Prepared on behalf of

Monk Fryston Parish Council

Monk Fryston Village

Highway Study

Highway Study Monk Fryston Village

Acknowledgements: The internet source Crashmap has been used to provide an indication of Police reported traffic injury accidents

Where indicated Google Earth Pro or Google Streetview have been used for illustrative photographs

Details of the Monk Fryston Conservation Area and any relevant planning applications are drawn from District Council – the Local Planning Authority

Details on highway adoption is drawn from the North County Council – the Local Highway Authority

Data on traffic flows and speeds is provided by Road Data Services

Details on bus services for the area is drawn from County Council


The methodology adopted and the sources of information used by Sanderson Associates (Consulting Engineers) Ltd in providing its services are outlined within this Report.

Any information provided by third parties and referred to herein has not been checked or verified by Sanderson Associates (Consulting Engineers) Ltd, unless otherwise expressly stated within this report.

This report was checked and approved on the n/a and the Report is therefore valid on this date, circumstances, regulations and professional standards do change which could subsequently affect the validity of this Report.


All intellectual property rights in or arising out of or in connection with this report are owned by Sanderson Associates (Consulting Engineers) Ltd. The report has been prepared for Monk Fryston Parish Council (the ‘Client’) who has a licence to copy and use this report only for the purposes for which it was provided. The licence to use and copy this report is subject to other terms and conditions agreed between Sanderson Associates (Consulting Engineers) Ltd and the Client.

This document cannot be assigned or transferred to any third party and no third party may rely upon this document without the express written agreement of both Sanderson Associates (Consulting Engineers) Ltd and the Client. .

Report Ref: 10335/001/01 Final 13 March 2018

Author: Robert Greenwood I Eng FIHE Associate Director

Checked & Approved: Karen Smith Associate Date: March 2018

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1 Introduction ...... 5

2 The Areas of Concern ...... 8

3 The local Highway System in Monk Fryston ...... 9

4 Site Visit ...... 23

5 Matters for examination ...... 25

6 Summary and Recommendations ...... 47

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Appendix A Brief provided by the Parish Council Monk Fryston Village Design Statement

Appendix B Series of photographs of the local highway system – morning peak period January 2018

Appendix C Measurements of local provided by the Parish Council NYCC Plan indicating A63 highway boundary in village Example of Truvelo VAS signage and indications of costs

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1 Introduction

1.1 Sanderson Associates (Consulting Engineers) Ltd have been appointed by the Monk Fryston Parish Council to provide highway consultancy services in connection with an examination of highway conditions with the Monk Fryston Village.

1.2 Members of the Parish Council and residents of Monk Fryston have regularly expressed concern with respect to certain aspects of the village road system and its operation. This has led to continued dialogue with North Yorkshire County Council, the Local Highway Authority, on aspects of highway safety and general traffic management in the village.

1.3 One of these matters related to the provision of pedestrian crossing facilities on Main Street (the principal road A63), and Sandersons provided advice on that matter to the Council as a discrete item of work in 2012.

1.4 A brief has been provided by the Parish Council on the various matters that it requires to be investigated, and this is provided in Appendix A of this report.

1.5 In relation to highway standards; the most appropriate national guidance is drawn from three publications, which are listed as follows:

 The Design Manual for Roads and Bridges

 Manual for Streets and its companion guide Manual for Streets 2 – the wider application of the principles

1.6 In planning terms the appropriate national guidance is the National Planning Policy Framework, and local guidance is provided by the Local Planning Authority ( Council) in the following documents.

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1.7 In addition to the above the Parish Council has also produced a Village Design Statement, a copy of which is provided in Appendix A of this report.

1.8 In relation to local Transport Policies the Local highway Authority the County Council has produced the following which covers a 30 year period to 2045.

1.9 To undertake this study Monk Fryston village has been visited and traffic conditions viewed in the morning peak hour when, as suggested by the Parish Council, local problems are at their worst. One of the visits was accompanied by the Clerk to the Parish Council, Mr. Philip Scott, who was able to indicate the areas of concern within the village, and confirm that observations of traffic movements were typical of normal operating conditions.

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1.10 Finally Sanderson Associates were instructed in 2011 by the Parish Council to review the suitability of access arrangements to a proposed Show Peoples Quarters on land of Lowfield Road Monk Fryston. Sanderson Associates produced evidence and appeared at a Public Inquiry into the refusal of planning permission for this development, with a successful outcome for the Parish Council. Reference is made in this report to this previous work in relation to the operation of the A63 to the east of the village.

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2 The Areas of Concern

2.1 As indicated in the brief provided by the Parish Council the areas of concern relate to the following key issues:

 The speed and volume of traffic upon the A63 through the village at peak periods  The ability of pedestrians to be able to safely cross the A63 to access the village school, bus stops and local facilities in the village  Local points of traffic congestion leading to delay on the A63 and the side road  Quality of pedestrian facilities in some parts of the village

2.2 The brief sets out a series of objectives the practicality of which they require to be independently assessed. These objectives are:

 Provision of a pedestrian crossing  Improvements to the A63 Water Lane junction.  Introduction of physical measures to reduce traffic speeds throughout the village.  Introduction of 20mph speed restriction through the village  Any other appropriate measures

2.3 In consultation with Sanderson Associates dimensions of key parts of the local road network have been provided by the Parish Council and these are indicated in Appendix C of this report.

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3 The local Highway System in Monk Fryston

3.1 The general location of Monk Fryston Village in relation to larger surrounding settlements is as indicated in the plan below.

Source - Google Earth Pro

3.2 Monk Fryston village sits astride the A63 principal road which runs in a west to east direction through the centre of the village. The A63 is a former , which following the construction of the M62 that runs parallel and to the south, was “de- trunked” to principal road status in the latter part of the 20th century.

3.3 During its use as a Trunk Road plans for potential by-pass of the village had been considered but following the construction of the M62 this scheme was no longer pursued. It is understood from the Parish Council that as part of the “de-trunking” a financial sum was provided by the Department of Transport to NYCC for potential small scale roadworks, and some of this money may still be available.

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3.4 The A63 commences at the Swillington Common limits of the former City Council boundary and runs southeast/east towards Selby, and Howden. Within the village the A63 is locally signed as “Main Street”. Although subject to local improvements over time it appears to be a historic route through the village, with many buildings fronting it of significant age and local importance, some of which are listed.

3.5 In this context of the latter a substantial portion of Monk Fryston village falls within the “Monk Fryston Conservation Area as the following plan indicates.

Source Monk Fryston Parish Council/Selby District Council

3.6 As will be noted almost all of the corridor of the Main Street and buildings at depth from it fall within the Conservation Area. In addition to protecting the built environment and Listed Buildings, it is understood that the Conservation Area status applies to all trees within it.

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3.7 Main Street is subject to a 30 mph speed limit and street lighting is provided to an appropriate standard. For traffic management Traffic Regulation Orders (waiting/parking restrictions) apply in some areas of the village.

3.8 On approaching the village from the west traffic speed on the A63 changes from derestricted (60mph) to 30 mph approximately 180m to the west of the railway under bridge at the entrance to the village The change in speed limit is emphasised by a “village gateway and standard traffic calming features as indicated in the photograph below.

Western approach to village – source Google Streetview

3.9 The width of this section of the A63 is reduced by a narrow central channel and as the vertical and horizontal alignment of the A63 negotiates the bridge forward vision is somewhat limited and assists in lowering vehicle speed.

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3.10 On the eastern approach to the village traffic speed is subject to two step changes before it enters the village. The first change occurs at approximately 200m from the village, where the derestricted (60mph) speed limit reduces to 40 mph. This limit applies to until the A63 reaches the 30 mph village gateway.

3.11 The reason for this method of speed control is that the section of the A63 to the immediate east includes a long straight of approximately 2.5km from Hambleton, where the width and alignment of the route encourages high traffic speed.

3.12 As examples of this during our assessment of the suitability of access arrangements to a proposed Show Persons Quarters on land of Lowfield Road a radar speed survey was undertaken which indicated an 85th percentile wet weather speed of 63 mph, with speeds recorded above 70 mph up to 91mph.

3.13 At the start of the village envelope the existing eastern gateway is of the format indicated in the following photograph.

Eastern approach to village – January 2018

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3.14 As part of its initiative to improve road safety through the village the Parish Council funds the provision of temporary vehicle activated speed display signs on the A63 three times a year, alternately at the east and west entrances to the village.

3.15 As part of this study data has been collected of traffic flows and speeds within the 30 mph zone of the village by a specialist commissioned data collector. The period of collection covered three weeks and included a period of time when one of the vehicle activated speed display signs was in place. During the period of survey (Saturday 30th November – Thursday 7th December and Thursday 14th – Thursday 21st December), traffic and weather conditions were normal, and thus the recordings were not influenced by road works or adverse weather conditions.

3.16 In addition it is understood that the A63 is not subject to significant fluctuations in traffic movements between summer and winter as is the case in some particular routes in North Yorkshire that are heavily biased during the summer by holiday traffic. As such the findings of the survey are understood to provide a typical representation of normal operating conditions, and the location of the survey points is as shown below.

Source RDS/Google Earth

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3.17 Headline results of the surveys indicate the following:

3.18 With the exception of a relatively modest number of dwellings that front and take direct access to Main Street the majority of properties in Monk Fryston take access from side roads (adopted or private) from Main Street. Local facilities within the village are limited to a Post office/general store, a Monk Fryston doctor’s surgery, the local Primary School, the Crown PH, Monk Fryston Hotel (bar/restaurant facilities open to non-residents), and St Wilfrid’s Church.

3.19 Local bus services operate on Main Street and Water Lane/Lumby Hill, with a small number of bus stops in the village. Services which currently run through the village and their frequency is as indicated below.

Source NYCC

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3.20 Approximately 1km (0.5 miles) to the south of Monk Fryston is the village of . There are routes which lead to the south and east of Hillam, (Hillam Lane and Hillam Road respectively), however the main direct route to the A63 is Water Lane/Lumby Hill into Monk Fryston village centre. This route would be used by drivers travelling north and west from the A63, and for drivers dropping children off at the village Primary School.

3.21 The junction of Water Lane with Main Street is particularly problematic given the single lane width of the minor road approach. Traffic Regulation Orders are in force here to prevent blockage of the route and this is clearly indicated in the following photographs.

View looking south down Water Lane from A63 Jan’2018

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View looking north up Water Lane to A63 3.22 Although Water Lane is delineated with a centre line marking it is clearly inadequate to accommodate the passage of two way traffic as drivers must off set their vehicle from the buildings which lie on the eastern flank of the junction. In addition it is clear that the single footway on the western flank is narrow and barely adequate to accommodate pedestrian movements especially those of parents with children. The presence of pedestrians should make drivers more cautious in entering the narrow approach, and as it reasonable to assume that the most traffic to and from Hillam is “local” drivers will be aware of these difficulties and drive appropriately.

3.23 A direct consequence of the deficiencies of this section of Water Lane is that in the peak hour, particularly at the start of the school day the ability for drivers to freely enter Water Lane is compromised and queuing arises on Main Street due to right turners blocking through traffic. This is clearly indicated in the photograph below.

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View looking south to Water Lane from A63 morning peak hour – Jan 2018

3.24 Following from comments made in 3.23 above it should be noted that as drivers appear to be are aware of these local difficulties that drivers travelling north towards the A63 tend to halt before the narrowing to allow the congestion at the Main Street junction to clear. A driver carrying out this can be seen in the background to this photograph.

3.25 Although bus services using Water Lane/Lumby Hill are infrequent it will be noted that the bus stop for this service lies immediately upon the junction bell mouth and when a bus is stationary at the stop will also prevent access for Hillam traffic.

3.26 The current dimensions of the localised narrowing from north to south down Water Lane are 4.55, 4.23 and 4.75m. Normally a width of 4.1m is required for two cars to pass where footways or verges flank the carriageway to provide clearance, however in the case of Water Lane the effect of the eastern building wall and the double yellow lines reduce the ability of drivers to practically pass

3.27 Corresponding measurements of the narrow footway of the western flank of Water Lane are 0.95, 0.85 and 0.72m.

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3.28 Manual for Streets provides the latest design guidance for the provision of roads and footways in urban areas, and indicates the following minimum dimensions for users’ needs. As will be noted these fall above the widths indicated above.

Source Manual for Streets

3.29 Observations were made of the morning drop off at the Primary School located on Water Lane approximately 300m south from the Main Street junction. The school is accessed from Chestnut Green which a residential cul de sac serving around 24 dwellings. The school has a drop off layby adjacent to its entrance on Chestnut Green which will accommodate around 4 vehicles.

3.30 Drivers were observed entering Chestnut Green, dropping off and then returning to Water Lane. Other parents parked on street on Water Lane to the north of the Chestnut Green junction, on either flank of the road where Water lane flanked either the school playing field (on the west) or open land to the east.

3.31 As would be expected this situation lasted for only a short period and did not appear to cause undue congestion on Water Lane because of the relatively light traffic flows, or because of the location of the vehicles any “anti-social parking” where access to adjacent property was compromised. The areas where school related parking occurred were at distance from the Main Street/Water Lane junction, and had no material adverse impact on its operation.

3.32 In relation to the catchment area of the school; from 2017 data this is as indicated in the attached diagram which indicates the majority of the catchment falling to the south of Main Street.

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Source Google Earth and Local Education Authority

3.33 Enquiries have been made with the Primary School regarding its current school role and potential for expansion. The school has a capacity of 210 pupils and has a maximum annual admission limit of 30 children. The School does not envisage this to increase in the near future and have no plans for the school to grow or extend.

3.34 With respect to the catchment area indicated above, the school confirms that only 10 pupils (5% of the role) live to the north of Main Street, and that 67 pupils (33% of the role) live outside the catchment area and have to travel to school by car.

3.35 In relation to access to the school for parents and pupils; as will be described in more detail in section 5 of this report discussions have been ongoing with the NYCC over a number of years and measures have been put in place to attempt to improve highway safety.

3.36 In the area of Main Street on either approach to The Crown flashing amber warning signs and advice to drivers on children crossing are erected.

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Sign on western approach to The Crown – source Google Streetview

3.37 As will be noted these signs also included warning of the presence of a school time crossing patrol. Whilst the provision of a patrol was originally intended it is understood that despite being well advertised due to the lack of interest in the role this facility has never been implemented.

3.38 For pedestrians who have crossed Main Street or who are already on its southern flank Water Lane from the north west of the village is not the sole route to the school, in that there is a footpath link from Church Lane to Old Vicarage Lane, whereby the Main Street/Water Lane junction and the poor pedestrian connectivity of the latter can be avoided.

3.39 In relation to Police recorded road traffic accidents reference has been made to the internet source Crashmap. It is normal to review the accident record for the last 5 complete years and in this case Crashmap provides data which includes all of 2017.

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3.40 During this period only 5 reported accidents have occurred in the village envelope, and their location is as shown in the following diagram. All of the accidents were of slight severity and four of these occurred in proximity to the Water Lane junction with the Main Street.

Source Crashmap January 2018 search

3.41 Full details of the five accidents is contained in Appendix C of this report with headline information for each accident listed west to east on the above map are as follows:

Accident ref: 2016120022331 occurred on the 5th February 2016 at 2pm in dry conditions. A car collided with a pedestrian however it is not possible to ascertain why this happened.

Accident ref: 2014120151580 occurred on the 4th September 2014 at 3.20pm in dry conditions. A car collided with a pedestrian crossing the carriageway.

Accident ref: 2016120140069 occurred on the 3rd August 2016 at 7.20am in dry conditions. This involved the collision of two cars in a rear shunt.

Accident ref: 2016120199948 occurred on the 3rd November 2016 at 4.55pm in wet or damp and dark conditions. A car collided with a pedal cycle.

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Accident ref: 2013120105812 occurred on the 2nd June 2013 at 2pm in wet or damp conditions. A minibus collided with the rear of a car waiting to turn right.

3.42 Regarding potential changes in the use of the local road network it is understood that there is a current planning application with the LPA for 32 dwellings on land off Main Street Hillam, which assuming planning consent is forthcoming in this year may deliver the above dwellings in the period 2019/2020.

3.43 Consideration of the LPA’s 5 year housing Land Supply indicates that the future/continued development of significantly sized residential sites in Hambleton and are likely to impact on traffic volumes on the A63, as future occupiers would be expected to relate to the West Yorkshire employment market which could be accessed westwards via the A63.

3.44 Traffic from those sites will of course have other potential destinations and via the A19 at Brayton the possibility of accessing the at junction 34. Further work in examining the Transport Assessments produced in connection with those development would however be required to provide any clear indication of likely growth.

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4 Site Visit

4.1 An accompanied site visit with the Clerk to the Parish Council was undertaken on Thursday the 23rd of January 2018. The time of the visit was approximately 08.00 to 10.00 am, and included the school morning drop off period. Weather conditions were dry and fine as is demonstrated in the series of photographs set out in this report and included in Appendix B.

4.2 The length of Main Street and key side roads were walked with areas of concern identified by the Clerk.

4.3 At the time of the site visit traffic conditions were “normal” and prior to the visit it had been confirmed that the school was operating a typical day. There were no road works in the village or incidences where traffic conditions were inhibited by stationary vehicles or other similar factors.

4.4 During the site visit the following was noted:

 The difficulties in finding a convenient and safe location to cross the A63 on what would be normal desire lines to points of attraction (local facilities, bus stops and the Primary School)  The level of congestion caused by turning traffic into Water Lane from the A63  The difficulties of use of the Water Lane approach to the A63.  The difficulties and lack of adequate facilities for pedestrians on Water Lane  The level of short stay car parking on Water Lane/Lumby Hill in the vicinity of the Primary School in the morning period  With the exception of the immediate vicinity of the Primary School the low level of pedestrian and cyclist activity in the Main Street corridor through the village.  The high level of traffic flow on the A63, particularly the presence of large HGV’s

4.5 With respect to the final item listed above to validate this point reference is made to the table provided in 3.17, which gives HGV content of traffic flows. Normal HGV traffic flow can be around 8% of two way values, and in table (3.17) it should be noted that for a 5 day week the range of HGV content at the survey points was 9.1 to 14.4%.

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4.6 As such it is clear that observations of the presence of HGVs comply with survey data, and in the case of the 14.4% this represented an average 5 day two way flow level of around 825 Heavy Goods Vehicles in 24 hours.

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5 Matters for examination

5.1 The following specific matters are now examined:

Traffic speed on the A63 Main Street through the village

5.2 Traffic speed through the village is currently limited to 30 mph, which is the normal limit which would be applied in this urban area. From the data provided in the recent traffic surveys the following speed readings in mph were recorded:

5.3 During week 1 the variable message temporary speed sign was in place as indicated in the photograph on page 23. During this period it can be seen that the signage had a positive impact on both average and 85th percentile speeds ( a reduction of around 7 mph) when compared to similar village bound movements in Week 3 when the sign was removed.

5.4 A further indication of the effectiveness of the sign is that the speed of east bound traffic leaving the village at this survey point was almost identical in both average and 85th percentile speeds in Week 3. However it must be recognised that once drivers are within the village their speed is likely to increase as previous speed surveys in the locality of Monk Fryston Stoves show 85th percentiles of 34mph westbound and 32 mph eastbound.

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5.5 With regard to the eastern survey point both average and 85th percentile speeds were very similar in both Week 1 and Week 3. From the above it is considered that the 7 mph reduction in speed during the period the VAS was in place is a meaningful reduction and of value to highway safety.

Location of temporary VAS speed sign on western approach to village

5.6 With respect to the average speed of traffic through the village during the survey period it should be noted that all values lie below 33 mph, which is the normal approximate limit over which Police enforcement action is taken.

5.7 During Week 3 all of the recorded speeds are above the limit where it would be expected that Police enforcement may be appropriate.

5.8 It should be noted that the above values reflect data throughout all of the week ,and it is acknowledged that during the day speeds will fluctuate between peak times when traffic is heaviest and slower, and late evening/early morning periods where there is little traffic or activity on the network.

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Reduction in traffic speed to 20 mph within the village envelope.

5.9 It is noted that the Parish Council has entered into discussions with NYCC with a view to reducing the speed limit through the village to 20 mph. It is understood that this suggestion was not accepted by the Highway Authority who considered that this would not be supported in the absence of a significant, adverse, accident record.

5.10 In relation to the current five year accident record; although there is a cluster of three accidents in 2016, there have been two full years 2015 and 2017, where no recorded accidents occurred. All of the accidents were slight in severity and three involved vulnerable road users (two pedestrians/one cyclist).

5.11 Whilst there is more focus on vulnerable users the overall level of accidents in the 5 years is not excessive, and it is unlikely that the position of the County Council will change. In addition the subject of Speed limits in was the subject of a House of Commons Briefing Paper in September of last year (ref: CBP00468), which provided members with guidance on the relevant legislation, its background, and approaches taken to the setting of limits.

5.12 The guidance Circular 01/2013 sets out the following as relayed in CBP00468:

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5.13 The Briefing Paper specifically examined the setting of speed limits in villages which were linked by rural roads, CBP00468 states:

5.14 In this instance the major route through the village is the A63 principal road, whose primary function is the movement of vehicles and which plays a strategic part in the road system between settlements. At the time of our accompanied site visit pedestrian movements on Main Street were very low, with only two groups (parent and child) noted crossing from north to south. During the same period only one cyclist was observed.

5.15 As such the position of the County Council follows that of central government, and is further justified by consideration of the accident record and levels of pedestrian and cyclist movements.

5.16 Given that it is unlikely that the speed limit will be reduced consideration should be given to physical measures or additional signage to influence driver speed.

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5.17 With respect to signage; as stated in para’ 5.12 above the use of the VAS sign on the entrance to the village has a demonstrable positive effect on the speed of drivers at that point. Once within the village corridor the alignment of the A63 coupled with the proximity of buildings to the highway boundary tend to some degree naturally limit vehicle speed. However, signage, particularly permanent VAS, should reinforce this, and if the example of the temporary VAS signage is followed then speeds below 30 mph would hopefully be achieved.

5.18 Careful location of any signage will be required as these need to be within the highway boundary and in a location where the maximum impact can be gained. It is acknowledged that with familiarity drivers the positive impact of the signs may be reduced, however this may be countered by the changing nature of the warning or advice.

5.19 Details of VAS signage (which can provide variable messages with feedback on flows), and an indication of their cost and erection, is provided in Appendix C. It should be noted that additional costs to those shown would be expected to relate to a statutory services search and any required changes to stat’ services in relation to placement of signs, any cost associated with the detailed design of a scheme and Safety Audits if further work required by NYCC.

5.20 As will be appreciated, consent of the NYCC will be required for any works in the highway, and it may be the case that the County Council insist that erection of any signage is carried out only by their own contractors and would seek liability cover for the signage from the Parish Council.

5.21 With respect to physical measures this normally relates to the provision of central islands or central carriageway markings to limit the lane width available for drivers, or to the provision of “physical gateways” at the villages entrances where in addition to the current measures a physical narrowing of the carriageway through buildouts to either side is provided. These are considered further in this report.

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Provision of pedestrian crossing on Main Street 5.22 Improvement to pedestrian crossing arrangements in the village has been the subject of discussions between the Parish Council and NYCC for a protracted period of time. Sanderson Associates were appointed by the Parish Council to review the results of these deliberations in 2012 when four potential locations were examined with the County Council. These points were

 Near to Monk Fryston Stoves  Near to the bus stop lay-by close to the former “Blue Bell” PH  Outside “The Crown Inn” PH  Outside the Post Office

5.23 Due to the physical characteristics of the road, the likely desire lines and locations under consideration, the NYCC considered that only one location was potentially suitable, i.e. the location adjacent to Monk Fryston Stoves, as indicated in the following photograph.

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Approximate location of proposed crossing adjacent to Monk Fryston Stoves Source Google Streetview

5.24 A Formal Pedestrian Crossing Assessment – Stage 2 Assessment form was provided by the County Council, which included a calculation involving both pedestrian and vehicle flows. This is known as ‘PV2’ value and effectively evaluates the potential for conflict between vehicles and pedestrians.

5.25 This methodology has long been accepted national practice to assess the justification the provision of pedestrian crossing facilities, and considers a number of factors including: -

 Pedestrian flow;  Vehicular flow;  Speed of vehicles;  Width of road;  Personal accident history;  Pedestrian waiting time.

5.26 At the time of the examination 4 personal injury accidents in the last 3 years had occurred in the village, and none of these accidents involved a pedestrian. Surveys carried out by the County Council also indicates that the number of pedestrians crossing the road in the vicinity of the proposed location was low. Traffic speeds were also surveyed with the 85th percentile speed of vehicles at the proposed crossing point being 34mph westbound and 32 mph eastbound. These values being similar to the recent surveys set out in para’ 5.2 above.

5.27 The assessment gave a PV2 ratio of 0.277 for the morning flow and 0.235 for the afternoon flow. NYCC advised the Parish that the trigger values for considering the provision of a puffin crossing is a value greater than 0.9, or for a zebra crossing (0.6) and a pedestrian refuge (0.4), and accordingly the criteria for provision of any crossing was not met.

5.28 Despite this the County Council were not unreceptive to the principle of a pedestrian crossing and the proposition of a temporary crossing was suggested so that the extent of its use could be monitored and an appropriate decision made on the findings.

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5.29 Unfortunately a final deciding factor was that land adjacent to the proposed temporary/permanent crossing location was found to fall outside of the public highway, within private third party land, resulting in the initiative having to be abandoned.

5.30 The review undertaken by Sanderson Associates in 2012 confirmed that the procedures undertaken by the County Council and their outcome were appropriate and a fair conclusion in the circumstances which pertained at that date. In relation to possible future changes in the situation increases in traffic flow on the A63 will not improve on the assessment criteria in 5.25 above, and will impact negatively in terms of the trigger value (the higher the traffic the lower the number).

5.31 Changes which would impact on the assessment would be a material impact on pedestrian crossing movements, and unfortunately the accident record of the highway in relation to vulnerable users.

Informal crossing points and physical traffic calming measures on Main Street

5.32 In addition to a potential permanent pedestrian crossing consideration has also been given to the provision of physical central islands in Main Street which would assist pedestrian crossing movements and at the same time help influence the speed of traffic through the village.

5.33 The difficulties of crossing Main Street were evident from the site visit, in the ability to adequately see both directions of on-coming traffic and finding a suitable “gap” in both traffic streams to safely and confidently cross. If a central island or islands were installed this would provide pedestrians with the ability to make a two stage crossing movement.

5.34 Challenges to the provision of an island are three fold:

 First the ability to accommodate an island in the physical width of Main Street  Second the ability to locate an island in a position that is on a pedestrian desire line

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 and finally, the ability to locate an island in a position that does not interfere with turning movements in adjacent side roads or private access points, or bus stops

5.35 In relation to the physical parameters that are required the following guidance sets out the minimum required.

5.36 With respect to the remaining carriageway width; the minimum width of a lane remaining after installation of an island should be between 4.1 and 4.25m. In the case where significant HGV movements are known (as in the case of the A63) 4.25m must be provided. The reason for this relates to the safety of cyclists and motorcyclists, as the following guidance extracts show.

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5.37 Although the level of cyclists observed at the site visit was low (one cyclist), this may be related to the time of year and cold weather conditions, and it may be the case that there are few cycle trips that are commuter based. However the situation during the remainder of the year may be significantly different particularly at weekends when it is understood from the Parish Council that a noticeable level of leisure cycling occurs with cyclists in “club groups”.

5.38 In addition in recent years cycling has become more popular and as a means of “active sustainable travel” it is normally promoted by both local planning and highway authorities. It is understood that this section of the A63 has been used previously for national cycle events, which in itself is a draw to cyclists who may wish to ride sections of “a Tour”.

5.39 In relation to an overall carriageway width to provide a 1.5m wide island it therefore follows that a minimum of 10m is required (4.25/1.5/4.25). It should be noted that the 1.5m is not ideal and where parents with small children and push chairs/prams are likely to be frequent uses – such as on a desire line to schools – then the wider island should be employed.

5.40 In relation to the currently available carriageway widths of the A63 in the village; measurements provided by the Parish Council at key locations to the west and east of the Water Lane junction. These indicate that carriageway widths are between 6.8 and 7.48m.

5.41 Information on the highway corridor of Main Street as it passes through the village has been provided by the NYCC, and is included in Appendix C. In many parts of the village footway provision adjacent to the A63 is minimal (0.66m in one measured location) and in areas where islands might be considered there is little scope for reducing the footway or relocating the kerb line and current footway to gain additional lane width.

5.42 As such notwithstanding the other challenges involved in locating physical islands it does not appear that islands and traffic lanes of a suitable, safe, practical width can be provided.

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5.43 It is noted that in areas where the carriageway is the widest ( the western approach to the village and in the area of the cemetery) that the carriageway width is already reduced by the provision of a narrow white lined central overrun area, which gives the impression of reducing through lane widths to influence traffic speed. Again there is a minimum practical width for the effectiveness of these marking, and as such there does not appear to be significant scope for extending the current linings.

5.44 Finally paragraph 5.19 referred to “gateways” at the village’s entrances and consideration of possibly a physical narrowing of the carriageway through buildouts from either kerb side. The rational set out above would however also apply here and as an alternative in these two locations it may be appropriate to consider the provision of a flush block paved strip in contrasting materials across the full width of the highway. Although not physically impeding vehicle speed it may assist in raising driver awareness of the village corridor and a need to reduce speed to comply with the urban limit.

5.45 An example of its application is shown in the following photograph of its use on the A61, Marsh Way Relief Road, in Wakefield centre.

Example of flush paving – A61 former Marsh Way Wakefield – source Google Streetview

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Improvements to the Water Lane/A63 junction and its approach to Main Street

5.46 The Water Lane approach to Main Street is deficient with respect to both the width of carriageway to allow the free flow of two way traffic and the level and suitability of pedestrian facilities.

5.47 This situation is aggravated by the location of the service bus stop immediately adjacent to the junction bell mouth which impedes access from Main Street right into Water Lane.

5.48 The current dimensions of the localised narrowing from north to south down Water Lane are 4.55, 4.23 and 4.75m. Normally a width of 4.1m is required for two cars to pass where footways or verges flank the carriageway to provide clearance, however in the case of Water Lane the effect of the eastern building wall and the double yellow lines reduce the ability of drivers to practically pass

5.49 Corresponding measurements of the narrow footway of the western flank of Water Lane are 0.95, 0.85 and 0.72m.

5.50 In relation to the standard that would be appropriate national guidance indicates that for two vehicles to pass in free flow conditions a minimum of 4.8m is required for a car and an HGV or bus and 5.5m for two HGVs, as the following extract from Manual for Streets indicates.

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5.51 In addition to the carriageway width there needs to be adequate horizontal and vertical clearance alongside the carriageway edges for drivers to make full use of the available carriageway lanes. It is normal for this to be in the form of a footway or verge/hard margin, which in the case of the former are normally 2m and the later a minimum of 0.6m.

5.52 With respect to footway provision; this normally should be to both flanks of the carriageway where there are desire lines leading pedestrians from all directions onto the two routes. Although footways are normally provided at a width of 2m on new estate roads national guidance is to design footways in accordance with the use and function they will provide. In this case the footway of Water Lane forms a main desire line to the local Primary School, and as such the 2m should be classed as a minimum provision.

5.53 Manual for Streets again provides guidance in this respect as the following extracts indicate.

5.54 It is clear that within the current highway corridor an overall width (assuming a minimum footway provision of 2m) of 9.5m cannot be achieved, and to provide an improvement to achieve these standards acquisition and demolition of adjacent property would be required.

5.55 Three basic issue arise from this:

 The properties are in private ownership and it is reasonable to assume that there would be issues arising the ability and cost to purchase;

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 The properties are within the Conservation Area and demolition may not be acceptable to the LPA and local residents;  The loss of the buildings and its impact on the Conservation Area has to be balanced against the frequency and duration of the local congestion and whether any lower scale proposals may bring about an alternative solution.

5.56 In addition to the above the existence of the Church Lane to Old Vicarage Lane pedestrian link must be considered in terms of pedestrian usage. Discounting this link, on the basis that increasing the width of the highway corridor is not practically possible, then an alternative of possibly one way priority flow may assist. Priority would be given to traffic travelling south from Main Street so that the likely occurrence of right turners waiting in Main Street is reduced to await a suitable gap in oncoming A63 traffic. This form of management is attractive as it would formalise the manner in which traffic now tends to use this junction.

5.57 As part of this traffic management it may be possible to increase the width of the existing footway on the western flank of Water Lane. The minimum width of carriageway for single width movement would be 3.7m, following the guidance set out in Manual for Streets as set out below.

5.58 In relation to the improvement of the footway width the provision of a 3.7m carriageway would only permit a footway width of 1.38m to be provided at the narrowest point, (current carriageway – 4.23m – 3.7m = 0.53m+existing 0.85m footway).

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5.59 Although this would improve the situation for some users and provide better clearance from adjacent vehicles the improved with would not assist with all users as the extract of Manual for Streets below indicates.

5.60 In relation to the scale of this improvement there are a number of practical challenges in relation to repositioning the existing western kerb line, which may impact on the works. These are the proximity of services adjacent to the kerb line, location of sewers and adjustment to highway drainage.

5.61 Finally consideration must be given a swept path analysis of HGV and bus turning movements in and out of the revised junction bellmouth to ensure functionality is not compromised.

5.62 The consideration in undertaking any footway widening is the practical benefit of the scale of the improvement that would be achieved weighed against the cost of the works, and in this instance the increase in footway width is still below the minimum standard for effective passage by all users. It may be more appropriate to take a two stage approach to this suggestion in that the first stage would be a simple formalisation of a priority operation by appropriate signage and carriageway markings. Careful consideration is required with regard to the location of the signage as the western footway width of Water Lane is too narrow to accommodate a sign without further impinging on pedestrian movements, and access to adjacent dwellings on the opposite flank must be respected.

5.63 The following OS extract indicates the principle of the above. These works would of course be subject to the various stages of a Road Safety Audit and the agreement and approval of the NYCC.

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5.64 The operation of the priority arrangement could then be monitored both in its effect on the operation of the A63 junction and the ease of pedestrian usage of the existing footway.

5.65 Regarding the cost of such works it is possible to provide an indication of costs for budgetary purposes. There are however several unknowns which may add costs to the following indications and are also listed.

Allowance for civil engineering works (provision and erection of signs, adjustment to lining) in the order of 10k plus VAT. Additions – statutory services search and any required changes to stat’ services in relation to placement of signs. Cost of detailed design of scheme and Safety Audits if further work required by NYCC.

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Allowance in the order of 10k plus VAT for potential introduction of a Traffic Regulation Order (if required by NYCC) to formally regulate traffic flows to give priority to southbound movements, and public consultation in relation to it. Costs of NYCC advertising scheme (if required).

5.66 In relation to suggestions of a wider, significantly greater scheme for the improvement of the Main Street/Water Lane junction; the following have been considered.

 The installation of traffic lights  A potential reorganisation of the Fryston Common Lane/Main Street junction to form a roundabout

5.67 There are significant challenges to both of these suggestions and the principles involved in both are examined as follows:

The installation of traffic lights

5.68 Unless changes to the layout of Water Lane, (above the suggested southbound priority), to permit two way flow are included, then there is little merit in considering the principle of traffic signals as the Water Lane traffic would foul the operation of the signal controlled junction.

5.69 If pedestrian crossing arrangements were considered it would, given the current traffic flow patterns be an “all red phase” where significant delay to flow on Main Street would occur. Currently, during the morning peak period, waiting right turning traffic into Water Lane causes eastbound congestion with stationary traffic quickly building up behind the waiting vehicle.

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5.70 Traffic lights would make this more frequent and sustained over potentially a longer period, giving adverse amenity conditions for properties fronting Main Street and potentially adversely affecting air quality as vehicles slow and then restart. The current level of HGV traffic is noticeable with what appears to be a significant level of very large articulated vehicles. The adverse impact of the waiting and stopping and starting of such vehicles must be a consideration in relation to the overall village corridor.

5.71 In addition to the above the following should be noted:

 The ability to position signals in this location considering design parameters such as forward visibility on approach to the signals, and the need to ensure access to properties (such as the Post Office) in proximity to the signals  The impact on the signals of vehicles potentially waiting to turn right from the A63 into Fryston Common Lane  The introduction of the signals in the village in relation to their visual impact on the Conservation Area.  The introduction of signals in the village in relation to the overall nature of the A63, in that the signals may be a traffic management feature which is out of keeping with other junction arrangements (priority and roundabouts) along the route of the A63.  The detrimental impacts listed above and the cost of the scheme against the relatively small gain in easing traffic movements at specific times of the day from Water Lane.  Justifications in relation to the potential adverse impacts of signals in relation to the resolution of Police recorded accidents and the low level of existing pedestrian crossing movements.

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The reconfiguration of the Water Lane/Fryston Common Lane junctions with Main Street

5.72 With respect to a major configuration of these junctions to jointly operate; it is again considered that unless changes to the layout of Water Lane, to permit two way flow are included, then there is little merit in considering any major realignment of these two junctions. Given the offset between the side roads of Water Lane and Fryston Common Lane it would not be possible in the current highway boundary to provide a single roundabout. As such the possibility of two mini roundabouts (one at each junction) is now considered.

5.73 The Department for Transport and the County Surveyors Society published a good practice guide for mini roundabouts which set out key principles, findings of studies, and recommendations based on “good practice”.

5.74 In relation to the principles of their deployment they suggest that:

5.75 In the case of Fryston Common Lane it is unlikely given the scale of development it currently serves that these values would be approached. Water Lane may carry this level of traffic and further survey work would be needed to confirm this, but it is clear that there would be a significant imbalance of traffic flows between the three arms of the roundabouts.

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5.76 In relation to the nature and use of the main route the guidance continues as follows:

5.77 In this instance the use of Main Street, the A63, by large HGVs has already been noted in this report, and clearly this factor runs contrary to the above.

5.78 Finally reference is made to how mini roundabouts operate in practice, to which the guidance states:

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5.79 With respect to the final paragraph of the above, comments made earlier in relation to the impact of delayed vehicles in the village corridor must be considered as, resolution of one issue should not be to the detriment of the operation of the wider network within the village or the amenity of residents along it.

Current junction layout A63 with Water Lane and Fryston Common Lane Source Google Earth 5.80 In addition to this principle the following specific issues should be noted in relation to the A63/Water Lane junction:

 There is insufficient space to accommodate a mini roundabout of appropriate size with adequate deflection and approach visibility.  The mini roundabout brings no immediate benefit to pedestrian crossing arrangements in the vicinity of the junction, and may result in pedestrians attempting to cross the road between stationary traffic.

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 Provision of a mini roundabout would bring about significant challenges to servicing the Post Office and maintaining vehicular access to properties alongside it.  The introduction of the mini roundabout in the village in relation to its visual impact on the Conservation Area.  The detrimental impacts listed above and the cost of the scheme against the relatively small gain in easing traffic movements at specific times of the day from Water Lane.

5.81 As such neither the signalisation of the Water Lane/A63 junction nor the introduction of a mini roundabout are considered to be appropriate, and it is reiterated that without two-way free movement of traffic on Water Lane neither would bring about any improvement of the junction even if design parameters were satisfactorily achieved.

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6 Summary and Recommendations

6.1 In relation to the issues examined in this report the following is concluded with respect to the issues set out in the brief provided by the Parish Council.

Provision of a pedestrian crossing 6.2 It is concluded that on the basis of current traffic and pedestrian patterns that the position taken by the County Council is still unfortunately appropriate. Although they wish to positively engage with the Parish Council on this matter the A63 corridor through the village has physical constraints which severely limit the potential locations for a crossing, which include the availability of adequate land for its siting.

6.3 Changes which would impact on the assessment would be a material impact on pedestrian crossing movements, the accident record of the highway in relation to vulnerable users, and the ability to acquire third party land for the purpose.

Introduction of 20mph speed restriction through the village 6.4 It is considered that reduction in the speed limit of the A63 through the village is unlikely to comply with current national policy and unlikely to be seen by the County Council as appropriate to the function of the A63 as a principal route through the district.

6.5 Traffic speeds in the village are above 30 mph but not in relation to average values to a degree that would involve successful Police enforcement. The findings of the speed surveys should be brought to the attention of the Traffic Unit of the local Police for their views on the higher 85th speeds, and the prospect of any enforcing action.

6.6 The current use of a temporary VAS sign on one of the approaches to the village is of positive benefit and brings about a meaningful decrease in traffic speed. Providing permanent VAS signage is therefore considered to be effective and together with additional VAS signage in the Main Street corridor should be considered further.

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Introduction of physical measures to reduce traffic speeds throughout the village

6.7 This has been examined and it is concluded that there is little practical scope for the introduction of physical features to narrow the carriageway to provide improved crossing points whilst reducing the speed of traffic. Suggestions have been made for reinforcing the two gateway approaches to the village, which may assist in emphasising the entrance to the village and positively influence driver speed through it.

6.8 These measures would be linked to the VAS signage mentioned in 6.6 above.

Improvements to the A63 Water Lane junction

6.9 The operation of the Water Lane junction has been observed and its shortcomings set out in this report. The report identifies the substantial constraints to improving the single width Water Lane approach to Main Street and suggests that the most likely scheme that could be delivered is the formalisation of the current situation which would give priority to drivers travelling south on Water Lane as they enter from Main Street.

6.10 All other major changes are unlikely to be practical or desirable, and in the case of alternative junction arrangements compliant with national design guidance and good practice. Finally they are unlikely to be seen by the County Council as appropriate to the function of the A63 as a principal route through the district.

6.11 Finally, the level of pedestrian usage and the availability of an alternative route from the north west of the village must be taken into account.

RG 13 March 2018

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Appendix A

Brief provided by the Parish Council Monk Fryston Village Design Statement




For many years the A63 through the village has been subject to speeding and high volumes of ‘rush hour’ traffic, the latter particularly coinciding with school opening and closing times. The natural pedestrian flow paths involve getting to and from the school, the Post Office / General Store, the Doctors Surgery and the bus stops. Almost all these activities centre on the area incorporating the A63, Fryston Common Lane, Water Lane junction. This junction is made particularly hazardous because it coincides with a double bend on the A63.

Both speed and the high volumes of traffic make crossing the A63 hazardous in this area. The former because the sight lines prevent advance warning of fast approaching vehicles, the latter because it creates very little opportunity to cross leading to frustration and consequential risk taking. At school times the traffic issue is exacerbated by parents dropping off and picking up children, creating multiple additional turnings around and across the junction at peak times.


The Parish Council, along with the District Councillor, have had a continuous dialogue with NYCC Highways Department over a good number of years with a view to reducing speed and improving pedestrian safety. As a result of this dialogue certain aspects have been introduced. Permanent ‘bend’ vehicle activated signs have been installed on the A63 East and West of the junction. Temporary vehicle activated speed display signs are deployed on the A63 three times a year alternately at the East and West entrances to the village.

A pedestrian crossing is the most obvious solution to the problems faced by pedestrians. NYCC carried out a pedestrian flow survey, the outcome of which, in its opinion, did not fully justify the expenditure. At the same time a physical survey concluded that the only location close to the junction where a crossing could be installed was opposite The Manor House, a location only on the periphery of the natural flow lines. However even this option was not achievable because of a land ownership issue.

Changes to the narrow Water Lane / A63 junction have been suggested with the objective of improving pedestrian safety and traffic flow, none of which have found favour with NYCC.

A suggestion has been made about the introduction of a 20mph speed limit through the village. NYCC attitude to this is that this would not be supported in the absence of a significant accident record.

NYCC approach all the issues from the point of view of justification of expenditure on grounds of necessity. The fact that there have been no recorded serious accidents in this location means that there is, in essence, no priority rating for any of the initiatives and therefore nothing can be done.



The PC wishes to obtain an independent assessment of the possibility of providing the following from a practical point of view as opposed to one based upon any ‘justification of expenditure’.

1) provision of a pedestrian crossing

2) improvements to the A63 Water Lane junction.

3) introduction of physical measures to reduce traffic speeds throughout the village.

4) introduction of 20mph speed restriction through the village

5) any other measures

The assessment should include ‘ball park’ costings for any options.

Philp Scott Clerk and RFO Monk Fryston Parish Council





August 2011 Contents Purpose of a Village Design Statement The Monk Fryston Village Design Statement Introduction and History Important Buildings Character Area One Architecture Character Area Two Late 20 th Century estates

Appendices Inventory of important buildings What is a Village Design Statement and how do I use it? General advice for prospective developers

VDS Objectives • To Provide a record of local distinctiveness by describing the unique qualities and character of the village. • To identify the key features and characteristics of the local natural and built environment to be respected and protected from the impact of inappropriate development. • To provide design guidance for new development so that change is managed and development is in harmony with its setting. • To achieve a higher standard of sustainable design and where possible to enhance the local environment. • To increase the involvement and influence of the local community in the planning system.

Location map

Not to scale

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey with the permission of the controller of Her Majesty’s Stat ionary Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or Purpose of a Village Design Statement 1.0 Our villages all occupy a unique position in the surrounding countryside, and have evolved over hundreds of years to suit the needs and circumstances of the people who lived there through the ages. As a result of this, we are naturally drawn to the elements that make our own village different for others, and those things that make it unique.

1.1 More recently, volume house building and standardisation has failed to reflect both the subtle and obvious elements that create this local distinctiveness. Coupled with this, political ideology, personal tastes and cultural changes have all played their part in the design of buildings. It is now recognised that local distinctiveness is vital in helping to integrate new development and in creating sustainable communities. This can be achieved through an understanding of local character, and ensuring that this understanding is shared with anyone considering development.

1.2 A Village Design Statement (VDS) is such a method. It is intended to explain the context or character of the village so that anyone who is considering any form of development in the village - no matter how large or small - can do it sympathetically. The VDS covers relatively straightforward work such as replacing doors and windows as well as more significant work such as building extensions and complete new buildings. It sets out the elements that make up character in order to improve the quality of design in any new development.

1.3 The description of local character in this VDS is not intended to be prescriptive - new development should not be designed to “look old”. Instead the VDS should be used as inspiration to design new modern development that is respectful to its surroundings. In this context, that means using the appropriate building materials and architectural styles, and respecting the importance of spaces, building orientation and size. Overall, new development should look new, and should not slavishly copy the old buildings. However, new development should “fit in” with the context of the village.

1.4 The VDS is written so that all developers can avoid lengthy discussion in the planning application process, as the design context is clearly set out from the beginning. Where design is not respectful to the village, the VDS can be used as evidence to justify the refusal of planning permission.

1.5 Therefore the Local Planning Authority welcomes early discussion with anyone considering undertaking any work so that a consensus can be achieved, and local character can be maintained.

The Monk Fryston Monk Fryston village is a linear settlement on the Selby-Leeds A63. A traditional farming community built from Magnesian Limestone with a mix of opulent and simple houses, the village presents a pleasant face to those passing through. Later development has extended the village, but the core principles of architecture, layout and materials still dominates. Introduction and History

Monk Fryston is situated just over 6 miles west of the town of Selby. It lies 2 miles east of the A1(M) motorway, and 4 miles north of the M62 motorway. The A63 road, Leeds to Selby, runs through the village.

The name ‘Monk Fryston’ is believed to originate from a quarry in the village ‘Monk Free Stone’ - the stone from which was used to build Selby Abbey and many other buildings within the district. The village is very closely linked to Hillam, although both villages maintain separate parish councils.

Monk Fryston is set on a small incline and is based on an elongated linear settlement with agricultural origins. Most of the farming aspects of the village have gone however, and where farmstead once dominated Main Street the outbuildings and barns have been converted to housing. However, this has maintained the original form of the village. Monk Fryston is most commonly associated with the Monk Fryston Hall Hotel within the village.

Upon entrance to the village the character of the stone dominates the view, with dense tree foliage and vegetation setting the buildings well into the street scene. Were it not for the presence of cars, the village could easily be lost in time.

Monk Fryston is a mixed settlement with two main character areas, one being the traditional core of the village with converted farm buildings, and the second is made up of a number of more recent volume house builders’ infill estates that are found all throughout the village. The VDS encourages future development to maintain the traditional character and to avoid development of “anywhere” housing.

Important Buildings One of the main features of Monk Fryston is Monk Fryston Hall; a picturesque mansion that stands in a extensive grounds. The oldest portion of Monk Fryston Hall Hotel dates back over 800 years where the original building contained vaulted ceilings, stonework and inglenook fireplaces. The building was a monastery around the 12 th /13 th Century when land was given to Benedictine monks by the Bishop of .

As the centuries passed, later additions included stone mullioned windows, oak panelling and stone terracing around the main house. The hall was sold in the mid 20 th century and is now a hotel retreat.

The lodge to Monk Fryston Hall dates back to the mid-late 19 th Century. Unusually built in Ashlar, the local Magnesian limestone is used only as decorative dressing. Also features a slate roof.

The current Grade I Listed Church of St Wilfrid is sited where a place of worship has been located since the 11 th Century. St. Wilfrid's Church stands centrally in the village on elevated ground on Main Street. The Church is constructed from Magnesian limestone with stone slate and lead roof. The church has had additions throughout the centuries and therefore has seen a mixture of architectural influences throughout the centuries including a 20 th Century south porch, and 13 th Century nave.

The former Methodist Church on Water Lane is Listed Grade II. The church was constructed around 1845 from Magnesian limestone and a Welsh slate roof with later additions and alterations. The buildings has recently been converted into a dwelling.

The Manor House, situated on Main Street is Listed Grade II. Above the door is inscribed ‘TC 1655’. There are unusual mullion windows in the building.

Stone House Farmhouse and its associated barn and granary have now been converted to residential dwellings. These buildings located in Main Street are Listed Grade II. The farm house probably dates back to the 17 th Century.

Malvern House, and Malvern Mews stand on Main Street, and are unusual in that they are three storeys tall. Their front windows are mullioned which indicates substantial wealth.

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey with the permission of the controller of Her Majesty’s Stationary Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Selby District Council 100018656

Not to scale Character Area One This area is based on the oldest part of the village, and is also defined as a Conservation Area. It has developed one house at a time along the main Leeds-Selby A63. Main Street runs from east to west the road is slightly twisty and starts to incline when approaching the main core of the village.

There is a very unusual raised area about half way through the village on the south side of Main Street which gives access to a number of properties. This is possibly part of medieval defensive earthworks that are common in the northern part of the District. Today it gives some visual interest and adds a large area of grass verge to the otherwise narrow street scene.

The houses face the street on a continuous building line to form attractive rows, opening directly onto the street or set behind a short frontage and a low wall. Mature planting and trees reinforce the rural character.

The Crown Inn and The Blue Bell public houses are both rendered and feature large multiple pane windows. They are traditional pub character with distinctive hanging signs. A z-bend in the road outside Monk Fryston Hall forms a small public space which is now the site of the war memorial. It is likely that a small market would be held here in the past. Most of the village facilities are also located here, including the, Post Office, shop and public houses and Monk Fryston Hall, the primary school is on Water Lane and is shared with Hillam Parish.

On entrance from the east, mature vegetation is prolific. The road is narrow with little on street parking. One of the unusual features of Monk Fryston is the cemetery that is separate to St Wilfrids church. The cemetery dominates the street scene with the boundary wall built in local Magnesian limestone with iron railings.

Houses The houses on Main Street directly abut the footpath, but frequently the entrance doors are on the side due to the busy road. There are a mixture of two storey detached houses from cottages to grand houses. Several short terraced cottages are also found alongside one or two large 3-storey houses.

As the houses are directly onto the street the majority have large gardens behind them. Most of the houses in this character area are set in large plots.

On leaving the village towards the west the topography is slightly more undulating and a road bridge adds elevated views for passers by. Here more converted out-buildings and farms are found.

Gable fronted buildings are more dominant in this area of Main Street, the buildings are slightly further apart set out in their own individual plots. The common theme continues with the buildings straight on to the street with a foot path either side of the road.

Occasionally infill plots have realised newer house designs, but have successfully maintained the materials and plot layout to blend in and continue the character. Houses dominate the village, and many farms have been redeveloped by the conversion of outbuildings into houses but still keeping the layout of the existing farmstead.

Architecture Houses follow an overall style, but each is unique. There is an overall palette of Magnesian Limestone and pan tile or Welsh blue-black slate materials. Some cream render or paint is also found on a few properties.

Windows feature heavy stone headers and cills, but unusually in Selby District heavy stone mullions and surrounds are common. The windows are mostly multiple paned with horizontal or square emphasis – again unusual in the District as most other villages have vertically emphasised windows.

Doors and Porches along Main Street vary slightly however the basic style remains the same. Most front doors are pain timber in cased around stone or timber framed porch.

Roof materials in this area are mainly slate or orange/red pan tile. There is a mixture of roof shapes, but gabled construction with front facing eaves is by far the most common. Chimneys are generally tall, constructed from brick with plain simple pots.

Character Area Two Late 20 th Century estates

There has been steady development over the years but always on a piecemeal scale until recently when larger infill estates were developed. These frequently demonstrate a “national” style with less regard for local character. Some developments built in the 70’ 80’s 90’s show an increase in density and the introduction of three story dwellings to the village. The principal difference in these estates is the introduction of standardised house types and more uniformity in the designs, and more obviously a switch from Magnesian Limestone to brick.

A summary of these developments is included below:

The Crescent. This development is a mixture of town houses and semi- and detached houses built on previously developed land off Main Street. The design has attempted to replicate the character through the use of a courtyard layout, however this is more of a cul-de-sac design. Materials used replicate the stone in the village. However there is a lot of standardisation within the development and distinguishes it from the more varied Main Street character. They are constructed in artificial stone with pan tile or artificial grey slate.

The Meadows A cul-de-sac off Main Street has detached stone properties set in large plots with some original stone work still visible.

Main Street Development (A) This development has kept some character in the village. The low density detached houses are set in large plots, but there isn’t the variation I proportions that typifies Monk Fryston. In this particular instance the greater attention to detail has be paid to stone work, windows and general layout. Priory Park Grove and Fryston Common Lane. Fryston Common Lane starts at the junction off Main Street near Monk Fryston Hall. The narrow straight road has a footpath either side and a stone wall and tall established pine trees belonging to the Hall and the entrance to Deer Park Hall. The road then continues out of the village merging into more of a single track road with no footpath, only a grass verge leading to open countryside and grazing land and farmsteads.

There are a number of stone bungalows or houses detached properties along Fryston Common Lane. Keeping with the traditional character of the village by building in large plots with mature vegetation and trees surrounding them.

However the materials used in construction of these properties are not the local stone found in older buildings through out the village. Priory Park Grove has the similar theme with properties set in large plots with stone walls and dense vegetation. Nevertheless apart from the density of the houses situated the cul-de-sac development is not the local character.

Church Lane This lane runs off Main Street along the side of St Wilfrid’s church continuing up an incline around the back of houses on Main Street. These houses are standard semi detached properties and can be seen from Old Vicarage Lane. They are constructed from red brick and red tiled roof within a cul-de-sac layout.

Old Vicarage Lane Old Vicarage Lane is on the edge of the Monk Fryston village close to the village of Hillam. This narrow track road with a single footpath, has ‘ one at a time houses’ set in moderate plots, they are set back from the road with some garden frontage. They are set on one side and school playing field to the other. The boundary treatments are typical of the village with hedgerows and stone wall. The road ends with a park and views of the church and houses on Church Lane.

Water Lane Continuing with the stone character of Monk Fryston, Water Lane has some stone buildings remaining. There are some further houses and bungalows along Water Lane of later construction. These houses are set back from the road with rear gardens and established vegetation. On leaving Water Lane toward Hillam dark brick terraced cottages have been introduced. Orchard Close situated off Water Lane a 20 th century cul-de-sac development with standardised brick housing .

Main Street Development (B) This 20 th century development is another example of modern development in Monk Fryston which has kept some character to the village. The low density detached houses are set in large plots. In this particular instance the greater attention to detail has be paid to stone work, windows and general layout. The short infill farmstead layout is apparent rather than a high density cul-de-sac development. Unfortunately the standardised design fails to reflect the variety elsewhere in Main Street.

Lumby Lane Lumby Lane is a quiet countryside lane leaving Monk Fryston providing another access to village. Lumby Lane is located at the highest point of the village, lush open countryside valleys and distance views across trees tops can be seen from here adding a further dimension to Monk Fryston. There are a number of 20 th century cul-de-sac developments with in this area.

Abbeystone Way One of the most recent developments in Monk Fryston, built in a small former quarry. The development features too much open space and introduces unusual shapes in an urban style development.

Deer Park Court Deer Park Court estate is similar to many early 70’s developments. The properties are stone fronted (although not the local Magnesian limestone) with Georgian style windows, following the traditional materials in Monk Fryston. The uniformity in the house design is at odds with the Monk Fryston character.

Inglethorpe Lane Inglethorpe Lane/ Inglethorpe Way is located off Lumby Lane. This is a single track road slopping down out of the village into open countryside. Inglethorpe Lane continues around the edge of the village leading to open fields and is probably used for agricultural purposes. Inglethorpe Way is a mixture of houses and bungalows replicating stone set in reasonable sized plots. Few similarities with Main Street.

Appendix A: What is a Village Design Statement and how do I use it? A1 This Village Design Statement (VDS) is intended to give advice and guidance to anyone who is considering any form of development in the village no matter how large or small. It covers simple works such as replacing doors and windows as well as more significant works such as extensions and new buildings. It is not only concerned with housing, but covers all types of development with the intention of improving the quality of design in new development.

A2 It is not about whether development should take place, instead, the VDS is intended to expand upon the policies in the Adopted Selby District Local Plan in order to explain it and give greater detail as to what is meant by the Policies within it. This helps developers and Planning Officers agree on some details that are not specifically set out in the policy itself: in this case the VDS sets out how development should be undertaken so as to respect the local identity.

A3 The VDS is a “Supplementary Planning Document” (SPD) which is a legal document that sits in a hierarchy of plans and strategies called the Local Development Framework (LDF).

A4 The different types of document in the LDF cover topical issues as well as area-based issues, and contain policies for making planning decisions. This is a relatively new system that replaces the old Local Plan system, however this is a period of transition and so the 2005 Selby District Local Plan has been “saved” as a ‘Local Development Document’ until such time that newer documents can replace it.

A5 This Village Design Statement SPD is therefore based on Policy ENV1 of the Saved Selby District Local Plan 2005, which states: “ENV1: Proposals for development will be permitted provided a good quality of development would be achieved. In considering proposals the District Council will take account of the effect upon the character of the area or the amenity of adjoining neighbours the relationship of the proposal to the highway network, the proposed means of access, the need for road/junction improvements in the vicinity of the site, and the arrangements to be made for car parking the capacity of local services and infrastructure to serve the proposal, or the arrangements to be made for upgrading, or providing services and infrastructure the standard of layout, design and materials in relation to the site and its surroundings and associated landscaping the potential loss, or adverse effect upon, significant buildings, related spaces, trees, wildlife habitats, archaeological or other features important to the character of the area the extent to which the needs of disabled and other inconvenienced persons have been taken into account the need to maximise opportunities for energy conservation through design, orientation and construction; and any other material consideration”

The diagram shows the hierarchy of plans.

National Policy (PPS/PPG)

Informs Strategic Regional thinking Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS)

Informs Council Planning Policies (inc Selby Local Plan 2005) Local Development Documents (LDD)


TheLocal Development Advice and guidance (including VDS) to Supplementary Planning Documents explain Policies

A6 When preparing development proposals, the developer should refer to this VDS in a “Design and Access Statement” to demonstrate how its advice and guidance has been used. This will help people understand how a particular design for the development has come about. Where a site lies on or near the “border” of two or more character areas, the advice of each should be taken in to consideration and used appropriately.

A7 If planning permission is required, the District Council’s Planning Officer will also use the VDS to assess the design of the application. If it cannot be demonstrated that the advice has been used, or it is considered that it has not been used correctly, it could result in the refusal of planning permission. A8 Even if planning permission is not required, it is still very much in the interests of the village to undertake any development work in sympathy to the village’s character. It will increase the appeal and the value of the development and ensure that the aesthetic qualities of the village continue for future generations to enjoy.

Appendix B: General advice for prospective developers B1 This section considers more than just the aesthetic issues and offers advice and guidance for prospective developers in achieving a suitable development proposal.

General good design B2 There are lots of conflicting issues in considering new development, but whatever the compromise, the village character should always be maintained.

B3 The character described in the VDS does not restrict new designs or materials or insist that everything is designed to “look old”. Instead, it is the job of the developer to design and build a modern building that satisfies modern needs, exploits new technology and building methods, and uses them to create a desirable, profitable development that works with its environment to seamlessly integrate with the local area. Modern, but appropriate development is encouraged.

B4 It is helpful to consider the visual impact of developments from all angles and from longer distance. Accurate perspective (isometric) drawings or street scene views to show how new developments would appear in relation to their neighbouring properties and in the wider street scene could be very useful.

B5 There is an emphasis on evolution not revolution in the village, and so multiple smaller developments will have less impact than a single large-scale development. This approach reflects the way the village has grown in the past.

B6 Examples of inappropriate designs, materials and layouts within the village should not be used as a precedent for further inappropriate use of these features.

The Planning Process B7 Anyone considering development should contact the District Council for planning advice before submitting an application. This will help to iron out potential issues and lead to a smoother planning process. The Parish Council would also welcome early discussion and to help wherever they can.

B8 Discussion with neighbours before applying for planning permission will give them an opportunity to discuss any concerns, and that may avoid unnecessary neighbour disputes.

B9 Some development does not need planning permission, but the need for good design remains. Understanding of the local character and applying it may increase the value of a development and ensure that the important local character remains.

Repairs and maintenance of buildings B10 Many buildings in the villages are old, having been built long before building regulations came in to effect, before plastics were invented, and before cars began damaging structures through impact, chemical attack via exhaust gases, and water damage from splashing through puddles. The need to maintain and repair our older buildings is never more apparent, but it is essential that the correct materials and methods are used to maintain character, but also to ensure that the building continues to live.

B11 Bricks and stone may be bonded together using a mortar, but up until the Great War, most buildings used a lime mortar mix rather than a sand-and- cement mortar used today. Cement mortar is extremely hard and does not flex which can lead to cracks appearing, particularly where foundations are shallow or soft. The rain cannot penetrate cement easily and so it is found that the bricks and stone wear out faster than the mortar joints leaving the mortar exposed. This accelerates wear and buildings will become damp, unstable and ultimately collapse. A lime mortar is no more expensive and no more difficult to use than cement, but it is the better choice for many buildings in the district. Where stone is used, a sand and cement mortar should never be used.

B12 When installing modern features on a traditional building such as satellite receiver dishes, conservatories, replacement guttering and fascias etc, new windows and doors, and damp proofing can all seriously affect the integrity of both the appearance and the way traditional buildings function. Modern materials are often cheaper to buy, but may have a shorter operational life, and also lack the physical qualities that are needed in traditional buildings. However advice is available from HELM (English Heritage’s Historic Environment Local Management arm) who offer a wealth of information to help make an informed choice about materials and methods of repair to older buildings. See

Highway and parking advice B13 Safety is paramount, but modern standardised road designs do not always sit comfortably within historic areas. When designing road layouts it is important that a balance is achieved to allow safe access without detriment to the local character. This means that a bespoke design will be needed.

B14 Historic areas were never designed for the private car and so these environments are spoiled by inappropriate and ill considered parking arrangements. Rural villages often feature heavy machinery such as combine harvesters and on-street parking is therefore problematic. Bespoke solutions will be required to minimise highway disruption and to maintain local character and amenity.

B15 New accesses should be designed to minimise the loss of boundary vegetation and achieve an appropriate balance between highway safety and amenity.

Energy conservation and sustainable development B16 New development can play its part in reducing the risk and impact of climate change. Installing modern environmental systems in an attractive setting can have a serious detrimental impact on the character of the village. Therefore domestic wind turbines, solar panels and photovoltaic cells should be carefully sited to reduce their visual impact. If they cannot be placed sympathetically to limit their visual impact, then consideration of alternatives should be made. Ground source heating and better insulation may be just as effective by reducing consumption instead of generating more power.

B17 In order to reduce carbon emission, it is not only the ongoing costs that should be considered, as methods in construction may also limit environmental impact. Timber, stone, slate and labour from local sources will reduce the amount of travelling required overall thus cutting emissions and maintaining local employment. More information about sustainable construction can be seen at

The natural environment B18 Any new development on the edge of the village should conserve or enhance the soft landscaped edge by the provision of appropriate tree and hedgerow planting. Hard edges of walls, fences or other structures should be avoided. Selby District Council has a landscape Character Assessment that will assist in understanding the landscape around the villages.

B19 Hedges and trees within the village are an essential part of the character. These should be conserved and reinforced through new planting in any new development whether small or large.

B20 Even small areas of hard landscaping can lead to a sharp decline in local wildlife with the removal of nesting, breeding or feeding habitats. This has a drastic effect on our natural ecosystems and so hard landscaping and removal of vegetation is strongly discouraged.

B21 Many plant and animal species that have declined in the wider landscape in recent years are increasingly dependent on the opportunities provided to them through the built environment, such as putting up bird and bat boxes, making ponds, and planting native trees, shrubs and wildflowers. Indirect actions such as using peat free or home-made compost also benefit wildlife. Further information can be found from the Natural England website:

Flooding B22 Much of the District lies in the severe flood risk area, but it is not just those areas that are susceptible to flooding. Flooding can include short term flash flooding after a heavy downpour which can cause localised damage. There are two considerations when designing out flood risk: a) the impact of flooding on a development, and b) the impact of the development on flooding.

The following advice is generic, but does not imply that all areas are at risk of severe flooding. Detailed advice about how to cope with flood risk - including maps showing those areas most at risk - can be found on the Environment Agency’s website

B23 To reduce the impact of flooding on a development, consider the plot in relation to slopes, water courses and known flood risk areas. If a flood is likely or possible, how would the water affect the development? Building on stilts and raising the ground floor level of the building may not be the answer, as the dry occupants would still be trapped because they would still be surrounded by water.

B24 Water storage capacity is particularly important; hard landscaped areas such as paved parking areas and driveways should be avoided, instead a permeable surface such as gravel is able to absorb water much more easily and hold it, prevent it escaping and building up elsewhere. It will also slow any flowing water down, and this will reduce the risk of impact damage. Collecting water from the down pipe in a butt may also assist in reducing the amount of water that the ground has to cope with. Trees and large vegetation help to bind soil together to prevent land collapse, so in areas where there are no trees, consider planting some to make sure the land can take the weight of water it holds.

Crime prevention B25 Selby is generally a low crime area, but there are simple steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of crime further still in new development. For example, clear definition between public and private spaces, siting buildings to prevent areas that are not overlooked, removing potential hiding places, and designing buildings that are not easily broken in to.

B26 “ Secured by Design ”is a publication by the Association of Chief Police Officers that sets out these and other simple but effective methods of reducing the opportunities for crime. Schemes that meet the criteria set out are eligible for awards, and may attract lower insurance premiums. A copy may be obtained here:

ACPO CPI First floor, 10 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0NN Phone: 0207 084 8962 Email: [email protected]

B27 In addition, North Yorkshire Police Community Safety Partnership have specialist Officers who would be pleased to help prepare development proposals. They may be contacted on 01757 341 029.

Highway Study Monk Fryston Village

Appendix B

Series of photographs of the local highway system – morning peak period January 2018

Series of Photographs – Monk Fryston Village January 2018 AM Peak Hour

Main Street looking west to limit of village and rail bridge

Main Street looking east to The Crown

Main Street looking west

Main Street/Water Lane junction- congestion and informal one way northbound flow on Water Lane

Congestion from backing up behind right turners into Water Lane

Difficulties caused by right turning traffic into Water Lane and indication of Water Lane queuing

Build up of queue on Main Street from right turner into Water Lane junction

Informal waiting of northbound flow on Water Lane – narrow single footway/bus stop

Narrow single footway to initial section of Water Lane and difficulties for pedestrians

Servicing around Post Office

Water Lane looking to Main Street narrow left hand side footway and problems for pedestrians (no vision) crossing from right hand footway

Water Lane – school associated pedestrians- single file on narrow footway

Parking on Water Lane on approach to MF School

Eastern Village entrance and start of 30 mph limit

View from eastern Village entrance and start of 40 mph limit

View looking west on Main Street towards Water Lane – noting buildings in close proximity to minimum width footways

AM peak parking around Post Office – looking from Water Lane

Main Street from unmade road adjacent to St Wilfrid’s Church

HGVs on Main Street Main Street looking west from road adjacent to St Wilfrid’s Church

HGVs on Main Street Main Street looking east from unmade road adjacent to St Wilfrid’s Church

Main Street looking east in locality of The Crown

Main Street looking west – noting listed buildings in proximity to Main Street and narrow south flank footway

Highway Study Monk Fryston Village

Appendix C

Measurements of local roads provided by the Parish Council NYCC Plan indicating A63 highway boundary in village Example of Truvelo VAS signage and indications of costs

Measurements provided by Monk Fryston Parish Council

The Green shaded area is publically maintained highway. The area within in the Red line is owned by the Manor House.