Avenge Daily Net Prew Ran For the Week Ended daiwiiy «, 196Z MUd this mwmiHag. colder by mamlnK. Low tonight near M , 13,531 lower In normally colder arena. Member of the Andlt Tuesday partly doDdy, 'colder. Bureau of Circulation Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm High near 35. c •

VOL. LXXXI, NO. 88 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1962 (Clahstfled Ad%'ertising on Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS Dutcli Patrol Sinks State Netvslj 1 O v.r- r-, -e,. Indonesian Boat in R oundup U

’ ■■ ‘i ' New Guinea Waters SNET Notes Earnings Up Hollandia, New Diiinpa ^O ram , about 160 mUea from the ^ '* i" “ ’^nearest New Guinea point. Cut Pact Tuesday, Jan. 16 (IP)— An In­ (The Amsterdam newspaper New Haven, Jan. 15 (/P)— donesian torpedo boat was Nleuws van de Dag qwted the The Southern New England sunk yesterday by Dutch pa­ Dutch naval chief of staff In Hol­ Telephone Co. reports that its landia as saying the Indonesian 1961 earnings were equiva­ trol ships inside West New naval force numbered four or five Troopers^ Guinea’s territorial waters on ships.) , lent to $2.79 a share— an in­ Reductions the south coast, the navy said Hendrik Assink, district officer crease over the previous year. today. of Blak, estimated the total num­ In a statement to stockholders, ber of Invaders at "perhaps a the company said Its net Income Cars 100% 'A) oL At lenet three Indonesian motor for 1881 was 321.528.000. The fig­ O f 20% in torpedo boats were intercepted couple of hundred.” Their pur­ pose, he said. Is to try to stir ure for 1960 was 320,123.000. equiv­ and a second may have been sunk, alent to 32.63 a share. the navy said, liie other Intruder up unrest among the Papuan pop­ ulation. Lucius S. Rowe, company presi­ Unmarked Industrials fled. dent. noted the Increase In earn­ (The Dutch News Agency quot­ (Continued on Page Fifteen) ings but said that a boost In costs Hartford, Jan. 15 (IP)—The ed the navy commander in Hol­ "will reverse this trend In 1962 Brussels, Belgium, Jan. 15 landia as saying it was thought unless we are permitted to in­ Connecticut State Police de­ the Indonesian warcraft might )— The United States and Dancing Hair crease our rates.” partment went on a 100 per (IP have been the. vanguard for ajn in­ SNETOp is seeking permission Common Market nations will vasion. A Dutch Defense Minis­ cent unmarked car basis at Newest Style from the State Public Utilities 12:01 sfirn. today in an un­ initial a sweeping agreement try spokesman at The Hague re­ (Commission to Increase its rates. fused to comment when asked precedented move ordered by to cut tariffs on many indus­ whether the clash meant an actu­ Seattle, Jan. IS — Coif­ trial products tomorrow, in­ Six to 14 Commissioner Leo J. Mulcahy al state of war between the Neth­ fures called "Dancing Hair" to promote traffic safety. formed sources said, today. erlands and Indonesia.) —styling that looks like an Hartford, Jan. 15 (/P)—The State The informants confirmed reports Indonesia has threatened to upside down nasturtium in sil­ Motor Vehicle Department's dally Everyone of the 459 members that cuts off about 20 per cent on seize West New Guinea by force houette — were presented by record of automobile fatalities as was under orders to henceforth some industrial itema am foreseen. if necessary and Dutch officials at hairdressers today for the of last midnight and the totals on drive their cars without any state Aa to U.S. agricultural products, Biak report small bands of Indo­ 1962 spring and summer sea­ the same date la.st year: police plates, bumper .signs or they will be conaidered in later ne­ nesians have begun Infiltration son. _ 1961 1962 other identifying markers. gotiations between the United but are being rounded up. They They’re the product of the Killed ...... 6 14 It was believed this was the States and the Europan Economic said some have been killed. In Hair Fashion Committee of first time anywhere that such a Community (EEC), the formal clashes with Dutch patrols. the National Hairdressers and procedure had been adopted. name for the 6-natlon Common The navy spokesman said the Cosmetologists Association. Extended Forecast "The deterrent effect of not Market, these sources reported. Indonesian torpedo boats were in­ The group, which usually Windsor Locks, Jan. 15 tJP)—The knowing If the car following you ’Tliev will Involve lidieat, com and tercepted near Etna Bay. This is meets in New York, had its tr.S. Weather Bureau's Connecti­ Is a police car has been well estab­ poultry. a region within easy range of new style showing here as a cut forecast for Tue.sday through lished by our past experience," said The agreement will be Initialed by some of the eastern Indonesian is­ salute to the Seattle World's Saturday, Jan. 20: Mulcahy. Howard Peteraon, apecial adviser lands believed used as a base for Fair, which opens April 21. Temperatures arc expected to "A ‘get tough’ policy Is being to President Kennedy, and Jean the inflltratora. The new style, to quote the average 3 to 10 degrees above ordered in order to curb the sense­ Rey, member of the BBC In charge The Hollandia naval chief, Cmdr. association's style director, normal. Temperatures generally less slaughter on our highways. of foreign relations. R. M. Elbers, was quoted as say­ Marquerite E. Buck of New continuing on the mild side except "Since Jan. 1, there have been- The agreement cannot become ing the Dutch ships opened fire York City, presents "dancing briefly colder about Wednesday and 14 pepole killed in a variety of final until It Is approved unanl- ' only after sending a number of hair effects that swing, sway Friday. motor vehicle accidents thougmout mously by the EEC (jouncll of Min­ warning rounds. He added that and flip up playfully into Normal at Hartford is 27 de­ the state. This compared with six isters, informanta said. U.S. one Indonesian vessel—believed to amusing and diverting curls." grees with a daily high of 36 and killed for the same period last Bourcea said the agreement also be a motor torpedo boat—was sunk There's an "up" line of a low of 18. Normal at New Uaven year. Continuous and emphatic has to-go back to the general and the other Indonesian ships styles for party and evening is 29 with a daily high of 37 and effort will be put forth by the en­ agreement on tariff* and trade or­ fled. (Best guessing was that the wear and a "sprightly down a low of 21. Normal at Bridgeport tire personnel of the department to ganizations in Oeneva, under whose Indonesian craft operated from line for carefree daytimi Is 30 with a dally high of 37 and search out fe e d e rs and other non­ Scredn Added to Berlin Wall auspices the negotlatlona began. Amboina, a small Island off wear. a low of 22. A spokesman for the U.S. mis­ conformists to remove them from A wooden screen at right has been added by tho Communists to tho Red-built wall on Bast and Precipitation may total 0.5 Inch the midst of law-abiding, safe driv­ sion to the EEC confirmed that a or more melted falling mainly as ing people. West Berlin border to Impede a clear view into the East Berlin zone. West Berlin police, at left, meeting had been arranged be­ armed with automatic weapons, patrol along the wall. (A P Photofax via radio from Berlin), rain tonight an part of Tuesday tween Peterson and Rey for to­ 8-Year-Old Rule Revised "It is well knowm that traffic morrow but aald "A s far aa we and again about Thursday. law violations are one of the chief know, the meeting la not for the causes of accidents. If this policy Virtual Pri§oner of UN formal signature of any agree­ Patterson to Run - of preventive enforcement can eurb New, Big Snow^ ment." NLRB Eases Curbs ' N»u|^tuck, Jan. 18 (8^—Former the activities of the flagrant and "Everything seems to ba going U.B. Rep. James T. Patterson has repeating violator, much can be all right," the sources aald. "Meet- announced his candidacy for the accompluihed to cut down on the Plasters Wide ihga of experts are taking place Republican nomination for the death and destruction which haunt Gizenga Censured today to examine the last prob­ Fifth Congressional District seat. pur higinvaya." lems still pending. The«e meetings On Picket Locations Patterson who made the-4ui- In addition to liia'new unmark­ - 1 V .-*■»»» ' t ■ - Midw^ist Areas win Continue tomorrow'otomlng’ i r nouneement last night, served 3ix ed car policy, Mulcahy also or­ need be." dered all troops having specialists successive terms In Congress until By THE ASSOCIATED PRBH.S ’The source* Indicated that the Waahingtim. Jan. 15 (if) — The#cause, as in this cast, they may re- 1658, when he was defeated by or detectives to utilise them wher­ By Central Congo French representatives had ex­ National Labor Relations Board port for a few minutes at the be­ ever possible In patrol activities A new Snowstorm plastered, to­ Democrat John S. Monagan of day broad areaa of the Midwest pressed some reservations about eased restrictions today on the ginning and end o f each day to the Waterbury. henceforth. tariff cuts on Impqrta of some locaUons of picketing under cer­ regular placi o f business of the The use of unmarked cars on still digging out from last wek's Monagan defeated Patterson EllaabeUivIllr. Katanga. Jan. Antoine Gizenga today for his de­ still digging out from last week’s American chemicals, but that it tain circumstances. primary employer." again in I960 for the seat. leas extensive basis was one of the was hoped these objections oould However, . the board also said, 15 —The Katanga assembly fiance of the Central Congo gov­ ed to the woes of residents In the The board took the action in a Patterson's announcement makes met today to continue discus- be met to the satisfaction o f the 3-2 decision to dUmlss a Louisans "We do not, of course, hold that ernment. Th? pro-Communlst dep­ area. it a 2-way race so far. State Rep. (OeaUniMd on Pags Four) tions on President Molse uty premier waa a virtual prison­ Thousands of automobiles were French government. secondary boycott case. The deci­ the place of picketing la Irrelevant ’The pact, it was understood, in­ John Rand of Salisburv already Tshombr’a peace agreement with er of U.N. and Ckingnlese forces immobilized In heavily traveled sion revised an 8-year-old board In determining the legality of the has announced his candidacy for volves up'to 20 per cent reductions picketing. We shall In the future, the Central Congo Premier, encircling his residence In Stanley­ and side streets In Chicago where ruling. the GOP nomination. Cyrillc Adoula. It approved a ville. on hundreds of tariffs — more b.v The majority said It was dis­ as we have with court approval In seven Inches of new snow plied on the 6-natlon market than by the carding "a rigid rule" that barred the past, consider the place of Space B alloon motion calling on the United The government announced top of four Inches left from the Nations to send obser^'ers to at­ Gizenga had agreed to end his United States. What items to bs as unlawful under the Labor Rela­ picketing as one circumstance 4 Accidental Deaths earlier storm. covered was not revealed. among others By THE AS80CUTED PRESS tend Its discussions and then self-imposed exile and return to The storm, which swept north­ tions Act "picketing at the com- adjourned Indefinitely to await It was also reported that an ar­ iilon sites when the primary em­ The majority opinion was signed Three persons were killed In Breaks Apart Leopoldville by Saturday after his eastward from eastern Kansas and highway. accidents over the week­ a reply. personal bodyguard surrendered rangement had been made for pro­ ployer has a regular place of busi­ by Chairman Frank W. McCulloch, Oklahoma, dumped from one to tecting U.S. farm products In trade ness In the locality which can be John H. Fanning and Gerald A. end and an elderly woman per­ The assembly’s foreign al- yesterday to Congolese troops. But seven Inches of snow In a belt ex­ ished in a fire. Over Atlantic falra commission recommended his capitulation came too late to with the market. picketed." Brown. tending from nortliern Missouri The agriculture problem had In the case, Plauche Electric, In dissenting, Philip Ray Rodg­ Two New Haven sisters were recognition of President Joseph avert the parliamentary wratli. northeastward across Illinois and killed when their car skidded out After a brief but angry debate, been the main obstacle in the 1.5 Inc., of Lake Charles, La., used ers and Boyd Leedom asserted Cape Canaveral, Fla., Jan. 16 Kasavubu and that the Katanga Into southeast Wisconsin, western months of negotiations. But ‘that non-union electricians to work at that the effect of the decision of control on the Connecticut ( ^ —A huge space, balloon broke army should be plar-ed under the vote In the chamber of deputies I Lower Michigan and Illinois. Turnpike In Greenwich Saturday his control. It specified, however, was 87 for the censure motion, a apparently waa cleared yesterday the premises of U.S. Tire En­ would be "licensing unions to en­ apart hundreds o f miles above the The influx of colder air turned when the Common Market ham- gineers, Inc., a wholesale and re­ mesh neutral employers.” These and struck the pillar of an over­ Atlantic Ocean today aa it waa that If the Central government single vote against It, and one ah- rain Into snow in Southern Indi­ employers, the dissenters said, pass. takes over control of Katanga It atention. tail tire company. inflating to the size of a 13-atory ana. (Gontlnued on Page Eight) Local 861 of the International should be shielded "from con­ The victims weff 45-year-old An­ building. must give an undertaking to re­ Once Gizenga was a nationalist, State highways were snowpack one deputy told the tense ehsmher^ Brotherhood of EUectrlcal Workers troversies not thelr- pam. consist­ gela Corrente and her steter, The breakup -of-the- big ball- tain all Katangi.'..gavemmenl_iiL picketed for two days In front of ent with permitting legitimate pri­ dubbed "Big Shot"—showered sev­ fleers and civil aer^ants in their but today he has become a terror motorists were alerted for occa­ the entrance of U.S. Tire while the mary picketing.” (Continued on Page Fifteen) eral pieces of aluminum coated present |h>sIs. 1st, an anarchist and a criminal. sional one-way traffic caused by electricians were at work Inside plastic into the ocean about 600 'Phe parliamentary action left drifting. the building. miles southeast of the cape. The Leopoldville, The Congo, Jan. 16 the way open for Premier Cyrllle In Chicago, the heavy wet anew Bulletins Adoula to oust Gizenga from the There was no picketing at pieces. Illuminated brilliantly by The Congo parllanien( by an tilted down some fire escapes on Culled from AP Wires Plauche's office In the area, where the rays of the rising sun, provided overwhelming majority censured deputy premiership he accepted factories and office buildings and the electricians were required to U.S. Raps British Sale a spectacular show for observers last August but never actually activated btirgler alarms. filled. report In the morning. The picket­ In the Cape Canaveral area. Nearly .5(K) workers tolled One deputy said Gizenga’s gen. lAM BACKING KOWAIJUKI ing resulted In no work interrup­ The, 500-pound bundle of plastic throughout the night to keep main llartfnrd, Jan. IS (iP) — The tions at U.S. Tire. sheeting Was folded neatly in a darmes who battled Congolese streets open to traffic In Chicago. Of Airliners to Peiping troops In Stanleyville over the support of Organized I.sa>ar to r The pickets carried signs read­ canister In the nose of. a Thor News Tidbits Chinadlan air pushed southward Frank Kowalski aa the Demo­ ing: "Plauche Electric, Inc., la at­ rocket .Which blasted off at 6:06 weekend were In every way com­ and eastward across the Midwest. I. ■''■" from the AP Wires parable to the foreign mercenaries crats’ candidate for the U.S. tempting to destroy working condi­ a.m.. In an experiment aimed at I jt Mars, Iowa, recorded 14 be­ Senate pickcti up strength again Washington, Jan. 15 (P)—nieahad not yet been built and that the fighting for President Molse low. tions esUblished through negotia­ aircraft themselves are not sub­ testing techniques for launching today — and more waa expected State Department told a congrea- Tshombe In Katafiga province. Snow depths.in the region rang­ tions by the IBEW, Local Union slonal critic today that it had op­ ject to the International strategic an advanced Echo communications by next month. Joseph V. Cro­ 861. No dispute with any other satellite. New York Central Railroad noti­ Nearly .300 of Gizenga's gen­ ed front 8 lo 10 Inches with the posed a British sale of airliners to trade embargo against the Slno- fies Interstate Commerce Com­ darmes his military army In nin, business representative for contractor." Soviet bloc, although the weather A few minutes after the launch, covering at Muskegon, Mich,, Dkitriet 26 of the International Communist China but that Britain mission of. \4lUidrawal as a party atanleyville have been disarmed measuring 15 Inches. Said the board majority: felt It had every right to make its radar, which is wholly British- the National Aeronautica and .\ssoeiatlon of Ma<'hlnista, re- "W e shall not automatically find Space Administration announced or opponent In four merger pro- and taken prisoner by Central ■Driving conditions were reported own decision. made, and the navigation equip­ eeedings, including the proposed government troops under Oen. |K>rte>—PickeU camera in the Thor booster, a coalition government . . . Board severe damage to crops In Texan talks for the purchase of a fleet of United Nations, N.Y., Jan. 15 turned out In full force today and Handley Page Herald Airliners. showed vividly the separation of of vlaitora of the U.S. Naval Acad­ ipent Jan. 3 attacking the U.N. and Florida as the result of freez­ emy recommends that the age (Ah--Renewed U.N. debate on. An- production was at a atandatiU at And, earlier thla month, the Rootea &>pters, Planes the 44-inch diameter c a s t e r from Security Council's failure to act ing weather, the Department of 'gola today puts a new strain on Oie Benrus Watidi Co. plant group, one of Britaln’a biggest mo­ tiM rocket, the opening of the can­ limit for admission to, the acad­ against India's seizure of Portu­ Agriculture re|K>rled today. An eeUmated 160 plcflDeta — tor builders,, announced the sale of ister with one-half slipping off Into- emy at AnnapolU, Md.,’ be reduced ties between the United States and gal’s Indian territories, said: Citrus also waa badly damaged more than half the production Saigon, Soufh'tqst Nam, Jan. 15 from 21 to 20 . . . Four French its Atlantic ally Portugal. ISO trucka to Pslpi^. (P)—A U.S. Navy ship arrived to­ space and tha sudden blowing up "I do not yet know whether we In Texaa but apparently escaped farce—panaded at the plant'a aerv- Dutton axplalned British rea- of the balloon and the almost im­ dipibmata on trial In Cairo Egypt, The debate Was, the first major shall b» the first country lo aban­ major harm In Florida. The de­ day with two large army helleop- on apy charges brought against business as the General Assembly an gates. t- aona for completing the sals of the tera and several observaikm mediate ripping. don the United Nations, but we partment called the altuatlon in .Extra police were on hand at Viscounts, even though it. involvee The tear first appeared about them by. United Arab Republic resumes its 16th annual session' shall surely be among tho first. Tmcaa’ Rio Grande Valley “ very planes to aid the forces of Presl- after a Christmas recess that be­ the strikebound plant, but there "«n b a rg o ^ radar and navigation dent Ngo Dinh Diem against the d a ta diplomatic immimity at Meanwhile we shall refuse them serious." Tlie tem|ieratiire fell to were no incldento o f violence. (Continued on Page Seven) start of trial. gan Dec. 21. our collaboration In everything a* low a* 10 degrees there last equipment” Cbmmunlst Viet Cong guerrillas. A.sian and European diplomats week. The cold wave spread over The strike started Saturday Cancellation of the sale, Dutton The aircraft ferry Breton, a con­ . Guilford citizens protest sched­ that Is not In our direct Interest." said U..S. delegates had told them KNI.IMIO acres of AegefaWe fields r(«ming In a contract dispute be­ told Keating,^ would cause a bad verted carrier, also had seven jet uled showing of controversial film, Diplomatic sources said the tween management and Local 1261 public reaetion In Britain "largely fighters and a Neptune flying boat "Operation Abolition." which, al­ It hoped Uie KM-nation assembly United States probably would nut III (lie valley. of the United Auto Workers. But directed against the United States bomber on her deck, but these 10 Persons Perish legedly shows how Communists would adopt a moderate, tpeanlng- introduce a resolution itself but today ^e official halt of and, in the Judgment of the British were to be taken , to Yokosuka manipulated student uprisings, on ,ful resolution that would push the would try lo see that any intro­ RECORD HEW BUDOErT production, since the plant was government, would cause undue Naval Air Station In Japan, U.S. In Arkansas Blaze civil liberties l.ssue in San-Fran­ Portuguese toward self-determina­ duced from Africa, Asia' or Latin WasJilngton, Jan. 15 (A^— A closed over the weekend. harm to Anglo-American rela­ sources said. cisco two years ago . . Adlal tion for Angola. America would contribute tpward record budget of more than 36 State mediatora and repreaenta- tions." _ Four jets bek'ring the markings Morrilton, Ark., Jan 15 (dPl—^Ten Steven.son tells United Nations the But Portugat contended that the (1) self-determination .Jdr An­ billion will be recommended by tivea of both aides met for almoet Dutton sidd the State Depart­ of the U.S- Air 'Force’s 106th persons, including eight chlidrep, “ promised victory of Communism assembly had no right to even dis­ gola and (2) a .satisfactory set­ President Kenned.v to r the Di^ 12 hours, until early today. In ah ment waa consulted in advance Fighter Squadron landed,today at burned to death when a pre-dawn keeps receding Into the future" cuss its big We.st African territory. tlement of the 11-month-old rebel­ partment of Health, Education effort to end rtu||us*» P xrll* (Oaottmed m Pags IkfW) «

. ■ 1 ■■■ ) -XA

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pathatie raadar will dariva from Sinea this seriea of articlea about tha raading avarything that tha opera was started because I fsjt author intended. But an operatic many of’ you might bu induced to U.S. British Sale Science Shrinks P^les libretto , la ineomplata without the go to your first opera Feb. 8, Sheinwold on Bridge UN Slated to Resume Wedding ' music. since the Round Table Singers TV-Radio Tonight Characterization la accompliahed will augment the regular chortu New Way Without S u re ly “THE WAY by words and actions, in a play, of Connecticut Opera at that time, Of Airliners to Peiping Greene - Mitchell but in opera the aame effect is it may interest you to know some­ EXPERTS FUMBLE « Angola Debate Today achieved by the music. Wagner thing about' the principals you will Sooili 6mbe Miss Marion Mitchell of Willl- Stops Itch—Relieves Paih LIKE ALL OF US a#w Yark. a. T. (SpmUI) — For tlie I HEARD IT” characterizes Hundlng in,, two see and hear in this production of . (ContUraed from Page One) 8 manufacture would have useful By Alfred, Melnwold Eit-Wmt vntaenU * mantic and Roy Cornell Greene of Television eo thorough that lulfartn amHk, measures, more effectively than propaganda value. NOKIH (Contimied from Page Oee) (^.-Brussels, said he hoped “ we shall Columbia were united li^ marriage flrat time *ci«nce has found « ntw astoniahlDg atatementa ilka -FUaa Alda. When the Day. of Judgment healing lubstance with tho aaton- an author cauld chari^otarize him The title role will be aung by these reesona for completing the 8. l^fusal of tihe contract would cornea bridge columnlata will have find a good way to give inde­ Saturday evening by Atty. Eliza­ SEE SATUBDAT’S TT WEEK FOR COMPLETE LlSTCJO hava ccaaad to b« a problerat” by John Gruber SO-riationiAsian-African group wAs pendence without (the) trouble” lihing ability to shrink homor- The secret it a new healing aob- in two chapters, even white he is Mary Curtia-Vema, who is an deal: have greatly increased dotteatle a lot to answ er/for. We have V • 2 beth Dennis Hutchins, Justice of 8:00 Karly Show rin proirress) 10. 30 J, 30 Cheyenne I. to. 40. off-stage: and before he has made that has beset The Congo. 6 12 Manhunt rhoidi, ttop itching. »nd^reIicT« •tance (Bio-Dyna*)—diecoyery of American. She has aung ibe role 1. The Btrategtoally important preaaures In the United Kingdom somehow given the impression that 0 1 5 3 2 expected to produce its own reao- the peace, at her home on Lake Yogi Bear his first entrance. _____ J The '"trusteeship committee also Rd.. Columbia. Ai Mann New# ' True Adventure poin — without surgery. a world-fametM raatareh iaatitata. at La Scale in Milan, at ths Metro­ agalrpt the entire strategic trade bridge experts never make mfr- luti($n on Angola and push it Our Mies Brook* To Tell The Truth This Is achieved by an over­ British aircraft industry is badly control program. w w r _ CAST has to deal with resolutions seek­ The bride Is the daughter of Mr. In case after case, while gently This eubatanca la aow aTallabia politan in New York, and in takes. If the imps and fiends will through the assembly with little Hiahwav Patrol 6.00 The Rifleman relieeing pein, ectuel reduction in sappotiterg or « . K to the utmost, springing from only dramatic interest. learned what to listen for, add Including 67 performances in Aus­ Pickets Block the little African .countries of The assembly's political com which was followM by a buffet sup­ Wyatt Karp Suspense Theater what to expect. tralia. alone. Obviously he is no East won with the queen of Ruanda and Urundi. Seven offi­ mlttee still has before It a Cuban Conference on School Facilitlc.s D»ath VaU^'v Day* Feature 40 one iouree. But inevitably the mu- A play may be read, and a sym- clube and led another diamond, per and reception at the home of ne.xtr Monday on a subject about Kxpedltlon - tl 20 (?aln‘a Hundred The same sort of thing happens novice; on the other hand, he isn't JKS*" cials of those countries and Bel­ charge that the United States Is Mfllinn D.illar Movie forring South to ruff with his next- trumps first. Begin hy sotting the bride's parents. Fifty guests which he heiped write a book two 11 3u lack Paar Snow (C) PRESCRIPTION In "Aida." I mentioned earlier that 40 yet, so he is at the height of Benrus Watch up the clubs. gian Foreign Minister Paul-Henrl planning new aggression against from Maine. Vermont, New York ?.16 Krening Report Movie 8 Mvsterv the very opening theme portrays his powers. to-lsst trump. Spaak were on hand for the dis­ tl.e Castro regime, but there has years ag^o. The conference will be Film 1:00 Tlale NVews South led another club, and If any wiasaers rafuaaa a club South Carolina and Connecticut 8ti(*ria Cam»*r* News "Alda" in the orchestra, before the Irene Kramarich, who will sing cussion. been speculation the Cubans Would held at the University of Ken­ Bast caught himself Just in time. trick, you won’t be stuck in dum­ attended. curtain goes up. It is a sweet and Amnerls, is poSsess-ed of as fine (Contlnaed from Page One) Speak, arriving last night from not Insist that it be defeated. tucky. FOR FAST DELIVERY Instead of winning the trick he my. You’ll gst baiek to your The bride Is employed at Lin- The superintendent worked on appealing theme, high up in the a mezzo-soprano voice as you are hand with a trump. After all dy's Restaurant In Wlllimantic. violins, and It Is contrasted short­ the workers feel incorporation of let dummy's king of club’s hold. 8 e c J. i o n s regarding educational Radio likely to encounter. She is not tho the wage increase into incentive No Way Out that’s Just why you leavt the others elected at the annual Mr. Greene Is employed by the planning of schools in a book. ly with a powerful and fateful greatest actress on the operatic trumps there In dummy. sounding motive In the bass, char­ base rates would lead to Job re­ Hiere was no way out of the Coventry meeting are: Ernest J. Starkel, Jarvis Construction Co.. Man­ “ Planning America’s School Build­ CThla Hating Inriudra only thnar nrwa hrnadvAata of 10 nr 18-mtnntn stage, but she is more than ade­ ductions. dummy. To reach his own hand, Dally <)uattioa secretary; Hans Hansen, assistant chester. After a short trip to New ings,” which he and five olh'er spe­ length. Some atatinna carrj- other abort nevvaraata).' acterizing the priests of Isis, who quate, and her rich tones are sure secretary’ ; Herman F. , LeDoyt. will exert tremendous influence on The contract St the plant ex­ South had to use up his last Partner deals and bids one York, the couple will live at 57 cialists wrote a few years afeo. wnnr—issa 9:0fi Pre*tf!ent'* New* Conferenca to pleaSe you. pired last May 1, but was con­ trump. Since the club.s were not spade. The next player doubles. , treasurer and Anton M. -La.ssen. Maple Ave., Wlllimantic. He was asked to he one of the 4:'JU New* 10.05 NlRhtbeat all the characters in the opera. Elnzo Sordello, who sings Amon- First Church assi.stant treasurer. C 1^ Tod*v on Wmo Stic*! ll IM New* In Rossini's time, the overture tinued on a 30-day basis until Fri­ yet set up. South wasn’t any bet­ and you hold: Spades—K 10 5 2 ; speakers from the country at the 6:10 Art ,Inhn*(in Show 11:15 Sport* Final astro, Is also from La Scala, and day. ter off in his own hand than in Hearts— 7 3; Diamonds Q i6 Newly elected fire ' officers are conference in a letter from Dr. K:06 Raynor Shine* 11:30 StarUcbt Serenad* had served only to quiet the au­ has a head that somebody said Delmar \V. Potter, chief; Harold Rockt'ille-fernon 1'00 News ft Slcn (.»fT 1 30 Slim Off dience down previous to raising Wage scales vary at the plant. the dummy. He managed to get 9 4; Clubs—A Q 5. What do you Meets Tonight Mauric.e Cierley of the University wrnp—1416 "belongs on coins.” He ia a fine However, a recent announcement six trump tricks, one spade and say? E Smith. a.ssistant chief: Bert of Kentucky. WHAY—616 Today in Hartford the curtain. But by the time of Nye and Ernest G. LeDoyt, cap- 6 .00 Paul Harve> 6.00 "Alda," the overture was already singer, as well, and his acting is said the proposed 2-year pact in­ one club. Answer; Redouble. This is the Third Course Set Supt. Curtis will speak at the 6;iY) Sound StaRc 6:16 Connecticut Ballroom more than adequate to the de­ cludes a lO-cent hourly wage boost While you're rooting about for clearest way to show that the The annual meeting of First tain.s, and William Nye and Hans Monday afternoon session -of the 7.00 Kdward P Morgan 7:tiO Rob dcott telling, in a sort of musical pro­ Congregational Church will be Hansen, lieutenants, 8:3-1 Niffht Flirht 9:00 Rav Somer* logue, what to expect in the en­ mands of the role, .which to tell plus improvements In pension bene­ some old cabbage to fling at South hand belongs to your side. You At Chamber Office two-day conference. Among other 10 New* 1 ;(in New* the truth are not great. fits. for this puerilo performance, tos.s held at 8 p.m. today at the vestry.; n hg., been brought to the at- speakers will be a .school superin­ 10:a5 Nipht FUirht il'lU Rav 8ora*r* suing drama. If this is interrupted expect to bid three spades at your 1:00 Del Raycee Show by banging of seats and shuffling William Wllderman and Joshua an orchid to Bktst for refusing the next turn to show, your full Election of officers will be held tenlion of the fire depwirtment that tendent from Illinois, a specialist 11 l\» TfiniRht at Mv TU r* W1NF--1II6 "WE SAVE YOU MONEY" Hecht are the two- principal bass second club trick. strength aiid fine support. and annual reports given. Several Unauthorized persons have been The Rockville Ai-ea Chamber of in acoustical treatment frdm MIT. 12:02 SIcn Qff 4:00 World New* of feet due to seating late-comers, Commerce will sponsor courses for WTIC—1686 voices. Hecht has a fine timbre, Columbia 4 Tell the truth, now: you’d have For Sheinwold’s 36-page book­ amendments to the by-laws will ^ following fire equipment and the a school board member alojd archi­ f lit Wall Stre'.i it becomes unintelligible. Industrial supei-risory personnel 6 UU New*. Weather ft Snort* 6:15 Showra*e and New* So late-comers are not seated un­ but it was very throaty, the last made four hearts If you’d been let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," be acted upon. ‘ emergenev equipment, cau.sing a tect from Nevada, the dean of the 0 2t» Strtctlv Sport* 6 46 t.uwell Tboma* beginning Feb. 2. a t THE til there is a suitable place; ergo, time I heard him, which was as South. Of course .vou would; It’s send 50c to Bridge Book. Man­ The nominating committee W’ill ’ great deal of confusion, officials university and a director of school 6;30 Supperltme Serenart* fi:55 Sport* O N L Y f i W t h M i S L Speciai Mon., Tm s., Wod. Mephiato in the "Pamnatlon Of as easy as falling (iownstairs. chester Evening Herald. Box 3313, nominate for officers, board posi- say. Organization of the instruction facilities* from Leland Stanford 6:45 Three Star Extra 7 10 Rtrhard Have* and Carol Burvatl get there on time. And start lis­ Caucus Lists course bring.s to three the number 7:05 ronver*atlon Pier# 7.30 ('BS New* Analy*!* tening the moment the house lights Faust"; Wilderman is a truly fine Ruff the second diamond and Grand Central Sta., N. Y. 17, N.Y. tlons and delegate posts for the in the future, firemen will in­ University in California. 7 30 New^ of the World 8 (H» Vhe World Tontim WESV MIDDLE TURNPIKE,. • OPEN SUNDAY ALL DAY bass, from the Metropolitan, who lead clubs immediately. That's (Copyright 1962, General F*a^ coming year: voke a state law providing for the of instructional programs sched­ 7.45 Radio Mn.^trnw 8:15 Showra** and Newt are lowered. Fhirther, you should uled by the cham.ber and an­ 8,05 Pop* Conrert 12:16 Sim Off regularly sings there the role he right. Don’t bother to- draw the lures Corp.) Mrs. Frederick C. Rose, clerk arrest of any person who willfully at least be familiar with the plot. Gain Voters nounced in the pa.st 10 days. If you don't want to get lost and will portray In Hartford,' that is and recording secretary; Mrs. or negligently ob.stnicts or re- Harry R. Ryan Jr., corresponding' tarda emergency equipment while The latest will be sponsored Vf cekend Deaths stay lost. It is printed on the pro­ to say Ramfla, the high priest. Jointly by the chamber and the gram, of course, but you won't So you see it will be a fine pro­ No one appeared for registra­ secretary: Mrs. Florence H. Coch on Its way to a fire or seeking to 3 Die in Crash State Department of Education. By THE A.SSOOIATED PRESS PORK remember it by a casual perusal, duction, even though Leontyne tion with either political party Fri­ rane, financial secretary; Herbert control a .fire. day at the registrars session at E. Rose, treasurer. The course will cover 10 vveeOvs, Crossnore, N. C. — Dr. Mary T. five minutes before the curtain Price, originally scheduled for the Foxboro, Mass., Jan. 15 i/Pi—A goes up. Yeomans Hall. In spite of this, cau­ Also, director of the every mem­ Manchester Evening Herald sessions to be held Fridays at the Martin Sloop. 90 co-founder of ■ leading role, la too 111 to appear. head-on collision has taken the Croamore School for Underprivi- ' I undwatand, Incidentally, that ahe cus lists for both Republicans and i i HJules a Vem s ’s m i ber ctmyass, Mrs. Vinton H. Wen- Coventry correspondent, F. Paul­ chamber office from 9:80 to 11:30 A c f V l f A Democrats showed a gain over tha Uvea of a young newly married ner; assistant, Herbert W. Couch; ine Little, telephone PIlgTim a.m. loged Children and American ^ HAS ia in really bad shape, and "inay couple in their sports car and that "Mysterious Iskmd" not be able to sing for the re­ registrars session last June. auditors, Herbert W. Couch, Win- 2-62.31. The course will be limited to 15. of the Year in 19.M, died Saturday Mrs. John Pringle, Republican of one occupant of the other auto­ In Color— 1:80-840-9:49 throp Merriam Sr., Richard E. Local manufacturers are invited to after a lojjg illneaa. Her huahand. mainder of the season. mobile. i t CHOPS I'll cover the music from "Alda" registrar, said her party caucus "Everything's Ducky" Young and Frank L. Murray. send as many of their supervisory with whom she founded the .school over WINF at 5:05 p.m. on Jan. list now numbers 526 as compared Kenneth Stracker,. ,20. and his Mickey Rooney, Buddy Haekett Deacons: Arnold E. Carlson, personnel as they wang; Reglstra- in 1911, died last year. aU'lf- m a r l o w B 28, so those of you who are inter­ to 522 last June. Mrs. Joseph bride of five months, Carol, 18/ 8:15-8:20 Herman Allard. Mrs. Winthrop Enffagement ! tlons will be made on a first come, I./)s Angelea — Edgar Johnaon ' Szegda. Democrat, reported a to­ were killed yesterday while Merriam SCr., and Mrs. KcnnethM. first served basis. Goodspeed. 90, noted biblical i SU«R-RIGHT QUALITY Main StfMt—Manekefter ested can hear some of the music Wed.; Troy Doushns at that time and get a fairly com- tal of 279 against 248 last June. strapped In their safety belts. They “ SusAa Slade” Merriam Sr., and Mrs. Kenneth M. Trained Instructors from Indus­ scholar and author of more than 50 resided in Norton. books, died Saturday of a stroke. ‘ To Ktmp Tour Heoie or Office rehenaive idea of the pl6t as well. The Republicans lost 20 voters, Spencer and Floyd B. Wass; board Tabb - Colby try and the state will handle the C I N n R f hope you'll listen, particularly If 18 who moved out of town and two John Fee, 53, Boston, died in the of Christian education, Mrs. Ken­ course, which will take the form Dr. Good.spced was chalrnian of RAMrds straight, Oet m CUTS LB you plan on attending the per­ who died. However, 24 names were wreckage of the other car. Police neth Donovan, Donald Gadapee, The engagement of Miss Patri­ of discussion conference.s. the New Te.stament Department at I formance, and have never aeen it added to the list Saturday, 23 of and firemen required more than Mrs. Jay E. Gorden, Mrs. Ralph C. cia Tabb of Damascus, Ga„ to In announcing the' cour.se, the the University of Cliicago from | G » * U I N C before. whom registered at voter-making an hour to extricate his body. Phone MI 8-7882 Hoffman and Mrs. Floyd B; Wsss. James E. Colby of Coventry has chamber said, "The development 192.3 until his retirement ih 1937. sessions last fall, too late fo r en­ A passenger In the Fee car. Rob­ r t n of middle management, foremen Fayetteville. Ark. - - Dr. Up- lOWOM. M UR M|C PRCC1SION BUILT Delegates to the Tolland As­ been announced by her parents. Wh«i« Stogon U This? T*U us and 9«t an mtra 1001 rollment, and one who trantferred patties, mashed potato, peas and ert F. Ciacct, 40, also of Boston, sociation; Mrs. Nelson J. Scarce, and other supervisory personnel is pert E. Elll.v, 62, agricultural eco­ ASP Applt Souco RRiai A CANSO I Mr. and Mrs. Cary C. Tabb of Andover from the Democratic party. carrots, fnUt; Friday—homemade auffer«fd a broken hip and other Mrs. Clarence A. Bradfleld, Mrs. one o f the major areas that finally nomic advisor to the International ' The Daportmamt Sfor* hos Hwin-i-a ItodiiKI Food Chain hos thonv— Damascus. Cooperation Admlnlatrallon In The Democrats lost only two, baked beans, cole slaw, brown injuries. Harmon N. Cochrane. Miss Mar­ Her fiance Is the son of Mr. and lead to the failure or success of Turkey, died Sunday of a heart SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY-SLICED BEEF VICTOR both by removal from town. How­ bread, gelatin. State Police Cpl. John Flaherty NOW—ENDS TUESDAY garet E. Jact^aon, .Miss Grace Y. Mrs. George H. Colbj’, Flanders meet business firms." ever, 32 made at the voter-making Named Dance Unit Director said witnesses related the Strack- Rd., Coventiy. Among topics to be discussed attack. He wa* a formef; dean of 5 p.m. Cont. Shown at 6ll0-8:19 White, Mrs. Holman S. Fernald the College of Agriculture of the PTA to Hear sessions last fall were added Mrs. Winifred Marmaud, Colum­ ers’ sports car was hit by an auto­ and Mrs. Florence H. Cochrane; Miss Tabb Is a graduate at Da­ are. organization leadership. Inter- bia dance Instructor, will be In­ mascus High School and Massey department relations, and super­ Univeraity of Arknnsa.s. EJllis, Saturday as was one, who trans­ mobile which crossed Route 1 altematee, Mrs. Alfred G. Crick- who was preparing t o . return to ferred from the Republican party. stalled Sunday for a two-year term from the opposite lane. Business (5ollege. She is em­ visors' interviews with proepective Speakers on more, Mrs. Anton M. Lassen and i Turkey this week, was born In Oatholio laulles Meet as director of the Dance Teachers' Mrs. James R. MacArthur. ployed aa secretary In the axchl- workers. Club of Connecticut, an affiliate of tectural firm . of W. Kenyon The chamber has already an- Bridgeport, Mich. ADDING The Catholic Ladles Society will Connecticut Conference; J£re. ! Evanston, 111. — Warren H. Orr. LB meet today at 8 p.m. In the church the Dance Masters of America. Herman-.AJlard, Mrs. Dayton H. Drake and Associates, Jackson­ noiuiced courses In business man­ k Liver RH^M School The installation will take- place 75. a former chief Justice of the hall at St. Columba's. Mrs. Clar­ “SUSAN SLADE” ville. Fla. agement and an inv’estment course within Whipple il, M ra Thomas J. Moran Illinois Supreme Court, died Sat- MACHINE ence Grant said members are at the annual meeting of the aseo- WEDsi “Two Way Stretch” Mr. Colby is a 1960 graduate of for women. "ALL OOOD" SLICED clatlon In West Hartford. and Mrs. Raymond B. Bennett; firda.v. Orr was a member of the John Yeomans and James For- atrongly urged to attend in order altematea, Mrs. Herbert E. Rose Windham High School, in WilH- an, members of the Regional TIbbIta on Oruise mantlc He l.s serving with the state's highest court from 19.30 to From to plan the program for the year. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Lyon. 1939, including one term as chief Board of Education from Ando­ Hostesses for the evening are Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Tibblts of PLUS AT 6:40 and 1:40 U. S. Navv, stationed at the Naval Registration.s Set Lake Rd. are on a vacation cruise. Willimantlc Council: Mrs. Don­ juatlce. He wa* born in Han­ ver. will be guest speakers at the Arthur Pepin, Mrs. Michael Slrak ald Gadapee, Raymond B. Bennett Aviation School St Jacksonville. PTA meeting at the elementary They sailed on the M.S. Italia Sat­ nibal, Mo. $ 9 4 and Mrs. Maurice Bolatrldge. and Richard B. Wilcox. Fla. For Greek Class . Saint John, N. B. Thomaa F school Wednesday, urday out of New York bound for A wedding date will be announc­ Guild Head* Supper a . The nominating committee in­ ■ Dnimmie, 76. former pnbliaher of Pins Tax They will s p e ^ on the future The Women's Guild of Columbia Nassau. During their absence their ed. daughter Mrs. Leman Bronson of ..■V' o cludes Mrs. Dayton H. Whipple n . A resident who organized a the Telegraph-Journal and the Bacon: * for RHAM High Sqhool and what Congregational Church will meet . • riilMoN secretary, Mrs. P'loyd B. Waas, 49 Shelbourne, Vt.. will be at their conversational Greek class in Sep- | Evening Tlmes-GIobe. died Satur Of Course, it taking place now. tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the parish your home, with her family. Malcolm E. J. Devine, Walter E. tember la asking that townspeople \ day of a heart attack. Drummie FaSy The ^ A meeting, which will houae. Elwell. Kenneth S. Lyon and Fire Not Reported inter^ated in Joining the class n ext' retired a year a„o as chairman of All Purpose—Rom« Beautie* U.S. 2Vi" Min. start at 8 p.m., will include a brief Members are asked to bring fa­ Terms! Manoheeter Evening Herald Co­ Richard B. Wilcx)x. fall contact her as soon as poa- \ the board of the New Bnmswlck buelncss meeting. Mothers of third vorite recipes and plans will be Shelton. Jan. 15 — A fire glbl*. Publishing Co . Lt which pub- lumbia rorreapondent. Mm. Donald Crane Heads Firemen in the nurae*' residence at Laurel grade students well be In charge started for publishing a book of WED.: “ERRAND BOY” If enough persons register for . iishes the two Saint John dailies. of refreshments. / recipes as a moneyrralsing project R. Tuttle, telephone ACademy Harold J. Crane has been elect­ Heights State Hoapital waa bac Aee Mariew's For 8-1485. 8:10 6 :86-10 SUN.: “Second Time Aronad” ed president of the Coventrj" Vol­ under control i the class, perhaps It may be In-1 ’ Apples A 45* Active Workers / for the year. Planning will be com­ brought quickly eluded in the curricula of th e: t^elhi, India AJoy Ghoah, unteer Fire Association and Fred­ veaterday, but a Shelton fire of Mrs. J. Tansley Hohmann Jr, pleted for the potiuck preceding Manchester Adult Evening School. 52, secretary-general of the Corn- erick G. Bissell, rice president. ■flclal w-anU to know why hia de­ i Pd«» .ftM thr. M AU A le S»g*r M.rlitta Is liil. csismuslBy t vicinity TTPEWMTERS chairman of the annual. Red Cross the annual church meeting Friday said Mrs. Philip Savva, 21 St. John ^unlst party^of India for the past fund drive, and Miss Dorothea night. The guild will be In charge, partment wa.an’t notified. a, 110 years, died Saturday of a heart Bus]ii« m M o c h in M but all church members participat­ Diem Gets U.S. I OStAT ATUNTIC 4 SACme tSA MMSAwr. UK. Raymond both of Andover, treasur­ The main damage waa limited She said the class needs be- i Ghosh generally was con- re a c h . . er, are very active In Columbia ing will contribute food. to a bed and clothing in a second- o BAtXS • 8JUtVICK tween 15 and ^20 people before it j e AENtALS o BllPPMES chapter which Serves the three Hostesses Tuesday night will be Personal Notices floor room of the 3-storv’ brick Also Office Funiltnre cbmmunitles qf Hebron, Andover Mrs. John Card and Mrs. John G>pters, Planes BUSINESSMEN'S veneer realdence. The nuraea were ^ Vl , Cbnnersvllle, Ind. - - Ira (Cy) Super rkets and Equipment and Columbia. This chapter has Him. * a l l M C H allowed to re-enter the building school The convers»fv..1 - ^ Mcllwaln. 56. city editor of the been chartered since the Flrtt OUb Scout Awards (Contfaued from Page One) after It had been cleared of amoke. class is open to adults over 18 who , Republican, died VUU- . tlPINOil.lt VlU(HiNI SiNit At a pack meeting Friday night Card of T4ianks B World War. Food i8 our bu8in988 . . . Mr. John ,C. Owers and family desire Shelton Fire Commlaaloner have been out ol acuooi ai . I Saturday of a heart attark. McII- B — Mrs. Hohmann lervffd as chapr. at Yeomana Hall awards ware -The first ship, the Core, brought very much to fxpreas their deep ap- Frank Dobkowski complained that a year. ^ wain, who started his newspaper il ter fund drive chairman lu t year. presented to nine boys in Pack 82, about 40 helicopters and 4(K) U.S. and pleasinir buainesft— ireclatlon for all the cenerosily. kind- the fire waan’t reported to hia de­ It meeta four hours a week at finess. and affection which have been career* with the Rushvllle Tele­ n She Is a nurses' aide, a water safe­ Cubmaater Robert J. Taggart pre­ Army men to fly and service them. men, our specialty. No­ so beautifully bestowed by many partment. Manchester High School. Arthur gram and joined the Republican ty Instructor, and has completed sided. The helicopters H21S capable of friends during thrir rec'‘nt bereave­ He said the hoapital aounejed an Athanason of Hartford, a certi­ ■wlien the papers merged, was born Christopher Malek and Steven ment. training as officer of the day at carrying 14 troops each, already where will you find such alarm alerting ita own fire brigade fied teacher of Greek, is instruc­ In Rushvllle. Simpson received a IJons badge, blood banks. She Is president of the art in service flying miaalons savory, flavory, mouth­ Death Notice and that Shelton firefighter* had tor.' Crystal I.jake. III. — Booth P. Girl Scout Council of Eastern Con­ one gold and two silver arrows. against the Viet Cong. to call the Inatitutlon to confirm Luck. 52. known as radio’s "Man Wayne Lehman and John Kowal­ LTNNELLi In New Haven, Conn.. •Tan. necticut. South Viet Nam’s Alr ’Fer>ce watering dishes for noon­ 13 1962. Doroth,v Sinnings Linn>ll. Vrlfe report* of a fire. WOMAN KILLED IN CRASH of 100 Voices,” was killed Saturday Mias Raymond has served the ski each received a gold arrow and does not yet have any Jet combat of Ellery M. Llnnell of 15 Murlyn Rd., | Avon, Maas., Jan. 16 (4*)—Mrs. In a car-truck collision. Luck, who a Lion badge plus a silver arrow time appetites. There was no comment from any chapter in mimy capacities since aircraft A Bennett. 100 Broadway, New i offlcial of the hospital, a center for Mar^ Croker, 68, of 168 Manomet changed his voice to portray aev- HURRY! HURRY! It was reactivated during World for John. The official. silence blanketing Haven. Wednesdaynioniing. Jan. 17; tuberculosis and chronic Illnesses, St., Brockton, was killed early to­ eral rolea on radio, was on the old War II. Presently she Is secretary Jerome Berkowitz, one gold and the arrival of new U.S. equipment at 10:30 o clock. Friends may call i ou.u-r. and rteehv Oromen day" whan a car. driven by her hus­ “ Fibber Magee and Molly" ahow, and treasurer, home service chair­ two sliver arrows; George Evans, BANQUET ROOM Tuesdayursuaij evening from 7-9.l-u. uevrsisv/iMemorial imi Shelton and Derb> Bremen has led to wide speculation aa to rifts may be sent to the Mt.------Carmel- brought the fire under, control at band, Charlea. 72. struck a divid­ “ laim and Abner" and "One Man'a man for Andover and has complet­ one gold and two silver arrows; the numbert end types of weapons AVAILABLE FOR PARTIES Concrefstlonal Church, Hamden. In­ ing strip on Route 24 and over­ F jjnl'y'" a'*® sound effects Henry Beck, one gold and one sil­ 5:45 p.m. An investigation was 1000 ed training as a blodd program being brought into the war-tom terment In Windsorvllle, Conn. ordered to find thetcauae. turned. for television commercials. aide. Before he retirement, ahe ver arrow; Eugene Wittenberg, a republic. Preeumtbly a major in­ aide. Before her retirement, she gold arrow; and Steven Naumec, crease in the number of combet SUNDAY DINNERS SERVED ford. a silver arrow. aircraft being placed at tha dU- TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS Work Meeting Slated Two of'th e dena presented akita poaal of government forces is im- 12 NOON TO S PAl. The Episcopal Churchwomen of based on the theme "Daya of dar way. St. Peter's will hold a work meet­ Yore." Largs quantitiaa of military sup­ ing at the church annex at 10 a.mi Taggart Is making arrange­ plies arrive here both by air and “ FOOD f o r tomorrow. ments for the "Blue and Gold Ban­ ship nearly every day, and con­ EVERY MOOD” quet to be held during the rhonth voys made up of U.S. Army trucks AVEY’S Manchester Evening Herald of February. are often seen passing through Andover eorrespondealt, Margery On ABC Committee Saigon. I^ith’s mailuig li.st customers Montandon, telephone Pilgrim Selectman Joseph Szegda has Officials have diacloeed practi­ .have been notified by mail. Take 2-801*. been elected vice chairman of the cally details of the shipments or advantage of the .special offer county Agricultural StabiUaation on the number of 8. sarvletmen made by mail. If the.se "Teaser and Conservation Committee. arriving here. However, complete 2 Criticallv Burned Ralph 7L Biadway spcrecy te impossible since most Advertisements” —you—tn Springs is chairman. sea arrivals are in sight of streets come in now, Keith’.s secret will Boston, Jan, 15 (As—Two men Also elected to the committee adjoining the docks. be Tevealed.to you. If you are a were critically burned early today were Edward A; Foote and Ronald Saglio of Hebron and Percy real fan this emblem or insignia. OUR STORE IS in an apartment houae fire in the partiall,v revealed at the figlu. Dorchester section. Cooke of Andover. The' orognitn 4 Killed as Car Oacar Johnson, 72, the landlord offers several services, soil, water, is a (lead give away. If you need woodland and wildlife conterva- THE ONLY .and Edward Fowler, 42, a neigh­ all the fact.s . . . then .‘-ee the tton measures, through a coopera­ Rams into Truck bor. were rescued from Johnson's tive cott-sharing plan between the WE CATER TO ^ "Manchester Herald” Wednes­ first floor apartment. FURNITURE government and farmers- For de­ Nelsonla, Va., Jao. 15 (P) — An day, January 17lh. Their nsmea were placed on the tailed information one.should con­ danger liat at city hospital. automobile ran into the bpek of f a m i l i e s tact any of these men or the Tol­ a liunber truck that was being Two tenants, Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ land County Agricultural Center in ^STORE IN , YOUR AUTOMATIC ert Campbell, were brought down towed last night and four young Rockville. , people ware killed. FUELOIL ladders from the third floor by The committee in this area will firemen. Other" tenants escaped hold an enrollment session at He­ tile collision occurred two miles TompHiig Food DEUOBTFUL MANCHESTER DELIVERY CONTRACT NOW unaided. south of Nelsonia on Virginia's bron Town Hall ^ r ( d i 7 from 10 CourtooHsly Sorvtd! A n iO S ^ E R E -r*. Cause of the fire and amount of a.m. to S p.m. eastern shore. State Policeman 1. And Receive At Absolutely No Extra Cost damage were not determined im­ The Soil Conservation Service T. Amadeo said both vehicles were THAT HAS mediately. technician is available to render heeding south on Route 18. Dally Luncheon Specials! ttie dead, all passengem in the assistance for. several of the prao- Fabnloua Saadwlehea! 1,000 Triple "S" Blue Trading Stamps* BOWIMTCH KIN DIES ticee. ' car, were tdentliled as: Joseph El- THEM FORYOU! Oheaa Toumament wood Bennett 20. Haeksnek, Va.; Buabieaamea'a Luncheons 'Stamps Issued upon payment or rirSS fuel dellTery. Milton, Maas... Jan. 15 (Ah—Mias Maty Baisabeth Easley, 14, Onley, Served DaUy it aeen-2 pju. y The annual chess toumament is Mary BOwditch Forbes, 83, grand­ now in progreaa at Porter School. Va.; Shiri^ Wlndaor, 19. Taaley. Throughout The Store MONTHLY OR BUDGET PAYMENTS daughter of Nathaniel I. Bowdlteh, Tom Cktfd and F red . LowmAn, Va., and Obarlotte Ann w e s t 15, ► Speciaf Sale Prices author of “ The New AmericAn Grade a Students, are chairmen Of Aceomae, Va. AINNIRS SERVED Practical Navigator,", died yaiter Aaolber passenger, Richard B o a t in g 2 4 ^ ’B o u r the event which has more than Wedaaaday. Tknrtdqy. Friday CHOOSK FROM OUR FOLK day at hw home. - A brother was 85 atudenta particlpaMts. The tour­ Baade Jr. of M el^ wes taken te 5 pan. te S p,aa B u r n e r the lata Allan Forbes, Boston nament is open to pupils of Oradea a Norfolk ho^dtal. CREDIT PLANS; banker. State pokes said the oar of Wedneeday Night QUICK ______S in c e 1 9 3 5 S e r v i c e 6 through 8. la Family Night! A collector of Lincolnlsns, Mias Hot Lunches young people apparently was. re­ B o o r m SERVICE (t) 80-D«y Regular Charge Keith Furniture BOLAND Forbs , designed and had erected The school hot lunch menu the turning home when It smashed in­ b ftitira flat you can get flion bofli in one car? Wide-Track Pontiac (21 80,60,90 4-Pa.vrnent Cliarge on the Milton estate In 1924 reat of this week is: .Tomorrow— to ^he back of a traotor-trailer Plan MANCHESTER s u voua Fotfnac d c a ix k ro a a w im c h o ic c o r w io c -t m c k s am o (aooo u ie d c a b s , to o MANCHESTER OIL COMPANY copy of the Civil War prealdent's vegetable soup, tuna salad sand­ d r l ^ hy George White and 1 1 1 ") M A I N ST. cabin at Hodgenville, Ky. It has SHOPPING PARKADE (8) .Up To Tao Years To Pay 3«V CENTER STRECT wich, cheese squares, applesauce owned by the Lassiter Lumber Co., HOBNOB TIL. Ml 3.E320 bean open to the public in recent cake; Wednes(lay—corned beef Greenbush, Va. The truck had RCSffAURiANT > WEST MIDDLX TPKE. (4) YouBg Homemakera Lay-A-Way a Opposite the Barnard Junior High at School St,—South End of years becauae of Miaa Eorbes’ fail' bash, pickled beets, coirot aUcka broken down and was bahig towed TEU m i 8473S PAUL DODGE PONTIAC, Inc. Open Daily 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. • Thursday till 9 P.M. • Ample Free Parking Ing health. and aj^eaauce; Thnradap—lamb p t l f wmeMm tende. ' . ______n iJ K A lW W44UUUU A MANCHESTER EVENING* HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1962 PAGE FIVE


RockvUli-Vemon n Clurtor'Ild., ItoekTlU*; Mrs. Virtual Prisoner of UN Mary Olqda, IM Olod* Lan»; Mrs. hospital Notes fiklnm HunUr, 15 Summit St.; When your doctor asks where Priver Arrested Harold BralUiwaito, 374 Hilliard yon wMt jrour pi^ripUok till­ VlalUng hours are 2 to 8 p. m. St.; Mrs. Helm Smith, 151 Love ed • • • eky • • HALLMARK For Speeding, for all arbas, except matemltjr. Lane; Mlaa Jane Moea., West Wil- PHARMACY. Free deUVery.. Gizenga Censure^ where they are 2 to 4:80 and 0:80 Ilngtosi; Paul Sltvlhaky, RFD 2, The Baby Has Ml 9-2861 to 8 p.m.; and private rooms RockvlUe; Mrs. Sdith Fielding, Others Charged where they are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tankereoaan Rd., Vanion; Joseph Vlaltore are requeeted not to Esada, Coventi^: Charlea Pitney, By Central Conga A ManehMtor driver whose car smoke In patients, rooms. No 1003 Tolland Tpke.; Bonnie skidded 80 feet and turned around more than two rtsltors at one time Brown, East Hartford; Mrs. Ida Been Named ••• end for end before stopping was per patient. Wheeler, Hartford; Mrs. Theresa ZONOLITE arrested yesterday In Vernon and Patients Today: 224 Fracchla, Hebron; Mrs. Alice (Omttmrt tn m r s f« One) charged with speeding. ADMITTED SATURDAY: Mrs. Tewksbury, East Hartford; Mrs. INSULATION Open Forum Arthur M. SUvens, 31; of 107 Edith. Fielding, Tankeroosan Rd., Katherine Morley. 354 Summit On* platoon ot about 3S Oiaan- Holl St., will appear in court Feb. Vernon; Mrs. -Marta Shaw, 113 N. St ; Mrs. Mary Tsulfls, Andover; Mainem, Marla Lita, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leone Dom- W. H. ENGLAND (lat troops rsmalns to b« neu* 13. Vernon Chief Constable Ed­ School St.; Holly Manner, 281 Mrs. Jane Adams, Wapping; Mrs. enle Malnelli. 119 Washington St., Manchester. She wa-s borh traUasd. tha U.N. added, but they Luts Support Lacking' mund F. Dwyer said Stevens was Hillstown Rd.;- Mls.s Jane Moss, Marta Shaw, 113 N. School St.; Jan 10 at Manchester Mtmerial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ LUMDEZ CO. ware being rounded up in the i ^ h To the Editor, clocked at speeds betw-een 65 and West VVillington: Mrs. Florence Mrs. Eleanor Dickinson, Elling­ parents are Dr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Capobianeo. Cranston. R. I. atvund Stanleyville. '' ^ On December 27th, in this coL YO miles per hour on Rt. 30. At Cole. JS3 Parker, St.; Mrs, Gladys ton: Mrs. Ruth, Donnelly, Thomp- Her paternal grandparents stre Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Malnelli, e Opeo All Day Saturday a A tight cordon of UJf. Etfilo.- umn. Dr. Charles Jkcobton Jr„ the traffic circle at Rt. 83. he said, Hanson. 32 Santina Dr.; Andrew aonvllle; Jeanice Banister. 40 Providence, R. I. “At the Greea"—50 9-B20I pians and Uindula’a men sur^ • 0 • • O Chairman of the Finance Com­ Stevens' car skidded sideways, Hlobik, Stafford Spring.^; Mrs. Hoffman Rd.; Mrs. Evelyn Rohlln rounded Glcenga'a riverside man­ mittee of the Lutz Junior Muse­ Amelia Sado.sky, 905 Main St.; and son, Warping. Reynolds, Mark. Anthony, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Re.vnolds, sion, keeping the Lumumbist lead­ turned around and finally stopped Box Mt. Rd. He was bom Jan. 8 at Manchester Memorial Hos­ um.^ extended an invitation to all on the green. Gary Zcnianek, Hill. Mrs. Kathleen H. Connlng- and four independents went Dem­ enrollment session, was 35 Repub­ say this: This 31 Junior Member­ ton ot Box Mountain Dr. Dwyer ADMITTED TODAY: Edward Life luiil InOemnlty Ina. Co« around Oizenga's mansion laid ship Is a token membership -- It ocratic. licans to the Democratic party and down their arms yesterday after said the sUn apparently blinded Bednarek, 27 Pine Hill SI. Aetna Casualty ....130 140 barely pays the cost of the month­ -BIRTHS SATURDAY: A son to Aetna Life ...... 128 136 Two Republicans went inde­ 18 Democrats to the Republican WIN government foroes waged a deci­ Mrs. Connington momentarily. The pendent, but no Democrats did. party, she said. ly bulletin, and in no way contri­ cars were towed away. Mr. and Mrs. Haro!d DeForge. 12 Conn. General ...... 258 278 sive-half-houf mortar attack on butes to the support of the Mu­ In addition, the switch of two The total enrollment Of voters, Camp Ketele, the home of the This morning a car driven by Webster St., Rockville; a daughter Hftd. Steam Boiler 132 142 seum. to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Strickland, Ins. Chty Life ...... 30 34 Independent voters to the Demo­ when Friday night's party Oizengist gendarmerie. Mrs. Arlene M Martin of Mon- cratic party within the past few switches become effective In six Gizenga messaged Premier Thoee of you who are interested tauk Dr. skidded on Ice on Dobson 71 Washington St. Travelers ...... 167 165 In perpetuating the advantages of BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A months, and toe -switch of two In­ months, will '-e 4,160 Independents, Adoula and asked for a U.N. plane Ave. and hit the bridge crossing Pubhe rruinea dependent voters to the Republican 7,960 Democrats and 9,956 Repu- PRIZES a Museum for your children should Ackley's Pond., Bridge and car daughter to Mr. and Mrs. ■ Peter Conn. Light Power .. 29'4 31'j to pick him up and bring him from Fults, Coventry: a son to Mr. and party became effective. licans, she said. StMleyvllle, T75 miles northeast seriously consider a supporting were damaged. Htfd, Electric Light 71 75'j membership. To you. we again ex­ Mrs. William MacDonald. Wap- Mrs. Catherine Perkins, secre­ DIAL of the capital, where he had been There were no injuries reported Hartford Gas'Co..... 68 75 tary In the registrars’ offlee, ex­ tend our invitation to join. Enroll in cither accident. ping; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Soiitbern New Bnglann holed up for four months Richard Boucher. Hazardville. plained that Inderpendent voters 1230 Taking no apparent notice of today by phoning the Museum or Telephone ...... 5 3 66 better still, if you are not familiar BIRTHS TODAY: A daughter to can switch their afllliatiqn to one G A.M. to 10 A.M. the mounting opposition to him in MMniifaebrnng Cnmiiaale* party or the other only at enroll­ with the Museum, oome in and see Mr. and Mrs. Carl Osuna, 149 Arrow, Hart, Heg. . . 60 64 the capital. Gitonga reportedly Loomis St.; a daughter to Mr. and ment sessions. TTiese voters may asked also that his Leopoldville for yourself the pregrees that has Associated Spring .. 13'j 15>4 been made.- Troopers’ Mrs. Melvin Dreisbach, 85 Croft Bristol Bra.Ss...... 91, 1 1 " make their wishes known at any ofSoe and offlcial residence be pre­ time, ahe sgid, but toe change Is RaapectfuUy yours. Dr.; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Dunham Bush ...... 51, 6U pared for him and that the cabinet, Kenneth viThltford. 277 Highland not recorded until the enrollment WINF Eileen J. Omrad parliament and entire population Em-Hart ...... 84'4 89’ 4 session. President of the St.; a son to Mr, and Mrs. R o y l^sfnlr ...... 47 4 511^ be told of his decision to end hir Cars 100% Bro'wnlhg, 85 S. Alton St.: a On the other hand, (she pointed holdout. Board of Trustees Heublein ...... 26 • 29 and a member of the daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. B. M achine...... 22 25 Gen. Lundula, former pro- Finance Committee Moore, Glastonbury. Gizenga militar>’ chief In the North and J u d d ___ 14 16 Unmarked DISCHARGED SATURDAY: Stanley Works ...... 20’ i 2 2 'j northeast who switched his al­ Display Disappointing David Alpcri. Llynwood Dr., Ver­ legiance to Leopoldville, forced Veeder-Root...... 57'4 6114 To the Editor. (Continued from Page One) non; George King. 280 Wood- The above quotations are not to the showdown with his old leader. My impression of this year's bridge St ; Mr.s. Valerie Fiano, Lundula's troops trapped Gizenga 9# eonstrued es eetual inarketa. Main Street Christma.s display is first innovations of Mulcahy after Hebron Rd.. Bolton:-.lohn Zeinek, hi his Stanleyville mansion beside that we paid cheap and got-cheap. he took office in 1959. West Willington; Linda Anderson, the Congo River and gave a 30- It 1* more difficult than it was a ■701 Hartford Rd.; Theodore Bee­ DOUBLE S STAMPS minute ultimatum for the palace The move met with a mixed re­ Washington PTA few years ago to get funds f6r ception V it was generally ap­ be, Church St , Vernon: Stan­ bodyguard.s to lay down their many ,things. The way that the ley Urban, 118 X. Main St.; arms. UN. reports said. plauded by responsible safety To Hear Bradlau taxpayers are complaining about experts and others informed about Marylou Crocker. Bloomfield; Reports reaching here aaid the coats, causes the_ town to tend to Faith Melendy. Hebron: Mrs. EVERY WEDNESDAY the highway safely problem., guards quit quietly. Government hold back on appropriating money Marie Bergeron. East Hartford; George Bradlau, principal of sources said Gizenga was kept I In addition. 21 troopers, now in Bennet Junior High Schol, will be on Seme things. \ training at the State Police Acade­ Mrs. Be.ssie Parkins. Wapping: pinned in his residence and unable However, if we cannot have a Mrs. Margaret Anderson. 194 gue.4t speaker at a meeting of toe OPEN WED , THURS. to escape. my, were ordered to cut short Washington School PTA tomorrow presentatable display It would be their school to take to the high­ Highland St.; Mrs. .Carol Adamy, The U.N. announced meanwhile well not to have one. A present­ 65 "Benton St.: Frank Veccriolla, at 8 p.m. in the school cafeteria. and FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. that 21 U.N. Nigerian troops, in­ ways in patrol cars. He will discuss "Education at able one need not be most expen­ Mulcahy explained that when 92 West St., Rockville; Miss San­ cluding one officer, had been sur­ sive. dra Nlcol, Wapping: Mrs. Edna the .Junior High Level." Sixth prised and captured in Luluabourg ■Votirs truly. the "urgency of the present prob­ grade, pupils are invited to attend lem is over," the trainees will go Karlsen. 58 Chestnut St.; Mrs. by the small remaining forces of .1 W. Cheney since they will be entering Bennet back to class work. He emphasized Beverly McMullin. 245 N. Main South Kasai’s Albert Kalonji, the 709 Main St. St.; Mrs. Ethel Drew, gl Es.sex Junior High School in the fall. separatist leader now under arrest that these men were not "green" St.; Wesley Kingsley. Wapping; Refreshments will be served by by the Central government. rookies, but state policemen who Mrs. Eva Dolan. Glastonburv. Mrs. Paul White and her commit­ tee. The Nigerian brigade major have had about 12 weeks of train­ biSCHARGED YESTERDAY: prompUy flew to the South Kasai Pal Kochin Heads ing already, including Some field George McKee Jr.. 21 Church St.; 725 capital of Bakwanga to obtain the work with experienced troopers. George Bagshaw. 73 Homiestead release of his men. The U.N. said Baptist Girls Unit Most have only two or three weeks St.: Mrs. Rita Hall, Hebron; M rs. Middle the local authorities handed back of school left before receiving their Amelia Sadoakv, 905 Main St.; PRncniPTioNs the troops and “apologized for the Miss Patricia Kochin w-as elect­ diplomas. Mrs. Dorothy Wells, 88 Mcbkville Free Delivery Turnpike * # incident. ed president of the Community State Police Capt. William A.^ Rd.; William SImp.son, 71 Bran­ The minor ambush Indicated some Baptift Girls' Guild at a meeting Gruber, head of toe traffic divi­ ford St.; Mr.s. Inga Gustafson, 276 F a s t # '»• uneasiness in the Baluba tribal Friday evening at the home- of sion, noted the standing law that Henr>’ St.: Mrs. Beatrice White, L io a m DRua state about the apparent eclipse of Miss Ljnn Nettleton, 379 Bldwell I provides for toe suspension of the 75 pine St.: Hector Oelinas, North SHOPPING PARKADE Tuts, and Wad. In their chief, Kalonji, who wa-s St. I licenses of convicted speeders. Windham: Edward Coilrtemanche, charged by the Central govern­ Others elected are Miss Nettle- I “People are not afraid to loss Sfiatials ment with ten»rism and brutality ton. secretary; Miss Constance their lives, but they are afraid to Manchester and la being held for a court trial. Shorrock, treasurer; and Miss Su­ I lose their licenses," he said. Some of Kalonjl'a supporters in san Rowett, chaplain. Mias Net­ The commlsiloner’s own vehicle Leopoldville tried to demonstrate tleton and Miss Diane Thomas ' is stripped of markings. against his detention over the Only vehicles continuing to bear weekend. They were rounded up, were appointed as representatives ; o ffic ii markings will be IS station and police estimated 840 Balubas to attend the state workshop in Hartford. wagons used as emergency vehicles MINUTE S T E A K CONDKN.SKIJ UKPOUT OF CONDITION had been arrested in Leopoldville. Mrs. Roy Ferris and Mrs. An­ I and 11 special blue and white pa- MUFFLERS They are' being flown back to their Ah of Dticcnilx>r .31, 196.1 home region of Bakwanga under drew Johnson will continue as ! trol cars. guard. Two chartered government counselors for the coming year. Plans w-ere made for a skating planes left this morning for Bsk- STATE WOMAN NAMED wamga, carrying about 200 of the party at BoUon Lake Jan. 28. THi tribesmen. Oklahoma City, Jan”. 15 (A*)— 9 9 s Cash and Due from H a n k s ...... $113,831,354.62 Mr#. Arthur Ranaohoff of Stam­ [G SaiERAL OPTIMIST Hospital Women ford, Conn., a member of toe Re­ United States Government Ohiigntions Fire Kills H Children TIRE publican National Committee, has AND SELECTED TOP GKADB CHOICE Direct and Fully Guaranteed 97,038,531.80 Meet Next Week been named to toe party's execu­ State and Municipal Bonds . 49,977,766.20 Brownsville, Tenn., Jan. 16 (JPl— tive' committee. She was unanl- UP Fire sweeping through a small i.nui.siy elected at toe committee AT Other Honda and Securitiea . 1,6.56,339.26 Mrs. Robert Wolf, director of frame house killed five small chil­ volunteers of Hartford Hospital, meeting Saturday. Loaiu and Diacounta .... 245,861,018.88 dren as their mother watched will speak at the midwinter busi­ helple.ssly. FREE INSTALLATION Hank P r^iaes and Elquipmcnt, 5,213,986.58 ness meeting and tea of the Wom­ Guaranteed for As lying Aa Yen (9wii Tour CbT 834,681.12 Mildred Agnew, 30, discovered en’s Auxiliary of Manchester Me­ How To Hold <- O t p e t Aaaets ...... her home in flames yesterday when BEEF PATTIES WORK morial Hospital next week. $614,413,678.46 she returned to check oh her chil­ The meeting will be held Mon­ F A L S E T E E T H dren who had been left alone. Mrs. day. Jan 22. at 1 p.m. In 8t. EASY TERMS Agnew had been working" at a Mary’s Episcopal Church dining Moro Firmly in Place 100% PURE CARDINAL nearby, house. room In the old Pariah heuje. Lo­ Demur ftlM teeth annoTiBd em- MANCHESTKR BRANCH L1ABU.ITIES "I just couldn't get in because of cust St. entrance. bemee br sllpplns. dropplne er wob- the flames shooting out of the bHat when you eat. lauth or talk? This man is a banker. Coiitrary to a few minority indeed it is - the bank in hie community or Progress reports and plans for Jutt sprinkla a littir FASTEETH on F R E S H O t t c Deposits—Demand . , $385,889,043.74 » doors and windows. ' she said. a May fair will be d.lscuased at the TOUT platea.Thla alkaline (non-acid 1. The children were Dave Agnew powder holdi falae teeth moro Armly HARTFORD GENERAL TIRE CO. opinion*, he doee not have a glaes eyo* Nor will he neighborhood. ______■ Time__ ^,^5,676.028.19 _ business meeting. and more comfortably. No aummy, and MildrW Agnew, 5, twin.";: T. r. Reservation* will close Friday, seoey. pasty taate or feellna.Doea not I«t CeVTER ST ■ MI Mm aak for the return of the umbrella when it start* Federal Reserve Agnew, 4: PrenUse Agnew, 2; and and. may be made by calling Mre. tour. Choclta "plate odor " (denture OPEN THURSDAY TO 8 P.M. The responsibility and authority are his. An^ so Deferred Credit . . , 13,049,017.89 $464,614,089.82 J. T. Agnew, 1, Negroes. I Robert Murdock. 22 Harlan Rd. breatbl. Get FASTEETH today at. Orange Juice A 9 to rain. dnia counten everywhere are the risks. / ' Reserve for Dividend -535,500.00 BsMntially, he'* am optimist. He has to be. If he is PROGHESSO MXIE la L E If he weren't an optimist, he couldn’t sleep'nights. Reserves: Taxes, etc. 2,589.386.40 'a Hartford National lohn officer, he is fully and Other Liabilities . , 4,3.34,510.96 ITALIAN Our customers are optimists, too—ivith faith in Individually empowered to lend to the full legal CapiUl (1,190,000 their ideas and confidence in the success of their ahares $10.00 par) $ 11,900,000.00 Special Tuesday Only limit of the bank. If he is a trust officer, he amd SALTIRESv f l L 1 II wI bW S u rp lu s...... 23,100.000.00 business, personal and family plans. TOMATOES SAVE 11c his aseooiates are responsible for the care and Undivided Profits . 7,.340,191.28 42,340,191.28 aiilomalic tSAVE 40e) management of assets worth well over a billion And—as we intend to prove again in 1962-it ’s $5)1.4,413.678.46 ’5 9 B U IC K o v n OTHER IRANOS dollars. If he is a branch office manager, he is wonderful what optimists can accomplish work­ Mm- ooqpooted to operate his office as if it were—as ing together h o t w a t e r 2-Door. Radio, henter, M m LARGE A automatie transmis­ 35 OZ. ^ ■ A-C Oil Hot Wolor Hoatiii9 It sion. A one owner, low ■ ■ ■ i CANS mileage ear. Speelal at s 1 4 timos faster and costs loss only Solve your hot water problems qulcklr . . ’1495 eroBomieally. Install an A-C Automatir Hot Heating system. .A-C »H1 guarantee MANY OTHER.S AT SIMILAR SAVINGS U. S. NO. 1 MAINE yolormore hot water eonUnuously aad at leu cost than aay other systom. Call A*C today LOW BANK RATES for detail*-- pay with your moath^ fuel oil H ertford. Naitiona.! Ba>zi]s bm. 8 years to pay—no eanying charge*. NO MONEY DOWN—S5 MONTHLY Manchester Plymouth Potatoes az&d. T ru st Conapa.ia.sr £55“ Member F.D .I.C, AMERICAN COAL COMPANY PLV5IOUTH-VAUANT SALES aad SERVICE R O im 88. TALCXmVXULE—MI S-87M—TB 8-8818 25 EXTRA World Green STAMPS m iTFOBO • EAST HARTFORD. WEST HARTFORD • ELMWOOD • WINDSOR • WETHERSFIELD - FARMINGTON • TORRINGTON • MIDotLoi^ • MANCHESTER • COLCHESTER * NORWICH • NEW LONDON * MYSTIC • NIANTiC • OLD SAYBROOK • STONINGT^N . ESSEX 170 RRARL •Tu HARTFORD oIp e n EVENINOS m x t.*M WITH PACKAC^^ OF 6 ENGLISH MUFFINS . ' ■ ^ . h' ■ ■ U i . • ^ ■ !

i ■ u MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 16,- 1962 ^AOE SIX MANCHESTER EVEN HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1962 r Bolton IfimtriFMtrr itroiig and haljtful through all the come into eoatact with lisoes more ago by the OarroU and Drigga Co., ertlea ilemoiietrated better than upa SRd dCwna, the emotional Intelligent then oar own. That Open Forum waa Just $64,198 leaa than the 1956 anything else the price eoma o f our atralna, and the propaganda dts- contact may be qne way. through appraisal figure of Cberlae T. pubUe offldale have been willing to liw Appraleal M ^ Inc. and Just $U6,6M Isss pay for the pleasure of providing Skating CJub tortiona of UN efforts tn tha Con­ the dleoovery of mine or artifacta To tha Editor: than the Martin and Thrall valua- a playgTound for tha Manchester BSKAl m a go. K» too bad that final nwacd . ft may .even be face to face. According to the December 13, tion. '' Country Club. First Of OOhgo peace and order which But It wUl occur, and it may be 1961 edition .of the Manchester The following figuree. era used Tha facts that land values in Ice Show Set \ DOUBLE ___j« * i THOM. would permit celebration end plau. the moat devastating event tai the Evening Herald, the OairoU and only fqr the purpose of helplnf as Manchsator have Increaaed tre- Drigga Oo. of East Hartford re­ to realiu whet our Globe Honow mendoualy atnee the date o f our National WAL”" hlstoiT of mankind." dits, for both the UN end the cently appralMd the approximato properties would be sraHh if they Dlobe Hollow purchaa.., and that On Two Days VMin4( tl.SA ., etill eeema So far away. Such la Scientlat Clarke’e ap­ 145 acres o f our OloM Hollow ware soned for industry. theae values wlU continue to in- S t o r e s praisal o f the ed'”entura whleh^Ues properties which the Manchester When the eels of town owneh eresse, should In themselves c8 8zcIu»lT*ly self. It was a|>preised at $48,616. west of the Verplancfc''school, mie properties and that no parts . Of •ntitl<>4 to th« US4 of rOpubllcation of tional debt limit. more likely to agrbe that it is per­ as special assistant to Mrs. Parcel number, two which bor­ second parcel which consisted of them can be purchased for Any­ Arendt. Other assignments are: EVERY WEDHESDAY All DC*A OlApAtchM crMUM to It or That legal debt limit nOw stands haps the only thing that does make OF BIANCHESTER not othenriae cretltM in UiU (WpOr ders on South Maid and Line Sts., .52,062 square feet — a little less thing less than their reaL-Values. fLETOHER MASS 00. Scenery, Fred Maiidley; music Wil­ ABd Alko (ho locAl nowai OuMlzhM htrc. at biltlons of doilara. The ac­ sense for Jaded earthlings. consists of 76.25 acres of Water than one and one fifth acres waa It might be a good IdeU to cau­ Ail rljtbUi of rApuhUcAtloD of OnodA] MItchen liam Arendt Jr.; props, Raymond tual debt is already over the $296 Department and Park and Recrea­ appraised at 23c per square foot tion the present B o ^ of Direc­ Jeaki; publicity, Mrs. Louis C. dlipAtcnn horrln ArA AIM rczOrrra. or $10,018.80 per acre. This parcel tors against the playuig of politics IBS WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE billions mark. The situatioh calls tion Department properties. It in­ Dimock Jr.; costumes, Mrs. John Full nrrlce cHrnt of N B. A. Borr- cludes holes 5 through 13 and was ts located on the north side of Ol­ with the present,'Country Club la- Honeycomb and Mrs. llack Devan- FIRST NATIONAL SUPER AAARKETS lea. Ire, _ for action, in a hurry. sue, and to remind the Republiean PubllAhon ReprMMthtlTM; ThO A Thought for Today appraised at $137,187. cott Street and south of the town ney; tickets, Mrs. Stanley McCor­ sewage filter plant. members of the bocud of the effect OOKNEB DURANT ST. JulluA MaUiewt Sp^AI AMOncy — Ne« But, although thU Is a Demo­ Sponsored by the MnnchMter Parcel number three which lies mack, assisted by Mrs. Vincent Bristol - East Hartford - Enfield - Hartford - Manchester York, CnjCAAO. Detroit am BootOn. cratic adminlatratiOn, staffed with cast of the 6th, 7th and 8th greens Certainly these two figures Which prior Country Club propos­ I^ckewicz and Mrs. Wayne Ladd; MllMBER AUDIT BUREAU OT Council of Churches should command much more re­ als had on the 1958 local election. LARGER QUARTERS TO SERVE TOUR NEEDS! CIRCULATIONS.______economists who make no great Se­ and the 9th tee consists of 45 acres lighting, Daniel Cummings; make­ spect then the $1,400 per acre Dr. A. B. Moran. PLENTY OF FBONT AND BEAK PAKKING New Britain - Newington - Plainville - Rockville - Simsbury Tb« Herald PrlnttoB CorapAiur cret of the fact that they like of undeveloped land which could up. Miss Yolanda Felice; program, Anramet no flnanclzl reopOnRlbtlll[I(A "He that humbleth himself shall without any large amount of diffi­ figure which was attached to our Mrs. WendalL Jacobs; ati^e man-, tvpoirraphloAl. , ...... errora- AppeArink...... !n 4d- spending, and even, on occasion, Globe Hollow properties by the r>riUi«nmti And oth^r rMdinic imittAr be exalted" — Luke 14:11 culty be converted into a very valu­ AUTO GLASS INSTALLED agement, Mrs. ’Theodore Schuetz Southington - Unionville - West Hartford - Wethersfield tn ‘Hie M«nchewt»r BvmtnH H»f>kL deficit tpendlng, it will be some The humble man sees himself in able piece of property. It was ap­ Carroll and Drigga Co. and Mrs. Frederick Decker. ^DfarlAT adVfVtiatni r)(katnit bdm : proper perspecUv.’', in right rela­ praised at $13,500. Peihaps I should say that the ALL IN ONE STORE Tickets for the show are now time before any partisan attack is appraisal figures which went used GLASS FURNITURE TOPS Willimantic - Wilson - Windsor - Windsor Locks FV>r MotHUv—1 p.m F*rid*y. tion to the God who mode and re­ The total of these three apprais­ available from the ticket chairmen For Tu#tdar—1 p.m Mon^jr. delivered egainst the debt limit in­ deemed him. To see ourselves truly In the esse of our Olcott St. prop- For W^^Pdav-^1 p.m Tumfey* als amounted to $199,302 Just $698 SHOP FOR ALL YOUR MIRRORS (FIrtplacB and Doer) and all members of the club. Tick­ For- Thuradav—1 — - - p.m. ------WMnfi crease. is to see HtRi on the throne, and less than the figure which was ets will be available at the club' For Frtdiv—1 n.m. Thursday. you and I kneeling as best becomes For Sattirdav—l n.m Friday. The horrible thing about the in­ stated in the press. PICTURE FRAMING (oH typM) house at Sperry’s Glen begrinning S P i C I A L ! TUiSDAY WiDNESDAY CTaaalfiod iondlina;. Ihrw A.m. aach crease in the national debt is that those who bring nothing in their Back in 1 9 ^ some six and one MATERNITY NEEDS Saturday. dav of puMieatioh exeapt Saturday— hands, and have learned t h e half years ago, Charles T. Main WiNOOW and PLATE GLASS Notch Fire 9 a.m. It haa become a bi-partisan, or a courtesy of humility in the pres­ BLOUSES, SKIRTS. SLACKS, Inc. appraised parcel number one LECLERC BRAS AND GIRDLES Volunteer firemen were alerted Almost Like Old Mother Huhhard^s Cupboard non-partisan tendency. ence of the Lord. Monday, JamiAry IB at $60,000 and parcel number two CONTRACTORS: WE HAVE IN STOCK Saturiay night about 10 p.m. to a The shelves in the children’s section of Mary Cheney Ldbrary are nearly empty—and that’s good, If we were to try to identify the When we see Him on a Cross we at $190,000 for a combined total of FUNERAL HOME AT brush fire on the mountain at Bol­ shifting the librarians ■will have to do while the shifting the llbrautans will haveb to do while toe greatest political disillusionment know with bitter shame and $250,000. . Corset and Uniform Shop MEDICINE CAMNETS pid SHOWER DOORS ton Notch by a passing motorist. library is closed for toe next ilionth during completion of toe new addition. Miss Marion Jesse- thankful Joy that it was for us He Consistency In The Conffo Of our times, we think it might When the cost of our Globe Hol­ FUNERAL A fireman scaled the face of the man, the children’s librarian, removes a handful of books from a shelf, while xnss Anna French, hung and suffered there. In the low purchase was split between the OPEN SATURDAYS—OPEN THURSDAY EVENING rocks carrying an Indian pump head librarian, checks off the books on a list. (Herald (moto by Pinto).— Th« United Nations operation in prove to be that of Dwight D. Ei­ light of His Cross, we see our­ Water Department and the Park Glazier^s ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN and the blaze was quickly extin­ the Congo has been a tortured, senhower as, during two terms in selves — our sin, our lostness, our and Recreation Department, Gen­ SERVICE SSI Main SL—Manchester guished, Fire Chief Peter MaasO' unworthiness, our need, our de- Conununity Hall, and at 9 p.m., for approximately the Intended difficult, complicated affair. But the presidency, he discovered that eral Manager Richard Martin and WALTER N. lint said. IMndence. seeing ourselves so, we WSOS News Arnold Lawrence of Manchester. maximum altitude of 950 miles be­ one tiling can be said for It. It It had become his own apparently Water Department Superintendent LECJLJBjRC Sp ace Balloon Have nothing but a plea: "God, Director "Our Neighbors to the South’ St. Maurice Holy, Name Society fore starting a quick descent, leav­ inevitable and ineacapable duty to Fred Thrall raised these figures to will 'meet tonight at 8 in the ing wavy vapor tralU In their haa, nevertheless, been a great have mercy!" $75,000 and $237,500, to the grand will be the program theme for the deal more consistent than Ita ertt. preside over a rather consistent in­ James says, "God opposes the total of $312,500. Call Ml 9-E869 Woman's Society for Christian church hall. Breaks Apart wake. crease in the national debt proud but glvea grace to the hum­ Service meeting tomorrow at 8 The Women's Auxiliary of the "Big Shot’* was to have inflated lea. ble." God mves grace! This ia our A value of much smaller sIm was 23 Main Street, Manchester Bolton Volunteer Fire Deimrtment to a diameter of 135 'feet, which put on parcel number three by p.m. at United Methodist Church. One will be reminded of this as. When he was elected in 1952 the gospel. This Is the love that does STRIKE IT RICH! will hold Its delayed Christmas would have made it the largest — Charles T. Main Inc. and by Messrs. Mrs. Clifford Stephens la in Over Atlantic In the current phaae of United Na. naUonal debt stood at $259 bllr us the unspeaksljle honor o f call­ party tonight at 8 at toe firehouse. but not the heaviest — apace Martin and Thrall. Unlike bowling, financial "strikes’’ are. seldom charge. Pictures about Latin tions policy in the Congo, there Is Hons, and one can be sure he had ing us friends and fellow workers America will be shown and play­ Members are reminded to bring vehicle ever sent aloft. In its service. This is the glory of The fact ia that the combined a one-shot affair. Rather, it is persistent, con­ (Contlmied from Pago One) at least a temporary silence, or a very strong Idea it couM be value which was applied to par­ We*re at let presented by Mrs. pYed Ed­ their • gifts. Mrs. Eklward Wad- NASA has a backup Thor and the humble life; It shine wrlth a sistent savings that add up surely to financial wards, Mrs. Kenneth Perrett, Mrs. hams and Mrs. Fred W amock will balloon and expects to repeat toe even perhaps a tentative purring, reduced. Furthermore, sm he as­ splendor not Its own, the reflected cels one and two only a short time near at t)uee seconds after inflation, and success. Start now! Paul Haddad, Mrs. Charles Bed­ be in charge of refreshments. shot as soon as today’s trouMe Is oh the part of some Of those Amer* sumed office, he was free to se­ radiance of "the light of the glory your Attend CEA Event immediately split the balloon into pinpointed. / ■ ford, Mrs. Calvin Fish, Mrs. several pieces. Newsmen viewed lean critics who have been advo* lect snd did select, financial and o f God in the face o f Jesus Christ” Charles Miller, Mrs. Frank Ulm Mrs. Richard Olmsted and Mrs. If toe second shot ia successful, RANGE telephone CURRENT ANNUAL DIVIDEND ...... the film at a news conference. eating that we even drop our mem- economic mlnda who believed, ae The humble life has been perfectly and Mrs. Clifford Stephens. Edmund Peresluna. representing a similar sphere will be rocketed manifested and men have seen its \ \ 11 Your order for drug needs and the Bolton PTA, and Mrs. Patricia Officials said toe film was much into orbit later this year as Echo berahip In the UN becauae of what much aa he did, In the deelrabUity Hostesses include Mrs. Samuel glory. It has walked the ways of I'UEL OIL eoanMtIos will be tw en care of Stitham, Mrs. Edwin Hinds and Ladenimrger and Mrs. Gladys clearer t)uin expected and that it U. haa been going on In the Congo. of such debt reduction- 'Ct 'A -Ct our world and dwelt among us, Immediately. Mrs. Myron Lee. Bissell, representing the Bolton was among the best footage o f this A t the moment, you aee, the But in 1953 it went up to $266 leaving us 4m example that we g a s o l in e LBS Works for Missions Education. Association attended type ever relayed from a space Fire Destroys Home United Nations is turning Its billions, in 1954 to $271 billions, in should follow in Hit steps. S A V I N G S A Friendly Service project for the Cormecticut Education As­ vehicle. Rev. Paul C. Kaiser Cheshire, Jan. IS duplex 1955 to $274 billions. mleslons ■will occupy members of sociation convention in Hartford Walter Bressette, a project of­ home at 224 Black’s Bid., waa de­ troops and its praatlge, ita advice, Concordia Lutheran Church FREE Saturday. ficial, said toe expansion o f the and ita capacity to Influenea pol* Then, in 1956, there ceme the 11- the Ladies Benevolent Society of stroyed by fire yesterday, leaving BANTLY OIL DELIVERY I > I I l l s Bolton Congregational Church Miss (Carolyn Mather, daughter balloon was much more rapid toan a family of six and a bachtior Icy Inside the Congo, against the luiion of a csunpalgn promise DRIVEK KILLED when they meet tomorrow in the ot Mr. and Mrs. Richa'rd Mather anticipated, indicating that per- homeless. I .'Ml' . IN( secessionist threat represented by being kept. In that reelection year, Revere, Mass., Jan. 15 (Ab— parish room of the church. Mrs. of Hebron Rd., was the high school )iaps an overdobe of air had been No one waa injured. Firemen, George Miosky, 40, of 22 Etna Antoine Gizehga in Stanleyville. the Eisenhower administration 'I V\ - 1 III I I aecassTts’a etesav riwaaeiat leaviTUTiea David Toomey will be in charge pupil chosen to present pupils’ placed in the sphere before launch­ however, were plagued by a series Place, Lynn, was killed early to­ viewpoints in a panel discussion ing to help the Inflation. GIzenga is considered the political was happily able to roll the nation­ of the project. of mishaps. day when his car went out of con­ TEL Mlfcl'cll 9-459S Mrs. Charles C. Church, Mrs, "The Middle of the String" con­ Actually, the amount of air waa Mrs. Geraldine Biron and her al debt down for the first time In heir to Patrice Lumumba; he la la* trol On North Shore road near the BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE 81. COVENTRY Howard Jensen, Mrs. Lena Crock­ cerning school-related problems. very small, 'nie main lnflati€)ttslmS Now that the UN is turning its Is offered and argued and support­ attention to Gizenga, however, we ed, magnificently, hy one Arthur FLORIDA RED BLISS may expect Russian criticism to C. Clarke, a British scientist, in "A Size" - U. S, No. 1 become audible again. the current issue of Space Digest. AYoorluytAUTHIS P o t a t o e s Add up ail this shifting critlciam "We cannot predict,WTltes Sci­ ■ W c : : A ^ 9 YELLOW — Favorite For Flavor EMPEROR of the United Nations In the Con­ entist- Clarke, "the new forces, $13,000 On Your Home go, and what do you find rising powers, and discoveries that will $ 5,20O On Your Contents OF MANCHESTER above the confusion of the whole he disclosed to us when we reach $ 5,200 Theft Coverage Onions 3 29< Congo story? the other planets or can set up $ 1,300 Extra Expense ORUN CALIFORNIA WONDHS TEMPLE PLOEIDA You find that the. United Na­ laboratories in space. They are as ,S25,000 Liability Coverage tions must,after all, have managed much beyond our vision today as S 500 Medical Coverage Peppers 2 35< to be fairly consistent and princi­ fire or electricity would be be­ $ 250 Property Damage pled In its operation.^ and that yond the imagination of a fish. $ 50 Gla.ss Coverage Meat and Produce Prices Effective Tuesday end Wednesday Only tha alternating criUciam from . ’•'Yet no one can doubt that the Communists and anli.ComrmmiatB increasing flow of knowledge and Plus Additional Coyerages must be rated a rather tremen­ sen.'se imprcs.slons, and the wholly , Want To Know More? dous compliment. new t>T>es of experience and emo­ NU-WOOD 1® lEXYRA^dKfl GREEN STAM PS And .you also find, we would tion. that will result from space CALL Ml 3-1126 think, a rather good and corhpel- travel will have a profoundly stim­ W ith A CLASSIC • HANDSOME • AUTHENTIC 4A-OZ CAM llng vindication for the Unitpd ulating effect upon the human DECORATOR Our 24 Hour Service • EXTRA STAMPS States role, which has been, from psyche. I have already referred to Number Johnson's Kloor Floor Wax the very beginning, one of clear our age as a neurotic one. , ... TTie and unequivocal support for the TILE by LYON WfTH A opening of the space frpntley will EXTRA STAMPS 2 -U JAI United Nations as the one agency change all that, as the opening of Finost Strawberry Preserves which could possibly intervene in any new frontier must do. It has For Csilisgs Now! An exdfing pattern in ttw dowic the Congo without having the re­ saved us. perhaps In the nick of ilyie of touis XV. Ibe 8nl Sme iudi o WIIH A iW4y ‘‘carved" dedgn hoe base at­ EXTRA STAMPS l-ll JAR sult merely a transfer of world time, by providing an outlet for, sphere of Influence politics to the' tempted la rtoWeiil Only the eieel Finost Smoothy Peanut Butter dangerously stifled energies, in You eon creole on exciting new look to any room In taiiNsled erofti e n eeutd do (tie Mri- scene. The United .'ttates began William .lames' famous phrase, it your houie by fnttolling Nu-Wood Decorator Til# on cote die worit and expect burnidiing WIIH A this clear support of the Congo op­ EXTRA STAMPS 2 LI FXC Is the perfect moral equivalent of the ceiling. If has a limuloted fiisured marble deiign required to produce iMt exquWte and eration umler President Eisen­ outheedic deiign- Sonoloc Dry AfUik war." fhot fuggeiti on expensive-decorator touch. Yet hower. It has continued it under Scientist Clarke has heard it Relax And b « t of idL Quean‘i Fancy, Mia o8 Decorator Tile it eepnomicolty priced. It's available COMPLEIE WITH FABRIC WITH A Preeldent Kennedy, and it haa been argued that the requirements' of lyen StoWew, need never be poMwd, EXTRA STAAAPS 47-OZ PKC in either gray or beige pattern . . . colon lelected NotMng •!$• io buy notable that it w*as never made space travel roay dull the se n se s of fw the (bMi h tanMt-and ftotn-preof. Finost Dry Detergent by 0 nofionotly known color expert to harmonize in a wing chair! atrooger or clearer than it was human beings. He reverses thli ar­ SIMMONO$ lUPPLIB NIW PIIAM8S IP Come in and tea Ibie pattern now and when domestic criticisn\ of the op­ with any telling, WITH A gument fully and fiercely. * P o t OB little os $1,50 par week be wra to tea Ibe complete let of 9 -Ll FKG erations against Tshombe became 10 YEAR GUARANTEE settdn^f pieces, in^^hidln^j ^soey Iteiei EXTRA STAAAPS "Our entire culture," he says, * No fiizi poyment until Mardu 1982 Look at this big, oomfortaWe wing chair with —4------S Ib wof w ovfluinw/ pwitoGOe Ubiwr Wild Bird Food most vocal a few weeks ago. "will suffer from sensory depriva­ <■11 ar.stop Igdayl ON w o r k m a K s h ip From *^'And Up *> ■" its maple arms. Ever guess it is a BarcaLounger It was quite obvious, all along, tion if it does not go out Into space. WITH A that the United Nations had to op­ recliner that idjusts to any position you 54-Piecc Service For 8^...... 1 4 5 .7 5 EXTRA STAMPS U>OZ HQ . . . Across the seas of space lie CUSTOM SLIPCOVERS PHONE DAY OR NIGHT! erate in a wray which, sooner or the new ra\V materials o f the Call Kmmendt 34 hr. phene service h r' choose . . . just like the lounge chair pictured Burry Scooter Pie Cookies later, would dl^lease or even out­ frM h«ue visit by a dsserstir Irehiif 9 f® m $ a8 8 Imagination, without which all $ 6 9 Q 0 below it? Just lean, back . . BarcaLounger rage all extreme factionaliaU—If, forms of art must eventually sick­ NO OBLIOA'nONt adjusts automaticaliy to any position you that is. It was ever to have a 175 NO COUPON NEEDED EXTRA en and die. Strangeness, wonder, East Center Rsfulsrly 9P9 select without levers or cranks. '"The Ameri­ 8MB8MAMIMCA Arm our chance o f doin|: ita Job in the Cpn- mystery, adventure, magic—these go. The United States has proved Street SOFA and cana” model shown, $259. Othors as low as $119. things, which not long ago seemed CH 9-7636 nicfs DRcnvi tN nitsi nationai sura mauchs oniv to be at laast one nation which un- lost forever, will soon return to P|ione 2 CHAIRS Jesvelue-gOveieiBlthe fiiaoe 18 8 S dentood thlB, and which, in lu of­ the world. . . . There csin be little MI 3-1126 . '00MPL8TI 9S8 M A IN «r,—FBfHUB MI 8-2741 ficial poBc|^at least, has stood by. doujfl that, ultimately, we will 836 MAP^STREET— PHONE Ml 9-5253

./■ ir. J ) V ■ .i.

. X , • V . I ' ■K . . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALt), MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1962 PAGE NINE U.S., IM&ifket Nations Ready About Town Nine Crashes • -Jfo/ Boyle- The More You Buy— The More You Get!

T o Initial T a riff Cut P act Annjr-Nevy Club AutUluy win Last Chance Doctrine /■ hold 41^ pbrtY tonitht at 8 at Over W eekend tba clubhouse. - '/ This W e e k Only tram T>C» One) ^duce gradually duties up to 60 Nlns motor vehicle aeddeats, per cent on oth(ler goods. Prank Oanuipe Women’s Benefit Aasootatioii'l luring the weekend and three th e battle in OongreM over this Mrs. Cbthertae T. .Slansinoa A Constant Game mend together a Jolat agrieultnn Frank DeFUUpa, 66, formerly of will meet tomorrmr at 8 pjn. at y today..-brought minor in- program will likely be . one o f the Mrs. Catherine Tromley Sinna- Tarognm. mon. 81, of . 44 Gardner St„ widow 102 HuntlngUm St., Hartford and Odd Flow 's HaU. Otfleers fbr Juries to two persona and live ar­ When the deal goes through— hottest,of the eeeslon. the tesMnf year win be instaUed. rests hy Manchester police. „ -tToHc o n —Julie Harris, ■♦fallen short of what I want to do OPEN TONIGHT till o f Jolm J. Sinnamon, died yester­ uncle of Mrs... RoedUna Saplenza and Intomanta indicated It may . The United 0tatee had asked A pre-instaUation dinner will be Mra wandg Oqiark of 36 Lodge se w xorx ___ • it ~makea .h e s me unhappy- for a commitment from the Com­ day at Manchester Memorial Hos­ o f Manchester, died Saturday at M.man being on fire, plays a con­ be near' the etgntng stage—the pital. Rocky Hill 'Veterana Hoapital. hdd at MiUer’a ResUurant at 6:30 Dr. was treated for multl^e "But I don’t ehow my troubles. V.S. thrift reductions would be mon Market natlona to continue pjn. * bnilses of her right knee and leg stant game with . I keep them Inside me. D A ILY 9 A .M . to 9 P.M . sAnaoAvnu.7 taking as many U.S. agriculture Mrs. Sinnamon wraa born in Survivors, bealdes hla niece here, „ She Uves by a klpS made under the authority already Warehouse Point, April 19, I860,'a indlude two nephews in Wethers- and then dieoharged from Man>- "I make ap effort to do the task exports as they have in the past. The executive board of tbs-Wdm- chaeter Memorial Hospital after trine o( the last diance.” held by President Kennedy. daughter of the late lesac and Held; two othsr nltcee in Wethers- ‘*11 you approach whatever you at hand as best I can and forget 445 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEE Such authority was granted by This was.refused because agricul­ en’B Club will meet tonisbt at 8:15 an accident at 8:90 today on brooding.” ture production has ^imbed steep­ Mary O’Brien Tromley, and had nsld and Hartford and a brother Oerard, do with the idea that this might the 19SS enabling act of the Ricip- lived, in Manchester since child­ at thw home of Mrs.t, J oto 0 « Edgerton St vdien her car hit a Perfectionists often b e e o m e ly among the 'inwket nations, in Italy. 76 Oleott Dr. town retuae truck. Slippery road be ybtDT last day—your rocal Trade program. This is the hood. Tba funeral will be held tomor­ angry at the Umltatlons they meet. program Kenne^ wants greatly particularly France. , conditions reportedly caused the to do it right,” she said, "every­ Survivors Include two daughters, row at 8:15 a.m. at the D’Esopo thing becomes teirlbly exciting. Here is how JuUe says she reacts at expanded to give him a freer hand The Common Market coimtries The Emma NetUeton Gi accident Mrs. John C. D o i^ n of Manches­ .Funeral Chapel, 235 Wethersfield You can’t be bored." such times. in negotiating massive tariff re­ yesterday agreed on a Joint agri­ Center Congregational dr Two other skidding aocidenta "I go away and count up to 100 cultural policy which must be ter and Mrs. W iliam Ryan of Ave., with a solemn high Mass of Harris has so successfully ductions Vrith the Common Mar­ Wethersfield; a son, John T. will hold a service meeting tomor­ ■Iso occurred early this morning, slowly. If you can turn ■'way just ratiffed by the six member gov­ requiem at the Church of St. Pat­ row at 8 p.m. in the Robbins Room. on LydaU St and im Windsor St transmitted her own quaUty of ket. Sinnamon of East Hartford; two rick and S t Anthony at 9 a.m. inner excitement to audiences at the moment when you feel you ernments, but this was considered The group will roll cancel' pada for Robert Glenn King, 18, of 88 Bls- could gb berserk, when you come State Department offldals said a formality. sisters, Mrs. Mena Cooney of Hart­ Burial will be in Mt. St. Benedict she ha« wwi nearly 20 acting that one result of the agreement ford and Mrs. Roth Barron Of West the Red Croea. sell S t, was chaiged with failure back the air Is cleaner—and you Informants said the pact con­ Cemetery, Bloomfield. to drive in the pn^ier lane, after awards. Her fellow performers re­ would be that the Commcm Market Haven; five grandchildren and Friends may call at the chapel gard her as one of the best of can g o an and cope with Uie prob­ would lower Its tariffs 20 per cent tains safeguard clauses under three great-grandchildren. St. Francis Xavier Mothers Cir­ a two-car accident Saturday at which members can temporarily tonight from 7 to 9. ^ cle will meet Wedneaday at 8:80 llvingactresses.a nd hold her a bit lem." U.S. reductions—limited by the The funeral will be held 4:80 p.m.' on Center St., west of Julie puts achievement in her protect their national economies p.m. at the home o f Mra. Joseph Broad S t, in which hla car cross­ in 'awe. trade act—^would be up to 20 per from agriculture imports from the Wedneaday at 9:30 a.m. at the W. WllUam John Renton craft above the big dollar. P. Quish ^ n e ra l Home. 2S(S Main llalioran, 42 Bolton St. Co-hoM- ed in front of a car driven by Jtdle, who recently completed a , ceht other nations. William John Renton, 58, of 24 fUm role in "Requiem of a Heavy­ "M y greatest dream is to work The agreement was worked out St., with a solemn high Mass of easee will be Mrs. John Smith and Curtis Allen Wall, 84, of Andover, with a permanent repertory com­ Agreement by the six natlona on Madison St., captain of the fire Mrs. George F. O’Brien. In an attempt to pass. Wall was weight," la currently starring in in Brussels with Peterson repre- requiem at St. .fames’ Church at pany,” ehe said. "Musicians, dan­ the farm pact cleared the major department at the United Aircraft also arrested for operating with­ “ A Shot in the Dark,” an early hit senUng the United States In final 10 a.m. Burial will be In East Cem­ cers, opera alngers—they all work obstSLCle to the market’s entering Corp., East Hartford, for more The executive conlmiUee of the out a license. Damage was minor ol the present Broadway season. talks with oSiciBls of the Common the 4-year second stage of the etery. than 20 years, died yesterday at together with each other over long Friends may call at the funeral Manchester Women’s RspubUcen and both men were ordered to ap­ I met her backstage after a Mau'ket—vdilch is made up of W eit Common Market’s Ekwnomic inte­ Manchester Memorial Hospital matinee and felt pretty much like periods o f time. That is the better Germany, Prance. Italy, the Neth- home tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 Club 'Will meet Wedneaday at 1 pear in Circuit Court on Jan. 29. gration process. after a short illness. p.m. at the home of Mn. Philip Saturday at 10:20 p.m., an acci­ a peasant in the presence o f this way. erlanib, Belgium and Luxembourg. to 9 p.m. "Actors should work together A final 4-year stage will wind up Mr. Renton was bom in New Hotway, 143 Adelaide Rd. dent occurred at’Broad and Center empress, for I am among this In the Brussels meeting, the the transitory period of the pro­ York City on July 26, 1903, and SU. when John R. Gardner, 60, of like that, too, in a variety o f plays. V Common Market officials have girl’s Idolators. gram that calls for an economical­ Edgar F. Davis Jr. had iTved in Manchester for 13 60 Durkin St., later arrested for Onstage. Julie has a quicksUver They learn from each other.” been negotiating agreements for ly Integrated western Europe by Rockville—Edgar Franklin Davis The Kaffee Klatsche group of years. He was a member of the the TWCA will meet ‘Wiedneaday making an improper turn, was genius that enables her to play Julie, her husband,« Manning the second stage of a 3-phase trade mo. ' Jr.. 93, of 17 Spruce St., died yes­ Gurian, and their son, Peter, 6, Willimantic Lodge of Elks. at 9:8b ajn. at the Oewnmunity Y. traveling west on Center St and a French maid or Queen IRctoria program. In the -first phase, the six mem- terday at his home. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. made 'h wide turn into Broad St. and make them both seen real. live simply. In the city where ehe berg went about a third of the He was employed in recent years Coffee and buns will be served be­ Completion of these discussions Ifelma Monroe Renton, and a fore the 10 o’clock program. Mrs. His car struck the left front of a Offstage, she la a somewhat shyer is a reigning star, Julie often rides after 16 dasrs of. tough horse trad­ way toward the planned tariff-free as a painter. daughter. Miss Carol Ann Renton car driven by ‘Timothy Donahue, chameleon the bus unrecognized. Born in Ellington on July 15, Albert Bolls will speak about ing smooths the way for negotia-' trade among themselves and crea­ of Manchester. 16, of 102 Avondale Rd. Gardner These are her favorite things In tion of a common set of tariff rates 1898, Mr. Davis wSs a son of ^ g a r "Making Party DeooraUons.’’ Non- She « small, slender, slow to tlons with other European nations Private funeral services will be menybers are invited for a nominal will be presented In court on Jan. speak, and given to birdllke, ges­ life: seeking to Join the trade bloc and on outside imports. and Rose Osborne Davis. He lived 29. “My son, my husband, my work, "They have crossed the point in this area all his life. held tomorrow at the Holmes fee. A baby-sitting eervice for 2- tures- You can sense the buried for poaaible bilateral agreementa F u n e ^ Home, 400 Main St. Bur­ to-6-year-olds may be arranged by Yesterday at about 10:30 p.m. intensity In her, the hidden flame flbwelrs (I could look at gardens with the United States. of no returii,” remarked one ob­ He is survived by his .wife, Mrs. Joseph R. Dancosse, 50, of 20 days without end), dancing, cook­ server. Hannah Kloter Davis; two sons, ial will be at the convenience of oalli^ Mrs. Robert Kittle, 25 that fired her at the age of 11 The market’s goal: A united, eco­ the family. Cromwell Rd. Cambridge St., was treated at to be a. great actress. That flame ing. knitting, listening to guitars State Department officials said Roy Davis of 15 Spruce St., and and ballad songs, blueberry pie, nomic giant that could compete Peterson's preliminary reports Friends may call at the funeral Manchester Memorial Hospital for still bums brightly within her. Erwin E. Davis of Bolton; a daugh­ swimming, the Dunes on Cape Ood, ■ucceao&ly with both the United ■how the most important indus­ ter, Mrs. Myrtle Loftus of Rock­ home tonight from 7 to 9. Ihree Manchester students are a back injury he received in an "I’m afraid my biggest defect as State# end the Communist bloc. trial product involved Is automo­ ville; a siiter, Mrs. Ida Hiller of enrolled at Marietta College, Mar­ accident on Main St., Just south a person is my drive to be a per­ seagulls, and the smell of pine for­ To face the challenge, Kennedy biles. Duties on Imported cars, Rockville; a brother, Joseph Davis ietta, Ohio. They are Jason C. of Woodland St His car, In line of fectionist," she said. "Sometimes ests. wants a bold new program. they said, will be cut' 2 per cent, of HartfoM; and six grandchildren. Stahsfleld, son of Mr. and Mra. traffic, was bumped from the rear a person who wants everything to “I like to do things with my by a second vehicle driven by Pas- Under the Reciprocal Trade Act dropping the present S’^ 'p er cent Funeral services will be held to­ Funerals Charles J. Stans&eld, 91 Green be exactly right . . , to do every­ hands. If I weren’t an actor, I ■—Keystone of the nation’s foreign levy to 6% per cent. morrow at 2 p.m. at the Ladd Fu­ Manor Rd;’, a freshman; Michael quale T. Arase, 36. of Moodus. No thing exactly right .... forgets think I’d like to spend my life sew­ GET ^2.00 IN FURIHTURE OF YOUR OWN economic .policy—the President’s Other g o o ^ covered include ma­ neral Home, 19 Ellington Ave. The J. Patulak, son of Mr. and Mra. arrests were made and motor ve­ the limitations of human fralllty, ing or knitting. authority is now'limited to item- chinery and certain metal prod­ Rev. Winthrop W. Farnsworth, pas. William A. Foster hicle dalfage was minor. even sometimes forgets love. "Sometimes I dream about be­ South Windsor—The funeral of Michael Patulak, a sophomore and by-item negotiations. ^ ucts. the officials said, but not In­ tor of Rockville Baptist Church, tilstoiyr major and member of An accident at about 2:30 yes­ "I brood a-lot. Mostly about my­ ing a dressmaker’s apprentice. To William A. Foster, 59, of 179 Avery terday at Spruce and Bissell St., The program's enabling act ex­ dustrial raw materials. will officiate. Burial will be in Delta Upsiltm fraternity; and Miss self—the defects in my work. But be good In anything you have to pires June 30. •They said it was premature to Grove Hill Cemetery. St., who died Saturday, will be brought no injuries to persons but brooding over oneself can become start at the very bottom.” held tomorrow at 2 p.m, mt Wap-, Linda Ann Giaoomlnl, daughter of the arrest of Richard Pagani, 26, of In his State of the Union mes­ speculate on how the reported Friends may call at the funersJ Mr. and Mrs. Americo 'V. Giacom- a sickness. That’s Julie Harris—always sage last Thursday, Kennedy re­ agreement would affect a^cul- home today from 7 to 9 p.m. ping Community Church. 123 Eidridge St. He was charged "After all, you cannot really climbing a Mt. Everest Insids her­ Mr. Foster suffered a fatal heart ini, 56 McKinley St., a freshman vyith failure to stop for a red quested a new 5-year Trade Ex­ tural exports. and recent pledge of Chi Omega reach perfection. You can only self, lonesome to scale the impos­ pansion Act to permit the graduai The sgreement, once completed, attack at about 11 a.m. Saturday light and collided with a second try to. When I . feel that I have sible peak: Perfection. SELECTION FOR EACH <10 FURNITURE PURCHASE Peter O. Keller Jr. elimlns^on of all tariffs in the while at work at the Manchester sorority. All are graduates of car. He will be presented in court will have to be submitted to the Peter G. Keller Jr., 42, of New­ Manchester High School. United States and the Common General Agreement on Tariffs and ark, N. J., brother of Mrs. Francis Tool and Design Co. on Hartford Jan. 29. Rd., Manchester. He was a ma­ for failure to drive In a proper Market countries on all items Trade (GATT) In Geneva. J. Leary, 26 Bolton St., Manches­ Leonard Xnderson Jr., 22, of 143 vhlch the United States and the Further comment was withheld chinist at the plant. A meeting of the Development Pearl St. was charged with fail­ 12th Circuit lane. ter, 'was killed Instantly last night Bom In Wapplng, Jan. 25, 1902, Conunission will be held at 7:30 Twenty-five dollar fines were market sui^Iy 80 per cent of the pending receipt of Peterson’s com­ In an auto accident In Orange, N. ure to drive in the proper lane. The Mr. Foster w as-a son of William p.m. on Wednesday in the probate given Craig Rlchsuxls, 27, o f East world’s trade. It would also re- plete report. J. car he was driving went off the Cdiirt Cases ■Here’s HOW/i N. and Gertrude Avery Foster. court room of the Municipal Build­ Hartford, for failure to secure a -Here ^ WHY!- highway on New Bolton Rd. and Mr. Keller was co-owner of a He was a deacon of Wapping ing. Connecticut driver’s license, Ber­ real estate and Insurance agency knocked down two guard rails. He No catchet! No strings! No gimmicks to this offer. Ckimmunlty Church and president will be presented in court on Jan. nard A. Leduc, 24, Wapping, for No, we're not crazy! The big reason for giving away In Newark. Martha Circle, Emanuel Luther­ MANCHESTER SESSION Time Extended of the Wapping Cemetery As­ 29. failure to drive right: Mrs. Sally Survivors, besides his sister here, sociation. He was a past master of an Churchwomen, will meet Thurs­ Judge Joseph Dannehy today in Phillips, South Coventry, for driv­ Don't look for them because there are none! With any include his mother and a sister in One other accident occurred on Circuit Court ordered 30-day Jail 20 Vo is just good busineii. W e would rather do a lot Evergreen Lodge of Masons, as­ day at 10 a.m. in Luther Hall. Cooper St., at 10 a.m. yesterday ing without a license, and George Newark; two brothers In Llvlngton Members are reminded to bring sentences in three separate cases On Zoning Bid sociate patron of Evergreen-Wood when Mrs. Doreen Gorman of 23 Skirmer, 48, of Rockville, for al­ furniture purchase you make during this sale, we will and Irvington, N< J., and several Chapter of Eastern Star, and a sandwiches. Coffee and dessert will on intoxication charges and lowing a minor to drive his car. of business at a reduced profiNp order to maintain nieces and neiphewa. be served. Bank St. lost control of her car brought fines and bond forfeitures member of Wapping Grange. on a patch of ice which luiocked Bond forfeitures were called allow you to select 20% of the purchase price in FREE Action on a zone change re­ The funeral will be held Wednes­ He is survived by his wife, Mrs. totaling $1,268 in disposing of 22 when the following persons failed our huge buying power. \ quest by the William Peck Lum­ day morning at the John F. Mur­ The Women’s Home League of down shrubs at 60 Cooper St. No other cases, three lnvol\1ng drink­ M. Helena Welles Foster; two injuries nor arrests occurred. to appear in court: Jorge Albi.su, ber Company has been deferred phy Funeral Home, Sanford Ave., sons, William W, Foeter of Grand the Salvation Army' will meet to­ ing while driving. FURNITURE GIFTS OF YOUR OWN SELECTION Newark, N. J., with a solemn high 37, of New York C ity, $129 for beyond the statutory 60-day time Island, N. Y., and Irving G. Fos­ morrow at 2 p.m. In Junior hall. Walter Anderson 56, of New­ operating an overweight motor ve­ I Maas of requiem at Sacred Heart limit through an agreement with ter of Tolland; a daughter. Mrs. Refreshments will be served. Meeting Pondered port, N.H., Lawrence Monahan 56, hicle; Carole Apoldlte of (Jooks- from our large stock. There are N O exceptions! W e FAMOUS DRANDS ON SALE. TOO: the lumber company. Church In Newark. Burial will be Robert F. Dobson of North Guil­ of Rockville and Harry Olander 48, Ihls is frankly propaganda to in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Blast town, N.J., $35 for speeding; Don­ Edward Rybezyk, town planning ford: a brother. Francis M. Foster St. Anne's Mothers Circle will of no certain address, Manchester, ald Snowdale, 20, of Hanover, have extra sales people ready to take care of you so e BASSETT e SEALY a MAGEE . attract readers to two books by engineer, said the Initial 60-day Orange, N. J. ' of Hazardville: a sister, Mrs. meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the For Board, Martin were each sent to Hartford County ■ CHARLTON e THAYFJl a BERXUNE Mass., $40 for speeding; and Doug­ • PETEBJAMES e BROYHILL a IJiNK Ivo Andric, the winner of the 1960 limit expired In December and that Theodore Magnell of Newington; home of Mrs. Adolph Wnibel. 45 Mayor Harold A. Turklngton Jail after each pleaded guilty to las Miller. 19 of Wellesley, Mass., come early for best selections. ~ Buy On Easiest Terms e NATHAN HALE a NOVA ■ CONTINE.NTAL Nobel Prize for Literature. ‘"The a 30-day extension had been set. George W. Burell and five granddaughters. Eklmund St. Co.-hostess will -be said today he will contact the rest Intoxication charges. $35 for s p r in g . In addition to N. Main St., the 'Vernon — George W. Burell, 64. The Rev. Robert K. Hutcheon, Mrs. EHwin McAdam. A cake sale of the board of directors some­ a VIRTUE a BLUE BEI.L e BRENTWOOD Bridge on the Drina” and ‘"The David LaChapelle, 23, of Engle­ Prosecuting attorney Eugene • VERMONT HOUSE • GOLD BOND ■ LINK TAYLOR firm’s land is bounded by the of Ference Dr., died Saturday pastor of Wapping Community will be held after the meeting. time within the next 24 hours be­ wood Dr., Was fined $175 for op­ Kelly entered nodes in the cases Bosnian Story" have been on our afternoon at his home after a long e DIXIE e FASHION TREND • BASIC WITZ Hbekanum River on the west, an Church, and the Rev. Robert Dob­ fore deciding whethe>- tn v.-'i-- a erating a motor vehicle while un­ of Miss Ginette Blais of 67 Weth­ This offor Does Not Cover Previous Purehoses! shelves for over two years and illness. The executive board of (^venant meeting tomorrow night with Gen­ a Many, many others that is an apt description—they Industrial zone on the south, and son, will officiate at the funeral. der the influence of liquor. T h e erell St., charged with failure to It Is EfFecrivo This Week Only! ^ Stock PI., on the east. Born In Stafford Springs on June Bural will be In Wapping- Ceme­ Men will meet tonight at 8 at the eral Manager Richs u -li- i Up To 36 Months To Pay have been on the shelves, not in disposition came after LaChapelle grant right of way; Frederick The company wants a zone 23, 1897, he was a son of Charles tery. home of Kenneth Nelson, 32 Earl the idea of hiring an assistant to circulation. and Delvina Ramsey Burell. St. Martin. was arre.stcd on Dec, 14 when in­ Bram^t, 49, o f 68 Spruce St., Dr. Andric was bom In Travnlk, change from Residence Zone B to A public Masonic memorial serv­ volved in a motoi- vehicle acci­ charge^ with failure to grant halt Industrial Zone In order to move Survivors Include his mother; ice will be held today at 8 p.m. At their meeting Jan. 5 the di­ the son of a poor family; he gre\y three brothers, Edward Burell of The Lutheran Women's Mis­ dent on Rt. 15. A reckless driving of the road; Edward F. Smith, 22, up in Vlsegard. WTille he was un­ the'business from Mtdn St. near at the church. There will be no rectors decided to postpone any charge, also brought against him Vernon, for driving in Improper Depot Sq. Stafford Springs, Charlcji Burell calling hours. sionary League of the Zion Evan­ action on recommending charter der house arrest during World of Vernon and Louis Burell of gelical Lutheran Church will meet was dropped by the court. lane; and Francja Happeny, 50, War he wrote what he refers "rhe matter was brought before Friends who wish may make cV.nges to provide for Martin’* as­ n, Hazardville; two sisters, Mrs. Mi­ .Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. In the sistant until Martin returned. Joseph Bastis, 43, of 434 Oak­ 221 School St., charged with park­ SALEM MAPLE 3-PIECE ( A A COMPLETE 4-Pc. PEARL GRAY C A A MODERN BLOND OAK 4-Pc. ^ 4 A A to as chronicles of these two the commission Initially In October contributions in Mr, Foster's mem­ land St., was also fined $175 for ing in a no parking zone. and has bMn studied at various chael Ference of Vernon and Mrs. ory to Wapping Community church a.ssembly room. ‘'Nature However, al the suggestion of towms. Bosnia was under Turkish Robert Campbell of Thompaonville. Psalms” will be the topic of a dis­ operating a motor vehicle while domination until 1878; in order to commission meetings since then. Church Memorial Fund. Director Ted Powell, the directors Funeral services will be held to­ cussion, to be conducted by Mrs. agreed to meet with. Martin the under the influence of liquor. No COLONIAL BEDROOM SUITE v U l f MODERN BEDROOM SUITES DOUBLE DRESSER BEDROOMS ^ 1 # # retain their lands and independ­ At the •• commission’s Dec. 27 The Holmes Funeral Home of accident was involved. morrow at 8:15 a.m. at the Burke 400 Main St., Manchester, Is in Louise Mertens. Members are re­ ftr.st Tuesday after his return to Second Payment ence many feudal lords became meeting. It was decided to seek minded to bring mite boxes. All Mrs. Alice Neubauer of 62 legal advice before making a de­ Funeral Home, 76 Prospect St„ charge of funeral arrangements. work from a three-month convales­ - Moslems and zealous defenders o f with a requiem Mass at Sacred women, °f the church are invited. Wetherell St. waa also found the faith. From 1878, these lands cision. cence after a heart‘d ailment Due Now on Tax Pius $19-60 in FREE MercfrancMse. of Your Own " Phis $19.80 in FREE Merchandise of Your Own Phis $24.40 in FREE Morchondiso of Your Own Jg | IHH 4h I Heart Church in Vernon at 9. Refreshments will be served. Martin returned today. guilty of operating a motor ve­ were under Austrian-Hungarlsui At that time the question arose Mrs. Mary C. Ceraso 92.00 Burial will be in St. Edward's The funeral of Mrs. Mary C. hicle while under the influence of SelecHon. weekly 5«i*«Non. 91.50 Weekly Seiectien. weeuy rule and it was a surge of nation­ a.a to whether the proposed sale of Allen M. Widem. theater editor liquor and fined $120. The penalty on any taxpayer alism that caused the death of the Cemetery, Stafford Springs. Ceraso, 3 Dover Rd., Thompson- the N. Main St. property, in a Friends may call at the funeral and columnist of The Hartford Woman Will Give Other fines were Invoked in the who doesn’t make the second pay­ archduke in Sarajero In 1914, end­ special category because sanitary ville and formerly of Manchester, ment on the 1961 town tax by home today from 7 to 9 p.m. was held this morning at the W. Times, will be gue.st speaker at a disposition of the following cases; ing an era of World History. sewer lines run through it and bc- luncheon meeting of the Manches­ Dennis G. Meyer, 19. of 74 Dale Feb. 1 will be a fine of one half of The Turks buUt the bridge over rause the Hartford Electric Light P. Quish Funeral Home, 225 Aiain Painting Exhibit one per cent o f his assessment per SJSSScSS 7-MECE KING-SIZE e r A MODERN SOFA-BED and C A A GiisMve Notch ter Civltan Club at Willie's Steak Rd., $75 for speeding; Raymond BLUE^BELLHm^ $ C Q 77 TTie Drina. Labor disputes or stop­ Co. has a right of wa y through It. St., with a solemn high Mass of re­ Mrs. Rita Betko, 51 Horton Rd., month. Gustave Notch, 73. of 1830 Wil­ quiem at St. James’ Church. House tomorrow noon. Widem re­ Merz, 23, of 304 Spruce St.. $75 for pages were not tolerated in that should have been referred to the cently returned from Berlin,‘ Ger- will give a demonstration in water reckles.s driving; Craig Spencer, Collector Paul Gervlnl said that. age. Any insubordination was commission. bur Cross Highway. Berlin, and The Rev. John D. Regan was any, where he accompanied color after a brief business meet­ DINETTE, OPEN&TO 6T ^ l||% MATCHING CHAIRrBOnF------formerly of Manchester, died celebrant, assisted by the Rev. Jo­ SO. of East Hartford, $50 for tres­ In addition, anyone who does not treated with appalling cruelty. The property is still owmed by Srpcncer Tracy and other star.s to ing of the Manchester Fine Art The bridge w^s completed aiid Saturday at his home after a short seph McCann as deacon and the passing; Miss Gall A. Nichols, 291 make the payment by Feb. 1 will the Eighth District, but a bond the world premiere of "Judgment A-ssociatlon Friday at 8 p.m. in Spencer St., vind Vernon Foxe of have to pay a fine for the month successive generations of Bo.snlans for deed requires a purchase by nines. Rev. John B. Kanak as suhdeacon, at Nuremberg." Whlton auditorium. Plus $11.20 in FREE Merehondise of Your Own ^|A Plus $11.99 in FREE Merchondlso of Your Own %A strolled along it, sang their moun­ Mr. Notch was bom in Maren- Mrs. Jane Maccarone was organ­ Somers, each $45 for failure to o f Januaiy, since the tax payment Phis $19.80 in FREE Morchondiso of Your Own the lumber company, regardless of Mrs. Betko has studied oil drive in proper lanes; Leo Pelle­ Is actually due Jan. 1. tain songs and drank of plum the commission's decision, it was pole, Russia, June 14, 1888, lived ist. Burial' was In St. James’ Atty. and Mra. John S. G. Rolt- painting with Nathan Kohler of Selection. . ’ v 6i.oo Weeuy 5*kctl®n> 91.50 Weekly Selection. 91.00 WeeUy brandy. in Berlin for 12 years and was a Cemetery, with committal prayers tier, 28, of 4 Buckiand Alley. $35 Taxpayers who are expecting to • f reported. ner, 483 E. Center St., are serving Manchester. Louis Fusari and for failure to drive to the right; receive a bill for the second half The translator, Lorett Edwards, former resident of Manchester. He by Father McCann. on the decorations coinmlltee for Paul Zimmerman, both of Hart­ tells us that the bridge has been was a veteran of World War I and Bearers were Gerald Sapienza, Edward Mohan, 32, of Hartford, o f their taxes arc waiting in ■vain, the Barristers Ball to be held at ford. and has studied water color $30 for improper passings and he "■aid. The only hill that is sent repaired and modernized since the had been a foreman in Pratt and Rosario T. Sapienza, Rosario S. the Statler-Hllton Hotel Jan. 27. ravages of two wars and may be with'Mrs. Eleanor Vibbert of Man­ Frank Giannelli, 37, of Windsor. is the one sent In July, wWch In­ 9x12 FOOT TWEED RUGS C A A 7 7 2-PIECE NYLON FRIEZE C-~ 2-Pcl UVIHG r o o m s , FOAjM M A A MANCHESTER - Phone Ml 3-1524 C. and Emma W. Johnson of 270 invited. morrow at 1 pjn. at the Burke InvesUgktors are seeking the Ferguson Rd. The monthly quota for the unit, Funeral Homs, 76 Prospect St. cause of a fire in wt^eh twp men SEE YOUR LOCAL AUtHORIZED QUALITY RUICK DEALER NOW . . . CUSHlOHS, HEAVY BOUCLE ^ 1 C | | BOX SPRINGS, TWIN or FULL | | 0 3 Plaintiffs in the action, return­ is 150 pints. The Rev. Paul J. Bowman, paStor dlM Saturday night'at the Bart­ / RIEE DWYERY ALWAYS PLENTY able to the Meriden eesslon of Cir­ of Union CongregaUonal Cburch. lett Inn, a rooming house. Two Your Quality Buick Daklar In Manchaatar la: B O U R N E B U IC K i INCa t R M til SL cuit Court 7 by Feb. 6, is the Netherlands New Guinea is about will officiate. Burial will be in others were treated for burns at tti tf Fairfax-Quiwoter Oorp. Cost of Grove Hill OemetetT. a hoapitaL. ^ $ y j 0 in MEB MnrdMiMAMof YInnrOnni Pliii$3.97 Jn FREE MnrcliawdUo of Your Own _ the size of Oalifornia. Its popula­ . ■ ' r the pool.ol. 80 soldl< -last summer, was tion .la estimated at arouml TOO,- Friends may call at Bm Bmaral Batoraan 60 and 60 panona wera M ic MoB. ^ ■ n M W m U j • ST0RA6E TNI YV ANTED _ FREE PAfHClND -Seketion. , ____ n''* j''' placed at fl,300. 000.-f - / home tonight from 7 ta 91^/ made homeless by the fire. - -I -

f ■■

PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, JllANdHESTER, CONN, MONDAY*" JANUARY 15, 1962 .._ —______. ______• \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, JANUARY 15. 1962 PAGE ELEVEN ' BUGGS BUNNY 0 ^ BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HUOFLE DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE l ‘M KJf ON A VER Ncrr LEAVIK!'^ t h a t SHOULP PO^ JOB! HOWfVtB, tlLL I HAVE A UNTIL I Mrs, Finley RETURN! Ihiirch Ghanjges Name I'LL COMB B ^K PLACE r HANKS , \ LATER ANP MAkE CUSTOMERS* SIVEtTTOUSCN, YlOUHADIVCV 'NECESBARV ~VMATS! ___I ^TW HALF-5 HH.Ui AnaWar to PraeleiM PHMto Joins Alsop Hert-Hert— [OW AlN ANCHEO BVRAIOC! ' — ' OH. » « 5 o W HAT< TMOOOHT CAPT. S j NEVER MIND IN '< Speaking of Ealing To Trinity Covenant VERY SAFFWASTAKlNSitelN I WELL! GRAVY AN' ^ Club Forces V«TH mis 80R1EOTREA6CJRE, ACB06S BTuk t r i m m in g s - ^ S04£ME,EM? ib t 5IDTME- J 1 rood M l 6 Yoon Mid mine Trinity Covenant Church was chosen as the new.name Mrs.' Hazel Finlay, former chair­ FILL ausrpurrrALL THonoy maker WILY CAPTAiN, BUT HE IS L SOorn oo th« SMaalrTofetaUe or Covenant ConsrEgational Church at the annual meeting Flow SAFELY INCARCERATED o N O M e man of the Republican town com­ icN i f e /, ' 9 D iic ^ coddeoi esterday afternoon at tha church. The name was aelected IN THE CrtY BRanUE.TMRC BVwiiuUM lONeutleollerm mittee, Jias decided to Join the /tWOUJ SCOTLAND YARD TRAIN- 1 laOscntie oolo 11 Indian velghta ' rom suggestions sent in during the year by membera of the Manchester Citizens for John Al- IN /— HAN— DRAW UPA 4isr/ U Color 10 neneh rammer •ongregatlon to a coihmltt** ewn-^ Oub, 6 MHtnldie bnid YOUR 30 Male iheep (pL) eisUng o f heads o f all church or> MOTT S ohn Bowen, who was vice chair­ fcfc. CHAIR AND UNtnaU 33 Portion Icanizationa, the chairman o f the man? of the town committee at the UMioonltedc SSHImict Ichurch and the Rev. K. Ejnar SUPER 17Roir 34 Affection Skating Report time Mrs. Finlay waa chairman, l-IS llHoiiieooptiU 33 Indiriduala iRaak, pastor o f the church. is head of the Alaop dub, which - t i L SSSmaUiUh dSWkkad The church affiliation with the 20Lmli 36W itch« 44 Apple teddu* waa formed last week. - MARKETS 31 Follower 37 Heat 37 Salad fruit S&H A F .l.Y O O P BY V. T. HAMI.IN I Congregational body waa a dual The only other announced mem­ 38 Jaoon'o ihip 38 Truck 45 Sacred ima(a 33 Batter portkB 48 Hebrew month I relationship existing from the be- ber of the club to push Alaop for SEToO'VWf! MATiTi 3S8oUtaiy SOBatw 40Denudei f(Vt SlCabina 41 Sorrowful OCf dTSindhia I ginning of Covenant Congrega- the GOP gubernatorial nominatkm .'^FFERSON-HAVIN'YOUI . A «C B AM / SS^ooTTor dONocMHoTOla SOConiiretd 34Sklnk 43Nimbui Itional Church 70 years ago. Loana is Mrs. Mildred Schaller, who ia aroun d is a HEADACHE.' MProooaii (were granted congregations of the alao a htember of the Republican TH'eiSeER VDU SET, TH' 33B«fore r ~ r r s I” r" 1 r IT IT SAVER I Swedish Mission Covenant from Town Oommlttee. SREATER TM' PAIN / 31 Cbriitintt or I the mlaalon funds of the Congrega- II It The daily report la short and Bowen plans to announce the Nov Yeti’i IT ■ I tional group to assist new congre- sweet — no ice skating or coaat- rest of the membera tomorrow. SdAiSauatit IT IT IT I gallons. ing at any of the park depart' Mrs. p^lay said she did not SSHoroietila The loans have now been repaid raent-auperviaed areas until furth' know what her duties would be, SBGtoapo of oiz IT Ift but said, " I would be glad to serve BOOKS SSBmoir l and, since the congregation belongs er notice. < SSOoddooiof to the Evangelical Covenant in any way I can.” Gks ALL plentjr Church of America, it cannot ex­ Mrs. Finlay served from April dOHeoTyrod WOUND H u H V tend flnancial support to two de- RockviUe-Vernon 18, 1988, to Jan. 24, 1999, as chair­ 41 EJaculationt I nominations. In 1958, it was voted man of the GOP Town Committee. L>P= 44— —owoet ST FASTER! pebtoei to sever ties with the Congrega- She backed Bowen to be her vice chairman, against Atty. John F. 48 Molten rock a ~ tionalists, expressing gratitude to Poultry Controls daCotieUtlre of them for the granting of the loan. Shea' Jr„ who ia the present town notther chairman. In a secret balloL CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 80 Unemployed s r Since the affiliation no longer ex-' Discussion Set i u B L E I ♦ tfl tf IBA. >■* TJA >i» MA P* PW.______81landed Utsi It was decided to drop the Bowen defeated Shea, 36-28. 83Eiift word "Congregational" from the When Mrs. Finlay resigned, it 83Pntef ipeedi An information meeting to ac- was understood that she wanted PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER IT IT 40 t r chii'.'ch name. 84 Sonf for one ii The church consUtution was quaint egg producers and hroilei' Bowen to succeed her. He however 89Aaent growers in Tolland ^ounty with announced that he waa “ not active­ f F A S t i ^ DON'T FORGET ' W H Y IS 88 Femittl|M ouSix w U amended, at the annual meeting, TO JUMP OVER ~ to include heads of church organ­ posaiMe federal marketing orders ly seeking" the post, and so the ' ‘O ' . POP ALWAYS . DOWN I CAM E MRS. HOOPER'S SO TIRED AT Jv RT 1! u izations, counsellors of youth and production control programs struggle shifted to Atty. Shea and A D 1 City In Heine will be held Thursday at Ellington ‘ FOR M Y. HEDGE! N IQ -H T f 3Roglon groups and chairman of the music insurance man Eugene N. Kelly, HORSE- U B u committee on the executive hoard Town Hall at 8 p.m. the chairman o f the aftli districL ' P ■ ;?5: IWindrapeit If .BACK • l_A L dCncker of the church. Stewart B. Ackerman, assistant In addition to his duties as town ,&DE/ county agent, said the county chairman. Shea is now the cam­ Willjam Crawford was appoint­ farmers can expect a schedule of STAMPS ed to head the "Frontier Friends," paign manager for another GOP hearings and a possible referendum gubeihatorial hopeful; Bklwln M ay T.PMBJ movement, a national plan of fi­ in late winter t‘r early spring on the ■ N ~ t L l Jr. S H O R T R I B I BY FR ANK O’N E A t nance whereby members contribute marketing and control progranu. PlWSIC/AH one dollar to ten annual appeals for Both Bowen and Shea have in­ Every AH* Agriculture Secretary Orville B. dicated that they have considerable the building of new churches. R e­ Freeman has named committee# to Catching Up with What’s Been Done support within the membership of SUMEIH cipients are only newly organized draft proposed legislation in the egg Back at his desk is General Manager Richard Martin, after a the Manchester town committee, congregations. Tliere are 11,000 and broiler field where now there Frontier Friends, in the denomina­ three-month convalescence from a heart ailment. The pile of 'Which oouM presage a struggle tor Is none. papers isn't work to be done, it’s work that has been done, by tion. Thomas Morrison, agricultural control within the committee. There waa a unanimous vote to Acting General Manager Arthur J. LeClalrc Jr. and the depart­ Wednesday economist at the University of support the proposed Protestant ment hesula. "Elveryone did an excellent Job," aaid Martin. i>tS (ila rta is . Connecticut, will be the speaker at Chaplaincy program, under the the Ellington meeting and will dis (Herald photo by Pinto). Manchester Council of Churches, Two Join Women’s BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBI.T.I cuss possible legislation and how and to write a letter of commenda­ it will affect fanners. Strike for Peace I'VE H A D tion to that body for this forward A referendum on any federal aa- step. Membership applications were Rogers Askk\Status on Taxes ENOUGH, l e t s ; aistance program will require approved for seven persons, and H E A D FOR , two-thirds vote of producers for ap­ Mrs. Jack Goldberg, M Wars- B\ithorization given for appointment proval, Ackerman said. noke Rd., and Mrs. TTieodors H O fA E L READ MOTT'S BIG CIRCULAR of a board of Christian eoucation. "The importance of every pro­ Should He Buy. Lease Depot Gurney, Glastonbury, havs Joined HS The congregation voted to suggest ducer understanding the facts can hundreds of Connecticut women that the name of the recreation and not be overemphasized." -r Manchester bu.sinessman WillardF'.nuch bubt that any claimant S t ths first international demon­ picnic area for the new church be­ If and when a referendum is would cbme up with the money stration of "Women Strike for ing constructed on Hackmatack R ^ e rs , is asking the board of di­ FOR THE lA9TTlMe. V »1 scheduled, farmers will receive necessary as even a retainer for a Peace" today at the White House St. be called Covenant Park and rectors whether, if he buys the MAILED TO TOUR HOME TODAY mail ballots to be returned by a lawyer to institute the action, and to pre.sent statements to President 'G10P STARTING 1HBE IJ that the town right-of-way leading railroad depot at the North End given date. with so manjKlnvolvements the Kennedy and to their repreaenta- HEMEP ARGUEMEKI^ 3 to the prooerty be named Cove­ from the New Haven Railroad and Ackerman noted turkey growera matter could be kept In the courts tives in Congress. nant Dr. The namea were sub­ turns it into a parking lot for can expect a referendum on pro­ until everyone concb<;ned would be Women from England, France, mitted to the town planning com­ town use, the town will - recipro­ posed legislation affecting them ■pushing up daisies India, Japan and many other coun­ mission for its approval. cate by not taxing the property. sometime in the next month. The In a letter to the board, he also \ tries and thousands of American Hundreds Of Super Values! last hearing was held in December. .’officers elected at the annual Inquli-ed whether the town would women will assemble and support meeting were Henry Aak, church the President’s proposal for a chairman; Henry Jansaen, vice be willing to pay a rental for the property which would cover his Rockville-V erndn^^ Peace Race Instead of an Arms chairman; Mrs. Patterson Chaffin, SensaHonal Dinnerware Offer! e im >T >NA TM. tui Fat Olt costs of buying it, razing the de­ Race. They, will advocate the end- secretary; George Poole, financial - y/'j„ b Office . W alter T. and Florence L. in 1848 with the rc-servation that Utility Poles SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE o r Mrs. K. E. Rask and Mrs. Kennath 'ord, property o ff Cushman Dr. Ogren, deaconesses; Mias Esther the property be used only for rail­ Opens' Qne Night ZZ3 Quitclaim Deeds Granstrom, Sunday School super­ road purposes. A Rockville youth who suffered A P E X ( Frank D’Amico to Dorothy Mer- The town tried in 1969 to buy intendent; Kenneth Nelson, assist­ a leg fracture is in good condition The Connecticut St^e Employ­ SdUNO-PROOriNO aret D’Amico, property off Weils the depot property from the rail­ at Manche.ster Memorial Hospital e O M P A ftY ant Sunday School superintend­ ment office will open ^ u r s d a y at It. road for 3^.600 to turn it into a and two companions are said In ALL THIS WEEK! ent; Paul Norlng and Ronald 7 p.m., to register and interview «IUKHCS Peter R. and BMwlna M. Campo- tS Gocliy, Hi-League counselors. parking lot. The deal faltered good condition at Rockville City for new retail outlets in Manches­ 4«t.»CN seo to Michael A. and Rose M. when the clouded title wa-s discov­ Hospital where they were taken Counselors for the newly form ­ Carre, property at 250 Charter ter and East Hartford. ed Junior Hi-League wll! be Mr. ered. following a one-car crash in Elling­ Representatives from the outleti C^Utaalh^ea,' Oak St. In his letter to the directors ton Saturday nighL s i nZwaUKfUiM. end Mrs. Joseph Clark and Mr. and Louis C. Bunoe to Louis C. and will be in all week from 10 a.m. to Rogers said, "M y sole objective is Eugene OrlowsUl, 16, of 82 West Mrs. Roger Cottle, assistant coun- Ruth Tracy Bunce, property at 4 p.m. for Interviews. eelors. the elimination of the... eyesore St., taken to Manclie.stei, will be Purpose of the Thursday late GERt-ANN White Enriched 529 W. Center St. . . . but should I acquire the prop­ B. C. Miss -Granstrom, Miss E lsit Attadim eat moved out of a special care unit opening is to enable those employ­ BY JOHNNY HART erty I would be glad to lease It to Johnsdh and Mrs. Doris Roble will Falrfax-Carpenter Corp.. Meri-r toiiay, hospital authorities said. ed elsewhere to apply for part-time FULL BUZZ SAWYER the town for parking purposes. Jean LaMarche, 16, of 20 Oak NO HOLES! BY ROY CRANE lerve as Junior counselors. den, against Nele G. and Emma W. and weekend Jobs. "... In view of a legal opinion I POUND THIS LOOKS No trustees were elected this Johnson, property o ff Ferguson St., Rockville, and' Valdls Abols, Positions are open for both NEVER MMD. SEE, WE HfEi ON PACIFIC SIDE OF ON OTHtR SIDE, 40 KILOMETERS have received from the atatc tax 16, of 81 Jarvi.a Rd., Manchester, store and office workers,-' Made By New LOAF BUT EXACTIV Liice A , year because no terms expired for Rd.. 11,500. ACROtf MOUNTAINS,IS ASHINI VILlHOE commissioner's office to the effect are in the Rockville hospital. Miss High School students dealring Am-Flo Proceea ^VffliRE KTHF OH SEA OF JAPAN. ISLAND HERE... the present members. ElOlse F. Wood egalnst Frenk P R E T T Y that if the railroad Is not using LaMarche suffered a back injury employment are asked to apply be­ BREAD rCAUTIPW The board of trustees will elect R. Wood, property off 8. Lakewood ISLANDf -ONLY 3 KILOMETERS NORTHWEST this property 'exclusively' for rail­ and Abols, cuts and bruises. tween 3 and 4 p.m. dally. > ------Of YILLA8E, GOOD PLACE. [THIN ICE a church treasurer from the board. a rc le, 3250,000. Henry Janssen, retiring chairman, road purposes the property must Discharged after a one-day atay IMM.'.„THE ONLY VI5?. '■ be taxed by the town, can you le­ at R ockville was Richard T. ::------served three years in office. PROBLEM WILL BE ID Lawrence, 17, of 35 Grove St., CROSS THE MOUNmiNS Baptist Ukit Sets gally exempt me from town taxes IN THIS WEATHER. if I lease the property to the town driver of the car. State Police have at a rate of 5 per cent oer annum ? arrested him on charges o f speed­ MAXWELL HOUSE ' H'lin Surprise Shower Panel Discussion " I would, of course, raze the ing and driving 'Without a license. railroad station, level it off. black­ Given emergency treatment In POUKG ForJleceiil Bride A panel discussioit,, "T liat Qod top It, landscape the borders and Rockville W.1 S Joan Crossen, 17, of May Bpeaki-" will be held at a curry public liability (Insurance). 17 Mountain SL CAN e«a Me VM aM« tAww tea I T«*MbA ^ a. h Na aa. Mrs. Brian Keevers, the former meetuig of the Women's Baptist I f the purchase price ia 335,000, my The five were occupants in the Miss Myra Bogllsch, was honored MUslon Society tomorrow at 8 p.m lease to the town would naturally Lawrence car. State police said COFFEE by 22 friends at a surprise post in FsUowshlp HaU of Community cover that investment, plus 3750 the car left Crystal Lake Rd. and Baptist (3iurch. for the removal of the building, hit two separate utility poles. Two MORTY MEEKLB nuptial miscellaneous shower Frl BY DICK CAVALLI day night at the home of her par­ Members of the panel wiU be plus approximately 32.000 for doors were ripped off the car In DlaCktopplng it, plus some 3200 for the crash, police said. MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD ents, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Bog' Mrs. J. Murray Rowell, Mrs- Wal­ J 7 7 ^ i S (eNIF^HENeWS? o a c • ter MacDvaln, Mre. George Smith public liability insurance. Lawrence is due to appear in amjLt lisch, 849 W. Middle Tpke. SHOP-RITE 8RANUUTED y-VOU MEAN WE HAPP/BRTVCW/TDVOO, F O R G e re . Co-hostesSes were Mrs. Albert and Mrs. Herbert Spicer. A brief "...Person ally, I am not con­ Circuit Court 12, Jan. 31, in Staf­ BOTH WOHALL THIS? .) HAPPY KRTHOLYTO'lCO, Donn and Mrs. Armando Dam a business meeting, conducted by cerned with any claims made to ford Springs. iP&ZO^PIBCE? HAPPY BIRTHCHy, sister of the recent bride, both of Mrs. Everett Van Dyne, society date or cropping up in the future, MR.AMRFH/... Manchester. Mrs. Keevers opened- president, will precede the panri for the simple reason that I do not A migrating Hock of Canadian fOUKD i gifts beneath a pink parasol. Buf­ discussion. believe any claims could be sub­ geese can average about 65 miles Drying^othts fet refreshments were served. Mrs. Gerald Brines will lead de- stantiated in qourt and I very an hour. ? r s / z The former Miss Bogllsch and voUons, and Mrs. W alUr BlUlngs is •osy fliday... Mr. Keevers were married Dec. 33 will dedlegte love gifU. SUGAR 1 at St. Bridgefa Church, West Hart­ IiUry Greene Circle members i ford. They are living at 13 Knoll will serve refreshments. All mem­ RTLE wood Rd., West Hartford. bers and friends ars Invited. HIGH SCHOOL CAMPBEU’S REO; GRADUATES! CAN rAi»TAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER Are yon interested jn an advanced education? Do yon Tomato Soup MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY - r r r BOT/JWIE, WB coMte^ fir T 0H«0AT yW ia a c T want to find out jf you can do college work? Do you O/P RATHER NtTi; WOULD DO TiroAMS, BUT NOMOy DKEEPODTAyKMfEMhWr/EyDAlMKlVB Dl KfOB.AlAtfya A4l|.4%nf I oaam aAi*«.iMlT«^Maain want to go to college, but cannot go full time? BETTY ANN, A\AY I HAVE THE S-M*)»T KNOW OF tr, LAg>0gSCMROtgJ LuMHuJttE 'B b£ mU CRa!yNOTlCED WOP BOYP.SHEfe PLEASURE OF THE NEXT OANCE? , OUR SISTER, CWMiACKHRBM BETTY Aw , ^VOT MY TYPE. Tht EYMiig Collfge DivitioH IS VERY to*s horn* h«ating ^ “ V T “ WE RESERVE FOND OF ■ at ' our w ay ! RIGHT TO LIMIT ABERNATHY EXPECT QUAN’n TIE S WHYDOifr WILUtUNTIC STATE C0LLE«E You get pranium quelity youf\3K Mobflbeat with RT-98 ... the HERTD offers Freshman eoUege courses beginning February moct completely effective fuel oil additive In nee today. And MORE S, 1962. Register now for the coming semester. Con­ you got premium ■erviea. Ab- tact Bruce E. Bradford, Director of Extension, for more tomedc delireriee . . . a baL uiformatkm. G R A D U A T E COURSES leading to a Mas­ m u anced'peyment plan and many ...GET ters Degree are alao offered. other extras dtaigned to maks H5 boms beating rs^ y easy. liil THE STORY OF MARIHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS MORE Dlrsctor of Extension N NAVSA .^•RDU WILL BSWAV^KCH?rToH,TOM,CAM-niE ^ D A V Y J O N E S Winimantic State College M obilheof 6000 BY LE FF and M eW lLLlAA M f\;!O0,fl$? Y30 KNOW, I CORMBAa SPKCHCS WllUmantle, Connecticut STAMPS ASim.MOMIFS.UILTOH\ TIME.-? ■ AAA KESR0NS1BLE FOR J WILLVDO? FROM BOAftO A flAH E POK , MDO WHILE-- Pleaae send mq further Information concerning: n oa oA J Graduate Program ...... WE GIVE M OTrS Undergraduate Program ...... GREEN STAMPS Name ...... MORIARTY $37 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST, MANOHESTER NCAR 'THZ eSSEN Addreea BROTHERS XVl'Wll eeeaaeeaeoeeeseeeeeeq******************* *.***** OPEN WONTS MONDAY thru SATURDAY T I U 9 M l 3 -5 13 5 30U31S CMrtw S». 'r ^ -'v'■^«T<-'n9> ^ J -r-


Wilt Playing THE Best, Scoring N.E. Herald Angle Pro Game in History Win by West At New Pace By Cut EjI^L YOST Break Turned Boston (1P>—WUt Chunbor- Sperto Editor Fullmer Sights Archie, laJn, th* human scoring ma­ Boston (/P)—^ThoM f«bu*Y Boh Hotter, 8-foot-4 Junior F^r-^ YANKEE O O NintENO C — chine, ia playing the - beet lou8 Williams Ephmen roam field forward, waa named regional Rhode Island 4-0, Maine and MaM. Into Winning basketball of his record-smash­ player of the week hy Boston 2-1, Connecticut 2-2. Vermont 2-4, Pro Football Comes t6 Close Wants Part of Money ing career. The opinion la New England college basket­ writers, hitting 62 per cent of his New H a m p s h i r e 0-4. Rhody It’s fill.over—finally. By FRANK CLINE unanlmoua. . ball courts as the sole unbeatr field goal attempts as he scored strengthened Its bid to retain the ■The 19(S1 professional football season came to a close yes- TD by Unitas After the Philadelphia War­ en power now that giant Holy 29 v a Fordham and 34 vs. ]8ridge- crown by whipping (Connecticut, New York (IP\—Gene Fullmer, today set his sight* square­ With the schoolboy basketball campaign just about at the port; ' 70-63. Massachusetts kept faint. Itcrday when the Western Division Stars edged the Eastern halfvi'ay mark for most of the teams, the tournament picture rior giant tallied ISS polnte in Cross has slain little Assump­ I Division Stars, 31-30, in the Pro Bowl game. I-os Angeles (/F)—The West ly on Ol' Archie Moore's New York-Massachusett.s-European less than 1? houia over hie tion at the batUe of Woreeater. A similar Greater Boston nomi­ Hopes alive by turning back Ver­ is not bright for the half dozen area quintets. The two old busy National BaaketbaU Aa- nation went to MIT Captain Dave mont, 91-75. This week; Maine at It____ has been______a long^ ..... season,...... but an...... interesting...... one ..... andemerged tlie from the 1962 Pro version of the world light heavyweight championship—with standbys, Manchester and Rockville, are still nursing hopes aociatlon weekend, there waa Clttle AU-America Bob Mahland Koch ^or his role in the 74-65 New Hampshire, Saturday. finale was replete with thrills right down to”the last two j ------;------*'6ne important reservation. scored 27 points as Williams open­ shocker over Trinity (7-2) whose “I would like to meet Archie their respective classes but the*------r one ix>ne df contention: ed its Little Three title defense plays of the game. Jimm: Brown.V hi.story. with a 31-30 I’ictory tier schools. Elllnston, Coventry, How long can the big guy Coach Jay McWilliams has been IVY LEAGUEl-T-Yale 4-0;-Cor­ Nidged the most valuable player but it took a combination of for the title any time." said .Full­ ed Plalnville, winners of 11 in a with a 66-59 triumph over Wes­ surprised at the response of the East. The balding Giant quarter- Green Sjmhn mer. him.self the world .(National Tech and RHAM appear keep It up? leyan Saturday nighL The Sphs, nell 3-0, Penn 2-1, Harvard-Dart- jy vote of writers covering the put out of the tourney pic- row, Tuesday and follow up with Chamberlain bettered the. Bantams to date. mouth - Princeton - (Coliunbla 1-2, game—the poll being taken late In Isack wound up on the seat of his triumph anc) tragedy to over­ Boxing A.ssociation version) mid­ a home contest Friday with Wind­ whose Coach A1 Shaw says "The St. Ans^lpt's (7-2) advanced the pants the first four times he went turn the underdog East. dleweight champion. "But I won't ’ vWlnter. sor. regulation game miu-k with hardest games are ahead of us," BroWn 0-4. Though red-hot Cor- the final period—fumbled with a Hanover, N. H. — (NEA) — EUlngtohv and Coventry could 73 points a g a in st Chicago4 best State of New Hampshire rec­ neU still is the team to beat, soph­ minufe remaining and the West back to- pass, twice losing much The ingredients for the National Dartmouth has a Spahn Just as fight him if he wants all the money. have a 12-0 record. ord by downing Coast Guard, 83- yardage . . Henry Jordan, (tensive Football Lesigue’a post-season Important to the Big (ireen as conceivably r»ake it by sweeping CHARTER OAK CONFERENCE Saturday night In a 135-117 Holy Cross, which has' 1,860 stu­ omore-dominated Yale staked its recovered on the East 41. Brown's "I have heard of soma of his d?- the rejnainihgxeames on their victory, then improved On hir 62. candidacy by bowling over de­ T0:yard dash from ' scrimmage tackle with Green Bay, proved that thriller, witnessed yesterday by the veteran Warren Is to the mand.s before he hss signed con- Southern Division dents to Assumption's 260, had to LHce many other echools. Provi­ he’s the best in the rough business 57.409 coliseum fans and a national schedules but UiianMCms highly im­ own Mston Garden effort with fight from behind and subdue the fending champion Princeton 83-61 helped with the neceaaary votes .Milwaukee Bra%es. tracl.-5 My days as an amateur probable. Even lf\C heney and W. U Pet. 62 points yesterday as the dence Collet has entered the ex­ and Penn 67-63 over the weekend. for the game’s top honor. In 13 . . Sam Huff, East linebacker, was television audience of millions: He Is Stephen Spahn, a jun­ are over. I want part of the'' P ortland...... 6 0 1.000 previously unscathed Greyhounds, amination period but before the Just smother guy named Joe while RHAM .did go the restspf the way -Celtics' EUiatem Division lead­ 55-43. All-America candidate These feats were accomplished de­ carries. Brown picked up 120 A 12-yard touchdown paas by ior with hasketball control purse. " undefeated they woulmt^ have Avon ...... 4 1 .800 ers whipped the Warriors, break the reviving Friars (9-4) yards for a 9.25 yards per try the 'West's Joe Schmidt from De­ Johnny 'Unitaa to Jon-Arnett In the equivalent to Warren's aim. Bacon Academy ...... 3 2 .600 John (The Shot) Foley gpt 26 put together a four-game winning spite ailments which continue to troit didn't do .nuch more. Fullmer, who comes from West won the necessary 60 p e r ^ n t of 145-136. points' as the. Crusaders (9-2), hamper (Captain Bill Madden and average. last two seconds,' a.., laat-minute “Steve has the liest long Jordan, Utah, was honored last their gaiffes to qualify. Rocky Hill ...... 3 2 .600 "I’m shooting as good as I streak capped by the 68-66 over­ Johnny Unitas, easUy the best Wfith football now out of the fumble by the East's Jin) 'Brown shot I've seen among Dart­ Cromwell ...... I 4 .250 trailing by three points late In the time victory over Rhody. 6-8 Junior Steve Gouldlng. Game way until next fall, householde can mouth players tn 11 years,” night as "Fighter of the Year" hy ever did," Chamberlain said game, put on a dramatic IS-poiht this week: Dartmouth at Harvard, operating quarterback during the that payed the way for the final the New York Boxing Writers As- y, OCIL STANDINGS Eaat Hampton...... 1 4 .250 quietly In a post-mortem. Boston College (6-3) caw one of tynse and exciting struggle, un­ resume normal Sunday afternoon West score, and a blocked conver­ says (ioarh Doggie Julian. .-lociatioii at. the organization's W. L. Pet. M A M ...... 0 5 .000 surge. the area's beqt records lose some Wednesday. living. Ends Controversy Maintains Average loosened his throwing arm and hit sion attempt in the third period. .A sl\-fnnt-one honor student, .38th annual dinner. By Bristol Eastern ...... 8 0 1.000 gloes via an 89-83 overtime loss to on three fur attempts, the final « « e After it was over. Brown — Spahn of Great Neck. N. V., Is . .. .. 7 1 .875 "I'm glad I got those 73 Holy Cross has an 8-1 mark in MAINE (STATE — Colby 6-0, the son of .Moe Spahn, former Along with the title -went the K Bristol Central . StiHoMeking its first loop win, points because It covers over the series but Assumption always Army at West Point where the coming with but two aecohds to named the most valuable player f MANCHESTER ...... 5 .8 .62.5 RHAM\2-8) faces two league foes Cadets have captured 21 straighL Maine and Bowdoin 2-3, Bates play. All alona In the end zone, Here ’n There indicated he felt more like a goat. City College of New York ace. Edward Nell Memorial Award — . . . . .4 4 .500 the controversy about the 78 I gives them a war. Even in losing, 1-4. Colby threatens to make it a Big Ray L a G a c e , the beat the most important in boxing. It fe Maloney ...... this weekNrhe Sachems Journey to scored In triple overtim e the Greyhounds tore a gaping hole Eagle Jim Hooley scored 30. Jon Arnett caught the pigskin to Here’s why; P "Wethersfield ...... 4 4 .500 Cromwell Tuesday and are home to Moving outside the Yankee Con­ runaway after whipping Bowdoin tie the count at 30-all and then pitcher in Manchester Little With five minutes left, the bril­ was pre.sented (o Fullmer by his ; ___3 5 .375 against Los A ngeles. Ihers in Holy Cross' 81.2 per game scor­ 76-68 and Maine, 56-43. But the League baseball history, is' headed t liAll ...... Rocky Hill on was an argument over wheth­ ing nverage. Foley had notched ference, Connecticut edged Man­ B ig Jim Martin came on to spilt liant Cleveland fullback shook off f, .P la tt ...... 3 5 .375 Ellington (3-7k has only one most exciting moment came when for East Catholic High. He's also four tacklers and bulldozed 70 r U C K l^ n V C 'l lUtRlu. The award la named Iri er it should be^ copaidered a 35 In the romp over Massachu­ hattan 69-68 on the clever dribbling the uprights for the most Impor­ honor of the late As.'^ociated Press P Conard ...... 1 7 .375 game on the docketHhis week. The of Len Carlson during a late freeze Paul Gastolene scored four poiliU tant point. The West had capital­ a better than average basketball yards to a touchdown, giving the f Windham ...... I 7 .125 record or not." The previous setts earlier in the week and main­ in the last 44 seconds and brought player... Jimmy Toomey, Coven­ East a 30-24 edge. O l .s. Cle--Ji apo"i' writer who was killed in Purple Knights traveKlo Stafford regulation time point record tains his national No. 3 rating and overall free throw accuracy. ized on the break and aent a part- i ^ K l l Bllbna. -Spain, In 1938. while cover­ Tuesday hoping to exte^ its win­ The Jaspers had a 30-26 edge in Bates a 58-54 verdict over Bw- f.ian crowd of over 57,000 home try Hlgh'a basketball whiz, wiU en­ Pried Ball Loose Knocked off by a Wethersfield was 71 by Blgin Baylor. with a 29.7 mark. roll at New York Military Acade­ I ingIng tthe Spanish Civil War. ning streak to three. "I Uioqght Chamberlain shot ■While Rhode Island, Yale and field goals but UConn hit on 17 of dcin. Game this week: Maine at happy. But on a routine running play team- which was much stronger Two road encounters are bn the 21 free throw tries. Bowdoin, Wednesday. Like baseball, football is also a my in September. Toomey is a with slightly, more than a minute 1 think Archie is about ready than its record indicated. Coach the best he ever did against Colby are unbeaten in their re- fine all around athlete... Green he taken," said I'htllmer, "and docket for Cheney Tech. Wedhqs- me.”' offered Boston center .spectlve conference races, Fair- (While New Hampshire snapped game of inches. As teevee viewers left. Brown fumbled. Chicago JuinpingI MarkL ■ I t|,|r L Phil Hyde's Manchester (5-3) day the Rangers (2-8) visit Noi a six-game losing streak at the VERMONT S T A T I^^t. Mich­ could see, on the play in which Manor's scheduled Farmington Bill George, who pried the ball think I am the man to take him.” shooters must now a least dupli­ BUI R ussell, the defensive field continues to dominate the Tri- Valley League basketball game wlch Tech and Friday take off for genius, who fouled' out with State League. The 84-78 conquest expense.of Boston University by ael's goes after its seventh Unitas hit Arnett; the passer was loose from Brown, recovered it to Westby. Wia. (A*! — A high-fly­ His managoi, Marv Jensen, nod­ cate their first half showing in the Berlin hoping to repeat their vic­ yesterday wm postponed... Rec set up Unitas’ heroics ded agreement. Central Connecticut Interscholas- four and one half minutes to of Bridgeport marked Its 19th a - 78-78 count, Norwich caught straight title, opening the cam­ chased by No. 80, and A n d y ing tm rk driver who overcame a tory over St. James scored last straight in the circuit and came on K ii^s Point 68-M when Bill Menke paign against Mlddlebury Wednes­ Bobustelll of the Eaet. The Nut- Department's American Volley- With a minute left and ths ball bad start to soar to a North 'Tl looks like that's the only tic League during the second go play. It was only the second bsUl League has reached the half . ?- ~Lt fo',.., way we arc going to get rec­ Friday. time Russell had gone out the heel.s of a stirring 92-86 upset canned a hook shot with 16 sec­ day and Norwich Saturday. Nor­ megger, \».’hq captained the -New on the East's 41, Unitas went to i.av American ski Jumping record, will round to qualify. Trying to snap a four-game los­ York Giant defensive unit, had way mark with Watkins' defend work. The Baltimore star passed lead the Ilnlted Stales team when ognized In New York-Massachii- The Indians are booked for two early guarding Wilt in four over Fordham. onds left. wich is at Middlcbury tonight. Herald Photo by Ssfemis ing styeak, Coventry (2-7) goes to years. both hands on Unitas but in some ing jthampions holding but a for 15 yards to rookie Mike Dilka It goes behind the iron curtain in aetts," Jen.sen added, referring to tunes this week hosting Platt of the post twice. The Patriots visit matter the Baltimore pass master three-game edge over Civitan, last of Chicago and 14 yards to Colt quest of World honors. the tangled middleweight situa­ £leriden at the Arena Tuesday and Chicago (Joach Jim Pollard tion. Somers Tuesday and play home to thinks ^amberlain can go on worked himself free and found Ar­ year’a runner-upa. .. No ice akat teammate Lenny Moore. With 15 Getting Ready for a Day^s Skating at Centers John Balfanz, 21, of Minneapqlia. visiting Willlmantlc to take on Bacon Academy on ^ id ay . . ing at any of the Park Depart­ seconi)s left, a Unitas pass to "I really would like to get the Windham Friday. Both were first indefinitely at his accelerated Eight Straight Wins for Eagles First Round Ends nett all alone in the end zone. Had Taking advantage of good ice skating conditions at Center Springs Pond Saturda.v— leaped 317 feet - a foot over the East Catholic’s all-victorious Robustelli been able to hold Un­ ment maUntained areaa until furth­ Moore fell Incomplete. old mark — tn claiming his record middleweight thing straightened round victims of the Indians. pace and "Will score 100 points the fir.st day Manchester's No. 1 Park Department supervised and maintained area out before I go after the light quintet will be going against a In an NBA game. His fadeaway itas, the clock would have run out er notice. Water coveri all their As the seconds ticked away. and taking the top place on the pair of earlier victims- Tuesday jump shot is a lot better." In Hoop Tourney and the East would have won. areas at Center Springs Pond, Unitas faded, barely eluding the was opened to the public—was pretty Doreen Hanna, above. Several thousand skaters four-man U.S. team yesterday. heavies," said Fullmer. "I'd fight CENTRAL VALLl night the Eagles entertain Holy Center Springs Annex and Charter grasp of New York'a Andy Robus­ Terry Downes (New York-Maasa- W. Pet. Red Auerbach, coach of Bos­ But that’s football — pro foot­ took advantage of tlie facilities over the weekend at Center Springs. The squad will leave Jan. 24 to Trinity Jayvees of Hartford and ton's defending champions, East Tops St. Bernard’s At East Catholic ball at its best. Oak Park. telli. Rolling to his left, the quar- compete in the World ski Jumping chusetts ehampion) or Paul Pender Plainvllle ...... < 1.000 Friday aftemoOn Coach Dan Bums V « • terba’ck spotted elusive Los Ange­ (Who is scheduled to fight Downes) .800 agrees Chamberlain's fall- Martin, the ex-Notra Dame championships at Zakopane, Po­ Glastonbury ...... 4 team will travel to Rockvltie to Completion of the first round of les halfback Jon Arnett alone in land., Feb. 18 to 25. anytime. Newington ...... 4 .667 away shot has made him even tackle, gave each member of the take on the Rockville High Fro.sh. a bigger threat. the basketball tournament being Western-Stars an extra 8200 when End of the Line the end gone and tossed him ' a Balfanz' teammates, in their Tired of Waiting Windsor ...... 2 .667 The latter quintet gave Ea.st Cath­ As Troy Stars, 47-38 perfect strike. lumping order, will be Robert "But," he shrugged. "It looks ROCKVILLE ...... 2 .500 "But he simply can’t keep held at East Catholic High for the he booted the ball over the cross Southington High will wind up olic its toughest battle before bow­ up this pace night after night," eight parishes In Its district fotmd bars. Vietorv meant $800 to each with its first losing season in 13 Jim Martin of Detroit kicked the keek, Oconomowoc, Wls.; Steve like neither omi^of them want to Middletown ...... 1 .143 ing, 53-51. two. teams each from East Hart­ winning conversion, his fourth of Reischl, Steamboat Sprites, Colo., fight me and fm getting tired of Southington ' ...... 0 .000 Auerbach contends. "He was member of the winning team and years under Walt LozowskI next New Broadside Firdd Off to flying starts, Manchester the hottest he has ever been Like the sheriffs of Western folklore. East Catholic High’s ford and Manchester scoring vic­ $600 to the losing players. month. The latter is one of the the day. Martin also booted a 27- and Jim Brennan of Edmonds, walling." High's swimming and rifle teams, ,ld Photo by Saternis basketball team added another notch on its bellis Saturday tories. yard field goal in the second pe­ Wash. Dr. Alexander Schlff, a phyai- Having had its five-game win­ against us. Remember both he a « * finest coaches in the state. .. both oi whom own 2-0 records, and Russell get hopped up for night with a 47-38 victory over St. Bernard’s of New London. St. Mary's and St. Rose's were Coach Hugh Greer’s UCkmns, who riod. j Threa alternates also were clan on the staff of the New York ning streak snapped by Glaston­ will both be active. The Indian Coach Looks Up at Jim the East ^^jitertford winners with Obi^rvationt Another crucial play occurred In named, but thay will not make the State Athletic ' ommlsalon for the bury last Friday, Coach John their meetings. They go It was the eighth consecutive triumph for the all-victorious pulled a victory out of the fire natators visit Bristol Wednesday against each other sky high. St. BrltqfM’s suid Assumption Obaervations made during the last Saturday night againat Man­ the third quarter when Green trip unleiR additional funds are past 36 years, received the James Oinavari's Rockville shooters now for a meet with Eastern. The Red Basketball coach’s dream is a good, big ^ayer. The Eagles. Bay's Hertry Jordan and Detroit’s Walker Award for long and meri­ But I’m certain Chamberlain Getting off to a slow start, East Church the Silk City victors. This game from my living room eeat; hattan at Storra, wiU be idle un­ In NCAA. AAV Feud found to pay their expenses. They need to take five of their last nine tallest boy ever to play basketball at Kockvilm High is and White gunners tackle Wilcox cannot maintain the pace.” effort by East Catholic. Bill Troy Is a double elimination affair and til Jan. 27 when they, travel to Dick (Night Train) Lane broke are, in order, Wtllle Erickson, Iron torious service to boxing. James games to squeeze under the tour­ Tech a t the Waddell School range Jimmy (Stretch) Lasbury, who stands eight incfi'es over Catholic fell behind, early, 9-6, but In the battle of the fullbacks. through to bat, down an Eastern F'arle.y. former postmaster-general Sam Jones scored 30 points. rallied to deadlock the score 11-all paced the winners with 14 tallies all losers will have at least one Brown held a wide edge over Verm ont... Next home game will Mountain, Mleh.; Lyle Swenson, nament wire. The Rams (7^) ipeet Wednesday and Friday hike to the six foot mark. The sophomore center, above, listens followed by Malin's nine. Tom more chance before being elim­ conversion attempt. Jordan was to take the NCAA-AAU dla- Westby, Wls., and John railott, and ex-chairraan of the commis­ a real tartar in visiting undefeat­ Tommy Helnsohn 27, Russell at the end of the first quarter. crashing Jimmy Taylor of Green be Jan. 29 against Loyola... Fine Chicago (/T)—The National‘ NCTCA President Chick Wer-fiied New Haven to face Milford Prep. 23 and Bob Cousy 20 for Bos­ McPartland, who scored eight inated. named most valuable lineman, and 1 I ner of Penn Stale said the new pute to. the federal government. Steamboat Springs, sion. made the presentation. to advice from Coach John Cahaveri. Lasbury has cohie Once having caught the visitors Bay and the West, who ruined the coaching jobs have been turned in the blocked PAT eventually spell­ Collegiate A.ssociation if necessary, in closing sessions, it The record Jump came on the 80- Trainer Whitey Blmateln, sports along fast and has been a big help to the Rams this sea-' ton, which is 6-0 agaln-st the from the Shore Town, the Eagles points, and Larry Daly played Opening game, with boys on all Neiv York Giants several weeks to date by Jay McWilliams at , 1 -j * I track federation will consider stag- Happy Holidays — Betty Aceto Country Club Men— Charley Warriors this year and ha.sn't strong games off the boards for teams being no older than Junior ed defeat for the East, the loser in fired another broadSKle, ajing a rhamplon.shlp meet on the turned the handling of the m atter, meter hill of the Snowflake Ski announcer Don Dunphy and for­ son after statting. out with thejayvees. moved out front and never trailed ago with his running . . Gino Trinity. Johnny Wood at Wesleyan the last three pro bowl games..The over to the committee on AAU-1 Club and in the last of the two mer world welterweight and mid­ 143-344, Barbara Contos 130, Linda Whelan 137-145—392, Tom (Con­ lost to them since last Feb­ the rest of the way. the victors. high school age, found St. Mary’s Marchetti clearly estahlished him­ and Joe Vancisn at Yale, not to plan for a new I’.S. Track and same day as the AAU meet if the Rychltng 126, Jean Machia 120, ran 362, Lou Becker 381, Frank ruary. Frank Zrenda helped keep St. topping St. James of Manchester, West has an 8-4 edge in the series. AAU refu.ses to accept represen­ Olympli: relations, headed by Wll-j trials for U S. candidates. The dleweight champion Mickey Walk­ Holding a five-point, 22-17, half­ self as the best - defensive end in forget Greer at UConn. Another Field Federation, in it.s three- bur Jonea, UCLA athletic director. | first trial was held a week ago er. also were given awards. Maureen Martin 117, Jesse HOvey Simon 138-354, Norm Clark 353, Kaffee Klatchers — Ann Mitch­ The PiU.sburgh Pirates, world In other Sunday action. Syra- time advantage. East broke the Bernard’s In contention with long 22-14. Ed Connely (7) led the vic­ pro ball, ’ en honor shared by Na­ mentor who Is enjoying msrked Moat Valuable way skirmish with the ama­ tation In the Federation, 116, Pat Caldwell. een fumbler of the and It is absolutely necessary." However, he corrected In a spill points. Kail Catholic (471 Carol Crandall^ Judy Sommers eration championship for this sumr a meet tliey'll (AAUi have If the The two athletic organizations second, leaned Into his effort ami morrow. It was another fine overall team B. F. P t s . 1 ford five. game " mer to oppo.se the AAU outdoor college kld.s are competing some­ MERCURY M ^EOR \ K l n H ...... 2 0 4 LaGace Hoops 35 Points Brow-n said of his laat-miniite have tentatively scheduled a meet- soared...... far out over the landing Parkade Diist.v - En.so Pa van T . - o y ...... j champlonsliipH. where else the same day, " Werner ...... 5 4 1 4 Rangy Ray LaGace pumped 25 bobble: "It was sort of a wedge j Ing In Kansa.s City Feb. 4 tn con- |nlll. 258 (new high singlei —213-655 D a J y ...... 1 1 . 8 Girls Bowling Tourney Champs The NCAA al.so is feuding with -said. fer with Louis Wilke, vice pres- As Balfanz continued In reai:h (new high triplei, Herb Clsrko ^ ^ 3 MERCURY MONTEREY LpLachupr .. 0 2 points through the hoop as As­ play into the line and I was still ! the AAU in two other sports. In »mivineojchsize M c P a r t l a n d !!!!!!!!!’.!!!!* 2 4 8 sumption trimmed St. Paul's of on my feet when somehodv "Ours would be so much better idenl of the International Basket­ for more distance, a hush overtook 200-231 -.593. Bob Nelson 212-583. Buckeyes Lone lJnbeaten Team W p h r ...... 1 0 2 Glastonbury 44-30. Mark Akerly Little 11-year-old Carol Cran­ (George) pulled the hall out of anyone could decide which ath- ball Federation, as mediator In the the. crowd of 15.000. They waited Ray Boldtir 211-581, Tiny Pockett M a l i n ...... 4 1 9 .. - I NCAA has authorized creation of a letp.s should he chosen to form hassle over basketball. silently while Judges measured. j Ip O, ■ W i ! B a v l e r ...... 1 0 2 (11) paced St. Paul's. dall set the pace In the Girls Bowl­ arm. 202-208—563, Joe Lavue 225, Ron P ii L o d i r « ...... 0 2 2 1 Easiest win of the four was Eaat Coach AJlie Sherman, the new federation in gymnastli-s. One the slronge.st U S. team possible, " .'Significant Moves The announcement. ".317 feet. " Custer 213. Wall Phillips 212, W o o d ...... 0 1 ing Tournament at the Community ha.s already been drawn up in bas­ he asserted. The NCAA made several other brought a great yell and a blast­ Bruce Stauffer 205, Rich Martin Among Major Chilege Quintets, scored by St- Rose's which won New York Giants’ rookie pilot, re- ketball. T o t a l s ...... n I s by forfeit over St.' Francis of T last weekend as she bad three fu.sed to pin goat home on Brovm; The NCAA Council was author- significant moves during the. ing of automobile horns. 204, Joe Ryan 200. \ S t . B ernaH 'i (M) 1South Windsor. remarkable games of' 113. 99, 103 “Everybody fumbles. It was Just a week'i convention. New York (JP) — If anything is"*Peoria, incinnati's been Idle B. F. P t n . 1 It banned outside organized Z r p n d a ...... No games are scheduled this for a 315 three-string total that terrible had break for Jim that It sure in . Southern Conference bas­ since, but ‘has two potential trou­ ...... 6 2 Saturday but the tournament will had to happen to him at that basketball competition, aimed at ( y p n r o ...... 2 0 4 i enabled her to win the Midget COUNTRY CLUB WOMEN eradicating gamb.lln|^ and bribery. ketball, it's West Virginia. ‘ blemakers tb, meet this week— S h e l l ...... 1 1 3 be resumed on Saturday morning, crown. Judy Sommers posted the Standings time.” Red Wings Close in on BrUins Record 9.1100-Yard Dash Seen Of course a basketball—despite Dayton (10-3) tomorrow night and M a r t i a n ...... 2 8 7 Jan. 27. The schedule will be St. highest Junior 'Division score to But it was small conaolation for Ths move outlawed summer its perfectly regular shape — M i l l e r ...... 6 ^ 0 1 0 W. L. leagues and related basketball eight-ranked Duquesne (11-1) at James vs. Blessed Sacrameiit at cop the crown with games of 112, Putters ...... 40 24 Brown—even though hs broke sev­ sometlrnw can lake funny bounces, Pittsburgh Thursdhy night. The T o t a l f f ...... 1 6 " 6 3 8 9:30, St. Bridget's vs, St. Mary’s eral pro bowl records by gaining activity for collegians. For Villanova’s Budd by Coach S cora At half E ast 23'17. 105, and 92 for a 309 score. Maehies ...... 40 24 In Battle for Playoff ^rtli The council toughened regula­ and it did for West Virginia last Dukes, who poundeoNpast Dayton at 11, Assumption vs. St. Rose's ...... 40 24 120 yarda in 13 carries for a 9.25 March. Overwhelming favorites to 79-59 and Carnegie Te6h 73-36 In Only 42 girls competed in the Woods ...... average. tions concerning transfers from at 1 p.m. and St. Paul’s vs. St. two divisions. Tees ...... 35 29 Boston lA’i -Flylng Frank Budd'l’athlelo must have a pwrfect win the conference title for the their two games last week, are at Femmes t Fellas — Ray Beam Francis at 2:30. lAU-ky to Escape New York iVPi- The Detroit Re<' heir first place leadd to twotw. points junior colleges to four-year seventh straight time, the Moun­ The always popular Midget group Irons ...... 33 31 schools. However, the group failed will lower the world 100-vard dash start, immediate acceleration. ' the home against Toledo to n lj^ and 138-369, Fran Oandall 141-110- Niblicks ...... 32 32 Unitas, always unruffled, said of Wings, who have lost only once in over the riinnerup M«pl*Maple I-«afsi gift of relaxing while ruiinlng. ® Mercury COMET—smartly ahead of the compact crowd taineers were toppled by William play St. Vincent Saturday m,. ad' 113—364, Flo Kloter 118-111—333, Jaycee Midgets — Kent Smith found 28 girls bowling and some the winning TD toss: "Mike Ditka for the second straight year to record (n 9 1 seconds In the oul.- Wedges ...... 32 32 their lael six game.s, have ad­ Detroit scored twice In the last pass the national letter of Intent and competition according to Eh- and Mary in the league tournament dltion to their big one ^ th Maude Carpenter 113-110—331, 103- 109-118—326. Dave Vtara 100- very good scores were rolled. Joan 36 was the primary target, but he seven minutes to overco«e_a_Lfl. door track season ahead says hl.s semifinals and the crown eventual- Urbanetti, winner of the runner- Brassies ...... 28 vanced to within one point of ______} oLL Rose Bean i22-ii0, Andy La- 104- 107—311, Tim Hassett 106, Tom Drivers ...... 23 41 was held up at the line. I was deficit against the 'Rangera. Norm Villanova coach,. Jumbo ,Iim Eliott.; stronger Budd -gets Uic ly went to George Washington. Third-ranked Kentucky (12-1), in lOureaux 136, Helen McCann 123, Tierney 103, Steye Huot 102, Louis up trophy In the 10 to 12-year-old lucky to get out of actrap.” fourth plai e. the la.st playoff po­ apective athletes. Spoons ...... 17 47 Ullman's goal with 90 aeconds left The convention also refused a Despite hlB i‘Omplatn( he started. relaxed h,( will run and th*- Ail of that took place at the its accustomed spot at the head of nne Irish 120, VI Morton 119. Goodin 101. group, had games of 90, 108 and Unitaa. most vsluable player in tation in the National Hoekey was the winner. /'Dean Prentice of poorly eaeh time. Budd launched, confidence will be Richmond Arena, which West Vir­ the Southeastern Conference stand­ 103 for a 301 total. Susan Correntl the 1960 and '61 pro bowls, com­ League. Notre Dame proposal that the With the leading pinnera were New York broke a acoreless dead­ Rules Committee be authorized to his mdoor eampalgn b y , This aceounU for our strength ginia will visit tonight for the first ings, will be in action tonight at finished third as she posted games Evelyn Lorenlzan 125-131 — 365, pleted 18 of 23 passes for 162 yards One of the key victories waa a lime since that unhappy experience Tennessee before a two-week lay­ ef 100. 104 and 92 for 296. and two touchdowns. lock e.irly in tnc final period ami reverse the outcome of games. the Boston K. of (.. 60-vard da.sh | p,.„oram " Ann Barron 115-131—343, Edna 2-1 last period comeba<'k decLsion the Wings' (Claude Le F o r g e Members side-tracked the euggei- in 5.5.Saturdsy night after e.slab-j last year. The high-powered Moun­ off. The Wildcats polished off Joan Baldyga finished her games HlUnski 121-122, Irene Pryor 126, "I was the third choice receiver over slumping New York last llshlng preliminary rare times of, „ e„n,pet,t,on,. taineers, fresh from a 120-68 romp Louisiana State- 84-63 Friday night l^er-Say-Die-Spirit Pays OH ' i with a 110 score to wind Up In on the play," saidi Arnett, "and matched it at 13:17. tion on the grounds final authority Nila Terrv 125, ’ sbelle Parciak night. It was New York's fifth Despite ha^d checking. Referee over contests should remain with 5.4 and 5^3, , . , i .Mankind needed 60 years to over George Washington Saturday and have won 11 in a row since fourth place. Mary-Lynn Rivard, 125, Helen Gallagher 120, Jeanette nearly lost the bail in the sun. But straight loss, i>eventh in eight Labeled the world sfaslesi night and with a glistening 8-0 a two-point setback by Southern who won the KUdget crown at the^ I don't care what I waa as long as Frank Udvari didn't call a penalty, game ofllcials. lower the 100-yard dash mark by Yale tJConn Stage Rallies Harrigan 118, Betty McNamara fitarts and left the fourth-place a rarity in the NHL. The proposal stemmed from human since his record-lowering conference record, have their sec­ Cal six weeks ago. We.st Side last year and went on 115, Marlon Zamaltls 115. we get the big chefck." Rangers Just one point up. four-teitths of a Second, Now along ond meeting of the season with Fifth-ranked Kansas State, Bowl­ to capture the Rec Department's Elach West player got $800.. The ' Ralph B.-tekstrom, who does his Notre Dames' disputed 17-15 foot­ 9.2 liming on a wet track at the I'onies Budd with a plan to chop Richmond's Spiders. They handled ing Green, No. 9, and Duke, Inter-building town title, had her Easterners pocketed $600 apiece. ' Third-place Cnicago increased best work against the lowly ball victory over Syracuae last National AAU meet last suinnier, another tenth away le.6s than a To Scor^Jmportant Victories | HOLIDAY GUYS b OAIS Budd concurs with Elliott. He In- ii I Richmond a month ago without ranked IQth, all collected two vic­ difficulties and wound tip tied for Next to Brown, the East's im- Ita margin over New York to three Bruins, scored twice for the November. year from hla hlatorir 9 2 amble strain, 97-61. * Standings points with a couple of last period Canadiena. They w-ere his 18lh and Tliough the NCAA considers the tends to run 100 In 9 1. tories each last week in strength­ ninth place along with Sue Or- happiest player was aging quar­ "Confidence and stamina " are the There waa a couple of upsets ^ Mercury METEOR-the beautiful balance beRween big cars and compacts The Mountaineers were among ening their conference title hopes. The never-say-dle spirit pald*squad, 84-78. Playing at Bridge- lowskl with a 246 total. W. L. Pet. terback Y. A. Tittle, who tossed power play goals that proiiuced a 19th goals of the iieason. and nine controversy closed, the rule that ; .24 12 .667 main ingtedlenls Eliott asys- Budd , during an otherwise routine the nation's top 10 about that time, Bradley (10-2), Wichita (13-8) off for Yale and CcmnecUcut over port, Fairfield zipped to a 46-26 Steady Games Philbrick Agency .. two TD passes and completed 15 of 2-2 tie with Toronto. have been against Boston. touched off the fray may be re- | meet. but were dumped out sifter a string Dlniock Co...... 23 13 .639 26 pass attempts. The tie. combined with Mon­ Phil Ooyetle and Gilles Trem­ vised today when the football rules i needs. and Utah (14-2) ail made motions the weekend. halftime lead. Three steady games In the Jun­ ,566 "This is going to be Build's big | lohn Thomas of Boston Unlve^^ of three successive losses. Since toward muscling into the ranking ior group led Miss Sommers to her Schieldge Printing . .20 16 'ne East outgained the West in treal's 4-J victory over Boston, blay alao struck for the winners. committee convenes In Miami After a seesaw battle, Yale edg­ But Bri^eport steadily pursued .16 20 .444 year," Eliott adds "He .s mote re­ sily could clear only six-feet-erg")!' then they’ve surged back by wln- Saturday, night, and Oregon State the Stags and with 1:25 remaining title. Most Junior girls had a Maple Service . . . . first downs. 19-17; rushing 171-73, j allowed the Canadiens to stretch Johnnv Buryk scored for Boston. Beach In the high jump after rbUmui,': nlivg five str^ght, counting Vll- (11-1) continued to show as a ed , 67-63, to move Lesperanc4 Real and passing yardage. 218-172. i ceptive to work, and we re work­ moved to within two points. Two crack at the crown blit could not 2.6 .361 ing him harder and hardei He h.nd he sprained his fool, and lost on lanova among their victims, and force on the West Coast. into undisputed possession of first get a second good game, to go Estate ...... 13 Behind 17-10 at halftime, the fewest mlsae.6 to Marine (,( Boh place In the Ivy League. field goals and two fouls hy Fair- Shcarson Hammill .12 24 .333 a very good fall, working out with are prime candidates for a re-en­ field ended UB’g rally. Bob Hutter- along with one fine round Joyce Easterners scored 20 points In the the quarter mllers and half nillers ; Uardner. Bruce Kidd " it Toronto try into the rankings with an 11-3 T r a i l i n g by nine.w ith only second half, getting three straight; led Fairfield triUi 24, while Dan wfre B oys-Fr«l Adamson ft! part of hill '‘build utrcngth pro- nunmK ailing T o o l, fin- mark. eight minutes on the clock, UCkmn Morello was tops for Bridgeport touchdowns before the West scored ; gram." We even intend to run hlnj. ished third to Duke s J.ired Nonrse Shake . ITp Due Sports Schedule rallied and put down a dangerous with 20. . 36 a”d «'a?Vhe ^,ster2Twh^^^ aor'2^tl?^r' US in the 440 relay! this wintei, ‘ m the two-mtle event The winning There are likely to be some Manhattan team, 69-68. * Fairfield, 3-0 In the league, is 8-3 put he. in the '^ner-up *Pot. By"” "We'll stay with th.; 'strength time was 8.59.6. shaking up in those ratings, too, Three aophomorea played lead­ on the campaign. Bridgeport 1# 1-2 Lynn Chapman, last year’a Junior Kloter HO-.______until after th* Penn Relays m Another .Marine. Cary W^usiger after some surprises last week. ing roles in Yale's, win s t New and 8-7. winner and tnter-buUding champ. Rrr Vollevball P latt at Manchester, 7:45, Restaurant Learie — Captur­ April, then atari a two monUi pra-... won the O'Reilly .Mile In 4 :08. To- Fourth-ranked S o u th ern CSdP Haven. Denny Lynch hit with two Extend Streak foiled a 104 opening game but gram concentrated on the sprint ronlo rollegian Bill Crothers edg'd fornla (12-3) waa upset, sixth- Arena. crucial goals In the last 22 sec­ missed many possible marks In ing the pennant in second round .AMBKir.AN LEAGUE =6 Rockville St Plainvllle. At Middletown, WlUlama eirtend- of play was Marco Polo. Marco's start and 'pickup.'" Fordham s Frank Tomeo^m th' ranked v n f a n o v a (13-2) got onds and led Yale’s scoring with ed Its winning streak to 12 by her final game to finish with a 283 Standings To achieve a Q1 clocking, an l.OOO-yard run m 2.12 1 @ Mercury MONTEREY-the best-looking buy for the big-car man racked up. seventh-ranked Missis­ RHAM at Cromwell. IS. Rick Kaminsky, another sec­ dumping Wesleyan, 66-58. WlUlsms and third place. Ramime Salciua, finished with a 21-6 record to edge W. L. Pet. sippi State's (10-1) unbeaten string ElHngfon at Stafford. ond-year man, dominated the is the defending UtUe Three OUlSt. last year's Midget winner, wound Deci's which had a 20-7 mark, by i watkina 22 2 .917 came to an abrupt end, and second- Coventry a t Somers. up in fourth place. one game. ChvlUns . . . . . 16 5 .762 Holy TVlnlty'Jvs. at East Cath­ backboards and tallied 14. Captain ^lllsm s scored 10 straight early ranked Cincinattl (11-2) again Bill Madden also pushed In 14. in the game and had the momen­ Barbara May posted a 118 game. Top shooteia'at last session West. Sidej> .. 11 10 .524 found the Jinx at Bradley too much. olic, 7:30. Sheila Mallon ' 103 and Kathy were Bill Sheekey 161-116—420, U * R Const. 12 '!'■ n .....■■■'.• I Wednesday, Jan. 17 Dave Schumacher, the third man tum most of the way. Brownie 12 .500 WANTED! Vanderbilt crushed Mississippi In the soph trio, put In 11. Towle contributed 24 for the Wes- Campbell 100 to round out girls Ed Kovla 147-390, Joe Twaronite Scandia A.C. 6 18 .333 State 100-86, starting the Bulldog Cheney Tech a t Norwich Tech. who shot games of 100 or better. 147-387, Walt HUinski 136-136— i Center Congo Swimming—M an c h e ste r It'was a hard-running battle, men, but the was topped by Bfll- 1 >3 .042 off on a sad note on their three- and the lead changed hands seven lisms’ Bob Mahland with 27. Trophies to th. arlnners and 387, Ed Paganl 161-379. Dick i Schedule—Tonight—^Watkins - va. MEN-WOMEN at Eastern. rimner-ups along with other girl j Krinjak 135-376, Carl Bolin Jr. game road trip. Next comes Geor­ Rifle—Wilcox Tech at Manches­ times In the first half a Ion a. Wesleyan is now 4-4. UJkR 8, Scandia vs. Civitan 8:45; from agae 1$ to 62 Prepare petition I* keen end In eomn Name vour size value-your Mercury dealer’s got it! gia Tech tonight and Mississippi Trinity bowed to Massachusetts bowling achievement awards will 372, Stan Merucki 371, Dan Mal- Tue. Congo, va. West Sides. 8:45. now for U. S Civil Service job rases only one out of five pass ter. Penh’s almost Impenetrable com be distributed at the Annual Moth- ingauggi 149-370, Ed Bujaucius, Saturday night. Friday, Jan. It defense lowered Yale’s mariuman- Institute of Technology at Cam­ .VA-nONAL UEAGl-E ooenings in this sres during the l.inioln Service helps thoiisand.s That loss to Mississippi State bridge. M-65. Barry Leghorn and *f A Daughter Bpwling Banquet Rockey Luppachino 362, Emil Pal- W. L. Pet. Manchester a t Windham. shlp from the floor to 28 per cent mieri 360, Al Falcetta 354, Joe nsxt 12 months. prepaie for the.se le.sls iverv Mercury, as you can see, now comes in 3 sizes. classes. Bigger trunks. Longer wheelbases left the smooth and.awesom e Cheney Tech at St; James. -durlnc Ui6 first hAlf. Darrell Camble led the losers with at the Y, tentatively zet for April Liberty Mutual .. 11 6 vciir It is one of the largest Buckeyes of Ohio State aa the 20 and 19. Trinity la 2-9. Genovesi 156-354, Vic AbraiUs 353, Gua's ...... 13 8 Government posillor.* pay a.e Each is designed to meet different driving Windsor at Rockvile, 8. Although they traUed'30-27 a t - m id o r t h Gene Phaneuf'SSO. Burt Claugahev and oldest privately owned for smoother rides. More built-in quality to country's only undefeaj:ed team. Rocky Hill at RHAM. Bob Hilda’s six free throws in ths East S id es...... 10 11 high as $446.00 a month to the break, the Elis hung on and ^ a l 60 seconds clinched a 64-88 Carol Crandall ...... 113 U Iu3 SIS 136, a hool.s of Ita kind and i not needs. But each offers you the same kind of cut upkeep costs. And more beauty—the The top-ranked Bucka ov«r-ran Bacon Academy at Coventry. finally puUad ahead to M-4 6 w ith Joan Urbanetti ...... K> KM 103 Wl Firemen ...... 10 14 .417 etarl. They provide nuuh -onneeteij with the Government Michigan 89-64 Saturday tor their. win for WiUimantIc State over Susan CorrrnU ...... lOfi KM »2 3M S4. Mary’s ...... 6 15 .286 greater security than piivr-te ■value: more car foT your money. More room East Catholic a t RockvUIs sight minntss to go. The victory Southern Connecticut. The 640ot-l0 Joan BsMyga ...... TP S3 Ilf. IH Slim ’N Trim — Fair L a d i e s Fot FREE infornialion on Gov* cleanest styling, the smartest, crispest roof 12th straight, and will have a Frosh, 8:30. was Yale’s fourth against no set­ Michele T w e rd r...... 77 65 *T IM Man. Auto Parts 4 17 .190 employment and excellent op week’s rest'b^ore resuming their backcouit specialist drew the fouls SsTljars McCurry . .. . SO 94 IS *7 came up with a 1,753 triple to con­ . Schedule—Tue., Uberty vs. St. portunity for advaprement. ernnicnl job.s, including list of inside than other cars in their size and price lines on any car. Stop in. Try your favorite. Rifle—Manchester at Milford backs in lasgus pli^ and algfath u Southern, the host team, tiled tinue at the top of the standings. [lo.sttion.s uiid snl.ii'es. fill "out Big Ten campaign at Minnesota. Rrep. In 13 gamsi oTsrall. fiplsne Irish ...... 1* M 30 3W Mary's 8; Wed. Firemen vs. Auto Manv positions require little m Villanova waa upended, but big, Saturday, Jan. 26 < to dtsnipt a WmimanUc freeze. Ksry Mallon ...... 31 “ — Best shooters were Ruth Zepp 193 no specialized education or e:;- ciiiipoii and mail at once TO- LINCOLN MERCURY DIVISION • IMS MERCURY8 • PRODUCTS OF MOTOR COMPANY Fool tlksitlng OssMaa jfU y-L n n Rlrard .. S* —483. Mary Ferrante 182—459. Parts I. Guaa va. East Sidea 8:46. by Xavier on the Ohioans’ court, Green Manor a t Middletown. rnie scoring waa led bv KqiUman’ Sue Orlnwskl ...... 73 jrerience. U.W You will also get full de- 87- 66. Southern California could At Storra, ths Husklaa sUppsd Uc’s Tony Romano with 22. BOda ... . JTinOM 'a lls 'in how yoo can 'pr'lify behind, 60-51, la ts In the second and Archie ’Tracy of Southern each Judy Sommers ...... 113 WBgT HDE DOUBLES But tn get one of Ihcae jobs vcciiself to pass ihc'c te.sts SEE THE BEST-LOOKING BUYS-NOW IN EACH S IZE-A T MERCURY QUALITY HEADQUARTERS do no more than split In its Big rtaai 31nt MaU SUadlazs B. C. Get* Gift Five series at Washington, losing Hockey/St • Glance h alf but Tucovarsd la time. 4 ,t nfttf 15. Joyce B ^ y g a ...... 86 you must ps.ia a test The com- Pon t delay- ,\rt NOV.’! four Biinutsa, Qiay had puUad In The victory was WlUlmanUc't Uyan ChaOmaa ...... 104 AnlU'ZIzmund- Olbert_____ S3 U 88- 67 Friday night as Bill Hanson hamune Satehu .... S3 Ms.-lt^Harry.-K^Barry SuckmlnslsrSuckml 3k .13 Newton, Maas. 'Ab —A $250i000 scored 37 polhts and rebounding NATIONAL LEAODE front, 06-M. L«i Carlaan*s drib­ ia 11 qntiBgs. Southsm Is 4-3. Sfcba™ « y ...... S’ Roth-Emest Oakmaa LINCOL.N SERVICE. Dept 15 Coast Guard dropiMd tb a SB ^ a Mallon ...... 33 Audrey-Banry T n r gift to Boston College. has been 78-64 Saturday night despite an­ Montreal 4, Boston 1. bling and aecurato foul ahooUng Pekin. Illinois during ths dosing mlantas gave Ttcord by bowfaur to St. Anaslm's ^thy Campbell ..... 33 . Ruth-rrancls Dododus made by Louis Perini, an owner of other fine game by Hanson, who Detroit 2, Now York 1. “-—'Origan...... 37 the Mllwaukae Braves, and his I am very much interested. Plea.^e send me absolutely FREE (1) Toronto 2, Chicago 3. Oonasetieut Its ssvanth vletory In at Mancitoster. N. H., 88-63. Bob . Morioo ...... 33 MORIARTY BROTHERS, Ine. pumped In 32 more points. led the cadets with 23. O o b .1 1 1 ...... M wife. The very Rev. Michael Walsh. list of U. S. Government posiNoris ajid sslarics; (2i Information Overtime Loss AMEBIOAN IXAGUE 11 gam ss. BUI DsUa Saht BJ.. GoUega prasldcBt. announced on how to qualify for a U. S. Goveniment-Job, , 301-315 .CENTEI^ STREET—MANCHESTER Cincinnati’s downfall came lest Buffalo 5, Springfield 2. UConil’a high man with 17. Oubmtplac Improvsd Its record to 8-2 by outclassing Bridgewater the gift ■ yesterday. It ia for the ifdnie ...... Wednesday night In a 70-68 over- i Quebec 4, Providence 1. Falrfldl^ estanfied Its Tri-Btats Stote. 69-68. It wan the Oulna’ sixth college’s 100th a d v e rs a ry devel­ C^EABfNG THE WAY—Tackle Bob St. Clair of the West All-Stars blocks out Erich time loss w Bradley, markinf the / Rochester 6, Pittsburgh '8. BaakatbaU Lsagua .winning strsak eonsseutlva win. Dave Tutthfll lad Seato 115, Edna (Striatoagen ttM, opment program, which has a 816 Address ...... ■ • / ■ / ■ fifth Urns In fivs years the Bear-1 B A a n a u f l e a g u e Barnes, defensive back for the East, to clepr the way for an eight-yard gain by full­ to It games b y fisfsatlag a stub­ ths wianara with 21. The gam s was Otebla CtokHag US. 0 «r y UeinM Best aeonseocae arere MgniaM Olbert ui- million goal by IMS. Perini is City ...... cats, hava been amlxwhed at' Nsisr H avtn 4, Chartotts 3. born UhlvarsUy i t Bridgsp(»t M3-ii»:-d5$. d.Baasta U»-ne-130 back Jim Taylor during yesterday's Pro Bowl football game in Los Angeles. The West ptoysd a t Brfdgewatar. Maas. 110 M V ietaU UO. Vial — Bu t t M13-343. president of the eenstruetlen firm Give Exact Directions to A q m m ■■' KaaiT ef Perini Oocp. eked out a 31-30 victory. (AP Photo'fax.^) , a >.

'V*- I . : V:^ ««-lw -

■ V \ ■ V' . V \-Y -• MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1962 PAQE F i m i N PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1962 ------^ ^ ------k ______^______Apartment*—Flat»— Hoomb (or Sal* 72 For'Sal* 72 Waatcfi—4t«Ei Eitat* 77 that it is "the primary respeiisi- T en em eiits 8.3 billly” of the Negro to lead the- RockvUle-V errion AntonrobUM (nr Sale 4 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY PAGALY and SHORTEN O iaam os— WatclMB— HouBehoM GeodM s r BOLTON — Two pleasant homos- MANCHESTER AND vicinity — ASK u a ai cash oftar for State N ew s movemerilr . ' X -"-■-Sjt One a aeven room colonial with JeiFelry ' 48 g e n e r a l r e n t a l agancy, J. D.' Beautiful new 8 bedroom ranches your rad Hob- King also called on President FdR SALE—1958 Mercury radio' GAS REFRIGERATOR, Magic Realty,. 4t0 Main Itieet, Ml attached two-car garage.. The on large lots. Full price |lS,490, a J. Sradlay, ifi 8-TST8. Kennedy to issue "a second eman­ and heater, whjtwalls, s'tandard Chef stove. Make an offer. Call other a compact rtmch with, ga­ only 8490 down. Sp^ai —8 bed­ cipation proclamation"—an execu­ First Natiphal, Javit Qaitn . shift. Take over'paj’mehta.' Call UDONAltO W. TOST. Jtwslars - 8 -n » . I t w a s SCTTLEOf INSTEAD OF S P f NOlNO So VMEH HER BIR1MD4V ROUED MOUND Repairs, adjusts watdhss som it- MI 9-8745. rage seUlng for 814,750 (83800 apd room split, excellent condition ga- Roundup tive order malting ail segregation MI 9-8581. a t t r a c t iv e 8 rooms, beht. hot Auctions MONEV ON EACH OTVERS PMSEKr. SNEPIDMT EW»ECT ATMlMCrwPIPBMEy ly. Raamial)l* prices. 0pm Tues­ you can assume 1st mortgage). rec room, over one acre lot. 78 unconstitutional. day through Saturday, ^uxsday water. »tove refrigerator rarage, T. J. Crockett^ Realtor, MI 8-1577. Full price 818,900. Many more He said the order could be Demurrer in G>ntract SuU THEV’pSAVSrrFOSAFUNG- TAPE REXXIROERS for rent Mar­ $110. Availabl* Jan. 1 Ml 4-0388. ' AUCTION Anto DriTtnr School 7-A avenlhgt. 129 Sprues St. MI 9-4887. homes from $i,900 up. Call the (OMUBOMi fram Page One) based on the l4th Amendment. SK''^/N0TmMQ WTA CMP.' low’s, *87 Main. Gall Ml 4-8221. NEW TWO-EAMILT houso for tale Ellsworth Mitten Agency, Real­ ADVERTISING LETS FACE iT f NEriMEIt OF US MEEDSJ f i v e r o o m In addition, Kennedy should FIRST 1)ME SINCE WE’RE'MARRieO , second floor, apart­ 4-4, located on Hilliard St.. 130,600. AntiquM and Mod8m Tharaaa, 38. ’Dielr . aunt, Mrs. The opening gun in the $375,00004$ South St.; Lucille BoullF, MORTLOCX'S Orlvtng School—Of­ ATHlMOr ITS FOOLISH FORUSTO tors, Ml S-6980 pr Ml 9-8524. call for strong and meaningful 1 W OMT O r f A LOVELV GIFT/ ment. West Side. Stove, refrigera­ MI 8-2673. Sarih Rlnxetta, 72, Brooklyn, N.T., breach of contract suit involving Friendtdiip, N.Y.; Diotnaa Jatol*- fice, <88 Main St.. Maneheater. SQUANDER MONEV OH EXPEMSIVE. Fuel and Peed 49-A PORTABLE television, 1980, ♦75. tor tumlabed. Adult* preferred. Ellin$:ton'Town Hall civil rights legislation in this ses­ two major supermarket chains son. Snipsic St. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Learatiu correctly “ MOy Save CBOO MOO^ IT DOESN'T SEEM MANCHESTER (Uating 189)—New broke a leg. sion of Congress." Dr King said. OIFTS:. LET’S SAVE IT FOR, MI 9-7329. MI 8-8129, FOUR BEPROOM colonial, larg* liating. Excellent 3-famiIy home and a West Hartford real estate Birth Saturday; A son to Mr. 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. “ Teair Lite." Driver education OAK WOOD cut fireplace and stove cabinet picture bo<* kitchen, wall- In Litchfield early Sunday, 23- He said "All men of good will-" TRIP-SOMETM 1N& LINEAnRrNPAVArAaf near Manchester Hospital, 8(4-5(4, Saturday, Jan, 20 year-old James Levesque, Torring- broker was,fired Friday in Supe­ and Mrs. Harold Dimmock, IVMt Ivciaeaea. Member, CohnecUcut Pro- SNIFF, SNIFF lengths, tlO per load delivered. wall carpet, near shopping, bus, should "take a stand against dla- rior Court where the defendants feealonal Driving School Aaen.- Ml WE CAN SHARE Tel. PI 2-7886. KING SIZE mattress In excellent modem kitchen ’with birch cabi­ ton, crashed on Route 8 after he crlmination even if it means being Willington’; a son to Mr. and Mi«. SIX ROOM duplex and garags, churches, $18,900. Carlton 'W. nets, oil hot water heat, 9-car ga­ 1:30 p.m. claimed the suit is built on hollow COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 9-7888. TDQETHER- condition. Call MI 9-2182. available Feb. 1. Call M l 8-4884. Hutchins, MI 9-5133. lost control of his car, State Police unpopular or suffering a losa of Lawrence Ziemba, 47 'Village Bt. rage. Home ia in excellent condi­ said. H* died a short time later at ground. Admitted Sunday; Valdls Abola, MONDAV Thm FM DAV 10:80 A.M.—SATURDAY B A.M. status." Flrat National Stores Inc. of LARSON’S Cminectieut'e flrat U Garden— Farm— Dairy EIGHT ROOM colonial in excellent tion. Schwartz Real Estate, ML£ (300 items to go)' - a Torrin^on hospital. More than 1,0(X) persons attend­ Manchester; Jean LaMarthe, 20 cenaed drivuig school trained — Realtor, AD 8-1241, Evenlnga Mr. Somerville, Mass., broker Max Prodoctii 50 BATHINtiiTE and high chair, Ilka flV E ROOM apartment second location, garage', IH baths, fire­ Mr*. Rosalie Myers, 83, died ed the Wesleyan rally. Oak St.; Richard Lawrence,- 85 PLEASE READ YOUR AD ^ Certified and approved ie now of­ new, 115 for both. Ml 3-2997. Arruda, MI 3-8454. Auctioneer: Javit of West Hartford, 'and his Grove St.; Mary Zalen*ky,.6fi Vil­ floor. 1314 Ford St. Tel. Ml ,8-4751. place, city utUities, near school early Saturday when a' 2-aIarm fire Earlier.'' Dr. King gave a lermon D i-City Realty Co. of Vernon, ClaMlfled or “ Want Ads" are taken over the phone as a eoiH fering classroom and behind and bus line, substantial reduction swept through a 3-story brick lage St.; Bertha Frederick, 35 BALDWDI’ M ^ STARK apples ; OAS STOVE, heating unit, excellent SOUTH GLASTONBURY—10 room at a service in New Haven at joint defendants, entered a demur­ %’eh1ence. The advertiser should read his ad the FIRST DAT IT wheel tnatruction for teenagers. arg( in price. Charle* LesperSnee: MI Robert E.' Flucklger building in Stamford. Mrs. Myers Yale's Battell Chapel, Grant St.; Elaine Lippman, Spring- , Ml 9-5075. tVest Center St. condition. Call Ml 3-5665 after rooms. Heat, hot water, individual 9-7620. houae^ cottage, income 854 weekly. rer to the suit on grounds the con­ field Rd., Somers. APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the next Inser­ M l 8*8116. $19,800. JoBcpii Barth, Broker, MI lived on the third floor. The other tract was never completed and can tion. The Herald U responsible for only ONE Incorrect or omitted 5:30. thermostat, oversize stove, refrig, The Village Peddler rertdenta, about 60 persons, es­ Admitted today; Diomas Burtis, PREPARE FOR driver's test. erator, 4 large closets, tile bath SIX ROOM ranch, $ years old, 9-0820. Education Aid Urged be termed a fraud If it is upheld. Insertion for any advertisement and then only to the extent of a Ages te to 60. Driving and claaa SOFA, MODERN Laweon style, 8 caped uninjured. The three defendants are facing Snipsic Lake Rd. "make good" Insertion. Errors which do not lessen the value of and shower. Middle-aged pre­ Bowers School, ail rooms batter LUDLOW ROAD. Rockledge — 7 Hartford, Jam l5 (.Pi — The Na­ Discharged Friday: Thomas. I room. Three Inatructors . No walt- Household Goods 51 cushion, square arms, gray self- ferred. $93. Ml 3-6396. then average in else, entire base­ tional Education Association will suit brought by Stop and Shop Su­ the advertisement will not be corrected by "make pood" insertion. i ing. Manchester Driving Acade- stripped frieze uphoLstery. Call MI room ranch, 2 baths, kitchen with permarket.* Inc. of Hartford.which Burns, Snipsic Lake Rd.; Emdry ment finiehed oft into large family Vefar t Son Dtet renew its efforts to obtain passage Zahner, (Jider Mill Rd., Ellington: j my, PI 7-7240. RUGS, NEVER used 9x12 antique 9-5104, after 6 p.m. ONE 4 ROOM furnished apartment buUt-lna, 3 bedrooms, formal din­ Stamford. Jan. IS (>P) — Grave- claims a contract to lease store room. 414% mortgage, priced for ing room, den, aluminum siding, New, Big Snow of a bill for federal aid to educa­ Rose Frey, 113 Prospect St.; gold, ISO,: asement, LET YOUR TENANT PAY "It la unfortunate that the rep- "naked in compliance with th* accomplishments at Camp Hem­ I' Reasonable ratea. Call PI 2-7558 TV SERVICE—All makes. Honest, SECRBTART-Receptionlst, Tolland Lamps. Tables Etc. decorated, dinette, kitchenette, rains pounded areas from southern statute." he said. ' between 1:30-4:30 or any time possessed. No down Payment—13 excellent heating system. If you resentatiye* of the people have not locks, the Easter Seal ramp for- Ml 9.0500 Economics'. High quality pazta. Turnpike, Manchester. Sihali of­ Situations Wantetl— Weekly. ■ EVERYTHING $360 bedroom, tile bathroom, appli­ . „ THE RENT Illlnoia and southward Skidding Accident He claimed the alleged contract crippled children in Trumbull, will j Saturday or Sunday. want privacy plus, look this over. through the Lower Misslsaippl val­ had an opportunity to act on this Guaradteed 90 days Famoua for fice, pleasant surroundings, 5-dsy ances, 165 per month. Cill MI Excellent value for $15,300. T. J. Waterbury, Jan. 15 (iP) — A bill," he skid. "The NPIA will con­ was only a letter of Intent. 0* presented at a luncheon meet­ and leave your message. You’ll hear from our advertiser In Jig week. Shorthand required, good Female 38 3 ROOMS FURNTTITRE ley. SHARPENING Service — Saws, service since 1981. Phone MI NORMAN’S. INC. 3-1869, TR 5-3485, Crockett, Realtor. MI 3-1577. Brand new two family home. 8-5 freezing driwtle coated highway* tinue to exert the greatest forte to TTie lease, he said, was no more ing of the Rockville Rotary

Daughtari of Liberty,. No. 17, will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Couple Observes Gieney Library Goaes,; MANCHIS11R About Town ZonersHear" Avenge Didly Net Press Run Orange Hall. A social hour .will -'Bennet Open Nights The Weather be held after the meeting. 26th Anniversary POULTRY FARM For tlie Week Ended n * HtchUtkl Pufc PTA wlU Jaanary 18.1861 Forecast of U. 8. WeaUier Bnreato Bids Tonight Mary Cheney Library shut 478 KEENEY STREET «w t W^MdAy at 8 v jri. at t^e The executive board o f Nutmeg Mr. and Mrs. WUUam V i ^ . 88 ' school. Mrs. Madeline McAwley, Forest, Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Ita doora today for what wlU Strietly farm-freah medium Fair, much colder tonight. Low Strickland St., were honored at.a probably be a four-week ohut- ■lae eggSiiMd dot. at the farm 13,535 director bt LuU Junior Museum, will meet tonight at 7:30 at the The Boning board at .appeals faml^ dinner at Flano’s Restaur­ 15' to to. Tomorrow mostly fair wlU gfvt a talk and show movies Masonic Temple. down while the Annulil C «i- wLU meet at 8 o’clock- tonight In ant Saturday night In celebration ■tructlon Co..flnlahea the new Member of the Audit and eonUirocd cold. High 80 to 86. about the museum and its serv­ Btuean of Circulation the Municipal Building to hold of their 26th wedding anniversary. $380,000 addition. ices. Refreahinenta will be served. Mr. and Mrs. William Kronlck, public hearings on 8 10-ltem Manchester— A City o f Village Charm 18 Stephens St. of Wllrose Dress They were married Jan. 17,1836, During the closing . period. agenda. at Christ Episcopal Church in Put­ Mrs. Jay Rublnow, wife of the Shop, were host and hostess at a Miss Anna French, head librari­ farewell party for their fdrmer Among the items ore three re­ nam, Conn. The Viens have lived THE OFFICE OF diief Judge o f the Circuit Court, quests for extended use of a re- in Manchester for 17 years. They an, said Moetdy’s Induatrials, VOL. L X X X I. NO. 89 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1962 (bl|s«ifled Advertising on P&fo 12) PRICE FIVE CENTS will review "May Man PrevaU?” employes at Cavey’s Restaurant the KipUnger letter, Barron’s Saturday night. ^ ' have a son, Leonard Viens of DR. C. S. OSOSKI by Brie Frome at the annual book Rome, N. Y.; three datwhters, Mrs. Weekly, the Wall 8t. Journal review luncheon of Manchester 400 vT a JvAlUUlO ' OUBiJiVBB and the New England Industrial Chapter of Hadassah tomorrow Lakota Council, Degree of Po­ Carl Moore Jr., 82 mm mlt S t, Directory will be available at CHIROPRACTOR cahontas, will meet Wednesday at Zone 3; Jack’s Atlantic Service Manchester, Mra Peter Listro of noon in the Temple Beth Sholom Station, 706 Main St.. Business Vernon,- and Rosemarv Viens at •Whiton Library for convenience U.S., Market veetiy. ■7:30 p.m. in Odd Fellow’s Hall. of businessmen. IS NOW LOCATED StateflVews Mrs. Florence Plitt, deputy grand Zone 3; and Edgar Barracliffe, 555 home, and two grandchildren. W. Middle Tpke,, Industrial zone. Hie dinner party was given by The Bennet Junior High AT W e s l Pocahontas, will preside at the nie local affairs committee of Also applying for extension of the couple’s son and daughters and School library will be open to Puts In A c c o r d on the Manchester League of Women installation of officers. The 13th Bennet pupils two nights a smnlversary of the council will be permission is Manchester Serv- by Mrs. Viens’ sister, Mrs. James 81 W. MIDDLE TPKE. Roundup Voters will sponsor a public meet­ icenter, 24 Windsor St., Business Peak, 185 Woodland St. week during the Mary Cheney ing on "Creating a Favorable Cli­ observed. Refreshments will be T ariff Slashes served. Zone 2, to maintain a free-stand­ Mr. Viens is employed by Pratt Library closing, Wednesdays MI 8-6856 ' ■ ■ ■ ; mate to Attract Industry to Man- ing identification sign. and 'Whitney A ircraft division of and T^ursdaya from 7 to 8:30 c h e ^ r " tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. at Asking approval of a used car United Aircraft Corp., East Hart­ p.m. . Mott’s Community Hall. Guest Anderson-Shea Post, VFW, will Test Ban Governors Confer • Brussels, Belgium, Jan. 16 lot at 367 Oakland St. Is E. C. ford. Both are members of St. speakers will be Roseoe Talbot meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at thfe (/P) — An agreement was post home. New members will Sollmene who said today he In­ Mary’s Episcopal Church. and Horace Brown of the Connec­ tends to run the lot himself 1# his Geneva, Jan. 16 (4P)— tom to esamin« the nu- On NHRR Plight reached today for broad tariff ticut Development Commission. be Installed. request Is approved. The prop­ United States and Britain for clear test ban Issue in the context reductions between the Euro­ erty Is situated In Residence Zone Catholic Education of disarmament negotiations only By LOUIS Gi BLACK pean Common Market and the O il 1 mally agreed today to aban­ Katanga Jan. Classroom demonstrations and A. because the Soviet government Gymnastic Club New Haven, Jan. 16 (/P)— A United States it was officially exhibits will be presented at a A similar application for a used Principal’s Topic don the three-power nuclear hal insisted that It will only dis- meeting of the Uling PTO tomor­ Forming at Rec car lot at that location was asked test ban talks and refer the is­ cuM international controls in this governors’ conference on the announced. row at 7:30 p.m. at lUlng Junior last month by Robert Oliver of EVEivWEDNESDAYit sue to the disarmament nego­ context. problems of the New Haven Howard Petereon, Preeldent; High School. Refreshments will be The Rev. Charles E. Shaw, prin­ "Once disarmament negotiations Center Motor Sales. Oliver with­ tiations expected to open in Railroad got off to a late start Kennedy’* special ««*l*tant for served in the cafeteria after par­ The recreation department la drew his application to study the cipal of Blast Catholic High School, have resumed, the Urilt^ States here today. The meeting be­ trade matter*, and W. Walton But- i ents visit classrooms and the li­ organizing a' tumbling and gym­ basif of some oj^osition registered will be guest speaker at a meeting Geneva next March. and Britain will work for th«i con­ terworth, U.S. ambassador to the | Tales Vary brary. nastic's club to t held at the East li. the neighborhood. This month. of St Bridget’s Rosary Society to­ clusion of a nuclear test ban treaty gan an hour and 45 minutes Common Market, emerged from I night in the church hall. Charles C. Stelle of the United Side Recreation Center. Center Motor Sales reported It States aiid' Britain’s Sir Michael as a matter of highest priority." after it was scheduled to the office at Jean Rey, member o f ’ This club will meet every Tues­ The meeting will be preceded by Mrs. Stanley Pierson of 136 had no further Interest In operat­ Wright announced their govern­ Western conference sources said start. the Common Market executive | Oji Identity Hollister St. will be one of the day evening, beginning tomorrow. ing the lot. Rosary and Benediction at 7:30. The four governors attending commission, after a 20-minute j The prlriicpal will discuss "Catho­ ments’ agreement to this Soviet de­ speakers when the Charter Toast- The group will be divided Into Seeking a variance for a 200- mand at the 350th session of the (Continued on Page Seven) the conference delayed the- meet­ meeting and announced the agree­ mistress Club of Connecticut three age levels. Junior members, foot radio tower off Love Lane is lic Education." ing until the arrival of Mayor Rob­ ment. Refreshments will be served. Nuclear Conference which'remimed meets .Tan. 22 at 6:30 p.m. at Little ages 10-12, will meet from 6 to 7. John Deme, owner-operator of Sta­ here after a Christmas recess. ert Wagner of New York. .The agreement will .have to be Of Troops Casa Loma In Kensington. The intermediates, 13-17, will meet tion WINF In Manchester. Deme Members are requested to make re. Wagner was traveling to New turns on card party tickets. For Western Conference sources said submitted to GATT |(3«neral speaking club for women is in the from 7 to 8, and senior members also intends to erect a small build­ Haven with William Shea, New Agreement For Tariff and Trade). process of organizing as the first 18 and over from 8 to 9. ing on the premises, situated in the further Information, members may the two negotiators offered the C e llin g T ile Leopoldvilk, Congo, Jan. 16 transfer of the ban talks in York City budget director, when Common Market’s council of min­ club in this area. Donald Wynn, physical educa­ Rural Zone. call Mra. Eldward McKeever, 69 N. their automobile broke down near School St. view of the Sovjet Union’s ada^ isters. (/P)— EigHteon Roman Catho­ tion teacher for the Manchester Also asking variances are Ewald Rye, N. Y. The mayor explained on lic missionaries were killed by, St. .James' Mothers Circle will Fritzschie, 159 High St., Residence mant refusal ^ e n to discuss aMU Held Key Details on the agreement were School System, will be the In­ Western dra^ test ban treaty pro^ his arrival here that the car re­ meet Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. at structor. He competed In the Na­ Zone B, for a detached garage not released. A communique giv­ Congolese soldiers at Kongolo vidlng international controls^/'^ quired a new oil filter. ing the terms was scheduled for the home of Mrs. Edward Molloy, tional A.A.U. meets in Sarasota, which will not be in the farthest The governors meeting here are in North Katanga on Jan. 1, 44 Weaver Rd. Co-hostesses will quarter of the comer lot; Arthur The two powers, however' reject­ T o Fire T Mrs. Adams, the former Miss seven grandchildren and one great­ the 18-naUon disarmament commit­ NFPA building code, although the they were reported to be members rlUUonf often ooenr usd osar make you The classes will be limited. All ing locations: Southeast com er of the Federal Bankruptcy Act. He on agricultural products has not tenae and nerrona from too Iraqnent. Kate Horwath, and Mr. Adams grandchild. . Ml 3 -5 7 4 7 tee. hazard of this material was not of the Congregation of the Holy participants must either be Rec­ Concord Rd. and Demlng St., resi­ did not sit in on t^e main confer­ yet been reached, it was report­ btimlnc or Itcbint vrlaaUon both dar dence Zone A^ the south side of were both bom in Austria — Hun­ "The Western delegations,” a fully recognized at the time the Ghost Fathers. Belgian and Dutch and nifht. Secondarily, you may lota reation members or plan to join. gary and came to Manchester They are members of Concordia ence. ed. Talks on agriculture will be priests were believed to be among aleen and luffer from Headacbaa, Back> McNall St., east of the Manchester Lutheran Church and Mr. Adams Joint Brltiah-Amerlcan statement Hartford Hospital was designed," aeba and feel old* tlrad. depraaaad. In Memberships are available at the about 52 years ago. They were issued after the two-hour seseion Anderson told newsmen after held later. the victims. •ueh Irritation. OTBTSX oaually brlnea East Side week days from 9 o’clock Motel, Business 2k>ne 2; the east is employed at Cheney Bros. Garner's the meeting that he had explained faat. relaxint comfort by eorblne lrrl> side of Buckland St., south of the said, "made it clear that they (Continued on Page Ttvo) Negotiations were started some The bodies of the 18 w ei^ 're­ tatlny lerma in atronc, add urine and by in the morning until 10 In the eve­ Mr. and Mrs. Adams held open H GltlSWOIJ) ST to the group the position of the time ago in Genera at GATT head­ covered, the dispatch aaid,,' An­ girlnt analgeale pain relief. Oat C7TSTKZ Wilbur Cross Highway, Rural house at their home yesterday. court under the federal bankruptcy at drugglata. CSteer np and feel better f aet. ning. and from 1 until 9 on Satur­ Zone. \ BOY SCOUT VVe (live quarters. other mlBslonary was takah away days. '■ (Herald photo by Saternls) A T STOP and SHOP act. and has not been heard from since. The judge taid he "would hesi­ The French were reported to be reluctant to grant reductions on 'i%e report to the. blshop said Notes and News tate to approve any further bor­ troops of The Congo- Central Oov- N-Test Ban Failure rowing." tariffs of certain American chem­ WAXES’ Outfits IN MANCHESTER icals. Reliable sources said this renmenl attackefi.mlsalonaries liv­ A total of 61 Boy Scouts and "Mors money in the form of ing near Kongolo, beat them and trustees certificates," he said, was about the only restriction In Will Preview leaders o f Troop 47 spent a week­ the agreement. then killed- them with automatic end encampment at the Knights "tends to push the present cridl- weSpona ' of Pythias Camp in Cheshire re­ Frustrates Kennedy tors down the ladder of priority." While this report named the Notice! Spring’s Drape Anderson added, however, that troops as'part of the Central Gov­ J cently. "the railroad needs more relief. The theme for the weekend was ernment command, other accounts W e l i l B t Washington, Jan, 16 UFi— Presi-' Foreign trade—"When the edu­ "Lawea from the passenger serv- Byrd Promises havp-iaid. soldiers operating in the SHOE SHINES first aid. The program Included Softly draped, more fem­ dtat Kennedy says failure to reach cational job is' dont," Kennedy de­ iee eentinue to be quite great he ai;^ are loyal to leftist Antoine inine lines of the spring 1962 Instructions and performance of aneenunt irith Russia on a'nu- Daily From 8 PJrt. clared, the country will support his said. Qisenga’s collapsing rebel regime fashions ivl'l be given an ad­ outdoor problems in first aid, soc­ ciaar'ieet bah'was the biggest dis- request for broad lUthoriW to ne­ Aaked about the most recent Inquiry into cer games. Improvised hockey. Ice in Stanleyville. Thursday Nights vance showing in Mancheeter appelatment of kls 'first year in gotiate tariff cut*. He said figursi loan of $7.5 million approved by Actually, the loyalty of theee un­ tomorrow night. skating aiid a tug-o-war game. the Whits House, ■ ^ are being pr^ued in j|n effort to the Interstate Commerce Commle- disciplined troops long has b ^ n and ^ Day Saturday For a "come as you were" Angelo Poiitlllo took some boys "This," he said, could have"been persuade Ophgress m'embets that slon in December, Anderson com­ U.S^ Finances in quatUon. The Central -Govam- night program, members of on a second-class hike up Meriden "a very impcrtsnt Step in easing his program would be "moet help­ mented: "I understand that there ment has never held more than Come In for the beat Manchester WATE3 will mod­ Mountain. First class first aid in- taniions." ful to the United States." is about $4.5 million of that money Washington, . Jfin,.. .16 (47—Sen House Speaker John McCormack talks to reporters at the White House today-after tfigUlaUeik lead­ nominal control over them. stractlon was given by Bob Post, shoe shine In town! el Uie same dresses they wore But the most heartening develop­ Berlin — despite reporU that left." Harry F. Byrd, D-Va., said today ers met with President Kennedy. Sen. Mike Mansfield of Montana, the SenateiDemocratlc leader, la Katanga President Molse when they first joined the club. assistant scoutmaster. Second ment, he believes, was a "g;reat "There la still a lot to be done,” at left and Rep. Hale Boggs of Louisiana, new assistant Democratic leader in the House, Ja at right. Tshombe reported on Jan. 1 that class first aid Instmctlons were ^ Monday^ Tuesday U.S. Ambassador Llewellyn President Kennedy ia requesting a There will be drapes and , surge for unity" among the West­ Thompson has made little prog­ Anderson commented when asked (AP Wlrephoto). his forces had abandoned Kongolo given by John Maoorca Jr. and ern Allies and in Latin America. If he thought today’s conference $10 billion increase in the national ______■ a ...... - " • ' — ^ ATTENTION MEN! folds aplenty in the outfit of Your HFC manager will be glad to help arrange a Bill- ress In talks with Soviet Foreign and that the invaders were killing TomVi gat a thrill, tod, one WATES member who has Richard Trotter. Frank Scheiben- and Wednesday Specials! In hla fint news conference of Minister Andrei A. Gromyko, Ken­ would help solve the railroad's pro­ debt limit. hiuidreds of civilians and burning pflug oriented the senior scouts in Payer Loan for you If you the year — only five days before blems. "They will go into it now Why not be smart and .float 82 pounds since joining nedy said the discussions would Byrd, at tha same ttme, an vlllagea ite they advanced on tha whaa yen laa tha haals, first aid for their Red Cross First the first anniversary of his inau­ town. ‘ bring your shoes to us the group. Others who have even mail checks to the Calk MONTI ir rAYN■NT W IIDUtI continue in an effort to find a solu­ with the trustees." nounced a sweeping Inquiry Into Frigid Blasts wldiont aalla, pat on with whittled waistlines may for­ Aid course to begin Jan. 16. A folks you owe at no extra Ym OM guration — Kennedy touched on tion for the Berlin crisis. A more The meeting of the governors the nation's financial condition. Democrats to Split Tshombe claimed that the invad­ for a FU U , SOLE. rou*ll campfire was supervised by Bob 20 It nearly a subject a minute yester­ was closed to the press, but a state­ ing troops were under the orders oar Naw AUTO-SOLER be amazed how comfor­ sake the now-dated over­ charge. You may be con­ Vsymlt peyrnh, 'psymtt teyieti The finest meet precise judgment will be made The Virginia Senator said In an blouse style for the new Von Deck, scoutmaster, and Am­ day, roaming from the farm prob­ after the talks have gone on "for ment was expected to be Issued interview he will ask the Senate Follow Snow of the Central Congo Government Ranaw poor heals TO ­ table they will feel and brose Diehl, assistant scoutmaster. fident that he'll stand S 6.72 $10.05 $18.46 lem at home to Laos aiid Berlin afterward. 'ITie governors also In Leopoldville, but reports--since still have a new shoe look! nipped-ln look. And there will 13.07 ^ .1 8 19.74 36.55 you’ll over eat! a reasonable period,” depending on Finance Committee, which he DAY. Work Onaranteed. -. Catholic boys went to church in by you—and give fair, abroad— what prospects emerge for a meet­ expected to ■ hold a press con­ heads, to go into all aspects of have Indicated that they were be a few discouraged souls 19.25 20.91 29.27 54.48 Steel—He hopes for a quick School Aid Measure In Midwest and holiday season., backslid­ Meriden, and Protestant services understanding assist­ ing of minds. ference at the conclusion of the federal spending and taxation be­ loyal to pro-C!ommunist Deputy • WE OrVE GREEN STAMPS a were conducted in camp by candi­ 30,83 33.61 47.55 89.47 agreement.-between industry and meeting. * Premier Antoine GIzenga, wh6 was ers who will still squeeze Into ance—in any fu tu re 3641 39.74 56.48 106.80 Kennedy stated his previously fore it acts on a proposed boost "SHOE REPAIRING - - SECOND TO NONE!" dates for the God and Country tha union to avert a strike and the of the limit from $298 billion to a Chicago, Jan. 16 (47 — Another put under virtual house arrest in tight-fitting garments. emergency as well. reported belief that an effort to Washington, Jan. 16 (4b—Hou*e4>school aid proposals were bogged award under the direction o f Am­ stockpiling of steel that might im­ tear down the Communiat-erected record-breaking $308 billion. blast of frigid air spread across Stanleyville Sunday by C!entral The event wUl be at the r$P0jrw ^ntt Bmd in t h U t t c M t t . HomitikoUFt tk trt* pede the nation’s economic recov­ Freighter Floated Democratic leaders announced af. down last year In the house rules brose Diehl. Life Inturance at group <8 J % p *r ntomik o n of tlOO or Uis wall in Berlin would have precipi­ Secretary of the treasury Doug­ snow-covered sections from Mon­ Government troops, GIzenga has . Italian American Club on ond i% ^ month on thot part of tiu h^mes Armour Star ery. OontiBcts expire in June. Westerly, R. t , Jan. 16 OP) — ter a meeting with President Ken­ committee. They were victims of a Eldridge St. with weighing In Practical first aid problems were rale Is available on all toane in of $100 ond mot in imiost rj fJO0. «<64 tated "A very violent reaction las Dllllon said in a meniorandum tana Into Indiana today, a repeat given to scouts who had completed *Aof t% for month on that of tht Mom Lsos—^The risk of war is the sl- 1716 Norwegian freighter Leif nedy today that, they will press controversy over whether to In­ (Continued on Page Seven) HOUSE &. HALE scheduled at 7 and the pro­ A oMtots of $300 to $600. which might have taken us down to Byrd and Rep. Wilbur Mills, of Iwt week's severe cold In the ■Viking, which ran aground near SHOE REPAIRING SERVICE first aid requirements. Judges for tematlve to the risk of Commu­ a very rocky road.” D-Ark., chairman of the House legislation for federal aid for col­ clude aid for parochial schools In midwest. gram starting at 8:16. Top los­ nist control of coalition govern- the Watch Hill Lighthouse nine leges as a separate measure from the general education mea.sure. USE OUR OAK STREET ENTR.\NCE—MI !»-4128 ers last month were Mrs. this event were Richard 'Trotter, In reference to the ateel indus­ Ways and Means Committee, that Temperatures dropped sharply John Meu-orca and Charles Parkins, menta in'Southeast Asia, he said. days ago, was pulled free this such an Increase is necessary if proposed federal funds for public President Kennedy took a stand as the icy air. In the wake of the Grover Mitchell with a six- lOUSEHOLD FINANCE "Ws are taking a chance in all of try's forthcoming contract talks, morning. schools. that aid to church schools was of pound loss, and Mrs. Paul home on a weekend pass from the Kennedy recalled writing David the treasury ik to meet Ita future year's second major snowstorm, Bulletins Coast Giuu'd. The boys revisited Southeast Asia. We are taking a Coast Guqrd sources said the bills. Speaker John W. McCormack, doubtful Constitutionality, but fanned out from the mountain val­ Tongren Sr., five-pound loss. chance in other areas also." But in McDonald, head of the United freighter seemed to be riding well. D-Mas.s., said chances fori ap­ many Roman Catholic leaders- In­ Culled from AP Wires Secret pals will be revealed Hu b b y d Park for Ice sk a tl^ be- Steelworkers, advocating an agree­ Dillon asked for a boost’ of $2 leys In southwestern Montana. MANCHItnR SHOPniM PARKAM his judgment "it I s ^ the best in­ The freighter was freed during proval of school legislation ap- sisted parochial schools should __The mercury dipped, to more at the meeting. fore dinner. "Die next encamipment ment that would keep wage in­ the early morning high tide, when bUllojLbefori^MarclLl-^and $8_blk terest of our country to work for lion for the fiscal year beginning peared belter by splltlihg the two have help Help IIif federal funds went than 20 degrees below In the Mon­ will be Feb, 17 and 18, also at 382 Middle Turnpike West creases within the range of In­ it was buoyed by an extra high Cheshire. a neutral and independent Laos." next July 1. He said this would and taking up the college meas­ to public schools. tana region, touching -2,5 In ULRNN I^AUNCH DELAYED Idunb Farm—Kennedy set a goal of creased productivity and price water caused by last night's rains. ure first. McCormack, a Roman Catholic . Ca|ie Canaveral, Fla., Jan. 16 2nd Floor— Mitchell 3-2738 N p iu h Charter Award Night will be stability. It wa* not known whether the coyer an estimated peak debt of Bozeman and -24 In Drummond. reasonable balance between farm $364.’ billion next Dec. 16 and give The speaker and other Demo­ as is Kennedy, was one of those Minnesota got .a full blast of the (47 — The attempt to launch Tickets for ‘Aida’ held Feb. 6. Awards will be pre­ hm; 1(1 lo'6 Maa, Tuts., Thnn.-10 to I W*4., Fit.—tJO to Noo* Sat. output and demand to insure that Kennedy urged a quick agree­ vessel would be able to proceed who backed aid for parochial astronaut John II. Oienn Jr., in­ B sented, and troop movies will be the treasury about the $3 billion cratic. congressional leaders hud­ arctic air, with readings of -16 ment to avoid repetition of the in­ under its own power. the farm Income "will not be brok­ elbow room it needs to operate dled with Kennedy at the first of schools. In International Falls -13 In Duluth to orMt about the earth has been JANUARY 1962 On Sale Tuesday riiown. All parents are Invited. en by surpluses, as It was to a ventory buildup in 1958, preceding A Coast Guard spokesman said |Hmt|H>ned one day until Jan. the last steel negotiations. That under the ceiling. this Congressional session's weekly The administration has recom­ and -11 In Mlnneaplois. substantial extent in the ’20s.” In it was headed for New York for breaktasts at the White House. mended spending $2.5 billion over 24, It was learned today. The stockpiling hurt the economy and repairs and if it could not go it Byrd said he is . willing to go Below zero marks also were re­ liTYe$tment Class his State of the Union message, "The Important thing is to sep­ the next three years on public ported during the morning In the reason for the delay was iiot Im­ WE GIVE THANKS FOR MANY BLESSINGS student tickets for a Feb. 1 hs promised to present Congress forced the layoff of workers after alone, would be towed by a tug. along with the temporary increase mediately learned. The word a strike of steelworkers, he said. to $309. billion because "The arate the higher education bill,'’ school construction and teacher Dakotas and secUons of^AVlscon- matinee of 'Verdi's "Alda" at the a new farm program geared to the The Coast Guard had said earlier McCormack told reporters. salaries. Its higher education hill came from Informed aourcea. Kennedy-opened the news con­ that the bottom of the vessel had President told me personally that sln, Nebraska, Iowa, /llinals and This is still a troubled world but many wonder­ Bushnell Memorial in Hartford will Meets at Whiton times. Both the college and public would provide $2 blUion over a The National Aerunautlcn and be on sale to seventh and eighth reduce the Civil Rights— Kennedy said he ference — his 19(h in W ashingtu been ripped and that some danger otherwise the government couldri’t Indiana. Chicago sloshed through ful things have and are happening each year to period of years for college build­ a fresh snowfall of seven Inches Spai-e Administration has never make it a healthier one. graders at Bennet and Illlng Jun­ A change in meeting place for would issue an order against ra­ since he took office and Ills 'lint existed that it might sink once pay its bills.’ ’ mudn an anmnincrment 0 0 ' thO' since Nov. 2© — by announcing ings and scholarships. In Zero weather. It was -8 In near­ ior High Schools tomorrow. i the next session at the Women’s Top o’ the Grade Lamb . . . it’s nutritious, ex­ cial discrimination in federally freed from the rocks where it was "But before we make any fur­ McCormack was asked if the launching date, so It had no com­ Pupils may buy the tickets from cost of \ that he would receive a report soon stranded. by Joliet, III. Investment Course has been an­ quisitely flavorful, and it’s yours at remarkable aided houalng when he believes It ther increasee, I think the country strategy of dealing first with high­ Some of the cold air extended ment-on the reported poatpone- DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN 8 to 8:30. nounced by Putnam A Ck)., Man­ will serve tha public interest and on what steps should be taken to Two UoMt Guard cutters were should be told exactly where we News Tidbits ment, Naaa hais aald only that savings! You’ll get Stamps, too! sent from New London last night er education and putting aside the deep In the South. Temperatures They must arrange private chester office. advance the cause o f civil rights. develop enough qualified scientists, stand financially," he said. "We public school propoipil for a while It will Inform newsmen of the The average sickness took weeks before the transportation to the opera, which heating He claimed more progress in the engineers and technicians "to meet to aid a salvage barge, which was were as much as 30 degrees lower Because of the large response have gone along the road of reck­ from the AP Wires was entirely agreeable to Kennedy, than yesterday morning's marks date In ample time to make danger point was passed and then months of begins at 3:30 and runs to 5. to the offering, classes will be field during the last 12 months our society’s complex needs.” drag^ng its anchor because of less spending and debt increases coverage arrangements. This heavy winds and high seas. who has urged Congress to ap­ southward into Southern Louisi­ convalescence . . . physicians had to make 'ITie Round Table Singers of conducted at 7:30 p.m. Wednes­ than the previous eight years and He was referring to a study that os far as we can go. prove both bills. McCormack said was the third poetponenient of Manchester High School will sing your' home pointed up the Soviet Union’s The cutters returned to port ana.- . daily vlsit.s and .prescribe many different medi­ day at the Whiton Memorial Au­ RIB LAMB CHOPS sold hts record may be Judged "I know of no more preesing Atty, Oeh. Robert F. Kennedy it was "not discussed except In a In geijeral. no Immediate relief was the launching. cines . . the percentage of fatal illnesses and In the performances. The Con­ ditorium, instead of the Commu­ properly at" the end of this year emphasis on turning out engineers duty on the Congress than to ob­ urges Congress to tighten up law* (Continued on Page Seven) general way." was Indicated. Cold or colderwealh- infant and maternal mortality was appallingly necticut, Opera Guild Is sponsoring nity Y. A total o f 110 women are Save 2pc over lost ’’and at the end of our term." and scientists. ' tain a* clear a picture as possible agdnst Interstate shipment of slot Asked whether the order of at­ .4.SK KAIL TAX REPEAL great? the opera; er was the forecast for most sec­ expected to attend the next class. week’s pKcel With Of these unconacionable debts and machines and other gambling de­ tack Indicated. the Democratic tions east o f the Mississippi river New Haven, Conn., Jan. 16 then appraise the aituaUon to find There are three ways to reduce fuel consump­ the cloce Stop ft vices . . . U.S. tanks begin with­ tA*)—The governors of four Shop trim, you get To tb,e Man with the Shovel out what can be done about them. drawing from area of "CTieckpolnt (Continued on Page Two) (CkMiUnued on Page Four) states served by the New Haven Our tax burden ia. the highest in NOW — YOU GET BETTER QUICKLY ' ^ Charlie" wherp they faced Russian Railroad called iipoh President tion. One, keep heat in by installing suffi­ more good meat per i l history' and to Increase it aubstan- armor during tense weekend near­ Kennedy and Congrees today to Each year more than 300 new medicines are St pound. ID tlally "WouW have serious reper- ly three mqntJnr ago?' ' re|Mn1 ilie 10 per cent.excise tax added to our growing stocks of more than 4.000 cient insulation and tight-fitting storm doors cuasions." Jackson (Miss.) State 'hmes, on pasaenger fares for railroads different prescription drugs. A visit from the Noting Utat the country has afternoon newspaper, announces it Rival Factions Unite In flnunclal dlHIcnltiea. The physician, and often just one prescription ef­ and windows. Two, keep your oil burner Ws ^hite, Light and Deadly been on a deficit financing bails in will end publication with today's governors made the appeal In fects a cure within days. KIBNEY CHOPS 26 of the last 31 years, Byrd said a Joint statement after a con­ clean, well lubricated and properly adjusted. m o t e —That while stuff oover-4this winter, especially if yon’rot-this energy cost of shoveling snow editions because of conllfiued de­ CONK he thinks this year’s bulge of ex­ crease in advertising . ., Sen. Har­ ference on the problems of the Save 40c, a pound! tug of the asiUon this ttme one at the nearly 55 million Amer­ with the usual 5-pound shoVel — penditures may climb as high as To Defend Groundhog bankrupt railroad^ They urged Three, use Bantly heating oil . . . it has an Last week’s price — e ( year Ieohs Ughte as a feather. icana over the age of 40. A shovelfull of snow usually ry F. Byrd, D-Va., criticizes what MODERN MEDICINE? SAVE MONEY $10 billion above receipts^. The he says Is' decision to "write off that ai'tlon be taken duiteg this $135. These are a ,A hawflfnl of it to; hot measure To stay alive, don’t overexert weighs shout four pounds. Shovel­ Treasury has forecast O- $6.9 bil­ session of the Congress. In a Although the average prescription now costs additive that ia a detergent, preservative It hy the ahovel-fnll aad you have yourself in anow. That’s the first ing 10 loads per minute is equiva­ lion defh^. nearly $2 billion In aid to Japan Qtiarryville, Pa., Jan. 18 hla oozy quarters and looking tender delicacy, fraah for about 25 oeata on the dollar.” Joint statement reail by Gov. about $3.25 and a few more,- each one Is a Dear friends, oemethlBf rise agala. Something rule, the association saya^ lent to waDilng up three flights of "The Fb'ealdent estimatea a nom­ <47—Defender* of t)je ground­ for his shadow. John N. Dempsey of Connect!-, great bargain when you consider how many and rust fighter. . cut from young srhleh all to fraqneatly hrlags on Surprisingly, the advice is stairs in the same period of time. inal surplus In the year beginning Liquor, cigarettes and sales tax­ hog cried out in protest to­ The did belief is that If the cut, the host governor, they said leas sickness days, how many fewer physician The other day a lady of our ac­ , lambs. Get Stannpe, lb a fhlal heart attadc to the man needed by people in traditionally Wet snow, which Is even heavief, next July 1.” Byrd said. "I pre­ es, In that order, pace state tax day against charges that, in­ groundhog sees hla shawdow that such fe«leral action would visits and how quickly they enable one to re- quaintance said this, '“I never rea­ too! at the ead of the handle. heaiy snow belts, as well as by makes the job equal to climbing dict another deficit because I do revenue gains for first six months stead of being a weather fore­ Feb. 2 there will be six more save the .New Haven line about turn to productive work. * lized until we had a loss in our people In areas deluged by heavy to the seventh floor in one minute. of fiscal year which saw an over­ caster, he’s a lazy hibemator weeks of winter weather and $8 mllllan a year. _ snowstorms only one winter in five Latimer says the unaccustomed all yield Increase of 15 per rent, who sleeps through Groundhog poor crops; If he doesn't cast family just how kind and neigh­ Bantly specializes in helping home owners By WILLIAM C OWEN (Continued on Pa;^ Nine) Waahington, Jan. 18 UP^— To^ or 10 years. During last week’s exertion of snow work can play Tax Commissioner John L. Sulli­ Day. his shadow it means an early .\IXIKKI.\N MOVES PUXNNEO WE ARE GLAD WE ARE PHARMACISTS borly people can be.” keep heating comfort HIGH and heating Lamb Comliination ^ a Snow-mantled alnglehanded. And don’t tackle us breathless, fOr overweight peo­ stop jet flight after day of con­ And Ihpough ail the talk, ernors of the Slumbering The two showed their coUectiona the groundhog, dozes in. his Lodge of Groundhogs in at the new seaside administra­ hUI tosrard the deer stand. the jot) o f snow shoveling with the ple it’s more of a strain. ferences in Honolulu with Pacific tive center of Roeher Notr, 30 McIntosh Apples .Or doing i»a of a dosen other vigor of a teen-ager, unless you Latimer says overexertion in the last night at Florence’s Pitti Pal­ military commanders on growing den. Quarryville, after hearing the Copyright 1961 tM-1161) miles froiii Algiers. They were "Onr Bepntetl«m strmuoUB octl'ViUea in the snow. are a teen-ager, and a healthy one mow can cause death by cerebral ace, and both praeentationa were The groundhog was Indicted society's report. ConuBUnist threat to South Viet reported to be disouseing the For anow—eiyataUixed water at that. ■ hemorrhage (stroke), but heart at­ different from other coUectiona nam .... Predicting world eatae- by the National Georaphic "Never have we been taken DELC04ffAT la Your Aaminiice” possible prbt-Iainatioa o f a state m vapor—4s bringing death to many Fettle are lured to their deaths tacks are the big Uller. ' seen here and in Roma over the tropfae on ra>. 4 group which qalla Society at its Washington, to task like thia even by those parsouH-death by heart attack, because snow looks innocent He makes these other points— past week. Itadf Understanding, Inc., at D. C.. headquarters The soci­ Punxsutawney fellows who of %iege, which wonid el am p H 4 . 3 9 ' and at ttmas, by stroke. - enough, says Latlmar’s asseda- "If you hava heart . dlaease MaruqelU ran a tight show. Claittor, Ariz., takes up 10-year ety said hs sleeps right have heaped ridicule on ua In tighter reetrtctlona on Alger­ . That’s the warning ths'Ameri- tioa. lease on Bradshaw Mountain camp through Oroumfiiog Day, Feb. ia’s ' already eloeely regulated D n s i t D R n _D g P \717 n R cfvU life. . . BANTLYDn CO. eea B w t AeodhttoB hM ftr.yoH BiK A plqiploUiglpt ^ I « • to lto f* ' •) « m Fogs n r a ) 50 mllas Bortinraat o< Fbosnlx. 3, r a t ^ than amerglng frem .(OoH miafi M ta g o JFomr) t : T ■ ' t . \ \