Word and Power

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Word and Power WORD AND POWER: A Critical Evaluation of the Compatibility of the Theology of John Wimber with Reformed Principles, for Possible Application to the Life and Witness of Presbyterian Congregations. Gareth William David Stewart B.A.Hons. (Q.U.B.), B.A.Hons. (Sheff.), Dip.C.Min. (M.H.B.C.), M.A. (Sheff.), P.G.Cert.Min. (P.T.F.I.). Doctor of Ministry in Missional Leadership Dissertation Mattersey Hall in association with Bangor University Supervisor: Dr. R. Routledge Word Count: 63 867 December 2012 Abstract This thesis discusses the contribution made by John Wimber to the theology of evangelism, discipleship and ministry. These contributions are contextually placed within a Reformed congregation that is part of a Confessional Presbyterian Denomination. While it does not address specifics with one congregation, the principles aim to be applicable to all such congregations. It seeks to challenge the accepted attitudes toward evangelism, the integration of new converts into the Church through discipleship, and the release of these converts into some form of ministry. This thesis argues for a re-evaluation of the power of the Holy Spirit in confirming the gospel with signs accompanying, in filling each believer with his fullness and the giving of spiritual gifts, and a release of these gifts through every member ministry as a possible methodology to be implemented in Presbyterian congregations. This thesis aims to offer a middle way between Pentecostalism and Cessationist theology through the ministry philosophy of John Wimber, himself an ordained minister of a Reformed denomination. It seeks to respect the theological and historical traditions of Presbyterianism, while not being uncritical of some of its current methodologies. It also seeks to suggest that the theology of the Reformed faith is best suited to a Charismatic methodology with the emphasis on God’s sovereignty, omnipotence and sacramental theology. It seeks to place the practice of evangelism, discipleship and ministry within the context of a local congregation as that which is best suited to minister to the needs of that local community in which it is planted, and to evangelise, disciple and train those members to meet the spiritual needs of that community. This thesis argues for an integration of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the context of a Bible and preaching- based congregation. 2 WORD AND POWER: A Critical Evaluation of the Compatibility of the Theology of John Wimber with Reformed Principles, for Possible Application to the Life and Witness of Presbyterian Congregations. Title Page p.1. Abstract p.2. Contents p.3. Abbreviations p.6. Acknowledgements p.7. Declaration p.8. The Theoretical Foundation Chapter 1: Setting the Scene Introduction p.12. Definition of Terms p.16. The Position of the Confessional Reformed Churches p.19. The Reason for Choosing John Wimber p.27. The Need for a Reformed/Charismatic Ministry Model p.38. Partial Conclusion p.46. Chapter 2: The Basis of the Study Introduction p.48. The Theological Review p.48. Theological Context - Dispensationalism and Fundamentalism p.50. Wimber’s Context p.57. George Eldon Ladd p.59. Charles H. Kraft p.61. C. Peter Wagner p.64. The Missionary Context p.66. Wimber’s View of the Kingdom p.71. The Kingdom is Living between the Ages p.75. The Relationship between the Kingdom and the Church p.80. The Relationship between the Kingdom and Spiritual Warfare p.86. The Future Coming of the Kingdom p.97. A Critique of Western Culture and the Western Church p.99. Partial Theological Conclusion p.108. The Literature Review p.112. The Main Texts: The Writings of John Wimber p.112. Charismatic Pneumatology p.120. 3 Reformed Pneumatology p.123. Confessional Literature p.128. Reformed and Charismatic Literature p.133. Contemporary Ecclesiology p.139. Partial Literary Conclusion p.143. Chapter 3: How the Study will Work Introduction p.144. The Research Questions p.148. Action and Qualitative Research Strategy p.153. Role of the Researcher and Qualitative Research p.155. Outline for the Thesis p.158. Merits in the Study p.162. Issues of Concern p.165. Partial Conclusion p.166. The Contextual Applications Chapter 4: Evangelism in a Reformed Church Introduction p.167. The Fear Model p.171. The Incarnational Model p.174. The Relational Model p.177. The Power Model p.179. Partial Conclusion p.185. Chapter 5: Discipleship in a Reformed Church Introduction p.190. The Behavioral Model p.197. The Proclamation Model p.202. The Sacramental Model p.206. The Charismatic Model p.212. Partial Conclusion p.219. Chapter 6: Ministry in a Reformed Church Introduction p.222. The Training Model p.227. The Apprenticeship Model p.235. The In House Model p.239.. The Need Model p.243. Partial Conclusion p.248. Conclusion 4 Introduction p.250. Theological Reflections p.251. The Implications of Implementing Wimber’s Theology in PCI p.252. The Challenge of Calvinism p.263. Implementing Kingdom Based Theology in Northern Ireland p.265. Answering the Research Questions p.270. The Harmony of the Dissertation p.274. The Application of the Dissertation p.277. The New Picture of the Dissertation p.280. The Future of Reformed and Charismatic Theological Reflection p.282. Bibliography. p.284. 5 Abbreviations ESV The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. PCI The Presbyterian Church in Ireland. MPC Maghera Presbyterian Church. MTS Ministry Training Strategy NIV Holy Bible: New International Version. NLT Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Second Edition. NKJV Holy Bible, New King James Version. WARC World Alliance of Reformed Churches. WCF Westminster Confession of Faith. WSC Westminster Shorter Catechism. 6 Acknowledgements I want to thank my wife and best friend, Cherrie, for all her support and encouragement throughout our marriage and in the ministry to which Christ has called me. For Sebastian, my best friend, who has never spoken a word but has given me nothing but love and acceptance and who died just before the completion of this work. I also want to thank my Mum for the stable home and Christian upbringing that she and Dad provided. I want to thank Robin Routledge for supervising me throughout this period of study, and for his encouraging and challenging comments. Lastly, but by no means least, I want to thank my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who saved me, called me, anointed me and, to my own amazement, continues to bless the work I do for him. SOLI DEO GLORIA! 7 Declaration and Consent Details of the Work I hereby agree to deposit the following item in the digital repository maintained by Bangor University and/or in any other repository authorized for use by Bangor University. Author Name: GARETH WILLIAM DAVID STEWART Title: WORD AND POWER: A CRITICAL EVALUATION OF THE COMPATABILITY OF THE THEOLOGY OF JOHN WIMBER WITH REFORMED PRINCIPLES, FOR POSSIBLE APPLICATION TO THE LIFE AND WITNESS OF PRESBYTERIAN CONGREGATIONS. Supervisor/Department: DR. R. ROUTLEDGE, MATTERSEY HALL Funding body (if any): NONE Qualification/Degree obtained: DOCTOR OF MINISTRY This item is a product of my own research endeavours and is covered by the agreement below in which the item is referred to as “the Work”. It is identical in content to that deposited in the Library, subject to point 4 below. Non-exclusive Rights Rights granted to the digital repository through this agreement are entirely non-exclusive. 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Statement 1: This work has not previously been accepted in substance for any degree and is not being concurrently submitted in candidature for any degree unless as agreed by the University for approved dual awards. Signed: _________________________________________ (candidate) Date: _________________________________________ Statement 2: This thesis is the result of my own investigations, except where otherwise stated. Where correction services have been used, the extent and nature of the correction is clearly marked in a footnote(s). All other sources are acknowledged by footnotes and/or a bibliography. Signed: _________________________________________ (candidate) Date: _________________________________________
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