SY 2011-2012 CNMI PSS Facts & Figures.Pdf

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SY 2011-2012 CNMI PSS Facts & Figures.Pdf 1 Statewide Enrollment By Grade & Gender Gender K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Total Elem. Male 301 388 380 420 402 434 441 2,766 Female 307 348 382 372 412 417 408 2,646 Total 608 736 762 792 814 851 849 5,412 Gender 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Total Total Elem.- Secon. & Secon. Male 540 444 519 509 383 334 2,729 5,495 Female 399 402 443 441 359 320 2,364 5,010 Total 939 846 962 950 742 654 5,093 10,505 OTHER SERVICES: Enroll. PSS Total Head Start 462 11,011 Early Intervention Services 0-3 Yrs. 44 No % CNMI PSS Special Needs Students 851 8% PSS School Personnel By Category Administration Teaching Staff Principal 19 K-12th Classroom Teachers 413 Vice-Principal 18 * K-12th Other C. R. Teachers 51 Counselor (s): 32 Total K-12th Classroom Teachers 464 Support Staff: 132 ** Head Start Teachers 5 Total: 201 Total PreK-12th C.R. Teachers 469 K-12th Teacher Aides 141 *** Head Start Teacher Aides 2 Total PreK-12th Teacher Aides 143 Elem. & Secon. Instructors 43 **** Head Start Instructors 22 Total: Teaching Staff 677 * K-12th Other C.R. Tchrs: SPED, Rdg.Res., Computer etc.. ** Include 5 HeadStart Teachers *** Include 2 Head Start Teacher Aides **** Include 22 HeadStart Instructors PSS Elementary Classroom Teacher By Grade Level & Gender K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Other Total 19 37 36 37 34 35 36 30 264 Total PSS Elementary & Secondary Classroom Teacher By Gender LEVEL Male Female Total Elem. 52 212 264 Secon. 102 98 200 Total 154 310 464 Data Baseline: As of September 26, 2011 Source: Report from the schools 1 Official Enrollment Count SY: 2010-2011 SY: 2011-2012 Elementary Schools Beg. 1st Qtr. Beg. 1st Qtr. Rate Total Elementary 5,343 5,412 1% Dandan 427 401 -6% G. T. Camacho 230 236 3% Garapan 842 854 1% Kagman 531 556 5% Koblerville 395 427 8% Oleai 559 591 6% San Antonio 323 320 -1% San Vicente 638 595 -7% Sinapalo 202 227 12% Tanapag 219 208 -5% Tinian 234 260 11% W. S. Reyes 743 737 -1% Secondary Schools Total Secondary 5,247 5,093 -3% Chacha Oceanview Jr. High 397 354 -11% Dr. Rita H. Inos Jr. & Sr. High 335 280 -16% Hopwood Jr. High 1,216 1,258 3% Kagman High 782 674 -14% Marianas High 1,392 1,412 1% Saipan Southern High 861 886 3% Tinian Jr. & Sr. High 264 229 -13% Early Intervention Proram 53 44 -17% Head Start 462 462 0% Total Public Schools 11,105 11,011 -0.8% Source: Report from the schools Data Baseline: As of September 26, 2011 2 STUDENT - CLASSROOM TEACHER RATIO K-12th Grade STUDENT TOTAL NO. OF STUDENT- PUBLIC SCHOOL ENROLLMENT TEACHERS TEACHER RATIO G.T. Camacho Elem. 236 10 24 : 1 Tanapag Elem. 208 10 21 : 1 Garapan Elem. 854 35 24 : 1 Oleai Elem. 591 22 27 : 1 San Vicente Elem. 595 26 23 : 1 Kagman Elem. 556 24 23 : 1 Dandan Elem. 401 18 22 : 1 W. S. Reyes Elem. 737 33 22 : 1 San Antonio Elem. 320 14 23 : 1 Koblerville Elem. 427 19 23 : 1 Tinian Elem. 260 12 22 : 1 Sinapalo Elem./Rota 227 10 23 : 1 Tinian Jr. & High 229 14 16 : 1 Dr. Rita H. Inos Jr. & Sr. High 280 9 31 : 1 Hopwood Jr. High 1258 41 31 : 1 Chacha OV Jr. High 354 12 30 : 1 Marianas High 1,412 47 30 : 1 Kagman High 674 25 27 : 1 SPN South High 886 31 29 : 1 Total 10,505 412 26 : 1 *Note: Classroom Teachers for SPED, Reading Res., Bil., Computer & Others are not reflected in this figure. Data Baseline: As of September 26, 2011 Source: Report from the schools 3 Increase/Decrease Rate of Student Ethnicity K-12th Grade Beg. Beg. % ETHNIC GROUP 2010-2011 2011-2012 Change Chamorro 4,000 3,943 -1% Carolinian 1,015 952 -6% Chamorro/Carolinian 81 106 31% Chuukese 521 511 -2% Filipino 3,373 3,369 0% Palauan 434 414 -5% Pohnpeian 216 224 4% Marshallese 26 33 27% Yapese 89 85 -4% Korean 299 276 -8% Caucasian 63 72 14% Chinese 203 242 19% Japanese 85 84 -1% Other Pac. Isl. 54 49 -9% Others 131 145 11% Total: 10,590 10,505 -1% Data Baseline: As of September 26, 2011 Source: Report from the schools 4 Student by Citizenship K-12th Grade Citizen Category TOTAL % United States/US 9,805 93.3% Chuuk (FSM) 86 0.8% Rep. of Philippines 238 2.3% Rep. Of Palau (FAS) 30 0.3% Pohnpei (FSM) 41 0.4% Rep. Of Marshall Is. (FAS) 11 0.1% Yap (FSM) 25 0.2% Kosrae (FSM) 3 0.0% Korea 165 1.6% Rep. Of China 66 0.6% Japan 19 0.2% Others 16 0.2% TOTAL 10,505 100% Baseline Data: September 26, 2011 Source: Report from the schools 5 K-12 Grade Students By Age AgeGroup Enrollment Percent 4 14 0.1% 5 569 5.4% 6 687 6.5% 7 738 7.0% 8 775 7.4% 9 768 7.3% 10 818 7.8% 11 835 7.9% 12 845 8.0% 13 888 8.5% 14 873 8.3% 15 848 8.1% 16 790 7.5% 17 694 6.6% 18 279 2.7% 19 70 0.7% 20 10 0.1% 21 3 0.0% 22 1 0.0% Total 10,505 100.0% Baseline Data: September 26, 2011 Source: Report from the schools 6 K-12 Grade Special Education Enrollment Elementary Schools General ED. Enroll. SPED Enrollment Percent G.T. Camacho 236 12 5% Tanapag 208 12 6% Garapan 854 80 9% Kagman 556 46 8% San Vicente 595 40 7% Dandan 401 21 5% Oleai 591 31 5% W.S.Reyes 737 61 8% San Antonio 320 20 6% Koblerville 427 33 8% Sinapalo 227 23 10% Tinian 260 26 10% Total Elem. Students 5,412 405 7% Secondary Schools Hopwood Jr. High 1258 116 9% Chacha Ocean View Jr. High 354 42 12% Dr. Rita H. Inos Jr. & Sr. High 280 36 13% Tinian Jr. & High 229 23 10% Marianas High 1412 111 8% Kagman High 674 64 9% SPN Southern High 886 54 6% Total Jr. & High Sch. Students 5,093 446 9% Total Elem./Sec. Students 10,505 851 8% SPECIAL EDUCATION ENROLLMENT BY ISLAND ISLAND General ED. Enroll. Special ED. Enroll. Percent SAIPAN 9509 743 8% TINIAN 489 49 10% ROTA 507 59 12% Total 10,505 851 8% Baseline Data: September 26, 2011 Source: Special Ed. Program 7 CNMI HEAD START PROGRAM ENROLLMENT SUMMARY TABLE PSS HEAD START BY CENTER Student- CENTER Enroll Staff Staff Ratio Tanapag 32 2 16 : 1 Garapan 98 6 16 : 1 Oleai 40 2 20 : 1 Dandan 32 2 16 : 1 Chalan Kanoa 131 8 16 : 1 San Antonio 34 2 17 : 1 Kagman 31 2 16 : 1 Total Saipan 398 24 17 : 1 Tinian 34 1 34 : 1 Rota 30 3 10 : 1 Total PSS HeadStart 462 28 17 : 1 Baseline Data: September 26, 2011 Source: Headstart Program 8 School Staffing Pattern Data Vice- Classroom- Teacher- Elementary Principals Principals Teachers Instructors Aides Counselors Support Total G.T. Camacho 1 - 11 1 3 1 4 21 Tanapag 1 - 11 2 3 1 5 23 Garapan 1 1 36 1 14 1 7 61 San Vicente 1 1 28 - 14 1 5 50 Dandan 1 1 20 2 5 - 4 33 Oleai 1 - 26 4 10 2 4 47 W.S. Reyes 1 1 40 2 11 2 7 64 San Antonio 1 - 16 1 4 1 4 27 Kagman 1 - 28 1 9 1 4 44 Koblerville 1 1 22 3 9 - 3 39 Tinian 1 1 14 - 7 - 10 33 Sinapalo 1 - 12 1 4 - 6 24 Elementary Total 12 6 264 18 93 10 63 466 Vice- Classroom- Teacher- Secondary Principals Principals Teachers Instructors Aides Counselors Support Total Hopwood Junior High 1 3 48 - 16 5 8 81 Chacha OV Jr. High 1 1 14 3 6 1 7 33 Tinian Jr. & High 1 1 15 3 4 1 6 31 Dr. Rita H. Inos Jr. & Sr. High 1 1 11 7 5 2 17 44 Marianas High 1 3 50 4 7 5 7 77 Kagman High 1 2 28 4 6 4 13 58 SPN Southern High 1 1 34 4 4 4 11 59 Secondary Total 7 12 200 25 48 22 69 383 Total Elem. & Secon. 19 18 464 43 141 32 132 849 Note: All Regular Classroom Teachers & Program Classroom Teachers are reflected in this figure Baseline Data: September 26, 2011 Source: PEDMS Staff Demographics 9 TIME SERIES ENROLLMENT DATA SY:2007-08 thru SY:2011-2012 Elementary 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 G.T. Camacho 237 225 234 230 236 Tanapag 237 232 210 219 208 Garapan 838 791 829 842 854 Kagman 645 627 544 531 556 Oleai 521 512 534 559 591 San Vincente 766 684 659 638 595 Dandan 455 449 481 427 401 W.S. Reyes 685 688 714 743 737 San Antonio 333 311 313 323 320 Koblerville 463 432 431 395 427 Tinian 295 279 279 234 260 Sinapalo 231 217 229 202 227 Total Elem. 5,706 5,447 5,457 5,343 5,412 Secondary Hopwood Jr. High 1106 1140 1134 1216 1258 ChaCha OV Jr. High 522 447 421 397 354 Marianas High 1198 1220 1213 1392 1412 Kagman High 766 784 797 782 674 SPN Southern High 805 728 836 861 886 Tinian High 221 196 208 190 157 Dr.
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    HEALTH ADVISORY Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 1 Lower Navy Hill Road, Navy Hill, Saipan, MP 96950 October 24, 2019 CHCC-PR-20-012 12:43PM FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “BEH Establishment Ratings for September 2019” During the month of September, 2019, the Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation (CHCC) Bureau of Environmental Health (BEH) conducted sanitary inspections on retail, eating, and drinking establishments. Through this release, we are providing the names of establishments by inspection grade, and the names of establishments which were ordered to close for serious violations of health and sanitation standards. For these establishments, we provide the suspension date and the date they were certified to resume operations. Food Safety Rating classifications are based on a score of 0-100. • 90-100: Grade A • 80-89: Grade B • 70-79: Grade C • >69: Closure/Suspension Grade A: 20 establishment(s) 1. Arriane Fish Mart, Garapan 2. Welcome Supermarket, San Roque 3. Welcome Butcher, San Roque 4. Coffee and Bar Sands, Garapan 5. VFW Club, Garapan 6. Ace Hardware Retail, San Vicente 7. Ace Hardware Retail, Gualo Rai 8. Relox Bar, Garapan 9. Mobil Retail, Garapan 10. Mobil Retail, Koblerville 11. Western Wholesale, Susupe 12. I Love Saipan 102, Garapan 13. JC Marketing Wholesale, Gualo Rai 14. New Majestic Restaurant, Garapan 15. LC Market, Gualo Rai 16. LC Butcher, Gualo Rai 17. The Water Company, Lower Base 18. Lao Lao Bay - The Store, Kagman 19. Lao Lao Bay - Black Ruby Karaoke, Kagman 20. Panda House Waffles, Garapan P.O. Box 500409 CK, Saipan, MP 96950 Telephone: (670) 234-8950 Ext.
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