, Ethernet) plus energy consumers. utility personnel, grid operators, or immediatelyand it andshare with Analyze data from across your grid automation, SCADA, and billing applications. PowerLogicpowerf ION8600 isa the set, feature unmatched an and I/O, extensive With the flexibility ofIONtec hnology, multipleformfactors, PowerLogic ul deviceinsubstation ® PowerLogic Inside Sales at1-866-466-7627. Sales Inside PowerLogic Square D PowerLogic Solutions for Utilities For price & informati ordering For price • • • applications Typical interface. network flexibility,co communications fromcommercialandindustrial acquisition fastandeasy.PrimeReadsoftwareoffersmorethanjustlarge-scaledata information system corporate IT with exchange data makes automated PrimeRead softwareisamulti-vendor, Software PrimeRead utility solutionsresi PowerLogic Square D • • • • • utilities address: party systemsorcombinedwithcompatible combinationofcapabiliti offer a arehighqual advancedrevenuemeters PowerLogic's • • • • • challenges. For many years, regulatedutili Formanyyears, challenges. the utilityindustry channels asyourorganizationevolves. channels andeasyscalabilitysoyou fast payback Cost-effective PowerLogic system Cost-effective PowerLogic t theyneedtomeet information and scalablemeters proven, have utilizedour system. system. PowerLogic meters and software can also be used and load curtailment more. suppliers andconsumers, plus The PowerLogic ION8600meter billingusedtobecan manage electricity contracts for energy Service entrance metering additional capabilities areavailablecombined whenPowerLogic with ION Enterprise software. Waveform recording, transient detection,sag/sw analysis quality Power and overloading. A PowerLogic solutionprovides tools the to prot monitoring Substation MV-90 support andintegration into SCADA. PowerLogic provides high-accuracy meter informati grid metering and revenue Transmission optimize distributionassets, profit and from freeopportunities market Provide key personnel with energy information to make analytical and strategic business decisions, Improve revenue metering, billingand accuracyreportand ensure onregulatory compliance Provide value-addedservices thatenhance customer relationships Manage wholesale energy transactionsgeographicalwide across areas Maximize competitiveness,reliabilit increase Perform validation, estimating and editing Enable meter data managementAMI for Implement C&Idatacollectionwithmore ® PowerLogic delivers complete,cutting- delivers PowerLogic 's most demanding metering, billing and information management andinformationmanagement metering, billing 's mostdemanding on, contact your local Power local your contact on, es unmatched in the industry. Whether integrated withthird- integrated Whether industry. inthe es unmatched heir organization's business goals. business heir organization's web reporting,sub-metering loadservices, management andmuch s enable energy providers to: energy providers s enable nfigurable data validation and a true Windows datavalidationandatrue nfigurable flexibility, scalabilityreliability and can add metering points and communications communications and points can addmetering st obsolescenceandar ties, ESCOs andderegulat (C&I) metering devices though. It provides It provides (C&I) meteringdevicesthough. y, streamlineoperations, andimproveservice PowerLogic software, Square Dcanhelp Square software, PowerLogic ect valuable equipment fromfaults, disturbances, software toobtaintheaccurate,real-time ell, symmetrical components and many more s for billing, operations and customer and s forbilling,operations as part of a demand response/load curtailment on for grid-wide billing applications and offers edge web-enabled solutions formanyof web-enabledsolutions edge data collectionsoftwareforutilitiesthat data ity, flexible and scalable devicesthat flexibleandscalable ity, Logic Sales Specialist or or Specialist Sales Logic Solutions forUtilities Solutions e engineered to provide provide e engineeredto ed energy providers ed energyproviders 4-17

POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL All Rights Reserved © 2009 © 2009 Schneider Electric ions address the needs ice that is the industry's for better understanding Energy load analysis load Energy forecasting bill and budgeting Energy and load curtailment Demand response management program management program pricing Real-time lets users module Real-Time Pricing EPO's with future for accounts data see interval data that multiply and pricing information, a price stream. against lication. Thiseasy to use flexible, system ation, freely accessible to all customers accessible to all customers ation, freely s’ growing for information. It also need Applications: • • • • • s byproviding the information they need to erful configuration opt available users to at their convenience,24/7, ine gives first-time functionality an users t control what they can’t enablesmeasure. EPO ndustrial energy managing energy customers, easy-to-maintain tool es energy. Theyes energy. then can take steps reduce costs to customers get the most current information. line web-hosted(EPO) is a serv fromreal-time pricing (RTP) or load which to administer measures, investing in more efficient equipment, or on, contact your local PowerLogic Sales Specialist or or load curtailment programs. PowerLogic Energy Profiler Online Profiler Energy PowerLogic Estimated bills and rate comparisons rate and bills Estimated programs curtailment and response Demand RTP programs Alarming tool Administration Data access and analysis reporting Automated -- • • • • • Key features: • • PowerLogic Inside Sales at 1-866-466-7627. For price ordering informati & of more sophisticated users. The service is and regular updates ensure that extremely short learning curve, while its pow curtailment programs. onl EPO's instinctive customer usage patterns andcustomer usage patterns meeting customer provides a convenient platform and internal users. Forand internal commercial and i costs is objective,the primary but they can’ conservation by implementing participating in new pricing turns customer usage data actionableinto inform energy cost to take control of their customers understand their organization us how provides an intuitive, For the utility, EPO PowerLogic Energy Profiler Online Energy Profiler PowerLogic PowerLogic Energy Profiler On data foremost load visualization andanalysis app and forecasting Comparison statistics display statistics Comparison ® Typical comparison graph showing time of usage of time showing graph comparison Typical Bill estimates provide valuable information for budgeting budgeting for information valuable provide estimates Bill 4-18 PowerLogic POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL All Rights Reserved All Rights Electric © 2009 Schneider EGX400Ethernet Gateway offersinto youa“window” your EGX100 lets the Administ the lets EGX100 setup pages byusergroups power equipment PowerLogic DIN rail mounting solution. rator assignaccessto rator Builtprovide intabs easy EGX100 Ethernet Ethernet EGX100 Gateway ® applications: providefast,reliabl Components multi-site From asinglebuildingto forhigh-speed Communications • • • • • • • • Advantages • • providing directconn areavail Gateways Ethernet PowerLogic • • • • available for download fordownload available utility.The software gateway inthiswizard-based usersimplyidentifie intervention.The user with minimal ECC21,PM8ECC) (EGX400, Ethernetgateways toPowerLogic web pages (WPG)creat WebPageGenerator The PowerLogic PowerLogic WebPageGenerator 4.32: Table monitoring information av monitoring information ietase nshdldbss email x x x 1 1 x Manual FTP to ExcelExport via web query x basis transfer scheduled File on Interval data Data Historical Logging pages custom defined User Interval logging/trends x Comprehensive meter reading Gateway administration setup Maintenance/diagnostics Web page generation tool x Integral web server Fiber (100Mb) (10/100) UTP Ethernet Serial: RS232/485 configurable RS485 Serial: Ports Serial: Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII (EGX100 only), JBUS, PowerLogic (SY/MAX) Ethernet: HTTP, FTP, Modbus TCP/IP, SMTP, Protocols PowerEthernet Over source) power external (from control 24Vdc Control Power devices. via intranet/internet.access Eachgateway supportsModbus32 upto or PowerLogic protocol Open platform provides broad connectivity—Modbus communicationswiring andnetwork management costs. Cost-effective, high-speed communications—Use Secure-Customizable, password-protectedconfiguration. accessto downtime. Easymaintain—Field to upgradable firmwarefeatures letsnewyou add reducing whilecostly Web interface. Easytroubleshoot—Detailed to diagnosti Hyperterminal. Easy tosetup—No special software required. C systems tobebetterutiliz managed by real-time andhistorical intervaldatalogging/tre repeaters) and includes the ability to e-mail hist The EGX400serialtwohas ports providing Et configurationdiagnostics. and installationby eliminating thefor need power mountedpackage. Enabled Power overEthernet by (PoE IEEE 802.3af), the EGX100 simplifies The EGX100provides low-cost, reliable, Ethernet to automation Factory Building automation Power distribution Energy management Extended temperature range— -25 to 70°C enables operation in harsh environments. interface canroute to 16remoteTCP/IP Modbus in based system to Ethernet. For example, a bu Subnet initiated communications—The gateway supports PL1 Schedule Discount ection to Ethernet-Modbus ection to ailable over local and wide area networks. areanetworks. wide ailable overlocaland e serial to Ethernet connectivity in the most demanding demanding connectivityinthemost toEthernet e serial Type NP(I2,ST,TP D,IM,APxx x SNMP (MIB2), SNTP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, ARP enterprise, PowerLogic Web-Enabled Network Network Web-Enabled PowerLogic enterprise, ing EthernetInternet and technologies. access tocriticalinformation access cs for communicationports through a able in two models-EGX100 and EGX400 - andEGX400 twomodels-EGX100 able in s the serialdevices c s the Web-Enabled Network Components ilding management system with a Modbusilding serial witha system management suppliesa Web-based plusprovides interface for hernet accessto 64serialwith devices(more nding informationelectrical allowing distribution orical data plus provide browser-based accessto onfiguration viaMicrosoft Internet Explorer or ® existing LANinfrastructure reduce to terfacessupporting to up 128serial-line devices. /TCP networks to make energy and power and power to makeenergy networks /TCP serial-line connectivity inacompact, DIN-rail utility takes care of the rest. This utility is rest.Thisutility ofthe utility takescare TCP/IP over Ethernet allows transparent es and downloads application specific application es anddownloads a slave mode for connecting a serial-line onnected totheEthernet G10EGX400 EGX100 5.02460.00 950.00 11 xx x x x x x 32 devices 1 1 $ Price Class x 3030 4-19

POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL PowerLogic® Engineering Services

Consulting & Analysis Power System Engineering The Square D Power System Engineering team offers a wide range of engineering services to improve the safety, efficiency and reliability of your power distribution system. The team is comprised of registered professional engineers, safety trained and equipped, to perform a variety of engineering functions. Power System Studies The Square D Power System Engineering Team provides expertise for a variety of electrical power system studies. Some of the more common system studies include… • Short-circuit analysis • Harmonic analysis • Time-current coordination • Transient analysis • Motor starting/voltage drop • Power factor correction analysis • Motor starting/torque-speed • Other system specific analysis • Safe motor re-energization Arc Flash Analysis Square D offers on-site services to perform arc flash analysis for a facility, complex, office, or campus. An Arc flash analysis is used to determine … • Flash Protection Boundary • Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) • Incident Energy Value • Low cost arc flash reduction methods • Hazard/Risk Category Features of Square D arc flash analysis include… • Time current coordination analysis showing both existing and recommended over/current device settings • Short-circuit study to ensure adequacy of equipment • Onsite verification and documentation of equipment • Arc flash labels (populated with the results of the arc flash analysis) • Arc flash label affixation • NFPA 70E—Safe Workplace Practices Training provided by OSHA authorized outreach instructors • Recommendations and solutions to reduce potential arc flash hazards Power Quality Studies Square D offers onsite power quality engineering studies and solutions to eliminate process disruptions, power system shutdowns, and equipment damage due to electrical power system disturbances. A power quality study is used to... • Determine compliance with the IEEE 519-Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems guidelines • Identify most cost-effective solution to power quality problems • Solve process disruptions due to power disturbances • Reduce economic effects of poor power quality • Identify disturbances originating on electric utility system and improvements to reduce the number and severity Power System Assessment Square D offers engineering services to meet a variety of power system needs … • Basic codes and standards compliance • Electrical safety hazards • Protective coordination assessment • Short-circuit withstand overview • Maintenance program review • Single-line documentation of power system • Recommendations for power system optimization • Power monitoring recommendations • Power quality troubleshooting and analysis • Loading measurements • Power factor and harmonics analysis Power System Improvement Projects Square D offers engineering services for … • New equipment installation • Existing equipment modification • Ground Fault Schemes for multiple source distribution systems • High Resistance Grounding (HRG) Conversion 4 • Automatic Transfer Control Schemes & Generator Operations Square D professional engineers - safety trained and equipped - will listen to your concerns and goals, define the problem or enhancement, and engineer the solution that best satisfies your needs.

POWER MONITORING AND For additional information on power system engineering services and pricing, contact your nearest Square D/Schneider Electric office. Industrial Energy Efficiency

CONTROL Schneider Electric Certified Energy Managers (CEM’s) work on-site with knowledgeable plant personnel to develop a long-term, comprehensive, “Energy Action Plan”, that serves as the blueprint for energy savings. Unlike performance contracts or one-time energy audits, the Total Energy ControlSM program offers a strategic partnership for energy- intensive industrials who want to improve energy efficiency. • Total Energy Control – Comprehensive integration of all three areas affecting energy efficiency — Procurement (electricity and gas) — Demand management — Optimization of process and plant utilities • Program deliverables: — Long-term Energy Action Plan — Energy efficiency projects — Ongoing accountability for results

4-20 © 2009 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved All Rights Reserved All Rights Electric © 2009 Schneider for realtimefor monitoringpower of systems. PowerLogic Engineers providesolutions graphic operational requirements. your meet that systems control PowerLogicEngineers designpower Supply Systems (EPSS). designsetup andEmergency of Power PowerLogic Engineers specializeinthe PowerLogic ® Preservation. andLoad Shaving, ThrowoverSchemes,LoadShedding/Peak covers Automatic yoursystemreliabi solutions foraddressing optimal performance. wecanintegrat systems, control and automatic greater safety, reliability, and energy efficienc safety,reliability,andenergy greater for power applications. Ourtotalsolutions Electric Schneider pr Solutions Engineered • • • • • • • • informationaln objectives and existingsystemtobestac your upgrade SquareDEngineeringServices Our Engineering and Design System Integration System • • • Electricengi Schneider EnergyEfficiency and Reliability increased for solutions Automated Power System Control Applications • • • • analysis and testing reporting, Monitoring Applications Efficiency andEnergy Increased Reliability EnergyEfficiency and Reliability Increased Power Monitoring Applications For additionalinformation,contactyourneare • • • • • • Electric is your total Solution provider. Electric isyourtotalSolution Solutions All ofourEngineered and needs. system requirements Monitoringand leaderinPower industry APM Active PagerModule electrical and piped utilities (Wat can provide instantaneous readings, alarmnotific WAGES Water,Air Gas, Electric, Steam a the causeof pinpointing a root-causeModule is toolanalysisfor rapid responsefor problem resolutionthatideal for is SER Sequence of Events Recording automatic transfer switches and generators. information regardingthe healthofand status EPSS Emergency Power Supply Systems Custom Software, Reports & Applications – Billing and Paging Interactive Graphic Design to mimic facility layout, one-lines, equipment status Configured Workstations, UserSoftware Interfaces PartyThird Deviceandcommunicationinterfaces Turn-key project management On-Site Installation Assistance, ComponentConfiguration &Startup Power distribution automation Metering Connection Verification/Testing Enclosuredesign panelbuild and Specificationdevelopment, drawings, documentation Enterprise web-based monitoring WAGES (Water, Air,Electric, Gas, Steam) Power Monitoringand Control andDesignSystem BillofMaterial Recommendations generator capacityversus total circuit load. tosystems the greatest extend possible bymoni Load Preservation bringing large motors online across several billing kwdemand periods to avoid demand penalties. orload operatebreakers inaccordancewith user Load Shedding/Peak Shaving maintain service continuity to connected loads. Automatic Throwover Systems alphanumeric pagers, cell phonesandPCs. ovides an engineered solu ovides anengineered – Fastacting sophisticated control sys neers providePowerSystemContro . Schneider monitori . SchneiderElectricpower service disruption in very large complex power systems. large complexpowerservice disruption invery – The PowerLogic ActivePager Module allowsautomaticpagingto eeds. With expertise in electr in eeds. Withexpertise capabilities for your systems and related components. systemsandrelated foryour capabilities are tailoredtoyourspecific –Control peak demand levels or ensure service continuity to critical er, Air, Gas, Electric,er, Air,Gas, Steam). – Automatic selection of available utility or generator sources to solution specialistscanwo solution – The PowerLogic Sequence of Events Recorder (SER) hieve your energy and power management management yourenergyandpower hieve Control Systems, we understandyourpower we Control Systems, – PowerLogic energy and power management systems monitoring and power system controls allow controls allow system monitoring andpower are key results produced from our Power produced fromourPower keyresults are – The PowerLogic EPSS Test Report provides provides Report Test EPSS PowerLogic – The lity andefficiencycontrolneeds.Ouroffer thesystem, emergencysupply power including y ofyourpowersyst st Square D / Schneider Electricoffice. /Schneider st SquareD toring frequency and power sourcesfrom utility plus tion approach to your specific power system specificpower tion approachtoyour ations, and graphical diagrams for monitoring e, install, and commission yoursystemfor e, install,and specifiedand sequences tems designed to stabilize critical powerto stabilize tems designed critical systemrequirements.Schneider ng applications providedetailed ng applications ical systems,communications, l Applications with automated withautomated Applications l Engineering Services rk withyoutodesignor ems. Asalongstanding time delays suchas 4-21

POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL All Rights Reserved © 2009 © 2009 Schneider Electric it installations. Our it installations. ffer a wide range of for designs receive professionally crafted, factory to simplify retrof are available for a wide variety of ure Type 3R, UL & CUL 508A Listed h 1-4 devices per panel also available also available panel per devices h 1-4 Indoor (Type 12) & Outdoor (Type 4) applications & Outdoor (Type 12) Indoor 1 & 12) & Outdoor (Type 3R (Type & applications 4) 1 & 12) & Outdoor terminal blocks, disconnects and shorting blocks shorting and disconnects blocks, terminal improve the speed of your system startup. speed of your system improve the All onment details (Corrosive or Non-Corrosive) (Corrosive details onment al Outputsal Inputs Analog Analog Outputs & Ethernet Communications are options for all units for options are Communications & Ethernet Ethernet Communications options available. options Communications Ethernet ee-standing system. With or wallmounted Engineering Services Engineering and universal pad-lockable latch. pad-lockable and universal adle type (i.e. GE, Westinghouse, etc.) Westinghouse, GE, (i.e. type adle pe 1, UL & CUL 508A Listed s (Magelis), and Human Machine Interfaces (HMI’s) with Custom Custom with (HMI’s) Human Machine Interfaces and s (Magelis), quality of excellence. standard Factory Assembled Enclosures o ® ® Enclosures,Factory Assembled you’ll ® PowerLogic ® Digital & Analog Input and Output requirements and Output Input & Analog Digital per enclosure Quantity Device Type and Requirements Communication Serial and Ethernet cr existing need Retrofits, For Drawout Input Status Monitoring & Alarming Panels & Alarming Monitoring Status Input Panels Control Annunciator Remote Panels Control Operator Remote Systems Wireless Cellular and Ethernet, Serial, Systems. Management Energy for UPS’s) Switches, (Servers, Equipment Network Rach and Server Touch Screen PC’s, Industrialized (Type – Indoor environment any to fit Designed and Envir or Outdoor) type (Indoor Enclosure (AC)) Current (DC) Alternating or and Type (Direct Current Level Voltage System Power Available with 1 meter per panel. Serial & Serial panel. per 1 with meter Available configurations. 76S and 39S 36S, 35S, 9S, Form Supports CTs mounted remote for available Options CTs type bar integrated, for available Options Optional Test Switch. Panels Control Transfer Switchgear Panels Control Generator Panels Control Shed Load Panels (SER) Events Recording of Sequence Panels Mimic System Control Panels Interface Control Lighting Data Relay Control, Standby, (Hot Panels Control (PLC) Controller Logic Programmable etc. ...) Concentration Panels Control (EPSS) Systems Supply Power Emergency Panels Monitoring (WAGES) and Steam Electrical, Air, Gas, Water, System Graphics. Supports Single or Multiple Voltage Sources for for Sources Voltage Multiple or Single Supports Serial 1 per panel. with 4 meters - Available EGX & ION RTU Enclosures wit Communication ION6200 and ethernet), PM820 (with PM710, PM210, types: meter the following for Available (Type 1) applications. Indoor only for Source Voltage Single Supports units. all for standard are Communications Serial panel. per meters 12 1 - with Available option. this for is available I/O or Analog No Digital Outputs Digital 4 and Inputs Digital 3 to up with only, ION8600 for Available applications. 3R) (Type Outdoor & Indoor for only Source Voltage Single Supports cover. removable Type with Ring Units are Assemblies include meters & devices wired to to wired devices & meters include Assemblies : to voltage any Tailored system — Wye & 600/347V — 480/277V 208/120V, Delta & 600V — 480V 240V, enclosure. the of back levels the voltage in holes for higher of PT's concealed required using Utilization install to easy and mountable Wall quick and easy installation for hardware and mounting necessary documentation with Complete coat finish powder 61 gray ANSI standard industry with construction, steel Carbon door, hinged concealed with Equipped all units. for available nameplates Custom engraved Available Meter Types Available Inputs Digital Digit PM 810, 820, 850 & 870 & 850 820, PM 810, Meter / 11 Up to & 3350 3250 CM & 4000T 4250 CM ION 6200 / Meter 7 to Up 7350 & 7330 ION 7300, / Meter 4 Up to / Meter 8 to Up / Meter 4 Up to 7650 & ION 7550 / Meter 2 to Up Meter / 16 Up to / Meter 5 to Up / Meter 7 to Up / Meter 4 to Up N/A / Meter 7 to Up / Meter to 2 Up N/A / Meter 1 to Up / Meter 4 to Up / Meter 4 to Up / Meter to 1 Up / Meter to 4 Up / Meter 2 to Up / Meter to 4 Up N/A N/A N/A Factory AssembledEnclosures metering, communications,and control applications are designedenclosures a fr to order as PowerLogic • • • • • • • • • • • For additional information and pricing please contact your local PowerLogic sales specialist orPowerLogic Inside Sales Support at 1-866-466-7627. Enclosure pricing and literature available for download on website our at To better serve you please have the following information on hand when calling. • • • • • • • products order to engineered Additional • • • • • • • • • • • • Light Industrial Enclosure Ty • • • • ServiceEntrance/Utility Socket Enclos • • • design solutions. • • • • • • • Table 4.33: Industrial Enclosure Types 12, & 4, UL & CUL 508A Listed Square D tested, pre-wired enclosures that will greatly enclosures that tested, pre-wired backed by the Square D ® 4-22 PowerLogic POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL al 4.34: Table and Canada. sites acrosstheUS D Square of at avariety offer training We labworkstation. havingtheirown student each hands-on, with tr of trainingcentersofferavariety Our Support Technical Power Management Power Management University All Rights Reserved All Rights Electric © 2009 Schneider system performance analysis and correction. Scope performsoftware upgrades,updates tocustom On site maintenance includes pre-scheduled On-Site MaintenanceOption ofany engineer PREMSUP serv maintenanceprovidesreal-time time Real Option Maintenance Time Real • • Option Support 7x24 Options: Support Additional • • • • • . . you to need when Support Premium Choose toyour site Assigned Technician Sr. Premium Support: Pr Site Training PowerLogicCustomer ION Enterprise Fundamentals PowerLogic Enterprise ION PowerLogic ION CoreClasses PowerLogic ION Training Site Customer Manager System Customer Site Training Regional SMS OverviewBundle (Includes 3000PLUC120CR) SEPAM M.V. Industrial Regional SMS Overview Energy Managementwith AdvancedReporting Power Critical and Power Quality Target ApplicationCourses PowerLogic SMSAdministrator PowerLogic System Installation & Troubleshooting PowerLogic SMSfundamentals Bundle (Includes 3000PLUC120CR) PowerLogicClasses Core SMS PowerLogic Fundamentals Correspondence Courses Systems PowerLogic SMS PowerLogic ION Enterprise Refresher PowerLogic Enterprise ION PowerLogic Program OverviewION OverviewPowerLogic Enterprise ION Administrator PowerLogic Enterprise ION Programmer PowerLogic Enterprise ION PowerLogic SMSfundamentals troubleshooting. Additionally, 4-hour response (max)forremoteconnection customer to system foradvanced PowerLogic 7x24 support provides 1-hour phone res Anticipateand communicate necessarychange Take advantageremote ofsoftware upgrade capabilities and objectives Obtain personalized servicestailor knowledge and know-how with you Partner with technical expertshelpwho coordinate identification, solutions recommendations and change management skills Enhance your PowerLogic SMS and ION system's operation with single-sourced pro-active problem Systems RelayApplications PowerLogic iority + Proactive System Checks + SystemChecks iority Proactive + issuesimmediately. ed toed your business environment aining courses designedtoimproveyour aining ® Priority Support: Excellent Service, Free toreceive ways areseveral There • • • • • includes... Support systems. greatsupport providedtoSMSandIONsys Now the Priority Support: Tenant Metering • • • • • Course Course No. $ $ Tuition Course No. Course visitsengineerssystem byPowerLogic who customer’s help. Remote diagnostics support engineertroubleshootcan Proactivenotification software of fixes servicepacksand PowerLogic Hoursservice of 7:30amto 7pmUSCentral time non-urgent requests from highly trained support engineers. emailDirect (4-hr responsetime)toll-free and 8 Improvedproductivity andpersonal efficiencythe on job Higher reliability More efficient PowerLogic SMS and ION system utilization access toexpertiseDirect LatestPowerLogicSMSsoftware andION upgradesensure to up-to-date systems graphic screens, device firmware upgrades, and er monitoring to proactively alert assigned toproactivelyalert monitoring er support, provide hands-on assistance,share and ponse by senior support engineer during off-hours. of workisdetermined bycustomer request. ® Tenant Metering softwareupgradesat nocharge PL1T have two main training centers located in Nashville, TN andVi TN inNashville, have twomaintrainingcenterslocated for quick issue resolution for quickissue Schedule Discount top qualitysupporton tal energymanagementskills.Ourinstructo tal 00 number support forprompt responseto urgent or Software Upgrades,Trai Software any issues ofany issuesTMS system the remotely withoutthe • • • • … include Services EX Portal. WEB secure our system by performing remote performance in your PowerLogic SMS and ION Let expert Square Dtechniciansensure high-quality eServices Remote • • tems is now available for Tenant Metering Metering availableforTenant tems isnow 3000PMUREFRESH PowerLogic products: E-mailingmaintenancescorecard system & — PowerLogic orION Software Checks - — & Network Disk Space, Hard- Checks PC — SoftwareUpdates -Patches &Upgrades — Remote, Online SystemMaintenance GraphicalDevelopment Screen historicalalarming & trending System device setup & configuration along with Installations, upgrades, & software patches Power Quality(PQ)AnalysisUsage &Energy features software system on One-on-one training 3000PMUCPROG 3000PLUC120CR 3000PMUADMIN 3000PMUPROG 3000PMUFUND 3000PLUCSITE 3000PMUCION 3000PLU1SEP 3000PMUSITE 3000PLUCSite 3000PLUC195 3000PLUC190 3000PLUC230 3000PLUC140 3000PLUC300 3000PLUC100 3000PLUC205 3000PLUC200 recommendations Execution Communications,Data Logging, &Task DB Configurations, Viruses, etc. Engineering Services ning Discounts &More! Discounts ning , online services through , online services r led courses are 70% r ledcoursesare70% ctoria, BC and ctoria, BC By Quote By Quote By Quote 1200.00 2150.00 2050.00 1800.00 1400.00 1400.00 2150.00 2150.00 2350.00 2150.00 1200.00 1800.00 2150.00 2150.00 2150.00 350.00 4-23

POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL All Rights Reserved © 2009 © 2009 Schneider Electric rding, last trip fault values, V, E, P, PF, THD, vector on for dual mains and and and ties dual mains on for characteristic curves curves characteristic Rear communication port for interface to optional to optional interface for port Rear communication modules communications features 20 Series all Includes display bitmap Backlit LCD graphic of protection basic for 4”deep) (< footprint standard Compact (Voltage) Bus Motor, Transformer, Mains/Feeders, Applications overcurrent 16 inverse time and creation file offline with software Setting relay to download reco of fault Tworecords 86 cycle faults of analysis for information diagnostic trip Provides and relay of operation correct ensures diagnostic Self-test protection of integrity inputs power of control Wide range operation. for required training minimal operation Display Transformer, Main/Feeder, design for specific Application zones (Voltage) Bus Motor, improved protection (ZSI) interlocking selective Zone coordination Modbus to optional interface for port Rear communication optional module, plus dual port modules, communications optics and also fiber DNP3 and IEC60870-5-103, protocols architecture Modular diagnostics Breaker input (logic settings protection of current Two groups hazard during arc-flash allow reduced to selectable) operation maintenance Standard footprint for enhanced protection of Mains/Feeders, Mains/Feeders, of protection enhanced for footprint Standard Bus Applications Capacitor, Generator, Motor, Transformer, transformer machine or transformer of protection Differential units and generators of motors protection Differential including feeders important and and ties mains for Protection schemes transfer pre-programmed I, metering capabilities Increased diagram Logipam for (an option capabilities equation logic Expanded logic) PLC ladder optional assistance, graphical with software Setting display mimic-based data waveform fault and historical for backup Battery power DC control wide range retention, optional communication rear Two features 40 Series and 20 Series all Includes enhanced for 4”deep) (< footprint standard Compact Generator Motor, Transformer, Mains/Feeders, of protection Applications protecti overcurrent Directional loop feeders closed PF P, E, V, I, inputs voltage and Current assistance equation logic Boolean with software Setting CT/VT supervision and Trip Circuit and last reports, 5 trip last recording, fault seconds of Sixteen alarms 200 time-tagged retained alarms time-tagged 64 last and

• • 20Sepam SeriesFeatures Relay • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sepam Series 80 SeriesSepam Features Relay • • • • • • • • • • 40Sepam Series Relay Features • • • • • • Capacitor Bank Capacitor



Generator Motor

M87 G87 M88 G88 Transformer

T40 M41 G40

(Substation) Feeder or main or Feeder S23 T23 M20 G40 B80 C86 S42 S42 T42S82 T82 G82 S23 T23 M20 G82 G40 S41 B80 T42 M41 G82 S23 T23 M20 G40 S40 T40 M41 G40 B21 S41 T82 M81 G82S81 B83 ect. The Sepam family also ect. The Sepam family digital I/O, analog output or ive self-testing provides year worldwide history.year worldwide protection relays, Series 20, protection relays, The 64x128 bit, graphic LCDThe 64x128 Radial 46) 51N, (51, (67N) feeders Long Closed loop 67) (67N, S41[transf] mains Parallel (67N, 67) [sources] Sync-check required M41 (25)(67N, 67) Solid or low/high impedance (51N) Ungrounded or (67N/NC) compensated Feeder Basic [Transf][Motor] Voltage/frequency (27/59/81) ROCOF (81R) Fdr/Main[Transf] Advanced [Motor][Gen] Thermal overload (49)- cable S84Thermal O/L bank capacitor (49)- B22 Differential (87T)Differential Machine (87M) differential T87 Machine- differential unit transformer IS23T23M20 V, f E P, f, V, I, EP, f, V, V, I, E P, F, I, V, I, THD-VTHD-I, type same of RTDs <8 2 types or 16) (< > 8 RTDs S40 RTDs of T40 M418 O I / 10 < G40 S80 B80 T23 / 23 O 42 I < O and 8 I / > 10 T81 S80 M20 T87 M81 G40 T81Control matrix G82 M87 M81 G87 B80 G82 editor equation Logic B80 softwareLadder-logic port1 Modbus S23 S40 T23 T40 B83 S80 ports2 Modbus M20 S23 M41 T81 G40 G40 T23 M81 B21 B2 B80 1 M20 G82 G40 B80 B21 S23 T23 S80 M20 T81 G40 M81 B21 G82 B80 criterion. Criteria Selection Protection Network Network structure Grounding system Metering Temperature I/Os logic Program customization Modbus communication Note: with compliant types device complex least depict table in Units Table 4.35: Select Quick Guide 80, 40, and 20 Series 20 and 40, 80, The Sepam family of digital 40 and 80, is a of Sepam relay, the newest generation product with a 20- time tested Modular and easy future relay design allows quick upgrades to communications, temperature acquisition. display and 20 and relay setting of Series keypad permit 40 without a PC. Comprehens assurance prot of readiness to has exceptional withstand to environmental electromagnetic disturbances. An optional 128 x 240 LCD display for the Series 80 relay can show an animated one-line with front panel control. (A Suffix) (A Suffix) (A Series 20 Series Series 80 Series (A Suffix) (A Series 40 Series Advanced Display Advanced Advanced Display Advanced Display 4-24 Sepam™ Series Digital POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL Table 4.37: Series 40/20Applications Series 4.37: Table 80Applications Series 4.36: Table All Rights Reserved All Rights Electric © 2009 Schneider oe Numerals in table indicate number of protection setpoints Note: elsr( yls 79 81L 81R 27/27S 47 59N 27S 27 cycles) (4 Recloser Rate of change of frequency Underfrequency 27D Negative sequenceovervoltage voltageNeutral displacement Undervoltage Phase-to-neutral undervoltage Phase-to-phase undervoltage Positive sequence undervoltage Synchronism-check 64REF 51C Restricted ground fault unbalance bank Capacitor vrrqec 81H 59 /Thermostat Buchholz 27R 66 Temperature monitoring (8 or 16 RTDs) 37 Overfrequency 27D/47 Overvoltage 48/51LR/14 50BF 32Q/40 32P undervoltage Remanent Positive 46 sequence undervoltage per hour Starts Excessive time, lockedstarting rotor Phase undercurrent 50V/51V Thermal overload Directional reactive overpower Directional active overpower Directional ground fault Directional phase overcurrent Negative sequence / unbalance failure Breaker 81L Ground fault / Sensitive ground fault 81H Voltage-restrained overcurrent Phase overcurrent 81R 59 47 59N 27 27R 24 Temperature monitoring (16 RTDs) /Thermostat Buchholz 21B cycles) (4 Recloser 27D 78PS 50/27 Rate of change of frequency Underfrequency Overfrequency Negative sequenceovervoltage 50V/51V 66 voltageNeutral displacement Overvoltage (L-L or L-N) L-N) or (L-L Undervoltage undervoltage Remanent 40 37 Positive 27TN/64G2/64G sequence undervoltage Overfluxing (V /Hz) fault ground stator undervoltage/100% harmonic Third Inadvertent energization 48/51LR 37P Underimpedance 32Q Voltage-restrained 32P overcurrent 87M points) set (2 Underspeed Overspeed (2set points) Pole slip Field loss (underimpedance) per hour Starts time,Excessive lockedstarting rotor 87T 50BF Phase undercurrent Directional active underpower 49RMS Directional 49RMS reactive overpower Directional active overpower Directional ground fault 46 Directional phase overcurrent Machine differential Two-winding transformer differential overloadThermal for capacitors overloadThermal for machines overloadThermal for cables Negative sequence / unbalance failure Breaker Ground fault / Sensitive ground fault Phase overcurrent e d c b a Option MCS025module synchcheckRequires module RTDInput MET1482 Requires Requires MES120 I/O module Protection functions with 2groups of settings a a a b d b b a a Protection Protection b b a a a Sepam Series c a a a 25 50G/51G 50N/51N 38/49T 26/63 79 14 12 67N/67NC 67 49RMS 50/51 Application ANSI Application ANSI 26/63 49RMS 67N/67NC 67 50G/51G 50N/51N 50/51 38/49T Application ANSI Code Code 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 C86 B83 B80 G88 G87 G82 M88 M87 M81 T87 T82 T81 S84 S82 S81 S80 e e 2 2 1 8 8 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 S23 e 1 1 4 4 e e 2 2 2 2 2 1 8 8 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 S40 e 4 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 4 4 e e 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 8 8 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 S41 e 4 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 4 eeee e 4222 2 2222 2222 222 2 2222 1111 8888 8888 2 4444 2222 2222 2222 4444 2444 2222 eee eee 4 2 4 T42 T40 T23 S42 222 222 e 444222111222222222 1 22 22 2122 1111 4444 4444 eee eee 222 2 1 e e e e 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 8 8 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 e e e 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 8 8 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 eeee eeee ee eeee ee 2222 1111 1111 1 1 1 1111 2222 2222 11 2222 2222 1111 8888 8888 4444 2222 2222 2222 4444 4444 2222 M20 e 1 1 1 2 1 4 4 eee 222 222 111 111 222 2 222 22 4 G40 M41 ee 44 22 11 22 22 22 1 2 1 1 1 22 11 11 2 22 11 44 44 1 Selection Table Selection 1 e 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 1 8 8 B21 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 e 44 22 22 22 44 22 22 44 22 11 88 88 B22 4-25 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 e 8 2

POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL 36.20 51.00 78.00 67.00 67.00 55.00 695.00 637.00 719.00 750.00 131.00 116.00 235.00 770.00 770.00 770.00 616.00 595.00 785.00 398.00 398.00 578.00 578.00 771.00 378.00 709.00 543.00 205.00 191.00 398.00 430.00 415.00 3023.00 3439.00 3870.00 3272.00 4118.00 3594.00 3920.00 1794.00 1957.00 2319.00 2264.00 2576.00 1410.00 All Rights Reserved

alog No.Price $ © 2009 © 2009 Schneider Electric SQ1T40A SQ1T42A SQ1T23A SQ1S40A SQ1S41A SQ1S42A SQ1S23A SQ1B21A SQ1B22A SQ1G40A SQ1M41A SQ1M20A

Pricing and Accessories and Pricing Ratio Adjustment (for retrofit)Ratio Adjustment (for S40 - Substation/feeder [current & voltage] & [current Substation/feeder - S40 S41 - Substation/feeder [directional grd O/C] O/C] grd & ph [directional Substation/feeder - S42 [current& voltage] T40 - Transformer Ph & Grd O/C] [Dir. T42 - Transformer O/C] Grd [Dir. Motor - M41 O/C] Volt-Restr Power, Reac & Real [Dir. - Generator G40 S23 - Substation/feeder [breakerfailure] [breaker failure] T23 - Transformer Motor - M20 (Voltage/Freq) Bus - B21 B22 - Loss of Mains (Voltage/Freq/ROCOF) odel Application Cat Discount Schedule Series 40 Series 20 PL1 3870.00 4060.00 4180.00 4780.00 4130.00 4430.00 4880.00 3540.00 3850.00 4140.00 4170.00 4520.00 5522.00 4050.00 4250.00 4125.00 Remote advanced MMI (requires cable CCA77x see below) see CCA77x cable (requires MMI advanced Remote InterposingResidualwindow CT for current input 8 temperature sensor inputmodule module output Analog software logic plc Logipam module MCS of mounting surface for plate Assembly unit base to display remote from cable 2ft window mm 120 - CT Sensor Ground 2m cable from remote display to base unit base to display remote from 2m cable unit base to display remote from 4m cable (2)RS485 2wireI/F CCA785) cable (includes module check Synch GroundSensor CT - 200 mmwindow 14 inputs + 6 outputs / 220-250Vdc/hi p.u. 220-250Vdc/hi / outputs 6 + inputs 14 p.u. Vdc/hi 110-125 / outputs 6 + inputs 14 module output / 4 Input 10 220/250V outputs 4 + inputs 10 pwr) control 24VDC ext. (requires. Module Interface 2-wire RS485 (1) RS485 2wire + (1) F/O I/F cable) s/w+CCA783 osc SFT2826 (including kit software Setting/operating Connector Current CT 5 A 1 or Connector Voltage connection relay to module communication for Cable 14 inputs + 6 outputs / 24-250Vdc / outputs 6 + inputs 14 110/125V outputs 4 + inputs 10 pwr) control 24VDC ext. (requires. Module Interface 4-wire RS485 Module Interface optic Fiber CT Sensor Ground CT for Aux. MES modulesfor blocks Terminal Cable for pc to relay connection pc to relay Cable for cable MCS025 Connector Current LPCT LPCT Current Connector Connector Current LPCT SQ1T81A SQ1T82A SQ1T87A SQ1S80A SQ1S81A SQ1S82A SQ1S84A SQ1B80A SQ1B83A SQ1C86A SQ1G82A SQ1G87A SQ1G88A SQ1M81A SQ1M87A SQ1M88A a CSH30 SFT080 ACE959 ACE937 ACE990 CCT640 2640KIT AMT840 CCA770 CSH120 CCA772 CCA774 CSH200 CCA634 CCA612 CCA783 CCA785 CCA670 CCA671 MSA141 MES114 MES120 DSM303 MCS025 ACE9492 MET1482 MES114F MES114E MES120H MES120G ACE969TP2 Catalog No. Description $ Price ACE969FO2 SFT2841KIT rsion mimic display. (add $450 to list price) list to $450 (add display. mimic rsion x x x 40/20 Series Series x xx xx xx x x xx xx xx xx xx xx x x xx xx xx xx x xx xx xx xx xx x xx xx xx x x Module b c d S80 - Substation/feeder [current & voltage] & [current Substation/feeder - S80 S81 - Substation/feeder [directional grd O/C] grd [directional Substation/feeder - S81 O/C] grd & ph [directional Substation/feeder - S82 shed] load [separation/ Substation/main - S84 [current& voltage] T81 - Transformer Ph & Grd O/C] [Dir. T82 - Transformer wdg) [Diff.-2 T87 - Transformer O/C] Grd [Dir. M81- Motor M87- Motor [Mach. Diff.] [Mach. M87- Motor M88 - Motor [Transf. Diff.] [Transf. - Motor M88 O/C] Volt-Restr Var, & Watt [Dir. - Generator G82 diff] [Mach - Generator G87 diff] [Transf - Generator G88 B80 - Bus [Main+1ph volt] volt] +3ph [Tie Bus - B83 C86 -Capacitor [4 step banks] 2xWye Includes CCA612 cable to relay rear port port rear relay to cable CCA612 Includes order 40/20 Series per recommended and order 80 Series per required kit s/w One replacement or spare as ordered be To Replace “A” suffix with “P” to select the “Pro” ve Accessory Type Series 80 Model Application No. Catalog Price $ M Series 80 Series 80 b c d a Analog I/O Cables Cables I/O Analog out) (mV CTs Sensor Ground Communication I/F Communication modules, option Other plates mounting software, Configure software spares Selected Digital Module I/O 4-26 Table 4.39: Series Accessory 80+40+20 List Table 4.38: List Price by Catalog Number Sepam Series Sepam POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL Table 4.40: Selection Example Selection 4.40: Table All Rights Reserved All Rights Electric © 2009 Schneider 8 eetfo al .6(srqie)Cni / F24KTSetting / operating software kit Analog output module (1 channel) SFT2841KIT 8 temperature sensor input module module memory Spare 2m cable from remote display to base unit 14 inputs + 6 outputs / 24-250Vdc MMS020xxx MSA141 MET1482 Synch check module (includes cable CCA785) 1 CCA772 MES120 MCS025 0 1 RS485 4-wire Interface 0 Module l 1 1 Config S/W ACE959 1 module Memory Cable for RTD I/F Modulle Analog output RTD Input Sync check (25) module 1 Digital I/O Communication module Select from Table 4.36 (as required) Select[9] from Table 4.36 (as required) Select from Table[8] 4.36 (as required) Select from Table[7] 4.36 (as required) [6] Select from Table 4.36 (as required) Select[5] from Table 4.36 (as required) Select from Table[4] 4.36 (as required) by application Spare [3] [2] Select fromTable 4.35 per system, features Table 4.32 & [1] Selection Sequenc Sepam Series Series 20Series andSeries 40 Follow these steps: Series 80 e Type Part QTY Catalog No. Description $ Price $ Description CatalogNo. QTY Type Part e .343 ea nt1S18AT87- Transformer [Diff.-2 wdg) SP1T87A 1 Relay unit 4.33/4.34 PL1 Schedule Discount Example: Selection Example Selection 4880.00 1410.00 543.00 695.00 398.00 770.00 51.00 4-27 0.00 0.00

POWER MONITORING AND 4 CONTROL PFC Capacitors Class 5810 FOR CURRENT INFORMATION Low Voltage Fixed Capacitors ReactiVar® fixed low voltage capacitors are ideally suited for power factor correction applications where the load does not change or where the capacitor is switched with the load, such as the load side of a motor starter. ReactiVar fixed capacitors are best suited for applications where there are no harmonic currents or voltages present. Features: • Environmentally friendly: ReactiVar capacitors are constructed with a dry Fixed type metalized polypropylene capacitor element with no liquid dielectrics. Capacitors are There is no risk of fluid leakage or environmental pollution and no need for a best suited for drip pan. use on • Higher overvoltage limit on Super Duty model which is suitable for lightly electrical polluted network. systems with • Low Loss, Long Life: The design features less than 0.5W/kVAR losses, no voltage or including discharge resistors. current harmonics. • Attractive finish: Capacitor units feature a textured powder paint finish, ASA 61 gray. Units are constructed of 14 gauge steel and are suitable for floor or wall mounting.

Application Note: Capacitors are a low impedance path for the harmonic currents and voltages in the electrical network. This amplification can cause produced by variable frequency drives, motor soft starters, welders, computers, nuisance fuse operation and/or damage to electrical equipment PLCs, robotics and other electronic equipment. These harmonic currents can be including capacitors and other electronic devices. If power factor drawn into the capacitor causing it to overheat, shortening its life. Furthermore, the correction in the presence of harmonics is required, please contact resonant circuit formed by shunt capacitors coupled with system inductances your nearest Square D/Schneider Electric sales office for (motors and transformers) can amplify harmonic currents assistance.

Table 4.41: Unfused 480V 3 phase/60 Hz Unit Recommended copper Recommended circuit protection device Kvar rating Regular duty Indoor NEMA 1 unit Rated Current wire sized ratinga at 480V Catalog number $ Price Enclosurebc at 480V AWG Fuse Circuit breaker 6 PFCD4006 929.00 1 7.2 14 15 15 8.5 PFCD4008 1022.00 110.2122015 10 PFCD4010 1077.00 1 12122520 12.5 PFCD4012 1215.00 1 15103025 15 PFCD4015 1329.00 1 18104025 16.5 PFCD4017 1374.00 1 19.8 8 40 30 20 PFCD4020 1479.00 12485035 25 PFCD4025 1655.00 13066045 27.5 PFCD4027 1754.00 13367050 30 PFCD4030 1851.00 13667550 33 PFCD4033 1953.00 1 39.6 6 80 60 35 PFCD4035 2102.00 24249060 40 PFCD4040 2358.00 248410070 45 PFCD4045 2519.00 254411075 50 PFCD4050 2676.00 260312590 60 PFCD4060 3975.00 2722150100 65 PFCD4065 4200.00 2781175110 70 PFCD4070 4280.00 3841175125 75 PFCD4075 4434.00 3 90 1/0 200 125 80 PFCD4080 4695.00 3 96 1/0 200 150 90 PFCD4090 5217.00 3 108 2/0 225 150 100 PFCD4100 5738.00 3 120 2/0 250 175 125 PFCD4125 7148.00 4 150 250 300 225 150 PFCD4150 8556.00 5 180 300 400 250 175 PFCD4175 9561.00 5 210 400 450 300 200 PFCD4200 10565.00 5 240 500 500 350

Table 4.42: Super duty unfused 480V 3 phase/60 Hz unit Recommended copper Recommended circuit protection device Kvar rating Super duty Indoor NEMA 1 unit Rated Current wire sized ratinga at 480V Catalog number $ Price Enclosurebc at 480V AWG Fuse Circuit breaker 6 PFCDS4006 1394.00 1 7.7 14 15 15 8 PFCDS4008 1537.00 110.4122015 9.5 PFCDS4010 1621.00 111.5122520 13 PFCDS4013 1828.00 115.4103025

4 16 PFCDS4016 2000.00 119.284030 17.5 PFCDS4017 2113.00 120.884530 20 PFCDS4020 2225.00 123.185035 22.5 PFCDS4022 2358.00 226.986040 25 PFCDS4025 2490.00 230.866045 POWER MONITORING AND 27.5 PFCDS4027 2785.00 233.567050 30 PFCDS4030 2938.00 236.267560 35 PFCDS4035 3162.00 242.349070 40 PFCDS4040 3547.00 249.3410080 CONTROL 45 PFCDS4045 3789.00 353.9411080 50 PFCDS4050 4026.00 361.6312590 60 PFCDS4060 5979.00 473.12150110 70 PFCDS4070 6438.00 484.71175125 75 PFCDS4075 6670.00 4 90.1 1/0 200 150 80 PFCDS4080 7062.00 5 97.8 1/0 200 150 90 PFCDS4090 7848.00 5 107.8 2/0 225 175 100 PFCDS4100 8675.00 5 120.9 3/0 250 200 115 PFCDS4115 10034.00 5 138.6 4/0 300 225 a Consult local electrical codes for proper sizing of molded case circuit breaker frame or disconnect switch rating. b Unit size 1, 2 and 3 can be wall mounted. Order PFCDBR2 mounting bracked separately. c Refer to table 4-45 for dimensions. d Conductor should be copper and rated 90° C min. Refer to local electrical codes for proper wire size. 4-28 DE2C Discount © 2009 Schneider Electric Schedule All Rights Reserved PFC Capacitors Class 5810 FOR CURRENT INFORMATION LV Fixed Fused Capacitors with Blown Fuse Indicators In addition to the comprehensive Multiple Protection System designed into the New ReactiVar® fixed, low voltage capacitors, fused units feature a fast acting current limiting fuse in each phase. Blown fuse indicators are included as standard on indoor (NEMA Type 1) enclosure. While fuses are not required to protect the capacitor elements, external over current protection may be required by the local electrical code for protection of the conductors feeding the capacitors. Consult your local electrical code for installation instructions.

Table 4.43: Fused 480V 3 phase/60 Hz unit Recommended Recommended circuit protection Kvar rating Regular duty Indoor NEMA 1 unit Rated Current copper wire sized device ratinga at 480V Catalog number $ Price Enclosurebc at 480V AWG Fuse Circuit breaker 6 PFCD4006F 1209.00 1 7.2 14 15 15 8.5 PFCD4008F 1302.00 110.2122015 10 PFCD4010F 1361.00 1 12122520 12.5 PFCD4012F 1497.00 1 15103025 15 PFCD4015F 1611.00 1 18104025 16.5 PFCD4017F 1658.00 1 19.8 8 40 30 20 PFCD4020F 1763.00 12485035 25 PFCD4025F 1937.00 13066045 27.5 PFCD4027F 2034.00 13367050 30 PFCD4030F 2132.00 13667550 33 PFCD4033F 2280.00 1 39.6 6 80 60 35 PFCD4035F 2384.00 24249060 40 PFCD4040F 2642.00 248410070 45 PFCD4045F 2871.00 254411075 50 PFCD4050F 3099.00 260312590 60 PFCD4060F 4397.00 2722150100 65 PFCD4065F 4617.00 2781175110 70 PFCD4070F 4985.00 3841175125 75 PFCD4075F 5279.00 3901/0200125 80 PFCD4080F 5540.00 3961/0200150 90 PFCD4090F 6062.00 3 108 2/0 225 150 100 PFCD4100F 6582.00 3 120 2/0 250 175 125 PFCD4125F 7992.00 4 150 250 300 225 150 PFCD4150F 9401.00 5 180 300 400 250 175 PFCD4175F 10406.00 5 210 400 450 300 200 PFCD4200F 11409.00 5 240 500 500 350

Table 4.44: Super Duty fused 480V 3 phase/60 Hz unit Recommended Recommended circuit protection Kvar rating Super duty Indoor NEMA 1 unit Rated Current copper wire sized device ratinga at 480V Catalog number $ Price Enclosurebc at 480V AWG Fuse Circuit breaker 6 PFCDS4006F 1814.00 1 7.7 14 15 15 8 PFCDS4008F 1959.00 110.4122015 9.5 PFCDS4010F 2047.00 111.5122520 13 PFCDS4013F 2253.00 115.4103025 16 PFCDS4016F 2424.00 119.284030 17.5 PFCDS4017F 2538.00 120.884530 20 PFCDS4020F 2651.00 123.185035 22.5 PFCDS4022F 2783.00 226.986040 25 PFCDS4025F 2914.00 230.866045 27.5 PFCDS4027F 3207.00 233.567050 30 PFCDS4030F 3430.00 236.267560 35 PFCDS4035F 3586.00 242.349070 40 PFCDS4040F 3974.00 249.3410080 45 PFCDS4045F 4319.00 353.9411080 50 PFCDS4050F 4662.00 361.6312590 60 PFCDS4060F 6613.00 473.12150110 70 PFCDS4070F 7498.00 484.71175125 75 PFCDS4075F 7940.00 4 90.1 1/0 200 150 80 PFCDS4080F 8333.00 5 97.8 1/0 200 150 90 PFCDS4090F 9118.00 5 107.8 2/0 225 175 100 PFCDS4100F 9896.00 5 120.9 3/0 250 200 115 PFCDS4115F 11220.00 5 138.6 4/0 300 225 a Consult local electrical codes for proper sizing of molded case circuit breaker frame or disconnect switch rating. b Unit size 1, 2 and 3 can be wall mounted. Order PFCDBR2 mounting bracket separately. c Refer to table 4-45 for dimensions d Conductor should be copper and rated 90° C min. Refer to local electrical codes for proper wire size.

Table 4.45: Unit dimensions and weight NEMA Type 1 Enclosure dimensions Weight Size H W D No.INmmINmmINmmIb/Kg 1 31.3 795 20 508 16.88 429 78/35.5 2 43.8 1113 20 508 16.88 429 110/55 3 56.3 1430 20 508 16.88 429 146/66.4 4 43.8 1113 36 914 16.88 429 220/100 5 56.3 1430 36 914 16.88 429 300/136.4 CONTROL POWER MONITORING AND MONITORING POWER 4

© 2009 Schneider Electric DE2C Discount 4-29 All Rights Reserved Schedule PFC Capacitor Banks Class 5830 FOR CURRENT INFORMATION Low Voltage (LV) Standard AutomaticCapacitor Banks with Main Lugs or Main Breakers Main Features:

The AV4000 and AV5000 standard automatic power • Modular construction; free standing QED switchboard factor correction banks are designed for centralized power enclosures contain up to 500 kVAR per section and allow for factor correction to supply varying amounts of reactive easy future expansion power required to compensate for changing load • Standard offering available up to 400 Kvar at 208/240 Vac, conditions. The AV4000 and AV5000 banks are ideally 1000 kVAR at 480 or 600 Vac suited for facility electrical distribution systems with TDD • Main lugs or main breaker section at your choice (total harmonic current distortion) < = 5% and THD(V) • Dry capacitor element design eliminates risk of fluid leakage, (total harmonic voltage distortion) < = 3%. An advanced environmental hazard and drip pans microprocessor-based recative power controller measures • Capacitor rated contactors are designed specifically for the plant power factor via a single remote CT. Plus, it switches switching of capacitive currents and feature a patented capacitor modules in and out of service to maintain a user- capacitor precharge circuit that exceeds air-core reactor selected target power factor. transient dampening Application Assistance: • Three different microprocessor controller options provide a The AV4000 and AV5000 are choice in functionality and control sophistication suitable for use where The Schneider Correction Group provides engineering assistance for the application of • Backlit display on controller displays actual PF, alarms, harmonic generating loads number of steps energized and much more are less than 15% of the total capacitors in harmonic rich environments. Specialists at Rugged design — units are constructed with removable steel connected load. Schneider Electric can assess the likelihood of application • problems and arrange for more detailed study if required. panels over heavy gauge steel frame Solutions can include computer modeling and system • Available in Type NEMA 1 indoor and NEMA 3R outdoor simulation. Our application engineers can make all the enclosures arrangements for system studies, custom engineering, • Indoor units are finished with ASA 49 grey textured paint installation and commissioning, as required by the finish application. Contact Schneider Electric sale office for • For application up to 200 kVAR max., 480 V (main lugs, top detail equipment quotation assistance. entry only), the AV4000 offers compact and cost effective For dimension reference, see page 4-33. alternative.

Equipment specification: Voltage: 240, 480, 600 Vac standard, 208, 380, 415 Vac available Kvar rating: up to 1000 Kvar (depending on voltage rating) Ambient temperature: -5°C to 46°C Average temperature limit: <45°C within 24 hours, <35°C over 1 year Elevation: <=1800 meter Humidity: 0-95% non-condensing Overvoltage limit: 110% maximum Withstand test level: 2.15 times rated voltage or 1000 V, whichever is higher for 10s Overcurrent limit: 130% maximum Incoming: Top (standard), bottom, side. Main lug: Mechanical standard, compression optional Main breaker: PowerPact® with Micrologic® trip unit. LI standard, LSI available Enclosure rating: NEMA 1 standard, N3R available Color: ANSI 49 standard, ANSI 61, ANSI 70 optional

4 CT Selection Guide for Class 5830, 5860, 5870 Table 4.46: Main Transformer and 5880 Current Rating of Bus/Cable Window Size Main Breaker Rating Code 7" x 4" Size Code 11" x 4" Size Code Amperes c c c c External Current The current transformer is located on a phase A bus or •••• POWER MONITORING AND Transformer cable at the main service entrance as illustrated in 300 0300 07 11 Ratio XXXX/5 400 0400 07 11 Diagram 1. The CT should be sized for the maximum load 500 0500 07 11 current. The CT should be installed upstream of the 600 0600 07 11 capicator bank and plant loads to measure the combined 750 0750 07 11 CONTROL current. 800 0800 07 11 1000 1000 07 11 CT catalog number: TRAI••••SCc c where •••• is 1200 1200 07 11 current rate code of bus/cable and c c is window size 1500 1500 07 11 Sub 600 kVAR Sub Sub Sub code. Codes are listed in table 4.46. 1600 1600 07 11 Feed Automatic Feed Feed Feed 2000 2000 07 11 Capacitor e.g. TRAI1000SC07 is a CT for 1000 A bus with 7"x4" 2500 2500 07 11 Bank 3000 3000 07 11 window. 3500 3500 07 11 Single Line (Typical) 4000 4000 07 11 Diagram 1 5000 5000 N/A 11 6000 6000 N/A 11

4-30 DE2C Discount © 2009 Schneider Electric Schedule All Rights Reserved PFC Capacitor Banks Class 5860 FOR CURRENT INFORMATION Low Voltage Anti-Resonant and Filtering Automatic Capacitor Banks with Main Lugs and Breaker ReactiVar® AV6000 anti-resonant and AV7000 harmonic filtering automatic switched capacitor banks are specifically designed for networks containing harmonic energies which would otherwise damage standard fixed or automatic capacitor banks. The problem: Harmonics are a natural by-product of non-linear loads such as variable frequency drives, motor soft starters, welders, uninterruptable power supplies, robotics, PLCs and other electronic devices. Harmonics introduce higher-than-60 Hz current and voltage components into the electrical distribution system. Capacitors are a low impedance path for these higher frequency components and thus will absorb these harmonic energies. Combinations of capacitors and system inductances (motors and transformers) can form series and parallel tuned circuits which can resonate at certain frequencies. The harmonics produced by non-linear loads can excite a standard capacitor bank into resonance. The resonance can magnify currents and voltages, causing system wide damage and equipment failure. This problem is growing in prevalence. The solution: Anti-Resonant Automatic Switched Capacitor Banks The AV6000 anti-resonance capacitor bank’s primary function is power factor correction. Iron core reactors are added in series with the capacitor modules. The 3 phase reactors are custom designed and manufactured at our factory under tight tolerance specifically for the AV6000. The reactors tune the bank below the first dominant harmonic (usually the 5th, or 300 Hz). Below the tuning point, the system appears capacitive and thus corrects power factor. Above the tuning point, the system appears Inductive and thus resonance is minimized. The AV6000 design has the added advantage of removing up to 50% of the 5th harmonic to reduce overall voltage distortion. Harmonic Filtering Automatic Switched Capacitor Banks The need for an AV7000 is usually determined by a power quality specialist. Although the AV7000 looks identical to the AV6000, its primary function is harmonic mitigation, with power factor correction being a secondary benefit. The distinction between an AV6000 and an AV7000 is the tuning point. By definition, if the tuning point of the capacitor/reactor combination is within ±10% of the target harmonic it is intended to absorb, it is referred to as a filter. If the tuning point is outside the ±10% limit, it is referred to as an anti-resonant system. As the tuning point of the system approaches the target harmonic, its effectiveness at absorbing increases. Hence, the need to classify its functionality. The PQc group should always be consulted prior to recommending it to customers. Main Features • Standard offering available up to 1200 kvar at 480 or 600 Vac • Capacitor modules are designed with higher than standard voltage and current ratings to provide long life on systems with high harmonic energies. Reactors are designed to operate at 115°C rise over a maximum 40°C ambient temperature. • In addition to the standard features provided in the AV5000 systems, the reactors in the AV6000 have an embedded thermistor temperature detector. The stage will shut down and annunciate if the reactor should overheat, usually a result of excessive harmonic energies Application Assistance The Schneider Electric Power Quality Correction Group provides engineering assistance for the application of capacitors in harmonic rich environments. Specialists at Schneider Electric can assess the likelihood of application problems and arrange for more detailed study if required. Solutions can include computer modeling and system simulation. Depending on the network, the solution may include de-tuned banks (AV6000) or fully filtered banks (AV7000). Our application engineers can make all the arrangements for system studies, custom engineering, installation and commissioning, as required by the application. Contact Schneider Electric sales office for detail equipment quotation assistance. For dimension reference, see page 4-33. Equipment specification:

Voltage: 480, 600 Vac standard, 380, 415 Vac available Kvar rating: up to 1200 Kvar (depending on voltage rating) Ambient temperature: -5°C to 46°C Average temperature limit: <45°C within 24 hours, <35°C over 1 year Elevation: <=1800 meter Humidity: 0-95% non-condensing Overvoltage limit: 110% maximum Withstand test level: 2.15 times rated voltage or 1000 V, whichever is higher for 10s Overcurrent limit: 130% maximum Incoming: Top (standard), bottom, side. Main lug: Mechanical standard, compression optional Main breaker: PowerPact® with Micrologic® trip unit. LI standard, LSI available Enclosure rating: NEMA 1 standard, N3R available


© 2009 Schneider Electric DE2C Discount 4-31 All Rights Reserved Schedule PFC Capacitor Banks Class 5870 FOR CURRENT INFORMATION Low Voltage Transient Free Reactive Compensation Capacitor Banks Square D® ReactiVar® Transient Free Reactive Compensation (TFRC) anti-resonant (A/BT6000) Systems and filtering system (A/BT7000) are ideally suited for use on electrical systems where connected equipment is extremely sensitive to variations in the supply voltage. The problem: Capacitor systems featuring electromechanical contactors generate Voltage transients on the electrical network when switching capacitor stages on/off, even when current limiting or tuning reactors are employed. Transients can impair the operation of sensitive equipment, including programmable logic controllers, variable speed drives, computers and UPS systems. In sensitive networks such as hospitals, data processing centers, airports and many manufacturing environments, any transient, however slight, may not be acceptable. The solution: TFRC systems feature an advanced controller to precisely activate electronic switching elements to connect capacitor stages and avoid the creation of transients. Transient free switching also reduces wear on capacitors due to switching and will result in longer life for the overall capacitor system. With a response time of less than ten seconds to load changes, TFRC systems reduce the kVA demand on the transformer and will eliminate utility imposed penalties for low power factor. Depending on the level of harmonic producing (non-linear) devices on the network, two TFRC systems are available: the AT6000 anti-resonant (de-tuned) system and the AT7000 filtered system. Non-linear loads include variable speed drives, UPS systems, soft starters and other power electronic devices. The anti-resonant system will absorb up to 50% of the fifth harmonic current while the filtered system will absorb up to 80% of the fifth harmonic current, improving overall network conditions. Main Features: • Standard offering up to 1350 Kvar at 480 or 600 Vac • Transient free switching of capacitor steps • Electronic switching elements yield an unlimited number of switching operations • Three different microprocessor controller options provide a choice in functionality and control sophistication • Backlit display on controller displays actual PF, alarms, number of steps energized and much more • Heavy duty dry capacitor element design provides no risk of fluid leakage, no environmental pollution and no need for drip pans • The Reactors have an embedded thermistor temperature detector. The stage will shut down and annunciate if the reactor should overheat, usually a result of excessive harmonic energies • Units are constructed with removable heavy duty steel panels over a 12 gauge steel frame. • Indoor Type 1 units finished with ASA 49 gray polyester paint. Other colors available. Application Assistance The Schneider Electric Power Quality Correction Group provides engineering assistance for the application of capacitors in harmonic rich environments. Specialists at Square D can assess the likelihood of application problems and arrange for more detailed study if required. Solutions can include computer modeling and system simulation. Our application engineers can make all the arrangements for system studies, custom engineering, installation and commissioning, as required by the application. Contact Schneider Electric sales office for detail equipment quotation assistance.

To facilitate application assistance, please have the following information available: • 12 months of utility billing information • A single line diagram of the network showing the nature of loads (e.g. 150 hp FVNR starters; 200 hp VFD; etc.) • Transformer(s) kVA rating and percent impedance (%Z) • Primary & secondary voltages • Location of utility metering • Size, type and location of any existing capacitors For dimension reference, see page 4-33. Equipment specification: 4 Voltage: 480, 600 Vac standard, 380, 415 Vac available Kvar rating: up to 1350 Kvar (depending on voltage rating) Load change response time: <10 seconds

POWER MONITORING AND Ambient temperature: -5°C to 46°C Average temperature limit: <45°C within 24 hours, <35°C over 1 year Elevation: <=1800 meter

CONTROL Humidity: 0-95% non-condensing Overvoltage limit: 110% maximum Withstand test level: 2.15 times rated voltage or 1000 V, whichever is higher for 10s Overcurrent limit: 130% maximum Incoming: Top (standard), bottom, side. Main lug: Mechanical standard, compression optional Main breaker: PowerPact® with Micrologic® trip unit. LI standard, LSI available Enclosure rating: NEMA 1 standard, N3R available Color: ANSI 49 standard, ANSI 61, ANSI 70 optional

4-32 DE2C Discount © 2009 Schneider Electric Schedule All Rights Reserved PFC Capacitor Banks Class 5830, 5860, 5870, 5880 FOR CURRENT INFORMATION Enclosure Dimension References

24 MIN. CLEARANCE 23.50 8.05




AIR FLOW 62.42

23.50 21.43 Figure 1—AV4000 Figure 2—AV5000 and 6000

32.00 32.00 24 MIN. CLEARANCE 32.00 8.02 24 MIN. CLEARANCE


60.00 60.00



93.50 91.50 91.50


32.00 35.00 32.00 32.00 35.00 Figure 3—AT6000 Figure 4—AT6000 (2 Section) POWER MONITORING AND MONITORING POWER 4

© 2009 Schneider Electric DE2C Discount 4-33 All Rights Reserved Schedule ReactiVar Medium Voltage Capacitor Systems Class 5840, 5841 FOR CURRENT INFORMATION Power factor correction, harmonic mitigation, and voltage support in medium voltage electrical systems. Custom engineered for steady and rapidly fluctuating loads.

ReactiVar® Medium Voltage Fixed Power Factor Capacitors The ReactiVar MVC fixed capacitors are ideally suited for power factor correction in applications where the load does not change or where the capacitor is switched with the load, such as the load side of a motor contactor. ReactiVar capacitors are available up to 300 kVAR as individual units, and up to 600 kVAR in banks. Unfused or fused (2 fuses) assemblies are available. Other ranges available upon request.

Features: • Fused and unfused applications • Standard rating up to 600 kVAR, 4800 V (for specials, consult factory) • Metallized polypropylene film capacitors for low dielectric loss • Internally mounted discharge resistors • Operating temperature range of –25°C to +45°C • Built to applicable NEMA, IEEE, and IEC standards • Available in indoor (Type 1/12) and outdoor (Type 3R) enclosures • Painted ASA 61 gray

MVC systems are suitable for Lead time: 12–14 weeks typical (consult factory for committed delivery) power factor correction of steady harmonic-free motor loads. Prices & assistance: Call PQc Group at (905) 678-6699 or email [email protected]

ReactiVar Medium Voltage Metal Enclosed Automatic Capacitor Banks (MV5000/MV6000/MV7000) The ReactiVar medium voltage automatic capacitor banks are ideally suited for centralized power factor correction and/or harmonic filtering in applications where plant loading is constantly changing, resulting in the need for varying amounts of reactive power. All MV capacitor systems are a custom-engineered to meet project specific application and installation needs.

Features: • Standard metal enclosures available up to 20,000 kVAR, 5/15 kV, 50/60 Hz • The Square D HVL load interrupter switch (fused or unfused) • Externally fused Merlin Gerin PROPIVAR (or equivalent) or Cooper capacitors with excellent life due to high temperature withstand, small temperature rise, chemical stability, overvoltage and overcurrent withstand. (Internally fused capacitor available upon request) • Three-bushing capacitor cells connected in delta available up to 5 kV. Two-bushing capacitor cells connected in ungrounded wye for higher voltages • Current limiting capacitor fuses with blown fuse pop-up indicators • current limiting reactors in multistage-step MV5000 standard systems to limit high capacitor inrush MV5000 systems are suitable for use where currents harmonic generating loads are less than 15% of • Iron core reactors in MV6000 de-tune banks to prevent parallel resonance the total connected load. • Heavy-duty iron core reactors in MV7000 filtered banks for effective 5th harmonic filtering. MV6000 systems are suitable for use where • Available in Type 1 indoor and 3R outdoor enclosure types harmonic generating loads are less than 50% of • Key interlocking system forces sequential operation of the controls, non-load break switch (or circuit the total connected load. breaker) and ground switches ™ MV7000 systems are suitable for use where • Superior Square D Varlogic microprocessor based power factor controller harmonic generating loads exceed 50% of the • The Merlin Gerin SEPAM protective relaying. total connected load. Lead time: 16–20 weeks typical (consult factory for committed delivery) MVHVC High-Speed compensation systems are designed for compensation of rapidly Prices & assistance: Call PQc Group at (905) 678-6699 or email 4 fluctuating loads [email protected] POWER MONITORING AND CONTROL

4-34 DE2C Discount © 2009 Schneider Electric Schedule All Rights Reserved AccuSine® PCS AHF Class 5820 FOR CURRENT INFORMATION

The problem: High levels of harmonics generated by non-linear loads can have significant negative impact in the facility electrical system. It can cause malfunction of the equipment, disrupt plant operation, thus, resulting loss of productivity. Harmonic filtering: The AccuSine Power Correction System (PCS) is Active Harmonic Filter (AHF) which actively injects opposite harmonics current on the source side of the load and it: • Decreases harmonic related overheating of cables, switchgear and transformers • Reduces downtime caused by nuisance thermal tripping of protective devices • Increases electrical network reliability and reduces operating costs • Corrects to the 50th harmonic, reduce harmonics level to meet IEEE 519, IEC 61000 3-4, and UK G5/4-1 standards. • Compensates entire network or specific loads depending on installation point Power Factor Correction and Dynamic VAR Compensation: AccuSine PCS features a 100 microsecond response providing for dynamic VAR injection to reduce voltage sags created by inductive load switching. In addition, AccuSine PCS can inject peak current at 2.25 times its rms current rating for 3 cycles. AccuSine PCS can also operate in a dual mode where current is first injected to reduce hamonics and any excess current capacity is used to improve the power factor. Other Features: • Independent phase compensation • UL, CE, ABS, and CSA approved • Parallel connection allows for easy retrofit and installation of multiple units for large networks • Response to load fluctuations begins in 100 microseconds with 1/2 cycle for full response to step load changes • 50, 100 and 300 A models for 208–480 V. Other voltages available. Accusine PCS Sizing For proper sizing of AccuSine units, contact the Schneider Electric Power Quality Correction Group at (905) 678-6699. To expedite the product selection process, please have a single line diagram and/or details of the application including sizes of transformers, non-linear and linear loads, and any existing filters and capacitors. Table 4.47: AccuSine PCS—208–480 Va, 50/60 Hz Enclosure Exterior Dimensionsb Rated Max. Reactive Power (kVAR) Frequency Catalog List Price Weight Current HWDLbs (kg) A (rms) (Hz) Number (US$) Rating Style Cable Entry 208 V 400V 480 V IN mm IN mm IN mm 50/60 PCS050D5N1 34904.00 50 PCS050D5N15S 38333.00 NEMA 1 Wall Mount Bottom 48.0 1219 20.7 526 18.5 470 250 (114) 60 PCS050D5N16S 38333.00 50/60 PCS050D5N12De 53738.00 50 PCS050D5N125SCe 57167.00 NEMA 12 50 18 34.6 41.6 60 PCS050D5N126SDe 57167.00 50 PCS050D5CE305SCce 63807.00 IP30 (CE Certified) Floor Standingd Top/Bottom 75.0 1905 31.5 801 23.8 605 661 (300) 50 PCS050D5CE545SCce 67061.00 IP54 (CE Certified) 50 PCS050D5IP305SCe 58590.00 IP30 50 PCS050D5IP545SCe 61844.00 IP54 50/60 PCS100D5N1 55131.00 50 PCS100D5N15S 58560.00 NEMA 1 Wall Mount Bottom 64.9 1648 20.7 526 18.5 470 350 (159) 60 PCS100D5N16S 58560.00 50/60 PCS100D5N12De 66777.00 50 PCS100D5N125SCe 70206.00 NEMA 12 100 36 69.2 83.1 60 PCS100D5N126SDe 70206.00 50 PCS100D5CE305SCce 78740.00 IP30 (CE Certified) Top/Bottom 75.0 1905 31.5 801 23.8 605 771 (350) 50 PCS100D5CE545SCce 82970.00 IP54 (CE Certified) 50 PCS100D5IP305SCe 71898.00 IP30 50 PCS100D5IP545SCe 76128.00 IP54 50/60 PCS300D5N1 110301.00 50 PCS300D5N15S 117530.00 NEMA 1Floor Standingd Top 75.3 1913 31.5 801 19.6 497 775 (352) 60 PCS300D5N16S 117530.00 50/60 PCS300D5N12De 132341.00 50 PCS300D5N125SCe 139569.00 NEMA 12 300 108 207.8 249.4 60 PCS300D5N126SDe 139569.00 50 PCS300D5CE305SCce 148793.00 IP30 (CE Certified) Top/Bottom 90.7 2303 39.4 1000 31.7 805 1212 (550) 50 PCS300D5CE545SCce 165326.00 IP54 (CE Certified) 50 PCS300D5IP305SCe 137961.00 IP30 50 PCS300D5IP545SCe 146919.00 IP54 a Other voltages available. Contact your nearest Schneider Electric sales office. Multiple units can be connected in parallel for larger capacities. b Dimensions and weights are approximate. Do not use for construction. For actual dimensions, contact your nearest Square D/Schneider Electric sales office. c CE Certified units meet EMC Directive 89/336 EEC. d Floor standing units include a door-interlocked main disconnect. e C = 380-415 V fan, D = 480 V fan. CONTROL

NOTE: Refer to Table 4.48 on page 4-36 for CT details. POWER MONITORING AND MONITORING POWER 4

© 2009 Schneider Electric DE2C Discount 4-35 All Rights Reserved Schedule AccuSine® PCS AHF Hybrid VAR Compensator (HVC) Class 5890 FOR CURRENT INFORMATION The Hybrid VAR Compensator (HVC) is ideally suited for industrial facilities with power quality or production problems caused by rapidly changing load demands typical of highly cyclical loads such as welders, mining conveyors and heavy stamping machines. Main Breaker (Optional) The problem: Traditional capacitor systems have a minimum response time of five to ten seconds for load fluctuations. As a result of this limitation, uncompensated faster loads can produce voltage instability, voltage flicker, increased losses and poor power factor which reduces the electric supply capacity. Problems can often be seen inside the facility, on the utility feeder to the facility or in neighboring facilities. Problems can include: • Poor weld quality or reduced weld line productivity (due to restrikes or interlock weld controls) • Failure to start motor loads (due to voltage sag on startup) • Undervoltage tripping of sensitive loads (Robots, PLCs, VFDs) • Lighting flicker and/or HID lighting shutdown • Overloaded distribution equipment (cyclical current pulses may exceed the rated current of the distribution equipment) AccuSine EVC • Poor power factor and associated utility demand charges • High harmonic levels

Ultra-Fast Reactive Power Solution: 100 kVAR 100 kVAR 100 kVAR 300 Ampere • The Hybrid VAR Compensator is ideally suited for power factor correction and voltage sag support PASSIVE ACTIVE in many applications where conventional systems are not suitable: HVC Topology (Typical) • One cycle or less for full response • Infinite VAR resolution • Compensates for large inductive inrush currents • Transient free compensation • Improves voltage regulation • Reduces flicker HVC systems can alleviate any of the problems created by cyclical loads that require large amounts or reactive power for short duration.

Unique, cost-effective construction: HVC systems couple a detuned capacitor system (fixed, contactor or power electronic switched) with the AccuSine® Electronic VAR Control (EVC) unit. The Accusine EVC is able to inject leading or lagging VARs to provide variable compensation over the operating rating. For example, coupling a 500 kVAR fixed detuned bank with a 300 A Accusine EVC yields an HVC that can provide reactive compensation between 250 kVAR and 750 kVAR.

Custom Designed Solution: Sizing of the HVC will often require a site visit by Schneider Electric Power Quality Correction Group technicians to take real-time measurements of the network. Please contact the PQc group at (905)678-6699 or email [email protected]

Round Split-Core Selection: 1.25 Three CT’s required for networks with line-neutral loads. Two remote current transformers 32 required for three phase loads. For installations requiring parallel connection of multiple AccuSine for increased correction capacity, special considerations may be required. Contact the Schneider Electric Power Quality Correction Group for details. D Table 4.48: Dimensions (IN) Ampacity Catalog No. $ Price Weight Accuracy Burden Secondary

4 A (ID) D (OD) (lbs.) Capacity Current 1.50 38 A 1000 CT1000SC 642.00 4.0 6.5 3.5 1% 10 VA 5 A 3000 CT3000SC 800.00 6.0 8.5 4.25 1% 45 VA 5 A 5000 CTFCL500058 1082.00 8.0 10.5 5.5 1% 45 VA 5 A

POWER MONITORING AND Note: Rectangular CTs also available; contact PQC group. CONTROL

4-36 DE2C Discount © 2009 Schneider Electric Schedule All Rights Reserved