-Americans, Relatives Leave Cuoo- Remedy Sought 88 Yanks Refurn In Firsf Casflo-OKd Airlilf rDr Foul Tasle NEW ORLEANS '" - "I am the luck­ 'Ibe airlift was to continue UDtiJ th up­ said informed enly 'hIesd y iest airl alive," exclAimed a housewife. ereUon WII5 tomplae. dae be I tied to les"e CUba . In Citfs Water "Freedom. fre«Iom." multem1 an«b. Tbe first arrh' ,speakln, excitedly ill 'II man from the ernlgralioa ~ er woman, two IIDIII cbildren daoIlinJ EntUm and S ' . re ~ed by boeted at the door and ,a,'e me the City and Vai " y Wlter olficia do from her arms. IOIlIe 100 Cuban patriots wavint banners cood new .. &be said. "I was packed DOt know why the ter here iJ !astin, "I want to begin I new liCe in this free and sineing the CUban II&tional anthem. an hour." bad these days, but !hey say t Is safe for country," said a well-dressed aeeoImtant 'I'M Stlte Depa,rtmel)t rutrided inter· Lopez said each upatriat was aD drinkin,. who mi&bl have been mistaken for I trav. views. But ODe of those pmnltted to ed to carry out 10 pouJId.s 01 penonaJ be­ 'ell B. Fisher, aanila1)' engirwrin, eon· eUnl executive. talk, Raul Lo~ a Cuban acCountant who loogin . sultant for the pIIysical plant. said the These outbursts typified the joyfUl re­ married I Los An 1es woman in taS8, peall.inl 01 eondilions in Communist foul Iaste first up Dec. 19. and Ictlon Thunday of III AmerIcan c:itilens told of tile IDOI1tbs of lllIious tin, and Cuba.. Lopez, deJcribin: himself I cert· that were beinr made en the t r and relaUves, the fU'6t 1.0 he a.irlifted from !.be bard6hips. ified public acc:ountant. said: "In Cuba to ddmniDe the ea Communist Cube to U.s, IOU with the "WIJrn you 6JlI'US a desire to lean right DOW you don 't starve. Yau ha\e ra­ To clear up the laste and odor boih th consent of Prime Minister Fidel CuUo. Cuba you must quit your job," Lopel, tions and some Urnes )'OU t food from city IIId Cnivenity water plants ha, e epo They were part of a group 1ft 1110 Amer­ II&ttiIy attired, aaid. other 1OUJ'eeS." )Jed up their n trulment ",ith addi· of penni!. t Uooal cban:ooaJ filterin,. Ican Ind 1,1120 their relatives "I have ~o out 01 ark two or tb IbOUt sourtb, I"tItreIy "We do f I the a er today" mucl! ted to ~ave CUbe for the United States years. But my father - an elderly man shnIceed alld then added: "You don't after tedious MlOtIatlolll between the let much proteJn throu,h oCIicibl better than it .... Wednesday," F" with a private practlce - has helped me lIid Thunday. State Department and ea.stro's eoyem. aod Ill)' famUy." ~ . '" ment. Queriec1 on why he would 'Ive up corn- He said I JI06Sible expllJllllon for the Some well4ressed and others In thread­ Lopez said be reeeived a bachelor's de­ fortable Ih'in, in Cuba to life e wte "1$ that the nter Row It the Coral· bare clothing and carryin, taUered lu,· cree from Emory University in Atlanta, where, Lopez replied: "I Just didn't like ville Dam If adi\l$ted, m~ In, sta,nant cage, they debarked from I jet after In Ga. He and hi wife, Gloria, hne two Commun' living. I made the dec' ion wlter which bu been hin, in poe . He intermediate layover in Merida, Mexico. childnn - Raul Jr.. 4, Ind Gloria, 5. not Cor mlterial re . I person.ally u.id siDce here 11'1$ DO recent ralnlall th re The bl, plane returned immediately to Mrs. Lopez, who hadn't een the Unit· don'l like a eollecllve &y5tem. I think an eould be no enxIed material in \be water. Merida for another load of p8S1elllers, ed states since her boneyDlOOll in 1t59, individual h certain ri&hta." oil Iowan Serving the and the People of Iowa CitU ------~-Eltablbhed In 1868 10 cent. I copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wlrepboto 10Wi City, Iowa-Friday, December 30, ]96&

NEWS IN u.s. Circuit Court Sets ARRIVING IN THE FIRST PLANELOAD of Am.rlclna to IlIvI Cubl with Filial Cas· tro'. con lint I. Rlul Lopll .nd hi. loll lpop.totint IOn Rlul, 4, at thl NIW Orlllni Ilr. POrt Thur.day, Loper .nd hi. flmlly Irl preparing to I.IVI for MI.ml, BRIEF - AP Wlraphota Desegregation Rules NEW YORK I.ft - After her husband', a sasslnatlon, Mrs. John F. Kennedy wrote then SOviet Premier Khrushchev she was NEW ORL ANS, La. '" - A red rll sure President Johnson would continue I appealJ court t a slrl t pat rn Thur policy of "control and restraint" In rda· day for d lrelatlon of the South'l public tlons between the two countries. Mrs. Ken­ Sellool Desegregation Guides achoola and aid all ,rid Ihould be open VietI. Dock Strike to Neeroes next fill. nedy mode the statement In a letter from the White House in late November, 1963. "The clock ha ticked the la t lick for A spokesman for the Kennedy family con· Studied By LBJ At Ranch tokenl m and delly in the nlm of dell· firmed Thursday that this letter would berate lpeed," th 5th U. . Circuit Court appear in the Look magazine serlaJltlltion AUSTIN I.f\ - Pc ident Johnson tudied WII5 de ribcd I a re u1ar exchan e of or Appeals Mid in ill VI PlIIg ion. Fails--No Support of \ii/llam Manchester', book "Th Death thC' con trover lal school de egr galion view before I n w amhassador dcparta Tha court', landmark oplnlon accepted of a Presiden!." lIuidelin Thursday, discli&Sed U,S.·SOvl t for his po t. SAIGON (A'I - A call for a 12·hour gen· ualties on a detachment of 170 cavalrymen the COlltrovcr.1aJ ,uld Un I up by the eral strike in Saigon failed Friday to win Tue day. relaUona and worked on his legl lalive AI at th~ ranch w Bill D. Moyers, Department or HealLb, Educatloll and Wei· widespread support from Vietnamese union There wa· sporadic fighting again in WASHINGTON* WI * - Approxh".'lly* prollram . who has been working on the administra· fare IliEW> u the I III ataadard. workers and brought only minor disruption the coastal Craw's Foot region 280 miles 22 million men, woman .net child"," Th e were among th 1I0vernm ntal tlon's lelli lathe prouam lor th n w Item at hi de k at the LBJ llanch we t Con The auid line bave been under attack in the capital. northeast of Saigon, and the cavalrymen or one out of .very nIne Amlrlc.nl, by many Soulhtrn con r men and olher Only a few hundred electricity and tex· called In air strikes and artillery. But .r. recelvlnt monthly SocI.1 Sl(urlty of here. assistant pI' BCCretary Tom foy rs will run lion for a whi! al Johnson laid report 1'1. political leaders who contend HEW is tile mill workers joined in support of a enemy losses were stili undetermined at check,. This .ltlml'l Wit m.c!t by in hi old job pr ccrelary hlle pubhln, deIe,re,lti n fa t I' nd furth I' five-day·old strike of 5,000 stevedOres at nighlCali. U.S. casualties were reported Socl.1 Securlty Comml ..'oner ROMrt A vi Itor al the ranch wa Llewellyn E. Georg Chri tlan I in th h pltal recuper­ than \be courts ordered. Saigon port. light . M. Bin, who told I newl conNranc' Thompson, the new U.S. amba ador to atin, (rom .pinal ur,erY. th.t benefit plymenh nellt Y'" would the SOviet Union. Guidiline. Not Blnd!n, The only noticeable dislocation was the B52 jets bombed a Communist troop cen· Chri tian, 0, new pre retary, un· "The auidellnes, of course, cannot bmd cutting off of electricity in private resi· ter in Blnh Thuan Province, on the central rlae by $6 billion to • tot.1 of $25 Thompa;on, who repl ced Foy D. Kohler. derwent what wa de ribed a a suece s­ billion. the COUJi8," the decl Ion Id "W lI'e not dences in some sections of the city. Public coa t 21 miles northeast of Phon Thiet, now depUty unde rctary or .t te for ful operation Thursday morn Ina. SUrgeona abdlcatlnl Iny Judicial respoNibllitie . But transportation and other services were not thc provincial capital. polilical aHairs, I e~pected to arrive In removed an extruded fragment o( a di c ~e hold that HEW' ••tandlnl. Ire ub· affected. 2 Hllicopttra Down CHICAGO* I.f\ - Mayor * Richard* Daley Moscow on Jan. 11. Hi visit with Johnson that wu pre sinl again t • nerve. atantally the lame IS this court', &land· Traffic NOrmal 11 other air activity. the U.S. Command heard the Democratic party's call to seek a Irds." Traffic appeared nearly normal and fourth term, and reapoJlded, '" wit! be a announced Communist ground fi re downed HEW t the lIuidelines as thetandard shops, markets and business establishments two Army helicopters Wednesday. The five candidale for re-election." Daley, 114, now opened as usual. ending t2 years as mayor, saId he could acbool ,y tern &IIould meet in ord I' to crewmen of one were injured. Copter gun· remlln eJleible for federal ald. often a Union leaders claimed at the outset that ners. seeking to cut down the movement find "no ,realer satisfaction than to help bl, item In school bud.elB. 50,000 workers stayed away from jobs but of Viet Cong supplies on waterways south make Chleago one of the create t cities in the early hours fewer than 1,000 workers of Saigon, said they destroyed 22 more in the worhl." A major factor leadinl to th appeal were reported striking. The action appear· enemy sampans. Low clouds and rain court's special hcarin, IIIU that some rc· ed to be Collowlng the pattern of other again restricted American raids on the .Islin, .ystems, In efforts to circumvent LONDON* WI - *Brltl.h K_mlill * HEW auld Iln ,were u In, fed rll courts recent general strike calls meeting with Communist North. exprtlllCl Ie., Thursd.y of • rec ...lon little success. IS hlelds. Federll destuegallon ord , The Navy announced all three of its In the U.S, that could ..rlou.ly threlten In contra I to the (UideUne , usually I ft In miliary action in Viet Nam. Troopers nuclear·powered surface ships, which make world traclt In 1H7. The Ixperts, prl· of the U.S. 1st Cavalry Airmobile Division procedum and detail up to Ih local up Task Force One, are now on station V.tl .nd IOVlmm.ntll, Ire un.nlmoul board. caught up Thursday with some elements of in the Gulf of Tonkin off North Viet Nsm. In conllcltrlnt the U.S, the linchpin .f North Viet Nam's 22nd Regiment, whose The frigate Bainbridge joined the cruiser world trilla Ind it. lconomlc hellth .. "In Loul lana 1I0ne 20 school boards regulars overran and Inflicted heavy cas· Long Beach and the aircraft carrier Enter· vlt.1 to Great Brft.ln. obtained quick decrees provldinll for de­ seare,atlon according to plalll areally at prise, one of the carriers laUnching planes varlanet with the auidelines," the court for bomblng of the North . OMAHA* I.f\ - Ousted* University *of Oma· aid. Age Limit For Marriage Campaigning in the interval between two ha President Leland Traywick filed suit Seven C.... Invefvld holiday truces, allied soldiers sl!Cking in District Court Thursday askin, $31,396 Seven CUCI were Involved in the pe­ In India To Be Raised their Communist adversaries across SOuth in severance pay. Traywick, who was fired e1al hearing. A proposed dccrte t forth Viet Nam generally had little uccess : Wednesday on grounds of Idminlstratlve for district jud,es applies in each ca e - NEW DELHI (A'I - Tbe Indian govern· • U.S. Marines hunted Red mortar men ineffectiveness, declared in the sullthBt he and sets legal precedent for any other simi· ment, trying desperately to control the size who rained more than 200 shells Wednes· had performed his duties In a proper and lar case anywhere In the nation. of its population - growing by 30,000 a day night on two Marine positions four to elficient manner and was wllllng to per· "The provisions or the decree are [n­ day, is considering prohibiting women un· six mile south oC the demilitarl~ Wne. Corm pre identlal duties [or the duralion der 21 [rom marrying. tended, I. far as possible. to apply unl· Spokesmen said American casualties were of his contract, wbich expires Jan. 31, fonnly throughout this circuit in cues The present minimum age requirement moderate In one of the barrages, against 1968. !nvolvln. plans based on Cr choice of lor females is 16 although this law is ig· two artillery batteries. and light in the achools," the decision said. nored in thousands of villages where no other, against a unit of the 3rd Marlne DETROIT* WI -* A CI~ult *Court Regiment's command post. Iud .. th," ovt Detroit'. __lied School boards involved were those of birth, marriage or death records are kept. Jefferson County, Fairfield and Bessemer • Soldiers of the U.S. 1st Infantry Divi· "hemto'llmln rI,hts • r din I " c .," A government statement Thursday said sion reported they found seven enemy dead in Alabama, alld the Lou! iana parishes - the proposai would be discussed at next which .1I0wed • ,..11cItnt til ..II hll counties - of Caddo, Bossier, Jackson and after a firefight 21 miles north of Saigon. houll - or lilt ..II it - til IIIY'M If week's meeting of the official Central • Deep in the Mekong River delta. thou· Claiborne. Family PlanniDg Council. hll choosing. The lud,1 ..Id the ordln· sands of Vietnamese government troops .ncl 'Mil Unclllltltutionil 1Iec.1III ., In these and other school systems. lhe The stateme~t said the new age limita· probed canals and rice paddies vainly for Its "axeesllvl VIIUlllftS." court said. desegregalion was accepted as tions had been suggested by various significant contact with the Viet Congo The a settled constitutional question but resu Its states. No estimate was made of how much sweep·and-destroy operation, which includ· were meager. the birth rate could be reduced if worn· ed a parachute jump by airborne troopers FORECAST "'lbe tatlstics speak eloquently. In 1965, en were not aUowed to marry until reach· Tuesday, seemed to be going the way of the public lCbool districts in the consoli· ing 21. But the statement said previous most of i~ predecessors in that stalemated P.rtly cloudy ted.y and not .. clld. dated cases now before this court had a studies indicated the rate could be lowered theater of war. The count of enemy dead S.turdly p.rtIy cloudy to clludy .!IIi sch.ool population o[ 155,782 lCbool chll· from 12 to 50 per cent by lixlng the mini· remained thaI which was reported Wed· eelder. HI,hs ted.y 201 northHlt til dren , 58,361 of whom were Nego. Yet un· mum age at 20. nesday, 89. lower lOs IX~ southwe". der the existin, court-approved deseare­ i, galion plans, only 1to Negro children in these diatricts. 0.19 of the school popula· tion, Itlend former 'white' schooiJ." ", 1,: ,Powell's Wife Skips House Hearing; University Gets Risks Contempt Charge, Salary Loss $5,000 Grant WASHINGTON (II - Mrs. Adam Clay· If Mrs. Powell does not appear, Hays tion of the law requiring that a congres­ ton PoweU did Dot respond Thursday to a said. he will urge the subcommittee to sional aide work either in Washington or second request to testify at a congres· recommend that she be removed from in the member's own diatrict. For Teaching lional hearing. She risks a contempt ci· Mrs. Powell wu 8 $6,CJOO.a·year em­ the House payroll and cited for contempt tation and the loss of her $2O,5O().a·year ploye in Powell's co.ngressioDal office Three dlstinguished teacllers at the Uni· job on Powell's staff. of Congress. wben they were married seven years ago. versity will recleve $1,000 awards given by The House Administration subcommit: Hays said Mrs. Powell had been servo She has lived in Puerto Rico since the tee looking into Powell's payroll and trav· ed with a subpoena ordering her to ap­ birth of her son but remains on the pay· !.be Standard Oil (Indiana I FoundatlOll, eI expenditures gave her one more chance pear Dec. 19. When she did not keep that roll as one of his hlghest·paid staffers. Inc., durin. this academic year. to appear Friday morning before the Powell, a New York Democrat, has reo date, pleading Illness and lack of time to The foundation 's grant includes an addi· hearings conclude. make travel arrangements, Thursday's sponded to past criticism of this arrange· But Rep. Wayne L. Hays CD-Ohio ), hearing was scheduled. ment by declaring that many congressmeb tional $2,000 to be tiled in any Vlay ap­ chairman of the subcommittee, made it had relatives on their payron. and that proved by Pres. Howard R. Bowen. clear be had litUe expectation that Mrs. Hays released copies of cablegrams Mrs. Powell helped with hi, mail from 8cnmI said that the $2,000 would be Powell would make the trip Crom her from Mrs. Powell's Puerto Rican attorn· Puerto Rican conatituenta in Harlem. Puerto Rican home. eyS saying they had received no official The congressman and his wife reportedly deposited In the President's EducatiOllai "It looks like a big stall to me," Hays notice of Thursday's hearing: Ire estranged. Powell has spent nearly aU Fund "for use in supporting educational t.i WHEN THE COLD bItet the .,... and 1M wfnd..... _ stlntl the 'yes, smlrt told newsmen. ''That's not true," said Bays. the time since Congress adjourned at his and cultural projects whieb are worthy He said she had offered to testify Jan. Hays said the subcommittee wanted to fishing retreat in the Bahamas. He turnet1 clo .. to the protect""' of llulhlntl Ind their brick Willi. Thil lady ...yed cIT ...... ". ".y but have r.ot been budgeted." The vant 5, but the subcommittee goes out of bus· find out what Mrs. Powell did to earn down a request to testify at the Hays dote to the comar If • Iiewntown drut ...,. whlio .w.itlnt • ride Thursdiy Ifter· is "a vel')' nice Christmas Jdft to the Uni· ~ ~ iness Jan. 3. her .alary and whether she was in viola- bearines...... - Photo by Martin Ltvl.. Y~." Bowea said. • 1he-1)al1y Iowan Famous quotes Gives Aid To Students- of year 1966 AND COMMENT University Faces Draft Law are reviewed By A. J. PARRINO - \ -- By ART BUCHWALD Stiff Wrltwr PAOl2 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, I"' IOWA CITV, IOWA Samuel J. Curnow, assistant registrar, WASHINGTON - Many things were said recently that University officials II said In 1966 that people are now sorry well as local draft boards faced IIeveral for . How would you like to have been the problems in fllling drolt quotas. person who said: Curnow, whose work for the Univenit, No news To Adam Clayton Powell? "Look, Adam, includes student selective service pr0b­ Madison Square Garden in New possible to find new ways to appeal don't pay tbe $167,000 libel Judgment. lems, commented on a variety of JaMl: She can·t do a thing to you," student classifications, righta and privi­ York seats just under 18,000, and by to the reason of ])resident Johnson To David Merrick? "Listen, Davd, I leges of full-time college students and !be : eight o'clock on the evening of Thur - and his adherents, almo t futile to have a great idea for a Broadway show. falrness of the present draft system. day, December 8, late-comers were call upon their honor and humanity, Why don't you take Truman Capote's CI.sslflcatlon Problems 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' and make a mus­ .. scouring the balcony and main floor There was no news in Dr. Myrdal's Curnow thought that the greateat pr0b­ Ical out of iU" lem concerned student classlIicatlolll. 'I'Dt _ in search of single seats. SA E had meticulous recitation, nation by na­ To George Hamilton? "All you have to problem occurs when a student milia sold out tlle house for a pre-Christmas tion, of America's utter friendlessness do is tell the American people why you being considered for his next academk have to support your mother, and every· peace rally dedicated to ending the in the world today, and the Times year because be is two or tbree boun one will understand ." .hort of being a sophomore, junior etc. pointless and heartless killing in Viet probably knew (though to the audi­ To BiU Paley, chair­ The draft board interprets this a. I IJck - Nam. There were a number of speak­ ence it came as a small ema shock) man of the board of of academic progress, and the .tudent r1IDI CBS? "Mr. Paley, the the risk of losing his 2·S deferment. :: ers - some of them men whose names that Sweden has placed the United Yankees can't help but are Instantly recognized a\1 over the States on a list of irresponsible coun­ win the pennant this Curnow said that with the great need fQr men, draft boards are starUn, III Jd. : Western world: Gunnar Myrdal, who tries to which it will sell no imple­ year." To President Lyndon here closely to the regulations that coa. had flown from Sweden to attend ments of war. Baines Johnson? "Mr. .titute a 2-S deferment. U the student doe! the meeting, I. F. Stone, Norman However, when close to 18,000 President, when you get not meet these regulations, his draft board has tbe right to classify him 1-A. Thomas. Pete Seeger sang; Ossic Da­ New Yorkers gather on a midweek 8 look at those popular­ ity poLIs at the end of "In order to be granted a 2-5 deftr· viti took the microphone and co,L'(cd evening to let it be known that they 1966 you'll be the hap- ment," Curnow said, "the registrant mUll a collection out of the crowd. are sickened and driven 'to despair piest man in the United BUCHWALD have entered college at the fir.t oppor· Next morning, some copies of the by the horrors committed in their States." tunity after completion of high school, lIDI To Secretary Robert McNamara? "All including the summer, and he mUlt be • late edition of The New York Times name, it would seem that a "news_ we have to do is bomb the Viet Cong sup­ full time student, and he mU8t make DOr· carried a 2-lnch notice of this occa­ paper of record" should take due ply trails and the North Vietnamese will mal progress . R.qulrements Expilln.d sion on page 32. To people who notice of the fact. Or do the editors come crawling to us on their knees ." SAMU EL J. CURNOW, assistant registrar, dlscusslS Issue. In".IVld In cl ...lty l", "In the first year, he must be a fresh­ To Secretary of State Dean Rusk? "I .Iudenl. under the present sllective strvlc. syttm, Curnew'. dutl.. Includl h.n· ,. phoned in protest, the Times explain­ of The New York Times think it a can assure you. Mr. Secretary, De Gaulle man, in the second year, he mUlt be • dling .tudent draft problems for the University. - Phttl Ity T, I, R.ft.ry ... ed: "Noth~g ncw was said." Well, common practice for Americans to would never ask the American troops to liophomore and so forth. If he at any lime cancels jlis registration, even though be perhaps not. It is difficult to find new gather in a great assembly and cry leave France." To Governor Pat Brown? "Pat, the only , might again start full time pursuit, be has ways to describe what the United out that their country is wading deep way to beat Reagan is to smear him with actually lost his right to his classiIicatiOll, States is doing in Southeast Asia, im- in abomination? The Nation a John Birch label." or if he bas reduced his subject load tD To Mayor John Lindsay? "Don't give in Chinese Begin Purge less than full time, he has lost his ri8bt to the Transport Workers Union, Mayor. to a 2-S classification." They wouldn't have the guts to strike." Curnow pointed out that if the 2·S defer­ To Mike Cowles of Look magazine? ment is lost because the registrant is abort Ugh!-water bad "Are you kidding, Mike? Jackie Kenne­ a few hours for graduation, the studenl Of 4th-Ranked Leader is entitled to a I-SC classification. Thi! i! sad indeed when the simple lem, but they are taking certain steps, dy would never sue in a million years." It Is To Lydon Baines Johnson? "As long as also true if he is short a few hours of being "great proletarian cultural revolution," ~8 tllings of life become repugnant. We including stepping up the water treat­ thc November elections are in the bag for BELGRADE, Yugoslavia IA'I - Tao classified as a member of the next highest the purge campaign is called. If he has refer, of cour e, to the quality of the ing process, to eliminate the problem. the Democrat&, why don't you take a trip Chu. who soared meteorically to a top class. rung of power in Red China during the fallen from power, the development clouds The l-SC classification says in effect that - water Iowa Citians have been forced It is at times like this Lady Bird to Manila?" To John Lennon of the BeatIes? "Have current purge movement, came under the current grim power struggle with the person is a full time student in the to consume within th last few days, Johnson's twanging, southern - style middle of an academic year, and he mUll you ever thought of making some 80rt of heavy attack Thursday in Peking and even more mystery. Officials at the Ulliver~ity Water speeches on the conservation of Amer­ paraLIel between yourselves and Jesus be allowed to finish the academic year be Christ?" seemingly Is marked for disgrace, the At the moment, Defense Minister Lin started. • Plant and tlle Iowa City Water Dept. ica's water resources takes on a spec­ To Sen. Thomas Dodd? "Why don't you Yugoslav news agency Taniug reported - seemingly Chairman Mao's heir-appar· "A I-SC classification cannot be renewed. • aren't sure what is causing the prob- ial meaning. ROil F,.oehlich sue Drew Pearson for libel and then see from China 's capItal. ent - is believed to have the upper hand. However a student who receives a 1-SC him squirm?" classification can be re-classified 2-5 H .. IIU\II DItIIIIIIIII The attack on Tao was as sensational Tao is the latest bigh leader undergoing To the secretary of thc Air Force? "Sir, he then meets the requirements of 2-S B! OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN it is absolutely impossible for us to lose in the political arena as China's fifth nu­ beavy aUack . Among the others are Liu interpreted by bis particular local clear explosion the day before had been Shaochi, the 68-year-old president of Com­ board . . . . • a hydrogen bomb from an airplane. I'm a • general and r should kndW." in the military field. His rise toward pow­ munist China, and Teng Hsiao-ping, the Student" Cholct To President Sukarno? "Mr. President, party general secretary. Many leaders "At this University, it is the student', er had been so swift thaI some observers have fallen and some were reported to own choice as to whether he wants his you ha ve no choice but to support the had marked him as a logical contender U~iversity Calendar have committed suicide, among them Lo class rank forwarded to his draft board 10 Communists. They're bound to win over for the post of general secretary of the • Jui·ching, famous revolutionary general that the draft board mayor may not lIS( thc Army, and you 'll be stronger than Chinese Communist party. ever." and former chief of the Chinese "people's his rank in helping to determine his c1assi· Monday, Jan. 2 S.turday, Jan. 7 To Ellis ArnaH, the liberal candidate Plastered With Posters liberation army." fication ." Curnow said the school does not University Holiday, offices closed. 1:30 p.m. - Gymnastics: Illinois. fot' governor? "If you can't beat Lester Tanjug reported that in the early aIter­ 'Hltl RUlli.' Clmpaign submit a student's class rank to his draft Tuesday, Jan. 3 Maddox , I'll eat all the fried chicken and noon almost all Peking was plastered While these developments were unfold· board unless the student requests it do Resumption of classes, 7: 30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. - Basklltball : Indiana. ax handles in Georgia. " with slogans denouncing Tao, the former lng, the Soviet Defense Ministry in Mos­ so in writing. • To John Roche, president of General first secretary of the party's south-central cow was complaining that Peking's lead­ Asked whether he felt the present draft Motors? "Don't worry about a thing, sir. bureau who , up to now l ranked fourth in ers had ordered an all-out "hate Russia" system was as equitable as it could be, Our people are tailing Ralph Nader at the Politburo behind Mao Tse-tung. De­ camaign. The ministry's paper, Red Star, Curnow said, "As far as the equilablJlty of • University Bulletin Board this very moment, and by the time we get fense Minister Lin Piao and Premier said "everything has been placed at the the draft is concerned, from a patriotic Unlnrslty lulletln 10lrd nollc .. must b. recelv.d ., Th. D.lIy low.n office, 201 Com­ finished with him, he'll be sorry he ever Chou En-Iai. service of anti-Soviet propaganda." point of view it is the responsibility of all muleillons C.nt.r, by noon of Ih. dlY blfore publleillon. Th.y mUll bl 'YPld Ind brought up the subiect of auto safety." Tao, in fa ct, was regarded as a top of us to defend the country. From the .llnld by In .dvlSl' or offlcer 0 !Ih. o!'l.nlullon bllng publicl ..d. Purely social funcllons leader and one of the brain s behind the The Red Star article was spread across University's point of view, it is our respon­ Ir. nol .11,lbll for Ihls ..cllon. To Stokely Carmichael? "Once the Amer. the bottom of two pages, a display reo ican people understand what you mean by sibility to provide the professional people THI SPICIAL Ph.D. German examlnaUon buslnesa, Indu strY or ~overnment durlnR the served for important statements. It clear­ will be ,Iven on Thunday, Jan. 5, rrom 1:00 - coming year. Slu denta gulnR Into service 1m· 'Biack Power,' you'll be the most popular for the defense of our country, for the 4:00 p.m. In U1A Schaerter Han. ThIs exam med .. tely after graduat"'" wlil lind re!(lstrA­ ly was a warning to Soviet military per­ running of our country, in all walks of I. tor those student. who hIve mad. prior tlon now e.peclaUy valuable aIter leavln, the Negro in America." sonnel of possible danger from the di­ arran,ementa to prepare the work prlvalely. service. To a Seventh Ave. dress manufacturer? Michigan Court life. . . . The draft boards have the re­ Brln, books and articles and m cards to the rection of China. sponsibility of filling quotas under exlsUn' .xam. All those students who plan 10 take the PARINTS COOPIRA fiVE Babysitting League: "The American women will never go for ••am mUlt register prior to Jan. 4. 103 Schaef­ For membership InfurmaUon, caU Mrs. l..oul. short skirts." "To cultivate batred for the Soviet Un· regulations. fer Hall. Hoffman, 33741148. Alembers deslrln. .lUers, Dismisses Suits , ion among servicemen, Chinese propagan­ "Our position is to report student status. caU Mrs. Horrmln. To Bobby Kennedy? "Are you going to ODD JOIS for women are avaUable at the let J. Edgar Hoover get away with that?" da is trying in every way to persuade army \ and by the same token, do what we can 10 }'lnancla1 Ald. Orftee. Hou&ekeepln. Job. Ire STUDINT. WHO WISH to have lb(lr cl ••• To J. Edgar Hoover? "Are you going to soldiers and commanders tbat the Soviet point out or demonstrate whether the stu­ available at $1.25 an hour. and baby.ltUo. Job., rank InformlUon forwarded to tbelr drari On Political .Libel Union and Americsn imperialism are 'one dent is making satisfactory progress," hI 50 cents an hour. hoardl .hould pick liP request forms In B Unl· let Bobby Kennedy get away with that?" veralty Hili. lAtorm.tton will b. sent only It Copyright (c) ItH, Th. WlShln"o" 1'011 Co. and the same thing,' " the article said. said. the reque.t of-the .tudent. DETROIT IA? - Seven libel suits seeking CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Or,lnl"Uon holds more than $11 million in damages from ", ,·b ly testimony meetln,s at 5 p,m. every THI SWIMMINI; I'OOL In the Women'. Gym· the Detroit News and three Michigan Re­ I oj. ,clay In lJ",llorlh Chapel. AU Interesled nl.lum wUi be open for reer.allunel sWim· . 1 .'ld,t. and raculty Ire welcome to Ittend. min" Monday throu,h Friday. U5 to 5:15. 'l'bls publican leaders were dismissed Thurs· II open to women gudenb, staff, raculty and Today day in Wayne County Circuit Court. Congress Finds Another Gap E[WCATION - PSYCHOLOGY Library Houra: faculty wlv.l. );" ,.CbV J'hlll'selay, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday UNION HO UU: , Nine plaintiffs , all active in Republican :.",1 ~ILurday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; IiUDcIa:r, :1 p.m. O.n.,,1 . ulldlng - 8 I.m. - 11 p.m., Sundl;" politics, accused the defendants of mali­ lu 10 p.m. Thursday; 8 Lm. - mldnl,bt, Friday Ind lilt­ on WSUI urday. cious libel in a document filed by former For McNamara To Explain State Sen . John H. Stahlin in 1962 with the MA IN LIBRARY HOURS: Monday·Frlday, 7:3U Inf. rm.flon D"k - 1 1 .01, - n p.m., Monday· • A new recording of Wagner's "Lohen­ air. . . 2 I.m.; Saturday, 7:30 I.m. - mldnl,ht; ThursdlY; 7 a.m.. midnight, Friday Ind Sat­ Slale Fair Elections Practices Commis­ urday; 9 I.m. - 11 p.m. SundlY. grin" will be offered at 6 p.m. on WSUI. WASHINGTON LfI- Congress has a new "He sits weil up on the hill. When be ~ lI!l"~Y. 1:30 p.m . • 2 8.m. sion. ~ e l "', ,. Jcsk hours: Monday - ThursdlY, 8 ItICr•• " on Are. - 8 I.m. - 11 p.m., Monday­ gap for Secretary of Defense Robert S. Mc­ talks they listen." 'i'hunday; 8 I.m . . mldnlllht, }'riday Ind liat· This musical endeavor has received criti­ a In.. H' lun.; ~'rlday . Saturday, 8 I.m. - 5 p.m. Stahlin then was candidate for the Namara to close - the pilot gap. Nevertheless, McNamara will face sharp H. OJ" " urday; 2 p.m .. 11 p.m. SundlY. cal praise and the plaudits of music lovers. a des" Iiso open Friday Ind Saturclay. 7 1 questioning on pilot shortages from memo 1-10 ~ . m. C.f.torla - I.m. . p.m. Heard in tonight's presentation will be GOP nomination for lieutenant governor, Congressional sources disclosed Thurs­ Gold F•• ,hor Room - 7 I.m. to 10:45 p,m., day that the Senate Preparedness subcom­ bers of the preparedness subcommittee. Monday - Thursday: 1 a.m. - 11:65 p.m. . ~ · rld.y · tenor Sandor Konya. soprano Lucine Ama­ and the suits grew out of a battle for con­ IMMEDIATI REGISTR"Tl ON at the Busl- 7:30 I.m. - 11:(5 p.m., Saturday; 1 p.m. - 10:.t ra. baritone William Dooley, mezzo·sopra­ trol of the party's organization in the 14th mittee plans to launch a detailed investi· which is headed by Sen. John C. Stennis n•• s and Lndustrlal PlaceOlent Office. 10% Old p.m. Sunday. gation next year into pilot shortages in the (D-Miss). U,·"I_1 Bulldlnll, (or ..nlora .nd IIrl~uate

, . I " ,"I DAILY lOWAN-1 a CIty, la.-FrtUy, OK.". ,"'-" ... ,

TOKYO III - President Ho Chi Minh o[ North Viet Nam said Tbursday that Communist CWna', successful explosion of Its filth nuclear test was "a great en· couragement to the Vietnamese people now fighting U.S. aggres· sian." In a congratulatory message to 'Chinese party Chairman Mao Tse-tung, Ho called the test "a greal contribution to the cause of safeguarding the peace." The North Vietnamese News Agency read the messal:e in I broadcast heard here Friday. lL said the message was coslgned by National Assembly Chairman Truong Chlnh and Premier Pham Van Dong. It said: H.nol Enthulilltl, "In the past year, China hal carried out three success[ul nu· clear tesLs. We are highly en· l thusiastic. This bas taken Chi· na's science and tecbnology to a Lady Bird I A Top Dresser higher level." .- a 2-8 dtfer· "It is also a greal encourage· NEW YORK III - Mrs. Lyn. to Norman Norell's clothes. shared a pot on the list "~ HINItY H, ALllItS. "...... , •• m." .._t In the c...... registrant mU$\ mcnt to the Vietnamese people don B. Johnson wa named Thurs· Mainboiher I.s the lon,- tand· cause their tastes were 0 limi· .. IUUMIt Ur'lMnietratlen, I•• -til traveltr and .vthtr .. the fil'lt opporo now figbting against U.S. ago day 10 the international be t­ ing favorite designer ot thlt on lar:' This year eighth pi ce WI fly...... - Pilot. by PIIII SttV8ll. 01 high achool, IlOl gression, for national salvation. dressed list, the fir t time she time poor lltUe rich ,!rl, Gloril given to Charlotte Ford Niarch and he must be I and La all tbe peoples of Asia, haa made it. Vanderbilt, now Mrs. WYltt alone. mUlit make 1!Or. Africa and Latin America who Also for the first time daughter Cooper, who has fourth spot. Ac!ress Sophia Loren - Mrs. are valiantly struggling for na· Lynda Bird was among the con· Lady II,. II Iftit Carlo Ponti - flU in ninth place Expl.'n'd tional liberation. It is a great tenders. Fifth berth went to 11'$, John· 1Dd , Ilke Mrs. Johnaon, • new· must be 8 Ireal!­ contribution to the cause of safe· Princess Stanislaa Lee Radtl· son. he has trimmed down to a comer to the top 12. So were , he mUlit be I guarding world peace. will topped the fashionable dOlen size 10. "A perfect model', fi" Mrs. Anaier Biddie Duke, wife of II he at any time "On behalf of the Vietnamese for 1900 .Illhough last year she ure," says Mollie Pamls. one 0{ the U,S, ambassador 10 pain, in even though be people. the Viet Nam workers, couldn't muster enough votes to the First Lady's favorite des ,". loth place, IlId Mrs, Henry Ford pursuit, he hI! the Communist party, the Na· make the list. She is the sisler of ers. Mrs. JolmJon also weir. II, the former Criatlnl AuaUn of . classificatiOD, tional Assembly and the govern. Mrs. John F. Kennedy, who made many Adele Slm;ntOn clothes. Rome, in l1lh place. subject load 10 ment oC the Democratic Repub· the list so o[len she now is in the bill, third wife oC the million- RoundinJ out the dozen "'I' bas lost hls ri&1It lie of Viet Nam we extend to you Fashion Hall of Fame. MI'$. HarUlo Thtodorlcopulo. Mrs. Alfred Gwynne Vander· the former Betsy Pickering, if. our warm congratulations and This year the committee of bilt, third wife 01 the million· if the Z.S defer· ask you to convey our Ilncere fashion editors IhaL polls the In· of a Gr ahlppinl macnlte. aire portsman. won sixth pllce Alon, with Lynda Bird , the HAL' MILLION AWARDED- registrant is short congratulations to the Cbinese dustry and compiles the Iisl also on the 1966 be t-clre. eel list, pre­ student workers, personnel, engineers IIId elevated Mrs. Kennedy's mother- abo-rans In the elelance aweep. MEDFORD, MI . til - Th lWlIably b7 wearinll costumes by Fletcher School of Law and 01· ~ssification. This ~ scientific and technical cadres. in·law, Mrs. Joseph P. Kennedy, Pauline T rig e r s, Mllnbocher, takes were Nancy Dickerson, hours of being Lltelt Bilit 11 ..,1t to tbe Fashion Hali of Fame Wa binllon newa commentator; plomacy at Tuft Unlver Ity hu Donald Brooks, Unda Hackel and Mr.. William McCormick BI.lr been awarded $500,000 by the the next hlghw "We wish you good health." .fter placing her five times In the Jacques Tiffeau. Jr., wife of the U.S .•mbassador Ford Foundation to f~bJi h • The Chinese exploded their top dozen. Seventh place went 10 Mn. fifth device Wednesday and pre· Laur,n B.call II Third to the PhilJppine., and Mrs. II'lduate leaehin. and re earch Patrick Gulnnee 5, dauahler·ln· John Sherman Cooper, wire of the program in Intern tlonal d velop­ Iiminary analysis indicated It The youngest International law of banklng·rlch Mra. Loti U.S. aenator from Kentucky. ment. was the biggest Chinese expla- fashion plate, and No. 1 on the Guinness, who also has topped sion to date. list last year, Mrs. Carter Bur- the list in the pa t. For Your L undrv Needs Japanese experts said the teat den, was second this year . The S-phl. L~ II Ninth indicated the Chinese had taken 23·year-we evenLs such II capes Thursday by prisonera economy oC some $57.8 billion • early dilCOvery and control of J WASHINGTON III - A comput· f et'ired "fever charL" (or nations falls of cabinets, strikes, purges, pushed Britain's record oC ja\]. ycar. It said the toll wa ven chonic dl a .. a un demonstrations, riots Dnd so breakers for t966 to 691 Ind no out of 10 among person 45 .nd f'Om.a in trouble - designed to predict forth . T b e s e are considered one will wager again t topplnl older. fl •• mlnul .. I ..... which will (ace internal revolt 700 by New Year's Eve. "If the prtsent trends continue, ..." , ••" , n it. L against' I d a backdrop. I dof' certain . soc- Th e rash of departure from :/J and perhaps which wLlI start la an economic n Icatlons. porous prison has compelled chronic dL ease will become In ~ (.o j vI,JR. 2 locations wars - was reported Thursday. even greater problcm," the reo In one snapshot oC 84 nation the government to take lpecial port IBid. .. ,,.Iff 316 E. Bloomington 320 E. Burlington It could produce, evenlually, a during the period oC 1955-61. the I measures, set up In quIries. In· The subcommlttce recommend· 1"U,1 co,", only nation with perfect rat· vestlgate even the prl on officers scientific yearly look al the gov· a eel federal legislation to establl h D.... II" I•• 15,tOO Ing 85 stable and internally and warn the 50 governor. of the Dollar Bill Changers "multiphasic" health screenln, 'nlur.d by P.D.I .C. ernments of the world, measure peaceful was New Zealand. At sundry jails that they Ire on the the restlessne s of the people, program ".s rap dly as Is conail' the other end oC the scale as mo t spot. tent with ,ood plannin .'. EVE RY and the elements that need cor· unstable in that period were In· The holiday hijinks which have rection to promote domestic peace donesia, Cuba, Columbia, Lao turned in lo a box5Core oC who Is The aim of the program would FR I DAY and Hungary. free and who has been recaptured be 10 detect any disease - in· and to discourage wal·fare. cluding heart trouble, diabetes, The United States was dead turned up with new statistics glaucoma, hypertension and tu· Dr. Ivo K. Feierabend, a p0- center on the scale, with the Sov. Thurst!ay anernoon. . fULL BANKING litical scientist al Washington berculosis - among apparent! let Union and Red China just Patrick Munday, 27, .ervlna a SERVICE UNTIL niversity in st. Louis, and hi to the unstable side of center. year for illegal entry and Ilrceny, wife, Rosalind, a psychologist, absconded from Drake Han open 6:00 P.M. compute dozens of items - Irom Stabl. Nltlon PI~ur,d _ nO bars _ prison WednesdlY Shop the numbers oC strikes or riots The Feicrabends, wIDners 01 a night r Gap to the number of radios and tele· $t,OOO prize for their ~ork, put Jo~ Seymour, 22, held for phones - to get their national together a composite picture of larceny In London 1101 IWlY THE BUDGET SHOP • measures. what a stable country has : even beCore be was 'convicted by CHECKING Basica lly, the index measures A people 90 per cent or more Ipretending he swallowed culf· lain 8ft HI,h", Iy fl. hVth social and economic satisfaction literate; 65 or more radio and links and needed hospital care. ef tilt al"." ACCOUNTS by the people as against (rust· 120 or more copies of newspapers There be begged leave to visit rations. It correlales this with per 1,000 people ; telephones for the toilet and went through the "Ask About Our 5c the method of government - per­ at leasl 2 per cent of the popula· window while his guard cbarlta. '.r."- Ule. cl.thln.. lIeU,.· tion ; a daily diel of at least 2.. bly wailed outside. h.I" ''''''' ."II.nu., 4111111', per cheque plan" missive or coercive. !MI', ,.nl, Melt" tIC. 525 or more calories for each Two l'·year-olds departed from NO MINIMUM Count Aggresslv. ev.nil person: a Gro s Natlonal Pra-I Molton Hall Reform School dUring 2230 S. Rlnrslclt Drlvt IALANeE REOUIRED Nations are given point totals duct of at least $300 a person a. the day and another youtb acap- ''''!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!'!!'!!~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ depending on the number of In· year, with 45 per cenl or more ed Crom another reform school. .;; of the people Iivlns In cily cen· What with the five new es· SHOCKED PINK?- ters. capes, the pollee were over· PASCAGOULA, Miss. III - The criteria were developed strained anew but they picked Shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico from observation and study of up a few who had been taking are now being shocked into fish· stable countries. some ort of Christmas leave and ermen's nets. A device develop· According to his Index. the wanted apparently only to see cd by the Departmenl oC the In· world's most externally 8ure· their folks . terior's fishery laboratory here sive nations in the years 1955-60 Of the total of 698 escapes this sends an electrical shOCk just were the Soviet Union , the Unil· year the Home OUice says only ahead of the trawl which causes ed States and the United Arab 127 remain at large. aimed at lor· the shrimp to "jump" (rom the Republic in that order. The lea t Some oC the recent j.ilbreak. bas granted tile mud iulo Ihe nets. aggressiVe was FlOland. era are regarded .s danaerous. Force increased Ilo~·'~ralllUli quotas Simple way to salt it away To Give Teen Ears Turn Tin And you hardly feel the pinch with the Payroll NEW YORK 1m - A warning Iamplifiers at full blast ranks in Ic you don't mind." Savings Plan, Concert that prolonged exposure to rock the noise department right up David Brice, 19, a washboard Simply tell your employer to set aside a certain 'n' rol1 may cost teen·agers there with riveUng, drop Corlling player in a Los Angeles rock· their hearing by the age of 25 aDd the clamor of a Delroit as· bl;Les band, opined ; "Maybe over amount every payday toward the purchase of a fell on deaf ears. sembly line - and workers in a period of time, U you were United-States Savings Bond. A coast to coast sampling of these fields wear ear plugs. standing right next to the drum. Because you never see the money. you're not like I do, you'd bun I little. But opinion among the turned-

.I' I Pate 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-lowe City, le.-Prldey, Dec. ", ,,.. Iowa Vs. Cincinnati TonightHawkeye Football Is Statels 7th-Ranked Bearcats Threaten No.1 Sports Story For 1966 By MIKE BRYSON and Ames and issued a plea: lootball game - the first meet- A_i.ted Pre .. Sperts Wrltwr Stapleton should be either fir- ing of the two schoolJ In athle!- S. G ame Haw keye Win Streak fo!t~~UU~:::;~%nof~o:a':e;: cd, or promoted to athletic dI- ics~morethan30yearS-rank. that began with a glitter of bope rector. ed eIghth. By RON BLISS ITARTING LINlur. UCLA 87~ and last February but swiftly turned from medi- Gets N.w Contract No. 9 was Everly's 85-55 upset Alst. Sports Editor Iowa 16-2) Cincinnati (H) . . ocre to outrigbt despair - was Iowa State's Athletic Council, over Lake City in the finals 01 Iowa's basketball team win Jone. 16-4) F Rolf 16-4) whipped DetrOIt 107·73. WJUlarm (6-3) F Boward 16-5) . . . the top Iowa sports story of 1966, called together In a burried ses- the girls state basketball tollllll­ place two winning streaks on the Brd'love (6-5~) C Robenon •.9) While Miller has never lost m according to an Associated Press sion, choked off reports that menl. Tenth was Iowa State', line tonight when it faces un- ~~~~~n(~'t~) g F:~~ (tt~l the Stadium, Cincinnati has never PO~~t the efforts Stapleton would be dismissed by failure to repeat as NCAA wrest- beaten and nationally-ranked Cin- Tl",. and "act: Chlcalo Stadlum, lost to Iowa. The teams bave of some disgrunt- recommending a new three-year ling champions. cinnati in the second game of a Chicago, 9:40 p.m. (CST). I . basketball doubleheader in Chi. Ttltcllts: KWWL-TV, Channel 7, met on y tWice before and Cin· led alumni and contract for him. A few weeks ----- t' cago Stadium. Waterloo'.olelclltS:. WllIT and KCRG, Ceo clnna. I was tb'e VIC tor both ti meso fans to oust 10- '. Mer, the State Board of Re· HUSKERS WIN- The game is scbeduled to begin dar RapId.. In the title game of tbe 1959 Holi- wa State football gIlnts granted that request. KANSAS C[TY 1M - Stuart Coach Clay Stap. Iowa's long and dismal season Lantz hit 18 poinls as Nebraska at 9:40 p.m. and will be telecast "Defensively, Cincinnati is tbe day Festival in New York City, leton was only drew 194 voles, while Stapleton breezed to a 730M triumph over live by KWWL-TV, Cbannel 7, best team we will have played the Bearcats beat Iowa !J6.83 and two votes behind "firing" stories attracted 192 Oklahoma State Thursday In the Walerloo. Cbicago Loyola will this season," laid Iowa coach in February f 1961 beat th .. . , first consolation game of the Big 1 meet Marquette in the first game Ralph Miller Wednesday night. 0 e in the balloting Wa~erloo East ~mnlDg the AP s Eight basketball tournament. of the doubleheader. "They ~re big and strong on the Hawks 77-60 in Chicago Stadium. by AP-member mythical state hIgh school foot- The Hawks, now 6-2 after Wed- boards and, in addition, they're This year's Cincinnati team is newspapers and ban championship ranked third nesday night's 94-76 conquest of stingy with the basketball. led by 6-5 forward John Howard broadcast s t a • in the ba\loting, while Marshall- Wichita State, will be pulting a "They throw it around and wait who was averaging 17.6 points tions. NAGEL town'u record-breaking scoring five game winning streak in ieo- for the good shot and dov't give after seven games. Another for­ Coach , who took performance in taking the state pardy against the Bearcats. Cin- anything away," Miller said, "so ward, 6-6 Mike Rolf averages 13.7 over from fired Jerry Burns, prep basketball tournament was cinnati has won eight straight we can't afford any foolish passes a game, while guard Gordon watcbed bis Hawkeyes sidetrack the fourth top sports stOry. games this season and is seven- Friday night like we had against Smith has an 1l.4 average and Arizona 31·20 in the opener, then Iowa Bnketball 7th th-ranked nationally by the As. Wichita." center Rick Roberson a 10.0 aver· witnessed 20 anguishing quarters Fifth was Iowa State's record sociated Press basketball poll. Millar Hea Str•• k Too age. before Iowa came up with anoth· setting passing combination ol er touchdown. Tim Van Galder to Eppie Barn­ But though the Bearcats are Miller also will be placing a Roberson, a 6-9 sophomore, led Only $1 00 down - New med­ undeleated, they have come wilUling streak on the line. He has Cincinnati with 65 rebounds in For the second straight year, ey. els In stock now, C.II ut fw close to being upset five times. never lost a game in Chicago tbe first seven games. the Hawkeyes wound up in the The hodge-podge realignment detell •• Big 10 cellar. There was, how· of the high scbool football con­ They have three one-point vic- Stadium - eilher as a coach or a Rebounding bas been one of VOLKSWAGEN tories to their credit, one two- player. When he played for Kan- Cincinnati's strong points. In its ever, one bright spot in the sea­ ferences to take effect in 1967 and son - a 26-19 last minute vic­ 1968 ranked sixth in the voting, IOWA CITY INC. point win and a seven-point vic- sas in 1940 his team won in the first seven games it outrebounded tory over Indiana, Iowa's first in tory over Wisconsin in overtime. Stadium and later when he took opponents 338 to 259. As a team while Iowa's 1965-66 basketbali the league since another one· Phone 337·2115 Two of their one-point victories several of his Wichita State teams it is shooting 44.5 percent from season was voted seventh. Eest Hlghw.y , were also in overtime. to play in the Stadium, he always the field and bas averaged 73.6 point conquest of the Hoosiers The Iowa-Iowa State freshman BURCAT FORWARD WALL - Th .... Cincinnati playerl who two years before. figure to glv. Iowa pl.nty of troubl. tonight when the Hawk. In addition to Wisconsin, Cin· came out on top. points a game to its opponents' ISU Too face Cincinnati In Chicago St.dium .t 9:30 p.m. 're, from left, ~innati h~s b~aten ~eorge Wash· The Hawks have played in Chi- 62.4. mgton, Miarru of OhIO, Wake For- cago Stadium twice since Miller It also was a very long season forward John Howerd, '·6; forw.rd Mlk. Rolf, '·6; .nd center est, Western Michigan, ColoradO, has been head coach here and This will be the ninth and final for Iowa State fans, and partic· Rick Roberton, '·9. Texas Christian, and st. Joseph's have won hoth times. On Jan. 29, December non-conference game ularly for Stapleton, who has ol Indiana . 1965 the Hawks upset top-ranked for the Hawkeyes and the last been at Iowa State longer than game before they open their Big any other coach in the school's 10 schedule against Indiana here history. Green Bay Places 7 Players I. • Jan. 7, 1967. Off to a dlsmal start, the Cy- lCOLORADO WINS _ clones perked up a bit in mid· On AII.NFL Grid Squad UCLA s Alcmdot Conhnues KANSAS CITY f.fI _ Chuck Wi!- season - barely losing to pow· Iiams and Pat Frink each scored ers Nebraska and Missouri and DALLAS, Tex IA'I - Seven mem­ Starr as most valuable player, 16 points today as Colorado raced trouncing Kansas - before slump· bers of the defending champion Tommy Nobis of Atlanta as To Pace Nation In Scoring Lo a 92-57 victory over Missouri ing again late in the campaign. were named rookie of the year, and Tom NEW YORK IA'I - Lew Alein- has missed only two of 88 at- in a consolation game at the 21st Before the season was over to the first all-National Football Landry of Dallas as the top dor iust gets better and belter. tempts. annual Bi,. Eight basketball tour- several alumni and fans got to· League learn announced Thurs­ N.F.L. coach of 1966. The latest statistics released The rebounding leader is Wes nament. gether at meetings in Des Moines day by tbe Pro Football Writers The team : Unseld, Louisville's outstanding ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;i;;.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;ioiiiiiiiiiii.i Association of America. OFFINSE Thursday by the NCAA's Service .. 'th 22 8 b Spilt end _ Bob Hayes, DaUas; Juruor, WI . gra s a game. , Packer defen­ tight end _ John Mackey, Baltl. Bureau show UCLA's 7 foot 1% In team statistics, hased on sive back, was named on 44 of more; tackles - Forrest Grcgg, sophomore first among maJ'or games through Dec. '1:1, North­ 75¢ Green Bay and Bob Brown, PhUa· the 47 ballots cast by participat­ delphIa; guards - John Wooten, co\lege players in scoring with a western is first in offense with ing members of the national or· Cleveland and , Green an avenge of 100.7 points a game AND ganization. The most popular vote ~~~e;;,~~~er q;;;rte~~c,:ck T~gle~"i~ 34.4 points a game average, first lor six games. Tennessee is first getter, however, was safety Larry Starr, Green Bay; halfback - Gale in field goal percentage with a in defense with an average yield I Sayers, ChIcago' flanker back - remarkable .737 and sixth in re- fl ' f IXCITINGL Y NEW -INVITINGLY YOURS Wilson of St. Louis, who was nam­ Pat Studstill, Detroit; fullback - Le- bounding with 18.6 grabs a game. 0 on y 49.8 pomts or four games. 2 MINUTES -M'M'M'M GOOD" -yW" _ to W1 ..... Y"" ..... Into • ed on all but two ballots . roy Kelly, ",leveland. Behind tbe first two in indi- DEFENSE Runner-up to Alcindor, on play vidual scoring come Gary Gray, THAT'S ALL IT TAKES TO McDonald's Fish Sanclwldt-aII ...... '" good tOting. H_ The closest race was at corner Ends - wnu. DavIs, Green Bay, th hit S t d ' . I io -