



Chicago Theological Seminary

,, ILL.

1888 -1900

, , .


In all notes, deeds and bequests to the Seminary the full corporate name should be used, namely; "THE B04RD OF DI~ECTORS OF THE CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY," [" . I




~ f LIBRARY ~&D MUSEUM. 31 Hammond Library" 31 Museum of Cllristian Antiquity, 33

BUILDINGS AttD EXPENSES, 35 Location, 35 Buildings, 35 ,Gymnasium, 36 Rooms. 36 Expenses, 36

DEVO'l'IONAL EXERCISES, MISSIONS AND ADDRESSES, 37 Worship, 37 Missions, 37 A New Departure in Missionary Instruction, 37 Occasional Addresses, 38

. bUTLtNE OF COURSES OF INSTRUCTION, 39 Undergraduate, Courses, 39 GJaduate Courses, 52

Physical Culture, ' I, 54

COURSES OF INSTRUCTION FOR FO~EIGN STUDENTS, 55 Course for German. Students. 55 I , Course Ice Danisb-Nor:"'egian Students, 58 Course for SW~dish Students, 60





THE CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY was organized on the 27th of September, 1854, by delegates from Congregational churches in Michigan" Indiana, , Iowa, Wisconsin and Missouri: was incorporated by the State of "Illinois on the r gth of February, 18SS; and began its work on the 6bh of October, 1858. " The founders of the institution gave to it certain characteristic features which were thought necessary to fit it to train men for the needs of the Congregational churches of the Interior. The nature of the work in the growing western churches led them tobreak away from the traditional views regarding theological seminaries and adapt the institution they were founding to the work it had to do. They aimed to put the. seminary "under tlre watch and control of the churches;" to find a e c practical way of training men" for the

ministry, so that students should' not be If educated out of acquaintance and sympathy with the conditions in which they, were to work; ". to give men "unable to go through , yet having had advantages of study, and a heart devoted to the work

and natural gifts therefor It an education for the ministry: to «enlarge, the so that students' sent' forth from this Semi- nary should be fitted for a more varied campaign than they would be qualified for under the old routine of theological study:" The growth of the Seminary, which has been steady and especially rapid during-the last decade, has followed the broad lines laid down by its founders. Through its Triennial Convention the Seminary ha~ been kept in close relation to the churches of its constituency. The principle of enabling students to acquire prac- tice as well as theory has led to the present system of-the Seminary (5) 6 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

field work to which students' are assigned in connection with the churches, missions, Sunday Schools, evangelistic efforts and phil- anthropic and reformatory institutions of the city, and which has been.found eminently useful, in giving the students practical knowl- edge and experience in methods of christian work, and in helping the missions and evangelistic work of the city. While the standard of requirements of admission for other than college graduates has been gradually raised to meet the growing , demand for a better educa:ted ministry till at present a training' equivalent to a scientific or 'philosophical COUFse in college is , necessary t'o enter the Seminary, the directors have never forgot- .' ten that it was founded-to meet the existing need of the churches in the men it furnishes. Along this line it felt and responded.to the demand for ministers for our foreign-speaking Congregational churches by founding courses of study for German and Scandi- n~vian students. The course for German students was opened in 1882, for Danes and Norwegians in 1884, and for Swedes in 1885. The Seminary has also been awake to the need of broadening Its curriculum. The authorities have given a prominent place to missions and church music. In 1892 they founded a professorship of Christian and the evangelistic use of the Bible, being the first of the seminaries in this country to give Christian Sociol- ogy a recognized place in its Board· of Instruction. In 1893 a professorship of Assyriology and Comparative Religion was founded that the Seminary might keep abreast of modern re- searches in these lines. The material growth of the' Seminary has also been marked. It has experienced the advantages of the wise forethought of it~ founders in placing it in close and vital union with the c~urc~es it serves, and" has never appealed to themfor ormater! materiaI h e I p10 vam . ORGANIZATION.

The organization of the Seminary consists Of the Triennial Convention, the Board of Directors, the Board of In~tructors and .the Board of Examiners, The Triennial Convention meets once in three years and elects the Board of Directors. The convention consists of the Board of Directors, Board of Instruction, and the delegates appointed, one fro m each of the local associations of the states composing the constituency of the Seminary. Associations which have a church membership of over fifteen hundred are entitled to one additional delegate for each additional five hundred members. Through this Triennial Convention the Seminary is kept in close connection with the churches. The Board of Directors.consists of twenty-four members, who' have full control of an departments of the Semin~ry. They appoint from their number an executive committee of eigl1t mem- bers who conduct the affairs of- the Seminary under the general direction of the Board of Directors. The executive committee holds regular meetings on the first Friday afternoon of each month. The members of the Board of Instruction are elected by the Board of Directors. The officers, are president, secretary, regis- trar and standing committees. The Faculty holds its regular meet- ing each Friday afternoon from four to five o'clock.

(7) 'I


The. Board of Examiners consists 'of members chosen bien- nially by the General Associations of Congregational churches in the state~ of the Se~inary's constituency, ODe from e'ach state, also by the Ge~eral Associations of German, Danish-Norwegian and Swedish Congregational churches, one for each of these nationalitie's.. They attend the annual examinations at the close of the#Seminary year, and report thereon to the Board of Direc- tors, and to the bodies appointing them. , ,

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/ President of the Board 01 Directors, E. W. BLATCHFORD, LL.D.,

375 La Salle Ave., Chico\lgo,Ill.

Secretary pi the Board 01Directors, G. S. F. SAVAGE, D.D., 628 Washington BI'Id.l Chicago; III.

President of the Board of Instructiun, FRANKLIN W. FISK, D.D., LL.D.,

532 W. Adams St., Chicago. Ill.

Secretary of tlu'f3uard of Instruction, H. M. SCOTT, D.D., 8. Ashland Blvd., Chicago, III.

Treasurer, HENRY W. CHESTER, ESQ.,

8. Ashland Blvd., C,hiulI:O, III. BOARD OF DIRECTORS.


Rev. G. S. F. SAVAGE, D,D., Chicago, ~N. P. DODGE, Esq .. Clund! Bluffs, la. Su"ttary. RRV. N. A. HYDE, D.O., Indianapolis, Rev,]. C. ARMSTRONG, D.D., Chicago. Ind. ,I. H. PEARSON, Esq., Chicago. Rev. G. R. LEAVITT, D.O., Beloit, Wis. RKV. G. R. MERRILL, 0,0., Chicago. JOHN M. W~ITEHEAD. Esq., Janesville, Wis. C. H. HULBURD, Esq., Chicago. , . RlI.v. J. rW. BRADSHAW, D.O., Ann Rav. W. H. BUSS, Fremont, Neb. Arbor, Mich. \..·RlI.v. L. BLAKESLEY. p.o., Topeka, Kan.


E. W. BLATCHFORD, LL.D., Chicago, DEXTER M. FERRY, Esq., Detroit, Mich. President, REV. JOHN H. MORLEY, MiDneapolis, DAVID FALES. Esq" Chicago, Via-Pres.!' ]\-linn. • 't!nlt . REV. MICHAEL BURNHAM, D.O., St- . CHARLES H. MORSE, Esq , Chicago. LOllis, Mo. E. J. HARKNESS, Esq., Chicago. *PRKS. H. C. SIMMONS, 19.0 .. Fargo, N. RBV, T. O. DOUGLASS, D.O., Grinnell, b. Dck. , nev. JAMES B. GREGG, D.O., Colorado GEORGE H. RUST, Esq .. Mlnneapolis, Minn .. Springs, Colo.

"'.Died Dq,ce.mber 20, .899.





8. Ashland Blvd., Chicago, Ill.



AUDITING COMMITTEE. J. 1\1. SHERMAN, Esq., Chicago,. E. D. REDINGTON;- Esq., Evanston. CHARLES H. BLATCHFORD, Esq.• Chicago, 111.

LIBRARIAN. Mn. HERBERT WRIGHT .GATES, B.D ... I601 Jackson Boulevard.

JANITOR. MR. EDWARD S. TOWNE, 8. Ashland Boulevard.


FRlt.NJ5.LlNWOODBURYFISK, President, and Wisconsin Professor of Sacred . Rest'dence, 532 West Adams Street. A. B., Yale, 1849:A. M., Yale, ',852;Tutor, Va,le. 18$1-53;Yale Divini!)' School, 18S': Pro- lessor of Rhetoric an.d,Enghsh , , t854-Il!.59;Wisconsin Profes50rof Sacred R~elorlc. Chicago Theological Seminary, I~59: Student, of Berlin, 18,1; D. D., Ohvet College, 1865;and from Vale University, J886: LL.D .• Beloit College, 1888. \ GEORGE NVB BOARDMAN, Emeritus Professor of Systematic Theology. I8 West 55th Street, New York City. A. B., , 1847:A. M., Middlebury College, 18so; Tutor, Middlebury College, 1847"49:Andover Theological Seminary, 185;1;Resident Licentiate, 185;1.53:Pro- fesso~ of Rhetoric and English Literature, Middlebury College, 1853-59:Paster of the Pres- byterian Church at Binghamton, N. Y .. 1859"71;Professor of Systematic Theology, Chicago, Theological, Seminary, 1871<1893;D. D., University of Vermont. 1867; I.;L, D., Lalayeete College, 18Sg. • ~AMUBL !VES CURTISS, New England Prqfessor of Old Testament Literature and Interpretation. Residence. I438 Wilson Avenue, Sherz·dan Park ' A. B., .Amherst, 1867;Graduated nt Unioo TheoloJical S;minary, 187~;~n&:aged in Mission' Work In New York, 1810'7;1:Pastor of the American Chapel at Lelpslc,18H-78; Ph. D., Leipsic, 1816; Licentiate of Theology, Berlin, 18n:D. D., Iowa College, .818, and Amhenti 1883: Professor of Biblical Literature, Chica\l:OTheological Seminary, 18n-7Q; and 01Old Testament Literature and Interpretation, ,819, ' GIIIBS BUCKINGHAMWILLCOX, Stone Professor of Cong~egational History, Church Polity and Special Studies. Residence, $f.? Wasltington Boulevard. A. 8., Yale, 1848;Graduate, of Andover Theological Seminary, 18SI: Pastor, 1851<,1819:.Pr fessor, Chicago Theological Seminary, 1819:D, D., Drury College, ,8n, and UDlverslty f0 New York, 1818. HUGH MACDONALDSCOTT, Sweetzer and Michigan Professor of Ecclesiastical History, and-Secretary. I Residence, 520 West Adams Street. B. A., Dalhousie College, Halifax, N. S" 1810;B. D" University of E;dinb.urgh, 18R: St~denB~ University' of Berlin, 181~: Pastor of Presbyterian CI-Iurc~, ¥eTlgo~lIsh, N.... 1!f1?0: Student, University of Leipzig, 11l18-8t;Professor \of Ecclesiastical History, ChIcago e logical Seminary, 1881;D. D~,BeloitCOllcgc, 18B.j, - . d I GBORGE HOLLEY GILBERT, Iowa Professor of New Testament Literature aD Interpretation, and Registrar. , Residence,5.14 Was/n'pgton 1!0ulevard... . FelloWof a A. B., , t818; Theolo~lcal Course, UOlOn SemlOp 1" 1880-(;8~,3cagoThea- Union Seminary, 1883<1885:Ph. D., University of Leipzig, 188S; ro esscr, I IOiical Seminary, tU6: D, D. D;lrtmouth College, 1894. GRAHAMTAYLOR, Professor of Christian Sociology and Pastoral Theology- Resz'dence, Clu'catl0 Commons, f40 Nortll (Jmon Street, Ch' I . Th . IS·' of the Reformed UJC ... A. B., 1810,A. M., 1883,Rutgers College: eolpgica emlna')l N Y 8 '3-1880'Fourth New 'Brunswick, N. j., 1813: Pastor Reformed Church, Hopewe p .fCI~.t¥heoloiY Hart- Conrregational Church, Hartford, Conn, 1880-1~: .P~ofessor _ rac I and pastoral1;beoJ. ford Ttie.ological Semil'!ary. 1811!!-t~: Profe5~or ChrIStian S?C1 0Iogy1888'LL.D" illinoil """I ChIcago Tbe.olo(lcal Semillary, 11l9;1:D,D., RutlCrs Co ege,11 • Col ege, 1&97. (12) ,, , '

EDWARD THOMSON HARPER, Professor of Assyriology and Comparative , Religion. . . Residulu, 730 West Adams Street. A. B.; Oberlin C~lIege, J8~1: Principal of Pori B>:rp!!Academy, 1883-84and .88,-89; B,D., ~hlcago .Theologlcal Semmary, 188,; Ph. D .• Le,pz'll. 18q1; Instructor, Chica&o Theolog- leal SemInary, 1891-1892;Professor, Chicago TheologIcal Seminary, .8g3. WILLIAM BENTON CHAMBERLAIN, J. W. Scoville Professor of Elocution and Sacred Music. Residetlce. 723 Nor/It Kenllwortlt Avenue, Oak Park. A. B.: Oberlin College, 18,5: School of Vocal Art, Philadelphia, 1816-1818;B.D. and A. M..' Oberlin Theological Seminary, 1881; Instructor in Singing. Oberlin Conservatory of Music. .8,8-1883; Instructor .Elocution. Oberlin •• 881-,884: Professor Rhetoric and Elocution, Oberlin, J884-1894:Professor, Chicago Theological Seminary. 1894. WILLIAM DOUGLAS MACKENZIE, Illinois Professor of Systematic Theology. Resz'dence,533 North Kem'lworth Avenue, Oak Park. M. A. Edinburgh University, ,8fh; Scottish Con~regational Theological Hall, 1880-82,and' G6ttingen University, .886; Pastor Montrose COllgregational C~urch, ,882-89,and MOID- ingside Congregational Church. Edinburgh •• 889"'95;Professor, Chicago Theological Semi- nary. r59s: D. D .. Beloit Ccuege, 18¢. CARL AUGUSTPAETH, Professor of Systematic and Practical Theology in the German Department on the J. M. Williams Endowment. Address. 8; Ashla1ld Boulevard. North Western College. 1878; Union Biblical Jnstitute. 1879; Pastor Evangelical Church, Slre:llor. Ills ... 879-,882: Instructor and ProfelSor North western College and Union Bibli· ~al'Institutc, ,882-1887; Pastor Evanjrelical Church. Naperville. Ills.. 1888;Pastor Eva:ngel- leal St. Johns Church. Chicago. 1888-189'; Pastor Evaogelical ImmanualsChurch. Chi. cago. 189.-.895: Lecturer'on Homiletics. German Department Chicago Theological Semi· nary. J893: Professor Systematic and Practical Theology. German Department Chicago TheologIcal Seminary •• 894. ANDREW'NOAH Fox. Instructor in the German Department. Address. f294 Wilcox Avenue. A. 8.. Univer.sity of Chicago, ,895; B. D.. Chicago Theological Seminary •• 897;Student lot , the University of Halle. ,896-.897; ,Berlin, .898, and GllUingen, ,899: Im;tructor. German Department 01 Chicago Theological Seminary. ,894. , REINERT AUGUSTJERNBERG,Professor-of Biblical and Practical Tbeology in tbe Danisb·Norwegian Department on Mrs. D. K. Pearsons' Endowment. Res£dence, 734 Was/lington Boulevard. B. A., . J88..: Yale Divinity School. I884·,88S; B. D.• Chi.caro Theolog!cal Seminary. ,887; J nstructor in the Danish-Norwegian Department of ChIcago Theological Seminary, 188s-18n; Professor. Chicago Theological Seminary, 1893. OTTO CHRISTOPHERGRAUER, Instructor in the Danish·Norwegian Department. Res£dence, 222 Warren Avenue. Chicaro Theological Seminarf' 1887: Pastor of the Union Congregalio~al.Church! Cobden. lIIS .• 1887-1889:Missionary. Congregational Sunday-School and Publu;hllli Society. I~ 139'; J esteucto-, Chicago Tlieological Seminary. 111g1. • FRIDOLF RISBERG, Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology in tbe Swedisb Department. Residence, .a6 Ogden Avenue. Graduate, GymnasiulII of Umea, Sweden. 1868: S. M. C .• VDiv~rsit>:of Up511I••Sweden, 1874; Pastor. SJoVeden.1874-85;InstroCI0r, Chicago Theologlca.! Seminary, 1885·r89-:,Pro- leuor, Chicago Theolosical Seminary, 1S9a. MAGNUSEGIDIUS PETERSON, Instructor in the Swedisb Department. Res£dence. ZT South Paulina Street. Student. Gymnasium -at]onkoping. Sweden, 1876; Instructor (in S~den) 1817-85.C·~~lOr. East Greenwich. R. I•• 1885-86; Putor. Strnnubul'(. Ncb•• dI86<90.InstroClOr. "¥cacoo TheoloKical Seminary, 18900


PROF. SAMUEL IVES CURTISS, D. D., assisted by MR. HERBERT WRIGHT GATES: A course of Twenty Lectures on Syria, Palestine and the Sinai- tic Peninsula, based on studies and travels during fourteen months in the countries named, and illustrated with stereopticon views.






TERM OF OPPIl::E EXPIRES IN 1901. Duena Vista, Colo. COLORADO, Rev. R. S. LARKIN, Davenport, IL IOWA. REV. G. S. ROLLINS. St; l;ouis, Mo. M1SS0URI, Rav. C, D. SARGENT, D, D., 'Omaha, Ncb. NaBR,UKA, Rav, H. C. HERRING, Albuquerque, N. 14. NIIWMsxlco. 'Rev. r.tH. ALLEN, • Amenia, N. Da"- NORTH DAKOTA. Rev, A. FARNWORTH. Huron, S, Dale:, SonK DAXQTA, Rsv. W. H. THRALL. Clintonville, WJs. ]),uniH~No.w.GJAIII·DU!'" RBv. A. LARSON. , ('4 ) d' Regulations for Instruction and Degrees. CALENDAR.


Fall Term begins Wednesday, Sept. 27, 1899 Matriculation of Students, Wednesday, Sept. 27, 1899 Drawing of Rooms, Wednesday, Sept. 27, 1899 Lectures begin Thursday, Sept. 28, 1899 Opening Address. Thursday, Sept. 28, 1899' Fall Period ends Wednesday, Dec. 6, 1889 Winter Period begins Thursday, Dec. 7, 1899 Holiday Vacation begins Thursday, Dec. 21, 1899 'Holiday Vacation ends Tuesday; Jan. 2, 19ot? Day of Prayer for , Thursday, Feb. 8, 1900 Winter Period ends Wednesday, Feb. 28, 1900 Spring Period begins Thursday, March I, 1900 Spring Period ends Wednesday, May 9, 1900 ' Public Examinations, Friday and Monday, May 4 and 7, .1900 Anniversary Sermon, Sunday, May 6, 1900 ~lumni Institute, Tuesday, May 8, rcoc I Commebcement. Wednesday, May 9, 1900 Triennial Convention, Wednesday, May 9, 1900


Fall Term begins, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 1900 Matriculation of Students, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 1900 Drawing of Rooms, Wednesday, Sept. 26, IgOO 00 Lectures begin 'Thursday, Sept. 27, 19 Opening Address, Thursday, Sept. 27, 1990 00 Fall Period ends Wednesday, D~. 5, 19 00 Winter Period begins, Thursday, Dec. 6~ 19 Thursday, Dec. 20, 19°0 Holiday Vacation begins Wednesday, Jan. 2, 19°1 ~ Holiday Vacation ends , ,



l. The Seminary is open to students. of all denominations. 2. Candidates for admission to any department of the Semi- nary must present testimonials of good-moral character. ' 3. Graduates of theological 'seminaries wiil be admitted as . graduate students. ' . 4. Candidates for admission to the Junior Class must have had a collegiate education or an equivalent preparation. 5. Persons already in the ministry, who desire further. theo-. logical study, will be admitted to the instruction of the Seminary, as arrangements may be made with the Faculty. But no student ,- of this class will be received for less than one yeali. Stude~ts of: this class are subject to the same regulations in regard to Seminary work, which govern other students. They receive no financial aid. Those who pass a satisfactory examination uRon work done in the \ Seminary, will receive a certificate of the same. 6. The literary requirements for admission to the foreign departments may be learned on application to the professors in charge. REQUIREMENTS· FOR GRADU1TION.

I. The candidate must have completed to the satisfaction of the Faculty the full course of study in the Seminary. 2. The cap-did ate must present to ~he Faculty a thesis. on, some theological topic, prepared under the direction of the profe,s_sor_in that department to which the topic belongs. The subject of the thesis must be presented to the professor within one month after the beginning of the Senior year, and the thesis must be p~ese~ted to the Faculty not later than March 3 ISt in each year. In esti- 2 ('7)

,. 18 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. mating the value of the thesis, chief importance will be attached to scholarly methods and independent research. The candidate must present a type-written copy of his thesis to the Seminary. 3· Candidates for graduation from' the foreign departments must complete the full course of study laid down in their depart- ments. 4· A certificate of graq,llatio.n from the various departments will be conferred 'on all students who fulfill the above require- ments. REQUIREMENTS FOR DEGREES. The Seminary, in addition to the certificate of graduation, offers the degrees of Bachelor of Divinity and Doctor of Philoso- phy, .under the following regulations: I. The degree of Bachelor of Divinity. The degree of Bachelor of Divinity will be conferred on the following conditions: '

I. The candidate must pave taken all the prescribed work in Hebrew and "Greek, and fulfilled al'l the requirements for gradua- tion, including the thesis. _ 2. The candidate must pass special written examinations in the following departments: Hebrew' scriptures, Greek scriptures, History, Theology and Sociology. These examinations willbe on subjects announced from year to year in- the Year Book' of the Seminary. The examinations in the departments of Hebrew and Greek will' be held at the close of Middle year. Those in t~e de- partments of History, Theology, and Sociology, at the close of, Senior year. For students who enter at the beginning of Senior year, an examinaucn in Hebrew and Greek will be held at the close of the first period in Senior y~ar. The subjects of the B. D. examination for the classes of 19°1 and 1902 are the following: HelJrew. 1901. The Book of Joshua, including, translation of the text, questions on introduction and on geography. • 1902. The Prophecy of Zechariah, questions on intreductlOn and interpretation. • ' CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SE~INARY. '9

Greek. 1901. The Epistle to the Galatians. The test will include translation of the text and interpretation." 1902. II Corinthians, including translation of the text, and questions on the introduction and grammatical interpretation. History. 19°1. History of the Waldenses. 19°2. Arianism. Theology, 1901. lIThe Doctrine of the Incarnation." 1902. The Christian Doctrine of Sin. Calvin's Institutes, bk. I, chap. 15, bk. II, chaps. 1-3; Clarke's Outline of Christian The- ology, part III; Dorner's System of Christian D0~trine, vol. III,

§§ 79-84; John Fiske,

II. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy' will be conferred on the- following conditions: 1. A diploma of graduation from some recognized college, or ~ive~i~. \ 2. A diploma of graduation from the full course' (inclu~ing Hebrew and Greek) of a theological seminary. 3- A two years' course of .study at Chicago Theological Semi- nary. See regulations for Graduate Courses. 4- A ·thesis prepared in one of the three chosen departments,. on a subject accepted by the professor in the de~artment to which 20 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

it. belongs. This thesis must be scientific in method, exhaustive ih its subject-matter, and worthy to be called a contribution "to t'h~ knowledge of its respective theme. The thesis must be ac- cepted on its own merits before an examination can be had. The thesis must be presented one month ....before the examination. Ac- cepted theses must .be printed and twenty-five copies presented to the Seminary. - 5· A final examination in three departments of study. The one in which the thesis belongs is major and the other two are' minors. The examination will be oral in the major and written in. the two minors. The oral examination will' be conducted by-the professors of the three departments chosen by the candidate. NOTE I.-In no case does the fulfillment of the time condition entitle a candidate to the degree, since. the degree is granted solely on the merits of the thesis and the examinations. NOTE 2.-A charge of $10.00 for the diploma is made to students who receive thedegree of Ph. D.


Committee on Seminary .F:dlowsltips-PROFESSORS CURTISS, FISK AND GILBERT. Two fellowships of ten thousand dollars each have been estab- lished by Mr. E. W. Blatchford, of Chicago, and the late Dr. C. L. Ford, of Ann Arbor, Michigan. The income of these fellow- :ships will be granted for the two years immediately' succeeding

graduation, on the following conditions: I . I. A fellowship shall be available only for students who take their entire course of three successive years in the Chicago Theo-

IogicalBeminary. t • 2. A fellowship shall be assigned by the Executive Commit- tee, on the reco~mendation of the Faculty, to that member of each graduating class who, by native ability, success in study, and 'christian character, snail give promise of the highest usefulnes~ as a christian scholar. .The Executive Committee reserves the right to withholrl the fellowship in any year, for sufficient reasons. . . d hall 3. The graduate to whom a feIlowship shaIl be aSSlgne s CHIOAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. 21

be unmarried and shall so remain until he has completed' the

course of study contemplated in the fellowship. ,I 4. The studies of a Fellow shall be under the supervision of the Faculty, to whom he shall give a detailed report twice a year. The following is a list 'of those who have held Seminary fellow- ships: Herbert Wright Gates, 1894-1896; . Frank Gibson Ward, 1~94-1896; Benjamin S. Winchester, 1895~1897; Horace Leslie Strain, 1896~1898; R. E. Bowers, 1898; H. M. Jones, 1898; James Multenbach, 1899"


The Lucretia Ambrose Walker prize is the income of $I,OOO,' and is given to the member. of the Middle Class who prepares the best essay on a designated topic in Systematic Theology. The' prize has been awarded to the following persons: W. S. Hunt and A. W. Ackerman, 1889; J. W. Wilson and J. W. Marshall, 1890; H. M. Richardson and S. G. Kent, 1891; S. G. Lamb, 1892; E. V. Wight, 1894; R. R. Kennan, 1895; C. T. Chase, 1896; R. ~. Bowers, 1897; D. W. Dexter, 1898; W. O. Rogers, 1899'


Committee on Scholars/zips and LQanS-PROFESSORS TAYLOR, CURTISS AND SCOTT. Forthe purpose of encouraging a high grade of scholarsh,ip and enaqIing needy and worthy students to secure a training for l the ministry, the Seminary offers the following series of graded scholarships to each of the classes in the Eng-lish Department: One high honor scholarship of $115 to the student who attains a grade of 95 per cent. . Two honor scholarships of SuS each to students whose grade is 90 per cent. Scholarships of $100 each to students whose grade is 80 per cent. Scholarships of '75 each to students whose grade is 7S per cent. 22 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

These scholarships are granted on the following conditions:

I. Evidence of good health. 2. Evidence of Christian character and promise of usefulness , in the ministry. , ,3· Evidence of pecuniary inability to take the Seminary course without financial aid. 4. Middle year scholarships are assigned to members of the middle class on the basis of the grade attained in junior year, and may ordinarily be retained during senior year on the maintenance ~f the required grade, provided due notice of the desire to retain a scholarship is given. 5.. Students from other Seminaries, who enter the middle and senior classes, will be granted scholarships; provided such are available, on testimonials of rank obtained in their previous work, but no honor scholarship will be granted without a special exami- nation. 6. Junior scholarships are assigned on the basis of standing and testimonials as to character and promise of efficiency; but only on probation f~r the first period of the' Seminary year, at the close of which period the' assignment of scholarships will, be open to revision. Honor scholarships for the junior year will not be assigned till the close of the first period. 7. - The retention of any .scholarship is conditioned upon the maintenance of the required grade. Should a man's work not ful- fill the requirements of' a higher scholarship, he may receive' one of a lower grade, should such be available: - . 8. No scholarship will be granted a student whose grade is below 75 per cent. . 9. Scholarship money will not be granted to any student whe has charge of a church or who marries during his Seminarr course. • 10. The Seminary will endeavor, as far as its funds allow, to grant scholarships to all men who attain required- grades, but if there are more men than available scholarships in any grade, all will receive scholarship rank and title, but those lowest in rank will receive the scholarship money of the next lower grade.

II. I Students who by merit are entitled to scholarships but CHICAGO ~HEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. 23

who do ~ot need the money, or who prefer to take a loan, will receive the honor and rank which go with the scholarship.

SCHOLARSHIPS IN THE FOREIGN DEPARTMENTS. Scholarships in the Foreign Departments are granted on the

same general plan as in the English Department. ! I. In the German Department three scholarships,' one of '75" and two of $so. are offered for each class. 2. In the Dano-Norwegian Department two scholarships, one of sis and o,ne of $5'0 are offered for each class. 3. In the Swedish Department four scholarships are, offered for each class. Two of $75 and two of $50 for the Senior and Middle classes, and four of $40 for the Junior class.


I. Loans are granted only to undergraduates. 2. Sums usually not exceeding $75 a year to each of a limited number of students are loaned in proportion to need, on notes at nominal interest, payable in annual installments after graduation. 3. As only a definite sum is annually available for loans to .students, new applicants should, to avoid misunderstanding; COF~ respond in advance with the Secretary of the Faculty regarding the possibility of securing the aid they need. 4. Students who marry during their Seminary course are in. -eligible for the above loans. 5. The funds available for the aid of students are provided from the income of the D. K. Pearsens Fund, the gift of Dr. and MFS. Pearsons, the contributions of the Chicago churches, and the following scholarships, pledged but 90t all paid in full: Joho F. and Abhie F. Mendsen, 53.500.00; Nathaniel BoutOD, '3.000.00; Julius W. Butler, $3,000.00; H. M. Hooker. 53.000.00; Samuel Plumh, '$3,000.00; W. Coit Hubbard, $3.000.00; A. L. Cce. $3,000.00; Charles Good- eicb Hammond, $3,000.00: Maximilian Hjortsherg. $3.000.00; Chicago, $3.000.00; Chicago, $3,000.00; Lake Superior, $3.000.00; Laird, '$3.000.00; P. G. Strawn. $3.000:00; Charles H. Goold, $3.000.00; Eliza M. Sherman, $3,000.00; Edward Ely, $2.S00.00; Ottawa, $2,68S·00; LaCrosse, 12,631.00; Leonard P. Chase. $2,SOO.00; J. W. ScovilIe, $2,Soo.00; J. w. Scovi1le, ::$2,500,00; Beloit, $2.09°.00: Ridgeland, $2,01S.00: W. A. Talcott. $2,000.00; .I - CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

Jacob Cummer, $2,000.00; R. D. Stephens, $2,000,00; David Leonard, $Z,ooo.oo;. Geneseo, $1.705.00; Illinois, $[,554.47; Elgin, $1,5°2.00; Mrs. Fisk's Austin Memorial. lh,5°0.00; Horace Billings, fi~,500.00; Joseph Bur- rage, $r,Soo.oo; John L. Childs, $[,5°0.00; E. W. Davis, $1,5°0.09; Deer Park, $r:500.00; Margaret Depew, $[,500.00; John Dnve, $1,500.00; J.- Wor- cester FIeld, $1,500.00; Hayward, $[,500,00; L. J. Knowles, $[,500.00; Mrs. 5 ..L. Kennedy, $r,500.00; ~Aw , lh,500.00; Olivet, $1.500.00; Joseph TIlson; $1,500.00; Elbridge Torrey, $[,500.00; Spencer Warner, $[,50000; Warner, $1,5°0.00; Wolcott, $1,500.00; N. S. Cushing, $1,500.00; Blood, . $1,5°0.00; Willard Cook, $1,40000; Kansas, $1,369.42; John and Flavel Bas- com, $1,100.00; Princeton, $1,066.55; ·Galva, $1,03°.00; Mrs. Lucy Bartlett, $1,000,00; Mrs. Elizabeth Booth, $1,000.00; Emily Doane, $1,000.00; Hunt, $1,000.00; J. Lewis, $1,000.0'0; Mack, $I,QOO.oo; Mrs. Mioa C. Pfennig, $1,000.00; Dennis Warner, $1,000.00; Eli Corwin', $1,000.00; Hubbell, $1,000.00; Hendrick, $1,000.00; C. L. Tank, $1,000.00; R. G. Peters, $1,000,00; G. D. Colton, $I,ooo.Qo; Jones, $1,000.00; Shipherd, $1,,000.00'; Agard, $1,000.00; Foster, 5800.00; wisconsin. $419.00; Edsell, $500.00.


I,' Aid by loan or grant, additional to that pledged by the Sem- inary, ranging from $50 to $75, is furnished by the Congregational, Education Society, wizentll~irfunds permit, to students who are members of Congregational churches .. Applications for appro- priations may be made to the representatives of the Society at the Seminary the first week in October, but" only such as are officially notified by the officers of the Society of. the acceptance of their applications should expect to receive the appropriation. Profes- sors Taylor, Curtiss, and Scott and D.r. Savage constitute the com- .miftee representing the Society. 2. Applications for pastoral and missionary appointm~nts should be made directly to Rev. J. C. Armstrong, D.D.,_ super- intendent of Cicago City Missionary Society (151 Washington Sr., Chicago); or to Rev. James Tompkins, D.D., Superintendent of 'the Illinois Home Missionary Society (1-53 La Salle St., Chicago); but no student is permitted to assume charge of a church without special permission {rem the Faculty. . , Note-The Seminary cannot hold itself pecuniarily responsl· , ble to make up deficiencies fro.m whatever cause in ,the annual ap- propri~tions of the Congregational Education Society. \1. ""


UNDERGRADUATE COURSES. . Instruction is given in the following departments: Theological Encyclopsedia, Old Testament Introduction, Old Testament In- terpretation, Old Testarrient Theology, Hebrew Language, Cog- nate Semitic Languages, History of Israel, Interpretation of the Old Testament in English, Comparative Religion, New' Testa- ment Introduction, ~New Testament Interpretation, New Testa- ment Biography, New Testament Theology, Ecclesiastical History, Missions, Philosophy of Religion,_ Apologetics, Dogmatics, Chris- tian Ethics, Homiletics, Pulpit of Different Countries, Public .Praver, Elocution and Oratory, Liturgics, Church Music, Expres- sion of Religious Thought in Literature, Congregational History, Church Polity, Christian Sociology, Pastoral Theology, Social Economics, Use of the English Bible in Evangelistic Work, Field, Work, and Physical Culture. The courses in the~e departments fall into two classes, pre- scribed and elective. The prescribed studies include the essen- tials of a theological education as a preparation for the practical work of the ministry'. The electives cqver a larger range of topics and give opportunity for further study in each department. Their purpose is to enable students to specialize as much as practicable without sacrificing the completeness of the Seminary training. Students will find it to their advantage to select certain depart- ments early in their course and choose their electives along those lines. ' The electives, unless otherwise designated, are 'open to all students in the Seminary, and, as a rule, the same subject is re- peated but once in two years. In the following outline of work the electives for a period of two years are given. Electives are not open to Juniors during th,e firs~ and second periods. (25) '. - ,

vi '"

..J :0'" 8 :r: o

'li '... ~

, , ,....j ,.'./1

28 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. I GRADUATE COURSES. , Graduate courses are offered in Old Testament Theology, 'As- .syrian Language and History, New Testament Theology, Church History, Philosophy of Religion and Apologetics, and Sociology. A candidate for the degree of Ph. D, must select three depart: 'ments of study, one of which shall be a major and the other two minors. His work must be under 'the supervision of the profes- sors of those departments, and unless otherwise ordered, must in- . elude six hours of attendance upon 'lectures a week. Students not candidates for the degree of Ph'.D. may take any studies of the graduate courses if judged by the Faculty qualified to pursue them




1. "'iI'he candidate must present his testimonials to the Com- mittee on Matriculation, and receive a cerfificate accordingly. The committee meets for the .examination of the testimonials of new students Wednesday' afternoon, September 26, at :2 o'clock, in the President's office. . '.

2. The candidate must then present his certificate to the Treasurer of the Seminary and pay the dues for the period. 3. Students, including those in the graduate department, who have once matriculated must secure cards of registration from the Registrar at the opening of ea~h Seminary Year. All class lists are made up from the Registrar's . . 4. Students who intend to enter the Seminary should secure, before the opening of the term, application blanks from the Sec- retary of the Faculty, Professor H. M. Scott, 520 West Adams Street,. 'and these, when, filled out, should be returned to him. REPORTS' AND CLASS 9FFICERS. Faithful attendance upon all exercises of the Seminary, In- eluding daily -service in the chapel, and the Thursday afternoon address, is required of all students. Necessary absences should be reported. The following directions and principles should be noted • 1". Absences from the regular lectures must be reported to the professors in charge. Unexcused absences are counted as failures in recitation. (29) 30 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINA,RY.

2. Absence from the gymnasium should be reported to the gymnasium instructor. 3· All students engaged in' field work, or preaching, are required to make weekly written reports to the professor in charge of that department. 4. Excuses for absence from the daily exercises in chapel and requests for leaving the city should be made to the class officers. Permission for absence should be obtained beforehand if possible. The class officers for the different classes are:

Senior Class-PRESIDENT FISK. Middle Class-PRoFESSOR SCOTT. Junior Class-PRoFESSOR CHAMBERLAIN. 5. Students in the foreign courses report to the head pro- fessor in their respective departments. 6. Students desiring to assume charge of churches must obtain permission from the Faculty. 7. All applications for letters of dismissal or certificates of work donefin the Seminary should be-sent to the Registrar. ' • l I . . 8. Studen ts who for any reason are unable to return to the Seminary at the close of a vacation, and those who are obliged to leave the Seminary during the term, will confer a favor if they will give to the Registrar the reason for the interruption of their course. Such reason will, if desired, be regarded as strictly private. GRADES. A grade of sixty-five .per cent. is requirecl to pass in any subject, One who falls below this is conditionecl.. One whose average'[in all;department~ falls bel~w sixty 'per cent. is not te- tained in the Seminary. A grade of seventy- five per cent. must be secured, in order to pass in the special examinations for the degree of B.D.



Librarian-MR. HERBERT WRIGHT GATES. Library Coml1~ittee-PROFES'sORS HARPER, CURTISS AND GILBERT. The Hammond Library, so-named from the donor of the building, the late Col. C. G. Hammond, of the New England Church, is primarily for the use of Faculty and students of the Seminary, though a cordial invitation is extended to clergymen and other friends. of the Seminary to avail themselves, of its privileges. . The library contains about twenty thousand volumes, besides a .Iarge assortment of periodical literature, both religious and secular, and is constantly receiving additions of new works in all departments of theological literature.' The interior of the building is divided into rooms for the various departments of ' the theolog- ical study, Exegetical, Historical, Systematic and Practic~l Theol- ogy and Sociology, the Alcove of Missionary Intelligence and the Library for the foreign.departments. The object is to, combine, as far as possibl;; the advantages of a" general reference library with those of special libraries for seminary work. j The privilege of drawing books is extended to students and friends of the Seminary with the utmost possible freedom, subject only to such regulations as are necessary for the best interests of all. The library is, however, primarily a reference'library for the use of the Faculty and students of the Seminary, and the librarian always reserves the right to call in any book loaned, whether due (3') CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

or not, in case it should be needed for class reference work. Beaks reserved for reference work cannot be drawn during library hours. . The Reading Room, No. II2 Fisk Hall, is furnished with the leading Chicago and New York dailies, and religious weeklies rep- resenting several different denominations; This room is open to students at all hours. . A department of music has been established in connection with the work of Professor Chamberlain. Besides standard works on music and hymnology, this department, comprises a collection of 'vocal .music' suitable for the work of the chorus class formed by Professor Chamberlain. Through th~ generosity of Silas M. Moore, Esq., of the Kenwood Evangelical Church, a fund has been provided, the income of which will be largely devoted to the purchase of. works for this and other branches of Practical Theology .. Grateful acknowledgment is due to the friends who have so generously manifested their interest in this part of the Seminary's work. 'The following endowment funds have been presented to the, library: [ohn Blatchford Mem. Ref. Library Fund sro.ooc.oo George H. Wells Library Fund ,. 10,000,00 Gates Alcove of Miss. Intelligence . 5,000.00 Philo Carpenter Alcove Library Fund , . , . 5,000.00 E. S. Jones Alcove Library Fund , ....•.... 5,ooq.oo J, T. Hyde Alcove ~ibrary Fund ...... •.... 1,000.00 Chas. Walker Library Fund ...... •.....•... · 1,000.00 S. M. Moore Library Fund ····,···· 3,000.00 Alumni Library Fund ...... •. ····· 1,000.00 E. M. WilJiams Library Fund . 2,500.00 . Patten Binding Fund '" , . r.ooc.oc Two notable collections, one on , the gift of Rev. E. M. Williams, D.D., and one on the rise of Congregationalism, presented by Rev. F. W. Gunsaulus, D.O., are attractions of rar,e value to the specialist in these subjects. A comp.lete set of .the - H' t rical Collections and Proceedings of the Massachusetje IS 0 • Society will also be found of Vta:luetothe student of early Amen- can church history. ' - . ,.




The Gates Alcove of Missionary )ntelligence contains' about' fifteen hundred works on the history of missions, and 'missic:m lands and peoples with their religions. Large additions are being made to this collection, which already offers excellent opportuni- ties for special work in the history of missions. A valuable col- lection of ,?ocuments, comprising the papers and addresses of the World's Congress on A.frica1 pas been added to this department by the gift of Frederic Perry Noble, Ph.D., the Secretary of that Congress. Members of missionary societies, or any who are in- terested in" "mission work are cordially invited to make use of this department of the library. It is the aim and constant effort of the committee to procure, as far as possible, all works of real value which may appear in the va~ious fields of theological research, and thus to make the library of the greatest possible usefulness to students and friends of the Seminary. All possible information and aid will be gladly sen- dered to students by th,e librarian and assistant librarian ..


A beginning has been made of a museum for objects illustrar-, ing the history of t'he church. The Congregational exhibit, which secured the ,highest medal at the World's. Columbian, Exposition has been presented to the Seminary. It contains portraits of -1 eminent congregationalists, charts setting forth the work ~f our churches, and photographs of our colleges and, other institutions.. of learning. Its unique value, however, marking it as first among church exhibits, consists in the intimate connection shown In its annals between our denomination and the development of the republic throughout 'its history. A recent addition to this collection has been made by Professor Samuel Ives Curtiss, D. D., consisting of abo~t fo~r hundred coins dating from the 'second century B.C. to tbe sixth-century A.D. These comprise a v'ery valuable collection of Palestine, Jewish, Herodian, and Roman coins, many of them of great rarity. ~ese coins were read and classified by Rev. Selah Merril,l, LL, D,', a 34 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY,

United States Consul' at. Jerusalem. Professor Curtiss has also presented a number of antique lamps and images from various points in the Holy Land. "It i~to be hoped that this collection may soon be enlarged so as to cover the field of the Church Universal.


LQCATION. The Seminary is situated on Ashland Boulevard, opposite Union Park, in the West Division of the city. Its location in this metropolis of the Interior is an important feature of its advan- tages. The students have constant opportunity to hear preachers of national reputation, to study the most successful methods of church work, especially. as related to the, problems of city eVangel-' iaation, and also to observe the social and .economic movements of our times. Here, too, young men of different nationalities may engage in missionary work among their own people; thus combin-e, ing practical with theoretical training. It is thought that the value of a theological education is greatly enhanced by the im-' provement of such privileges as are furnished in an eminent degree by our location in this metropolis.

DORMITORY BUILDINGS. Fisk Hall, erected in 1889-189°, was opened for occupancy in 1891. On the first floor are four large lecture rooms, Professors" studies, rooms for the President, Secretary and Treasurer, are· ception room and a parlor. In the basement are bathrooms and a bowling alley, and in the fifth story is a gymnasium. The second, third, and fourth floors contain ninety-seven suites of rooms for students, via., thirty-seven suites consisting each of _3 study and two" bedrooms for" two students, and sixty c.onsisting each of a study and a bedroom for one student-in all providing accommodations for one hundred and thirty-four students. These suites of rooms are finished in hard wood and are furnished throughout in a uui- form manner with new, substantia], and abundant furniture/ includ- ing bedclothes and towels, and everything needed to render them (35 )


comfortable and pleasant. These rooms, as also the other parts of the building, are heated by hot water and lighted. by gas. Keyes Hall contains ten suites of rooms providing accommo- dations for ten students and their wives, with facilities for house- keeping. For tenus apply to the Treasurer. Carpenter Hall, besides Carpenter Chapel and two lecture rooms, contains nineteen suites of rooms for thirty-eight students. The rooms of these two buildings are furnished throughout with all needed furniture.

GYMNASIUM, \' There is a gymnasium in Fisk Hall fully equipped with all the ap.paratus needed for Goth light and heavy gymnastics. The gym- nasium was furnished by twelve physicians' of Chicago.

ROOMS, ' No charge is made to students for rent of rooms in Fisk Hall. Fer incidentals, care of students' rooms, including washing of bed- ding and towels, fuel and light, $2.00 per week is charged for a

suite of three rooms occupied by one or two students, and $ I .25 per week for a suite of two rooms occupied by one student. Draw- ing for'choice of rooms .will take' place Wednesday, September 26, 1900, at 1I A. M. ,EXPENSES, : The necessary expenses for the Seminary year are about as follows: Care of Room. Single Suite. First Period... , ... , .... : $12.50 Care of. Room. Single Suite, Second Period...... 13·15 Care of Room, Single Suite, Third Period ' ,.. 1315 ~/. Board, 32 Weeks at '3 ' ...... •...... ' ..•. ' . . 96.00

Text-books , I" .'... 20.00 Laundry, 32 Weeks ...... ••...... '...... 19.00

fit15 00 An incidental charge of h.67 each period is made ~o students who do not occupy rooms in Fisk Hall. Charges for care o.f rooms and incidentals are payable in advance at the beginning of each period. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES, MISSIONS, ADDRESSES.

WORSHIP. The Faculty and students meet at noon on Tuesday, Wednes- day, Thursday and Friday for devotional services. The services are conducted by the members of the Board of Instructi~n in turn. Weekly prayer meetings are held by each of the classes, and also by the foreign departments in the Seminary/ A prayer and conference meeting of the professors and students is held on the first Thursday of each month at 4 o'clock. MISSIONS. The missionary spirit has been from the first, prevalent in' the . Seminary. Large numbers of its graduates have gone into mjs- ....sian fields-home and foreign. About sixty ~issionarie's to for- eign fields have gone forth from the Seminary, of whom one was from the German department, three were from the Danish-Nor- ~.egian, and thirteen from the Swedish. The Mission Study Class, which at present numbers twenty- five members; holds weekly meetings for missionary study. The "courses of study which are pursued by theCless this year are

It Japan" and" Medical Missions." Articles on Missionary sub- jects are given bytdifferent members of the Class in fum.

Missionary Volunteers are frequently called upon to speak in 1 churches and Christian Endeavor societies upon Foreign Missions. Students of the Seminary, with the cooperation of the Faculty, contribute about .$500 annually th.rough the A. B. C. F. M. for the support of Rev. Charles N. Ransom, their missionary'to the Zulus. Mr. Ransom was graduated from the Seminary in 1889. A NEW DEPARTURE IN MISSIONARY INSTRUCTION. It is expected that the new pl~n for Missionary instruction' in . tlie Seminary will go into .effect the coming year. The plan is briefly as follows: (37) • CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

I. The instruction is to be given by eminently successful mis- sionaries who are in active service in the home and foreign field. 2. They will give courses, prescribed and elective, through periods of five 10; ten weeks each year. ' The aim will be to have the lecturers come into as close per- sonal contact with the entire student body as possible, thus secur- ing inspiration for Missionary work as well astheoretical and prac- tical instruction. The first course of lectures under this plan will be given in the year 1900-19°1. The lecturers will be duly announced.

OCCASIONAL ADDRESSES. In addition to the Lecture Courses of the Seminary, -ad'dresses are given, from time to time, by eminent clergymen, foreign mis- sionaries, editors, physicians and specialists in various depart- ments of social and philanthropic work. The following speakers addressed the students during the year 1399-J900: . PROI". A. R. JERNBERG, Opening Address: The Power of Loyalty to the Scriptures. PROF, S. I. CURTISS, D.D,: Missions in the Orient. REV. HENRY FAVILLE, Pastor of the Congregational Church, La Crosse, Wisconsin: The Preaching Desired by the People of To-day. R. J. BENNETT, Esq.. of Chicago: The Hawaiian Islands. Illustrated by Stereopticon Views. ' , . REV. GEO. R. LKAVITT,Pastor of the First Congregational 'Church, Beloit" Wisconsin: Sources of Missionary Motive. I REV. W. F. McM~LLEN. District Secretary. C:ongregational Sunday ~c:::~ and Publishing Society. two lectures: The Relation of the Pastor to th . . and The Twentieth Century Sunday School. JAME'SMORTON,Esq.: Work of the Church and the Ministry from the View Point of a Radical. ., ,,; k REV. JOHN G. PATON, Missionary to the New Hebrides: MISSion, or in the New Hebrides.' B' t Rsv. DANIEL BLISS, President of. the Syrian Protestan! Ccltege, esrui, Syria: Educational Work in Syria. ' h'" • REV. GEO. H. BIRD. Pastor of the Congregational Church, South C icago: The Cultivation of the Spiritual Life. " b: • The Rev. GEORGE L. McNUTT, Minister of the Presbyterian Churc . Minister and the working men. .S bool PItOF. JAMES P. McNAUGHTON, Principal of the Protestant Boys c Smyrna: Mission Work in Asia Minor. OUTLINE OF COURSES OF INSTRUCTION.


THEOLOGICAL ENCYCLOPJEDIA. Professor" Scott, Theological Propedeutlcs, or introduction to a course 'of tbeological ·study. This course discusses conversion, call to the ministry, liberal educe- tion, non-christian religions, and the chief branches of christian theology with literary notices. First period of Junior year, two hours a week.

DEPARTMENT OF OLD TESTAMENT LITERATURE AND INTERPRETATION. Professor Curtiss. I. Slglft"Reading In Hebrew.. Courses in sight-reading; if faithfully taken, .will enable students to have .a working use of tbeir Hebrew Bibles, so that DOgraduate of Chicago Theo- logical Seminary, with fair linguistic gifts, need confess that he has made q~ use of his Hebrew Bible since graduation. Tbey can be privately arranged by application to Professor Curtiss. . 1.1. Old Testament Introduction. This department is designed to give a clear view of tbe origin, bistory, literary character and object of the Old Testament books, ano to set before the students the bearing of current criticism on tbeirautbodty 'as the word of God. I. Lectures on the transmission of tbe Old Testament Text; a history of manuscripts with illustrations, ancient versjons~and the formation of . Second period of Middle year, once a~week. 2. Lectures on the origin and literary character of the Old Testament books. Third period of Middle year, twice a week. (39 ) CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

3· Lectures on the geography of Syria, Palestine and the S'inaitic Penin- sula, with stereopticon views, Second period; 1899-1900, twice a week. Elective. Lectures on the manners, customs, and antiquities of Israel. Second period 1900-1901, twice a week. Elective. III. Old Testament Interpretation. The object of this department is to set forth the original meaning of the' Hebrew Scriptures, with reference to the people for whom they were first com- posed', This involves, as far as possible, the historical setting of the books. I. Exposition of selected psalms.

I Secood period of Middle year, four times a week. 2, Exposition of selected passages from First Isaiah, Third period of Middle year, three times a week. 3. Lectures on Second Isaiah. First period, 1900-1901, twice a week. Elective, 4· Lectures on the Book of Job. First period, 1901-1902, twice a week. Elective. IV. Old Testament Theology .

• 1 In this department the effort is made to trace by periods in a historical: way, the development of religion among the Israelites. as conditioned by its- successive stages in their national history and God's progressive revelation. 1, Lectures on the preparation for the coming and mission, of Christ in Old Testament Prophecy. Third period, 1899-19°0, twice a week. Elective. 2. Lectures on the preparation for a conception of the office and work, of Christ, as indicated in the legal codes. Third period, 1900-1901, twice a'week. Elective. 3. Lectures on the Theology of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Third period, 1901-19°2, twice a week. Elective.

ASSYRIOLOGY AND COMPARATIVE RELIGION. Professor Ha,·per. 1. The Hebrew Language. I. Lessons in beginning Hebrew, word studies, committing of selected passages to memory, reading of several Psalmscand the Early Nar- ratives in Genesis. Lectures on the interpretation of the early nar- raiives in Genesis, criticism of the sources, and comparison of these· accounts with those of other' nations. First period in Junior year. Monday, to-n: Tuesday, Wednesday, ;Thursday and Frid~y •. 9':tO a. m. CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

2. Hebrew Syntax, sight-reading, critical reading of selections from the Hebrew laws with an historical study of the four peotateuchal codes and.the code of Ezekiel. Reading of historical Hebrew and one of the minor prophets. Special work in historical interpretation aad- exposition. Second period of Junior year. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, rc-x r a.m; II. The Cognate Semitic Languages. An elective in beginning Aramaic, Assyrian or Arabic-will be offered in ~. tbe second period of each year. Advanced work in these languages, and also. in Syriac and Etbiopic will be given in any term at the .request of students.

I. Arabic. A study of the principles of the laoguage by the inductive method, together with the reading of selections from the Koran. Second period. 18gg-I~OO, two hours a week. Elective.'

2. Assyrian syllabary, principles of the grammar, reading of easy his- torical texts. Lectures on the history of 30d Israel. Second period, 1900-lgOI, two hours a week. Elective." 3. Biblical Aramaic, with lectures on the literature of the language add a historical study of the Book of Daniel. Second period, IgOI-rqoa, two hours a week. Elective. III. Normal Lessons in the HIstorical Study of the Old Testament. This department covers the political, social aod economic hist~ry of Israel to the time of the Maccabees. Special attention is given to the philoso- phyof history and the development of institutions, thus furnishing a basis for tbe study df Old Testament theology. It includes the geography of Palestine and the history of' the surrounding nations where tbey throw light on that of Israel. The work is hased on Old Testament criticism and aims to teach the correct method's of using the Bible materials in constructing tbe history of Israel. The work is normal in character, and special attention is paid to teaching the English Old Testament by tbe historical metbod:

I. The period of tbe prophets, including the bistory from the divisioa of the kingdom to the exile. First period, 1900-I90r. two boors a week. Elective. 2. The post-exilic period, includin2 the history from the exile to the time of the Maccabees. . First period, I90~-I902, two boars a week. Elective.


3· History of Israel from tbe conquest ~f Canaan to the kingdom of David and Solomon, with studies on the history of the tribes before the conquest and the patriarchal narratives. . First period. 1902-1903, two hours a week. Elective. V. Comparative Religion.

To Introduction to the study of Comparative Religion. Special study of several of tbe great religious of the world, including the religions or' Babylonia. Egypt and the Semitic tribes, and the light they throw OD he religion of Israel. Discussion of the origin of religion and other problems connected with the scientific study of religion. Junior year, tbird period, four hours a week. Tuesday, Wednesday" Thursday and Fr,iday, 10-11 a. m.

THE NEW TESTAMENT DEPARTMENT. Professor Gilbert. I. New Testament Introduction. Lectu~es on 'New Testament Introduction, including (a) a history of the manuscripts and the versions, (b) special introduction to the various writings of'tbe New Testament, and (c) the formation of the Canon. Third period, 1900-1901, two bours a week. Elective. II. New Testament Interpretation. The aim of tbe work in this department is threefold: (a) To secure a .knowledge of the New Testament Greek idiom; (b) to get a practical acquaint- ance with the principles of exegesis: and (c) to make a criticfll study of as much of the New Testament as possible. In other words, the primary aim is to train men to be scientific interpreters of the New Testament.


I. An historical and critical exegesis of the Gospel according- to Mark, with special attention to the peculiarities of New Testament Greek. A printed outline of the course is used. Junior year, second period. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 9-10 a. m. 2. An historical and critical exegesis, of the Fourth Gospel. Junior year, third period. . Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fnday, 9-10 a. m. 3. An historical and critical exegesis of the Epistle to the Romans, Middle year, first period. . Mooaay. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 9-10 a, m. III. New Testament Biography.

I, The life and work of Paul. Secood period. Igoq-lg0I. two hours a week., Elective. CHICAGO THE'OLOGICAL SEMINARY. 43

2. The life of Christ with special reference to modern investigation and criticism. First peeled. 1900-1901. two hours a week. Elective. IV. New Testament Theology. Biblical Theology of the New Testament aims to give an historical pre- aentaticn of the contents of the New Testament writings. As historical, it recognizes (a) the different types of teaching; (b) the development of doctrine: and (c) the proportions of the different teachings.


I. New Testament Theology, Part I.; The Revelation of Jesus. First period, 1901-1902, two hours a week.' Elective. 2. New Testament Tbeology, Part II. a: The Teaching of Paul. Second period, 1901-1902, two hours a week. Elective. _3· New Testament Tbeology. Part II. b: The Teaching of Hebrews. the CathoNc Epistles and the Apocalypse. . Third period, 1901-1902, two bours a week. Elective. DEPARTMENT OF ECCLESIASTICAL HISTOR;'i. Professor Scott. L Church Hrstoev.

I. History of the early Church. This course includes both the external and inte'raal history of the Church, including missions. doctrines, organization, life and worship, with special reference to pagan

thought and the history of Apologetics. 1 Junior year, second period, daily, II-12 a. m. 2. History of the medieval Church. The chief topics in the course are the conversion of the Germanic and the Slavonic races. Moham- medanism and Christianity, the Papacy and the Empire, Doctrinal Controversies, Scholasticism and the Mystics. medieval wcrsbtp, monasticism and Christian life, the Crusades and the Reform move- ments of the fifteenth century. Middle year, third period. daily, II-I2 a. m. 3. History of the Reformation and of the modern Church. This course makes prominent the Reformation, the Puritan movement. the development of Protestant theology, the Counter·~eformation and consequent controversies in the Roman Catholic Cbnrch, Deistic and rationalistic movements, modern German theology. and the American Churches. Senior year. first period. daily, 11-12 a. m. II. History 'of New Testament Times. Part I. History of tbeJewish People. Tbis includes tbe external history of the Jews from B. C. 175 to A. D. 135, j'ewisb theology, tbe temple and synagogue services, and the religious life of Israel. Second period, 1901-1902, twice. a week. Elective. 44 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

Part 2. History of the Roman World in the time of Christ. This in- cludes an account of its political, social, philosophical, moral and religious condition as related to the spread of Christianity. Third period, 1901-1902, twice a week. Elective. III. Christian Antiquities.

/ C~urse I. History of Christian Worship. Third period, 1899-19°0, one hour a week. Elective. IV. Symbollcs. This course gives a comparative description of the creeds of Christendom with some ,account of the worship, life and extent of. the various churches. One hour a week. Second period, 1899-1900. Elective. V. Christian Biography. Life and times of OrigeD, one hour a week. Second period, 1899:1900. Elective. VI. Itlstory of Christian Doctrine. Modern German theology, especially since the time of/Kant. Second period, two hours a week, 1900-1901. ,Elective. VII. Missions. This course includes the Biblical conception of Missions, Christianity a missionary religion, a brief sketch of the history of missions, modern missions and civilization. influence of missions upon the Church, and the: duty of the Church toward missions. Third period, 1900-1901, twice a week. Elective.

SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY. ProJfessor Affackenzie. I. Philosophy of R.ellglon. . Under this section of the department of Systematic' Theology are~dis· cussed the general idea of religion, the origin o~_..religion,~~~ ..hi~:~..2'-°.~~l various philosophical theories cf.Gcd and man and nature ID their esseuna qualities and mutual relations. I. An iutrcducfion to the Philosophy of Religion. First period, 1899-19°0, two hours a week. Elective. 2. The Philosophy of Kant. First period 19°0-19°1. Seminar. II. Apologetics. _ d . This course indicates a discussion of apologetic methods employe .m . f Cb' .. d ai at pres:mting a sys· vanous periods by the defenders 0 rtsneatty, an alms Th' tematic apologetic in view of the, main ceetrcverstee of' the presen,t d~y,. ~s t Involves a study of the theories of , the miraculous e1emen I.D ·.: t' of the'Cb nlti - Gospel story, the consciousness 'bf Christ, the f OUD da Ions CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. 45

Cburch upon faith in the risen Christ, the Christian view of God in distinction from materialistic, pac tbeietic and deistic philosophies.

I. The Apologetic system. Middle year, second period, five bours a week. 2. Theism. Tbird perio~, 1900-1901, tw~'bouf5, Elective. III. Dogmatics. The course in Dogmatics is intended to present a systematic discussion of the doctrines of the Christian Church. To do this adequately the roots of each doctrine are sougbt for in the apostles' experience of Christ, as that is presented to us both in the Gospels and in the Epistles. Crucial discussions of the various doctrines which have taken place in the history of the Church, are referred to for guidance and illustration in reaching' satisfactory conclu- sions thereupon. Part L After introductory sections the course passes to the Christian Doctrine of God. This is discussed in two maio divisions. First, the reve- lation of God is considered, as that has taken place in nature, in tbe general history of religion, in a specific manner to Israel, and as it has been ccnsum- mated in Jesus Christ. The process by which the Christian idea of God be- came differentiated from monotheism is traced through the consciousness of Cbrist, the religious experience of the apostles, and in the resulting Christology and Theology. The second division.discusses the nature of Him who is thus revealed through' Christ and in Christian experience, as the absolute Ground and Cause of all things, as the Absolute Personality and. as the Triune.· Fur: ther, His attributes and the supreme ends of His activity are iovestigated. Part II. The course now passes to the Christian doctrine of the kingdom of God' or tbe manifestation of His glory. IThe living God is Lord of all His weeks. and his creation, sustenance, and control of them to His owo final end, is His true .,6Ecr. or glory. (I) The idea. of the kingdom of God in its widest. sense is discussed. including the creation and sustenance of tbe realm of nature, wberein and to some extent whereby the kingdom is to b~ realized, tbe creation of intelli- gent beings who are to form that kingdom, and the providential guiding of their history. religious. etbical and social. {2} The negation of that kin~dom by t~e intrusion of sin witb its attendant evil consequences. This antagonism to the glory of God is investigated, as to its nature, its conditions, and its effects OD man and on God. (3) The kingdom of God founded 00. the e~rth: (a) Preparations for it, negatively by heathen history, positively in Israel. (b) Its actual foundation in the person of tbe Man Jesus. who was at once its first 'Subject and its Lord. His revelation, through His own experience. teaching ani works, of tbe nature and blessings of tbat kingdom. The study of the self-consciousness of' Jesus in connection with the problem of His perSOn as CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

the incarnate Logos is pursued. That problem is further investigated, bibli- cally, bistorically and dogmatically. (4) The kingdom opened unto man. The- question how Jesus made it possible for a man to enter the kingdom, founded in Himself, involves the whole d01trine of reconciliation. The problem of the atonement' or influence of the obedience and death of Christ on the mutual relations of God and man is studied in the light of His' person, His self-con- sciousness and the experience of the apostles. The history of the doctrine is discussed. (5) The kingdom realized among men: (a) The descent. of the Spirit of Christ as the means of bringing men consciously and evidently into. the kingdom opened for mankind by Jesus Christ. Tile nature and influences of the Holy Spirit are investigated and the methods employed by Him for His purpose. (b) As to tbe individual man, his call, his pardon, new creation and the process of his moral perfecting are investigated along' with the conditions and means which must be fulfilled and employed by the subject of these divine-acts and processes. (el As to the of saints upon earth, the origin of the Church of Christ is traced. The instruments put into the hands of the Church, via., the Bible, the ordinances, the various forms of spiritual ministr}"i are investigated along with the various problems which they involve- as to inspiration, church government, sacramental grace, ordination, worship, creeds, discipline, etc.. The relation of the Church to the world as a whole, to society, and to the State are studied from the dogmatic standpoint. (6) The kingdom consummated, Under this head are discussed the problems relating. to the "last things." Death, and the resurrection, intermediate state, final judgment and final destiny of individuals resulting in that complete redeemed humanity wbich God in the beginning purposed to create in Christ Jesus. .

I, The first portion of the course as sketched above, down to the end of the second s.ection of Part II. . Senior year. First period. Five bours 3; week. 2. The second portion of the course as sketched above. Senior year. Third period. Five bcurse week. 3. The Doctrines of the Incarnation. ' ~ Second Period •.1900-19°], two hours a: week. Elective. , 4. The Self-Consciousness of Jesus as the basis of the doctrines of HIS· person and work. Second period. 19°1-1902, two hours a week. Elective. S. The idea of the Cburch at several periods of Church History and in the principal denominations of to-day, Elective. ., IV. Chrlstlsn Ethics. to time iB Tbe various portions of tbte subject will be treated from time elective courses. , An Introduction to Cbristian Ethics. Tbird period, 189g-19OO,two h~urs a week. Elective. CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEl\HNARY. 4, DEPARTMENT OF SACRED RHETORIC, President Fisk. In the department of Homiletics it is the aim to prepare a student, as far as possible, to preach the gospel effectively. The courses combine both tbeory and practice, together with lectures on eminent preachers, and the bisto~y of preaching. The middle year is devoted to the analysis and synthesis of a sermon and a discussion of each of its principal parts, with practical exercises in making plans-topical, textual, inferential and expository. In the senior year, much attention is given to practical exercises in preaching before the class. Each member of the class also prepares a sermon for private criticism by the professor. In connection with this work, volumes of sermons by eminent preachers are studied by the class. Three courses of lectures are delivered, during the period of three years, on eminent preachers of different nationalities, together with a study of, them hy the class.,


I. Analysis and synthesis of a sermon, and exercises in making and criticising plans of sermcnsc-topicel, textual, inferential andexpcsi- tcry-c-wl th private criticism of plans. Middle year, first period. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 11-12 a. m. 2. Sermons and plans by the class, criticised botb in the class-room aod in private. Delivery of written and unwritten sermoos by members of the class. Critical examination of volumes of discourses by eminent preachers. Public prayer-the matter and the manner. Senior year, third period. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, II-12 a m. 3· Study of the Scottish pulpit. Second period, 1898-18gg. two hours a.week. Elective. 4· Study of the American pulpit. Second period. 19°0-19°1. two bours a week. Elective. 5· Study of the English pulpit. ' -, Secead period, 1899-19°0, two hours a week. Elective.

DEP,ARTMENT OF EXPRESSION· Professor CI~amberlain. This department corlstitutes a special field in the great domain of Prac- tical Theology. It covers a group of mutually related subjects. subdivided into specific courses of study, wbfcb together are designed to cultivate the faculties of perception, logical discrimination and taste in expression, and Dot less the emotional 'and voti tional power needed by tbe orator. . . The attainment of this end means not, simply the impar,tiog of.rules and " ... CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEll'rrNARY.

I methods, nor merely the correction of personal faults by criticism; it seeks the .develcpmenr.cf the man himself, and especially the securing of such habits and conditions, psychological, physiological. sesthe tic and literary, as shall induce healthy, versatile. vigorous communication of thought as the natural manifestation of a free but cultured, personality,

I. Elocutlon.-EsSENTIALS OF EXPRESSION. This course in general elocution is designed to give the psychological and physiological basis of interpretation. presenting the relations of mind, body and voice as concerned in speech. 1. The work on its literary side consists of text-book study, supple- mented by analysis. paraphrasing and the critical rendering~of selections. 2. On the physical side it includes: a. Expressional gymnastics, designed to secure poise, good bearing and expressiveness of theen tlre hody; and b. Voice culture, treating of the functions of chest. throat and mouth in speaking, hygienic care of the voice, the develcpmenr of flexibility, resonance, volume and varying ':, tone-colors" or qualities, sy.mbolic of corresponding properties of thought and feeling. Junior year, first period. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ..Thurs- day and Friday, 11-12 a. m. II. Oratory.

10 Delivery of sermons, Expressional analysis of sermpos and sermonic extracts, original and selected .. Passages rendered with and without notes; training in conceotration, judgment, memory, invention 'and sympathetic contact with an audience. Senior year, third period. Part of the prescribed course. 2. Study of models in oratory. with reports 00 contemporaneous ser- mons and speeches. First period.. 11)01":1902, and each alternate, year, two bcurs. Elective. 3, Extemporaneous speaking. Subject, theme, divisi,ons, subdivisions, paragraphs. sentence structure and word-cboosing are studied prac- tically before an audience. The aim is to give tbe student self- control, logical memory, grasp of outline, rapid invention and all t~at is included in the power of " thinking on one's feet_", , b urs a' First period. 1900-1901, and each alternate year, two a week. Elective. III. l..It-urglcs. r. Conduct of public worship, . 'VB Dar. a Scripture reading based on literary form. as desceiptt , • , • 'f • ,pOI rative. expository, ergumentetive- persnasive, poetic 0 vancus 7 ' and OD the ~pecial use, as exegetic, liturgic, bcmiletic-

, ;


b. Hymnology. Study of the authorship and history of hymns; their doctrinal content or bearing; their emotional and volitional qualities; their adaptation to definite uses, as Indicated by.subject, occasion and purpose; study of the'laws of poetic dicricu, as revealed in the best hymns; pc-ose paraphrase; compositioci of bymns; public reading of hymns. c. Choir music, Discussion of voluntaries, anthems, cbants. responses, solos. etc., in their relations to the other parts of the service. and the minister's relation to the church music and musicians. d. Paraphrase of Bible prayers, with reference to the uses of public and pastoral prayer. Expression in public prayer. e. Adaptation of different parts cif the service to each-other, and to the sermoc : formation of programs and' 'orders of service" for various occasions and purposes. Senior year, second period. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Il-12 a. m. 2. History and province -of liturgics, with studies in the great historic liturgies. ' ' Second period, 1900-1901, two hours a week. Elective. 3. A critical study of hymns, with reference to the trend, of theological. thought and religious experience as shown in the hymnody of dif- ferent periods. Third period, 1901-1902, two hours a week. Elective. V.' Music. \ I. Elementary vocal "music. Training ill relative pitch, recognition Of the principal chords, rhythms', modulation or transition of key, sight-reading 10 both the tonic sol-fa and the staff notation. Elective. First period of eacb year, two hours a week. Two bours credited as one hour, 2. Churcb music. Rhythm. tempo, the general' melodic and harmonic structure of tunes, and their adaptation to hymns : the practical singing of hymns. with instruction in "starting" tunes and in leading congregational singing; analysis and rendering of easy anthems. Second period, each year. Two hours counting as one. Elective. 3. Choir practice. Advanced vocal training; study and rendition of part songs and male-voice choruses. The choir sings in chapel; services. Students are admitted to this course by examination. Each period, eacb "year. Two bours credited as one hour. r.· Expression of Religious Tbought In Literature. I. Faith, hope and love in Tennyson. , Third period, 1899'-190°, two,bours a week. Elective . • ·5° CHICAGO TH·EOLOGI€AL SEl\UNARY.

1. Spiritual teachings of Robert Browning. Third period, 1900-1901, two hours a week. Elective. 3· Conscience in Shakespeare. Third period, 1901-1902, two hours a week. Elective. VI. Personal Crlticlsm~

I. First period, each year, special hours are, reserved for the junior class, in connection with their course in Elocution. 2. Second period, each year, special hours are reserved for the Senior class, in connection with their course in Liturgics. 3· Third period, each year, special appointments ,are made with mem- bers of the Senior class. in connection with preaching exercises in the department of Homiletics.

CONGREGATiONAL HISTORY AND CHURCH POLITY. PrOfeSS01" Wz7lcox. I. English New Testament and New Testament Doctrine.

I. Teaching of the Gospels and Epistles. Junior, year, second period, five hours a week. Third period, five bours a week. 2. Epistles of Paul continued: Middle year, first period, five hours a week. II. ,Church Polity. Congregational 'church polity. Senior year, second period, 'one bour a week. CHRISTIAN SOCIOLOGY AND PASTORAL. THEOLOGY . Professor Taylor. The province of the department is defined by that of the sociological sciences to' be two-fold. Under tbe term Sociology, society is viewed as a wbole, and the scientific observation. classification, relationship and signifi- cance of its fundamental phenomena are taught. Under the group-title Social , Economics, the sciences de~oted to the specific structures and institutions .of family, industrial, commercial, political and ecclesiastical life, and to the social classes and conditions to which they give rise, are io turo the subject of ~tudy. The Christian aspects of the sociological sciences are kept -in view by demoo- strating tbe essential relations of the ideals, forces and facts of Christianity to social phenomena and progress. ' , 1. Biblical Sociology. The inductive study of the social pb.enomena of tbescrlptures and the Biblical development of the kingdom of God. Junior year, first period. 'Thursday and Friday, ro-rr a. m. CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

2. Economics of the Kingdom, pedagogical, evangelistic, soci~l. Re- serving Social Economics for tbe elective courses, this course is devoted to the Biblical basis, historical development, fundamental principles and practical methods 0'£ Christian nurture and evacgells-: tic work,· with their specific application to the city center, the country town and the foreign field. Junior year, third period.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, IJ-I2 a. m.: NOTE: THE USE OF THE ENGLISHBIBLE. Special instruction and drill are given in the above courses in the use of the English Bible, viz., its devotional use for tbe culture of spiritual life, it!! peda- gogical use in the educational work of the church; its evangelistic use in services" inquiry meetings and personal work. with indi- viduals. 3. Sociology-the study of social phenomena for the nature, structure, design, progress and dynamics of the social organism, and the fuuda- mental relationship involved with the individual, the kingdom and the church. '' Senior year, second period. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 10-11 a. ID. 4,' Pastoral Theology. The personal ~nd corporate meaos f~r sealieing the divine ideals of life, individual and social, with special emphasis upon ministerial functions of the church, the organic relation of the minister's duties thereto, the unity of parish administration, and the most practical methods of pastoral work. Senior year, second period, 10-II a. m. 5. Social Economics-Elective courses. (I). The Ethics of -tbe Labor Movement. First period, 1899"1900. Two hours. (2). Seminar in Sociology for Seniors and Graduates. Second period, 1899-1900. One hour. (3). Theories of Social Order. Third period, 1899-190°. Two hours. , (4). Th'e Family, its historical development and social function. First period, '19°0-19°1. Two hours, (5). Panperism and poverty, public relief and private charity. Second period, 19°0-19°1. Two hours. (6). Social reIorm movements andemetbcds. dealing with impurity, gambling and intemperance. Third period, 19°0-1901. (7). Penology-the nature of crime; Irs-preventive, reformatory and restorative treatment. Third period. 1900-19°1. CHICAGO TH~OLOGICAL SEMINARY.

NOTE I.-The regular instructions in these cours~s is supplemented by occasional conferences with eminent specialists, and by attendance upon special occasions for the discussion of these subjects frequently occurring in the city. NOTE a.c-Ccurses in this department are open to visitors, who, Upon the acceptance of their application by the professor, will be enrolled as regular

. attendants: and given special attention outside of lecture hours. I

FIELD WORK. Purpose and Asst'.gnments. The field work is an educational adjunct to the class-room instruction and essential to the training for the work of the ministry. Each student is there. fore assigned to appointment under the supervision of the department of Christian Sociology. and is required to render to the professor in charge weeki y reports of the same. . Every care is taken in each case to consult personal preference; to adjust the work to. the student's need and aim, and to make the field work tributary to spiritual and educational development. The work, of the field. however. is strictly restricted to such limits as forbid its encroachment upon the time and strength deman'ded by scholarship and health. On this account only ~uch students are permitted to be in pastoral charge, or to preach regularly, as the Faculty judge to be specially, warranted in assuming the severe exactions of the double jask. The regulations of the Seminary. therefore, require students to ~btain the, special permission of the Faculty to continue in or assume pastoral charge, or preaching engagements during the study terms. All receiving such permission are required to report their work each week to the professor under whose supervision it is placed. ', . In addition to private interviews' at office hours. group and ge,neral con- ferences are held for fraternal interchange of experience on the field and to confer with specialists in many lines of social effort and Church wor~.

GRADUATE COURSES. OLD TESTAMENT THEOLOGY . . Professor Curtiss, An inductive study of the prophets in their chronological order and. t~eir historic setting, with entire reference to the development of the rehgloUS teaching of Israel, and the record of God's revelation through the prlJphets. This will include the reading of the texts in the original.

LANGUAGE AND HISTORY OF ASSYRIA. Professor Harper .. , . ram mar and The course in this department covers (a) the Assyrian g b' IS~ syllabary, (b) reading of a large part of tbe cuner'f orm literature1 • (e) the


tory of Babylonia and Assyria and their relation to other, nations, especially Israel, (d) a good knowledge of Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic and Syriac. In all .the courses the language study is made the basis for the study of the history, religion, social life and institutions of the people.

NEW TESTAMENT THEOLOGY, Professor Gilbe1-t, ' An examination in this department may be had either on' the basis of the Gospels or of the Epistles of Paul. The examination cans first for a critical knowledge of the entire Greek text, and second for ability to give a historical statement and analysis of the contents of the text. \

ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Professor Scoa. Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. who choose Church History for their major will be expected to pursue a course of reading under the direction of the professor in this department which shall give (I) a good knowledge of the history of the Church in general, and (2) which shall cover exhaustively: (a) Some particular period, or (b) the History of Missions, or (c) the History of Doctrine to the Reformation, or (d) the History of Theology since' the Reformation. or (e) the History of Church Organization and Discipline, or (f) Christian Antiquities. Under (2) some familiarity with the sources will be, required, and ability to read German is' considered yery desirable.

PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION AND APOLOGETICS. Professor Mackenzie. .• Candidates for Ph. D. who choose this as their major will be expected to read tbcrcughly on the following lines, under the supervision of the professor of this department: J. The History of the Philosophy of Religion. A general knowledge of the subject is required, and a more thorough knowledge. of one system. such as that of Spinoza or Kant or Hegel. 2. The History' of Apologetics. (I) Earlier Apologetics. This in- cludes a knowledge of systems and methods, such as those of Origen, Tertullian and' Augustine. (2) The Deistic Controversy in England. (3) 't'he Problem of Evolution in its bearing on Christian Faith. (4) The History of Specific Apologies,~such as those bearing on "The Inspiration of the Bible," or r'Tbe Personality (If Jesus." CHRISTIAN SOCIOLOGY. Professor Taylor.

I. Biblical Sociology. Scriptural evidences of social design. 2. Sociology. Eucyclcpedla of Sociology as related to that of theology. 3. ,Social Economics. Relation of the craft guilds to modern Iabcr .unlcne. 54 <;HIC.;\GO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.


Instructor, R. E. Todd, Student of tlte Physical 'Department of tlu. Bible Nos-mot College, Springfield, Mass.

Gymnasium Committee-PROFESSORS CHAMBERLAIN, HARPER AND , TAYLOR, All students who room in the Seminary are required to give, at the least, two hours a week to physical training. The required work is in the line of light gymnastics, which. by conquering defects due to over-development of ODe part of the body at the expense of another, tend to produce a complete physical symmetry. Classes are formed for those who desire heavy gymnastics .. The work is of a normal character, so that the student, upon graduating from the Seminary, may have profitable and interesting classes in his field of work, even without expensive apparatus.


The course of stud)' in the foreign departments covers three years. It', is the aim of the Seminary to fit foreign students for work, both in their native languages and in English. and in pursuance of this aim aU students in the Scandinavian department are instructed in the English language, the Junior class having five hours a week and the Middle class three bours. In addition to this, some of the divinity courses, both in the Scandinavian and the German departments. are in English.

COURSE FOR GERMAN STUDENTS. The German department was organized in 1882 with Rev. Thea. Fallf as instructor. It has been the means of fitting many young· men for proficient service in ope of tbe most important fields of' the ministry, that of German Congregati6nalism in America. A number of its studentejbeve rendered dis- tinguished service in Christian journalism and missionary work. As.la rule the student. enter this department better 'prepared than is the case in the other foreign courses in the Seminary. A number of our students have taken their' preparatory work in "Wilton German-English College," at Wilton Junction,

Iowa, and a special course adapted to I the needs of students contemplating a ·German theological training at the Seminary is there provided. Field work, including preaching, gueday-schocl teaching, and visiting is' fannished all students who evince an abil ity to do the work advantageously. 1\. special season of prayerJs observed every Friday by all members of the department. - We have at present one hundred and thirty-five German Congregational ·churches and a number of smaller congregations which are' not yet identified with us, but are served by our Getman pastors. In the States of Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, North and Sonatb Dakota we have organized German Con- gregational associations whicb meet semi-annually in the interests of our Ger- man work. In other states we have also a Dumber of German Congre,gational -cburcbes witb a promising future. The Kird'enbote, a weekly paper, is the organ of our German Ccngre- lationa! churches. and the Segensquelle is the German Congregational Sunday.' echccl paper. (55) CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

A printing-press has been purchased, so that our German CODgre~ational churches now have their own publishing house. Our own church hymn-beck was also publisbed last year. I. 'TheologiC?al Bncycfepeedla. Professor Paeth. Junior year. First period. Two bours a week. II. Old Testament Literature and Interpretattcn. Mr. Fox.

I. Hebrew grammar'; study of Gen. i-viii. Junior class. First and second periods. Three hours a week. 2. Translation and exposition of select Psalms. Junior class. Third period. ) , Three hours a week. . 3'. Old Testament Introduction, Junior class. Second period. Two bours a week. "!. Translation and exposition of selections from Isaiab.and the Minor Prophets. Middle class. First period. Two hours a week. , III. New Testament Literature and Interpretation. ./JEr.Fox.

I. Transla'tio~, grammatical and lexical study of Jobo's Gospel. Critical exegesis of chapters i-vi. Junior class. First period. Three bours a week. 2. Exposition of the Sermon 00 the Mount. TrfLnslatioo and exposition of the Parables. Junior class. Second and third periods. Two hours a week. 3. f New Testament Introduction. Junior class. Third period. Two hours a week. 4. Hermeneutics. Junior class. First period. One bour a week. ,5' Exegesis of the Epistles to the Romans and Galatians. Middle class. Second 'and third periods. Two hours a week. 6. Biblical Theology. Middle class. Second and third periods. Two bours a week. KEYES HALL. CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. 57

IV. Syste~atic Theology. Professor Paeth.

1. ' Apologetics. Middle year. First period. Two hours a week. 2. Dogmatics. Middle year. Second and third periods. Two hours a week. . Senior year. Ftrst period. One hour a week. 3- Ethics. Senior year. Second and third periods. One hour' a week. V. Historical Theology. Professor Pae/ft ."

I. Church History. Junior year. Second and third periods. Two hours a week. Middle. year. Three periods. One bonr a week. 2. History of Christian Doctrine. ~Middle year. First period. Two hours a week. 3, History of Preacbing. (Elecrive.) Senior year. 'Second period. One hour a week. VI. Practical' Theology, Professor Pael!t. r. Homiletics. Middle year. Second and third periods. TWQhours a week. Middle year. First ~eriod. One hour a week. 2. Pastoral Theology. Senior year. Second and third periods. One' hour a week. 3. Catechetics. Senior year. Fdrst period. ,One hour a week. 4. Liturgics. Senior year. Firsf period. One bour a week. S. Home and Foreign Missions. Senior year. Second period. , . One honr a week. , 58 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

6. CongregationalislD'and Church Polity. Senior year. Third period. Doe hour a week. VII. Seclology, Professor Taylor. Outlines of Christian Sociology. Middle and Senior year. One hour a week. Two periods. VIII •. Music. Professor Cltamberla£n. Junior, Middle a~d Senior years. One hour a week.

COURSE FOR DANISH-NORWEGIAN STlJDENTS. Professors Jernberg and Grauer, The course of instruction for Danish-Norwegian students was opened in . 1884. Rev. P. C. Trandberg was its first iestructor.. The expense of start- ing the work was borne by Mr. H. A.. Haugan of the Lincoln Park church. Professor Jernberg became instructor .in l8Bs'and assumed charge of the de' pertrbent in 1890. He is assisted by Professor Grauer, who began work in 1891. Ninety-three students have received instruction in this department 'during the- past thirteen years, of whom thirty-four have graduated. Nearly" all of these are pastors of Danish and Norwegian churches in this country. . The Danish-Norwegian students maintain among themselves -a weekly meeting for prayer and conference. They have also organized a literary society for the study of Scandinavian literature. _ . The English language add literature is made a part of regular class- room work during the four years of the Course, so that the students are pre- pared.to use English as well as their native language.' . They do field work in connection with the Scandinavian churches and, missions in the city, consisting of preaching, teaching in Sunday schools, pastoral visitation and work among the poor. Much good has come from these labors. E'lIanl!c#stm, the organ of the Danish and Norwegian Ccngregeticuel churches in America, is published at the Seminary. This paper is no~ 10 the se~eoth Y,ear of its history and finds its w~y regularly every week tate twenty of our Northern and Western states and to Missouri, Louisiana, Nor- way. Sweden, Denmark, England. South Africa, -: China and Japan. From the pegiDoiog ttiis paper has been doing the work of a piooeer missionary. I. Old Tes'tament Literature and Interpretation. Professor Harper.

I. Old Testament Literature. Middle and Senior years. Two hours a week, CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEM1NARY. 59 II. New Testament Literature and Interpretation. Professor Jernberg.

1. Lectures on, the Life of Christ. Junior year, three periods. Three hours a week. 2. Study of the Book of Acts, with lectures on -the founding of the Church. Middle year. three periods. Two hours a, week. 3. Studies of the Epistles of Paul and USeApocalypse. Senior year, one period. Two hours a week. 4. Greek New Testament. Middle year, three periods Two hours a week. 5. Greek Exegesis. "Senior year, one period. Two bours a week. III. Chur~h History. Professor Grauer. 1. History of the times at Jesus. Junior year. Two hours a week. Third period. ,2. History of the early and; medieval Church 10 the times at Gregory VII. Junior year, three periods. Two hours a week. 3. History of the Church from the close ofjtbe eleventh ceetury to, and including, the Reformation in Germany. .. Middle year, three periods. One hour a week. 4 .. History of the Reformation in lands outside of Germany and the modern Church. Senior year. three periods. One hour a week. 5. Modern Missions. Senior year, one period. One hour a"week. 'I. Systematic:: Theology. Professor Grauer: '1. Lectures on natural revelation, redemptive revelation, inspiration. miracles and evidences of Christianity. Jnnior year, three perlcde. Two hours a week. �o CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

a. Lectures on the nature and works of God, the nature of man, sin, the person and redemptive work of Christ, and tbe application of H,is redemption through the work of the Holy Spirit. Middle year, three periods. Three hours a week. 3· Lecture on the nature of the Christian .Cburcb and its sacraments and the l~st things, death, the second coming of Christ, the resur- rection, the last judgment and. the final state. Senior year, three periods. Three hours a week. , V. Practical Theol0J'Y. Professor Jernberg.

I. Lectures 00 the preparation of sermons, exercises in making and, criticising plans. Juniar year, .one period. Middle year. One hour a week. 2. The analysis and synthesis of a sermon. Practical drill. ~ Senior year, three periods. One hour a week. 3· Pastoral Theology. Senior year, one period. One hour a week. VI. Sociology_ Professor Taylor, Outline of Christian Sociology. Middle and Senior year. One hour a week. Two periods.

CO\lRSE FOR SWEDISH STUDENTS. Professors Risberg and Peterson. Tqe course of instruction for Swedish students was opened. in 188S with Professor Risberg at its head and' fo'urteen students. It now averages between thirty and forty students, and Professor Risberg is assisted' by Professcr'Pete'" son in the work of instruction. Two hundred students have received.instrllc- ti9n In the department, of whom one hundred and nineteen have graduated. "Twelve are missionaries in Ioreign lands and one hundred and twenty are engaged in preaching in tbis country and in Europe. Tbere are ninety Swedish' Congregational churches in' this country, and besides these the independent Swedish churches, and tbose belonging ~o tbe Swedisb Evangelical Mission Union, look to this Seminary for their supply of

'ministers. I The average time they have been in America is seven years. Mo~t of them have only a common scbool education when they come to the Semi- , ' 's taken naq. The average age of the men is twenty-eight years, Great car~ I, that they shall be devoted Christians, with an earnest zeal for the work. CHICAGO THEqLOGICAL SEMINARY. 6,

The students hold a Swedish prayer meeting every Tuesday ~vening, from eight to nine, at which one of the professors is present. They also conduct a

debating society which meets every Monday evening, where the students dis- I -cuss religious and practical questions in coonectio~ with the wOl"kof the ministry. Nearly all of the men do regular field work and report once a month to Professor Risberg, Some are pastors, some preach to churches and at mission stations, some do Sunday-school work and house visiting, All work among the Swedes except two who preach to the Finns, I. Old Testament Literature and Interpretation. Professors R£sbe'-g and I-farjer.

Courses 1-2, Professor Risberg;' Course 3, Professor Harper,

I. Biblical Archeology. Junior year, Two hours a -week. 2. Old Testament History. Middle year. Two hours a week. 3· Israel in the postexilic period. Senior year. Two hours a week. 11. New Testament Literature and Interpretation. Professor R£sberg. r. Inductive Study of the Life of jesus, based on the Four Gospels. Junior year. Three bours a week.

2. The Life of Paul, according to tbe Acts, as an introduction to the study of his Epistles. Senior year. Two periods. 3· Interpretation of the first Epistle to the Corinthians. Two hours a week, Third period. III. Church "i.~tory. Professor Peterson.

I. History of ebe'Cburcb. followi~g tbe work of Nils Lovgren. Middle year. Two hour~ a week. 2. History of the Church in S~eden. following the work of Bisbop Cornelius. Senior year. Two hours a week. 52 CHICAGO THEOLOCTCAL SEMINARY.

V. 'Systematlc Theology. Professor Risbc?-g. 1. A 'course OD Christian Doctrine, on the basis of Professor J. A. Ekman's work. Senior year. Three hours a week. 'I. Practlca(Theology. Professor,Risbe,-g .

.J. Practical exercises in the homiletic use of Scripture .. Junior year. One hour a week. 2. Exercises in, making and criticising. plans of sermons. Use of Scripture in preaching. Delivery of sermons. Middle year. Two bours a week. Preparation and delivery of written and unwritten sermons and, addresses. ' Senior year. .Twc bours a week. ,, 4. Pastoral Theology. Senior year. One bour a week. VI. Sociology. 'Professor~'['aylor. Outlines of Christian Sociology. Senior and Middle years. One hour a week. Two periPds. VII. 'Elocution. Professor Grauer. ' Senior ykar. One ~our.a week.. CHICAGO COMMONS. A SOCIAL SETTLEMENT.

1.10 North Union Strec"t, at Milwaukee Avenue, West Side. Established, May, i8<)4.

From the point of view of the Scciolcglcal department the Settlement is to be regarded as a laboratory for social observation, inquiry, contact and induction,,,where life may be studied' at first band. The plan for tbis depart- ment involved from the outset the establishment of such an adjunct 00 the field, as essential to the success both of its purpose and method. Both for the frequent contact of undergraduates with the living problems which confront the Christian ministry, and for the more constant residence. statistical research and original inquiry of graduate students of theSeminary, the SettiemeoJt offers a rare opportunity, of which increasing advantage is taken. As exemplified at Chicago Commons, the Social Settlement consists p;imarily of a group of people wh9 choose to make their home in that part of the great city where they seem to be most needed, rather than where the neighborhood offers the most of privilege or social-prestige. The location is, for the purpose, ideal. Nearly in the center of the Seventeenth,Ward, one of ' the great industrial districts of the city, whose population is left behind in the centrifugal movement toward the suburbs and the prevailing indifference toward those left behind. the Commons looks out upon a community of nearly 30.000 people, of many nationalities, the Scandioavian predomioating. Iota this great cosmopolitan section, residential, manufacturing, mercantile, the little horne group .came.vmcving into 'a 'Iarge, old homestead, which seemed providentially stranded there for the purpose and which was leased for a term of five years. The purpose and personnel of the Settlement have.been gradual growths. 'As defined by the articles of legal incorporation, the purpose of the Settlement is "to provide a center for a higher civic and social life, to initiate and main- " tain religious. education~1 and philanthropic enterprises, and to investigate and improve conditions in the industrial districts of Chicago." •The notable fact in the present sUnation. of the Commons is the acqnisi- tion of the strategically located site of the old Tabernacle Congregational Church, under a ninety-nine year lease wUhont rental. and the: rapidly-pro: gressing erection thereupon of aD adequate and attractive building for the . (63) / '


joint occupancy of the church and the settlement. This consummation ill the outgrowth of the manifestly na,tural and increasingly intima'te' cordiality . between the settlement and the church. For more than two years Professor Taylor has served gratuitously as pastor of the church. with Rev. Henry J. Condit (Chicago Seminary. 18g8)., and most of the resjdents have laken up membership there and co-operate in the varied work. The new building (a sketch of which is given above), will permit a much closer and more effective co-operation without sacrificing the identity or limiting the, activity ,of either. It will provide an ample auditorium, club and lecture rooms, g-ymnasium, baths, etc" in addition to commodious quarters for the residents of the settle- ment. The building will cost upward of $50,000, 'of which thus far enough is in hand to insure at least the enclosure and permanent roofing of the Morgan street wing (including the auditorium), and it is hoped that additional funds will be given to allow the building to proceed without interruption. (A circular, illustrated with plans and picture of the proposed building, 'may be had upon .application at Chicago Commcas.) In' addition to this, it is hoped upon some moderate terms to retain the present building, the lease of which expires May I, 1900, so as to conserve the present local work in this desperately needy section of the ward. The Commons bas thus far been distinct among settlements in the con- tinuous residence of families. At present there are th~ee family groups. There are in residence twenty-five adults, men and women being equally divided. Of f~rty non-resident voluoteer workers, several ave Seminary students, and the remainder are business men, women and young ladies from various churches and other constituencies of the city aod suburbs. The management of the Settlement, both as to the interior home life and in the corporation which holds the household and other property, is kept as informal and personal as is consistent with business-like definiteness and efficiency. The Board of Trustees represents the personal, though not organic, relation of the Settlement with the Seminary, the Chicago City Mis- sionary Society, churches and other fellowship. The idea that the Settlement is first of all a home, is cordially recognized and kept in the fore-front. The distinctively spiritual phase of the Commons life is practically that which should characterize the relation of an avowedly Christian family in any community. As stated above, its residents cordially co-operate in the work at the Tabernacle. T,be daily household vespers are open to the neigbborbo?d. The Pleasant Sunday Afternoon during the winter months, with its choice music, select readings. helpful, hopeful speech, and devotional mo~en~ affords a restful retreat from the cares and sorrows of tbe work-a-da! hfe the neighborhood.' . The. otber work of tbe Commons groups itself under the lolloWJDg

departments: I EDUCATIONAL.-Kindergarten. indostrial training, domestic science, com'


mOD night-school branches. business forms, academic studies, art, music and a training school for Kindergarten teachers. ' SOCIAL.-Groups and clubs for boys and glrls; men and women, mothers _ and other naturally associated neighbors, in all of which Dot only the residents but many non-resident workers from the suburbs and elsewhere are included. Crvrc.c--Tbe betterment of political administration, municipal conditions and public institutions is of special concern to the. Settlement. The Seven- teentb Ward Council of the C.ivic Federation was initiated by and centers at the Commons. Voters of all parties constitute the Seventeenth Ward. Muni- cipal Club, a non-partisan organization for the political welfare of the whole people. City and county injstituticns, p,olice stations and justice courts, and the several departments of public service, receive studious interest and co-operation.' , ~ SANITARY.-Care is given fa the sanitary conditions of the neighborhood, by hearty co-operation with the city authorities and volunteer Inspections. Ecososncs.c-Speciat studies and investigations in social and industrial economics are pursued, besides the regular- work of the residents along these lines. The public appointments incluae the Tuesday evening meeting for men and women' at which politico-economic subjects are discussed from all points cfylew and with free speech; occasional group meeting of students represent- ing five city tbeologfcal seminaries and other higher educational institutions are held, in which experts are heard and quizzed and their subjects discussed. A Settlement Fellowsbip has been established by friends in Michigan Uui- versify which will provide- for a year's residence of a graduate student to pur- sue original investigations in some line of social economics, the results of whicb are to be-reported to. the University by a-thesis. An occasional. Social Eco- nomic Conference is held, in whicb tbe ablest teachers and representatives of 'various theories of sodal progress are brought together, to the bearing and discussion of whose views the widest and freest invitation is extended. \ CO-OPERATIONWITHTHE CHURCREs.-The neighboring church, the Tab- ernacle Congregational, with which most of the residents have been ide~tified by member-ship and service, bas committed the' charge of its pulpit and pester. . ate to Professor Taylor, with Rev. Henry J. Condit as associate pastor. The application of the social settlement principles and methods t'o the down-town church problem is thus being practically demonstrated by this personal co- operation between the two groups. Chicago Commons is. in ever-widening and increasingly practical co-oper-ation also with churches of many localities and diverse denominational affiliations. in responding '0 requeete for Eb nstian socia11iterature and invitations to its residents to present in 'public addresses the motive and methods ofCbristian social service. PUBUCATION.-A monthly periodical, Tile Com~ons. is devoted to the social settlement life and work at home and abroad. and to the progress of . ' 66 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEl'..IINARY.

brotherhood amoog men. Sketches of life in the crowded city-centers. reports of the sociological teaching in college. university and seminary class-rooms.

notes of literature in the social field, the social work of the churches, and COID- ments 00 current life from the Settlement point of view, are among its Ieatures. \ It is published at the nominal rate of fifty cents per year, for wider service in the common cause. Correspondence regarding the Settlement may be addressed to the resi- dent warden, Professor Graham Taylor, Chicago Commons, 140 North 'Union St., Chicago, Il1. THE ALUMNI INSTITUTE. There is a yearly gathering of the Alumoi for lectures, sermons, essays, . discussions and exegetical studies. in accordance witb a programme arranged 'and published. Tbe officers for tbis year are:

REV. L; L. WEST, President, REV. S. S. HEALY, Viae-President, REv. O. C. GRAUER, Secretary and Treasurer, REV. A. H. ARMSTRONG, } REV. H. -W. STOUG~, Pr.ogramme Committee. RBv. H. M. RICHARDSON,

PROF. E. T. HARPER, I Entertainmcnt Committee. R'Ev. H. J. CONDIT, f Tbe Institute meets at the Seminary Anniversary, in May. Ministers not qf the Alumni may become associate members on their application and the vote ,of the body. Such applications should be made before the Anniversary in May, and may be sent to the/~ecretary of the Institute. Its exercises have been attended with steadily increasing interest and profit " ,, \

Register of Students.


FELLOWS. BOWERS, ROY EDWIN, B.D., 18g8, Edinburg, Scotland. On the M£cMgan Fellowsltij;,. 1897.

, JONBS, HOWARD MURRAY, B.D., 1898, Edinburg, Scotland. On the E. W. Blatchford FellowsJdp, 1898.

MVLL~NBACH. JAMES, Halle, Germany. On tke MicMgan FellowsMP, ;899· , ' GRADUATE STUDENTS.,. FROST, WILLARD JEROME, Harvey, Ill., .' Dover, O. Oberlin Tlu:ologt'cal Semt'narYI 1895.

GAMMON, ROBERT WILLIAM, Big Rock, Ill .... Big R,ock, 1'11. CMcago Theolo!(tcal Semt'nary~ I899· Brookfield, O. KERR, J 0SBPH POWBLL, 303 F. H., Oberlin Tkeological Seminary, 1892. KoM, Japan. OSADA, TOKIYUKI, 42:2 F. H., DosMska Collelfe, J884_ Edgerton, Wis. SPELMAN t- HENRY OHBL, 310 F. H., , Chicago Theolo,!!*al Seminary, /890. Chicago, Ill. WJ;'LI~M5; MILTON BRYANT, North Western University, 1894.

SENIOR CLASS. '. Bellows Falls, Vt. A~AMS, CHAUNCEY CORBIN, 306 F. H., Dartmouth Colklfe. r896· (6g ) ·.~

, 70 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL, SEMINARY. ANDERSON, FRANK HOWARD, 310 F. H., Omaha, Neb. Gates College., . BAYLEY, DWIGRT SMITH, 512 Washington Boul., Denver, Colo. Colorado College, I897.

BLOOD, CHARLES ROWELL, 418 F. H., Chelmsford, Mass. Harvard Universz',y, I897.

DASCOMB, ARTHUR STEELE, Westminster, Vt. Dartmouth College, I897.

DUNGAN, THOMAS ARTHUR, 309 F. H., Otis, Colo. Colorado College, I897.

EVA!iS, HOWELL MICHAEL, 83 Cortland St., Chicago. Ill. Brecon College, Wales, /893,

GRAY, THOMAS, 312 F. H., Topeka, Kan. Washburn College!..I8¢.

HEN·RY, FRANK EDMONDS, 325 F. H., Emmetsburg, la. Iowa College. I8f}3.

LACEY. ALBERT TH~ODPRE, 402 F. H.. Downers Grove, Ill. Beloit College, I897.

Leos. WILLIAM, 307 F. H., Kiel, Wis. Missiotz House College, r894'

L,YMAN. HARVEY AUSTIN, 332 K .. H., Mitchell, S. Dak. Yankton. College, I8g6.

MERRILL, GEORGE PLUMER, 434 K. H:, Chicago, Ill. Universt'ty of Minnesota, I893'

MOORE, JOHN WRIGHT, 301 F., H., Trevor, Wis. Wooster l1nt'versity.

REf-D, ELMBR "I?AVID,302 F. R., • Jacksonville, 111. DUnoz's ColJeg~,I8W.

ROBINSON,HENRY WARt), 402 F. H .• Beloit. Wis. Beloit Col/ere, I897. , , ':::t:<" I' 'eli Fi


ROGERS, WILLIAM OSGOOD, 4IO F. 'H., Mt. Pleasant. la. Iowa , r897.

SINDEN, ARCHIBALDWILLIAM, 141 Wesley Ave.. Oak Park, . Oak Park, Ill. Beloit College.

, SNOW, WALTER AUSTIN,' 333 K. H., Austinburg, O. Ohio ,State U,l£verst'ty, r897.


• BLACK, ROBERT FRANKLIN, 212 F. H .. Redfield, S. Dak. Redfield College, ;898.'

B~OTH; HENRY KEblDALL: 405 F. Pl., Chicago, 111. Hamilton College, ";8¢.

BOWDISH, AUSTIN CRAIG, 306 F. H .. Crawford. Nebr.. Yankton eollegc. /897.

-CHAPMAN, WILLIAM JOHN, 4IO F. H., Wak~field, Kan. Cent,'al No?'mal College, ;894· Rockford, Ill. ~UTLER, ALEXANDER ELLIS, ~F3 F. H., Beloit College. ;8'18. LeGrande, Ia., , DALZELL, GEORGE, ( LeGrande CllYf'stian College, ;895· janesville, Wis. -.. DENISON, GEORGE BORRODEL, 494 F. H., Oherlin College. Antigo, Wis. !fITCH€OCK, WALLACE CHESTER, 401 F. H., Ripon College, f8¢. Merthyr Tydvik Wales. JONES, THOMAS GWILYM, Carmartken Coll~ge, f898. Bbopiere. Wis. , JORDAN, JOHN WESLEY, 413 F. H., Be/ot'! College, ;898. Redfield, S. Dak. KENT, WILLIAM HENRY, 303 F. H.,

Redfield College, ;897, I Grinnell. Iowa. MARSH, GEORGE LXVI, 328 f. H., Iowa College; ;898. c



PINKNEY, CLARENCE WILLIAM, 302 F. H.. Kishwaukee, IlL Wheaton College, I897.

" ROGERS. "ROBERT WELLS, 433 K. H., Wauwatosa, Wi •. Beloit College, ;896.

WILEY, HORACE STEVENS, 313 F. H., Grinnell, la. Iowa College. I897'

WILLIAMS, THEODORE CHARIl.ES, 212 F. H., Cheboygan, Mich, .

WILLIAMS, THISTLE A .• 325 F. H" Grinnell, lao Iowa College, I897.

YOUNG, ARCHIE HENRY, 401 F. R., Ashland, wa.. Ripon College, I898.


BARTHOLOME\y. NO,YES OTIS. 38 Park Ave., Topeka, ~an: Washburn College, 18g8.

BILLIG, CLINTON AMBROSE, 305 F. H., Forreston, Ill. Ohio WJsleyan Ulliversity. 18g8.

B;0RTON, CARL DARLING, Lyonsville. III~ , 1899.

BU~DICK, CHARLES HENRY, 311 F. H., ' . Oconomowoc, Wis. Beloit College, x899.

BUSH. FRED Rays, 225 F. H., Hopkins Station, Mich. , O#vet College, x8.95.

BURT, HE~RY FAIRFIELD, 327 F. H., Wabaunsee, Kan. Washburn College, 1899. (. I GOOK, EZRA ALBERT, 316 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill .. , Wheaton College, 1898. CROCKER, HERBERT GOULD, 312 F. H., , Emporia, Kaa. Washburn t~lle~e, 1897.

DAVlltS, JOHN WILLIAM, 311 F. H., • Scranton, PenD,. llfart'etta College, 1899,

\ ,

en # I,


DOUGLASS, ROSCOE DWI.GHT, 313 F. R., . Toledo, la. Iowa College, 1899.

FALES, DAVID, JR.,IS03 F. H., ' . Lake Forest, Ill. Harvard Univers£ty, 1897. Oswego Falls, N. Y. FISHER" CHARLES Russ, 408 ~. H" Redfield College, 1899. Constantinople, Turkey. FENSHAM, FLORENCE, A" 331 K. E .• ..Memphis! Tenn. GRAVE.S, ARTHUR GUY, 204 F. H., • Iowa College, 18g8. \ Chicago, III. GREENW00D, VICTOR LYNDE, Wheaton College, 1898. Fairfield, la. JORDAN, ALBERT HASTINGS, 203 F. H., Parsons College, 1899. Huntsburg, Ohio. JUDD, HURBERT OSBORNE, 31'1 F. H., Marietta College. / Clarks, Neb. KOKJ.ER, JORDAN MADSON, 477 Randolf St., Doane ColZete, 1895. DenvJr, Colo.' McLEAN, LESTER, JR., . , ' Color.ado. College, 1899; Hubbardston, Mich. M90RE, A:RTHUR ALLEN, 301 F., H., Olivet C'opege, 18g8. Chicago, Ill. MORRISON, CHARLES CLAYTON, l!ltiversity of Dakota,. 18g8. ", ,Chicago, Ill. SCHAEFER, .JOHN CHAR~ES, 329 So. Ho,yoe Ave., N01·tlt Western College: 1896. Sioux City. la. STEVEN~, 'THOMAS ELMER. Grays Lake, Ill .• ,U,,!iver..sity~of Iowa. 1898. Eldora, la. TOWER. CHARLES ELMER, 334 K. H., Iowa, College. Zanesville; Ohio. VAN VAJ,.KENBURGH, 308 F. H., ,j'J'uskin/fum College. Steam!'oat Rock, Ia. WYATT, F!lANCIS 0., 225 F. IJ·, Iowa College, 1898. 74 CHICAc'O THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

PASTORAL DEPARTMENT., ABBOTT, ANSTICE, 512 washington Bou1., Bombay, India.

LEWIS, WATSON EORENZO, 314 F. H" . . Wheeling, Ind. De Pauw Unz"vers£ty, 1896.

MARTIN. BEt:OAl~IN FRANKLIN, 427 F. Hot Fulton, Wis. Un£vers£lyof Wisconsin.

TALMAGE, LUTHER CURTIS~ 304 F. H .• Detroit, Mich. Olivet College.

CAREY, ARCfJIBALO JAMES, Wabash and aath St., Chicago, Ill. Atlanta University.

LEAMAN, AMO~ HERSHEY, 168 W. rsth St., Chicago. IlL Millersville State Normal, Penn.


'SXNtOR CLASS. LOHR, GEORG, 428 F~ H., Hartford, Wi~. Fortbildu..ngs Schute, Weinoisheim, Germany.

.REISTER, JOHANNES, 322 F. H.• Scotland. S. Dak . Wilton German-English :College, 1897.

SATTLER,. FERD-INAND, 224 F. H., Tyndall,' S. Dak. I Wilton German-English Collc,fe, 1~97.

SCH~IlDT, PHILIPP, Chicago', Ill. Ma?-d/fo I"nst£tute.

S:rOELTIKG, FRJEDRICH,'225 F.Ii., ' Freelandville, Ind'l

THIEL, PETER J., 423 F. H., Ritaville, Wash. Wilton Germ'an-Encl:'s!t Colle!l"e.


BAUMANN, BENI. R, 226 F. H., .r Lansing, la. Wilton German-EngUsl],. College, 1898.

DIETRICH, tIEINRICH J., 4I&F. B.,. Testerville, S. Dak. Wilton German-Englt'slt Colleife. CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY; 75

, DORMAJER, CHRIS~IAN, 226 F. ,H.. Scotland, S. Bak. Wilton German-English c.ollege, 18gS:

KONIG, DAVID, 335 K. H., Chicago,lll. Wt"lton German-English College, 1898.

FJNIOR CLASS. Culm, N. Dak. 'GROSS, JOHANN D .• 218 F. H .• Wz1to;z German"Englisk College. New YOl'k. STAHL, CARL, 218 F. R., Seminar-Usz·ngen. Germany.


SENIOR CLASS. Galesburg, Wis. ,AMUNDSEN, ALBERT, 318 F. H. Drammen, Norwayl. ~ ANTHONY, ANDREW l, 323, F. H., Stavanger, Norway IVERSEN. ENGVALD, 412 F. H.. Oshkosh, Wis. NELSON, JOHN', 319 F. H.,

MIDDLE CLASS. Menill. Wis. ANDERSEN, SIVER'T, 314 F. H., gtavanger, Norway. LARSEN, BARTHOLDUS, 412 F. H.. Merrill. Wis. OLSON, HANS, 31'9 F. H.,

JUNIOR CLASS. _ Danway, Ill. ~ • ]OSEPHSEN, JOHN ASKVIG, 318 F. H.• , Aarhus, :Denmark .' KNUDSEN, JENS, 221 F." H .•


SENfoR CLASS. • Crompton: R. I. ANDER~N, CARL GUSTAP', 593 Carr~ll Avenue, ' North EastoD, Mass. _ HOLM, CHARLBS JOHAN, 219 F. H., Jersey City, N. J. K?GH,'OSCA:R F'RBDRIK, 326 F. a., \. CHICAG0 THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

MtCKEI;-s, PETER ADRIAN, 426 F. R" Worcester, Mass,

MONSON, MAGNPS, 2592 Bernard St.. Chicago, Ill.

NELSON, OTTO, 205 F. R., Cadillac, Mich.

SUBER, GUSTAF ADOLF, 407 F. R., . Boston, Mass ..


BRATTST~OM, VICTOR, 207 F. R., Chicago, IlL

DA~LGREN, OLOF ANTON, 406 F. R., . Joliet, Ill..

HENNINGS, GUSTAF, ]26.F. H., Austin, Ill.

MILLER, OLOF HANS, 406 F. H., Granville,, Ill.

JUNIOR CLASS. CLEMETS, CARL JOHAN, 219·F. H., Worcester,, Mass .. ENGLUND, THEODOR: 202 F. H.. Lowell, Mass ..

HAGGBLOM, JOR,AN RE~NHOLD, 201 F. H., Quincy, Mass.

MODIG, AUGUST HJ~LMAR, 425 F. H" Georgetown; Tex.

NELSON, PER ALBERT, 425 F. H Clinton, Ia ..

PETERS9N, SAMUEL, 201 F. R., Lynn, Mass.

QUARNSTROM, GUSTAF ARON, 202 F. R., New York, N. Y;,

SUNDELIN, WEIlO WAI,NO, 426 F. H., Quincy, Mass.

Des Moines, la. SVENSON,, CARL JOHAN, 419 'F. R"

WESSRDL, NILS.JOHAN, 419 F. H., Moline, IlL bt • 4hi(


SUMMARY. ·Fellows. 3 Eng-lisll Department. ~ 78 Graduate Students. ., ~•.... 6 German Department 12 Seniors. .•...... 36 Danish-Norwegian 9 Middle ...... •....•.••. ,. 29 Swedish : 2. Juniors ,40 Pastoral...... ••...•...... 6 Total ...•...... •....•...•• .. 120

STATES. 'Colorado...... 3 North Dakota . Illinois ..... Ohio ,. Indiana. " Pennsylvania ,. lowa . Rhode Island ' . Kansas . '.5 South Dakota Massachusetts 9 Tennessee . Michigan .. 5 Texas . Nebraska ... 3 . New Jersey Washington. 1 New York. wisconsin. .• '16

FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Denmark" Norway .. Germany Scotland India .. Turkey ..... Japan 'Vales ..


Atlanta University .. Marietta College Beloit College. ,.: .. . . Michigan, University of ...... •. 'Breton College ...... •.... Millersville State Normal . 'Cjlrmarthen College .•. "...... Minnesota. Uuiversity of ....•. Central N almal College ... ,.. . . Mission House College . Chicago Theological Seminary . Muskingurn College ...... •.... Colorado College...... Nortllwestern College . D:lkota. University of . . Dartmouth College . Oberlin College ..•...... •• ·•······· Oberlin Theological Seminary ...... •. DePauwUniversity ....•...• , •. , , •.... t' Doane Cnllege . Ollio State University . Doshisha College.) apan . Ohio Wesleyan University . Fortbildungs Schute, Weinolsheim ...•..• Olivet College ...•...... •...... •.. Parsons College ...... ••...... 'Ga,tes College . Hamilton College . Redfield College - .. Ripon College . 2 Semioar.Usiogen. Germany .••.•••••.•.• . 'Washburn College .••..•..•..•. / ." •. 04- Iowa College '.. 8 Wheaton College...... 3 Iowa. Univer:sity of . Wilton German·English College •..•••• ,. 8 Iowa.Wesleyan University •.....•••••...• WiSConsio.l!niv~Tlityof ••••• , ••••••• : ••• KnoxCollege •...•.••.•.• : .•••••••••.•. _ Wooster University ·· . Le Grande Christian College .••••.•••••. Yankton College ••••. , ..••••..•..•.••••.. .Mardgo Institute . REGISTER OF OFFICERS AND StUDENTS.

INCLUDING ALL OFP"ICBRS, PROFESSORS, INSTRUCTORS, ALUMNI AND STUDENTS FROM THE ORGANIZATION OF THE SBMINARY. DIRECTORS. 'I'erminaricn Corporate 01 Service. Members. 1854. "R~v. Flavel Bascom. D.O - ,...... 1888 1854- *Joseph E. Beebe, Esq .. "',' ...... ••. •••. 1862 18 1 1854. Rev. Charles W. Camp. D.D : 9 1854. *Philo Carpenter, Esq .. ' 1871 1854-'*Rev. William Carter. '...... •.• . . . . •. .. . 1861 1854. Rev. Nathaniel H. Eggleston ···.·· .. ············ 1861 1854. *Rev. Hirman Foote •...... •.•. ··•· ••• ················ 1864 1854. *Jobn G. Foote, Esq ...... • · ... ·················· 1.885 18 8 1854. *Rev. Jesse Gurnsey ·.· .. · .. · ······ · 5 1854. Rev. Richard Hall...... •...... 1864 '1854. *Rev. L. Smith Hobart 1861 1854. *Horace Hobart, Esq ...... •.... ·················· .". 1868 186 ,1854. Rev. John C. Holbrook, D.O ·· ······· ···· 4 186 1854. *Rev. M. Augustus Jewett ················•·•····· 4 18 8 1854. *]oseph Johnston, Esq · .. ······· .. · 5 1854. *Rev. Adam S. Kedzie · .- 1899 1854. *Rev. Harvey D. Kitchell, 0.0 " 1866 18 8 1854. *Rev. John J. Miter, D.O 5 1854. *Rev. Stephen Peet. 1855 188 1854. *Rev. Truman M. Post, D.O ·····•··············· 7 18 1 1854. *Rev. Alden B.·Robbins. D.D ..• t ; ~ 9 1854. Rev. George S. F. Savage. 0.0 .. 1854. *Solomon L. Withey, Esq .. ,860 Elected. 185~. *R'ev. George W. Perkins .•...... • :············ ....•.•..... 1856 1877 1857. *Rev. W. W. Patton, D, D ,. 1858. *Charles G. Hamrg.ond, Esq ..•..... · . 1886 1858. Rev.]. E. Roy, D.O ,. 1876 1861 1858. *Horatio Hitchcock, M.D ·· .. ······ .. ······ 1858. *Rev. W: L. Mather ...... ••...••.•.•.••...... •...... 1864

-Deceased. (19) 80 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Termination of Service. Elected. 1858. *E. D. Holton, Esq ...... •...... 1860. *Rev. S. S. N. Greeley -., . 1860. T. M. Avery, Esq ...... •...... 1860. *Horace Billings. Esq ...... •...... •...... 1861. "Rev. Asa Mahan. D.O ·•···•············ 1861. Rev. Edward Taylor, 0.0"...... 0'.···· 1861; E. W. Blatchford, Esq·:·············!I··················· 1861, Rev. S. H. Emery ...... •...... 1861, *Rev. G. F. Magcun, D.O 0'.·············· 1861. *W. W. Kimball, Esq · . 1864. *Rev, Philo R' Hurd · 1864. *Rev. E. G. Miner ', .i864' *Eliphalet Cramer. Esq . 1864. ,*Rev. S, P. Sloan ..... ,.... . •...... '1864. Rev. N. A. Hyde, D.O. . . 1867 1864. *Rev. D. Burt. ... ,...... •.•... 18 2 1866. *Rev. John P. Gulliver, 0.0, ...... •.. 7 18n '1867. Rev. S, M. Freeland ~ .. 2 ' r8 1867, Rev, Charles Seccomb ...... ~ 7 187° 9. *Burton C, Cook, Esq · 186 1873 1870, '''S. B. Kellogg, Esq .. , . .(. 1891 70. *Rev. Aaron L. Chapin, D.O . 18 1873 1870. "'J. A. Dutcher, Esq , ...•...... 1872 1870. !~G.W. Couch, Esq , . 1876 1 7 , Rev. Richard Cordley, D.D .. ~; ..••.. 8 0 r879 r87I. Rev. M. K. Cross . 1872 7 . ';'Francis Colton. Esq...... •..... 18 1 1873 ·~872.' Rev. Edward M. Williams, D.O... . . 1876 1872. *L. W. Ross, Esq ~ . 1888 7 . Rev. A. F. Sh~rrill...... 18 2 I 1888 ~873. *J~me,s W. Scoville. Esq - . . . . . • ...... •. . . 1876 73. *James H. Knapp. Esq. . . • ...... • . • • . • . • . 18 1876 1873. eRev. James S. Hoyt, D.O ···············,· .. ·· 1879 1 73. Rev. H. L. Hubbell '''' oJ··, '. 8 1878 1873. »Rev. J. Morgan Smith ······················· . 1876 ' 1873" Rev. H. M. Daniels · ···············•······ 1874- 1873. Rev. A. Fuller, D.O ., ·,· .. ······,···;···· .. ······ 1891 74. Rev. Henry A. Stimson. D.O .. , ····" ,. 18 1879 1876. *Rev. Zachariah Eddy, 0.0 ··········, _ . 1886 .1876. *Lucius G. Fisher, Esq .••••••. ,.·.··,·················· •.•••.. 1877 , 1876. *Rev. William Coffin ,.···········,···············

·Deceased. p ~:;;;e t i ,..#

, CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. 8, Termination Elected. . o! ServiCe. 1876. Rev. E. P. Goodwin, D.O 1l}8z 1876. *W. C;. Allen, Esq ,; 1819 1876. ':l-J.H. Merrill, Esq 1886 1876. "Rev. H. N. Gates. .. 1882 1876. Rev. Peter McVickar, D.O 1882 18n. ''''Orlando Davidson. Esq. . •...... 1885 1878. R. G. Peters, Esq 1891 1879. Rev. Henry T. Rose.. . ,. 1882 1879. "Rev. O. C. Thompson 1885 1879. Rev. Warren F. Day. D.O.;...... 1883 187g. Rev. James W. Strong, D.O ...... • ' 1891 1882. Rev. J. F. Dudley, 0.0 ,.'.: l..... 1894 1882. Rev. L. Bla.kesley, D.D. .. ,~ . 1882. ~H. N. Holden, Esq...... •....•...•.•.... , ....•.•...... 18g2 1885,. Rev. Moses Smith, D.O. . ,...... 18g1 1885. ':l-C,alebF. Gates,- Esq , , 1891 r88S. H. A. Haugan, 'Esq.. . 1888' 1885. 'J-Edwin S. '[ones. Esq 18go 1885. "Rev. Joseph Ward, D.O...... •..•.•.. ...•.•.....•.•. -1888 1886. Nathaniel P. Dodge, Esq ...... •.•.•...... •....•.. 1886. "George N. Culver, Esq...... •...... •...... • 1891 1888. *A. C. Harwood. Esq...... 1891 1887. Rev. H. S. Mills...... 1891 1888. *1. N. Camp, Esq...... , ...... • ,•...... 1896 1888. Rev, J. C. Armstrong, D.B ' . 1888. -Rev. R. B. Guild 1889 1889. Rev A. R. Thain. 0.0, ··· ········· 1894 1890. George H. Rust. Esq : ········ 1·890 w. E. Hale, Esq ...... • _...... 1892-18g6 1891. ~W. C. Hamilton. Esq , 1899 1891. Rev. W. H. Davis. D.O · t896 J8gl. Rev. W. A. waterman. D.O 1892 1891. Charles E. Morse. Esq . r Sqr , David Fales. Esq ....•...... ~ ..••..... '.....•...... J8gl. Rev. 1'. O. Douglass ...... •..•...... , •....•.. ' t Scr . Rev. Jobn H. Morley , ','" 18g1. Rev. H. D. Wiar~ ..••.....••.••. , ••....•• ··· .. ·····,'········ 1892 r8gl. "Rev. H. C. Simmon5 ~ : · •··· ·····• 1899 r8g1 .~e.v.C" M. Saunders .•.. , ••...••.•..•••...••• •·•······•••··· 1894 1892. ]. H. Pearson. Esq .•..•....•••• ·············,················ 1893. Rev. 'F. A. Noble, D.D ····· .. ·• .. · .. · 1894 •

, - .,


Terminl.liou EI~cted. of Service. 1894. A. W. Benedict, Esq ...... •...... 1896 1894. Pres. A. T. Free ,' '. '8<>6 1894. Rev. J. B. Gregg, D.D _...... •• _ . 1894_ Rev. J. G. Jobnson, D.O ...... •... , . 1896. Rev. E. M. Williams, D.:£:), . r896. Rev. Lewis Gregory, D.O . 1896. Rev. Michael Burnham, D.O "'...... •...... 1896. . james H: Moore, Esq ,'...... •.... , , . 1896. Rev. T. C. Hu~t . ~ . r8g8. C. H. Hulburd. Esq ...... •...... ,. ::::: :::: b~:'R~e;::;il~~D::::::: :-:::::::.':::::: ~::::~:::::.: 1899. Rev.J. W. Bradshaw, D.b . 1899: Rev. W. H. Buss ...... •.... _....•..•.•..•••••..•....•••.... 1899. J. M. Whitehead, Esq ....•...... •..•..•..•....••.••.• 1899. E. J. Harkness, Esq...... ••••....•...... • , \ ....


1854. itRev. Stephen Peet ,...... 1855 '1855. "'Rev. Flavel Bascom, D.D :...... 1858 1858. "'Rev.H. D. Kitchell, D.D...... 1862 1862. "Rev. A. B. Robbins, D.D 1865 1&65· E. W. Blatchford. Esq 18go ..-1890. "'William E. Hale. Esq . . . . .•...... 1892 18,92. E. W. Bl:Hcbford, Esq l......

VICE-PRESIDENTS. 1860. *Rev. A. B. Robbins. D.D.. ~...... 1862 1862. "Rev. H. Foote...... •...... •..••.•... 1867 186 7. *H"on. J.1 G. Foote ... , ..... _...... •.•• 1••••••••••••. '.•••••••••• 1870 0 187 .' "Rev. A. S. Kedzie ...•...... •....•...... •.••...... •. 1875 1875. "Rev. Truman M. Post. D.D : t880 1880. *L. G. Fisher, Esq " , : ...... •...... 1886 1886. "'James W. Scoville. Esq ...... •...... •..••••.•..•... ,.: ... 1888 , 18Ss. *Caleb F. Gates. Esq ...... •...... •...... 1891 ~89I. E. W. Blatchford, Esq , ...... •.....•...... 1892 1~9I. *Henry N. Holden, Esq. '" •...... •••...... ••.•.•.•••••.••.. r893 11:8:92.. David/Fales, Esq ...•... '" ••••.•••..••••• ' .. 1893. *Williall;1 E. Hale, Esq , ....•.•..•.• 1896 1893. Rev. J. G. Jobnson, D.O 18g8 -Deceased.

, , ,


EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 'ferll!.illation Elected. 01Service. 1855. *Rev. G. W. Perkins, D.O , _ 1856-

J8S5. *Pbilo Carpenter, Esq .. 0"••• : •••••••••••••••••• ,., •• _ •••••••••• 1871, 1855. *Horatio Hitchcock, M.D : 1862

1855' Rev. G. S. F. Savage, D.D : d •••••••••••••• 187+ .1855. 'l1'Josepb Johnston, Esq .....•...... •.•.•....•...... •..... 1858 1855. Rev. N. H. Eggleston .....••.•.•••.•...... •. '•..... _.... 1860- 1855. Rev. J. C. Holbrook, p.p 1858 1856 C. G. Hammond, Esq ·1862 1858. *Rev. W. W. Patton, D.D ...... •.•. ~...... •. , .•.•...... 18n 1858. Rev. 1. E. Roy. D.D ...... •.•..••.•.. 1876- 1861. *E. D. Holton, Esq ',' : ,. 1863 1861. T. M..Avery, Esq...... •.••... , ,...... • 1.: 1868 1862. E. W. Blatchford, LL·D ...... •...... •..... , •...... 1864. *Eliphalet Cramer. Esq " 1865 1865. *Rev. H. D, Kitchell, D.D ...... •. · 1866- 1866. "Rev. J. P. Gulliver, D.D , I86g- 1868. -ltC. G. Hammond. Esq ...... •...... 1870 1869. *Rev. F. Bascom. D.D .....•...... ••.•.... ~ :. 1876 1870 Rev. A. L. Chapin, D.D 1873 1871. ..C. G. Hammond, Esq _ 1876 1873. *J. W. Scoville, Esq ...... •...•...... ~.. 1-888 IB73. *Rev. A. S. Kedzie " IB78 1876. Rev. E. P. Goodwin, D.D...... •••...•.. ••.•... IB82 1876. *L. G. Fisher. Esq ; , 1886- 1876. ·»Rev. William Coffin : .' 1877 I8n. Rev. G. S. F. Savage. D.D ...... •••... ; ...... •••...•.... -. IBn. "Rev~.F. Bascom. D.D .. ~ 1886- 1877. *0. Davidson. Esq ' I88S

.~::;: :~.':' :;:t~s~~~~:::::: ~~:::::.'::::::::: :.::~:::::::.::;::::::: :::~ 1886. *George N. Culver. Esq t : ••.•.••••.•• : •• '.•••.•••.. 1892 1886. H. A. Hangan.vEsq ..•...••.• '...•...... •••••..•...... •.... 1888 1888. *1. N. Camp. Esq ~ 1893 1888. Rev. J. C. Armstrong : ", . 18gI. *W. E. Hale. Esq .••...•••.•..•••..•••. ;'.•••.••.•••.•. : ...••.. 1892 1892. David Fales. Esq , . 1892. Charles H. Morse. Esq ...... • 1•••• •· •.•. 1893. J. H. Pearson; Esq , .. ' '..•...•...... 1-893._.W.\ E. Hale. Esq ...... •..••...•..•.. '. •...•...... _. 1896, 1893. Rer,,-. F. A: Noble. n.n ··········· 1894 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

TerDlination Elected. of Service. IS94. Rev. J. G. Jobnson, ID.D...... 1'898 . JSg6.' I]. H. Moore, Esq : 1899 J8g,S. C. H. HUlburd: Esq . ,1S99· E. J. Harkness, Esq .

SECRETARIES .. .1S54· Rev. N. H. Eggleston · : . 1859 '1859. Rev. G. S. F. Savage, D.D ...... •...... •...... 1873 18 73. Rev. J~E. Roy, D.O...... •.....•...... •...... 1876. 1876. ·Rev. W. W. Patton, D.O : .. 1877 1877. Rev. G. S. F. Savage. D.O .

TREASURERS. 18 55. ~Lucius D-,Olmsted, Esq. . . 1862 1862. ·Re". H. L. Hammond ...... •...... 1872 18 2 7 . Rev. G. S. F. Savage. D.O I . 1885 1885. "Rev. M. F. Hollister, ...... •...... •.••.....•••...... 1889 IS89. \ Henry W. Chester, Esq , .

FINANCIAL AGENTS. 18 54. 4Rev~ Stephen Peet , ...... 18 55. ·R~v. Adam S. Kedzie...... r868. Rev. W. H. Daniels ...... •.

FINANCIAL SECRETARIES. 18 2 7 . Rev. G. S. F. Savage, D.O 1876 6 187 . 4Rev. Adarq S. Kedzie 1880 I.882. Rev. E. M. Betts ...••..•...•..•..•...... •..•.•••.•..•...... ,,1887 1888. "'Rev. EI'j Corwin, D.O r : •....•..••.•..••.....• 18g1


,1855 ItOriando Davidson, Esq ...... ••.....••..••..••.•.•••..•...•... 1858 8 1. 55. E. S. Warner. Esq ....•••.•.. • ...... ••••.••.••..•...•••...... 1858 I?S8. *J. E. Beebe. Esq : 1861 18 8 5 . *J. G. Foote. Esq ...... •...... •...... '•.....•..•...... 1862 It)S8. *H. Hobart, Esq .... " " '" ....••...... •....•.• :. ,1860

,1861. *Francis Bradley, Esq .. J ~ 1866 ·De«ased.

;0 • it' $ ,\ \ ' 'J; • "


Term;lIal;OI. 'Ejected. of Service. 1861. Rev. J. C. Holbrook, D.O . ]862" 1862. E. W. Blatchford, Esq ...... •...... •...... [866 1862. *W. W. Farwell, Esq -...... •... 1866· 1866. Lyman Baird, Esq : . ,899' 1866. "C. F. Gates, Esq · 18](1 1866. ·lI-J,'L. Lee, Esq ; ...... •..... , . 18]4- 187°.- S. M. Moore, Esq ~ , . 1879' I \ -1874.. *C. F. Gates, Esq .. 1885 1879. *George N. Culver, Esq . 1886' 18.85. *0. Davidson, Esq : ...... •...... ,. IS9~ 1887. P. S. Underwood, Esq...... •...... •...... IS88- 1888. O. B. Taft, Esq...... •.... , , , ...•...... 1893 1893. J. H. Moore. Esq l •.... 189(j 1896. C. H. Hulburd'I"" " .. 189& 1898. J. M. Sherman. Esq .. . ····················· 18g8. E. D. Redington. Esq. . :, .' . 1899. C. H. Blatchford, Esq......

LIBRARIANS, r8n 1865. -IoPI:Of.~. C.' Bal1t1ett,ID.D...... 1875 1873. Prof. George N. Boardman, D.D ·.···· i : . 1877' 18 .Prof. Theodore W. Hopkins. A.M ······ .. ··· .. ···· 75. 1881 1877. Prof"G. N. Boardman. D.D . -189& 1881. Prof. Samuel Ives Curtiss, D.D ···· 1896. Herbert Wright Gates, B.D ,. BOARD OF VISITORS. 1861 1854. -IoRev.N. C. Clark ······ . 1861 1854. -loA. Comstock. Esq , . 185& 1854. *Rev. H. N., Bnlnsmade, D.D ······ .. ··· .. ····· .. ····· 18SS ]854. "Rev. D. M. Bardwell ...... •...... 185& 1854. ·Rev. S. W. Eaton. D.D ··· :. . r861 1854. "Rev. R. IVI. Pearson ~ . 1861 1854. "Rev. Asa. Turner, Jr ···························· 1864 1858. Rev. Joseph Emerson. D.D ··········•·· . 1864 1858. *Rev,. Philo R. Hurd ··········· ······· .. ·· ., 1860' 1858. *Rev. Z. M. Humphrey. D.O ·.···:··· .. :·········· .. · 1864 1858. *W. J. Phelps, Esq .: 1864' 1860. "'Rev. Samuel Wolcott, D.O ...... •...... 1864 1861. "'Rev. F. T. Perkins ························ .

·Oecellsed. /'


Termination Elecled.. _ 01Service. !l86L ·Jacob Butler, Esq.':" : 186'; 1861, *C. I. Walker, Esq ' _ 1867 IB6I. *Rev. 'c. D. Helmer 1867 1864. *Rev. J. S. Hoyt. D.O.: ...... •.....•...... 1873 1864. Rev. Lyman Abbott. D.O ... ,.....•...••....•••...... •..... ,,1867 -1864_ *Rev. J. M. Sturtevant, D.D ...... •...... •...•...... 1873 1864. *Rev. M. P. Kinney ...... •...... •...... 187] 1864. ·Moses Pettingill, Esq ,.....•...... •...•...... •....•. 1870 J867. Rev. Nathan J. Morrison, D.O ...... •...... 1873 J867· ·"'Rev. Rufus Patch 1873 )867. Rev. F. B. Doe -: ..1873 J867· Rev. S. D. Cochran, D.O...... 1813 1870. *E. D. Holton, Esq , ...... •...... •.. ',' 1876 ]873. Rev. O. S. Dean , ...... •.....•...... 1877 J873· Rev. J .. B.Fairbanks, p.O ...... •...... 1876 8 1. 73. Rev. C. E. Dickenson, D.O '...... •...... ' ',' 1879 'J873, "Rev. E. Z. Swift· 1879 J8n. Rev. J. W. Streng, D.O : 1875 .J87.4· Pres: .james B. Angel, LL.D ,. ~. 1880 8 J. 7S· Rev. Edward M. Williams, D.O " ..•...... 1885 18 6 7 . Rev. L. T. Chamberlain, D.O ...... •...... ; .. 1877 18.76. Rev. G. T. Ladd, D.D .-; , 1880 18 6 7 Rev. E. H. Merrill, D.O...... 1878' 1878.' Rev. E. F. Williams, D.O ': ...... •..... J891 ]878. Rev." Evarts Kent ,'...... •...•...... , 1880 18 79.' Rev. J. \V,. Bradshaw .. 0.0 w 18801 1879. Rev. J. G. Me,niH ...... •....••....•...•..•..••....• 1885 18 79. Rev. ,D. L. Holbrook...... 1891 :::::*~::~~.~~v!:::.~'.~'.~:::~::~~:~::::::~::::~:::::::~~:.::::::::: 1880. Rev. J. A. Montgomery , ' 1882 1~80 Rev. F. T. Lee : ...•...... 1882 rS80. Rev. Arthur Little, D.D ' 18'90 1880. Rev. S. J. Humplirey, D.O 189J 1880. Rev. J. Collie, D.D ·.....•. ; ~..•..•...... 1885 1,882. Rev. S: Gilbert, D.D .....•.•••...... •.. .- ~ 1888 1882. Rev. E. D. Eaton, D.O.' · . 1891 '1~82. Rev. Gecege H. Ide, D.D ·. 1888 1882. Rev. C. O. Brown ...... •...... •...... 1886 88 \ 1, 5. "Pres. H. Q. Butterfield, D.D : ...... •....• ,. ~.•..... 1891

'188~. Rev. F. A. Noble, D.D ... I••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••• 1888 -Deceased.


Termination EJe<:led, of Service.

1885. Rev. C. H. Richards. D.D: ...•••.•...... , ..•.•..... d ••• 1890 1885. Rev. S. V. S. Fisher ...... •...•...••.•. '..••....•...... • 18g1 T88S· Rev. A, L Erisbje, D.O ...•...... ~•...... •••...... \ 18g£ 1886. Rev. W. H. Davis, D.D ,..•.. ' , .....•••...... •...... 18g1 I .J888 Rev. W. F. Day, 0,0,. ., " " ,., ". 1891 1888. Pres'. Gecrge A. Gates. D.D, ..... , ...... •.•• ,., ..•.. " ... 18g1


1894-5. Rev. W. F. SIOCUID, D.D .•...... Colorado 1894-5. ,Rev. A. N. Hitchcock, Ph.D :... ' .•.....•.. Illinois 1894'S. Rev. M. A. Bullock ....••..•...•... ~\ ...•...•.•...... _" .Jowa 1894"5. Rev. R. Cordley, D~D Kansas, 1894-5. Rev. Michael Burnham. D.O ...... •....•..•.••..... ,Missouri 1-894-5. Rev. C. W. Bird...... •...... Michigan 1894-5. Rev. G. S. Bascom ...... •...•...... , : N. Dakota

.i894-S· Rev. W. H. Thrall ' S. !Jakota 1~95"6. Rev. F. T. Bayley : ....•...... ~.•...... ···.·Colorad0 ~ .1895-6. Rev. F. S. Hayden. D.D , ...... •...... • Illinois 1895-6. Rev. M. A. Bullock, 0.0...... •... . Iowa 1895"6. Rev. R. Cordley, D.D \ to···· Kansas 1895-6. Rev. Joseph H. George, D.D ...... •...... ; Missonri 1895-6'- Rev. F. M. Coddington Michigan 1895.6. Rev. W. J. Gray Minnesota 1895-6. Rev. Isaac B. Tracy : - N. Dakota 1895"6. Rev. G. W. James j •••••••••••••••• Nebraska '1895-6. Re .....W. H. Thrall ..•....•..•.•..... : ·········· .S. Dakota 1895-6. Rev. Jacob Fatb.... .•...... •.....•.... : Iowa IIlino 1895-6. ,C. T. Dyrness ·.·····:····_····· is :r896-7· Rev. J. W. WilSOD '•.....•. -...... •...... '..•. Indiana 1896-7. ' Rev. R. Ccrdley, D.O ...... •...... : ••...... Kansas_ 1896-7. Rev. W. C. Burns ·········· .Michigan IS96-7. Rev. S. I.' Hanford.: · ...... • Nebraska 1896-7. Rev. E. H. Asbman ..•..•....•.•. _.. ·················NewMexico 1896-7. Rev. H. F. Josephson ..•.. ; ...... • : .. ···•·•···· ..• Wisconsin 1'897-8. Rev. F. T. Bailey-Di D .....•...... •.••. ~············Colorado 1897-8. Rev. J. F. Leba, D.D ...... •....•.... ······················IlIinois 1897'S, Rev. W. L. Ferris, D.D ...... ••.••...... ••. Iowa IS97·8. Rev. H. E. Compton ..... '. .•.•...... , ...•...•.....•..• N. Dakota 1897-8. Rev. W. H. ThralL •••.•....••••.••.•••. ,., 5. Dakofa . __&}7,8. Rev. Anton Hnelster .•.••...•••...... •• ~.•.•...... ••••. Michigan 1897-S. Rev. W. C. Gordon .•••.•..•••.•...••.•••.••..•.•..••.•• Indi,an& .189'7-8. Rev. R. Ccrdley. D.D ..••••••.•••••..••.••• ' •.••..•••..••• Kansas ',-'



,Elected. 1897-8. RevcW. C. Burns.. . .. Micbi~aD· 1897-8. Rev. L. L. West. D.D : ...... •...... ; Minnesota 1897-8. Rev. A. F. Newell...... Nebraska 1-897-8. Re .... E. H. Ashmun...... • . . . . . • . • ...... New Mexico- 1897-8. Rev. H. F. Josephson _., _ Wisconsin 18g8'g_ Rev. W. F. Slocum, D,.D Colorado 18g8-g. Rev. W. L. Ferris. D.D _....• _. _...... Iowa 18gB-g. "Rev. C. D. Sargent, D.O.. . Missouri r8g8'g. Rev. A. FvNewell , .. Nebraska J898"9. Rev. R. H. Ashmun New Mexico 189.8'9. Rev. H. E ..Compton ...... •...... Nc Dakoea 18g8-g. Rev. W. H. Tbrall S: Dakota r8g8-g_ Rev. A. Larson...... ' , ...... Wisconsin 18g8'g. Rev. E. S. Carr: Illinois 1898-g. Rev. R. J. Smith...... •...... Indiana 1898-9: Rev. H. E. Thayer...... Kansas- 18g8-g. Rev. J. S. E~murids:...... Michigan J8g8-g. Rev. C. D. Moore ...... •... , .... ·..... 1, •••••• Minnesota J8g8-g. Rev. H. J. Ferris ,...... Wisconsin , 18g8-g. Rev. M. Krey ...... Missouri-


PROFESSOR EMERITUS. Termination. of Service. George N. Boardman, D.O .

PROFESSORS. 1856. Franklin W. Fisk, D.D .. LL.D . 1858, *joseph Haven, D.O , , , ,... 1870' 1858. *Samu'e1,C. Bartlett, D.O -__...... 187'7 1861). *James T. Hyde, D.O...... 1886 1871. George N. Boardman. 0 ..0 .. , ...... •.... ,...... r894 1874. Theodore W. Hopkins, A.M l . , (88e> 1878. Samuel Ives Curtiss, D.D 1.. ' •.••.... ', •..•..•... , . 1879, G. Buckingham Wi}lcox, D.O , .•.. , .. 1881 .. ' Hugb Macdonald Scott, 0.0 ,. 1886. Georg,e Holley Gilbert, Pb.D , .. , . 18 2 9 .I Graham Taylor, D.O - ,1, ••••••••••••••••••• 1893. Edward Thomson Harper, Ph.D ,., ...... •. _,., . 1893. Rev, Fridolf Risberg, S.M.C ~ . ·Deceased, I

CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINAR\'. Termination .... (If Service. Elected. 1894. William Benton Chamberlain, M.A ..•.•.••..... Carl August Paeth ..... : •...... ••... , ...... ••...... •.••.. 1894- ]894· Reinert August Jernberg, B.D ············ . William Douglas Mackenzie, D.D ···-··· •...... •. 1897. (Acting Professor ,894-97·)

INSTRUCTORS. .•..•.. , ... 1.862 186r. *Prof. George F. Root ········ Inst,'uct01' i1t Music. 1882 1868. Edward M',Booth, A.M - . Instructor i1~Eiociaion,

1877. *Bernhard, Maimod, Ph.D ·· rnstructor in Hebrew. . ... 1883 1882. Altan A. Griffith. A.M ··· .- ,' . Instructor of Elocul~·oh.

1882. Rev. TbeodoreFalk : ·,·········· Instrtu:tor ill cermo«: . .... 1886 1883. Rev. Gustav Adolph Zimmerman. Pb.D . Jnstn~ctor in Germa,u.

Prof, J. R. J. AnthOOY... '~········'··,·············J·········· hlstru,ctar in Elocution. 18 1884. *Rev: Peter Christian Tranberg : ".. ······ 90 l.lnstructOl' in. Danish-Norwegian DejJa1'tmmt.

1885. Rev. Fridolf Risberg, S. M. C...... 1893- Instructor in SwedisJI, 8 1886. Rev. George E. Albrecbt ,., , .. , '...... 18 7 illSh'uctor-t"n Get'mall. . .•... , 1891 1887. Rev. Gustav Adolph Zimmerman, Ph.D .. , .lnstrt~ctor hi German. 18 0 1887. Rev: Reinert A. Jernberg, B.D : , 9 Instrmtar of Englis/l in Scatldinavian DejJarlm~nt. , 88 1888. Rev. David Nyvall. M.Pb.C , 1 9 Instructor /n 'Swedish.

*Deceased, r,


Elected. Termination of Service. 1890. ~ Rev. Magnus Egidius Peterson ,. Instructor in Swedish.

"Rev. Marins Whitman Montgomery . Instructor in English in Scandinavia,ll Depa1'lment.

18go. Rev. Reine~t August]eroberg, B D 1894 . Instr uctor in Danish-Norwegian Department.

r891. Rev. Edward.Thomson Harper, Ph.D ,. _.. 1893 ftlstrltclor in Old Testament Lite'-ature and Interpretation.

18gL Rev. Caleb Frank Gates, D.O ,'., . '" 1892 Instructor in EngHsk Bible and Christian Wm-k.

-,891. Rev. John Edward Herman, Ph.D . .1894 .In.str uctor in Cennall.

Rev. Otto Christopher Grauer . instructor in D/.rn£slt-Norweiia11 Department.

IS9J. Rev. Charles Truman Wyckoff, B.D . Instructor in Sacred ilfusic. 18 92. Rev." Carl A. Paeth . . ... I1894, Le~tz'tre1'ori Homi/eUcs in German. Department. 18 2 9 . Rev. Moritz E. Eversa, D-.D~"""'i"""""'" ... 1894 Lecturer 011Positt've Institutions and l?astoral Theology, German Department. 18 94. Rev. Andrew Noah Fox . Instructor in German Departme,t.

LECTURERS. 18 59. '-Rev. Edward Beecher. D.O : : .. 1866 .On Church Institutions.

[859. "Rev. Jonathan Blanchard. D.O ;. 1866 On Connection Of tI~eOld and New Testaments. " 18 59. *Pres. J. M. Sturtevant. D.D J. Relatiml of Sects to Clmrcl,. , 1859. *Pres. A. L. Chapin, D D ...... • Relati'ons Of Christianity to Social Progress. -Deceased. t, Sll iN ~, XL

CHICAGO THEOLOGIC'AL SEMINARY. 9' Elected. Termination of Sen·ice. J859- *Rev. J. B. Walker, D.D ...... •.•.•• :, ~. 186,6 Connection of Science and Rdi!?ioll. ]870. *Rev. Truman M. Post, D.D. On Ecclesiastical flistory.

18T4. "Rev. W. W. Patton, D.D . r877 Modenl Infidelity.

'I880. "Rev T. M. Post, D.D...... 1881 Oil Eccieeio.sticai Ilistory.

J893· Rev. Frank Hugh Foster, Ph.D . On Systema.tic Theolo!?J'.

Rev. James Denney, D.D .. , . On Present Phases of .Tlleolo!!y. Rev. William-A. Bartlett . • 1895 On j}[usic and Littn·gies.

18 94. Rev. Edward Franklin Williams,, D.D ...... •.. 1. •• On Tlleolo!?y and A'ltltl·opology. -, 1895. Hev. James Orr. D.D.... '1896 On Recent Phases of Theology £II Germany.

1895. Rev. Charles J. Hyder.' D.D .. . .. 1896 On Worte of American Alissiollary AssociCf#on.

1895. Rev. Frank W. Gunsaulus. D.O.. 1896 The Higher "'hl/istries of Contemporary Eng"/isll Literature. 1896. Rev. Hugh Macdonald Scott, D.O ;. 1897 Origin and Development 0/ lVicme Theology. )896. Rev. Judson-Smith, D.O ....•.•...... ••••...•••.... 1897 History of lhe Amen'ca7l Board of Commissioners 0/ Forct"gn ilfisSll)7lS.

FELLOWS. 189<;. Roy Edwin Bowers. B.D. J89<;· Howard Murray Jones, B.D. 1895. James Mullenbacb. 1896. "Deceased. ,



1863. '*Wilcox"~Timothy K r8go .. Thomas, C,rl N. 1864. Fay, Osmer W. 1891, Beach. Harlan P. 1866. Richards. Charles H., D.D. Jelinek, Joseph, 1868. Williams, Edward F., D.O. 'Lloyd, Rbys R D.D. 1871. Huntress, Edward S. Sanborn, Frederick L. Smith, Thomas S. vormsbcrg, ]. C. P. Starr, Edward. C. 1892. Lloyd, Rbys R. D.D. williams. William B. Sanborn. Frederick L. 1872. 'Clisbie, Jay A. Wyckoff, Charles T. [acobs, Henry, r893· Day, William Horace. 1873. Marts, W. G. Hulbert. Jay Munsell, 18 74. *Barrows, Walter M., D. D. , James, -George Watkin, Bushnell, Albert, D. D. Rollins, George Sherman, Jones, ELijah, Smith, George LeGrand, "Neild. Thomas, ~894' Davis, Smith Cornell, 1876. ' Ayers. Walter _H. Hubbard, William B. Bidwell John B. Kerr, Joseph, ~877. Curtiss, William W. Taylor, John Richard, Wilcox. Seth M. 1896. Diven. Clarence Leslie, 1878. Brown, T. Lincoln. Hall, Hedley Arsene, Oakey, James, Morse, Morns-Webster; 1880. Sar-gent, Benjamin F. Smith, Ed. Sinclair, 1881. Smith,' jamesP. Stotts, James Uriah, 1882. *Gilbert, Charles M. Wilson, Henry, Qoddard, loho. C. 1897. Blakely, Danl. W. "Houston, AlbertS. Clark, Cyrus A. McLean, Alexander. Diehl, Wm. W. 1885.. Rushing, William C. Gillette, John M. Todd, Henery A. Graham, J. J. G. 1886. Harrison, James K. Ingraham, Alex. M -. Volger, Henry F. Losey, John B. L887. Farquhar, Robert W. Lyman, Hen ry M. 1888. Wyckoff, Charles T. Newell. H. B. Robert, ~oseph T. Rood, John S. 1889. .Wyckoff, Edwin D. Sanborn, Danl. Harada, Tasuku, L. Southgate, B. M. 1890. Armstrong, "Lyman P. Weimer, Morrison, Didriksen, Sevrin C. 1898. Baumann, Gustav B. Dyrness, Christen T. Drew, Edw. P. Smith, Simo~ P. Dnttera, WIJ!. B. *Deceased. g


:1898. Fox, Andrew N. 1899. Frost. W. J. Guild, Roy B. Hun~ T. C. 'Lewis, Edwin J. Kerr, Jos. P. Reed, Chas. F. Strain, Horaea L. Weeks, Nathan H Wright. Geo. W. y899· Brandelle, 1- N.



The addresses in this list have been corrected to date as far as reliable- information could be obtained. Corrections or additions will be gratefully rece~ved by tbe Librarian, 43 'Warren Ave.. Chicago.

Name. Graduated. Ordained. Present Residence, Abbott, C. H I875 Dec. 1875. .Grand View. Tenn. Ableu. John Charles . .'., 1890 [an. 18, 1887 Alton. Iowa. Abrahamson, Abraham .~...•. 1896 July 1896. . Norwich. Conn. ACKerman, Arthur Wilmot .'.. 18go Aug. 26, 18go.:. ,". Portland. Oregon. Adams, ,Hubert Gilman' \•. 1896 Oct. 13,.1896 Garretson, S. D. Adams, James Robert. 1894 1894, Sheridan, Wyo. Adams. William A .' 1862 '" May 18, 1862 Deceased. Adkins, [ames B I888 Nov .. 8,1888 Grinnell, lao Ahlberg, Carl Magni 1.898 '.. : ...... •...... Akeson, Ludwig .. , .' .. 1894 1895 .....• _. Woburn, Mass, Alden, David Adonijah 1892 Dec. 1, 1892 ..•.. Prophetstown, HI. Alden, West. 1893 July 18, 1893 Hillsboro, Ill. Alger, Frank George 1886 July 22,1886 •... Newburyport, Mass. Allender, John : 1868 Feb. 23, 1869 Middlefield. CODn. Ander, Ernest Gusta£. 1899...... ,. Anderson, Abel ...... ',' .1899 .. : ...... •...... •...... Anderson, Albin Alfred 1894...... • .. . • ••• ...... Hinsdale, Ill. AndJrson, Aron . , . , .'.' 1894 ....•.•....•. 1896 Evanston, Ill. Anderson, Carl Julius -: 1892 , Aug. 21,11894 ..•...•.... Proctor. Vt: Anderson, David R., , 1~76 June IS, 1876 .....••. EaoClaire, ~is. Anderson, Emil Andrew 18g5 ...... •••• 1895 .... , .. Lake City. Minn. Andersen, Frank Olavs 1897 •....•.•..... 1897 ...•...... Merrill, Wis. Anderson, Gnstaf 1892 _Wilmar, MinD. ~nderson, Jonas 18g7, 1897 •••••..••.•. DeKalb, III. Anderson, Kerr C 1875 , 1873 ..•••••...•.••...... Anderson, Olof Peter 1892 ...•••••.••••....•.•..••.••••• 0.·······

. AndersoD, Oscar ... o •• ~ 1896 •...••• '" .. '0. 0" •••••••• 0 •• Grant, Neb. Andrewson, Andrew Jobn ••.• 1896 .•.. Oct. 18, 1896 •..• Maple Valley, Wis. .' "


Name. Graduated. Ordained. Present Residence. Andr~wson, Severt Martin ..•. '1896 ..• ' ...... •...... •...... Merrill. Wis.

Andridge, Andrew A, .. , 1885 May I~I 1885 Cincinnati, 0" 'Angel, Bernhard _.1891. Nov. 17,1891. .. New York City, N. Y.~ Armstro~g. Arthur Henry ••••. 1894 .•.. Oct. 2, 1894...••...... Chicago, m. Armstrong, Jobn Rudolph 1895 1896 , Tokio: [apan, At'mstrong. julius C ...... •. 1874 June 17.1874 'Cbicagc. IlL Arne~t, Samuel George ....•.. 1893, June 2, 18g1, ..•. '" Lorin, CaL

Arnold. Arthur E ;"1' ••••• 1867 .Dec. 1867 .•.... Warrensburg. HI. Arnold, Seth A 1873 Sept. 8, 18n , Newton. la. Arter, Jared Maurice 1894 ...... •...... ,. .' . atcbeeon. William Henry 1894: Sept. 6, 1894: Bloomer: Wis. Atkinson. john 1.... . 1869 Sept. 24, 1869" Kobe, Japan. Atkinson. William H. ..1867 April 18, 1867 San Rafael, Cal. "Axelson, Jobn Albert: .1891 1893 Fitchburg, MaSs. Ayer, Edw. Irving .... ,.. . r883.,' .. Aug. 29. 1883 Manistee. Mich.

Bailey, Amos j udson . 187I Oct. 24, 1871 , Seattle, Wash. Baird. Corry Stanley 1899 Hannibal. Mo. Baird. Jobn W 1872 May 22, 1872 Monastir, Turkey. Baker. Mons Samuel. ' Northfield, Minn. Baldwin. David J ...... •.... 1865 Nov. IQ, 1865 Pueblo. Colo. Barnard. Elihu C 1866 Dec. 18, 1866 Whitewater. ~is. Barnes. Charles M ...... •... 1859 .•.• Sept. 16, 1859 Cbicago, Ill. Barnes. Henry E .• : ....•.... 1864 .... May 28. 1862.. Nortb Andover. Mass. Barnes, "Howard Clark 1899...... 1899 ...•...... Chicago, Ill. Barnett, Edward N 187° Nov. 21.1870 ...... • Waterloo, Ia. Barrett, ]obnP · 1877 Dec. 21. 1877 ..•...... Covert, Mich. Bartlett. D. W ::l887 July 21, 1887., •.•• Los Angeles, Cal. Bascom, George S ,. 1870 ..•• June 20, 1870 Oriska, N. D. Bassett. A. B 1887 Sept. 25, 1887 Ware. Mass. Bates. George Latimer. 1891. ••. Aug.. 26. 18g1. •....•...... •• Africa. Baumgardner. Burdette '1897.••..••...... '1897 ····· Newton, la. Beach. Edwin R .•••...•.•... 1869 ..•. Sept. 21, 1.869. " .•... Lexington. Ore .. Beecher. Frederick W .•.•.•. :1861. •• cNcv. 12. 1861...... ••.• Sodus, N. Y. Beecher, George H ;863 .••. Oct. 26. 1864 ...•.•••...•. Deceased. Bell, Ernest Albert 1897 ..••..•...... •.•..•.•.•.•..••...•••.••• Benford. George •...... : .•.. 1881 ..•. Aug. 31, 1881 .... Grand Blanc, Mich. ,Bengston, Guefaf ...••....•.. I89l...... •..••• ···.~.·.··· .. Cren,shaw. Pa.

I Bennett, Wm. Rainey .•••.... 18g8 •..•••..•.... 18gS••••• ~. Darlington. Wis. Benson, Ernest Leon' ..•...... 1897 .••••.• : •.•.. 1897· .••.. Poplar Grove, Ill. Benton, Ledyard E 1874 ..•• Nov. I~, 1874 •...•.•.•••• .Crete, Neb. Berg; JQ'hn August ••.•.••. _•.. 1892 .•• '•••.. " •••••.••••••....•••••••••••••• CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEJI,IlNARY.

) Name. Grndujrted. Ordained. Present Residence. Betts, Eben M...... 1869..•• Sept. 19~1869.....•• Cleveland; Ohio. Bidwell, John R.. ..1874 June 17,1874 .Deccrab. la. Bigelow. Frank ElJsworth 1898 Salt Lake City, Utah. Bill, A. Wesley 1873 Sept. 9,1873 Milwaukee. Wis. Billing, James _.. 1886...... •...... Little Shasta. Cal. Bingham. Charles M _ 1870 June 16,1870 :Day tonia, Fla. Bisbee, Marv.in D 1874.' Sept. 10. 1874 , Hanover. N. H. Bixby. William Sumner 1894. . .. . 1895 Severy, Kan. Bjorklund, Johan Emil ~'.. 1889 rSqc. ',' Iron Mountain. Mich. Bjorklund, 'Ernst Victor 1894 Nov. 15,1896 Mankato. Minn. Bjbrubom, Charles Alfred 1892...... Quincy. M;ass. '.' Bjuge, Carl Bergthor 1893 May 7,' 1·8g6 Minneapolis, Minn. Black, Edward Henry 1891 Jan.· 3.1893 Bertbcldo. S. Dak. Blackmer, Norbourn H 1883_ May 2,1883 Hollman, Neb.' Blake. Daniel H 1859.; .. June 9,1859 Deceased. Blish, William Henry. . 1895 April 18, r895 Orange Park, Fla. Blodgett," George D...... 1861 May 8, 1861 Deceased. Blom, .jacob Emaauel.. 1897...... _\. Bormose, Niels Nielson 1891 Nov. 19.1891 Philadelphia, Pa. Borf'ugh(, Wesley Alfred J892 J892 ' Erwin, S. D.

I Bowers, Roy Edwin 1898 ~ Edinburgh, Scotland . .Bradshaw, John W J874 0Ct. 29. 1874 Ann Arbor, ¥ich . .Bra y. William L.. . 1861 Aug. 8.1861 Oskaloosa, la . ..Breckenridge, Daniel M 1869 Sept. 21. 1:869. _Ormond, Fla. Breed, Reuben Leonard - 18g9 1896 Wabasha, Minn. Brereton, James Edwin 1884 May 1,1884 Waverly,la. Bridgman. Frederick B 1896 Dec. 4, 1896., Umzumbe, Africa.

Brinkman. Wilhelm Evan 1898 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Brobst, Flavius J 1879 July 4, 1879 Chicago. Ill. Brodie, Andrew M 1888 June 5,1888 Manistee. Mich. Brooks, Hans Anton 1895 May 27. 1896 Dunbar. Wis-:: Brooks. [ones Gardner 1896., : ~.. _ Wyanet. Ill . .Bross. Harmon 1867 Sept. 1863 Lincoln. Neb. Brown, Richard .•...... 1896 1:890 Minneapolis, Minn. 1Brown. T. Lincoln 1873 Sept. 2. 1873.ChesterCross Roads, 0: Brown, William James 18gI May 27.1891. '" Glenwood, Minn. Brown, Victor Frank 1893 Jnly 6, 1893 Union Grove, Wis. B~gge, John Pedersen 1894...... : ~ Burhans, Frank Dennis r898 1895 Salina. Ka~. Burkholder, Abram :Hess r89s ...... •....•...•.. _••..... Madison, Wis. Burleigh, Benjamin Wade 1:8g6 1896 Hawarden. la. Burling. James Perkins 1893. Sept. 14. r893 ....•.... Kearney. Neb. CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. ,97

Name. Graduated. Ordained. Present Residence. Burt, Jirah 5 1f!60•...... : ...•.••...... Pittsfield, Ill. Burton, Chas. Emerson ...•. ',18g8, ....•.....•. I8g8, .....•... Chicago,' Ill. Burton. Nathan L 1877 June Ig, I8n ...... •.• Griggsville, Ill. Bush, Frederick W 1871•... May 16, 1871.Hopkin's Station, Mich. Buss, William H I882 June 7, 1882.,."".,Fremont, Neb. Bussey, Robert Daniel. I897 ,1897 GrandIsland, N. Y. Butcher, William R. J86g May 15, I86g CbandlervilJe, III. Butler, Elmer Wells 1883 May 10, r883 . Melbourne, Fla. Biittner, Henry .. , 188g~ May 2g. 188g '," McCook. Neb.

Cady, William Jay .. / 18go May ~9. r8go .. Benton Harbor, Micb. Calhoun, Harry Campbell 1890 ,Aug. 27, 18go.) , Clifton, Ill. Cameron, Malcolm James 1896 , .... ".",...... Gay's Mill.. Wis. Camfield, Louis Emerson -,18gl. ~.. July' 22, 1891..... ',' .Burnside, S. D. Campbell, Gabriel 1868 Oct. 27,1868. . .. Hanover, N. H. Carlson, August Theodor. : I8g8. . ,.. . .. Carlson, Ernest' Oscar. r8g8 , , 18g8 Hinsdale', Ill. Carlson, Eskil' Magous.: .. , .. r8go Los Angeles, Cal. Carter, Fernando E ... '.... .18g3...... ; 1885 , .. Masoq City, la.

Cass. John Vr( .•.•.•. - .•. 1 •• 1863·.I.. May II, ~863 " Deceased. Chamberlaio, James A... . .1879 .... June 12, 1879.. · Newark, N. J. Chamberlain, Horace W. .18g7. . .1897. . . Chicago, Ill. Champlin, Oliver P...... 1870 Ju1y 10, r870.. : Dwight, N. D. Chandler, Everett S.. ..18go jan. 7,1887 Amboy, Ill. Chase, C. Thurston. . 1897.. t ' Brooklyn, N. Y. Chase, Edward R.. . .. / 1871. . .Deceased. Cheney, Russell L. . .1876 Oct. 24.1876. ..Meri,ttville, Wis. Chester, Arthur. ..1880 Jan. 11. r887. . .. Brooklyn, N. Y. Childress, John F.. . .. 1890 1886 ' Stark. III. Chipperfield, George F , .. r88r June 24, 1881 Malone, N. Y. Chittenden. Albert 1..'. . r874 Sept. 28, 1872 Millriver, Mass. Christensen, Anders C 1895...... Clapp, Cephas F,...... 187r June 21, r871 ,For~st Grove, Ore. Olark, MoultonN...... r877 June 20. 18n Walworth. Wis. Clark, William' G :r883 .. , .....•..... _ Olintcn. Wis. Clark; William J , .. ]']869 Nov. 19,1869 .. · .. ····· Hinsdale, Ill. Clark, Victor. Fremont r883 july 10, I883 .•.. ··Livingston, Mont. Coate, Robert Manalcus 1895, .•.... ~ r8g5· . _....•.. Erwin, S. D. Cochran, William.·, r8g5 •.. , , .. .'.. 1885 Big Rapids, Mich. Cochrane, F. C ...•...... , r880, ..• June 30, r88o .•... " .. Lincoln, Neb. Codington, George S ..•...•.• 1870...• [uly r~ r870 .....•...... Deceased. Compton, Herbert Edgar ....• 1892.... July 20,1892 •..... Fessenden. N. D. 7 , ,


Name. Graduated. Ordained. Present Residence. Comstock, D. W·,...... ,1864 ,June 5, 186r ... Charlestown, W. Va. Conard, William J...... 188g Oct. 30, 1889. .. Park Rapids, Minn. ,Condit, Henry Joy... . .18g8 . . ... 1898. . Chicago. Ill. Conrad, George Al'fred 18g1 June 23, 18g1.. . Kingsley, la. Cook. Charles Hall...... 1881 ".Sept; 15, 1881.. . Billings, Mont. Cooley. Harvey George.. . . 18g1. .. .june .4, 1891...... Ogden, Ia.

Corsbie. H. M 1879. c •• Aug. 31, 1879.:.: ..' Woodworth, wts. Corwin, Car] Henry 1895 Dec. 16, 1892 Calumet, Mich. Cotton, Harry Alonzo. . . .-. 1888 April 27. 1889 Beloit, Wis. 'Cragin, Charles C. : . . .. 1869 Feb. 16, 1870.. . .. Rio Vista, Cal. Crawford, Matthew A...... 1878 April 2. 1879...... Deceased. Crawford, a.D... .i872 Nov. 1, 1872. . , .Pasadena, Cal. Crofts, Daniel Webster. . .1894 July 6, 1894. .. A. B. C. F. M. Cross, W. H... .. ,1870 June 29, 1870...... Saratoga, Cal. Croswell, Micah S... .1868 April 21,1869. . .Los Angeles, Cal.

Crusan, J.ohn Alexander. . . .187 I. . Sept. 28, 1871.,.. . .. Hila. H. I. Curtis, Asher W...... 1868.... July 2, 1868...... Raleigh, N. C. Curtis, Gilbert A. . r875· . . .. 1876.... Killingworth, Conn. Curtis, William Willis. . .. 1873. .. Aug. la, 1873. . . .Sendai, Japan. Cushing, Edwin Bascom 1896 June 26, 1896. . .. Yanktcav S. 'D. Cushman, Charles Eben r894 July 12. 1295. . .. Kansas City, Kau. Cutler. Walter Adams. . .. t895. .1.895...... Sylvania, Ohio'.

Dada, Edgar P...... 1864 July 1.1864 .... Colu~bia City, Wn. Dahlgren, Johan Augustus. . .. 1894 Sept>. 7. 1894. .., .Dover; N. J. Danforth, James R. , 1867 Jan. 2, 1868. . .. Westfield, N. J. Daniels. Henry M. ..1861 June 25, f86r. . De Luz, Cal: Danielson, Anders.'. ._.. 1892 ..Whitehall, Mich. Danielson, Carl August.: ~894...... Pawtucket. R. I. Dascomb, Harry Nutting 18gq Nov. 10.1896 .imlay City, Mich. Davidson, W. E. .. .. 1887 Dec .. 8.1887...... Davies, D. D...... 1887 May, 1887.. St. Louis Park. Minn. Davies, John 1896...... ' Wales,' Ohio. Davis, JeromeD 1869 June t, 1869 Kyoto, Japan. Dawson, William E 1884 Feb. 8, 1884...... ••..••. , .•.. ,.. Day, Ernest Everett 1889.: •. Jnne 13, 1889...•••.. Roodhouse,IU. Day, Warren F 1866 May 2.1866 ..•.•. Los Angeles, Cal. Day, William Horace 1~92••.. May' 5, 1892...... •• .Aurcra, Ill. Dean, Edwin Blanchard 1893..•. June 29, ~893•....•••. '" Clinton, la .. De Cow, Charles John 18g6. , .. Jnne 30, 1896.....•..•.. Osseo,' Wis. De Long, Arthnr Henry ...•.. 1896•..... , , •• : Chicago, III. Demarest, Sidney ~ ..• " •..• 186g '.Sept. 7, 1869 Deceased.

." ,t ( • " \


Name. Graduated.' Ordained. Present Residence. Denney, Wilson. .1884 May 2,7, 1884 Charles City, la. De Riemer, William E. .1867 April 18, 1867 washington, D. C. Dettmers, Carl...... 1895. " .1895 Chicago. Ill. Dewey, Will is C 1877.. May 29. r8n Mardin, Turkey. Dexter, Frank Norman 18go April I, 1885....• New London. Wis. Dibble, William Legget. 1895 June 26, 1894.. . McPherson, K~D. Dickenson, C. E: I863 June 2,·1863 Windham. Ohio,

o Dicken SOD. Samuel F 1869. .June 9. 1870, ' Deceased. Dickerman, jceiab Pope 1893.. \ .june I, rBgI-.. Fairmont, Minn .. Dickinson, William G...... r873 June 14, 1873. . ... Deceased. Didriksen, David Martinius 1892 July r3,1892 MilIville, Mass. Didriksen. Sevrin Christian 1889 Jan. ~6, r890. .Hartford, Conn. Dimberg. Per August r891. . . r894. . .. Norfolden, Moinn. Dimon, Jacob V. . 1884 May 1,1884 ' , Deceased. Dixon, Julian Howell. . r871. Sept. 6,1871. . Deceased. Dixon, William Reese.. .1899. . Melvin, 1)1. Donaldson. David. .1894. .July 6.1894.. . Worthing. S. D. Dcrn, William Hugh. . . 1893 Sept. 23, 1893.. .New Hampton, Ia. Douglass, Francis J. . .1869 June 22, r869 ',' Olds. lao Douglass, Newell French. .1890. . . 1889. . . Independence, la. Douglass, Truman 0...... 1868. .Oct. 28.. 1868. . .GrinneU, Ia. Doyle, Amos Ayree.. ..r892 .... May ' 25,1887.. . .. Colville, we. Drew, Charles Edward,. .1893.' .. 1889.. . .. Farmington, III Drew, Edward Payson... ..1897.' Drotts.t Werner . . . . 1898. Drum, John.. . 1894.. .. r897· . Union City, Mich . Durham, Benjamin: . r861. . .. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Durham, Henry ... ,. ..1863 .... Nov. 3,1864... .Omaha, Neb. Duncan, John C. ..187.7.. Apr. 21; r882. .Camden, Ala. Dunn, Charles W.. ..~. r888.," .July 19, r888.. . .. Nashville, Tenn. Dyrness, Christen T. . : r889. .Dec. 4,1890.' .Chicago. III.

Eddy, William David. ..188g. ..189° ... 5. Glens Falls,N. Y. Edergarton. Foster Edgar ',' .. r864. . Deceased. Edwards, Stephen .' r885 Sept. 15, 1885. . Temple. Ariz. Eggan, Mons Johnson 1893...... 1896 : Moline. Ill. Ekstrom, John Edward r894 ·····:··· .. Sklen, Norway .. Elledge, William Madison, 1896.. , ...... • , .'. r895 '.' . Overbrook, Kan. Ellingsen, Ivan Ludwig .. ,., .. r8go., .. Dec. 7.1892 .. , ,~ , ': .• Elliott, William Albert. r896 , ...•... : Grand Ledge, Mich. Ellis. Frederick Wesley , .. 18g8. , •...... , ... 18g8•...... Topeka, Kao. Ellstrom, Carl Gustaf , .. 1,897' , , .. , r8g8•...... Montc1air.~N. J. J_,


Name. Graduated. Ordained. Present Residence. Eflwell, Tallmadge Robert 18g8 18g8 / De Witt, Ia. Engstrom, Alfred Peter 1~92 1-895.•. Spencer Brook. Minn. Enlow, Charles Egbert. 18C}1 Dec. 'IS, 18gl . Ensign, Freder~ck G : 1864 .Cblcagc. Ill. Erickson, Andrew 1897 , , .. 1899. ' \ Chicago, Ill. Essig, Wilhelm Fred 18g8...... 18g8 Timber Creek. Neb. Etherton"Guy·Evere_tt ..•..... 1·8g9...... Argendne, Kan. Evans. John Charles , 1898 18g8. . . .'. Pecatonica, Ill. Evans, Samuel E" 1867 April ~8, 1867... . Deceased. , 'Evans, Thomas , 1865 : 1885. . . . .Racine, Wis. Evans, David Ellis : 1892 ; . ", ...... Lewis, la. IEvans, John Edward 1893 Aug.\ 16,1892...... Osseo, Wis.- Eveland, Samuel. 1884 June, 1884_ ','" Deceased Eviscn. Albert 18g1 Apeil 23, 1891.. Manton ville. Minn. Ewell, Edwin, 18gl Jan. 18,1888. . Denmark. Ia . .Excell, William, 18g4. . . Cambridge, N. Y. Ezekieliarj, Seneachertev 1891...... Chicago, I'll.

Farnwcrfh, Arthur .. .' 18g3 June 25, 1893 Nebraska City Neb. Farquhar, R. W 1887. .. April I, 1887. . .. Portland, Ore. Fay, Osmer W... . 1863 Ju1y 2,1861 Chicago, Ill. Feemas ter. Paul S: 1867 NQv. 25,. la6g Fulton, Kan, Fellows, Charles Baxter r884. .. June 23, 1818 Minneapolis, Minn. Fenenga. Melman Jacob 1899. . 1891. .Ashland, Wis. 'Ferguson, John Benjamin r" .18g6. . Deceased.. Ferner; John W 1876 June 17.1816.. . Hampton. Ia: Ferris. Hiram J 1816 Sept. 7, r876... ..Columbus, Wis. Ferris, Walter Lorenzo 1883 May 10,1880... ..Cherokee, Ia. Fifield. James William.. . .. 1893 Feb. 27, 18g5 Chicago, Ill. Filian, George H /. .. 1882...... r8;82 Marsovan, Turkey. Fisk, Charles Leon 18g8. . . . . 18g8_ Chicago, III. Fisk. Franklin- Luther ,r883 .Ncv. 20, 1883 Elkader, Ia. Fonda, Jesse Lawrence 1873 Sept. 16, 1813 '...•...... Forbes, Charles Audrew IBgI ...• Aug. 4. 18gl Leadville, Colo. Forbes, Harry Lincoln 1893 May, 1893 Kansas City, Mo. Fowle, Hanford ' ~ 1866 June 18, 1866 Dece~sed. -Fcx, Andrew Noah 1897. ;...... Chicago, Ill. Fox, Frank 1895 June 11, 18g6 Kansas City,_Kan. Frame, E21'a Ebenezer, 1886'. May 12,(1886 Bunker Hill, Ill. Fredenbagen, Edward ~ 1889, Apr.il .". 1890; Gray's Lake, Ill. French. Cbades Leonard 1896, June 25,1&96 Providence, III, Freuder, SamueL 1894 Dec. "19.1894 Boston, Mass ".


N.ame, Graduated. Ordained. Present Residence. Fritzerneier, William.. . 18g8 . . . 189~· ...... Peoria, Ill. Frost, Merle Arthur 1896 , . . .. : ... Miles. Ia. Fuesele, Charles Albert 1898.. .1898 ..... S. Milwaukee, Wis.

Gallagher. William, Jr 1874 Dec. I; 1873 S. Braintree, Mass', Gammon. Robert Wmiam.~ .. 1899.. . 1897... .Big Rock, IlL Garner, Alexande'r Cornell 1-891 )rune I I, 189I.. .•...... Mobile, Ala. Gates, Caleb F.. ·...... 1881, June I. 1881 Harpoot, Turkey. jGates. Herbert Wright. .. : 1894. . Cbicago. Ill. Gearhart. Charles Dennis 1890.. -.. June 4,1890... . Pierce, Neb. Gilbert, C.,M 1881 Nov. I, 1881. ',' Deceased. Gillespie, Thomas...... 1867 Nov. 10, 1867 Kenosha. Wis. \ Gilmore. Daniel W 1875 Jan. 22. 1876 Menominee, Wis. Gilmore, .WiIliam Crawford •. 1895 June 6" 1895 Valley Springs, S. D.

Gimblett, William Henry 1891 june II, 1891 Hankinson. N. D. Goddard. John C. . . . .1881 June 24, 1881.. . Salisbury, Conn. Goodell. Henry M, 1874 Dec. 21, i876 . Gocdricb.t Edward P '.1870 Oct .. 1.1870.... Ypsilanti, Mich. Goodsell, Dennis .. '. .1879 .Oct. 2. IBn...... '.Byron, Cal. Goshen, Elmer Isaac,. . .1899.. . Plano, Ill. Gould, John Sidney.. . .. 1894 Oct. 17.1894.. ..Eureka, Kan. Graham. John J. G. . .. 1894 Aug. 2,1894. . Huntley. Ill. Gramnaes, John...... 1899. . Grange. Wallac~ Sumner. . .. 1892.. . . , Malta. Ill. Granger, Jobn L...... 1866 July 12,1866.. . Deceased. Grauer. 0. C. . 1887 June 22. 1887 Cblcagc. Ill. Gray. Samuel Houston. ..1899: '. .Hlnsbcrc. N. D. Gray, William J 1888 1888 Waneka, Wis. Green. George Edmund 1892 July 14, 1892... . Canova S. D. Greenlees. Charles Andrew 1889 1889 Green Ridge. Mo. Gregorian, G. H 1887 Yorgat, Turkey. Groop, Anders ~ 1891 )uly 2, 1891•.• : Fitchburg'. Mass. Guild. Roy Bergen, _ 1897: t897 Woodstock. III. Guild. Rufus B' 1864 Nov. 3, 1864...... •• Deceased. Gul1ander, Lewis 1889 ' 1889...... •. Bayfield, Wis. Gullander. Paul 1891. Sweden. , Gustafson, Theodor ...... • 1899...... •...... •...... •.••• GUytOD, Jacob •...... • 1869 •... Aug. 24. 186g ..•...... ••.• Deceased.

I Haarvig, Joho Olaf •••••...•• 1882.•.. Oct. 13.1883 Allston, Mass.

o Hadley, Willis Augustus 1886 ••.. April, r878 •••. ~Soutbbrid.ge, M~s •. I Haigh. J. G 1887 •... Oct. 7,1887 Flint, M1Ch '-.- { ."


Name. Graduated. Ordained. Present Residence. Halberaleben, Henry C 1884 July 10, 1884. . .Exeter. Neb. Halbert. Charles Thomas 18g6 Sept.' 8, r8g6.. .Ellis, Kan. Halbo, Peter Ingebrigsten rSqr . . California.' Hall, George Daniel...... 1894. . . 1895 Woodstock, Conn. Hall, Hedley Arsene...... r895. . . . Chicago, Ill. Hall, Martin S. . r871 June IS, ·t871. .. Mont Clare, Ill. Hambleton, Ira Grant. 1897 18g8 New Decatur, Ala. Hancock, Ch~r1es: 1861.. 'rJune 5,1861 Denmark, Ia. Hand, Leroy S.. . 1868 June 18, 1868 Omaha, Neb. Hanford, S.- 1.. . 1887 -.Dec. 28, ~887 Weeping Water, Neb. H.l"nnant. Norrison Everett. .. 1899 Waucoma, la. Hansen, Charles John r893 June 30, 1896.. .Komstad, S. Dak. Hansen, Ivar Marius 18go.. . Chicago, III. Hanson, John Hilding 18g8. Harbaug-h, Hiram Wallace 1879... "july 8,1879. Braidwood, III. Harbeck, Edward Vincent 1'892. . Detroit, Mich. Hardy, Vitellus M. . 1869 Jan. 31, 1872. . Randolph, Vt. Harper, E.' T ... ,'.. . 1887 June 13,1888... . Chicago, IlL Harrah, Charles C. . .. 187° Aug. 3, 1870. . .. Newton, Ia. Harrison, Henry Samuel ..... 1883 Dec. 18, 1884...... '\' .. Deceased. Harrison, Hiram Blake. . .r899. . 1892 'r . Fairmont, Minn. Harrison, James 1868.. Dec. 17,1868 : .. Oscaloosa, Ia. Harrison, James Kirtland. . .. 1885.. :-'.Feb. 26, 1886. San Francisco, Cal. Haruison, Norman...... 1895 June 30...... Hartley, D. N... ..1887 Dec. 1887.. . .. Ia , Hartmann. John Edwin ,.1899. . .. Linden, Midi. Harvey, Charles A. . . . . 1861. . Deceased. Haskin, Spencer Carlyle. .. ..1894 Sept. ro, 1892. . . Chicago, Ill. Haun. George...... 1892 April, 1892 Madison, Wis. Haynes, Herbert 1899.... . Williamsburg, Ky. \ H~yward, Charles Edward 1896 Jericho Centre. Vt...... A.ealey.Sullivan Scott 18g3 May 26. <: Chicago, Ill. Hedberg. Emil Olson 1894 : Providence. R. I. Hedlund, Axel 1895...... : Ludington, Mich. Hegner, Herman Frederick 1895 April' 6, 1896 Chicago, Ill. Heiuzelmann, Henry Wm 1891 , Michigan City, Ind.' Hejinian, Garabed Aram r890 '',. Henkelmann, Gustav Ludwig. 1899 Wolbach, Neb. Henricksen, Jobn Matthias 1895 : , .. Orange, Mass. Henrickson, Karl Fred'k... .1896 ~ Quincy. Mass. Herbert, Joseph, r 1885." .. June 25, 1885 Royalton, Wis ". HerJoev, Rasmus 1891 ~S Warren ~ ve., Chicago, Ill. 3. AbSJ il


Name. Graduated. Ordained. Present Residence. Hetland, John. . r892. . Chicago, III. Hibbard. Charles .. : r869 Sept. 21, 1869 ; Deceased. Hicks, Frank B. . 1888 Oct. 16. 1888 Steamboat Rock, la. Higley. George T : r86r May 31,18.61. Ashland, Mass. Hildreth. Edward. . 186r. .Dec. 30. r862 Los Angeles, CaL Hilkerbiiurner. Richard r888 June 2,1887. . .. Princeton. Neb.

Hill, Dexter D...... '. 1869 June I. 1869...... Downey, Cfl. Hill, Virgil Benedict. . . 189.4. . .. 1894. . .waucoma, la. Hilliard. Samuel Mullen r8gl...... Vincentown, N. J. Hinckley. William H 1877.. .Dec. 20, 1876.. Deceased. Hitchcock, Alverus Nelson .1885. .Feb. 1887.. Chicago,' l!1I. Hjortsvang. Engel August's ... 18go. . Fort Dodge. Ia. Hefsted t, John Edward. .1_899. . .. Hogberg, Adolf Fredrik. .18g9...... Quincy, Mass. Hogen, Bert Miley...... 1898. . r898 Park City, Utah. Holbrook, David L. ., 1877 July Ig, 1877 Feu du Lac, Wis., Holcombe, Gilbert IT'..•.••... 1875 June 22, r875 Olivet, Mich. Holmes, Otis Halbert. ... -~ 18g6...... •...... Cresco. la. Holway. Theodore Th~mas 1896 May 14. ·18g6 Maplewood, Mo. Hooker, Edward T;.. . .1867 June 17.1868 Deceased. Hopkins. William Henry 1895 May 13, 1895 Aurora, Neb . .Horine, Stephen Davis 1893. . .. '.. 1890 Ironton, Wis; Houlding, Horace 1886. : •. May 12. 1886.....•. Tientsin, China . .Houston, Albert Sturges 1881 May 1, r882 Indianola, Neb. Howard, Charles Edwin 1897...... 1897 Wescott. Neb.. Howie, Jobn Lloyd...... 1899.. . . Hoyen, Isak...... 1897 1897 Milwaukee. Wis. Hubbell, Fred Manning.. . .. 1896 May 27...... • ·. Belvidere, III. Hughes, Isaac C .... : . . .. 1873 Sept. 21, 1873...... Deceased. Hulbert, Jay Munsell 1892 May 1. 1893 Min.neapolis, Minn. Huleen, John Johnson 1896 ; ,...... Humphrey, C. C.....•...... r861' June ·6, 1861.. . Deceased. Humphrey, William B 1896...... Havana, Ill. Hunt, Theodore C ...... • , 1880 Sept. 22. 1880 Greeley, Colo. Hunt, William Sherman 1890 ~June 24. 1890.' .Salt Lake City, Utah. Hunter, George Francis 1884 April 25, 1884 Deceased. Hunter. W. C 1887 June 21,1887 . Hurd. Alva Ansel. i87I Mar. 21, 1871. ....•. Springwater, Ore.

Ingraham, Alexander Miller .. 1896...•...... Glencoe, Ill. Isaacs, William ...... •.•• 1893..•• June 25,1893 Verdon, ~:b. IsaksOD. Carl Oscar ...•..•..• 1899...... •...... ••... '..•...... • ,,-' -,


Name. Graduated. Ordained. Present Residence. JacKman,'George William 189° June 29, J886- Glen Ellyn, Ill. Jackson. Frank Dyer 1894 April 27. 1895.. . .Omeba. Neb.. Jacobs. Henry...... 18:;0 Sept. 22, 1870.. . Deceased. jacobson, Alfred 'Henry 1899.. ... Arnot. Penn. [agger. Edwin L 1861 Mar. 6, 1862. . Deceased. James, George Watkin 1892 April 29, 1892.. . .Crelgbtcn. Neb. Jamison. Henry Winfield '.. 1894 Aug .. 15~1894..... : Beresford. S. Dak. Jeffery, Franklin Ellsworth 1890 Aug. 26.189°. . .Meluk. India. Jenkins, Owen M , 1882. . . 1876. . . Collinwood, Ohio. Jernberg, R. A .. '. . 1887. .Oct. ,f,1887. . Chicago, Ill. Johanson. Jobanl...... 189° 1...... Finland. Johnson, Andrew 1889...... Joliet, III. Jobnson, Edward Gottfried 1893. . . . . 1893. . . . .

Johnson, Johannes Efraim E.2 .1892. . .. I•..••..• Duluth, Mich. 1ohnson, John Edward 1890 Campello, Mass. [cbuecc. John Emil Victor: .. ,. 1899. .Sccndele. Penn. Jobnson, John Jon-as.. . 1892...... 1895. Johnson, John Peter .1895...... Commonwealth, Wis. Jobnson, 'Paul Aaron. ..1899 . Jones, David D.. . .1875 Deceased. Jones, Howard Murray 1899...... Edinburgh, Scotland. Jones,Lemuel , ;1864' April 20,-1865 Syracuse, N.Y. .jcnes, Robert Griffith ~ 189I July 14, 18gI. .Lake Benton, Minn.. Jorgensen, [ens Christian 1899...... Gaiesburgh, Wis.' --'Josephson, Hans Ferdinand I894.... Dec. 23, 1895. . .Winona, Minn.

Kaye, Alexander S...... 1888 May 3, 1888. . .Waverley, Ill. K~en. Lyman S ' 1879 June 19, .1879.. .. Bremen, Ind. Kent, Laurence ei-ilbe"t '.. 189~ March, 1887... . Emmettsburg, Ia.

Kern, Herbert Alfr:ed 1••• 1896...... 1886 .. ,. .. Rock Falls, Ills.

Khungian. Toros Bed,ios 1894. . . . J ••• Chicago, Ill. Kildsig, JensJensen l889 ::::::::~::::::: .. Brooklyn, N. Y. Kirkpatrick. John Erwin l895 May 24, 1895 Alma, Kan. Kirk,'Robert .' , (,1874 Sept. l874 .••.. , Springfield, S. D. .-Knobel, Godfrey C " 1875. , .. April II, 18,.5 Chicago, Ill. ~odell, James R .. : :" 1879...•.• .' Ashland, Cal. Knutson, Henry Steven Von . Mehren, ....•..•...... ,. I8~ ...... ••...... " , ...... •• K~lmos. Jesse Jensen ,. " .1896.•.•..•• ,., 1896, Chicago, III.

i 'Nam~ chaDged to]ohaDJohan$on Lundell. tName chaDged toJohnnesJ. Seth. ' 4< \ ,


N.m~_ Graduated. Ordained. Present Residence. Lamb, Samuel George.. ..1893 ~ ~.1879 Higbland, Ca:1. Landon. George M. .1868 ...• May, Ill68 Monroe. Mi~b. Langdale. Thomas Guy .1891 Dec" 1891...... •.. Redfield, S. D. Lange, John Gutheil.. .188S Nov. 18. 188S.·····.·····Leigh. Neb. Larkin, Ralph Baxter .. 1895 June 5, 1895.....• Buena Vista, Colo. Larsen. Anton...... 189S .. '.. Jan, 27,'18g6.' :.M1rrill, Wis."- Larson, Carl Jobn , ...... •. 1895 ' 1895·········· Kewanee, Ill. Larson, Nels. . .. 1899· · .. ','" . Lathrop, Stanley E ,187° Dec. 22, 1870 Ashland. Wis. Lay. Corliss Wilkes 189° Yankton, S. D. Ledin, Charles J. Kristian 1891 ..• Feb. 28, 1895.··.·· Ishpeming, Mich. Leonard. Arthur Eastm'an 189S May 7, I89S.. ····.··Menasha, Wis. Lerufstedt, Gustav W 1897 : ' ...... ••.....•.. Lewis, Edwin N. . 1862 Oct. I4. 1862 ··.·•·· Deceased. Lewis, 'r. George.. . 1887 JuIY. 2g. 1887 · .. .Powell, S. D. .Libby. Edgar Herbert. ....•. r8gl June 25, 18g1 .Downer's Grove, Ill. Lind, Nels johan.. . 1897. . 1897 St. Loui~, Mo. Lindegren, Oscar .:...... 1893 ...... • . . Bridgeport, Conn. Lindgren, Sven Olaf OSCilI ... 18g2. . . . Kingbury, Cal . . Lindholm', Frank A. L.. .~8,97· .. Lindholm. Olof S. T. . .18g8. . r8g8.. . Easton. Mass.

Licdrccs. Ka'rl August. . 11}99······ .. Naugatuck. Conn. Lindquist.' August Johnson 1896 . .I8~4:" .... Henry. 111. ILloyd. George... 1.18g2 . 18~7.. ""'" .Oakland, Cal. Lloyd, Rbys R...... 1887.· .May 12, ...... Chicago. m. Lloyd, William Webster.. . r~8g.. ..1898... . Oswego. 111. Long: Frederick William. . . r8g8. .., .Sutton, Neb. Losey. John B,. . .18g6...... Gottenberg. Neb. Lundberg, Albert... .1896. Hallock, Minn. Lundell, Olaf Johnson ... (3g6 . . ... Keokuk. Ia. Lundgren, Charles Joban. . 18g1 . Lundin, John Bernhard 18g5··· .. , ,1893 Waltha,m, Mass. Lundgten, Anton Peter .1. •••••• 1898...... Alcester. S. D. Lyman. Elias Fenn ' r89g······ .1892 .... '...... Austin. Ill. Lyman. Henry Martyn 1892 . .1891••••• '•. ;--;•• Chicago. 111. Lyon, Fr-ank Emory... .1891.······ \

Manaviao, G. Mayramkool. .. r893 ···············.- Chicago. Ill. Marcelius, David .....•...... 1895•..•...... i.···..·········Cleveland, O. Mar~b, CbarlesA .•.....•.... 1880.... Nov. 10. 1882•.... ········ D~ceased. Marsh, Charles E ...•...... 1867•... Oct. 13. 1868..... ·• Lawn. Ridge. 1.11. · I ,871. July 1872.PbiliPPOpo1i;, Bulgaria. Mars,b George DaDI8...... , CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

}fame. Graduated. Ordained. Present Residence Marsh, Hammond Levi. .1890. . 1892 Muscotah, Kan. Marsh, Wi!soo Jeptha.. ..1895. . .. 1891 Guthrie, Okla. Marshall. Jobn Wilson. . .1891. Dec. 7, 1892 Deceased. - Martin, Samuel Alexander 1884. .Oct. 21,1884. .Rowan,la. Matson, Albert. 1871. Nov. 18,1871. May. Oscar G. . 1870 June 21,1870.. .Berkley. Cal. McArtbur, H. G. .1859 Aug. 25, ]859. Deceased. McCulloch, Oscar C. . 1870 Oct. 19, 1870 Deceased. McKnight, Julius Monroe. .1891. . Chamois, Mo. McLean, Alexander ;.1880 June 1,188r.. . Australia. 'McLean, Ttiomas David r893 June 25, 1893 ,Prescott, Arizona. McQuarrie; Neil Phail 1894 July II. 1893. 'Niagara, N. D. \ Mears. Charles Leorr" 1896 June 23,1896. . .. Excelsior, Minn. Merrill.'ChariesWilbur r873 Oct. 29,1873. . Silverton, Colo. Meske, Fred Louis 18g1 June [2,18gl. Ortonville, Minn. Meyer, Adolph Charles. ..r885 May 27,1885... Deceased. Miles. Arthur 1892 Sept. 3.1891 '.Elmwood, Ill. Millard. Watson B... . 1874 June 18, 1874. . .. Geneva, Ill. Millard, WH(iam Bar'~ett r895 1895. . .New London, Wis. Miller. John Wood... .' 1889. ~ 1872. . .. Paxton. Ill. Miller.. Richard 1873 Dec. 23. r,873. . Janesville, Wis. Miller. W. Claudius .. 1880 June 15.1884. . Decatur, Ill. Millerd, Norman A... . 1862 june 26,1861 Chicago, Ill. 'Mills, Charles Lawrence. .1892. .Aug. 29,1892 Clay Center. Kan. "Mills, Harlow S...... 1877 June 5,1877... .t-Benzonia, Mich. Mills, Harry Edward .. 18g8 1896 Fort Scott, Kan. Mirick, Edward A. . 1869 Sept, 19,1869 Dr}'den~ N. y. 'Momiroff,Konsta9tine Dimeter rxcq, . . . Monson, Cexel Julius \ 18g8. . . - Montgomery, Jobn A 1866 June .IS, 1866· La Grange, Ill. Moore, Charles Dayton 1892. . Aug. 29, 1892. . Moline. Ill. Moore, Frank Liucoln.. " J8g7.. : 1891.• ~.EgartoD, Wis. More, 'Edwin, Jr. ..1891. . .. 189° Hancock, Mich. Morrill. Stepben S.. .1859 May 12, 1859. . Deceased. Morstad, Eric Olsen. . .1889...... winecberg. Wis. Moses, Aloert Curtiss. . .'1892.. ' .. Oct. 3, 1893.. . . "... Byron. III. Mullenbacb, James... . 1899 ,. " Halle a. S., Germany.

Nelson, Andrew Peten. r89~ '" March 1, 1895.. , Lowell, M~5S. Nelson, Charles Edward ,., 18.97 ., West Green Bay. Wis~ Nelsoo, George Wi.lIiam ...•.. 1873 Sept. 10, 1873 , Deceased .. 5


Name. Graduated. Ordained'. Present Residence. Nelson, Gustave Adolph". .. 18go. . .Garhurll, India. Nelson, John.. .. r Sqr . ., ... Hastings, Neb. Nelson, John William 18g5.· .Aurora, Mo. Nelson, Josef Fredrik .. , r8g8. Nelson, Nels Isaac. . ,. 18go. . .. Wood Lake, Wis. Newell, Horatio B. .1887 Aug. 25,1887., Niigata, Japan. Newell, Arthur Frost. . 1093 Nov. 28, 1894.. . .Sayville, N. Y. Newlands, Robert William 18g2. .Sept. '13, 1892. . ... Mattoon, III. Nilson, Carl Amandus 188g. . .18go.', Nilson, Nils Fromholt. . . .. 1893· ' Chariton, la. Nobis, LewisB.. . .1888 ... July 17,1888 .... . Cashton, Wis: Noble, Frederick Perry. .188g. .Chicagc, III. Norcross, Lanson P. .186g . . .Jan. 26, 1870, ..... Wisconsin, Nordlund, Anders August. .... 18g5. .May 14, 18g5..... Georgetown, Conn. Noren, Oscar. .18go.. .Deceased. Normann, John August A 18g3. 'Norseen, Oscar G. . 18g7· .... 18g8. Perth Amboy, N. J. Northcote, Theodore C.. ..1875 May 13, 1875.. Norton, Frank B ... 1864 July 24, 1864.. Deceased . Norton, James S. .1869 .. .Deceased. Norton, Milton James. . .. ,18g7· .1897.. . . St. Louis, Mo. Norton, Stephen Allison. . 1881.... Oct. 6,1881. .San Diego, Cal Noyes, Mortimer. L. S 1871...... Deceased. Nussbaum,Georg Paul Erich v.18gg.. .Shewi11: Ia. Nyreen, Anders G. . .1897 ..

Oakey, James.. . .. 1875... Oct. 31,1875 ..... Robbinsdale, Minn. Ogilvie,' David M. . . .1888.. June 18, 1888...... Oakland, -Ia. Olds; Otis Calvin. . . .18go.... May 9, 1890.Cusihuiriacbie. Mexico, Olson. Constantin...... 18go...... 189° Chicago, Ill. Olson, Nils Olof. ' 1893...... : Crompton,' R. I. Olson, Olaf... . 1894 · New Richmond. Wis. Orr, James Burwasb [894...... Santa Cruz, Cal. Ortb. Philip Andrew [894 1888 Davenport. lao Osgo:a-, f'ucian Elmer 18gI. .'.. June 9, 189I.·· .. Sturgeon,Bay, Wis. Osgood. Robert Storrs 1898\ 18g8 Harvard, Neb. Ostling, Carl August. 1894 Boone. Ia Ostrom, J. Oscar August. 1889.. '; .. , ' 1889 ,' Aurora. Ill.

I Packard, Nahum Luther ..... 1886 ';June 22. 1886.•.... , Riceville. lao Paddock, George A.•...•.... 1868 Aug. '20, 1868 Deceased.

'Name chans:ed If)Gustave A. Hamitl~n. lOS CI:IICAGO THEOLOGICAh SplINARY.

Name ·Gradtfated. Ordained. P"esenl Residence: Paeschke, Heinrich Wilhelm. 1898. p'ainter: Harry Morton 1898. . 1899. . .. Pattha City, Wasl;l. Palmer, Orange Stephen 1886 Sept. 16, 1886 Chicago, Ill. Palmquist, Aron Evald. . . . J894. . Minneapolis, Minn. ,-Parker,' HOII!er. . . . . r873. .Sept. 16, 1883 Kingfisher, Okla. Parker, John D. . .. r86S Aug. 16, 1865. . . Washington. D. C. Parr, Jobn H...... 1882 May 18. 1882. . , .Chicago, LB. Parr. Walter Rcbtnscn. . . . 1898 1898. . CI!fton, Ill. Parsons, Charles . :. . . . J89~ Sept. 6, r894.. . '. Moville.----Ia. Paul, Penjamin F.ranklin '. r893...... J896. . . . Ivanhoe, Ill. Payne, Char:les Albert. 1885 May 20.1885... .. Berlin, Wis . .Pearse. Franklin Finch .1883 .. : . June 20, 1883 Nordhoff, Cal . . Pedersen, Jens .. \., - 189; Mar. J6, J896.. .Hobcken, N.J. Pedersen, Jens Hjerm 1897...... 1897 Hoboken, N. J. Pedersen, Ludwig Joban J899.. . 1894...... Danway, Ill. Peelv-Gustaf Edwards J893...... Chicago, III Perrin} David J. . . . . 1899 . . Peterson, Anders Oscar r894...... Aspen, Col. Peterson, Carl Edward 1899. peterson, C~r1 Johan. . .. ' .. r893 Sept. 26, 1"894. .East Berkshire, Vt. Peterson'. Carl Otto 1897 ,'. . . . .

Peterson, Fritz Emil. . . \1893 1894 Woburn I Mass. - Petersen, Gustaf Theodore Q. 18g1...... Pilot Mound, la . .Petersen. Johannes Jonathan. 1891...... Ironwood, Mich.

Phillips, William Irving 1876 Sept. I. 1"876. . Wheaton, Ill. Pierce, Lucius M. . .. 1888 July 27, 1888. . Reinbeck. Ia . .Pierce, William 1894. . . Kirkland, 1I1. Riakerton, Myron W. . .. 1871 Aug., IS71. . _. Deceased . .Platt, Dwight Henry .. ,. . . .1894 Nov. 15, 1894 Smith Center. Kao.' Pollard. Samuel Worcester r88S May 7, 1885' ,..- Postville, la. Petter: Rockwell Harmon r898 - . Pritchard, William Suttle 1896... . Quebec, Canada . .Prucha, Vaclav.. . 1899... . Chicago, Ill. Puggard, Thomas .'1894.. . .. ~..•... , Chicago, Ill.' Putnam. Samuel P : 1868. . . . . Deceased.

Ralph, William James C 1894 1889...... • Mazomanie, Wis. 'Ramsay, William George 1898•.....•....•.. 1898 St. Charles, MinD. Ramser, Jacob ~.. 1886••.. July 3,,1885 •••...... •..••.••.• Randall, Frederick' Daniel. 189"0..•...•...... 189° ...•..•• MullikeD, Mich. ~ansom, Charles Newton 1889••.. Jan. 17, 1890..•..••. Natal, S. A;frica. NlimfOch:lna:~d to Gustaf E. Pihl. " t' 4pft' 1M;;r 1$; ($


Name, \ Graduated. I Ordained. Present Residence: Read, James Lee. . 1895 April 18, 1895 Medford, Okla. Ream, William Theophilus 1897 t897. . . . Cumberland, Wis.

Reed. Charles Francis 1873 June I, 1874... . Chicago. Reed, Myron W. . 1866 July . TO, 1866... . Deceased. Rees~. Jobn George 18gl...... 0. Resner, Andrew K... . I88g .juce 6,188g. ..MaDDing.la. Rexford, George W. . .. 18g1 April II, 1888...... Sycamore, Ill. Rice, August M. ~. ., J873,', .. Dec. 17, 1873 Sturbridge. Mass. Richards. J. P 1861 Aug. 13. 1861. . Deceased. Rich~rdson, David A.. ..1888 May 3,1888 Bloomer, Wis. Richardson, Frank Hervey 1894. , . . . 1894 Hutchinson, Minn. Richardson. Henry Martyn 1892 Oct. 26. 1892 Neponset. in. Richardson. John Lincoln 1890.' April 24. 1890 : Deceased. Ricker, A. E. . .. 1888 Sept. 18,1888. . Chadron, Neb. Rigby, William Edward r896 Sept. 24. 1896 : Kewanee, Wis. .Riggs, Alfred L...... r862 Nov. 4, r863 Santee Agency, Neb. Riggs. Thomas L.. .1872 Jan. r7, r8n. . Oahe, S. D. Rindell, Gilbert, Jr. .1874 Oct. 29, 1874. . Chicago, Ill. Risser, H. A...... r887 Dec. 9, Ir887 51. Paul. Minn. Robbins, H. J-I...... 1874. .July 28, 1874. . . Grinnell,.la. Robertson, Albert Alexander .. r899. . . . .1897.. . Hobart. Ind. Robinson, Oliver Theron ..... 1895., April r8, 1895. Rogers, Arthur Joseph.. . .. 1894 June 15, 1894 Columbus, Neb. Rogers, Charles H. ..1877 July II, r877. . Mason City. Ia. Rohland, A. W.. . .r887...... Deceased. Rollins. George Sherman ..... r892 Oct. 28. 1892...... Davenpcrt, Ia .: Rood, Francis Dwight. .1886 July 3. 1886.. -Black Mountain, N. C. Rood, Herbert Hamlin. .1896...... 1892 Downer's Grove, Ill. Rood, Jobn Sime'on...... 1894 Sept. 28) 1887 Fargo, N. D. Root, Barnabas Walker .. '," .1873 Nov, 1.874 ····•·· Deceased. Rosendahl, Martin. . . 18ge. . . . Christiana, Norway. Roslin, Svan Emil 1899 . Ross, Joseph B 1898 ~ ,,\ . Rossell, Frank Horace 1894 Dec. 18. 189S.. ~. " Chlcagc.

Safford. Albert Walker~ 1871. Aug. 2, 1872 Chicago. Ill. Samuel, Rcbeet. 1859..•. Nov. 3, 1859•...... Deceased: Sanborn, Daniel L, ..••... , .. 1890.... June 24, 1890....•...... Kangley, Ill. Sanborn, Fred Leslie ..••... ; .189° ...•...•...•. 1885...... ••...... Sargen't, Moses F .....••....• 1879.... June 30, 1879...•...••.... Deceased . . Sattler, John ...•...••...•... 18.88•... June 2,1887 Tyndall. 5: D. Saunders. Clarendon M .•.•.. 1867...• April 19, 1867.•....•...... Deceased. Sawyer, Stowe .••....•..•... 1883•..• June. 24. I883',Soutb Milwaukee. Wis. 110 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SE!lIINARY.

Name. Graduated. Ordained. Present Residence. Sayyadah, Kbaleel Wahbeh .. 1894 . Scarrow, David Henry 18gl . .. Wellington, Kan. Schlechter, Jacob Henry 1889 . Schmiechen, Reinhold Bemb'd. 1899...... - Schwab, E. F 1887 May 20, 1887. . ... Lebanon, Mo . Schwabenland,Johann Conrad. 18g8...... r8g8. . .Glenn Ullin, N. D. Seaberg. Carl Otto '_' 1896 . Sears, Henderson W. .18g1. . . .. Moberly, Mo. Seccombe, Charles Horace 1895.. .April 25, r896...... Sibley, Ia. Sewell, Benjamin Franklin 1895 : ...... Perry, Ok. Shepherd, Samuel...... 1882 June 13, 1882 . Maquoqueta, Ia. Shinn. Robert F. . .. .1865 Sept. IS, 1868.. .. Deceased. Sberrtl. Dana. .. ,1873 June 24, 1873... Hoopeston, Ill. Shull. "Gilbert Leroy. . .. 1883 June 29,. 1883 .. .. LaFayette, Colo. Simmons, H. C. . ... 1872. .May 8, 1872...... Fargo, N. D. Simmons, William Benton .18g8. . .. 18g8. ,'" .Algonquin, Ill.

Simonsen, Johannes. . 188g. . "': Skeels, Henry M .. ', . I876 j.June 29,1.876. . . Harmon, Colo. Skentlebury, William H.. .1876: July 7,1875. .Lake Odessa, Mich. Skerik, John. . . . . " 1887.. Smith. Andrew J. 1874.... July .South Bend, Wo. Smith, Augustin T. . .1866. Deceased. Smith, David Orris 1886 June 23.1886 .. Smith, Emerson F ' 1875 Aug·. 12, 1875... ~.... ~. Smith, Frederick H. .. r8n Oct. 30. 18n. . .Chicegc. Smith, George ...... 1867 Jan. 20, r868.. . Whitewater, Wis. Smith, George Le Grand 1892 June' g, '..18g2'.. . Red Oak. Ia, Smith, James F. .1873 May 6,1873. .. Lowell, Iud Smith, OrvilleS r874 .. Nov. 4, ]874.. ..Delavan, Wis. Smith, Simon Rel~r.. . .. I879 .... Aprtl aa. 1883.. Jackson, Miss. Smith, Zwingle Henry 18gr...... 189°. ..Racine, Wis.

Snelling, Alfred .1888 May 'g. 1'888 1 ••• Ruk, Micronesia. Snyder. l:Ienr.y C,... . 18g3.. ..1886...... Ransom, Micb .. Soderquist, Carl john 1895...... Chicago', Ill. Soderholm, Henry 18go Nov. 18.1892... .' Chicago, Ill. Sbdermaa. Carl~~ugust. 18g2 r•••••••••• Star Prairie, Wis. Solberg, Aksel Herman .. , ~8g6 Dec. ro, 18g6 ',' -Soutbgate, .Benjamin MarsH .. 1.8g6.. ,.Sept. 22, 1893 , Pana, Ill. Spangler, George BrintOD 1896 June 23.1896 Dover, Neb. Spelman; Henry Ohel. 18go.,. "[une 20, 18go '. Spcceer, Arthur: ]8go Oct. 7, 1887 Deceased. Sporrang, Axel G-abriel. 1892 _ Sioux City, la. Sprague, Elmer Ellsworth r8g3.:: .Oct. 3, 1893 Cortland, Neb. CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. [II

Name. Graduated. Ordained. Present Residence. Seadshaug. Ole E...... 1883. Staff, Fred...... 189'7...... 1895.... Fcr.t Atkinson, Wis.- Stapleton, Robert S...... 1897. .18g6. . .. Erarccm. Turkey. Stetson. Reuben Kidder. . . r8gs.. .April 12, r895...... Wyanet, Ill. Stevens, John Le Roy r898. .Iberia, Mo. Stevens, Julius Merle. .1896. . ... Chicago. Stewart. Willie Ernest M. .1894 June 19, 1895 Douglas, Wyo. Stockwell, Cyrus Kellogg 1896 June 2, 1896.. .Vicksburg; Mich. Stone, August Ludwig 1899 . Stone, Ira Davenport 1894 June 12, J894. . .. Plainfield, Ill. Storm, Julius E. .1875 June 9. r875. ..Clay Center, Neb. Stotts. James Uriah.,. ..1894 June 6, 1893.. .Chicago, IlL Stough. Henry Wellington 1896 June 2,1896.. ., .Oak Park, Ill. Strain, .Hcrace Leslie 1896 June 16, 1896. Chicago. Stratton, Samuel F .. , 1868 Sept. 24, 1868. . Deceased. Strawman. David Samuel .. r899. . .. '. Michigan City, N. D. Strong, Dwight Ansel. . 189°.. .1890... Highland Lake. (Solo. Stutson, Henry H r897. . 1897. Winona, Mich. Suber, Carl Joban. . 1896. Kalgan, China. SufIa, Andreas. . .. 1899. , Hosmer. S. D. Sullens, Arthur James. . 1898. . ... 1898. . Chebause, Ill. Sunde, Ole Martinus.. . 189°. .. Walsund, Norway. Suudqvist, Erik Hjalm ar ,1891. . .. Galesburg, IlL Sveinbjornson, Arnabjarni r878. . .. Reykjarvik, Iceland. Svenson, Gustaf Adolph. ..1896... ,Middleton, Conn. Swanson. Isaac John Noble ... 1893, ... Feb.· 17,1896.. .. Lima, O. Swenson, 'Eridolf Emanuel. .. 1894. . .Sierra Leone, W. Africa.

Tarle, Ewing 0... .1861 Sept. 4, r861.. . Avalon, CaL Tangemann, Gottloh David: .. r893 Sept. 26, r893-.. . Danville, Ia. Tanner, Allan Robert.. . . r893 May g. 1894... . Waterloo. la. Taylor, Charles Barnabas. .1885 Sept. 1. 1885 Mitchelville, Ia. Taylor, John G 1872 [an 9,1873. .Black Earth. ws. Teuber. Adolph A. C 1891 Nov. 7,1892. . •••.•.•.• Thain. Alexander R...... r870 Oct. 17. r870 Chicago. Ill. Tharaldsen. Charles T i893.··················· . Thayer, Carmi C 1867 April r8, r8?7 .. Clifton Springs, N. Y. Thing, Milo P. Jewett. r884 July 2, 1884. _ Stacyville, la. T'histed, Peter Peterson 1890...... •...... : r • Thomas Carl Nicholas 1889 ' 1890..• West Burlington. la. T.bompS~n, Carl Dean ...•• 1 ••• 18g8 18g8 Elgin. ~n-. Thomson, A. W .•...... 1880••.. Oct. 20. 1880.....•... Medina, Ohio. Thorander, Anders Johan 1899...... • 1. ~ . :~


Name:·. Graduated, Ordained. Present Residence. Thoren, Bengt John .. 1894.. · Northfield, Minn. Tibbetts, Dallas David ... '..•. 1873 Mar. IS, 1881. Todd, Quintus C...... 1879,. Dec. 23, 1879. Tabor, Ia. Tompkins, James. .1867 April 24, r867· .. Chicago, Ill. Tbmblom. Aug:ust Ferd. .18g6 : -Jamestqwn, N, _y. Terrence, James S...... 1897· . Towie, Chas. A.' .. 186g May ~g, 1869. Deceased. "Townsend. Lewis Asher 1895 Mar. 26, 1895. Chicago, III. Tracey. Isaac B. . .. 1894. . St. Cloud, Minn. Traudt. Adam.. . 1891. . . .'. . . . Denver, Colo. Traut, George Albert 18go Mar. 25, i8g2. . Osborne, ~arl. Triplett, Haury Montford 18g8. . 1898 Ainsworth, Neb, 'Trower, William George 1893 Oct. 24, 1893. .California. Tuttle, Harmon "Bascom. . .187:3 J,an. 20, 1873.... ".St. Charles, Minn .

Udd, John. .. 1895. .July 2, 1896 Worcester, Mass, , Vahlstrom, Charles Johan ... 1898. Van Noorden, Emanuel' .1871. .Dct.. 1873.. Buenos 'Ayres. S. America. Van Wagner, Allen J. '.. 1873. .Oct. 13,187,3.'- ... Carthage, Mo. Varzhabedian, Benjamin S 1898. . ... '... , Vestlund. John Magus...... 1894. . . .. Soutb Bend, Ind. Video, Jobn Edward 189° ,1890. . .CoHinsville, Conn. 'Viebe. Gottlieb rohanne~... .1899. . Freelandville. Ind. Vogel: Albert Hans .. !.. ..1896. . FallCreek, Ill. Volentine. Thomas J. .1870 .... Oct, 13, 1870. . Vermsborg, lens c. 'P. . .1-890. . 1893~.. t .. Danesbrog: Neb.

Wade, Justin Go'od~ne ".J899 NO\'.. 18gg .Oueidav I'll. Wainwright, G. W 1862.. .v May 22,1862 Deceased. Walden, Edward Anderson 1896. . ~Malmo. ~weden. Wallace, 'David 1894. .. Aug. 22. 1894 Lunenburg. Mass. Ward. Frank Gibsoq,...... 1894. . .. Emporia, Kan. Ward, H. Q 1887 June 3°,1887 Lake Char-les, La. Warner, Alexander Charles 1899...... Ashkum, Ill. War-ner, Charles Campbell •.. 1884 Feb. 24, 1885 :.Mcinticello, Ia. Warner. William JoeL.; 1894 _ : , .Cedar Rapids. Ia. waterman, A. B...... •...... 186g., .. June 28, 186g ' Greggsville. III. -waterreao. William A.....•.. 1867 Feb. 12, 1868 Terre Haute. Ind. Watson, Charles Elliott 1894_....•...... 1883 Helena. Mont. weege. Edward. Densmore 1884..•. June 19. 1.884•• , .•...... Tulare, Cal. Webb,~Stepben w ,'.1,869...• April 19, 1870. _ Deceased. Webber. Berthold Lorenzo .•• 1894.•....••..... 94.....• , ..•.. Gowrie, la. . . 18 '. '

, ,


Name. Graduated. Ordained. Present Residence. Weckbacber, George : :r8gl _.. . Ridgefield Park, N.-T. Wegener, Carl johan Alex 1896:.. . Pittsburgh, Pa. Wellman, Fre,derick C 1895 April 18, r895 Woodlawn, Kan. W-ells, George H 1867 Oct. r , 1867 Deceased. Wells, Spencer R ..•.....•... 1867 April 17. 1867 Deceased. West, Lester L 1878 .Nov. 3D, r878. . Winona. Minn. Wheeler, Charles H .. ' 1867. . Deceased", wheeler. Frederick 1861 Feb. 18, 1862. . Deceased. Wheeler, Frederick Sharon 1896. . Kaukauna, Wis. Whitcomb, William .Albert 18g6. .Oct. 14, I8g6 Lancaster. Wis. White. George E: : i887 Sept. 14, 1887 Marsovan, Turkey. Whitelaw, James D...... 1887 June 20, 1887.: Beloit, Wis. Wiard, H. De Forest...... 1878 Nov. II, 1878 : ~.. Ft. Dodge, la. Wide berg, Claes John. . 18g5. . ,Arnot, Pa, ~ilc.ox, Frank Glen...... 18g3. .. Jan. 5, 18go... .Mason City; la. Wilcox, Seth M. . .. 1875.. Dec. 28,1875...... Manson, Ia. Willett, MahloD...... 1873 .. Jnne 4.1877_...... Decorah, la. Wil1iams, Edward M, . . .1868 Feb. 12, 186g...... Chicago, Ill. Wilson, Henry...... 1876 Jan. 4, 1877. . Hartwick. la. Wilson, John Wilbert.. .18g1. May 5,18gl. ..Council Bluffsj lao Wilson, William .... :... ..1886 April '1871. ..Deceased. Wiman, Anders Gustaf. .'18g8...... 18g8 East Norwalk, Conn. Winchester, Benjamin~S 189S.. ". " Snohomish, Wn. Wiswell. Thomas C.... . 18g7. . 1897. . . Latona. ,Wash. wiuberger. Louis W... .18g7. . , 18g7.. . .. Kingston, Wis. Wood, Charles F... . .1887 .. June 20. 1887 Chester. N. J, Wood. Charles Winter.. . .18g8.. .. . Woodcock, Thomas Jefferson .. 18g8.. .. J ••• 18g3.. . .Lead, S. D. Woolworth, William Sage 18go Oct. 7, 18go,. . .. Jamesport, N,. Y.' Work, Monroe Nathan 18g8. .'. Wotb, Frederick ...... •.... ;. 18gl. . 18gl Germantown, Neb. W;ay. Alfred K. .••... , ,: .. 1880 june 23, 1880 ~ansas City, Mo. Wright. Alfred Clarence 1886 June 6. 1886 Juarez, Mexico. Wright. E. F 1876 Nov. 1873 ······ .Dwight. Ill. Wyckoff, Charles T 1887 Sept. 22. 1891. ~...... • Chicago. Ill. -Wyck~ff. Edwin D ...... •. 1888 April 11.1888 .._ Preeccn, Ariz. Wylie. Edgar Bl~jsdell ~1892 ,.April 27. 1893•...... Chicago. Ill.

Yates, Tbomas .•...... •• 187:2•... Sept. 1, ,1874 '.....• Deceased. Yonker, "':ilto Roelf ..•.....• 189° .•.. Aug. 8. 1890.••. Eaton Rapids, Micb.

Zumste'in, Hans ••.• _...•.•..• 189° ..•• July 10,189° ...•....•. Muncie. Ind. Zumstein, Willielm Carl 1899 . • 114 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.


CLASS OF 1859.

Name. College. Residence. Cbas. M. Barnes, . Knox College, 1856. Chicago, Ill. Daniel H. Blake, Knox College, 1856, Deceased. Henry G. McArthur. Knox College •. 1856, Deceased. Stephen S. Morrill, Dartmouth College, 1856, Deceased. Robert Samuel, Dartmouth College, 1856,' Deceased.

CLASS OF 1860.

Jir~h S. Burt, ~Iowa College, 1855, Pittsfield, Ill.

Regula,r. Frederick W. Beecher, , 1857, Sodus, N. v: George D. Blodgett. . Deceased. , William L. Bray, . ,..mherst College. r8S8, Oskaloosa, Ia. Benjamin Durham, Beloit College, ,1854, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. George T. Higley, , 1857, Asbland, Mass. C. C. Humphrey, Iowa College, 1857, Deceased. Edwin L. Jaggar, . Deceased. . Jacob P. Richards, Deceased . Ewing O. Tarle, Iowa College, 1858, Avalon, Cal. Spec/a!. Henry M. Daniels, . De Luz, Cal. Charles Hancock, . Denmark, Ia. Charles A. Hervey.. Deceased. Edward Hildreth, . Los Angeles, Cal. Frederick Wheeler. Deceased.

Cuss .OF 1862. Regular. Edwin N. Lewis, Beloit College, 18S9, Deceased. .Norman A. Millerd. Hamilton College, 1847 • Chicago, I1I. CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

Name. College. Residence. Alfred Longley Riggs, Beloit College, 1658, .Santee Agency, Neb. Spe.cial. William Augustus Adams, Deceased . .George W. Wainwrigb,t, Deceased., 'CLASS OF 1863. Regular. George Howard Beecher, Wheaton College. ]860, Deceased, John Winchester Cass, Deceased. Cornelius Evarts Dickenson, Amherst College, 1860, wiadbam, Ohio. Henry Durham. Beloit College. 1857, Omaha, Neb. Osmer Willis Fay. Dartmouth College, 1856. Chicago, Ill.

Reg1tla~'. Henry Elbert Barnes •. Yale College, 1860, North Andover. Mass. Edgar Payson Dada. Columbia City, Wn. Foster Edgar Edgarton. , 1858, Deceased. Fred'k G. Ensign, Chicago. Ill. Rufus Barnard Guild. Knox College, 1858, Deceased. Franklin Burroughs Norton, Amherst College, 1856, . Deceased. Special. Daville William Comstock, Charlestown, W. Va. Lemuel Jones, Syracuse, N. Y.

CLASS OF 1865. Regldar. David jacquetb Bald~in, Wheaton College, 1862, , Pueblo. Colo. Thomas Evans. ' Racine, Wis. Jobn Dempster Parker, University of Wisconsin, 1859, Washington, D. C. Robert Franklin Shinn, Deceased.

CLASS OF 1866. Regula1" Elihu C. Barnard, . Oberlin College, ]860, Whitewater, Wis. warren F. D~y. Wheaten College, 1863, Los Angeles, Cal. Hanford Fowle, Deceased. John L. Granger, Deceased. J. Arthur Montgomery. Wheaton College, 1863, La Grange, Ill. Myron W. Reed, Deceased. Augustine T. Smith, Adrian College, 1863,.: Deceased.

CLASS OF 1867. Regu~r. • William Henry -Atkinson, Illinois College, 1864, San Rafael. Cal . Harmon Bross. Lincoln, Neb. , ' -,-- /


Name. College. Residence. James Romeyo Danforth, Westfield, N. j. William E. De Riemer, Amherst College, 1862, Washington, D. C. SamuelEdward Evans, Harvard College, 1863, Deceased. Paul Silas Feemster, Tusculum College, 1861, . Fulton, Kan. Thomas Gillespie, Kenosha, Wis. Edward Trumbull Hooker. Williams College, 1860, Deceased. Charles Edwin Marsh, Wheaton College, 1860, Lawn Ridge, Ill. Carmi C. Thayer, Clifton Springs, N. Y. George Huntington Wells, Amherst College, 1863, Deceased. Special. Arthur Everett Arnold, Warrensburg, Ill. Clarendon M., Saunders, . Deceased. _ George Smitb ." . Whitewater, Wis. James Tompkins, . Chicago. Ill. William Ashael Waterman. Terre Haute, Ind. Spencer Rexford Wells .. Deceased. Charles Holbrook Wheeler, · Deceased.

CLASS'OF 1868. Regula?'. t J aho Allender, Middlefield, Conn. - Gabriel Campbell, Michigan University, Hanover. N. H. Micah S. Croswell, Amherst College,-1855, Los Angeles, Cal. Asher W. Curtis, . Beloit College, 1853, Raleigh, 1;1. C. Truman 0 -,Douglas, . Illinois College, 1865, . Grinnell, Ia. Leroy $. Hand, Wheaton College, 1862, Omaha, Neb. James Harrison, Oskaloosa, Ia. george M. Landon, Michigan University. 1857, Monroe, Mich. George Ai. Paddock, Deceased. Samuel P. Putnam, Deceased. Samuel F. Stratton. Wheaton College, 1863, · Deceased. Edward M. Williams, Vale College, 1864, Cliicago, Ill.

CLASS OF 1869. RCl[ular. Edwin R. Beach •. Union College, 1856, Lexington, Oregcn.: Eben M. Betts, , Cleveland, O. Daniel M. Breckenridge. Middlebury College, 1866, . Oemcad, Fla. Charlel C. Cragin, t , 1863. Rio Vista, Cal. J,erome D. Davis, Beloit College, 1866, Kyoto, japan. Deceased. Sidney B. Demarest, .r Western Reserve College, 1865, beceased, Samuel E. Dic;kenson, Michigan University, 1866, jacob F. Guyton,. · Deceased. t t 12 ),t .


Name. College. Residence. Vitellus M. Hardy, Amberst College, 1865, Randolph, vi. Charles Hibbard, . Deceased. Dexter D. Hill, Beloit College, 1866, • Downey, Cal. Edward A. Mirick, Amherst College, 186~, .Dryden, N. Y; Lauson P. Norcross, Wisconsin. James S. .Ncrtcn.: Beloit College, 1866, Deceased. , " Charles A. Tpwle, Dartmouth College, 1864, . Deceased. Stephen W. Webb, Amherst College, 1866; Deceased. Special. John L. Atkinson, Kobe, Japan. William R. Butcher, Chandlersville, Ill. William J. Clark, . Amherst College, 1864, Hinsdale, Ill. Francis J, Douglass, aids, la.

CLASS OF 1870. Regula.r. Edward N. Barrett, Knox College. 1866, Waterloo, Ia. George S. Bascom, Beloit College, 1866, · Oriska, N. D. Oliver P. Champlin; Dwight, N. D. William H. Cross, Beloit College, 1865, ·Saratoga, Cal. Edward P. Goodrich,. Michigan University, 1865 Ypsilanti, Mich. Charles C. Harrah, · Newton, Ia. Stanley E. Lathrop, • Beloit College, 1867,.. Ashland, Wis. Oscar Co' Mctulloch, Deceased. Alexander R. Thain, • Chicago, Ill. Thomas J. Volentine, Brown University, 1867, Deceased. Special. Charles M. Bingham • Day tonia, Fla. George S. Coding ton, Deceased. Henry Jacobs, . Deceased. Oscar G. May, Berkeley, Cal.

Regular. Amos Judson Bailey, Wheaton College, 1868, Seattle, Wash. Frederick Willard Bush, Olivet College, ]868, Hopkins Station, Mich. Cephas F. Clapp, • . Forest Grove, Ore. John Alexander Cruzan, Hila. H. 1. Julian Howell Dixon, Beloit College, 1867, Deceased. Alva Ansel Hurd, Springwater, Ore. George Daniel Marsh, Iowa College, 1867, Pbilippopoli~, Bulgaria. Mortimer L. S. Noyes, Deceased. My-ron W. Pinkerton, Ripon College, 1868, Deceased ~ " .... -1


Name. College. Residence. Albert Walker- Safford, Chicago, Ill. Emmanuel Van Noorden, . B"uenos Ayres, S. America. Spedal. Edward R. Chase, . Deceased. Martin S. Hall, Mont Clare, nr Albert Matsop ,

Regular. CLASS OF 1872. Jobn W. Baird, Beloit College, 1869, Monastir, Turkey. Otis D. Crawford, Pasadena. Cal, Thomas L. Riggs, . Beloit College, 1868, Oahe, S. D. Henry C. Simmons, Beloit College, 1869, . \ Deceased. John G. Taylor, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1868, Black Earth, Wis. Tbomas Yates, Deceased.

Regtda1". CLASS OF 1873. Seth A. Arnold, Iowa College, 1869, . Newton, Ia. A. Wesley Bill, , Milwaukee, Wis. T. Lincoln Brown, Chester Cross Roads, Q. William Willis Curtis, ·Beloit College, 1870, Sendai, Japan. William G. Dickinson, Deceased. -jesse Lawrence Fonda, Wheaton G?lIege, 1868, Isaac C. Hughes, . Deceased. Charles Wilbur Merrill. Beloit College, 1870, Silverton, Colo. Richard Miller, - Beloit College, 1870: Janesville, Wis. George William Nelson, Beloit College, 1870, Deceased. Homer Joseph Parker, Middlebury College, 1869, Kingfisher, Okla. Charles Francis Reed,. Iowa College, 1867, Chicago, Ill. 1- .. Augustus Marcus Rice, University of Wisconsin, 1870,. Sturbridge, Mass.

Barnabas Walker Root, Knox College, 1870,. 1. Deceased, Dana Sherrill, Beloit Coll~ge, 1870 , Hoopeston, Ill. D711as David Tibbitts, Hillsdale College, 1870, Harmon Bascom Tuttle, Beloit College, 1870, St. 'Charles, Minn. Allen J. Van Wagner,. Carthage, Mo. Mahlon Wille.tt, Iowa College, 1869. Decorah, la. Special. Wi1li~m Henry Skentlebury, Deceased. James Foster Smith Lowell, Ina,

Regular. CLASS o~1874. Julius C. Armstrong, l Chicago, 111, M-an'in D. Bisbee,. Dartmouth College, 1811, Hanover, N. H. \


Name. . College. Residence. John W. Bradshaw, "Middlebury College, 186g, Ann Arbor, Mich. Albert Jerome Chittenden, . Ripon College, 1868, Mill River, Mass. William Gallagher, Jr" Harvard College, 1869, , S, Braintree, Mass. Henry Martyn Goodell, University of'Michigan, 1870, Watson Burchard Millard, Universlty of Michigan, 1870, , Geneva, Ill. Horace Hutch. Robbins, Iowa College, 186g, Grinnell, la. Andrew J. Smith, Beloit College, 1871, South Bend, Wn. Orville Sylvester Smith, Beloit College/1871, Delavan, Wis. Special. Ledyard Ely Benton, Crete, Neb. John B. Bidwell, . Decorah, Ia. .Robert Kirk, Springfield, S. D . Gilbert Rindell, Jr., . Chicago, Ill.

CLASS OF 1875. Regtdar. Charle's H. Abbott, · Grand View, Tenn. Kerr C. Anderson, Middlebury College, 1872 Gilbert A. Curtiss, · Killingworth, Conn. Gilbert T. Holcombe, . '" Olivet, Mich. David D.·Jones, Deceased. Godfrey C. Knobel Northwestern College, 1870, Cblcagc, HI. .james Oakey, Yale College, 1872, · Robbinsdale, Minn. Emerson F. Smit-h, Oberlin College, 1871, Julius E. Storm, Beloit Gollege, 187~, Clay Center, Neb. Seth M. Wilcox, Manson, la. Special. Daniel W. Gilmore, Menominee, Wii. Theodore C. Northcott, Deceased.

CLASS OF 1876. Regula}'. Russell L. Cheney,. Beloit College, 1872, Merrittville, Wis. Hiram J. Ferris, Columbus; Wis. Henry Wilson, ' Hartwick, la. SpeciaL Chicago, III. David R. Anderson, Hampton, la. John W. Ferner, . Wheaton, Ill. William Irving Phillips, Harmon, Colo. Henry M. Skeels, .~ Dwight, .Ill, - Eugene H. Wright,

Cuss OF 1877. Reiztlar, Covert, Mich. John P, Barren, Harvard C~llege, 1866, . Griggsville, III. Nathan L. Burton, Knolt College, 1871, 120 . CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

'Name. College. Residence. Moulton N. Clark, Walworth, Wis. Willis C. Dewey, Bel~it College, 1873, Mardin, Turkey. Jobn C. Duncan, Camden, Ala. David i.. Holbrook, Amherst College, 1872, Fond du Lac, Wis. . Harlow S. Mills, Iowa College; r874,. ' Benzonia, Mich . Char-les H. Rogers, Mason City, la. Frederick, H. Smitl:i, Chicago. Special . . William H. Hinckley . Deceased.

CLASS OF 1878. Regular. Matthew A. Crawford, . , 1875, Deceased. Arnabjarni Svetcbicrnson, University of Iceland, '69, Reykjarvik, Iceland. Lester L. West, Tabor College, 1875, Winona, Minn. I Special. H. De.Fcrest Wiard, Ft. D6dge, Ia.

CLASS OF 1879. Regula,'. ,MODS Samuel Baker, , r876, Northfield, Minn. ,.James A. Chamberlain, Beloit College, . Newark, N. J. Dennis Goodsell, Oberlin College, 1875, Byron, Cal. Hiram Wallace Harbaugh, Normal University, 1-875, . BraiJdwood, Ill. Lyman S. Keen, Iowa College, r876, . Bremen, Ind. . Simon Peter Smith, Howard pniyersity, r876, Jackson, Miss., Qui'ntus c. Tod'd, Tabor College, 1876, . . Tabor,la. Spedal. Flavius J. Brobst, Chicago, Ill. Hadley M. Corsbie,' I. Whittier College, r872, Woodworth, Wis. Moses F. Sargen t, Deceased.

CLASS OF r880. I Regular. I Arthur Chester, , Brooklyn, N. Y. Florence C. Cochran. .Beloit College, Lincoln, Neb . Tb~odore C. Hunt, Dartmouth College, 1876, Greeley, Colo. Charles Albert 'Marsh, Obenlin College, r877, Deceased. W. Claudius Miller, Decatur, Ill. A. W. Thompson, Monmouth College, 1874, Medina, Ohio.

I Speci'al. Al~red K. Wray, Kansas City. Mo~ CHICAGO THEOLOGI~AL SEMINARY. 121

CLASS OF 1881. Name. College. • Residence. Regula/'. George F. Cbipperfield, Williams College, 1876, Malone, N. Y. Charles Hall Cook, University ,of Michigan, 1874, Billings, Mont: Caleb Frank Gates, Beloit College; 1877, Harpcot, Turkey: Salisbury, Conn. J ohri Calvin Goddard, I Yale College, 1873, Albert Sturgis Houston, Iowa College; 1878, Indianola, Neb. Alexander McLean, . Australia. Stephen Allison Norton, Amherst College, r878, ,San Diego, ce: Spuial. Grand Blanc, Mien, George Benford, Deceased. Charles Mix Gilbert, CLASS OF 1882. Regular. Fremont, Neb. William Henry Buss, Oberlin College, 1879, Alston, Mass. Jobn Olaf Haarvig. Northwestern University, 1870, Chicago, HI. John Harvey Parr, Illinois Normal University, Maquoqueta, Iowa. Samuel Shepherd, Harvard College, 1878, Special. Marsovan Turkey. George Harootyun Filian, Collinwood, Ohio. Owen M. Jenkins, CLASS OF 1883. Regular. 18 Manistee, Mich. Edwin Irving Ayer, University of Michigan, 72, Hollman, Neb. Norbourn H. Blackmer, Williams College, 1879, Melbourn, Fla. ,Elmer Wells Butler, Illinois College, 1880, Cliutca, Wis, William George Clark, Northwestern University, LivfngstoD, Mont. Victor Prernont'Clark, Tabor College, Elkader, Ia. Franklin Luther Fisk, Beloit College, 1876, Deceased. Henry Samuel Harelson, 188o, S. Milwaukee, Wis. Stowe Sawyer, Univ. of wtsconein, l La Fayette, Colo: Gilbert Leroy Shull, • Iowa College, 1880,' Spuial. Cherokee, la~ Wheaton Ccllege, 1879, Walter Lorenzo Ferris, Nordhoff, Cal. Franklin Finch Pearse, Kansas Normal Univ., 1880,

Cuss OF 1884· 'Regular. Waverly, la. James Edwin Brereton, Charles eity, Ia. Beloit College, 1881, Wilson Denney, • Deceased. Knox College, 1881, George Francis Huoter, Rowan, Ia. Samuel Alexander Mal'tio, Iowa College, 1881,

-I '.,


Name. College. Residence. Milo jewett P. Thing, I" Carleton College, 1878, Stacyville, la. Charles Campbell Warner. Beloit College, r88r, Monticello, la. Special.

I Jacob V. Dimon" Deceased. Samuel Eveland, Illinois College, 188r, Deceased. Cha-rles Baxter Fellows,' Minneapolis, Minn. I Edward Densmore Weage, Tulare, Cal.

CLASS OF r88s. Re¢O'Ular. Henry C. Halbersleben, University of Wisconsin, 1882, Exeter, Neb.

I {ames Kirtland Harrison: Olivet College, r882, San Francisco, Cal. Alverus Nelson Hitchcock, "University of Wisconsin, r880, Chicago, Ill. John Gutheil Lange, Doane College, r882. Leigh, Neb. 'Adolph Charles Meyer, 'Decea;ed. Orange Stephen Palmer, Oberlin College, Chicago, Ill. Samuel Worcester Pollard, Olivet College, 1882, Postville, Ia. Francis Dwight R~od, Shurtleff College, r88r. Black Mountain, N. C., Special. Andrew' A. Andridge, Cincinnati. O. William E. Dawson, Stephen Edwards, Tempe, Ariz, .Joseph Herbert, Royalton. Wis. Charles Albert Payne, .. Berlin, Wis. ,Charles Bamebas Taylor" Mitchelville, la.

CLASSOF r886. Regulay.., . Frank George Alger, Oberlin College, r883, Newburyport! Mass. 'Horace Houlding, Knox College, Tientsin, China. Nahum Luther Packard, University of Wisconsin, r883, Riceville, Ia. Jacob Ramser, Mission House, Basel, William Wilson, Lincoln University, r8-70, Dece~e~. Alf~ed Clarence Wright,~. Beloit College, r880, Juarez, Mexico. /. Special. James Billing, ~ Little Shast~, Cal. Ezra Ebenezer Frame, B~nker Hill, Ill. Willis Augustus Hadley, Southbridge, Mass ." David 0rris Smith"

CLASS OF 1887. .Regular. Dana Webster Bartlett, Iowa College, 1882, Los Angeles, Cal. lAuslin Bradley..Bassett, . Williams College, 188r, Ware, Mass. ;


N'ame. College. Residence. Edward William Davidson, Northwestern University, Daniel Dyfoallt Davies, Marietta College. r884, St. Louis Park, Minn. R. W. Farquhar, Portland, Oregon, Samuel Ira Hanford, Beloit College, 1884; Weeping Water. Neb. Edward Thompson Ha,rper, Oberlin College, 1881, Chicago, III. Daniel N. Hartley, Earlham College. Iowa. William Close Hunter, Glasgow University, Reinert August [eroberg, Yale College, 1884, . Chicago, Ill. Rhys Rees Lloyd, Marietta College, 1884. Oakland, Cal. Horatio Bannister Newell, Amherst CoHege, r883, Niigata, Japan. Henry Arthur Risser, Denmark Academy, St. Paul, Minn. Andrew Wolf Rohland, Northwestern College, . Deceased. Hira'm Quintilian Ward, Dartmouth College, 1883. Lake Charles, La. George Ed ward Whi te, Iowa College. 1882, Marsovan, Turkey. James D. Whitelaw, Beloit College, 1881, Beloit, Wis. Charles Fremont Wood, Bel?ii College, Chester. N. J. Charles Truman Wyckoff, Knox College, 1884, Chicago, Ill. Special. Otto C;:. Grauer, \ Chicago, Ill. . Garabed H. Gregorian, Ycrgat, Turkey. Jeffrey George Haigh; Flint, Mich. Thomas George Lewis, Powell, S. D. Elias Francis Schwab, Lebanon, Mo. CLASSOF 1888. Regular. James Burton Adkios, Iowa College. 1885, Grinnell, la. Andrew Melrose Brodie, Manistee, Mich. Harry Alonzo Cotton, Drury College', 1885, Beloit, Wis. Charles, Wyckoff Dunn, Knox College, 1881, Nashville, Tenn. Wis. William James Gray, Beloit College, 1885. waneka. Frank Benjamin Hicks, Beloit College, 1885, . Steamboat Rock, I~. Cashton, Wis. Lewis Bernard Nobis, Beloit College, 1885, Bloomer, wis.. David Alpbeus Richardson. 'Beloit College, .1881, Chadron, Ne~. Albert Eugene Ricker, . , Ruk, Micronesia. ~lfred Snelling, Drury College, Prescott, Ariz. Edwin Dunham Wyckoff. Knox College, 1884, Special. Waverley, Ill. Alexander Smith Kaye. Oakland, la. David Menzies Ogilvie, Reinbeck, la. Lucius Metcalf Pierce, German. Princeton, Neb. Richard Hilkerbi:i.umer, Elmhurst Proseminary, • Tyndall, S. D. \ , John Sattler, German Seminary, Crete, 124 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

,CLASS OF .t88g. Name. College. , Residence. f?egular. Charles Andrew Greenlees, Washburn College, r886, Green Ridge, Mo. William Webster Lloyd, Beloit College, r88S, Chicago, Ill. I Jobn. Wood Miller, -Lincoln University, r872, Paxton, Ill. Erederick Perry Noble" Amberst College, r88s, Chicago, Ill. J. Oscar August Ostrom', North College, Stockholm, Aurora, Ill. I Charles Newton Ransom, Yale University, r880j•• Natal, South Africa. . Special. Willia~ John Conrad .. ' Park Rapids, Minn. Earnest Everett, Da~. Roodhouse, III. William David Eddy, . S. Glens Falls, N. Y. Edw'd Adolph Fr.edenhagen, Gray's Lake, Ill. German. Henry Buttner, Elmhurst Proseminary, McCook, Neb. Andrew Karl Resner, German Seminary, Crete, . Manning, Ia. Jacob Henry Schlechter, German Seminary, Crete, . , .Carl Nicolaus Thomas, Elmhurst Prosemina:ry, West Burlington, Ia._ Dano,-No,-wegz"an. Sevrin Christian Didriksen, Hartford, Cone. Christen T. Dyrness, . 'Chicago, 'Ill. Jens Jensen Kild~ig, Brooklyn, N. Y .: Erie Olsen Mdrstad, Wittenberg, Wis. Johannes Simonsen, Swed£sk [obaa Emil Bjorklund, Iron Mountain, Mich. Lewis Gullaoder., Bayfield, Wis. Andrew Jobnson, .. Joliet, Ill. Carl Amandus Nilson, . .,

CLASS OF r8go. Regular. John Charles Ablett, Alton, Ia. William Jay Cady, Denver University; Benton Harbor, Mich. Jobn Fountain Childress, - Lincoln Un"ivel"sity, r88S, . Stark, Ill. Ftank Norman Dexter, Belci t College, . New ~bndon, Wis. William Sherman Hunt, Carleton College, r886, Salt Lake City, Utah. George William Jackmaa, 'Toronto Normal College, Glen Ellyn. Ill. Franklin Ellsworth Jeffery, Knox College, 1887, . Meluk, India. Corliss Wilkes Lay, Knox College, 1887, Yankton, S. D. Hammond Levi Marsh, Iowa College, 1882, Muscotah, Kan. ealvin Otis Olds, Beloit College. 1886, _. Cusihuiriachie,, Mexico. CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

Name. College. Residence. John Lincoln Richardson, Beloit College, 1887, Deceased. Fred Leslie Sanborn, • Madison University, Henry Ohel Spelman Olivet College, 1887, Dwight Ansel Strong, . Olivet College, i887, Highland Lake, Colo. William Sage Woolworth, Amherst College, 1880, Jamesport, N. Y. Hans Zumstein, Muncie, Ind. Sjecial. Arthur Wilmot Ackerman; Portland, Ore. Harr; Campbell C';houn, - Clifton, Ill. Everett Sanger Chandler, · Amboy, Ill. Newell French Douglass, Independence, la. Charles Dennis Gearhart, ·Pierce, Neb. Garabed Aram Hejinian, Euphrates College, 1885, Frederick Daniel Randall, Mulliken, Mich. Daniel Lee Sanborn, Kangley, Ill.

Arthur Spooner, Deceased. I George Albert Traut, Oberlin College.' Osborne, Kao. Wilto Roelf vcaker.. Eaten Rapids, Mich. ,I German. Bernhard Angel,) N. Y. City. pano-Norweb"z'an. Ivar Marius Hansen, · Chicago, Ill. Engel Augustinits Hjortsvang, . Ft. Dodge, Ie. Ole Martinus Sunde, walsund. Norway. Peter Peterson Thisted, Jens C. P. vcrmsbcrg, Danebrog, Neb. Swed£sll. Eskil Magnus Carlson, Los Angeles, Cal. 'Ivan Ludwig Ellingsen, Johan jobanson.! . F.inland. John Edward Johnson, Campello, Mass. 'Andrew Peter Nelscn. newell. Mass. Garhwell, India . .Gustave Adolph Nelson, Z Nels Isaac Nelson, Wood Lake, Wis. Deceased. Oscar Noren, Chicago,' Ill. Constantin Olsen, . Martin Rosendahl, . .Christiana, Norway . Cbicago. 111. Henry Soderholm, Collinsville. Conn. " Jobn Edward Video,

1 Narne changed to] ohan ] ohansoD Lundell. ,. Name changed to Gustave Adolph Hamilt~n: I CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

CLASS OF r891. Name. College. Residence. Regula.r. Bernhard Angel, Seminar, Hanover, 1878, N. Y. City .. George Latimer Bates, Knox College, r88S Africa . .Lewis Emerson Camfield, Adelbert College, 1884. Burnside, S. D. George Alfred Conrad Wheaton College, r888, Kingley, la. Harvey George Cooley, Illinois ColJege, Ogden, la. Charles Egbert Enlow Hillsdale College, Edwin Ewell, Hillsdale College, r887, Denmark, Ia. Samuel Mullen Hilliard, Princeton College, 1880. Vincentown, N. J. .Robert Griffitb Jones, Victoria University, Eng., Lake Benton, Minn. THomas Guy "Langdale, Cincinnati University, 1888, Redfield, S. D. John Wilson Marshall, Beloit College. 1887, Deceased .julius Monroe McKnight, Lincoln University, r885, Chamois. Mo. "Fred Louis Meske, Gymnasium, Stettin, r883, Ortonville, Minn. .Lucian Elmer Osgood, Sturgeon Bay, Wis . . Gee. Washington Rexford, Oberlin College, 1886, Sycamore, Ill.. David Henry Scarrow, Wellington, Kan. George weckbacber, Gymnasium Main a, 1866, Ridgefield Park, N. J. JObn Wilbert Wilson, Carleton College, 1888, Council Bluffs, la. Special. .Edward Henry Black, Allegheny College, Bartholdo, S. D . .William James Brown, Glenwood, Minn . Albert Evison, Mantorville, Minn. Sennacberib Vartavar Ezekielian, Chicago, Ill. Charles Andrew Forbes, Leadville, Colo. Alexander Cornell Garner, Mobile, Ala. William Henry Gimblett, Hankinson, N. D. Edgar Herbert Libby, Iowa College, Downer's Grove, Ill. Frank Emory Lyon, Chicago, Ill. .Edwin More, Jr., Hancock,' Mich . Henderson W. Sears, Lincoln University, Moberly, Mo. Zwingle Hein-y Smith, Racine, Wis. Adolph A. C. Teuber, German. Henry Wm. Heinzelmaon, Gymnasium, Odessa, Michigan City, Ind. Obtc., Joh'1 George Reess, Basel Mission House. Adam Traudt, Crete Seminary, . Denver, Colo; .George weckbacber, . Gymnasium Mainz. r866, Ridgefield Park, N. J, Frederic Wotb, I Germantown. Neb. Dano-Norwegian. Niels Nielsen Bormose, Pl.rila~elpbia,Pa~ j


Name. College. Residence. Peter Ingebrigsten Halbc, , California. Rasmus Herloev, 45 Warren Av., Chica~o, Ill. Swedish. Joho Albert Axelson, F.itchburg, Mass . .Gustaf Bengtson, Crenshaw, Pa, Per August Dimberg, Norfolden, Minn. Anders Groop. Fitchburg, Mass. Paul Gullander, Sweden. Charles Jacob Kristian Ledin Ishpeming, Mich. Chas. Jaban Lundgren. Keokuk, Ia. john Nelson. ' Hastings, Neb. Gustaf Theodore Peterson Pilot Mound, Ia. johannes Jonathan Peterson. Ironwood, Mich. Erik Hjalmar Sundquist. Galesburg, Ill.

CLASS OF 1892. Regular. David Adonijab Alden, Beloit College, 1886, Prophetstown, Ill. William Horace Day, Amherst College, 1889, Aurora, III Jay Munsell Hulbert, Dartmouth College, 1885, - Minneapolis, Minn. George Watkins James, Marietta College, 1889, Creighton, Neb. Laurance Gilbert Kent, E. London Institute, 1886, Emmettsburg, Ia. George Lloyd, Hulme Cliff, Eng., Henry, Ill. Henry Martyn Lyman, Iowa College, 1884, . Austin, Ill. Arthur Miles, E. London 'Institute, 1887, Elmwood, Ill. Charles Lawrence Mills, , Marietta College, 1881, Clay Center, I{an. Albert Curtiss Moses, Carleton College, 1889, Byron, Ill. Robert William Newlaods, Moray House, Edinburgh, 1882, Mattoon, Ill. . Henry Martyn Richardson. Beloit College, 1889, ' Neponset, Ill. George Sherman Rollins, Williams. College, Davenport, Ia. George Le .Grand Smith, Oberlin College, "1889, Red Oak, Iowa. Edgar Blaisdell Wylie, wheaten College, 1889, Chicago. m. Special. Wesley Alfred Boroughf, Erwin, S. Dak. Herber,t Edgar Compton, Northw'n Nor'l Coll., 1886, Fessenden, N. Dak. Amos 4yres Doyle, GolvilIe, ~ash. David Ellis Evans, Lewis, Je. Wallace Sumner Grange, Wlieaton College, Malta, m. George Edmund Green, Canova, S. D. Edward viaceat Harbeck, . Detroit, Mich. George Haun, Madison, Wis. Charles Dayton 'lI4oore, University of Michigan, Moline, Hl, ,\ , I,


Name. College. Residence. Dano-i\To?'wegian. -David Martinius Didriksen, Millville, Mass. lobo Hetland Chicago, Ill. Swedish. Carl Julius Anderson, Proctor, Vt. Gustaf Anderson, Wilmar, Minn. Olof Peter Anderson, . John August Berg, Charles Alfred Bjornbcm, . ,Quincy, Mass. Anders Danielson, '", ·Whitehall, Mich. Alfred Peter Engstrom, Spencer Brook, Minn. Johannes Efraim E. [obnson." Duluth, M;inn' John Jonas Johnson, l Sven Olaf Oscar Lindgren, Kingsbury, Col. 'Axel Gabriel Sporrong, Sioux City, Ia. Carl August Sodermann, Star Prairie, -Wts. CLASS OF 1893. Degree. • West Alden, Drury College, Hillsboro', IlL - James Perkins' Burling, Harvard University: 18g1, Kearney, Neb. Fernando E. Carter, Hillsdale·College, Mason City, Ia. Edwin Blanchard D~D, Amherst College, 188g, Clinton, la. Josiah Pope Dickerman, Amberst College, 1886, Fairmont, Minn. William Hugh Dora, . Elmhurst Proseminary, New Hampton, Ia. \ John Edward Evans, , W.heaton College, . Osseo, Wis. II James William Fifield, Wheaton College, 1889, Chicago, m, Harrison Lincoln Forbes, . Michigan University, Kansas City, Mo. . Samuel GeorgeLamb,'. ' Adrain College, 1870, Highland, CaL Garabed M. Manaviao, , Euphrates College, 1884, Chicago, Ill. Arthur Frost Newell, . Amherst College, 1889.. Sayville, N, Y. Benjamin Franklin Paul, Hillsdale College. Ivanhoe, Ill. Elmer Ellsworth Sprague, Doane College, 1889, Cortland, Neb. Isaac John Noble Swanson, McGill University, 1890, Lima, O. 9ottlob David Tangemann, Garfield University, Danville,.Ia. , Allan Robert Tanner, Illinois College, 1888, Waterloo, Ia. William George Trower, I Cal. Frank Glenn Wilcox, . Oberlin College, · Mason City, Ia. Dt"ploma. Samuel George Arnett, Illinois Normal College,. · Lorin, Cal. Victor Frank Brown, Tabor College. Union Grove; Wis. Charles Edward Drew. Western College, · Farmington, Ill;

I• Name changed to]. E. Seth.

" , ' .. II j • < \~ l ,

CHICAGO, THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. "9 Name. College. Arthur Farnworth, Residence. Toronto Collegiate Inst., Nebraska City, Neb. Charles Jobn Hansen, Komstad, S. D. Sullivan Scott Healey, Chicago, Ill. Stephen Davis Horine, Ironton, "'Wis. William Isaacs, Verdon, Neb. Thomas David McLean, Prescott, Ariz:. Carl johan Peterson, . East Berkshire, vi. Henry C. Snyder,. Ransom, Mich. Charles Tbeo. Tbaraldsen, Danish-Norwegian. Carl Bergthor Bjudge, Minneapolis, Minn. Ole Engebrigsten Stadshaug, Swedisll. Mons johnsen Eggan, Moline, IIi. Edward Gottfried Johnson" Oscar Lindegren, . I3r:idgeport, Conn. Nils Fromholt Nilson,. Chariton, Ia. Anders August Nordluud, .' Georgetown, Conn. Nils Olof Olson, Crompton, R. L Gustaf Edward Peel, 1 . Chicago, Ill! Fritz Emil Peterson, Woburn, M;ss. CLASS OP' 1894. J ames Robert Adams, McGill University, Sheridan, w». ~rthur 'Henry Armstrong, Beloit College, '1889, Cbicago, Ill. , Jared Mau.rice Arter, Hillsdale College, 1889, Wm. Henry Atcheson, Bloomer, Wis. Wm. Sumner Bixby, Iowa College, 1891, • Severy, Kan. Daniel Webster Crofts, Muskingum College, Ji.. B. C. F. M. Charles Eben Cusbman.. Iowa College, 1891, , Kansas City, Kan. , David Donaldso~, McGill University, ' . Worthing, S. D. John Drum, Union City, Mich. Wm. Excell, East London Institute, 1888, Cambridge, N. Y. Samuel Freuder, N elbrew U nioD College, 1886, Boston, Mas •• Herbert Wright Gates: , Amherst College, 1890, . Chicago. Ill. 'John Sidney Goqld, Kansas State Agr'l Colleg'e, Eureka, Ran . John J. G. Graham, . Otterbein University, r889,. •Huntley. Ill. Spencer Carlyle Haskiq, Gates College. 1891, Chicago, 111. Vtrgll.Bendedlct Hili, Tabor College, r8g1, Waocoma, Ia. Frank Dyer Jackson, • Beloit College, r884, Omaha, Neb. Henry Winfield Jamison, Yankton College, r8gr, Beresford, S. D. Toros Bedras Kbungian, Central Turkey College,. Chicago, Ill. • IName changed to G. E. Pihl • 13° CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. , \ Name. College. Reside.nee. Niel Phail McQuarrie Niagara, N, D. James Bu"rwash Orr, . Beloit College. Santa Cruz, Cal. Phillip And'rew Orth, Davenport, la, Charles Parsons, Wheaton College, 18gl,. Movilla, Ia. William Pierce, Oberlin College, ·Kirkland, Ill. Dwight Henry Platt, Washburn College, 1890, Smith Center, Kan . Wm. James Chas. Ralph, Mazomanie, Wit. Frank H. Richardson .. Oberlin College, .Hutchinson, Minn. Arthur Joseph Rodgers, Carlton College. 1888, Columbus, Neb. John Simeon Rood, Hillsdale College, Farge. N", D. Frank Horace Russell, Wheaton College, 18Q.I, · - t~icago. Khalelt W. Sayyidah,. Bey rout College, r888. 'Wlllie Ernest M. Stewart,. Whitman College, 18gr, Douglas, Wyo. Ira Davenport StODe:' Wheaton College. r8go, Plainfield, Ill. James Uriah Stotts, Iowa University, r889, · Chicago, Ill. Isaac B. Tracey, Olivet College, r883, si. Cloud, Minn. David Wallace, Lunenburg, Mass. Frank Gibson Ward, Univ. of Vermont, I~gl, . Emporia, Kll-n. Wm. Joel Warnerv.' Cedar, Rapids, Ia. Chas. Elliot Watson, Union Christian College, 1887. Helena, Mont. B. L. Webber, Tabor College, f889, Gowrie, Ia. Damsll-No1·wegian. John Pederson Bugge, Hans Ferd Josephson. Winona, MinD. Peter Petersen, Grand Rapids, Mich. Thomas Puggard, Chicago, Ill. Swedislt. . Ludwig Akesoo, Woburn, Mass . Albi'o Alfred Anderson, Hinsdale, III. Aron Anderson. • Evanston, Ill. '_ Ernst Victor Bjorklund, . Mankato, Minn. - laban Augustus Dahlgren", . Dover,' N. J. Carl August Danielson, .Pawtucke~, R. ~. Jobn 'Edward Ekstro~, Skjen, Norway. George Daniel Hall, Woodstock, Conn. Emil Olson Hedberg, Providence, R. -Olaf Olson, 1: New Richmond, Wis. Carl August Ostling. Boone; la. Aron Evald Palmquist. Minneapolis, MinD. Anders Oscar Peterson . Aspen, Colo; FridoU Emanuel Swenson, . Sierre Leone, W. Africa. Bengt. Jobn Thoren, Nortb!ield, MinD. John Magnus Vestlund, . Sout-b Bend. Ind. CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. '3'


Name.' College. Residence. William Henry Blish, Olivet College, 1892, Orange Park, Fla. Abram Hess Burkholder, Pennsylvania Normal, 1886, Madison, Wis. Robert M. Coate, University of Michigan, Erwin, S. D. William Cochran, Big Rapids, Mich. . ' Carl Henry Corwin, Dartmouth College, 1887, Calumet. Mich. Walter Adams. Cutler, University of Michigan, 1892, Sylvania, Ohio. William Legget Dibble, Sioux Falls University, McPherson, Ran. ,Frank Fox, N. Ind. Normal College, Kansas City; Kan. , William Crawford Gilmore, Carleton College, 1892,' Valley Springs, S. D. Hedley Arsene Hall, MaryvilleCotlege.Ybbo, Chicago. Ill. Norman Harrlson, City of London School, . Herman Frederick Hegner, Milwaukee State Normal, 1892, William Henry, Hopkins, University of Wisconsin, r892, John Erwin Kirkpatrick, . Ralph Baxter Larkin, Knox College, 1892, ".Arthur Eastman Leonard, Ripon College, r89r, David Marcelius, Gefle College, r888, Wilson Jeptba Marsh, Uuiversity.of Nebraska, William Barrett Millard, Ripon College, 18g1, . _ John William Nelson, James Lee Read, Parson's College, 1892, Oliver Theron Robinson, Kansas City Medical College, Charles Horace Seccombe, Carleton College, 1~92 Benjamin Franklin Sewell, N. Indiana Normal College, / Carl John Soderquist, Reuben Kidder Stetson, Knox College, 1892, ,., Lewis Asher Townsend, Northwestern College, Fred'k Creighton Wellman, Kansas City, Med. Col., 1892, Benjamin S. Winchester, 'Williams College, 1889, German. Carl Dettmers, Chicago, Ill.

I Danish-Norwegian. Hans Anton Brooks, Dunbar, Wis. Anders Cbris,tian Cbristiensen, An ton Larsen, Merrill, Wi5~ Jens Pedersen, Hoboken, N. J. Swedish. Emil Andrew Anderson, LakeCity, Minn. Jobn Rudolph Armstrong, Tokio, Japan. Axel Hedlund, Ludington, Mich. John Mattbias Henrikson, Orange, Mass. . t· , ,

" -,


Name. College. Residence. John Peter Johnson, Commonwealth, Wis. Carl Jo1:lnLarson, Kewanee, 111. Jobn Bernhard Lundin, Jobn A. A. Ncrrmanu, Jobn UdJ, .' Worcester, Mass. ·Claes. [cbu Wideberg, Arnot, Pa.

CLASS OF 1896. Hubert Gilman Adams, Carleton College, 18g1, Garretson, S. D. F"red'k Brainerd Bridgman, Oberlin College, 1893, Umzumbe, Africa. Jonas Gardner Brooke, Wheaton College, 1893, Wyanet, II.J. Richard Brown, Garrett Biblical Inst., 1888, Minneapolis, Minn. Benjamin Wade Burleigh, Yankton' College, 1888, Hawarden, la. Malcolm', James Cameron, McGill University, , Ed win Bascom Cushing, Knox College, 18g1, Yankton, S. D. Harry Nutting Dascomb, Dartmouth College, 1893, Imlay City, Mich. J~bn Davies, Carmar than College, 1893, Wales, Ohio. -Obas., John DeCow, Olivet College, Osee, Wis. Arthur Henry DeLong,r Iowa College, 1893, Chicago, m. wre. Madison Elledge, Fremont Normal, 1891, Overbrook, Kan. Jobn Benjamin Ferguson, Knox College, dIgS, Deceased. -Charles Leonard-French, Lawrence University, 189!, Providence, Ill. Merle Arthur Frost, . Olivet College. 1892,_ .Miles, lao Charles Tbomas Halbert, Ellis, Kan. Chas. Edward Hayward Williams College, jericho Center, Vt.' Otis HalbertHolmes, , Cresco, Ia. Theodore Tbomas Holway, Oberlin College, 1893, Maplewood, Mo. 'Fred Manning Hubbell; Carleton College, 1893, . , Belvidere, HI. Williflm B. Humphrey, . Beloit College, 1893, Havana, Ill. Alexander M. Ingraham, Oberlin- College, 1893, Herbert Alfred Kern, Hillsdale College, 1886, Rock Falls, 111. jesse Jessen Kclmcs. western College, 18go, Chicago, 111. Jolin B. Losey, University of Rocbestes, 1883, Sutton, Neb. Charles Leon Mears, Olivet College, 18g1, Excelsior. Minn. William Suttle Pr-itchard, McGill College: 1892, Q.uebee, Can. Wm. Efiward Rigby, . Kewanee, Wis. . Herbert Hamlin Rood, Hillsdale, College, 1888, Downer's Grove, It.1. Benjamin Marsb Southgate, Williams College. 18go, Pana, Ill. George Brinton Spangler, Campbell University, 1886, Dover, 'Neb. Julius Mede Stevens, Rec;1fieldCollege, 1893, Chicago. -Cyrus Kellogg Stockwell, Olivet College, 1893. Vicksburg, Mich: Henry Wellington Stough, Oberlin College, Oak Park, Ill. Horace Leslie Strain, Knox College, 1890, Chicago. ' CHICAGO. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

Name. College. Residence. Fredrick Sharron Wheeler, Lawrence University, 1892, Kaukauna, Wis. Wm. Albert Whitcomb, Beloit College, 1892, Lancaster, Wis. Pastm-at. Wm. Albert Elliott, Grand Ledge, Mich. German. Albert Hans Vogel. Crete Seminary, 1896, Fall Creek, Ill. Danish-NQrwegian. Severt Martin Anderson, Merrill, w«." Andrew John Andrewson, Maple Valley, Wis. Aksel Herman Solberg, Su:edish. ' . Abraham Abrahamson, Norwich. Conn. Oscar Anderson, Grant, Neb.' Karl Frederick Henrikson, , Quincy, Mass. John Johnson Huleen, , ' August johnsen Lindquist, Naugatuck, Conn. Albert Lundberg, Colgate University, Oonecburg. Neb. Olaf Johnson Lundell, Hallock, Minn. Carl Otto Seaberg. Carl [chan Suber, Kalgan, China. Gustaf Adol ph Svenson, . Middletown, Conn. August Ferdinand Tor'nblom , jamestown, N. 'Y. Edwajd Anderson Wal~en, Malmo, Sweden. Carl Johan Alex. Wegener, Pittsburg, Pa.

CLASS OF 1897· Bachelor of Divinity. Ernest Leon Benson, Beloit College, 1892, Poplar Grove, Ill. Robert Daniel Bussey, Buffalo State Normal, 1891, Grand Island, N. Y. C. Thurston Chase, . . University of New York, 1893,' Brooklyn, N. Y. rEd'!ard Pay~on Drew,' Yale University, 1891, Andrew Erickson, Wheaten College, 1894, Chicago. Chicago. Andrew Noah Fox, , '1895, "Roy Bergen Guild, Knox College, 1894, Woodstock. Ill. William Theopbilus Ream, Beloit College, 1894, Cumherland, Wis. John Skerik, . Park College, 1893, Fort Atkinson, Wis. Fred Staff, Beloi t College, 1894, . Erzroom, Turkey. Robert S. Stapleton, Olivet College, 1894, Henry H. Stutson, Olivet College, 18go, Winona, Mich. James S. Torrence, " Tabor College, 1893, Louis W. Wiltberger, Beloit College, 1894. Kingston, Wis. DipIoma-Eng#sh. Newton. Ia. Burdette Baumgardper, University of Michigan, I"


Name. College. Residence. .Ernest Albert Bell. Allegbeny College, 1888, Horace W. Chamberlain, Oahu College, 18~g, Chicago. Ira Grant Hambleton, Cornell College, Ne~ Decatur, Ala. Charles Edwin Howard Tabor College, 1891. Wescott. Neb. Frank Lincoln Moore, University of Michigan, . Egerton, Wis. Milton James Nortoq, Oberlin College.. 1894, _ St. Louis, Mo. Tb6mas C. Wiswell, . Latona, Wash. Danish-Norwegz"an. F'r.ank Olaus Andersen, Britt. la. -Charles , West Green Bay, Wis. Jens Hjerm Pedersen. . Hoboken, N. J. Swedish. JCll:~asAnderson, . . De Kalb, Ill. Jacob Emanuel Blom; . 'Car! Oustaj.Ellstrem, Montclair, N. J. isaac Hayem, . Milwaukee, Wis. Gustav W. Leufstedt, Nels' [chan Lind. St. Louis, Mo. Frank A. L. Lindhelrn, Oscar;G. Norseen, Perth Amboy,. N. J. Anders~G. Nyreen, 'Carl Otto Peterson,

CLASS OF 18g8, Bachelor of Divinity . . William , Union Christian College, 1893, Darlington. W~s. 'Roy Edwin Bowers, Oberlin College, 189S, . Edinburgh, Scotland. Brank Dennis Burhans, University of Denver, 1894,. . Salfna, Kan, Charles Emerson Burton, Carleton College. 1895,' . Chicago. HEmry Joy Condit;" Williams College, Chicago. - Frederick Wesley Ellis, Yale University. 1889, Topeka, Kan. Tallmadge Robert Ellwell, , 1895, De Witt, Iowa. John Charles Evans. ,. Miama University. 1895,. . Pecatonica, Ill. Charles Leon Fisk, , 1895. Chicago. -William Fritzemeier, . Elmhurst College. 1889, Peoria, I11. Bert Miley Hogen,'. Oberlin College, 1893, •. Park City. Utah. Howard Murray Jones, Oberlin College, 1893. Edinburgh Scotland. "_Frederick William Long. Tabor College, 1894', . Oswego, Ill. ~ Harry Edward Mills, . Washburn College, 1893,. Fort Scott, Kan. Josef Fredrik Nelson, _ University of Wyoming, -1896. Robert Storrs Osgood, Iowa College, 1894, • Harvard, Neb. ' Harry Morton Painter, Whitman College, 1895,' .Pattha City, Wash. Walter Robinson Parr. Beloit College 1895. Clifton, Hl. Rockwell Rarmon Potter, • Union College, 1895,. �- -I,


Name. . College. Residence. I' William George Ramsay Williams College, 1895, St. Charles, Minn. Joseph B. Ross, Allegheny College, 1894, Carl Dean Thompson, , Gates College, r895, . Elgin, Ill. , Thomas Jefferson Woodcock, Northwestern University, 1890, . Lead, S. D. D£jlloma-E1lgl£sll, Charles Albert Fuessle, McCormick Seminary, S. Milwaukee. Wis. William Benton Simmons, Highland Uni:versity, 1894, Algonquin.r Ill. John Leroy Stevens, Iowa College 1895. Iberia, Mo. Arlhur James Sullens, . University, . Chebanse, Ill. Harry Montford Triplett, Wheaton College, r894, Ainsworth, Neb. Benj. Samuel Varzhabedian, Robert College, 1890, Charles Winter Wood Beloit College, r895, Monroe Nathan Work, German, Charles Albert Fuessle, McCormick Seminary, S. Milwaukee, wls. Wilhelm Evan Brinkmann, Crete Seminary, Wilhelm Fred Essig, Schorndorf Gymnasium, Timb.er Creek, Neb. Heinrich Wilhelm Paesehke, Seminary of General Synod, Johann Courad Schwabenland, Wilton College, r895, . Glenn Ullin, N, D.· Swed£slz. Carl Magni Ahlberg. August Theodor Carlson, Ernest Oscar Carlsen, Hinsdale, IIh Werner Drotts, John Hildiag Hanson, 010£ L.·T. Lindholm. . Easton, Mass. Anton Peter Lundgren, Waltham, Mass. Axel Julius Monson, . Cbarteefobau Vahlstrom,. Anders Gustaf Wiman, East Norwalk, Conn. CLASS OF 1899, Corry Stanley Baird, Oberlin College, Hannibal, Mo. Howard Clark Barnes, Oberlin College, 1896, Chicago" Ill. Frank Ellsworth Bigelow, . Northwestern University, Salt Lake City, Utah. Reuben Leonard Breed, Olivet College, 1894, .Wabasha, Minn. William Reese Dixon, Beloit College, 1896, . Ma1vin, Ill. J -Guy Ever;u, Etherton, So. Ill. State Normal Univ., 1896, Al"gentine,~an. Melmon Jacob Fenenga. Yankton College, 1896, Ashland, Wis. Robert William Gammon, Earlham College, 1895, • Big Rock, Ill. Ermer Isaac Gosbee. . Northwestern University, 1894,. • Rleac, Ill, -Samuel Heus'ton Gray" Oberlin College, 1896,. Hillsboro, N. D. .Norrison Everett Hanaaat. Wheaton College, 18g6, Waucoma, la . l'

, "


Name. College. ' Residence. Hiram Blake Harrison. Carleton College Fairmont, Minn. jcbn Edwin Hartmann, Heidelberg University, 1896, . Linden. Mich. Herbert Haynes, Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1888, Williamsburg, Ky. :John Lloyd Howie, Elias Fenn Lyman, Yanktoo College, 1895. . .. Alcaster, 5, D. Kcinstant.iD~ Dimeter MO,{Diroff.Wheaton College. 1896, James Mullenbacb,' Fargo College, 1896. Halle a. S, Germany, David J. Perrin, Yankton College, 1895,. Vaclav Prucha, University of Minnesota, Chicago, IlL Albert Alexander Robe.rtson.- Drury College. . .; . . Hobart, Ind. David Samuel Strawman, ~ Heidelberg University, 1894, Michigan City,N.D. Justin Goadone Wade. Drury College, 1893. Oneida, Ill. lAle~ander Cbarleswaruer. Beloit College, Ashkum, HI. German. , Gustav Ludwig Henkehparin, UJ!.leroflizier Sohule, LobuD, Ronia, 1888, Wolbach. Nebr. eeorg Paul Erich v. Nussbaum, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Sherrill, Ia. Reinhold Bernhard Scbmiecbe'n, Lutheran Theological Seminary, ~ndreas 5uffa~ Fortbildungs·Schule, Wilhelmsthal.Xsermany, Hosmer, S, D. Gottlieb Johannes Viebe( Gymnasium Guererslob, Freelandville, Ind. Vjilhelm Carl Zumstein" Wilton German-English College, 1896, . Danis!toNorwegiatt. Job.an Gramnaes, Jens Christian Jorgensen, Galesburgh, Wis. Ludvig jcban Pedersen, Danw~y, Ill. , Swedish. Ernest·Gustaf Ander, Abel Anderson, Tbeodor Gustafson, Jobn Edward Hofstedt, Adolf Fredrik Hogberg. Quincey, Mass. Carl Oscar Isakson, Alfred Henry Jacobson, Arnot, Penn. Jobn Emil Victor Jobnsoo, Scottdale. Penn. Paul~A-aron Jobnso~, Nels Larson, Karl August Lindroos, "Carol Edward Peteescii, Siren Emil Roslin, August LUdvig Stone, Anders Jaban Tbarander,.. ,~ " -t • ,I



Residence. Name Year. Adams, Franklin W·bite. . .. r!l68 ...... •.... _...... • kkerman, Carl Gustaf...... 1887. : : ; . Albrecht, Max Carl F...... 1895 .. .Canton, China. Alfred, .AU .. '.. , ' 1887 .. Apen, J. Wing .. :...... 1861... -.-.••...... •...... Alley. Frederick ...•... : .', . . . 1861.. Allison, Alexander 1894.. . , , . Anderson. Alex:. Romanus.. . 1889 . ",' . Seattle, Wash. Anderson, Jonas _,'. . . . .1896. . .I •. :: . DeKalb, m. Anderson, Knut EmiL.. . .. _.... 1889...... Northfield; Minn. Anderson, Samuel.. . . r863 ...... Exeter: N. H, Anderson, Wilbur Leela'nd:...... 1889 .. ·· .. St. Paul, Min~. Andreasen, M. N...... 1893. Atkins, Euocb . . . 1873·· ... McIntire, Ia Ausland, Thor Martins ·.1893 .

_Bachelor, Ward 1877. . . •...... Deceased. Baker. Henry Rolfe ' - 1886...... •....•...... ,Minnesota. Baldwin. Henry Nesbi't ".. J;867·...... Ball. Marcellus Ashland 1889 : . Barker. Thomas · 1895 ··.:·.· .. Hillsboro. Wis. 'Bartlett, Hamilton W - _. 1887 .' . .Bary. Emil Benjamin 1892 Melrose, Mass.,

Basset, F. H _ > •••••• 18g5.•.•.•.• ··•· .. Park Rapids. Minn. Bauer, Carl George Emil. : 18gl: Copenhagen, Denmark. BaumanD, Henry N .'1889 , ...... •..... - - I Bauman. Gustav ....•...... · I8g4 .•...... •....••. Waukegan. Ill. J Bean. Daniel Otis ··· 1893...... •..•...... •

Bechtel, Philip : 1894...••.•..•••...•. Kennedy, S. D. 1 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

Name. Year. Residence. Bedford, Robert' C. . '; . . r875. . Beloit, Wis. Belding, James Mansfield.. . . r883...... - Belt, Salathiel D 1872. . Paso Robles, Cal. Bickford. Levi F.. . .. r87r.. . Poplar Bluff. Mo. Billings, Charles Stearns r873 Los Angeles, Cal. Bing, Niels J. . r894.. . Britt. la. Birler,C.E.... . 1~...... Blakesley, Josiah B.. . r873...... Neenah, Wis. Blanchard, Charles A...... r8,78...... , Wheaton, Ill. Blatchford, Edward W.. . r894 London, Eng. ~Block, John ' 1894. . . ; . Jefferson. Ill. Blom, 'HenI'Y. . . . r89S : ...... _ Bloomquist, Charles F ...... ••...... 1887. . Solway, Minn. Blum, Johannes...... 1896.'. .. Been. Eysteirr Olsen 1891. .. Red Wing. Minn. Botcher, Wilhelm. .. 1894 . Bole, Godfrey T· ...... •...... 1893 '.' .. '.. Benhell, William Henry, 1887...... •. • • ...... Deceased. Beemer, William Bishop.. . 1885 :. .•.. . Soutb America. Bcrushak, Morris S. . 1892.... < Bosworth, Richard W...... 1880. . . . Springfield, M~ss. Boyer, Virgil...... : . . ~894. . Marietta, Ohio. ~orntoQ, Lyman D...... r870...... Deceased. ~ra~fqrd, Park A. C ..... """. . 1878. . . .. Tyngsboro, Mass. Brainerd. Frank Gunn .. , , .•...... 1892. . ... Stark. Ill. ',Brakemeyer, Gustavus 1887. . . . .Friend, Neb. Breasted, James Henry. ~ , 18g1. . Chicago, Ill. Breed,' Samuel D...... 1862...... Deceased. Brereton, John '. . .. 1887...... Springfield, Mo. I'Brewer, Orvill~ A...... 188~...... Bniggs, Walter Abel...... 1895...... Blg Rapids,' Mich. Brooks, Willard Henry ~ 1896...... Brown, Arthur Isaac '" 1876...... •...... Brown, Aurelius Longinus 1889...... •...... Dayton, Wyo. Brown, Samuel Watson 1861 : . .I Brown, William F r870 , . ; .....•...... Beloit, Wis. Bruce, Charles RusseL 1885...... •.. : Highmore, S. D. Bruce, Thaddeus W 1862...... •...•...... Deceased. :~~~~~~'?'.~:-:::::::..:-::::..:..:..::~;:::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::: Burrell,lDavid J 1870.••...•..••.••••. New York City. Burton, Stephen : 1889'.•_..••.•.•..•. Minneapolis, Minn.' .-1'., J' , .) - \


Residence. Name. Ye,ar. Bushnell, Lewis Horatio.... . 1883...... Chicago, Ill. Butler, James Eadie 1891 ',' Sheridan, Mich. Byrons, Edward Henry 1887...... Centerbrook, Conn .

.Cady . George Luther...... 1895.....•.•...... Iowa City, la. Campbell. Clement"Claude... .1885 ...... •.... : .Hartford, Wis. Campbell, Norman Madison. .1893...... • ...... Campbell. William A. K...... 1895...... •..•...... Danvers, Ill. Canney, Albert J...... 1877. _ . Carleton, Edwin Herbert. 1889 ". Carr. Edwin Stuttley .. ,...... 1885 ...... •..•...... Wheaton, Ill. Carver, John Keith 1889 ,. Case, G. Artbur 1880..•.....•...... •...... ········· Case, Horatio M...... 1878.... , .••...... Emmetsburg. Ia. Cathcart, William Emerson 1886. . .. ,...... , ...... •.•. Cevernc. Charles...... 1867...... Lombard, Ill. Chapin, Robert CoH 188g. _ Beloit, Wis. Chase, Austin Selden 1872 East Hartford, Conn. Christiansen.' Christian ~•...... 1887 ' Danway, Ill. Church, Alber~ I. - 186g Deceased. Church, Morris D..V 1879 .

I Churchill, Milton E...... 1882 ...... •..•...... ······ Claflin, Arthur Herbert 188g Allegheny, Pa. Clark. Chester M. . . . . 18gl...... •.. , ..••. -Marseilles. Il1. Clark, Edward H : · .1885...... ~. Clark, John Thomas _ '. .. ~1880.. , ....•.•... ; . . . Clark, RuUfson 1892.• • • • • • • • . . .•••••••••• Clement, William H ~ ·· .1880 ...... •....•.•... ···········:·· Clifton. James Theodore 1875...... Chicago, Ill. Cole, Jobn A...... •..... · :J895 ...... •...... Chicago, Ill. Cctlissec. Thomas C _ 1879 . Conrad, Eliab E 188g '. Corey, Ephraim M.. _ 1871. ,.· •.. ··· .Bellair, Mich. Covel, Arthur John 18go Lynn, Mass. Cruse. Edwin T 1878 , Curtiss, Charles Burritt 1873 - Beloit. Ala. Cutler. William A ._.' 1867. : .

Dahl. Ole Mar tin 1895 Boston, Mass. Daniels, William Haven " .. 1863.•..•.•.. , '...... •. India. Darlhig. George E " .. ··· .1875 ,.' .••. Davies, Ricbara R ii~76 , Meadville. Pa. Davis. Theop'hilus S 1880....•.....••.... ,.····· ••...•..• CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

Name. Year. Residence. Delagneau, Samuel " 1889 , . : ••...... •.. Boston, Mass. Dennison, Robt. Chas ' 1892: Janesville, Wis. Dexter, Daniel Weaver 1899...... •...... Disbrow, Ed. Delevan 1892 : Hanover, Mass. Dole, james Herbert. '.- 1893 " ....•....• Ravenna, Ohio. Donnel.i j ohn T ,.. ;.· -.•.• -•..... r894 ...... •...... ; ...... • Douglas, John C 1875...... •..•...... •. ' . Douglas. yvalter 1893 " '. Douglas, H.·P 1894 Ames, Ia. Dybvik, Martin Olaus 1892 ~.....•. ,Red Wing, Minn. Dyvick, Anders Isaksen 1888 .....• -•. -.'.. _ Danway, Ill.

1 Eaton, Jame's D ••• " ••• -.- ••••••• 1872 Chihuahua, Mexico. Edgarton, Foster Edgar 186+ ...... •.• ~ •...... Edwards. Nicholas T 1883 ",'._ Recondido, Cal. Ekman, Gustav Adolf 1889 : Paxton" ]11. Ellis, Jacob Frank 1873 _..• _.•...... Neligh, Neb. Epglund, Carl Eric "..•.. ',' 1895 : .. '.•...... Deceased. ' Edson, Frederick _ 1893 : Chicago, Ill. Evans, Spencer Evans :•.. "._ '. r895 ...... • "'•••.•.•... Granby, Conn. Evans, William J 1872...... •...•...... Canal Dover, o. Ewing, Addison Alvord. . . r896 ' _.'" _..' .

"Fairchild, Eugene p...... r881 . Fairfield, Frederick W 1871 .....••• _ Washington, D. C.

Fairfield, George Day , 1889 u ••••••.•.• Urbana, Ill. Falk, .Peter Joban ' 1887.' ~ Oakland, Neb. ,Felix, Tasso Ovid' '. '" 1892 ••••••••.•• _••• ': • " ••••••••••••.•• Ferguson, Joseph Brooks ','" ., 1896.....•...•..••...... Ferguson, Frank L 1889 ...... •.... , .. Claremont, Cal. ~i_sb_e.r,William B ,·.1880 .•••...... Kansas City,- Kan. ~i.sk, Jo.h~ Predon ...... •• 1885.. '.' .._ ',' . Redland, Cal. , Fiske, Albert Augustus ' 1868 , . Fitts, Calvin Richard 1867 ...... •.••..•••.•.....•.•.•.•. Flagg, R" Cushman ',". ~. , 1872.; ...... •....••• Ripon, .Wis. Ftcyd.rwalter B ,....•.. 1878 ~ Deceased.

F Ford, Jobn Haovin .. ; 1895.,....•..•.• :'. . • .. .. • ..••..... ',. Forsell, Kout E ...... •• 1896.•••...•• " .••••••.. "Sherard Ill.

f Foster, Benjamin Franklin r ••• ••••••• 1886 Lawrence. l{an. FTancis,' Daniel M : ...... •. 1879..•...... ".: Menominee, Wis. Franklin, George. Mark .....••. : ..... 1887_.'...... •...... Frasure. Charles Andrew ...... •... I8gs ..•.••.•.. ,. Westmoreland, N. Y. Fredriksen. Ivar •••••.•• .'.••...••...• IB94: ..•.•..•••.•.....•..•..•.....• ~ , <;H1CAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.

Name. Year. Residence. Fredriksson, Nikolaus :.,.18'87 ...... •...... Oakland, Cal. Freeman, Edward , .. ' ,188g ' , , , . French, Adams Clark, ...... • , 18g1 , ", , , ' Funk, Robison John,.,.; ,-1872 , , .. ' .

Galiger, James F..... , , .1879 ·····,·,· .. · .. Wis. Gallagher, Washington B, .. ' , .• , . , 187° , .Northampton, Mass. G,a~abedian, ~Iinos c:l::: , ,1889 , ...... ••.. " .•. " •• ·Gelbel, Ludwig Maximilian.,.,., 1886 , , _.. , , . George, jesse C. , , 1894., .. : "., Webster, la, Oertsen. Iver , , ...... , . , .18g2...... • - ". Oshkosh, w«. Goldsbury, Royal S ,.. . , 1895,.,: , .. , .. Philadelphia, Pa . .Goodwin, Henry French , , . 188g , , , ' , . , Chicago, Ill. Gove, Joseph Sherman, ,.,.-. 1892 , .Gilsum, N, H. Graham, Henry ,., .,...... •.. ,',. 1889 , ...•.. , .. ·,·,···'· ·Gray, Frederic 0 : 1893: "", , ,., . Green, Daniel C:, - ;..-: ...•. " .. :.186g , , Kioto, Japan. Green, Frederick 'Oavis, .~ 1889 Brooklyn, N. Y. 'Greene,' Harvey Bartlett , .18go ,. , .. Lowell, Mass.

I Grieh: "Edmund ~ : .. ~18gI. .. . : Seattle, Wash.' Griffin; John A.. ·., -.....•.... , . 1877 , •...... Cable, Ill. Gross, Niels Peter ' , 18g2 ~.•..... ,Minneapolis, Minn. ·Gybson, James ~illia.m C.: 1887 , ,:.

Haire, William e ~..-: - ·.'1889 , Onaga, Kan. Hall, Robert M .•...... " 1872",".".." ' ; , .• Hanketneyer, Nathaniel W 18g·2 Alva, Okla. Ha'nnson, Heurik _. : 188'7:'.. : ~. , ,Deceased, , 'Hansen, Anders Peters, , , 1895.'······,·· , , , .. ,:- Hansen, Hans. "." ' , , ,1ll:93 -.' '.' , Chicago, Ill. Hansen, NelsoD ..~ '_, " , .. 1892•.••.• , ••••••.• , .•.•.....• ' .••••• Hansen, Niels jorgen, , ,1890 ,c •••••••••••• , •• Hansen, William Peter , " 189° , .. , New Haven, Conn. Hardy, james William.,., , 1893, "."., ,Carbondale, Kan. Harper, Willia!D !lenry, ,18g2, , , , .. , .. Harper, Wm. _Otterbein _ 18g6 ,.,;.,., ,. Ha~l'is, Desevtgaie F " ..•. , r876 , .. '....• , , .Columbus, 0.

Harris, Samuel F.....••.•...... ,. 1 • 1879 ·· . '.' .. , , , '- Harris,rSeldoD A , , .. r880 ...... •...... •.. Millbu:n, Ill. Harris. Waldo Bird, , 188g , , ...•...... ,

Harrison, Mario~ Bradley. , 1880....••••.. " ,Scribner. Neb, L Hastings. Lemuel Spencer , . , : .. ,1875 ...... ••... ;, , .... , .... : .. , Hayes. Rafpb W .••• :., ••..•..• , •• ··, 1894,·,··············:····, 142 CHICAGO, THEOLOGICAL- SEIIUNARY.

Name: Year. Residence. Heck, Gee. L ' -."...... •... 1893, . .Hede. Jens Peter: ...•• _ " 1892 ", Chicago. IlL Helgesen. Hartrig August -, I8gl Pelican Lake, Minn . . Hellier, Frank Oscar _ ,1892 ' Sheridan, Wyo.

Helmuth, Joseph .wm 1896 Oconomowoc, Wis. 1 . Ht;lms.:Reuben E '. _ ', ; 1889 Somonauk, IlL Hendrick.tHarmon E 189« " Hendrick" Luther D .. : : 1894 Ft. Townsend, Wis. Hendrickson, Carl -joban-. - 1889 Yakutat, Alaska. , Hendrickson.f'Peter ' 1872 ' -.-.'.. - ; _ Hensbaw.I'Tbcmas Dean :1896 : Spring Creek, Pa. Herman, Frederick W -., ,1894 , ,., ,. Hicks. William C., , , 1871: , , .. Steamboat Rock, la.

o Hildreth ..William Henry , . , ,' .-.1861 0 ••••••••••••••••••• , ••• , ••••••• " 'Hinkley, Frank Erastus'. :: . : 1895 Woodland, Cal. . Hjetland, JohnHans , 1895., Norway. Hcedemaker. Philip James, " , .1863 ,., , .. Hoffman, jesse-Dennis : '. 18go , ',' ',, Holzinger, G. ·A.~ ' _ 1893 "...... , . "Hotchkiss. Horace Phillips .. : . , , .. 1892 ...... •...... ,.

Hudl!on, .Gec. Gary , ·.: 1887. . r.' •••....•••• , •••• Huestis, Charles Hole 1885., Exeter, Neb.. . Hugbes.tHugb.Perry : .. - " r893. , ...... •...... HUllinger'rFrank .Wilfre4 ., r881 , IAllegan, Mich. Hullman, .Franz Oscar .. - 188i.·. - Sioux City. la. ~Huiit.Eugene, Freeman ,., .. 188'3, . .-. .-.. : Conway, Mass, Hyldegaerd, Johann C_ J- 1892 ,.

Isakson •.Andrew J. J 18gI' -".' : Pittsburgh, P~,

"Jensen, Julius Augustus ..' '.- 1893 "._•...... ; Ft. Payne, ,Ala. Jobnson, Andrew Wm,. . ;•...... ' 1889 _ Oak Hill, N. Y. Jobnson, Eric , ".-.~ 18g5 ' , ...... •

Johnson,:Harry Woodruff 1895 1 ••• " ••••••• ~Wasbington, D. C. Johnsen, John Al~l"ed,. .'.. ' '.18g1 ._ _ _ Pueblo, Cole. Job-nsen;1 Lar-soGustaf _ ' 1894 ' . [cbbscn, Lcreata C, ..••.... '..•...... ~888.." ' Minneapolis, ,MinD! Jobnsoo,: Osmond .•...... ' 1895 ...... •.... ' ._;...... • JObOSSOD,Anders 1887 .••..••••••••...... •....•••••• : Jones, Burton H~ward: ...... • 1896.••. : Hay Springs, Neb. Jones, David Hugb ...... •...... 189° ...... •...... :. Jones. Fred Vemcn "' _...... • 188g...... •.... ,.: .. Greeno, N,'evada. Jones, John H...... •... ~.....•. 1870•...... •..•...... •..... Deceased. i t , , , 1. I'


Name. Ve:u. Residence. Jones, Owen ...... 1892 ••••••••. Jones, Williaiit 0 ...... 1889 ... . .'..... Pittsburgh, Pa . Jowett, Albert Burton .. ... -.1894.. June, Franklin Spencer ...... 1883. . .Deceased.

Kasson, Frank H 1878. . .Bcstcn, Mass. Kaye, James Ross.... . 1889. . .. weveriy, Ill. Kennen, Ralph Rollin 1896...... -Kien tsch, Jacob Fredrick. . 1889...... Goldbach, Switzerland. Kilbourn, Jas. K.. . 1871. . .. Pewaukee, Wis. Kilmer, Edgar Harland. . 1874... . .

Kimball, Edward...... LI876. . . Waterloo, Ia. E:ing, Hamilton...... 1881 . Kitchel, Harvey Sheldon. . .1864.. . .. ',' Ohio. Kjoeller, Laurita Hermann 1892...... •...... , .. Blair, Neb. Klim, James C. Johnson,. . .. : .. 18H7 Titusville, Pa. Kloss. Charles Luther ...... 1885 ...... •...... Webster Grove. M'o. Kotitz, Otto : 1894 . Kolding, Niels jdrgen H ; 18go . Krohn, G. S 1893.

La Due, Thomas Scott...... 1862. . .. Decea~ed.

Larson, Ernest Edward...... 1897. • •• j . Larson, George Godfrey .. . .'. 1895. Laurence, Harry Albert. 1896 . . ... Clay Center, Kan, Lee, John Gustavus '1891 . . ... Deceased. Lemmen, William...... :: 1873 . Lennox, Alexander...... 18g5. . . Guthrie, Okla. Leonard, Joseph Hampton 1872 . Lewis, John Morgan... . 1896...... • "., . Leyda, Geo. McClellan. . 1893· . . . .. Liljekranre; Herman G. . 1889 ,...... ••. Lindstrom. H. E. S...... 1892...... •...... Tokic.. Japan. Little, Wilbur GrJant. 18g6 Blencoe, Ia, Leba, Jean F ·....•..•...... 1879 Evanston, 111. Lockrem, Niels j :..1892 Chicago, m. Logan, Wm. Clark ...... • : r8g5 : ','

Lord, Edward P 1 •••••••••••••••• : • 1871. : ...... •. Lord, Rivingfcn D 1882 . L.otman, Andreas B .•...... • 18g2 Chicago, 111. Lucke, F. W, .•...•...... 1894 . Lundern, Martin :: 1889...... •...... : ...... • , ....


Neme. Year. Residel1ce., . l.use, Thos. Claire : 1887 . -Lyman, Albert Josiah , 1868 _ Brooklyn. N. Y.

,Mcfllister, James -..•. 189s , : Alpena, Mich." McClellan, John James! .' 1890 .. : ~ . . McCleary, Owen Lovejoy ,' , 1895 ...... •...... -: Portland, la. McCowan, Haskyt Smith 18g6 . M€D~nald, FarqubarsonG 1861 ~! Macdonnel, Thomas Meade 18go . McD~~eh, John 1~73 . McGee, ·Edward 1891...... ','" McHoes, Tlios. Wm ...... •.. ,.1885. : ' '- ',' . McKinley, Cbae. E. , i894 ...... •...... 'Rockville, Conn. Meedge. Karl Wilbelm A' 188g .. '...... Markham, Heney F: 1879 - ~.. .Deceased. Marling, John Pascal - 1880 ·· Marsh, William Dwight. · r896 Amberst, Mass. Mas~n, Lewis Thos -, 1873 -. . . Massingham. William J.: :1879 " Harvey, Ill. Matson. Per . 1891. Wacbang, Cbina .. Matthes, Albion Chr. Hermann. . r8gs...... ' Matzler"Carl Paul. ' 18gs .' r •••••.•••

( ::~~n~:~i·§:r~i~~~ ..:.':: .. : .. : ..: :::;; •. ~..'. : : :~.e.c.e.a~~~~ , Merriam, Daniel. _.. 1868 : Worcester. Mass. Metcalf, Paul H .. : ',o : 1893 ' . ·MiIler. John W · 186r · Paxton, Ill'. Minich, Daniel Henry 1879 Denver! Colo. Miler, 'William James 1894 ...... •...... _. '. -:~:'ri~~~;t:~.·':::::::::::::::::::::'~:;:::::.:::::::::::':::::~::::::::::' Monroe, 'A:lexander , 188r,: Peoria. Ill. ~oore, Gainer Pierce.. 1890 Grand Rapids, Mich. ~organ" David WiU~am .. , 1885 Mason;--N . H. Moses, Franklin Wheeler.: , : IS94 '.' ',' Dece,ased. Moslander, F. Van Dyke ":. 1894 : .. Sandoval, 'IlL' M?wry, John R 1893 . MueHer. Carl, ..•.•....••...... •. 1894 '..•..... ~••.. '., ...•. Deceased. Murphy, Thos.·'Francis ...•...... 1883...•••.••••••••••. Hartland, Wis. Myman, Chat. Elmar ...•.•••...... I887 West Denm.ark,, Wis.

~e1S0D. Chas. E.· ...• , ; 1894 L ...... •.••.. Red Wj~g, MiDD. etsoa, :rank ..•.•.. : ,•. '" .•.... 1884 ....•..••••••.•..•...••. Deceased. ..",." " (>< . " ~~I', i'l


Na~e. Year. Residence. I Nelson, Geo. Wesley ' r894. Deceased.' Nelson" Gustave Adolph. . . : 1889.'. . . Portland, Or-e. Nelson, lahan Gotthard :.1892. . Shanghai, China. '~ Nield,' Thomas 1875 Deceased. Nielsen, Jobn Peter '...... 1890 Krisfiansuud, N. Norway. Nordlund. Magnus R 1894 . Norseeu, Gustof Adolf. . 1894. . ,,' . Noyce, George Thomas .' : .1895... . Brunswick, Neb.

Obenhaue, Hermann E. A 1892.. .. Weiser, Idaho.

Oertel, Robert Henry. . . ' 1896. .. 'r . , ... : .. Deceased . Olson, Lewis...... 1889. . . Chicago, Ill. Olson, Olof Gustaf. . 1894. Olson, Sivert...... 1896.. Oppedal, Thorsten Jorgensen race. . . , Red Wing, Minn. Osborne, Cyrus Allen. . 1895. . Lake Geneva, Wis. Ostrander. Lutber A 1870.-.' .

Page, Merritt B : -...... 1867 -': ...... Palm, Emanuel Johnson. . . 1889...... 'Wheaton. Minn. Parker, Alexander , _. . 1861...... Deeeased. Parker, James...... 1861.. .Deceased. Parr, Samuel Wilson, . . . ,' 1883. . _, . Payne; Henry N 1871. . . Pearce, ~m . Oecrge. . 1893.. .,. Pearson, Oliver warren 1889. ',' ~.. Summerdale, Ia. Peck, Marshall Reuben.' 1875.. Pedersen, Ludwig John r8g5 Fargo, N. D. Peters, Birger 1889...... Chicago, IlL Petersen, johannes ...... •...... 18go.; : .. Pettigrew, Julius Dean ,. 1895 _.. Austin. Texas. Pbillips, Jobn Wm .. ' 18g2 Bakersfield, Cal. Pinkerton, Wm. Brown : 18go Rock Rapids, Ia. Pipes, Abner Malon 1876 Elk Point, S. D. Porter, Frank C 1883 New Haven. Conn. Porter, T; Arthur. 1878 Rochester, Wis.

Post, Albert Scbuyler r8go " 1 ••••••••• Poulsen, Carl '...... 1894 Natal, So. Africa . .Powell, Sam nel...... •...... r 868 Deceased.

\ Pressey, Edwin Sidney 188g St. Paul, Minn. Preston, Byrant Curtis 18g1. . .. . Osage. Ia. Prestcn.tHartwel! L.~ ...... •.... : 18g1...... •. McCook, Neb.

Prichard, Hugb J ••••• ; •• '•• 1877...... • ~ , •.. W '

., , ,



Name. Year. Residence. Qualen,. Hans Jensen Von. . 1887 Canton, China. 9uimoy, John T : 1870. . . 'Ratliff, Le'vi D -: , . : .. '.' 188g .. '....•...... Recknagel, W~m. August 1896., " ,'. Rederue, Anee 1-887...... •...... • ',' •..•.... : . Reinhart. Elmer Wm : 1894.' ...... •..•.. ;. Reuber, William r895 ...... ••......

Richards, james M - 1894...... I

Richardson, Chas. A.. : ...... •...... 1871 Lawrence, Kan. j Ridderhcff, Oscar 1887 ~ . RJggs, Fredrick Bartlet 1891. Sante Agency. Neb. Rockwood. George A ...•...••.••..... 1863 .' Willsburgh, Ore. Royce. Luman H 1893 . Runalls, Jobn R' ~.. 1889 Warrensburg, Ill. Rushing, William C 1889., , . Ryberg, Christian Jensen .. .' 1890 N. Topeka, Kan. Ryberg, Ernst Alfred 1894 : . Sal~tr,om, Ed. ~il1iam 1893, Galva, IlL Sargent, Benjamin R ...... •...... 1876 ' . Sarpsborg,' Carl Joban H , 1891 , , . . .. ' . Scbneider, Jacob . ~ : 1875 ...... •...... Lensing. la. Scotford, Henry C .....•...... 1878 Chicago, Ill. Scott, John Jay: 1895 ,. Brewton. Ala: Secccmbe. Samuel Howe 1899, ...... •. "7 ••• , Selden, Edward Griffin 1873 ' '\' Springfield. Mass. Sengewald, Edward , 1896 _ , ~ . _Seuffer, Herman · 18~5. .. . ~ ' . Severance, James R , 1871 ' ' ~ _ . Seward. Arthur L •.....••...... ~: .1878 Gate City,; Wash. Shahbaz, David ." 1893 . ·Sherck. Charles Rollin , 1895 , : ,' Sherrill, Charles 1876 .' . Shotwell, Walter S 1875 ,.. ,:· .. ··· Showfield, Max Paul: ...... •••••.... 1893, ,., :. '



Name. Year. Residen'ce. Smith, Alfred Malloy •...... 1876 ...... •...•...... • '.....•... Smith, Arthur Lathrop ...... •...... ', 1873 ...... •.....•...... •.. Deceased." Smith, George Burr 1896 . Smith, Isaac Baker , r861 _ Deceased. Smith, Jobn Christian r881. . Smith, Oscar Otterbein _, 1887 Traer, Iowa. Smith, Thomas Miller ~ .1886......

Snowden, C. L ~.. . 1896 , Harlan. la. I. Speare, S. Louis B...... 186g." Newton, Mass. Stensgaard, Niels Christian. . 18g1 ...... •....•...... Brigbton, Ia. Stenberg, David Werner... , 18g6 ...... •. Stenlund, Adolph 1895 ...... •...... •...... • ~.,•. Stenvall, Carl August.. . 1892 ,,~,_..•.•...... Oakland, Cal. Stewart, Alfred Lee...... 18g8...... •...... '. Stewart. Hart L 1865 ...... •.••...... Deceased. Stoddard, James Philemon .. ;- 1863 Britt, Ia: Stoughton. Lewis Herbert 18g.6 Albien, Neb. Stratton. Lemuel N .. ' 1862 Thompson, Ill. Strong. Delos A 1875 .' Soutb Manchester. Conn. Strong, James Seldon 1893 ! .. Hartford, Conn. Sundeen, Joban Ludwig 1893 Northfield, Minp. Swansea, Charles Oscar 1895 ' '•... ; ...•... Swensen. Ole ' 1889 ...... ••. Deceased.

Swift, Edward H 1882 '.•...••• I •• , ••••••••••••• Sylvanus, Jolin 1870...... •..•...... •... Symmonds. Edward William 1885 . Tascott, Fred C 1877 ...... • '•.....•...... •..•. ,. Taylor, Glen Albert. ' 1889 ...... •...... Stuart, Ia. Templeton, John Galbraith 1873 ; .•..•...... ' Terborgb, Isaac 1894 ...... •..•...•... Portland, Mich. Thomas, David Lew,is 1892 .•.•....•...... Bowdle. S. D. Tindall. Orlando L.,.: 1873 , ..•...... ••• Todd, David Espy 188!...... •... Brookfield. Mo. Todd, Jobn Andrew 1863 ...... •..•...... •.•.••.• Todd, Robert Emerson : ..•...... 1898 .....•.••.•... : ...•.•....•••.••. Tracey. A. Edwards \.. 1872 .•.• ...... •... Ontario. Cal. Tllacey. J~mes E 1877...•..•.•.. Periakulum, S. "India. Travis, Frank 1879•....•..•.•....•.•.....•.•••••• Treiber, Daniel J ...... •... , 1889••..•...•••••...... Lay, Ran: Tuck, Edward Artbur 1889•.•.••••..•.....•••••••••••••• " Tupper. James Waiker 189~ ,...••...••••..•••••• Deceased. Turner. j..eonard Anthony 1896 •...•••.•.••...•. Plymoutb, "Neb, Turner, Winfield lB94 ••••.•• , ••••• '•••...... ••.•••••• , , .....,



I Name., Year. Residence. Tuttle; ChavIes' Francis - ' .. 1888. . . .'...... Deceased. Tysclien, A. C ' 1893 · .Hoboken,'N. J., .' Valle!l, Joho 'Peter...... •.•... ; 18g1 ' 'Wachang, China. 'IVan Auken, lobo C ...... ••...... :1886 ...... •.•. White Cloud, M,icb.

Vetter, Gottfried : 1890 I •••••••• ••••••••••••••• .', vtsber, Jobn _ 1879 ' Deceased.. V.ages. August. 1895 '...••.. _: ...... ••.• Vrooman, Frank Buffington ' ;".1889 Chicago, Ill.

Walkup, Alfred~ .. : j"~"""""" .i880. ',....• \...•...... Kusaie, Hawaii. ,WaUl:ln"Karl/Peter ' 18g1 .....••...... ~...... •...... •.•• Waller, Charles John 1895...... •...... •...... • \. Waller, Thomas Mo~re 1881 ...... •.... : \..•... Wa,r~:1l1r,Lyman .'1878..•...... ~.. Salisbury, Conn .. War-ner, Thomas ~enry ,. 1895 Perry, Mich.

Warren, ,Willis Austin 1•••••••• 1895.7., -: Spring Valley, Minn.l Water.ma'n" He~ry ~a'fZil1ai 1868 .•...... ~.Deceased . . Weed, Clarence E .: 1893 . wete, Moses T 1875...... •.••...... ••... Weismann, Anders Christian , :1891 ...... •...•.•..••.... Blair, Neb. Wells, Franklin 1868...... •..••...... ,...... •.• We1nzlaJI, Gustavus Gottlieb 1891. Yankton, S. D. Weyler, Rudolp,h - 1886.. ' ~..•••...... ~.'•....•.. '. Wheelwright. Sidney Alcott 1896 .•••.....••...... •••. Preston. lao Whitzel, Charles W/ .. i 1883...... •...... ••... Deceased. Whipple, Frank Lewis 1893...... •••.. Lawrence. Mass. Whitehouse, Frederick Cepe 1864: ...... •••..... , New York "city.

I Whitley, John Edward .. .,.'. .. ',': .1892 ...... •.. ,I - , ,yvight. Calvin ~ 1895 ,._ ', '-' .... Wight. Edward Van Dyke ~ '1895 .'.....•..•. ; •...... Wilheh;n, John Heney , 1864 '..•..•.....•••...... ••..•• Wit.kes, Arthur Birks " : 1889....••. : ....•...... •.... ' . Willard, Thomas R , 187° .••...... '....•..•. Galesburg. 111. ,Williams, John B,enson 1895....• t Cbase. Kan. Wilson, James T 1875.•.....••• ~....••..•. ,••.•••• ~•..• Wingate, Henry Knowles ...... •..... 1891•••••.••..••• ' Cseearea, TUllkey. Wolf, joseph ' 1881•• : .. : ', '.Madison, O. Woodruff, Willis Wilcox 1876 ,•. ! ·..". Wmmley, Samuel Arthur I8~1 ••••••••. .'..•••••••• !...•...... Worrell, Edwin Reed ••...... ISgo . Wright, Newell S , ..•.• 1:872.•••••••••• : ••••••• Detrpit, Mich. Wright. Theodore Goodell. .•.•.••• .t. 187t ••••• -: .

~~~ •.Frank ~DJD~ •• : ••••••••••••• tSgo .

iw::.~~. \as tfried ••• 0\ ••••••• I-89Z o.range.,~· , '

! I.

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