LU3 The Canadian M iner alog is t Vol. 33,pp. 1023-lM5(1995) STRATIFORMAND ALLUVIALPLAfl NUM MINERALIZATION IN THENEW CALEDONIA OPHIOLITE COMPLEX THIERRY AUGE lNI PIERREMATIRZOT BRGM'Metallogeny and Geotynarnics", B.P. 6009, 45060 Orldans Cedex 2, France ABSTRA T An unusualtype offt mineralizationhas beenfound in the New Caledoniaophiolite complex, associatedwitl stratiform chromite-bearingrocks at the baseof the cumulateseries (close to the transition zone betweendunite and pyroxene-bearing rocks) and with cbromite-richpyroxenite dykes from the samezone. Two placer deposis, both enrichedin Fl also have been recognized one derived from the chromite-rich horizons and the other a cbromitiferous beach sand of unknown origin. Chromite-bearingrocks aremarked by a very strongenrichment in Pt relative to fhe other platinum-groupelements (PGE), $'ith a rrardmunconcentration of 11.5ppm (average3.9 ppm). The Pt enrichmenttakes the form of platinum-groupminerals (PGM) included in chromite crystals and is interpretedas being pdlrar'/. The following minerals have been identified: ft-Fe{u alloys (isoferroplatinum,tulame€nite, tetraferroplatinum and undeterminedphases), cooperite, laurite, bowieite, malanite, cuprorhodsite,unnamed PGE oxides, and base-metalsulfides with PGE in solid solution. The associatedplacers show a slightly different mineral association,with isoferroplatinum,tulameenite, and rare cooperite,sperrylite, Os-k-Ru alloys and PGE oxides. A more complex paragenesishas been identified in the beach san4 with isoferroplatinum,cooperite, laurite, erlichmanite, Os-Ir-Ru alloys, bowieite, ba$ite, hollingworthire, sperrylite, stibiopalladinite, and unnamed Rh sulfide, Pt-Ru-Rh alloy and PGE oxides. This type of mineralization, which differs markedly from the Os-Ru-h mineralization previously recognized in podiform cbromitite in New Caledonia, shows several analogies with Alaskan-type PGE mineralization.The host chromitite,with typical cumulustextwes, is markedby Ti and Feh emichmentdue to derivationfrom an evolved liquid.
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