
The Friends of Albury Old Saxon Church

Fourteenth Edition - Winter 2018/2019 Newsletter Registered Charity Number: 1168550

The Trustees of the Old Saxon Church send Christmas greetings to all the Friends of this beautiful old church

Filming of Mary, Queen of Scots - October 2017 www.alburyoldsaxonchurch.org www.alburyoldsaxonchurch.org Chairman’s Comments... As we reach the year end, I would like to mention the terrific work done for the OId Church by a small number of heroes and heroines. You operate without pay, just for love of local heritage and community. Not just those with a formal role, but also quite a few others who do everything from flowers to accounts to events to small maintenance. I won’t list names, but you know who you are, as do many who see what goes on. It makes a huge difference – to Albury as well as the Friends. We mentioned in the last letter that Daphne Foulsham was standing down as Hon. Secretary after over 40 years’ service to the Friends in their various forms, and we and the CCT properly thanked her at the annual meeting. Whatever we said Daphne, it wasn’t enough to reflect all your input! I’m very pleased that Sally Godfrey has replaced Daphne as Hon. Secretary, and Dressing the Albury Estate Tree has also been appointed a Trustee of the Friends. Daphne remains a Trustee, so we have not lost her wisdom. During the year, Andy Shaw and Louise Kerr also resigned as Trustees, and while nobody can match Daphne’s length of service, we are vey grateful for all they have done; they will continue to give support. Aside from the regular events and care, the Friends’ main current business is preparing for the Drummond Chapel works. We envisage an agreement with the CCT which will allow us to Display stand for Heritage Week-end co-ordinate the works, and in the meantime we are encouraged by kind contributions not only locally but from overseas as well. There will be a major push in due course! Another current concern is the patches of damp that we can see coming through in places on the inside walls. We believe this is because of a fairly simple issue with the rainwater drains and we are in touch with the CCT over it. I hope early 2019 U3A visit to see the Drummond Chapel will see it sorted. Thank you to every one of you for your interest and support. Our very best wishes for the next year. MemorialMemorial Board Board Andrew Pearson, Chairman of Trustees

www.alburyoldsaxonchurch.org William Oughtred x12! William Oughtred - Old Albury’s Divine Invented the multiplication sign - As further proof he was no fool Invented then the first ! If you find this hard to swallow You can in his old footsteps follow To the Old Redundant Church where A sign that doth record his works You’ll find fixed to a pillar there Of how he lived and when and where! Having twelve offspring - Me oh my! He knew how to multiply! His pupil was Sir Post-fire rebuilder of the ‘Great Wen’ Who’s arithmetic tricks might vex Till Oughtred popped up with his ‘x’!

Now we use it every day But you’ll never ever hear one say A prayer to good old Oughtred who Made maths easy for me and you!

He now under the chancel lies Where he no longer multiplies!

William Oughtred, born 5 March 1574, Elton, . Died 30 June 1660, Albury .

Mathematician, tutor to Christopher Wren and Rector of Albury for fifty years 1610 - 1660 Brian Alexander


Diary of Services and Events 2018/19

Sunday, 23 December: Carol Service by Candle-light at 5.00 pm. Followed by mulled wine and mince pies. Come early and wrap up warm!!

Friday, 19 April 2019: Good Friday ‘Quiet Reflection’ 2.00 pm.

Friday, 10 May: Investec International Music Festival & Surrey Hills Society present a ‘Musical Interlude’, featuring soprano Kim Collins, 10.30 am.

Saturday, 22 June: ‘One Enchanted Evening’ a concert of songs and arias featuring the best of local talent, under the direction of Kim Collins.

Sunday, 23 June: Midsummer Service at 11.00 am followed by wine and light refreshments.

Saturday, 29 June: ‘Romeo & Juliet’ presented by This Is My Theatre Group 11.00 am followed by wine and light refreshments.

Saturday, 20 July: Information Tent at the Albury Produce Show 2-5 pm.

Sunday, 28 July: Strawberry Tea Party for The Friends and their guests - 3.00 pm. At John & Daphne’s Vale End Garden.

Members of the Friends Committee (Registered Charity Number: 1168550) The Duke of Northumberland, Patron of the Friends Charity

Rev. Andrew Pearson (Chairman) [email protected] 07887 360061 Sally Godfrey (Hon. Secretary) [email protected] 01483 203452

Daphne Foulsham (Trustee) [email protected] 01483 202594 Linda Floyd (Hon. Treasurer) [email protected] 01483 302782

Monica Cassels (Publications) [email protected] 01483 202962

Stephanie Harley (Events) [email protected] 01483 229045 Betty Adams (Events) [email protected] 01483 229135

Michael Baxter (Trustee) [email protected] 01483 202323

Roy Hogben (Fundraising) [email protected] 01483 202636

Sally Stevens (Membership) [email protected] 01483 202384