Slough Borough Council Planning Committee
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Item No 5 Applic. No P/13448/001 Registration Date 11-Nov- Ward Cippenham Green 2005 Ref: Mrs. C. Applic Type: Major Lawrence 13 week date: 10th February 2006 Applicant Linden Homes Chiltern Ltd Agent Lennon Planning 4, King Street Lane, Winnersh, Berkshire, RG41 5AS Location Land at 39-41 Lower Cippenham Lane, And Rear Of 43, 45 And, 47, Lower Cippenham Lane, Slough Proposal DEMOLITION OF 2NO. HOUSES AND ERECTION OF 4x. 2BED FLATS, 12x.2 AND 3BED HOUSES (OUTLINE) Recommendation: Delegate to HPSP for S106 1 17th January 2006 Slough Borough Council Planning Committee P/13448/001 1.0 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION 1.1 Delegate to HPSP to approve subject to a Section 106 agreement to secure a financial contribution towards improvements on the local highway network. PART A: BACKGROUND 2.0 Proposal 2.1 This is an outline application that proposes demolition of 39 and 41 Lower Cippenham Lane and the sub-division of gardens of 43-47 (odds) Lower Cippenham Lane and the erection of a building to accommodate 4 flats and 12 houses (10 x 3-bed and 2 x 2-bed). On the frontage of the site were no.39 currently sits, a single building to accommodate the flats is proposed. Details of the scale and massing of this building have been requested but to date, not submitted. It is anticipated that a gable fronted two storey building is proposed that reflects the design of the properties opposite at Lower Cippenham Lane. The access to this building is directly off Lower Cippenham Lane in the same position of the existing vehicular access to no. 39. Two car parking spaces are proposed on the frontage of the new building with the remaining parking to serve the flats being located off the access road to the houses at the rear of the site. 2.2 Access to the rear of the site is proposed by a new road which would run between the flats and 43 Lower Cippenham Lane. This access road leads to the houses that are located towards the bottom section of the site with their front elevations facing towards the rear of the remaining Cippenham Lane properties. This is with the exception of a pair of semi-detached houses that are located at 90-degree angle to the other properties. The side elevations of these properties are located very close to the boundary of the site with the new rear garden boundary of 45 and 47 Lower Cippenham Lane. The proposed houses are made of three pairs of semi- detached dwellings (total 6), one terrace of 3 properties and 3 detached houses. 20 communal car parking spaces are proposed in additional to parking to serve the 3 detached dwellings in a garage with a parking space in front. 2.3 The design of the properties is fairly traditional and with pitched roofs. The properties are residential in their detailing and fenestration. 2 17th January 2006 Slough Borough Council Planning Committee 3.0 Application site 3.1 The application site is No. 39 and 41 Lower Cippenham Lane and a section of the rear gardens of 43, 45 and 47 Lower Cippenham Lane. Lower Cippenham Lane is part of the older Cippenham Development and is now accessed by a new roundabout built as part of the Cippenham Sector Housing Development. The lane is made up of approximately 50 –60 houses of detached and semi- detached nature. The properties in the lane are generally at the larger end of the scale. Although the age of the properties vary these are predominantly 1920’s / 1930’s properties. A newer development has been built off Cippenham Lane at Autumn Close. To the south and west of the site is a more recent development built as part of Cippenham Sector. Directly to the south, the site is bound by Chalvey Ditch. 3.2 The site itself includes the houses and gardens of 39 and 41 Lower Cippenham Lane but also approximately half of the overall curtilage of the three properties at 43-47 (odd) Lower Cippenham Lane. These properties currently have rear gardens of some 50 metres. A number of trees are located in the rear gardens of these properties. These are mainly garden trees of an ornamental nature. However, four of the trees have been identified as worthy of protection including two Oak Trees on the boundary of No. 39 and 41, a Norwegian Spruce in the rear garden of 43 and a Sycamore at the rear of 47 Lower Cippenham Lane. These have been recently protected by an emergency Tree Preservation Order. 4.0 Site history 4.1 P/13448/000 – Demolition of one house and erection of 10 houses, access road and parking. At the meeting of the Planning Committee 14th December 2005 planning permission was refused for reasons relating to: 4.2 The proposal would constitute overdevelopment, would be unsustainable, would have an adverse traffic and highway impact, would be out of character with the local area by virtue of its design, density and layout, limited garden size and impact on the rural appearance of the local area, would lead to an overshadowing of local houses, would have an adverse impact on local wildlife and would adversely impact archaeological features on the site 5.0 Neighbour notification 5.1 1,2, 7 and 8 Autumn Close, 35-49 (odd) and 14-34 (even) 35-49 (odd) 1a, 2, 8, 65, 19, 54, 52, 56, 44, 1, 4, 46 Lower Cippenham Lane, 49, 51 and 53 Copse Close, 16 Plaines Close, 13-15 (odd) Nine Acres, 66 St Georges Crescent and a Guernsey resident consulted by letter. 18 letters of objection have been received 3 17th January 2006 Slough Borough Council Planning Committee from local residents in response to this specific application. However, a total of 31 letters have also been received in respect of the previous application for development. Objections have been made on the basis of the following: • Character of lane will be lost • The type of dwellings are out of keeping with the area • Increased traffic • Insufficient parking provided • The position of footways in Lower Cippenham Lane will result in the lane not being wide enough for two way traffic. • The proposal will set an unacceptable precedent. • Cippenham has experienced enough development • Loss of rural appearance for the lane • Loss of on-street parking in the lane • Increased noise • Loss of trees • Loss of wildlife • If development is to go ahead it should be a maximum of 5 houses • Overdevelopment • Strain on utilities • Danger to school children and people walking in the lane • Not everybody in lane has been consulted • Overlooking and lack of privacy • Protest to Government if the scheme goes ahead • Noise and disturbance and dust during construction • Increased living • The proposal is contrary to the Wildlife Trust principles as it is too close to a watercourse • An application for 8-14 Lower Cippenham Lane has already been received • Cippenham Lane is overcrowded • This is a lane of large semi and detached houses of low density • The proposal is harmful to a setting of Cippenham Lane • Increased pressure on amenities • Increased pollution from noise and cars • Increased fire hazard as this lane is too narrow for emergency vehicles • Loss of Hedgerows • The proposed garages will not be used resulting in additional on-street parking • The site is not designated in the Local Plan • No allocation of visitor parking • Bin men already have trouble accessing the lane 4 17th January 2006 Slough Borough Council Planning Committee • Impact on natural landscape • Plans do not reflect extensions to the existing properties • The roundabout at the end of the lane is already overloaded • The site notice is not displayed until late and there is a question over the consultation period. • The consultation has not been sufficient • Trees should be protected • The hamlet of Cippenham Lane should be retained • Traffic problems in the vicinity will increase • Overshadowing of Autumn Close properties • Errors in the document to support the application • No plans were given to residents • Archaeological potential of the site • Proximity to the brook. 5.2 A meeting was held on 30/11/2005 between officers and representatives of East Lower Cippenham Lane (cul-de-sac) residents association. Officers discussed the processing of the planning applications and discussions centred on three points relating to density / infill, the character of the area and transportation issues. 6.0 Consultation 6.1 Environment Agency 6.1.1 The comments on the previous application for the erection of 10 units apply equally to this application. These are as follows: - No work should be undertaken within 8 metres of Chalvey Ditch. Conditions to remove permitted development rights and protect the water table are requested. 6.2 Highways/ Traffic 6.2.1 Traffic - No objection to the traffic calming measures. The level of parking is considered acceptable. A financial contribution towards measures to improve the traffic network within the vicinity of the site requested. The applicant has agreed in principle to pay this. 6.2.2 Highways – The proposed works within Lower Cippenham Lane are acceptable in principle. A number of technical amendments required and these can be controlled by condition. 6.2.3 The applicant has shown on the amended plans for the traffic works that collapsible bollards will be located at end of the lane for emergency vehicles. These will be lockable and only used in emergencies. This will not open up the lane for general use. 5 17th January 2006 Slough Borough Council Planning Committee 6.3 Archaeology 6.3.1 The comments on the previous application for the erection of 10 units apply equally to this application.