International Marian Association Letter to Cardinal Mueller
International Marian Association Letter to Cardinal Mueller 31 May 2017 Eminence, Gerhard Cardinal Müller Prefect, Congregation for the Doctrine on Faith Piazza del S. Uffizio, 11 00193 Roma, Italy Your Eminence: We, Executive Members of the International Marian Association, which consti- tutes over 100 theologians, cardinals, bishops, clergy, religious and lay leaders from 5 continents, wish to, first of all, thank you for the many excellent and courageous articulations and defenses of our holy Catholic Faith, as contained in your recently released, The Cardinal Müller Report. At the same time, we are obliged to express to you our grave concern regarding your comment from the text when you state: “(for example, the Church … does not call her [Mary] “co-redeemer,” because the only Redeemer is Christ, and she herself has been redeemed sublimiore modo, as Lumen Gentium [n. 53] says, and serves this redemption wrought exclusively by Christ… (p. 133). You unfortunately refer to this term as an example of false exaggeration: “falsely exaggerating per excessum, attributing to the Virgin what is not attributable to her” (Ibid.). Your Eminence, in making this statement, albeit as a private theologian since a public interview carries no authoritative or magisterial status, you have publicly stated: 1) a theologically and historically erroneous position, since the Church undeni- ably has and does call Mary a co-redeemer; and 2) a position which, in itself, materially dissents from the repeated and authoritative teachings of the Papal Magisterium, the historical teachings from your own Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith (Holy Office)and other Vatican Congregations; the pre- and post-conciliar teachings of the Magisterium as expressed through numerous cardinals, bishops and national episcopal conferences; teachings of the broader Church, inclusive of multiple can- onized saints and blessed who all do, in fact, assent to and theologically expand upon the authentic Magisterial teachings of the Church concerning Mary as a co- redeemer.
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