Montana Exponent Z-397
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Montana Exponent Z-397 \'OLlJ)fE XXXII Number 14 R. M. I. P. A. Convention Alpha Gamma Delta Phi Kappa Phi Ma~y Friends Mourn Bobcats Begin Title Defense Presents Stefan Pl O en Unnmely Death Of A • C I d C )) Proves Successful For Bardas In Concert _ans . p Mary Ann Mitchell ga1nst O ora O O ege . D1scuss1ons H F .d And S d Large Delegation Here wi~te::\!:~::~/~~edc:::e:~ t;n~~~ ar~::~e~orM~tc~=~· M~:~i~:\::: ere fl ay atur ay Alpha Gamma Delta sorority Febru- Ask For Good w ill schools died after a short illness. She ary 2, in the Student Union building, had been ill with influenza during the Montana's Bobcats go to the wars this weekend against Colo Nearly 100 student editors and business managers from 14 it was announced. The proceeds will And Participation holidays which she spent at the home colleges in the inter-mountain area attended the 19th annual con go towards the national Alpha Gamma of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred rado College for their first conference tilt of the season. In quest ference of the Rocky Mountain Intercollegiate Press association Delta camp fund for underprivileged Of Community of their fourth title in five years the Cats engage the Coloradoans held at l\Iontana State college January 16, 17 and 18 with mem chlidre.n. on their home court to start the string of eight consecutiYe confer At a. time like this, when the bers of the staffs of student publications at i\Iontana State being Bardas has been associated with ence battles. After the C. C. Skirmish, the MSC basketeers en agencies of civilized life are be gage Western State and Greeley State on the la.tters home courts, hosts. the Carroll college music department ing tested by new techniques of All an-angements for the conference were in charge of Lloyd since October, 1939 and arrived iu suppression a.nd disruption, t he and then close their conference slat and sea.son home games against the United States a year before that. Schmitt of Stanford, editor of the l\Iontanan, college yearbook, purposes of such an organization Colorado Mines on February 21st a.nd 22nd. He is a graduate of the Conservatory as the Honor Society of Phi -------------• a.nd manager of the convention. Bernard Haley of Bozeman, of Music in Berlin and studied in The C. C. Tigers come to Boze editor of the Exponent, college weekly pa.per, and president of Kappa Phi gain fresh signifi Rome with Arthur Schnabel and Ig cance. Student Senate Will man with a not too impressive con the press association, presided at the conference sessions. nas Ile has given concerts ference record. Winning their first in most of the leading capitals of Phi Kappa Phi believes in the In the election of officers on the• power of knowledge, and in the game 52 to 38 against Western State, final day, Dick Romney of Utah State Europe and was featured over a na Sponsor Matinee value of all activities by which the Tigers then dropped a second Agricultural college was elected presi Ray Lakey and Dean tion-wide broadcast in both the Uni knowledge is discovered and dent, and Charles Harrington of ted States and England. Motion Pictures game 45 to 32. The Greeley Bears Kelly Plan Housing made known. Its central faith also boast 33 to 26 and 37 to 32 ver Butte, managing editor of the )Ion Dr. Riley of Carroll college says of is expressed by a phrase in its tana Exponent was chosen "-;ce presi- Standards of student housing are Bardas, "He has an extraorclinarily constitution - "the unity and On Sunday February 2, the Student dicts over the Colorado College quin denL Charles Watt.s of Colorado Uni- being worked out by Dean Kelly with thorough knowledge of his field and democracy of education." It Senate will sponsor a matinee featur tet. versity was named conference mana- the assistance of Ray Lakey. An at the ability to electrify an audience believes in the liberating in ing two motion picture films. The However, the visitors aren't to be ger and his school will be the scene tempt is being made to find out what into complete sympathy and under. fluence of education upon the in first of these two is the background taken lightly. Their team isn't parti of the 1941 (October) convention. Dir- kind of living conditions and stand standing of his musical ideas." dividual in the energy for social and organization that Fred Waring cularly big, but it's fast and alert ectors elected were: Dick Kenny of ards are being maintained at the var good whlich education, properly insists on in the production of one of with little Bill Lewis, all-conference Colorado A&M and John Hyer of ious rooming houses around town. conceived, holds within it elf; in his programs. Feature attractions midget, to set a wind·eating pace. Colorado State School oi Mines. Questionnaires are being given to the widest possible spread of are Donna Dea, Patsy Garrett, Three Also Pat Fitzgerald has developed Winners of the major awards were landladies stating the requirements education as the cornerstone of Fellas and Three Gals, Two Bees into a sterling center and the big gun the Utah Chronicle, publication of the for grades "A", "B''i and "C'' rooms. Jan,27 Set As a vital democracy. and a Honey, and Les Paul's String of the C. C. attack. He is among the University of Utah. first place in the Some of the requirements for a grade One means by which the Society Trio. Fred Waring is known and newspaper contest and The Buzzer, leading scorers of the conference with "A" room are: Cross ventilation, sin e>...1Jresses this attitude is through admired for having written a number yearbook of Utah State, first place in Deadline For his 44 points and will bear careful gle twin beds, 2 study tables or a dou election to membership of college of college songs. This film, 'Plea guarding. Other on the squad are the yearbook contest. ble table, and correct reading light for seniors who have distinguished them sure Time' will give you some idea Worth Stimits at forward and Joel Speakers at the conference included each student. selves by high attainment in scholar of how this is done. Defense Class Husted and Tom Pelican, all-confer John Lyman, editor of the Bozeman I . ship and by integrity of character. The second film is titled 'Tobacco Courier; L A Malone, advertising The rt'sults of this invesbgatwn ence football ends, at the guard posts. Students in all branches of learning land, U. S. A.' which was produced by manager of the Bozeman Daily will be announced at a later date. Mitchell, of Anaconda. She had been All but Husted are monogram win The deadline for enrolling in the are eligible for this recogintion, Phi 'March of Time' and depicts the great Chronicle; William Remington of the absent from school since last Monday. ners. Last year Colorado College National Defense Tra1ning course now Kappa Phi being the only honor soc Miss Mitchel1's college activities in story of American tobacco farming. Billing~ Gazette commercial printing/ Will the person who borrowed iety which welcomes members from finished in a tie with Colorado Mines being offered at Montana State col cluded Chi Omega, Delta Phi Delta, You will visit two great southern department; Professor W. P. Brewer, a fountain pen from Lyle Ilens- for second place and still have eight lege under the direction of the state all departments of study in both the Newman Club, WAA, chorus, Mortar universities, and take part in a foot hoad of the college english dept. and leigh at the Montanan dance of their conference battles to play. I department of vocational education arts and the sciences. Board, Ai·t Club, Dramatics (five pro ball rally and game, and an old the Rev. P. Hewison Pollock of Boze- please return it to the Montanan has been extended to January 27, an The Society was founded in 1897 at dutcions), Montanan, "Big Ten", fashioned barbecue. See how your The biggest worry of the Cats is man. office. nounces W. J. Welker, supervisor of the University of Maine, and now has Mother's Day committee, and High cigarettes are made and how our suffering a let down after those two the course. chapters in the United States, includ School Week Committee. Tobaccoland Jives and plays. heartbreaking loses to the MSU Late enrollment is being permitted ing Hawaii and the Philippine Is "Her efficiency and popularity These two films will be shown at the Grizzlies. They had been pointing Thirteen Make "A" Flush As because of student inquiries received lands. The local chapter was founded throughout her one semester of teach Student Union on February 2 at six for those games all season and had since the course started January 13. in 1921, with Dr. Alfred A. Atkinson, ing fulfilled the promise of her dis o'clock. The admission is free to stu reached a peak and now must rt,tain The course itself is part of the nat then president of Montana State co l tinguished career in college,'' said dents and the faculty; and the Stu that form to make a successful de Honor Roll Announced ional effort to train rural youth to fit lege, as the first chapter prasident. Superintendent A. L. Kadlec of the dent Senate extends a cordial invita fense of their title.