2014-2015 OFFICIAL VISITOR & RELOCATION GUIDE WINSTON-SALEM NORTH CAROLINA ® WWW.VISITWINSTONSALEM.COM 1 every visit should begin at old salem. It has since 1766. No trip to Winston-Salem is complete without a visit to Old Salem Museums & Gardens. Experience the beautiful simplicity of life in the early South brought to life through storytelling, original buildings, and artifacts. Old Salem Museums & Gardens features over 1oo acres of historically restored buildings and landscapes, two world-class museums – the Historic Town of Salem and the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts – award-winning heirloom gardens, and hands-on activities and events for the entire family. Visit oldsalem.org • (336)721-735o Winston-Salem, North Carolina We’re nationally ranked in 12 specialties, but our real specialty is caring for you. NATIONALLY RANKED IN: For the twenty-first year in a row, U.S. News & World Report has named Wake Forest Baptist Cancer Medical Center one of the nation’s best hospitals. We’re the only hospital in the Triad and in Cardiology & Heart Surgery western North Carolina to be ranked nationally. And we’re one of only twenty-one hospitals in Diabetes & Endocrinology the country to be ranked in twelve or more specialties. But our real specialty is caring for patients Ear, Nose & Throat as if they were our own family. That’s how our physicians, nurses, researchers and staff fulfill our Gastroenterology & GI Surgery mission to care and to cure, every day. For more information on our nationally recognized care or Geriatrics to make an appointment with a world-class physician, call 336-716-WAKE or visit WakeHealth.edu. Gynecology Nephrology Neurology & Neurosurgery Orthopedics Pulmonology To make an appointment, call 888-716-WAKE Urology or visit WakeHealth.edu A Mission to Care. A Mission to Cure. UNCSA01_pr_allschool_VisitWSGuide_7.25x9.5_0314.pdf 1 3/6/14 1:14 PM Your passion today. DANCE DESIGN & PRODUCTION Your profession tomorrow. with high school Visual Arts Program C DRAMA M Training talented students, from high school to graduate school, in the performing, visual and moving image arts to be professional artists. FILMMAKING Y Presenting more than 300 public performances and screenings annually. MUSIC CM MY CY CMY K Photography by Peter Mueller, Steve Davis and Leftwich Photography WWW.UNCSA.EDU [email protected] 336-770-3290 [email protected] 336-721-1945 Winston-Salem, NC Welcome to Winston-Salem, Your Southern Wake-up Call! hether your travels bring you to Winston-Salem for business or Contents leisure, we invite you to explore our vibrant city and discover why we are 4 A CITY FOR ALL SEASONS a City of Arts and Innovation. We are proud of Winston-Salem and how it has grown toW be an area known for its diverse economy and dynamic 8 HISTORY & HERITAGE arts scene, while embracing our rich historic roots. Now we are also pleased to be known as the gateway to the HISTORY, CULTURE Yadkin Valley — North Carolina’s largest wine region. 10 We designed this Visitor Guide as a helpful resource & CULINARY to kick-start your stay. We’ve included detailed directories of hotels and attractions, and we’ve compiled a 14 ARTS & THEATRE comprehensive calendar of destination-de ning festivals and annual events to assist you when planning your visit. To learn more about Winston-Salem, we invite you 15 ATTRACTIONS to stop by our Winston-Salem Visitor Center — open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and seasonally on Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Browse through 23 DOWNTOWN dozens of informational brochures from spectacular area attractions, pick up regional travel guides and chat with FROM VINE TO WINE our knowledgeable Visitor Center information specialists. 26 If you are interested in learning more about our dining scene, get a copy of the Visit Winston-Salem Wine and Dine Guide. is guide is a handy, comprehensive 32 SPORTS & RECREATION directory of restaurants, nightlife spots and Yadkin Valley wineries, making it a perfect companion to the Visitor Guide. 34 SHOPPING For additional information, please call us toll-free at 866.728.4200, e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our website VisitWinstonSalem.com, as it is also 38 ANNUAL EVENTS an excellent resource for you while planning, and even booking, your stay in Winston-Salem. ACCOMMODATIONS Please let us know how we can help make your visit 44 with us a spectacular one. 52 GETTING HERE 54 RELOCATION 3 WWW.VISITWINSTONSALEM.COM A CITY FOR ALL seasons e Historic Gardens In Winston-Salem, spring showers bring gorgeous garden blooms, one of Spring the nation’s largest Easter sunrise services and an international fi lm festival. ow do you know spring has vegetable to container gardening. begins hours before sunrise. At 2 a.m. sprung in Winston-Salem? Developed in the early 1900s, Reynolda on Easter Sunday, bands from Salem If the peony tree in Old Gardens boasts 125 acres of woodlands, Congregation play throughout the city to Salem’s Levering Garden is elds and wetlands, plus a four-acre formal awaken citizens and remind them of the day’s blooming, you’re in luck. garden and 1913 greenhouse. Springtime religious signi cance. e bands make their Old Salem’s gardens date back to 1766. owers here include azaleas and lilies, way back to Home Moravian Church, where HToday, visitors can tour and admire bushes of and May is prime time for blooms in thousands gather at sunrise. fragrant rosemary, white fences covered with the East Rose Garden. Another must for e RiverRun International Film Festival Carolina yellow Jessamine, Cherokee roses, springtime visitors: the rose garden at (April 17-26, 2015) is one of the city’s most dainty violets and more. Take home a piece historic Tanglewood Park, where Hybrid popular events. is annual fest screens more of Old Salem’s gardens during the Heirloom Tea, Floribunda and Shrub roses ourish. than 100 feature and short lms from across Plant Sale (April – September). In nearby Kernersville, the seven-acre Paul the world. Each year, RiverRun awards a Many of the city’s other gardens have deep J. Ciener Botanical Garden boasts the area’s Master of Cinema tribute to an outstanding roots, too. Nestled in Historic Bethabara largest spring ower bulb display. actor or lmmaker, and more than 50 Park is their Medicine Garden, the oldest Easter Sunday may be the uno cial start entertainment industry professionals gather well—documented medical herb garden to spring, but there’s nothing uno cial about in Winston-Salem for the event. RiverRun, in the country dating back to 1761, along the way Winston-Salem celebrates. A local one of the country’s fastest-growing regional with one of the nation’s only known colonial tradition since 1772, the Easter Sunrise lm fests, also features lm premieres, family community gardens. e park’s Spring Service (Sunday, April 5, 2015) at Old matinees, post-screening Q&As, panel Garden Lecture Series covers topics from Salem’s Home Moravian Church actually discussions, parties and more. 4 WWW.VISITWINSTONSALEM.COM Summerhe city hosts two back-to-back Foothills Brewing (their crisp Carolina Children’s Museum o ers hands-on fun with wine festivals: North Carolina Blonde is a great summer beer). Enroll in exhibits like the outdoor KALEIDOSCAPE. Wine Festival (May 23, “Beer School” to learn about their brewing is vividly-colored crocheted, climbing 2015) and Salute! e North process, tour the brewery, and sample all wonder is the rst in the U.S. by artist Carolina Wine Celebration their suds. Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam. (May 30, 2015). e NC Wine Fest brings What better way to spend a summer In the City of Arts & Innovation, art Tmore than 30 local wineries and live music night than at the ball eld? Downtown’s galleries and museums abound. Spend a to Tanglewood Park, while Salute! takes BB&T Ballpark, home to the minor league leisurely afternoon browsing the modern over downtown Winston-Salem with food Winston-Salem Dash, features reworks after o erings at Southeastern Center for and wine pairings by local chefs, cooking every Friday game. Splurge a little and book Contemporary Arts (SECCA). demonstrations and more. a climate-controlled luxury suite for you and Down the street, Reynolda House Museum If these two wine festivals leave you 30 of your closest friends. of American Art hosts weekly Cinema Under thirsting for more, it’s just a 20-minute drive Playing indoors can be just as much fun. the Stars each August. Watch classic movies to Yadkin Valley wine country. Cool o by All ages will enjoy a trip to SciWorks, named under starlight while picnicking on the lawn sipping vino in a barrel room at many of the one of the country’s top 25 kids’ science of this historic 1917 estate. area’s more than 35 wineries. museums by Parents magazine. Relish the Back downtown, try a cold-one at cool, starry stillness of the Planetarium. e Summertime in Winston-Salem means long, sunny days with lots of ways to play outdoors. Want to beat the heat? There are plenty of ways to do that, too! Winston-Salem surrounded by natural beauty Home of the Winston-Salem Dash Old Salem Downtown Winston-Salem Festival 5 As temperatures fall and the air turns crisp, celebrate Fall autumn’s arrival with these events and activities. hen Moravians before heading to Winkler Bakery for a slice Fall also means the Dixie Classic Fair (October arrived in Bethabara of apple-spice pound cake. 3 – 12, 2014). A crowd pleaser for more than Park in 1753, they ere are plenty of other places around 130 years, the 10-day event o ers everything immediately planted Winston-Salem to check out fall foliage, from deep-fried Oreos to apple trees.
1 Wait Chapel/Divinity and 48 Tennis Courts Religious Studies Building 49 Polo Road Gate Winston-Salem 2 Efird Residence Hall 50 University Parkway Gatehouse First Church REYNOLDA PARKINGCAMPUS MAPMAP 3 Taylor Residence Hall 51 Reynolda Road Gatehouse Parking Only Bookstore, Campus Grounds 52 Miller Center Z5 4 Davis Residence Hall 52A Shah Basketball Complex Subway 53 Porter B. Byrum 5 Reynolda Hall Welcome Center Cafeteria 54 South Residence Hall Parking Legend Magnolia Room 56 Dance Studio Z2 6 Benson University Center 59 The Barn General Parking* Pugh Auditorium, Food Court, 60 Farrell Hall *Evening Permits after 4 p.m. Shorty's, Post Office 61 Dogwood Residence Hall To US 52 Z3 Mon.-Fri., all day on weekends 7 Z. Smith Reynolds Library 61A WakerSpace Starbucks 62 Magnolia Residence Hall 7A Wilson Wing 63 North Campus Dining Z4 Faculty/Staff Parking 8 Olin Physical Laboratory 64 McCreary Field House 9 Salem Hall 65 Sutton Sports Performance Employee Off-Campus 10 Winston Hall Center Parking Only 11 Luter Residence Hall 12 Babcock Residence Hall ad W Freshman Lot 13 Tribble Hall olo Ro P i n 14 Johnson Residence Hall g 27 15 Bostwick Residence Hall Need supplemental a Sophomore Parking 49 t University decal to park e 16 Collins Residence Hall 41 R Police 17 Facilities Management Soccer d Reserved Parking 18 Carswell Hall Z1 Practice Field 42 . Dr. schal W3 U 19 Manchester Athletic Center Pa n Off-Campus Parking (OC) Pruitt Football Center iv 19A 26 W4 e 20 Calloway Center 26B r 34 si 20A Manchester Hall 25 26A ty Visitor/Authorized Off 43 W2 Water P 20B Kirby Hall R2 a Campus Employee Parking 21 WF Wellbeing Center Tower rk Reynolds Gymnasium w Carroll Weathers Dr.
{Salem Academy} MAGAZINE 2009 SALEM ACADEMY Magazine Susan E. Pauly SALEM ACADEMY President Karl J. Sjolund Head of School Vicki Williams Sheppard C’82 ALUMNAE: Vice President of Institutional Advancement Alumnae Office ONLINE Megan Ratley C’06, Director of Academy Alumnae Relations COMMUNITY Published by the Office of Communications and Public Relations In the coming months we will be implementing Jacqueline McBride, Director Ellen Schuette, Associate Director an online community for all Academy Contributing Writers: Karl Sjolund, Lucia Uldrick, Wynne Overton, alumnae to use through the school website: Megan Ratley, Lorie Howard, . Rose Simon, Ellen Schuette and www.salemacademy.com Mary Lorick Thompson After logging in with a unique username and Designer: Carrie Leigh Dickey C’00 Photography: Alan Calhoun, Allen password, alumnae will be able to submit and Aycock. Class reunion photos by read class notes, submit bio updates, register Snyder Photography. for reunion weekend and other events, as The Salem Academy Magazine is pub- well as many other exciting things. lished by Salem Academy, 500 East Salem Avenue, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101. Please check back often and contact the Alumnae This publication is mailed to alumnae, Office with any questions or comments! faculty, staff, parents and friends of Salem. Salem Academy welcomes qualified Megan Ratley C’06 students regardless of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, religion or dis- Salem Academy ability to all the rights, privileges, pro- Director of Alumnae Relations grams and activities of this institution. 336/721-2664 For additional information about any programs or events mentioned in this publications, please write, call, email or visit: Alumnae Office Salem Academy SAVE THE DATE: 500 East Salem Avenue Winston-Salem, NC 27101 336/721-2664 REUNION Email: [email protected] Website: www.salemacademy.com WEEKEND On the cover: The Salem Academy graduating class of 2009.
Old Salem Historic District Design Review Guidelines
Old Salem Historic District Guide to the Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) Process and Design Review Guidelines PREFACE e are not going to discuss here the rules of the art of building “Was a whole but only those rules which relate to the order and way of building in our community. It often happens due to ill-considered planning that neighbors are molested and sometimes even the whole community suffers. For such reasons in well-ordered communities rules have been set up. Therefore our brotherly equality and the faithfulness which we have expressed for each other necessitates that we agree to some rules and regulation which shall be basic for all construction in our community so that no one suffers damage or loss because of careless construction by his neighbor and it is a special duty of the Town council to enforce such rules and regulations. -From Salem Building” Regulations Adopted June 1788 i n 1948, the Old Salem Historic District was subcommittee was formed I established as the first locally-zoned historic to review and update the Guidelines. district in the State of North Carolina. Creation The subcommittee’s membership of the Old Salem Historic District was achieved included present and former members in order to protect one of the most unique and of the Commission, residential property significant historical, architectural, archaeological, owners, representatives of the nonprofit and cultural resources in the United States. and institutional property owners Since that time, a monumental effort has been within the District, and preservation undertaken by public and private entities, and building professionals with an nonprofit organizations, religious and educational understanding of historic resources.
III Marine Expeditionary Force and Marine Corps Bases Japan December 15, 2006 www.okinawa.usmc.mil Marines, sailors jump through Ie Shima sky Lance Cpl. Terence L. Yancey OKINAWA MARINE STAFF IE SHIMA — Marines and sailors from 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion joined Combat Logistics Regiment 3’s Air Delivery Platoon to take advantage of one of the last parachute oppor- tunities of the year, jumping onto Ie Shima Dec. 5. Both units have missions that re- quire parachute training throughout the year, and they used the training Finding to familiarize new Marines with the SF-10A parachute, the parachute fielded by most special operations units and the entire Marine Corps. the spirit At the U.S. Army Airborne School, Marines train with the older model Holiday parade lights up Kinser T-10 parachute. Two-year-old William Figueroa holds up a piece of candy thrown out by Marines on a float in the Camp For many of the Marines, the jump Kinser Christmas Parade Dec. 8. SEE STORY ON PAGE 10. Photo by Lance Cpl. David Rogers was their first with the SF-10A, ac- cording to 1st Lt. Dan Hinkson, the platoon’s officer-in-charge. The jump- ers are required to have three training jumps with it before being able to use Marines provide ‘Goodwill’ to Philippines it in an operational capacity. “The amount of time it takes Lance Cpl. Juan D. Alfonso to complete the transition varies OKINAWA MARINE STAFF depending on the opportunities,” Hinkson said. “Sometimes all three CAMP HANSEN — Though the event has been jumps can be completed in one day, planned for months, after four typhoons hammered but these jumpers might not get their the Republic of the Philippines recently, III Marine next jump until (Exercise) Balikatan Expeditionary Brigade’s Operation Goodwill comes (in February).” at an opportune time to provide support to the dam- All jump-status units in the mili- aged country, organizers of the effort said Dec.
BUILDING Bridges to a Better Economy Viewfinder Ll 2007 Fa Eastthe Magazine of East Carolina University
2007 LL fa EastThe Magazine of easT Carolina UniversiTy BUILDING BrIDGes to a better economy vIewfINDer 2007 LL fa EastThe Magazine of easT Carolina UniversiTy 12 feaTUres BUilDing BriDges 12 Creating more jobs is the core of the university’s newBy Steve focus Tuttle on economic development. From planning a new bridge to the Outer Banks to striking new partnerships with relocating companies, ECU is helping the region traverse troubled waters. TUrning The PAGE 18 Shirley Carraway ’75 ’85 ’00 rose steadily in her careerBy Suzanne in education Wood from teacher to principal to superintendent. “I’ve probably changed my job every four or five years,” she says. 18 22 “I’m one of those people who like a challenge.” TeaChing sTUDenTs To SERVE 22 Professor Reginald Watson ’91 is determined toBy walkLeanne the E. walk,Smith not just talk the talk, about the importance of faculty and students connecting with the community. “We need to keep our feet in the world outside this campus,” he says. FAMILY feUD 26 As another football game with N.C. State ominouslyBy Bethany Bradsher approaches, Skip Holtz is downplaying the importance of the contest. And just as predictably, most East Carolina fans are ignoring him. DeParTMeNTs froM oUr reaDers 3 The eCU rePorT 4 26 FALL arTs CalenDar 10 BookworMs PiraTe naTion Dowdy student stores stocks books 34 for about 3,500 different courses and expects to move about one million textbooks into the hands of students during the hectic first CLASS noTes weeks of fall semester. Jennifer Coggins and Dwayne 37 Murphy are among several students who worked this summer unpacking and cataloging thousands of boxes of new books.
WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH COUNTY THE CITY OF ARTS AND INNOVATION OUR MISSION WINSTON-SALEM, FORSYTH COUNTY To recruit new businesses to Winston-Salem and Forsyth County, North Carolina. WHERE BUSINESS COMES TO LIFE Winston-Salem is a city of progress. From its origins as an early Moravian settlement The accomplishment of this mission will facilitate growth and economic diversification. nearly 250 years ago and the merger of the towns of Winston and Salem over 100 As new businesses and industries continue to locate in this area, residents will enjoy an years ago, the community has grown to be a center for business and technology in enhanced lifestyle (benefiting from better job opportunities) and expanding services North Carolina and the Southeast. (generated from a broader tax base). Winston-Salem is a primary city of North Carolina’s Piedmont Triad Region— a 12-county area of more than 1.6 million people—representing a significant market A COMMITMENT TO HELP BUSINESS THRIVE and labor resource. From manufacturing facilities to information technologies, WSBI has focused on bringing new companies and their Located in Forsyth County, Winston-Salem has long had a well-established latest technologies to our region. WSBI has assisted 145 industrial base, contributing significantly to North Carolina’s role as a leader in new companies, representing more than $1.7 billion in tax base manufacturing locations. As in many areas of the country, Winston-Salem has seen and 16,592 new jobs. rapid expansion in the service sector, with financial institutions and health care leading WSBI is the only local economic development agency the way.
Solicitation No. # WS14-006 Proposer/Proposer: THIS
Winston-Salem State U niversi ty RFP #WS14-006 Solicitation No. # WS14-006 Proposer/Proposer: THIS PAGE IS TO BE FILLED OUT AND RETURNED WITH YOUR BID FAILURE TO DO SO MAY SUBJECT YOUR BID TO REJECTION ATTENTION Federal Employer Identification Number or alternate identification number (e.g. Social Security Number) is used for internal processing, including bid tabulations. Enter ID number here: Pursuant to N. C. G. S. 132-1 10 (b) this identification number shall not be released to the public. This page will be removed and shredded, or otherwise kept confidential before the procurement file is made available for public inspection. 1 Winston-Salem State U niversi ty RFP #WS14-006 WINSTON SALEM STATE UNIVERSITY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP # TITLE: Exclusive Soft Drink Pouring and Vending Rights Agreement ISSUE DATE: December 19, 2014 OPENING DATE: February 6, 2015 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Winston Salem State University (hereafter referred to as “WSSU” or as the “University”) is submitting this Request for Proposal (RFP) to obtain written responses from interested parties for Exclusive Soft Drink Pouring and Vending Rights at the University. 1.2 Scope of the Project 1.2.1 Project Description Winston Salem State University is seeking an exclusive beverage contract with a nationally recognized beverage company to create a partnership. This partnership includes inclusive soft drink pouring and vending rights. 1.2.2 Objectives The University intends to support institutional programs and goals through the pouring rights royalties and vending commissions provided to the University for the period of the contract.
Listening Patterns – 2 About the Study Creating the Format Groups
SSRRGG PPuubblliicc RRaaddiioo PPrrooffiillee TThhee PPuubblliicc RRaaddiioo FFoorrmmaatt SSttuuddyy LLiisstteenniinngg PPaatttteerrnnss AA SSiixx--YYeeaarr AAnnaallyyssiiss ooff PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee aanndd CChhaannggee BByy SSttaattiioonn FFoorrmmaatt By Thomas J. Thomas and Theresa R. Clifford December 2005 STATION RESOURCE GROUP 6935 Laurel Avenue Takoma Park, MD 20912 301.270.2617 www.srg.org TThhee PPuubblliicc RRaaddiioo FFoorrmmaatt SSttuuddyy:: LLiisstteenniinngg PPaatttteerrnnss Each week the 393 public radio organizations supported by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting reach some 27 million listeners. Most analyses of public radio listening examine the performance of individual stations within this large mix, the contributions of specific national programs, or aggregate numbers for the system as a whole. This report takes a different approach. Through an extensive, multi-year study of 228 stations that generate about 80% of public radio’s audience, we review patterns of listening to groups of stations categorized by the formats that they present. We find that stations that pursue different format strategies – news, classical, jazz, AAA, and the principal combinations of these – have experienced significantly different patterns of audience growth in recent years and important differences in key audience behaviors such as loyalty and time spent listening. This quantitative study complements qualitative research that the Station Resource Group, in partnership with Public Radio Program Directors, and others have pursued on the values and benefits listeners perceive in different formats and format combinations. Key findings of The Public Radio Format Study include: • In a time of relentless news cycles and a near abandonment of news by many commercial stations, public radio’s news and information stations have seen a 55% increase in their average audience from Spring 1999 to Fall 2004.
Becoming-Roller Derby: Women, Sport, and the Affects of Power Author Pavlidis, Adele Published 2013 Thesis Type Thesis (PhD Doctorate) School Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management DOI https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/1342 Copyright Statement The author owns the copyright in this thesis, unless stated otherwise. Downloaded from http://hdl.handle.net/10072/366936 Griffith Research Online https://research-repository.griffith.edu.au Becoming-Roller Derby: Women, Sport, and the Affects of Power Adele Pavlidis BA (Hons) Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management (Gold Coast, Australia) Griffith Business School Griffith University Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy July 2013 ii Abstract This project is centrally concerned with (re)writing and (re)conceptualising a feminist cultural imaginary for sport and physical culture. Focusing on roller derby as a ‘new’ sport played predominantly by women, I examine the various affects in circulation, both on and off the track, and what these affects do. Thinking through affects, I highlight the processes of transformation that women undergo through roller derby and the challenges of sustaining this kind of cultural space into the future. In doing so, I have written of women in their multiplicity, drawing on post-structural conceptualisations of subjectivity and recent socio-cultural theorising of affects. I acknowledge the challenges of women coming together to pursue a shared goal, yet the project is a hopeful one, in which I offer alternatives to reductionist thinking or biological determinism. Conceptualisations of sport and leisure as ‘empowering’ or necessarily ‘resistant’ for women are questioned throughout this thesis.
The Countdown Is on for Carols by Candlelight in 2020
THE COUNTDOWN IS ON FOR CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT IN 2020 With only 50 days until Christmas Eve, the countdown is on for Vision Australia’s beloved Carols by Candlelight from the Sidney Myer Music Bowl. The event is working closely with broadcast partner, Channel Nine, to produce a magical Carols by Candlelight from the Bowl stage for the millions of people who tune in from around the country. A significant part of Australia’s Christmas tradition, this year the event will look a little different with no audience on site due to public health considerations. After working with our stakeholders on the possible options for this year’s event, and using the most up to date public health advice available, Vision Australia has taken the tough decision to change the way this event comes to life. Vision Australia CEO Ron Hooton understands Carols by Candlelight is an event near and dear to so many Australians, but having a healthy and COVID-free Christmas remains the top priority, as well as the safety of the public, its staff and the many volunteers who support the event. ‘In our 83 years this is the only time we’ve had to do this so it’s with the utmost disappointment that we’ve had to make this decision,’ Mr Hooton said. ‘While everyone involved would have loved to have had a crowd this year at Carols by Candlelight, we do urge our loyal fans to still be part of the big night with their family and friends from the comfort of their lounge rooms or backyards.’ Vision Australia’s Carols by Candlelight in Melbourne always attracts Australia’s music theatre’s brightest stars and this year is no exception.