The Public Hall flag design competition

winners are in…drum roll please!

There are 6 winners of the Stretford Public Hall flag design competition, which asked local people to respond to the brief ‘reasons to be cheerful’. Here you can see the original designs and the digitised versions as well as read a bit about the inspiration behind each one.

The judges of the completion were; Kate Green, Labour MP for Stretford & and Shadow Education Secretary. Venessa Scott, Artist and Designer | Specialist in Creative Education and Daniel Williamson, Chair of Friends of Stretford Public Hall Under 18’s winners Evan, 5

“Evan said the Public Hall, trees, bees and butterflies make him happy in Stretford!” - Evan’s mum Esther, 5

“Esther thought of a magical unicorn as an inspiring and magical creature. She chose a background purple cross shape as it is like a plus symbol which means positivity to her. Purple is also her favourite colour.” - Esther’s Dad Noah, 6

“Noah’s inspiration came from his friends who live all around Stertford. He missed them during lockdown. He loves that we knows so many people around Stretford and makes friends with people at the all the time as it’s such a friendly place.”- Noah’s mum Over 18’s winners Sarah Whitefield

“This design is a thank you to Victoria Park in Stretford. I have used the sun dial figures on the outside to offer love to a tree in the centre. The crown from the front gate of the park is being placed on top of the tree by the figure on the right. Other ornate motifs from the gates are referenced. The colours are gold, lime green and purple. A nod to the suffragettes. Overall the shape of a heart if given, proper love for this wonderful space.” - Sarah Emma Towler

“I have attended the Stretford singers choir since the very first night it began. The building is SPH where the choir (normally) takes place and the musical notes represent the singing and other music events radiating from the hall and the uplifting feeling it gives me as an individual, the performers and the audience. The sun is rising behind to also give an uplifting feeling. The colours in the picture are loosely based on the colours of the rainbow which is a symbol of cheerfulness.” - Emma Sam Swaffield “Historically, before we become enveloped in , Stretford had it's own coat of arms, at the top of the crest there was a really impactful symbol - the hand clenching the thunderbolts. I think it's Zeus' hand but apparently it's there to represent change in Stretford, from agricultural to industrial. It was the symbol of Stretford's scouts in the past. So, I think it's great! So energetic and powerful! I wondered how it could be used today and have meaning for everybody…

The clenched fist represents our Mancunian spirit of equality, care and power. The 3 thunderbolts represent Stretford Meadows (green), the (blue) and the people (red - this is a nod to our collective spirit and the football club ... I couldn't have blue on there and not red, in Stretford!).” - Sam See them in front of Stretford Public Hall very soon…