BEH Establishment Ratings January 2020”
PRESS RELEASE Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 1 Lower Navy Hill Road, Navy Hill, Saipan, MP 96950 February 20, 2020 CHCC-PR-20-049 10:00AM ChST FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “CHCC BEH Establishment Ratings January 2020” During the month of January 2020, the Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation (CHCC) Bureau of Environmental Health (BEH) conducted sanitary inspections on retail, eating, and drinking establishments. Through this release, we are providing the names of establishments by inspection grade, and the names of establishments which were ordered to close for serious violations of health and sanitation standards. For these establishments, we provide the suspension date and the date they were certified to resume operations. Food Safety Rating classifications are based on a score of 0-100. • 90-100: Grade A • 80-89: Grade B • 70-79: Grade C • >69: Closure/Suspension Grade A: 47 Establishment(s) 1. I-Hop, Garapan 2. Gold Beach Retail, Garapan 3. Sura Restaurant, Garapan 4. Saipan Panda Store, Garapan 5. Tang Ji Restaurant, Gualo Rai 6. The Airstream Café, Susupe 7. Shirley’s Restaurant, Susupe 8. Shirley’s Restaurant, Garapan 9. Pacific Star Wholesale, Gualo Rai 10. Ador Restaurant, San Antonio 11. San Antonio Supermarket, San Antonio 12. Char’s Thrifty Store, Chalan Laulau 13. Country House Restaurant, Garapan 14. J&N Mart, Tanapag 15. Grand Mini Mart, Gualo Rai 16. Judy’s Café, As Lito 17. Everest Kitchen, Garapan 18. Marianas Meat Harvesting, Lower Base 19. Kensington Hotel, San Roque (inclusive of 8 establishments) I. Main Kitchen P.O. Box 500409 CK, Saipan, MP 96950 Telephone: (670) 234-8950 Ext.
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