Jane Peterson at Home and Abroad
At Home and Abroad v Jane Peterson Essays by Cynthia Roznoy & Arlene Katz Nichols Introduction by J. Jonathan Joseph Mattatuck '.\fuseum Waterbury, CT 11,i..,c,ltalo� w.i... publt-.lwd in con1unct1on with lhl' t.'\hib1til,n,/t111t' Pt'lt'I'•• 11· Image credits t\t I {t1111 11111 4br1,11d, orgam✓.ed b, tht.>!\.lattatud. \lu-.eum. \\aterbun, CT on [ront CO\'L'f ,·1t'\\ '-on?m�r 19, 2017-Januiln 2f! 2lll'\ and tra\t?led nat11mally to three Jane PetL•r,1>n. \l,1rd1t' 11111 Fltur,, additwnal in-.lltutions: dt•la1I. 190� Oil �,n canva.... 17 1, , 23 1� in (•B,5, '-1'1.7cm). Tc-rra The llmg J,Jand \lu'-Cum,Stom· Br00k '\:) f'oundat11inlor \mt>ncan Art; Ft>bruar} 11-\pnl 22 :?Olt- D.1mel) It.'rra C.ollt.>chon I q94 17 The Columbi,1 \luSt!umof Art Columbia '-C Photograph,· -rTerra Foundation for Mav l J-Jul\·22. 201 American \rt Chicago. n,c Ilnl t.'Collection, Glen, F,111, \!'\ Jn... ide front and back co,er: Augu:1 �t1,bcr 1-1 2011' ).1nereter ...0n. B,1,11, ,,, tli,\ ,It P.m•11, dt!tail 191):;...15,01I on cam a, 19, 24 , in.(� 'l,62.9 cm). Esl...ena1i Thl' \lattatuck \luc,cumi, an art and regmnal h1ston mu5eum on lhL• Gntl'n �lu"'t'umof Art. Indiana Lnin.•r,.it, in downlo\\ n \\'aterbun. Cl>nnecllcut th,11 wa... founded .1 ... .1histont.ll socwty \lorton ,1nd \lam.' Bradlt:y :\ll.monal in J87i. The \fu.;cum opened their 11r .
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