atlon In Manila and the provinces re- ufacturers of mining machinery and all II bore off the GrandJ Rational, which T were no accidents. The number of visit- L H. HARR1MAN IN OREGON mains unchanged. The Increase in cases MINERS ' TO CONVENE others Interested In advancing the wel- EDWARD VII ON THE TURF is io sieepiecnasing wnai. uie jjeroy is ors for the day at the insane asylum was continues and the fatalities are still about fare of the mining Industry will attend to flat racing, and no other owner has 1200. 0 per cent. and participate In the deliberations of this, even won the two "blue ribbons" In the fifth annual session of the Interna- one year. Canada Smuggle Our False Tcetli. Nor has Queen d. RAIIAVAV MAGNATB GOES OX TRIP INTERNATIONAL MINING CONGRESS tional Mining Congress, and by their HE HAS "WON HIS FIRST VICTORY the been without share Chicago Record-Heral- ADVERTISED. presence and advice make the proceed- in this pleasure. Indeed. Diamond Jubi- The notion TO YAQUINA BAT. TO MEET IN BUTTE. ' AS that Canada has bitten oft ings of this coming assembly of so Inter- KING OF GREAT BRITAIN. lee, upon whom this name was bestowed more than she can chew In the Alaska Gnclaimed Iietters Remaining In tho esting and educational a character as to by the then Princess of Wales in com- boundary dispute 13 all wrong. For years Fostofilcc at Portland, On. command favorable consideration through- memoration of his being foaled In she has been smuggling thousands of He Will Arrive in Portland Today City Planninsr to Entertain Many out the civilized world. Account, In Anticipation, of Hie Is said to have been petted dollars' worth of American false teeth. Trto delivery of letters by carriers at the Delegates . - It Is not the object of this congress to and pampered In his young days to a She now has masticating facilities and Be Entertained by Chamber residence of owners may be eecured by observ- in September Excar- Horses, Jockeys and Their. quite by that confine its consideration of subjects to extraordinary extent the will enable her to crack almost any in- of Commerce Trustees . ing the following rules: - slon to YellOTTstone. that of mining for gold and silver and Performances. ladles of Sandringham. Certainly the across Direct plainly to the street and number of cop- live- ternational nut that falls the their but also that of Princess always manifested the border. the houne. per. In his races. One she was address, Iron, coal, marble, stone, the various liest Interest That "our lady of the snows" Is pre- Head letters with the writer's full BUTTE, fire clays, asphaltum, and all kindred In- especially desirous he should win the President Edward H. Harriman, of the including street and number, and request an- Mont, May Irwin His Majesty's to the turf pared to chew almost any old thing con- Mahon terests In the mineral and metallic Kemp-to- n Princess of Wales" stakes at Newmarket Southern Pacific Company, also the swer to be directed- - accordingly. has Issued a call to the Governors after his accession takes place at comes her way is indicated by the sys- and she journeyed expressly for that trolling power In th& Union Pacific Letters to strangers or transient visitors In of states and territories. Mayors of cities classes. v Park, where for the first time since down disclosures just made by the Dominion Is Oregon, having reached Albany the city, may un- and towns, County Commissioners, Cham- The congress desires to secure better colors of the day In order to see him run, and. tem. In whose special address be tho reign of rv the disap- customs authorities. These officials ac- 2 left-han- recognition mining Industry by as was hoped, win. To In a special train about o'clock yester- known, should be marked In the d cor- bers of Commerce, Boards of Trade, and of the the an English monarch will be borne In it the cording to dispatches from Montreal, Krutt-Bchni- pointment royal party day afternoon. General Manager tt ner, "Transient." This will prevent their be- all commercial, industrial and mining or- National Government; to , bring about a race. Great triumphs for HlC Maj- of the Mr. Hall have uncovered In changes mining Merry se- frauds the Customs of the Southern Pacific, was with ing delivered to persons of the same or similar ganizations, for a meeting of the Interna- needed In the Federal esty as an owner only followed after Walker's Gal trounced him Department amounting to many thou- him, and they "were accompanied over the names. tional Mining Congress which will convene laws; to cultivate acquaintance, fraternal small beginnings. So casual and un- verely. among Persons please feeling among am Majesty once sands of dollars, chief them being Oregon lines of the company by Man- calling for these letters will for Its fifth annual session In Butte, com- and hearty ambitious indeed were his early essays, "I happiest," His the importation of American false teeth ager Koehler and Superintendent Fields. state date on which they were advertised. mencing Monday, September 1, 1902, and the various mining, manufacturing, trans- says London Mall, that he may wrote in a confessional .album, "when May IS. They charged the rate the go and other dental supplies without paying Traffic Director Stubbs is not with. Mr. will be for at continuing for four days after. portation, commercial and labor bodies almost be said to have drifted Invo- I can, like plain Mr. Jones, duty smuggling Oregon. of 1 cent each. represented; and to exchange practical to...a race meeting being chron- on them. The of false Harriman on thla visit to The great success and Influential effect luntarily Into ownership on a large scale. without It teeth, it is alleged, has been going on for At Albany the Harriman special train "WOMEN'S LIST. of the four preceding assemblies, together Ideas covering the various phases of the His Majestj's first race of any de icled In the papers next day that His years. was to of the Cor- - Akerman, Mrs Johnson, Dr Mary P min- mining business; an interest embracing Highness the Prince of Wales has taken transferred the tracks Appleton, with the wonderful expansion of the scription was a modest effort at secur- Of course, is rough on the Domin- & through to Kelley, Miss Sereta 1S99, every branch of the mining Industry, and to gambling very seriously, and yester- this vallls Eastern, and It ran Anderson, Mrs Ida E Kelley. Mrs Mabel ing Industry during the years .1S9S,. ing the regimental trophy of the Tenth ion exchequer, speaks volumes Bay night. 1900 190L especially to take advisement the day lost more money ever he can but It fir Taqulna before There tho Armstrong, Miss Au- - Kendtg, Mrs Myrtle and and the special Importance under (Prince of Wales' Own Royal) Hussars, than American store teeth. Instead of getting party spent the night Today the train susta Kenyon, Mrs Belle of the subjects to passed Importance of the creation by the Con steeple- afford to pay." Armstrong, be discussed and a challenge cup run for at their her teeth from the mother country. Can- "will come through to Portland down the Mrs Lena Klnnunen. Ante upon, will beyond question bring to- gress of the United State? of a depart- In There Is no doubt as to His 3Iajesty's Bacon. Mrs Maggie E LaDow. Miss Mary all chase meeting near Hayes, the ada prefers to grind her Indian corn or East Side, and it Is expected to reach gether a large delegation earnest, ment to be known as the Department of 31, 1S71. enjoyment of the national sport. He Baeder, Mrs Andrew Mrs Allco of -. Windsor district, on March on 4 M. Beyer, LaRant. Mines and Mining, thus securing a Cabi- Is an lover of It, relishing it buckwheat cakes American molar., Portland about P. Ann Lee, Miss Alberta 2 thinking men. insuring for the In the aforementioned Challenge cup ardent and people ready to fines This evening at 7:30 Mr. Harriman and Behlman, Mrs Carrie Lee. Mrs Jane congress most net officer that represents an interest more perhaps when he attends it in the are risk Bennett, Mrs Maggie a instructive and successful in which His Majesty first displayed his and Imprisonment to smuggle them across his party will be entertained by the trus- ELewls, Mrs A session. more essentially and Intensely American least state. A July meeting hard , by Black, Mrs E Lewis. Miss Mary colors they were worn by Captain the border. And here is where the mother tees of the Portland Chamber of Com- Bomberger, The object of the congress to encour- than that of any other that falls under ChamploYi. the shady plantation at Newmarket, Anna M Lincoln. Irene Is legislative power Bulkeley on a hunter called country may well exclaim: merce with a dinner at the Arlington Club. M E Ludwlck. Miss Hazel age growth and the development of each the of our Government. Seductive name this,, ringing true and with sensible clothes and President Mellen, of the Northern Pacific, Booth, Mlas Opal Lynch, Miss Minnie G-- 2 and every represented; Proposals are invited of subjects and head gear to matcn, "no doubt .appeals How sharper than a serpent's tooth it Is Bowen. Miss Lillian state and territory papers confident, but, alas! the nag's perform- who will also reach Portland today, will McBrlen. Mrs L to work In harmony National leg- on mines, mining, milling, smelting, fell, much more strongly to his sense of To have a thankless child. Browning, Miss Jennie McCarty, Miss Daisy for such mining machinery, kindred topics ance did not assort with it. He also be a guest at this dinner, and there Brown, Mrs Mary McDarmott, Mrs Anna islation as Is calculated to promote the and all which was an Ignominous thing for a than all the glories of state England makes teeth, but they are not In- to programme now being will be 35 to 40 othens. It will be an Brown, Mrs McFeely, Mrs Geo interests of the people of the Nation; In- be embraced in a to do. Strive as he might ceremonied Ascot. strong enough for Canada, where they affair, designed to express cordial Buttrlck. Mrs McKern. Mrs Edith prepared, and on adjournment of the con- crack nuts and chew off sassa- formal Carter, Mrs Joseph Mary crease reciprocal trade between the states after being remounted, too, and the rec- the bark good will rather than formal welcome or Martlne, and spe- gress to be published with its proceedings fras trees. It is a "tooth and nail" strug- Chester, Mrs L C Martin. Mrs M A territories; to discuss matters of in book ords credit him with making gallant AT THE HOTELS. hospitality. Chrlswell, Mrs Louise Messner. Mrs Kellle cial interest and to formulate and de- form. efforts to repair his fault, he had ulti- gle In that rigorous clime, where the bat- Mr. Harriman Is tsxpected to be In Port- Clauson. Mrs Mevllle. Mlsi Emma cide upon plans bring The Coming THE PORTLAND. tle with the elements Is not to the tooth- Clark, Mlas which will about Session. mately to put up with second place, land several days. It is understood that Laura Means. Mrs the desired results In the advancement of The influence of this coming session of Lord Valentla's Wellington being ,the A E Palmer, Spokane Alfred Battle. Seattle less, but to the man whose grinders fit trip perhaps Clinton, Mrs Ellsworth Miller, Mellle Caspar Lyon M Hanley. Dnvr the will take a to Astoria and Clifton. Miss Lou Moore, Miss Jennie M the mining Industry and kindred Interests. the congress, surrounded as It will be by winner and Captain Wood his pilot. Six Mrs A him and are mounted on a modern plate he will run out over the Columbia Sout- Cobb. Mrs B C S Wills. Boston E R Cowles, Chicago will "defy tooth of time." L Morley, Mrs Jean Of the 1,500,000.000 consumers of the a multitude of problems that call for all years elapsed before the royal colors E G Richard. N Y Stanley Glldden do that the hern to Shaniko: Coleman, Miss Bonnie jcilson, Mra J A S23.O0O.O0O, one-ha- lf Perhaps here is a way out of the Alas- Mrs world, or more than of the wisdom and experience that can be were again on view. Mrs E E B Motte, S F R L Oak, Los Angeles Collins. Newton, Mra Amanda Schoureck, Y Douglas boundary difficulty. Canada Conwrlght, Mrs Oleson. Mrs the total, 1.500.000,000, are mainly In coun- brought to bear for their solution, will be It was at Newmarket at the occasion Frank N Miss Blanche kan needs Miss upon directly opposite In Owen 8hort. Seattle Miss Lillian Douglas American teeth. Let her repeal the duty Cram. Lottie Parker. Mrs Lena J tries resting and potential, and to those participating of a sporting match between a Syrian A H Wilson, Miss Mlnnette Barrett WANT IRRIGATION FIGURES Cushman, Miss Eva Patereon. Mrs John A our Pacific seaports; In developing Phlla on teeth In exchange for Chllcoot Pas3 Cummins, Mrs and Jts deliberations or availing themselves of horse of Invincible "prowess In his native Ed Krechle. Ind Harrington Reynolds Edna Peterson. Louise American lnterestsX in home and foreign Its results its benefits will be immeasura- land which His Majesty had purchased Newton Kelsay, Ind Mrs A DeF Smith, city or an Inlet through Lynn Canal. to-- Dawson, Mrs Anna Pike, Miss May Census Office May Be Directed Co- Davies, C Mary markets Is In the fostering and main- ble. on way F E Allen, wf. .Maine J M Nicholson, Seattle Jane Plumm. it at Cairo his home from India, Miss C Allen do C E Curry. S F llect Statistics. Davis. Miss Minnie Prentiss. Miss Julia M taining of the higher advancement of our Special rates will be given the occa- And humble specimen the English E Fairly Satisfactory. Iate Davis, Miss Nellie May for a of W J Kunzle, Buffalo Mrs Nina Larowe, city Pauncefote Purcell. Mrs mining Industry, and encouraging of sion, and all delegates and visitors are C A S Neji-- Churchman, do IS. May 15. Dorhon. Mra H Reld, Miss the called Avowl. and owned Macomber. F Dr WASHINGTON, May At a late hour WASHINGTON, Tho House J individual enterprise, that we will secure assured of ample accommodations, and a by So she anight L E Sage, Bridgeport Mrs M G Myenv do on census favorably Eda, Mrs Roth, Florence 'Lord Strathnalrn. that Y tonight the condition of Lord Pauncefote, committee has Elliott, Miss Elsie Miss the power that will most easily, naturally most cordial welcome by the citizens of witness this equine struggle between Chas Sweeay and. wife, C S Welch. N Ambassador, resolution- - Chair- Robinson. Edna spoKane C S Jacobson. city the British was reported to the introduced by Endycott, Mrs Ida M Rodgers, Mrs Delia 2 and permanently build up our home and Butte and Montana. Queen Minneapolis satisfactory. experi- Engman, Mlas Annie M State of the East and West the present R M Rogers, wf ChgojWm Gross, be fairly He had man Tongue, of the irrigation committee, Shannon. Miss Anna foreign trade, secure general prosperity W Minn directing Census to make Fleming. Miss Maud Slater, Mrs S Delegates and Representation. paid her first visit to Newmarketl I F Crosby, wf. Iowa J Rosnberirer. enced a good day and was sleeping the Bureau Ford, Mrs S C and happiness among all classes of people, proved sadly unexciting affair, B K Coffmah, Texas P B Cornwall, wf. S F soundly. ttnorc complete investigations reports Smlthson. Mrs J Governors of states and territories, all It a O S Ryerse, Mnpls Tacoma and Gage, Mrs Emollne Smith. Miss Effle and lay a firm foundation for the success Alep being hopelessly outclassed. R P Bradley, on the subject of irrigation than was at Gibson. Nancy Y friendly nations, Mayors of cities and W W Roberts. N Y A J Stelnman,. S F Springer. Mrs Anna of present and future generations. Leonldas II and Captain Wentworth H W Sewall, S Wm Howarth, Everett first undertaken by them, in the hope that Godden. Lena . Steers. Mrs G towns, mining exchanges, chambers of F Spring humors, bolls, pimples, scrofula We have a territory of boundless re- Hope-Johnsto- were principal actors H J Harris, San F W B Jeffs, Michigan are by may complied avail- Goldsworthy. Mrs Hugh Stevens. Mrs Nettle commerce, boards of real estate the " and salt rheum all cured Hood's such data be and be Goodwin, Mrs Fred Blanche sources and advantageous geographical trade, In success, w s Nelson. Mich A F Elliot. Wf. S Sarsaparllla. use Depart- Jrfitevcns, Miss exchanges and all commercial and His Majesty's first racing W H Rochester G Wentworth. Taco able for the of the Interior Grimes. Mrs Mary Stephens. Mrs J A position; these are but the materials of trade was achieved Aldershot Dunn. F 4n case pending irrigation bill Hageny. Mrs M labor organizations are urged to appoint which in the ment the John Stuart. Mrs R success. Success is an Individual quality. cup mili- Colombia River Scenery. Regulator becomes a law. Some of the data already Hall, Miss Minnie Taylor. Mrs C C representative delegates at an early date, one dripping afternoon at the Line steamers. Dalles, Cascade Locks and The establishment of the Agricultural 1SS0-- , - L Collected will be Issued in the form of Hanson, Miss Allle Thomas, Miss Alice sending the name and postofflce address of tary headquarters in April, Both return daily, except Sunday, from Oak-s- a Hansen, Miss Agnes Thompson. Claris Department In 18S9 was the creation of a the King and Queen were present, also bulletin. It is desired, however, through Harrmon. Mrs Mabel each delegate without tielay to the secre- THE PERKINS. Tyncr, Miss Lulu beacon light to the farmer. Through the tary. other royalties and a crowd of fash- "correspondence, to have the Census Office Haws. Miss Maggie AVandel, Mrs John well organized efforts this department, Robert Herman. A Clough. Arlngtn ."bring down on irrigation to the Hayden, Mrs Laura "Walker, Mrs Charlie of Delegates are apportioned as follows: ionables. Frank Hastings SFI6I W Hope. Vale, Or its data Mra S th.e products of field, farm and orchard Is year 1902, two years later than when the Hellner. A Webber. Mrs Alia Governors of states and territories, 30 es Of course everybody familiar with W W Wheeler. Des M H Bonahy. do Horton. Aggie "Wescott. Mrs H H have increased, and new markets opened the careers of the two brothers; what G H Harvey. N Y Mrs Bonahy. do original facts were collected, as it is Howard, Mrs S B "White. Mrs "Warren 3 each; Mayors of cltlep and towns, Jacob Slier, So G Pogue. Ont Ingalls, up at home and abroad. So well is this a grand horse was, and what Bend Dr A Food ergued that remarkable developments Dr Ellsa A S "Wall, Mrs A C appre- five delegates each and one additional for C 2 Cushman, TacomaiMrs Pogue. do Mellin's Johnson, Mrs Mayme Tohann, Mrs Anna department now understood and 10,000 a funny one , with his T Shellenbarger, H Moore, do v Slave been made in this line in the past very each population or fraction thereof; J KCMrs J years. report on Tongue Johnson, Dr Mary E ciated, that it Is questionable each mining bureau, five delegates each; savage fits and his intolerance of cer- W Johnson C E Standler. Drensey .two In its the Cohen, city A Knight. Pendleton babies have pink House committee says: MEN'S LIST. whether there Is to be found in all thla each mining exchange, five delegates each; tain jockeys, but not many know any- E L resolution the broad land a single Individual with suffi- C C Darling Tacoma T W Turnell, do two-fift- is each commerce, five delegates thing about Leonldas H. He had a Young B do "As of the United States Abbott, Allan P Kern Bros cient temerity to even a sug- chamber of Miss A L Reeder arid and for the most part vacant land, Alison, Bob Kldd. J L hint at each; each real estate exchange, five dele- checkered history, from all accounts. W"R Klrkwood.McMnv Frank James, Grsa Val cheeks, bright eyes, upon Albel, Jos 2 Kootz, Charley gestion of Its abrogation. Tet a Depart- dele- Like Jeames' birth, his early life seems Edgar S Deane, Globe Eliza Martin, Moro Smd as this region is dependent irri- gates each; each board of trade; five city L Barnunf. do Allen. B F Kruse & Newland ment of Mines and Mining in its benefits to have -- been "wrop in mlstry," but it J H Ralson. gation crop success, great need D-- 2 gates each; each miners' union, five dele- do for the Amsbury. Arthur Kronqulst. Wlktor will exceed in extent of agriculture. G A Bralner. Mrshfleld G4o N Bolton of correct and reliable information re- American Voltaic Co Ladd & Olson that gates each: each trade and labor assem- is known that some little while before C E" Ramsby, clty Miss Rose Epple. Pndlt sound teeth, strong lating to irrigation is apparent." It is Anderson, Chas A & O Lassen. M L American Mining:. bly, five delegates each; and all other passing Into royal ownership he was J R Stevenson. Pomry Mrs John Halley Jr, do shown the Census Office alone can Anderson. G W Lamont, Billy mining commercial and business organizations, being alternately schooled to carry 15 Mrs Stevenson. do Miss Mells. Weston that Anderson, Gjeruld The industry of American is ICuykendall. do Zlmmer, Chicago fir--m Irriga- Lang. Mr stone to hounds and driven in a cart. E V E J flesh. collect data as to the number of Armstrong, Frank E Largell, F "W now so vast and varied, and each and five delegates each. A G Shultz. Seattle Mrs Zlmmer. do limbs and tors, and the total number of acres irri- Armstrong Bros Lebby, oJs every year increasing so rapidly, and so Governors of states and territories, It was the misfortune of a comrade J R Upson, St Paul J W Howard. Prlnev gated, by counties and states; the num- Arnold. A J LKgr, B A ' much depends upon Its being held clean members of the United States Congress In arms that gave Captain "Wenty" J W Spencer. S F Jas E Jones, Iowa, Baldwin, Dr O D M-- 2 S A Nebr W V Fuller. Dallas, Or ber, length and cost of irrigation sys- Lelth. Chas and clear from entangling combina- and of this congress, are Johnstone the amount on Leonldas II. Mitten. Send to the Mellin's Bannon. J H Llndholm. Ed all Major Mrs Mitten. do N Orway. Astoria tems; the acreage, yield and value of the Barmem, J C Lott, I N tions and alliances, that the immediate delegates, with all privileges of The late Dalblac had been asked M T Turnbull. Scotlnd Mrs Orway, do to collar,-bon- e McDonald various crops produced by irrigation; the Barlow, Dr Frank Lorbeskl. John-- 2 establishment of an Independent Depart- delegates except those of voting. ride himbut a broken James Gowans Mrs Murdock acre, Bebstock, J McCoy, T A upset the arrangement. Poor "Treas- Mrs Jas Spauldlng, & 12 chldrn. Arllngtn Food Company, average cost of irrigation per etc. Belknap ment of Mines and Mining, with a secre- of Delegates. Cambridge. Hamley, N Y such, is now de- DrL J McDermott, John I Entertainment ure," as his Intimates called Dalbiaa; Mass Frank T It is data as this that Belford. R- -5 McDonald. James tary who shall be a member of the Presi- The local executive committee of Butte, Mrs E L Howlet. do Mrs L B Rogers, Seattl sired. Berwick & olght John Cabinet, absolutely imperative. If he lost this opportunity to distin- O O Lund, Grata Pass John E Norton. Phlla McGrath. dent's is the greatest mining and smelting camp O Boston, Mass. for If the irrigation bill should pass this Bernstein. Fred Magulre. T A Statistics as they are now gathered on guish himself in the service of his Prince Miss M O Kesioc, Wm McD Fresham. Bernbelm. Aaron McKlnnon. Jim on earth, with its hundreds of miles of he found nobler In service of his Whitewater Mrs Fresham, Troy. O session, the data collected by the census Bergam, M C the production of metals throughout the a the Fresham, do covering present use McLane, Dr James underground workings, has outlined a Sovereign and his country, for he is one J H Altken. Hntlngtn Dr J G the of the water Bestow, M A McMichael, E K United States are gathered by the chief of special programme and will be prepared L R Stlnson. Salem C W Bramel. Laramie a free sample of supply and the areas reclaimed would be Blckley, W F Guy Hm of many brave soldier sportsmen whose P F Ducham. Tlllmk Mrs Larelheaurne, S F Malr. the Division of Statistics of the Geological not only to delight all visitors with an Weseley, Sacto of the greatest value. It is essential that BJngham. ,J 1j7 Mauck. Reynold Survey, excepting gold silver, and bones Ha under .the veldt. A diamond C J Leavltt, Newbery John Blumenthal, Jos Macy. H C and opportunity to Investigate with . comfort pin, C B Wilson, do Jos Weseley, do this work should be up to date, as there these two metals reported on by and emerald horseshoe the gift of do Mcs Tuttle. Montana Mellin's Food, Bloss. Jim Manchester. Denton are the and pleasure the practical workings of Prince, is Capraln Mrs Wilaon. Is now but little accurate information H001? Martin. Aug officials of the mint, which in the nature the O S Ryerse. Mpls Thos Rames, Seattle the greatest mines in the mineral world, souvenir of Interesting Page, S C C Cushman. Tacoma concerning the subject. The President, Bowland. J H Matsoi N P of things are not, and cannot be, a col- In treasured this Thos P Ana Brazen, FlMr "W with all classes of mining machinery wet E W Flint. Athena Hrny Everett, Rosebg in his message to Congress, stated that Iellkle. E pro- occasion. "What a afternoon it Brannan. A B Meeds, Chas lection of facts covering the actual full operation In the various mills and got Fred Roseywarx, do I HIgglns, Eugene over $200,000,000 are invested in irrigation "W was," he writes: "I had drenched Smrvllle W H Baber, Junctn Cy Brannin. W Merrlam. C P duction of gold and 'silver. smelters In and around the City of Butte, riding race before, W Hamilton. enterprises In the "West. Yet the census Briggs. "William Michael. J The Mining Bureau has always been to the skin in the O G Hamilton. do Grover Long. Eugene 1S99, Broeren. j? but, from what they see and hear, learn a and as a preventive to the reins slip- C W Lannan. do Ray Beckley, Elkton of Just closed, discloses the fact that Pter Mnls P added as fifth wheel to some over- Im- 560,000,-D0- Bronson. a never to be forgotten as to the do Mrs Harmon. Roseburg these Investments did not exceed 0. Fred E Miller. Frank lesson ping I rubbed my hands with a mix- Wm Lannan. Boock, Dr L T Miller. J E crowded bureau, or els combined with a portance and actual value of the mining Theo Wllllatns, Waloa Dale Harmon. do Incorrect statements" regarding the Brown. Dr James not, ture of sand and mud." Concerning a C W Mumford. do Tommle Harmon, do Miller. Otto C department whose Interests were are industry and what Its present and greatert similarly event Jockey cost and exaggeration in regard to the Brown. John J Miller. C H not, and never will be allied to those of happi- interesting under W H Russell, Elgin R P Boise. Salem Brunson. V.- -2 success means to the welfare and George Chetwynd, In L Parks, do Wm A Ford. Jrdn Vlly Irrigated areas are very . The J Montljo. F Peachte mining industry, conse- Club rules Sir Cy de- Burpee & Mann Montgomery. Geo E the the natural ness of the people of this great Nation. P T Hales. Adams W H H Hoffman,Or committee believes they retard the Burilngame. M quence his gossipy reminiscences, writes: Sayer, do W W Webb. Los Ang making Jas Moore. H V being that but little attention has Excursion to Yellowstone Park and a very meeting place W H velopment of the arid country by been, or will be, paid to mining mat- smelter "A pleasant took W Elsanblce. Loshln B F Russell, city It appear most of the enterprises trip to Anaconda, to the largest at Sandown between Epsom and Ascot, R Orr. Wasco, Or E H Bush, do that SSiVs ters. In world, will be among the attrac- r are failures, when, as a matter of tact, iSEHUSB Morllnd. A G the 1SS6, and the Prince 'of Wales scored J H Trent. do SEE' squan- Moran. TV'S The National Government has tions. racing. was Regulator Line Steamers. Dalles, while some enterprises have not been rH ?rB money en- his first victory in flat It Morgan, John dered millions of and untold Officers and Committees. Royal Cascade Locks. Return daily. Oak-s-t. dock. successful, in the aggregate there has rtrli' Morgan. Harry ergy through separation scien- only a maiden plate, and Hla money ?rflZ, the of Its The officers of the International Mining Highness representative, Counterpane, THE IMPERIAL. been a large return for all the r&tt-- r LH,1Wt Morrison. T J tific bureaus, and the consequent duplica- expended in the construction of canals mihtrt. P Congress are: President, E. L. Chafner, had odds of "7 to 4 laid on her, the op- c. w. Knowles, Manager. Champion Bootblack p rt tions of results. Similarly each state and Ohio; Major and ditches. Clawsen. C L AlUTpn, Cleveland, position being very weak. When Archer C C Darling, Tacoma Geo Balrd. Union very Aiyer, a. territory Is now working out Its own R. Reed, Boise, Idaho: Tsecretary, winning very" easily in Klrkpatrlck, "Westn Irrigation development has been Clark. Dr R B Nelson, Win T salvation or disruption In the matter of Fred was seen to be John Fox, Astoria Jas In tho last two years, continues Clinch. Dr J H M Noble. C Irwin Mahon, Carlisle, Pa.; treasurer, E. the royal colors a mighty shout was A E Ingersoll. Honolul Mrs Klrkpatrlck. do fapld Coy, R T mine administration, almost wholly with- Tenn.; executive B Young. Astoria T G Wilson, Cove become Nudleman & Sternberg C. Camp, Knoxvllle, and rings. The Prince . and Irrigation has a Wm . raised from stands T Howard, Pendletn Cohn Nygaard, Otto out reference to what has already been Irwin--Mahon- Chafner, H L Kasson.-- Seattle F fcreat factor In the agricultural economy Cole, Charles M committee, E. I was extremely pleased, and John Por- John G Barnes, do Alex Malcolm. Echo John Olson accomplished in other states grappling L. Bradford Prince, Santa Crawford, f many Eastern and Southern states. Copping, Charles Oregon Trust & Agency problems. and ter's honest face beamed." J D Mathewson, La Gr T H Union As indicating importance of bring- courier, Kicnara with the same Bach state Fe, N. M.; Major Fred R. Reed, Colonel There was tag appended to this men- C H Goodhue, dp J K Fisher. Baker City the & field, there a V H Zlegler, do ing the census Teturns down to date. cSfe Em'h W Ree4Pape. A H territory has its own local but John T. Grayson, Baker City." Or.; E. C. tion of the Kingsclere trainer which H DeZeng. Helena L &.i? & Bobbins are. general questions, and many of them, Haskell, M J Donnelly. Seattle S O Hutchinson. Pendl is said the area nuder Irriga- ' Paget Camp, and Mrs. Ella Knowles must have rankled at the time, though Sewall, S W S Nelson". Mich It that 'tv Art Palmer. Fuller & Co which absolutely must be worked out by com- H W F Xioulslana since the l? C Butte, Mont. The local executive in years It could fail to give E F Hadley, Moons- - Geo H Foster, Baker tion in Texas and SHS? Parucr. efforts, which only can be at- after not do fcensus was taken In 1890 has increased Parks. C E combined mittee at Butte is composed of him infinite amusement. "Why," Sir vllland H Nondman. $&R?nSR. Perrelra. Antonla tained in Justice and equity to all under Richards, H.' M. Patterson. C C Clark. do W A Frasler, Seattle ?xot less than ten fold. The census J. E. George asks, "does not Porter buy His NUes, Find-la- M Friedberg, Marsh--. Peterson. P H-- 2 direction of authority, such T. Mrs C E F fc'ear "was not an average year in the H the a central D. J. Hennessey, Henry Muiler and J. Royal Highness some better brood O neja rSr C Phillips. Tarvey as Is desired by establishing a Federal Cordley, prid country, but one of three successive SSrYH E Reuben R O'Brien. ,. mares? At present they appear a sorry Mrs C F Nlles. Toledo A B Corvallls sever drought, show- Thomas PI' O E Department of Mines and Mining. G A Moody. Mich Mrs Murdock McDon- h'ears of and the EX. ". moun- lot and selected for no ascertainable Mrs Moodv. do ald. Arlington ing repre- Downing. By systematic exploration of our Pnsslnpr Race. was although no made by irrigation was not a Perry pKtt. Frank C be of an Ancient reason." It after, by Anna Klnnison. Baker J A Sanborn. Salt Lake How About one, so conclusions based Dowman. Thomas tains, vast bodies of mineral will means In consequence of exhorta- Bradshaw. Dalles Mrs Sanborn. do sentative that W Pullman. Hy J otherwise will New York Times. this W L year are apt to DrtwJohn Railroad Commissioner brought to light which likelihood the tion, a few hundreds W O Gregg. Canyon C E G Jones, Salem on the data for that a ? long remain unknown. Careful geological There Is considerable that that Porter for fce misleading. Tho proposed work, if it dS?T DrBC Ranert, Henry A volcanic eruption In St. Vincent has de- purchased Perdita II, and in this mare THE ST. CHARLES. Your SSerV Remington. Dr C Investigation will path of the Heart 5s will Government L direct the race Hubbrd A Batcham, Hood R authorized, cost the HeW R"eU prospector, save vast amount stroyed the few last survivors of the we have the founder of His Majesty's R G Pursland. P but little beyond the publication of the untiring a peopled the Antilles, large and racing fortunes. Porter "grasped the G L Tlllotson. do Mrs Josle Warn. Dufu. Feel your pulse a few minutes. Elk Restaurant S1E5: of money and labor now devoted to use- which B Hecker. Albany Mrs C L Peabody, da treturns, as the Census Office has a com- S"Emery. Louis small, when the Spaniards found them. In skirts of happy chance, indeed, when he J W Craft. do Is it regular? Are you short of Jr Ri"crEW less ends only leading to heartsores and J T Pattdn. Stevenson J plete list of irrigators, and will gather the other Islands the Carlbs melted like made this deal. Except for It there Q W Densmore. Salem L B Thomas, do 5fS?tVJanieB Riverside Market, The disappointments, and Increase the extent do M McCall. Island Cy breath, after slight exertion its late data by correspondence entire- development snow after the whites arrived. "War that would have been on Florlzel II, no Per- R G Biker, J corn-roll- ed Fisher. Mr Sfe.P-D- of valuable discoveries and W C Hllleary. Seaside G R HodKln. Baker ly, whereas Its regular report was Percy was no better than murder and slavery simmon, no Diamond Jubilee, conse- Morrow, as going up stairs, sweeping, Geological Fletcher. T S?LiS. N 5 to a marked degree. kind- quently F E Comstock, Seattle W W La Gra by enumerators. The Foster P G surveys mitigated by no gleam of human no Derbys for the Prince, as Silas Young, do C E Finch, city walking, etc? Do you have iSurvey, work, been invest- Froyseth Robblns. "W B Few, if any, of. our state are years, ISO), in its has Arne A any sense word. The ness made an end of them in a few he then was. Perdita II died in A R Dalv. do E B Brown. Grant's P igating the physical conditions, the Freeman Restaurant 5??ins5Jh..c complete in of the did allow their full tit years and honors. Of trin- BenJ Schofleld. For Gr H Casteel'& wf, Tuala- pain in left breast, side or French, "Wallace P 0S3' ,c,as necessary reconnoissance has and their successors not the amount of water available, location of u amount of memory to even in shape of ity of celebrated sons, all brothers, A W Brock.. Woodburn tin chok- w appropriations for survive the the Mrs Flora King. Or Cy S W RIdgeley, Palmer between shoulder blades, reservoirs, opportunities and cost of M Sandln. Dr Chas been large, while the names. St. "Vincent, where who survive to perpetuate fame as Gates J Albert been quite geographical In her S W RIdgley. Palmer S C Schauser. city sensations, fainting .storage, and a multitude of related facts, Gassey. Samuel L Sauvaln. ali geological work have often Spaniards nev,er thought worth while I one of the greatest of equine matrons. Astoria W Judson. Corvallls ing or Jacob Saunders. E W meager; problem which the it E Matson. jwhlch depend XV hence the first profit- Trogen, Minn D Newton. Philomath spells, inability for completeness largely Ge?ge?' C Sautter, R to establish themselves, the natives the palm, both for excellence and money A E smothering to upon Census Office, dem- CtVarli Dr E Mr the geological surveys have had to solve W O Johnson, do D McEachern & wf. the data in the Schlltz. ed by a beneficent neglect, and when the earned, belongs to Persimmon. A brass & Alby Philomath lie on left side? If you have onstrating cost and profits of irri- OhST'&Sy ' has been to make the best showing from well Sandringham H Heenson wf. the ISn&hB0rd outlay money; naturally, English took possession of the island plate outside his box at H Mill. Forest Grove Robt Hepler, Aberdeen gation. Should the pending bill pass, the Gilbert. Alexandre E?lnJhohn the smallest of along In the 17th century, the Carlb popu- informs visitors that he won seven Thompson, ao Thos Doyle, do any of these . symptoms you Glendcnnlng. geological side had the prec- Elmer V King. "Secretary of the Interior would proceed to DrBW li.S60 therefore, the was still numerous. Cold-blood- of value of 34,706. Jack Smith, do H do certainly have Glenn. Charles metallurgy lation races the total McKlnley. Spoka L. A Anger, Eureka a weak heart, lthe survey and construction of large ISiEi' edence, while mining and was going out of fashion, Diamond Jubilee earned 29,185 10s. Geo Goddard. Dr H S ' v,Lrrt suffered and received only the slaughter then John Ames. Seattle. H A Gist, Gresham and should immediately take tworks, and for his guidance it will be Gowell, Geo have and as the Indians were almost worthless Florlzel II was the" first of the trio and Miss M O Kastol, Ernest Thomsqn, do indispensable to full record of Fred cSL. crumbs from the appropriation loaf. Al- were content tb distinguished on Earl Simmons, Coburg have a Dr B L geological as slaves, the newcomers the least of them the White Water existing conditions, such as that which Goodman. F flf?' though Intimately related, the predecessors off Into, the least His gains, were Insignificant, Dan Garrison, city Harry Vaughan. do Griffith. Bert IJSS AiffnJS distinctive drive their turf. but H Hartley, Wallace Vanfleet. Ft Stev MUeV Heart Cure Is now partly complete, and which needs "IV and mining bent of mind are 'of There they F RA Griffith. E gnjjj. may com- fertile parts the mountains. at the stud he achieved instantaneous Mrs Ida Alley. Nebalm Green, Roseburg further systematic work to be made avail- Griffiths, H A ?rd endowments, and while they be managed to live fashion, slowly by his season Roseburg B Bruneau, Cottago Mr. F. H. Oaks of Jamestown, N. Y, Is usually con- after a fame siring In first last L J Speck. P able. Gullette. Dr Fred . Vs bined, such a combination diminishing In numbers, but decently year's Derby and .St. Leger winners Frank Weiss, do Grove whose genial face appears above, says: seems probable Hydenbcrg. Nils spicuous through its absence, and the Ed Goer, Scappoose "Excessive use or tobacco seriously It that the resolution Haffler. E B I''Smith. Robt single treated, for the most part, and of late Mr. Whitney's Volodyovskl and Mr. Leo- ;tnay be adopted before adjournment. Halght. Fred B Smith. Sidney to combine the two under a years they have been gathered In a single pold Rothschild's Doricles, respectively. affected my heart. I suffered severe N A Uruns-rriclf- , Hammersley & Tripp foto. F head has often proved destructive. valley regularly assisted by the is- 25,000 year Is now being Hotel Seattle. pains about the heart and in the left M iPej"nSxB.rM mining depart- and About a earned ( Hamilton. geological survey Is to a European plan. Popular rates. Modern shoulder and side; while the palpitation Prevention of Snicide. "W ens. land government. They numbered only a by the brothers. Persimmon's share of Hansen, T Gladstone ment as a prospector to a miner first Improvements. Business center. Near would awaken me from my sleep. I ' American Medicine. w C Stevens. consanguin- few dozen. Of these most plainly showed this Is nearly half. It has been dis- ' Harmon. Ch Stevens CO cousin; but the very law of admixture of African blood, and perhaps Whether, submitted to auc- depot. began taking Dr. Miles' itcui Cure "With the present increase of suicides Stewart, Elmer marriage. cussed If and soon found permanent relief.' Important Harragon. Will ity forbids their none was of the pure Carlb strain. St. tion, he would realize more than the there comes the question of the TTnrriR "R bummer, J the mad rush of these commercial Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma. physician Al Sutherland Oyster In Vincent did more than protect the living late Duke of Westminister's, . 3 up. Sold by all Drugalsts, duty of the as to prevention. Hart. e days Is well to think kindly of and American plan. Rates, and (Every person committing suicide, or at- Hastings. O B it Carlbs; it retained the names they had for whom M. E. Blanc paid 37,500 gui- Hasenbalg, Dr "Wm fwon. H V remember the prospector and the miner. given to many parts of Island, and Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. tempting to do so, is a sick person men- Sweet, S manhood-a- In- the neas out of his income from the Monte Donnelly Tacoma. Hawkins. L B "We will need their s an theso give a distinctive note to the map gambling tables. "More Fly- Hotel. tally, morally or physically, usually in Haynes, Dr J "W S50W'.AUr Jame8 give of their Uvea Carlo than European plan. Rates 60c and up. ways. "With Hastness. Martin F spiration to the best of the little land. A few of these names ing Fox!" exclaims one enthusiast, all three him, therefore, the a?rt' Bern-Henk- It Hemstock. "W Taylor. James for our country, and if we have it. have already appeared dispatches, physician has to do. In young patients R teln in the fresh from seeing Persimmon at John , will never be said of this Nation, "That will lengthen as Is 100,000!" Locomotive Firemen Excursion. "particularly, unless there are distinct Geo .vH, and the list the details "Why, he worth --ALL WRI0HT-F0- MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY" Henderson, Jrrylr dug Its grave, or the Bar-rual- Thacher. V G the ocean was for come in. Among them are "Walllbu, ll, Actually, not wealth of all SALEM, Or., May IS. The Initial annual signs of melancholia, it is not the custom Herriman. Ray L 2 winding sheet, thc-fore- all the the Un- Hicks, Robt Thurston. J D , winds woven for Its Owia. Hlmalro, Calliaqua, Maria-qu- a, Indies, would buy him away from his excursion of the Brotherhood of Locomo- to think of the possibility of suicide. ' coffin, mountains ft many Hewitt, D D Thane. A F for Its or the Laya and Babbaka grateful contrasts proud owner. Altogether, His Majesty tive' Firemen brought 6000 people to Salem rnmfliHHMfflS doubtedly of the youthful planners HIgglns. Geo Thomas. John M monument," jss In- reared for Its to St. This and St, That peppering the racing in may be today. Three hundred excursionists came a of suicide. If once frustrated in their Hlrah, Lewis Thompson. Claude J of congress there has been what called luliJttiKi i B Kbsl tention, would become converted to the HUeman, R E Ticbler. F During the session the other islands in endless and confusing earnest now for a dozen years. Many by river steamer from Corvallls, Albany i W and educational programme Idea of living on. The reasons for which Hindstrom. H Tope, L will be a most attractive duplication. The St, Vincent Carlbs lived enthusiasts less fortunate have doubled and Independence. A of sports IIAPSS9592J I BE HP I Hinkley, Riley Turner. C H display of the commercial and scientific on the "windward slope of the volcanic expenditure of time was provided at the Fair Grounds, and the suicide is often committed are so trivial Hoflden. Edwin Tyler & Bennett of Montana, In which and trebled that in would not require much persuasion Van Horne. F M minerals of the State range, and If they have been killed the unavailing efforts to capture one Derby, visitors found ample entertainment and. Cere ndeV, Constipation, Chili ind Frier, ind U that It Hoffman. Dr H F and are urged Eu- CompUlnt. All Fricaar cents s lax. show Irrationality proced- Hoggbloom & Carlson Von Dreathcn, H R adjoining states territories dismal tragedy of their race is at last but in His Majesty won the great accommodations. Silverton defeated Drnlitt. to the of the will be no charge it INDIAN VEGETABLE PlLLflO., Nrr ure. Often there seem to be no warnings Holmes, Dr H R "Walker, "Wm. M D to participate. There completed. Epsom race twice, also two St. Legers, gene at baseball by a score of 5 to 3, the WRIGHT'S Yr k. Holmes & Nelson "Walker. Geo E space, and every facility will be af- game ending In a wrangle in the fourth in- of tho sad event to come, yet very seldom Hood, D M "Ward, Newton for courtesy to the One and Two Thousnnd Guineas, every extended much-covete- was orderly, only ar- found some of Hooper & Freeman "Wecburger, N L forded and Pslma Takes HIb Pen In Ascot's d Gold cup, the ning. The crowd one will it be that at least the and territories as are present Hand. made during the day. signs of hebephrenic melancholia have not Hoople. Dr H T "Wellington. Mr such states HAVANA, May 18. President-elec- Eclipse stakes of 10,000 twjee, the Man- rest being There nmuM.imi(n&viJbiwnjmhw Horton. G S "West, H G to display and advertise t present some before sui- J with exhibits began mes- chester cup, Grand National Steeple- been for time the Hurbert, Bob "White, Davis mineral resources, as they may de-- Palma work on his Inaugural cide. Young people are liable to rapid .and Huston & Funnemark "Wilshlre. G "W their sage today, but made. little progress, and chase, and a host of, minor prizes, the "Winters, exceeding value 100,000. WINE paradoxic changes of disposition, changes Julstad. Andrew J - Is it Is possible that the message may not be whole In The 0 Jansen. Dr Ivan Woodman, Wm The Montana State School of Mines- that cause the obtrusion of "depressed min- ready by "Wednesday. most successful year wa3 1900, when Jackfson. Jack Wolgren. G taking a most active Interest In the Majesty 29,333. ideas In the midst of even boisterous" Jordan, Col Geo R N L therewith His won unseemlng Jocularity eral display, and in connection Ib customary to Bpeak'of Persim- gaycty," or of in the Jot, Dr B R Wooden, Bowman A on exhibition, under the charge Was Chief "When Chicago Earned. It CARDUI Johnson, C Wright & Eckhoff will have mon's Derby as year." midst of depression. There may be added F Leonard, of CHICAGO. May IS. Williams, the '"Prince's paradoxic pxpresslon, solemn Johnson. Dr H C Wright, J H of Professor N. R president Robert A. Really, however, 1900 better merits that FOR WOMEN the facial Johnson. J C Wright, John School of Mines, some rare models who was chief of the Chicago Fire De- in mirth, joyous at moments of other- Jones, William Young-,- Arthur the during distinction. It is true there may not JmMjfrtrwL0WVwmjmrmmi covering the workings of some of the partment the great fire of October, " Pears' wise apparent melancholy. These symp- Jones. M A .Young, Ed E country, 1871, 77 have been over Diamond Jubileo the Jones, Dr M A Young, S most celebrated mines of the died today, aged years. same toms may be enough to arouse suspicion J to vis- same delirious enthusiasm, the No soap in all the on precautions Karkas, F A 2 Zogler, Geo which will prove interesting all pbandonment to the emotions of and cause insistence that Kavanaugh, Wm especially the scientific man. Reception utter will save life. If a suicidal history exists itors, Fareirell to Wlieaton. the moment on the part of the crowd, world is so cheap. in the family, there Is need of the greatest PACKAGES. In No Sense Partisan. MANILA., May 18. The farewell recep- but It deserves none the less to go down MENssr Rlgham. Mrs Blanchte Noah, P C, photo parti- tion today to General Lloyd "Wheaton to as watchfulness. Familiarity with the idea Finke, Wm, The congress will be in no sense at posterity the real "Prince's year." THE MODERN APPLIANCE. A. yo4ltlT closely photo Schnler, Ben Adolph, originators recognizing same the American Club here was attended y was so both off on the turf. No in all way to manhood. Th VACUUM of suicide thus brought home to Green, Mrs Chas White, Mrs Nine, .photo san, the the It and It soap the vrfrctcurea readily engenders contempt for high patriotism In all Americans, believ- over 2700 Americans. marked the epoch of his greatest splen- -. TREATMENT jou without medlcln ot them a A. B. CROASMAN, P. M. til nervous or diseases or the generatlvv n. death. ing all to be imbued with an equal loy- - dor In racing, because Diamond Jubilee world is so good rnone such as lost. manhood, exhauntlve drains, alty to their country and Its best inter- Her Position. Mrs. Parke What kind of not only "went one better than his dis- - varicocele, tmpotency, etc. Men are quickly re- SAN FRANCISCO, May 13. T. F. ests. sen-ant- s do you prefer white or black. Irish tlngulshed brother In securing the "triple stored to perfect health and strength. Write Cltolern Still Rases. Rourke, regis- or German' Mrs. Lane I've gotten beyond 1. so lasting. tor circulars. Correspondence confidential. of Grant's Pass, Oregon, urged crown e., the Two Thousand Guln-- 7- It Is therefore that all scientists. I'm looking servants that prefer THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO.. roonl -J May 18. - -- that. for MANILA, The cholera sltu- tered at the Grand Hotel today. i metallurgists practical mining men, man me. Puck. eas, Derby, and St Leger but Ambush Sold all over the world. Bai Deposit bulldlnc. SeatUa. Wash.