Adventure Fund Proposal 2020

Berowra and Kayaking

Ivan Dovana

Funds Requested: $300

Floatplane over (Ivan Dovana)

Adventure Fund Proposal – Berowra and Hawkesbury River Kayaking


1. Berowra Creek and the Hawkesbury River are located 40km to the north of the CBD among the Marramarra, Mougamarra and Ku-ring-gai Chase National Parks. Although close to the city, the majority of the river system is remote and inaccessible by road. The waterways and surrounding lands are steeped in indigenous, colonial and Worlds War II history.


2. A sea kayaking trip on Berowra Creek and Hawkesbury River provides an entry level adventure which is awe-inspiring, physically challenging and intellectually stimulating. The trip can be tailored as a 3 or 4 day unsupported expedition as follows:

a. Day 1 (pm). Load boat trailer and drive to interim camp at Belanglo State Forest.

b. Day 2 (am). Drive to and unload trailer. Conduct car shuffle to leave vehicle/trailer at Brooklyn Parsley Bay Boat Ramp.

c. Day 2 (pm). Paddle to, and camp at Doughboy Beach.

d. Day 3 (am). Paddle via Bar Island, HMAS Parramatta, to Eagle Rock.

e. Day 3 (pm).

i. Option 1. Return to Parsley Bay Boat Ramp, load trailer and return to Canberra.

ii. Option 2. Paddle to and camp at Hallets Beach, Hungry Beach or Flint and Steel Beach.

f. Day 4 (am). Paddle to Parsley Bay Boat Ramp load trailer and return to Canberra.

2 Adventure Fund Proposal – Berowra and Hawkesbury River Kayaking

Doughboy Beach (Ivan Dovana) Bar Island Chapel (Ivan Dovana)

3. Participants will paddle from 10-20km per day. With very few sea kayaking trips currently being conducted by the club, this activity will assist in creating a small cadre of members with the confidence and experience to organise multi-day expeditions on inland waterways.


4. The intent is to conduct the activity over any 3-4 day period during daylight savings (4 Oct 20 – 4 Apr 21) with a preference for 2020 outside school holidays.

Deerubbin Lookover, Muogamarra National Wreck of HMAS Parramatta (Wikipedia) Park (


5. This activity can proceed with a minimum of 4 and maximum of 7 participants. Maximum number is predicated on supervision, ability to maintain COVID-19 physical distancing, and availability of double and single kayaks.

6. Participation is open to any club member but will favour members who have actively contributed to the club.

7. Participant must be able to swim, have paddling experience and fitness to conduct the activity. If required, training trips on Lake Burley Griffin will be conducted prior to the trip to build up participant’s kayaking skills and endurance.

3 Adventure Fund Proposal – Berowra and Hawkesbury River Kayaking

Royal Australian Navy complex at Hungry Beach Refuge Beach ( (Wikipedia)


8. $300 to subsidise a hire vehicle, and free gear hire are requested. A hired 12 seater van can tow the club trailer and carry the majority of participants while maximising physical distancing. Participants will be required to cover the costs for the remainder of vehicle hire, fuel and food. Depending on number of participants, individual contribution is estimated as being between $116-$165.

No of participants 4 7 Vehicle hire $560 Subsidy -$300 Fuel and Tolls $200 Subtotal $460 Per/participant $115 $66 Food $50 Cost per participant $165 $116

4 Adventure Fund Proposal – Berowra and Hawkesbury River Kayaking

Personal Equipment

9. Each participant will require the following:

a. Paddling gear

i. Kayak (single or double)

ii. PFD

iii. Deck

iv. Paddle

b. Paddling clothes

i. Clothing suitable for warm and inclement weather

ii. Booties, canvas shoes or thongs

iii. Hat, gloves, sunglasses

c. Camping clothes (including emergency thermals)

d. 2 x light sources

e. Water (minimum 2L per day)

f. Food and snacks (4 day trip)

i. 3 x breakfast

ii. 4 x lunch

iii. 3 x dinner

g. Camping gear including:

i. Sleeping bag and mat

ii. Tent (may be shared by family/household group)

iii. Stove

iv. Cutlery and crockery

h. Toiletries including:

i. Personal first aid

ii. Space blanket

iii. Sunscreen

iv. Toilet paper

5 Adventure Fund Proposal – Berowra and Hawkesbury River Kayaking

i. Towel

j. Money

k. Dry bags/waterproofing for all gear.

Group Equipment

10. The group will require the following:

a. Navigation equipment


c. Mobile phone

d. First aid kit

e. Boating gear (1 per boat)

i. Throw rope

ii. Sponge

iii. Pump

11. Spare paddle.

Kayaking Safety Plan

12. Context. Although Berowra Creek and the Hawkesbury River are sheltered inland waterways, key hazards include:

a. Boat traffic. Predominantly on the Hawkesbury River from Bar Island to Brooklyn.

b. Strong currents. Predominantly in narrow sections at Milsons Passage, Hawkesbury River Bridge, and Railway Bridge.

c. Strong winds and tides. Predominantly in wider sections exposed to the Pacific Ocean downstream from Brooklyn.

d. Submerged oyster leases. Predominantly in the sheltered sections of the Hawkesbury River tributaries.

13. There is mobile reception on the Hawkesbury River, with little-to-no mobile coverage in Berowra Waters and other tributaries. There are a number of shacks and holiday houses along the river which may or may not be inhabited.

14. Risk controls. The activity will be conducted in accordance with the ANU Mountaineering Club Safety Policies and Procedures. In addition:

a. Weather and tide forecasts will be checked regularly while in mobile reception paying particular attention to thunderstorms, swell and/or strong winds.

6 Adventure Fund Proposal – Berowra and Hawkesbury River Kayaking

b. A warning time will be logged with a responsible person and updated daily when within mobile reception.

c. Participants must be able to exit an inverted kayak and conduct an assisted on- water entry.

d. To improve visibility and to render assistance with minimum delay, the group will travel in a tight formation whenever possible.

e. To minimise collision risk and traffic disruption, kayaking will occur close to shoreline wherever possible.

f. If conditions deteriorate, the group will exit the river at the closest landing point. In emergency, assistance may be sought from other boat users and/or local residences.

COVID-19 Safety Plan

15. To minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission, the following processes will be applied to this trip:

a. Individuals must not participate if:

i. they are feeling unwell or have flu-like symptoms

ii. they have travelled internationally, been to a COVID-19 hotspot or been exposed to a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case in the past 14 days

iii. their health is considered high risk, and/or

iv. local restrictions prohibit the travel.

b. Individuals must minimise interaction with other people and maintain at least 1.5m physical distancing. There will be no stops at shops or restaurants on this trip, except the option for take-away food.

c. If more than one person is travelling in the same vehicle:

i. they must sit as far apart as possible

ii. external ventilation must be used, and

iii. they must wear masks in accordance with most up-to-date health policies.

d. If handling common equipment, individuals must:

i. wash their hands before and after with soap and water or an alcohol-based solution

ii. not touch their face during the activity, and

iii. disinfect commonly touched surfaces with soap and water or an alcohol- based solution at completion.

7 Adventure Fund Proposal – Berowra and Hawkesbury River Kayaking

e. participants must not share tents unless within a family group (or equivalent)

f. personnel are encouraged to use the COVIDsafe app and/or keep a diary of personal interactions during the travel.

g. Participants may be requested to minimise personal interactions and out-of- Canberra travel for the week prior to the activity.