
Montana Exponent Z-397

\'OLlJ)fE XXXII Number 14 R. M. I. P. A. Convention Alpha Gamma Delta Phi Kappa Phi Ma~y Friends Mourn Bobcats Begin Title Defense Presents Stefan Pl O en Unnmely Death Of A • C I d C )) Proves Successful For Bardas In Concert _ans . p Mary Ann Mitchell ga1nst O ora O O ege . D1scuss1ons H F .d And S d Large Delegation Here wi~te::\!:~::~/~~edc:::e:~ t;n~~~ ar~::~e~orM~tc~=~· M~:~i~:\::: ere fl ay atur ay Alpha Gamma Delta sorority Febru- Ask For Good w ill schools died after a short illness. She ary 2, in the Student Union building, had been ill with influenza during the Montana's Bobcats go to the wars this weekend against Colo­ Nearly 100 student editors and business managers from 14 it was announced. The proceeds will And Participation holidays which she spent at the home colleges in the inter-mountain area attended the 19th annual con­ go towards the national Alpha Gamma of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred rado College for their first conference tilt of the season. In quest ference of the Rocky Mountain Intercollegiate Press association Delta camp fund for underprivileged Of Community of their fourth title in five years the Cats engage the Coloradoans held at l\Iontana State college January 16, 17 and 18 with mem­ chlidre.n. on their home court to start the string of eight consecutiYe confer­ At a. time like this, when the bers of the staffs of student publications at i\Iontana State being Bardas has been associated with ence battles. After the C. C. Skirmish, the MSC basketeers en­ agencies of civilized life are be­ gage Western State and Greeley State on the la.tters home courts, hosts. the Carroll college music department ing tested by new techniques of All an-angements for the conference were in charge of Lloyd since October, 1939 and arrived iu suppression a.nd disruption, t he and then close their conference slat and sea.son home games against the United States a year before that. Schmitt of Stanford, editor of the l\Iontanan, college yearbook, purposes of such an organization Colorado Mines on February 21st a.nd 22nd. He is a graduate of the Conservatory as the Honor Society of Phi ------• a.nd manager of the convention. Bernard Haley of Bozeman, of Music in Berlin and studied in The C. C. Tigers come to Boze­ editor of the Exponent, college weekly pa.per, and president of Kappa Phi gain fresh signifi­ Rome with Arthur Schnabel and Ig­ cance. Student Senate Will man with a not too impressive con­ the press association, presided at the conference sessions. nas Fried.man. Ile has given concerts ference record. Winning their first in most of the leading capitals of Phi Kappa Phi believes in the In the election of officers on the• power of knowledge, and in the game 52 to 38 against Western State, final day, Dick Romney of Utah State Europe and was featured over a na­ Sponsor Matinee value of all activities by which the Tigers then dropped a second Agricultural college was elected presi­ Ray Lakey and Dean tion-wide broadcast in both the Uni­ knowledge is discovered and dent, and Charles Harrington of ted States and England. Motion Pictures game 45 to 32. The Greeley Bears Kelly Plan Housing made known. Its central faith also boast 33 to 26 and 37 to 32 ver­ Butte, managing editor of the )Ion­ Dr. Riley of Carroll college says of is expressed by a phrase in its tana Exponent was chosen "-;ce presi- Standards of student housing are Bardas, "He has an extraorclinarily constitution - "the unity and On Sunday February 2, the Student dicts over the Colorado College quin­ denL Charles Watt.s of Colorado Uni- being worked out by Dean Kelly with thorough knowledge of his field and democracy of education." It Senate will sponsor a matinee featur­ tet. versity was named conference mana- the assistance of Ray Lakey. An at­ the ability to electrify an audience believes in the liberating in­ ing two motion picture films. The However, the visitors aren't to be ger and his school will be the scene tempt is being made to find out what into complete sympathy and under. fluence of education upon the in­ first of these two is the background taken lightly. Their team isn't parti­ of the 1941 (October) convention. Dir- kind of living conditions and stand­ standing of his musical ideas." dividual in the energy for social and organization that Fred Waring cularly big, but it's fast and alert ectors elected were: Dick Kenny of ards are being maintained at the var­ good whlich education, properly insists on in the production of one of with little Bill Lewis, all-conference Colorado A&M and John Hyer of ious rooming houses around town. conceived, holds within it elf; in his programs. Feature attractions midget, to set a wind·eating pace. Colorado State School oi Mines. Questionnaires are being given to the widest possible spread of are Donna Dea, Patsy Garrett, Three Also Pat Fitzgerald has developed Winners of the major awards were landladies stating the requirements education as the cornerstone of Fellas and Three Gals, Two Bees into a sterling center and the big gun the Utah Chronicle, publication of the for grades "A", "B''i and "C'' rooms. Jan,27 Set As a vital democracy. and a Honey, and Les Paul's String of the C. C. attack. He is among the University of Utah. first place in the Some of the requirements for a grade One means by which the Society Trio. Fred Waring is known and newspaper contest and The Buzzer, leading scorers of the conference with "A" room are: Cross ventilation, sin­ e>...1Jresses this attitude is through admired for having written a number yearbook of Utah State, first place in Deadline For his 44 points and will bear careful gle twin beds, 2 study tables or a dou­ election to membership of college of college songs. This film, 'Plea­ guarding. Other on the squad are the yearbook contest. ble table, and correct reading light for seniors who have distinguished them­ sure Time' will give you some idea Worth Stimits at forward and Joel Speakers at the conference included each student. selves by high attainment in scholar­ of how this is done. Defense Class Husted and Tom Pelican, all-confer­ John Lyman, editor of the Bozeman I . . ship and by integrity of character. The second film is titled 'Tobacco­ Courier; L A Malone, advertising The rt'sults of this invesbgatwn ence football ends, at the guard posts. Students in all branches of learning land, U. S. A.' which was produced by manager of the Bozeman Daily will be announced at a later date. Mitchell, of Anaconda. She had been All but Husted are monogram win­ The deadline for enrolling in the are eligible for this recogintion, Phi 'March of Time' and depicts the great Chronicle; William Remington of the absent from school since last Monday. ners. Last year Colorado College National Defense Tra1ning course now Kappa Phi being the only honor soc­ Miss Mitchel1's college activities in­ story of American tobacco farming. Billing~ Gazette commercial printing/ Will the person who borrowed iety which welcomes members from finished in a tie with Colorado Mines being offered at Montana State col­ cluded Chi Omega, Delta Phi Delta, You will visit two great southern department; Professor W. P. Brewer, a fountain pen from Lyle Ilens- for second place and still have eight lege under the direction of the state all departments of study in both the Newman Club, WAA, chorus, Mortar universities, and take part in a foot­ hoad of the college english dept. and leigh at the Montanan dance of their conference battles to play. I department of vocational education arts and the sciences. Board, Ai·t Club, Dramatics (five pro­ ball rally and game, and an old the Rev. P. Hewison Pollock of Boze- please return it to the Montanan has been extended to January 27, an­ The Society was founded in 1897 at dutcions), Montanan, "Big Ten", fashioned barbecue. See how your The biggest worry of the Cats is man. office. nounces W. J. Welker, supervisor of the University of Maine, and now has Mother's Day committee, and High cigarettes are made and how our suffering a let down after those two the course. chapters in the United States, includ­ School Week Committee. Tobaccoland Jives and plays. heartbreaking loses to the MSU Late enrollment is being permitted ing Hawaii and the Philippine Is­ "Her efficiency and popularity These two films will be shown at the Grizzlies. They had been pointing Thirteen Make "A" Flush As because of student inquiries received lands. The local chapter was founded throughout her one semester of teach­ Student Union on February 2 at six for those games all season and had since the course started January 13. in 1921, with Dr. Alfred A. Atkinson, ing fulfilled the promise of her dis­ o'clock. The admission is free to stu­ reached a peak and now must rt,tain The course itself is part of the nat­ then president of Montana State co l­ tinguished career in college,'' said dents and the faculty; and the Stu­ that form to make a successful de­ Honor Roll Announced ional effort to train rural youth to fit lege, as the first chapter prasident. Superintendent A. L. Kadlec of the dent Senate extends a cordial invita­ fense of their title. The Cats now into the national defense program. The chapter is active in promoting Medicine Lake schools. tion to you. have a season's record of eight wins Prospective enrollees must be between various scholastic programs. Among and seven losses. Steady improve­ For Fall Quarter By Registrar 17 and 25 years of age, able to read its notable traditions is the annual Phi ment has been the keynote of Bobcat and write and not near other defense Kappa Phi Assembly, which in recent endeavors this season. Coach Breed­ Thirteen M. S. C. Students were named intellectual genuises schools. years bas been broadened into the All ASCAP And Radio Networks en's sophomore studded squad is rap­ Scholastic Honors and Senior Day As­ idly becoming co-ordinated into a well when their names appeared on the "A" flush list for the fall quar­ Training is being offered in two sembly. The chapter seeks also to balanced quintet. Anderson and Jor­ fields. The motors working course ter of the cu1Tent year. Continuing on the honor roll list were promote public discussion through genson pair well at the forward posi­ will cover operation, care and repair Terminate Relations As 171 students varying in grades from 2.25 or 87.9% to 2.99 or forums and other channels. It is tions into a duo of scoring threats. of tractors, trucks and automobiles, 94.9%. now making arrangements for an Big Johnny Hall, a tip in artist and including gas and Diesel engines. The Those students receiving these honors are a.s follows: open meeting to be held on certain back board sp~cialist, has been of in­ other is the metals working course, College Editors Comment academic questions of fundamental valuable service under the basket and Three points per credit (A flush)= •·------­ which covers simple welds, tempering, interest to Montana State College By ACP ag a feeder for his teammates. Capt. or 95-Anderson, Mildred, (19), H Ee, Norman, Arch, Fr.; Kline, Elaine, A. drilling, shaping and machinery re­ students and faculty. Brickley, a jack of all trades on the Dardis, Ronald, (17), Agr., Fl-.; Ellis, S., Sr.; Krings, Fred, E. E., Fr.; Lea, pair. Few Subjects have inspired the columns of comment in t he basketball court, has been shifted to Thomas, (17), Zoo!, Fr.; Faus, War­ Bernard, Chem., Jr.j Lebsock, Ken· Believing as it does in the educative nation's college press that have poured forth since ASCAP and Bernard Werner of Bozeman, for· a guard position where his defensive Jr.; Challender, Ralph, (19), ME, Fr.; neth, Agr., Fr.; Lee, Don, AgEd., Jr.; value of free discussion, the local the radio networks terminated relations. mer instructor in Diesel engineering tactics and offensive maneuvering ren, (19), Art, Soph,; Gluyas, Richard, Lehwalder, David, Chem., Jr.; Lord, apter of Phi Kappa Phi asks for Music, it seems proved once again, is a prime factor in the for Montana State college short cours­ have been a steadying factor to the (18), Chem, Soph.; Hess, Cecil, (16), Quentin, ChE., Soph.; Lukes, George, the good will and active participation collegian's existence, a:nd editorial reaction, for the most part, has es, has been added to the faculty. young Bobcat squad. Filling in at Ch E., Fr., Johnson, R. Bernard, (18), Chem., Sr.; Lydick, Henry, ChE., Fr.; of the college community in its pro­ been clear-cut. "'erner spent last summer operating the other guard slot are either of Chem., Fr.; Johnson, Theodore, (18), Melnick, Charles, I. E ., Sr.; Miller, Jrram of public meetings. The Ha.rYard Crimson in an analysis of the dispute points out E. E., Soph.; Long, Helen (181h), a Diesel lighting plant in Yellowstone three men, Stachwick, a speedy sopho­ , Art, Jr.; Mooney, James, National park. that the main line of defense for t he American Society of Com­ Seer., Jr.; Slind, Merrill, (18~ ), E. E., more, and Dogterom or Robinson, two M. E., Soph.; Muller, John, P. M., Jr.; posers, Authors and Publishers "is the fact that in t he mid-twen­ Sr.; Swartz, William, (15), A. S., )furphy, James, Chem., Jr.; Penwell, towering rebound artists. Against ties its right was recognized under the copyright law to assess the Grizzlies, the Cats had hard luck Soph.; Wekander, Eugene, (19), Agr., Dorothy, Art, Jr.; Pickolick, Frances, Winter Play To Jr. Seer., Jr.; Rieman, Robert, B&B, M. R. Good Starts broadcasters for etherizing its music. The society was for a wh ile with their shot making and must ov­ Those from 2.75 to 2.99 points per Soph.; Ritchey, Jessie, B&B, Fr.; Ru· satisfied with a five per cent cut. But when networks incorpor­ ercome this fault to make a successful credit or 92.5 to 94.9-Abernathy, Al­ bid for another RMC title. zicka1 Charles, ChE., Soph.; Schmit, Work On High Be Presented ated and, finding themselves not liable to royalty fees, proceeded ma, A. S., Jr.; Baxter, )1ary, HEc., Joseph, ChE., Fr.; Schurch, Kenneth, School Week to juggle their books so as to lessen the amount paid by individual Sr.; Boehmer, Howard, E. P., Jr.; Car­ Agr., Fr.; Sherman, Jane, HEc., Soph.; stations, ASCAP began to feel double-crossed. Hence the new stensen1 Peter, ChE.1 Sr.; DeF1·ate, Smiley, Irene, A. S., Fr.; Starkson, Preliminary work on High School At Ellen Soon contracts placing a seven and one-half per cent dent on income Public Forum Group Louis, M. E., Jr.; Feine, Dorothy, N., Eunice, N., Fr.; Stevens, :\lary, A. S., Week is now under way, it has been from a.ll chain programs ..."On the other side of the musical Fr.; Fry, Arthur, I Ch., Soph.; Gaines, Sr.; Trout, Paul, 1Ch ., Soph.; Turner, announced. Several of the eleven ma­ B. Hansen Directs Conducts Lively Gladys, A. S., Fr.; Graff, Dorothy, Eugene, E. E., Fr.; Utermohle, Mary, jor committees which were appointed fence," continues ihe Crimson, "stand the networks, arguing that N., Jr.; Herrick, Elbert, ChE., r.; N., Fr.; Van Camp, John, M. E., Fr.; last quarter have begun laying Pulitzer Prize ASCAP has a.Jrea.dy dug too deeply into radio's coffers and now Session At SUB Hoffman, Blaine. Agr., Soph.; Lunday, Van Winkle, John, Chem., Sr.; Wald­ groundwork for the large scale spring seeks only to pursue its adYantage. Furthermore, they say, char­ In the weekly meeting of the Public George, :'If. E., Fr.; Monger, Jame~. rop. G. Marie, P. M., Fr.; Wimetl, quarter undertaking. Melo-Drama ges should be made upon ihe music presented, with no fee blanket­ Forum discussion group, last Sunday Chem., Soph.; Nelson, Gladys, HEc., Tom, E. P., Soph.; Wright, J. Stewart, Merrill R. Good is faculty chairman ing all sponsored broadcasts." afternoon, many inti!resting subjects Soph.; Parsons, Arthur, ChE., Fr.; A. I., Jr.; Yeager, Ethel, N., Fr.; Yo­ of 1941 High School week, succeeding "The Petrified Forest.'' a Pulitzer Shennum, Robert, E .E., Fr.; Trbo­ der, Elmon, C. E., Fr. Prize play, will be presented to Boze­ •------were considered. Among them, in n R. H. Palmer, who left the post re­ The Daily Kansan sees some good denying them the right to hear their vich, Natalie, Seer., Sr.; Wilson, Rac­ man audiences February 10-11 :from discussion led by Ray Blanch, grad­ Those :Crom 2.25 to 2.4999 points cently because of the emergency Na­ in the controversy, but closes on a favorite songs!' hel, l!Ec., Jr. tional Defense educational program in the stage of the Ellen Theater. Writ­ uate student in Agricultural Econo­ Those from 2.5 to 2.75 points per per credit or 87.5 to 89.9-Anderson, Len by America's outstanding play. note of impatience: "You may have The Daily Iowan hazards a guess mics, were the system of planning in Dean, E. E., Fr.; Anderson, Louis, his department. Mr. Good was High credit or 70 to 92.5-Allport, Matie, School Week chairman last year. wright, Robert Sherwood, its serious to go to the 'Camptown Races' two that the public will force the networks Agriculture, and the competition be­ Seer., Jr.; Anacker, Edward, Chem., Agr., Fr.; Bauer, Dolores, Seer., Sr.; theme attempts to show that America or three times a day, but you do get to effect a settlement. "Eventually tween this planning and the planning Bird, Lyle, E. E. 1 Sr.; Boyack, Andrew, Soph.; Barrett, Paul, C. E., Fr.; Barto, must become alert to itself, or eventu­ to hear some of the really fine things those of us who really enjoy our radio in industry. Roger, E. P., Sr.; Battershell, Evelyn, C. E., Sr.; Butler, Elmer, E. P., Fr. ally succumb to its own weaknesses. of Stephen Foster that were formerly music will become tired of Stephen These weekly meetings are always A. S., Soph.; Bhelen, John, E. E., Jr.; Cabell, John, E. P., Fr.; Carpenter, Engineering Council Bert B. Hansen is directing the melo­ Harry, ChE., Fr.; Cloninger, John, buried under the avelanche of popular Foster, et a], and unless the new Bl\U interesting and the subjects that are Brown, )1arjorie, N. 1 Fr.; Bucher, Ro­ drama which exemplifies fast.moving discussed invariably offer good mater~ bert, Agr., Soph.; Chambers, Richard, Agr., Fr.; Cooper, Roy, I. E., Soph.; Will Hold Initial action. music. Even so, we'd rather have can supply us with an increasing num­ ial for a round table type of argu­ P. M., Soph.; Coldwater, Ralph, I. E., Cox, Dan, Agr., Soph.; Cox, Margaret our choice of the whole shebang. So, ber of GOOD popular, semi-popular Ann, Seer., Fr.; Darlinton, Everett, "Fll,n Night" Feb. 20 Peg Roman and Jepson Lonnquist ment. This week, the meeting will be Sr.; Davies. Reginald, AgEc., Jr.; boys, please settle the squabble and and classical tunes to our liking. AS­ I. E., Sr.; ReRooy, Felb<, M. E., Fr.; both have featured roles in the winter he]d Sunday at five o'clock in room Davis, Sarah, HEc., Soph.; Drury, On February 20 the first engineer's Doering, Jane, P. ll., Soph.; Durn­ production. Gabby Maple and Alan let's get back to work." CAP will win its battle with the net- 304 of the Student Union building. John, ChE., Fr.; Durland, Lawrence, "fun nite" in the history of M.S.C. Squier will be their portrayals. J\liss ford, Robe.rt, E. E., Fr.; Eaton, Frank, The Syracuse Daily Orange, the works, an increase in :radio rates for A di cussion on the subject: ncoopera­ CbE., Soph.; Eagle, Rose, Seer., Sr.: will be held under the auspices of Agr., Soph.; Ehman, Elsie, N., Fr.; Roman is a ~enior student. in secre­ tive Action" will be led by John Mc­ Eck, Hugo, Arch., Sr.; Emigh, Do­ the Engineering Council in the stu­ Cornell Daily Sun, and the Daily its music, and the blessings of music­ Ehman, Victor, Chem., Soph.; Finch, tarial studies and Lonnquist is a soph­ Kay of the United States Department lores,, Art, Jr.; Fagerlie. Laurel, ChE., dent union building. omore art student from Anaconda. loving Americans who care nothing Richard, E. P., Fr.; Fiske, Hervn, N., l~ebraskan resent the public's being oi Agriculture. This really is a "Pub­ Fr.; Fisher, John, Seer., Sr.; Flynn, The purpose of Fun Ni te is to pro­ Others prominent in the cast are Vin­ about the economics of the battle but Fr.; Ford, Lewis, E. E., Sr.; Forrest, 'taken in" by the whole situation. lic Forum" and students who are in­ Patricia, Art, Fr.; Grant, Spencer, M. vide a social meeting for the engin­ Robert, ChE., Jr.; French, Barbara, cent Smih, Mr. Chisholm; Ray Lakey, The Sun says that "again the ugly who insist upon their musical favori­ terested are especially welcome. E., Fr.; Gray, Margrette, Seer., Fr.; eers alone so that students in the dif­ Jason Maple; Pierce Patterson, Boze Seer., Jr.; Frisbee, Donald, I. E., head of the interclass struggle has tes. The fairness of ASCAP's de­ Gumprecht, Roland, ChE., Jr.; Harty, ferent departments may become bet­ Hertzlinger; John M. Voulkos, Gramp risen, and meanwhile the people of the Sr.; Haugen, Soph.; Gedosch, Wallace, Seer., Soph.; mands we will not discuss. Our only William, ChE., John E., ter acquainted. 1\Iaple; Virginia Blackwood, Mrs. Chis­ United States are suifering as usual." I. E .. Soph.; Hibbard, Henry, AgEc., Gerry, Henry, I Cb., Soph.; Gump­ conviction now is that the day is ap­ Dean Kelly ,vishes to call attention A committee headed by Joe DeGraff holm; Mickey Thieme, Duke Mantee; The Nebraskan feels that "ASCAP's Sr.; Higgins, Cecil, !Ch., Soph.; Hille­ recht, Donald, P. M., Soph.; Ilall, Anna to the need on this campus for more bas been appointed to draw up a pro­ and Dick Little, Jackie. Character monopoly seems not too healthy a proaching when ASCAP music will man, Maurice, B&B, Sr.; Holzer, John, Belle, P. M., Soph.; Hanley, Betty traffic signs showing speed Jimits, gram. Tentative plans include a ban· parts are being handled by Betty Ann thing," and finds that "music lovers return to the networks, and several Ann, HEc., Soph.; Hart1 Pauline, HEc., correct parking spaces and one-way Agron, Sr.; Horsford, Reba, HEc., Sr.; quet and a contest between depart­ Hanl ey, F loyd Roth, Dick Gregory, are getting angry at BMI for not hav­ millions of air-minded Americans will roads. Something definite should be ltob, Yokichi, P. M. , Soph.; Jennings, (Continued on Page 2) ments for the most hilarious skit. Bob Lipp, and Russell Wills. ing what they want and at ASCAP for have brought it about." done about these problems. THE MONTANA EXPONENT Tuesday, January 28, 1941 , PAGE TWO MSC Enjoys Classical Music SEEING THE WORLD The Fifth Column Dr. Hollands Tours Montana Exponent By James Dickson Not a thing wrong with the basket- For the past se,·e.ral days, the students of }'I. S. C. ball i'ames last weekend even though Northwest Montana have enjoyed the prh·ilcge of listening to fine music. H. R. l776 . . . . we didn't win . .. really a good ser- 1941 Member 0 In Lecture Series l=lssocia1ed Collet,KJte PreS1 ~~::s 0~ :::CyLe~!~·Y r,~·b:;:ri:f' t::dg:~:~~ U~l::si!~ The president's loan-lease bill is be- ~:Sesn't dot::~ :~y. ~:~~:/~::s :r~c~ works haYe been a,•ailable to those students who gain fore the House o! Representatives and ley Jack came thru with some Oi!.tributo, cJ Dr. Hollands, agriculutural econom- 1 pleasure from these finer things. The response, shown it promises a good fight before pass- fine work on scoring and holding De­ ist, has returned to the campus after Colle5iofe D1eiest by the students, has been a \'ery pleasant surprise. There age is enacted. Passage is still in- Groot down ... Probably saw more a ten day speaking tour in Flathead Valentine was not a day that some group didn't take advantage of evitable, but the condition that the student enthusiasm than at anytime and Lake counties of northwestern the opportunity. This pron~ the theory that all that is measure will be in when passed is ~o far this season ... fine downtown Montana. necessary for the appreciation of truly good music i to be dubious. Doubtless, many revisions support, and, all in all, the best ... In addi tio n to addressing eight exposed to it in some "-ay or other. T his has been done Big event of the weekend was the This year say it succcssfull,· and M. S. C. is 1>erfect proof. wlil be made, some good, some prob- dramatic entrance of Jack "Pauncho" agricultural community meetings on 420 MAOISON AVE long-time and current economic pro­ CMIC,IG;O • loltolf • LOI A11•1Ln • s ..... ,..-11c1,co Here in Montana. "far from the pulse of the world'' ably not so good. But in any event, Burke as the Hawaiian lass capable blems, Professor Hollands discussed as someone once said. there are, besides an occasional the fundamental idea behind the bill of curing all ills and ailments ... with a picture the status of democratic-capitalism PrinteJ in the Job Department or Community Concert. only two wnys in which we may con- has the active support of enough of wore a Spur cap and made one of the The Boxeman Courier economics for the Whitefish Rotary tact ourselves with the nntural cultural ad,·antages of the right people to convince most cutest Spurs there .. . just plenty OK I club and the Kalispell Kiwanis club. Membe.r or R M. l. P. A. the metrapolitan areas. Both la ek the ,~isual aspect and, . Phil Wilson barged in with Pat naturally, the excitement which that aspect offers. This Americans of its worth. McCauley . beginning to look like The Kalispell chapter of the Amer- , Yours for Photos Contlnuance of Weekly .Exponent and Monthly E:xponenl Founded is to be expected. Radio has done much toward the spread- As if the "aid to Britain" idea were something . Dorothy Rigg looked ican Association of University Wo- Ji,:,j6. Publi6bed e\·ery Wedneo;day of the College \ear by the .USo­ clated StuJenu of Montana State Collca-e. Bozeman. Montana. ing of musical knowledge and appreciation through it's not enough question for argument, cuter than the very devil cheering men heard Rr. Hollands discuss "Edu­ dramatic, symphonic, 01>eratic, and other broadcasts. Radio the nature of the bill itself has fur- the boys on to greater heights ... cation and Citizenship in the United Acceptance for :Uadinif al Sp«ial Rate of P?5taa:e, Provided for in then, is probably responsible for a reaction in American thcr complicated things by offering and not so good to the gal sitting in States" and the Ronan High school fjnfield s«t.ion 1103. .Act o{ October 3, 1927. Author12ed 1'ebrt1a.ry 17, 1919. cultural life. It's work started the intellectual ball roll- such extreme powers to the president. the top row knitting for something or student body were interested in his Board of Publications ing, and it's closest ally made the ball grow. This ally is Non-interventionists have stormed a- other ... "Bunny" Stearns and Bob discussion of the opportunities await-I Pierce Patterson. Chairman: Louis True, Her~rt. White, ~UJ,ro Eck. Ray Lakey, Bernard Haley, Llo)d Schmitt, Pro{e.s,-or MernJI Good. the phonograph. It is pro,·ing eYen more satisfactory gainst the credit plan and now, even Kropp came in with Bunny on the un­ ing American youth. . '------.&. than it"s more renow1100 brother. '"The music you want from the defenders of the policy enthusiastic order ... couldn't be EDITORIAL STAPP when you want it'' is it's big adYantage, and such an ad- comes disapproval of the specified phitt there, could it? . , BERN.ARD HALEY, Editor • -· --·· - - ·-- 4- Phone tSS vantage is especially practical in our rather isolated ,vest. I methods for carrying out that policy. J~t~~H~~~~\~!!;.:!:narini'. _Edi~o~ ...... _.:.· · ·- ;::~: ~~! Montana State has shown an interest in this de\'e}op- The result of a momentous problem, Intedraternity Hop proved ro be Asaoc.iate Ewton _ -··· _ ··- ·---· ·-···· Lloyd Schruilt, Ray Lakey Ai Edit.on ······--··-··· --· ---···--··· ··- Dan Cox. Dan Mortair ment and hould in time become an acting part of it. ln then, is still in the dark. That the great stuff ... the highly esteemed council delivered swats for minor of­ i!!:F~lenEditor-·- -··- ~--...... ··-···· .. . ..J,'lore!c°: to;r~ our S. U. B. lounge we ha,·e heard ·•canned" music at it's bill should l>e passed is agreed upon Newa RePOrt.ent-Jean Ga.le.r, Irene Smiley, Shirley Jo:hn~on, Dick best. The tonal quality of the R. C. A. machine is prac- by Olr. Roosevelt, l\lr. Willkie, Sec. fenses with Dean Kelly getting in on ?t1err-it. Lee LinCield, Virg-inia Kelly, ~arig:race. Burt.on, y1ri,tm1a Cook, Jane Doerir\i" Lunette Piper, Ami Greenfield. Patty 1' lynn, PesgY tically irreproachible, the records. are the finest of their Hull, Commissioner Knudsen and, ac­ the ground floor . "Pops' Degnan, Moore. Betty' Ford Jame;;: Dic.ki:on. Alice Willianu• ...arry Erpeldina-, kind. Some means of 1>cri>etuating this new phase of cording to various polls, surveys, as­ the "U'' flash, got his, and quite a Lorraine Carlson, Lee Dobler, Lorraine Jones, Owen Wirak, Ruth student life should be found. ,ve. the students, must find sumptions and admissions, a consid­ few of the gals ,vere tapped ... Mer­ Oaw'llOn. ··--····-· Sam Lcn:t and B<'tt.y .Ford lin Fisk looked in one direction all :=: ~~r: :_ ·:. --···-·- __ _ _ . . . Pat R1>u_nce it. arable majority of the people of the ~i.stant Society Edit.or -··· -· _ -· V1rgm1a Blackwood United States. That it shouldn't be evening . . . she's from Colorado Wo­ Society Report.en-Midge Lund, P~•·y Bem,on, Mary J1:'an Pasley. 11 Mildred Anderson, Billie Jean Ausb.n, P4:& Mack, Carul Rounce, enacted is agreed upon by Sen. Wbeel­ men's College .. . By the way, Chiz" Lillian Krlats, Betty Adam»on. Jean \\ allace, Ju,t1ne Hua-he:;, Harrington seems to be recovering Helen Webb and Jean Tait. Groans From The Gallery er, Charles L . l\Ici.~ary, Col. Lind­ bergh, Verne Marshall and (though rather slowly from the effects of that The following ad appeared in a Hollywood trade paper: it's a horrible thing to say) Hitler blonde depth bomb that was here from Wanted: Studio stenographer. l\lust have intelli­ and i\Iussolini. One of these groups is Colorado for the press convention ... gence, be fast, accurate, and have a sense of humor. If wrong. and "Chiz" was the boy becoming you are not a crackerjack, don't bother us. known as "I ron Man" Harrington ... In one of the answers a girl wrote that she had the Personally Owen Wirak and his heaven on earth, Direct as a " touchdown pass" is the campus·to-hom,: specified requirements, and went on: The troubles that the totalitarian Helen Butterfield, caused no small laundry service offered by RAILWAY EXPRESS. \V, ''Your advertisement appeals to me strongly as I "big boys" are facing give the more amount of back glancing ... and the ca ll for your laund ry, take it borne ... and then bring have searched Europe, the United States, and Hoboken rabid non-interventionists a not very Ray Carkeek-Bea Nelstead combine it back to you at your college address. lc's as quick in quest of someone who could use my talents to advant­ stable leg on which to stand. Kenn- were in evidence as is becoming the and convenient as chat! You may send your laundr) R.M.I.P .A. Convention age. "When it comes to taking dictation, I have never edy is probably pretty adequate auth- usual custom. prepaid or collect, as you prefer. found man, woman, or dictaphone that could get to first Those in charge of the R. 111. I. P. A. conven­ ority and really favors the p1·inciple Red Cross Spur Mixers filled out Low rates include calling for and delivering in all cities base with me, either fancy or catch as catch can.it tion which was he1d on the 111. S. C. campus last of British aid. Ile dislikes President a fine week end with Lowell "Scotty" aod principal towns. Use RAILWAY EXPRESS. coo, for week wish to take this opportunity to thank the "I write shorthand so fast that I have to use a specially Roosevelt and merely opposes the nnt- Scott head man at both of them ... sw ift shipment of all pacl,ages and luggage.Just phone administration, the students and the management prepared pencil with a platinum point and a ,vater-cooling ure of the bill, not the policy. His Red Cross mixer was a sellout proving 226 of the Lmon l::iuilctmg for the splendid spirit wluch system attached, a note pad made from asbestos and ruled speeches are a bit confusing in their that students do have a heart of gold East ~lain Street Phone 388-J Office: was shown the Yisitwg students. with sulphuric acid. I run with my cutout open at all two way interpretation possibilities. regardless of professor opinions . .. by Depot :-,: orthern Paci fie Depot lt is this type of congeruahty that causes visi­ speeds and am, in fact, a guaranteed double hydraulic­ His ideas seem contradictory, but the the way, the grape vine has some­ Phone 382-J Bozeman, Montana tors to learn the campus, commentmg favorably welded, drop-forged, and oil-tempered speciman of human most ringing praise has come from thing about a fraternity whispering about the institution and those attendrng it and lightning on a perfect 36 frame, ground to one one-thou­ the Italian press so there's a catch campaign on trying to influence or­ remembering always their visit to our campus. sandth of an inch." somewhere. chestra popularity which, by the way, The writer had every occasion to find out what Yours truly has backfired was mo\'ing in the mmds of the critics and no ill Information and reports from Eur­ Miss Ima Flash ope are unreliable. Some persons Predictions . . . The Bobcats to ..______NATIO N . WIDE RA il-Ai iii: SERVICE------word was said regardmg their treatment while P. S. She got the job. here. A fine time was had by all and educational must be better informed than others, spend the weekend mopping up Colo­ meetings proved to be very successful. and the president should be the best rado College in good shape . .. and So 1t 1s again "Thanks to all" fo1 making this informed of all. The best thing to do Norman Jackson to have some deal convention a success. is to watch the Congressional debate pulled on him for the one he pulled KNICKS AND KNACKS and await the returns of Willkie and the other day .. By Betty Ford Hopkins. Jones Attention Hamilton Hall Hello, e,•erybody .... maybe between yawns I can get something written .... this business of not getting It seems that some people just cannot leave any sleep .... well, much sleep .... is rather wearing For Her things belonging to others alone. Always there .... the comfortable chairs up here in the SUB are de· are a few who must make themselves obvious by finitely conducive to napping . .. . or anything but study. A BEAUTIFUL VALENTINE reaching out and taking that which does not be­ ...... From long to them. Not Jong ago the magazines do­ And since winter sports seem' to be the talk of the

nated to the reading room of the S. U. B. were 11 being taken home and now "dance Billboards" are town . ... the ''Utah Chroncile reminds us that skiing RICHARDSON'S being remo\'ed from their usual place Before one­ is just around the corner . and it's the corners that ·------half the student body gets a chance to see them. worry us! Of course it is understood that these signs . . . . make excellent room decorations and it is not the .... What's this .... sounds like Utopia to me . . .. using of them for that purpose that is objection­ The United States mint in specially issued 1941 able. It is however, the use of them for that pur­ dimes that were distributed all last week ... . All lhose pose before they ha rn served their original pur­ students who presented their 1941 dimes at the Shirley­ pose, that of advertising the dance, that is frown­ Savoy Hotel in Denver on Friday and Saturday were ed upon. So it is ai this time that those vitally given a silver dollar in return! .... Well, well! .... concerned wish to request tho e of you who ha\'e ...... the t,obby of "snatching and running" to leaYe the .... The "Montana Kaiment- carries an article about signs up until after the dance then you may haYe the Peace C-0ntest ... . which should be of interest to us. them. Thank you so-0-0-0-0 much. too .... It seems t hat ele,·en Montana uniYersities, col­ leges and junior coll eges are eligibile to participate .... The Intercollegiate Peace association offers SlOO to state Student Union Building Offers Ideal Center for winners in this oratorical contest .... and nny under- Convention Delegates graduate is eligibile to enter .... I hadn't heard any- 11. S. C. received no end of praise two weeks thing about it .... but "'~ouldn't it be nice if some elo­ ago from delegates to the R. M. I. P. A. conven­ quent l\tSCer would enter and win??????? tion. Congratulations to Berna.rd Haley and ...... Lloyd Schmitt for the efficient way in which it .... I guess we're not the only cam 1>us to boast of was managed. A large part of the credit for suc­ an epidemic ... . or don't you boast about it.? .... I cess howeYer is due to the Student Union build­ wouldn't know .... but as I started to say, it seems that ing. Colorado University has had one too .... On the front The building offers an ideal home and center page of the "Silver and Gold'' is a nice story about the of life for the delegates to a convention. They epidemic of infiuenza and right below it is the headline: are free to use the lounge and writing rooms at "AS C \\'ants $1350 Ambulance!" Further perusal of their own com·enience and lhe checking room is the article however revealed that it was for the British ... and a simple solution open at all times while a com·ention is in progress. Ambulance Corps, and not for the poor influenza victims If the delegates want private conference or meet­ .... It seems the campus is conducting a campaign to ing rooms students may reserrn the committee raise funds for the ambulance ...... When the Bell System was still very young, a prob­ rooms and the mens and women's organization ...... Add Zest to Your Daily life lem arose: Ho, lo as ure-at lowest cost-a depend· rooms, or if the group is too large, they can make Did you know that the Axis was running a lot use of the ballroom. To top it off, the delegates smoother before it was Greeced .... I'll sign off with that able supply of telephone apparatus of high quality gel banquet service which is unequalled and the one. Chew Delicious use of one of the prettiest coffee shops in the and uniform standard? country. 'Bye now. As the System grew and the telephone network At last M. S. C. has a hub for student acti­ OOUBLEMINT GUM vities and a building that the students can be times the size of ours so let's make u e of them became more complex, this problem of supply grew proud to display to visiting collegians. The facili­ and publicize our school by making it a conven­ 1.1 this easy way to get a Discover_ for your{ds~ tivi ties: Chew refresh- more difficult. But it was solved this way. ties offered to collegiate conventions on this cam­ tion center. bigger kick out o Y ac pus far surpass those offered by schools many The Student Union Board ing DOUBLEMINT GUM. W ll We tern Electric was given re ponsibility for manu­ -'------I y, know how much fun it is to chew. . e • 13 Make 'A' Flush As holz, Virginia, Seer., Sr.; Keith, ley, Mrs. Marjorie, HEc., Sr.; Pasley, I ou, f hewing smooth, springy facturing, pur ha ing and distributing the equipment James, A. I. 1 Jr.; Kelly, Willie, Agr., Mary Jean, Seer., Fr.; Popovac, Dan­ ~;~~;~~~:id enjoying lots ol delicious, needed by the telephone companies. The concentration Fr.; Kropp, Robert, Agr., Fr.; Kunkel, iel, ChE., Fr.; Quinton. Wayne, E. P., (Continued from Page One) l g lasting flavor. of these f u nctions has resulted in keeping quality up and Edward, M. E., Soph.; LaBarre, Lu­ Soph.; Rathbun, Nan, A. I., Sr.; Sands onkid h wing this healthful treat daily helps Soph.; Ha!\hisaki, Marie, Art, Jr.; cille, Seer., Fr.; Lackman, Henry, Ag­ Betty Jo, N., Fr.; earles, Anah 11., . c e nt u nervous tension. Aids your costs down-to the benefit of every telephone user. Haugen, Helen, N., Jr.; Hazen, George, ron, Sr.; Lee, Ada, Seer., Jr.; Lefever, N., Jr., Simpkin , Robert, Seer., Jr.; relieve pe - P d h lps sweeten your breath Chem., Fr.; Rea, James, P. M., Jr.; Earl, Chem., Fr.; ::\1artin, Owen, Seer., Smeltzer, Dale, Agr., Soph.; Smith, digestion, too, an e . Hitch, Barbara, A. S., Fr.; Hogan, Soph.; Mason, Beth, Seer., Fr.; McCoy, and keep your teeth attractive. . Victor, Chem., Fr.; Sternhagen, Mar­ o healthful, refreshing C. Lester, ChE., Jr.; Irwin, Ruth, N., Virginia, Seer., Fr.; McDermott, Na­ jorie, Seer., Sr.; Stokes, Margaret, Trea t yourse lf t Fr.; Jackson, Melbourne, ChE., Fr.; talie, HEc., Sr.; McDonald, Gordon, Seer., A. S., Sr.; Thurston, Margaret, I DOUBLEMINT GUM every day. Jarvi, Caroline, HEc., Fr.; Johnson, ChE., Sr.; McIntire, Mary, Seer., Sr.; HEc., Jr.; Voulkos, John M., Seer., Henry, 111. E., Soph.; Johnson, ~iary Buy smral packages of DOUBLEMINT GUM today Electric Meadows, Mary, Seer., Jr.; Mullen, eWtsrern Fr.; Waldrop, Jean, Sec.r., Jr.; West­ E., N., Soph.; Johnson, Robert J., Theodore, ChE., Sr.; Newell, ·Donald, lake, Luci1le, Seer., Fr.; Wilder, Ne­ C-IU . .••< is' 'b(if_~_p..f _rq~_fi' RPII 1,,/,•plw11,• st•rri,·,• ChE., Johnston, Hugh, Chem., Sr.; Chem., Fr.; Noble, Margaret, HEc., well, I. E., Soph.; Younglove, John, r , t J_. .: Jones, John R., ChE., Fr.; Kasten- Fr.; Nyman, Shirley, B&B, Sr.; Pais- C. E., Jr. Tuesday, January 28, 1941 THE MONTANA EXPONE T PAGE THREE Wives of Students Social Calendar At the Theatres Greek Gossip Entertained at Home Fri., Jan 31-Girl's Cooperath-e Bouse Dance, Phi Sigma Kappa Fireside, Week January 29 - Feb. 4 With much whoopinJl and yelling Initiation was held Sunday morn­ of Mrs. Hollands Quad B Sleighride, Pi Beta Phi another Chi O is pinned: Best of luck ing for the following: Nadine Carl­ S!eighride. to Jean Henderson and Jack Brickley, son, Marge Durham, Pat Flynn, Jean Wives of Montana State College Galer, Peggy Harrington, Salle Hoyt, Sat., Feb. !-Lambda Chi Alpha Win­ S. A. E ..... Chi O's enjoyed meeting students were entertained informally ELLEN Lorna Josphson, Virginia Kelly, Lor­ ter Party, Xe,nnan Clu b Sleigh­ Socieb; and exchanging ideas with a sister by Mrs. Harold F. Hollands at her ride, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fireside, Wednesday - Thursday - raine Lowery, Beth Mason, Verna Ma­ F1·iday - "You'll Find from Utah State, Ineda Hickman, son, Peggy Moore, Dorothy Ann home, 710 South 9th St. Thursday Pi Kappa Alpha Fireside., Men's By Pat Rounce Cooperative House Fireside. Out with Kay Kyser and delegate to the R~IlPA Convention Riberdie, Betty Riley, Betty Settle, evening, January 23. Conversational Orche ·tra, Bela Lugo i, held a week ago .... Spurs from Kay Sullivan and Lucile Westlake. mixer was played and a guessing con­ Fri., Feb 7-Phi Beta Phi Pledge Peter Lorre and BorL Missoula entertained at the house last Open house was held Saturday for test was won by Mrs. Glen Frisbie. Fireside, Alpha Gamma Della Karloff. the visiting R.M.l.P.A. and the fra­ During the evening a mock radio skit, Pledge Fireside, Kappa Delta "\Vin­ weekend were .:\-larie Cherry, Betty ternities. "Any Man's Family" was presented ter Party. Saturday through Tuesday Leabart, annal Association of University son, Kenny Smallwood and Al Selan­ Guests Sunday, Betty Ford and Jean Mon.., Feb. 17-Lambda Pi Kappa day - "Texas Rangers der ... Returned: Clarence Davidson. Dames. The chief objective is soc­ B&nqueL Ride Again" with John Sleighrides, which will probably Haynes . . . Monday, Mr. Schellin iability and two groups are eligible Fangs and Bearpaws from hunting trip on Saturday. .. from Chinook .. . Thursday, Mr. J . Howard and Ellen Drew. urn into Hayrides, galore are sche­ ior membership: wives of students Thurs., Feb. 20-Engineer Banquet.. M. Sulivan from Bozeman . .. Bob ulcd for the corning weekend with Gamma Kappa of Pi Kappa Alpha enrolled for resident study and moth­ Sunday - Monday - Tues­ i Beta Phi and Quad B both coopera­ Join With Spurs Schellin spent the weekend at his Fri., Feb. 21-Varsity Ball. take pleasure in announcing the pled­ ers of non-resident students. :\feetings day - "The Ramparts mg with Ye Society Editor at Jong home in Chinook. In Banquet At SUB ging of (Turk) Donald Giroux of are held the second and fourth Wed­ Sat., Feb. 22--Pi Beta Phi Winter We Watch" - Documen­ ,t. Phi Sigma Kappa plans to Columbia Falls. nesdays of each month at 8 p. m. in Party, Kappa Delta Fireside, Alpha tary. old one of its many fun fire ides on Saturday at 12 :30 the )1issoula and Guests at the house during the week the women's organization room of the Gamma Delta Fireside. 'day night. The SUB will be the Bozeman Spurs and Interco11egiate included Carl Balum and Bob Clemow Carefree Spirit Student Union Buidling on the camp­ Fri., Feb. 28-Beaux Art Ball. cene of the annual Women's Co­ Knights forgot rivalry and had a ban­ of Billings, Joe Riokcnbacker of Wash­ us. The next regular meeting will be Sat., Mar. I-Kappa Sigma Winter perative Winter Party, which pro­ quet together in the Student Union ington, D. C., and Jim Sm.art of Boze­ Prevails At February 12. Party, Pi Kappa Alpha Winter JOYCE ises to be the best ever. dining room. man. Party. Thursday Friday Lambda Chi Alpha will tone down Mary Dahl, M. S. C. Spur president, Don Wold, Glen Jones, and Bill Inter-Frat Hop Wed.. Mar. 5-Mortar Board Style "Streets of Cairo" and he exhuberance shown at their Fall :l.lary Jane Deegan-M. S. U. Spur Show. "Sky Murder." arty quite some bit in the Student Findlater spent the week-end in Butte, Pale faced women and males dressed president, Miss Laird, Spur sponsor Fri., l\1ar. 7--Chi Omega Winter nion on Saturday night when they Missoula, and Butte respectively. in chore-day clothes hopped about PARK Saturday - Sunday - Mon­ and George Biddle, Duke of Fangs, Party, Alpha Gamma Rho Winter elebrate at a Winter Formal Dinner New faces with 2nd degree pins in with an eagle eye on those two by day - ''Romance of Rio sat at the head table and watched the BARBER Party. ance in the ballroom1 with Heinie Fangs and Bearpaws sc.rsmble for Kappa Della are Marjorie Reardon, four paddles as MSC frats collaborat­ Grande" and ''Haunted Ste., ~lar. ockel's band taking the spotlight. places beside the different Spurs. Mabel Cramer, Alice EdwaTds, and ed once again to sponsor the origin- SHOP 8-Hamilton Hall Winter I Honeymoon." nd the Newman Club has planned a 1 1 Party. After singing Bobcat and Grizzly Dorothy Lang . . . Dinner guests ; ;~~::et i~=:~!.~:~r:;~h:op 1: t ~~: Jeighride for Saturdai· night. Hoop­ songs 1\Iary Jane La Crosse amazed W~dnesday evenin~ were_ lfiss Barn~s, one of those minus affairs-make-up, ! While firesides are the vogue in everyone by playing Stardust with l\f1ss Bancroft, Miss Gi_ll, and l\_f1ss hair ribbons, nail polish, jewelry and he houses of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, one finger-and it sounded good tool Carter ... Tray balancmg practice~ . nice clothes being on the defecit side. J Kappa Alpha, and lien's Coopera- Then Laura O'Donnell and Lorraine "'. a buffet supper held for the Phi Piling injury upon hurt for the lassies 1ve. All this sounds like fun, and EXTRA Jones gave a talk. They really had Sigmas Sunday evening · · Guests was the dutch treat angle adheared Close-Out Of After The Show The ny all-school affair would be so much some good imitations. sharing beds at the house were Betty to and the ,1meet-her-at-the-union" ud in the eye in comparison. The group, not satisfied with such Lou Burnes, Jenny Farnswor~h, a_nd rule. Odd Lot Ann Clements from the University a short program, began calling for I over the weekend of the Grizzly While the Varsity Sexette swung ocial Affairs Of Bill Ralston who eventually obliged games. it out from nine until twelve, inter. I. MILLER everyone by playing a couple of super BUNGALOW ndependent Units iraternity council members spared numbers on the piano and then since Welcomed back: Mrs. McC!arty, neither man nor mouse from the SILK HOSIERY no one would sing a solo, a few more A. 0. II cook, after a 2 day illness Amil yourself of our Free Delivery Service 11 Birthday girls of the Month" were mighty swat inflicted for infringe­ songs were indulged in. onored again at Hamilton Hall last with the flu . . Weekend visitors: ment of rules. 68c All orders 50c or over Wednesday night ... Guests of the The climax of the whole affair came Phyllis Fenton of Hysham who was a 3 pairs $1.98 when Pierce Patterson, that good look­ guest of Shirley Manning; Vera Wil­ occasion included Dean Brannegan, Regular $LOO L MILLER'S al Mrs. Brannegan, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ ing football man who is learning to son, Betty Batch's cousin from Hel­ a sa,•ing of 32c. Odd lots taken rington, Mr. and Mrs. McCall, Mr. cook, made a speech that even Mr. ena; and Gerry -Howard, Betty Ford's from regular stock. Three and ~nd Mrs. Morris, Dr. and Mrs. Eneboe, Hansen would have graded A. He friend of Sheridan, Wyo. Entertained: DAFFODILS four thread chiffons. Quantity and Mr. and Mrs. Smiley .. . Grizzlies then presented a key to Lloyd Schmitt Dr. and Mrs. Strand and Colonel and limited. visiting Ethel Brown Friday night for his untiring work in Fangs last Mrs. Hea at dinner Wednesday night year and Lloyd looked pleased and . Homewai·d bound: Barbara Lee and other Spring EGBERT'S were Fern Holley and Dorothy Ham­ SHOE STORE 'ltergren . . . And then a long time sm·prised and thanked Pierce pro­ and Anna Mae Roe who spent the fusely. weekend in Butte. 1go, on January 19, Hamilton Hall Flowers are now Tampax is the economical sanitary protection worn in· rirls played hostess to Kappa Sigma Dancing in the dining room for the Glen Gold en is now wearing an ternally. Month's supply, '29¢.; introductory box, 20¢ ..• 1t an informal tea dance .. . rest of the afternoon gave the right No pins, no belts, no odor, AGR pledge pin; .. . George Lommis ready ... no chafing, .. Invisible even atmosphere and right amount of time stayed at the house one night last Homeward-Virginia Cook. Guest for new acquaintances to become good NEW! NEW! under swim suit ... Com­ ,f Vivian Manning from Hysham­ week . . . Dan Cox's brother Bob pact, comfortable, modem.. friends and need I say tha t some be­ dined at the house several times last ~hyllis Phenton. Visitors during the came very good friends ? Just Received week . . . Lloyd Schmitt has been 3 SUES: REGULAR, SUPER, JUNIOR ,•eek, Mr. and Mrs. Yates, Mr. and Another Shipment 11rs. Manning and Mr. Kelly. under the weather with the flu ... Langohr's Dave Rice and Jim Rose visited at Partakers of the Sabbath Postal Personality Patter their homes in Choteau last weekend FLOWER SHOP 10 East Main Phone 95 Carol Craig 1oard: Mr. and )!rs. W. H. McCall By . . . Don Serni.ngson visited at the Baxter Hotel Pharmacy rnd Pauline Porter. And of the Sun­ PATTY and POLLY POST house several afternoons last week. "We Telegraph Flower/' Fashions lay past: Alice Tripp, Winnie Young, If you are a girl on a busy after­ md Helen Birkland ... Visiting Pic­ Lead fosh1on feel :y-Rose Schulz of Sheridon. Visit­ noon, hurrying through the student union lounge, undoubtedly you will not gay pick yourself ngBlanche-Mr. and ;\!rs. G. Wallin, LOOK YOUR BEST After a md Elsie of Boulder. More visiting pass the entire male population, which For Your o new Spring Dress, he Milesnicks, at intervals during always takes over, without a jeering styled by Carol Cro1g be week. section of whistles. This course cus­ Furniture Needs Most styles. To Hollywood, they say, but we tom, adopted by the cow college, re­ verts to the gay nineties and although :now its only Livingston-the Mary See :'s (Stevens and Sweeney). modern students seem to think it ex­ tremely clever, in the estimation of pat and pol it is rude and insinuating. Earl S. Plea By Jack Burke Girls even avoid the lounge when it MARSHALL 'Spur of Evening'' is filled with college jokesters. After all isn't it for the entire student body? FURNITURE McCRACKEN'S r;ets Record Crowd IIf as ~ boy, you were whistled at by 33 S. Tracy the fan· sex en masse, your face would Economy Store In answer to the touching plea for crimsonate, your ears commence to ttendance made by "Spur of the wiggle and your mind would juggle :vening," Jack Burke, the students such querries as- shirt tail out? hair urned out in such numbers for the mussed up? lipstick on collar? You :pur Mixer after the game Friday udoubtedly would think of more in hat it made almost a record crowd. two minutes than you ever have in Cleaning of All Kinds Malts Milkshakes 'he llissoula Spurs and Bearpaws a two hour test. 1.ade it an inter-school affair. Music .U you were not a whistler this CALL 185 ~as furnished by the "best danc.e or- week, smile; if you were run to the The kind you eat with a spoon hestra in school," the Varsity Sex- office of the nearest dean and get a All orders over 50c deli vered ette. Chaperoning this first Spur brand new unused copy of Emily ance of the quarter were Miss Laird, Post. City Dye Works Ir,, Howard, and Miss Bancroft. By cay of variety, the stag line divided DUTCH MILL be floor lengthwise rather than rosswise. Just one of those little ~ings that rnnke life more interesting. Best Meals Schlechten !Jean Kelly Asks For In Town Vew Ideas For HSW Studio Dean Kelly asks that students with Dokken Funeral Home leas for the High School Week pro­ COME I AND pause more if you add the re­ rams relative to their departments SEE US freshment af ice-cold Coca-Cola. et in touch with the department WE Its taste never fails to please, cads and try to work the ideas up so and it brings a refreshed feel­ hat they may be used. Any of the DEVELOP ing you will like. So when you ommittee members will be glad to pause throughout the day, make nswer questions. Student Chairman Bill's YOUR ' Eddie Kimball, Assistant Student it the pavse that refreshes with YOU TASTE ITS QUALITY ice-cold Coco-Cola. 'hairman is Mildred McKinley, and I S1 APSHOTS he faculty members are Mr. Mills, Grill fr. Schilling, Mr. Iverson, Mrs. Han· IT'S THE BEST VALUE IN TOWN Botded under authority of Tbe oca-CoJa Company b7 on and Dean Kelly. Bozeman Coca-Cola Bottling Company THE MONTANA EXPONENT Tuesday. January 28, l PAGE 4 M Club To Hold State U Co JS MSC Skiers Top University Delegation Mexican Government Shows Speedy Forward Annual Ring and Two Games To In Duel Meet Held At Bear Canyon Mat Tourney Desire To Rid Herself Of Montana State University ski team The M Club will hold its annual went down to defeat by the bands of boxing and ,nestling tournament on Cinch Crown )Iontana State College skiers at Bear Anti"American Elements February fifth and seventh. Each Canyon Saturday afternoon in a dual Intra-Mural year the lettermen sponsor this tour­ meet. Final tean1 scores were MSC By ACP nament to help form the boxing and Cats Lose Title 1377 and ~ISU 1460. The top three The intramural Foul Shooting ln the United State , says the l\Ianitou Messenger at St. Olaf wrestling squad which meet.~ the Mon­ contestants in each event scored and test, played off January 21, was college, an egg thrown at a presidential candidate rates the head­ tana State University team. The win­ Hopes In Free the team with the lowest total of ped by the Sigma Chi's who led lines in all newspapers. In Mexico the incident probably would ners of the events in the M Club tour­ Throw Failures seconds emerged the victor. In the 137 points. Their nearest oppon ha\·e been dismissed immediately because of the thrower's inac­ ney are the men chosen for member­ two e\'enls run off MSC scored 633 were the S. A. E.'s with 122, fol!o ship on the Bobcat representation. point in the slalom and 744 in the curacy. In two close games here Friday and by the Kappa Sig's who finished Wbich i· by way introducing a collegiate discussion of United All the men interested in entering down hill compared to the :\.ISU 's to­ third place w"ith 112. Each team the two day tou1·ney should be getting Saturday, Montana University clin­ tal of 71,1.1; in the slalom and 745.5 in tates relations with the neighbor to the south. With few ex­ ched the state basketball crown for composed of ten men who were gi ceptions, the view of undergraduate editorialists is skeptical, re­ in shape for as in past years the man the down hill. Kent 0 1Kelly, :;kier 25 shots apiece. mos t likely to win is the one in the another season with wins over the for }Jontana State College, suffered ·embling in tone the recent observation of the Daily Nebraskan: Montana State College Bobcats, 47- The results of best shape. Also medals will be an injury to his back during the down were: "Mexico, long suspected of being a hotbed of fascist sentinment awarded to the various ,vinners 0£ the 42 and 60-48. Jiggs Dnhlherg pre­ hill race but left the hospital the fol­ 1. Sigma Chi _ and fifth column activity, evidences WHAT SEEMS TO BE a sin­ bouts during the tournament. Letters sented a veteran outfit which, though lowing day. cere desire to rid herself of anti-American elements. AT LEAST out-played by Brick Breeden's sopho­ 2. Sigma Alpha may also be won by the members of Kirby Whitham of the State College 3. Kappa Sigma OFFICIAL l\IEXICO. l'<'NOUNCES SUCH A POLICY. The Mex­ the boxing and wrestling squad should more-junior combination, proved de­ team won first place in both events pendable in the tight spot.s and better 4. Lambda Chi Alpha ...... ican declaration of fact and policy is heartening. A large country, they emerge victors in their bouts of t he meet which put him in the 5. Alpha Gamma Rho ____ .... _ .. with the MSU battlers. shots from the free throw line. limelight as the number one skier for and one so close to our own, ;\lexico would be a powder-horn of 6. Phi Sigma Kappa ...... _. The Grizzly Gold-Dust twi ns, Jones the day. Kirby ran the slalom course revolt against western world peace if its government became in­ 7. Pi Kappa Alpha ...... - ._ and DeGroot, were the guiding stars twice in the total time of 3 :22.6 and 8. Men's Co-op .. .. _.. ... - ...... timidated to fascist influence." Twenty-Four Enroll Jinx Anderson of_ Lethbridge, Can- for the University team, getting 30 dropped down the downhill course in Another mid western publication, +------­ In Amateur Radio ada, ha~ developed mto one of Coach points be.tween them Friday night and 1 :15. Menzel of the Sigma Chi rated the Daily Kansan, is similarly far "l\Iany veteran observers,'' the Br:eden ~ most ~epe~dable players. A 129 counters in Saturdays game. For The time::1 in the slalom race were: dividual high scoring honors ma from convinced. "~fexican politics Daily Iowan joins in, 1'recall w'ith no Course Held Here ~wck thmk~r'. Jmx 1s. adept at meet- the Bobcats, Jack Brickley turned in Kirby Whitham, MSC, 3:22.5; Bill 13 out of 15 attempts. Olson o! being what they are," observes the pleasure a ule..""Cican action which fore­ mg all .c~nd1t1ons durmg a game, and two of his best games, counting 24 Downs, MSC, 3:34; Hank Hibbard, Co-ops, Thompson of the S. A. E Kansan, "it is somewhat difficult to closed on property held by American Twenty-four students turned out as a willing student of the game has points in the two games and holding ;\!SC, 3::l6.5; Holl, University, 3:55.6; Teigen of the Alpha Gamma·• swaUow the recent explanation by oil companies in Mexico." It would last Friday, January 24, at five bee~ one. of Brick's most b~illiant DeGroot down to but seven points ?ttman, Unive~sity, 3:57. The. times shared second, third and fourth pl President Cardenas that refusal to be well, for the furthernnce of good o'clock, to enroll in the amateur radio pu~1ls. Jinx has yet to hi t his full Saturday night. m the downhill race were: Kirby wi th 11 points each. relations, says the Iowan, "to establish stride in a game and fans and Coach gro.nt concessions to the Japanese was course sponsored by the Zeta chapter The Bruins got off to a flying start Whitham, ~!SC, l :15; Hall Univer-1 based on 'continental solidarity-'." some kind of solidarity on this score, of Rho Epsilon, national amateur ra­ are cugerly waiting for the moment Friday night with Jones and DeGroot sit:!,r, 1:17; Ottman, University, J :21.5. As the midway mark is rapidly preferably a just one for the oil com­ dio fraternity. The officers of the when he does. looping long shots and converting free Adolph Peterson set the courses proaching in the lnterfrate panies." organization explained the purpose of throws. The Grizzlies lead consisent­ '.or the tournament and the timer and / bowling !:ague, the AGR and Si More willing to accept Me."t.ico's de­ the course and passed out lesson mat­ ly throughout the first half, holding Judge or the ski team was Dean o:C Chi nre t1ed for first place each claration of good faith is the Indiana erial. Mr. Fiedler, associate profes­ Montana State Ski a 23-20 advnatage at the rest period. Men Marvin Kelly. The downhill 3 "~ns and no defeats. The AGR Daily Student, which feels that Mex­ sor of electricnl engineering, empha­ The second half wns a sharp re­ course was approximately 4,000 feet last years defending champions.. see ico has "ans~·ered her critics in a way sized the value of an amateur license versal of form, with the Bobcats soon ,~ with a drop of 1,300 feet. The Ito have another fine team this y .. to stifle even the most bitter. Her Team Will Receive ~t;J to the engineering graduate, particu­ gaining a 30-30 deadlock, and alter­ slalom course was about 1 500 feet and are in a very good position action is a commendable example of larly electrical engineers desiring em­ nating the lead often, with only small with a drop of about 800 feet.' A short re.tain the title for another year, I, attempts by South and Central Ameri­ ployment in the communications field. Awards This Season margins sepnrating the t eams at any wave radio was used in starting the will have_ to ward off the threat of can countries to mold the. Western He also explained that the Army and time. However, DeGroot iced the downhill run. The snow was quite icy strong Sigma Chi squad bidding f Hemisphere into a 'united front' again­ Navy need radio operators, and that Members of the Montana State Col­ game in the last three minutes with making the race a fast and a danger- a share of the title. The SAE's ous one. not to be counted out yet either st alJ interlopers." if a radio amateur is drafted he will lege Ski team will receive letters this three field goals and a free toss. be gent at once to radio school with The team for the college at this they ha,·e almost the same squad " Why the United States should year. Skiing was recognized &?. a Taking the floor for the second excellent opportunities for increased tournament was: Whitham O'Kelly last year which finished second tot transfer four destroyers to Mexico in­ minor sport last year. This year mem­ game Saturday night. the Cats looked pay and valuable engineering experi­ D 1.H\"TIS, Hibbard, and Willia~son. Th~ AGR's and were beaten by the cham stead of using them itself to patrol bers of the ski team that have won like a new team and jumped into a 6-0 ence. ski team will compete in tournaments by only one pin in their game to d Mexican waters is not clear. It is points in official ski tournaments will lead in the first two minutes. Ander­ ~ IF YOU GIVE HER which have been arranged, almos~ termi~e the champion. Here are t ~~ obvious who will profit by the ex­ Regular classes are no"' being held be awarded letters. son and Brickley more than kept pace change of officers. And the United each day at five o'clock, Monday every week end during the winter standings to date. : Skiing is becoming as popular as with the University shot,...makers and States should think several times be­ through Friday. The main feature of quarter and two or three meets during t 9nrn£~ any sport on the campus and in a the Breeden-men left the floor a 27-22 Won fore mechanizing the army of a coun­ the class will be instruction in the the spring quarter. little while a girl's ski team will be leader. try whose immediate history is satu­ International Morse code, with prep­ Sigma Chi ···- __ --...... ____ 3 : UNUSUAL picked to compete in different tourna- The Grizzlies turned a refreshed rated with blood violently shed. In aration for the Federal Communica­ )tontana State College Ski Club AGR .. -.... 3 ... _, _.. _ .. 2 E CHOCOI/1.TES J fact, ''the University of Michigan edi­ tions Commission examination in radio ments. team loose in the second half and will hold an important meeting AE IN A RID SA TIN OR GOLD KS torialist believes," great care should theory, and radio rules and regula­ The Athletic Department of Mon- their rally in the early port of the I Thursday afternoon at 5 :00, room ---... 2 FOIL HEART FEBRUARY 14 be taken in planning the whole gen­ tions. Ii the student can attend four tana State College has appropriated period. coupled with the loss of Hall 141 Student Union building. All PSK ... - ...... _.l eral co-operation with Mexico. Mex­ $~50 to the ki Team for the year on fouls for )lontana State College PKA . .... - .... -- 1 or more classes per week, it will be members should be there. Any­ LXA __ _ ico has had a particularly turbulent possible to complete the course in six 19.11. This money will be used to de- 1 was a big factor in their champion- 1 one interested in joining the club ...... - ...... _ ...... 0 ,,..,1.oc,..u.00. history, and one can only speculate on to eight weeks. It is not too late to fray the cost of tournaments and trips ship clinching victory. is welcome to come. lndepend ...... _ ...... - - .. O t f.cill H.om Sl.50-U.OO • s.tln Heorh : $2...50.$5.00 • Othen ffo'" .SO< t. $2.00 her future course. Not that Mexico start. Come to tonight's class at five made by the ski team. 10<. Oet.•W. H..m fw Sat.II fry. : E is likely to turn totalit.arian or be o'clock, Room 317, Engineering build­ ~ E. J. POETIER Drug Co. especially dangerous if she did; but ing. the United States does not have sur­ Where well groomed men E l\lont. : \:, Boze.man, 3 plus funds and war materials to give Join the Army of Red Cross Relief get that well groomed lo k to nations of fluctuating political smokers like yourself who enioy · ~ positions." Work Gets Support Jenl.-ins' Baxter Hotel Barber hop Exponent meeting Wednesday Supplies for the Red Cross Relief Professional at 5. work have been slow in arriving but should be here soon. The playroom I,------­ Directory in the basement of Bnrkin.s Bouse FOR SLEIGH RIDING is the general supply room for the FUNERAL DffiECTORS campus. All girls who would like to Call 098-J-2 Chesterfleld·s No, they are not participate in this work please see Leonard Jacobs Emil H. Dahl Dean Harrison or Mrs. Durkin. In­ MILDER, BETTER TASTE Eldon H. Dahl NEW SHOES structions will be given to those who At ash Ranch do not already know bow to knit. 31 So. Willson Ave. I hod invisi ble half soles Phone 240 put on and new heel lifts, DENTISTS at SHA W'S Shoe Service. CANDY - CIGARETTE,S THE ______MAGAZINES and FRESH Dr. Harvey Fearn He gave them a shine al­ POP CORN 302 Commercial Bank Building so. They do look like ARCADE new. DOCTORS Lunches SHAW'S SHOE SERVICE WHITE'S 115 E. llla.in mul Bowling Dr. W. E. Dean 119 E. Main

io8 Commercial Bank Building

Drs. Sabo & Eneboe 215 Commercial Bank Building "Men, Get In On This" henext time you buy cigarettes ask for Chesterfield ... HAVE YOUR and join the army of Sati fie d $17.45 smokers all over America who TUXES OVER 100 SUITS OF REAL QUALITY are getting Real moking Pleas• AND . $25.00 to $35.00 values. ure from Chesterfield's Milder, An opportumty to dress up at a price you can well afford. Cooler, Better Taste. FORMALS Some good $5.00 to $6.00 $2 S CLEANED BY US. Slacks and Trousers at only • 9 WE TAKE SPECIAL CARE OF YOUR Seme Good Buys In O,cJords $3.95 $5.00 and $5.50 values. GAR:l!E 'TS OUR SHIRT SALE IS 1N PROGRESS Eagle $2.00 values $1.25 $2.50 values $1.45 while they last. Cleaners and Hatters The Sport Shop Fone 233 Opposite Post Office HUGH MIKE