New Teachers Religious Training School Sponsored
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Buy An E Bond Today-Hold It Buy An E Bond SUMMIT! ERALD Today-Hold It 57th YEAR, No. 27 SUMMIT, N. J., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1945 $3 A YEAR 6 CENTS •Coal Loading Intra-City Grade Rtd Cross Workers Wrap 10,000 Christmas Gifts for Camp Kilmer and Lyons Hospital Religious Training Don 6. Mitchell Accident fatal Teachers Meet- School Sponsored To School Board; To Father of 10 New Teachers By Church Council Other Changes BOBOUGH-William McMahon In addition to regular individual The Department of Religious 60, of South street, died at 11:3C school building meetings of teach- Don G Mitchell of Oak Ridge Education of the Summit Council avenue, president of the United a. m. Tuesday at Overlook Hos ers, there has been inaugurated cf Churches of Christ is sponsor pital, Summit, as a result of a pos- this year in Summit public schools Campaign Fund in Summit, a for the School of Religious Train- member of the Board of Directors _Bible broken neck and other in- a series of meetings of teachers ing which will hold its opening W juries suffered at 9:15 a. m. the of kindergartens and grades one ii nd ol i he Executive Committed session Tuesday evening January vt the American Management As- same day while he was loading through six in small groups ar- 15. This training course is expect- coal from a railroad car on to ranged to grade lines. This was sociation, and vice-president in ed to fill a long-felt need as pres- charge of sales of Sylania Prod- a truck in performance of his reg- reported Tuesday night to the ent interest indicates a large en- ular duties with the L. W. Baldwin Board of Education by Superin- ucts- Inc of New York, has been rollment. appointed a member of the Board Co., coal and seed merchants of tendent of Schools William A. Kin- The school's dean. Miss Edna ol Education to succeed Raymond Floral avenue. caid. He said the teachers have Dawson, has announced those A. Hi'iMiig of Hie same street, re- Funeral services will be con- appreciated the opportunity to get courses and instructors; d ducted Friday at 2 p. m. at the together and to discuss their 1. Church School primary leach- , Brough - Dodson Funeral Home, common problems with the teach- ing—Miss Elizabeth Reed, the in- Mi. Mitchell met with the Board corner of Morris and Springfield ers of the same grade in other structor, is a director of religious of Educatiun Tuesday night at avenue, Summit. The Rev, Herbert schools. : its December meeting education and comes highly ret-: M,iyol. ,, HaJ,(.y ^.F.Dabinett of the New Providence Appointments to the teaching ommended by the International who Methodist Church wijl conduct the staff were made as follows: Council. made ihu appointment, also an- services. Burial will be in the Herman Bielefeld of Summit as 2. Junior department teaching - nounced the resignation of Mr, Methodist Cemetery here. substitute for Miss Tilla Thomas The instructor, Mrs. Ralph Wtbcr, Miti'lidl trout the Planning Board. There were no witnesses to the in foreign languages in the senior is the author of religious writings To succeed Mr. Mitchell on that accident. It is believed that Mr. nigh school until such time as she and vice-moderator of the General boui'd, Mayor Cullis has appointed McMahon as is the practice of s able to return to her duties. An Council of the Presbyterian Herbert U Keiiagy of Manor Hill Reading from left to right, those in the picture are: Mrs. IT. B, Lle- Howard, Mrs. A. Landale Duu, Mrs. Ivan O. Shaffer, Mrs Sielcken cual loaders was standing on the honorably discharged GI, Mr. Church, U. S. A, Her chief interest road, superintendent of agencies wellyn, Mrs. B. G. von Duhn, Miss Helen Mabie, Mrs. Charles Bur- Schwarz, Mrs. William I. McManc, Mrs. Hector Griswold. (Photo by cab of the truck while loading it Bielefeld has an M.A. from Har- is the religious instruction of chil- of the Mutual Benefit Life Insur- ney, Mrs. E. G. Low, Mrs. E. F Hudkins, Mrs. J. Dunne, Teddie Jay,) and fell from this position. vard and varied experience in his dren and she has been superin- ance Co. with offices in Newark. Samuel Stapleton, employed teaching field. tendent of the Junior Department The resignation of Romeo T. across the track from the Baldwin Mrs. Laura Sayre, formerly a of Central Presbyterian Church Belts from the Plunning Board f* Co. with the Mandato Coal Co., had substitute and assistant clerk in School for many years. Mrs. Wrb-was also announced by Mayor """seen Mr, McMahon shortly before various local school posts was ap- Christmas Gifts— Sporfs' Sidelights Top Christmas Carols er has secured Miss Helen Squier • Cullis. Mr. Belts has been cljair-. the accident. Failing to see him in pointed as elementary school clerk for one session specializing on , man of this board. Francis'1 A. his accustomed position, he called o succeed Mrs. Ave Ostrander, re- 10,000—To Camp At Community Sing projects. Keanc of Oak Knoll road has been "hello" and received no answer. signed. Kiwanis Grid Dinner 3. Intermediate and senior de- named to succeed Mr. Eetts, Mr. Stapleton with his helper, Acceptance was given the resig- Dr. John W. Early, Rahway they had on the pennant race, partment teaching—Alvin Sehaed- Glenn Sturgeon, went to investi- nation of Earl Butler, who for- And Hospital osteopath physician, guest speaker Some of these incidents referred to In Bonnel Park eger, the instructor, is a church at the Kiwanis dinner Tuesday gate and found Mr. McMahon in merly taught printing in the jun- The Camp and Hospital com- the "unexplainable eccentricities" The Youth Department of the school superintendent and a de- tendered to the High School foot- of umpires. Need to Maintain a helpless condition. Daniel Russo, or-senior high school and who mittee of the Summit Chapter, Summit Council of Churches will partment head at Union Hill High ball lettermen, coaches and mana- Dr. Early's work with the Cubs manager of the Baldwin Co., was has been on leave of absence for American Red Cross hag provided hold a community Carol Sing School. His specialty is youth gers at the Hotel Beechwood, told was to take care of the pitchers' work and ho has previously taught balled by Mr. Stapleton. The for- he past three years. 10,000 Christmas gifts to the quota around the Christmas Tree in Central Agency mer immediately rushed the in- Since Summit now has but a for Camp Kilmer and Lyons Hos- a number of stories highlighting shoulders, arms and legs. classes of church school teachers. his experiences last summer With Guests apart from the players Bonne! Park Friday afternoon, ^jured man to Overlook Hospital. single junior high school, the pital, These gifts are to be given December 21, from 5:30 to 6:30. 4. The Bible and how to use; it.— Besides his wife, Mr. McMahon board on the recommendation of to every boy who passes through the Chicago Cubs of the National. included Manager James Zotti, Dr. William G. Chanter, professor In Community Life Young people from the various ,,„,.,„„, . v „ . Baseball League. i Superintendent of Schools William 1 1 3 1 leaves 10 sons: Robert B., who has Principal Rudd A. Crawford Camp Kilmer during Christmas churches will participate and \.°[ J^ , , ' _?Me atDiew fcemi- The consenauH of opinion at the been with the Marines for 11 changed the name'of Central Jun- week. The speaker attributed the Cubs' A. Kincaid; A. J. Bartholomew, there will be a band made up of nary will conduct this course. quarterly meeting of the Council years; Thomas, who was honor- or High School to Summit Junior loss of the sixth game of tlie.World High School principal; A. J. Gast, According to Mrs. F. B. Llwcl- players from the sponsoring groups. The School of Religious Train- of Social Agencies, held Thursday ably discharged September 24 after High School. .Scries to a broken finger nail of assistant principal; Assistant ing invites the general public to lyn, vice-chairman of the Summit r The sing will be held at this evening, December 6. at the service in Germany; Morris, who On the matter ol November at- de Passau, star Chicago Ritch- Coaches Peter Kandrat, Morton enroll. Church school workers in Chapter, a group of women has hour in order that commuters and YMCA, wii.s that there is a definite was wounded on Okinawa and endance in the schools, Superin- been busy since October planning, ie declared that if the Cubs Ashman and Coach Elwood C. Summit and surrounding eom- neod to maintain a co-ordinating who was honorably discharged endent Kincaid reported as fol- organizing, and working on^hls .have had another thrcc- Coniog. Apart from Zotti these shoppers may enjoy it, and it is munition, or those wishing to pro-1 organisation in Summit, with more Sunday; William, Jr. with the ows: project. With Mrs. E. G, von Duim. rics with the Curdirnls, guests responded briefly to intro- hoped that passers-by will stop to pare themselves for future partici- power lo act titan the Council First Marines In China, and the "During the month of Novem- in charge, they have wrapped in*J littyk would have won the ; ductions. sing at least one carol, and enjoy pation may avail themselves of ' now lias, and probably with a dif- following, all at home,,Lawrence,• er the Summit' schools were rela- dividually at least 10,000 gifts in Coach L'oinog introduced the the return of the community this opportunity.