
April 13, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E455 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

HONORING THE 40TH ANNIVER- uating from Belmont High School in Los Ange- Veronica ‘‘Ronnie’’ Bradley, a groundbreaking SARY OF JOE’S PLACE PIZZA & les, she attended North Carolina State Univer- Marine Corps veteran. Ronnie, a longtime PASTA sity and Point Loma Nazarene University in resident of New Milford, Connecticut, passed California, receiving a Bachelor’s Degree in away on February 25 at the age of 95 after a HON. DONALD S. BEYER, JR. French and a Master’s Degree in Pupil Per- long and inspiring life. OF sonnel Services. As a young woman, Ronnie became one of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Medea fulfilled her lifelong dream of becom- the first women to join the Marine Corps in Friday, April 13, 2018 ing a school teacher when she was hired by 1942 during the Second World War. Following the Glendale Unified School District, where boot camp and training, Ronnie was stationed Mr. BEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to she worked for a quarter of a century. She at an air base in Santa Barbara, California. honor Joe’s Place Pizza and Pasta, which has taught French and English as a Second Lan- The Marine Corps was one of the last to wel- been proudly serving Arlington and Northern guage (ESL) at Eleanor J. Toll Middle School, come women into service, and Ronnie and her Virginia for 40 years, beginning with its first lo- and then became an ESL Program Specialist compatriots were instrumental in changing the cation in 1978. Joe Farruggio came to the at Eleanor J. Toll Middle School and Woodrow service’s culture to recognize the passion and U.S. from his Sicilian hometown of Agrigento, Wilson Middle School, and was also a Coun- value women brought to the Marines. During Italy in 1970 to pursue the American dream. selor at Glendale High School, where she pa- the war, Ronnie literally became a poster child After opening his first location in Bailey’s tiently and compassionately advised students. of the Marine Corps—her image was used in Crossroads in 1978, the family added addi- She also guided many immigrant students and a recruiting flyer encouraging women to enlist tional locations with ongoing success, finally made a lasting impact in their lives, by instill- and serve. consolidating the locations to Arlington so fam- ing in them the importance of civic involve- After the end of World War II, Ronnie left ily members could remain closely involved and ment and education. the Marines and began her family, but she re- ensure the superior customer service they An avid student advocate and civic leader, mained active in the veteran community proudly provide every day. Ms. Kalognomos has dedicated countless throughout her life. She shared her story and Over time, Joe’s Place has developed a hours to the community, and has served in passion for service with countless others reputation for the best pizza in town, along over sixteen community and academic organi- across Connecticut and our country, and was with a warm, friendly atmosphere and strong zations in the past thirty-five years. Currently, recognized by the Marine Corps as the 2011 support for the community, especially our local she is a member of the Armenian Educational Marine of the Year. schools and nonprofits helping others less for- Foundation, the Armenian National Committee Mr. Speaker, Ronnie Bradley not only volun- tunate. Many of Joe’s staff have been with of America—Western Region Education Com- teered to serve her country during a national them for 10, 20, even 30 years. They and their mittee, and co-president of the Committee for crisis, but also broke the ground for genera- many longtime regular customers truly are like Armenian Students in Public Schools, which is tions of women to follow her in serving as Ma- family. The entire Farruggio family, made up an organization that has been a positive influ- rines. Her passion and humility are examples of Joe and his sons Roberto, Enrico and ence and inspiration to students in public to all of us who pursue public service. My con- Alessandro; his wife Rosa and children schools. Most recently, Medea served as dolences go out to Ronnie’s family and all Rosario and Gabriella; Rosabel and her hus- chairperson of the Committee for Armenian those who will miss her special spirit, and it is band Anthony and daughter Gemma; Students in Public Schools Leadership Work- right that we celebrate her achievements here Calogero and his wife Maria; Rosario, his wife shop, where Glendale Unified School District today and keep her story and memory alive. Patricia and son Alessandro; Marisa and her and Los Angeles Unified School District high f husband Sami and daughter Sofia; Fortunato school juniors with a 3.5 and higher grade and his wife Maria; Franco and his wife Anna point average gathered to learn valuable lead- CRISIS OF OUR NATIONAL DEBT and daughter Isabel; Federica and her hus- ership skills and the importance of volun- band Max and sons Adam and Matteo, and all teering in the community. In addition to her HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN of Joe’s dedicated, hardworking staff are tireless service in the local communities, OF RHODE ISLAND proud of this 40th anniversary milestone and Medea has volunteered at schools, orphan- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES truly grateful for their success, for being part ages and hospitals in Armenia for many years. Friday, April 13, 2018 of the wonderful Arlington community, and for Medea’s extraordinary work has not gone representing one local family’s achievement of unnoticed as she has been recognized with Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, we need to the American Dream. numerous awards, including the Ruby Award address the crisis of our federal debt. We f from the Soroptimist International of the need fiscal responsibility. As Members of Con- TRIBUTE TO MEDEA Verdugos. gress, we are entrusted by the public to be KALOGNOMOS—28TH CONGRES- Ms. Kalognomos has been married to Ser- wise stewards of taxpayer dollars. The deficit SIONAL DISTRICT WOMAN OF geant Major Alexander Kalognomos for 50 is a long-term threat to our country’s stability, THE YEAR years, and they have two children, Alex and but this proposed amendment is not a realistic Helen. solution to that problem. We need a bipar- I ask all Members to join me in honoring this tisan, adult conversation about the need for HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF both budget cuts and additional revenue to OF CALIFORNIA exceptional, well-respected woman of Califor- bring our country’s finances into balance. This IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nia’s 28th Congressional District, Medea Kalognomos. shouldn’t be rocket science. Friday, April 13, 2018 f A Balanced Budget Amendment would be Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in worthy of consideration if properly crafted to honor of Women’s History Month. Each year, HONORING MS. VERONICA provide flexibility in times of war, recession, or we pay special tribute to the contributions and ‘‘RONNIE’’ BRADLEY national emergency. However, this rigid sacrifices made by our nation’s women. It is amendment fails to anticipate these unfortu- an honor to pay homage to outstanding HON. ELIZABETH H. ESTY nate, but inevitable, contingencies. Instead, it women who are making a difference in my OF CONNECTICUT is a cynical attempt to paper over the enor- Congressional District. I would like to recog- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mous cost of the Republican tax bill that dis- nize a remarkable woman, Medea proportionately benefits wealthy and corporate Friday, April 13, 2018 Kalognomos of Sunland, California. interests in the United States. That’s not a so- In 1962, Medea moved to the United States Ms. ESTY of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, I lution for serious investment in our country, from Iran to pursue her education. After grad- rise today to honor the life and service of nor is it a plan for smart growth.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Apr 14, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K13AP8.001 E13APPT1 E456 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 13, 2018 We need to have responsible discussions to recognize April 2018 as ‘‘National Donate ceived a Los Angeles Area Emmy Awards about how to fund our military, provide support Life Month’’ and support its goals and ideals. nomination for the film ‘‘About Love’’ on do- to Americans in need, and invest in infrastruc- f mestic violence. Other major works include a ture, research, and other ways to improve documentary on the 442 Regimental Combat Americans’ lives. In short, we need to have a TRIBUTE TO PATRICIA ANNE Team, which has been distributed to schools budget that works for its citizens. A balanced KINAGA—28TH CONGRESSIONAL by the History Channel. budget cannot just mean cutting for the sake DISTRICT WOMAN OF THE YEAR Patricia, her husband Peter Wong and their of cutting. Responsible budgeting must include two children, Brandon and Emily live in Pasa- the revenue side as well. HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF dena California. It’s not too much to ask the wealthiest OF CALIFORNIA I ask all Members to join me in honoring an Americans and major corporations to pay their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES exceptional, well-respected woman of Califor- fair share, to give back to American society Friday, April 13, 2018 nia’s 28th Congressional District, Patricia and help build our country up. This serious Anne Kinaga. Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor conversation about both revenue and spend- f ing has been notably absent from our recent Women’s History Month. Each year, we pay debates. special tribute to the contributions made by IN CELEBRATION OF BETTY Congress has all of the legislative tools it our nation’s women. It is an honor to pay FORD’S 100TH BIRTHDAY needs to fix the deficit, it just requires making homage to outstanding women who are mak- the tough choices to create real solutions. As ing a difference in my Congressional District. HON. DEBBIE DINGELL we saw during the Clinton years, we have the I would like to recognize a remarkable woman, OF MICHIGAN potential to balance the federal budget, and Patricia Anne Kinaga, of Pasadena, California. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A third generation Japanese American, Pa- even run surpluses. We simply need to join to- Friday, April 13, 2018 gether in a bipartisan effort and muster the will tricia Anne Kinaga was born and raised in Los to enact responsible fiscal policies that ad- Angeles County. Her parents, Rose and Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to dress both revenue and spending. Thomas Kinaga, met when they were interned celebrate the day of First Lady Betty Ford’s If we see fiscal responsibility as consisting during World War II. After the war, her parents 100th birthday. Her lifetime of work bettered of only spending cuts, or only revenue adjust- moved the family to Palos Verdes Estates, the lives of countless Americans. ments, then we are doing a disservice to the where she experienced discrimination, and it Born in , Illinois, in 1918, Elizabeth nation, and we are not living in the real world. was this negative childhood experience that ‘‘Betty’’ Ford moved to Michigan as a young Our looming debt is a serious issue, and it set Patricia on a life-long path to advocate for girl and worked various jobs to help her family needs to be discussed seriously. the lives of Asian Pacific Islanders every- make ends meet during the Great Depression. I ask my colleagues to oppose this Bal- where. At the age of 11, she earned money by mod- anced Budget Amendment, and I implore my Patricia received a B.A. cum laude in urban eling, working with disabled children, and colleagues to join me at the table for a re- anthropology at University of California Los dancing, which became a lifelong passion of sponsible discussion on deficits, revenue, and Angeles and obtained a Master in City Plan- hers. Mrs. Ford moved back to Grand Rapids spending. We need to have broad-based, if ning at the University of California Berkeley. after taking dance classes and performing in difficult, conversations about our budget proc- Upon graduating from UC Berkeley she se- New York City. That was where she met her ess. Only then will we come up with budget cured a position with the State of California eventual husband, , a World War compromises that work for all Americans. Department of Housing and Community Devel- II veteran and practicing lawyer. After her hus- opment in Sacramento, where she was se- band was elected to his first term as a Mem- f lected to participate in a spon- ber of Congress, the Fords moved out east, INTRODUCTION OF A RESOLUTION sored program in the Sierra Nevadas to im- where they’d live for over 20 years as he TO EXPRESS SUPPORT FOR THE prove housing and economic conditions for the served 13 terms in the House of Representa- DESIGNATION OF APRIL 2018 AS rural impoverished in that region. She grad- tives. After being appointed as Vice President NATIONAL DONATE LIFE MONTH uated from Georgetown Law in 1984 and in 1973 under President after moved back to Los Angeles to begin her legal the resignation of ; Mr. Ford as- HON. J. LUIS CORREA career at the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Of- sumed the presidency in 1974 and served OF CALIFORNIA fice and in this position, she served as a pros- until 1977. Mrs. Ford was a beloved First Lady IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ecutor specializing in domestic violence and of the United States, known for her genuine child abuse cases and as a civil trial attorney passion for the causes she championed and Friday, April 13, 2018 in the Employee Relations Section. After work- her love for her four children: Michael Gerald Mr. CORREA. Mr. Speaker, since 2003, ing as a partner in serval prestigious law firms Ford, John ‘‘Jack’’ Gardner Ford, Steven April has been recognized as ‘‘National Do- including her own, Ms. Kinaga joined LTL At- Meigs Ford, and Susan Elizabeth Ford. nate Life Month’’ across the country. Every torneys LLP as a partner. As First Lady, Mrs. Ford was an advocate year, the month serves as a chance to en- A community leader for well over thirty for women’s rights and was at the forefront of courage organ and tissue donor registration, years, Patricia served on the board of direc- the women’s movement in the . She recognize those individuals who continue to tors of Planned Parenthood, Los Angeles, is a was unabashed in her belief that every Amer- wait for a transplant, and honor living and de- founding member of the Los Angeles chapter ican deserves to receive equal treatment in ceased donors and their families for their gift of Asian Pacific Islanders for Choice, Co- the workplace and public landscape and was of life. Founder of The Center for Asian Pacific Amer- named Time Woman of the Year in 1975 for Every ten minutes, a person is added to the ican Women, and the Chair and Co-Founder her efforts. She was always honest and can- national transplant waiting list. As of April of Asian and Pacific Islanders with Disabilities didly refreshing for the political arena. Other 2018, more than 114,000 people are awaiting of California. She is a former member of the causes that the First Lady notably championed an organ donation. Unfortunately, despite over President’s Committee on Employment of included the arts and breast cancer aware- 130 million people registered as donors, the People with Disabilities, an alumni of the Jap- ness. She spoke openly about her mastec- need for donated organs outweighs the sup- anese Leadership Delegation, past president tomy when in the White House and went on ply. Sadly, on average, 20 people die each of the Japanese American Bar Association, to be very blunt about alcohol and day while waiting for a needed transplant. and is an appointed member of the American drugs and helped found the . The simple truth is that organ donation and Bar Association Commission on Disability Her courage and support helped numerous transplantation saves lives. In fact, organ do- Rights. people with their journey of addiction and re- nation from a single deceased donor can ben- Ms. Kinaga has received numerous awards, covery. On what would be her 100th birthday, efit up to eight individuals. And living kidney including from Asian Americans Advancing her legacy remains; Mrs. Ford was a strong, and liver donors provide transplant candidates Justice, the NOW Legal Defense and Edu- blunt, tenacious, real and courageous leader with the chance to live longer. cation Fund, the State Assembly and Senate whose spirit continues to this day to inspire Today, on Blue & Green Day, during which Women in Business Award, and the pres- women and men alike to stand up for what the public is encouraged to wear blue and tigious Peter E. Haas Public Service Award they believe in. green to raise organ donation awareness, I from UC Berkeley. In addition, Patricia is also Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me am proud to introduce a bipartisan resolution an award winning writer/producer who re- in celebrating Mrs. Betty Ford’s contributions

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Apr 14, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13AP8.002 E13APPT1 April 13, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E457 to our country throughout her life. She was a age during the civil war in Lebanon, Vicky re- Dietrich grew up in Central Washington and notable advocate for women, children, and alized that she had the opportunity for a better had a strong love for the Pacific Northwest. health, and our country is better due to her life, and to this day, she strives to give back He had a positive influence on everyone he life’s work. to the community and support the less fortu- came into contact with and a life full of poten- f nate. tial. Since 1995, Vicky has been an active mem- After high school, he enlisted in the U.S. TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM ‘‘MIKE’’ ber of the Armenian Relief Society (ARS), a Marine Corps with the goal of becoming part MCMICHAEL remarkable organization with thousands of of its Special Operations Command. He bond- members in dozens of chapters around the ed with his brothers-in-arms, but he remained HON. LISA BLUNT ROCHESTER world, serving the educational, social, and hu- close with his friends and family in Wash- OF DELAWARE manitarian needs of Armenians and non-Ar- ington state as he traveled around the world, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES menians alike. Over the years, Vicky has honorably serving his country. served in many capacities with the organiza- Sergeant Schmieman achieved his goal and Friday, April 13, 2018 tion. She was elected to the ARS Burbank was serving in the 2nd Raider Battalion at Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER. Mr. Speaker, I ‘‘Araz’’ Chapter as an executive member for 4 Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, when he was rise today to honor and congratulate William consecutive terms, served on the Regional Ex- tragically killed in a military cargo plane crash ‘‘Mike’’ McMichael, a dedicated public servant, ecutive Board of the Armenian Relief Society in July of 2017. He and the 15 other service upstanding Delawarean, and recipient of the of Western USA from 2003–2005, and was re- members that passed away will never be for- National Association of Emergency Medical elected in 2008 to serve as Chairperson of the gotten for their sacrifice. Technicians’ (NAEMT) 2018 Emergency Med- Regional Executive Board. Impressively, only Dietrich is remembered for his kindness, ical Services Advocate of the Year Award. four months later, Vicky was elected as Chair- sense of adventure, and strong friendships. For more than 30 years, Mike’s experience person of the Armenian Relief Society, Inc. In honor of his service, I am introducing leg- as a skilled ER Patient Care Technician for Central Executive Board, the highest inter- islation—with the support of the entire Wash- the Delaware City Fire Company has saved national executive position of the global orga- ington delegation in the House of Representa- countless lives and provided comfort to those nization, where she served for two terms. Dur- tives—to designate the facility of the United experiencing unimaginable tragedy and trau- ing her leadership as Chairperson, a number States Postal Service located on West Van ma. He is a man who genuinely cares about of projects were undertaken, including the Giesen Street in West Richland, Washington, his community and the well-being of those construction of a new building for the ARS as the ‘‘Sergeant Dietrich Schmiean Post Of- who live in it. Through Mike’s three decades of ‘‘Soseh’’ Kindergarten in Stepanakert, Artsakh, fice.’’ hard work, he has day-in and day-out made a which was completed in September 2017. I hope my colleagues will join me in sup- difference for Delaware City and touched the In addition to her tireless advocacy with the porting this legislation to honor the memory of lives of countless First Staters in need. Armenian Relief Society, Ms. Marachelian was Sergeant Schmieman who gave his life for our As the Delaware State Advisor for NAEMT active at Rose and Alex Pilibos Armenian nation. and member of the Delaware State Emer- School in Los Angeles, where her children at- f gency Medical Services Association, he has tended, helping to raise funds for the construc- been a powerful voice on behalf of the broad- tion of a new gym and library on the campus. CONGRATULATING BEAUDY er EMS (emergency medical services) com- Currently, Ms. Marachelian continues her MAREA GOGUE CAMACHO ON RE- munity in our state. His leadership and com- service to the community through the ARS CEIVING THE U.S. SMALL BUSI- mitment to our EMTs is evident through his Burbank ‘‘Araz’’ Chapter, where she presently NESS ADMINISTRATION’S 2018 tireless advocacy work at the local, state and serves as an executive member, and is instru- HOME-BASED BUSINESS CHAM- federal levels of government. Mike’s passion mental in fund-raising for the chapter and PION OF THE YEAR AWARD FOR and selflessness is a testament to his service doing outreach to Armenian and non-Arme- GUAM and character. nian organizations. Mike is an extraordinary ambassador for the Ms. Marachelian’s impressive work has not HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO gone unnoticed as she has been recognized EMS community and a dedicated civic leader. OF GUAM with numerous awards, including the Armenian The First State is lucky to have Fire and EMS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES professionals like him who put their lives on American Chamber of Commerce ‘‘Woman in Friday, April 13, 2018 the line every day. I want to extend my heart- Service’’ award in 2011 and the ‘‘Vachagan felt gratitude and sincerest congratulations to Barepasht’’ medal in 2015, awarded to her by Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Mike for receiving the 2018 EMS Advocate of Bako Sahakyan, President of the Artsakh Re- to commend and congratulate Beaudy Marea the Year Award and for his years of service to public, for her service in the Artsakh Republic. Gogue Camacho on her selection as the U.S. the people of Delaware. Vicky has been married to Art Marachelian Small Business Administration’s 2018 Home- for 36 years, and they have two children, f Based Business Champion for Guam. This Chris and Raffi. award honors individuals who have experi- TRIBUTE TO VICKY I ask all Members to join me in honoring this enced the rewards and difficulties and owning MARACHELIAN—28TH CONGRES- exceptional, well-respected woman of Califor- a home-based business and have worked vol- SIONAL DISTRICT WOMAN OF nia’s 28th Congressional District, Vicky untarily to improve the climate for other home- THE YEAR Marachelian. based businesses. f Beaudy Camacho is the owner and operator HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION of Fundforte, a professional product and serv- OF CALIFORNIA TO DESIGNATE THE FACILITY OF ice provider on Guam specializing in fund- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THE UNITED STATES POSTAL raisers, special events and party planning. For over a decade, Fundforte has provided local Friday, April 13, 2018 SERVICE LOCATED AT 4801 WEST VAN GIESEN STREET IN WEST families and businesses with the full spectrum Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in RICHLAND, WASHINGTON, AS of event planning coordination from concept honor of Women’s History Month. Each year, THE ‘‘SERGEANT DIETRICH development to execution. She and her team we pay special tribute to the contributions and SCHMIEMAN POST OFFICE provide high quality, customized, and on-budg- sacrifices made by our nation’s women. It is BUILDING’’ et products and services to clients, and her an honor to pay homage to outstanding business has expanded to include an effective women who are making a difference in my HON. DAN NEWHOUSE children’s entertainment division. She also de- Congressional District. I would like to recog- velops digital and online content, creating an OF WASHINGTON nize a remarkable woman, Vicky Marachelian entrepreneurial children’s book series and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Burbank, California. contributing self-help columns in widely cir- Born in Beirut, Lebanon, Ms. Marachelian’s Friday, April 13, 2018 culated newspapers on Guam. dedication to community service and passion Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today In addition to being a successful home- to volunteer for humanitarian efforts stems to introduce legislation to honor the memory of based business owner, Beaudy is also an ac- from her childhood. When she moved to the Marine Sergeant Dietrich Schmieman of Rich- tive member of Guam’s community, contrib- United States with her family at a very young land, Washington. uting her time and expertise to supporting

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Apr 14, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13AP8.004 E13APPT1 E458 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 13, 2018 local charities and philanthropic endeavors. merce. He renovated Shaw’s chapel with the Ms. Sorkin is a member of the Griffith Park She has help organize numerous community help of local Baptist churches and strength- Lions Club, which administers eye examina- events that promote Guam’s native Chamorro ened ties with the General Baptist State Con- tions and provides free eye glasses to Ribet culture as well as women empowerment and vention. He had a serious demeanor, which Academy students and four elementary business ownership. reflected his steady sense of purpose, but that schools in the Atwater Village area. In addi- I join the people of Guam in congratulating was combined with a personal warmth and a tion, Nina volunteers with the Hollywood SDA Beaudy Marea Gogue Camacho on receiving gift for collaboration and colleagueship—all in Church Homeless Program, is a member of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s 2018 all, rare qualities of leadership. the Griffith Park Adult Community Center Home-Based Business Champion of the Year On behalf of my constituents and other Spring Faire planning committee, and is a Award for Guam. I commend her for her many North Carolinians, I join with Dr. Shaw’s fam- facilitator for a grief support group. contributions to our island and look forward to ily, his many friends and admirers, and mem- Married to the late Al Sorkin for 47 years, her continued success in the future. bers of the communities he served in mourn- she has one son, Stephen and four grand- f ing his passing and giving thanks for his ex- children. emplary life of leadership and public service. I ask all Members to join me in honoring this REMEMBERING DR. TALBERT O. f exceptional, well-respected woman of Califor- SHAW nia’s 28th Congressional District, Nina Sorkin. TRIBUTE TO NINA SORKIN—28TH f HON. DAVID E. PRICE CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA WOMAN OF THE YEAR RECOGNIZING EL PASO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WEEK Friday, April 13, 2018 HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF OF CALIFORNIA HON. BETO O’ROURKE Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Mr. Speaker, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS I rise today to honor the life and legacy of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES former president of Shaw University, Dr. Friday, April 13, 2018 Talbert O. Shaw, who passed away in January Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Friday, April 13, 2018 and will be honored at a memorial service in honor of Women’s History Month. Each year, Mr. O’ROURKE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Raleigh on April 14. Lisa and I extend our we pay special tribute to the contributions and honor El Paso Community Development condolences to Dr. Shaw’s family, friends, and sacrifices made by our nation’s women. It is Week, held by the Community and Human many admirers in the Shaw University commu- an honor to pay homage to outstanding Development Department (DCHD) of El Paso nity and beyond. women who are making a difference in my from April 2 to April 6, 2018. El Paso has cele- Born in Jamaica as the ninth of ten children, Congressional District. I would like to recog- brated Community Development Week for 42 Dr. Shaw began his career as an ordained nize a remarkable woman, Nina Sorkin of Sil- years to commemorate the success of the minister before moving to the United States in ver Lake, a unique neighborhood of Los Ange- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) the 1950s to pursue higher education. He les, California. and the HOME programs in creating safe, af- earned a doctorate in ethics from the Univer- Nina’s parents immigrated from Mexico, so fordable housing opportunities for the El Paso sity of Chicago and taught religion and ethics Nina is a proud first generation Californian. community. Since 1975, these programs have there for a decade before being asked to She was raised in the San Fernando Valley, brought nearly $500 million in grant money serve as Interim Dean of the Howard Univer- until she moved to the Los Angeles neighbor- and private and public funds to the city of El sity Divinity School. He next became Dean of hood of Silver Lake with her beloved husband Paso, which provide essential public services, Arts and Sciences at Morgan State University. Al Sorkin 51 years ago. A diehard Bruin, Ms. economic opportunities, street and drainage In 1987 he was called to serve as President Sorkin received both her bachelor’s degree in improvements, public facility and infrastructure of Shaw University in Raleigh, North Caro- Sociology and her master’s degree in Social improvements and other quality of life im- lina—the oldest historically black university in Welfare from the University of California Los provements to low- and moderate-income the south and the birthplace of the Student Angeles. With over 40 years of service in both neighborhoods. These successes are thanks Nonviolent Coordinating Committee during the the public and non-profit sectors, Nina has an to public and private partners, community vol- Civil Rights Movement. impressive record of giving back to the com- unteers and neighborhood associations who Dr. Shaw served as President for fifteen munity, supporting a diverse range of causes work to support continued funding for the pro- crucial years in the school’s history, from 1987 that demonstrate her passion for helping grams. to 2002. He led successful efforts to reverse women, children, and the homeless. Even after Community Development Week the university’s financial difficulties, signifi- A steadfast women’s advocate, Ms. Sorkin comes to a close, the work of El Paso DCHD cantly increased the endowment, doubled en- was appointed to the Los Angeles City Com- will continue to ensure the city of El Paso can rollment, renovated numerous buildings on mission for the Status of Women by then- respond to current and emerging community campus, and constructed what is now called Mayor Bradley, where she served for a dec- development needs, including job creation, de- the Talbert O. Shaw Living Learning Center. ade and was instrumental in developing a city velopment of affordable housing, improvement Dr. Shaw also developed the ‘‘Strides for Ex- campaign to bring awareness about women of existing housing stock, the delivery of vital cellence: Why Not the Best?’’ campaign, a and AIDS. As a breast cancer survivor, Nina services, and the development of important in- student empowerment and community involve- has been involved with the American Cancer frastructure improvements. ment initiative that helped propel Shaw to the Society Relay for Life for the past 15 years, Please join me in recognizing the employ- national renown it enjoys today. chaired the Relay For Life of Pasadena, and ees and volunteers that make El Paso Com- I was first elected to Congress at about the has been volunteering for the Relay for Life of munity Development Week a success. same time Dr. Shaw began his tenure at Griffith Park Communities and Hollywood f Shaw. Early on, at a time when appropriations since its inception over a decade ago; cur- earmarks could still be secured for worthy pur- rently she serves as the Luminaria Chair. IN MEMORY OF HUY TUONG TRAN poses, we collaborated in the restoration of During her seventeen-year tenure on the historic Estey Hall, the first structure built for Los Angeles County Commission for Children HON. J. LUIS CORREA the higher education of African American and Families, Ms. Sorkin established a OF CALIFORNIA women in the United States. I developed great Healthy Nutrition program for children in foster IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES respect for him. He took the helm at Shaw care and was a member of the Child Court when the school’s future was highly uncertain, Committee to improve child visitation. Rein- Friday, April 13, 2018 and by virtue of his remarkable vision, dedica- forcing her commitment to enriching the lives Mr. CORREA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tion, and the credibility he earned, enlisted of children, she has been reading to three and recognize Mr. Huy Tuong Tran, a dedicated many partners in bringing the school to health four year olds at the Bellevue Recreation Cen- Vietnamese activist, teacher, and community and charting a positive future course. ter for the last five years, serves on the Belle- leader. Dr. Shaw’s dedication and leadership also vue Park Advisory Board, and championed the Mr. Huy Tuong Tran was born in 1969 in extended to the broader Raleigh community. importance of language development in small Buon Me Thuot, Vietnam. At the age of 12, as He engaged with local organizations such as children by her involvement with the Children a result of the Fall of Saigon, Mr. Tran es- Rotary International and the Chamber of Com- Planning Council and First 5 LA. caped by boat from Vietnam with his father.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Apr 14, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13AP8.007 E13APPT1 April 13, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E459 His refugee experience sparked his passion On April 21, 2018, Matthew will conduct his and all government agencies and community in political, social, and educational advocacy 10th and final Veterans charity event. Assisted partners for their assistance to spread autism for Vietnamese Americans and social justice by his father, John, and many local sup- awareness and acceptance. I look forward to community issues. Specifically, he participated porters, Matthew has raised more than future contributions by Guam’s Autism Com- in Project Ngoc, a student-led humanitarian or- $32,000 for Veterans in our community. He’s munity Together in opening more opportunities ganization that worked to support Vietnamese earned countless awards and commendations to those in our community living with autism. refugees detained in camps in Southeast Asia, for his service, including the Rotary Club of f and co-founded the Vietnamese American Co- York’s Charles Wolf Award. alition (VAC) at the University of California, I’ve long appreciated the commitment of CELEBRATING MR. EDWIN Irvine where he went to college. people who devote themselves selflessly to MILLARD FORD’S 100TH BIRTHDAY Mr. Tran graduated with a B.A degree in serving our communities and fellow citizens. Political Science, and later with a M.S. degree Matthew took a tragic event and turned it into HON. JOHN J. FASO in Educational Technology. He became a an opportunity to touch the lives of countless OF NEW YORK teacher at Orangeview Junior High School in Veterans and their families. His legacy of serv- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ice to our Veterans and community truly is an 1995, where he taught U.S. History, World Friday, April 13, 2018 History, and Math for 23 years. During his ten- inspiration. ure, he also served as an Associated Student On behalf of Pennsylvania’s Fourth Con- Mr. FASO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ex- Body (ASB) Advisor, yearbook advisor, a Cali- gressional District, I commend, thank and con- tend the happiest of birthday wishes to Mr. fornia Beginning Teacher Support & Assess- gratulate Matthew Ott on his volunteer service Edwin Millard Ford of Kingston, New York who ment (BTSA) Provider, a tennis and basketball and wish him continued great success in his is celebrating his 100th birthday. Mr. Ford has coach, and a Multi-Tiered System of Supports future adventures. lived a life characterized by hard work and an (MTSS) Coordinator. His dedication to stu- f unyielding selflessness, making him a pillar of dents, his colleagues, and his profession RECOGNIZING AND JOINING AU- his community. earned him many recognitions, including TISM COMMUNITY TOGETHER Mr. Ford has served as the Kingston City Teacher of the Year in 2012–2013 for (ACT) FOR THE 11TH ANNUAL Historian since 1984, actively conserving, in- Orangeview Junior High School and Teacher AUTISM AWARENESS FAIR terpreting, and presenting the city’s history in of the Year for the Anaheim Union High unique and engaging ways. He has unearthed School District in January 2018. HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO the wonders and stories of Kingston’s past In addition to his teaching career, Mr. Tran and preserved them for future generations. Mr. OF GUAM Ford is a man of family, community, and faith. was a charismatic community activist and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES compassionate leader. He hosted the TaChat His legacy of dedicated service and participa- show on Saigon TV, emceed for Viet Film Friday, April 13, 2018 tion is a source of inspiration, and has made Fest and the Children’s Moon Festival Draw- Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today him a cornerstone of the Kingston community. ing Contest with the Vietnamese American to recognize Guam’s Autism Community To- Mr. Ford’s zeal for life has made him a Arts and Letters Association (VAALA), and gether (ACT) as they celebrate the 11th an- great role model for the people of the 19th volunteered with numerous community organi- nual Autism Awareness Fair, appropriately Congressional District. On behalf of the U.S. zations. Most importantly, Mr. Tran was a lov- themed ‘‘Learn, Accept, Support Autism.’’ As House of Representatives, I am grateful for his ing and kind husband, father, son, brother, we celebrate Autism Awareness Month, ACT commitment to Kingston and the state of New and an inspirational leader who contributed to and organizations across the country work to York. Mr. Speaker, I wish Mr. Ford a very his community in countless ways. His signifi- provide every individual with Autism Spectrum happy and healthy 100th birthday. cant impact and legacy will be remembered Disorder with the opportunity to achieve the f highest possible quality of life. This year ACT and continued for many generations. IN CELEBRATION OF CHANCELLOR f and their partners want to go beyond simply promoting autism awareness to encouraging DANIEL LITTLE’S DISTIN- PERSONAL EXPLANATION friends and collaborators to become partners GUISHED 18 YEAR TENURE in movement toward acceptance and appre- HON. RICHARD HUDSON ciation. HON. DEBBIE DINGELL OF NORTH CAROLINA There is still so much to be done to raise OF MICHIGAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES awareness of the issues surrounding people, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES particularly children with autism worldwide. Au- Friday, April 13, 2018 Friday, April 13, 2018 tism Community Together is one of Guam’s Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- local organizations leading the efforts to in- Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ably detained and missed a vote. crease autism awareness across our commu- celebrate University of Michigan-Dearborn Had I been present, I would have voted nity. Autism Community Together is an organi- Chancellor Daniel Little for his 18 years of dis- YEA on Roll Call No. 134. zation based in Guam as a support group for tinguished service as he retires. He has pro- f families with autistic children. Though we have vided the university with exemplary leadership made great progress as a nation to improve throughout his tenure. HONORING MATTHEW OTT OF services and opportunities with peoples with Mr. Daniel Little received his Bachelor of PENNSYLVANIA FOR MORE THAN disabilities, there are still improvement that Science in mathematics from the University of 10 YEARS OF VOLUNTEER SERV- can be made. ACT is dedicated to helping in- Illinois in 1971 and went on to receive his PhD ICE TO OUR VETERANS dividuals and parents find resources, support, in philosophy from Harvard University in 1977. and training while making diligent strides to in- He has a long-held interest in social sciences HON. SCOTT PERRY crease the awareness of autism spectrum dis- and focused his studies on economic justice OF PENNSYLVANIA orders and advocating for effective services and social interactions. Before coming to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and the unique needs of individuals with au- University of Michigan-Dearborn, Chancellor Little served in various positions at universities Friday, April 13, 2018 tism and their families. I commend Autism Community Together as across the country. He served as a professor Mr. PERRY. Mr. Speaker, today I extend my it hosts the 11th Annual Autism Awareness at Colgate, Bucknell, Wellesley College and sincere thanks and congratulations to my con- Fair World Autism Day. The Autism Aware- the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. After- stituent, Matthew Ott, for his efforts over the ness Fair is the largest outreach event hosted wards, he served in leadership positions in- last 10 years to raise donations and aware- by ACT throughout the year and brings to- cluding Associate Dean of the Faculty at ness for Veterans in need. gether government agencies, non-profits orga- Colgate University and most recently as Vice Matthew was just 11 months old when his nizations, service providers, support vendors President for Academic Affairs at Bucknell mother, Patricia, a Veteran, died from an ill- with the intent to provide information and re- University before making the move to Michi- ness. At age nine, Matthew started a lem- sources on the various disability related pro- gan. onade stand business in her honor and do- grams and services available on Guam. Chancellor Little entered his position at UM- nated the proceeds directly to local Veteran On behalf of the people of Guam, I thank Dearborn in July 2000 with the passion to ex- organizations. the Autism Community Together organization pand enrollment and cultivate a close campus

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Apr 14, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13AP8.009 E13APPT1 E460 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 13, 2018 culture. With his background in philosophy, CELEBRATING THE TOWN OF WIL- Chamber of Commerce Business Women’s Chancellor Little has had creative ideas that TON’S BICENTENNIAL ANNIVER- Network. She has been an integral part of or- have led to the University’s continued success SARY ganizing and sponsoring networking events and growth. Minority enrollment has increased and annual job fairs. She has helped initiate to 26 percent, and the campus has open con- HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK many other programs to benefit women in business and our youth through the teaching versations with students, faculty, and visiting OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of life skills and improving job opportunities. guests on how to create an inclusive campus The group has been able to identify, nurture environment. The campus has received Friday, April 13, 2018 and encourage growth among women-owned awards for Little’s work in building an inclusive Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to businesses. and diverse student body, including honors honor and recognize the Town of Wilton as it Kristine has demonstrated effectiveness in from The Urban League of Detroit & South- celebrates its 200th Anniversary. improving the environment for the creation and east Michigan, New Detroit, and the Western The Town of Wilton was formally created in expansion of businesses owned and operated Wayne County NAACP. Looking ahead to the 1818 from the Town of Northumberland, and by women through her involvement in Junior future, Chancellor Little hopes the University held its first town meeting in March of 1819 at Achievement Guam. Kristine works with pre- paring young people to succeed and provides will continue in his legacy of building partner- the former Emerson’s Tavern. Since then, the real world business practices to bridge theory ships with community organizations, expand- people of Wilton have worked hard to create a tight-knit community loved by all who live with challenges of real time operations. She ing the University’s dorm capabilities and there. Wilton has an exciting history and sev- has assisted with the organization of Profes- reaching students from all backgrounds. We eral significant landmarks, including Grant Cot- sional Development Symposium to showcase are grateful for his 18 years of service and tage on top of Mount McGregor, where Ulys- learning skills for young women and men look forward to seeing his positive impact on ses S. Grant died, and Camp Saratoga, cur- while framing their experience with profes- our Southeast Michigan community in his next rently part of Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park. sional development networking. role. For the past 200 years, the residents of Wil- Additionally, Kristine is actively involved in ton have enjoyed life in this beautiful area of many non-profit and charitable organizations, Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me including the Guam Red Cross, the Guam Me- in honoring Chancellor Daniel Little for his re- the North Country. Though there have been many changes over the years, the residents of morial Hospital Volunteers Association, the markable tenure at the University of Michi- Wilton still cherish the historical significance of Guam Peace Council, Youth for Youth Live gan—Dearborn. His passion and outstanding the town, while also encouraging modern Guam, Guam Young Professionals, Asia Pa- leadership have bettered the University for growth in the 21st century. cific Association for Fiduciary Studies, Boy years to come. Congratulations to Wilton, New York, for its Scouts of America, UOG Endowment Founda- 200th Anniversary. I would like to wish its resi- tion, American Cancer Society, Duk Duk f dents all the best as they celebrate this mo- Goose, Inc., Inetnon Gef Pago Cultural Arts mentous occasion. Program and the Filipino Community of Guam. IN RECOGNITION OF WARREN Kristine’s assistance and involvement in these f CENTRAL STUDENT ATHLETES organizations provides mentorship to women RECOGNIZING MS. KRISTINE and the opportunity for them to lead. LUJAN ON RECEIVING THE 2018 I congratulate Ms. Kristine Lujan on receiv- HON. ANDRE´ CARSON SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRA- ing the 2018 Small Business Administration’s TION’S WOMEN IN BUSINESS Women in Business Champion of the Year OF INDIANA CHAMPION OF THE YEAR AWARD Award for Guam. I join the people of Guam in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FOR GUAM commending her for her award and thanking her for her many contributions to our island Friday, April 13, 2018 HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO community. Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I rise OF GUAM f to congratulate Warren Central High School IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING THE ROTARY CLUB OF on its numerous athletic achievements over Friday, April 13, 2018 WALNUT, ILLINOIS the 2017–2018 school year. The Warriors men Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today and women’s basketball teams were crowned to commend and congratulate Ms. Kristine HON. ADAM KINZINGER the IHSAA 4A State Champions, the Winter Lujan on receiving the 2018 Small Business OF ILLINOIS Guard won the Tri State Championship, and Administration’s Women in Business Cham- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Special Olympics team is set to compete pion of the Year Award for Guam. Kristine is Friday, April 13, 2018 in the upcoming Special Olympic state finals. being honored for her work as an advocate for Mr. KINZINGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Warrior Nation is taking over the City of Indi- women entrepreneurs and for having fulfilled a to recognize the Rotary Club of Walnut, Illinois anapolis. commitment to the advancement of women’s for their collective commitment to service, both business ownership. Kristine is a self-made at home and abroad, and for their dedication The undefeated men’s basketball team se- and self-taught business leader who is a com- to serving our community for 70 years. cured a record of 32–0 for the season and the pelling presence in the local community. Originally chartered on May 24, 1948, the first Indiana high school boys basketball team Kristine is the Vice President of Marketing Rotary Club of Walnut has been an integral to go undefeated since 2009. The women’s and Public Relations at Triple J Enterprises, part of Rotary International’s influence in basketball team never expected to be in the which holds many familiar brands such as Su- northern Illinois. This dynamic group provides state championship, but fought their way to zuki, Ford, Mazda, Kia, Honda and Acura. Tri- people from different backgrounds, ethnicities, the title game and won a resounding victory ple J Enterprises has grown significantly in its and cultures with the platform to exchange over Zionsville 50–46. scope and geographic coverage, and has also ideas and form lifelong friendships, all while acquired franchise rights for Hertz Rent A Car giving back to the community. The Winter Guard was the first U.S. high in Micronesia and several popular restaurants. By forming partnerships with local law en- school team to compete in an international Triple J Enterprises has acknowledged Kris- forcement and civic groups, the Rotary Club of competition at the Winter Guard International tine for her positive attitude and contributions Walnut has promoted family-friendly events Regional Championship. that have been invaluable to their organiza- and thoughtful discussions to ensure our com- This amazing group of student athletes have tion. The leadership of Triple J Enterprises munities are clean, safe, and thriving. This is secured their place in the storied history of In- has recognized Kristine for her innovative done through their Five Avenues of Service, diana athletics and should be proud of every- thinking and vision will continue to enhance which include club, vocational, community, the strategic direction and probability of Triple international, and youth services. These ave- thing they have accomplished. I extend my J Enterprises’ group of companies. nues enable the Rotary Club to facilitate a congratulations to the athletes, coaching staff, Kristine has been a champion for women in more sustainable living environment for the faculty and the entire school as our city cele- small business and has served as a founding people in our communities and have had a brates this season’s achievements. member and the chairwoman of the Guam lasting impact in our neighborhoods.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Apr 14, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13AP8.013 E13APPT1 April 13, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E461 We are fortunate to have the dedicated guidance to Guam Guard leadership while en- munity a better place. I wish her success as members of the Walnut Rotary Club serving suring safeguards from foreign threats. She is she continues to enthusiastically serve and the communities in the 16th Congressional also tasked with promoting public knowledge, advocate for those around her. District of Illinois. The passion, integrity, and understanding and support of the Guard’s mis- f collective life experiences of the Club mem- sions, organizations and capabilities; and de- bers are a real benefit to all of us. They con- velop and maintain strong working relation- IN CELEBRATION OF NATIONAL tinue to deliver real and lasting impacts in our ships with the media and civilian organiza- ARAB AMERICAN HERITAGE area through various programs and initiatives, tions. Josephine also provides staff assist- MONTH and their charitable work stretches across the ance, guidance, outreach, and training and community, throughout the state of Illinois, and mediation concerning employer relations for HON. DEBBIE DINGELL all over the world. the National Guard and Reserve Component OF MICHIGAN I’m proud to recognize the Rotary Club of members, retirees and their employees as it IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Walnut today, and to thank them for their ex- relates to duty. Friday, April 13, 2018 emplary work in helping others. This group is Josephine is an effective ambassador of Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the true embodiment of the Rotary’s motto goodwill and support, symbolizing the best recognize April as National Arab American ‘‘Service Above Self’’ and I look forward to characteristics of our military forces, both local Heritage Month. Arab Americans throughout many more years of their servant leadership in and global. Josephine has served the leader- southeast Michigan and the entire country em- our area. ship of the Guard and Reserve, accompanying body the best of America through their work f and supporting them on critical visits to units ethic and contributions to our communities. away from home and providing unique per- PERSONAL EXPLANATION It is always an honor to recognize April as spectives for their families. She serves as an National Arab American Heritage Month and invaluable bridge to both families and employ- celebrate the community’s diversity of creed, HON. GWEN MOORE ers. Josephine is also a Life Member of the values and faith that strengthen America’s de- OF WISCONSIN Military Officers Association of America, the mocracy. With almost four million Arab Ameri- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES National Guard Association of the United cans living in the United States, it is important Friday, April 13, 2018 States, served as the vice president for Air that we take the time to honor the momentous National Guard Association of Guam and cur- contributions made by these individuals. Arab Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, on April 11, I rently serves as the Vice Commander of the Americans have greatly impacted the Amer- missed Roll Call votes No. 132, 133, 134, 135, Women Veterans of America, Guam Chapter. ican way of life across a variety of fields, in- 136, and 137. Had I been present, I would Additionally, Josephine is the mother of an au- cluding education, business and government. have voted AYE on Roll Call 132 and Roll Call tistic son and serves as the president of Au- Those of us in southeast Michigan know that 136. I would have voted NAY on Roll Call 133, tism Community Together, a nonprofit group whether they are a business owner, lawyer or Roll Call 134, Roll Call 135, and Roll Call 137. raising community awareness to and providing factory worker, these individuals make our f support for families with autistic children and community a better place to live and raise a adults. RECOGNIZING MAJOR JOSEPHINE family. I congratulate Major Josephine M.P. Blas on M.P. BLAS ON RECEIVING THE Michigan’s 12th District contains Dearborn, receiving the 2018 Small Business Administra- 2018 SMALL BUSINESS ADMINIS- Michigan, which is home to the largest popu- tion’s Veteran Small Business Champion of TRATION’S VETERAN SMALL lation of Arab Americans in the country, and it the Year Award for Guam. I join the people of BUSINESS CHAMPION OF THE is a distinct privilege to represent this commu- Guam in commending her for her award and YEAR AWARD FOR GUAM nity in Congress. Dearborn is a vibrant city thanking her for her many contributions to our that is home to people from all walks of life island community. and backgrounds who have a common desire HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO f to foster a community in which families can OF GUAM thrive. Arab American community members IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RECOGNIZING JACQUELINE R. ERWIN OF DELWARE COUNTY, PA are attributed to meaningful and lasting posi- Friday, April 13, 2018 tive change in southeast Michigan. Notable Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today HON. PATRICK MEEHAN contributions include the creation of the Center to commend and congratulate Major Jose- for Arab American studies at the University of OF PENNSYLVANIA Michigan-Dearborn, which teaches the history phine M.P. Blas on receiving the 2018 Small IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Business Administration’s Veteran Small Busi- and experiences of Arab Americans in a fast- ness Champion of the Year Award for Guam. Friday, April 13, 2018 growing facility and the opening of the Arab Josephine is being honor for fulfilling a com- Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, today I recog- American National Museum, which is the mitment to advancing small business opportu- nize Jacqueline R. Erwin, a Classification Spe- world’s first museum devoted to Arab history nities for Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. cialist for the United States Postal Service, an and culture. These hardworking individuals She is currently the State Public Affairs Offi- ordained minister, and a life coach from Dela- make our communities strong and exemplify cer, Joint Forces Headquarters for the Guam ware County, Pennsylvania. On April 13th, she the values that make America great. During National Guard. Josephine is being recognized will be presented with the Dr. Martin Luther Arab American Heritage Month, it is my hope for being a consistent voice for the Guam Na- King, Jr. Heritage Award for outstanding work that the contributions of Arab Americans tional Guard and Reserve community since in her community and career by the Philadel- throughout our country’s history will be recog- 2000 with her assignment as a Public Affairs phia/South Jersey Chapter of the African nized and celebrated. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Technician. American Postal League United for Success in recognizing April as National Arab American Josephine has nurtured and strengthens the (A-PLUS). relationship between local employers and Jackie began her career as a postal worker History Month. Their meaningful contributions Guard and Reserve members, building com- in 1986 and worked her way up to her current to the United States are deserving of acclaim. mitment to foster positive relationships to allow appointment as a Classification Specialist. Her f service members to serve undeterred or un- dedication to her job has gone beyond her in- CONGRATULATING THE CITY OF worried about work status in Guam. The rela- dividual duties. She is the National Vice-Chair- OGDENSBURG ON ITS 150TH AN- tionship building has allowed Guard and Re- person of NETWORK, a nonprofit organization NIVERSARY serve members to be exposed to business op- within the Postal Service dedicated to African- portunities and initiatives. She continues to American women who serve at the USPS. In HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK amplify the stories of the Guam Guard and addition to her leadership in her professional OF NEW YORK Reserve talent, boosting their ability as busi- life, she is an author, minister, mother, grand- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ness starters and owners. mother, and wife. Josephine is responsible for publicizing the I join A-PLUS in commending Jackie for her Friday, April 13, 2018 work of the Guam National Guard through var- extraordinary work advocating for African- Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ious social media platforms and generating American female postal workers, her commit- honor and recognize the 150th anniversary of candid and timely communication counsel and ment to her family, and for making her com- the City of Ogdensburg.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Apr 14, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13AP8.017 E13APPT1 E462 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 13, 2018 Ogdensburgh, originally spelled with an ‘‘h,’’ Gabbie Smith, Tatum Moran, Kelly Watson, honors individuals who assist through advo- was created in 1749 as a small village on the Lizzy Heath, Kennedy Ellis, and Maddie Ellis cacy efforts to increase the usefulness and southern bank of the St. Lawrence River. After should be proud of their performance this past availability of accounting or financial services the British withdrew in 1796, settlers arrived season. Their work on the ice was only ex- for small businesses. under the American flag and named the town ceeded by the quality in which they rep- Joyce Miyashita is the senior vice president/ after Samuel Ogden, a patriot during the resented the City and County of Alpena, chief credit officer for the Bank of Guam, the American Revolution. The settlement became Michigan. Their success was aided by Coach- largest financial institution in Guam and the a village in 1817, but it wasn’t until 1868 that es Mike Nunneley, Jimmy Vivian, Shannon Micronesian region. For nearly 40 years, she it dropped the ‘‘h’’ from its name and became McGratten, Team Moms Marcy Nunneley, has worked diligently to support lines of credit a city. Over the past 150 years, the people of Tracy Vivian, and the rest of the Alpena par- and investments for small businesses and en- Ogdensburg have dedicated themselves to ents who offered the team their time and tal- trepreneurs in Guam, the Northern Mariana Is- making Ogdensburg a welcoming and pros- ents. lands, Federated States of Micronesia, the Re- perous community. Mr. Speaker, it’s my honor to congratulate public of Palau, and the Republic of the Mar- Ogdensburg has grown significantly over the the Alpena Warriors Girls Hockey Team for shall Islands, providing them with much need- years, becoming an important link between the their successful season and exceptional per- ed capital to start and improve their enter- United States and Canada. In 1940, U.S. formance at the MAHA State Championship. prises. Additionally she has supported and President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Canadian Michiganders can take great pride in knowing trained hundreds of lending officers who have Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King the First District is home to such talented and gone on to assist countless businesses and signed the Ogdensburg Agreement, which cre- dedicated individuals. On behalf of my con- individuals throughout our region. ated the Permanent Joint Board of Defense. stituents, I wish the Warriors all the best in Joyce is also an active member of Guam’s This agreement began a period of closer rela- their future endeavors. community, supporting networking and busi- tions between Canada and the United States. f ness development events outside of her duties More recently, the city became the site of the at the Bank of Guam. She has volunteered Ogdensburg-Prescott International Bridge, HONORING MASTER SERGEANT her time and expertise to counseling business which spans the St. Lawrence River and al- JONATHAN DUNBAR owners on ways to efficiently manage re- lows easy travel between countries. As the sources, and she is often relied on to provide only city in St. Lawrence County and the only HON. SEAN P. DUFFY expert recommendations to Government of U.S. port on the St. Lawrence Seaway, OF WISCONSIN Guam executive agencies and the Guam Leg- Ogdensburg remains vital to New York State. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES islature. She is a recognized leader in Guam’s On behalf of New York’s 21st District, I want banking and lending industry. Friday, April 13, 2018 to congratulate the city of Ogdensburg on its I join the people of Guam in congratulating 150th anniversary. I wish all its residents the Mr. DUFFY. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to Jocelyn B. Miyashita on receiving the U.S. best as they celebrate this important mile- recognize an American hero, U.S. Army Mas- Small Business Administration’s 2018 Finan- stone. ter Sergeant Jonathan Dunbar, son of Bad cial Services Champion of the Year Award for f River resident, Linda Dunbar. Master Sergeant Guam. I commend her for her many contribu- Dunbar recently died from wounds sustained tions to our island and look forward to her RECOGNIZING THE ALPENA WAR- in an explosion while serving our nation in continued success in the future. RIORS GIRLS U19 HOCKEY TEAM Syria. Master Sergeant Dunbar was an exem- f FOR THEIR RUNNER UP FINISH plary soldier; of whom we are all proud. He re- AT THE MAHA STATE CHAM- ceived several commendations for his valor, HONORING THE LIFE OF ADOLFO PIONSHIPS including: three awards of the Bronze Star, ‘‘HARPO’’ CELAYA four awards of the Army Commendation HON. JACK BERGMAN Medal, six awards of the Army Achievement HON. PAUL A. GOSAR OF MICHIGAN Medal, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal with OF ARIZONA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES two Bronze Service Stars, the Iraq Campaign IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Medal with two Bronze Service Stars, the Friday, April 13, 2018 Friday, April 13, 2018 Ranger Tab, the Combat Infantryman Badge, Mr. BERGMAN. Mr. Speaker, it’s my honor the Expert Infantryman Badge, the Pathfinder Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to to recognize the Alpena Warriors Girls U19 Badge, the Military Freefall Jumpmaster honor Mr. Adolfo ‘‘Harpo’’ Celaya, who passed Hockey Team for their tremendous 2018 sea- Badge, and the Parachutist Badge. away on April 12th, at the age of 90. Harpo son and Runner Up finish at the MAHA State Master Sergeant Dunbar is survived by Celaya enlisted in the Navy at the age of 16 Championships. Through their perseverance many who love him, including a wife, a son, to serve his country in World War II. He was and determination, the Warriors have distin- two daughters, and another daughter who will only 17 when the ship he was stationed guished themselves as athletes and represent- be born in May. Our nation’s flag will be pre- aboard, the USS Indianapolis, was torpedoed atives of their community and the First District. sented to his loved ones as a symbol of his by a Japanese submarine. The ship sank in In 2018, the Warriors U19 Girls hockey sacrifice for our freedom. We pray that in 12 minutes plunging Celaya and hundreds of team earned 24 wins and 3 ties after coming knowing of Master Sergeant Dunbar’s her- his fellow sailors into the sea where they clung off of a 30-loss season. During their phe- oism, his family and friends may find comfort to sparse life vests or rafts, battling dehydra- nomenal year, the Warriors out-scored their and peace. tion, exposure, and shark infested waters for opponents 126 goals for to 61 against, and f more than four days awaiting rescue. Of the held opposing teams to just 1.63 goals per nearly 1,200 sailors that had been stationed game. They went on to compete in the 2018 CONGRATULATING JOCELYN B. aboard the USS Indianapolis, only 317 sur- MAHA U19 Girls State Hockey Championships MIYASHITA ON RECEIVING THE vived and were pulled from the sea. where they represented Alpena and Northern U.S. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINIS- Mr. Celaya was awarded the Purple Heart Michigan with pride and dignity both on and TRATION’S 2018 FINANCIAL SERV- and upon recovery returned to Arizona and off the rink. There, they tied and later beat the ICES CHAMPION OF THE YEAR continued a lifetime of service in his commu- undefeated tournament favorite to earn a spot AWARD FOR GUAM nity. He is well known throughout Arizona for in the championship game. After playing with sharing his experiences with high school stu- passion, conviction, and sportsmanship, the HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO dents as part of the Veterans Heritage Project Warriors earned the first State Runner Up OF GUAM in an effort to keep history alive. honors in Alpena Girl’s Hockey history—be- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 2016, I was pleased that President coming one of only ten Alpena teams to earn Obama signed into law my bill, H.R. 6304, a Runner Up or State Championship banner in Friday, April 13, 2018 which renamed that post office at 501 North Alpena Hockey history. Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Main Street in Florence, Arizona in Mr. Captain Courtney Nunneley, Alternate Cap- to commend and congratulate Jocelyn B. Celaya’s honor. Adolfo Celaya’s incredible tains Emily Vivian, Hunter Lundquist, Taylor Miyashita on her selection as the U.S. Small story will now be officially and permanently Tolsdorf, Lexie Gries, Emma Fraiser, and Erin Business Administration’s 2018 Financial commemorated in his hometown of Florence, Bailey, and Teammates Rheanna Chimmner, Services Champion for Guam. This award Arizona. This legislation ensures that future

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Apr 14, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13AP8.022 E13APPT1 April 13, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E463 generations will learn about the incredible sac- RECOGNIZING THE DEEP ELLUM RECOGNIZING MAJOR DANIEL rifice that Mr. Celaya and the 317 survivors of FOUNDATION WAYNE KRUEGER the USS Indianapolis made for our country. Despite living through one of the darkest HON. MIKE COFFMAN moments of WWII, Mr. Celaya has continued HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON OF COLORADO to inspire countless Arizonans through his OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eternal patriotism and commitment to serving Friday, April 13, 2018 all Americans. I would like to commend the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, today I recog- Town of Florence for their leadership in mak- Friday, April 13, 2018 ing this tribute possible and recognize Mr. nize Major Daniel Wayne Krueger of the Celaya for his dedicated sacrifice to our nation Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. United States Army for his extraordinary dedi- and commitment to his local community. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to recognize the cation to duty and service to our Nation. Major Krueger will soon transition from his current great work of the Deep Ellum Foundation. f assignment as an Army Congressional Liaison Deep Ellum is the beating heart of Dallas, and in the House of Representatives to attend the individuals behind this non-profit organiza- IN RECOGNITION OF ALMA WHEEL- Army Intermediate Level Education with follow ER SMITH’S DISTINGUISHED tion work hard to rejuvenate a district of great on assignment at Fort Carson. PUBLIC SERVICE historical and cultural importance. After growing up as part of an Army family, True to the name, Deep Ellum boasts a Dan attended West Point and commissioned deep-rooted history of business and culture, as an Infantry Officer in 2006. He has held nu- HON. DEBBIE DINGELL but also of inclusion. As undertakings such as merous leadership and staff assignments in a OF MICHIGAN the Continental Gin Company and the Ford variety of units, highlighted by combat service Factory expanded the area, what started off in Iraq and Afghanistan with the 75th Ranger IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Regiment and again in Afghanistan as a com- as a small stop on the old Dallas railroad line, Friday, April 13, 2018 pany commander with the 3rd Infantry Divi- blossomed into a bustling community of indus- sion. During his time in Washington, Dan also Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to try and growth. As the neighborhood made its attended Georgetown University and worked recognize Alma Wheeler Smith for a lifetime of ascent, it attracted people from all walks of as an operations officer under the Deputy Di- service to southeast Michigan. Her work has life, etching Deep Ellum as one of Dallas’ first rector of Special Operations. bettered Michigan for years to come. commercial districts to welcome African-Ameri- In 2017, Major Krueger was selected to A lifelong Michigan resident, Alma Wheeler cans and European immigrants. Deep Ellum’s serve as a Congressional Liaison in the United Smith graduated from the University of Michi- population grew together as a community be- States Army House Liaison Division. As the gan with a journalism degree and the desire to cause of its rich diversity and unique culture, primary liaison between Members of the make a meaningful impact on the community which still thrive today. House of Representatives, their Staffs, Com- mittees, and the Army, he provided insight and that she loved. She grew up in a prominent The rise of music became a part of the cul- understanding of Army policies, actions, oper- Michigan family with her father, Albert Wheel- ture that defines Deep Ellum to this day. It is er, serving as Ann Arbor’s first African-Amer- ations, and requirements. His first-hand knowl- in Deep Ellum that the ‘‘Father of Texas ican Mayor. After graduating, Mrs. Wheeler edge of the military, its culture, and traditions Blues’’ Blind Lemon Jefferson spent time Smith worked at the University of Michigan’s has been a tremendous benefit to Congres- Television Center for nine years before taking crafting the sound that would inspire genera- sional offices. This previous Christmas, I trav- a position as a staffer with a State Senator in tions to come. Other musicians such as Rob- eled with Dan to Afghanistan, Kuwait, and Jor- 1990. After her boss left the Legislature, Mrs. ert Johnson and Alex Moore are also part of dan to visit our Service members and better Wheeler Smith decided to run for the Michigan the legacy that found its birth in the 1920s. understand the region. Dan’s extensive experi- State Senate herself. She started what would This tradition is one we’re proud to continue, ence in the region enabled a productive visit be a successful political career, serving as as Deep Ellum is still one of the biggest enter- for myself and other Members of Congress. I both the 18th District’s State Senator and the tainment districts in the state. It features 30 found him to be a thoughtful, intelligent, and 54th District’s State Representative until she live music venues, and much of the local art, dedicated Soldier in the best traditions of termed out of both offices. Although she is no inspired by this culture, is reflected in murals America’s Armed Forces. longer an elected official, Mrs. Wheeler Smith and public buildings that decorate the City of Mr. Speaker, it has been a pleasure to work with Dan during his time as an Army Congres- remains extremely passionate for public serv- Dallas. ice and a leader for positive change in the sional Liaison Officer in the House of Rep- community she loves. The Good-Latimer tunnel once welcomed resentatives. On behalf of a grateful Nation, it local aspiring artists, and though it gave way is my honor to recognize the selfless service Those who know Alma Wheeler Smith can- for the city to expand with the building of the and sacrifice of Major Dan Krueger, his wife, not recall a time where she did not help some- Lindsay, and their young son, Luke. I wish one in need. She leads by listening, and that DART system, the Deep Ellum Foundation them the very best as they continue their jour- is what she attributes to her success as a works tirelessly to ensure that influential paint- ney in the United States Army dedicated their community leader. Mrs. Wheeler Smith re- ings are displayed and artists are still wel- lives to the service of our Nation. mains involved in many activities including the comed. Every year, through the Deep Ellum Library Board of Trustees, Regional Transit Arts Festival, the foundation and the city high- f Authority and the Michigan Campaign Finance light the district’s vibrant culture by hosting HONORING FIREFIGHTER EDWIN Network. Women throughout the state know over 100 musical artists, 200 visual artists, ULINE SR. FOR 70 YEARS OF Mrs. Wheeler Smith as both an inspiration and and countless street performances. SERVICE a mentor. She started her political career dur- Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the Deep ing a time where women were not running for Ellum Foundation for recognizing the neigh- elected office, so she knows the importance of HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK borhood’s continuing importance. The Deep OF NEW YORK encouraging women to reach their full poten- tial and follow their dreams. Mrs. Wheeler Ellum Foundation represents a community de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Smith has effectively and passionately served termined to build on its historical and cultural Friday, April 13, 2018 legacy. This organization is committed to al- our southeast Michigan community throughout Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to lowing locals to grow together and to hosting her lifetime. We are thankful for her years of congratulate and honor Firefighter Edwin public service and look forward to her leader- Deep Ellum’s Bark Park, Bike Friendly Deep Uline, Sr. for seventy years of active service ship yet to come. Ellum, and projects like Foundation 45. All of with the Ballston Fire Department. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me these projects emerge from a neighborhood In 1948, at the age of eighteen, Ed joined in honoring Alma Wheeler Smith for a lifetime that lives its commitment to encouraging indi- Union Fire Company, one of two volunteer of tireless public service. It is my hope that viduals to be active participants in their area companies that make up the Ballston Spa Fire she continues to be engaged in civic activities and to determining, as one community, what Department. He has been serving his commu- for years to come. defines Deep Ellum. nity ever since. Ed worked his way up the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Apr 14, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13AP8.026 E13APPT1 E464 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 13, 2018 ranks of the Department by serving as Com- engages in technical and business planning the 2018 Michigan Bankers Association Bank- pany Foreman, Second Assistant Chief, First assistance with farmers and agricultural proce- er of the Year and for her retirement from Citi- Assistant Chief, and finally as Fire Chief from dures, assisting in the process of obtaining zens National Bank of Cheboygan after more 1965 to 1967 and again from 1980 to 1981. In bank financing, pursuing federal funding, and than forty-five years of service. Through her addition, Ed served for fifty years as the Union increasing the profile of local farmers among exceptional leadership and steadfast devotion Company’s chief mechanic. Ed is a dedicated businesses and consumers. to her community, Sue has become an indis- public servant, who also served his country in Farm to Table, through its project bene- pensable part of Michigan’s First District. ficiaries have created 18 direct jobs and 50 in- combat during the and was a Sue got her start at Citizens National Bank driver and mechanic for the Saratoga County direct employment opportunities with res- taurants, farms, and other business. Farm to of Cheboygan in 1971 as a part-time em- Department of Public Works prior to joining ployee while still in high school. Over the next the Fire Department. Table has also assisted farmers in Guam and four decades, she moved through several de- Over the course of his career as a volunteer Saipan through their ‘‘Leafy Green Farming’’ partments within the bank, eventually becom- firefighter, Ed responded to countless fires and project to give farmers training in areas of ing CEO in 2008. As CEO, Sue led the cre- emergency incidents, notably the Saratoga business development, diversification, and ation of new branches in Gaylord, Petoskey, Springs Convention Hall fire and the Saratoga planning for expansion. and Rogers City. Under her leadership, CNB Hospital fire of 1965. Ed was instrumental in Farm to Table has also given the commu- enhanced their customer’s experience and be- standing up the neighboring Malta Ridge Fire nity greater access to fresh farm produce came an example for other banks around the Company, of which he is a charter member. through projects such as Community Sup- state through improved electronic banking Having devoted three quarters of his life to ported Agriculture (CSA) boxes of produce for fire protection, Ed serves as an exemplary delivery or pickup. Farm to Table also heavily services and the introduction of rewards member of his community. On behalf of New focuses on improving access to fresh farm checking. York’s 21st district, I would like to thank Ed for produce through person to person outreach Not only has she provided the support and a lifetime of hard work and dedication to his such as ‘‘pop-up’’ shops, bringing the produce leadership necessary to ensure Citizens Na- community. of over 35 local farmers out into the commu- tional Bank is held in the highest regard by nity. This has positively contributed to the local f members of its community, she has also lent economy by putting thousands of dollars into her considerable talents to the banking indus- PERSONAL EXPLANATION the pockets of local farmers. Melanie’s try at both the state and national level. In ‘‘Tanom, Fa’tinas, Yan Sustansia’’ project has March, Sue was recognized as the Michigan HON. GWEN MOORE assisted island farmers through services such Bankers Association (MBA) Banker of the as creating business plans, budgeting, record OF WISCONSIN Year. This award is given annually by the keeping, and facilitating farmer certification. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MBA Board of Directors, made up of bank Additionally, under Melanie’s leadership, Farm CEO’s from around the state, to recognize ex- Friday, April 13, 2018 to Table entered a partnership with the Divi- traordinary contribution to the industry and a Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, on April 12, I sion of Vocational Rehabilitation to provide strong record of community service. This was missed Roll Call vote No. 138. I would have training to individuals with disabilities and has not the first recognition of her incredible work voted NO on H.J. Res. 2, the so-called Bal- trained multiple individuals in areas of farming, in Michigan. She also received the 2002 Busi- anced Budget Amendment. marketing produce, and building the farm from ness and Professional Women of Cheboygan f the ground up. Woman of Distinction Award and in 2017, Melanie has demonstrated that she is an ef- CNB received the Business of the Year Award RECOGNIZING MS. MELANIE fective advocate for minority small business in- from the Cheboygan Area Chamber of Com- MENDIOLA ON RECEIVING THE terests and has been recognized for these ef- merce. 2018 SMALL BUSINESS ADMINIS- forts multiple times. Melanie was the 2017 TRATION’S MINORITY SMALL Businesswoman of the Year Nominee for Outside of her service with Citizens National BUSINESS CHAMPION OF THE Guam, the 2017 Guam Young Professional of Bank, Sue has been involved in numerous YEAR AWARD FOR GUAM the Year Winner, 2014 KUAM Careforce, Envi- community groups and has been instrumental ronment & Sustainability Category Winner, in establishing several local organizations fo- and the 2013 Financial Planning Association cused on economic growth within Cheboygan HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO County and the surrounding area. Included are OF GUAM Diversity Scholar. Melanie also dedicates her time and service to civic organizations such as the Northern Lakes Economic Alliance, Che- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Guam Girl Scouts, the Guam Young Pro- boygan Economic Development Group, Che- Friday, April 13, 2018 fessionals, and the Young Men’s League of boygan Communities Foundation, City of Che- Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Guam. boygan Strategic Planning Committee, Che- to commend and congratulate Ms. Melanie I congratulate Ms. Melanie Mendiola on re- boygan Area Chamber of Commerce, and Mendiola on receiving the 2018 Small Busi- ceiving the 2018 Small Business Administra- Cheboygan County United Way, to name just ness Administration’s Minority Small Business tion’s Minority Small Business Champion of a few. Sue has also served as a director for Champion of the Year for Guam. Melanie is the Year for Guam. I join the people of Guam the Michigan Bankers Association, a member being honored for fulfilling a commitment to in commending her for her award and thank- of the Federal Reserve Bank’s Advisory Group support and assist minority entrepreneurs and ing her for her many contributions to our is- and on the American Bankers Association small business owners. land community. Community Bank Council. She is a graduate Melanie is the Executive Director of the Uni- f of the Northern Michigan School of Banking at Northern Michigan University and the Grad- versity of Guam Endowment Foundation and CONGRATULATING SUSAN ENO the project director of Farm to Table Guam, a uate School of Banking at the University of FOR HER SERVICE AS PRESI- Wisconsin. non-profit organization committed to strength- DENT AND CEO OF THE CITIZENS ening the agricultural industry on the island of NATIONAL BANK OF CHEBOYGAN Mr. Speaker, it’s my honor to recognize Guam through supporting farmers and agri- Susan Eno for her decades of service to culture based businesses. These small busi- Northern Michigan and congratulate her once nesses include food manufacturers, res- HON. JACK BERGMAN again for being named the MBA Banker of the OF MICHIGAN taurants, and food trucks. Since its formation Year. Michiganders can take great pride in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in 2012, Farm to Table Guam’s mission has knowing the First District is home to such a been to grow the local agricultural community Friday, April 13, 2018 dedicated individual. On behalf of my constitu- for the good of Guam’s long-term sustain- Mr. BERGMAN. Mr. Speaker, it’s my honor ents, I wish Sue all the best in her future en- ability. The organization operates a farm and to congratulate Susan Eno for being named deavors.

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