Edward Hasted the History and Topographical Survey of the County
Edward Hasted The history and topographical survey of the county of Kent, second edition, volume 12 Canterbury 1801 <i> THE HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE COUNTY OF KENT. CONTAINING THE ANTIENT AND PRESENT STATE OF IT, CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL; COLLECTED FROM PUBLIC RECORDS, AND OTHER AUTHORITIES: ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS, VIEWS, ANTIQUITIES, &c. THE SECOND EDITION, IMPROVED, CORRECTED, AND CONTINUED TO THE PRESENT TIME. By EDWARD HASTED, Esq F. R. S. and S. A. LATE OF CANTERBURY. Ex his omnibus, longe sunt humanissimi qui Cantium incolunt. Fortes creantur fortibus et bonis, Nec imbellem feroces progenerant. VOLUME XII. CANTERBURY: PRINTED BY W. BRISTOW, ON THE PARADE. M.DCCCI. <ii> <blank> <iii> TO THE REVEREND THE DEAN AND CHAPTER OF THE METROPOLITICAL CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST CHURCH OF CANTERBURY: By whose continual care and attention that vene= rable and magnificent structure has been preserved to the present time, and with so much liberality re= paired and adorned; this Volume, containing the residue of the History of it from the earliest account of time, is With the greatest respect dedicated By their most obliged And most obedient servant, EDWARD HASTED. LONDON, MAY 1, 1801. <iv> <blank> <v> INDEX. The letter A refers to the Appendix at the end of this volume. A. ABERGUILLY, chapel of, 476. Abingdon, monastery of, 301; Siward, abbot of, 304. Abingdon, abbot of, 300; Fa= bricius, abbot of, 317. Abbot, John, prebendary, 78; John, of Guildford, 590, 591; Damaris, ibid. Abbot, election of one, by way of compromise; meaning of, 196. Abbot’s mill granted to the city, A. 634; discharge of ho= mage for it, 643; rebuilt, 657, 659, 672.
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