Beef Producers Board of Directors

Erik Butters Rick Burton Kelly Olson Darcy Davis Gerald Maser Brent Carey Ernie Israelson Cochrane Claresholm Athabasca Acme Stavely Didsbury

Judy Fenton Doug Sawyer Diane Panrucker Rick McKnight Darcy Eddleston Donna Noullett Millie Boake Irma Pine Lake Bluffton Jarvie McLaughlin Valleyview Rocky Mtn House

Shelley Morrison Chuck McLean Dave Solverson Steve Primrose Stuart Thiessen Tony Saretsky Debolt Camrose Strathmore Lacombe Table of Content

ABP Chairman’s Report Page 4

ABP General Manager’s Report Page 5

Canadian Cattlemen’s Association Report Page 6

Beef Information Centre Report Page 8

Canada Beef Export Federation Report Page 10

Promotion Committee Report Page 11

Producer Liaison Committee Report Page 13

Public Affairs Committee Report Page 14

Government Affairs Committee Report Page 15

Technical Committee Report Page 16

Cattle Feeder Council Report Page 17

Cattle Industry Council Report Page 18

Financial Section Pages 19 - 37

Election Backgrounders Section Pages 38 - 46

Fall Meeting Schedule Back Cover ABP Chairman

It’s been a trying year for A consultation paper has been prepared and Changes could include feed, water and Alberta’s cattle producers, will be discussed at zone meetings. Your rest intervals, loading density standards, but hopefully one that input will guide the writing of a final version, livestock segregation and staff training. ABP ends on a higher note with which will then be reviewed and discussed is concerned that the research on which the opening of the U.S. at the ABP annual general meeting in CFIA is basing its recommendations was border for Canadian beef December. carried out in Europe and in Australia, where over 30-months of age. transportation needs are very different than We’ve come a long way The next step will be drafting amendments in . These changes could affect Erik Butters in our recovery from the to the regulations based on producer input. producer operating costs. ABP Chairman BSE crisis. We realize Producers will also review and comment on the gravity of issues that producers are facing the draft changes before they are presented The ABP Board agreed that check-off dollars – starting with the rapid escalation of the to the government’s Marketing Council. should be spent on carrying out livestock Canadian dollar, feed grain costs and the transportation research under Canadian increasing regulatory burden that affects us all Ensuring that its regulations are kept current conditions. Scientists at the Agriculture severely. We must continue to work together and up to date is one way that ABP is meeting Canada Research Station at Lethbridge to get through the current economic situation, the needs of today’s cattle operations in the have been contracted to do the research. and be prepared for further bumps in the challenging business environment in which The Alberta Livestock Industry Development road. ABP delegates and staff are continually we operate. Fund and Alberta Farm Animal Care are also working towards helping the beef industry to contributing. be more profitable. ANIMAL HEALTH ACT One of ABP’s priorities is protecting producers Taking proper care of animals is an AGE VERIFICATION from undue regulation. ABP has been investment you make in your business. This With the planned opening of the American consulted by the province on its new Animal research will demonstrate that care in a border to cattle over 30-months old, Age Health Act. Alberta Agriculture says the measurable way. Verification will be more important than ever. new Act will modernize current legislation. ABP encourages producers to age verify all However, ABP remains concerned over some SRM TRANSPORTATION REGULATIONS calves prior to sale or slaughter. points: ABP also represented Alberta’s cattle • The provincial Act seems to allow producers in discussions with government The Canadian animal identification system duplication what is federal jurisdiction, about specified risk materials transportation strengthens consumer and market confidence especially in the areas of notifiable regulations under the enhanced feed ban. and is a leading innovation for our industry. diseases and disease control. The new regulation came into effect in July. Age verification supports access to domestic • The Act will give the Alberta government We’re helping producers understand how to and export markets. far reaching powers over the information comply with the regulation. that producers are required to collect and Age verification of cattle is simply a process disclose. SRM is the parts of an animal most likely to of recording the actual birth date or calving carry BSE infection, things like the brain and start date of an animal into a national While we respect the need to modernize skull and part of the small intestine. Because database. If the actual birth date is unknown, animal health legislation, ABP is concerned deadstock contain SRM, these regulations then a calving start date can be used to age with the way this legislation is worded and its impact movement of deadstock. verify calves in a group. This database, potential intrusiveness. We will continue to the Canadian Livestock Tracking System, represent producers’ views to the government On-farm disposal of deadstock is still is administered by the Canadian Cattle on this issue. permitted, as it always was, so long as Identification Agency (CCIA). it complies with provincial and municipal LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION standards. If you move deadstock off the For more information, contact the CCIA office. REGULATIONS farm you’ll need an SRM movement permit Dedication to the job isn’t difficult when from a CFIA district office. If an animal dies ABP PLAN REVIEW you work for an industry that cares about unexpectedly off the farm, such as at an ABP’s structure and how it conducts business doing the right thing both for society and auction market, an SRM movement permit is regulated by the province’s Marketing of for the animals it raises. The issue of will be required to take the animal back to the Agricultural Products Act. A review of ABP’s proposed changes to livestock transportation farm or to an approved SRM disposal facility. regulations is now underway. regulations is one example. This is just an overview of some of the work A Steering Committee has reviewed the The Canadian Food Inspection Agency carried out with your check-off dollars on behalf of the beef cattle industry. ABP, along current regulations. Members on the is revising federal regulations that govern Committee represent the ABP Board of livestock transportation. They cite changes with the CCA, continue to lobby government Directors and staff, the Cattle Industry in transportation practices and social to keep bureaucracy limited and the lines of Council, Cattle Feeder Council, and Marketing expectations of animal welfare as reasons for communication open. Alberta Beef Producers Council. The Steering Committee has the change. is your association. Contact your local identified areas for potential change, and now delegate or the ABP office for any information wants to hear the opinions of cattle producers on what our organization is doing for you. like you. Erik Butters, ABP Chairman  ABP General Manager

When the ABP Strategic done by staff and allocation of the financial One of our first big steps toward improved Plan for 2006-2008 resources contributed by producers are issues management was the addition of was completed late internal operations that are capably managed Adrienne Waller to our staff as Corporate in 2005, our mission by our financial and administrative people. Counsel. Adrienne’s knowledge, experience, was identified as attention to detail, and tenacity have been strengthening the Building a strong and productive team of tremendously valuable in our work on a sustainability and staff members is a challenging and lengthy wide variety of legal and regulatory matters. competitiveness of process. We are extremely pleased with the Reynold Bergen, our Animal Health and Rich Smith the beef industry for progress we have made on building this team Welfare Manager, is able to cover a broad General Manager the benefit of Alberta during the past year. Laura Procunier, our range of animal management issues with his Beef Producers. Almost two years later, the Controller, has just celebrated five years of outstanding knowledge of animal production, importance of that mission has not changed at diligently and adeptly caring for the financial his long research experience, and his ability all, but the challenges to the sustainability and and physical assets of our organization. to quickly understand and respond to new competitiveness of our industry are growing Laura has found a bright and competent subjects. Recently, we were very happy in number and complexity. The goals and Accounting Assistant in Christina Snyder to to add Tim Highmoor, a widely known and action priorities on the strategic plan included help with this work. highly respected young industry expert, to our enhancing our ability to manage issues and staff as a Policy Analyst. Tim has a detailed develop policies, more competitive animal Carla Znak joined ABP as a highly capable knowledge of Safety Net programs and production through research and innovation, Legal Assistant, but has added the Office already has proven to be a valuable resource improved communication with our producers Manager responsibilities to her role and is for our producers. and the public, and promoting a positive tackling the expanded position with care and public image for our producers and industry. dedication. Carla recently hired the friendly All ABP staff members recognize the The plan also identified improved internal and cheerful Heather McCrady to look after adversity and challenges our producers are operating processes as a priority. our reception desk. Administrative support for facing these days. We are limited in our our policy, animal production, environmental, ability to change the value of the Canadian During this year, I was given the privilege and general manager activities is provided dollar or the price of feed grain, but producers of guiding the talented and dedicated staff with great competence, patience, and good will have the benefit of our total dedication members who work on your behalf to address humour by Executive Assistant Rosanne and very best efforts. We are committed to these goals and priorities. The policies and Allen. Rosanne also is responsible for working with our delegates for the benefit directions for ABP activities are decided committee minutes and ABP resolution tables. of all cattle producers, striving to strengthen by the knowledgeable producers who are the sustainability and competitiveness of our elected to serve on our Board, Committees, One of our major areas of effort is promotion industry. and Councils. Our delegates know the cattle and we were pleased to have Barb Sweetland business and are committed to making the recently accept the role of Promotion Rich Smith, ABP General Manager industry stronger, but they simply do not Manager. Barb has provided excellent have the time to become experts on the wide service to our Promotion Committee and staff range of issues that we face every year. With for three years and will now be managing all their own operations to run, they also are the activities in this area. Barb is fortunate not able to devote the time to the research, to have Lindsey Metheral and Steve Carr, consultations, and document preparation two very bright, imaginative, and energetic that is necessary to effectively manage these young people, working with her as Education issues. These are the roles of ABP staff. Coordinator and Marketing Coordinator, respectively. This infusion of youthful Our staff members work in four key areas, enthusiasm has been a welcome addition to these being policy, animal production, our promotion activities. communications, and promotion. Our policy work includes government relations, We have recognized the importance of government and industry policies, regulatory communications with the creation of a frameworks, and government programs communications team. Lori Creech has such as the CAISP. In the animal production accepted the role of Communications area, we work on coordinating and funding Manager and will be using her tremendous research, animal health and welfare writing and broadcasting skills, her extensive concerns, production management and media contacts, and her very good knowledge environmental stewardship activities. We of the cattle industry to enhance our must be able to communicate effectively, communications with producers and the through a wide range of print, broadcast, public. Katelyn Laverdure has done a very and electronic media, with our producers, good job leading the planning for several partner organizations, governments, and the general meetings, but is now using her public. We also must continue to promote the growing public relations knowledge and skills image of our producers and industry through in an expanded role as the Communication our marketing, education and merchandise Coordinator. activities. Support for the external work

 Canadian Cattlemen’s Association

2007 marks the 75th The requirements of the old feed anniversary year of the ban are still applicable, but there Canadian Cattlemen’s are new regulations for anyone Association. It has handling, transporting or disposing been an eventful year of specified risk materials (SRMs). with many challenges. Permits will be needed to transport We continue to work or dispose of cattle carcasses off a hard in the aftermath producer’s property and there are Hugh Lynch-Stauton of BSE to recover and new transportation requirements. CCA President grow into a strong Delays in funding and decisions industry – one that is related to the implementation of the respected and trusted enhanced feed ban are resulting in around the world. significant costs to packing plants and renderers. Since September Enhanced Feed Ban 2006, the CCA has been stressing the importance of timely decisions One important step the Canadian Food waiting period for implementation following Inspection Agency took to strengthen its and, with the Canadian Meat Council, advocated for a transition fund to publication because the rule is identified as a position with the World Organization for “major” rule. Animal Health (OIE) as a country committed deal with these extra costs. The CCA and the to eliminating BSE in its national herd was to CMC requested that the federal government create a transition fund of up to $25 million We do not know whether or not there have implement its enhanced feed ban on July 12, been any substantive changes to Rule 2 since 2007. Based on our stronger surveillance per year for two years. At the time of writing, this request has not been accepted. we saw the proposal in January. It is possible and control measures, this was a factor in the that the USDA could have amended some of decision of the OIE to classify Canada as a the details in response to public comments. Update on “Rule 2” controlled risk country. The OIE held its 75th We will see the final content of Rule 2 only General Session at the end of May 2007 and On January 9, 2007, the United States when it is published in the Federal Register. officially classified Canada, the United States, Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s proposed However, the USDA has taken a science- Switzerland, Taipei-China, Chile and Brazil “Rule 2”, which will allow for greater based approach to trade and we trust that it as controlled risk countries. The Government access for Canadian beef and cattle to the will continue to follow OIE guidelines and that of Canada submitted a detailed application United States was moved from the Office rule 2 will be implemented. Canada had two to the OIE for this rating based cases of BSE at the beginning of 2007 and on its interlocking, multi-layered although groups such as R-CALF use this to safeguards and the CCA is very further their interests, the USDA understands pleased with this classification. that the detection of additional cases is not The OIE provides sound, unexpected as we eliminate the disease science-based standards that from our herd. In fact, it is a testament to the are internationally recognized strength of our surveillance system that we and we are confident that our are detecting these animals. international trading partners will recognize Canada as a Country of Origin Labelling country committed to animal health and food safety and Country of origin labeling (COOL) for beef that they will not hesitate to continues to be debated by the House reestablish full trade. According Agriculture Committee in the United States. to OIE guidelines, there is COOL was included in the 2002 U.S. Farm no justifiable reason for any Bill and requires that all beef sold at retail in country to ban Canadian beef and cattle of Management and Budget (OMB) and the United States be labeled as to the country of any age. After Canada received the published in the Federal Register for a public of its origin. As it is currently written, only beef controlled risk rating, Taiwan lifted its four- comment period that ended on March 12. from cattle “born, raised and processed” in the year ban on Canadian boneless beef from The CCA submitted comments on behalf United States could be labeled as a “Product cattle under 30 months of age (UTM beef). of the Canadian industry in support of this of USA”. This was a positive step towards the full proposal but argued that the USDA should resumption of trade with Taiwan and the CCA eliminate the requirement for slaughter cattle Three categories of labeling are being is requesting that the government continue to to be born after March 1999. On August 2, discussed: one that indicates the product was push for full access for beef products derived the USDA sent Rule 2 to the OMB for final born, raised and slaughtered in the United from Canadian cattle of all ages. These approval, signifying that it had completed its States; one that indicates the product was are the science-based OIE international review of the public comments and is seeking not exclusively born, raised and slaughtered standards that we expect all trade in beef and the OMB’s approval before publishing it in the in the United States; and one that includes cattle to be governed by. Federal Register. The OMB has up to 90 days products entirely derived from foreign to either approve the rule or send it back to countries. Ground meat product may be The enhanced feed ban will impact the the USDA for further clarification. Once it is labeled with a list of countries where the way Canadian livestock producers operate. approved, there will be a mandatory 60 day product may have originated. There are still

 Canadian Cattlemen’s Association

ongoing discussions as to what the specific discussion at the committee level. This will To analyze the potential implications of the requirements will be. Everyone involved in undoubtedly lead to better communication expansion of the biofuels industry on the the beef industry will be impacted by COOL with our stakeholders and a more Canadian beef cattle sector, the Biofuels Task and verifiable record keeping audit trails and comprehensive system for setting CCA policy. Force was created to make recommendations labeling requirements will result in added to the Board on a course of action. costs. Two committee revisions were made during the CCA’s Annual General Meeting in Traceability and Age Verification The CCA does not disagree with the concept March 2007. The Beef Quality and Grading Traceability continues to be a key issue of COOL, however, our legal analysis committee was replaced by a new committee and we believe that industry, alongside the indicates that both the North American Free called the Value Chain and Competitiveness Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and World Trade committee. This standing committee will needs to continue to lead this initiative. Age Organization (WTO) clearly establish that continue to address quality and grading verification is a top priority and is an important the origin of meat is the country in which the issues, but its purpose was expanded to factor in the reopening of international animal was slaughtered. In other words, these better identify areas for improvements that markets. Countries such as Japan are looking trade agreements establish that if Canadian could increase the value for Canadian for age-verified beef and we need to supply it. cattle are slaughtered in the United States, cattle and beef thereby enhancing its To date, approximately four million birthdates the beef is then of U.S. origin. Therefore, the competitiveness. Its mandate is to seek out have been voluntarily reported to the national U.S. law requiring cattle and hogs to be born, and provide producers with technologies, database. The need for age verification is raised and slaughtered in the United States in goods or services that create a more increasing and many provinces and provincial order for the meat to be labeled as “U.S.” is a profitable business climate by creating higher associations have been partnering with violation of the trade agreements. returns or lowering the cost of production the CCIA to assist producers and increase of cattle from birth to processing. The participation. In addition, poultry is exempt from COOL and Environment and Animal Care committee was this will create a competitive disadvantage for divided into two committees: the Environment As interest in traceability increases at the beef and pork. The CCA formed a coalition committee and the Animal Care committee. federal level, the CCA is working with the with the Canadian Pork Council to request the Animal care continues to be a growing issue. CCIA to ensure that the cattle industry Canadian government be prepared traceability system be industry-led, that the to challenge laws that are non- CCIA infrastructure is utilized and that no compliant under NAFTA and the duplication or fragmentation takes place. WTO. Resuming full trade with countries other than Bluetongue Restrictions the U.S. continues to be very important to Eliminated the CCA. The Republic of Korea completed For years, the CCA has been a free trade agreement (FTA) with the working to have bluetongue-related United States. However, it remains closed trade restrictions removed from to Canadian beef. In 2002, Korea was U.S. cattle coming into Canada. Canada’s fourth largest export market for At the beginning of February, the beef, purchasing some $50 million of product. Government of Canada announced To restore full access for all Canadian beef that it was implementing new import and cattle, the CCA requested that the federal regulations to allow for greater government initiate WTO dispute proceedings access of cattle from the United against Korea and to suspend bilateral free States, effectively eliminating bluetongue- As international standards are developed trade negotiations until the matter is resolved. related import requirements and a source of through the OIE, it is important that the It also submitted a letter to the Prime Minister, considerable frustration on both sides of the Canadian industry stay closely involved in with the Canada Beef Export Federation border. these processes. To better address these requesting the Canadian government ensure issues, a separate committee was formed to that Canadian beef be treated no less focus solely on animal care issues. CCA Organizational Structure favourable in a potential Canada-Korea FTA than U.S. beef is under the U.S.-Korea FTA. The CCA undertook a strategic review of Biofuels its structure and governance to enhance The CCA also asked that Parliament not ratify how it represents its member organizations Biofuel policies are driving up grain prices any Canada-Korea FTA until the prohibition and provides leadership to the industry. and grain production. The CCA is concerned on all Canadian beef is lifted. The review was completed and the about the extent of government intervention recommendations put before the Board. and the resulting artificial incentives for Hugh Lynch-Staunton, CCA President Approval of any constitutional changes will expansion. While we recognize that be done at the semi-annual meeting and developments are being driven by policies in structural changes will be effective for the many countries and in particular the United 2008-2009 year. Many thanks should be States, we believe that the more market given to Stan Eby and his team for bringing neutral the policies are, the fairer it will be for this project to completion. We have already all involved. strengthened the roles and budgets of our committees resulting in better knowledge and  Beef Information Centre

The Beef Information Phase one launched with the August issues of and feedback indicates that HealthCheck™ Centre (BIC) recently Canadian Living, Chatelaine, Reader’s Digest makes consumers feel better about eating started the second year of and their French equivalent publications, beef. a 10 year strategic plan. reaching 1.7 million consumers in Ontario The vision set out in this and Quebec. This phase also included a plan is for a sustainable, 16-page ‘Lean Beef’ recipe booklet inserted profitable beef industry in the September issues of Chatelaine and where Canadian beef Canadian Living. The booklet was also Mike Cook is recognized as the available in 3,472 grocery stores nationally BIC Chairman most outstanding by our – integrating the campaign with other BIC domestic and export customers. Under the programs. Finally, in August and October, the plan, BIC will work to maximize demand for lean beef message was heard on 93 radio Canadian beef and optimize the value of stations across Canada with an audience Eight cuts of beef (Eye of Round, Inside Canadian beef products for the benefit of reach of approximately 33 million. Ads will Round, Sirloin Tip, Top Sirloin, Flank, Strip Canadian cattle producers. appear throughout the year in the Dietitians loin, Cross Rib, and Outside Round at zero of Canada Journal and dietitians will also be inch trim) as well as lean and extra lean A cornerstone of BIC’s strategy is to build a mailed a special booklet with more facts about ground beef qualify for the HealthCheck™ stronger overarching identity for Canadian fed the nutritional benefits of lean beef. program. BIC is working with retailers to meet and non-fed beef in the domestic and U.S. HealthCheck™ licensing requirements and market. This will include quality attributes and The research on phase one shows the encourage their participation in the program. points of differentiation versus other proteins campaign was effective with growing and importing competitors. awareness of the ‘beef is a lean, nutritious Nutrition and Food Safety Policy and meat choice’ message. Research also shows Issues Management More than half of BIC’s funding now that of those who recall the booklet when BIC protects beef producer interests by comes from non-check-off sources. BIC shown it, almost half read it and 88 per cent working with government in areas such as has been able to effectively maximize the kept the resource. food safety, nutrition recommendations and impact and benefit of producer dollars by labelling. By providing credible, balanced and leveraging producer funding against industry Phase two of the integrated marketing practical responses to proposed regulatory development funds and private industry campaign promoting beef’s nutritional value policy, BIC has played an important role as a partners. was recently completed. The campaign voice for the beef industry. reinforced the message that beef is a Domestic Market naturally nutrient-rich, lean option to create a BIC was invited to provide consultation, Efforts to maximize demand in Canada have positive shift in consumer attitudes targeting along with a number of other stakeholders, supported and helped sustain domestic women 25 to 49. In phase two, 1.7 million in the revision of Canada’s Food Guide to disappearance of Canadian beef. The Ontario consumers were reminded to ‘Make Healthy Eating. BIC also participated on the 2006 beef disappearance data released by Every Bite Count’ with beef through print national multi-stakeholder trans fat task force, shows total disappearance advertising, advertorials and the consumer mandated to develop recommendations to was 970,535 tonnes. Canadians are also booklet ‘Lean Ground Beef: Get Grilling!’ in reduce trans fat to the lowest level possible. continuing to choose Canadian product May, June and July. versus imports as domestic beef enjoyed an Beef Consumer Safety Rating 85 per cent share of the Canadian market in Results for phase two of the nutrition Increasing Canadian Beef Sales at Retail 2006. In 2006, 822,897 tonnes of domestic campaign, Beef. Goodness in every bite, and Foodservice beef was consumed. Retail beef prices in show that the advertising campaigns are 2006 averaged $11.58/kg versus $11.59/kg contributing towards maintaining consumers’ BIC works extensively with the retail and in 2005. Canadian beef’s overall strength intent to eat beef on a daily basis. In light foodservice sectors across Canada to in domestic market share demonstrates the of ongoing pressures on beef, advertising maximize demand for Canadian beef and continued commitment of the foodservice and may be preventing a falloff in claimed ‘intent optimize the value of Canadian beef products retail sectors to feature Canadian beef. Since to include more beef in daily food choice’. for the benefit of Canadian cattle producers. 2002, Canadian beef’s share of the domestic Program measurements indicated that 18 per These efforts resulted in increased beef market has risen 18 per cent. cent of the population consistently agrees that sales through: featuring and new beef menu they definitely or probably will include more items, branded beef programs at retail and beef in their diets in markets that received Improving Consumers’ Perceptions on advertising. Beef’s Healthfulness Consumer research indicates that health HealthCheck™ concerns are the number one reason for eating less beef - therefore BIC developed a One of BIC’s most powerful tools to targeted campaign to remind consumers that improve the nutritional perception of beef beef is a lean and healthy food choice. The is its participation in the Heart and Stroke goal of this multi-year campaign is to achieve Foundation’s HealthCheck™ program which a measurably improved attitudinal shift among identifies healthy food choices. According to consumers towards beef’s nutritional benefits. recent research, consumers overwhelmingly respond positively to the HealthCheck™ logo,

 Beef Information Centre

foodservice, increased carcass use through The strategy was established to expand the BIC hosted a series of Partners for Success new cuts, as well as maintaining consumer size and share of the domestic market for seminars in the past year to introduce the confidence in Canadian beef products. Canadian commercial beef. ‘Canadian Beef Advantage’ to U.S. buyers, distributors, retailers and foodservice The creation of the Seasonal Merchandising The tactics established to achieve these operators. Approximately 86 buyers have Planner provides retailers with detailed goals included: conducting research on the attended four workshops held in Philadelphia, marketing information far in advance of safety and quality of Canadian commercial Santa Monica, Boston and San Jose. The seasonal execution, providing a cross beef; information transfer and technical U.S. team has also attended 11 trade shows channel opportunity that will help sell beef. assistance to industry partners; development and developed an advertising campaign to Four campaigns are developed each year to of source ground beef programs to increase raise awareness among the U.S. foodservice, complement the planner. the value of trimmings beyond price points retail and processing industries of BIC’s for regular, medium and lean ground beef; programs that will help build their business Promotional activities in the foodservice promoting ground beef and underutilized cuts with Canadian beef. sector have focused on menu diversification to consumers; and preserving the integrity of using under-utilized and heavy cuts. On ground beef as a nutritious and convenient A U.S. meat trade media visit to Canada average, BIC has been able to leverage choice. BIC is strategically aligned with the was held in April to enhance the image of partner funding at a rate of approximately product and promotional efforts of the majority Canadian beef in the United States. Attending 5:1. BIC recently partnered with abc Country of quick service chain restaurants and has the tour were 11 media representing Restaurants to help them introduce a new partnered with national chains such as Burger 12 publications from across the United Canadian Angus Beef (CAB) program in King and McDonald’s to increase commercial States and Canada. The tour resulted in a more than 31 locations throughout Western beef sales. BIC also developed the Product commitment for coverage from five key trade Canada. New menu items are value-added Development and Reformulation Partners magazines to date. products including: Carved Roast Beef Program, working with processors, retailers Dinner, Steak Pot Pie, Beef Dip Sandwich and and foodservice operators to utilize Canadian One of BIC’s key U.S. strategies is to grow Country Pot Roast Sandwich. beef in product formulations that previously Canadian beef opportunities within specific utilized import raw materials and develop new market segments. For example, the Hispanic products that will increase demand. market is the largest and fastest growing ethnic group representing approximately The commercial beef strategy was successful 14.7 per cent of the U.S. population in 2004, in supporting the growth of the commercial with an average annual beef spending by an beef market and increasing the domestic individual consumer at $326 versus $230 by share of this market. From 2002 to 2006, the non-Hispanics. This market values some of market share of domestic over-30-months the key Canadian beef advantages and there (OTM) beef increased from 25 per cent to 80 is less attachment to USDA grades and more per cent. Domestic utilization of beef from weight given to the quality of the beef and its older animals was up significantly in 2005 ability to meet expectations. and 2006, at 155,825 and 179,436 tonnes, New Beef Products Create More respectively. This compares to 118,721 Opportunities for Canadian Beef tonnes in 2004, and 72,525 tonnes in 2003. The United States is the largest export market A key aspect of increasing the size and While the initial strategy funded by the for Canadian beef. In 2006, Canada exported maintaining a higher share of the domestic Canadian Adaptation and Rural Development 370,000 tonnes of beef on a carcass weight market has been the development of new Fund, National Beef Industry Development basis to the U.S., accounting for 27 per cent products and reformulation of existing Fund and Alberta Beef Producer ended in of Canada’s production. The U.S. market products. March 2007, BIC will continue to implement combined with Canadian beef consumed in a commercial beef program as part of its Canada, accounts for 1.26 million tones or Since the inception of the Partners Program 2006/07 and 2007/08 business plans. 93 per cent of all Canadian beef production. just over two years ago until June 30, 2007, Exports of Canadian beef to the United States 55 projects involving fed and commercial U.S. Continues To Be Strongest Export in 2006 were down 21 per cent from 2005. beef with a total value of more than $5.65 Market This is primarily due to a 74 per cent increase million have been managed by BIC. Of that BIC works with U.S. trade clients in order to in live cattle exports. total, approximately $1.15 million was funded mitigate the potential impact of U.S. Country through BIC. These partners programs are of Origin Labelling and build awareness of the Moving Forward cost shared and have been funded by various ‘Canadian Beef Advantage’. The ‘Canadian BIC will continue to pursue a shared vision levels of government, as well as producer Beef Advantage’ positions Canadian beef like with CCA for a sustainable, profitable beef check-off dollars. a brand with identifiable quality attributes such industry in order to maximize demand for as: superior genetics, excellent animal health Canadian beef and optimize the value of Commercial Beef Utilization Strategy management, individual animal identification, Canadian beef products for the benefit of In response to the BSE crisis and its impact world renowned food safety system, superior Canadian cattle producers. on the cow beef market, BIC implemented the grading, excellent supply capability and Commercial Beef Utilization Strategy in the improved profitability. Mike Cook, BIC Chairman fall of 2004.

 Canada Beef Export Federation

The Federation’s The technical materials are proving programs and activities highly successful, generating a continue to aggressively positive response with importers drive the Canadian beef in all key markets. We are now value proposition in key producing these materials in a global export markets. To our version for use in new and emerging industry partners, we markets. Another major focus of the deliver the message Federation this year is developing Arno Doerkson of Canada’s animal a singular consumer mark for CBEF Chair health and food safety Canadian beef that will be used in through seminars, food all markets outside of Canada and shows and publications, and by our offices the US. directly engaging individual clients. To consumers, we support the positive points of The Canadian value proposition differentiation of Canadian beef with retail and is also generating a high level of food service promotions, focussing on high- interest at Federation seminars. quality, grain-fed, tender and tasty Canadian Last year, the Federation delivered nineteen A detailed analysis of retail and food service beef. ‘Differentiation’ and ‘Demand Building’ promotions held by the Federation in key seminars in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, markets showed that, from June 2006 to Key to differentiating Canadian beef was the China, Hong Kong and Mexico. These March 2007, 77 percent more beef was 2006 Beef Quality Perceptions Audit (BQPA) seminars directly engaged a total of 2,345 sold while clients were participating in commissioned by the Federation to identify importers and purchasers from the retail and Canadian beef promotions. We believe this is international buyers’ quality preferences for food service sectors. Surveys of seminar contributing to sustainable, long-term export beef and their perceptions of Canadian beef. participants showed that 68 percent found the growth. With the BQPA, the Federation established seminars to be ‘Very Valuable’; an average a benchmark against which we will judge 70 percent gained a better understanding of The Federation’s members are focussed on our future successes. The audit will be Canada’s value proposition of food safety and achieving new export success. They have set completed every five years to gauge changing high quality beef; and 90 percent asked for a the goal of increasing Canadian beef exports perceptions of Canadian beef and changing follow-up contact from CBEF. to 650,000 tonnes ($2.5 billion) by 2015, market demands. with 300,000 tonnes ($1.2 billion) flowing to Last year, the Federation markets outside of the US. implemented a comprehensive performance measurement system We are building toward this success. We to assess the effectiveness of are undertaking the market research and our information and services and establishing the performance measures. We our programs and promotions. are developing new materials that reflect The first annual ‘Canada Export the research as well as strategic input from Beef Federation Performance industry and government partners. As access Report’ surveyed the Federation is regained, we are delivering aggressive membership and over 600 market development programs to drive international contacts who had dealt demand for Canadian beef – and increase with the Federation in the past year. volume sales out of international meat cases and off of international menus. The report found that members, by a high majority, feel that CBEF As we move forward to new export success, services and resources increase we are also building upon a solid foundation awareness and knowledge of Canadian of established supply chain and distribution The findings of the BQPA enabled the beef in international markets, and provide channels that promote Canadian beef. Federation to establish a technical base to potential international buyers of Canadian Developed over nearly two decades of promote points of differentiation for Canadian beef with a better understanding of the Federation activities, it is a foundation that beef. Based on this, we have developed a competitive advantage of using Canadian lends strong support to our efforts. series of technical marketing materials for beef. The majority of Export Members say use in Asia and Mexico. These materials that Federation programs and services have Arno Doerksen, CBEF Chairman include brochures on the Canadian cattle increased their beef exports. International identification system, beef grading system, contacts say, by a vast majority, that food safety systems, an overview of the CBEF promotions increased their interest Canadian beef industry and a guide to in purchasing Canadian beef, increased importing Canadian beef. Also produced was confidence in Canadian beef during the an Asian merchandising guide, now being time of market closure, and helped inform recreated with a focus on Latin America. As their customers of the advantages of using always, our materials are linked to the positive Canadian beef. The full findings of the report images of Canada known around the world. were provided to all members in March 2006.

10 Promotion

As most years are Committee spent many hours in 2007 beef won the contest with a recipe for spicy when the marketing and examining those requests, analyzing their peanut butter hamburgers prepared by promotion of a staple fit with ABP’s marketing goals, and deciding competitor, Ms. Sheila Eckersley. The spot commodity is concerned, if support would simultaneously bolster our on this widely viewed television segment was 2007 was a hectic, industry’s image and provide significant return secured by the committee for only the price of satisfying and extremely on investment for the producer. After this the beef cooked in the demo, and the aprons productive year. The initial screening stage was completed, the and prizes supplied. Promotion Committee Promotion Committee chose to participate Judy Fenton C. LiveSmart Diabetes Expo Package 2007, began its tenure with in a variety of sponsorships, some having Promo Chair May, 2007 an official change of an historical link with ABP and some offering name from the traditional “Beef Promotion new and exciting promotional possibilities. In May, the Canadian Diabetes Association Committee” to a new moniker which was Established programs which the Promotion offered ABP the opportunity to sponsor its born of the idea that beef really need not Committee chose to support again this regional shows across the province. The be mentioned in our title as it is self-evident year were the 2007 International Livestock sponsorship, which fit with our nutrition, health that our collective business is solely the Congress; Phil Joy’s ENJoy Cooking and fitness mandate, provided ABP with promotion of beef and the beef industry. With segments on CFRN TV and CFCN TV; logo placement, website presence, program a new name, some exciting new marketing the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame Induction collateral bearing our name and contact ideas, and even some new members added Dinner; the Canadian Finals Rodeo Souvenir information, plus the opportunity to “Host a to the roster, the Promotion Committee Program; the Stampede Souvenir Workshop,” “Host a Nutritional Break” or “Host enthusiastically tackled a year that promised Programs and Events Guide; Spruce an ‘Ask the Expert’ Event”. The committee to be full of opportunity. Meadows Masters Tournament Guides; approved the last hosting option and, at the AMAZE-ing AG; FEAST-ival of Fine Chefs CDA tradeshows in and Calgary, Administrative Initiatives: and BBQ on the Bow. New initiatives which placed a registered dietitian at our booths so our message to the large numbers of In order to facilitate the smooth and effective allowed the Committee to create partnerships with organizers and, thereby, have a convention-goers was professionally crafted operation of the Promotion Committee during and delivered. 2007 and beyond, a facilitated meeting heightened presence at sponsored events between staff, committee representatives were readily available in 2007. After careful D. HSBC Calgary Marathon and Fitness and a professional facilitator was held consideration, however, the Committee Expo, July, 2007 identified a limited line-up of signature at the beginning of the year. The goal of 2007 marked the 43rd anniversary of this that meeting was to develop a Terms of initiatives it wanted to be a part of, the most notable among them being: hallmark charity event in Calgary. Although Reference document which would identify we have not participated previously, this year and clarify roles and responsibilities of both A. CISN FM Community Cruiser, March, 2007 the Committee felt support represented an the Committee and staff in the execution of The Committee decided that partnering with excellent fit with our newly crafted marketing ABP marketing and promotions assignments. a well known radio broadcaster to support plan, speaking not only to our image as In addition to creating this important charity and community events was an ideal community event supporters, but also administrative document, the group planned way to link the industry’s name with good providing us with an opportunity to give racers to examine ABP’s marketing plan and fine- works and responsible community citizenship. hard-hitting nutritional information. This was tune it to ensure producer dollars continued For our participation in the community cruiser accomplished by developing a participants’ to be spent in the most cost-effective way program, we received coverage for a 13-week pamphlet on the crucial role beef plays in a possible. Subsequently, a Marketing Plan period, having our support broadcast during sport champion’s diet and handing it out to Working Group was struck, which would the largest listener audience time – the drive throngs of interested marathoners. Given that concentrate on refining the strategy and home hour. In addition, ABP was allowed to ABP will be able to use the brochure at many objectives in the previous marketing plan. provide the cruiser with promotional materials future health-driven events, investment in this After several intensive focus sessions, the which were given out at local Edmonton initiative represents undeniable good value for Working Group successfully completed that community events by radio reps. The cruiser the money. task and, further, provided guidance in the attended over two dozen community events E. Fuel for Gold – Canadian Sports Centre (U development of tactics and tools capable of during this campaign. supporting any newly identified marketing of C), August, 2007 objectives. The result of much hard work on B. Breakfast Television BBQ Week, Channel Although the committee has not traditionally the entire Promotion Committee’s part, the 7, April, 2007 been involved in athletics, participation in 2008 -2010 Marketing Plan will be a flagship In April, the committee took advantage of an this premium nutrition program for Canada’s for the years ahead, continually guiding us in opportunity to secure television exposure for best athletes was immediately recognized our decision-making, constantly reminding us Alberta beef by sponsoring a segment on as a possible opportunity to develop tie- of our mandate. Breakfast Television’s kickoff to Calgary’s ins to the upcoming Olympic Games. As BBQ season. The week began by featuring part of the sponsorship, ABP is guaranteed Promotion Committee Initiatives: beef, which according to the program director, access to prospective medal winners at a As caring and responsible citizens of the represents the very essence of barbequing. predetermined number of promotional events larger community, Alberta’s beef producers Other proteins followed and, at the end of over the next three years. This situation have historically responded to requests for the week, a contest was held which allowed means that we now have the capability to use support from the citizens of Alberta. 2007 competitors to cook their favourite BBQ contending athletes’ photos with link concepts was certainly no exception. Inundated with recipe in each of the protein categories. The like “gold” and “winners” and “medal” on requests for sponsorship, the Promotion committee is pleased to report that Alberta our advertising and, by so doing, associate 11 Beef Promotion

our organization to Olympic events. Fuel for beef available to the consumer and about her in ABP’s educational tool belt. 2007 was an Gold is a highly regarded nutritional/sports favourite beef recipe for summer barbequing. exception to that only in that more students program, having a large media profile, and At the end of summer she was interviewed than ever before received the program during representing not only good image marketing long-distance by a writer doing an article in this school year, bringing the total students for ABP but conscientious husbanding of the UK about travel and leisure opportunities across the province involved to an astounding producer dollars as well. Furthermore, the in Canada. 16,000 individuals. 2008 also looks to be a Committee leveraged the monies it did use by As well as appearing at many of our banner year for CAP with outside program obtaining contributory funds from ALIDF. traditional tradeshow events, the RancHERS financing being actively pursued by the F. Tune Into Program – Access Television, made some special guest appearances Steering Committee and with many core December, 2007 during 2007. Erin was a guest speaker at the commodities voicing their firm commitment to Canmore Tourism Conference held at the future participation. Given that television exposure is normally a Banff Springs Hotel where she was mobbed prohibitively expensive marketing medium, by Korean tourists wanting to have her picture Beef Education Association Initiatives: the Promotion Committee readily embraced taken with them and to get her autograph the opportunity to develop a half hour Driven by a belief in the importance of on posters which staff was handing out at educating consumers on a face-to-face program on the Access Television Channel the event. She, and Patti and Lenore were when the price tag was not only modest basis, BEA attended more tradeshows in featured at the ATCO Blue Flame Kitchen 2007 than ever before. This year, Alberta but eligible for funding. After seeking and during Stampede where they chatted to Beef Producers had a presence at over 80 receiving dollar-for-dollar financing from delighted consumers, signed autographs, ALIDF, the committee assigned point trade shows in the province and BEA was and handed out goody bags to very large responsible for attending nearly 60 of them. persons to the project who would act as crowds. The ladies also aided executive Chef technical advisors during production. The Some of the larger events ABP attended Richard Thomas in a televised cooking show were the Calgary Stampede and Exhibition, point persons (Chuck Groeneveld, Carol held on stage there. Later that week, they Wilson, Judy Nelson, Arnold Hanson and Women’s Show (in Calgary, Edmonton manned ABP’s Stampede booth and were and ), Spruce Meadows Judy Fenton) spent many hours advising on active in handing out promo materials to mobs content and visuals and pouring over rough (Calgary), FarmFair International (Edmonton), of international visitors. In an outstanding Medicine Hat Exhibition, Cattlemen’s Corral cut editions for errors and omissions. In the finish to an outstanding year, they were end, their diligence showed. ABP now owns () and Westerner Days (Red invited by the Government of Alberta’s Trade Deer). This year, BEA made a concerted a professionally crafted, five-part module Commissioner to Mexico to help celebrate DVD of which the organization can be proud. effort to focus its resources on health and the fifth anniversary of the opening of their wellness fairs as those events are attended It will serve in future to educate consumers office in Mexico City. The RancHERS, as about our industry and to impress upon them by consumers interested in and willing to act they always do, spent time meeting and upon well-presented nutritional messages. how beef producers directly contribute to the greeting many people of influence in the economic strength of this province. The DVD beef industry, and generally garnering good Conclusion: aired on Access Channel’s Tune Into Program feelings for Alberta beef. All in all, this year in late 2007. was a testament to the RancHERS continuing With a roster of achievements like this popularity not only with Alberta’s consumers attributed to the Promotion Committee, it Image/ Community Relations Initiatives: but with international ones, as well. is obvious that they are a hard-working, 2007 was busy for ABP’s committed, results-driven group of individuals RancHERS Erin Butters, Patti and I thank each and every one of them, plus Scott and Lenore McLean. In our partners in BEA and CAP, for making this January, Erin and her family year’s marketing program a hallmark one. were featured in an article Driven by their unwavering dedication to written for the Calgary Herald’s the beef industry in this province, they took and Edmonton Journal’s on a year filled not just with opportunity but “What’s On Your Plate” article. with challenge as well, and they delivered To develop the article, she the goods. In short, they have all done a posed for pictures at her family yeoman’s job making 2007 the success it home and was interviewed at undoubtedly was. length on her opinions of the future of ranching in Alberta. Judy Fenton - Chairman Later in the spring she was Barry Haner - Vice chair approached by Overwaitea Mike Cook Foods to participate, along Roy Eckert with the other two RancHERS Mark Francis and their families, in a Western Chuck Groeneveld Family program for Save on Arnold Hanson Foods called “One less decision to make” Classroom Agriculture Program Initiatives: Stephen Jarema which spotlights Alberta beef as the obvious A multi-commodity initiative developed Judy Nelson answer to “what’s for dinner.” In July, Erin to teach elementary students about the Donna Noullett was interviewed by CBC at the CBC/ABP importance of agriculture in their daily lives, Brad Pierson Stampede Breakfast about newer cuts of CAP has historically been an exemplary tool Cathy Sharp

12 Producer Liaison

Producer communication facing producers. Two tours were remains at the top of the conducted – one out of Edmonton priority list for ABP. After and one from Calgary. Journalists some restructuring of the from a variety of weekly newspapers Communications team in attended along with Global Television 2007, ABP will be reaching crews from Edmonton and Calgary, out to cattle producers CBC Radio and Television, the more often, and with Calgary Herald and several other Gerald Maser more relevant information. mediums. The tour was a success, PL Chair As stakeholders in the allowing ABP the chance to get organization, the producers are the priority to know journalists and provide when it comes to communications. information about our industry.

One of the bigger projects tackled by the After looking at costs of various Producer Liaison (PL) committee this year, print advertising mediums, the PL was to completely overhaul the old website: committee decided to continue Overall, it’s been a successful year for the PL The old website was advertising in Cattlemen Magazine, Alberta committee. We were able to look at trying out designed to inform producers of the ongoing Express and Alberta Beef as their main some new ideas, and stick with the tried-and- effects of BSE in 2003. While some of the means to publish Grass Routes information. true that we have faithfully been a part of. As information offered on the site is still relevant, ABP places eight ads in each magazine we look towards 2008, the committee and I the PL committee knew that a better job throughout the year. are excited about what we hope to achieve. could be done. A survey I would like to thank all the committee was placed in various members and staff for their hard work. It’s agricultural publications been a pleasure working with everyone. to engage producers and to get their thoughts on Gerald Maser – Chairman what should be included on the new site. The new Millie Boake – Vice chair website is slated to be Cecilie Fleming online by mid-December. Sara Arthurs Margaret Kvigstad PL received many Rose Wymenga offers to be financially Shelley Grundberg involved with different Ben Schrader outside projects and Dale Johnson organizations, some of Ed Doktor the larger ones include Erin Moskalyk an ongoing sponsorship with Alberta 4-H, Laura Procunier, ABP Controller, advised Travis Toews Rural Crime Watch, the Cattlewomen for that the mailing list database plan has a Cure Golf Tournament, the International been implemented. There have been Livestock Congress and the Bashaw many program changes that have allowed Agricultural Show Committee. staff to identify duplication easier (so far 500 have been identified), identify types PL put on a media tour this year – with of organizations, and cross-reference journalists invited from across Alberta. possibilities. The ultimate goal is to link The basis of the tour was to inform the the mailing list database to the producer media on the cattle industry and issues database.

Breed representatives from purebred organizations were invited to attend the March meeting to discuss working together with ABP to better represent producers. It was decided that communication was the biggest issue between the breeds and ABP, and that we all need to work together to represent the industry. ABP invited the breeds to attend an open house at the ABP booth at Calgary Stampede.

13 Public Affairs

2007 has been a busy since 1992 as a partner in Cows & Fish has the welfare of our livestock, this means we year for the Public Affairs held our positive environmental reputation need to promote our good husbandry and Committee. We have in good stead on both the local and national animal welfare story to the consumer. We been continuing to work level. have misinformed critics in this area that we on the increasing issues must respond to in an informed and positive around Transportation, Water manner. Environment, and Animal The water for life strategy is moving along Welfare. Alberta Farm Animal Care Doug Sawyer rapidly. New watershed advisory councils PA Chair are being developed throughout the province. Being a member of this organization allows us Transportation Our goal is to have an Alberta Beef Producers to address issues on a multi species, unified The CFIA have opened the regulations representative sitting on each of these level. AFAC’s support on the transportation on Transportation and are rapidly moving groups. So far we have representation issue has been very valuable to the beef forward to complete a new set of regulations. on the Battle River, North Saskatchewan, industry. The initiation of the “train the This could have huge ramifications for the South Saskatchewan, Bow River, and the trucker” program has been very positive for livestock industries. We have been very Red Deer River. As new groups are being all livestock sectors, but largely for the cattle fortunate to have people like Shelley Morrison developed we will be there with input. Staying industry. This program certainly supports our to help carry that file forward on behalf of involved allows us to convey our industry efforts on the transportation issue and has our committee. Working with the Alberta needs as well as promote our conservation received recognition across Canada, as other Livestock Development Fund and Alberta and stewardship accolades. Water use Provinces are requesting information on this Farm Animal Care we have embarked on a is coming under increased scrutiny for all program. The AFAC Livestock Care Alert line “Cattle Transportation Bench Marking Study” sectors by all sectors and the public. As has been very successful in the prevention done by Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein of this scrutiny increases, it becomes more of animal welfare issues. If you see animal Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada’s Lethbridge and more important that our positive story is welfare issues developing in your area please Research Station. This “Bench Marking emphasized. call 1-800-506-2273 – prevention is our best Study” will greatly help the Cattle Industry option. AFAC is a valuable source of animal Council and Public Affairs Committee with our Species At Risk welfare information and trends. lobbying efforts to promote a reasonable and The Public Affairs Committee has been effective set of regulations that will ensure representing beef producers at stakeholder Media Training animal protection and be affordable for our meetings. This process is moving slowly, Media training is offered to each zone. This industry. Much work has been done on this however we have had an excellent is a very valuable program to our industry. very complex issue and I believe we are opportunity for input. Although there are After taking this training course delegates making progress. many issues, our main issues revolve around and board members are able to respond to land restrictions and compensation. media requests in an accurate and informed Environment way. This also allows us to work with smaller, As the public and our consumers become Environmental Stewardship Award local media outlets and promote a consistent more conscientious and educated about Our 2006 Environmental Stewardship Award and positive message. We also offer this to environmental issues, it is increasingly winners, The Lane Family from Brown Creek our ESA winner, which allows them to feel important that the cattle industry promote Ranch, have been terrific examples of the comfortable to work with the media. our good stewardship and values. We type of environmental stewardship that we are are continually working on environmental very proud to promote. The Lane Family has Growing Alberta issues in the following priority areas. Public also been recognized nationally by receiving Our involvement with Growing Alberta helps Affairs committee member, Carol Wilson, the National Environmental Stewardship us promote our products, recipes, and was chosen by the Promotions committee to Award from Canadian Cattlemen’s positive issues about our industry. We hosted handle the environmental portions of the Tune Association. our ESA winners at the Harvest Gala. Into program. The Tune Into program is a This is always a great event to network and series of segments in which different aspects In 2007 the Public Affairs committee has promote our industry. With some of the food of the beef industry were highlighted, that will increased the profile of the Environmental safety concerns around imported foods, this is air on Access Television. The Public Affairs Stewardship Award even further. We have a great time to promote the safety and value committee was very impressed with the expanded our advertising and will increase of our Alberta products. environmental section and decided to fund the awareness of the positive message that another Tune Into program, focusing on Water our winners promote. We have provided I would like to extend my thanks to the Use and Conservation. each zone with a video highlighting all of our committee members for all of their hard work winners to date that we hope you will be able and dedication throughout the year. Cows & Fish to use to promote a positive image for our Cows & Fish continue to work with individual industry. Doug Sawyer - Chairman land owners and community watershed Greg Bowie - Vice chair groups wherever they are asked to go in Animal Welfare Brent Carey Joyce Scobey Alberta. Their effectiveness is based on Alberta Beef Producers have been leaders June Conrad Anne Stevick five points – Awareness, Team Building, in animal welfare issues. Certainly the Gordy Cunningham Bill Stewart Tool Building, Community based action, and transportation issue is largely about animal Guy Fontaine Carol Wilson Monitoring for Success. Our involvement welfare. Our customers are concerned with Gerry Fowlie 14 Government Affairs

The Government Affairs group will be working on policy Committee has been recommendations and pilot projects very active in 2007. designed to recognize land owners The primary goal of for providing wildlife habitat and the Government Affairs wildlife for society. Committee is to make recommendations to We all realize the importance of the the ABP Board and oil and gas industry in this province. Darcy Eddleston help execute actions on We are also aware of some of the GA Chair government policy and issues producers face in dealing regulatory issues. Land use, water resources, with this sector. ABP continues to grazing activities, support programs, and monitor the government review taxation are the types of issues analyzed of the Land Agents Act and by this committee. A very important role of Regulations. This review has been the committee is to develop a positive and delayed while this issue is before productive working relationship with the the courts. The Government Affairs provincial government departments dealing Committee has joined with other The Government Affairs Committee has with these issues. organizations in reviewing the Surface Rights had a very active year. I would like to thank Act. We are seeking a balanced and equitable the committee for the support they have The Government Affairs Committee, through system for compensating land owners when shown me this past year. I would also like the work of past committees, has fostered energy industry activities negatively impact to acknowledge the effort and dedication a positive and beneficial relationship with land use. of the committee members and ABP staff. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development Your commitment will continue to move our (SRD) officials. SRD is responsible for public A Safety Net sub-committee was established industry forward. lands, forestry and wildlife in the province. by the Government Affairs committee, at the All three of these areas have significant request of the ABP Board of Directors. The Darcy Eddleston - Chairman impact on cattle operations. Currently, ABP is sub-committee continues to work with AFSC beginning to work with SRD on a program to to address past and emerging challenges Rob Somerville - Vice chair improve management of riparian areas. associated with the CAIS program. The John Carter sub-committee is also providing input into the John DeGroot There is a large amount of cattle grazing creation of the recently announced suite of Larry Gano occurring on land also used for timber Business Risk Management programs. Garry Gurtler production. The committee understands the Dale Johnson importance of working with the government The Alberta Government is currently Peter Lazowski to ensure cattle producers continue to have developing a land use policy for the province. Richard McKnight access to this land for grazing. It has been The Land Use Framework and Integrated Shelley Morrison very beneficial for producers, that ABP Land Management initiatives are currently Frank Murphy played a lead role in the development of in the consultation phase with the initial Soren Odegard a Grazing and Timber Integration Manual. reports due shortly. The Government Affairs Walter Suntjens The Government Affairs Committee is (i) Committee has developed a preliminary Max Tateson supporting producers working on a Forest ABP land use policy. ABP has been granted Weldon Thomson Range Assessment Tool Committee and reviewer status for both the Land Use Bill VanRootselaar Regional Grazing and Timber Integration Committees, (ii) continuing to support research on grazing behavior in timber cut blocks and (iii) participate in both the Cows, Fish and Trees workshops and the Endangered Species Conservation Committee.

The committee has been active for many years in dealing with wildlife issues facing producers. The Wildlife Damage Sub- committee has been working with the government and a consultant, to improve compensation programs and enhance control methods for predator damage and feed depredation. ABP Vice-Chair Rick Framework working groups and the Integrated Burton, past chair of the Government Land Management project. ABP will closely Affairs Committee, was appointed by SRD monitor the government’s progress on the Minister Ted Morton to co-chair the Land and development of this policy. Wildlife Stewardship Working Group. This

15 Technical

The cattle industry fatty acid has been shown to be a powerful continues to change. In antioxidant. These are compounds which response to emerging are shown to be protective against certain animal health issues or cancers and other chronic diseases including economic pressures that heart disease, and obesity. are found at all levels of the cattle industry, Animal Health and Welfare and Food Alberta Beef Producers Safety: Diane Panrucker Technical Committee Tech Chair ABP has been, and remains, committed invests producer dollars to support the control of Johne’s disease, in science and technology to stay abreast of a production limiting disease that appears these changes and to improve the producer’s in relatively low levels in western Canada bottom line. at this time, but whose incidence is Working with producers, scientists, industry increasing worldwide. The technical and other funding agencies - priorities have committee continues to work closely with As these research programs come to fruition, been identified which would provide the most Alberta’s Johne’s Working Group towards it is the goal of ABP and the scientists benefit to Alberta producers. By leveraging the implementation of the National Johne’s involved to share results with producers in producer dollars with other agencies, we Program through best management practices. a timely fashion to provide all producers the have an opportunity to support some very Substantial losses can still occur in feedlots benefit of these findings. We are in the now fine research with a modest investment. The and cow/calf operations from infections. in the process of creating fact sheets outlining following are some of the research areas that Increasing the potency and efficacy of the results of completed proposals. These producer dollars have been currently directed vaccines against disease that affect calves fact sheets will be available as brochures and towards. and feeders remains a significant priority. on the revised ABP website. Investigations continue into the causes of Production Efficiency and Economics: ‘weak calf syndrome’ where an impressive For further information on ongoing research, The cost of feeding cattle is the contact Diane Panrucker, Technical single highest expense in cattle Committee Chair; Reynold Bergen, Animal production with estimates of as Health and Welfare Manager, ABP Staff or much as 70 per cent of producers any Technical Committee member. operating expense. Research is being conducted into lowering Diane Panrucker - Chairman the cost of feed through studies Harvey Hagman - Vice chair that measure net feed efficiency Janys Boyte by targeting superior genetics. In Brad Calvert addition, the development of highly Blake Chapman efficient feedstock varieties, control Harvey Donahue of invasive weeds and feeding Brian Edge management are all directed Gordon Graves towards lowering feed costs. With Elgar Grinde the increase in biofuel production, Albert Kamps and the resulting cost increases associated number of measurements have been Bruce Niznik with feed grains, it has become imperative recorded. This data is being used to identify Pat Rutledge that the industry establish optimum levels factors that influence the health of newborn of distillers’ grains, the major byproduct of calves. Loss of calves has been identified as ethanol, which can be fed to different classes the second highest cost after feed effecting of cattle. cow/calf producers bottom line.

Market Identification and Development: Alternate Uses/Disposal SRM and Alberta has a reputation for quality beef. Environmental Sustainability: Maintaining and improving the quality of the The enhanced feed ban, accompanied by end product has been the driver to increase more stringent SRM removal, threatens to market share of beef within the meat industry impact the profitability of the meat packing in Canada and worldwide. DNA Mapping industry - both the large, as well as the of the bovine genome was fundamental in small rural abattoirs. Investigations into ongoing research in genome markers which the disposal of SRM, as well as on-farm have the potential to identify seedstock handling of deadstock through composting that will produce quality carcasses. Other have been identified as areas that need to research continues to show that beef is a be researched. Composting of manure is healthy choice for consumers. Conjugated another area of research that is directed Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a compound induced towards disease control and environmental in significant levels in ruminant animals. This sustainability.

16 Cattle Feeder Council

The Cattle Feeder competitively. Federal regulations Council has been very greatly increase the time required active during 2007 with to approve drugs, impose costs six meetings and a through requirements for feed mill conference call. The operations, and restrict the ability members developed of producers to import and use Terms of Reference for drugs that are readily available to the council at the first our U.S. competitors. Furthermore, Stuart Thiessen meeting and decided federal regulations related to CFC Chair that the purpose of the Plant with a Novel Trait (PNT) Cattle Feeder Council is to investigate and and kernel visual distinguishability address issues of importance and concern (KVD) characteristics restrict the to the cattle feeders of the province. The development and sale of improved CFC will address the political, environmental, feed grain varieties. While we accept and social issues that could affect the the need for implementation of the competitiveness of the cattle feeding sector, Enhanced Feed Ban, the impact of this disappointing response to the call but will not deal with business management of additional costs for SRM disposal hurts for feed grain research proposals and the or direct market issues. The objective of the the viability of our feeders and processors. realization that it will be difficult to stimulate Cattle Feeder Council is to ensure that the At a provincial level, the requirements of a this research on a project by project basis, the policies, regulations and action implemented new Animal Health Act, as well as possible CFC proposed a bold new initiative to provide by ABP, other agricultural organizations, and traceability initiatives, could add new costs to significant long-term funding from ABP to government bodies support the interests of our production systems. The Cattle Feeder support feed grain research infrastructure cattle feeders. Council is encouraging ABP and CCA to work and projects. In response to this proposal, with the politicians and regulatory agencies to the ABP Board of Directors has approved Competitiveness reduce the impact of these regulatory burdens the allocation of significant funding to the on our producers. Cattle Feed Grain Research Project for the Competitiveness is a fundamental pillar of proposed 2008/2009 budget. We expect the Alberta Beef Producers Mission and Feed Grain Research that this funding can be joined with money certainly is the top priority and primary focus from other commodity organizations and of the Cattle Feeder Council. Canadian The Cattle Feeder Council and many other government agencies to create momentum cattle feeders face competitive challenges livestock organizations are recognizing that for this valuable and necessary research. in many areas and the council has directed the productivity of Canadian feed grains is The Cattle Feeder Council also is working its efforts toward addressing these issues. lagging far behind the performance of U.S. with the ABP Board and the Alberta Barley Our producers and our governments must corn. While there are a number of possible Commission to encourage the provincial understand that we need efficient and explanations for this difference, the impact government to maintain or enhance its overall economical productivity in our cattle industry on our competitiveness is clear. The Cattle commitment to feed grain research. to be competitive. Feeder Council has been actively seeking a greater level of research on feed grains All Canadian cattle producers Bioenergy have been greatly affected by the substantial increase in the value of The Cattle Feeder Council has spent a the Canadian dollar relative to the large amount of time assessing the potential American dollar. Our producers for development of a biofuels industry in are challenged by the costs and Alberta and analyzing the possible impact production impediments that our of this industry on the cattle sector in the federal and provincial regulations province. The council supports the ABP impose on our operations. We also position that bioenegy policies should be are facing a significant competitive market driven and should not undermine disadvantage due to the current the competitiveness of the Canadian prices and availability of our feed Cattle Industry. The Cattle Feeder Council grains. As an industry dependent on participated on the CCA Biofuels Task Force exports, we are vulnerable to a wide that developed policy recommendations, variety of border issues, while the research priorities and communication development of a bioenergy industry strategies to address the impacts of in Canada will force us to compete with at the same time as federal and provincial government bioenergy policies. government policies and subsidies for feed governments are showing a declining interest acreage and products. in this type of production research, often in Risk Management and Safety Net Programs. favour of biofuel crop research. The Cattle Feeder Council is supporting Regulatory Burden the second phase of work on the Cattle The CFC worked with the Technical Price Insurance Program (CPIP), a project The Cattle Feeder Council has devoted a investigating the viability of a public or private considerable amount of time to consideration Committee to make feed grain research a priority in its call for proposals, but this did of the wide range of regulatory costs and continued on next page barriers that affect our ability to produce beef not lead to many new projects. As a result 17 Cattle Industry Council

CIC provides an environment for participants to have input on industry issues that impact their organization, and to obtain the viewpoint of industry participants. CIC gives a means to ensure industry is being heard, and a forum that industry organizations can come to CIC with issues and visa versa. Overall, CIC is viewed as a communications vehicle. Members’ believe communications is Steve Primrose basic, yet vital to our industry. CIC Chair Since Feb. 16, 2006, the Alberta Beef Producers Board of Directors have officially invited the following cattle industry stakeholders to appoint members to the Cattle Industry Council: Alberta Farm Animal Care, Animal Nutrition Association of Canada, Ranchers Beef, CFC continued. Western Bovine Practitioners, West Coast Reduction, Alberta Livestock Dealers and Order Buyers sector program that provides price AOPA/NRCB Association, Alberta Auction Market Association, and basis insurance for producers. A very positive development for cattle Western Stock Growers Association, Feeder The CPIP project team has started feeders last year was the change in Associations of Alberta, Alberta Food Processors publishing weekly price and premium the AOPA regulations that were adding Association, Livestock Identification Services Ltd., information to allow producers to significant costs to the construction Alberta Veterinary Medical Association, Hartford assess the value of these types of of feedlots. The CFC recognized that Insurance and Livestock Truckers insurance products. The CFC has the improved regulations would be Association. also started working on a resolution a benefit to cattle feeders only if the from the 2006 Fall Meetings regarding NRCB adopted appropriate policies to CIC, along with the Public Affairs Committee, initiated the implementation of a mandatory support the regulations. As a result, a two year research project on humane transportation price reporting system on slaughter the Cattle Feeder Council has been practices. cattle. The work done on this project actively involved with the AOPA/NRCB CIC’s main success to date has been the regular indicates that an enhanced system Policy Advisory Group (PAG) and is evening conference calls. The purpose of these of voluntary reporting might provide pushing the NRCB to develop a sound calls is to provide information to participants and to most of the benefits of a mandatory approvals policy and an appropriate promote open communications. system with greatly reduced costs and risk assessment framework. implementation challenges. Some Issues moving forward: In summary, the Cattle Feeder The Cattle Feeder Council also Council faces the same wide range • Rule 2 devoted a considerable amount of time of issues and challenges that all ABP • Age Verification/Birth Dates to discussing safety net programs. producers must confront. We believe • Enhanced Feed Ban The council supports the removal of that the development and continued • Ethanol Production caps from program payments, work to work of the Cattle Feeder Council improve the mechanics of the CAIS are important and valuable initiatives An email address had been created for the CIC program and the Allowable Net Sales for Alberta Beef Producers. We are – [email protected] and there are plans to add (ANS) calculations in the proposed fortunate to have an interested and a CIC web page on the Alberta Beef Producers Agri-Invest program. The council also enthusiastic group of delegates who website as a means to continually communicate with considered options for addressing are committed to working on behalf all interested industry participants. declining CAIS reference margins and cattle feeders in this province. preferred price or basis insurance to federal or provincial production To date, CIC has been received positively by industry Stuart Thiessen, Chair participants, and enhanced communications has been insurance programs. realized. Chuck MacLean Border Issues Jeff Ball Steve Primrose - Chairman Since Canada is an exporting country, Leighton Kolk Darryl Carlson our producers must deal with the John Schooten Russel Pickett challenges presented by possible Joe Groenenboom Tony Saretsky delays in the implementation of Rule Lorne Petersen Corey Sekura 2, the implications of County of Origin Keith Almberg Labelling (COOL) requirements, the Charlie Christie trade irritants of differing disease Dave Solverson protocols, and the prices differences Chad Meunier/John Lawton caused by transportation and grading Ron Bobocel variations. Alfred Vandeligt/Travis Toews Ernie Israelson

18 ABP Financial Statements

19 ABP Financial Statements

20 ABP Financial Statements

21 ABP Financial Statements

22 ABP Financial Statements

23 ABP Financial Statements

24 ABP Financial Statements

25 ABP Financial Statements

26 ABP Financial Statements

27 ABP Financial Statements

28 ABP Financial Statements

29 ABP Financial Statements

30 ABP Operations Budget

31 ABP Operations Budget

32 ABP Operations Budget

33 Financial Statements

34 Financial Statements

35 Financial Statements

36 Financial Statements

37 Election Backgrounder

Sitting Delegates

Gerry Fowlie Mark Francis Chuck MacLean Max Tateson Taber Medicine Hat Tilley 403-379-2514 403-223-4807 403-528-2991 403-377-2007 ZONE 1 INCLUDES: Vulcan County; County of Newell No.4; County of Forty Mile; Cypress County; M.D. of Taber; Special Area No.2 South of the Red Deer River

Elected by Acclamation

John De Groot and family operate a 1,800 head feedlot and Cattle Feeder Council Delegate: run breeding heifers on their farm near Vauxhall. John says, “I would like to serve as an Alberta Beef Producers A delegate was not nominated by the August 31 deadline. delegate because I am concerned about the future of the Subsequently, the zone committee of delegates have appointed family-run farm. I would like to see reasonable government an individual to this vacant position. The Board of Directors regulations for all parties in agriculture.” approved this appointment effective at the completion of the fall John has just completed his fourth year as a delegate, and elections. currently sits on the Government Affairs Committee. Howard Bekkering has been the yard manager for 10-years Gerald Maser and his wife run a cow/calf and backgrounding at Bow River Feeders near Vauxhall. They are mostly a operation on the family homestead near Manyberries. backgrounding feedlot, as well as run 230 head of cow/calf Gerald says “I would like to stay involved in the Alberta Beef units. Howard has been married for nine years, and he and his Producers to help out the cattle industry. We need the input of wife, Kathy have four daughters. all producers. We need one strong organization for the cattle “I am involved with Taber Minor soccer as a coach in Vauxhall, industry, not one for every sector.” and I coach basketball in Vauxhall Elementary School. It is a Gerald previously completed a 6 year term, and is currently new experience for me being a delegate in a council, however, I finishing his fourth year as a delegate. Gerald is a zone am looking forward to this opportunity to learn and contribute.” director and chairs the Producer Liaison Committee.

Bruce Niznik lives west of Brooks with his wife and two daughters. They farm on a fourth generation mixed family farm. The farm is predominantly a cow calf, backgrounding operation with a mix of native grassland and tame, irrigated grass.


38 Election Backgrounder

Sitting Delegates

Brent Carey Cecilie Fleming Joe Groenenboom John Schooten Stavely Granum Coalhurst Monarch 403-549-2478 403-687-2288 403-320-6948 403-824-3556 ZONE 2 INCLUDES: County of Warner No. 5; County of Lethbridge No.26; Cardston County; M.D. of Pincher Creek; M.D. of Willow Creek; M.D. of Ranchlands; Improvement District No. 4 (Waterton); Kananaskis Improvement District

Elected by Acclamation

Rick Burton is a partner in a family owned ranching operation “knowledge is power” and we as producers are the only ones west of Claresholm. Although primarily a cow/calf and in the beef food chain that own the information that proves the yearling operation they also market hay, feed grain and bred integrity of our product. We should be able to benefit financially replacement females. He has previously served a six-year term from this information. Having derived my livelihood from the as an ABP delegate, is a past director of the Western Stock beef industry for my entire life I am a firm believer that Alberta Growers’ Association and past chairman of the Alberta Grazing ranchers produce the safest and best beef in the world, and are Leaseholders’ Association. He is completing his fourth year as the best stewards of the land. We just have to keep telling the a delegate, and currently sits on the ABP Board of Directors world that!” as Vice Chair. He continues to be concerned about re- establishing and expanding consumer markets for beef as well Vacancy as addressing the increasing challenges to the sustainability of the cattle industry. Cattle Feeder Council Delegate:

Judy Nelson and her husband run a commercial cow/calf Leighton Kolk and family operate Kolk Farms, which includes operation on deeded and crown land in the foothills north of a feedlot and cow/calf operation at Iron Springs. Leighton . Judy previously completed three terms as an ABP owns and operates a 10,000 head finishing feedlot and a 200 delegate serving on the Producer Liaison and Public Affairs head cow/calf operation which helps keep him up to date on Committees. Judy has been involved with agriculture all her important issues concerning the cattle business. life, and feels privileged to be raising their three children on a Leighton says, “I would like to run for a second term on ranch. The Nelsons live in an established agricultural area that Cattle Feeder Council. The challenges to the beef industry faces increasing pressure from both recreational and petroleum never stop, so it’s important to have people on board who are development. Judy views ABP as an opportunity to promote engaged and involved in the industry. My desire in serving and strengthen the industry. on the council is to promote use of our time and resources efficiently through unity and cooperation throughout all sectors Anne Stevick with her husband Quentin operated Bar 15 form breeding to slaughter.” Simmentals, a Purebred Simmental and Angus herd for 23 years. They now run a custom grazing system and replacement heifer program on our ranch southeast of Pincher Creek. Anne has served as a delegate for the past two years and has been on the Promotion Committee and the Public Affairs Committee. She also served as Agri-business chairman for the local Chamber of Economic Development and President of the Chamber for two years. “My interest in ABP lies in the environmental and animal welfare area; as I think that in the future these areas are going to be of importance to the future of the cattle industry. We need to be very proactive in these areas. I also strongly believe that 39 Election Backgrounder

Sitting Delegates

Sara Arthurs Erik Butters Gordy Cunningham Lorne Petersen Didsbury Cochrane Sundre Olds 403-335-4452 403-932-2649 403-638-4170 403-556-6344 ZONE 3 INCLUDES: Wheatland County; Mountain View County; M.D. of Bighorn; M.D.of Foothills; M.D. of Rockyview; Improvement District no. 9 (Banff); Calgary

Elected by Acclamation

Dr. Brian Edge has a ranching operation south of Cochrane Larry Gano and family operate a farm south of Cremona. comprised of a cow/calf operation and some backgrounding They run 300 beef cows, a small backgrounding/finishing lot, replacement heifers. In addition, Brian continues to practice grow hay for the export market and grow grain for their own and consult in large animal veterinary medicine in the Cochrane cattle. area. Larry says, “Cows have been the backbone of our operation “I have served on many organizations including serving as since my dad moved into the area in the late ‘40s and I feel I past president of the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association; would like to contribute something back to the industry.” provincial rep on the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association; director on the Calgary Central Feeder Association and Director Chuck Groeneveld of Okotoks has been involved in the cattle on the WSGA. I have enjoyed being a zone 3 representative industry since buying his first calf in 1944. He was a 4-H leader for ABP the past two terms and would appreciate your support for 26 years and has volunteered extensively with the Calgary for another term.” Exhibition and Stampede for 40 years. Chuck has sat on both the Alberta and Canadian Simmental Association boards. He Joanne Fenton is a third generation rancher. “I have been also served eight years on the Beef Information Centre and two involved with cattle all my life. I was raised on a ranch east of full terms as an ABP delegate. - land my husband John and I have rented for 26 years. Chuck says, “I am a true promoter of agriculture and Alberta We also own land there homesteaded by my grandparents beef. I feel I can contribute both knowledge and experience to in 1925. Our home ranch is located west of Bottrel, land the ABP. My main goal is to help ensure the future of ABP and we purchased from John’s parents and homesteaded by the cattle industry remains strong for the youth in our industry.” his grandparents in 1907.” The Fentons run a 160 cow/calf operation under the name Cactus Hanging Centre Bar Ranch. Cattle Feeder Council Delegate: They have mostly Angus-cross cows and Angus bulls. She has been a past member of the Canadian and Alberta Simmental Stuart Thiessen and his family farm outside of Strathmore. Associations and is currently a member of the Canadian Angus The business is primarily a feedlot, but also includes cropping Association. and cow/calf. “Our children, sons Jason and Jaymes and daughter Jonella Stuart says, “Having grown up on the farm and being part of are grown and have careers not related to agriculture. I have the operation most of my life, it is my goal to see that the cattle worked part-time at the Royal Bank in Cochrane for 23 years. industry prospers. In order for this to happen, the industry As a small, but lifelong producer, I simply want to represent, must work together. I am encouraged with ABP’s attempts to support and promote producers of our great industry that has unite the industry and would like to contribute to the continued taken too many had knocks for too many years.” success of the organization.”

40 Election Backgrounder

Sitting Delegates

Keith Almberg Judy Fenton Brad Pierson Pat Rutledge Amisk Irma Wardlow Monitor 780-888-2810 780-754-2257 403-566-2476 403-577-2382 ZONE 4 INCLUDES: County of Paintearth; Flagstaff County; M.D. of Acadia; M.D. of Provost; M.D. of Wainwright No. 61; Special Area No.2 North of the Red Deer River; Special Area No. 3; Special Area No. 4

Elected by Acclamation

Margaret Kvigstad ranches in the area and has Walter Suntjens, along with his wife, Adeline, ranch and farm spent her lifetime working in the cow/calf industry. 23 miles south of Coronation. They are third generation “I have learned to listen to other ranchers’ knowledge and producers, which is an added pressure to maintain the status make a decision that will work in my operation. My goal quo. Cattle ranching has gone through trying times and is as a returning delegate is to improve the cow/calf sector currently going through a transition period. High grain prices side of the ranching industry. Ranching has always been a have once again put pressure on the cattle industry. Prices strong part of Alberta’s economy. The cow/calf rancher is the producers receive for cattle must rise to meet the cost of backbone of the livestock industry, where we are going to find production, before the producer equities are used up. young ranchers to carry on this tradition is in doubt. Years of “I very much enjoy meeting new people and hearing new experience are needed to be successful ranching and if the ideas. Life is a continuous learning experience. I have sat on revenue side of the balance sheet doesn’t improve young many Boards of Director over the years and I always found the people will not enter the ranching business.” experience rewarding.”

Frank Murphy and his wife Donna own and operate Murphy Carol Wilson and her husband are third generation cow/calf Ranch, located in east-central Alberta near . Frank producers at Killam. Having previously finished a six year term purchased the original property in 1974 and since that time has Carol is currently finishing her second year. Her interest in the expanded the ranch. Promotion committee and specifically the education programs “We run a commercial cow/calf, have a purebred Limousin continues. Currently she is the chair of the Beef Education herd, and background the home raised calves on the ranch. Association. Carol is interested in how agriculture interacts We have also finished the cattle in custom lots a couple of with government, the environment and society. Carol has a years. Our operation is totally dependent on cattle income. I strong interest in the environment and is currently a member on have been involved in Municipal Government, 4-H Leadership, the Iron Creek Watershed and the Battle River Watershed. managing Minor Hockey, and numerous other things over the years. I have served as an ABP delegate for one term and would like the opportunity to represent the zone for another term.”

41 Election Backgrounder

Sitting Delegates

Millie Boake Blake Chapman Charles Christie Cathy Sharp Rocky Mtn Hse Stettler Trochu Lacombe 403-845-5468 403-742-3829 403-442-2470 403-885-5428 ZONE 5 INCLUDES: County of Stettler; Lacombe County; ; Starland County; ; Clearwater County


Warren Beck, along with his wife and two sons, run a fourth Rob Somerville and his family, operate a cow/calf, feedlot and generation producer in the Delburne area. They run a 200 grain operation near . His interests and background cow/calf pair operation and background the calves until the include surface rights, business management, quality spring. management, economic development. Within his community, “I have been involved in agriculture all my life, being involved he is treasurer of the local Ag Society which operates the in 4-H and junior Angus programs. After high school I community’s hockey arena. He also serves as a commissioned attended Olds College studying Beef Production and Farm officer in the Canadian Forces. Management. I returned to the family farm in 2004 and have “I presently sit on the Government Affairs Committee, as well continued farming since. I believe that the cattle industry could as represent Alberta on the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. benefit from a young producer’s outlook, bringing forward the U.S. protectionism still is a problem for our industry. COOL will challenges that we face. A voice of the young producer creates adversely impact Canadian cattle producers in 2008, unless we a viable industry for future generations.” are successful in our efforts to have NAFTA rules recognized and enforced. We need to continue our efforts to improve the Garry Katona, his wife, son, and two daughters live near competitiveness of the Canadian cattle industry.” Caroline. They run a 170 head cow/calf operation. “In the past I have been a volunteer with Scouting and the Rose Wymenga and her family run a cow/calf and Classroom Agriculture Program in Caroline, as well as being a backgrounding operation near Leslieville. Rose was raised 4-H leader for the past 10 years. My interests in being an ABP on a mixed farm, and graduated from Red Deer College with delegate are to learn more about the issues we face in the beef a diploma in Business Administration. She worked nine years industry to day and in the future. By better understanding our at Canada Packers Inc., eventually serving as assistant office challenges I would be able to help make decisions for myself manager. She has been involved with the Rocky North 4-H and other producers for the betterment of our whole industry.” Beef Club for the past eight years and has been the general leader for the past five years. Doug Sawyer together with his wife Carole, and their two Rose says, “I would like to see more work done in the area of children, own and operate a cow/calf, background and grass marketing our over 30 month old cattle both domestically and ranch at Pine Lake. internationally. Also I would like to see continued work done in “I am a director on the Red deer Feeder’s Association, the helping getting new slaughter plants into production as soon as Pine Lake Restoration Society, the Red Deer River Watershed possible.” Alliance and a 4-H leader. I have enjoyed representing you for the past two years as a zone 5 delegate, and as the zone 5 director on the Alberta Beef Producers Board of Directors for the past year. I have represented the beef industry as Alberta Beef Producers Public Affairs chairman for the past year. It would be my pleasure to continue working on your behalf with the Alberta Beef Producers.”

42 Election Backgrounder

Sitting Delegates

Greg Bowie Roy Eckert Diane Panrucker Dave Solverson Ponoka Bluffton Camrose 403-783-8753 780-941-2487 403-843-3861 780-672-7141 ZONE 6 INCLUDES: Ponoka County; Beaver County; County of ; Strathcona County; County of Camrose; Leduc County; Parkland County; Brazequ County; Improvement District No. 13; Edmonton


Kevin Boon is currently running a yearling grasser program Randy Kaiser has run a cow/calf operation for thirty years, and near Tomahawk. been in purebred cattle near Ponoka for the last 17 years. He “I previously sat as an ABP delegate in zones 5 and 6, during has 200 registered cows, and finishes about 150 head for non- which time I held positions on the CCA and BIC. I have conventional markets. remained one of ABP’s appointed delegates to the National “I have many reasons for running, which I will present in my Checkoff Agency serving as vice-chair for the past 4 years. election speech, none of which include joining a team that After taking two years off, I have decided to seek re-election on believes a perceived notion of a trickle down of profits to ABP. With the changing face of the beef industry in Alberta and producers if we aggress with all of the wants and needs of the the many uncertainties that lie ahead for us I feel that we need packing industry.” to be very proactive and visionary in what we do right now to insure that the cattle industry remains a strong and viable part Adam Moseson and his father run a cow/calf operation of the Alberta economy. Through careful planning and strong southeast of Ferintosh. “I believe that the cattle industry has a leadership I feel that we can make this happen.” bright future, and I would like to be more involved. I also wish to voice some concerns that younger producers have within Elgar Grinde and his wife manage a herd of composite the industry. I am looking forward to being involved in ABP and cows producing bulls to breed to first-calf heifers at Holden. hope to see everybody at the upcoming meetings.” Elgar previously served on the ABP Board of Directors and represented Alberta on the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, Beef Information Centre and the Canadian Beef Research Council. He also chaired the Veterinary Infectious Disease Organization beef technical group. Elgar says, “I believe that during this period of uncertainty there will not only be challenges to overcome, but many opportunities to improve the industry for the future.”

Shelley Grundberg and her husband farm near Camrose. They run 120 Red Angus cows, operating a strict herd health program. “I have been involved in 4-H all my life as a member, an assistant leader and club leader. Last year I was a delegate with Alberta Beef Producers and enjoyed the experience serving on the Producer Liaison Committee.”

43 Election Backgrounder

Sitting Delegates

Mike Cook John Lawton * Richard McKnight Kelly Olson Niton Jarvie Athabasca 780-954-2663 780-723-6244 780-681-2165 780-675-4664 ZONE 7 INCLUDES: County of Thorhild No. 7; County of Barrhead; County of Athabasca; Lac Ste. Anne County; Woodlands County; M.D. of Opportunity No. 17; Sturgeon County; Westlock County; Yellowhead County; M.D. of Lesser Slave River; Improvement District No. 12; Municipality of Jasper

Elected by Acclamation

Harvey Hagman and his family run their farm south of Ben Schrader, who ranches in the Jarvie area, was involved Mayerthorpe. The mixed operation consists primarily of with the former ACC since the first producer election. During commercial cattle with a small purebred herd, grain and hay. five years of involvement, Ben served as director-at-large, Through the years, Harvey has been active in 4-H, Kinsmen, Chairman of the Promotion Committee as well as two terms on and economic development for the Town of Mayerthorpe and the CCA and a member of BIC. Grand Alberta Economic Region. “My re-involvement at this time comes at the urging of Wayne “I have been an ABP delegate for four years, sitting on the Forbes and others. Beef producers are in the worst of times. Technical Committee. I am currently zone coordinator for our It is my resolve to support initiatives (old and new) which seek zone. I believe ABP is an important part of the Alberta cattle to uphold producer interests in the post-BSE environment. We industry, and would like to contribute time to help keep it operate on 3,900 acres of mostly deeded land. Controlled strong.” grazing is utilized and in recent years a “fixed day” AI program is used on much of the herd.” Peter Lazowski and his family run commercial Red Angus cows and background their calves near the area. Cattle Feeder Council Delegate: Peter is interested in continuing to work with ABP to deal with the challenges of a changing industry. Working with the * John Lawton has been appointed to CFC by the zone Government Affairs Committee has been both insightful and committee of delegates for a one-year period on approval challenging for Peter, and he would like to continue to pursue of Board of Directors effective at the completion of the fall this area. elections. “It is important that we continue to strengthen out position in both the domestic and foreign markets and aggressively promote the quality and versatility or our product. It is also key that the collective voice of Alberta ranchers continues to be represented. I am optimistic about the future and all the beef industry has to offer.”

Chad Meunier is a feedlot and cow/calf producer from Barrhead, involved in a family operation. He is a graduate of Olds College with a Beef Production and Agriculture Business Diploma. He has a keen interest in the productivity, profitability and sustainability of the beef industry. Chad says, “In the post BSE industry, there are many opportunities we must grasp in order to stay ahead of competitors and rebuild our industry’s strength. I am highly motivated to work towards sustaining a healthy and prosperous beef industry that we all can remain proud of.”

44 Election Backgrounder

Sitting Delegates

Ron Bobocel Gordon Graves Stephen Jarema Soren Odegard Vilna Iron River Smoky Lake Willingdon 780-636-2499 780-826-2796 780-383-2310 780-367-2718 ZONE 8 INCLUDES: Smoky Lake County; County of St. Paul; County of Two Hills No. 21; County of Vermilion River No. 24; County of Minburn No. 27; Lamont County; Lakeland County; M.D. of Bonnyville; Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo; Improvement District No. 24

Elected by Acclamation

Brian Chomlak along with his wife and brother run a mixed Bill Fox completed the Practical Agriculture Program at farming operation in Beauvalion. He has been an ABP Vermillion School of Agriculture following graduation from delegate for six years, where he sat on the Beef Promotion Glendon High School. He now operates a mixed farm in the Committee and as a zone coordinator. He is an active member Elk Point area. of the Myrnam Ag society, Myrnam Bull sale committee and “I have worked the farm and in the heavy equipment industry member of the UFA Advisory Committee. Brian says, “With the doing land clearing and development and road construction beef industry in turmoil, we have to listen to the producers and with oil and gas industries since school days. I was a delegate take their input to the government.” for six years in the past. I worked as ABP delegate agriculture With your support, Brian is willing to work on your behalf. Brian representative on North Star Watershed Alliance, a position is the current vice chair of AFAC. I still hold. I am also involved as the agriculture rep on the Beaver River Watershed, and am also on Alberta Conservation Edward Doktor is from the Vilna area and has served on ABP Tillage Society. In March 2007 I received an award for for the past two years. It was a great educational experience Agriculture Land Stewardship from Wildlife Habitat Canada, for him. one of 11 in Canada. With your help and support I am willing to “Many changes are coming to the beef industry. We must be do another term as an ABP delegate.” ahead of the changes. Encouraging young people into the cattle industry is a priority. Providing ability and favourable circumstances is even a bigger priority. I look forward to being able to serve my fellow beef producers for the next two years.”

Darcy Eddleston and his family own and operate a cow/calf operation near McLaughlin, and usually retain ownership through to slaughter. “We also do some backgrounding and have a grasser program. I have been an ABP delegate the past four years. This past year I sat on the Board of Directors, as well as having the privilege to chair the Government Affairs Committee. For the past two years I have been a director on the CCA, and I am a trustee on the local school board. We continue to face many challenges to our livelihood. I have become very concerned that the growing regulations we face are eroding our competitive advantage. My priorities are to balance the demands of government and our trading partners with science based research and market driven business signals.”

45 Election Backgrounder

Sitting Delegates

Garry Gurtler Donna Noullett Joyce Scobey Travis Toews * North Star Valleyview Nampa 780-836-2125 780-524-5591 780-322-2040 780-354-3085 ZONE 9 INCLUDES: M.D. of MacKenzie No. 23; M.D. of Northern Lights; North of Chinook Valley Road; M.D. of Clear Hills; Northern Sunrise County; M.D. of Peace; M.D. of Fairview; Birch Hills County; Saddle Hills County; M.D. of ; M.D. of Spirit River;County of Grande Prairie; M.D. of Greenview; M.D. Big LakesZone; Improvement District No. 25 Elected by Acclamation

Janys Boyte and her husband own and operate a commercial calf to yearling operation located in the southwest corner of the Peace Country. The last four years she has sat on the Technical Committee, with three years of those chairing a Johnes Disease sub-committee. “I am also currently involved with the new Animal Health Act consultations. A host of proposed government regulations are threatening to download more work and cost onto the primary producer. As an ABP delegate I feel it is extremely important to work towards lessening the impact of any new regulations on producers.”

Pat Eaton was raised on a cow/calf and feeder operation north of Lloydminster on the Saskatchewan side of the border. Pat and his wife Julianna moved with their four children to the Valleyview area in 1998 where they run a cow/calf and grass yearling operation. “I have been involved in minor hockey as a coach, and also served on the hockey board. My interest in becoming a delegate for Alberta Beef Producers is to help the beef industry in Alberta stay a strong, vibrant and competitive.”

Erin Moskalyk and Albert Vandelight resigned after one year of their term.

* Travis Toews resigned effective at the announcement of election results. The Zone committee of delegates appointed Travis to the CFC position for a one-year term that was approved by the Board of Directors.

** Bruce Jack and Greg Nichiparik have been appointed by the Zone committee of delegates for a one-year term, that was approved by the Board of Directors.


Alberta Beef Producers Fall Meeting Schedule

Zone 1 All Meetings 7:00 pm start Zone 6 All Meetings 7:00 pm start Oct 30 Medicine Hat, Ralph’s Bar and Grill Oct 25 Breton Community Hall Rich Smith, ABP General Manager Tim Highmoor, ABP Policy Analyst Nov 1 Brooks, Ramada Inn Oct 30 Calmar, Legion Hall Nov 5 Vauxhall, Legion John Masswohl, CCA Director Government & International Relations Zone 2 Meeting 7:00 pm start Nov 1 Camrose Regional Exhibition Free Supper 5:30 pm Tim Highmoor, ABP Policy Analyst Nov 5 Fort MacLeod Auction Market Rich Smith, ABP General Manager Zone 7 All Meetings 7:30 pm start, Adrienne Waller, ABP Legal Counsel Free supper at 6:30 pm Focusing on the ABP Plan Review Oct 23 , Beaver Meadows Community Hall Zone 3 All Meetings 7:00 pm start Tim Highmoor, ABP Policy Advisor Oct 23 Sundre, West Country Centre Oct 25 Mayerthorpe, Legion Hall Rich Smith, ABP General Manager Hugh Lynch-Staunton, CCA President Oct 24 Cochrane, Cochrane Ranch House Oct 30 Westlock, Community Hall (Alberta Room) Bart Holowath, CANFAX Senior Market Analyst Erik Butters, ABP Chairman Oct 29 Strathmore, Strathmore Golf Club John Masswohl, CCA Director Government Zone 8 All Meetings 7:00 pm start & International Relations Oct 23 Bonnyville, Senior Centre, 6:00 PM free supper Oct 30 Okotoks, Foothills Centennial Centre Ron Glaser, BIC Executive Director, Adrienne Waller, ABP Legal Counsel Communications & Public Affairs Discussions to include Country of Origin Zone 4 All Meetings 7:00 pm start Labelling Oct 24 Czar, Czar Community Hall Oct 24 Kitscoty, Wheatfield Inn Rich Smith, ABP General Manager Tim Highmoor, ABP Policy Analyst Oct 29 Bigstone, Community Hall Discussions to include Safety Net Programs Reynold Bergen, ABP Animal Health Oct 25 Myrnam, Myrnam Senior Centre & Welfare Manager Rich Smith, ABP General Manager Oct 31 Veteran, Veteran Community Hall Discussions to include Competitiveness John Masswohl, CCA Director Government and Age Verification Issues & International Relations Oct 30 Vilna, Vilna Senior Centre Nov 5 Killam, Killam Legion Hall Rick Burton, ABP Vice Chair Dr. John Basarab, Alberta Agriculture, Discussions to include Age Verification Issues Lacombe Nov 1 Warwick, Warwick Hall New Production Systems Producing Omega 3 John Masswohl, CCA Director Government and CLA Enriched Beef & International Relations Discussions to include Trade Issues Zone 5 All Meetings 7:00 pm start, Free supper at 6:00 pm Zone 9 All Meetings 7:00 pm start except * (Speakers TBA) Free supper at 6:00 pm Oct 26 Big Valley Community Hall Oct 30 Leslieville Community Hall Oct 26 , Heritage Centre Nov 1 Community Hall Lunch at noon, Meeting at 1:00 pm * Rich Smith, ABP General Manager Nov 2 Grande Prairie, Trumpeter Hotel Nov 5 Peace River, Sawridge Inn Nov 6 High Prairie, High Prairie Agplex

For more information: Alberta Beef Producers 320, 6715 - 8th Street NE Calgary, AB T2E-7H7 Phone: (403) 275-4400 Fax: (403) 274-0007 E-mail: [email protected] Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Alberta Beef Producers 320, 6715 - 8th Street NE Calgary, AB T2E-7H7 PM 40069160