A quadrilateral has four sides and four vertices or .

© 2007abcteach.com POLYGONS– QUADRILATERAL A quadrilateral has four sides and four vertices. vertices. sides and four has four A quadrilateral

A rhombus has four equal sides. A rhombus is a kind of . Because all the sides are equal , the rhombus has sides. A is a rhombus.

© 2007abcteach.com POLYGONS– QUADRILATERAL A quadrilateral has four sides and four vertices. vertices. sides and four has four A quadrilateral

A rectangle has four equal angles. All of the angles are right angles. A rectangle is a kind of parallelogram. It has two pairs of parallel sides.

© 2007abcteach.com POLYGONS– QUADRILATERAL Square A quadrilateral has four sides and four vertices. vertices. sides and four has four A quadrilateral

A square is a special kind of rectangle that is also a rhombus. A square has four equal angles and four equal sides. A square is a kind of parallelogram. It has parallel sides.

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POLYGONS– QUADRILATERAL Parallelogram A quadrilateral has four sides and four vertices. vertices. sides and four has four A quadrilateral

A parallelogram has two pairs of opposite, parallel sides. A square is a parallelogram. A rectangle is a parallelogram. A rhombus is a parallelogram.

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POLYGONS– QUADRILATERAL Isosceles A quadrilateral has four sides and four vertices. vertices. sides and four has four A quadrilateral

Two of the opposite sides of an are parallel. Two ends of each parallel side have equal angles and equal length.

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A has three sides and three angles.

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POLYGONS—TRIANGLES A triangle has three sides and three vertices. A triangle has three sides and vertices.

An equilateral triangle has three equal sides. It also has three equal angles.

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POLYGONS—TRIANGLES Isoceles Triangle A triangle has three sides and three vertices. A triangle has three sides and vertices.

An has two equal sides. It also has two equal angles.

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POLYGONS—TRIANGLES Scalene Triangle A triangle has three sides and three vertices. A triangle has three sides and vertices.

A scalene triangle has three inequal sides. It also has three inequal angles.

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POLYGONS—TRIANGLES A triangle has three sides and three vertices. A triangle has three sides and vertices.

A right triangle has one 90° .

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POLYGONS—TRIANGLES Obtuse Triangle A triangle has three sides and three vertices. A triangle has three sides and vertices.

An obtuse triangle has one angle 90° or larger.

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POLYGONS—TRIANGLES Acute Triangle A triangle has three sides and three vertices. A triangle has three sides and vertices.

An acute triangle has all of its angles 90° or smaller.

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A pentagon has five sides. A regular pentagon has five equal sides and five equal angles.

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A hexagon has six sides. A regular hexagon has six equal sides and six equal angles.

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An octagon has eight sides. A regular octagon has eight equal sides and eight equal angles.

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A curved shape usually has one side, no other lines, no vertices, and no angles.

© 2007abcteach.com CURVED SHAPES A curved shape has no angles. A curved

A circle has one . It has no edges, no vertices, no angles. All the parts of the circle line are the same distance from the center.

© 2007abcteach.com CURVED SHAPES Oval A curved shape has no angles. A curved

An oval has one line. It has no edges, no vertices, no angles. It is egg-shaped.

© 2007abcteach.com CURVED SHAPES Crescent A curved shape has no angles. A curved

A crescent is made by two intersecting .

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