KORBANOT - OFFERINGS Korbanot and Ketoret are recited before the minyan begins Ashrei (page 9). And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying; Command the children וידבר of Israel and say to them: My offering, My food-offering consumed by fire, a pleasing odor to Me, you shall be careful to offer Me at its appointed time. And you shall say to them: This is the fire-offering which you shall offer to the Lord—two yearling male lambs without blemish, every day, as a daily burnt-offering. You shall offer one lamb in the morning, and the other lamb toward evening; and a tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with a fourth of a hin of oil of crushed olives as a meal-offering. This is a daily burnt-offering, as it was made at Mount Sinai, for a pleasing odor, a fire-offering to the Lord. And its wine-offering shall be a fourth of a hin for the one lamb; in the Sanctuary you shall pour out a wine-offering of strong wine to the Lord. And you shall offer the other lamb toward evening, with the same meal-offering and the same wine-offering as in the morning, to be a fire-offering of pleasing odor to the Lord.' He shall slaughter it on the north side of the before the ושחט Lord; and Aaron’s sons, the Kohanim, shall sprinkle its blood all around the altar. ^

KETORET - You are the Lord our God and God of our fathers before אתה whom our ancestors burned the offering of incense when the Bet Hamikdash stood, as You have commanded them through Moses Your prophet, as it is written in Your Torah: ,The Lord said to Moses: Take fragrant spices, , onycha ויאמר and , fragrant spices, and pure ; there shall be an equal weight of each. And you shall make it into incense, a compound expertly blended, well-mingled, pure and holy. You shall grind some of it very fine, and put some of it before the Ark in the , where I will meet with you; most holy shall it be to you.' itten: Aaron shall burn upon the altar the incense of־»And it is v fragrant spices; every morning when he cleans the lamps [of the menorah], he shall burn it. And toward evening, when Aaron lights the menorah, he shall burn it; this is a continual incense-offering before the Lord throughout your generations.‘' The Rabbis have taught:" How was the incense prepared? It תנו weighed 368 manim: 365 corresponding to the number of days in the