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James Herbert : The Rats before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised The Rats:

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Smashing Debut Novel - Pure Unadulterated HorrorBy Scott E. AmundsenTHE RATS is the third James Herbert novel I have read. I started out with his second novel, THE FOG, after reading a synopsis I found intriguing (I reviewed that one on this forum earlier). I then happened upon THE SURVIVOR at a used bookshop, and once again enjoyed the horrific ride that Herbert takes the reader on. His first novel, however, eluded me for some time; it was out of print for a while and then I forgot about it. Fortunately I finally got round to it.All I can say is WOW. First novels are tricky things; the author's future success relies heavily on the impact they have on the reading public, and if the author should stumble, (s)he may not get a second chance.Some first novels are legendary; 's CARRIE and Margaret Mitchell's GONE WITH THE WIND come immediately to mind. It matters little that CARRIE was just the beginning of a brilliant career while Mitchell was a flash in the pan; they both achieved a legendary status that will probably remain always.With THE RATS, Herbert really hit the ground running. Most writers, regardless of genre, usually spend a little time setting the scene and providing the reader with a sense of place, and also takes some time to introduce the characters. Not Herbert. As Stephen King once put it, Herbert "grabs you by the lapels and starts screaming in your face." By page ten, the first horror has already been visited on the reader, the roller coaster is in motion, out of control and picking up speed, and heading for one unbelievably horrific crash after another.I really don't need to reveal anything about the plot; if you can't figure out the basic premise from the title, then horror is clearly not for you. And even horror fans may find Herbert a bit much: his books are not for the squeamish; he seldom pulls back from the crunch, and seems at times to revel in the blood and gore he spills.And he does all this in that cool, calm, rational prose so typical of English writers; somehow this makes the endless horrors in THE RATS all the more dreadful.If it is decadent to enjoy a novel like this, I plead guilty. The man was a genius.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. but with great descriptions and surprisingly deep charactersBy SolariA suburban ratpocalipse.The Rats is a direct and simple horror book, but with great descriptions and surprisingly deep characters. Specially for a story about mutant rats gone mad!This is a short book with a to-the-point narrative. Stephen King has described this story as on his prime: “no finesse and raw power”. We are introduced to Harris, an art teacher from the poor London suburbs. His neighborhood is soon taken by tales of deadly attacks by rats the size of dogs and he becomes one of the main agents against the plague.The book has similarities with zombie stories, in particular because the rats’ bites are deadly, but there is no total Apocalypse. The strong points are the extremely graphic descriptions of the attacks, that may turn into a total massacre involving a lot of people. Like in a crowded train and another one in a movie theater. When the lights are turned on, the floor is completely taken by the rats.It is very interesting how the author builds multi-lawyered characters with complex stories just to have them brutally torn by a mass of killer rodents in a few paragraphs. We have a man in a midlife crisis that is revealed to be a true hero, a nymphomaniac street dweller that lost to the war the only man who satisfied her, a former salesman that had an affair with a fellow worker and now has surrendered to alcoholism.A great read.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. One of the very bestBy David L. SchoonThis is my first Herbert book, but the first of many ! Absolutely the best. I was reading a series of reviews in the New Uork Times, the was organized by subject, this was one of the top ten horror/ category. Even though the Times tends to be pretty uppity, I figured what the hell, we aren't talking Agatha Chrisrie here, how bed could it be ? It's not, when you get five star reviews from Stephen King, you know you've got a winner. No point in going over the plot, it's man earring rats all the way. There's even a tribute from Preston Childs book Reliquary - about half way through the Rats, I there is a train thing, I had this déjà-vu feeling, big time. It's virtually the same scene, written decades later. Tribute , plagiarism, or a bit of both? I'm going with tribute . Preston Childs hardly need to use someone else's work. Any, get it on Kindle go for it. Unlike today's 600 + page behemoths, this is a one nighter

Out of the sewers and streets comes the biggest threat London has ever faced—rats, hungry for human flesh—in this 40th anniversary edition of the classic bestseller with a foreword from Neil Gaiman, rat-bitten (die-cut) cover, and black-edged pagesIt was only when the bones of the first devoured victims were discovered that the true nature and power of these swarming black creatures with their razor sharp teeth and the taste for human blood began to be realized by a panic-stricken city. For millions of years, man and rats had been natural enemies. But now, for the first time—suddenly, shockingly, horribly—the balance of power had shifted.

The effectiveness of the gruesome set pieces and brilliant finale are all its own. * Sunday Times *From the PublisherThese audiobooks from Macmillan UK offer abridged readings of some of the world's most popular authors. Handsomely packaged, they feature readings by eminent actors of the stage and screen, including James Fox, Martin Shaw, Tim Pigott-Smith and David Rintoul.About the AuthorJames Herbert is the author of 23 novels which have sold more than 54 million copies worldwide, and have been translated into more than 30 languages. In 2010, he was made the Grand Master of Horror by the World Horror Convention, and was also awarded an OBE by the Queen for services to literature.

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