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10 XEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, IDIO. whr>«. term* hay* 22x79; r>».- i»o«. •xpJr-4 to>]2r> RIVERDALK I,A\E, !> P. n'lj lands Erskln* & 100; 2 yr«, per cent; Herman I. KuhJ to ORCHARD' ST. 17. w i«. R. th- <-rv;,-» Blcknell, « Jacob Horwltz; |10.000 without 10B.?xlrreg; Biwen Christian to Nor- Is.i«c MaiiHßs«; $1,r,35. Bermiteln to Otto ON MILITIA Th* r^enUstm^^fls man w Grlswold <mtR J'.t.OOO); $100. Attorneey. Samuel Klein. 41f> Ehst Hous- Attornryii.Horwltz \u25a0 Wiener. Ml Uroad- REPORT total expenditure for flow $825,000 ;-\u25a0 Address. 7 BSat 41st St. ton st. wiiy. im wr, J225.C3 ... of . 6miN<} •« 14, 1SS«1; which .;^s h AN LOAN ST. ». C0.4. 4 ft vr of faflijetlS st. ST NICHOLAS AVk n •* COf l^th st. 203..-? ft OLIVER ST, 76 «• K. 2'". JxlOO. A'lK BOxM.l; . Savoy Holding chared asainn th« jv»V*** . l>onilni<-k Abbate to to 159 th Bt x 41 i\Jf>!tli> to 158th st x"«.r> Daniel Dal* anil ano to Harriett A Stew- *tat- 7*7* Co: Jan 22 <mUr K35.OOO); 51. (Jan. U2): 3 Realty Co to Fran- $3,000. -ffainst the 1-, .*> l(e»kman Jrs: Halms art: Service Stronger. War Department 0I0 I? Address. Room 8U». Kt. cos W Halnen; $30,000. Attorney. Thomas B Ste,wnrt. 4.". Wall St. State Sever ht Thou Atvorneys. States fl«H.«S0&. Th* '--1 WOOBTKR ST. 17. to 18S, w r. 74.8x100; Reed & Falllster. 2SO Broad- ST of Thn* Mar- iHUPr MONEY TO USED IN ERECTING BIG to W p..vine way.. ORCHARD \u25a0 \u25a0*• cor of land dltional for th* ' 4 ;a«- BE r Ollroy. Jr. Saml and ano init^ tin, 70x100; May 10. 1!»i>!», NH» Nelson ana Sans Adjutant General. manoeuvres m x^ ~Sr.M.QQO)- $151,100. UNIVERSITY pi,.. *>• 2".i0\i0«.r.. due. $1,300. \u25a0at* \u25a0**»"*•;. Address, 413 Pearl ft 124. w p-no to Edward Sadler; etc, as per bond; Emmellti" C Baxter to Attorney. Title and Trust Co. Th* report deplores * 2r> :t» to 24f»7. X, 40.11 x7r>; $"0,000. Guarantee the. BROADWAY APARTMENT HOUSE. • AVK. w W«Bt- Title Guarantee & Trust Co: 170 Broadway. Albiiny.Jan. 24.—That the present condi- fac t> 6 rh"sfr Avc Rf-alty Co to Barney Goldman Address, Broadway. decision* or th* *"**1* 176 AVi;. 25.2x9n; Apr ll'07; this state, auditor for th» to tmtfr $2S,00«): $100. (prior HO.- PARK 1711. w ». «. tion of the military service of **" > 7TH AYE. 2330, w (\u0084 nit* M Central Is rartmr-nt. confirmed by the !v Address. Room iflOfl. ISO Nassau «t. .J.,' 000) (.lan 26.11x100 bond; LouI* BUM J Klenke to Rn York' as to the guard and the Co ' 22i; due etc. as per Hudson R R Co ; S4.:;fM» both national the Treasury, may .*!P AVB, «si an.] SS3. <•'». 32.10x100; .Terom* J Tinelll to $5,000. River militia, as lead to -g^N sj — W. Maria White: Attorneye, Eismnn, 1-evy. Corn * I^»vln», was never exceeded to year 0 Wilson to Abmliam X liothpt^ln (Jan 22): Attorney. T <- &• T Co, 170 Broadway. naval this in connection *" in the DycJeman District Change* Hands |8,000 135 Broadway. strength, equipment, discipline., general ... nT *1 15TH ST. n 83 ft Aye B: 23x103~5; 9 It, Tic* instruction. The >Ti l> (liln— 131 Bl^ecker st. s. c of POST (• ». 100 ft \u25a0» of Emersoti Issl patriotic pur- effect ia to "'' . Daly, yrs: Marietta I^ns to John S AYE. to tflltleWCiJ and realization of use by state, "" to the Flatiron Building 6TH.ST, 300 and 311 Baft w n. IV>xP7: Hymn trus; $10,000. lrr»*. .Inn. 1".. 1970; Frederick Mead Adjutant Hencral dl?tmrslns officers Title Transferred. ljevln (Jan Mary A Dyrkmun: $3,100. pose Is pointed out by *** to L*"vin Construction Co: all lions Attorney, S 71 st. allotted to the 22); John Fenlon. Nassau Attorneys, * Crosby. 31 "\u25a0\u25a0 report in states ond«r * $1. ST. nth aye; 25x98.9; Lockwood Nelson H. Henry in his annual S-ctirJ/ E'PlotThe volum«» of business transacted yes- sohn wore unanltnotiuly *»lected directors Address, 1 Eapt lOJst Ft. 39TH W a 22.' ft w of Rau ft. th* Revised Stages for *\u25a0 In chief of due. etc. as per bond- Francis Dunne to l!>02; Governor Hughes, commander by state, troop* joint«i»bZ!*J 2^ terday on Manhattan Island and The Bronx of the company. In place of R. G. Babble. 6TIT AVK L'2<i st. 3M »t and Broadway: th« Greenwich Raman Bank; f10.500. SPRING ST. 0. 11 a. 25-3 x|rrc Jan H. in 1 Realty <>> Tnitpd States Hyman . Kllnßensteln; the state's military forces. mancnv-^ was small. A market was found for a five William A. Day Wlnthrop. rp- I'lock Island to "p«a!tjr Attorney. G a De Witt, 8* Nassau St. < Reubenslnne to Jacob to make this a charge, on natg'fw **> and 11. R. and Construction Co fnitg $2.000,000 1:$in«t. $11. A r*.sume of the. percentage of absentees ' * street, for slgned. «9TH ST. 202 West; duo July I, 19tO, « »t. else to rely on story flathouse in West 60th a Address, illBroadwHy. per Attorney, IIsaacs, 52 William and muster of whatever special XT, cent: Homo Apartment Co to Edward from the annual Inspection Congress may make, aalVr garage in upper Madison avenue, for a row At th« sflm« Henry Goldman and If.TH 605 East. 2.'.x103.3 :Katie King to Bailey; $1,200. ST. 9. n s. irreß; .lan 11. IMp; lion i; y** DsMtitHj U'Hr;$I<V>. G . SPRING 2.V3x several national guard organizations a***! "* of dwelling: in the Pennsylvania, tun- Philip MaiiPita Attorney. Kdward G Bailey, \XK Water st. Mlehele Dlleaa an.l ano to Caterina Qwaf the- taken by the present houses i^ehman were elected BBembers of Addrwis, Room (532. 11!» Nh.«>!iii jit. five years a gratify- Congrss. terminal and of 11PTH ST. 127 West; due. etc. per bond; Hat- •lino. $3,000. for th*» last Indicates Itmay be to** 5 nel zone, for a number the executive committee, in place, of Will 3nni ST. 4^3 and 13T> W'fst. SftxOS.»:E4-<rartl A as Attorney. Antonino Olaccone. this condition impractical*** tie E Archer to Dry Dock Savings Institution: ing increase In Interest. The percentage organized ** plots in the northerly sections. lam A. Day, resigned, and to till thft va- Smith to Mary X .lack«on (mt^ ?4rt.(id'»); $1. $10,000. BT, c 124. i»7 ft \u25a0 of H«m» »t. the militia of this sbMsjto* Room 14J» Broadway. SIMPSON b. absent during 190© was LB3. as against an *** The trading: reflected a big decrease in cancy caused by the death of Dumont Addre««. C.2.*>. Attorney. F M Tichenor. aH Park Row. 25x100; Dec 23. 190*: Tremont Building CO part in the Joint mano»nvres 4IST .-!'. 60 to m Bast. fts.»>xi»s.s>: Morris i>,«h s, aye. 10 to Mary Eckert; $2.o<">. average of more than 3 per cent for the the of the Dyckman tract. (Jan 22) 120 TH ST. » 'Jfifi ft c of Park 2T.X100. year unless the state * 1 the number sales in Clarke. to Chemists* Building Co (mt(c ?."vT:,(V»(V. ; (prior mt|f $17,000); 1913; •> per Attorney, Paul Roth years.- a makes a sjaM''*" $100. • due Kc.b 1. preceding four This is better proprlatlon «•• Many realty experts said that the lull there . cm; Josfph M Rosenthal; 66; XI.M ST. 212. «>.?* therefor. Addrvsn. 10« Kith ft. $10,000. Bavin tn'Charl's M SPRING ST. «4 and showing than any other state except Min- would not lons, and predicted that West 7".2: Jan 22. 100*:• Porn InIrk Abbato ft al In accordance with the last THE PRIVATE SALES MARKET. 45TH ST. r.22 West, 25x100.6; P«>ltna Rasner to Attorney. nesota, where guard Is numer- r^corsrae-.*... soon be v; Chas. M Rosenthal. 150 Nassau st. to Bronx Investment Co; $20,000. the national of the War Department, many his builders would identified Clarenc*! White: $1. 161ST n 50tc Roger*. 12* Broad- ically percentage L it MANHATTAN. Address, Room 312, 82 B'-avor St. ST. s. 150 ft w of -Amsterdam avo. Attorney*. Merrill & small. The of absentees toiw^ with th© district. 00.11 (prior n>t;; $.',.(.Ooi>i 3 yrs. per cent; way. recommended that no men enlisted MADISON* aye. 25x100.6; « Raabe; of the organized militia of the United * Many apartment house projects have. AVKNTFJ—The Madison Ave- GOTH ST. n w cor of Park "milt*- M>7 West 1«lst Street Co to Henry * 23 « of 7*th nt. 2««xll3: year previous shall part hi i?? biR Presbyterian law H«»id to New York State Realty and $7,000. IST AYE. n. -ft States was. for year 13 33, and In take ttss ' recently bepn launched sites in the nue Church bought from Co; Jan 17, 1909; Adolph PechnT ft al to the- 1000. bined manoeuvres, but It la 03 for Terminal jioo. Attorneys. Deyo t Bauerdorf. 11l Broadway. Blumenthal; :p«.oon. 3, reconm^ r C. K. C Rllling-s No. 921 Madison avonue, Address, 301 Grand Central Station. EanVl ISO 33.4.'.. that all recruits year TVe^t Side north of..!»th street. On a plot Attorney. H A Blumenthal. ion Broadway. of one shall feet, 27.2x100 feet.