25th cflnniversary (9ommemorativedf3ooklet .. 1969-1994 Jfll 2Jlaints Ukrainian {)rthodox @hurch 26 76 Louise street , Saskatchewan


lconostas adorning our sanctuary

Iconographer ~Vera Senchuk Contractor/Builder- Woodmasters CaNer- Eugene Bahrey YKpaiHCbKa npaaoc.naBHa UepKBa B KaH&lll Ukrainian Orthodox Church of' Canada Metropolitan's Chancellery 174 Seven Oaks Avenue, , Manitoba, Canada R2V OK8 t .ll-p BACHJJIA (~&Kl Tel.: 586-3093 (Office) t WASYLY (Fedak), DD., O.C. MH-rponOJJHT 339-4656 (Res.) Metropolitan

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.I(o BceqecHoro o. Eor.n;aHa, HaCTOSITeJISl i Xsam.Hoi YrrpaBH IIi):{ roJIOBysaHHSIM 6paTa MaP™Ha 3Hna, UepKOBHOi rpoMa.n;H Bcix Cs.siTHX B M. C3cKa~,cacKa'leBaH XpHcroc rrocepe.n: Hac! W:Hpocep.n;e'IHo BiTruo Bac i scix CBSITK)'IO'IHX rrapacpiSIH a BauiHM cpi6JIHM IOBiJiefurnM CBSITOM .

.llsuKoi Kare.n;pH. Ilepe.n: BaMH csiTne Maif6yrr5l!

BiTaiO scix rrorrepe.n;Hix c~eHHKiB, 5lKi a Eo.JKoi soJii rrp~BaJIH crrpH'IHHIOBaJIHCSl.D:O TI apocry.

BiTruo Bi.n;.n:aHe .D:JISI UepKBH .JKiHoQTBo, 5lK TaKO.lK THX, ~o MOJISIThCSl i crriBaiOTh.

Hexaif Eo.JKe 6narocnoseHH5l 6y.n:e Ha BawoM)' Cpi6JIOM)' IOBiJieesi. From The Pastor

Dear Brothers and Sisters In Christ: Slava Icusu Hrystu! Glory to Jesus Christ! Welcome to All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church. On the occasion of this our 25th Anniversary I welcome you to our parish which is a member of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada. Orthodox Christians believe that Jesus is the human way God chose to get close to us, to pull us up beside Him, to put His arms around us and say, "I love you." Dr. Otto N all, a former Methodist of Minnesota, said once, "Orthodoxy stresses love . . . if Roman Catholic Christianity is the religion of 'law'~ and the Protestant Christianity is the religion of'faith', then Orthodox Christianity is the religion of 'love', that shines through all its life." "So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love." (I Cor. 13:13) To experience this love I invite you to witness the presence of the resurrected Christ in our worship service - the Divine Liturgy. Orthodox worship services appeal to the whole man through the five senses: sight - through the visual beauty of the icons (religious paintings) and vestments. smell - through the use of incense. sound- through the music of the Orthodox Liturgy and various Sacraments. taste - through the Sacrament of Holy Communion. touch - by crossing oneself, kissing the icons and lighting candles. A great deal of labour, sacrifice and love was offered for the building of this parish which is dedicated unto the service of God. It stands as a monument to the Ukrainian Canadian pioneers, who answered the call of a new land, far from their oppressed homeland; and who so diligently guarded the spiritual gifts of this faith and this culture for the benefit of their children and for the enrichment of Canada. With Christian Greetings in the love of Jesus Christ, Rev. Bohdan Demczuk - Parish Priest -2- ALL SAINTS UKRAUaANORTHODOXCHURCH

All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church features the traditional Hutzul architecture of the Carpathian Mountain Region of Western . The architect, Norman Soto of Mid-Canada Consultants Ltd., with the assistance of parish members, imaginatively developed the design of the church, while the contractor, Ivan Haluzan of Eagle Construction Ltd., skillfully executed its construction. Contoured landscaping with large evergreens and birch trees provides a setting reminiscent of the mountainous region of Ukraine. The assembly area of the Church, with its arched laminated beams and knotty cedar finish on the ceiling and exposed dome, has excellent acoustics and provides a very spacious and truly inspirational place of worship. The railing of the choir loft and of the stairway leading to it is carved in a traditional Ukrainian design. Normal seating capacity is for 300 people but this can be increased to 400 if the overflow area is utilized. A glassed-in nursery, an office and a washroom for the handicapped have also been provided on the main floor. In addition to meeting the spiritual needs of its members, the church also conducts educational and cultural programs in the attractive auditorium in the lower main. This area, which has a seating capacity for 275 people and which includes a fully equipped modern kitchen, also serves as a banquet room. Adequate land is available at the site to allow for the building of both a church manse and an auditorium at a later date. Membership a tAll Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church increases year by year as the congregation provides an opportunity for spiritual growth and community awareness through its respective organizations: - All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Sunday School - All Saints Ukrainian School - Hanka Romanchych Branch of the Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada - Junior and Senior Branches of the Ukrainian Orthodox Youth of Canada (C.Y.M.K.) - Ukrainian Tryzub Society Inc. - All Saints Altar Boys Association - Sts. Boris and Hlib Ukrainian Orthodox Brotherhood

-3- Lr------

FLASHBACKS AND TRIBUTES The organization of All Saints Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Con­ gregation and the eventual building of All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church is attributed to the Grace of God, to the faithful adherents of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada, the hierarchy and faithful clergy. The need for expansion of religious, educational, cultural and social

activities of the Ukrainian\ Orthodox people was felt as far back as 1955 as people from rural areas and young families moved to Saskatoon. Membership at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Cathedral increased year by year. In 1966 Very Reverend Frank Kernisky proposed the possibility of organizing a new congregation and acquiring land for a second church. In 1967 Holy Trinity Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Cathedral purchased six lots of land on the northeast corner of Louise Street and 800 East Centre for the purpose of constructing a church. A planning committee, formed in 1968 and approved in 1969, made a comprehensive study of the requirements of a new congregation. The survey indicated a need to form another congregation.

A Tribute to Holy Trinity U.G.O. Cathedral 1966 Site-finding Committee Members: Stefan Franko, Mike Boychuk and Dmetro Maksymiuk 1967 Fund-raising Committee Members: Metro Bukurak, Ludwig Kaye and Michael Danyliuk 1968-69 Planning Committee Members: Reverend Oleh Krawchenko, Stefan Franko, Lavina Bukurak, Sonia Cipywnyk, Terry Labach, George Foty, Boris Kishchuk, Dr. Robert Chayka and Irene Yurashak John Hluchaniuk, President of Holy Trinity U.G.O. Cathedral Emily Tabasniuk, President ofU.W.A.C. Ol'ha Kobylianska Branch -4- THE FOUNDING OF ALL SAINTS UKRAINIAN GREEK-ORTHODOX CONGREGATION On All Saints Sunday, June 8, 1969, Very Rev. F. Kernisky, Chairman of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Consistory Presidium, was guest speaker at the "pot luck" supper social and informal meeting held at Mohyla Institute. The guest speaker's inspirational address and the planning committee's progress report were instrumental in the founding of the congregation. A nominating committee was struck comprising of Mike Boychuk, Alex Prociuk and Nestor Tkachuk and a date was set for the next meeting.

1969 June 11 : The congregation was formally organized under the supervision of Rev. 0. Krawchenko at a meeting chaired by Alex Prociuk and recorded by Sonia Cipywnyk. The first slate of officers was elected and the Constitution of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada adopted. July 29: A Certificate of Admission was received from the Consistory Office of the U.G.O. Church of Canada, and Reverend Taras Slavchenko was assigned as parish priest effective August 1, 1969. Aug. 17 : Rev. T. Slavchenko celebrated the Divine Liturgy from the chapel at Mohyla Institute. Sept.14 : Official Opening of All Saints U.G.O. Congregation at Mohyla Institute. The Divine Liturgy was followed by a lunch and program marking this occasion.

A Tribute to Mohyla Institute All Saints Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Congregation used the facilities and enjoyed the amenities provided by Mohyla Institute for eleven years. Students residing at the institute were encouraged to become members and to assist and participate in the life and growth of the congregation.


1970 Oct. 3 : Very Rev. D. Luchak, Chairman of the U.G.O. Consistory Presidium, was honored at a Fall Banquet and program.

1971 Sept. 1 : Rev. Orest Olekshy was assigned to All Saints and to Saskatoon Sub-district parishes at Meacham, Vonda, Smuts, Biggar, Kindersley, Prelate and Oyen. Oct. 24 Program commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Rebirth of the Ukrainian Orthodox Autocephalous Church and the 20th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada as a Metropolia. ' Oct. : A manse was purchased at 408 Preston Avenue and a campaign for funds launched.

1972 Apr. 23 : His Grace Bishop Boris visited All Saints and the Pontifical Divine Liturgy was celebrated with Rev. 0. Krawchenko, Rev. H. Udod, Rev. Deacon M. Zaleschuk and Rev. 0. Olekshy. A congregational Easter dinner was followed by a program and blessing of the manse. Apr. : Saskatoon Trident Society was formed by several members of the congregation for the purpose of generating funds. May 3 The six lots ofland, purchased by Holy Trinity U.G.O. Cathedral in 1967, were transferred to All Saints U.G.O. Parish.

1973 May 16 : An informative report by the Long Range Planning Committee regarding proposals for church facilities was mailed to parishioners. This created much interest and a building fund was established by the Finance Committee. Oct. 28 Ladies held meetings to form a branch of the Ukrainian & Nov. 26 : Women's Association of Canada at All Saints. Dec. 2 : Very Rev. D. Luchak celebrated the Divine Liturgy, assisted by Deacon John Stinka, and both attended the Annual Meeting of the congregation. Rev. 0. Olekshy was convalescing after an operation. -6- 1974 Jan. 20 Pontifical Divine Liturgy conducted by His Grace Bishop Boris, assisted by Rev. 0. Olekshy, Deacon John Stinka and Sub-deacon Dennis Pihach. The festive dinner was followed by the singing of shchedrivky. Apr. 24 : Agreement signed with Engineering Management Services Croscan Ltd., to proceed with further planning of a church auditorium complex. The concept of a complex was abandoned by the parish and the contract was cancelled in 1976. Early in the year All Saints younger SOS group became known as Junior "CYMK" under supervision of the newly organized branch of the U.W.A.C .. The Senior SOS group amalgamated with the Senior "CYMK'' group at Holy Trinity U.G.O. Cathedral. In 1974 a Ukrainian Kindergarten Class was organ,ized in the Saskatoon Public School System.

1975 May 1 Rev. 0. Olekshy resigned as pastor of All Saints. Sept. Commencement of Ukrainian School Classes at Walter Murray Collegiate. Dec. 7 : Very Rev. W. Sluzar celebrated the Divine Liturgy and attended the Annual Meeting of the congregation.

1976 Apr. 16 : All Saints participated in the farewell to His Grace Bishop Boris at Holy Trinity U.G.O. Cathedral and contributed towards the gift of a bishop's mitre. Aug. 1 Reverend Alex Hupka was as!3igned to All Saints.

1977 Mar. Senior "CYMK'' Branch organized at All Saints. The executive concentrated on increasing membership and boosting the building fund. All Saints Branch of the U.W.A.C. chose to be named the "Hanka Romanchych Branch" of the U.W.A.C.

1978 July : Agreement signed engaging Mid-Canada Consultants Ltd. as architects for designing church plans.

-7- Oct. 15 : All Saints church site was blessed by His Grace Bishop Wasyly, assisted by Very Rev. Dr. H. Udod and Rev. A. Hupka. The blessing was followed by a supper and program at Mohyla Institute.

1979 June 6 Eagle Construction Ltd. was awarded the contract to build the church, and excavation began on June 11. June 17 On the 10th Anniversary ofAll Saints U.G.O. Congregation His Grace Bishop Wasyly, assisted by Very Rev. Dr. H. Udod and Rev. A. Hupka, offered prayers at the church building site and officiated at a sod turning ceremony. An Anniversary Tea and program followed at the Ilarion Residence. Aug. 27 : Mortgage signed with Heritage Savings and Trust C(J. Oct. 21 : First All Saints Fund-raising Banquet was held at Holy Trinity U.G.O. Cathedral Auditorium with Judge Solomon as guest speaker.

1980 Jan. 20 : All Saints members were honored with the presence of His Grace Bishop Wasyly at the Divine Liturgy. The festive dinner was highlighted by the singing of shchedrivky. Apr. 4 : The Holy Shroud Service on Good Friday and the Resurrection Matins and Divine Liturgy on April 6 were the first services held in the newly built church. June 1 : All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church was consecrated during the Pontifical Divine Liturgy officiated by His Grace Bishop Wasyly and concelebrated by Very Rev. Dr. F. Kernisky, Very Rev. Dr. H. Udod and Rev. A. Hupka, pastor of All Saints. His Grace Bishop Wasyly bestowed blessings from His Beatitude Metropolitan Andrew, who was unable to attend due to ill health. The congregation received a Diploma from Metropolitan Andrew-Metropolitan of Winnipeg and all of Canada. ALL SAINTS SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 1980 was a memorable day in the hearts and minds of the faithful adherents of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada and particularly meaningful to all members and supporters of All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Congregation. This blessed occasion was followed by a Commemorative and Fund Raising Banquet held at the Centennial Auditorium in Saskatoon.

-8- TRANSITION FROM MOHYLA INSTITUTE TO THE NEWLY BUILT CHURCH The completion and purchasing of essential church items and furnishings, meeting mortgage payments and operating costs, all required generous financial contributions and dedicated volunteer work from the members. Social, recreational and fund-raising activities were carried out in an effort to reduce the mortgage and provide an opportunity for fellowship.

ALL SAINTS IDG~IGHTS IN RETROSPECT (Continued) 1980 July 10 : All Saints operated the Ukrainian Orthodox Church - 12 Exhibition Booth under the grandstand. The food was prepared in the new church kitchen. Nov. 1 Pizza Pushchenya sponsored by Sr. "CYMK''. This popular' family event takes place every year and now features Pizza, Pyrohy, Pita, Pies and Potato Pancakes. Nov. 7 : Provincial Convention of"TYC-CYK-CYMK", Mohyla Institute - 9 and Ukrainian Museum of Canada was held at All Saints. Nov. 17 : U.W.A.C. Hanka Romanchych Branch sponsored a Fall Fashion Show. This successful event prompted the presentation of two more Fashion Shows. Nov. 30 Fund-raising Banquet with Very Rev. Dr. H. Udod, Chairman of the Ukrainian Orthodox Consistory Presidium, as guest speaker. Dec. 14 : The St. Nicholas Concert is as traditional as the "pot luck" dinner at All Saints. St. Nicholas visits the children annually bestowing praises and rewards for attending Sunday School and Ukrainian School Classes. He has on occasion visited senior citizens.

1981 June 21 Rev. A. Hupka blessed three icons on All Saints Sunday. July 6 U.W.A.C. Hanka Romanchych Branch operated the Cathedral -11 Exhibition Booth for three days, and the congregation operated a booth leased from Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Parish for Six days. Oct. 25 Fund-raising Banquet with Reverend Wasyl Makarenko as guest speaker. Dec. 27 Provincial "CYMK" Workshop featuring Ukrainian Christmas -31 Traditions. -9- 1982 Jan. : All Saints and Holy Trinity Cathedral carolled independently as per joint arrangement. Mar. 28 Taras Shevchenko Commemorative program sponsored by Senior "CYMK," with Junior "CYMK" members and Mohyla Institute students participating. Apr. 30 Wine & Cheese and Sing-Song Social with Bohdan Panchuk conducting singing and instrumental musical items. June 23 : All Saints Feast Day with Kathy Sholter as guest speaker. June 8 Several All Saints members incorporate Ukrainian Tryzub Society for the purpose of operating a pavilion at Folkfest. Aug. 26 Karpaty Ukrainian Pavilion opened at Mohyla Institute, -28 hosted by Ukrainian Tryzub Society Inc. Sept. Ukrainian School Classes held at Evan Hardy Collegiate. Oct. 24 Fund-raising Banquet with Reverend Michael Zaleschuk as guest speaker.

1983 Mar. 20 Ukrainian Orthodox Youth Choir participated in the Taras Shevchenko Concert sponsored by Senior "CYMK." July 3 : All Saints Feast Day and farewell presentations to Reverend and Mrs. Hupka and their son George. July 31 Pontifical Divine Liturgy was celebrated at the Field House with His Grace Bishop Wasyly assisted by clergy as arranged by the "CYC" National Convention Committee. Aug. 1 Rev. Wasyl' Makarenko was assigned to All Saints. Aug. 25 Folkfest Karpaty Ukrainian Pavilion, hosted by Ukrainian -27 Tryzub Society Inc., was located at the Nutana Legion. Sept. 25 Commemorative Observance of the 50th Anniversary of the Great Famine in Ukraine. The congregation and lay organizations participated in the Memorial Service in Kiwanis Park, the Procession to City Hall and Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Cenotaph. Members returned from the Cenotaph and took part in a Fowl Supper sponsored by the Hanka Romanchych Branch ofthe U.W.A.C. -10- Oct. Kindersley parish was assigned to Rev. W. Makarenko. Oct. 23 Fund-raising Banquet with Rev. Wasyl' Makarenko, parish priest, as guest speaker.

1984 Jan. Official formation of an All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Men's Club. Feb. 12 Lesia Ukrainka program with an informative presentation by Roma Franko. Feb. 26 Senior "CYMK" sponsored an All Saints Curling Bonspiel at Nutana Curling Rink followed by supper in the auditorium. This popular event was repeated on Feb. 3, 1985. Mar. 18 : Vesna Choir and Bandura Ensemble, Mohyla Institute students, Ukrainian School students and Junior and Senior "CYMKivtsi" participated in the Taras Shevchenko Concert. Mar. 24 10th Anniversary Tea ofU.W.A.C. Hanka Romanchych Branch with Leona Faryna-Bridges as guest speaker. Apr. 1 Installation of Rt. Rev. Bishop John at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral by the Most Rev. Archbishop Wasyly. June 17 First Canonical Visitation and Pontifical Divine Liturgy by His Grace Bishop John, who was assisted by Very Rev. M. Olesiuk and Rev. Wasyl' Makarenko. July 9 Last minute acquisition of an exhibition food booth in the -14 Jubilee Building. All Saints has operated a booth every year since this acquisition to generate much needed funds. Aug. 23 Folkfest Karpaty Ukrainian Pavilion was again located at the -25 Nutana Legion with a much larger Big Top tent. Oct. 21 Fund-raising Banquet with Rev. Volodymyr Makarenko as guest speaker.

Nov. 25 Ukrainian Orthodox Youth Choir sponsored a brunch at All Saints.

Nov. 25 : An informative evening with Dr. D. Cipywnyk speaking on Alcohol Abuse and Orest Buchko on Prescription Drug Abuse. -11- 1985 Jan. 20 His Grace Bishop John attended an informal brunch, which was followed by the singing of shchedrivky.

Mar. 9 : All Saints Ukrainian School Classes received high marks in the Ukrainian Arts Program competitions. The children performed several chorus and group recitations at the Taras Shevchenko Concert held on March 17.

May 30 : A Certificate of recognition for the generous Hearth Stone Contribution to Ronald McDonald House was received by All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Congregation.

June 9 Second Canonical Visitation and Pontifical Divine Liturgy by His Grace Bishop John with concelebrants Very Rev.~- Olesiuk and Rev. W. Makarenko. The Feast Day dinner was followed by a program.

July : At the "CYC" National Convention in Winnipeg, All Saints Senior "CYMK'' Taras Shevchenko Local Branch was presented with the "Perepeliuk Trophy" for being the most active "CYMK'' group in Canada in the last two years.

Aug. 22 Folkfest Karpaty Ukrainian Pavilion opened at a new location -24 in the Exhibition Curling Rink. This location was used during Folkfest 1986 and plans are underway for Folkfest 1987 at this same location.

Oct. 20 Fund-raising Banquet with Very Rev. Dr. S. Jarmus, Chairman of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Orthodox Consistory as guest speaker. Very Reverend M. Bodnarchuk from was also in attendance.

1986 Mar. 7 9 Provincial "CYMK" Cultural Workshop. May 23 Ukrainian Orthodox Youth Choir Lastiwka in concert at the Centennial Auditorium. June 8 Blessing of Cross in the Orthodox Section at Woodlawn Cemetery By Very Rev. M. Olesiuk and Rev. W. Makarenko.

-12- June 29 The Central Diocese Pre-Millenium Celebration in Regina was attended by a large number of members from All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Congregation.

Oct. 19 Fund-raising Banquet with Rev. Alex Hupka and Yars Lozowchuk as guest speakers. Nov. 2 Brunch followed by a short Sviato Knyzhky program with Luba Hnat as guest speaker. The active Men's Club organized at All Saints in 1984 is now known as "Sts. Boris and Hlib Ukrainian Orthodox Brotherhood."

1987 Feb. 8 : A special meeting is called of the Ukrainian Tryzub' Society to integrate the operation of the Tryzub Society and the Church by combining Annual Meetings and the appointment of Auditors. Mar. 22 Mrs. Helen Hnatyshyn is the guest speaker at the Annual Hanka Romanchych Membership Tea. Apr. 17 Rev. Makarenko displays wooden candlesticks obtained from an artist in Ukraine. Approval given to acquire additional Hutzul items for our church: candleholders, trinity candle, large cross inlaid with Mother of Pearl, etc. June 9 Taras Bayda presents the idea of having stained glass on our windows. June 23 : After hearing a well researched presentation by Slawko Kindrachuk the Extra-Ordinary Membership Meeting approves the building of a chandelier designed by Darren Kindrachuk. Aug. 13 Pre-Millennium Celebrations of the Baptism of Ukraine into the -16 Holy Orthodox Faith held in Saskatoon: • a large statue of Volodymyr the Great unveiled at the Cathedral • 19 choirs join during the celebrations and sing the Divine Liturgy which is held at the Centennial Hall • an Extra-Ordinary Sobor ofthe U.O.C. of Canada convenes. Sept. 13 At the semi-annual meeting Rev. Makarenko introduces the concept of installing an iconostas in our parish. -13- Oct. 7 : With the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Wasyly, English is used in the reading of the epistle, gospel and the sermon. Oct. 25 : Fundraising Banquet with Rev. Demjan Hohol' as guest speaker is held. Nov. : It is reported in the Bulletin that the U.W.A.C. - Hanka Romanchych Branch is asking for its members to visit our parishioners in the hospital. Nov. 27 : The Brotherhood of Sts. Boris & Hlib holds its first Religious -29 Workshop with V. Rev. Victor Lakusta as the guest speaker. His talks were centered on the theme: "The Orthodox Man in a Non­ Orthodox Society" & "How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity'' (Ps. 133:1). Bishop John is present also. '

Dec. 13 The first 2 stained glass overlays are blessed: Sts. Boris & Hlib - donated by the Brotherhood and St. Andrew - donated by the Bayda Family.

1988 Jan. 31 : The U.W.A.C.- Hanka Romanchych Branch hold their Annual Membership Tea. Marie Kishchuk speaks on the life and work of Hanka Romanchych. Feb. 7 : The membership at the Annual Meeting gives approval to the Brotherhood of Sts. Boris & Hlib to proceed with the concept of a Bell-Thwer. Mar. 25 : A family Religious Workshop is held with the theme "The Gospel -26 as the Foundation of the Christian Family". May : A list of the Stained Glass Overlays donated to date is printed in the Bulletin. Aug. 12 : World Wide Millennium Celebration of the Baptism of Ukraine -14 into the Holy Orthodox Faith is held in Toronto/Hamilton. Oct. 2 : Our parish jointly celebrates a Hierarchal Divine Liturgy to observe the 70th Anniversary of the U.O.C. in Canada at the Holy Trinity Cathedral. Oct. 14 : A statue of Metropolitan llarion of Canada is blessed at the llarion Residence. -14-

I rJ'!J I ~ 1

Oct. 30 The annual Fundraising Dinner is held with Steve Senyk, President of the National Executive of the Ukrainian Self­ Reliance Association of Canada, as guest speaker. Rev. and Dobr. Makarenko were invited guests at Sylvia Fedoruk's installation as Lieutenant-Governor. Fr. Wasyl' said grace in English & Ukrainian. During the swearing in ceremony Sylvia used a Bible in the Ukrainian language. Dec. 9 V. Rev. S. Semotiuk was the guest speaker at the Family -11 Religious Workshop. The theme was "Making God Real in Your Life ... Back to the Orthodox Sources."

1989 Feb. 14 It is reported that a tableau of all the presidents of All Saints is in final stages of completion. , Mar. 14 Green Grove Camp is asking for a "committed effort" in cleaning the facilities for the upcoming season. Apr. 22 The theme of the Annual Family Religious Workshop is "The Life and Work of St. Paisius Velychkowski". May 7 Prof. Stepovik speaks on "The Ukrainian Icon" at the Ukrainian -9 Museum. It is reported that an Extra-Ordinary Sobor of the U.O.C. of Canada will be held Oct. 22 in Winnipeg, MB. Rev. Wasyl' announces he will be campaigning for position of Chairman of the Presidium of the Consistory of the U.O.C. of Canada which will be chosen at the Sobor being held in 1990. June 19 The Hanka Romanchych Branch of the U.W.A.C. celebrates its 15th Anniversary with supper catered by Niko's Restaurant. Past presidents - Cec Kachkowski, Lesya Foty, Bernice Parchewsky, Pauline Nykiforuk and Corinne Sturby had the honour of cutting and serving a very special anniversary cake. Oct. 22 The Extra-Ordinary Sobor of the U.O.C. of Canada picks Rev. Yurij Kalistchuk as our third bishop and His Beatitude Metropolitan Wasyly blesses the Sobor's wish to go into Eucharistic Unity with the Patriarch of Constantinople. Oct. 29 The Annual Fund-raising Banquet is held at the Bessborough Hotel with Lt. Gov. Sylvia Fedoruk as speaker. -19- Nov. I It was reported in the Bulletin that our Sr. C.Y.M.K. who in Dec. conjunction with the St. Athanius of Brest Fellowship at Mohyla Institute sponsored a Young Adults Religious Workshop and Retreat in our parish. V. Rev. Oleh Krawchenko, Professor of Ethics & Dogmatics at St. Andrew's College in Winnipeg, was the guest speaker. * Congratulations and thank you are extended to the ladies of Hanka Romanchych Branch of the U.W.A.C. for their selfless dedication to our church and the programs. By their execution of our basic Orthodox Christian principles, they show themselves to be an earnest bulwark of the Faith. Dec. 8 : Sts. Boris & IDib Brotherhood hold their Religious Workshop -9 with V. Rev. Teterenko speaking on the "Ukrainian Orthodox Christmas Cycle".

1990 Jan. 24 Sts. Boris & IDib Brotherhood join the newly created Ukrainian Orthodox Men's Association of Canada (formerly T.Y.C. or the Ukrainian Self-Reliance Assoc.) Jan. 28 : MaryWoroniuk, Pres. ofthe National U.W.A. ofCanada, is the guest speaker at the Annual Hanka Romanchych Membership Tea. Mar. 6 Gordon Skorobohach reports we have 220 families that are members of All Saints. Mar. 17 Our Altar Boys journey to to serve with His Grace -18 Archbishop John at the Cathedral. They stayed at St. John's Institute and attended a N.H.L. game. June 10 Rt. Rev. Bishop Yurij celebrates the Divine Liturgy during our Khram. July 4-8 The XVIII Sobor of the U.O.C. of Canada is held in Winnipeg and Rev. Wasyl' is chosen as Chairman of the Presidium of the Consistory ofthe U.O.C. of Canada. His Beatitude Metropolitan Wasyly appoints Rev. Bohdan Demczuk to All Saints U.O.C. July 29 : Farewell for Rev. Wasyl', Dobr. Larisa, Natalia, Tamara & Pav Makarenko. Aug. 12 First Divine Liturgy and welcome reception for Rev. Bohdan Dobr. Olya Demczuk. -20- Sept. 12 : At the executive meeting Kathy Romanchuk moves that a "pomianyk" - a memorial book be started that would list all the deceased members of All Saints U.O.C. Oct. 2 : Wasyl', Emelia & Ulyana Isak arrive in Saskatoon. They were sponsored by Sts. Boris & Hlib Brotherhood. Oct. 28 The annual fundraising banquet has Rev. Bohdan Demczuk, parish priest, as its guest speaker. Dec. 10 All Saints Parish assesses a "per member donation" of$15 to St. Andrew's College. Dec. 14 Rt. Rev. Bishop Yurij is guest speaker at the Brotherhood -16 Religious Workshop. '

1991 Apr. 24 : Wasyl' Stratiychuk of Ukraine finishes woodcarving the front door of All Saints as well as carving and finishes constructing the baptismal font in a traditional Ukrainian motif. May 14 It is reported at the executive meeting that a new "tetrapod" constructed by Michael Danyliuk is finished. June 2 Metropolitan Wasyly celebrates the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy while Very Rev. Maksym Olesiuk, Rev. Taras Krochak and Rev. Bohdan Demczuk co-celebrate. During the banquet, His Beatitude symbolically bums the mortgage ofAll Saints U.O.C. June 11 : At the executive meeting it is reported that Metropolitan Wasyly gives his blessing to build an iconostas. Aug. 11 His Beatitude Metropolitan Wasyly celebrates the Divine Liturgy, while Most Rev. Archbishop John and Rt. Rev. Bishop Yurij co-celebrate along with Revs. Olesiuk, Makarenko, Krochak, Makowsky, Demczuk, on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of Mohyla Institute. Nov. 6 Fundraising banquet is held with Rev. Taras Krochak as guest speaker. Nov. 29 Brotherhood Religious Workshop with Rev. George Podtepa being -30 the guest speaker. His topic was "Cults - How to Understand Them and Combat Them".

-21- 1992 Mar. 24 Joint All Saints and Holy Trinity Cathedral Executive meeting decides to 1. hire 2 students from St. Andrew's College for summer employment 2. have a joint "pushchenia" in respective churches 3. plan a St. Andrew's College Fundraiser for Oct. 3, 1992 4. continue joint "provody'' services Mar. 15 The extra-ordinary meeting of All Saints selects an iconostas proposal submitted by Manasy Olesiuk and chooses Vera Senchuk as the iconographer. Sonia Sokyrka is chosen as chairperson.

May 12 It is reported at the executive meeting that All S~ints U.O.C. has its own official stamp that will be used on all Baptismal and Marriage Certificates as well as on all official correspondence. June 15 His Beatitude Metropolitan Wasyly attends the Holy Spirit Day Divine Liturgy in the Ilarion of Kiev Chapel in the Ilarion Residence and suggests to the parishioners to install an iconostas. June 21 During the Khram celebration a tree is planted to honor the centennial of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada. Ostap Skrypnyk is the guest speaker.

July- The Church Bulletin extends a thank you to all the women who August embroidered articles for All Saints U.O.C. Oct. 20 Mayor Henry Dayday is guest speaker at the Brotherhood New Members Night. Oct. 25 : Rev. George Podtepa is the guest speaker at the Fundraising Banquet. Nov. 27 : Vera Senchuk is the guest speaker during the Brotherhood -28 Religious Workshop. Nov. 30 Metropolitan Wasyly, primate of the U.O.C. of Cana lesses All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Brotherhood of . Boris & lllib and puts them under his "omofor". Dec. 29 Dr. Dmytro Cipywnyk, past president of our parish, is awarded the Order of Canada. -22- 1993 Mar. 27 Saskatoon Mission District of the U.O.C. of Canada holds a Religious Workshop- "Scriptures in Picture Form". Andrij Maday is the guest speaker. Mar. 11 Brotherhood takes the altar boys ofthe parish to an N.H.L. game held in Saskatoon. June 13 Khram is celebrated with Eugene Maximiuk as a guest speaker. June 23 Joint meeting held with Cathedral where it is decided to: 1. to hold a cantor's course 2. to hold a joint celebration of the 75th anniversary of the U.O.C. at Holy Trinity Cathedral where the main celebrant would be His Beatitude Metropolitan Wasyly and Very Rev. Dr. Hryhory Udod would be the guest speaker. This would be h~ld Oct. 3, 1993 June 27 A special membership meeting decides to commission Mykola Shtez to build a reception/welcome desk. Oct. 17 : Archbishop John visits All Saints and comments on the "soborna" singing of the church and complements the mothers in bringing their children to church. Rev. Deacon Eugene Maximiuk co­ celebrates his 1st Divine Liturgy. Oct. 30 The full executive of All Saints holds a Long Range Planning Meeting at Cedar Lodge (Mt. Blackstrap Lake). Carol Stevenson is the facilitator. Nov. 7 Archbishop John is the guest speaker at the Fundraising Banquet.

1994 Feb. 13 The annual meeting of the parish approved donating $5,000 to Mohyla Institute to show our appreciation for the use of the Institute during All Saints' formative years. Feb. 19 The chandelier is completed. It is stained and hung with a chain. Feb. 20 : Rev. Roman Bozhyk celebrates the Divine Liturgy while Revs. Wasyl' Sapiha and Bohdan Demczuk co-celebrate. The Students of St. Andrews College sing the Divine Liturgy. Mar. 18 National/Provincial conference ofthe Ukrainian Orthodox Youth -19 of Canada (C.Y.M.K.) held at All Saints. -23- Mar. 20 Ukrainian Orthodox Youth Choir "Lastiwka" sings the Divine Liturgy. Executive takes an "oath" to serve the Orthodox Church and abide to its teachings. Vespers are served at Holy Trinity Cathedral where the triumph of Orthodoxy is "witnessed" by the clergy of U.O.C. -Revs. Demczuk, Wasylenko, Samsin; O.C.A.-Rev. Olekshy and Deacon Eriksson; Anthiochian Orthodox Church-Rev. Funk and Deacon Friessen; and Romanian Orthodox Church - Rev. Sass. Mar. 23 Parish Religious Workshop held with Carol Zapf of the Palliative Care Unit at St. Paul's Hospital being the guest speaker. She addresses issues arising through visiting terminally ill people. Mar. 29 Rev. Taras Makowsky visits All Saints U.O.C. and addresses the executives of Holy Trinity Cathedral and All Saints about the financial needs ofthe U.O.C. of Canada. Apr. 3 Easter - the faithful rejoice in the Resurrection of Our Lord with the Iconostas in place. (all the icons are not in yet!) To take advantage of the beautiful weather, the Easter basket is blessed outside. This is the first time in the parish's history this has taken place outside. Apr. 12 Executive looks at a proposal of putting in an elevator which is presented by Boris Kishchuk. May 10 Executive decided that on November 6, 1994 the parish would celebrate the parish's 25th Anniversary while on June 26th we would celebrate in the blessing of the Iconostas by Met. Wasyly. May 11 : Artist Leonid Mohuchov visits All Saints U.O.C. and donates two paintings which he did depicting the parish from the west and east. June 26 Metropolitan Wasyly blesses the Iconostas and celebrates the Divine Liturgy. Revs. Olesiuk, Hupka and Demczuk co-celebrate. Metropolitan Wasyly presents a parish "Hramota" to : ~ Sokyrka and James Wachniak in recognition of their supe_- - and care to detail in buildingofthe Iconostas for All S -_o_c. July Exhibition and Folkfest are successful. The o _ -- ort was -August putting up with the City Civil Servants strike. There was no garbage pick-up, transit service, etc. -24- Sept. 18 : Archbishop John visits All Saints U.O.C. and commends the parish on building such a "simple but effective" iconostas. Sept. 23 : The Clergy ofthe Central Diocese ofthe U.O.C. of Canada hold their Annual Meeting in All Saints Parish. Sept. 28 : The Anniversary Committee meets and formulates a plan of action for the 25th Anniversary Celebrations to take place on November 6, 1994. It was agreed to invite Very Rev. Dr. Oleh Krawchenko to be the main celebrant during the Divine Liturgy while all former parish priests- Revs. Hupka and Makarenko would co-celebrate along with the present parish priest Rev. Bohdan Demczuk. There would be an appropriate program with the official launch offundraisingto complete the Elevator Project. If someone or event was not mentioned we ask our Lord to bless' them and give them thanks for He knows everyone by name and age! The members of All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church extend a warm welcome to the 288 new servants of God who were received into the Holy Orthodox Church by way of HOLY BAPTISM AND HOLY CHRISTMATION. May the Lord grant them many years and bless them as they grow and mature in their HOLY ORTHODOX FAITH. Na Mnohiia Lita! The members of All Saints take this opportunity to congratulate and extend our best wishes to the 108 wedded couples who were united together in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. May the Lord grant them many years. Na Mnohiia Lita!

The UWAC- Hanka Romanchych Membership -1993 -25- A UNIQUE CONGREGATION In harmony with the founding gathering on All Saints Sunday in 1969, the feature of a "pot luck" buffet has become a tradition at All Saints. The "no collection" of funds trend set at this initial social and meeting prevails to this day-no collection plate or money basket is passed at All Saints church during the Divine Liturgy. Faith, hope and charity prevail as the congregation, in unison, sings praises and gives thanks ascribing Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Note: The Sixteenth Sobor of the Church, held in Winnipeg July 3-6, 1980, approved a change in the name to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada. PARISH LEADERS 1969 - 1994

PARISH PRIESTS The following priests were assigned by the Consistory to serve the needs of All Saints congregation and to assist in the spiritual and physical growth of the church: t Reverend Taras Slavchenko - 1969 to 1971 Reverend Orest Olekshy -1971 to 1975 (Several priests from Winnipeg as assigned by the Consistory) -1975 to 1976 ' Reverend Alex Hupka -1976 to 1983 Reverend Wasyl' Makarenko - 1983 to 1990 Reverend Bohdan Demczuk - 1990 to present

PARISH PRESIDENTS The following persons served as presidents of All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Congregation: Stefan Franko -June 11, 1969 to Dec. 31, 1972 Gerald Luciuk -Jan. 1, 1973 to Aug.22, 1973 Dr. Dmytro Cipywnyk -Aug. 23, 1973 to Dec. 31, 1976 Dr. Robert Chayka - Jan. 1, 1977 to Dec. 31, 1977 Dr. Walter Zaleschuk -Jan. 1, 1978 to Dec. 31, 1978 Stefan Franko -Jan. 1, 1979 to Dec. 31, 1980 Albert Kachkowski -Jan. 1, 1981 to Dec. 31, 1983 Terry Labach -Jan. 1, 1984 to Feb.9, 1986 Barney Rychlo -Feb. 10, 1986 to Feb.8, 1987 DavidMysak -Feb. 9, 1987 to Feb.23, 1990 Martin Zip - Feb. 24, 1990 to present ~ -27- CANTORS The following were/are cantors of All Saints U.O.C. over the past 25 years: Volodymyr Senchuk t Nykolai Larionyk t Mykola Dorosh Albert Kachkowski t Reader Barney Rychlo Afanasy Olesiuk George Hupka Andrew Hawrysh Dennis Zlipko Harold & Sonia Sokyrka ' ~ BROTHERHOOD PRESIDENTS The following persons served as presidents of Sts. Boris & Hlib Brotherhood: Barney Rychlo 1984 - 1985 Taras Bayda 1986 - 1987 Martin Zip 1988 - 1990 Barney Rychlo 1991- tSept. 23, 1991 Victor Kowalsky 1991- 1992 Albert Kachkowski 1993- March 5, 1994 (resigned) Taras Bayda Sept 27, 1994-

BROTHER OF THE YEAR The following were honoured as Brother of the Year: Zenith Kripki 1985 Victor Kowalsky 1986 Michael Luciuk 1987 Robert Humen 1988 Barney Rychlo 1989 Taras Bayda 1990 Michael Danyliuk 1991 Terry Zemluk 1992 Morris Penteluk 1993 ~ -28- U.W.A.C. PRESIDENTS The following persons served as presidents of the U.W.A.C. - Hanka Romanchych Branch: Cecilia Kachkowski (1973) 1974- 1975 Lesya Foty 1976- 1977 Bernice Parchewski 1978-1980 Pauline Nykiforuk 1981- 1982 Jean Kindrachuk 1983- 1984 Corinne Sturby 1985- 1986 LesyaFoty 1987-1988 Roseanne Kowalsky 1989-1990 ' Sylvia Boychuk 1991- 1992 Dobr. Olya Demczuk 1993- 1994

WOMAN OF THE YEAR The following ladies were honoured as Woman of the Year by the U.W.A.C.- Hanka Romanchych Branch: Anna Dorosh 1986 t Anna Cipywnyk 1987 t Pauline Dumka 1988 t Olga Masnick 1988 Bernice Parchewsky 1989 Ann Wasylyk 1990 Ann Kozakevich 1991 S. Alice Prociuk 1992 Cecilia Kachkowski 1993 Roxy Tymoruski 1994

-29- YOUTH OF THE YEAR The following were honoured as Youth of the Year by Sts. Boris & lllib Brotherhood: James Shevchuk 1987 Ksenya Foty 1991 Natalia Makarenko 1988 Tania Mysak 1992 Taras Kachkowski 1989 N adya Foty 1993 sS9 FUNDRAISING DINNER SPEAKERS The following is a list of speakers for our Fundraising Dinners: Oct. 21, 1979 Judge Solomon Nov. 30, 1980 Very Rev. Dr. H. Udod Oct. 25, 1981 Rev. Wasyl' Makarenko ' Oct. 24, 1982 Rev. Michael Zaleschuk Oct. 23, 1983 Rev. Wasyl' Makarenko Oct. 21, 1984 Rev. Volodymyr Makarenko Oct. 20, 1985 V. Rev. Dr. Stephan Jarmus Oct. 19, 1986 Rev. Alex Hupka I Yars Lozowchuk Oct. 25, 1987 Rev. Demjan Hohol' Oct. 30, 1988 Steve Senyk Oct. 29, 1989 Lieut. Gov. Sylvia Fedoruk Oct. 28, 1990 Rev. Bohdan Demczuk Nov. 6,1991 Rev. Taras Krochak Oct. 25, 1992 Rev. George Podtepa Nov. 7,1993 Archbishop John Nov. 6, 1994 Vera Labach I Albert Kachkowski

BUILDING COMMITTEE 1979-1980 All Saints Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church Building Committee Members: Stefan Franko - Chairman Slawko J. Kindrachuk- Co-Chairman Reverend Alex Hupka George Foty Mike Boychuk Morris Davyduke Dr. Walter Zaleschuk Bernice Parchewsky Joanne Symchych -30- t Michael Andreychuk t Michael Gondz t Elaine Marian Atkinson t Josephine Gondz tJohnBoyer t Nick Hryciw t Alex Budzak tDonHryciw t Katherine Boyko t Nettie Hryciw t George Butschler t Pauline Kalinchuk t Michael Barabash t Ronald Morley Kazuskp, t Anastasia (Nettie) Butschler t William Kenaschuk t Rose Bokurak t Anastasia (Nellie) Kishchuk t Jack Bazowski t Richard Kucey t Fred Bokurak t Mary Kosteniuk t John Bokshowan t Theodore Kinar t John Bukurak t John Kuchta t Mildred Burianyk t Jean Kindrachuk t Lena Bodnarchuk tAnnaKorol t Mike Boychuk t Zenith Kripki t Pearl Barabash t Bob Kamineski tKay Chomyn tJohnKlish t Anna Cipywnyk t Dobr. Anne Kowalishin t George Didow t Agatha Laschuk t Nykola Dorosh t Garry Walter Lanski t Pauline Dumka t Helene Lazarowich t Anthony Dennis t John Andrew Lukey t Michael Dobni t Mathew Luciuk t Petrunelia (Betty) Didow t Olga Maskal tAnnaFosty t Mary Maduke tJohn Gramiak t Tekenia Maskal

-31- t John Maksymyshyn t Annie Rawlyk t Nick Melnychuk t Eufresyna Rudewsky t Joseph Malko t Rev. Taras Slavchenko t John Michaluk t Michael Safruk t Olga (Alice) Masnick tJohn Setka t Ivan Nokony t Jerry Steffan t John Nowoselski t Elaine Stefanow t William (Wasyl) Nosaruk t Steve Stefanow t David Eugene Nykiforuk t Roman Stratychuk' t Lawrence Nestorik t Anna Skorobohach tOlgaNosaruk t John Shewchuk t Nick Oleniuk t Stephen Talpash t Katie Orishchuk t Walter Tkachuk t Julia Petrow t Dmytro Wasylyk t Mary Pitts t Walter Watchicosky t Alex Prociuk t Mike Werezak t Bohdan Prociuk t Dorothy Wiwchar t William Romanchuk t Darrell Peter Yuzik t Daniel Roznowsky t Mary Zaleschuk tReader Barney Rychlo t Pete Zaleschuk t Robert Zwack

~~------~ With the Saints give rest, 0 Christ to the souls of Thy departed servants and grant unto them an eternal remembrance. Amen. Memory Eternal!