WHEREAS, the number of unwanted and in County anmaI shelters continues to increase; and

WHEREAS, despite the efforts & committed staff and volunteers to find homes for these dogs and cats, the capacity of the animal sheltering system is consistently exceeded; and

WHEREAS, many of these animals, are lost, abandoned, or relinquished and there are too few homes to adopt them; and

WHEREAS, this results in poor outcomes for animals! poor outcomes for County residents, and increased costs to local jurisdictions; and

WHEREAS, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors established a Spay- Neuter Task Force under the oversight of the Public Health Department to review the problem of overpopulation within the County and the Spay-Neuter Task Force was charged to return to the Board as appropriate with proposed draft language for a spay/neuter ordinance.

NOW THEREFORE, the Spay-Neuter Task Force proposes an amendment to Chapter? of the County Code by means of this ordinance to reduce pet overpopulation and promote responsible pet ownership and licensing in response to local needs.

Amondmsnt to Sne Barbara County Cod9 Ch&pter 7—Anim&s and Fowl Md Ordinance 4705— Animal Ser4cos Fee SchethJ]e Effective Date January I. 2010 -


Chapter 7—Animals and Fowl is amended to read Athcje Vi. License. and Tags Section 7-1 Licenses and Tag.—Requbed.

Unaflred Ar.Eoad License lot R.spoesle Owners Oi-eis 04 :gs -c cah te acz resçonst. ren xrs Jo ;tw&, 3 ‘ee na or . (I) Spaying or ot dogs and cats is recomme.,da. (2) Owners ot dope arid cats may purchase an Unaltered Anima’ License iron Animal Senjices if a California licensed veterinarian issu a Veterinary Certatcate stafing in venting that: The owner has discussed The objectives and purpose for owning the Or oat with the veterinarian, and a’ xnstdering th& v’eerall circumstencss. indudirg Ihe age and en.I- c ta -s eta-rran coZ .6 -a the cr,e a’,c r ct Wt oar be sa-.ed ail,i- tie Dna, L sCase . nat,ed Anal-al Le-sa 1: A catentVsteta Ot-ftate is recu,ed each tve en Unaltered Armal Licenses p, kla sod S A Vai,c,. Car.i5c, :0, &tet Z•E ea, CI Tie ar 4 ln& krse. is longer. (b). For every owner in the County who owns a dog or cat over 5 months of age and whose animal does not meet the requirements to purchase an Unaltered Animal License, die owner shall have The dog or oat spayed or netftersd. (c’. 1nee requirements do not apply to owners ot dogs and cats temporarily vlsting the county for 30 dafl OT less. The4e eycets s no , a,mss o(e,s isle .siS r pa,eIS thatae 40 naec as AS- aic a — inn pace size it aceS

Does NotCuilify tot au Anhial Liosase sse: ne tt-.o4 J oecs co cr ia’s de o yfa Ja w-r Anna yesr. I) Owner ofoogs Or cats inipounced arid/or alec at large thee ‘mci wLthin a (2) Owners of dogs Sr cats convicted in Caliromla for crimes against an,riials and/or domestic violence. (3) Dogs whose owners have been found guiltq of an infracon under section 7.66 of this chapler after their do has bitten, attacked, or caused tnjuiy to e human being or animal while the dM was running M large. Licenses tas Ca .rs..i to a a±, :s:nd a tea t ots age c’ one, wes5 a 0a, io terse l be.- p,nci-ea.

“ bee- acirated .r:. ma corly rial r!y Sas a Jag rcsrse aw tc 53 Ce e,-sei a ,i ,es a metcd 7V V a ceseo ete.a, ai Wo srj ss.e o te c-re orpefsa er::kd :2 2L4tiO? C’ i :cg 0 e a &s Cr&:& rti ra. C; information as prescribed by the county veterinarian. Upon payment oF the license tee and The presentatich ols valid vaownation (0). Ucense certificate. the county shall issue a dog license end dog tag to the person paying the times. lee. The dog tag shall be seourely affixed to the dog and shall remain attached at all

, eert.a Ss.ny Dzna ‘Sf& I .e.,as a,,d ro Svacc A’4 Cnnca 47S5 — Anma Se-.s ea Ei#ctive Daze Jantsen, I 2010 (ri). A county dog license shall be valid for a period not to exceed three years and the license period shall not extend beyond the remaining period of validity for The current rabies acciflation. Unaltered Cat Licenses (a). It shall be unEavtul to own or hee custody of an unalterod cat six months of age or older unless Unaltered Animal License has been procured. rb). Upon payment of the license fee and the presentation of a current Veterinary Certificate, the county shall issue an Unaltered Min,aI License and cal ‘icense tag to the person paying the lioense fee. The cat tag shall be securely affixed to the cat and shall remain attached at all times. )o). An Unaltered Animal License for a cat shall be valid for one year.

General (a). An Unaltered Animal License consdtutes a breeders license. The Unaltered Mimal License number will be displayed in any advertisements to selt or give away offspring of the animal. (b). For each Unartered AnimaL License sold. $10 will be deposited into the Animal Services Spay/Neuter Agency Fund to be used for services such as: educaicnat outreach and spay or neuter subsidies. Enforcement ResponsIbIlIty The Director àf Animal Services shall be responsible for the adminisfltion and enlorcen,ent of this ordir,ance. My request for review of a denial for an Unaltered Animal License shall be submitted in writing to the Director o1 Animal Services who shall bold a hearing.

Article IX. Transfer of Doga and Cats

Section 77. Transfer of Dogs and Cats (a). fletlnltlon- Transfer’ shall mean any transaction in which a dog, puppy, cat or is delivered to a new owner, and shall include, but not be iiniited to, the sale, sale at auction. barten exchange, gift or adoption of any dog, puppy. cat or kiten. (b). Health Records- My individual who flnsfers a dog, cat, puppy or kitten to a new owner shall authorize access to the antmaEs health and vacoinadon records, including the name of the licensed veterinarian who examined tue animal. The individual transferring the anImal(s) shall also provide the new owner with a copy of this ordinance if the new owner resides in Santa Berbara County; or therequirements of H&S Code seclions 122045-122110 and I 22l2-2231 5 (Polanco-Lockyer Pet Breeder Warranty Act and the Lockyer-Poianoo Farr Pet Proteodon Act, respectively) if the new owner resides in California. (C). Any person athiertising the availabibty of a puppy Cr kitten for transfer must promineny display the Unaltered Animal License number Ct the mother doa or cat in the advertisement. Any person advertising the avaiiabiittj of an unaltered dog or cat for transfer must rominently display the Unaltered Animal License number in the edvertsement. (d). No dog, puppy, cat or kitten shatl be transterred as a prize.

Amondment to Sante Barbara Coisnfy Code Chapter 7—Animals and Fowl And Ordinance 4705— Anima/ Sen’ices Fee Schedule Ehctive Dafe January 1, 2010 Ordinance 4705— AnImal Services Fee Schedule is amended as IDLLU?,s.

Unaltered Cat LltenS.

Unalinred Anfri,al jcenn Surcharge aereJ ce-sa soc a O s.gda’o wI ze acia and jazos rJ to e A:a SeM Say.a Ar:y Fri ) De .sai ic 84flC5 sud’ aa. eIDa:r2 nat ,

Penalty for fMlurn to IIcene a dog or an onattetd oat $250.00

Sa! ‘S afn CCD C: X6 I — 4tra a’ - .4-o =-Z6 ea ts,ea- EffatiVe Date Janut, 2010 ______

PASSED. APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa 2C te cc* :cte Ba-taa Stae e’ Oaa S S) ,





Chair, Board of Supervisors


BY Deputy


b C€&t1 4 epciy C:rtg Ccs1

Amendment to Sante Barbara Ccun& Cods Chapter 7—Animals and Fowl And Ordinance 4705— Animal SeMcss Fee Schedule Ect,ve Date JaI,U8IV 1. 2010