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26_169841 bindex.qxd 2/29/08 2:58 PM Page 365 Index addition law, for limits, 345 Symbols and Numerics additive identity, 14 > (greater than), 21 additive inverse property, 14 ≥ (greater than or equal to), 21 advanced identities, described, 195 < (less than) symbol, 21 Algebra, Fundamental Theorem of, 82–83, 95 ≤ (less than or equal to), 21 algebra, labeling and expressing ellipses, θ (theta) 269–270 graphing calculator, entering as a variable algebra I and II, compared to pre-calculus, 10 in, 251–252 Algebra I and II Workbook For Dummies as the input of a trig function, 147 (Sterling), 240, 356 length of radius, 243 Algebra II For Dummies (Sterling), 240 as plotting point, 244 algebraic expressions, simplifying, 178 theta prime, as the name given to the algebraic method, to find limit, 342–345 reference angle, 141 amplitude in trig functions, 125 changing, 160–163, 168–169 2 x 2 matrix, inverse of, 310 defined, 160 2(π) radian, 150 period, compared to, 165 3 x 3 system of equations, and Cramer’s positive values of, 161 rule, 314 sine functions, 161–163 30-60 triangle, 132–133, 135 transformations, combining, 167–170 45er triangle, 131–132, 138 analytical method for finding a limit, 360, convenience of, 120 341–342 AND statement, 25 angle(s) • A • arc as, 145 central, 145–146 AAS (Angle Angle Side) triangle, solving, common, 128–129 218, 220–221 correct placement, 134–136 absolute value, 13, 22–24, 36, 48 cosine of, 122–123 absolute-value functions, 36 in degrees, 197 acceleration, moving objects with, 338 doubling the trig value of, 205–207
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