REPORTS of FAMILY LAW Seventh Series/Septi`Eme S´Erie Recueil De Jurisprudence En Droit De La Famille VOLUME 67 (Cited 67 R.F.L
REPORTS OF FAMILY LAW Seventh Series/Septi`eme s´erie Recueil de jurisprudence en droit de la famille VOLUME 67 (Cited 67 R.F.L. (7th)) EDITOR-IN-CHIEF/REDACTEUR´ EN CHEF Philip Epstein, Q.C., L.S.M. Epstein Cole LLP, Toronto, Ontario ASSOCIATE EDITORS/REDACTEURS´ ADJOINTS Aaron Franks, B.COMM., LL.B., M.B.A. Melanie Kraft, LL.B. Roslyn Tsao, LL.B. Ilana Zylberman, LL.B. Epstein Cole LLP, Toronto, Ontario David C. Day, Q.C. E.F. Anthony Merchant, Q.C., B.A., Lewis, Day LL.B., D.ADMIN. St. John’s, Newfoundland Merchant Law Group Regina, Saskatchewan Donald M. Hendy, B.C.L. Harold Niman, B.A., LL.B. Hendy, Greenberg Niman Zemans Gelgoot Montr´eal, Qu´ebec Toronto, Ontario Marie L. Gordon, Q.C. Andrew J. Freedman, CA•IFA, Gordon Zwaenepoel CBV, ASA Edmonton, Alberta Duff & Phelps Toronto, Ontario CARSWELL EDITORIAL STAFF/REDACTION´ DE CARSWELL Cheryl L. McPherson, B.A.(HONS.) Director, Primary Content Operations Andrea Benjamin, M.A., J.D. Product Development Manager Nicole Ross, B.A., LL.B. Julia Fischer, B.A.(HONS.), LL.B. Supervisor, Legal Writing Supervisor, Legal Writing Martin-Fran¸cois Parent, LL.B., LL.M., Susan Koster, B.A.(HONS.), LL.B. DEA (PARIS II) Lead Legal Writer Bilingual Legal Writer Rachel Bernstein, B.A.(HONS.), J.D. Annie Chan, B.A. Lead Legal Writer Content Editor REPORTS OF FAMILY LAW, a national series of topical law reports, is Recueil de jurisprudence en droit de la famille, une s´erie nationale de published twice monthly. Subscription rate is $448.00 per bound volume in- recueils de jurisprudence, est publi´e deux fois par mois.
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