The current status of HTML5 technology and standard HTML5 관련 최근 주요업계 동향은 ?

22 HTML5 vs (Flash vs Silverlight)

33 44

55 66 77 88 to use HTML5 in Gmail

 Speed is a feature  Goal is to get Gmail to load in under a second

 Offline support  HTML5's standards

 New features  downloadurl: a new data transfer protocol  HTML6 ???

 Code size  443,000 lines of JavaScript  978,000 lines with comments

99 Google I/O Conference

 Chrome Web Store  an existing web app  a serverless app

1010 Google I/O Conference

 HTML5 Tweetdeck App

1111 Google I/O Conference

 WebM Project

1212 1313 < Source: ompatible--joining-antiflash-movement/ > 1414 IE9 : HTML5와 GPU

1515 MS IE9

 Preview #3까지 출시  HTML5 비디오/오디오와 SVG 지원 예정  GPU 활용한 랜더링 기능 지원  IE9 공식 버전은 언제 출시 ???  HTML5를 지원하는 모바일 브라우저 로드맵은 ???

1616 1717 H.264: 31% ( Q2/09 )  66% ( Q1/10 )

Flash : 69% ( Q2/09 )  26% ( Q1/10 )

1818 HTML5 표준 개요 및 특징은?

1919 HTML Timeline

2020 [ Source : Appleinsider ] What is HTML5 ?

Structure and Semantic

2121 HTML Design Principles

2222 Document Representations (문서 표현)

HTML 5 XHTML 5 Document application/+ text/


  Just 15 character  HTML5 doc !!!  Case-insensitive  Backwards compatibility

How about Google page ? Is it based on the HTML5 ?

2424 HTML5 Basic Structure

 Common structures  Differentiation & Style. How about Semantic?  What is the potential of new elements?  E.g. Search engine, etc

[ HTML4] 2525 [ HTML5] Example

2626 New Elements in HTML5

 New Markup Elements – for better structure

 New Media Elements – for media content

 The – for drawing

 New Form Elements and Input type attribute values

2727 New Markup Elements – for better structure

  for indicating text as marked or highlighted

2828 New Markup Elements – for better structure

  for indicating a scalar measurement within a known range, or a frac tional value

  for representing the progress of a task

2929 New Markup Elements – for better structure

Tag Description For external content, like text from a news-article, blog, forum, or any ot

her content from an external source For content aside from the content it is placed in. The aside content shoul