(Iowa City, Iowa), 1965-11-20
Forecast last Game Partly cleully end little temperature ch."" ". .... H.-,.. play ............ .. ......,; hit- upper 4h north to 501 1OUth. the _ ......, ...hIIt North c.r.n ... It_ .. ,.,...,.,. eleudy __ tu"''''' c...... .....ltht and ail TOUlon 1:................. ...".p... " .... Serving the State University of Iowa and the PeQfJle of Iowa City 10 centa per copy . AEC Makes No Decision On Iowa Sites Iy PHIL RIISITTIR Staff WrI .... The eastern Iowa sites pr0- pelled for the $348 mlllioo Atomic Energy Commission (AECI seem to have lOme advantaees, but no idens la Dra.ng Fight Judlment can be made at this .tace. Aid John A. Swartout, held of the four·man AEC team ~!~erator. a 200 billion bBJ Honors U S Cavalry Wages electron volt particle accelera. 0 0 tor, Is to be completed by 1973. V P Wallace 'l1Ie AEC basic research inltalla· W W SU .... ERWILL (I ) • .; tIoa will bave two concrete ac· .....,.. r ght • president of the low .. St.to B.nk F'Ie rce V a II ey W a r celerator rings, each about a .nd Trvst Co., low .. CIty, poInts out .. section of one of tho two R.·tes Today -ne In diameter pot,ntl.1 slttl for , proposed nucl,.r p.. rticle occeler .. tor In ..... PLEIXU, South Viet Nam (AP) - South Vietnamese THe TIAM members are John south,.st low. to J.ck M. B.no, , member of tho Atomic A. Swartout, assistant AEC gen. Eno.,.., Commlllion Inspection to,m, which looked over Ihe DANBURY, Conn. f!I- Former paratroopers and Hanoi regulars clashed Friday night in an eral manager for reactors: Ray.
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