Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003  Volume 10, Number 10 Page 1 of 9 he Rabbit Hunt: The T Joe and Bren Saga Howey Democrats in thorough turmoil By BRIAN A. HOWEY in In Alan Schom’s book Napoleon Bonaparte, he writes of the mighty victor of Austerlitz, who ran roughshod over Political 85,000 Russians and Austrians and was rewarded with a royal hunt of a Corsican favorite: Rabbit. Master of the Hunt Berthier went to the considerable trouble of purchasing a Report thousand hares. As Napoleon, decked out in full hunting regalia, walked across the killing fields, the rabbits were The Howey Political Report is published by NewsLink released from cages on the two tree lines. Inc. Founded in 1994, The Howey Political Report is But instead of fleeing the intrepid Emperor, the freed an independent, non-partisan newsletter analyzing the political process in Indiana. rabbits “perversely turned straight for the hunters, coming at them in magnificent bounds.” At first, Napoleon and his Brian A. Howey, publisher party, not believing their eyes, “laughed at the comic absur- Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington writer dity of the whole thing. But laughter soon gave way to per- Jack E. Howey, editor plexity, and perplexity to concern” as the rabbits swarmed Napoleon, entwining themselves between his legs and jump- The Howey Political Report Office: 317-254-1533 PO Box 40265 Fax: 317-968-0487 ing into his arms. The victor of Austerlitz “now ignomin- Indianapolis, IN 46240-0265 Mobile: 317-506-0883 iously scurried off another battlefield, pursued by dozens of [email protected] unarmed rabbits.” A humiliated Berthier would later learn that the rab- bits had been raised for pate, and believed Napoleon was Washington office: 202-775-3242; Business Office: 317-254-0535. there to give them their daily feed. Such a scene might be ascribed to the Joe Andrew, Subscriptions: $250 annually via e-mail or the victor of French Lick, and his Democratic gubernatorial fax; $450 annually including the HPR Daily campaign. Not only did he lose his rich runningmate, Bren Wire. Call 317-254-1533 or 254-0535. Simon, but he did so in the fashion of a woman scorned. It © 2003, The Howey Political Report. All rights was the latest development in an autumnal 2003 political reserved. Photocopying, Internet forwarding, faxing or sequence that could be described as something akin to a reproducing in any form, in whole or in part, is a viola- Federico Fellini film, with one unrelenting and bizarre scene tion of federal law and is strictly prohibited without following another. consent of the publisher. Andrew found out about the defection through the

“This is just the idle political hot spot of the Ticker: Moses presses Kernan p. 2 day ...” Horse Race ‘04: Labor’s quandary p. 3

- Democratic gubernatorial candidate Joe Horse Race ‘03: Elkhart barbfest p. 6 Columnists: Cook, Schneider p. 8 Andrew, after Bren Simon left his ticket, to the Monday Reserved for Kathy Davis p. 9 Fort Wayne Journal Gazette Covering 10 years of Indiana politics Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 Page 2 of 9

news media. Indianapolis Star reporter an argument in progress. “No, there’s no Mary Beth Schneider (perhaps picking up truth to that,” said Lee. “Republicans are on Monday’s Indianapolis Eye story about doing anything they can to stir that up.” a wavering Simon), richly set the scene of But Lee acknowledged that Simon Simon sitting on her couch at her Carmel had been “ill this past week” and had can- estate of Asherwood with four white celed several campaign-related events. GALLUP HAS BUSH AT 56 Maltese dogs, spurning Andrew, claiming Other sources close to Andrew and Simon PERCENT: A USA an “allegiance” to Gov. , the said that Simon had postponed a major Today/Gallup/CNN poll of reluctant, undeclared candidate. fundraiser she was planning to host for 1,004 adults, conducted As for Joe Andrew, the man who over October 10-12 (+/- 3%), Andrew, in part because of Gov. Joe shows: 56% approve "of the with “boldness” selected Simon for her Kernan’s intentions for 2004 remaining way George W. Bush is han- checkbook, and then without a wink or a undeclared. The sources said that Simon dling his job as president"; nod proclaimed her ready to be lieutenant had planned to support a Kernan candida- 40% disapprove; 4% have governor or even governor, Simon would cy until he dropped out of the race last no opinion. 58% "approve of say that he was a “great guy, a terrific per- December. the way Donald Rumsfeld is son. . . . I don't want to betray anybody. I That story, detailing Simon’s handling his job as don't want to hurt anyone.” refusal to meet with reporters to talk about Secretary of Defense"; 36% But “hurt” wouldn’t be the word for basic issues, the strange Sept. 23 “samarai disapprove; 6% have no the damage Bren Simon has inflicted on warrior” press conference where Andrew opinion. 52% think the Joe Andrew campaign, though some President Bush "deserves jumped in to answer some questions to be reelected"; 45% think would argue this week’s bizarre events are directed at Simon, the body guards, and he does not; 3% have no mutual flagellation. Thought to be the the inevitable comparisons between opinion. frontrunning campaign prior to Gov. Simon and lieutenant governor designate Frank O’Bannon’s death, the Andrew Kathy Davis, appeared in the Eye Monday MOSES PRESSES KERNAN: campaign stands on the brink of destruc- evening, and were excerpted in Tuesday’s "We are presently in a terri- tion and a lack of credibility, and the HPR Daily Wire. ble position," said Rep. Win has been over- Schneider and the Star picked the Moses Jr., D-Fort Wayne, of run by pate rabbits, it’s partisans search- story up Tuesday afternoon, with Simon the vaccuum in the ing through a forest of furry, floppy ears Democratic gubernatorial granting the rare interview that has crip- for the Governor Savior. race (Fort Wayne Journal pled the Andrew campaign. Gazette). "The delay is detri- There were other stories from reli- mental. We have to have Shouting on the line able Democratic sources who said that some decisions made by The “rumors” had been circulating comments Andrew had made about Kernan. Until he does, it lets intensely for a week or so in the Hoosier Simon’s credibility as an LG had made the Republicans focus on capital. There were reports that their way back to her. The same sources themselves and raise Republican operatives had tried to seed a said Simon raised the idea of leaving the money while we are still try- story about a Simon family matter to the ticket last Friday with Andrew, which ing to figure out who our nominee is." But again Indianapolis Star. Andrew, the sources were confirmed by the Star. Simon told Wednesday, Kernan said, was able to get the story spiked. The other reporters that she began having sec- spokeswoman Tina Noel Democratic source, an ally of Andrew, ond thoughts about her time away from said the governor had no said Republicans were trying to scare her family and two businesses three weeks comment on his future polit- Simon out of the race, fearing her check- ago, a week after Gov. O’Bannon’s funer- ical plans. book. al and as the speculation about Gov. Writing for Monday’s edition of the Kernan’s undetermined future intensified. KERNAN KEEPING 2004 Indianapolis Eye, the author (Howey, not The Associated Press reported OPTIONS OPEN: Gov. Joe Schom) contacted Andrew campaign Andrew saying on Tuesday, “My last con- Kernan has some advice for chairman Dennis Lee to talk about the versation with her was at a fundraiser I all the politicians trying to mine hints about his plans rumors pointing to a Simon withdrawal. attended with her last night. I was sur- As Lee began to talk, shouts could be prised that she got out period, but I was Continued on page 3 heard in the background, as if there was surprised that she got out at this point. Page 3 of 9 Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 2004 Racing Form Indiana 2004Gubernatorial Governor 2004: Republican: Mitch Daniels, Eric Miller, Petersburg Mayor Randy Harris, Bob Parker. Democrat: Joe Andrew, State Sen. Vi Simpson, Roy Graham. 1996 Results: from his choice for lieu- O’Bannon (D) 1,075,342, Goldsmith (R) 997,505, Dillon (L) 35,261. 2000 Results: O’Bannon tenant governor. "I can tell (D) 1,230,345, McIntosh (R) 906,492, Horning (L) 38,686. 2004 Forecast: Daniels visits the them not to waste their historic Homer Capehart farm at Montgomery, home of the famed 1938 “Cornfield Conference” time," he said (Mike Smith, that revitalized the Indiana GOP. Anxious Democrats should expect to wait until after the munic- Associated Press). When it ipal elections before they hear whether Gov. comes to 2004, Kernan still Kernan will run for 2004. While it is almost uni- has all his options open. versal thinking that Democrats are hoping the Kathy Davis' nomination governor changes his mind, many who are say- was more widely viewed as ing so publicly are privately imploring Kernan to a sign Kernan is serious run and save the party from chaos. Party operatives are also stressing the time sensitivity. about taking on the state's Several of the operatives told Horse Race, “The governor is a smart guy; he gets it.” Perhaps the budget problems and trou- most intriguing group of people to watch in the aftermath of the Andrew-Simon fiasco is bled economy head-on. It Hoosier organized labor, many unions maxed out their contributions to Andrew and lavished does not preclude him from him with endorsements, many early. With the Andrew campaign in disarray, the UAW and AFL- choosing someone else to CIO (which rushed an endorsement for Andrew a couple of weeks ago) have to be stunned by join him on the ticket in this week’s events. Said one prominent Democrat when asked what big labor might do next: 2004. That person could “Schedule a meeting with the governor.” General Status: Leans Daniels then spend more time cam- paigning and helping She had told me that we should all wait to under the heading: Better Be Careful Kernan raise the millions of see what Joe Kernan was going to do.” What You Wish For. If the Republicans dollars likely needed to win. Andrew told the Fort Wayne had tried to scare Simon out of the race to Kernan might not change Journal Gazette, “It's a surprising day. It keep her checkbook away from Andrew, his mind. He might devote all his time and energy run- what has in reality occurred is the final clearly hasn't been fun. But I don't regret ning the state for the 15 the bold move. She would have been scenario that could draw the reluctant months left in O'Bannon's great.” governor back into the 2004 race (with, second term and walk away. While Andrew declined to talk to possibly, access to Simon’s checkbook). Kernan still won't say what HPR, Lee said late Tuesday afternoon, Andrew was reduced to saying on he might do. "As I said “Any time someone enters the political Wednesday, “Somebody named Joe is before, this is not some- scene it's a very personal decision. Bren going to be governor. If he runs, I'm with thing we (he and his wife, Simon found it difficult to balance being a him, I'm going to support him and I'm not Maggie) have had time to talk about," Kernan said. mother, a grandmother and running two going to run against him. If Joe Kernan is out, I'm in” (Indianapolis Star). businesses.” REPORTER CALLS KER- Lee said that the Andrew campaign NAN ‘AN ENIGMA’: The gov- would take some time to “digest what's What were they thinking? ernor has been an enigma. just happened,” and added that “there's If the events of this week weren’t He has never gone into still 14 months to regroup and make this a bizarre enough, the thought of Joe detail on why he dropped successful campaign.” Andrew’s political skills not covering his out of the race when he was the obvious front-runner But even the most ardent Andrew bases for his political neophyte running (Steve Walsh, Post-Tribune). supporters, such as St. Joseph County mate are mind boggling. The Navy combat pilot and Democratic Chairman Butch Morgan, Simon was off limits to the Indiana former POW said at the time agreed that Tuesday’s events were poten- news media. Lee suggested on Monday that he decided in a prison tially devastating. that such questions and access might not camp in Hanoi that if he sur- The juicy irony coming out of this even be appropriate for Simon then, say- vived he would never again “socialite meets politics” drama comes ing, “Until the convention, we can say continued on page 4 Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 Page 4 of 9

she’s not even a candidate.” This despite Chairman McAuliffe reported he had done the fact that she had appeared at campaign a “30-day review” of the DNC and the events with Andrew and presumably was results were “devastating.” McAuliffe helping to raise money. observed, “The Republicans have 150 Her Sept. 23 press conference quote million names on their voters file. Ours? (“I could be governor of this state as well Zero. The Republicans have tens of mil- be pressured to do anything as run my business. I mean, it’s not the lions of e-mail addresses compiled. How in his life that he didn’t want to do. Like many same, but it’s about teamwork and it’s many do we have? 70,000.” That was a Democrats, Lake County about appointing the right people to the payback. Surveyer George Van Til right positions”) was sophomoric. held out hope, remarking There seemed to be little prepara- The harshest light how much more vigorous tion for Simon by the Andrew campaign: As doubts about Simon simmered and engaged Kernan Talking points; the stating of clear public after the French Lick straw poll on Aug. appeared since he became policy reasons for bringing her on the governor. “It’s almost elec- 23, then came what turned out to be the ticket; conducting a series of one-on-one tric,” he said. There is no cataclysmic event for the Andrew cam- organized campaign to draft sitdown interviews with the Statehouse paign: Gov. O’Bannon’s death. Kernan among area press corps to take the pressure off. That created the harshest light on Democrats but all but the But if any of that occurred, it was- the Simon selection -- the “heartbeat most partisan supporters of n’t evident to those outside the Andrew away” scenario. It intensified after Gov. the current candidates have campaign’s inner circle. Kernan selected Kathy Davis to become openly encouraged the gov- Considering this was a former lieutenant governor. As she was intro- ernor to change his mind, Indiana and Democratic National duced on the Senate floor last week to said state Rep. Chet Dobis. Chairman, this lack of attention to critical “He knows the party faithful thunderous applause and Kernan marveled want him to run.” detail is strange. But Washington sources about Davis’s resume, one Democrat said, told HPR they aren’t surprised. Andrew “But can she throw a great party?” MARION COUNTY BALLOT has a propensity for getting in a groove That was in reference to Simon’s COMPROMISE: Democrats and staying there regardless of the change hosting of legendary parties at the sprawl- and Republicans struck a of circumstances. On Tuesday, Andrew ing Asherwood Estate in Carmel, or the dea in the case of Marion summed up the Simon withdrawal by say- family’s other properties in Florida and County's controversial ing, “This is just the idle political hot spot the Dominican Republic, where her bash- Election Day ballot -- a of the day.” move that should guarantee es make social and gossip columns in an election Nov. 4 Another example of this came after New York City and Europe. (Indianapolis Star). After the 2000 election. President Clinton, on The Davis selection was universally hours of closed-door meet- the verge of becoming the titular head of hailed by Republicans and Democrats, in ings, both parties agreed to the Democratic Party as he left the White contrast to many Democrats doubting the a modified ballot that could House, signalled his intent to name Terry wisdom of cashing in the “heartbeat be produced in time for the McAuliffe to replace Andrew as national away” office for the campaign finance election, Republican Marion chairman. carrot. County Clerk Doris Anne Andrew responded by calling a At other political events, Simon Sadler said. The optical- number of state party chairmen, lobbying scan ballot will be similar to appeared uneasy and with bodyguards. an absentee ballot approved them to retain the post. “Can you imagine When she participated in the Indiana by a Marion Superior Court that?” the Washington Democratic source Democratic Editorial Association golf out- last week. It will still group said, “going up against the wishes of the ing on Aug. 21 at French Lick, Simon had candidates by office, but a president?” The source said that Clinton bodyguards in golf carts both ahead and space will be added was not amused, and when McAuliffe behind her cart in presidential style. A between each party's block appeared at the Democratic Leadership member of Gov. O’Bannon’s staff tried to of candidates and a party Council’s National Conversation in explain to Simon that with the governor label will be added. "This is Indianapolis in July 21, 2001 he dissed present, there was ample security in place. still not the ballot we asked for," said Marion County Andrew before the hometown crowd. But as if Harvey, the 6-foot rabbit, With Andrew listening in the wings, stood nearby, Joe Andrew was steadfast in continued on page 5 Page 5 of 9 Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 his support for Simon’s selection. He told Daniels talks economy a group in Vincennes on Oct. 2, “I’m With the Democratic Party in his- more comfortable today than ever with toric disarray, Hoosier Republicans my decision,” the Vincennes Sun- enjoyed the drama and watched Mitch Commercial reported. “She’s going to be a Daniels issue his second set of thoughts great lieutenant governor and governor, if on the ailing state economy. Democrat Chairman Ed that situation were to occur.” Drawing on discussions with Treacy. "This is our major thousands of Hoosiers over the past three effort to compromise." Four at-large Democratic candi- Joe waiting for Joe months, Daniels on Monday outlined the dates for City-County Indiana Democrats have to be direction the next governor must take Council brought the original wondering, “Now what?” toward “reversing Indiana's catastrophic lawsuit last month and The campaign of State Sen. Vi decline in jobs, income, and hope for the argued that candidates Simpson is combating rumors that it is future.” Daniels released Comeback 1.0 must be grouped by party laying off staff and has yet to refute them. as a framework for rebuilding a strong rather than by office. A Campaign manager Mike Draper disputed state economy. Superior Court judge agreed that, telling HPR on Tuesday evening that “We have been in dozens of and ruled that Sadler must the campaign is actually adding staff. The towns already where no candidate for redesign the Election Day campaign had an event at the Loading governor has been seen in years,” Daniels ballot. He allowed Sadler to keep the so-called office- Dock Pub that evening, with dozens of said. “For all our differences and variety, block ballot -- with some staff and volunteers singing. one concern is universal. Everywhere we modifications -- for absen- But Simpson has essentially put her travel, the single most important thing on tee voters. campaign on hold, telling the media that the minds of Hoosiers is our economic she will support Gov. Kernan if he enters slippage, and everywhere one finds HILL GOING TO IRAQ: U.S. the race, though she is announcing a pre- tremendous frustration with the passivity Rep. Baron Hill, D-Seymour, scription drug plan in Terre Haute today. of state government as we have fallen far- plans to fly to Iraq Friday to Andrew lamented the specter of ther and farther behind. State government assess that country¹s recov- Gov. Kernan’s unknown plans. “Every can and must stop being an impediment to ery from a successful U.S. phone call to raise money is ‘tell me what growth, and start being a catalyst,” effort to oust Sadaam Hussein earlier this year Joe Kernan is going to do?’ That places an Stressing that “no credible plan (Seymour Tribune). Hill¹s extra burden on a candidate,” Andrew told can be neatly packaged and labeled com- plans for the four-day visit the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette. “These plete,” Daniels said this would be “a con- include talks with U.S. sol- are unique circumstances that no one tinual work in progress that constantly diers to determine their could have anticipated.” searches for and welcomes all good views on the efforts to Andrew said he is unsure when he ideas.” rebuild the war-torn coun- will name another lieutenant governor Daniels told HPR that he hopes to try, and taking a look at how nominee. Instead, he will focus on pro- “repopulate” Indiana government with well the Iraq Governing moting his ideas and raising money. But new people and fresh ideas. “The what is Council is handling its his efforts may come without the help of not as important as the who,” Daniels attempt to establish a provi- sional government and Simon. “I don't necessarily feel I have to said. bring about democracy. Hill, put more money into this campaign Andrew campaign manager Joe who has served the district because I've been generous,” said Simon. Champion called the Daniels plan “all gas for five years, may have Some observers wondered if Simon’s and no go.” faced tougher chores presence on an Andrew ticket might have Simpson’s campaign spokesman Monday and Tuesday as he actually stunted fundraising. Donors are Jeff Harris said it was “very vague. It's a visited constituents sometimes reluctant to give to rich candi- lot of broad ideas but no basic policy.” throughout his district, dates. And that may be the MO of the which spans parts or all of Andrew tried to put on a brave Daniels campaign -- broad themes that 20 counties. “I¹m torn about face: “I intend to be the governor of this will rattle few existing agendas; invade Iraq,” Hill told members of the Jackson County sClergy state and deal with issues more complex little turf; while keeping Democratic rab-  than the ones I am dealing with today.” bits spinning in their cages. continued on page 6 Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 Page 6 of 9 2003 Racing Form 2003 Indiana Mayoral Races Anderson Mayoral: Republican: Kevin Smith. Democrat: Robert W. Rock. Tuesday morning in Independent: Linda Haynes. 1995 Results: Lawler (D) 9,411, Graham (R) 8,817. 1999 Seymour. On the one side, Results: Lawler (D) 8,395, Czarniecki (R) 7,002 Haynes (I) 1,950. 2003 Forecast: Rock and Hill said, he does not want Smith debated on Tuesday. Smith was asked about switching from the Democratic Party to the to see the United States Republican Party in 2001. “My philosophical views of society fit well with where I'm at,” Smith bogged down in Iraq and said (Ken de la Bastide, Anderson Herald-Bulletin). "I believe in government that is frugal, hon- does not want to see est and designed to stimulate the economy." Smith said he was invited to switch political par- American soldiers die. ties. “I don't believe the Democratic Party in Anderson and Madison County is representative of “But we can¹t cut and run,” the people or is in their best interests,” he said. “For the past 16 years, Anderson has been stag- Hill said. “We can¹t give that nant. I'm tired of politics as usual.” Rock said that had Smith won the 1999 Democratic Party message to the terrorists.” primary for mayor against Lawler, he would be asking people now to vote Democratic. “You switched because you thought you would be running against Mark Lawler,” Rock said to Smith. BAYH DRAFTING IRAQ “Your whole campaign has been against Lawler.” Smith said he has focused on the Lawler LOAN AMENDMENT: A administration because Rock said he wants to continue the successes of the past. “I seek new handful of Democratic and ground in Anderson,” Smith said. “There are barriers up to growth with one of the highest prop- Republican senators defied erty tax rates in the state. I don't agree with the policies of the Lawler administration.” Rock President Bush and sought countered by stating that he, not Lawler, is running for mayor. “Why are we dwelling on the agreement Wednesday on past?” asked Rock. “I want to continue the success of the past 16 years like Hoosier Park, the an amendment to make part Technology Park and improvements to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. There have been of a $20.3 billion Iraqi aid failures that Mark Lawler has to deal with,” Rock said. “Talking about the past does nothing to plan a loan (Associated bring a vision for the future.” General Status: Press). Lawmakers and Tossup. aides said the senators Elkhart Mayoral: Republican: involved included Evan Mayor Dave Miller. Democrat: James Perron. Bayh, D-Ind.; Saxby 1995 Results: Perron (D) 5,017, McDowell (R) Chambliss, R-Ga.; Susan 4,869. 1999 Results: Miller (R) 4,959, Perron Collins, R-Maine; Lindsey (D) 3,902. 2003 Forecast: There's no love lost between Elkhart's mayoral candidates. Mayor Graham, R-S.C.; Kay Bailey Dave Miller and former mayor Jim Perron aren't buddies. These facts are no secret. That's why Hutchison, R-Texas; John approximately 300 people packed Elkhart Memorial High School's auditorium Wednesday night Ensign, R-Nev.; and to watch the two men debate for the first time during this campaign (Jeff Romig, Elkhart Truth). Olympia Snowe, R-Maine. They wanted to witness the one-liners. They wanted to observe political rivals in action. They wanted to see them fight. If there had been an entrance fee, they would've gotten their money's PENCE WORRIED OF worth. “Have you ever lied? Anytime? Ever?” Perron asked Miller during the cross-questioning ‘FINANCIAL QUAGMIRE’ IN period. “Not that I've ever been taken to court for,” Miller shot back, referencing the defamation IRAQ: Congressman Mike suit filed against Perron for ghostwriting a letter that appeared in the People's Forum section of Pence took steps The Truth in January 1994. Perron, however, wasn't without jabs. Miller opened the cross-ques- Wednesday to recast recon- tioning period by complimenting Perron on five accomplishments during his 16 years as mayor, struction funds for Iraq as a including the creation of the Tolson Center and the Benham West revitalization effort. Then, the loan (Rick Yencer, Muncie mayor asked Perron to name five of Miller's initiatives he liked. “Sorry, Dave,” Perron respond- Star Press). "I am not wor- ed quickly. General Status: Leans Miller ried about a military quag- Evansville Mayoral: Republican: Mayor Russell Lloyd Jr.. Democrat: State Rep. mire, but a financial quag- Jonathon Weinzapfel. 1995 Results: McDonald (D) 19,162, Frary (R) 9,565. 1999 Results: mire in Iraq," Pence said Lloyd (R) 15,980, Borries (D) 15,461. 2003 Forecast: Evansville's firefighters union during a teleconference with Wednesday endorsed Weinzapfel for mayor, citing concerns about wages that festered. “The reporters. Pence filed an biggest issue has been parity in pay," said Ray Goff, co-chairman of the International amendment with the House Association of Firefighters Local 357 political action committee.Lloyd and Weinzapfel had Rules Committee to provide some of the sharpest exchanges of the mayoral campaign Thursday, with Lloyd assailing his 50 percent of the proposed challenger as anti-business and Weinzapfel painting the incumbent as an ineffective leader (John $18.8-billion reconstruction Martin, Evansville Courier & Press). Lloyd told the television audience that Evansville is Page 7 of 9 Thursday, Oct. 16, absolutely better off than when he took office four years ago. He cited Downtown construction and lower unemployment rates than other Indiana cities, and he attacked what he called Weinzapfel's “tax-and-spend liberalism.” Weinzapfel shot back, saying Lloyd's administration hasn't done enough to keep jobs Downtown, has done "a poor job of maintaining our city streets" and wasted $1.2 million on the shelved baseball stadium plan. General Status: Leans Weinzapfel. Fort Wayne Mayoral: Republican: Linda Buskirk. Democrat: Mayor Graham Richard. 1995 Results: Helmke 21,909, Essex (D) 11,033, Kempf (L) 1,029. 1999 Results: aide in the form of a loan. Richard (D) 21,607, Buskirk (R) 21,531. 2003 Forecast: As in the case of the 1987 mayoral Melina Fox, Pence's race, a county prosecutor has entered the political equation. Marion County Prosecutor Carl Democratic opponent in Brizzi said Tuesday that Fort Wayne Mayor Graham Richard is “currently not a target of the 2002, said she opposed mili- investigation” his office is undertaking into possible misspending at a state agency (Dan tary action against Iraq, Stockman and Niki Kelly, Fort Wayne Journal Gazette). “The mayor wants us to take into con- maintaining President Bush sideration that he is running for re-election and we can't give him any special consideration,” did not have a clear-cut mili- Brizzi said. “This is an unfortunate misuse of the justice system,” Richard said. “It's important tary objective. Fox, also vice to emphasize there isn't any factual basis for it." Brizzi, a Republican, said Democrat Richard's chairman of the district's claims of political motivation for the investigation or the leaks are unfounded. “The only per- Democratic Party, has not son flinging around unfounded allegations is (Richard)," Brizzi said. "I never even pretty much decided whether to run again heard of him until last week.” In 1987, Republican Allen County Prosecutor Steve Sims named in 2004. "The daily casualties Mayor Win Moses’s brother a target in a homicide probe. Though he was never charged, the are proving my stance," Fox support for Moses collapsed and Paul Helmke won. Richard said there are good reasons not to said. "We must make certain release the returns, which are not public documents: The information Shine claims to seek that Iraq is rebuilt and their would be shown on the already-public financial disclosure forms, and because he promised his oil money should be used to family their lives would remain private despite his public position. “People say, 'Graham, you accomplish that." could lose the election over this' but I made a promise to my wife and family to try to keep them separate from this,” Richard said. “I set up the ethics code. We have a disclosure system. HOSTETTLER SAYS U.S. There's a way for people to challenge something if they think there's a conflict, and no one has MUST FINISH JOB IN IRAQ: done that.” General Status: Tossup. The nation is coming to Indianapolis Mayoral: Republican: Treasurer Greg Jordan. Democrat: Mayor terms with the high cost of . 1995 Results: Goldsmith (R) 64,209, Jimison (D) 39,539, Dillon (L) 7,175. war and reubilding the nation 1999 Results: Peterson (D) 102,870, Gilroy (R) 83,044, Horning (L) 7,772, Gibson (OP) of Iraq, 8th District U.S. Rep. 2,145. 2003 Forecast: Peterson may cover litigation costs for the Marion County Democratic John Hostettler, R-Blairsville, Party. A new ballot design compromise means the election will be held as scheduled. General said Tuesday (Vincennes Status: SAFE PETERSON. Sun-Commercial). "We will Jeffersonville Mayoral: Republican: Monty Snelling. Democrat: Councilman be spending a lot more than originally perceived," Rob Waiz. 1999 Results: Galligan (D) 3,194, Cook (I) 640, Cooper (R) 619. 2003 Outlook: Hostettler said. "But war and Garner won the endorsement of two more unions representing city workers (Louisville rebuilding a country are Courier-Journal). The endorsements by Communications Workers of America Local 4703 and expensive endeavors." the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 1861 give Garner a Though some Americans sweep of the four unions representing city employees. General Status: Likely Waiz. may question the amount of Republican: Councilman Wayne Seybold. Democrat: Mayor Marion Mayoral: additional money President Bill Henry. 1999 Results: Henry (D) 3,979, Mowery (R) 2,998. 2003 Forecast: As manu- George Bush has requested facturing jobs further migrate from the American Midwest to other countries, the issue quickly for Iraq -- $87 billion -- is becoming one of the larger topics in both the elections here in Grant County and in the 2004 Hostettler wanted to remind presidential election (Brett Corbin, Marion Chronicle Tribune). One of the undercurrents in the his constituents that a major- race for mayor of Marion seems to be which candidate can better replace the factory jobs that ity of Americans believed have been lost in Marion. Both candidates -- Democrat Bill Henry and Republican Wayne going to war was justified Seybold -- said the reports regarding the death of manufacturing have been greatly exaggerat- last spring. "And it is justi- ed. Neither has given up. “I think we're going to have to be as competitive as possible,” Henry fied, then the cost of it is jus- said. “We have to offer highly skilled and highly specialized manufacturing skills.” Seybold tified, and the cost to rebuild said last week that he has not given up on manufacturing jobs coming to Marion. “There's still Iraq is justified," he said. going to be a need for manufacturing that needs to be closer to the consumer,” he said. “I've "We're not spending the done ice shows in China, and I can tell you it's not an easy place to do business. There's a lot money foolishly. If we cut of small businesses that can't do business there.” General Status: TOSSUP. continued on page 8 Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 Page 8 of 9

and run now we'll leave the Brian A. Howey, HPR - The notion many thought, signal that Kernan was in Iraqi people with unfinin- that the Kathy Davis nomination for lieu- and he'd just selected his running mate. shed business and a bad tenant governor signals that Gov. Kernan But Thursday, Kernan's body English was taste in their mouths about won’t run is almost comical. Anyone who as unenlightening as his statements. Some the United States." doesn’t believe Davis can’t evolve from a politicians looked at the selection of this technocrat to a successful politician has person and saw only a 15-month pick. Her BOSMA NOW BALKING AT policy credentials are hefty, but her politi- EXTENDED SPECIAL SES- never met her. I looked at the photo of cal credentials nonexistent. It's a solid SION: House Minority Davis and Kernan in the Senate by Leader Brian Bosma, R- Indianapolis Eye photographer Ellen choice to help Kernan get as much done Indianapolis, might have Jackson and saw the potential of a mar- as possible in the next 15 months, they dashed any possibility of ketable ticket. Just look at that photo. said, but she's not a campaigner and won't Bauer's proposal to have an become one. Nonsense, said others. extended special session Leslie Stedman Weidenbener, Maybe it's just because so many of them next week to consider prop- so badly want Kernan to run. But they erty tax legislation. Louisville Courier-Journal - Political observers hoped that when Gov. Joe look at Davis and see a political choice Lawmakers are to meet that might sound crazy but just might Monday to vote on Gov. Joe Kernan named his lieutenant governor work in the 2004 election. “It's not a polit- Kernan's nomination of nominee last week that he would signal Kathy Davis as lieutenant whether he intended to run for a full term ical decision. But because it's not a politi- governor (Mike Smith, in the office next year. But they agreed cal decision, it becomes a political one,” Associated Press). Bosma instead that his pick of Kathy Davis, a for- said Kip Tew, the former Marion County had expressed support mer state budget director and current con- Democratic Party chairman who managed Monday for extending the troller of Indianapolis, said less about his Kernan's lieutenant governor campaign in special session next week political future than his agenda for 15 2000. “It is so smart, it's good politics.”  because House Republicans have advocated steps to months of the term he resumed after the provide immediate relief to death last month of Gov. Frank O'Bannon. Charlie Cook, National Journal - homeowners hit hardest by House Republican Leader Brian Bosma The 2004 presidential election long has the court-ordered reassess- said that when he asked Kernan what his seemed likely to be at least competitive, ment. But he said Tuesday choice means, the governor said only that with the nation evenly divided between he "hadn't thought it he is “dealing with today's problems today the two major political parties, along with through all the way," and and tomorrow's problems tomorrow.” the high degree of partisan polarization, that Bauer had expanded the enormous intensity of emotions within the list of proposals to be considered. Some, Bosma Mary Beth Schneider, both ranks of partisans and the sluggish, if said, could have "profound Indianapolis Star - Since being swept up not downright weak, economy. But until public policy" and fiscal in the maelstrom of events in the days very recently, the downward trend in consequences. "When the before and after Gov. Frank O'Bannon's President Bush's approval numbers was legislature has moved too death, Kernan has had to build a new really more of a settling. His approval rat- quickly on complicated mat- administration, including a new lieutenant ings' descent from stratospherically high ters there have been some governor. He hasn't had time to think levels to lower numbers was what one serious problems," Bosma about a decision he once thought was would expect, given the political said. He pointed to a last- and economic state of the nation. But minute tax cut approved a final. But if his words didn't shed any few years ago that ended up light on his political future, there were since Labor Day, the decline looks more costing the state about $200 many Democrats hoping his actions would like a real drop than a settling, and the million more than anticipat- speak louder than words. A pick of, say, triple issues of the economy, the deficit ed. state Sen. Vi Simpson -- one of three and Iraq have become conjoined.  Democrats running for governor -- would, CRODDY FILES FOR 7TH Page 9 of 9 Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003

Monday will be for Kathy Davis in Legislature By BRIAN A. HOWEY late penalties for some taxpayers and When the Indiana General extending assessment appeal filing dead- Assembly convenes in special session on lines. It would increase the homestead Monday, the business at hand will be deduction from a maximum of $35,000 to solely to confirm Kathy Davis as lieu- $44,000 next year, then drop it down to CD: Republican Bob Croddy has filed his candidacy for the tenant governor. $39,500 in 2005 and $35,000 in 2006. It 7th CD now held by U.S. Rep. would implement a new deduction of Gov. Joe Kernan decided on Julia Carson. "For the past Wednesday that an extended session on $4,500 for homes between 50 and 100 year, I've been traveling around solving the state’s acute property tax years old, and those 100 years old or Marion County talking to both dilemma won’t happen after meeting with older would get a$9,000 deduction. Democrats and Republicans House Speaker B. Patrick Bauer and But Kernan explained, “As I alike," Croddy said. "And I Senate President Pro Tempore Bob said earlier this month, we need more wouldn't be doing this unless I Garton. information to make decisions on these knew that the people of “I had good conversations with complex issues -- issues that require and Indianapolis don't feel that they're being represented well both the speaker and president pro tem- deserve thoughtful debate and discussion. Oct. 20 is a day that should be reserved and that I couldn't do a better pore this morning,” said Kernan. “I told job as their voice in for confirming and celebrating the confir- them that while I share many of the con- Washington." Croddy is a cerns that they and their members have mation of Kathy Davis as Indiana's lieu- financial consultant. voiced regarding the impact of reassess- tenant governor.” ment on Hoosier homeowners, I believe By almost universal accounts, PENCE STRUGGLES WITH we can wait until Organization Day, Nov. Davis can be expected to receive unani- IRAQ AID BILL: U.S. Rep. Mike 18.” mous approval. Pence says he might have to go against President Bush's According to a list supplied by The reaction by Senate Finance Chairman Larry Borst, R-Greenwood, was wishes when it comes to giving Bauer, some counties have increased their Iraq billions of dollars (WISH- tax levies as much as 24.47 percent, the typical. “The one thing about her is she is very fair,” Borst told the Associated Press. TV). This week Congress is figure reported by Warrick County. expected to debate the “She understands there is a real world out Marion County's tax levy increased by President's $87 billion request there and you can't be draconian in your 16.21 percent following reassessment to fund military operations and thoughts. You have to be levelheaded and (Jim Wensits, South Bend Tribune). “It's a reconstruction in Iraq and listen to both sides, but then, she is nervy huge problem,” Bauer said of the project- Afghanistan. Pence says he enough to do what she thinks is best.” hopes to meet with Bush ed $75 million in extra property tax relief State Sen. Vi Simpson observed before the vote because he that the state would be responsible for. that Davis is “very smart, savvy, experi- believes without a doubt his The draft plan Speaker Bauer enced,” and “always looking for a good constituents want part of the released Tuesday would apply a strict 5 challenge.” appropriations to be in the percent cap on property tax increases that form of a loan. In an interview Republican State Sen. Ron Alting, local governments use to finance general with News 8 Pence said, "When told the Lafayette Journal & Courier, operating expenses. It also includes new we put American fighting men “What is really remarkable is that we or enhanced tax deductions for homeown- and women in harms way we ers, including those with homes older than have a governor and a lieutenant governor do it because it's in our inter- est to do it we pay for that, but 50 years (Mike Smith, Associated Press). ... a team in there that can make decisions in the best interest of the people and not when it comes to bricks and “It is not that complicated,” Bauer said of mortar, health clinics and what's in the interest of their next political his tax plan. “I think the average legisla- schools those are the kinds of tor could understand it in a couple of campaign. That's big. It would have been things that in these times of hours." Bauer's plan also includes four easy for him to pick a Democrat who is large deficits the American proposals House Republicans have advo- running for governor, but he didn't do people would expect us to look cated to help homeowners hit hard by that. We have a rare opportunity to do to this oil rich nation as partner reassessment. They include installment something great for the people of in future."  plans to pay property tax bills, waiving Indiana.”