TSA News August 2017 Volume 35 Issue 8 TSA Celebrity Dinner Will be Held on Sunday, Aug. 13 The 10th Annual TSA Celebrity Dinner, the region’s largest and most successful HIV charity benefit, will be held on Sunday, Aug. 13 at 6pm at the Evansville Airport Holiday Inn, 7101 Highway 41 North. Cost to attend is $40 a person. Tables of 8 guests and 1 server cost $320 and tables of 9 guests and 1 server cost $360. Checks can be sent to the TSA Celebrity Dinner, PO Box 2901, Evansville, IN 47728 OR purchase tickets online at Eventbrite.com and search for TSA Celebrity Dinner. Pictured above are Vanderburgh County Commis- sioner Ben Shoulders and Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke from last year’s dinner. We hope you can attend this fun evening of music, food, a silent and live auction. Contact Wally at 812-480-0204 or
[email protected] with questions or to donate an auction item. TSA Steering / Pridefest Volunteer Committee Monday, Aug. 21, 5:30pm Central Library Browning Room B Help TSA plan special events, educational outreach projects and services, INCLUDING a June 2018 Pride Festival! 2pm Sundays Volunteers Needed AIDS Holiday Project Barnes & Noble Gift Wrapping Chair AIDS Holiday Project Barnes & Noble Dec. 17 Bookfair Chair AIDS Holiday Project Church Liaison TSA LGBT Film Series AIDS Holiday Project Snowmen Sales Chair TSA Instagram Coordinator Saving Face TSA Snapchat Coordinator TSA Social Media Coordinator Monday, Aug. 21, 6:30pm TSA Twitter Coordinator Central Library Browning Room B TSA Youtube Video Coordinator 200 SE Martin L.