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State Highlights 1/21/1953

Western State High School

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WMU ScholarWorks Citation Western State High School, "State Highlights 1/21/1953" (1953). Western's high school newspaper. 167. https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/high-school-news/167

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Western Michigan University at ScholarWorks at WMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Western's high school newspaper by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at WMU. For more information, please contact wmu- [email protected]. State Highlights Volume IX Kalamazoo, Michigan, January 21, 1953 Number 7 Party Scheduled Miriam Leimer and Ed Sutton Reign in '53 The 1953 Basketball King and Literary Board Queen, Ed Sutton and Miriam Lie- by l.S. Council mer, have been crowned. The royal coronation took place during the half- The Inter-School Council will spon- ls Completed time of the State High-Plainwell bas- ser a roller skating party at the Ideal ketball game last Friday night. Roller Rink on Wednesday, February The new literary magazine is now 4th from 7 to h) o'clock. Because on its way. Last week the final bal- As the captain of the basketball of the limitations of the rink, each of lots were counted and the literary team, Ed Sutton was automatically the four schools participating i,n the board consists of Ann Mahoney for in line for the honor of being king. affair wil1 be limited to SO tickets. the seniors, Donna Endsley for the The team selected the nominees for The tickets wll be on sale in the of- Juniors, Darlene Chapen for the Soph- queen but the whole student body was fices, and the only other cost will be omores, and Libby Davis representing given the final slection. Voting took 25 cents for skates. The officers of the Freshmen. place last Tuesday through the home- the Council are in charge of the party The first meeting of the board was rooms. and the Friendship Committee will held on January 13 and these things The girls nominated were: Senior, help with the publicity for State were decided. The board will sponsor Sue Anderson, State High's Foot- High and Central. a contest which will be open to ball Queen; juniors, Gail Hubbell, all people in State High. The con- Donna Endsley, Miriam Leimer, test will be for the name of the Diane Pullan, anl Julie Davis; sopho- magazine. There will be a notice more, Lois Fuller. sent around concerning any other im- The three next highest girls were Bulletin portant information. on the queen's court. They were Julie Any student in State High is wel- Davis, Sue Anderson and Lois Fuller. Just recently, the cafeteria com- come and urged to write any com- mittee along with the Student position and enter it :(or the maga- This project was under the spon- Council has started to get under zine. These ma y inclu1de poems, short so-rship of the Pep committee. Patt way with their plan to better the stories, essays and humorous articles. Sprouse White was in charge of the Cafeteria situation. They intend This is a wonderful opportunity for coronation ceremony. Gail Hubbell to send a menu around to all the the students to get started writing handled advertising and decorations. students asking them what their material for magazines. Peggy Yntema and Carol Hackman preferences are in food. Since the took care of the corsages. committee has at last begun func- tioning, many students hope that Committees Chosen the situation will be immedia tely With commencement approaching, bettered. the various s en i o r committees PTSO Questionaire College advisors from various organized to plan the gala affair colleges and universities through- have been chosen. Janet Snow, a nd To Be Issued Soon out the mid>dlewest have started Nancy Magas are co-chairmen of the coming to State High in order to commencement and will be in charge The PTSO is going to send out give the students who are pla,nning of planning the seniors final exit a questionaire to all teachers, stu- on going to college a better idea from State High. Glenna Behl is dents, and parents to fill out. The of what college life is like. So far chairman of the senior dinner and questionaire is concerned with many two advisors have visited our the committee to plan the annual aspects of State High; such as the schooil, a man from Carleton Col- senior Skip-day is headed by Carol social, sports, and educational pro- lege in Minnesota, and a man from Neff and Kay Peelen. grams. For example one question is Northwestern i,n Illinois. Marianne Scha u is in charge of "Do you think State High prepa res We on the Highlight's staff who the announcements, a nd Dick Teugh the students for vocations?" are seniors feel that it would be and Charlene Pellowe will choose the The purpose is to help the school aldvantageous for the underclass- senior's gift to the school. Ann Ma- correct any things that accoI'ding men of the school to attend the honey and Lyn Cassady are in charge to the questionaires needs revision. discussions, for it gives you some of the senior assembly. We hope All students will be asked to return idea of what you want in a college, to see this year's senior class come their parent's questionaire as well as and makes your final choice much through o,n this project. Good Luck their own to their homerooms. easier. seniors! an1d may you exit in style. Another thing that the PTSO Students who are interested in would like to do is to have a visita- these discussions should leave their tion day for any parents who would names with the advisors. like to visit school. S. H. Debates It has not been decided whether any entertainment will be put on or Tomorrow whether the parents will be invited S. H . debaters, Janet Snow and just to visit classes. No date has Exam Schedule Gloria Weiss affiramative, Lyn Cas- been set for this function. Day Date Time Cl'ass sady and Nan Slavin negative will Tuesday 27 8:30-10:00 8:00 meet the squad from Bucha.nan there 1 :00-3:00 11:00 tomorrow. The team won two deci- Wedne.sday 28 8:30-10:30 1 :00 sions over Ottawa Hills in Grand Beat 1:00-3:00 10:00 Rapids last week, and will be eligible Thursday 29 8:30-10:30 9:00 for the regional tournaments if suc- 1:00-5:00 2:'00 cessful at Buchanan. Dowagiac STATE IIlGllLIGHTS Vocational Prevue The Question of Hawaiian Statehood The question of Hawaiian statehood is being widely discussed here in the mainland with the assumption that the Hawaiians themselves desire state- Varied Fields hood. However, this is not true. Not all Hawaiians want to become a state. Most of us are familiar with the arguments for statehood . . . the cry "Taxation without Representation" is a familiar one, and most of us have Found in Law heard expressed how very strategic is to us, and what tremendous In choosing law for the profession commercial potential exists there. Thus we have assumed that there are no in this issue, your reporter visited arguments opposing statehood. Unfortunately, this is not true. Attorney Thomas' Stearns, with offices An important faction in the statehood question are corporations which at 126 W. Cedar St. He pointed out own all of the pineapple and sugar plantations and also control the majority the many varied oportunities law of- of industries located there. In the event of statehood these companies would fers for the student with a fairly high be forced to liquidate many of their holdings, and they are pitting all of their scholastic average. He stated, how- power and influence against statehood. ever, that good grades are not the Other arguments against the proposition are less selfish. They include the only prerequisites for a person con- obvious geographical obstacles - the islands are located over 2,000 miles from sidering the law profession. In study- the California coast, and it is an expensive and long trip. Many do ,not want ing its possibilities, one :should decide their islands to become commercialized, and many are simply not ready. early in high S!Chool if he has the cer- A step toward statehood would have to be favored in the islands first. At tain "knack" or interest in law and this such a vote may not be forthcoming. N. S. all its associated liilEis of work. Mr. Stearns recommended the Uni- Dance to Double Dip publicity; Peg Yntema, enertain- versity of Michigan Law School most Saturday night, January 17, coup- ment, Joan Stiles chaperones; Judy highly as offering good law courses les from St. A and State High danced Scott a,rud Judy Bree, decorations; and standing high in the nation. Other to the music of Pat Ankey and her Martha Braden, tickets; and Fred very good possibilities are the Detroit all girl band, as once again the Waterson had charge of the clean up. College of Law or the Wayne Univer- schools of Kalamazoo joined forces The theme "Double Dip" was car- sity Law School. In most cases stu- to plan a party, share ideas. and im- ied out with the use of large double dentJs take a pre-law course of four prove school relations. The chairman dip ice cream cones, sundaes, lolly- years (which may be taken at any from school, Ann Frey and Nancy pops and all the delights of a sweet- accredited college) and then a three Tascola from St. A. were assisted shop. School clothes was the attire year law course to earn the Bachelor by Chuck Oversick a,nd Polly Allen and the guests came both stag and of Law degree. who had refreshments; Judie Lyon, drag. He emphasized Latin, history and economics, and any business courses a:s a good high school preparation. Al- Plans Ahead for Band Disc Jockey Gives so activities such as debate, speech, A remarkably full season is ahead Masquers, and any form of public for Dr. Beloof an.d the band. 'Top Tune Review' speaking aid greatly. The traditional Tri-Cicy Concert, Mr. Stearns said one should decide which includes State High, Paw Paw, To discover what platters were before graduating from law school if and Allegan, is to held on the 30th spinning the mosrt on our disk jock- he plans to go into private practice, and 31st of this month. ey's "Hit Parade" your ever-roving join a large law firm, or be employed Our band is playing three numbers reporter traveled down to the WKZO by a large corporation in its legal de- alone. One of these, "Western One radio station to interview Mr. Spin- partment. After receiving the law de- Step," is a very modern rhythm. It is ner Sanctum himself, IDd Lasko. gree, a bar exam is taken in the the most difficult piece that a State Mr. Lasko seems to be most inter- state in which you plan to practice. High Band, directed by Dr. Beloof, ested in orchestrations and cites the He pointed out the many different has ever attempted. With Paw Paw Sauter-Finnegan band as his favorite. lines a lawyer may go into, such as as hosts, there is the opportunity of a However, he does have two definite politics, state management, prosecut- party, a bowling alley open to the vocal favorites-Sarah Vaughn and ing attorney, circuit and probate kids and even stayi,ng overnight. Herb Jefferies- and he feels that court officials and judges. Mr. Stearns Their other plans include an a:ssem- Rosemary Clooney's "Tenderly" is one is Cicy Director of the Civilan De- ibly Feb. 3rd in which the band's pop- of the 'greatest'. fense Ground Observer Corps. ular Dixieland group will join them He thinks that the present trend He again emphasized that certain for the entertainment. toward dance band music will be con- "knack"-that "feel for law" one must After this the band will rest with tinui,ng for some time, that Joni attain. Also a loud clear voice is nec- the Blue and Gold Review Concert, James ("Why Don't You Believe essary to become a good lawyer. If two more Tri-Cities, one of which Me") will soon be a standard star, you are interested in law see is in Kalamazoo, a.-i.d the Recognition and that Ray Anthony's "Street Mr. Stauffer or write directly to the Concert for the graduating Seniors Scene" will soon be tops in the na- University of Michigan Law School of "53". tion. for its catalog.

The Social Committee has de- cided to give one of its two re- State Highlights maining dance dates to the Sohpo- Editor-in Chief ...... Nanette Slavin more class. The dance is scheduled Associate Editor ···········---·-··--····················--··-······-----·--··············---·····David Schreiber to take place sometime in Feb- News Editors ··············------·-----················---·------····----···········Carol Neff, Kay Peeleu ruary. Sports Editor ...... Jon Sebaly With only one dance left in the Feature Editor ·····································---·-·------··-··-·············--······---·-···-··-····Joan Stiles spring the committee is undecided Art Editor ·------·-·--·------·-·-----···------·--·------·------·----·-----·-----· Penny Farr as to what type of dance it will Exchange Editors ------·------·------·------·--·--·--·····------Carol Neff Reporters ···-----·--- Penny Farr, Ron Tanis, Larry Wiesman, Dave Swoap, Ann be. Mahoney, Barbara Rock, Polly Allen, Charles Maloney, Joan Biljum, Lyn These social committee plans Cassady, Jim Otis. have yet to he approved by the Photographer ------·----·-·-···----·····------·------·-----·------·------·----Bob Herman Student Council. Advisor -·--·------·-----·------·----- ·-··------·------····-----·------·-·------···-- Mr. George Cooper Associate Advisor ---·-·--·-·····--·-················------·-----·------·-- ·---·-···-··--·-- Chuck Mefford STATE IIlGHLIGHTS

would be quite high. For if the colors feriority i,n the name "Cubs." Al- Changes Discussed were changed, a complete change in though we sometimes wonder about uniforms would be necessary Our the value of a nickname as an emo- suggestion for a change of this type tional asset, they a represent the In the first few months of this is ovr a period of time. Like changing school on athletic programs and i,n school year there has been quite the colors of the baseball uniforms newspapers. The feeling of smallness a bit of discussion about changing o,ne year, and the next year changing in the name comes out most when some of State High's symbols. Among the basketball uniforms or something we are playi,ng a team like St. Joe. the present symbols that are being of that nature. If we check their nickname you'll discussed are: the school nickname The second thing brought into dis- find it's the "Bears." Also the St. (Cubs); the school so,ng (Hilltoppers), cussion was the school so,ng. The Joe reserve team is often refrred to and the school colors (blue an1d go.ld). only objection to the present music as the "Cubs." As we said before When discussion of this type comes is apparently it just isn't liked. A- this nickname business does not out, the reason for it is usually just mong the new ones suggested to re- weigh too heavily on the team's mi,nd, the novelty of a change. However, place the present song are Michiga,n but in print it is linked with State conversation on this topic has been State's fight song or the Minnesota High in identifying our school. carried on si,nce the beginning of the Rouser. Another suggestion was Before a change in any of these year. This, we believe, warrants some made that if the students feel the suestions could be made a poll of the co,nsideration. ned for a new song, why not have stude,nt body would have to be made The first thing brought up was a a group of students and the music and administration approval would change in school colors. The reason department write a new one. have to be obtained. for the objection seemed to be that The third and last topic under dis- On the other hand those that would blue and gold is used by too many cussion is changing the school ,name like to leave things as they are, cer- schools i,n this district. For example, from "Cubs" to "Warriors," "Husk- tainly have one thing i,n their favor, Portage, Otsego, St. Joe, Niles, and ies," "Bears," HLions," or "Hurrican- tradition. After all, if others liked State High. Upon further considera- es". The main 'bone of contention al1!d could get along with these sym- tion though, the matter of finance over this subject is a feeling of in- bols, why can't we? J. S. Cubs to Face Chiefs and Tigers in Important Tilts The two top teams i,n the Wolver- Sutton Scores Again State High will play host to a ine League fight out first place this strong Dowgiac five tonight. The Firday, when the Cubs meet the Chieftons are made up of some strong Allegan Tigers at Allegan. fine ball players. The players that Allegan, like State High, has been bear watching are big 6' 1' Milt undefeated so far in the league, and Lingle and Dave St. Aubin. They presents a tough co,ntending team. also have fleeting Bruce Springsteen But if ciur Cubs can display the a,nd Jim Gebhard. These men will be same brand of ball they played in tough contenders. each of their four wins, Allegan will The Dowagiac team this year is in have something to think about. They its newly formed big four. They are determined to erase last year's aren't doing as well as early perdic- record of three losses to Allegan, and tions indicated they would. The team "go out and get 'em a Tiger." has a record of four wi,ns and two Coach Detert commented on the losses; Dowagiac having a slight edge game and said, "With all the boys over State High in this field. Al- keyed up for the game, I feel we though this isn't a conference game, can come out on top. It will be tough, the State High cagers want this one especially on their floor- but so far more than ever, especially to make as ability is concerned, we've got a up for the defeat they handed us in team that can wi,n." football this fall. Lair and Sport Spotlight In this, his fourth year at State High, Don Gill can look back with Seb 's Column pride upon his sporting career in Say, the basketball team is really high school. going great guns. It sure puts a lot During ·an four years he has par- of pride in your heart whe,n your ticipated in baseball, football, and Ed Sutton, city scoring leader hits basketball. In his freshman year, he school's team can come through, like another one. ours has. Really, boys, the whole was on the reserves in both football school is in back of you in your and basketball. Also in his freshman quest for State High's first Wolver- per game. Our hats off to you Ed year, he made varsity baseball - ,not ine Conference title. - Roses to Sutton. a bad first year! The next year, soph- Coach Detert for his sple,ndid coach- Prediction: State High - 54 Dowa- omore Gill made the varsity in all ing-State High students are taking giac - 58. three sports. The past two years have up a new sport en masse. Two or Our big 4 cousi,ns are a little too been a repeat performance. Oh, yes, three weeks ago the first of many good. Don't be surprised if our Cu,bs while he was a junior he was m'ade probable unchaperoned ice-skating make a fight of it though. State High captain of the varsity basketball parties were held. - Congratula- - 55 Allegan - 45. squad. tio,ns to Fred Stevens and his reserve We can't see the Cubs loosing in When asked what his outstanding team for having the best season in the conference this year. If our pre- sports thrill has been, he said that it recent years. - It's really good that diction is right here, let us be the occured not too during the first to herald our choice for Con- football 1season. It happened ·at the State High has a player that is lead- ference champs, The State High Fremont game. "Our first three plays ing the whole city in average po.ints Cubs! were touchdowns," he stated simply. STATE IIlGHLIGHTS Some delinquent dudes, namely "Swing it Sherla," "Curvy Cathy" Comparatively Speaking ... "Sepsy Stroub," and "Not Normal Does your living room have an Neal" (I apologize for the ,names, erie glow on most nights? If so, then It's only the truth.) done snuc' inta a your house undoubtedly has one of show instead a goin' ta their Sunday those "o,ne-eyetd monsters" known as meetin.' Yo mamma's will tan yo Television. hides ifn' this sitchashun keeps com- The fact that you have television mensi,n.' is probably shown by your eyes. If Wer'e comin' to Ox-Yoke Cowpath, your eyelids drop, and our eyes are and I hear "Laughin' Hyena Yntema" glassey, then you are undoubtedly busy scarin' away rattlers with Key- the owner of a new set. As you ser's corn whiskey. gaze at this menace-to-sanity, per- This here coyote's a wantin' to rest haps you will see some characters his levis so here's ta Roy Rogers which remi,nd you of your friends. from the Bar Rag and Bar Maid Now, these people might seem like Ranch. this: The Treme,ndous Tenderfoot from TEXAS Captain,n Video ...... Paul Keck Ria De Generator Doug Edwards ...... Don Kilgore Jane Froman ...... Bernwdine Paull Just'·----- 'Horsin' Around Abbott & Costello .. Jim Elsman and Jiggs Harbour Howdy all you cow punchers, cat- 'My Favorite Song' Gabby Hayes ...... Jon Sebaly tle rustlers and jest plain common Wild Bill Hickock ...... Skip Miller folk. How'd you or,ny critters like As I was walking down our hail Learn to Dance .. the Freshmaan boys to ride along the Sante Fe trail with with my ear tuned in for latest Milton Berle ...... Jim Berger me while I fill ya's up on some juicey bits, I found many of State Weatherman ...... John Gibson mighty good 'lisnen talk' concer;ning High scholars humming bits of favor- ...... Bill McConachie the goins on of certain 'padnahs' at ite tunes. Bride & Groom ...... Sue Anderson & State High. Connie Fricke was wondering "Why John Keyser Yep, seems padnah Jud Scott had Don't You Believe Me" and Don Gill Gary Moore ...... Hap Atherton an all night rodeo a while .back. I was asking for a "String of Pe·arls". Kate Smith ...... Sally Reeves swear the entire West has there a;nd Georgia Miles was saying to everyone IBC Boxing ...... Bob Beisel vs. nobody rolled in 'til' sun-up. "Wish You Were Here" 'and Lyn Joel Sheppard Brother, "Willing as a weasel Weis- Cassidy wanted to know "How High Martin Kane ...... Tom Pattison man" shore has growd up these days the Moon." Ed Morseau was "In . What, Where, 'hain't' he? He use ta' blush when Mood" and Sally Reeves said "I'm When ...... HIGHLIGHTS STAFF the women folk looked at him. I Yours". Al Howard will "See You in Welcome Travelers ...... Mrs. Jarman reckon he don't no mo' though. My Dream" and Kay Peelen was tel- The Names The Same .... Bill Andres Po' "buried in the brush Burger" ling everybody about the "St. Louis Bill Andrus has been a docterin up with sassa- Blue'S". I was1 told I could "Be Any- Hopalong Cassidy ...... Joe Scott fras, hadacal, and last Spring formals thing" by Barb Oakland and Dick Mc- Dangerous Assig,nment .... Lois Fuller - punch;> tryin' to forg.et hi;, Cumb was "Crying". Joan Biljum Howtdy Doody ...... Don Deuries cold, which he done ha!d smce he was wandering around looking for Faye Emerson ...... Carol Neff fell in ta old "Gull River Gulch." He "Bill" and then I bumped into Dick The Heart Line ...... Miss Crisman shoulda knowed that the ice don't Teugh who was softly humming "99 Sports o,n Parade ...... Paul Keck, stick very hard in them 'thar' parts. Bottles of Beer On the Wall" while aH Dick Teugh & Dick Defreese That thar' fella, "keep'um after the the time Paul Keck gave out with Julius LaRosa ...... Ken Fricke bell rings, Stauffer," was shore look- "Huggin' and a Chalkin". Nancy Ma- What's My Line? ...... Tom Johnson in' purty in his new red and white gas said "I'll Walk Alone" and Deb- Broadway Openhouse ...... Jud Scott t en gallon hat, which he sported on bie Parker is "Trying". About this Bur,ns and Allen ...... Wayne Carr the stage coach to the Otsego 'hog time I bumped into Patt Sprouse Rosie Buckham yellin' contest. White who told me "Everybody Out, Where Was I? ...... Don Moss We saw "purty Polly Allen," "Barb It's the End of the Line" . Mr. Antho,ny ...... Dick Fork wire Rock" a,nd "the Coyote Rever- end Maloney" riding by the other night (of which I might mensl}un was horrible cold) with the litd ofn' that city fella "Daring Dave Schrie- The Hobby Lobby Here at S. H. ber's yeller convertabilly. Guessed There are always a few people with 'thtt' they wanted everbody to know Everyone has a hobby that he likes to do in his spare time, and State one track minds. Chuck Koons prefers it could come off ifn' it took a mi,nd High sutdents are no exception. Skip to. "Girls and cars," and along the Miller has the longest list of hob- same line it's boys "period" with bies; he likes drawing, cars, collect- Bon,nie Peterson. ing coins, mo,ney, postcards, and Dick Street's biggest interest lies The Good and Bad stamps. Jean Hoag collects dog sta- in aviation. He's learning to fly now, Orchids to the kitds who made the St. tues, while Diane Doubleday prefers and is an officer in the Civil Air Joe sign for the upper hall. to collect fraternity pins. BilL Govier Patrol. Onions to those guys and girls who is a stamp collector, while Fritz La Crone delights in playing the piano Bryce Forester makes sample hand- don't take part in the pep assemblies. bills and tickets on a printing press Orchijds to the Masquers for their two "barroom" style. For the rugged outdoor type we (Hint to Social Committee, Masquers, plays, "Little Women", and "The Old etc.) a,nd Ben Allgor is a photography Lady Shows Her Medals". find Vern Verhage and ardent fan of hunting, fishing, and hockey. Tom bug. In the field of art, Henry George Orchids to the Debate Team for win- is quite a cartoonist, while Janyce ning two debates. Harding is another oudoorman. Bob Gibson is a rifle sharpshooter but he Babcock likes to experiment with Orchids to the Freshman class for modern art. making the Chirstmas decoration for has no comment whether or not the libarary. he hunts - with his guns. The joy That's all from hobby-lobby now. Orchids to King Ed and Queen Miri- of Jim Burger's life is outboard mo- The only problem is to find the spare am and the court Lois, Sue and Julie. tors. time for them.