Act of Tolerance, 54 British colonial period, American Resting Place, 32–33 The (Yalom), 8–9 British gravestone in North Anglican, 27 America, 59–60 Anglican/English British in seventeenth churchyard model, century 88–89 , ‘King’s Chapel’,46–47 108–112 Anglican Book of Common British Isles, 4–5, 26–27, Pray (1662), 137 32–33 Apotropaic marks, 68 British North America Archaeologists, 1–2 17th century burial ‘Archaeology of American landscapes in, 77–78 Cemeteries and in early seventeenth Gravestones’, The century, 43–50 (Baugher and Veit), frequency analysis for 16–17 comparison between , 136 regions, 100 frequency analysis of Baltimore City, 87–88 seventeenth century ‘Brick Chapel’,87–88 settlements, 100 Bristol and London results of analysis, Company, 43 99–105 British burial traditions, settlement organization 19–20 in 17th century, protestant reformation 80–95 effects on, 37–43

161 162 Index

seventeenth to eighteenth Catholic epitaphs, 41–42 century British Catholicism, 132 settlements, 84–85 Catholics, 129–130 statistical analysis of Cemeteries, 19–20, 25–26 burial ground garden, 25–26 organization, 95–99 Chantry chapels, 33–34 British settlers, 26–27 Chapel Field cemetery, British-founded settlements, 58–59 26–27 ‘Chapell’,92–93 ‘Britishness’ in colonial Christian symbols, 71 settlements, 19–21 Churchyard, 24–25, 54 Burial Act (1880), 44–45 Clairseach,´ 70 Burial grounds, 3–4, 8–9, ‘Coffin-less burial’,58–59 11–14, 24, 53, Coffins, 51–52, 55–56 79–80 styles and accessibility, statistical analysis of 57–58 burial ground Colonial organization, 95–99 burial grounds, 32–33 Burial(s), 1–2 gravestone carvers, burial/burying ground, 14–15 26 Colonialism, 3–4 cemeteries, 8–9, 24–26 ‘Colony of Avalon’,87 churchyard/graveyard, British and Irish in 24 seventeenth century interments, 3 Newfoundland, landscapes, 7–11, 22–24 108–112 rites in Britain preceding evidence of deaths at protestant , 112–114 reformation, 31–37 Guilford, Connecticut, site at Ferryland, 6–7 122–127 space organization, seventeenth century 42–43 burials at Ferryland, terminology, 22–27 114–122 Commemoration, 33–34 Cadaver tombs, 35–36 – Common Burying Ground, Carved gravestones, 59 60 – – 91 92 Carvers, 14 15 Communal coffin, 55–56 Carvings, 14–15 ‘Communion tables’,39–40 Index 163

Conception Bay South, Ebola, 130–131 136–137 Embalming, 31–32, 36–37 Connecticut, 88–90, English churchyard model, 102–103 98 Copp’s Hill Burying Enthusiasts, 44–45 Ground, 46–47, European model of ‘grave 91 recycling’, 131 Copper pins, 55 Excavations, 56–59 ‘Counterreformation at Ferryland, 107–108, ideology’,16–17 121 Cremation, 36–37 at Foxtrap, 136–137 , 43, 93–95 Family plots, 86–87 Daisy wheel. See Hexfoil Ferryland, 5–6, 43, 60–61, Death, 1–2, 33–34 109–111 evidence at Ferryland, death evidence at, 112–114 112–114 head, 66–67 excavations at, 107–108, ‘Dig a Grave both Wide 121 and Deep’ report, gravestones, 62–63, 65 13–14 pool, 117 Diggers, 44–45 seventeenth century ‘Dissolution of the burials at, 114–122 Monasteries’,38 to St. John’s and cupids, Doctrine of calvinism, 110 38–39 Folk traditions, 95 Foxtrap, excavations at, East Coast 136–137 17th-century burial practices and Google Earth Pro, 21–22, landscapes on, 51 97–99 gravestones in Granary Burying Ground, seventeenth-century 91 Atlantic world, Grave(s), 116, 135–136 59–65 burial ground, 92–93 seventeenth-century European model of grave gravestone recycling, 131 iconography, 65–76 markers, 14–18 below surface, 54–59 shafts, 116 164 Index

Gravestone(s), 14–15, 40, Jamestown, 43, 81–86 75–76 gravestones, 65 in seventeenth-century ledger, 63–64 Atlantic world, John Coney stone, 73–74 59–65 John Guy’s Cupids of William Paddy, 64 Plantation, 93–94 ‘Gravestones of Early New JR102C individual, 56–57 England and the King’s Chapel Burying Men who Made Ground, 45–46 Them’ (Forbes), 14 Graveyard, 24–26 Landscape, 1–2, 7–8 theory, 19–20 archaeology theory, 53 Great Awakening, 16–17 Lydia Broun stone, 73–74 Great Migration (1630s), ‘ ’ – 90–91 Marking grave ,8 9 Ground penetrating radar Massachusetts Bay – (GPR), 116, Company, 43 45, – 119–120 90 93, 102 ‘ ’ Ground-truthing, 58–59 Meeting House Yard , – Guilford, Connecticut, 88 89 122–127 Memento mori motifs, – Guilford Green, 124–126 66 67 Menunkatucket, 123 Hexafoil. See Hexfoil Microsoft Excel, 21–22 Hexagonal coffins, 57–58 Monastic communities, 38 Hexfoil, 68–74 Monumental brasses, 41–42 Iceberg, 6–7 – Monuments, 35 Iconoclasm, 40 41 – – Morbid space, 7 8 Iconography, 65 76 – Inscribed gravestones, Muggletonians, 44 45 59–60 Nails, 57–58 Irish New England gravestone settlers, 26–27 art, 14 in seventeenth century Newfoundland Company, Newfoundland, 5, 20, 43, 51–52, 108–112 60–61 Isabella Stewart Gardner fi – Museum, 91 Parish cof n, 55 56 Index 165

‘Percy’ individual, 56–57 Quaker(s), 15–16, 26, ‘Pilgrims’,44–45 44–45 Plymouth Colony, 90–91 gravestones, 63–64 Plymouth plantation, 44–45 Reform Act (1832), 54 Rhode Island, 90 Poole Plantation, 113–114 Romano–British Popham Colony, 92–93 gravestones, 69 Portable X-ray fluorescence Rooms Provincial Museum (pXRF), 61–62 of Newfoundland Pre-Reformation and , 70 monuments and Round-end graves, 58–59 gravestones, 35 – Preiconography Rural cemetery, 25 26 Rural garden cemetery, gravestones, 25–26 64–65 Protective marks in Seekers, 44–45 mortuary context, Settlement 68–76 organization in 17th Protestant, 27 century, 80–95 Protestant reformation, planning, 47–48 129 Seventeenth century on British burial burials at Ferryland, tradition, 37–43 114–122 British North America in settlers, 133 early seventeenth Shrouds, 55 century, 43–50 ‘Six-feet-under’ phrase, burial rites in Britain 58–59 preceding protestant Six-sided cross, 69 reformation, 31–37 Sleeping chamber effects, 31–32 (koimeterion), Protestantism, 19–20, 49, 25–26 78–79 Statistical analysis, 10, Purgatory concept, 33–34, 77–78 38–39 of burial ground Puritanism, 16–17, 45–48 organization, 95–99 Puritans, 15–16, 27, 38–39, Statistical Package for the 42, 44–45, 129–130 Social Sciences gravestones, 63–64 (SPSS), 21–22 166 Index

Thomas Smith stone, 73–74 Whorl or pinwheel design, ‘Thunder mark’,69–70 68 Trenches, 116–121 Winged skull. See — – Death head Vandalism theory, 62 63 Witch hex. See Hexfoil Virginia Company, 20–21, Wound shroud, 55 43–44 ‘Virginia’, 43, 81–86 Yorktown, 81–87