libtmux Documentation Release 0.8.3

Tony Narlock

Aug 16, 2020


1 install 3

2 open a session 5

3 pilot your tmux session via python7

4 Donations 9 4.1 Quickstart...... 9 4.2 About...... 13 4.3 Properties...... 15 4.4 Traversal...... 18 4.5 Servers...... 19 4.6 Sessions...... 24 4.7 Windows...... 28 4.8 Panes...... 33 4.9 API Reference...... 36 4.10 Glossary...... 58 4.11 Developing and Testing...... 59 4.12 History...... 62

Python Module Index 67

Index 69

i ii libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3 libtmux is the tool behind tmuxp, a tmux workspace manager in python. it builds upon tmux’s target and formats to create an object mapping to traverse, inspect and interact with live tmux sessions. view the documentation homepage, API information and architectural details.

CONTENTS 1 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3



$[sudo] pip install libtmux

3 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

4 Chapter 1. install CHAPTER TWO


session name foo, window name bar

$ tmux new-session -s foo -n bar

5 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

6 Chapter 2. open a tmux session CHAPTER THREE


$ python

# or for nice autocomplete and syntax highlighting $ pip install ptpython $ ptpython connect to a live tmux session:

>>> import libtmux >>> server= libtmux.Server() >>> server list sessions:

>>> server.list_sessions() [Session($3 foo), Session($1 libtmux)]

find session:

>>> server.get_by_id('$3') Session($3 foo)

find session by dict lookup:

>>> server.find_where({"session_name":"foo"}) Session($3 foo) assign session to session:

>>> session= server.find_where({"session_name":"foo"}) play with session:

>>> session.new_window(attach=False, window_name="ha in the bg") Window(@8 2:ha in the bg, Session($3 foo)) >>> session.kill_window("ha in") create new window in the background (don’t switch to it):

>>> w= session.new_window(attach=False, window_name="ha in the bg") Window(@11 3:ha in the bg, Session($3 foo)) kill window object directly:

7 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

>>> w.kill_window() grab remaining tmux window:

>>> window= session.attached_window >>> window.split_window(attach=False) Pane(%23 Window(@10 1:bar, Session($3 foo))) rename window:

>>> window.rename_window('libtmuxower') Window(@10 1:libtmuxower, Session($3 foo)) create panes by splitting window:

>>> pane= window.split_window() >>> pane= window.split_window(attach=False) >>> pane.select_pane() >>> window= session.new_window(attach=False, window_name="test") >>> pane= window.split_window(attach=False) send key strokes to panes:

>>> pane.send_keys('echo hey send now')

>>> pane.send_keys('echo hey', enter=False) >>> pane.enter() grab the output of pane:

>>> pane.clear() # clear the pane >>> pane.send_keys('cowsay hello') >>> print('\n'.join(pane.cmd('capture-pane','-p').stdout)) sh-3.2$ cowsay 'hello' ______< hello > ------\ ^__^ \ (oo)\______(__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || powerful traversal features:

>>> pane.window Window(@10 1:libtmuxower, Session($3 foo)) >>> pane.window.session Session($3 foo)

8 Chapter 3. pilot your tmux session via python CHAPTER FOUR


Your donations fund development of new features, testing and support. Your money will go directly to maintenance and development of the project. If you are an individual, feel free to give whatever feels right for the value you get out of the project. See donation options at Explore:

4.1 Quickstart libtmux allows for developers and system administrators to control live tmux sessions using python code. In this example, we will launch a tmux session and control the windows from inside a live tmux session.

4.1.1 Requirements

• tmux • pip - for this handbook’s examples

4.1.2 Installation

Next, ensure libtmux is installed:

$[sudo] pip install libtmux

4.1.3 Start a tmux session

Now, let’s open a tmux session.

$ tmux new-session -n bar -s foo

This tutorial will be using the session and window name in the example. Window name -n: bar Session name -s: foo

9 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

4.1.4 Control tmux via python

See also: API Reference

$ python

For commandline completion, you can also use ptpython.

$[sudo] pip install ptpython $ ptpython

First, we can grab a Server.

>>> import libtmux >>> server= libtmux.Server() >>> server

Note: You can specify a socket_name, socket_path and config_file in your server object. libtmux. Server(socket_name='mysocket') is equivalent to $ tmux -L mysocket. server is now a living object bound to the tmux server’s Sessions, Windows and Panes.

4.1.5 Find your Session

If you have multiple tmux sessions open, you can see that all of the methods in Server are available. We can list sessions with Server.list_sessions():

>>> server.list_sessions() [Session($3 foo), Session($1 libtmux)]

This returns a list of Session objects you can grab. We can find our current session with:

>>> server.list_sessions()[0]

However, this isn’t guaranteed, libtmux works against current tmux information, the session’s name could be changed, or another tmux session may be created, so Server.get_by_id() and Server.find_where() exists as a lookup.

4.1.6 Get session by ID tmux sessions use the $[0-9] convention as a way to identify sessions. $3 is whatever the ID list_sessions() returned above.

>>> server.get_by_id('$3') Session($3 foo)

You may session = server.get_by_id('$') to use the session object.

10 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

4.1.7 Get session by name / other properties

>>> server.find_where({"session_name":"foo"}) Session($3 foo)

With find_where, pass in a dict and return the first object found. In this case, a Server holds a collection of child Session. Session and Window both utilize find_where to sift through Windows and Panes, respectively. So you may now use:

>>> session= server.find_where({"session_name":"foo"})

to give us a session object to play with.

4.1.8 Playing with our tmux session

We now have access to session from above with all of the methods available in Session. Let’s make a Session.new_window(), in the background:

>>> session.new_window(attach=False, window_name="ha in the bg") Window(@8 2:ha in the bg, Session($3 foo))

So a few things: 1. attach=False meant to create a new window, but not to switch to it. It is the same as $ tmux new-window -d. 2. window_name may be specified. 3. Returns the Window object created.

Note: Use the API reference API Reference for more commands.

Let’s delete that window (Session.kill_window()). Method 1: Use passthrough to tmux’s target system.

>>> session.kill_window("ha in")

The window in the bg dissappeared. This was the equivalent of $ tmux kill-window -t'ha in' Internally, tmux uses target. Its specific behavior depends on what the target is, view the tmux manpage for more information:

This section contains a list of the commands supported by tmux. Most commands accept the optional-t argument with one of target-client, target-session, target-window, or target-pane.

In this case, you can also go back in time and recreate the window again. The CLI should have history, so navigate up with the arrow key.

>>> session.new_window(attach=False, window_name="ha in the bg") Window(@11 3:ha in the bg, Session($3 foo))

Try to kill the window by the matching id @[0-9999].

4.1. Quickstart 11 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

>>> session.new_window(attach=False, window_name="ha in the bg") Window(@12 3:ha in the bg, Session($3 foo))

In addition, you could also .kill_window direction from the Window object:

>>> window= session.new_window(attach=False, window_name="check this out")

And kill:

>>> window.kill_window()

Use Session.list_windows() and Session.find_where() to list and sort through active Window’s.

4.1.9 Manipulating windows

Now that we know how to create windows, let’s use one. Let’s use Session.attached_window() to grab our current window.

>>> window= session.attached_window()

window now has access to all of the objects inside of Window. Let’s create a pane, Window.split_window():

>>> window.split_window(attach=False) Pane(%23 Window(@10 1:bar, Session($3 foo)))

Powered up. Let’s have a break down: 1. window = session.attached_window() gave us the Window of the current attached to window. 2. attach=False assures the cursor didn’t switch to the newly created pane. 3. Returned the created Pane. Also, since you are aware of this power, let’s commemorate the experience:

>>> window.rename_window('libtmuxower') Window(@10 1:libtmuxower, Session($3 foo))

You should have noticed Window.rename_window() renamed the window.

4.1.10 Moving cursor across windows and panes

You have two ways you can move your cursor to new sessions, windows and panes. For one, arguments such as attach=False can be omittted.

>>> pane= window.split_window()

This gives you the Pane along with moving the cursor to a new window. You can also use the .select_* available on the object, in this case the pane has Pane.select_pane().

>>> pane= window.split_window(attach=False) >>> pane.select_pane()

12 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

4.1.11 Sending commands to tmux panes remotely

You may send commands to panes, windows and sessions without them being visible. As long as you have the object, or are iterating through a list of them, you can use .send_keys.

>>> window= session.new_window(attach=False, window_name="test") >>> pane= window.split_window(attach=False) >>> pane.send_keys('echo hey', enter=False)

See the other window, notice that Pane.send_keys() has ” echo hey” written, still in the prompt. Note the leading space character so the command won’t be added to the user’s history. Use pane.cmd(‘send-keys’, text) to send keys without this leading space. enter=False can be used to send keys without pressing return. In this case, you may leave it to the user to press return himself, or complete a command using Pane.enter():

>>> pane.enter()

4.1.12 Final notes

These objects created use tmux’s internal usage of ID’s to make servers, sessions, windows and panes accessible at the object level. You don’t have to see the tmux session to be able to orchestrate it. After all, WorkspaceBuilder uses these same internals to build your sessions in the background. :) See also: If you want to dig deeper, check out API Reference, the code for and our test suite (see developing.)

4.2 About

See also: API Reference libtmux is an abstraction layer for tmux. It builds upon the concept of targets -t, to direct commands against individual session, windows and panes and FORMATS, template variables exposed by tmux to describe their properties. Think of -t analagously to scope. common.TmuxRelationalObject acts as a container to connect the relations of Server, Session, Window and Pane.

Object Child Parent Server Session None Session Window Server Window Pane Session Pane None Window

Internally, tmux allows multiple servers to be ran on a system. Each one uses a socket. The server-client architecture is executed so cleanly, many users don’t think about it. tmux automatically connects to a default socket name and location for you if none (-L, -S) is specified. A server will be created automatically upon starting if none exists. A server can have multiple sessions. Ctrl-a s can be used to switch between sessions running on the server.

4.2. About 13 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

Sessions, Windows and Panes all have their own unique identifier for internal purposes. common. TmuxMappingObject will make use of the unique identifiers (session_id, window_id, pane_id ) to look up the data stored in the Server object.

Object Prefix Example Server N/A N/A, uses socket-name and socket-path Session $ $13 Window @ @3243 Pane % %5433

4.2.1 Similarities to tmux and Pythonics

libtmux was built in the spirit of understanding how tmux operates and how python objects and tools can abstract the API’s in a pleasant way. libtmux uses FORMATTERS in tmux to give identity attributes to Session, Window and Pane objects. See format.. How is libtmux able to keep references to panes, windows and sessions? Tmux has unique ID’s for sessions, windows and panes. panes use %, such as %1234 windows use @, such as @2345 sessions use $, for money, such as $ How is libtmux able to handle windows with no names? Tmux provides window_id as a unique identifier. What is a {pane,window}_index vs a {pane,window,session}_id? Pane index refers to the order of a pane on the screen. Window index refers to the # of the window in the session. To assert pane, window and session data, libtmux will use Server.list_sessions(), Session. list_windows(), Window.list_panes() to update objects.

4.2.2 Naming conventions

Because this is a python abstraction and commands like new-window have dashes (-) replaced with underscores (_).

4.2.3 Reference

• tmux docs • tmux source code

14 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

4.3 Properties

Get access to the data attributions behind tmux sessions, windows and panes. This is done through accessing the formats available in list-sessions, list-windows and list-panes. open two terminals: terminal one: start tmux in a seperate terminal:

$ tmux

Note: Make sure you have libtmux installed:

pip install libtmux

To upgrade:

pip install -U libtmux

terminal two, python or ptpython if you have it:

$ python

import tmux:

import tmux

attach default tmux libtmux.Server to t:

>>> t= libtmux.Server(); >>> t

4.3.1 Session

get the session object:

>>> session=t.sessions[0]

>>> session Session($0 libtmux)

quick access to basic attributes:

>>> u'libtmux'

>>> u'$0'

>>> session.width u'213'

(continues on next page)

4.3. Properties 15 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

(continued from previous page) >>> session.height u'114' to see all attributes for a session:

>>> session._info.keys() [u'session_height', u'session_windows', u'session_width', u'session_id', u'session_

˓→created', u'session_attached', u'session_grouped', u'session_name']

>>> session._info {u'session_height': u'114', u'session_windows': u'3', u'session_width': u'213', u

˓→'session_id': u'$0', u'session_created': u'1464905357', u'session_attached': u'1', u

˓→'session_grouped': u'0', u'session_name': u'libtmux'} some may conflict with python API, to access them, you can use .get(), to get the count of sessions in a window:

>>> session.get('session_windows') u'3'

4.3.2 Windows

The same concepts apply for window:

>>> window= session.attached_window

>>> window Window(@2 2:docs, Session($0 libtmux)) basics:

>>> u'docs'

>>> u'@2'

>>> window.height u'114'

>>> window.width u'213' everything available:

>>> window._info {u'window_panes': u'4', u'window_active': u'1', u'window_height': u'114', u'window_

˓→activity_flag': u'0', u'window_width': u'213', u'session_id': u'$0', u'window_id': u

˓→'@2', u'window_layout': u'dad5,213x114,0,0[213x60,0,0,4,213x53,0,61{70x53,0,61,5,

˓→70x53,71,61,6,71x53,142,61,7}]', u'window_silence_flag': u'0', u'window_index': u'2 ˓→', u'window_bell_flag': u'0', u'session_name': u'libtmux', u'window_flags': u'*', u ˓→'window_name': u'docs'}

>>> window.keys() [u'window_panes', u'window_active', u'window_height', u'window_activity_flag', u

˓→'window_width', u'session_id', u'window_id', u'window_layout', u'window_silence_flag ˓→', u'window_index', u'window_bell_flag', u'session_name', u'window_flags',(continues u'window_ on next page) ˓→name']

16 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

(continued from previous page) use get() for details not accessible via properties:

>>> pane.get('window_panes') u'4'

4.3.3 Panes get the pane:

>>> pane= window.attached_pane

>>> pane Pane(%5 Window(@2 2:docs, Session($0 libtmux))) basics:

>>> pane.current_command u'python'

>>> pane.height u'53'

>>> pane.width u'70'

>>> pane.index u'1' everything:

>>> pane._info {u'alternate_saved_x': u'0', u'alternate_saved_y': u'0', u'cursor_y': u'47', u'cursor_

˓→x': u'0', u'pane_in_mode': u'0', u'insert_flag': u'0', u'keypad_flag': u'0', u

˓→'cursor_flag': u'1', u'pane_current_command': u'python', u'window_index': u'2', u

˓→'history_size': u'216', u'scroll_region_lower': u'52', u'keypad_cursor_flag': u'0',

˓→u'history_bytes': u'38778', u'pane_active': u'1', u'pane_dead': u'0', u'pane_

˓→synchronized': u'0', u'window_id': u'@2', u'pane_index': u'1', u'pane_width': u'70',

˓→ u'mouse_any_flag': u'0', u'mouse_button_flag': u'0', u'window_name': u'docs', u

˓→'pane_current_path': u'/Users/me/work/python/libtmux/doc', u'pane_tty': u'/dev/

˓→ttys007', u'pane_title': u'Python REPL (ptpython)', u'session_id': u'$0', u

˓→'alternate_on': u'0', u'mouse_standard_flag': u'0', u'wrap_flag': u'1', u'history_

˓→limit': u'2000', u'pane_pid': u'37172', u'pane_height': u'53', u'session_name': u

˓→'libtmux', u'scroll_region_upper': u'0', u'pane_id': u'%5'}

>>> pane._info.keys() [u'alternate_saved_x', u'alternate_saved_y', u'cursor_y', u'cursor_x', u'pane_in_mode

˓→', u'insert_flag', u'keypad_flag', u'cursor_flag', u'pane_current_command', u

˓→'window_index', u'history_size', u'scroll_region_lower', u'keypad_cursor_flag', u

˓→'history_bytes', u'pane_active', u'pane_dead', u'pane_synchronized', u'window_id', u

˓→'pane_index', u'pane_width', u'mouse_any_flag', u'mouse_button_flag', u'window_name

˓→', u'pane_current_path', u'pane_tty', u'pane_title', u'session_id', u'alternate_on',

˓→ u'mouse_standard_flag', u'wrap_flag', u'history_limit', u'pane_pid', u'pane_height

˓→', u'session_name', u'scroll_region_upper', u'pane_id']

4.3. Properties 17 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3 use get() for details keys:

>>> pane.get('pane_width') u'70'

4.4 Traversal libtmux convenient access to move around the hierachy of sessions, windows and panes in tmux. this is done by libtmux’s object abstraction of target_s (the -t command) and the permanent internal ID’s tmux gives to objects. open two terminals: terminal one: start tmux in a seperate terminal:

$ tmux

Note: Make sure you have libtmux installed:

$ pip install libtmux

To upgrade:

$ pip install -U libtmux terminal two, python or ptpython if you have it:

$ python import tmux: import tmux attach default tmux libtmux.Server to t:

>>> t= libtmux.Server(); >>> t get first session Session to session:

>>> session=t.sessions[0] >>> session Session($0 libtmux) get a list of sessions:

>>> t.sessions [Session($0 libtmux), Session($1 tmuxp)] iterate through sessions in a server:

18 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

>>> for sess in t.sessions: ... print(sess)

Session($0 libtmux) Session($1 tmuxp) grab a Window from a session:

>>>[0] Window(@1 1:libtmux, Session($0 libtmux)) grab the currently focused window from session:

>>> session.attached_window Window(@2 2:docs, Session($0 libtmux)) grab the currently focused Pane from session:

>>> session.attached_pane Pane(%5 Window(@2 2:docs, Session($0 libtmux))) assign the attached pane to p:

>>> p= session.attached_pane access the window/server of a pane:

>>> p.window Window(@2 2:docs, Session($0 libtmux))

>>> p.server

4.5 Servers

• identified by socket path and socket name • may have >1 servers running of tmux at the same time. • hold Sessions (which hold Windows, which hold Panes) In tmux, a server is automatically started on your behalf when you first run tmux. class libtmux.Server(socket_name=None, socket_path=None, config_file=None, colors=None, **kwargs) Bases: libtmux.common.TmuxRelationalObject, libtmux.common.EnvironmentMixin The tmux(1) server1. • Server._sessions [Session,...] – Session._windows [Window,...]

1 CLIENTS AND SESSIONS. openbsd manpage for TMUX(1) “The tmux server manages clients, sessions, windows and panes. Clients are attached to sessions to interact with them, either when they are created with the new-session command, or later with the attach-session command. Each session has one or more windows linked into it. Windows may be linked to multiple sessions and are made up of one or more panes, each of which contains a pseudo terminal.” Accessed April 1st, 2018.

4.5. Servers 19 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

* Window._panes [Pane,...] · Pane When instantiated stores information on live, running tmux server. Parameters • socket_name (str, optional)– • socket_path (str, optional)– • config_file (str, optional)– • colors (str, optional)–


child_id_attribute = 'session_id' unique child ID used by TmuxRelationalObject formatter_prefix = 'server_' namespace used TmuxMappingObject socket_name = None [-L socket-name] socket_path = None [-S socket-path] config_file = None [-f file] colors = None -2 or -8 cmd(*args, **kwargs) Execute tmux command and return output. Returns Return type common.tmux_cmd


Changed in version 0.8: Renamed from .tmux to .cmd. _list_sessions() Return list of sessions in dict form. Retrieved from $ tmux(1) list-sessions stdout. The list is derived from stdout in common.tmux_cmd which wraps subprocess.Popen. Returns Return type list of dict property _sessions Property / alias to return _list_sessions(). list_sessions() Return list of Session from the tmux(1) session.

20 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

Returns Return type list of Session property sessions Property / alias to return list_sessions(). property children Alias sessions for TmuxRelationalObject _list_windows() Return list of windows in dict form. Retrieved from $ tmux(1) list-windows stdout. The list is derived from stdout in common.tmux_cmd which wraps subprocess.Popen. Returns Return type list of dict _update_windows() Update internal window data and return self for chainability. Returns Return type Server _list_panes() Return list of panes in dict form. Retrieved from $ tmux(1) list-panes stdout. The list is derived from stdout in util.tmux_cmd which wraps subprocess.Popen. Returns Return type list _update_panes() Update internal pane data and return self for chainability. Returns Return type Server property attached_sessions Return active Session objects. This will not work where multiple tmux sessions are attached. Returns Return type list of Session has_session(target_session, exact=True) Return True if session exists. $ tmux has-session. Parameters • target_session (str) – session name • exact (bool) – match the session name exactly. tmux uses fnmatch by default. Inter- nally prepends = to the session in $ tmux has-session. tmux 2.1 and up only. Raises exc.BadSessionName – Returns

4.5. Servers 21 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

Return type bool kill_server() $ tmux kill-server. find_where(attrs) Return object on first match. Changed in version 0.4: Renamed from .findWhere to .find_where. get_by_id(id) Return object based on child_id_attribute. Parameters val (str)– Returns Return type object


Based on .get() from backbone.js. kill_session(target_session=None) Kill the tmux session with $ tmux kill-session, return self. Parameters target_session (str, optional) – target_session: str. note this accepts fnmatch(3). ‘asdf’ will kill ‘asdfasd’. Returns Return type Server Raises exc.BadSessionName – remove_environment(name) Remove environment variable $ tmux set-environment -r . Parameters name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. set_environment(name, value) Set environment $ tmux set-environment . Parameters • name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. • option (str) – environment value. show_environment(name=None) Show environment $ tmux show-environment -t [session] . Return dict of environment variables for the session or the value of a specific variable if the name is specified. Parameters name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. Returns environmental variables in dict, if no name, or str if name entered. Return type str or dict unset_environment(name) Unset environment variable $ tmux set-environment -u . Parameters name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’.

22 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

where(attrs, first=False) Return objects matching child objects properties. Parameters attrs (dict) – tmux properties to match values of Returns Return type list switch_client(target_session) $ tmux switch-client. Parameters target_session (str) – name of the session. fnmatch(3) works. Raises exc.BadSessionName – attach_session(target_session=None) $ tmux attach-session aka alias: $ tmux attach. Parameters target_session (str) – name of the session. fnmatch(3) works. Raises exc.BadSessionName – new_session(session_name=None, kill_session=False, attach=False, start_directory=None, win- dow_name=None, window_command=None, *args, **kwargs) Return Session from $ tmux new-session. Uses -P flag to print session info, -F for return formatting returns new Session object. $ tmux new-session -d will create the session in the background $ tmux new-session -Ad will move to the session name if it already exists. todo: make an option to handle this. Parameters • session_name (str, optional)–

$ tmux new-session -s

• attach (bool, optional) – create session in the foreground. attach=False is equivalent to:

$ tmux new-session -d

Other Parameters • kill_session (bool, optional) – Kill current session if $ tmux has-session. Useful for testing workspaces. • start_directory (str, optional) – specifies the working directory in which the new session is created. • window_name (str, optional)–

$ tmux new-session -n

• window_command (str) – execute a command on starting the session. The window will close when the command exits. NOTE: When this command exits the window will close. This feature is useful for long-running processes where the closing of the window upon completion is desired. Returns Return type Session Raises exc.BadSessionName –

4.5. Servers 23 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

4.6 Sessions

• exist inside Servers • contain Windows (which hold Panes) • identified by $, e.g. $313 class libtmux.Session(server=None, **kwargs) Bases: libtmux.common.TmuxMappingObject, libtmux.common.TmuxRelationalObject, libtmux.common.EnvironmentMixin A tmux(1) session1. Holds Window objects. Parameters server (Server)–


child_id_attribute = 'window_id' unique child ID key for TmuxRelationalObject formatter_prefix = 'session_' namespace used TmuxMappingObject cmd(*args, **kwargs) Return server.cmd(). Returns Return type server.cmd


Changed in version 0.8: Renamed from .tmux to .cmd. attach_session() Return $ tmux attach-session aka alias: $ tmux attach. kill_session() $ tmux kill-session. switch_client() Switch client to this session. Raises exc.LibTmuxException – rename_session(new_name) Rename session and return new Session object. Parameters new_name (str) – new session name Returns Return type Session

1 tmux session. openbsd manpage for TMUX(1). “When tmux is started it creates a new session with a single window and displays it on screen. . . ” “A session is a single collection of pseudo terminals under the management of tmux. Each session has one or more windows linked to it.” Accessed April 1st, 2018.

24 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

Raises exc.BadSessionName – new_window(window_name=None, start_directory=None, attach=True, window_index='', win- dow_shell=None) Return Window from $ tmux new-window. By default, this will make the window active. For the new window to be created and not set to current, pass in attach=False. Parameters • window_name (str, optional)– • start_directory (str, optional) – working directory in which the new win- dow is created. • attach (bool, optional) – make new window the current window after creating it, default True. • window_index (str) – create the new window at the given index position. Default is empty string which will create the window in the next available position. • window_shell (str) – execute a command on starting the window. The window will close when the command exits.

Note: When this command exits the window will close. This feature is useful for long- running processes where the closing of the window upon completion is desired.

Returns Return type Window kill_window(target_window=None) Close a tmux window, and all panes inside it, $ tmux kill-window Kill the current window or the window at target-window. removing it from any sessions to which it is linked. Parameters target_window (str, optional) – window to kill property _windows Property / alias to return Session._list_windows(). list_windows() Return a list of Window from the tmux(1) session. Returns Return type Window property windows Property / alias to return Session.list_windows(). property children Alias windows for TmuxRelationalObject property attached_window Return active Window object. Returns Return type Window

4.6. Sessions 25 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

select_window(target_window) Return Window selected via $ tmux select-window. Parameters window (str)– target_window also ‘last-window’ (-l), ‘next-window’ (-n), or ‘previous-window’ (-p) Returns Return type Window


property attached_pane Return active Pane object. set_option(option, value, _global=False) Set option $ tmux set-option


show_options(option=None, _global=False) Return a dict of options for the window. For familiarity with tmux, the option option param forwards to pick a single option, forwarding to Session.show_option(). Parameters • option (str, optional) – name of option, e.g. ‘visual-silence’. Defaults to None, which returns all options. • _global (bool, optional) – Pass -g flag for global variable (server-wide) Returns Return type dict

26 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3


Uses _global for keyword name instead of global to avoid colliding with reserved keyword. show_option(option, _global=False) Return a list of options for the window. Parameters • option (str) – option name • _global (bool, optional) – use global option scope, same as -g Returns Return type str, int, or bool Raises • exc.OptionError – • exc.InvalidOption –


Uses _global for keyword name instead of global to avoid colliding with reserved keyword. Test and return True/False for on/off string. clear() → None. Remove all items from D. find_where(attrs) Return object on first match. Changed in version 0.4: Renamed from .findWhere to .find_where. get(k[, d ]) → D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None. get_by_id(id) Return object based on child_id_attribute. Parameters val (str)– Returns Return type object


Based on .get() from backbone.js. items() → a set-like object providing a view on D’s items keys() Return list of keys. pop(k[, d ]) → v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. popitem() → (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty. remove_environment(name) Remove environment variable $ tmux set-environment -r .

4.6. Sessions 27 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

Parameters name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. set_environment(name, value) Set environment $ tmux set-environment . Parameters • name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. • option (str) – environment value. setdefault(k[, d ]) → D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D show_environment(name=None) Show environment $ tmux show-environment -t [session] . Return dict of environment variables for the session or the value of a specific variable if the name is specified. Parameters name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. Returns environmental variables in dict, if no name, or str if name entered. Return type str or dict unset_environment(name) Unset environment variable $ tmux set-environment -u . Parameters name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. update([E ], **F) → None. Update D from mapping/iterable E and F. If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v values() → an object providing a view on D’s values where(attrs, first=False) Return objects matching child objects properties. Parameters attrs (dict) – tmux properties to match values of Returns Return type list

4.7 Windows

• exist inside Sessions • contain Panes • identified by @, e.g. @313 class libtmux.Window(session=None, **kwargs) Bases: libtmux.common.TmuxMappingObject, libtmux.common.TmuxRelationalObject A tmux(1) window1. Holds Pane objects.

1 tmux window. openbsd manpage for TMUX(1). “Each session has one or more windows linked to it. A window occupies the entire screen and may be split into rectangular panes. . . ” Accessed April 1st, 2018.

28 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

Parameters session (Session)–


child_id_attribute = 'pane_id' unique child ID key for TmuxRelationalObject formatter_prefix = 'window_' namespace used TmuxMappingObject cmd(cmd, *args, **kwargs) Return Server.cmd() defaulting target_window as target. Send command to tmux with window_id as target-window. Specifying ('-t', 'custom-target') or ('-tcustom_target') in args will override using the object’s window_id as target. Returns Return type Server.cmd


Changed in version 0.8: Renamed from .tmux to .cmd. select_layout(layout=None) Wrapper for $ tmux select-layout . Parameters layout (str, optional) – string of the layout, ‘even-horizontal’, ‘tiled’, etc. Entering None (leaving this blank) is same as select-layout with no layout. In recent tmux versions, it picks the most recently set layout. ’even-horizontal’ Panes are spread out evenly from left to right across the window. ’even-vertical’ Panes are spread evenly from top to bottom. ’main-horizontal’ A large (main) pane is shown at the top of the window and the remaining panes are spread from left to right in the leftover space at the bottom. ’main-vertical’ Similar to main-horizontal but the large pane is placed on the left and the others spread from top to bottom along the right. ’tiled’ Panes are spread out as evenly as possible over the window in both rows and columns. ’custom’ custom dimensions (see tmux(1) manpages). set_window_option(option, value) Wrapper for $ tmux set-window-option

4.7. Windows 29 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

show_window_options(option=None, g=False) Return a dict of options for the window. For familiarity with tmux, the option option param forwards to pick a single option, forwarding to Window.show_window_option(). Parameters • option (str, optional) – show a single option. • g (str, optional) – Pass -g flag for global variable, default False. Returns Return type dict show_window_option(option, g=False) Return a list of options for the window. todo: test and return True/False for on/off string Parameters • option (str)– • g (bool, optional) – Pass -g flag, global. Default False. Returns Return type str, int Raises • exc.OptionError – • exc.InvalidOption – rename_window(new_name) Return Window object $ tmux rename-window . Parameters new_name (str) – name of the window kill_window() Kill the current Window object. $ tmux kill-window. move_window(destination='', session=None) Move the current Window object $ tmux move-window. Parameters • destination (str, optional) – the target window or index to move the win- dow to, default: empty string • session (str, optional) – the target session or index to move the window to, default: current session. select_window() Select window. Return self. To select a window object asynchrously. If a window object exists and is no longer longer the current window, w.select_window() will make w the current window. Returns Return type Window select_pane(target_pane) Return selected Pane through $ tmux select-pane.

30 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

Parameters target_pane (str) – ‘target_pane’, ‘-U’ ,’-D’, ‘-L’, ‘-R’, or ‘-l’. Returns Return type Pane last_pane() Return last pane. split_window(target=None, start_directory=None, attach=True, vertical=True, shell=None) Split window and return the created Pane. Used for splitting window and holding in a python object. Parameters • attach (bool, optional) – make new window the current window after creating it, default True. • start_directory (str, optional) – specifies the working directory in which the new window is created. • target (str)– target_pane to split. • vertical (str) – split vertically • shell (str, optional) – execute a command on splitting the window. The pane will close when the command exits. NOTE: When this command exits the pane will close. This feature is useful for long- running processes where the closing of the window upon completion is desired. Returns Return type Pane


tmux(1) will move window to the new pane if the split-window target is off screen. tmux handles the -d the same way as new-window and attach in Session.new_window. By default, this will make the window the pane is created in active. To remain on the same window and split the pane in another target window, pass in attach=False. property attached_pane Return the attached Pane. Returns Return type Pane property _panes Property / alias to return _list_panes(). list_panes() Return list of Pane for the window. Returns Return type list of Pane property panes Property / alias to return list_panes().

4.7. Windows 31 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

property children Alias panes for TmuxRelationalObject clear() → None. Remove all items from D. find_where(attrs) Return object on first match. Changed in version 0.4: Renamed from .findWhere to .find_where. get(k[, d ]) → D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None. get_by_id(id) Return object based on child_id_attribute. Parameters val (str)– Returns Return type object


Based on .get() from backbone.js. items() → a set-like object providing a view on D’s items keys() Return list of keys. pop(k[, d ]) → v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. popitem() → (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty. setdefault(k[, d ]) → D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D update([E ], **F) → None. Update D from mapping/iterable E and F. If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v values() → an object providing a view on D’s values where(attrs, first=False) Return objects matching child objects properties. Parameters attrs (dict) – tmux properties to match values of Returns Return type list

32 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

4.8 Panes

• hold pseudoterminal’s (pty(4)) • exist inside Windows • identified by %, e.g. %313 class libtmux.Pane(window=None, **kwargs) Bases: libtmux.common.TmuxMappingObject, libtmux.common.TmuxRelationalObject A tmux(1) pane1. Pane instances can send commands directly to a pane, or traverse between linked tmux objects. Parameters window (Window)–


Changed in version 0.8: Renamed from .tmux to .cmd.


formatter_prefix = 'pane_' namespace used TmuxMappingObject cmd(cmd, *args, **kwargs) Return Server.cmd() defaulting to target_pane as target. Send command to tmux with pane_id as target-pane. Specifying ('-t', 'custom-target') or ('-tcustom_target') in args will override using the object’s pane_id as target. Returns Return type Server.cmd send_keys(cmd, enter=True, suppress_history=True, literal=False) $ tmux send-keys to the pane. A leading space character is added to cmd to avoid polluting the user’s history. Parameters • cmd (str) – Text or input into pane • enter (bool, optional) – Send enter after sending the input, default True. • suppress_history (bool, optional) – Don’t add these keys to the shell history, default True. • literal (bool, optional) – Send keys literally, default True. display_message(cmd, get_text=False) $ tmux display-message to the pane. Displays a message in target-client status line.

1 tmux pane. openbsd manpage for TMUX(1). “Each window displayed by tmux may be split into one or more panes; each pane takes up a certain area of the display and is a separate terminal.” Accessed April 1st, 2018.

4.8. Panes 33 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

Parameters • cmd (str) – Special parameters to request from pane. • get_text (bool, optional) – Returns only text without displaying a message in target-client status line. Returns • list • None clear() Clear pane. reset() Reset and clear pane history. split_window(attach=False, vertical=True, start_directory=None) Split window at pane and return newly created Pane. Parameters • attach (bool, optional) – Attach / select pane after creation. • vertical (bool, optional) – split vertically • start_directory (str, optional) – specifies the working directory in which the new pane is created. Returns Return type Pane set_width(width) Set width of pane. Parameters width (int) – pane width, in cells set_height(height) Set height of pane. Parameters height (int) – height of pain, in cells resize_pane(*args, **kwargs) $ tmux resize-pane of pane and return self. Parameters target_pane (str)– target_pane, or -U,``-D``, -L, -R. Other Parameters • height (int)– resize-pane -y dimensions • width (int)– resize-pane -x dimensions Returns Return type Pane Raises exc.LibTmuxException – enter() Send carriage return to pane. $ tmux send-keys send Enter to the pane.

34 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

capture_pane() Capture text from pane. $ tmux capture-pane to pane. Returns Return type list select_pane() Select pane. Return self. To select a window object asynchrously. If a pane object exists and is no longer longer the current window, w.select_pane() will make p the current pane. Returns Return type pane find_where(attrs) Return object on first match. Changed in version 0.4: Renamed from .findWhere to .find_where. get(k[, d ]) → D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None. get_by_id(id) Return object based on child_id_attribute. Parameters val (str)– Returns Return type object


Based on .get() from backbone.js. items() → a set-like object providing a view on D’s items keys() Return list of keys. pop(k[, d ]) → v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. popitem() → (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty. setdefault(k[, d ]) → D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D update([E ], **F) → None. Update D from mapping/iterable E and F. If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v values() → an object providing a view on D’s values where(attrs, first=False) Return objects matching child objects properties. Parameters attrs (dict) – tmux properties to match values of Returns Return type list

4.8. Panes 35 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

4.9 API Reference

See also: Quickstart.

4.9.1 Server Object class libtmux.Server(socket_name=None, socket_path=None, config_file=None, colors=None, **kwargs) Bases: libtmux.common.TmuxRelationalObject, libtmux.common.EnvironmentMixin The tmux(1) server2. • Server._sessions [Session,...] – Session._windows [Window,...]

* Window._panes [Pane,...] · Pane When instantiated stores information on live, running tmux server. Parameters • socket_name (str, optional)– • socket_path (str, optional)– • config_file (str, optional)– • colors (str, optional)–


child_id_attribute = 'session_id' unique child ID used by TmuxRelationalObject formatter_prefix = 'server_' namespace used TmuxMappingObject socket_name = None [-L socket-name] socket_path = None [-S socket-path] config_file = None [-f file] colors = None -2 or -8

2 CLIENTS AND SESSIONS. openbsd manpage for TMUX(1) “The tmux server manages clients, sessions, windows and panes. Clients are attached to sessions to interact with them, either when they are created with the new-session command, or later with the attach-session command. Each session has one or more windows linked into it. Windows may be linked to multiple sessions and are made up of one or more panes, each of which contains a pseudo terminal.” Accessed April 1st, 2018.

36 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

cmd(*args, **kwargs) Execute tmux command and return output. Returns Return type common.tmux_cmd


Changed in version 0.8: Renamed from .tmux to .cmd. _list_sessions() Return list of sessions in dict form. Retrieved from $ tmux(1) list-sessions stdout. The list is derived from stdout in common.tmux_cmd which wraps subprocess.Popen. Returns Return type list of dict property _sessions Property / alias to return _list_sessions(). list_sessions() Return list of Session from the tmux(1) session. Returns Return type list of Session property sessions Property / alias to return list_sessions(). property children Alias sessions for TmuxRelationalObject _list_windows() Return list of windows in dict form. Retrieved from $ tmux(1) list-windows stdout. The list is derived from stdout in common.tmux_cmd which wraps subprocess.Popen. Returns Return type list of dict _update_windows() Update internal window data and return self for chainability. Returns Return type Server _list_panes() Return list of panes in dict form. Retrieved from $ tmux(1) list-panes stdout. The list is derived from stdout in util.tmux_cmd which wraps subprocess.Popen. Returns Return type list

4.9. API Reference 37 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

_update_panes() Update internal pane data and return self for chainability. Returns Return type Server property attached_sessions Return active Session objects. This will not work where multiple tmux sessions are attached. Returns Return type list of Session has_session(target_session, exact=True) Return True if session exists. $ tmux has-session. Parameters • target_session (str) – session name • exact (bool) – match the session name exactly. tmux uses fnmatch by default. Inter- nally prepends = to the session in $ tmux has-session. tmux 2.1 and up only. Raises exc.BadSessionName – Returns Return type bool kill_server() $ tmux kill-server. find_where(attrs) Return object on first match. Changed in version 0.4: Renamed from .findWhere to .find_where. get_by_id(id) Return object based on child_id_attribute. Parameters val (str)– Returns Return type object


Based on .get() from backbone.js. kill_session(target_session=None) Kill the tmux session with $ tmux kill-session, return self. Parameters target_session (str, optional) – target_session: str. note this accepts fnmatch(3). ‘asdf’ will kill ‘asdfasd’. Returns Return type Server Raises exc.BadSessionName –

38 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

remove_environment(name) Remove environment variable $ tmux set-environment -r . Parameters name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. set_environment(name, value) Set environment $ tmux set-environment . Parameters • name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. • option (str) – environment value. show_environment(name=None) Show environment $ tmux show-environment -t [session] . Return dict of environment variables for the session or the value of a specific variable if the name is specified. Parameters name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. Returns environmental variables in dict, if no name, or str if name entered. Return type str or dict unset_environment(name) Unset environment variable $ tmux set-environment -u . Parameters name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. where(attrs, first=False) Return objects matching child objects properties. Parameters attrs (dict) – tmux properties to match values of Returns Return type list switch_client(target_session) $ tmux switch-client. Parameters target_session (str) – name of the session. fnmatch(3) works. Raises exc.BadSessionName – attach_session(target_session=None) $ tmux attach-session aka alias: $ tmux attach. Parameters target_session (str) – name of the session. fnmatch(3) works. Raises exc.BadSessionName – new_session(session_name=None, kill_session=False, attach=False, start_directory=None, win- dow_name=None, window_command=None, *args, **kwargs) Return Session from $ tmux new-session. Uses -P flag to print session info, -F for return formatting returns new Session object. $ tmux new-session -d will create the session in the background $ tmux new-session -Ad will move to the session name if it already exists. todo: make an option to handle this. Parameters • session_name (str, optional)–

4.9. API Reference 39 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

$ tmux new-session -s

• attach (bool, optional) – create session in the foreground. attach=False is equivalent to:

$ tmux new-session -d

Other Parameters • kill_session (bool, optional) – Kill current session if $ tmux has-session. Useful for testing workspaces. • start_directory (str, optional) – specifies the working directory in which the new session is created. • window_name (str, optional)–

$ tmux new-session -n

• window_command (str) – execute a command on starting the session. The window will close when the command exits. NOTE: When this command exits the window will close. This feature is useful for long-running processes where the closing of the window upon completion is desired. Returns Return type Session Raises exc.BadSessionName –

4.9.2 Session Object class libtmux.Session(server=None, **kwargs) Bases: libtmux.common.TmuxMappingObject, libtmux.common.TmuxRelationalObject, libtmux.common.EnvironmentMixin A tmux(1) session3. Holds Window objects. Parameters server (Server)–


child_id_attribute = 'window_id' unique child ID key for TmuxRelationalObject formatter_prefix = 'session_' namespace used TmuxMappingObject cmd(*args, **kwargs) Return server.cmd(). Returns

3 tmux session. openbsd manpage for TMUX(1). “When tmux is started it creates a new session with a single window and displays it on screen. . . ” “A session is a single collection of pseudo terminals under the management of tmux. Each session has one or more windows linked to it.” Accessed April 1st, 2018.

40 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

Return type server.cmd


Changed in version 0.8: Renamed from .tmux to .cmd. attach_session() Return $ tmux attach-session aka alias: $ tmux attach. kill_session() $ tmux kill-session. switch_client() Switch client to this session. Raises exc.LibTmuxException – rename_session(new_name) Rename session and return new Session object. Parameters new_name (str) – new session name Returns Return type Session Raises exc.BadSessionName – new_window(window_name=None, start_directory=None, attach=True, window_index='', win- dow_shell=None) Return Window from $ tmux new-window. By default, this will make the window active. For the new window to be created and not set to current, pass in attach=False. Parameters • window_name (str, optional)– • start_directory (str, optional) – working directory in which the new win- dow is created. • attach (bool, optional) – make new window the current window after creating it, default True. • window_index (str) – create the new window at the given index position. Default is empty string which will create the window in the next available position. • window_shell (str) – execute a command on starting the window. The window will close when the command exits.

Note: When this command exits the window will close. This feature is useful for long- running processes where the closing of the window upon completion is desired.

Returns Return type Window kill_window(target_window=None) Close a tmux window, and all panes inside it, $ tmux kill-window

4.9. API Reference 41 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

Kill the current window or the window at target-window. removing it from any sessions to which it is linked. Parameters target_window (str, optional) – window to kill property _windows Property / alias to return Session._list_windows(). list_windows() Return a list of Window from the tmux(1) session. Returns Return type Window property windows Property / alias to return Session.list_windows(). property children Alias windows for TmuxRelationalObject property attached_window Return active Window object. Returns Return type Window select_window(target_window) Return Window selected via $ tmux select-window. Parameters window (str)– target_window also ‘last-window’ (-l), ‘next-window’ (-n), or ‘previous-window’ (-p) Returns Return type Window


property attached_pane Return active Pane object. set_option(option, value, _global=False) Set option $ tmux set-option

42 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3


show_options(option=None, _global=False) Return a dict of options for the window. For familiarity with tmux, the option option param forwards to pick a single option, forwarding to Session.show_option(). Parameters • option (str, optional) – name of option, e.g. ‘visual-silence’. Defaults to None, which returns all options. • _global (bool, optional) – Pass -g flag for global variable (server-wide) Returns Return type dict


Uses _global for keyword name instead of global to avoid colliding with reserved keyword. show_option(option, _global=False) Return a list of options for the window. Parameters • option (str) – option name • _global (bool, optional) – use global option scope, same as -g Returns Return type str, int, or bool Raises • exc.OptionError – • exc.InvalidOption –


Uses _global for keyword name instead of global to avoid colliding with reserved keyword. Test and return True/False for on/off string. clear() → None. Remove all items from D. find_where(attrs) Return object on first match. Changed in version 0.4: Renamed from .findWhere to .find_where. get(k[, d ]) → D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None. get_by_id(id) Return object based on child_id_attribute. Parameters val (str)– Returns

4.9. API Reference 43 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

Return type object


Based on .get() from backbone.js. items() → a set-like object providing a view on D’s items keys() Return list of keys. pop(k[, d ]) → v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. popitem() → (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty. remove_environment(name) Remove environment variable $ tmux set-environment -r . Parameters name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. set_environment(name, value) Set environment $ tmux set-environment . Parameters • name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. • option (str) – environment value. setdefault(k[, d ]) → D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D show_environment(name=None) Show environment $ tmux show-environment -t [session] . Return dict of environment variables for the session or the value of a specific variable if the name is specified. Parameters name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. Returns environmental variables in dict, if no name, or str if name entered. Return type str or dict unset_environment(name) Unset environment variable $ tmux set-environment -u . Parameters name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. update([E ], **F) → None. Update D from mapping/iterable E and F. If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v values() → an object providing a view on D’s values where(attrs, first=False) Return objects matching child objects properties. Parameters attrs (dict) – tmux properties to match values of Returns Return type list

44 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

4.9.3 Window Object class libtmux.Window(session=None, **kwargs) Bases: libtmux.common.TmuxMappingObject, libtmux.common.TmuxRelationalObject A tmux(1) window4. Holds Pane objects. Parameters session (Session)–


child_id_attribute = 'pane_id' unique child ID key for TmuxRelationalObject formatter_prefix = 'window_' namespace used TmuxMappingObject cmd(cmd, *args, **kwargs) Return Server.cmd() defaulting target_window as target. Send command to tmux with window_id as target-window. Specifying ('-t', 'custom-target') or ('-tcustom_target') in args will override using the object’s window_id as target. Returns Return type Server.cmd


Changed in version 0.8: Renamed from .tmux to .cmd. select_layout(layout=None) Wrapper for $ tmux select-layout . Parameters layout (str, optional) – string of the layout, ‘even-horizontal’, ‘tiled’, etc. Entering None (leaving this blank) is same as select-layout with no layout. In recent tmux versions, it picks the most recently set layout. ’even-horizontal’ Panes are spread out evenly from left to right across the window. ’even-vertical’ Panes are spread evenly from top to bottom. ’main-horizontal’ A large (main) pane is shown at the top of the window and the remaining panes are spread from left to right in the leftover space at the bottom. ’main-vertical’ Similar to main-horizontal but the large pane is placed on the left and the others spread from top to bottom along the right. ’tiled’ Panes are spread out as evenly as possible over the window in both rows and columns. ’custom’ custom dimensions (see tmux(1) manpages). set_window_option(option, value) Wrapper for $ tmux set-window-option

4 tmux window. openbsd manpage for TMUX(1). “Each session has one or more windows linked to it. A window occupies the entire screen and may be split into rectangular panes. . . ” Accessed April 1st, 2018.

4.9. API Reference 45 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

Parameters • option (str) – option to set, e.g. ‘aggressive-resize’ • value (str) – window option value. True/False will turn in ‘on’ and ‘off’, also accepts string of ‘on’ or ‘off’ directly. Raises • exc.OptionError – • exc.InvalidOption – show_window_options(option=None, g=False) Return a dict of options for the window. For familiarity with tmux, the option option param forwards to pick a single option, forwarding to Window.show_window_option(). Parameters • option (str, optional) – show a single option. • g (str, optional) – Pass -g flag for global variable, default False. Returns Return type dict show_window_option(option, g=False) Return a list of options for the window. todo: test and return True/False for on/off string Parameters • option (str)– • g (bool, optional) – Pass -g flag, global. Default False. Returns Return type str, int Raises • exc.OptionError – • exc.InvalidOption – rename_window(new_name) Return Window object $ tmux rename-window . Parameters new_name (str) – name of the window kill_window() Kill the current Window object. $ tmux kill-window. move_window(destination='', session=None) Move the current Window object $ tmux move-window. Parameters • destination (str, optional) – the target window or index to move the win- dow to, default: empty string • session (str, optional) – the target session or index to move the window to, default: current session.

46 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

select_window() Select window. Return self. To select a window object asynchrously. If a window object exists and is no longer longer the current window, w.select_window() will make w the current window. Returns Return type Window select_pane(target_pane) Return selected Pane through $ tmux select-pane. Parameters target_pane (str) – ‘target_pane’, ‘-U’ ,’-D’, ‘-L’, ‘-R’, or ‘-l’. Returns Return type Pane last_pane() Return last pane. split_window(target=None, start_directory=None, attach=True, vertical=True, shell=None) Split window and return the created Pane. Used for splitting window and holding in a python object. Parameters • attach (bool, optional) – make new window the current window after creating it, default True. • start_directory (str, optional) – specifies the working directory in which the new window is created. • target (str)– target_pane to split. • vertical (str) – split vertically • shell (str, optional) – execute a command on splitting the window. The pane will close when the command exits. NOTE: When this command exits the pane will close. This feature is useful for long- running processes where the closing of the window upon completion is desired. Returns Return type Pane


tmux(1) will move window to the new pane if the split-window target is off screen. tmux handles the -d the same way as new-window and attach in Session.new_window. By default, this will make the window the pane is created in active. To remain on the same window and split the pane in another target window, pass in attach=False. property attached_pane Return the attached Pane. Returns Return type Pane

4.9. API Reference 47 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

property _panes Property / alias to return _list_panes(). list_panes() Return list of Pane for the window. Returns Return type list of Pane property panes Property / alias to return list_panes(). property children Alias panes for TmuxRelationalObject clear() → None. Remove all items from D. find_where(attrs) Return object on first match. Changed in version 0.4: Renamed from .findWhere to .find_where. get(k[, d ]) → D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None. get_by_id(id) Return object based on child_id_attribute. Parameters val (str)– Returns Return type object


Based on .get() from backbone.js. items() → a set-like object providing a view on D’s items keys() Return list of keys. pop(k[, d ]) → v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. popitem() → (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty. setdefault(k[, d ]) → D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D update([E ], **F) → None. Update D from mapping/iterable E and F. If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v values() → an object providing a view on D’s values where(attrs, first=False) Return objects matching child objects properties. Parameters attrs (dict) – tmux properties to match values of Returns Return type list

48 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

4.9.4 Pane Object class libtmux.Pane(window=None, **kwargs) Bases: libtmux.common.TmuxMappingObject, libtmux.common.TmuxRelationalObject A tmux(1) pane5. Pane instances can send commands directly to a pane, or traverse between linked tmux objects. Parameters window (Window)–


Changed in version 0.8: Renamed from .tmux to .cmd.


formatter_prefix = 'pane_' namespace used TmuxMappingObject cmd(cmd, *args, **kwargs) Return Server.cmd() defaulting to target_pane as target. Send command to tmux with pane_id as target-pane. Specifying ('-t', 'custom-target') or ('-tcustom_target') in args will override using the object’s pane_id as target. Returns Return type Server.cmd send_keys(cmd, enter=True, suppress_history=True, literal=False) $ tmux send-keys to the pane. A leading space character is added to cmd to avoid polluting the user’s history. Parameters • cmd (str) – Text or input into pane • enter (bool, optional) – Send enter after sending the input, default True. • suppress_history (bool, optional) – Don’t add these keys to the shell history, default True. • literal (bool, optional) – Send keys literally, default True. display_message(cmd, get_text=False) $ tmux display-message to the pane. Displays a message in target-client status line. Parameters • cmd (str) – Special parameters to request from pane. • get_text (bool, optional) – Returns only text without displaying a message in target-client status line.

5 tmux pane. openbsd manpage for TMUX(1). “Each window displayed by tmux may be split into one or more panes; each pane takes up a certain area of the display and is a separate terminal.” Accessed April 1st, 2018.

4.9. API Reference 49 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

Returns • list • None clear() Clear pane. reset() Reset and clear pane history. split_window(attach=False, vertical=True, start_directory=None) Split window at pane and return newly created Pane. Parameters • attach (bool, optional) – Attach / select pane after creation. • vertical (bool, optional) – split vertically • start_directory (str, optional) – specifies the working directory in which the new pane is created. Returns Return type Pane set_width(width) Set width of pane. Parameters width (int) – pane width, in cells set_height(height) Set height of pane. Parameters height (int) – height of pain, in cells resize_pane(*args, **kwargs) $ tmux resize-pane of pane and return self. Parameters target_pane (str)– target_pane, or -U,``-D``, -L, -R. Other Parameters • height (int)– resize-pane -y dimensions • width (int)– resize-pane -x dimensions Returns Return type Pane Raises exc.LibTmuxException – enter() Send carriage return to pane. $ tmux send-keys send Enter to the pane. capture_pane() Capture text from pane. $ tmux capture-pane to pane. Returns Return type list

50 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

select_pane() Select pane. Return self. To select a window object asynchrously. If a pane object exists and is no longer longer the current window, w.select_pane() will make p the current pane. Returns Return type pane find_where(attrs) Return object on first match. Changed in version 0.4: Renamed from .findWhere to .find_where. get(k[, d ]) → D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None. get_by_id(id) Return object based on child_id_attribute. Parameters val (str)– Returns Return type object


Based on .get() from backbone.js. items() → a set-like object providing a view on D’s items keys() Return list of keys. pop(k[, d ]) → v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. popitem() → (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty. setdefault(k[, d ]) → D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D update([E ], **F) → None. Update D from mapping/iterable E and F. If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v values() → an object providing a view on D’s values where(attrs, first=False) Return objects matching child objects properties. Parameters attrs (dict) – tmux properties to match values of Returns Return type list

4.9. API Reference 51 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

4.9.5 Internals libtmux.common.TMUX_MIN_VERSION = '1.8' Minimum version of tmux required to run libtmux libtmux.common.TMUX_MAX_VERSION = '2.4' Most recent version of tmux supported class libtmux.common.TmuxRelationalObject Base Class for managing tmux object child entities. .. # NOQA Manages collection of child objects (a Server has a collection of Session objects, a Session has collection of Window) Children of TmuxRelationalObject are going to have a self.children, self. child_id_attribute.

Object .children method Server Server._sessions Server.list_sessions() Session Session._windows Session.list_windows() Window Window._panes Window.list_panes() Pane n/a n/a

Object child_id_attribute value Server Server.child_id_attribute session_id Session Session.child_id_attribute window_id Window Window.child_id_attribute pane_id Pane n/a n/a

find_where(attrs) Return object on first match. Changed in version 0.4: Renamed from .findWhere to .find_where. get_by_id(id) Return object based on child_id_attribute. Parameters val (str)– Returns Return type object


Based on .get() from backbone.js. where(attrs, first=False) Return objects matching child objects properties. Parameters attrs (dict) – tmux properties to match values of Returns Return type list

52 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3 class libtmux.common.TmuxMappingObject Base: MutableMapping. Convenience container. Base class for Pane, Window, Session and Server. Instance attributes for useful information tmux(1) uses for Session, Window, Pane, stored self._info. For example, a Window will have a window_id and window_name.

Object formatter_prefix value Server n/a n/a Session Session.formatter_prefix session_ Window Window.formatter_prefix window_ Pane Pane.formatter_prefix pane_

keys() Return list of keys. class libtmux.common.EnvironmentMixin(add_option=None) Mixin class for managing session and server level environment variables in tmux. remove_environment(name) Remove environment variable $ tmux set-environment -r . Parameters name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. set_environment(name, value) Set environment $ tmux set-environment . Parameters • name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. • option (str) – environment value. show_environment(name=None) Show environment $ tmux show-environment -t [session] . Return dict of environment variables for the session or the value of a specific variable if the name is specified. Parameters name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. Returns environmental variables in dict, if no name, or str if name entered. Return type str or dict unset_environment(name) Unset environment variable $ tmux set-environment -u . Parameters name (str) – the environment variable name. such as ‘PATH’. class libtmux.common.tmux_cmd(*args, **kwargs) tmux(1) command via subprocess. Parameters • tmux_search_paths (list, optional) – Default PATHs to search tmux for, de- faults to default_paths used in which(). • append_env_path (bool) – Append environment PATHs to tmux search paths. True by default.

4.9. API Reference 53 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3


proc= tmux_cmd('new-session','-s%'%'my session')

if proc.stderr: raise exc.LibTmuxException( 'Command: %s returned error: %s'% (proc.cmd, proc.stderr) )

print('tmux command returned %s'% proc.stdout)

Equivalent to:

$ tmux new-session -s my session


Changed in version 0.8: Renamed from tmux to tmux_cmd. common.which(default_paths=['/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/local/bin'], ap- pend_env_path=True) Return path of bin. Python clone of /usr/bin/which. Parameters • exe (str) – Application to search PATHs for. • default_paths (list) – Paths to check inside of • append_env_path (bool, optional) – Append list of directories to check in from PATH environment variable. Default True. Setting False only for testing / diagnosing. Returns path of application, if found in paths. Return type str


from salt.util - - license apache common.get_version() Return tmux version. If tmux is built from git master, the version returned will be the latest version appended with -master, e.g. 2.4-master. If using OpenBSD’s base system tmux, the version will have -openbsd appended to the latest version, e.g. 2.4-openbsd. Returns tmux version according to libtmux.common.which()’s tmux Return type distutils.version.LooseVersion common.has_version() Return affirmative if tmux version installed. Parameters version (str) – version number, e.g. ‘1.8’ Returns True if version matches Return type bool

54 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3 common.has_gt_version() Return affirmative if tmux version greater than minimum. Parameters min_version (str) – tmux version, e.g. ‘1.8’ Returns True if version above min_version Return type bool common.has_gte_version() Return True if tmux version greater or equal to minimum. Parameters min_version (str) – tmux version, e.g. ‘1.8’ Returns True if version above or equal to min_version Return type bool common.has_lt_version() Return True if tmux version less than minimum. Parameters max_version (str) – tmux version, e.g. ‘1.8’ Returns True if version below max_version Return type bool common.has_lte_version() Return True if tmux version less or equal to minimum. Parameters max_version (str) – tmux version, e.g. ‘1.8’ Returns True if version below or equal to max_version Return type bool common.has_minimum_version() Return if tmux meets version requirement. Version >1.8 or above. Parameters raises (bool) – raise exception if below minimum version requirement Returns True if tmux meets minimum required version. Return type bool Raises libtmux.exc.VersionTooLow – tmux version below minimum required for libtmux


Changed in version 0.7.0: No longer returns version, returns True or False Changed in version 0.1.7: Versions will now remove trailing letters per Issue 55. common.handle_option_error() Raises exception if error in option command found. In tmux 3.0, show-option and show-window-otion return invalid option instead of unknown option. See https: // In tmux >2.4, there are 3 different types of option errors: • unknown option • invalid option • ambiguous option

4.9. API Reference 55 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

In tmux <2.4, unknown option was the only option. All errors raised will have the base error of exc.OptionError. So to catch any option error, use except exc.OptionError. Parameters error (str) – Error response from subprocess call. Raises • exc.OptionError – • exc.AmbiguousOption –

4.9.6 Exceptions exception libtmux.exc.LibTmuxException Base Exception for libtmux Errors. exception libtmux.exc.TmuxCommandNotFound Application binary for tmux not found. exception libtmux.exc.VersionTooLow Raised if tmux below the minimum version to use libtmux. exception libtmux.exc.TmuxSessionExists Session does not exist in the server. exception libtmux.exc.BadSessionName Disallowed session name for tmux (empty, contains periods or colons). exception libtmux.exc.OptionError Root error for any error involving invalid, ambiguous or bad options. exception libtmux.exc.UnknownOption Option unknown to tmux show-option(s) or show-window-option(s). exception libtmux.exc.InvalidOption Option invalid to tmux, introduced in tmux v2.4. exception libtmux.exc.AmbiguousOption Option that could potentially match more than one.

4.9.7 Test tools

test.retry() Retry a block of code until a time limit or break. Parameters seconds (int) – Seconds to retry, defaults to RETRY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, which is configurable via environmental variables. Returns True if time passed since retry() invoked less than seconds param. Return type bool

56 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3


>>> while retry(): ... p=w.attached_pane ... p.server._update_panes() ... if p.current_path == pane_path: ... break test.get_test_session_name(prefix='libtmux_') Faker to create a session name that doesn’t exist. Parameters • server (libtmux.Server) – libtmux server • prefix (str) – prefix for sessions (e.g. libtmux_). Defaults to TEST_SESSION_PREFIX. Returns Random session name guaranteed to not collide with current ones. Return type str test.get_test_window_name(prefix='libtmux_') Faker to create a window name that doesn’t exist. Parameters • session (libtmux.Session) – libtmux session • prefix (str) – prefix for windows (e.g. libtmux_). Defaults to TEST_SESSION_PREFIX. ATM we reuse the test session prefix here. Returns Random window name guaranteed to not collide with current ones. Return type str test.temp_session(*args, **kwargs) Return a context manager with a temporary session. If no session_name is entered, get_test_session_name() will make an unused session name. The session will destroy itself upon closing with Session. kill_session(). Parameters server (libtmux.Server)– Other Parameters • args (list) – Arguments passed into Server.new_session() • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments passed into Server.new_session() Yields libtmux.Session – Temporary session

4.9. API Reference 57 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3


>>> with temp_session(server) as session: ... session.new_window(window_name='my window') test.temp_window(*args, **kwargs) Return a context manager with a temporary window. The window will destroy itself upon closing with window. kill_window(). If no window_name is entered, get_test_window_name() will make an unused window name. Parameters session (libtmux.Session)– Other Parameters • args (list) – Arguments passed into Session.new_window() • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments passed into Session.new_window() Yields libtmux.Window – temporary window


>>> with temp_window(session) as window: ... my_pane= window.split_window() class libtmux.test.EnvironmentVarGuard Mock environmental variables safetly. Helps rotect the environment variable properly. Can be used as context manager.


Vendorized to fix issue with Anaconda Python 2 not including test module, see #1211


4.10 Glossary libtmux Python library for interfacing with tmux through its objects. tmuxp A tool to manage workspaces with tmux, built on libtmux. tmux(1) The tmux binary. Used internally to distinguish tmuxp is only a layer on top of tmux. kaptan configuration management library, see kaptan on github. Server Tmux runs in the background of your system as a process. The server holds multiple Session. By default, tmux automatically starts the server the first time $ tmux is ran. A server contains session’s. tmux starts the server automatically if it’s not running. Advanced cases: multiple can be run by specifying [-L socket-name] and [-S socket-path].

1 Just installed, “ImportError: cannot import name test_support”. GitHub issue for tmuxp. Created October 12th, 2015. Accessed April 7th, 2018.

58 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

Client Attaches to a tmux server. When you use tmux through CLI, you are using tmux as a client. Session Inside a tmux server. The session has 1 or more Window. The bottom bar in tmux show a list of windows. Normally they can be navigated with Ctrl-a [0-9], Ctrl-a n and Ctrl-a p. Sessions can have a session_name. Uniquely identified by session_id. Window Entity of a session. Can have 1 or more pane. Panes can be organized with a layouts. Windows can have names. Pane Linked to a Window. a pseudoterminal. Target A target, cited in the manual as [-t target] can be a session, window or pane. _developing:

4.11 Developing and Testing

Our tests are inside tests/. Tests are implemented using pytest. make test will create a tmux server on a separate socket_name using $ tmux -L test_case.

4.11.1 Install the latest code from git

To begin developing, check out the code from github:

$ git clone [email protected]:tmux-python/libtmux.git $ cd libtmux

Now create a virtualenv, if you don’t know how to, you can create a virtualenv with:

$ virtualenv .venv

Then activate it to your current tty / terminal session with:

$ source .venv/bin/activate

Good! Now let’s run this:

$ pip install -e .

This has pip, a python package manager install the python package in the current directory. -e means --editable, which means you can adjust the code and the installed software will reflect the changes.

$ libtmux

4.11. Developing and Testing 59 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

4.11.2 Test Runner

As you seen above, the libtmux command will now be available to you, since you are in the virtual environment, your PATH environment was updated to include a special version of python inside your .venv folder with its own packages.

$ make test

You probably didn’t see anything but tests scroll by. If you found a problem or are trying to write a test, you can file an issue on github.

Test runner options

$ py.test tests/ will test the tests/ tests.

$ py.test tests/ tests test_ignore_letter_versions() tests/ Multiple can be separated by spaces:

$ py.test tests/test_{window,pane}.py \ tests/

Visual testing

You can watch tmux testsuite build sessions visually by keeping a client open in a separate terminal. Create two terminals: • Terminal 1: $ tmux -L test_case • Terminal 2: $ cd into the libtmux project and into the virtualenv if you are using one, see details on installing the dev version of libtmux above. Then:

$ py.test tests/

Terminal 1 should have flickered and built the session before your eyes. libtmux hides this building from normal users.

4.11.3 Run tests on save

You can re-run tests automatically on file edit.

Note: This requires entr(1).

Install entr. Packages are available available on most Linux and BSD variants, including Debian, Ubuntu, FreeBSD, OS X. To run all tests upon editing any .py file:

60 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

$ make watch_test

Rebuild the documentation when an .rst file is edited:

$ cd doc $ make watch

GH Actions libtmux uses github actions for continuous integration / automatic unit testing. libtmux is tested against tmux 1.8 and the latest git source. Interpretters tested are pypy, pypy3, 2.7 and >= 3.3. The actions use this .github/workflows/libtmux-ci.yml configuration: name: libtmux CI on:[push, pull_request] jobs: build:

runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: python-version:['3.x'] tmux-version:['2.6','2.7','2.8','3.0','master'] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Cache tmux build ${{ matrix.tmux-version }} id: tmux-build-cache uses: actions/cache@v1 with: path: ~/tmux-builds/tmux-${{ matrix.tmux-version }} key: tmux-${{ matrix.tmux-version }}

- name: Build tmux ${{ matrix.tmux-version }} if: steps.tmux-build-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: | sudo apt install libevent-dev libncurses5-dev libtinfo-dev libutempter-dev

˓→bison mkdir ~/tmux-builds mkdir ~/tmux-src git clone ~/tmux-src/tmux-${{ matrix.tmux-

˓→version }} cd ~/tmux-src/tmux-${{ matrix.tmux-version }} git checkout ${{ matrix.tmux-version }} sh ./configure --prefix=$HOME/tmux-builds/tmux-${{ matrix.tmux-version }} &&

˓→make && make install export PATH=$HOME/tmux-builds/tmux-${{ matrix.tmux-version }}/bin:$PATH cd ~ tmux -V - name: Configure git run: | git config --global 'travis-ci' git config --global '[email protected]' (continues on next page)

4.11. Developing and Testing 61 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

(continued from previous page) - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} uses: actions/setup-python@v1 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }} - name: Install python dependencies run: | python -m pip install --upgrade poetry poetry install - name: Lint with flake8 run: | poetry run flake8 - name: Test with pytest continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.tmux-version == 'master' }} run: | export PATH=$HOME/tmux-builds/tmux-${{ matrix.tmux-version }}/bin:$PATH ls $HOME/tmux-builds/tmux-${{ matrix.tmux-version }}/bin tmux -V poetry run py.test --cov=./ --cov-report=xml - uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1 with: token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}

4.12 History

Here you can find the recent changes to libtmux

4.12.1 libtmux 0.8.3 (2020-08-16)

• #278: Fix Python deprecation warnings, thanks @d1618033 Also thanks Flowdalic for a similar PR at #294 • Add project_urls to • #293 Move from Pipfile to poetry • Fix show_option test in tmux 3.0 • Clean up handle_option_error comments • Move CI to a GitHub action

4.12.2 libtmux 0.8.2 (2019-06-02)

• CHANGES updated to plain reStructuredText • Add project_urls to for pypi. • Looser Pipfile versions, add Pipfile.lock

62 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

4.12.3 libtmux 0.8.1 (2019-01-26)

• #117 Fix issue with renaming clients with tmux 2.7 on BSD/macOS machines. • #121 Support literal=True (-l) in Pane.send_keys from @ritiek • #131 Fix for unicode commands in Python 2, thanks @myw • #172 Support for next-X.Y versions from @sloria • #120 capture_pane support for Pane • #119 display_message support for Pane • Sort imports with isort • Add sphinxcontrib-napoleon package for documentation • Move docstrings over to numpy’s style

4.12.4 libtmux 0.8.0 (2018-03-11)

• #46 Change license from BSD to MIT • Move to new organization, tmux-python • Support package updates to pytest, sphinx, etc. • Travis/CI: Limit tests to Python 2.7 and 3.6 (removed 3.3 to 3.5) • Travis/CI: Update pypy veersions • #103 Server.new_session learned how to run commands in window on session start, thanks @grimpy! • #68 Make Server.has_session() use returncode, thanks @jlargentaye! This should make has_session more robust.

4.12.5 libtmux 0.7.8 (2018-03-04)

• Port retry function from tmuxp (

4.12.6 libtmux 0.7.7 (2017-11-10)

• Don’t add -x/-y in tmux >= 2.6 if running tmuxp from inside client.

4.12.7 libtmux 0.7.6 (2017-11-09)

• Allow Window.select_layout with no args • Fix test where bell- was no longer ambiguous as of tmux 2.6

4.12. History 63 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

4.12.8 libtmux 0.7.5 (2017-10-07)

• Hotfix to support tmux 2.6 session creation

4.12.9 libtmux 0.7.4 (2017-08-19)

• #65 Add session id to commands, thanks @askedrelic

4.12.10 libtmux 0.7.3 (2017-05-29)

• Exact matches only supported on 2.1 and up

4.12.11 libtmux 0.7.2 (2017-05-29)

• Support exact matching in Server.has_session

4.12.12 libtmux 0.7.1 (2017-04-28)

• #37 Improve support for formatted options like pane-border-status. Thanks @kaushalmodi.

4.12.13 libtmux 0.7.0 (2017-04-27)

• Support for python 2.6 dropped. New minimum version is 2.7 • Add support for tmux 2.4, pypy and pypy3 • Overhaul error handling when setting and showing options – Added handle_option_error for handling option errors – Added libtmux.exc.OptionError base exception – Added libtmux.exc.InvalidOption and libtmux.exc.AmbiguousOption – libtmux.exc.UnknownOption now extends libtmux.exc.OptionError • Overhaul version checking – has_version has been renamed to get_version – get_version will return tmux built from git master as the latest version supported by the libtmux version with -master at the end, e.g. 2.4-master – get_version will return tmux on openbsd base system as the latest version supported by the libtmux version with -openbsd at the end, e.g. 2.4-openbsd – has_required_tmux_version has been renamed to has_minimum_version – added has_gt_version, has_gte_version, has_lt_version, has_lte_version, • Fixed up documentation in some session methods • Added pydoc exception info to option methods in window and sessions. • Added TMUX_MIN_VERSION and TMUX_MAX_VERSION

64 Chapter 4. Donations libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

4.12.14 libtmux 0.6.5 (2017-04-02)

• Fix which command • Add TmuxCommandNotFound exception • Add tmux_search_paths and append_env_path kwargs to tmux_cmd.

4.12.15 libtmux 0.6.4 (2017-03-25)

• #32 support for OpenBSD’s tmux

4.12.16 libtmux 0.6.3 (2017-02-08)

• #25 support for working with tmux master, thanks @sloria.

4.12.17 libtmux 0.6.2 (2017-01-19)

• #197 use LooseVersion instead of StrictVersion for version checks. Thanks @minijackson. • Pin packages with • #21 Readme fix from @huwenchao.

4.12.18 libtmux 0.6.1 (2016-12-20)

• #18 Fix logger, courtesy of @geekli • #19 Add support for start_directory in new sessions and panes, courtesy of @gandelman-a. • Fix tests and add official support for 2.3

4.12.19 libtmux 0.6.0 (2016-09-16)

• Raise exception for invalid session names. tmux does not allow names that are empty, contain periods or colons. • Remove unused target_sesssion param in Server.attach_session and Server. switch_client.

4.12.20 libtmux 0.5.1 (2016-08-18)

• #12 - fix logger message when tmux doesn’t exist in PATH

4.12. History 65 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

4.12.21 libtmux 0.5 (2016-06-15)

• #8 new exception UnknownOption • #8 return None for options that are valid tmux options, but unset at that scope. • #6 major documentation overhaul

4.12.22 libtmux 0.4.1 (2016-05-23)

• update which() to find tmux via os.environ['PATH'].

4.12.23 libtmux 0.4.0 (2016-05-23)

• attributes for formatters are now accessible via Session, Window and Pane objects. is equivalent to session.get('session_name'), you can do the same with other properties in _info., pane.current_path,,,, session.index, window.index, pane.index, etc. • attached_sessions, attached_window and attached_pane are now properties. • _TMUX metadata object changed to _info. • .findWhere() is now find_where. • README and usage fixes

4.12.24 libtmux 0.3.0 (2016-05-23)

• switch to pytest

4.12.25 libtmux 0.1.0 (2016-05-22)

• libtmux forked from tmuxp.

66 Chapter 4. Donations PYTHON MODULE INDEX

l libtmux, 28

67 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

68 Python Module Index INDEX

Symbols D _list_panes() (libtmux.Server method), 37 display_message() (libtmux.Pane method), 49 _list_sessions() (libtmux.Server method), 37 _list_windows() (libtmux.Server method), 37 E _panes() (libtmux.Window property), 47 enter() (libtmux.Pane method), 50 _sessions() (libtmux.Server property), 37 EnvironmentMixin (class in libtmux.common), 53 _update_panes() (libtmux.Server method), 37 EnvironmentVarGuard (class in libtmux.test), 58 _update_windows() (libtmux.Server method), 37 _windows() (libtmux.Session property), 42 F find_where() (libt- A mux.common.TmuxRelationalObject method), AmbiguousOption, 56 52 attach_session() (libtmux.Server method), 39 find_where() (libtmux.Pane method), 51 attach_session() (libtmux.Session method), 41 find_where() (libtmux.Server method), 38 attached_pane() (libtmux.Session property), 42 find_where() (libtmux.Session method), 43 attached_pane() (libtmux.Window property), 47 find_where() (libtmux.Window method), 48 attached_sessions() (libtmux.Server property), formatter_prefix (libtmux.Pane attribute), 49 38 formatter_prefix (libtmux.Server attribute), 36 attached_window() (libtmux.Session property), 42 formatter_prefix (libtmux.Session attribute), 40 formatter_prefix (libtmux.Window attribute), 45 B BadSessionName, 56 G get() (libtmux.Pane method), 51 C get() (libtmux.Session method), 43 capture_pane() (libtmux.Pane method), 50 get() (libtmux.Window method), 48 child_id_attribute (libtmux.Server attribute), 36 get_by_id() (libtmux.common.TmuxRelationalObject child_id_attribute (libtmux.Session attribute), 40 method), 52 child_id_attribute (libtmux.Window attribute), get_by_id() (libtmux.Pane method), 51 45 get_by_id() (libtmux.Server method), 38 children() (libtmux.Server property), 37 get_by_id() (libtmux.Session method), 43 children() (libtmux.Session property), 42 get_by_id() (libtmux.Window method), 48 children() (libtmux.Window property), 48 get_test_session_name() (libtmux.test method), clear() (libtmux.Pane method), 50 57 clear() (libtmux.Session method), 43 get_test_window_name() (libtmux.test method), clear() (libtmux.Window method), 48 57 Client, 59 get_version() (libtmux.common method), 54 cmd() (libtmux.Pane method), 49 cmd() (libtmux.Server method), 36 H cmd() (libtmux.Session method), 40 handle_option_error() (libtmux.common cmd() (libtmux.Window method), 45 method), 55 colors (libtmux.Server attribute), 36 has_gt_version() (libtmux.common method), 54 config_file (libtmux.Server attribute), 36 has_gte_version() (libtmux.common method), 55

69 libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3 has_lt_version() (libtmux.common method), 55 pop() (libtmux.Session method), 44 has_lte_version() (libtmux.common method), 55 pop() (libtmux.Window method), 48 has_minimum_version() (libtmux.common popitem() (libtmux.Pane method), 51 method), 55 popitem() (libtmux.Session method), 44 has_session() (libtmux.Server method), 38 popitem() (libtmux.Window method), 48 has_version() (libtmux.common method), 54 R I remove_environment() (libt- InvalidOption, 56 mux.common.EnvironmentMixin method), items() (libtmux.Pane method), 51 53 items() (libtmux.Session method), 44 remove_environment() (libtmux.Server method), items() (libtmux.Window method), 48 38 remove_environment() (libtmux.Session method), K 44 kaptan, 58 rename_session() (libtmux.Session method), 41 keys() (libtmux.common.TmuxMappingObject rename_window() (libtmux.Window method), 46 method), 53 reset() (libtmux.Pane method), 50 keys() (libtmux.Pane method), 51 resize_pane() (libtmux.Pane method), 50 keys() (libtmux.Session method), 44 retry() (libtmux.test method), 56 keys() (libtmux.Window method), 48 kill_server() (libtmux.Server method), 38 S kill_session() (libtmux.Server method), 38 select_layout() (libtmux.Window method), 45 kill_session() (libtmux.Session method), 41 select_pane() (libtmux.Pane method), 50 kill_window() (libtmux.Session method), 41 select_pane() (libtmux.Window method), 47 kill_window() (libtmux.Window method), 46 select_window() (libtmux.Session method), 42 select_window() (libtmux.Window method), 46 L send_keys() (libtmux.Pane method), 49 last_pane() (libtmux.Window method), 47 Server, 58 libtmux, 58 Server (class in libtmux), 36 libtmux Session, 59 module, 10, 13, 19, 28, 33, 36, 62 Session (class in libtmux), 40 LibTmuxException, 56 sessions() (libtmux.Server property), 37 list_panes() (libtmux.Window method), 48 set_environment() (libt- list_sessions() (libtmux.Server method), 37 mux.common.EnvironmentMixin method), list_windows() (libtmux.Session method), 42 53 set_environment() (libtmux.Server method), 39 M set_environment() (libtmux.Session method), 44 module set_height() (libtmux.Pane method), 50 libtmux, 10, 13, 19, 28, 33, 36, 62 set_option() (libtmux.Session method), 42 move_window() (libtmux.Window method), 46 set_width() (libtmux.Pane method), 50 set_window_option() (libtmux.Window method), N 45 setdefault() (libtmux.Pane method), 51 new_session() (libtmux.Server method), 39 setdefault() (libtmux.Session method), 44 new_window() (libtmux.Session method), 41 setdefault() (libtmux.Window method), 48 O show_environment() (libt- mux.common.EnvironmentMixin method), OptionError , 56 53 P show_environment() (libtmux.Server method), 39 show_environment() (libtmux.Session method), 44 Pane, 59 show_option() (libtmux.Session method), 43 Pane (class in libtmux), 49 show_options() (libtmux.Session method), 43 panes() (libtmux.Window property), 48 show_window_option() (libtmux.Window method), pop() (libtmux.Pane method), 51 46

70 Index libtmux Documentation, Release 0.8.3

show_window_options() (libtmux.Window method), 46 socket_name (libtmux.Server attribute), 36 socket_path (libtmux.Server attribute), 36 split_window() (libtmux.Pane method), 50 split_window() (libtmux.Window method), 47 switch_client() (libtmux.Server method), 39 switch_client() (libtmux.Session method), 41 T Target, 59 temp_session() (libtmux.test method), 57 temp_window() (libtmux.test method), 58 tmux(1), 58 tmux_cmd (class in libtmux.common), 53 TMUX_MAX_VERSION (in module libtmux.common), 52 TMUX_MIN_VERSION (in module libtmux.common), 52 TmuxCommandNotFound, 56 TmuxMappingObject (class in libtmux.common), 52 tmuxp, 58 TmuxRelationalObject (class in libtmux.common), 52 TmuxSessionExists, 56 U UnknownOption, 56 unset_environment() (libt- mux.common.EnvironmentMixin method), 53 unset_environment() (libtmux.Server method), 39 unset_environment() (libtmux.Session method), 44 update() (libtmux.Pane method), 51 update() (libtmux.Session method), 44 update() (libtmux.Window method), 48 V values() (libtmux.Pane method), 51 values() (libtmux.Session method), 44 values() (libtmux.Window method), 48 VersionTooLow, 56 W where() (libtmux.common.TmuxRelationalObject method), 52 where() (libtmux.Pane method), 51 where() (libtmux.Server method), 39 where() (libtmux.Session method), 44 where() (libtmux.Window method), 48 which() (libtmux.common method), 54 Window, 59 Window (class in libtmux), 45 windows() (libtmux.Session property), 42

Index 71