Moratorium Demonstrations Spark Dispute SEE STORY BELOW

Sunny, Milder Sunny and milder today. Clear THEWJLY FINAL and mild tonight. Fair, quite mild tomorrow. (See Details. Page 2), EDITION Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 100 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1969 24 PAGES 10 CENTS IlllllllllilllllllliNlllllllHIlllillliailtiiBlllt Yankee Clipper Nears Moon9sGrip . SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) - The Apollo 12 ex- grasp of lunar gravity. They were to pass through this in- plorers inspected their moon-landing craft today as the visible barrier when they were 211,322 miles from earth and good ship Yankee Clipper hurtled unerringly toward the 38,933 miles from the moon. grip of lunar gravity and an orbit of the moon tonight. . The spaceship's speed then was to begin increasing as Their target, a shimmering silver crescent, loomed larger Apollo 12 sweeps toward a loop around the backside of the and larger as their home planet shrank in the distance. moon. At 10:47 p.m., the astronauts are to fire Yankee Clip- Astronauts Charles Conrad Jr. and Alan L. Bean, who per's big enginet to zip into lunar orbit. are to attempt a pinpoint landing on the Ocean of Storms THE CAMERA WATCHES Wednesday, wiggled early today through a connecting tun- As Conrad and Bean moved into the lunar module for nel into the landing vehicle, hooked to the nose of the com- the familiarization check, the camera watched as they re- mand ship. moved the tunnel hatch and the harpoon-like docking mech- Richard F. Gordon Jr. remained alone in the Yankee anism to clear the tunnel. • Clipper cabin while Conrad and Bean made their 45-minute Inside the lander cabin, the astronauts beamed pictures inspection of the moon landing craft they call Intrepid. of the control panels, the back packs they'll wear on the TV CAMERA CARRIED moon, window markings that will help them land on the They carried along a television camera to transmit live moon and dust particles floating in weightlessness. Through color pictures of their trip through the three-foot tunnel into one window they,showed the receding earth, about three- the cabin of the four-legged craft. quarters in darkness. And through another they pictured As Conrad and Bean checked Intrepid's systems, Apollo the moon, a thin sliver of light. "The view is spectacular," 12 raced toward a so-called "twilight zone" in which the Bean commented. "It seems that we're in suspended anima- gravitational influence of the earth and moon is about equal. tion," Conrad said. Because of the early hour, television The moon was to win the gravitational tug-of-war early networks taped the show for later broadcast. this morning, placing the astronauts for the first time in the (See Apollo, Pg. 2, Col. 4) Hope Is Fading for Life FIERY BATTLE IN —Two helrrieted student demonstrators stand near flames of exploding firebombs dur- ing clash with riot police at Tokyo's Kamata railway station yesterday. In background are the riot police with metal shields. The clash came about as the students protested Prime Minister Eisaku Sato's visit to the United Of Joseph P. Kennedy, 81 States this week. (AP Cablephoto) HYANNIS PORT, Mass. Kennedy had been given the Ambassador Sargent Shriv- (AP) — Joseph P. Kennedy's last rites of the Roman Catho- er and his wife, Eunice, the family gathered here today lic Church. oldest Kennedy daughter, after a doctor reported the Dr. Robert Watt of Hyan- flew in from Paris. former' ambassador, had suf- nis, who was called to the Patricia Kennedy Lawford fered a minor heart attack. U.S., Soviet Envoys Meet Kennedy compound over the and Jean Kennedy Smith, Kennedy, father of Presi- weekend to attend Kennedy, with husband Stephen, also dent John F, Kennedy, is 81 told the Globe he had were in Hyannis Port. and has been in poor health suffered a minor heart attack. for eight years. A family spokesman said Richard Cardinal Cushing Kennedy suffered a crip- Jacqueline Onassis, the To Mull Nuclear Limits of Boston, a long-time family pling stroke in 1961 that left widow of President Kennedy, friend, said yesterday: "I had him partially paralyzed and and Ethel Kennedy, the wid- By LEWIS GULICK reinforced by Instructions from Nixon. Tluh SovU*8 ttt • a call from the family this confined to his bed or ,a ow of Sen. Robert F.- Kenher HELSINKI, Finland (AP) - U, S. and Soviet envoys secrecy-minded anyway. A proposal by the neutral Finns for morning advising me that he wheelchair. dy, D-N.Y., had been notified met today with public pomp and ceremony before going a joint press briefing before the conference was discouraged bad a very serious setback, Members of the Kenne- of the elder Kennedy's con- into secret discussions on the ground rules for negotiations by the Americans and turned down flatly by the Soviets, dip- and it seems that the good dy-family gathered here In- dition. to curb the nuclear arms race. lomatic sources said. The strategic arms limitations talks- •Lord'is about to take him in cluded Sen. Edward M. Ken- Kennedy was U.S. ambas- President Nixon was expected to send a message voic- referred to generally by officials as SALT—are starting off the foreseeable future." nedy, D-Mass., and his wife sador to Great Britain from ing American hopes for the tqlks, first proposed by Presi- at Helsinki in what is officially billed as a "preliminary" round aimed at staking out procedures and subjects to be An unofficial source said and three children. 1938 to-1940; dent Lyndon B. Johnson three years ago. Chief U. S. negotiator Gerard C. Smith, Soviet envoy discussed in full-scale negotiations later. Vladimir S. Semenov and Ahti Karjalainen, foreign minister The preliminaries are expected to last about three of the host Finnish government, also prepared short state- weeks, although no timetable has been set. ments for the 30-minute ceremonial opening. POSSIBILITY OPEN MEET IN MANSION Smith has left open the possibility that the talks may get Monmouth Moratorium The setting was a 145-year-old mansion in downtown into "substantive issues" quickly. One of these is whether Helsinki where the Russian governors general lived when to halt work on multiwarhead missiles. •,' Finland was part of the Czarist empire. Now it is used for However, both the U.S. and Soviet negotiators have indi- government entertainment. . cated they do not intend to submit specific arms curb pro- After the speechmaking under television lights in a posals at this time. Semenov said the Helsinki round is de- Attracts Modest Crowd chandeliered yellow room, the diplomats were to have a signed to "lay down the basis for further negotiations." short private session in an adjacent blue room adorned with The strategic arms talks were proposed by Johnson With By PAUL KERN Friday there was a poorly Heuben Williams, speaking the reading of the names mirrors and classical paintings. the aim of slowing down the increasingly costly weapons SHREWSBURY - While attended rally at Monmouth for the War Moratorium Com- apologizing to people who are The serious business begins tomorrow when the six-man race which, in the U.S. view, did not really add to the se- curity of the two atomic superpowers. police and - demonstrators College in the morning. Even mittee, said he feels the lo- offended when the names of Soviet delegation and the U. S. team of four negotiators, smaller groups attended a cal demonstrations "had very the war dead are read. plus advisers and interpreters, hold their first secret meeting At that time, in 1946, disarmament advocates were most clashed in Washington Satur- march at Ft. Monmouth little effect on attitudes in Mrs. Irene Bry of Holmdel, in a guarded room at the American Embassy. concerned that development of an ABM, or antiballistic mis? day, about 100 persons stood where riot - trained soldiers this area." one of the demonstrators, On grounds that secrecy shows their seriousness about ' sile, would set off a spiraling new arms race. Now attention out in the cold for two hours outnumbered the demon- Apology Given commented of people driving wanting to make progress in the negotiations, both delega- has turned to the MIRV, or multiple independently targetable and read the names of Viet- strators more then two Edward Rogers, who intro- by with their lights on in sup- tions have been telling newsmen no word will be put out > re-entry vehicle, which will enable one. missile to deliver nam War dead from New Jer- to one, and a rally in the col- duced the reading of the port of President Richard about the substance of the talks while they are under way. several warheads, each capable of heading for a different sey outside the Friends Meet- lege gymnasium in the eve- names of GIs Nixon's policy, "They don't The no-talk edict on the American side was reportedly . target. These are in the testing stage.' ing House. ning. ' killed in Vietnam, prefaced understand that we support the boys in Vietnam too. We just want them home." (See Related Story Page 3) The demonstrators at the Peace March Sparks New Friends Meeting House alter- nately stood quietly in a cir- cle and walked around the Quaker Cemetery to keep warm in the cold fall air. Controversy Over Conduct Most of the protesters were well - dressed, middle aged By JOSEPH E. MOHBAT were destroyed in Vietnam by fringe group of the antiwar — only two in connection with residents of the Red Bank WASHINGTON (AP) — this government. protesters. Near the South the main march and rally. area who said they felt "we The , demonstrators who Arrests Cited Vietnamese Embassy Friday Most were charged with dis- could at least suffer in the jammed the capital for the "Eight hundred thousand night, and at the Justice De- orderly conduct and released cold for a couple of hours to biggest peace demonstration came and left this city with partment Saturday after the 1 on posting collateral. No se- show that we're against the in history have gone home, only 150 arrests and very few rally, the police used tear gas war." leaving behind a dispute injuries." to rout the several thousand rious injuries were reported, Motorists driving by over whether the'mass pro- Police Chief Jerry V. Wil- militants. and damage appeared limited seemed not to notice the dem- test against the Vietnam war son had estimated 250,000 A total of about 130 persons to several dozen broken win- onstration. was peaceful, as they had demonstrators turned out Sat- . were arrested in the two days dows. A short march Friday af- promised, or violent, as the urday. But he said that esti- ternoon through two-blocks of government had warned. mate was modest. • iinUiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiuiigi Eatontown to the West Gate "I do not believe that, over- Herbert G. Klein, who of Ft. Monmouth was co-spon- all, the gathering here can be speaks for President Nixon, sored by the War Moratorium characterized as peace- said although the demonstra- Committee at Monmouth Col- ful," Atty. Gen. John N. tion "again proves that this is The Inside Story lege and Education for Peace, Mitchell said yesterday of the a country which allows people a community organization. massive gathering that to express themselves. I Today's gourmet recipe Page t About 40 marchers, mostly brought at least a quarter- don't think there's a value in Women named to Who's Who of American Women Page I college students walked up to million war protesters to trying to form policy for the Brides this weekend Page 11 the fort's gate past the two government, or Washington. Rangers salvage day for New York Page 14 platoons of riot trained troops He accused the organizing any government, from crowds with gas masks and rifles be- New Mobilization Committee or. the street." Mater Del beats Baylcy-Ellard : Page 14 fore assembling in Smock of failing to heed Justice De- Nixon himself had nothing Mlddletown on top of football world Page IS Park in front of the Eaton- partment warnings of poten- to say publicly aboilt the Saturday gridiron action Pages 15-16 town veterans memorial for tial violence. demonstration. He went to a .a few short speeches while "That's a lie," New Mobe football game yesterday after Allen-Goldsmith 6 Sports 14-16 Eatontown police, fort intel- project director Ron Young having spent rally day in the Amusements 2J Successful Investing 11. ligence people and FBI men retorted when told of White House, conducting offi- Births 2 Television 23 looked on. Mitchell's statement. "Yes- cial business and watching a Jim Bishop G Women's News 8-18 Bridge 22 When the marchers walked terday, thousands of people televised football match. DAILY REGISTER past the fort, several GIs took Points to Clashes Classified 17-21 ^were gassed in Washington by PHONE NUMBERS still and motion pictures of this government. Yesterday, Mitchell, contending the Comics 22 the demonstrators. hundreds' of people were gathering had not been peace- Crossword Puzzle 22 Main Office .741-Mll See Simplicity's Snow-Away killed in Vietnam by this gov- ful, pointed to two clashes be- Editorials 6 ' Classified Ads .. .741-SNf Hcrblock S •t Monmouth Mower, Hwy. 35, ernment. Yesterday, villages tween police and a militant Home Delivery 741-Mll James Kllpatrick 6 Mlddletown Bureau {71-22U liddletown. 671-1073. Open House Night DEMONSTRATORS Dabney Venabla, left, and Allan Strassburger represented Enjoy a wonderful luncheon Movie Timetable 23 Freehold Bureau .462-2121 Come try a "Double Sizzler." at the Rum Runner. Service Tuesday, Nov. 18, 7 to 9.10% the Peace and Equal Rights Committee at the War Moratorium Day demonstration Obituaries '. 4 Long Branch Bureau Jtt-MU lew luncheon special only from 12 to 3. Daily, except discount on all purchases. Free Sylvia Porter '6 Sports Department 741-W7 at, Monmouth. College Friday. About 65 itudents and 10 people from the.communi- U.29 at Bonanza, Rt. 35, Mid- Tuesday. Ocean Ave., Sea coffee, cookies, door prizes. Woolworth, Red Bank. (Adv.) ty attended. c'.letown (Adv.) Bright. (Adv.) -THE DAILY REGISTER RED BANK • MIDDLETOWN, N. 7.: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, VM

Blacks, Puerto Ricaiis TOp of the News SPACE CENTER, Houston - Apollo 12 challenges the celestial forces of gravity and depends on ^ engines of Pick Their Candidates man even more than the first moon landing fUght of Apollo NEWARK (AP) - A convention of blapk the South Ward seat will ba Sharpe James, 11 Twice before the Apollo 12 lunar module lands pn the and Puerto Rican citizens of Newark has Director of Athletics at Essex County Col- surface of the moon it to critical rocket firings which must chosen a Negro city engineer as its candi- lege, and in the East Ward, Alvin Oliver, work as planned to avoid ruining the mission. date for mayor of Newark in the election community development director of the Unlike previous moon flights, Apollo 12 is on a path to be held ^xt - spring. city's antipoverty agency. which would not automatically carry it back toranhif Kenneth A. Gibson, 37, who was an Newark is New Jersey's largest city Uie first major firing of the service propulsion rocket en- unsuccessful candidate for the city hall job with a population of about 400,000. In July gine fails Instead, the path would carry it away from in 1966, was nominated by acclamation yes- 1967 a riot here claimed 26 lives. euth into deep space. Like Apollo 11, the second flight to terday at the close of a three-day conven- Election in Newark's mayoral contest the moon faces the final harrowing minutes of fl*«"» « tion. requires a clear majority, which makes a scent when man and machine must mesh perfectly to avoid His selection made likely a three way runoff possible in the three-man race shap- race for mayor in Newark's nonpartisan . ing up next year. There are about 153,009 iKre^aKeasures and back-upsystem. These election. voters in the city. are well tested and highly dependabe. Thei odds •of tear Hugh J. Addonizio, the two-term in- In 1966 Gibson polled 16,114 votes to failing are minute. But they can fail and after tM tee cumbent, has not formally declared his 45,817 for Addonizio and 18,500 for former is no reprieve. Apollo 12's the moon, set on he candidacy, but city hall sources say it is mayor Leo J. Carlin. A second Negro candi- second day of flight, would if unchanged carry J around almost a certainty. date, Otis W. King, drew 1,150 votes. the moon in a sharp loop and then whip it into an angle The third candidate is City Councilman CONSIDERED SAFE away from the earth and far out into space. A rocket Anthony Imperiale, the first man into the Gibson, who many thought rolled up firing is planned behind the moon to change this path ana race when he declared this spring. his 1966 totals in votes considered "safe" settle the spacecraft into an orbit of tie moon. GETTING HIS WINGS — Mrs. Homor B. Hicks Jr. pins Eagle badge on her son, Imperiale, an advocate of strict law en- for Addonizio, forced a runoff which was won by Addonizio. Robsrt F. Hicks, 14, of New Monmouth Boy Scout Troop 35. Looking on, from left, forcement, gained notice in 1868 with the formation of the North Ward Citizens Com- When he conceded defeat three years Skydive Is Fatal to Two are Mr. Hicks, Scoutmaster James Gordon and Herbert G. Gottlieb, president of mittee, a self protection alliance among resi- ago the civil engineer said, "I don't think MOUT HOLLY — A bizarre skydiving accident over thft New Monmouth School PTA, naw troop sponsor. I Register Staff Photo) dents of the city's predominantly white there's any doubt there will be a Negro Burlington County Airport has resulted in the deaths of two Korth Ward. He was elected to the city running for mayor in Newark in 1970, and men. The victims of yesterday's accident were Kay n. council last year. I think he'll win." Komae, 28, of Maple Shade, and John J. McGuire, 28, of FIRST PARLEY Gibson said after his nomination Sunday, . The convention marked the first time- "We're not going to say anything bad about State police said the two jumped with two others from Manalapan Developers Fee minority group communities in Newark, anybody." He echoed the theme of the con- a Cessna aircraft flying at 7,000 feet and that Komae and where the black population exceeds 50 per vention when he told some 374 delegates McGuire intended to perform a linkup and then ride their cent, had formally consolidated in a show that "there's nothing wrong with us getting chutes to the ground. However, as McGuire's chute opened, of political strength. When Gibson ran in together as other people have been getting Accord Spurs Test in Court together." Komae was still in freefall above. As McGuire decelerated 1966 he was an independent candidate. Komae slammed into him. Police estimated toe men hit FREEHOLD - A trial will The developer had filed a tant element is that the pay- The convention also chose seven candi- Speakers such as Richard Hatcher, each other at about 100 mph. be scheduled to determine the complaint maintaining that in ments were made on a volun- dates for the city council. Four will run for Negro mayor of Gary, Ind., black comedian legality of a Manalapan de- March, 19(15, it was required tary basis, said townsJiip at- at-large council seats and the other three Dick Gregory and U. S. Rep. Shirley Chi- Haynsworth Debate Nears End veloper's agreement which re- to sign an agreement with the torney Marvin E. Schaefer of for seats from Newark's East, West, South solm, first Negro woman to serve in con- quired a developer lo pay the township in which it would Ocean Township. and Central Wards. No candidates were gress, repeatedly told the convention crowd WASHINGTON — The Senate entered its last days of chosen from the North and West Wards that blacks and Puerto Ricans must use township $500 for each house pay the township $500 for each The Ocean Township case, debate today over the Supreme Court nomination of Judge which are predominantly white. their power as other minority groups have Clement F. Haynsworth Jr. with nearly a quarter of the built. house ereoted in its M-lot sub- which was decided by the Su- in the past. Superior Court Judge Elvin division, Manalapan Estates. preme Court in 1966, involved Named as at-large candidates were: senators still uncommited. R. Simmill Friday held tSiat The complaint contended Uie payment of {17,700 paid to Raymond Anases, a Puerto Rican civic , Hatcher called Saturday for "absolute Debate on the confirmation began the issue was important to the that the developer was forced the municipality after the de- leader; Earl Harris, a former Essex County unity" if the convention wanted to elect Thursday and at week's end an Associat- public interest and should be to execute the agreement "as veloper was denied buMding freeholder; Theodore Pinckney, a Negro its candidates. ed Press poll showed 40 senators against determined by a non-jury a direct result of economic permits. The developer paid civic leader, and Donald Tucker, an orga- Gibson, although looked upon by many and 37 for Haynsworth. (rial. duress employed by the town- $300 for each home erected, nizer for the Essex County Council on Drug in 1966 as a militant, is viewed as a moder- Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mans- Addiction. ate choice for Newark's black population, The Judge had dismissed a ship — namely Hie township's the money being reserved for field of Montana said he will seek agree- withholding final approval school construction. CENTRAL CANDIDATE fitting the more traditional outlook of ment for a vote Wednesday or Thursday. motion by the developer. organizations such as the NAACP and the Republican Leader Hugh Scott, mean- North American Development and threatening denial of the At the trial level in that The Central Ward candidate will be the same unless and until such Rev. Dennis Westbrooks, director of New- Urban League, two sponsors of the conven- while, said President Nixon should name Corp. of Westfield, for sum- case, Superior Court Judge tion. another southerner and a "strict construe- mary judgment directing the agreement was signed." Herbert Horn held that the ark's Scudder Homes project; running for The developer is seeking to tionist" to the high court should Hayw- township to return the money. payments were in fact made worth's nomination be rejected. Willingness Factor be reimbursed $47,000 which unwillingly but held that they Haynsworth it maintained it paid the town- ""I said if it should fail," the Pennsylvanian said. The crux of the case, said were voluntary in law and, "The President fully expects it to be confirmed." the judge, is question of will- ship. therefore, unrecoverable be- ingness on the part of the The complaint maintains cause Uie developer ought to Space Package to Probe Scott was interviewed on the ABC program "Issues and developer to pay the money. that the township's policy have sued to restrain the Answers." Representing the developer, violates the provisions of township from pressing an il- L. William Balsam of Nutley equal protection doctrine legal demand. Williams Says He's Qualified argued that this case was guaranteed by the 14th But the Supreme Court NEWARK — Sen. Harrison A. Williams, sounding con- similar to West Park Ave, Amendment of the U.S. Con- Moon's Inner Secrets ruled In the Ocean Township ciliatory, says that he has the qualifications Hudson Coun- Inc. vs. Ocean Township, in stitution and violates the case that the developer was By JIM STROTHMAN nuclear electric generator, the moon's ability to retain ty boss John V. Kenny is looking for — though Kenny has which the state Supreme Stale Constitution as it un- an unwilling volunteer, stat- SPACE CENTER, Houston the first atomic generator an atmosphere. vowed to back his own, Hudson man in the 1970 Democratic Court ruled that Ocean Town- reasonably singles out certain ing "we have no doubt the (AP) — Could storms of ra- ever carried on a manned Some scientists believe so- senatorial primary. ship had to return the money members of a certain class of municipality was conscious of diation particles from the space flight, lar radiation storms con- Williams told a newsman that he could understand it collected from a developer. property owners to subsidize the illegality of what it did sun, constantly blowing Called ALSEP, for Ad- stantly blowing through space Kenny's desire to run State Sen. Frank J. Guarini in the pri- Judge Simmttl, however, municipal expenses. and for tttat reason refrained through space, be exploited vanced Lunar Surface Ex- would rapidly strip away any mary. "But if he thinks more broadly," Williams added, said that Chief Justice Jo- Validity Seen from adopting an ordinance, someday to rid earth of its periments Package, the ar- atmosphere on the moon "I meet his qualifications for an office-holder." seph Welntraub didn't come The township, however, seeking instead to achieve its growing air pollution prob- ray is expected to beam data carrying the particles-' to right out and say that any maintains the agreement is ends through the guise of lem? to earth for at~least one year points beyond the solar sys- payment to municipality was valid because it was entered 'voluntary' contributions with Is the moon a cold, rock- and perhaps two. It includes: tem. They have suggested it Protest Mars Premier's Trip illegal as such. Into voluntarily. The impor- spurious agreements to make like asteroid or is it like A seismometer almost might be possible to exploit TOKYO (AP) — While an estimated 700,000 leftist stu- them stick." earth — hot and molten in- identical to one carried on this to help eliminate air pol- dents and workers demonstrated throughout against The Manalapan Township side and solid on the crust? Apollo 11 to register moon- lution on earth. his trip, Prime Minister Eisaku Sato left for Washington agreement, however, did not Does the moon tremble quakes, meteor impacts and The idea — looking into the today for talks with President Nixon on the return of Oki- stipulate what the money was from within, and does it per- rockslides down crater walls. distant future — would be to nawa to Japan. The biggest police turnout in memory kept County Births to be used for. An affidavit haps have a very thin atmos- Data from the device could put pollution forming indus- the leftists from making good on*their threat to prevent by township officials stated phere of particles created by tell scientists much about the tries on the lunar surface re- Sato's departure. RIVEItVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cas- that the payments were decomposing lunar material? moon's internal structure serving earth as a healthy Some 22,000 riot police and plainclothesmen guarded Red Bank les (nee Sandra Prascsak), 40 turned over to Uie Manala- Answers to these mysteries, whether it's hard like a rock place to live. the roads to Tokyo's international airport. Another 3,000 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bay Ave., East Keansburg, pan-Englishtown Board of Ed- and others, could be revealed all the way through, has a — A magnetometer to de- men were deployed throughout the terminal building. Po- Peters (nee Gay Hose Ve- son, Friday. ucation. by a $25 million array of molten inner core like earth tect and measure lunar mag- lice reported no incidents at the rainswept airport. But at Rasno), 51 Park Avc., Kcans- Mr. and Mrs. 'Richard Julge Simmil granted a scientific experiments to be or is a broken-up structure netic fields generated by Kamata, site of a railway station l'/2 miles from the airport, burg, son, Friday. , Woods, 75 Matilda Ter., Mid- motion by the township to add set up Wednesday on the without a patten). those same solar storms riot police fired tear gas and battled briefly with an esti- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mai- dletown, son, Friday. the school board as a defen- moon's Ocean of Storms. To Study Gas sweeping by the moon. The mated 2,500 students trying to reach the airport. Police bone (nee Victoria Lee), 741 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gilvo dant In the complaint. More Elaborate — A lunar ionosphere de- intensity of the magnetic field arrested 168 of the students, including eight girls.' Hopping Road, Belford, a (nee Carol Barricklow), 11 The judge continued a mo- Far more elaborate than tector, which will study depends on the moon's inter- daughter, Friday. Deer Path, Holmdcl, daugh- tion by the township which the two experiments left by charged gas particles created nal temperature scientists Voyage Yields Barrel of Oil Mr. and Mrs. Anthony ter, Friday. wants to name a home owner the Apollo 11 astronauts last when Apollo 12's landing craft say, so data from the device CHESTER, Pa. - The ice-breaker S. S. Malinconico (nee Mary Shan- Mr. and Mrs. Larry Stein as a defendant to show that July Apollo 12's scientific blasts off from the moon-de- should give researchers a came home from the Arctic with only one barrel of oil. But non), 52 John St., Red Bank, (nee Laurel Coleman), 233 the price for a home was in- bundle consists of five instru- tecting the rate the gases better idea on how hot the that 'one barrel symbolically opens up the world's newest daughter, Friday. Cedar Ave., Long Branch, creased $500 to absorb the ments to be powered by a dissipate and thus evaluate moon's interior actually is. Alaskan oil tap to Atlaatic East Coast refineries and shows Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Holpp daughter, yesterday. cost. a trade route can be cut through the frozen Northwest (nee Jean Marie Kortjohn), JERSEY SHORE MEDICAL , Passage. The S. S. Manhattan pulled into Chester last 16 Mohawk Avc., Atlantic night after a three-month historic break-through of the Highlands, daughter, Friday. Neptune Northwest Passage's ice-choked waters. She came home Mr. and Mrs. George Ga- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mc- Apollo Near Moon Orbit to Chester, where that voyage began Aug. 24. zell (nee Lorna Grabowski), Cormack (nee Dorothy Gil- Injui 54 Bray Ave., Port Monmouth, luin), GOG 9th Ave., Blemar, NEW SHREWSBURY — (Continued) correction engine firing that blare of a bugle playing rev- Agnew Seen Raising Question son, Friday. a son, Friday. Newby Gyden of Ft. Mon- Conrad and Bean made two had been scheduled last night. eille. Each had logged be- WASHINGTON - Vice President Spiro T. Agnew's crit- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koop- Mr. and Mrs. John Carton mouth was Injured here on earlier unscheduled trips into The only advice they sought tween eight and nine hours man (nee Karen Foder), Mad- (nee Joanne Kent), 119 Lake- the landing craft after their from the ground was whether sleep. icism of network television news coverage raises "a legi- Saturday afternoon when his timate question," but one that should be debated within ison Gardens, Old Bridge, wood Read, Neptune, a launching Friday to search they could eat tuna fish salad Little Conversation son, Friday. car struck a tree on Pine for possible damage from an from a can that had been the industry, says a spokesman for Pres- daughter, Saturday. There was little conversa- ident Nixon. But should the industjy fail Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCue Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hur- Brook Road. electrical surge that momen- opened the day before. (nee Mores Mayes), 683 tarily knocked out some sys- tion between space and the to scrutinize itself, said Herbert OS Klein, ley (nee Elizabeth Ann- According to police, a wit- After consulting doctors ground as the astronauts "you do invite the government to dome in. Colts Neck Road, Freehold, ness reported that the Gyden tems in the Yankee Clipper. and others, mission control daughter, Friday. strong), 301 Sunset Ave., A6- The power dropout occurred rested and prepared for the I'd like not to see that happen." bury Park, A daughter, Sat- told them: "The majority busy schedule ahead in which Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hesse car skidded on sand in the as the Saturn 5 pushed Apollo Klein, a former newspaper editor and urday. says throw it away. There's they are to spend nearly four now Nixon's director of communications, (nee Sandra Steffer) Fair road. 12 into space through a driv- a minority report that says Haven Road, Fair Haven, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Flugcr Mr. Gyden was taken to ing rainstorm. But experts days in the vicinity of the said Sunday of Agnew's contention that a everybody can eat it except moon. "small and unelected elite" in the nation- daughtetr, Friday. (nee Frances Swayzc), 2031 Paterson Army Hospital at do not believe the problem Dick Gordon." Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Aker- Shafto Road, New Shrews- was associated with the Mission commander Conrad al television networks is abusing its power bury, a son, Saturday. Ft. Monmouth. storm. The trio slept most of yes- summed it up: over public opinion: "I think there's a lund (nee Patricia Lcith), 392 Police said the car had terday, adjusting their sleep legitimate question to be debated within Ocean Avc, Long Branch, Mr. and Mrs. George Louk The astronauts-reported no cycle to prepare for the lunar "We've been studying as- son, Saturday. (nee Djanne Horan), Wood- two different license plates tronomy, geography, geology, (he industry. I would be opposed to gov- Klein troubles as they approached surface activities, most of eminent participation in it. But in the industry, whether Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Tre- ward Road, Englishtown, a on the front and rear. The their tantalizing target. They which are to occur in the a few other things up here — vcan (nee Barbara Hubele), son, Saturday. really not a lot to do on the we're doing a good enough job, whether we're being objec- accident is still under in- were on such a perfect early morning hours. tive enough and whether we might not spend more time 57 Lakewood Ave,, Keans- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Er- vestigation by Sgt. Fred Gar- course that the mission con- way out. You've got your Mission control awakened systems to monitor and in self-examination." burg, daughter, Saturday. cnlino (nee Helen Giabalbo), rabrant. trol center cancelled a course them at 4:20 p.m. with the Mr. and Mrs. Don Craven 1314 Carvin Ave., Wanamas- you've got to eat and keep (nee Norma Kuglcr), 4 Kcker sa, daughter, yesterday, t, yourself clean, get some UN Disarmament Talk Opens Drive, New Monmouth, daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Devlin sleep and except for that UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. r- The General Assembly's ter, yesterday. (nee Nancy O'Shea), 104 Lin- you're free to do a little look- , annual disarmament debate, opening today, is expected to Mr. and Mrs. Dominick den Dr., Fair Haven, son, Weather: Clear and Mildering out the window and study- produce resolutions in favor of stopping Uie nuclear arms Fiore (nee Sandra Lunt), yesterday. ing the check lists and maps race, keeping nuclear weapons off the ocean floor and 119 Kinkaid Dr., Middlctown, Mr and Mrs. Alton Frascr Sunny and milder today, Plains pushing rain ahead of ranged from 8 at Havre, and things that you're going curbing gas and germ warfare. U. S. Chief Delegate daughter, yesterday. it. Mont., to 75 at Brownsville, to be using when you get to (nee Ethel Smith), 1116 high 50-55. Fair and mild to- the lunar orbit." Charles W. Yost and Soviet disarmament negotiator Alek- Mr. and Mrs. Edward An- Munroe Ave., Asbury Park, night, low in mid 49s. Tomor- Travelers warnings were in Tex. sei A. Koshchin were listed as the first two speakers be- derson (nee Delores Scberin), daughter, yesterday. row fair and quite mild, high effect for expected blowing MARINE Gordon reported: "Every- fore the assembly's main political committee. 2 Beaver St:, Hazlct, daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O'Rce 55-60. Wednesday's outlook, and drifting snow over an ar- Cape May to Block Island: body's had breakfast, brushed The 126-nation committee has four items on its agenda- ter, yesterday. (nee Theresa Brent), 11 Klin- partly cloudy and continued ea from Wyoming to Kansas. Variable winds 10 knots or their teeth and combed their general disarmament, chemical and biological disarma- Mr. and Mrs. Manuel San- wnod Place, Leonardo, son, mild. Two to three inches of new less today and tonight, hair, and we're even thinking ment, suspension of underground nuclear tests and nu- tiago (nee Theodora Cornell), yesterday. In Long Branch, yes- snow fell across parts of becoming southerly 10-15 about shaving today for clear aid for non-nuclear countries. It plans a general de- 26 Hemlock Drive, Farming- Mr. and Mrs. Jules Ilamu terday's high was 45 and the southern Montana, Wyoming, knots tomorrow. Fair, with you." tmte on all four items, then will consider resolutions on dale, daughter, yesterday. (nee Aido Aitu), Arcade Gar- low was 26. It was 33 at 6 Colorado and Utah. visibility five miles or more. "Sounds like you're ready each of Uietn to turn. Mr. and Mrs. Onomrio Fa'r- dens, Old Bridge, son, yes- p.m. The overnight low was The U.S. Weather Bureau TIDES for another busy day," said rara (nee Mary Ami Libretti), terday. 25 and the temperature was was warning of heavy snows Sandy Hook mission control. "You're all Neat Beards Ruled Okay 486 Roxbury Road, BeJ/ord, Mr. and Airs. Gwyn-Wil- 26 at 7 this morning. for northwestern New Mexi- TODAY - High 2:06 p.m. cleaned up and nowhere to son, yesterday. co. and low 8:42 p.m. go." NEW YORK - Are beards on bus drivers beyond the Hams (nee Sabrana Volker), A series of complex low fringe of neatness? No, an arbitrator ruled, pointing out Mr. and Mrs. John McDan- 1740 W. Princeton Ave., Lau- Light rain was falling from TOMORROW — High 2:48 "We're going somewhere, pressure systems has made Texas to Minnesota as well that Uncle Sam, Moses and Abraham Lincoln were never la- lei (nee Rosemarie Zultak), relton, daughter, yesterday. a.m. and 3:12 p.m. and low but we're not sure where," beled slobs for their face hair. 33 Aberdeen Road, Matawan, this a blustery and wintry as along the Pacific Coast anil 9:12 a.m. and 9:36 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris Monday across moSt of the Conrad said lightly. Eight bearded bus drivers for the Manhattan & Bronx son, yesterday. (nee Jacqueline McCray), in parts of the Southwest. For Red Bank and Rumson "We are," replied mission nation. An arctic high pressure ar- bridge, add two hours; Sea Surface Transit Operating Authority were suspended for MONMOLTII MEDICAL Richard Road, Farmingdale, control with laughter. Bean, their foliage. The authority and the Transport Workers Long Branch son, yesterday. Throughout the early morn- ea along the Middle Atlantic Bright, deduct 10 minutes; gazing back at the earth Ing hours, snow spread across Coast kept temperatures low Union sought arbitration from labor lawyer Theodore Mr. and Mrs. William Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Peter Iorio Long Branch, deduct 15 min- through binoculars, reported Kheel. Any^beard is all right if it is neatly trimmed Kheel (nee Eileen Grogan), 93 Nave- (nee Mary Dorasarage), 53 the northern and central and skies generally clear. utes; Highlands bridge, add he had a "good view" of the Rockies and onto Uie Western ]*redawn temperatures ruled yesterday, and the eight beards he surveyed were sink Avc., Highlands, daugh- Andovor Lane, Matawan, sun, 40 minutes. southwest United States and neat. A "neatly trimmed beard Is like being a lltUe bit ter, Friday. yesterday. Alaska. pregnant." a lawyer for the authority had told Kheel. DAILY BEGISTER, RED BANK-MIDDLETOWN.'N. J.: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1969 State GOP Chief Offers Split View on Agnew Talk By BOB DUB1LL — Held open the possibility that Cahill would appoint NEWARK (AP) - Republican State Chairman Nelson some Democratic cabinet members to new terms in his Gross says Vice President Agnew's speech criticizing the administration. "He'll sit down with some of the incumbents television networks was "appropriate in some measures," to see if he has a rapport with them." but that he has a difference of opinion with Agnew on some points. — Said that the Republican administration hctpes it can Says Gross, "You have to differentiate between tele- avoid a state income tax, but that an increase in the sales vision and the news media." tax is probable. Speaking on a television program Sunday, Gross said that newspapers have editorial pages to voice opinion, but that opinion forums are more restricted on television. "I certainly believe that the public knows what is going on, people are intelligent and sophisticated," he said. He said he doesn't believe that newscasters can super- ' impose their own opinions on discerning listeners. "They have the right to say what they want," he said ' of the newscasters. "But editorialization should not be in- fused with newscasting." Gross said there should be no censorship, and he noted that the vice president emphasized that he doesn't want cen- sorship either. ] On another topic, Gross ssaid he had no personal objec- tions to moratorium protests against the Vietnam war. "Peaceful dissent is a perfectly right way for people to conduct themselves," he said. Gross, a 38-year-old lawyer from Hackensack, was an influential figure in the campaign of Gov.-elect William T. Cahill. Gross reiterated that he is "seriously considering" run- ning for the U. S. Senate next year. PEACE VIGIL — Ths Society of Friends opened their grounds in Shrews'bury to persons wishing to join them in "I have received expressions of support, surprisingly so. I have received so many phone calls," he said. "I'll be reading the names of New Jersey's Vietnam War dead Saturday afternoon. talking to party leaders and people around the state, then ESPECIALLY FOR YOUNGSTERS — Mrs. Lillian F. I'll make an assessment." Songwer, library administrator, shows collection of The seat, occupied by Sen. Harrison A. Williams, a new books and one of the recently purchased prints Democrat, will be up for reelection in 1970. at Oceanic Library, Rumson, where Children's Book Gross answered questions on "Direct Line," Channel Week is being observed this week. Woman Scores Victory Four, WNBC-TV, New York, as listeners telephoned queries to the League of Women Voters, who relayed them to a . moderator. In response to a question on whether Cahill would ap- point state Sen. William Kelly, a Democrat, as Hudson Library Marking For Busing to Washington County prosecutor, Gross said, "I would doubt it very much." He said the only way he could anticipate such an ap- LAKEWOOD — A woman she was informed Friday wanted to charter the buses able to arrange for a bus pointment would be for Democratic Gov. Richard J. Hughes who describes herself as a morning that drivers for the to the .group and spent many from another firm and a to appoint Kelly before the governor leaves office. Children's Week "middle class, middle - aged bus company were refusing to hours negotiating with the driver from In that way, Gross suggested, Kelly might be confirmed by the senate under the traditional prerogative of "sena- RUMSON - A display of the reference section to help housewife" won her battle transport peace marchers. drivers. who was willing to drive the new books and an interesting the youngsters obtain cur- with the Lincoln Transit Co. She contacted a Toms River Mr. Marvin said a bus com- torial courtesy." demonstrators to Washington. Under senatorial courtesy, the senate gives priority to collection of children's prints rent and accurate informa- Which . refused to provide attorney who agreed to take pany executive handling the The housewife described the are highlights of the tion. buses to take peace demon- the case without charge and matter "seemed to be caught confirming appointees who are senators. day in Washington as "a "But I doubt that Gov. Hughes would propose that," Children's Book Week be- A series of creative and strators to Washington. the American Civil Liberties in the middle" sad a reliable ing celebrated at the Oceanic Union which helped the at- source stated that the drivers' beautiful, inspiring, wonder- Gross said. striking prints for children Mrs. Beatrice Schurgin said ful experience" and said "I Free Library. has been loaned to the she had reserved buses for a torney "map out strategy" union had had no part in can- Kelly is a staunch ally of Hudson County Democratic never met people as nice as leader John V. Kenny, who supported Cahill in the'guber- Mrs. Lillian P. Gongwer, li- library by Mrs. Marti Huber, group of demonstrators who according to Walter Marvin, celing the buses. director of Gallery 100, Rum- wished to go to the Capital, an ACLU spokesman. After are Ocean County all the kids there. They natorial race against Democrat Robert B. Meyner. Hughes brary administrator, has in- shared everything they had was irked at Kenny during the campaign. vited the public to view the son, to higlight the activities had made a deposit and had Mrs. Schurgin reported that court issued a restraining or- lof the , week. Executed by bus company executives der, Lincoln Transit Co. was with me." Gross asserted there were "no deals" between Cahill display of new children's a contract for the buses when and Kenny on the appointment of a prosecutor. books and special collection Mrs. Helen Seigl of Philadel- On other subjects, Gross: of prints on loan from Gallery phia, the mother of 10 chil- 100, Rumson. Two special dren, they are apt and ap- story hours are scheduled this pealing to children of all ages. week to commemorate Chil- Two of the prints have be- Legislature Is Returning; Task Force of Newsmen dren's Book Week. come part of the library's Several new books have permanent. collection ot prints been added to the children's aiio>-raiirtings. The print, Starts Statewide Effort collection through the Wor-"Catr7 was donated to the chester Warner Seely fund. library by Gallery 100 and Power Shift is Top Issue NEW BRUNSWICK (AP) - The New Brunswick Home Mr. and Mrs. Seely es- "Poet" was purchased by the Task Force 70, a unique ven- News will be host for today's tablished the fund to honor the trustees. Of special interest is TRENTON (AP) - Return- governor's salary to 550,000 a spent too much money. Legislative leaders said ture in cooperative journal- kickoff meeting of the Task memory of their son who was the series of alphabet prints Ing after a lengthy summer year was a leading item on Jack D. Alvino, an inde- they would introduce a bill ism by Associated Press Force and serve as general killed in an automobile acci- that spell out the word and fall recess, the New Jer- the agenda. pendent gubernatorial candi- to lift the spending limit re- member newspapers in New headquarters during the dent in 1962. A new Book of ' "story" with animal illustra- , sey Legislature focused to- The lawmakers also planned date, has filed suit alleging troactively to cover the re- Jersey, begins a detailed sur- week. Knowledge has been added to tions. day on the impending shift to consider a measure to in- that Cahiji and his defeated cently concluded campaign. vey of the state today. In administrations from Gov. sure that the courts wouldn't Democratic opponent Robert The salary increase must The Task Force is com- Richard J. Hughes to Gov.- overturn the results of the B. Meyner spent far more be approved, by the legisla- posed of reporters from AP eleet William T. Cahlll. Nov. 4 election on grounds than the $100,000 permitted by member newspapers and the that the major candidates ture this year if it is to take A bill to raise the new law. effect with Gahill's suc- AP staff. Working indepen- LIFE INSURANCE cession to office next Jan. 20. H3 TRUST" CCHVlJ=>PkISIV DOWNTOWN LONG BRANCH Allanrturat • Ailvntown * Dradtty Bench * Gatoi)towri SERVICE IS OUR Raymond Patterson made the lion robbery of a Wells-Fargo Parmlngdale • Ct. Monmoulh • Freehold (2) > rr»«hold Twin original investigation. Det. truck tha} was carrying Aque- Western Branch Offics Long Branch (2) • Marlboro • Matewan • Neptune City Herbert Swanson is continu- duct Racetrack money to^a 121 Broadway, San Diego, California Rumion • Saa Bright • Shrewibury • Sptlng.Like HtlghM BIGGEST ASSET ! WIMatn riOBIUL tVOUT INIUIUkNCI COjVOHATION ing the investigation. , bank. -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK• MIDDLETOWN, N.J.J MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1969 Ind., and'David Smalbadi of MrsACharles Albano | Arthur C, Smalbach Rockville Centre, N.Y. •Funeral services were held HAZLET - Mrs. Vincenza RED BANK — Arthur £ rjjary, 1967. in New York Friday. Ar- Albano, 46, of 12 Virginia Smalbach 70, died'Wednesday surviving are hL Obituaries Ave., died "Thursday in Riv- in Riverview Hospital after a Mary, and two sons, Robert rangements were under, the erview Hospital, Red Bank. short illness. Smalbach of Indianapolis, direction of the Universal Fu- She was born in New York Mr. Smalbach, born in New neral Chapel, New York City. and had resided here 12 years. William J. McLaughlin Mrs. Albano was a communi- COLTS NECK —William J. John J. Puis Mrs. Peter Dunn As a merchandise manager cant of the Holy Family Cath- McLaughlin, 21, of RD 2 died Improve your HAZLET — John J. Pais, BELFORD — Mrs. Jean- olic Church, Union Beach. of Steinbach, Co., Asbury 44, of 22 Duttonwood PL, died nette P. Dunn, 55, of 55 Garn- Park since 1943, the executive recently. home with sey Place died Saturday in She is survived by her hus- He was born in Brooklyn yesterday in Riverview Hos- band, Charles Albano; a son, was an active member of the pital, Red Bank. Riverview Hospital, Red now defunct Asbury Park and had been a mechanic. Bank, after a long illness. Charles S. at home; her par- He is survived by his par- Born in Hazleton, Pa., Mr. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Chamber of Commerce, serv- ALUMINUM Pais came here 10 years ago Born in Brooklyn, Mrs. ing as chairman of the retail ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn lived most of her life Locascio, Merrick, N. Y.; two J. McLaughlin; a sister, Miss from Bloomfield. He was brothers, Joseph Locascio of division, and on a number of SIDING parts manager for the Big- in South Ozone Park, N. Y. committees. Kathleen McLaugttlin at She had lived here 18 years. Merrick, N. Y.; and Salva- home; a brother, Matthe,w G. clow Motors of Belleville. , tore Locascio of Lindenhurst, He was a member and for- Surviving are her husband, mer director of the Shore McLaughlin, also at home, his He was a communicant of Peter Dunn; a son, Kenneth N.Y.; six sisters, Mrs. Vir- maternal grandmother, Mrs. the Holy Family Catholic ginia Vollarth of Bethpage, United Fund, and the National RED BANK Dunn of Shrewsbury; a Retail Merchants Association, Edna Colgan of Red Bank and Church, Union Beach. A U.S. daughter, Mrs. Lillian Har- Mrs. Josephine Crocilla, of his paternal grandfather Jere- Air Force veteran of World Center Beach, N. Y.; Mrs. Accessory Division, New nett, here; her mother, Mrs. York. For many years, Mr. miah Maher of Brooklyn, N.Y. EU. War II, Mr, Pais was a mem- Katherine Smith of New Dorp, Eva Scimonelli, New York; ber of the Pieces of Eight Mrs. Christine Caminiti of Smalbach was a member of A Requiem Mass will be N. Y.; four brothers, John the Congregation B'nai Israel, offered at 9 a.m. Wednesday Club and of the Parts Man- and August Smith of New New York; Mrs. Hose Pizzolo agers Club. of Brooklyn and Mrs. Mar- Rumson, and tihe Ceres in St. Mary's Roman Catho- LAID TO REST — The caskot carrying J. Russell Dorp, Joseph Smith of Baby- He is survived by his wid- garet Locascio of Merriek. Union, a New York philan- lic Church, Colts Neck, Burial lon, N. Y., and Frank Smith will be in Mt. Olivet Ceme- rou/vCs Woolley, Monmouth County's "Mr. Republican," is ow, Mrs. Leona Quinn Pais; thropic organization. of Maspeth, N. Y.; three sis- The Flinch and Bruns Fu- tery, Middletown under the carried to its {ftal resting placa at the West Long three sons, John J., Jr., ters, Mrs. Mary Fanner, here, neral Home in Linbrook, N.Y., After 25 years of service Thomas and James, all with the Asbury depart- direction of the John E. Day Branch Camotery following services Saturday at the Mrs. Barbara Mahon of Col- is in charge of the arrange- Funeral Home, Red Bank. Call 741-7500 at home; and his mother, lege Point, N. Y., and Mrs. ment store, he retired in Feb- Old First Methodist Church attended by more than Mrs. Mary Pais of Hazle- 300 persons. Among tho mournors were, left to right, Mabel Armstrong of Ana- ton, heim, Calif., and a grand- rear, Freoholdor Director Joseph C. Irwin; County A Requiem Mass will be at child. Clerk and GOP chairman Benjamin 4-1. Daniltin; Elec- 0 a.m. Wednesday in the Holy Name Family Church, Bur- A Requiem Mass will be'of- tion Clerk Sianloy A. Davis, and Asiemblyman-elect ial, under the direction of the fered at 9 a.m. tomorrow Joseph E. Robertson. Pallbearers v/ero the chiof and Day Funeral Home, Keyport, in St. Mary's Catholic Church, New Monmouth. Bur- former chiefs of tho West Long Branch Fire Deport- will be in the St. Joseph Cemetery, Keyport. ial, directed by the •John F. ment. The short eulogy was offered by tho Rov. Pfleger Funeral Home, Mid- Gobble Up These John S. DuBois, pastor. Ho said, "J. Russoll Woolloy dletown, will be in Mt. Olivet was a man who had been gifted by God with abundant Mishu Sudd Cemetery, Middletown. OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Early Week talents. Like a good and faithful steward, ha invested Misha Sudd, 91, of 134 Larch- Paul E. Keinhold Sr. those God-given talents in ths service of his follow wood Ave., died Saturday in man. Ho sowed tho soods of wit and wisdom that Monmouth Medical Center, MIDDLETOWN - Paul E. Long Branch. Relnhold Sr,, 74, of 374 East SAVINGS brought forth fruit a hundredfold." Mr. Woolloy died Road, Belford, died Saturday He was born in Odessa, Rus- in Monmouth Medical Cojitor, Long Branch, Wednes- in the home of his sister, sia and had moved to the Mrs. Emma Lawton, Palm day. He had beon a patient there since suffering a shore three years ago from Beach, Fla. with whom he stroke Feb. 23. (Register Staff Photo I Newark. was visiting. Mr. Sudd was a retired gro- cery store owner and a char- Mr. Reinhold was born in Keyport and had resided here BEEFSTEAK ter member of Workmen's • SWISS (Round! Circle, Branch 134, Newark. for 30 years. He was a retired self-em- • CUBED (Round) He is survived by two ployed carpenter and builder. BONELESS 105 Uuitsul HI., lied Hunk, H. I. «TOI daughters, Mrs. Florence R. • FILLET (Chucki Main Olflco: He was an exempt member Hmncb urnoeti Gottrcnkcr with whom he of the Raritan Hose Co. of GRADE A B78 Rl. 39, MldltoUmv N, 4. lived and Mrs. M. Greenberg, Keyport. With LOBSTER TAIL So EMI Main SI., FrnMiold, N. S. Miami, Fla.; four grandchil- RIBS -JMfc 119 Brondwny, Ijong nranolit N. J. dren and three great-grand- Surviving are his widow, FRESH CHICKEN BREASTS Mrs. Eva Letts Reinhold; BONELESS BRISKET MEAT nb.pkg.*l*9 ID 18TS by John II. Cook ml Henry C1«l> children. C FabUihfd by Thn Red itnnk Register Inoorporfttftd Private graveside services two sons, Paul E. Jr., and RO CUT Member of Hie Aafoclatcd Preaa — Tho Associated PrtM Ii «nt!Ue(* John, both of here; two ™89 BxoluBlvely to the us» for republlcatlon of all th* loeal ntwi printed ID Ullt will be held today at B'Nat CORNED BEEF t 59* """" Jumbo While -__ Btwipapor u well »a all AP news dispatcher Abraham Cemetery, Newark daughters, Mrs. Shirley Stef- FULL VIEW PKG. Second claxR pontaBD pjiffl at tied Bank. N. J. 07TD1 and at additional under the direction of the fer of Eatontown and Mrs. D Ib. C SHRIMP 12.u L*|*9 milling olflcra. FuMUricd dallv. Mondjy through Friday. Robert A. Braun Home for Moria Guenther of Arlington, 49 monUii—It.EO U ttlnOO Funerals, Eatontown. Va. and six grandchildren. SLICED BEEF LIVER Services will be at 2:30 GROUND CHUCK 'Otll' SAVINGS (Where Available! CALIFORNIA STEAKS p.m. Wednesday in the Bedle I MONMOUTH COUNTY S OlDtST. MOST USDA CHOICE USDA CHOICE Ib. 38* IXPCRKNCID TV and MUSIC CIMTIR Funeral Home, Keyport. The ROAST BEEF Rev. Harry W. Kraft of the Atlantic Highlands Cen- GROUND ROUND RARE half tral Baptist Church will offi- USDA CHOICE Ib. Oft* AND JUICY pound ciate. Burial will be in Green Grove Cemetery, Keyport.

Gustavc A. Strauch UNION BEACH - Gustave GROCERY SAVINGS The Better A. Strauch, 67, of 716 Bay- view Ave., died Friday in the Monmouth Medical Center, Long Branch. CRANBERRY SAUCE He was born in Farming- OCEAN SPRAY-JELLIED or WHOLE BERRY Mousetrap ville, N.Y. and had resided JELLIED or here 20 years. Mr. Strauch was appointed in. F you want something more than just a stereo console, and to the borough police force in 1954 and served for several 19 I something loss than a houseful of electronic equipment, see years as a patrolman. He the KLH* Model Twenty-Four. was a self-employed taxi op- erator. APPLE SAUCE The Model Twenty-Four is a complete stereo music system Surviving are his widow, that plays records, FM broadcasts, AM too if you wish, plus any- Mrs. Elizabeth Vonende thing (such as a tape recorder) you care to plug into it Instead of Strauch; a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Franke, Long Is- looking like a Victorian hope chest or an electrician's nightmare, land, N.Y.; a brother, Her- NIBLETS it comes in three compact and unobtrusive walnut cabinets that man Strauch of Farming- slip gracefully into a living room. It won't take up much of your ville; a sister, Mrs. Kathleen GREEN Bridgeman of San Diego, GIANT valuable living space, and it doesn't take a pilot's license to operate. Calif, and three grand But what sets it even further apart from other stereo equip- children. MRS. SMITH'S PIES Services will be tomorrow SAU SEA SHRIMP ment is the level of performance it delivers. It souncU—believe U3 at 1 p.m. in the Day Funeral APPLE or 2lb. 12 . eacn or CLAM Home, Keyport. The Rev. H. PUMPKIN oz, pkg, —like twice the price. That's why it's the best-selling, most-talked- COCKTAIL 3-85- M. Baxter of the MorganvlUe about stereo system on the market. Methodist Church will offici- ate. Burial will be in Fair PRODUCE FIXIN'S FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING FEAST View Cemetefy, Middletown. FLORIDA • 4fe •• 2 Rumson SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 5 35 Boys Face RED or GOLDEN WASH. STATE EXTRA FANCY - 2V4" MIN. All PURPOSE • Delicious Apples *18C • Potatoes u-4Mai.six.-A' SuZ9* Drug Counts GOLDEN ROAST -EM RUMSON — Two local D Sweet Potatoes 2< a Imported Chestnuts youths, 13 and 16 years, old, IMPORTED TANG1T were arrested on narcotic C charges over the weekend. • String Figs • Yellow Turnips »>9 Rumson Police Chief James K. Shea reported that a 13- RBR RBR ycar-old juvenile was arrested THIS COUPON c THIS COUPON m ffcC WORTH IU THIS COUPON C on possession of LSD at 7:30 WORTH 20 WORTH 15 p.m. Friday in Rumson and TOWARDS PURCHAU Of ANT TOWARDS PURCHAU OF HALT OAL SOT. the other youth was arrested TOWARDS PURCHASI Of ANY BONELIS9 SMOKED in his home in Fair Haven ONE DOZEN EGGS TROPI-CANA at 12:35 a.m. Saturday for AND A $3.00 PURCHAU ORANGE JUICI PORK BUTT selling LSD. UmlKD-CoodatSupirnnart Limit (I)-Good at Super Flint Unit (1). Good at Super Flratl The charges were turned Good UiraTws., Nov. 18«l Ask anyone who owns KLH stereo equipment about its per- over to the Monmouth Coun- Good Uiro TIKS.,,NO». 18tt Good thru TUH., Nov. IBth formance and value. Then seek out the Model Twenty-Four and ty Domestic Relations and judge it critically for yourself. Children's Court and the boys released in their parents' RAGU SAUCES You won't have trouble finding one in a store. Just follow that custody. GERBER well-beaten path. The arrests were made by BAGGIES ALL VARIETIES BABY FOOD ALL 15'/2oz. , Patrolmen David Gainor, ||c Strainod ||c Junior Richard Hoffman and Gerald VARIETIES jor 41 Kelly. ' FOOD WRAP 7oz. jar OPEN WED. & FRI. EVENINGS IVORY LIQUID TIDE Youth Jls Injun-it 25 to DETERGENT As Car Hits Tree 12 oz. 1 pt. 6 oz. 39c bot. bot. C . RED BANK - A 15-year- pkg. pkg. 83 old boy was reported in fair 1 condition tilts morning in Riv- CiltonltCitonle • 12c Off 35 ooz.. ssiree Me Li tosi MankotU 12 OL pkg.. liee s O s ssaan MMarcal l WhitWhit . TolliTlltt TisiaTi a „ ...33 rolllls 2323c Roj.Rl l PrlncPl i YYams _ 26 oi 37c MelHeMelH r BBLI,L . B,. erview Hospital with a pos- Marcal Hanklei. 100 court ;;pgf 3 pkgfcKc c Greenwood Red CaotMffa 1 IbIb.. ja jar 2525tt "art Jemta, i,i PM f'n m z l;Jb 29li l5"J»J lbe7 I sible concussion suffered Flako Carn Muffiffiaa HlHli1i i 121 2 io ipi pkgpkg g. 2 (o(orr 37 37cc GreenwooGreenwoodd Pkkla Pkkladd BeetBeeti2i 211Ib Ib.Ib jart47. jartjart4747ccc lh**fn !?£ ?£?? tg fim ~z lbl 29c-- 5 5 lb lb--e7e7ee when a car he was driving KitKitcheh n CbarCb n WWt i PP*na r -10100 ftfaat 22 22e WdtWotdtara y RR««ll » SoapS . BBqr S, pt 1 torto 11c 4'4'. MM. 6 struck a tree on Bridge Ave. ?& \ f j£ at 9:05 last night. Police said the car belongs to Carman C. Aceedo, 146 RED BANK-361 BROAD STREET Monmouth St., Red Bank and had l>eon reported stolen niCES EFFECTIVE WH. THM TUB, HOY. IM IN WWEU TOWNSHIP AMD US KM STORES. NOT KVONMU FM TTPOtUnilcn EM0M. shortly before the accident. 4 -TH& DAILY REGISTER, BED BANK. MrDDLETOWN. S. J.s MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1969 ~ Caroline S. Aspinall Clarfc Satuiders Jr. at borne and two grandsons. MATAWAN - Mrs. Caro- H. C. Saunders Sr. Services will be at 10 a.m. line S. AspinaU of 9 MiU Road, 9 at the C. H. T. Clayton and Obituaries died yesterday in Riverview Son Funeral Home, Adelphia. Hospital, Red Bank. Interment will be in Elmwood She was born in South Hiv- Ex-Car Dealer, 96 Cemetery, New Brunswick. er, daughter of the late Ed- ward and Augusta Splatter FREEHOLD — H. Clark cycle and Pierce Arrow car ADVERTISEMENT James McDonald, 47, and had lived here for 33 Saunders ST., 86,. of 153 VV. dealer. years. Main St., died Thursday at He was a member of the WOMEN OFTEN Mrs. Aspinall was a mem- the MediCenter, Neptune. Palestine Lodge of Masons, ber of the Phila Chapter 216 HAVE BLADDER IRRITATION Ex-Executive for RCA He was born in New York , New - Brunswick, for over 50 Common 'Kidney or Bladder Irrita- of the Order of the Eastern tions affect twice as many women as LINCROFT - James E. veteran of World War II and State and had lived in Free- years, the Ancient Arabic Or- Tnen, often causlns tenseness and Star, South River. She was hold since 1924. Mr. Saunders der of Nobles, Mystic Shrine, nervousness from frequent, burnlnjr, McDonald, 47, of 53 Martin a member of the Retired the widow of Archie Aspinall. itching urination. Secondarily, you was a retired Indian Motor- Masonic Temple of New York may lose sleep and have Headaches, Drive died Saturday. Officers Association of the Survivors include a daugh- Backaches and feel older, tired, de- He moved here 14 years ago U.S. Army. He was a com- and the OUAM Milltown pressed. In sucii cases, CYSTEX usu- ter, Mrs. Mae Dell, here and Chapter. ally brings relaxing comfort by Curb- from Rutherford. municant of St. James Catho- CAR COLLISION ine: germs In acid urine, and, easing two sisters, Mrs. Bertha Ske- Surviving are a son, H. pain. Get CYSTEX at druggists today. He had been product control lic Church, Red Bank. han and Miss Viola Splatter, NAPIER, South Africa manager at the Radio Corpo- Surviving are his widow, both of South River. (AP) — Two cars collided in ration of America plant in Mrs. Marion Jacoby Mc- Services will be at 11 a.m. the main street of this Harrison for oyer -20 years. Donald; a daughter, Miss Wednesday in the Bedle Fu- small Western Cape Province Floor Sample Sale Mr. McDonald was an Army Mary Ellen McDonald at neral Home, here. The Rev. town. The two drivers got out, home; a sister, Mrs. Andrew Chester A. Galloway, pastor Vicuso of Hawthorne and his walked up to each other — Mrs. Springsteen of the First Presbyterian and kissed. Mrs. C. van Dyk SOFAS or 1 A% LAKEWOOD — Services father, Edward McDonald of Church will officiate. Burial FORGET were held yesterday at the Patterson. will be in Old Tennett Ceme- later explained she recognized CHAIRS JLV7 REDUCTION W. David DeRoche Funeral A Requiem Mass will be tery, Tennett. An Eastern her father-in-law, Hendrik van Home, here, for Mrs. Jessie offered at 9 a.m. tomorrow Star service will be held at Dyk, immediately after the Immediate Delivery F. Springsteen, 74, of 954 E. in St. James Church under the 7 p.m. tomorrow. accident. It just seemed na- County Line Road, sister of direction of the John E. Day tural they should greet each Funeral Home, Red Bank. Huffman & Boyle Mrs. Myrtle McCann of Free- Frank Caccavalle other before inspecting the hold, who died Wednesday at Interment will be at Arlington damage — which wasn't se- Rt. 35 Circle • Eatontown, N. J. • 542-1010 National Cemetery, Arlington, OCEANPORT - Frank Paul Kimball Hospital, here. rious, anyway. Burial was in Greenville Va. Cassayaile, 87, of 125 "Saga- Cemetery, Lakewood. more Ave., died Saturday in Monmouth Medical Center, Mrs. Springsteen was born Mrs. Victoria Hctzler Long Branch. SAVE BIG here and had been a resident RED BANK - Mrs. Vic- He was born in Italy and of this community all her toria E. Hetzler, 75, of 180 moved here 15 years ago MONEY life. She was a former em- River Roa,d, died Saturday at from North Bergen. Mr. ploye of the dietary depart- home. Caccavalle retired in 1962 as ON ALL TYPES ment of the Lakewood school Born in Eatontown, she a self employed contractor. system. She was the widow was a lifelong shore resident. Surviving are his widow, HOME of Raymond Springsteen, who Mrs. Hetzler retired from Mrs. Mary Caccavalle; five IMPROVEMENT died in 1951. the Photo Department at Ft. sons, Dominic, Charles and X Besides her sister in Free- Monmouth and had been a Leo Cacoavalle, all of North No one unpricei us for quality hold, surviving are two sons, member of the Presbyterian Bergen, Angelo, here and workmanship and materials on Howard L. Matthews of Church of Eatontown. Frank Caccavalle of Orlando, home improvements. A phone 8 1O Spring Lake Heights and Wil- Fla.; a daughter, Mrs. Enes She was a member of the call for a fiee estlmat* will liam J. Springsteen, here; Sons and Daughters of Lib- Massaro of North Bergen; convince you. and five grandchildren. erty. 13 grandchildren and three • attic conversion She is survived by two great-grandchildren. Edward E. Kozlowski' sisters, Mrs. Fred Sickles of A Requiem Mass will be • room additions • basement room HOWELL TOWNSHIP — River Plaza and Mrs. Olston offered at 9 a.m. Wednesday Johnston of New York, and in Holy Trinity Catholic NEW ATTIC ROOM • modern kitchen Edward E. Kodowski, 54, of • dormeis Squankum-Yellow Brook Road four nieces Church, Long Branch. Inter- That waste space in your attic can bo converted into pleas- ant living quarters and at a price lower than you may have • new bathroom died Friday in Jersey Shore \ Funeral services will be ment will be in Woodbine Cemetery, Oceanport, under thought possible. You can find out how economically thli • siding • roofing Medical Center, Neptune, af- 10:30 a.m. tomorrow in the job can be done, to give your family the extra space that ter a long illness. Robert A. Braun Home for the direction of the Hoffman they need, limply by calling us today for a free estimate , LOW INSTALLMENT Funeral Home, Long Branch. Born in Staten Island, Funerals. Interment will be and plans consultation. PAYMENTS N. Y., he had resided here in Presbyterian Cemetery, 15 years. Shrewsbury. 99£ He was a veteran of World niu CHARGE War II and had been a build- Arthur F. Trotter NEED A ! One per subject Babies, Children -Satisfaction ing contractor. Two per family • Teenager«, Adultt • euannteed MIDDLETOWN - Arthur Surviving are his widow, F. Trotter, 58, of 97 Swartzel Mrs. Gertrude Kozlowski; his Drive, died yesterday at Riv- NEW ROOF? mother, Mrs. Jeannette Koz- MOUK PHOTOGRAPHED AT AN ervdew Hospital, Red Bank. lowski of Staten Island; two He was born in New York CALL ADDITIONAL Me PER PERSON. daughters, Mrs. Thomas City, son of the late Martin Murphy, here, and Mrs. John and Sadie Novis Trotter and Alexa, Bordentown; a broth- was employed by Jersey Cen- RED BANK STARTS MON., NOV. 17th — LAST DAY SUN., NOV .32nd er, Henry Kozlowski of Staten tral Power & Light Co. for PHOTOGRAPHERS HOURS: 12 NOON TO t P.M. Island and a grandchild. 20 years. He was a communi- A Requiem Mass was of- cant of St. James Church, Eat. 1925 fered at 9 a.m. this morning Bed Bank. in St. Katherine's Church, Surviving are his widow, J. M FIELDS ' Farmingdale. Interment, un- Mrs. Mabel Trotter; two sons, MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO. der the direction of the Hig- Robert W. Trotter of New 3140 HWY. 35, HAZLET, N. J. gins Memorial Home, was in Lisbon and Ronald Weaver of roiuvCs HIGHWAY 35 AT HEDDONS CORNER, MIDDLETOWN St. Rose of Lima Cemetery, Long Branch; two daughters, 741-5060 — 776-6600 Mrs. Gloria Accera of Eaton- Call 741-7500 town and Mrs. Ralph Marone of Shrewsbury; two sisters, Miss Evelyn Trotter and Mrs. Alfred Tonti of New ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM York City. A Requiem Mass will be OF THE offered at 9 a.m. Wednesday In St. James Church. Inter- Monmouth Educational Countil ment, under the direction of the William S. Anderson Fu- neral Home, will be in Mt. Winter term - 1969 - 70 * Olivet Cemetery, MMdletown.

Including Evening Adult Courses Held at Hippolito Cracia Jr. KEANSBURG — Hippolito long Branch High School Gracia Jr., 4, of Bonafield Place, died Saturday in the. Erie Infant Home, Erie, Pa., Monmouth Regional High School where he had been a patient for two years. Ocean Township High School Bom in Red Bank, the child is survived by his parents, Red Bank High School Hippolito and Jeanie Pedraza Gracia; a brother, Ernest A. Mult lollc Uuullgn "Hoiho" Yoga and a sister, Cristal Ann, Atvmu* Mtrlnl Analysis Hlgli ichool Equlvaimcy Progrom Sfftfrf Now — Save Advmctf Small lest Navlgatlin mil Mitlna High School preparation — •mlltlt both at home; maternal Algtbro I, II High School Preparation — Mathmillej grandparents, Ernest and All Atoul Trovtl Harm Halntyllng Homi Ropolri for Womtn Catherine Pedraza of Key- for a Merrier Art onS'crafli lor Molherl ol Pn-lckwUn port and paternal grandpar- Ante Molntntanci, Innmi Tax clinic Aviation around School Inturmct Exam Prtporallon ents, Anthony and Juanna limrgnca Prlnclploi and practlcu Inttrlor DKoratlng ' Gracia, of Puerto Rico. Christmas, 1970 •allroam Dancing for Stglnmra Introduction to Ktyiunch Baile Soekktiplng A Mass of the Angels will pjflilc MtdlciL Ttrminoligy Judl •ailc Psychology .- be said at 9 a.m. Wednesday •mlc woodworking in St. Joseph Catholic Church, Knitting for ••glnnirt FREE Ctratnla Keyport. Burial, uhder the Chair Coning md Wtavlng LandtcapliKj direction of the Bedle Funeral Civil Strvlco Exam Priparattoit - Law for th« Lavmm to evpry Club Member Compulir Programming: Mccorler Thtotro Trip sirlii Home will be in the St. Jo- Rule Cpmputor Svileml Momiry ond Concentration seph's Cemetery. Sylttm/ut COBOL Programming THE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SyiWm/M» COBOL Workitop Syitom/MII FORTRAN IV SylMtn/KO PL I Coding Painting ond Skttchlng — Beginning Jytltm/M0 PL I Work«tl«p Painting — Advanctd Family Christmtis Book Contract Bridal - Beglnmri, littwnwdMt Phottgraphy Workihop - laglnnlnf Convtrtgtlonoi Frincti Photography worktop - IntormMloH eonmrtstlonal Oorrnan Plant for Bigmntri 140 pages of time tried Christmas recipes, Ctnnnatloniil Itollon Principle! ol Dynamic Psychology Con«r««tl»nnl Spanish , and Child ouldonu suggestions for modern decorating and en- Cnirtlvo Writing • Rnl Estati Brokirt Couno Ol>coih«qu» - Biglnnlng. InNrimdtitr R«ol Estalt Solomon's count tertaining, lovoly holiday things to make Racordor Ploying Dig Obidltnct from ordinary materials ... a book that Dromotlci tor Biolnmn Rod Cron Pint Aid — Advanced Drtnmoklng lor mglnnrrt Salt Booting can add much pleasure to your family Drtllmtklng - InlermtiUM* school Finonci Oronmoklng - Advoncod Sculpture holidays. CHKllvi HouokHplng SecurINu and Invistmontl Shapi-up tor* Mon ElMcllvt sgioklng r Ennllih lor For.Ign Proftislonsl POMOMII Him and Trim tor Womin ' rnolllti Imnrovtmint Small Business Monogtmint Bitoli Plonnlng Social Dancing — Biglnnirl, Intirmidloti WE PAY INTEREST Spotd Hooding OUR Unclng — ««9lnnlng Spoid Reading far Team on Christmas Clubs that have 25 pay Flowtr Arrcmni™" Stanoicrlst — ABC Sharlhnnd Furnltun Rtllnlihlno Substitute Teaching — Elimtntary ments credited by June 10. GIFT Substlfutt Teaching - High School Ornohlc Art! Golf Tennli Oourmjt Cooking Tennll for Ttint TO YOU Orong shorthand far Bflalnniri Travel Aginli Training CLUBS FROM 50c TO $10 Orogg Shorthond R«fr«lhir Typewriting — Btglnnerii Inlermidhi* A lovely Oulior lor teglnnm Typing for Taint Christmas Oullar tor Titns Ouliar — InHrnndlaU ' Upholitery book to enjoy Here li what WARDS will for many yaars Class firms or* tltnor 1 witks or 10 wt*kl. do for YOUR CAR ... Riglitir by mall now or at ony ol tho to come following schools 01 P m) All clauos will btgln tho wotk ol Die. 1. • Preuur* test tyitem far Itaks. • Chick Cap* hose*, btlti, wflttr- Novim&or 24.1) ond M. , unloss othirwlio notid. pump and Ihirmoslot. OAKHURST Classts not In soislon Doc. If • Jan. 4 Lono Branch High School • Drain System. HOLMDEL For furthtr Information during tho day coll • Add sufficient amount ol Monmouth Roglonol H. s. ANTIFREEZE up la 2-GGI. KEYPORT tl» Monmouth Educational Council: mu», Ocion Township H. S • T«tt syttem. MIDDLETOWN Rod Bank High School ar MM lor Iro erochurt. $£28 NEPTUNE CITY O Reg. 7.37 WAYSIDE MONMOUTH EDUCATIONAL COUNCIL WITH THIS AD 660 BROADWAY, at Norwood Avenue, LONG BRANCH ENGLISHTOWN MANALAPAH MONMOUTH 279 BROADWAY SHOPPING CENTER EATONTOWN CIRCLE - Jtollon LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY 07740 Ptioni M2-I1M ' Hour! l:M A.M. to »:M P.M. The Defense Rerts THE REPORTER

KsublUted In 1878 - Published by TbeMl Buk Register. Incorporat* gicher Than M. HAROLD KELLY, Publisher ByMM BISHOP Arthur Z. Kamin, Editor Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor

—6 Monday, November 17, 1969 murmur: Nothing, »^T^e^rythlntrue. g I want un- ess the government of, India is willing to dismantle the Taj Mahal and set it up Manhattan's Historic Voyage ,°n EveifXn, I would insist that they pay the postage. Any one man who has The cruise of the ice-breaking tank- line, assuming that pipelines would be the right wife who lies to him and teUs er Manhattan cost about $40 million, laid and successfully operated. himhisstoriesaregood;«hohasfour daugh. but when she docked in New York As of now, obviously, such esti- ters who cause no problems and( are de- City last Wednesday — after travers- mates of savings are speculative, as is voted to him; who has a good boat docked in the lagoon behind the house; a color ing the Northwest Passage to and from the meaning of the Manhattan excur- TV set in the bedroom; and no mortgage. Alaska — she had apparently paid her sion to the economy and diplomacy BISHOP is a little too good to be true. own way. of continental North America. That's me Pay no attention to the snow-white hair _ I™ goUois of ft. I can still laugh at the top of my , That most definitely was the be- Moreover, one successful voyage through the Northwest Passage and throat w'hen Karen, 16, is watching lief of the four Monmouth County gets her words confused and says: "The thick pMiens. men who made the historic voyage: return does not establish a depend- Sometimes, a five iron will bring me right up in the mid-, able, all-season route. For example, David Abernathy of Brielle, Juan J. die of a green and I forget the bad ones. the Manhattan tried and failed to Auerlio of Union Beach, Alton Burns make the direct passage through Mc- I LIVE IN the greatest country in the greatest'eenturyi Jr. of Ocean Township and Albert And I was born at precisely the right time to see prac- Clure Strait and had to be diverted Scara of Spring Lake. tically all of the great events - 1907. I can remember south through Prince of Wales Strait. soldier boys in puttees in 1917 and I recall the midnight Ever since Columbus was obstruct- Even then she was locked for 12 hours bonfires of Nov 11, 1918. I flew the front cockpit of an- ed by the new world in his attempt to In a 50-mile-square ice field and had OX-9 when flight was considered a shortcut to Heaven sail westward to the Orient, men have to be rescued by a Canadian ice- And I was aboard one of the first B-47 bombers when it flew at 40,000 feet from Riverside, Calif., to Portsmouth,.: dreamed of a shortcut through Canada breaker. N H Lucky? It's almost sinful. My mother taught me. to the Far East. The Manhattan has The Manhattan also was found to more about true religion than any preacher - she ham- all but demonstrated conclusively that have some basic weaknesses. Even mered it into my head. On a cold winter day, my father commercial navigation of the passage and I drank ourselves into oblivion at a Navy-Princeton/ more powerful engines will be re- football game and roared our appreciation - of each other. is feasible. quired, and the cost of constructing The Bishops ate weU even when they were poor. When, Further tests and studies will be these monster tankers will be great. we didn't have a dime, we hung the merchants up. They needed, of course, to show whether These costs, however, will soon be didn't mind. In time, they got their money. We had good CONSERVATIVE VIEW times and bad, and the harder we were hit by the bad one^ the route is also economical. If so, it recovered if navigation through the ttie more we appreciated the good ones. If any one of my will cut about 60 cents a barrel from Northwest Passage becomes as eco- forebears died before the age of 80, it was talked about in the estimated cost of transporting oil nomically feasible as the Manhattan Constitutional Con Game the clan as "untimely." . . - from the great new fields of Alaska's has demonstrated it is physically I was 47 years of age, and had been making my living as a writer for 26 years when I wrote a book called "The possible. By JAMES J.KILPATRICK again, public school authorities require North Slope to the East Coast by pipe- In the old shell game, the crie of the that a white child travel five or 10 miles Day Lincoln Was Shot." My people couldn't understand carnie con man was "now you see it, now because he is white, and a black child travel writing as a career. A police badge or a pick and shovel' you don't." Wherever you looked, the pea five or 10 miles because he is black. The were items they could respect. And yet my mother se- A Start Toward Draft Reform was somewhere else. unlawful has become lawful. State-imposed lected that moment to ask: "Son, if this book doesn't sell, The agreement reached in the U.S. time he reaches 19 until he passes 25. The U.S. Supreme Court, with the will- segregation, which depended upon race, do you think you'll go out and look for a job?" has been replaced by federally-imposed Senate draft reform forces led by ing assistance of Welfare Senate last Tuesday to clear Presi- Secretary Finch, is en- integration, which depends upon race, The IT DIDN'T SHAKE me. I understood. The only thing dent Nixon's draft lottery bill for a Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, gaging these days in a commandment of Brown, under the equal she did to unnerve me was to hand me a note, with a ten Philip Hart of Michigan and Edmund kind of shell game with protection clause, was that children had dollar bill inside and say: "Jim, give this to the grocer. floor vote represents welcome progress Muskie of Maine had been holding out the Constitution. In a daz- to be treated as equals; but we have gone He'll give you a package. Bring home tiie change." My Orwellian under Green: Some are more for the much-talked-about, but little- for a more extensive reform bill. zling feat of sleight-of- father reminded her that I was nearing 50, and she became equal than others. irritated and said: "Who asked you?" The best thing I can acted-on draft reform movement, hand, applied to desegre- They settled for a smaller reform gation of public schools, * * * say about this one is that he doesn't lie." If approved within the next two in exchange for Armed Services Com- the Court has succeeded THE COURT HAS fallen into this And now a birthday comes up, unhidden, and the chil* weeks, as is generally expected, the mittee chairman John Stennis' promise in making the Fourteenth wild contradiction by losing sight of the dren and grandchildren would like to know What I would Amendment mean two di- want. I was joking about the Taj Mahal, but if I «<*uld House-passed measure will repeal the to work next year to get a more Constitution altogether. Secretary Finch ametrically opposite make one wish, it would be that I remain at this age, with present ban on random selection of comprehensive bill to the floor. has erred as flagrantly by ignoring the tnjngs Fifteen years ago, plain terms of federal law. The 1964 Civil this head and this body for a long, long time. draftees and will allow the choosing, This compromise may open the black children won from the Court a pre- Eights Act says flatly that' children shall Some of the teeth are gone. I only use glasses when I by lot, of 19-year-olds, or those whose way for a'really fair law, but we're cious right; but the right has become a not be assigned to particular schools "in want to see something. The legs are strong and the weight vanishing pea: Now you see it, now you has just dropped from 184 to 162. This donkey loves to eat, college deferments have expired. still faced with the unhappy fact that order to overcome racial imbalance." But don't. Finch's bureaucrats are heedless of the law. but I'm willing to eat hay if it will keep that stomach down At present, a young man has the the prospects may still have to de- All this takes some explaining. The In 1965, the Congress reenacted its di- to the size of an Easter egg. pend on the state of the Vietnam threat of being drafted hanging over heart of the famous Brown decision of rectives of 1964. It forbade "any depart- My accomplishments are far from great, but I'm con- his head for seven years — from the conflict. 1954 was simply this: The Constitution says ment, agency, officer, or employe of the vinced that I have done the best I can. I have written 17 that no state may deny to any person the United States to exercise any direction, books, of which nine have been best sellers; this particular; equal protection of its laws. Under the supervision, or control over the personnel newspaper column is number 1,965; I have written about Middletown's Stunning Performance law, children of all races stand equal. Ra-; of any school system, . ., ..or to require- 80 articles for national magazines and, when I have'been*- daily constituted schools are therefore un- asked to write for charity, I have written as well as;possi»."- "We're No. 1." That was the chant exceptionally fine squad. Of even, the assignment or transportation of stu- lawful, i dents or teachers in order to overcome ble even though there wasn't a dime in it. of rooters for Middletown Township greater Interest, we believe, was the * * * racial imbalance." It is neither a better track record nor a worse one than many men I know. And yet, I can think back to my teen spirit exhibited by Middletown's fol- THIS INTERPRETATION of the Con- That is plain language. Any child can High School's football team before Sat- years and wonder how I escaped being a thief or a murder- stitution now has been turned on its head. comprehend it. But in the very teeth of the lowers — young and old — who er. 1 had no direction except stubbornness. The moment I urday's game against Toms River In a series of decisions over the past 18 1965 law, the Office of Education and the , traveled to Toms River in great num- donned long trousers, I listened not to my elders. I-fknew / months, the Court has snatched back the federal courts have promulgated guidelines" South, and by winning, 14-8, the Lions everything about everything. " - •• bers. They had confidence in the play- right it conferred in 1954 - the right of and mandates demanding the transporta- of Middletown have every reason to Jers and it must have been infectious. children to be assigned to public schools tion of pupils and the assignment of teach- I have a few slash scars on my forehead as a result of a street education in corner disagreements. It had to be believe they are the best in the state. Our congratulations to the Lions, New without regard to race. The state action ers. The lust for integration has them overwhelmed. But nothing in the Constitu- that way. • Where I grew up, a boy learned to fight early, or Victory is always sweet. It was Jersey's No. 1 team, their coach and that was unconstitutional in Brown v. Board of Education has gone through a tion, the statutes, or the court decisions learned to keep his mouth shut. Mine was flapping. particularly so Saturday when the the Middletown residents who cheered sea change. In Green v. New Kent County, demands "integration." The demand is What do I want for my birthday? Not a thing; I'm boys came from behind to defeat an them on to a magnificent effort. racial considerations have somehow been simply that state-imposed segregation be richer than Onassis... restored. How did we get from Brown to brought to an end. What parents and pu- INSIDE WASHINGTON Green? pils do thereafter, exercising freedom of North Carolina's Sam Krvin, one of choice in a free country, ought to be their FROM OUR READERS the Senate's great constitutionalists, raised own business. this question the other day in a brilliant Sen. Ervin has introduced a bill to re- Limitations on Elderly but unreported speech. In the old days of store the principles of the Brown decision, President Supported Southern segregation, he recalled, It was and to guarantee local control of genuinely By ROBERT S. ALLEN of income that could be earned by Social not unusual for a white child to have to desegregated schools, maintained without Leonardo Memorial Post and JOHN A. GOLDSMITH Security beneficiaries. But all you have to travel five or 10 miles to a white school, regard to race. His bill has strong support American Legion do now is to look at the daily help wanted A vigorous fight is assured to do away while a black child was made to travel and may well be enacted next year. Mean- P. O. Box 131 . : ads to see that the situation is entirely dif- , five or 10 miles to a black school. Their while, parents and school administrators Leonardo, N. J. with the long-existing limitation on earn- fcrent." ings by Social Security beneficiaries. buses lumber past each other on the rural oufside the South should wake up to what To the Editor: Rep. Benjamin Blackburn, R-Ga., Similarly, limiting earnings now has ro/ds. This was the old law. And that is going on. The bureaucratic bells that Enclosed is copy of a letter that was sent to the Presi- • member of the Banking and Currency no relation to a recipient's economic sta- law, said the Court, was void. now toll in the South will be tolling next dent of the United States by our post. We are sure that you Committee, has intro- tus. So what is the situation now? Once for them. will want to print it in your paper as a public service and duced an amendment "No limit, for Instance," pointed out also let it speak for the great majority of Americans who for this purpose In prep- Blackburn, "is placed upon the amount support Mr. Nixon. of income a retired person may receive YOUR MONEY'S WORTH John Chamberlain, aration for raising the is- Adjutant sue when the bill to in- from tax-exempt bonds. He can get thou- sands of dollars from this source without "On Monday evening, Nov. 10, at its regular meeting, crease Social Security Leonardo Memorial Post, American Legion Department of payments reaches the it in any way affecting his Social Security Truth in Packaging? payments. New Jersey, passed a resolution supporting your Vietnam full House later this policy. We are also in total agreement with your with- month. • * * By SYLVIA PORTER way to tell whether the attractive picture It is now three years since Congress on the outside of a package is an accu- drawal plan. That legislation is "THE WELL-TO-DO, and the wealthy, passed the Truth in Packaging Law in an rate representation of the package's con- "The post also went on record as being opposed to the now pending in the Ways i; get full Social Security benefits even historic effort to help baffled consumers tents. moratorium on Nov. 15. We feel it would give aid and com- and Means Committee. though their investment income may run make intelligent, economical choices in su- The law calls for significant reductions fort to the enemy as well as being organized by misin- ALLEN President Nixon has into large figures. Clearly, equity calls for permarkets and drug stores. It is now in the numbers of different package sizes formed and irresponsible persons. recommended that the current $1,600 re- the ending of an ancient hardship wrought time to appraise the —especially for such items as toothpaste, "The post wishes to be part of a vocal majority that striction on outside income be raised to upon the elderly who have both the health law's effects therefore— breakfast, pereals, detergents. Reductions should be heard in the interests of patriotism and loyalty to $1,860. Blackburn wants to wipe it out and desire to hold gainful employment. and to report that, as one have been made for some items, but for our country. That is the purpose of this letter." entirely on three grounds: Work is good for them, and for the econ- critic puts It, this has be- others there are just as many different (1) When a Social Security beneficiary omy at largo. •> come "one of the best no- sizes—Including such incredibly confusing reaches 65, he has in ef- "There is neither personal nor eco- law laws on the books." ones as ty* oz., Wi oz.—as there ever fect paid up his in- nomic justification for maintaining On Sept. 10, the Fed- were. There still are almost three dozen surance policy. (2) Con- a practice that is as unfair as it is obso- eral Trade Commission different sizes of hair sprays on the mar- tinuance of a ceiling on lete." put out its new Truth in ket. outside income means re- • * * Packaging labeling rules * * * tention of a long obso- for household products lete concept. (3) Working PULLING NO PUNCHES - The $2.19 RULES COVERING over the counter billion foreign aid authorization bill await- ranging from soaps and cosmetics and drug labeling won't go into is good for old people and PORTED waxes to paper towels the economy at large. ing consideration by the House is scath- effect until Dec. 31—more than three years ingly blasted in a minority report by mem- and napkins. But exempted from FTC reg- after the packaging law was passed. . "I feel very strong- ulation under the Truth in Packaging bers of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Enough, the "no-law law" point sure- ly," says Blackburn, law—as a result of protest from private lhat if a man or wori ly is made—and so, despite the fact that " " In a combination of blistering irony industry—are dozens of other consumer an during their working President Nixon's Consumer Message and pinpoint denunciation the report con- items including cameras, household tacks, failed to suggest any significant (improve- years pay into Social Security, they should tends that, in view of the serious finan- furniture, paint, artlfical flowers, bicycle ments in Truth in Packaging, major have the right to receive their benefits cial crisis facing the country, the new for- tires, books, cigaret lighters,*f!ower seeds, changes are now being pushed by con- without restrictions. When they reach 65, eign aid program should be drastically shoes, hand tools, cookware, ink, school gressmen and others active in the cort- they have in effect paid up their insur- cut. A number of "hard facts of foreign supplies, typewriter ribbons. ance policy, and should b« allowed to re- aid life" are cited in support of tills view. sumer field. . The law was supposed to ban such ceive the benefits without limitations. Foremost among them are: One important proposal would intro- "The program funded by this bill is terms as "cents off," "super," "jumbo" duce "unit pricing" to packages of con- "The President has proposed that the only one part of our total foreign aid oper —but these terms still abound on pack- sumer goods, meaning you would get a ceiling be raised to $1,860 from ?l,O00. ations. More than a score of other laws ages. Also, the FTC is still to issue Its cents-per-ounce (or per pound or pint or That's a step in the right direction, but authorized programs to funnel U.S. re- long-awaited requirement that the amounts quart) price on food and other packages it doesn't go far enough. The ceiling should sources abroad. For the next fiscal year as well as the names of key ingredients of consumer goods. The Safeway chain be wiped out entirely as a matter of com- ' they will shell out more than $10 billion in a food package be listed. has launched a two-month experiment in mon justice, and sound economics." for the hydra-headed monster called for- * • , * unit pricing of 7,000 items in a Washington • The Georgia Republican pointed out eign assistance." THE CONSUMER has no way to tell supermarket'and in another of its stores, that the original reason for imposing a —Almost }19 billion remains in the just what is the proportion of peanuts in has equipped shopping carts with con- limitation has long since disappeared. pipeline from previous years' appropria- peanut butter, how much beef is in beef venient unit price calculators which shop- "In the dark days of the great De- tions for all these programs." stew, what volume of additives has been pers can use themselves. In New York pression when jobs were scarce," said —"Since 1040 we have sent abroad in added to hamburger, whether bigger City, a landmark municipal ruling requir- Blackburn, "it was felt that the elderly one form or another $122 billion. The net packages are really more economical. We ing unit pricing on certain items in gro- oii Social Seccurity should not take jobs interest on what we have borrowed to give still have no measuring stick for pack- cery" stores throughout the city is sched- away from those seeking them, So a ceil- this vast sum away adds another $60 bil- ages labeled "medium size," "family uled to go into effect this Thursday, Unit ing was written into the law on the amount lion." size," "economy," "large." There Is no pricing is receiving powerful support -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BAM <• MIDDLETOWN, N. J.< MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1969 :...-../• College History Honor Ad&Four to Staff of MCARC RED BANK - John J. Katrina Natanagara." Also new to the'unit as a of Parsons College in Iowa Society Installs Eight Donaghue, president of the Mrs. Brandow, of 63 Rosa- social worker is Mrs. David and is taking courses at WEST LONG J3RANCH - group's semi - annual dinner Monmouth County Associa- lie Ave., Lincroft, is _a reg- Linden, of 78 Lovett Ave., Trenton State College, work- Six students and two faculty meeting. tion for Retarded Children, istered nurse, a graduate of Little Silver. Mrs. Linden is ing toward his master's de- members were installed as Guest speaker for the din- announced that four new Children's Hospital in Phila- a graduate of Hunter College, gree. members of the Iota Omicron ner was Dr. Roland C. Mc- members were added recently delphia. She attended the Phi Beta Kappa, and received chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, Connell, professor of history to the professional staff of the University of Pennyslvania, her master's in social work at the history honor society at at Morgan State College, Bal- unit. These additions, he studying nursing education, the Columbia University 33 TV Sets Morunouth College, during the timore, who discussed, "Ne- said, were made possible until she joined the Army School of Social Work. She gro Troops of Ante - Bellum largely from the funds de- Nurse Corps to serve in the was previously employed by Louisiana: The Battalion of rived from last year's Winter European Theater during the Jewish Family Service As- Sent to Fort To Present Free Men of Color." The talk Glow Ball. World War II. She is now sociation of Essex County. EATONTOWN - The was based on a book recently Mr. Donaghue made the talcing special education The fourth new teacher is Eatontown Rotary Club has published by Louisiana State courses through the Newark announcement in response to John U. Kuhi, of 501 Ocean donated 33 used television Bird Film University. State College Extension Pro- Ave., Lakewood. He will the proclamation by Gov. sets to the new electronics Mrs. Barbara Egypt, Sea gram. teach health, physical educa- hobby shop at Ft. Hancock. Richard J. Hughes of Novem- Tomorrow Bright, a senior majoring in She has five children, ages tion and recreation at the Club members received the Activity Center at 30 Hudson history and president of the ber as Retarded Children's 6 through 21. sets through the generosity of LEONARDO — The third Ave. James Frangella, president chapter, presented the new Monmouth. Mrs. Natanagara, of 275 program in the series of Au- Mr. Kuhl was born in of Eatontown TV and Appli- dubon Wildlife Films spon- "A new service We areSouth St., Red Bank, was members. The new members offering the retarded children raised in France and received Estonia and during his high ance Co. They will be used at sored by the Monmouth Na- from the faculty are Alan school days at Lakewood he the facility by Ft. Hancock, ture Club will be presented in of Monmouth County this a French education to the Pine, instructor in history, had a distinguished athletic personnel and their depen- the Leonardo Grade School year," Mr. Donaghue said, baccalaureat level. She also and Joseph Mokrzycki, lectur- "is our nursery program attended the Regina Pacis career in football, basketball dents. auditorium, Hosford Ave., and track. He is a graduate tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. er in history, both of the col- which is housed at the Re- International School in In- Rotary president Myron lege's history and government formed Church of New donesia and Mary Immacu- Kozicky presented the sets to "Wings of the Wild," shown .Shrewsbury. We have hired late College, Ossining, N.Y. Harry Levin, director of department. and narrated by Alvah W. two new teachers to admin- She has worked in Vietnam. Jury Indicts army crafts at Ft. Hancock, Sanborn, of Lenox, Mass., is The students are Sergi Dem- ister this program; they are She has two sons, 3 and S in recent ceremonies. Open your 1970 the story of birds and how idenko, South River; Wayne Mrs. Geraldine and Mrs. years of age. Tools and other electronic they live: their courtship ha- S. Dibofsiy, Metuchen; Miss Man in Theft equipment, including diag- bits, breeding and raising of Bonnie Lee Voellmy, Fair FREEHOLD - A 43-ycar- nostic testing devices, are their young, and food-procur- Lawn; Miss Virginia D'Espies, old Union City man has been available at the hobby shop. ing and self-protection meth- Christmas Club Point Pleasant; Robert Ellis To Speak on Schools Indicted by the Monmouth ods of more than 60" species. Fisher Jr., Elberon, and Eu- County Grand Jury on charg- TOURIST OPINIONS s 95 Tickets will be on sale at gene Iadanza, Long Branch, es of stealing a safe contain- NEW DELHI (AP) - The Get this 4 DeccaLP the door. For Brain Injured Indian Institute of Public Opin- Date of the program was ing $16,389.02 in cash and ion reported that 94 per cent 08 EATONTOWN — An open master's work at Fairleigh erroneously given as Wednes- Board Names stamps from the Morganville of foreign tourists, most of Dickenson University. Record for'I day in Thursday's Outdoor meeting will be sponsored by Post Office. them Americans, enjoy their He has had extensive ex- Thfe special Christmas record features such World column. Clark Again New Jersey Association for visits to India. The tourists perience in the field of spe- David Galvin also was •Mme stars as: Bing Crosby, lawrence Welk, FREEHOLD - Marvin A. had kind words for the Brain Injured Children cial education. He has been charged with breaking into Trapp Family, Roger Williams, Texas Boys Clark of Freehold, has been "warmth and friendliness of • Thursday at 8:30 p.m. in the Warren County supervisor of the post office Oct. 3 with Choir, McGuire Sisters, Jack Jones, Jo Staf- Juveniles Held re-elected president of the the people, good climate" and auditorium at Monmouth child study, a teacher of the intent to steal. 1 Monmouth County Vocational "reasonable prices,' the poll ford, Fred Waring, Ames Brothers. mentally retarded in the Galvin was charged with In Vandalism Board of Education, a post Shopping Center. said, but complained about Toms River schools and also stealing the safe, weighing he has held since 1958. Guest speaker will be "poor" hotel accommodations LITTLE SILVER - Police taught at the Woods School, 1,340 pounds, which contained •Classes to fit any budget apprehended two 12-year-old Monmouth Beach Mayor James W. Richardson, co- and travel facilities, and the NO ENTRANCE FEE Langhorne, Pa. $13,918 in stamps and $2,471.- boys here Monday in connec- Sidney B. Johnson was re- ordinator on non - public 02 in stamps and cash. high cost of reaching India. elected vice president. Mr. school placements for handi- BnosR You Pay l« Yes tion with a. vandalism ram- This indictment was among INHNNIINMNINN Wiikly Johnson was first elected to capped children, Bureau of 5QWert» Receivt* page here between 7 and 9 other handed up to Superior this post last year, to succeed Special Education and Pupil 9 .50 $ 25.00 $ 25.25 p.m. last Sunday. Early Court Judge Elvin R. Sim- PROWN'S F. Bliss Price. Personnel Services, Office of 1.00 60.00 50.80 According to police, the two mill, the assignment judge, The board, as part of its Special Education, state De- 2.00 100.00 101.00 juveniles were arrested by Mail Drive who ordered them filed. 3.00 150.00 151.50 Capt. Walter Stearns and Pa- annual reorganization, reap- partment of Education. ROOFING pointed W. Lawrence Krusen Ross Liehen, 21, Stockton 6.00 250.00 . 252.5D trolman Richard Canneto and His topic will be "Private Apartments, Ocean Grove, SAVES YOU MONEY 10.00 500.00 305,00 were released in the custody of Freehold, as board attor- Schools for the Brain Injured Is Started ney and the Armour S. Hul- wits charged with having ON COSTLY 20.00 1000.00 1010.00 of their parents pending juve- Child." , . RED BANK - Acting Post- stolen property, a double bar- nile court action. sart Company of Avon as INTERIOR REPAIRS •Interest Paid On Completed Clubs board auditor. Mr. Richardson holds a master Joseph J. McFadden rel shotgun and a ball and The boys allegedly poured B.A. degree from Tusculum announces the first phases of cap-pistol valued at $200, the an oily substance on and in- College, an M.A* from Tren- the Christmas 1969 mail-early property pf William Camp- side parked cars, soaped ob- • FOLLOWS FOOTSTEPS ton State College and did post campaign. bell, 3 Phoenix Parkway, RED BANK -1- scenities on car windows, TROY, N.Y. (AP) - The The space - available par- Ocean Township, in his pos- broke off car windshield wip- son of the man who was post- cel airlift for mail for over- session June 5 in Ocean ers and radio antennas and master for seven years in the seas service men is in effect Grove. Esl. 1925 slashed tires. The damaged 2 Registers 1940s has been named assis- now through Saturday. The John H. Wancevich, 22, cars were parked on North tant postmaster in the same parcel airlift is effective Kearney, was charged with Vale, South Vale, Lawrie 13 CONVENIENT COMMUNITY OFFICES office. Found Guilty through Nov. 29. causing death by auto May Heal Office: 601 Mattison Ave., Asbury Park Lane, David Drive and West- Richard M. Collins began FREEHOLD - After a Allr^packages should be 9 in Belmar. He was charged AskuryPark • Red Bank • Manasquan • North Asbury Park wood Road. his career in the postal ser- with the death of Roger roums three-day trial, a jury has packaged in boxes of wood, \ Brlelle • Fair Haven • Holmdel • Colts Neck In addition, the boys upset vice in 1946 while his father, Millstone Twp. • Upper Fractmid Twp. • Watt Aibury found Arnold Register, 91 metal or corrugated fibre- Campbell, 69 Sixth Ave., garbage cans and threw gar- Frank M. Collins, was post- Long Branch. Manaltpait • AvwvHephire.City bage on streets, lawns and master. His most recent title Washington St., Bed Bank, board. They should be se- ftta-Ia w Vdk-Up Ftcditte and Minted Koura M MI Olfim driveways along the same was assistant superintendent and Gregory Register, Brin- curely wrapped in heavy Itenbw Federal Sssiiw SKUn/ftfenl Pewit Insurant* Corp. streets. ley St., Long Branch, guilty paper and tied with strong of mails in charge of delivery. of charges of having stolen Police Chief John H. Foster The elder Collins was post- cord. Sufficient cushioning property in their possession. material should be included said that at least $200 worth master from 1941-1948. of damage was done with The new assistant postmas- The two were accused of In addition to all article Advertise in The Register much of the damage yet to be ter is 46 and a native of having two brown vinyl coats, normally prohibited in tin tabulated. Troy. ^^^^ each worth $17, in their pos- mail, matches and liglite session Dec. 18, 1968 in fluid may not be mailed ti Shrewsbury. The coats were overseas military addresses, the property of Bargainland, Cigarettes, other tobaccc Shrewsbury. products, coffee and variou Superior Court Judge Clark- other items are prohibited ii son S. Fisher set Dec. 19 for parcels addressed to some sentencing. military post offices. Assistant County Prosecu- Domestic rates of post- tor Thomas J. Smith Jr. pre- age are applicable and post NEW YORK - KEANSBURG - sented the state's case. Ar- age must be fully prepaid. nold Register was repre- Addresses must be legibli sented by the Public Defen- and complete. The APO and LONG BRANCH der's office. Gregory Regis< FPO numbers are the same ter was represented by Peter as the zip codes and must be BUS COMPANY Shaw of Asbury Park. included, ALL COACHES EXPRESS TO & FROM AIRPORT PLAZA NEW YORK CITY & NEWARK, N. J. DAILY SERVICE BETWEEN • NEW YORK CITY (Pui Auth. Ttrm.) • ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS • NEWARK (Public Strvlu Tarmlnal) • LEONARDO Want a Check? • LONG BRANCH I • EARLE NAVAL IASR • MONMOUTH BEACH • BELFORD-PORT MONMOUTH • SEA BRIGHT • EAST KEANSBURO • FORT HANCOCK ' • KEANSBURO • HIOHLANDI •AIRPORT PLAZA (Haillt) • AIRPORT PLAZA • LEONARDO TERMINAL FREE PARKING TERMINAL Denny McLain, baseball's leading pitcher, is also STATE HWY. NO. 34 HWY. NO. M HAZLIT COACHES FOR CHARTER — FOR ALL OCCASIONS a highly entertaining Hammond organist. Let Denny fill you in on some of the exciting highlights.of the past season while serenading you with his favorite tunes on the Hammond M Here's your chance to get baseball and musical tips from an all time 30 game winner, while enjoying the melodies of an entertaining Hammond organist. Prize drawing product demonstration.

Join MARINE VIEW'S 1970 Christmas Club

Choose Any Ono of These Clubs FREE! WEEKLY AMOUNT AN ATTRACTIVE Be Our Guest — No Obligation PAYMENT OF CLUB GIFT WITH EVERY .50 25.25 CLUB OPENING $1 50.50 $2 101.00 DIVIDEND $3 151.50 $5 252.50 OON $10 505.00 Completed $20 1010.00 CLUBS HAMMOND FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL OUR TICKET OFFICES AT 1 ORGAN LEONARDO 291-1300 KEANSBURG 787-0066 AIRPORT PLAZA 264-4222 Anchor \our Savings to . . . rof Asbury Park PICK UP YOUR NEW SCHEDULES AT ANY OF OUR TERMINALS SALES /SERVICE LEONARDO KEANSBURG AIRPORT PLAZA ••4 LOAN ASSOCIATION Open daily till 9 P.M., Saturday till 6 P.M.

MIDDLETOWN ATL. HIGHLANDS LINCROFT iCor.Main &Mattison, AsburyPaik• PR 5-9300/ 171-2400 291-0100 1424400 -WE DAILY RE&SJXH, MD BAWK-WDDUETOWM, N, J.J MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1969 THE FAST gOURMET Sudden - Type Thanksgiving By POPPY CANNON tered foil, depending upon Pumpkin Pie with Ginger Today's Gourmet Recipe Every year just a lew whether you like a crusty or Mince Pie Flambe With Rum days (or even hours) before moist stuffing. Directions on VERMOUTH -BASTED Thanksgiving, always there packages are most explicit. BIRDS — Brush inside and come frantic calls. We were Read the fine print carefully out with equal parts melted planning to go to my mother- as brands and amounts vary butter and white vermouth. in-law's or sister's or aunt's in different parts of the Wrap loosely in foil. Heat in Poires Des Vignerons or some friends for Thanks- country. 400 deg. oven about 5 min. to giving dinner but then some- For a largish crowd, it is pound. During last 10 minutes thing hap- best to buy two birds, allow- remove foil. 3 6 apples 1 cup sugar pened — ill- ing about /4 lb. (roasted) per GOOBER NUT STUFFING 1 tablespoon butter or margarine Small piece stick cinnamon ness or bad person. To avoid long waits —Goober is the Southern Piece of lemon peel weather or at the table, put a whole bird (actually African) name' for , % cup sugar In the center of a large tray Uie children peanuts. Follow directions on Small piece stick cinnamon 6 pears ' caught or platter and have a second herb-flavored stuffing but add 3 tablespoons chopped walnuts 2 oz. rum or Cognac colds. In bird already cut up ready to eat when you sit down. '/j cup coarsely chopped pea- 5 oz. red wine any case, nuts. someone Some garnishment is neces- Continue cooking wine syrup until it Is CALIFORNIA WINE STUF- Feel, core and mince apples; place in who has sary, but do allow space for reduced to about »/ the original amount; n e v e r be- carving tiie second bird, The FING — Follow directions on saucepan with butter, \\ cup sugar and 3 fore tackled already cooked birds do need herb-flavored stuffing but cinnamon stick. Cook until apples are soft. strain over pears. Just before serving, a turkey in C\NNON some furbishing up in the substitute wine for V4 the wa- Discard cinnamon; stir in walnuts. Four warm rum; pour over pears..Ignite. Makes ter called for in the recipe. the raw is faced with the way of flavor. into serving howl; set aside. 6 servings. BURGUNDIAN GIBLET problem of putting together a Here is a hurry-up, tradi- In saucepan, bring to boil wine, 1 cup This recipe was presented in a demon- "feast" for a crowd. All the tional but not hackneyed GRAVY - To 1 can giblet sugar, cinnamon stick and lemon peel. stration at the three-class Gourmet Cook-• trimmings are, of course, ex- Thanksgiving dinner that any- gravy, add V2 can red wine, pected. So what to do? body, but anybody, with the dash of garlic salt. Cook Peel pears; poach in wine syrup until ten- ing School sponsored by The Molly Pitcher Luckily, there are across 1 e a 81 possible experience down uncovered 5 minutes. der. Remove pears from syrup; arrange Motor Inn, The Daily Register and Jersey the country,, on highways, In could put together. PUMPKIN PIE WITH GIN- on top 61 apple mixture in serving bowl. Central Power & Light Co. delicatessens, supermarkets HURRY-UP THANKSGIVING GER — Warm pie and gar- and rotisseries, myriads of Pyramid of Raw Vegetables, nish with border of whipped spit-roasted chickens avail- Olives, Pickles on a or sweetened sour cream. able and also some turkeys. Mountain of Crushed Ice Garnish with bits of candied Sometimes the turkeys need Vermouth Basted Birds ginger. to be ordered a few days in Goober Nut stuffing MINCE PIE FLAMBE advance. Generally they are California Wine Stuffing WITH RUM - Warm pie. not stuffed. But stuffing Pickled Peaches (jar) Separately in metal contain- comes in little packets, too, Orange-Cranberry Relish er or ramekin, slightly warm that need (he least possible (frozen) (to almost 100 deg.) V* to % manipulation. It can be Candied Sweet Potatoes cup rum. Set fire to liquor Water' Is Topic pushed into the ready-roast- (frozen) • and pour blazing over pie. ed cavities or baked In a Brussels Sprouts With Grapes Most dramatic if done at the FOUR-YEAR-OLDS casserole or a bundle of but- Burgundian Giblet Gravy table with the room darkened. Of LWV Meetings . . . ilwt, and in-halligant, rmtur« ai »uch llttlt ehildran ' CAN be, ata Ihvited »o join our naw kindargjrlaii claiiM. Our suectu in teaching reading and arithmetic to qualified Iiye- , HOLMDEL - The Provi- various types of sewage dis- year-oldi encouragad ui last year to believe that lomeming sional League of Women posal and this will include mora In the way of reedineis. training could be done for ear- Voters of Holmdel will hold facts about the three major tain four-year-old children than wai being accompliihad. We IT'S A DATE its unit meetings this month types of sewage treatment. started this program, and it certainly worWd, with a fair flutn- ber actually going into formal reading and number work during on the topic "Water." These The committee will lead a the year. We plan to continue permanently with theie groups NEWCOMER'S MEET CLUB CAItD PARTY meetings will be held on discussion among the group and are ready to examine applicant!. The children will attend ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Tuesday at 9:15 a.m. in the attending to answer ques- clan in our primary school cfnfer at Rumson, which is devoted HIGHLANDS - The New- — The Atlantic Highlands home of Mrs. Carl May, 15 tions, clarify the issues and to the training of four-, five-, and six-year-old children. The/ comer's Club of Rumson, hear comments and reactions. will attend school from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. during the convention- Garden Club will hold a card Donner St., and Wednesday, al school year, with plenty of provision for reit. If you are Fair Haven, Little Silver and party Wednesday at 1 p.m. In Nov. 19 at 8:15 p.m. in the The group will attempt to interested, please call ui and arrange for preliminary testing. Shrewsbury will meet at noon the, Naveslnk Library. Mrs. home of Mrs. Gilbert Hoel- come to some conclusions as Transportation is available. Einer Jackson is president of lerich, 16 Heather Hill Way. to what, if any, action the tomorrow in Bahrs Landing. the club. The event Is open to Mrs. W. John Tomlinson, League should take, and just A slide lecture on cut glass the public. Mrs. Grandin chairman, and committee what, as taxpayers, they RANKEY SCHOOL will be gi#en by Mrs. Pey- Chapman Is chairman. members Mrs. Samuel Shram- would be willing to pay to lon Wheeler of Red Bank. ko and Mrs. Thomas Spang, improve or expand existing 542-4777 will present information about plants for sewage disposal. FREEHOLD BAZAAR Church FREEHOLD - The com- bined auxiliaries of the Great- Bazaar er Freehold Area Hospital LONG BRANCH - The wlU hold the tilth annual ba- Christmas Bazaar of St. zau In the Freehold Lodge of lames Episcopal Church will Elks, E. Main St. The bazaar be held,, Saturday, Nov. 22, will be open tomorrow from from 10 S,m. to 4 p.m. in the 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Parish Hall. Luncheon will be Wednesday from 10 a.m. to served from 11:30 a.m. Booth chairmen are Mrs, 8 p.m. A baked ham luncheon Lcltoy Ross, calico corner; will be served from 11:30 Mrs. Warren Holden, tots 'n a.m. to 2 p.m. teens; Mrs. Wesley Mayo, toys and dolls; Mrs. Edward CABD PARTY C. Wilson,', parcel post; Mrs. Purrn Pooch Russell Bodinc, grab bag; INTERNATIONAL THEME — Mn. Teresa Dailty, BED BANK - The Shrews- Mrs. Alice Glark, Christmas Middlotown, Isft, and Mrs. Harry James, Colts Neck, BOARDING KENNELS bury Rivervlew Hospital Aux- decorations; Mrs. Esther F. complete plans of the buffer and dancs to be h»ld iliary will hold a card party Hall, greens and plants; Mrs. Wednesday at 1 p.m. in the Donald Donaldson, boutiques; Saturday by the Middletown Chapter of the Cosmo- home of Mrs. Harry Heavi- • Mrs. Robert Gormley, home politan Club, an organization for women of foreign A new concept in Modern Boarding Facilities for Pets land, 200 Maple Ave. Pro- baked goods; Mrs. Marie origin, Ths event will be held from 9 p.m. to I a.m. ceeds will benefit the hospital. Bailey and Mrs. Marguerite in the Red Bank Elks Lodge. Committee aides include Mrs. Hcaviland and Mrs. Cowles, white elephant; Mrs. Maver J. Campbell, chair- Fred J, Behlmer, religious Mrs. Steven Berentes Jr., Mrs. Maurice Short, Mrs. men, are In charge of reser- articles, and Mrs. James Bernard Eaton and Mrs, Michael Dingman. Mrs. vations. Nudd Jr., luncheon. Dailey is in charge of tickets for ths event, which PurTll PoOCh is a modern, professionally Chairmen of the event are will be in international theme, and open to the public. 1MTH VKAR EVENT Mrs. Morton A. Barnes, and designed, indoor facility for boarding cats, dogs John M. Barnes. LITTLE SILVER - The Women's Guild of St. John's and other healthy pets in utmost comfort and Episcopal Church will hold Clubwomen Slate Deborah Sale Slated its 100th Anniversary Bazaar Yoga and Luncheon LINCROFT - Mrs. Elsie ter seven years ago, was un- in the Palish House from 10 safety. This is accomplished by "Controlled Mannes presented a program able to attend. a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday. MJMSOto - The New of songs from Broadway mu- Luncheon will be served from Shrewsbury Community Club sicals at the donor luncheon Mrs. Ralph Stein, presi- Environment",* plus professional supervision and 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., and tea will meet at noon Thursday in of the Red Bank Chapter of dent, presented awards to S( from 3 p.m. 'til closing. the River House Inn, here. Deborah, held here in the members. Mrs. Martin Nelson and Mrs. Lincroft Inn. Mrs. Mannes is the finest foods. Russell Bentz are chairmen The chapter will meet to- NURSING HOME the owner of a decorating morrow at 12:30 p.m. in the • 24-Hour Cora of reservations for the lun- shop in Middletown. cheon event. There will be a Shrewsbury Firehouse, • RN en duty all flmsi Broad vSt. Christina * Three sizes of kennels and exercise runs for small, medium and large • Medicare Approved demonstration program of Some 80 guests attended the merchandise will be on pets. . NAVESINK HOUSE yoga and exercises presented event, including past presi- sale to benefit Deborah, a free 41 RIVERSIDE AVE. RED BANK by the Elaine Power's Fig- dents Mrs, William Klatsky, * Daily inspection by licensed Veterinarian. mutt ure Salon of Red Bank. now patient admission chair- care non-sectarian hospital in man; Mrs. Ben Rassas, her Browns Mills. The public * All brands of pet foods for individual pets as well as prescription diets assistant; Mrs. Arthur Eck- invited, and refreshments will stein, and Mrs. Sol Grover. be served. New officers will when necessary. Mrs. John PetUlo, founder and be elected at the meeting, and ^Regularly cleaned, disinfected, sanitized and deodorized. Give your home first president of the chap- will be installed Dec. 9. * Bright, cheerful atmosphere through skylight installed over the entire State President kennel and exercise areas. A NEW LOOK * Bathing and grooming service. To Visit VFW Unit MIDDLETOWN - Mrs. Jo- sire to attend the dinner * Controlled Environment: Admission Requirements: seph Flynn, Barrington, state may make reservations with president of the Ladies Aux- Mrs. John Sommers, 421 At- s unique innovation. Kennel areas and Proof of immunization from' Distemper, with reupholstered furniture iliary to the Veterans of For- lantic St., Keyport. exercise runs completely air-conditioned Hepatitis and Leptospirosis must be sub- eign Wars, will make her of- Peter Lamco, commander and heated, keeping temperatures at an mitted in advance of admission. Now you can be assured, in your absence, your ficial visit to the sixth dis- of district six VFW, and Her- ideal., .level.. This system circulates fil- Call Collect trict Ladies Auxiliary VFW in bert Unger, commander o pet will be cared for by competent pro- the Middletown Post Home, Monmouth County council tered, fresh air throughout the entire fessionals in comfort and safety. 566-4423 lit, 35, Monday, Nov. 24. She VFW will officially greet Mrs. building, every five minutes. '•This elimi- will bo accompanied by other Flynn on behalf of the VFW nates air-borne viruses, bacteria, dirt and You are cordially invited to visit state officers. •Purr 'N Pooch or send for colorful, in- commander Patrick Man- nuisance insects. formative brochure. FREE! Mrs. Vincent Boyce will ning, and Mrs, George Corri- preside at the mooting, which gan, president of the Middle- will bo preceded by a dinner town Township Auxiliary will at 7 p.m. Members, who de- represent her post.

ALSO . .. Etpirt Slip- FURNITURE CO. cover ani Keyport 264-0181 Drapery DepU, WEST Features... "Kroehler" in FURNITURE CO EST. 1869 Mon., Tuei., W.d. mi Sat, 10-t Tlftiri. and Frl. 1O-»:JO STATE HIGHWAY 35, MANASQUAN, NJ. 08736 201-223-2800 Open Mon. and Fri. Evenings 'til 9 N -THE DAflLY BEGISTER, RED BANK • MIDDLETOWN, N. J.t MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 9 Area Women Named to Who's Who CHICAGO — Twenty area mouth County Community women are making their first Magazine for a number of tive with the Red Cross and cations instructor for the ber of Phi Beta Kappa. cai science at Monmouth Col- Laury Drive, Fan* Haven, Is Service Council and is on the years. iu Girl Scouting. American Savings and Loan Mrs. Edith Ludlow Pawling lege. She received the Na- a professor emeritus of nutri- appearance in the recently executive committee of the published Sixth Edition of Artist Political Worker Institute of Chicago, and re- (Mrs. William L. Pawling), tional Science Award in 1965, tion at Columbia Teachers second district in Freehold College in New York City, "Who's Who of American Mrs. Roberta Mae Lewis Mrs. Ann DeSarno Flynn ceived the Order Gregg Art- 2004 Fourth Ave,, Spring and is the author of the "His- Borough. Lake, is chief pharmacist at tory of Efficiency Ratings in and is a nutrition consultant Women, With World Not- Clarke (Mrs. John Russell (Mrs. John D. Flynn), 133 ists Award in 1960 and 1962. Mrs. Gloria Marie Lewin Women's Editor Jersey Shore Medical Center. the Federal Government." for leading magazines, Camp- ables." The volume, which in- Clark), 77 Waterman Ave., Norwood Ave., Deal, is a po- Butkus (Mrs. Stanley J. But- She is a lecturer on poison Miss Judith Anna Schmitt, fire Girls and the Head Start cludes biographical sketches Rumson, is an artist. She is litical worker with the Re- Mrs. Eleanor Marko (Mrs. kus), 36 Inlet Ter., Belmar, publican party. She is chair- Theodore Marko), 85 Alexan- control, and is an active 1014 18th Ave., Belmar, is a program. She is the author of of more than 24,000 women, a member of the board of is an active clubwoman. A man of the Monmouth County der Drive, Middletown, is member of women's organiza- professor at Wagner College numerous books and articles is published by the A. N. Mar- Republican committeewoman, the Guild of Creative Art, quis Company, publishers of Board ot Elections; president women's news etlitor of The tions. School of Nursing in Stalen on nutrition and dietetics,* she is board manager for Shrewsbury, where she had a of the New Jersey Federation Daily Register, and writer of Cat Fancier Island. She is a visiting pro- and has done research in "Who's Who in America" one-man show. Her awards Marlboro State Hospital, of Republican Women; mem- its art column, Palette Talk, Mrs. Jean Baker Rose fessor during summer sessions energy, metabolism, ascorbic since 1899. They are as fol- member of the Long Branch include'a first prize from the lows: ber of the national conven- since 1959. She is a member (Mrs. Gilbert White Rose), of the School of Nursing of acid and nutrition education. Civic Community Concert As- Monmouth Art Foundation, tion credentials committee, of the New Jersey Associa- 103 Cloverdale Circle, New Gustavus Adolphus College, Religious Leader Mrs. Sonja Petersen Ben- sociation, Douglass College and the Diable Art Associa- and was vice chairman of tion of Daily Newspaperwom- Shrewsbury, is treasurer and St. Peter, Minn. Mrs. Madeline Hartlove nett (Mrs. Vernon B. Ben- Alumni Association, and was tion popular prize. the Monmouth County Repub- en, honorary member of Beta executive director of the Cat Social Worker Tibbitt (Mrs. William J. Tib- nett), Clay Court, Locust, is an officer of the Long Branch Mrs. Lillian Andersen lican executive committee. Sigma Phi, and serves on the Fancier's Association, Red Mrs. Greta Lehrer Singer bilt), Heyers Mill Road, Colts the director of the medical Auxiliary to Family and Chil- Decker, 21 Morris St., Free- She is a trustee of the Sons board of directors of Mon- Bank, and directs the Cat (Mrs. Frank L. Singer), 122 Neck, is on the board of di- records library at Riverview dren's Service. of Italy Orphanage in Nutley. mouth Museum, Holmdel. Fanciers Association News. River Road, Red Bank, is a rectors of the National Coun- Hospital, Red Bank. hold, is the advertising direc- Dr. Marilyn Cannon (Mrs. tor for Worthington Biochem- Mrs.. Margaret Gregory Mrs. Helene Moore (Mrs. She is president of the Na- social worker, with a private cil of Catholic Women, Mrs. Emilie Harding Heed Carl J. Guzzo) is a noted istry Corporation in Freehold, Juckett (Mrs. J. LeRoy Lewis Moore) of Ft. Lauder- tional Shorthair Except Sia- practice in family and person- province Newark; was active Buck (Mrs. David Truex Spring Lake pediatrician and and is a member of the Juckett) 41 Poplar Ave., Deal, dale, formerly of New Mon- mese Society, and is a mem- al counseling. She is an as- in Our Lady of Victories PTA Buck), of Farmingdale, is is assitant director of pedi- American Chemical Society. is an assistant professor in mouth, was former women's ber of the National Hot Rod sistant professor and chair- and St.' Mary's High School treasurer of Buck Engineer- atrics at Jersey Shore Medi- the department of business editor of The Register. She Association. man of the mental health PTA, and was the United ing Company in Farmingdale, Mrs. Kathryn L. Leopold cal Center. Dudley (Mrs. William L. Dud- administration of Monmouth served on the newspaper Miss Mary Sonora Schi- field of practice, Rutgers Uni- States delegate to the third and has been active in Girl Mrs. Vivian Samburg Cro- College, West Long Branch. women's association's board nagle, 1409 Webb St., Asbury versity Graduate School. world congress of Lay Apos- Scouting, the League of Wom- ley), 80 Syndey Ave., Deal, zier (Mrs. Robert CrOzier) of was an American Gas Asso- of directors, and is a •"»">- Park is a professor of politi- Miss Clara Mae Taylor 60 tolates in Rome. 1967. en Voters, and the Theater Roosevelt is a fashion photog- Arts Guild of Freehold. Mrs. ciation executive from 1963 to -s » rapher whose work has ap- 1968, and is seminar coordina Buck is the secretary of the peared in leading women's housing authority of Freehold; tor of the Association for Yule Party Set fashion magazines. She was Computing Machinery in New member of the board of Mon- associated with Mademoiselle By Dental Assistants York City. She has been ac- Physical Fitness Charity Ball Guest WEST DEAL - Dr. Robert SEA GIRT — Cheryl Chris- sociation. Proceeds from the Schor of Wanamassa was tine Carter, Miss New "3er- event, to be held Friday at guest speaker at the Novem- sey 1969 and second runner- 7:40 p.m. here in Jimmy ber meeting of the Mon- Course Is Offered mouth-Ocean County Dental up in the recent Miss Amer- Byrnes' Sea Girt Inn, will be WEST LONG BRANCH - Physical fitness as a phase ica pageant, will be a guest Assistants. He spoke on donated to the Cerebral Pal- of preventative medicine will be the subject of a free public at the first annual Charity "Psychology of Practice Man- sy School and Treatment agement." seminar to be held tomorrow in Pollak Auditorium of Mon- Ball sponsored by the Mon- mouth County Education As- Center, Long Branch, and the The annual Christmas party mouth College. The program is being sponsored jointly by North Jersey Association for will be held here in Paul the Monmouth County Heart Association and Deal Chapter the Deaf and Hard of Hear- Samperi's Restaurant Dec. 9. of Hadassah. ing. Panelists and their topics will be Dr. John Stockfisch, Tickets may be purchased FOR specialist in internal medicine and cardiology, "How to and reservations made by Prevent Heart and Lung Disease," Maxim Asa, Ph.D., di- telephoning the Monmouth rector of the department of physiology, Monmouth Medical County Education Association ALUMINUM Center, "Fitness Through Activity," and Dr. Barry Grabelle, offices, or the local MCEA representative. president of the heart association, "Nutrition and Health."' SIDING Fitness for AU The purpose of the seminar is to develop community WHEN DECORATING have yeur Draperies awareness of the benefits of physical fitness for people of cleaned by ... CALL - all ages and to evolve a program which will contribute to It Mrs. Greta Singer Mrs. Ann D. Flynn Dr. Clara M. Taylor Adjusl-a-Drape that goal. — FOLD FINISHING — I RED BANK The seminar was planned by Mrs. John Geigcr,. projects A Special Procsis That £51.2925 CDA to Mark 43rd Anniversary chairman of the heart association, and Hadassah president GUARANTEES LENGTH After Dry Cleaning J Mrs. Daniel Kruman and vice president Mrs. Sigmund RED BANK — The 43rd the faculty at St. Peters Col- Hour" and the "Sacred Heart miller's drapery i anniversary dinner of Court Nathan. Other Hadassah members serving on the commit- lege, Jersey City. Ordained Program." cleaners ( 1 St. James, Catholic Daugh- tee include Mrs. Nathan Troum, Mrs. Jack Doriman, Mrs. ro urn's in 1946, Father Dolan pur- Mrs. John Koztowski, Mid- 52 Throckmorton St. ters of America, will be held sued graduate studies in lan- dletown, is grand regent of Carl Casriel, Mrs. Justin Gasarch, Mrs. Samuel Stevens , Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in The FREEHOLD 462-5000 Call 741-7500 Court St. James. Chairmen of and Mrs. Bernard Kaye. Miss Cheryl Carter Cobblestones, Middletown. guages at Fordham Univer- < Guest speaker will be the ,sity. For Uie past 20 years he the anniversary event are , Rev. Charles Dolarixof. the has- conduct^ on radio and Mrs'. George Koff and Mrs. Jesuit Fathers, a ,;, .television,. ...'.'The.- Catholic iidi

BROAD and MONMOUTH STREETS, RED BANK YOU CAN BE YOUR NEW DRESS SIZE The2g-ZagTogchl.Sew Mwir« machine by Singer For The Holidays ThoDetuxeZfeZag .hasthoPush-Button Bobbin, Built-in Button- Touch & Sew sewing machine Mediterranean by Singer hasthe Push-Butfon butternut-veneered holer, switches easily to Bobbin, Built-in Buttonhoter, 'Venice" desk. sew zig-zag stitches! If you CALL two-speed motorfor extra (Model 646) control and precision! "Summit" desk. ELAINE POWERS (Model 645)"GlendaIo" chest.

Early American ma pie-finished "Montpelier" console. NOW Mediterranean buttamrfteneered "Baroelonaf chest. Why not enjoy the Holiday season ahead with a lovely NEW FIGURE. Get rid of those unwanted extra pounds Contcmponiry walnut-veneered once and for all. You can, you know, just "Ridgewood" by picking up your phone •and calling console. Elaine Powers. CALL TODAY OR COME IN FOR Thedelina Straight Stitch Touch & Sew sewing A FREE TRIAL TREATMENT The newest machine by Singer^ hasthe Pustf- NO OBLIGATION Golden Button Bobbin, TheSpedal I Zlg-ZigTouehfcSew Touch* Sew smooth sewing sewing machine by Singer has tha spinning wheel thread Push-Button Bobbln.Built-ln zigzag sewing delivery, even sews chain-stitch! START TODAY Buttonholer, 15 Fashion Discs (Model 649) Shown in contemporary . "Saratoga"console. It machine by Singer walnut-veneered "Stamford" console. TODAY IS NOV. 17 has no-tangle bobbin winding. —.IF YOU ARE A SIZE.... Exclusive Push-Buttqn Bobbin winds inside the machine. Built-in 14 You can b» a size 10 by Dee. 17 Buttonholedial turns out button- H^Yoii can be a sixe 12 by Dec. 22 holes easier than you ever dreamed. 18 YPU can ge a size 14 by Dec. 22 Mediterranean Embroider, darn, mend,-even sew basting butternut-veneered stitches (Model 640) Shown in contemporary 20 You can be a size 14 by Jan. 7 I "Malaga" console. "Bakerslield" walnut-veneered desk. Contemporary walnut- 22 You can be a siie 16 by Jan. 7 veneered "Pacesetter" console...... —.———-—"-"•' COMPLETE 4-MONTH PLAN Gmra"tce when you buy any of the If For Any Region You pall Te Re- celvs The ReiulU fiveTouch &Sew sewing machines Ll.nd, Slain. Pow ,n Will Glw You i MONTH '?SI« Month. FREE!. for Christmas giving. To The Flnr 45 To Call! UNLIMITED FREE SEWING LESSONS. Singer gives free lessons on how-to-use a sewing machine with every machine purchased. VISITS 842-2451 /I • HOURS FREE DELlVERY-anywhere in the U.S.A. including Alaska and Hawaii! Daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. FREE GIFT WRAP-all bright and be-ribboned. So you won't get all tied up in that little detail SINGER Sat. 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. BUY NOW ON THE SINGER l-TO-36 CREDIT ACCOUNT, Elaine Powers Fiqure Salons RED BANK — ki BROAD STREET WiatintujbrtomomuliatBlNOMtodayl* BROAD and MONMOUTH JTRHTS. RED BANK and if you choose defer monthly payments until Feb., 1970. -OR UH the Singer Lay-Aw^y Plan-a small deposit will hold any item until Doc. 20. EATONTOWN — •ATr«Hnwko iama this way and would die if she change your habits while you their books away three Booths featured include will call a surgeon. able to local residents at no space. It'i a brand-new con- found out. I'm afraid she will. still have time. months ago and can play homemade cakes and pies Dear Ann Landers: I'm charge. Miss Brenda Harris cept — * liberating now way How can I stop? , NO SHOES: (Q.) WHy can't anything. BIRNN CANDY baked at Church Hall, toys, sure people of all ages read is the instructor according to to think of a houn. Tha bid- — Desperate and Scared in I go barefooted in peace? I household items, "nearly your column. Maybe someone Al Gatta of the parks depart- I feel like a case of arrest- 91 BROAD ST.. RED BANK room ihould be- just ai livable Houston always do and my parents new" toys, jewelry, records out there can give me the ment. ed development. My guitar at the family room wUh livable always bawl me out about it. (A.) You must first wake and books, and new help I am looking for. Among the activities fea- furniture mixture. The living How can I get them to see up to the fact that the phys- handmade items and bric-a- I am a woman in my early tured in the course are bas- room can look thinning and that shoes aren't my bag? ical thing in which you are brac. The Goody Bar will fea- 60's. All my life I've been ketball, volleyball, gymnas- iHII perform at a dining room -N.F. entangled is only part of life. ture hot dogs, coffee, soda, plagued with excessive per- tics and figure improving ex- and an entertainment center. (A.) It's fine and healthy The best way I know for you doughnuts popcorn, bagels spiration on my back. I've ercises. Women of all ages Making t room live teveral livei to go barefoot at the right to do this is to remind your- and cider. gone to at least six doctors are invited to attend the eften involves chicanery. self over and over that in- times and in the right places, and have received no relief. classes. evitably you are going to But going barefoot all the Special attraction for the Alio think M. SILIERSTEIN IN- time is foolish as well .as un- adults will be an auction to I've tried shots, pills, salves TERIOR DESIGNS, 428 Broad fashionable. be held Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and lotions. It's been a waste Add dried drill to a cream sauce to be used with a Street, ( at Newman Springi The Bonks Feted & Want personal answers to The children will be vis- of time and money. Perhaps cooked vegetable. iSIl Road), Shrewsbury, 741-1742! On Silver Wedding your questions? Write to Jean ited by Santa Claus Sunday, somebody who reads this We are the complete home Adams, Box 2402, Houston, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Santa furnishing center and offer com- RUMSON - The 25th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Texas 770O1. Only letters that will have a grab bag with plete interior design plus free include a stamped, self-ad- him. home consultation service. Our Mrs. Junior F. Bouk 76 Blackpoint Road, was eel' SPECIAL SALE! expanded facilities at our new location feature the finest in brated at an open house an custom furniture, draperies, slip- buffet in their home Nov. 2 covert and bedspreads* Carpof- Hosts were the couple Beauifyu? ing also, children and their family, M: CARPET... and Mrs. Benjamin Monteith, HELPFUL HINT; When you Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd J. Bouk Your Home or Apartment build a centerpiece of fruit for John F. Bouk, and the Misse your table, use a grapefruit or Ellen Ann and Mildred WALL-TO-WALL two first. This forms a mound. Bouk. 100% NYLON CARPET Some 95 guests attended- $17000 This book*about INSTALLED careers in Medical Carl A. Quaglia, R.P. and Dental Assisting would bea bestseller, CAREFULLY CHOOSE YOUR except for one thing. FAMILY PHARMACY It's Free! II is considered wise to obtain all your medi- cines, health aids and sick room needs from one •Our "book" is a beautifully illustrated 12page pharmacy that knows you personally. In this way all your records arc in one place. This can be color brochure. beneficial, both for the infonnnllim for your per- sonal records and their availability to your physi- Call 249-9383 or write for your copy. cian. Choose a pharmacy where you like the people who serve you and the service they give. It should THE mYMAN SCHOOL be a pharmacy that carries most of your favorite Bronco Estates Crater, Rr. No, IB products. We Invite you to stop in and look us ALSO ON SALE East Brunswick, New Jersey 0BB14 over. If you select us to be your family pharmacy 501 DuPONT NYLON • ACRILAN • POLYESTER Telephone: (201) 249-9383 we will always do our best to please you. Formally tm united School of Medical and Denial AlilitanU YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a delivery. We will deliver prompt- FREE — SHOP- EASY CREDIT ly without extra charge. A great many people AT-HOME SERVICE TERMS ARRANGED those ^end me your Free Illustrated Brochure rely on us for their health needs. We welcome requests for delivery service and charge accounts. Name. • CALL 264- 5779 -Age. Shrewsbury Pharmacy m THE SHREWSBURY SHOPS 35 Broad St., R«d Bintc COLLECT MmW *0M # M City. BROAD ST. 741-4874 SHREWSBURY Dally 9:30-5:30 -State Zip. Wtd. - Fri. (ill 9 P.M. GARDEN STATE CARPET PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS FREE DELIVERY Iliono. k You may uie your Mut«r Charge- t 756 POOLE AVE. & HWY. 36 HAZLET IPOOLI AVENUE SHOPPING CENTER) D.R..R.1. -THE DAILY HEClSTTft, WD BANK • MlDDtETOWN, N. J.« MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, terns" «u th« *er)f of Ber- Fort Scientists Present Papers nard S. Gurmu, New FOOT MONMOUTH - Pa- cesslng laboratory. "•ibiiry, also of the Avi- pers presented by scientists Another paper presented on onics Laboratory, and Dr. Bi- Successful attending the recent I5th Con- "The Use of a Hybrid Com- stj, with Mrs. Myrni L. Toi- ference on the Design of Ex- puter to Evaluate Man-Ma- vanen of Honeywell, —ncor- periments in Army Research, chine Performance of Com- porated's Systemi Rtiearch Development and Testing, plex Vehicle Control Sys- Center. Investing held at Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Ala., included two By ROGER E. SPEAR by Army Electronics Com- mand 'researchers. Q — My husband recently in light of the investigations Joint authors of a paper ti- sold his business. Our entire now under way on food addi- tled "A Statistical Model for savings are invested in one tives — cyclamates, monoso-. the Analysis of Simultaneous stock because he does pot be- dium glutamate and so forth Two - Station Ionospheric lieve in keeping money in the .— early approval seems un- Soundings," were Dr. Erwin bank at 5 per cent. I was likely. Biser, Belmar, of the E-Com- r»ised in poverty and can't The company's five bulk mand's Avionics Laboratory, sleep nights because he re- cargo vessels continue to pro- and Richard D'Accardi, Marl- fuses to keep even $15,000 in vide a sizable percentage of boro, of the KCOM Communi- a savings account. This would total revenues. Whether you cations automatic data pro- be only a small percentage should add to your shares of our holdings. He is a good would depend on what portion manager and I have no quar- of your capital is now invest- Named a Winner rels with his investing. But ed in risk situations and how how can I get him to put much you can afford to as- In Sales Contest aside this small amount? sign to this category. RED BANK — T. J. Gan- M.W. non, Red Bank representative A — If you can speak to Executone reported good of The Lincoln National Life your husband as eloquently third quarter results and is Insurance Company and a as you have written to me I still selling at a relatively rea- member of W. R. Beardslee 7HE NEW LOOK, MAN-STYLE — Sporting the new bright plumage,of "the latest am sure you will be able to sonable multiple. Additional & Associates, Montclair, has in men's fashions are the three young proprietor* of Napoleon, brandVnew msn'i convince him how vital a bank purchases are warranted. been named a winner in the fashion emporium on Rt. 35, Oakhurst. From left, €«rald Presiman, rkanager of account is for your peace of company's nationwids Minute the Napoleon Bootery, Richard Levine, and Stuart Guy Norman, principal in the mind. While I do not condone Man sales contest, Jack E. his modus operandi, he is Bell Lab Rawles, vice president firm, pose with a model of the shop's namesake, Bonaparte himself. probably one of those few in- and director of agencies, an dividuals who, although in- Places Order nounced. capable of prudence, is ex- PALISADES PARK - Tech tremely successful. This is Laboratories, Inc., an elec- New Shop Features Men's one form of gambling for tronics manufacturer, re- which I have no stomach. search and development firm, Save on Fuel has announced it has re- Q — You recommend Al- ceived an order from Bell with pine Geophysical as a long- Telephone Laboratories Late Fashion Innovations range speculation. I have 100 WISH BONE CONTEST Holmdel, for two prototypes shares at an average of 23. ALUMINUM OAKHURST - Three young art Guy Norman, notes that of Tech's low-cost, high ca- eran in the world of men's Should I buy additional shares men with a mission — to pro- men are abandoning the ster- pacity, rapid retrieval micro- couturier fashion and who re- now that it is lower or build SIDING vide tlje very latest men's eotyped "grey flannel suit" film machines. cently moved to the shore up my holdings in Execu- hut IUN PIACI io SHOP Him hi mm ISMI fashion innovations to the image of years past in favor area from North Jersey, grew tone? I can invest about $300 Terms of the order call for of the colorful, stylish, and v Monmouth County area up in a men's clothing busi- a month. S.B. — have opened a new shop highly individualistic . new ness owned by his family. He Tech Laboratories to deliver RED BANK the initial units for test and here on Rt. 35. male fashion look of the '70s. is also a graduate of the Fash- A — Alpine Geophysical's However, he emphasizes that ion Institute of Technology diverse ocean-oriented inter- evaluation of their applicabil- Addr, ,Ap:tly called Napoleon's, the ity in the Bell System's di- Napolean offers only that and has operated men's ests should eventually pay big Est. 2925 Phont___ • • • shop celebrates the return to rectory assistance operations. bright plumage by the male which is tasteful — not fad clothing stores in other parts dividends. Patience, however, DEPOSIT IN ANY WOOLWQRTH STO»F of the species. and "Kookie" clothing. of the state. will be required. A modifica- If the evaluation and tests Bach start will glvt owoy (ill II t» II It. tunny Nivwrttr ttrt. Mr. Norman, who is a vet- . tion of the Food and Drug are successful, the microfilm Principal in the firm, Stu- His two cohorts in the op- oisnaoitary • W!nn«rnndn«lb*prH«il Administration's regulation units would eventually be Voidwhtrtprohlbltwibylow. eration of Napoleon are Rich- on the use of marine protein used on telephone informa- rouMs ard Levine and Gerald Press- as a food additive is being tion service centers in Bell 9m SATISFACTION GUARANTEED REPl ACE'/ESl OR '.'-uNt i man. Mr. Levine, who for- soucbt bv Ah)ine However. Svstem corftDanies. Call 741-7500 College Gets Army merly operated the Stall, a 00,0000000—00000*4 men's shop jn Long Branch, will concentrate on fashion Research Contract accessories for men — shirts, WEST LONG BRANCH - by the U;S. Army Electronics ties, vests, slacks and men's Monmouth College has been Command at Fort Monmouth furnishings. Mr. Pressman is the shoe expert and will lend awarded an $18,150 contract for the investigation of speech recognition networks using a his talents to the bootery sec- digital computer. tion of Napoleon. JOIN NOW! Jordan Joins Dr. Harris Drucker, assis- The "total look" in men's tant professor in the depart- fashions and a shopping en- Wright Firm ment of electronic engineer- vironment that is comfortable NEW YORK — Henry H.' ing is the principal investiga- and convivial are two of the Jordan Jr., formerly of 9 Sur- tor for the project. The one- outstanding aspects of Napo- rey Drive; Hazlet, N.J., has year contract, which runs leon. ^ joined Wright Associates as through Sept. 25, 1970, pro- The shop specializes in out* a management; consultant; vides for the purchase of ad- fitting the complete man, specializing In production and ditional equipment for a from head to toe, in formal, inventory control. Announce- digital computer donated to business or casual attire. The ment of the appointment was the college earlier this year shop has incorporated every made by Wilmer Wright, the by Interdata, Inc., Ocean- aspect of men's clothing down firm's president. port. to the last detail — cufflinks Mr. Jordan was vice presi- The funds also cover other or proper handkerchief for dent for operations of Guen- equipment, overhead and the pocket of his blazer and ther Systems, Inc., of Buch- salaries for the study. presented these fashions In anan, N.Y. Dr. Drucker is working on an atmosphere that is digni- ' Previously, he was mana- programs to teach the com- fied, elegant, and definitely ger of production planning puter to learn to recognize today. and inventory control, and human speech. Currently, in- From the balcony tasteful- ,• subsequently director of qual- formation is fed into a com- ly filled with sport coats, top ity control and field service puter by means of punched coats, and suits (from formal , engineering with the Ford In- cards but Dr. Drucker feels to ultra-casual) to the "dub strument Division of the Sper- it would be easier and much room" where deep comforta- ; ry Rand Corporation in New faster to simply dictate in- ble chairs surround a color York City. Prior to joining formation and instructions in- TV in a masculine retreat, the Sperry Rand in 1961, he was to the machine or another de- shop strives for a new kind cnief of the Missiles and Spe- vice that would translate the of men's clothing store image. cial Weapons Office of the data into the computer. Even the store hours re- U.S. Army Ordnance District Dr. Drucker has been in- flect the times when it is in New York. Mr. Jordan was terested in speech recognition most convenient for a man responsible for the direction more than five years and did to shop (although ladies are of the Redstone, Jupiter and research on the subject while also welcome) Napoleon is Nike missile procurement working on the dissertation open daily from noon until 9 programs. for his doctorate at the Uni- p.m. and on Saturday from versity of Pennsylvania. 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. Named as Charter Member of Society WASHINGTON — George ONLY NOH-STOP SERVICE TO Paterson Jr., of Ash, Pater- son & Denise, Freehold, N.J., has qualified as a charter BOSTON member of the Insurance Fire Mark Society, for his person- _ AREA al production of property and Hanscoin fid. Rt. 128, Bedford casualty insurance. The con- ferment of membership as an DEPARTS outstanding sales executive 7:10 am highlighted the 38th annual 4:45pm convention of the National As- sociation of Mutual Insurance Agents last week at the Wash- ington Hilton Hotel. Our 1970 Christmas Club The forty charter members HEAT WITH 1 Subsequently held their first It's that Him of the year when you should start your So be sure to have cash to pay for your Christmas meeting and took initial steps toward formally organizing 1970 Christmas Club, and where you start your gifts next year by joining ana of 7 different Christ* the society. Christmas Club It important too. mas Clubs. Wo pay Interest on completed dubs and there Is no It's to easy too because we have 14 cenvenleit la* service charge. A deposit of as little as 50c a week cations throughout Monmouth County. You'll find eon ttarr you en your way to a Merry Christmas,

MULLANEY REALTY MONMOUTH COUNTY NATIONAL BANK • Tlndoll Rd., Mlddlitown fuel Chief FUEL OIL . ' Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. HBATINO Oil (Robert! Building) UPNC a •• • • i - • ' THERE IS AN OFFICE NEAR YOU 671-5151 ..*• SM16IOO 14 CONVENIENT OFFICES THROUGHOUT MONMOUTH COUNTY — cated by a professor of Har- clines to take sides on this ByBOBDUBHX time," said Mrs. Harriet Hirt, salesgirl, a statistician for a which sandwiches and coffee Matters of law can be very said be received his notice in argument. head clerk of the jury com- vard and the University of NEWARK (AP) - For high bank and various other job were provided free of charge. complex in highly technical mid-August for jury duty in But as more and more cit- mission, "the panels went into Chicago law schools. salaried businessmen, a call types The jurors awarded the cases," he -said, "A profes- September. izens are summoned to jury to jury duty can be some- third and fourth weeks." Varied Duties plaintiffs in one suit costs plus sional system could take away He wonderj whether auto The plan has run into road- blocks in the state legisla- duty, more and more views thing of a financial, jolt. The panel on which Hartleb The duty involved sifting nominal damages and the the inconvenience encountered accident suits should be set- and suggestions are finding The pay is $5 a day. There served was assigned to Su- through depositions, weighing children of the plaintiffs in a by many called away from tled on the basis of each in- tures. Proponents contend that most legislatures are domi- their way to courthouses and are no expense accounts. And perior Court for trial of a neg- testimony of dozens of wit- second suit medical expenses their jobs." surance company paying the state houses. the automobile allowance ligence suit growing out of a nesses, the arguments of op- plus a small cash award. Early Notice share for its Insured motorist nated by lawyers and lawyers The chances of being called amounts to only two cents a four-car accident. The 12 jur- posing lawyers and the in- Looking back from experi- He feels that notices should rather than having one car- are loath to do away with the for jury duty in a given year mile to and from the court ors and one alternate on the structions of the judge at the ence, Hartleb believes there be mailed out more quickly to rier fix blame and carry on- negligence factor in liability run 1 in 40. house in most areas. panel included a comptroller close of the trial on matters is room for improvement in allow the potential juror to prolonged litigation. suits because they would be The immediate reaction of fur 20th Century Fox Corp., of law. . the jury system. make proper arrangements Such a suggestion has been losing a big chunk of busi- There are a«r* estimated Sy2 many executives is "How can a supervisor of a chemical The Jury in the case delib- "Perhaps there should be a with his employer or with cus- championed nationally as the ness. • million names drawn each I get out of it?" plant, a linotype operator, a erated 3% hours during system of professional jurors. tomers, if self-employed. He Keeton-O'Connell plan advo- Hartleb diplomatically de- year across the country. It isn't easy. "Business is seldom an a ceptable excuse," said or court official jn Bergen Coun ty. "If you excuse one pe son for job reasons, when do you draw the line?" The final decision rests with the judge. Excuses have been granted in cases of seven hardship, medical reasons am for absolute inability to breai previous engagements. Bui the person excused once is li- able for call the next time, George Hartleb, a geni; studious stockbroker from Palisades Park, was one t AnySZSOOcaristight-new. 675 names chosen by compu er for a jury list in Bergei County. The computer makes its selection from voter reg- istration lists and the screen- The sinewy Mercedes-Benz 28OSE is built to be ing procedure begins with questionaire. Enlightening "It was an enlightening ex- perience to see how our court rattle-free even after 50,000 miles. system operates, to see how justice is administered," sail Hartleb. Like many citizens, this was his first actual acquaintance with the day to day reality of government. Lift the hood, and you'll see why: Hartleb, who makes "comfortable" living as an account executive with the W.E. Hutton Co. of New York •-=?,<> •*/]"'^ ;•; •'• City, took a cut than most during his three weeks away from the office. Many companies make up the difference in pay for sal- arled employes, but the self- employed or those relying on One of the sweef pleasures 6i contoured with' Kelp from ortKopedic commissions simply don't fall driving any brand-new car is that firm, physicians. The springs inside are into this category. buttoned-up feeling it has when it » actually tuned to the car's suspension Hartleb spent more time thumps across the inevitable potholes movements'—to cancel thousands of away from the office than he and corrugated railroad tracks. tiny, tiring tremors every mile. felt he could afford. "Mine is. a business where Especially if the car you traded- Check the rear shelf. Carpeted. the customer likes to keep in in had taken to moaning and groaning Feel the underside of the dash. No spa- touch," he reflected. "During over such indignities. ghetti tangle of wires—it's fully fin- the lime I was on jury call Mercedes-Benz engineers like ished off. Finger the wood trim. Real I was able to spend only one day at the ofllce." the nice, tight, "new-car feel" so much walnut, not plastic. Civic Group they think it ought to last longer than Many cars are designed to win But Hartleb also is prcsi new-car smell, new-carpayments, and admiration for theirowners. Mercedes- dent of the New Jersey State even a new-car warranty. In fact, they Benz cars are designed to win admira- Council of the Von Steuben f Society of America, a patriot- see no reason why you should not go tion from their owners. ic fraternal organization that right on enjoying it year after year , Unconventional? Defiantly so. tries to instill better citizen after year, Mercedes-Benz does not build conven- ship. And, since Mercedes-Benz en- tional cars—and never will. - "I felt I had an obligation to serve," he said. gineers stubbornly refuse to waste time The 675 jurors selected for on annual face-lifts or superfluous 280SEvs.280Svs.280SEL the fall term in Bergen were gimmickry, they have ample opportu- The 280SE sells for about assigned to nine panels of 75 nity to make such dreams come true. $7,300*complete with automatic shift, • each. power steering, vinyl upholstery^ As the county, district and superior courts get ready for Born to last white walls, and AM/FM radio. trial, the jurors are assigned Result: every Mercedes-Benz If you can live without the 1S5S as needed. power-boost from that "E"— for) The usual tour of duty runs 280SEbegins life in a showerof sparks, two weeks. Its chassisand body are not bolted into Einspritzmotor, or fuel-injection en- "But in five courts this being, like those of a conventional gine—you can make a tidy savings by sedan, but solidified by thousands of ordering the standard 260S. To Attend State welds into a single, rigid unit. You can also order a 280SEL— Flip up the hood or peer into the 28OSE with a wheelbase four inches' Trust Parley the wheel wells behind the tires, and longer. (Four inches invested in leg- PRINCETON - Nine Mon- examine the frame. You can actually room for the rear compartment, not mouth County bankers have The 2S05E U rated the safest, most rcadworthy car in the "luxurtf' field. A sound investment, too. squandered in useless overhang.) registered to attend the an- see the telltale pockmarks of the welds. nual trust conference of the And you'll "feel" the difference Other models to ponder: Trust Division of the New they make from the first tar strip you 250 Sedan—an unflappable inch, and pistons and connecting rods corkscrew turns of a mountain toad— disc brakes will be offered on a do- Jersey Bankers Association hit. After 50,000 miles or so, you may road car with superb handling and Nov. 19 and 20 at the Cherry are painstakingly matched and bal- and enjoy yourself. mestic "luxury" car. begin to wonder if your 280SE will braking, $5,208*. Hill Inn, Cherry Hill. More anced. Yet this power plant is about There's no sloppy play in the than 250 New Jersey bankers ever rattle. 3O0SEL 6.3 Sedan—"Merely as fragile as a bull. It's built to cruise steering, either. No mushiness. When The pinnacle of safety * are expected to attend the When welding stops, hands in the greatest sedan in the world"— above 100 mph on Germany's wide- you hold the wheel, you are blessed The responsiveness which two day conference. soft gloves caress the exterior of the " Road & Track, $14,530*. open autobahns foi hours on end (and with the "feel" of the road. When you makes the 280SE such a pleasure to Bankers registered from body to detect bumps and burrs. They Idea: If you plan to vacation Monmouth County are: Don- often does). • turn the wheel, the car responds m- drive is its best defense against blun- are smoothed away. Vital seams are abroad this year, clip the coupon for a , ald W. Peppier, Richard Y. stantly. Suddenly, you are a more con- dering motorists. However, if the worst Case and J. Catherine Mat- soldered arid buffed to oblivion. brochure with details of European Heroic handling fident driver. happens, the car is designed to shield thews, Central Jersey Bank Then the raw body is dunked* Delivery. You can enjoy the conve- and Trust Company, Allen- The legendary stamina of a Taut, sensitive steering is re- you, Naturally, it meets all the U.S. whole, like a taffy apple, into a gigantic nience of touring in your own new hurst; C. Ricliard Applegate, Mercedes-Benz is a virtue you can tained even with Mercedes-Benzpoiuer safety regulations. But a Mercedes- T vat of primer. It emerges with 24 Mercedes-Benz—while making a sub- . George L. Bielitz, Alston appreciate only with the passing of steering—characterized by Car and Benz has additional safety features. Beekman Jr., M. Harold Kel- pounds of rust protection. stantial saving on U.S. prices. time. But you needn't wait a moment Driver as "unquestionably the most The entire passenger compart- ly, Roger J. Fitzsimmons and Next, it is baked, spray-painted, Douglas J. Hollywood, Mon- - to savor this car's true genius: its quick precise unit of its kind ever developed." ment is built as a sturdy "safety zone." hand-sanded, sprayed again, then mouth County National Bank, reflexes and heroic handling ability. Doors are designed to stay shut on im- C. Douglas Alan, Inc. Red Bank. Jiand-sprayed. Even the insides of the The 280SE bristles with sophis- Awesome brakes pact. The front and rear of the car are 100 Oceanport Ave. hubcaps are coated. Total primer and ticated, ultra-performance features Unless you have driven a 180- engineered to crumple in a crash at a Little Silver, N.J. 07739 Visit Coliseum paint anti-corrosion protection: over that simply do not exist on domestic mph Grand Prix racing car or a controlled rate, absorbing shock and 44 pounds. RIVER PLAZA — A group sedans in the so-called "fine car" field. Mercedes-Benz, chances are you have reducing the threat of serious injury. Please send me your new European De- of 85 sixth graders at River As a final flourish in its arma- Scrapping the solid "beam" .never experienced the awesome stop- Car and Driver's sober conclu- livery brochure, complete with work- Plaza School visited the Jap- ment against road salt, rust and rot, sheet for computing my savings, anese Exposition at New York rear-axle system of domestic sedans, it ping power of really good brakes. sion: Of all the world's cars, the Mer- the 260SE gets a 24-pound factory City's Coliseum. Accompany uses an articulated axle, so that each Disc brakes. cedes-Benz line "represents thepresent slathering of undcrcoating. ing the students were princi rear wheel can move up and down Mercedes-Benz engineers insist pinnacle in safe car engineering." pal Miss Rita Quail, three teachers and 13 mothers. independently of the other, just as the on them. Nor do they stint by putting Unrelenting power front wheels do. disc brakes only at the front wheels, Showroom experiments and settling for conventional drum The overhead-cam, fuel-injec- This endows the car with the The 2B0SE is as habitable as it STATE tion engine equals the coachvvork for agility of a scrambling quarterback. brakes on the rear. They attach a mas- is durable, roadworthy, and safe. ALUMINUM longevity. You can blast it over rutted gravel sive, caliper-type disc brake to every Slip behind the wheel, and flex Bearings are delicately ma- lanes; it behaves with almost eerie yvheel of every Mercedes-Benz. your back. This is no marshmallow SIDING chined to within 4/10,000ths of an calm. You can thread it through the Someday, doubtless, 4-wheel seat. It supports you. It should: it was adds lifetime beauty to your home •East and Gulf Coast ports of entry, exclusive of transportation, options, state and local taxes, If any.

RED BANK -100 OceanportXve., Little Silver, New Jersey O7739Phone; 201-842-53S3 Esl. 1925 roum's 4. Call 741-7500 IMIIIWIHIIWH DfflX 7 Hearing Slated Tomorrow BED BANK, N. J, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1969 —IS On R-FHR School Vote RUMSON — A public hear- velopment, construction of the ciple," according to board ar- been designed just for that. ing on the proposed expansion school and purchase of furni- chitect Robert Mickelwright. We can adapt it to our needi of the regional school' district ture and equipment. Flexibility Stressed as they develop." and construction of a junior Result of Study high school is scheduled for The approximate increase Essence of the structure 8.p.m. tomorrow in the Rum- in the Rumson and Fair Ha- will be extreme flexibility Expansion of the district son - Fair Haven Regional ven tax rate will be an esti- achieved through movable and the proposed new school 1 High School auditorium. mated 21 cents per $100 as- partitions and the elimination are the result of 12 months sessed valuation. A referendum will follow on of the traditional "box class- of study by a study commit- Tuesday, Nov. 25, with polls The question of expansion room." tee composed of citizens from being open from 4 to 9 p.m. of the regional school district The 119,500-square foot area both boroughs which delved in the Rumson-Fair Haven was defeated in a referendum into the problems of over- Regional High School, Rum- of the proposed school will son, and in Willow Street Oct. 9. At the time, voters have a "functional capacity" crowding besetting elemen- School, Fair Haven. were asked to vote on region- of more than 1,000 pupils but, tary and high school facilities alization. according to Mr. Mickel- in both boroughs. There will be only one ques- wright, could accommodate tion on the ballot, divided in- After the defeat, Mr. Adam- up to 2,000. •The (high school now has * son said, "The 57 per cent to three parts: Dr. John F. Kinney Jr., su- population of 1,160 pupils in negative vote was due to the facilities designed to accom- Expansion of the regional lack of information. Voters perintendent of the regional modate 1,100. By 1975, enroll- district to include grades sev- wanted to know what costs district, said the new build- PROPOSED SCHOOL — An architect's model of the proposed Rumson-Fair.Haven ment is estimated at 1,300. en and eight; purchase of ap- would be involved." ing has been designed to Temporary .classrooms have Regional Junior High School shows deta ils of what the structure will look like when proximately 41 acres of the been considered. Fair Haven Lovett tract and Late in October, the region- serve as a stepping stone completed. On ground floor, the school will be groupsd around a central theater- al board announced plans and from the elementary to the Fair Haven has 1,160 stu- auditorium, right of photograph, which can be subdivided into four segments for construction of a junior high school, and authorization to costs for the school, which high school under what he re- dents in facilities designed for use as teaching areas. Around the auditorium will be four teaching areas for Math- issue bonds in the amount of. were not ready at the time of ferred, to as the "sequential 1,100. Enrollment in 1975 is ' ematics, English, languages and social studies. These will be grouped around indi- $3,950,000. the Oct. 9 referendum. program." estimated at 1,300. vidual resource centers, under the saucer -like structures in the picture. To the left, For Full Cost The proposed school will be To meet the modular sched- Rumson has a population of foreground, is combined boys-girls gym with the locker and other facilities. Be- Arthur L. Adamson, presi- situated at Fair Haven and ule system used in the high 1,130 pupils in facilities de- Ridge Roads. It will be ap- school, the sequential pro- hind that, background, will be accommodation for industrial arts and arts. Cafe- dent of the regional board, signed for 900. Temporary teria and administration areas will be between the gym and the arts complex. Up- proximately 230 by 280 feet, gram "requires maximum said this figure will cover pur- partially oi two stories, under flexibility," Dr. Kinney said, classrooms already are in per levels will be devoted to teaching areas, staff rooms and other facilities. chase of the land and Site de- one roof, under the "loft prin- "and the new building has use. Middletown Split Sessions Set

MIDDLETOWN-AU grades sentatives from among ele- sideration has been given to move into a second high in the high school except the mentary school principals. the idea of forming two sep- school. twelfth will face split ses- Mr. Lefever cautioned that rate high schools in one build- The two separate schools sions next fall, with the ap- a total split session may be ing, with two administrations, would be abandoned however, proval of the Board of Edu- needed by the 1971-72 school two teaching staffs, two guid- Mr. Lefever said, if the voters cation. year depending on projected ance departments and two turn down the Nov. 25 land Superintendent Paul Lefev- enrollment figures. sets of athletic teams. He referendum, which will facili- er said that the half-day ses- If that becomes necessary, added "that such a division tate construction of a second sions will be a necessity to the superintendent said, con- would fjcilitiate the eventual high school. cope with the expected en- rollment of 2,900 students while providing as good an education as possible. The decision to split two Police Assault Sparks classes and to retain one class on a regular basis was made after board members and ad- ministrators met with princi- pals from junior and senior Red Bank Youth's Fine high schools and with repre- RED BANK—Acting Judge was being held by the police. Borough Attorney Samuel Arthur P. Siegfried has twice A week ago, Acting Judge Carotenuto, said the court To Close Bridge refused to dismiss a loitering Thomas Yaccarino dismissed would have to determine charge, made against Fred -countercharges against three whether or not Jtted was: For Repair Job Johnson, 21, of 248 tetgJrtOB police officers" for ~Ktk'oTr 1biteTlng"and obstoeBng- pe- FREEHOLD — The Mon- Ave. on the night of SeJR'Kin prosecution. Fred and Larry, destrian traffic in the hall at mouth County bridge depart- police headquarters. ' ' who made the complaints headquarters. ment today announced that The judge fined the youth against Patrolman Anthony Mr. Shaw in his arguments the Sea Bright - Rumson $30 for assault and battery Afobatamarco, Peter Knight for tine defense, said that as bridge will be closed tomor- on Patrolman Anthony Abba- and Donald R. Patterson, did the law reads one must loiter row from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., tiamarco. Except for Peter not appear hi court. and obstruct either pedes- weather permitting, for Shaw, Wiere as a friend of the At that hearing, Judge Yac- trian or auto traffic, that a PLAN $200,000 BUILDING — The Monmeuth County Chapter of/the American Real Cross Saturday bigan iti bridge repair. court for the American Civil carino' told the Johnsons they police station is a quasi pub- fund raising drive to cpnstruct this «iw $200,000 building at the site of it* present, headquarters

NEW 1969 CORVETTE TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS 141 W. FRONT ST. & HWY. 35 SPORT COUPES — IN STOCK $75 up—FREE WINTERIZING ONLY RED IANK 747-0787 McCARthy 1970 PRICE BREAK! "YOUR LOW OVERHEAD DEALER" VOLKSWAGENS IMMEDIATE FIRST AVE. . 291-1101 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS I960 KARMAN GHIA $ 695 DELIVERY Coupe. 1962 VOLKSWAGEN $ 795 OVfcK 40 S«don. Block. IN STOCK! 1963 KARMAN GHIA $1095 SORRY Coupe, Turquoise. 1964 VOLKSWAGEN $ 950 PLYMOUTH'S NEWEST MODEL v Sedan. Blu>. NO TURKEYS USED CARS 1965 VOLKSWAGEN $1095 Sedan. Green. '70 DUSTER 1965 VOLKSWAGEN $1250 Nine passenger bus. Green, HERE! 1966 VOLKSWAGEN ..$1195 JUST GOOD CLEAN OK USED CARS Sedan. While. 1967 VOLKSWAGEN $1395 ' Sedan. Blus. 1968 CORVETTE STING RAY CONVERTIBLE 1968 VOLKSWAGEN $1950 427 engine, positraction, 4-speed, Fnslbotk. Whlta. two tops, vinyl roof, deck rack, $ 1968 VOLKSWAGEN :!$1595 5edon. Green. AM/FM radio, new car warranty. 3995 AKRANGED TO SUIT DOMESTICS YOUR BUDGET! 1962 FORD $ 695 1968 CHEVROLET Wagon 1967 CHEVROLET Wagon Golaxie "500", Two-door, radio, heater, automatic, power steering, V-8. Choose from Monmouth County's Imp A la tiic-passengsr, full 'Belair nina-pasiengor, full ft< Largest Selection.of .. . powar, automatic transmit* $ power, automatic, tinted Y 1964 PLYMOUTH $ 595 1£ sion, radio, htater, ate. 2395 glass, radio, heater, etc. 1895 Valiant. Two-door, radio, fleeter, automatic, six cylinder. 51 to*' 1965 OLDSMOBILE $1095 1967 CAMARO Coupe 1966 CHEVY Super Sport F-85 Cutlass convertible. Radio, healer, automatic. V-8. USED CARS Big "six" - cylinder jtick ffi Impala V-8, full power, Q4 ihifr, radio, heater, white- V bucket teats, radio, white- T [ 1965 FORD $1095 ptOMf ^-»WH0LESALE TQ THE pUBL|CJ walls, new car warranty, 1695 walls, etc. 1595 Falcon Deluxe. War]on, radio, heater, automatic, six cylinder. 'DOZEN DEALS" OF THE WEEK! 1965 PLYMOUTH $ 895 1967 CAPRICE Coupe 1966 CHEVROLET Sedan valiant. Two-door, radio, heoter, automatic, six cylinder, Vinyl roof, automatic, pow- Impala V-8, automatic, '6B CHARGER '69 TOYOTA '68 CHRYSLER '68 CHEVROLET er steering, radio, white- power steering, radio, heat- 1966 CHEVROLET $1395 "<26" Hem! engine/ auto- Newport 4-door, air con- 4 door sedan. Low mile- walls, etc. er, whitewalls, etc. Impala. Two-door hardtop, racfjo, heoter, automatic. V-6, power steering. Station wagon, radio and 1995 1495 matic on console, radio ditioned, automatic, P.S., age. Hurryl This one and heater. Performance heater, Economy plus. p.a., vinyl trim, etc. plus. won't lost. 19*6 DODGE $1650 1967 PLYMOUTH Spt. Fury 1966 CHEVROLET 4-door Monaco, Deluxe wagon, radio, heater, automatic, V-a, power steering, $2997 $1397 $1797 $1697 Vinyl roof, full power, (4 AAT Corvair 500, six-cylinder, power brakes. itareo tape, iharp car, *1 VU*% automatic, radio, heater, $ whiUwalli, etc. JLUvV cloan. 1967 MERCURY $1895 795 Cougar. Two door hordtop, radio, heater, automatic, V-8, '67 CHRYSLER '67 PLYMOUTH '67 PLYMOUTH '65 CADILLAC power steering, power brakes, •!300" 4-door hordtop, Sport Fury 2-door hard- Fury III wagon, radio 1967 CHEVROLET 2-door 1965 CHEVROLET 4-door topi radio and heater, Eldorado. Air condi- 1968 CHEVROLET $2195 radio and heater, auto- and heater, automatic, Belair, V-8, automatic, Biicayne, six-cylinder, auto- matic, power steering, automatic 01 console, Molibu convertible. Radio, healer, automatic. V-fl, power steering, bucket tioned, full power, radio, neater, new car matic, power steering, ra- $ power brakes. power steering, power steering, power brakes. seats. warranty. 1495 dio, haafer, whitswalls, etc. 895 $1897 $1697 $1497 $1897 1968 CHEVROLET 1 $2695 Mallbu wagon. Radio, heater, automatic, V-8, power brakes, 1967 CHEVROLET Conv. 1965 PONTIAC Coupe olr conditioning, Impala, V-8, automatic, ra> Gran Prix, factory air, full «"4 IT AC '65 CHEVROLET '63 VOLKSWAGEN dio, heater, power steering, power, sharp car, white- ^1^*1^ SPECIAL OF THE WEEK ! '65 MUSTANG '65 VALIANT whitewalls, etc. walli, ate. JiVVV 2dr. hardtop, automatic V-30C four-door, rndlo Bel Air 2-door, radio and 1995 SPECIAL on console, bucket seats, 1967 FORD, MUSTANG GT and healer, 6-ey|lntf»r. heater, automatic* etc. l SALALE PRICEE "390", four-ipood, mflg whoeli, poii Very clean. 1967 FORD 9-pass. Wagon 1965 CHEVY Sport Sedan • rack roar, radio, tio.itor, power brakes. $997 $897 $597 $697 Air-conditioned "Squire," C4 V-8, air-condition, full pow- C4 t «2«O plui frelint Ing and brakee. Automatic CBLU 291- conditioning. Very good condition. 7S7- T * H Motora Inc. excellent condition (375. 172-OOtt. leT-OWO 3B23 after 5:80 p.m. , 8791 after 6 p.m. - im BUNBBAN CONVSRTIBLB - Hwy. 35 Eatontows. n. J. Four-speed twuralMlon. Very cle*n. TOWN * COUNTRY DODQB «m FIAT SPIDER — Private owner movlrut MUST BELLI Combination 787-M73 e r AUTOS FOR SALE ALTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 60 Miln Bt., Matawan KdS'-coMveSrUbl«,-. onlv WO "•««., 1964 BUICK - Skylark convertible. 1939 FORD VAN - IS J"" "«« ; - FOR LESS at 686 6100 tachometer, radio- AsKlng J19S0• Call Power steering, radio, air. Auwmaue- radio, Like n«*. Call 861-3168 liter 1869 MERCURY MARQUIS — Power •jctwecn 5 and 9 p.m., 842-4MU. Excclleiit condition. J80O. 8i2-«10 ti- 6 p.m. brakes, power steering, am/fm stereo ler fip.m . "1965 BUICK - Sportswason. Air con. \ radio, factory ftlr conditioned, white- KITSON KITSONS 1063 JEEP — Universal, with snow dltioned. Power brakes »nd steering. walls. Two-door hardtop, vinyl roof. Hwy 38 s-oaasenKer. Good condition. One own. (3595 Call Bl-6031. 642-1000 plow. Plowing lights. 4-wheel drive. Locking liub«. Call 787*157 liter 5 *t? First oner over 810W). 84Z-31B3. p.m. . 1985 FORD GALAXIE - Four-door 1968 OLDSMOBILE WHAT A DIFFERENCE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE hardtop. Power steering. Raalo heat- e", air J100O. 542-5616. Dtita St. Custom I-dr. hordtop. Auto* AUTOS FOR SALE matte transmission, power iteertnoj, 1968 NEWPORT CUSTOM A Two-door hardtop, factory air. One power brakes, power window*, radio. A DEALER MAKES! owner 12,000 mlle». In brand new Kir, vinyl roof. CREDIT PROBLEM? """"RASSAS PONTIAC WAS SOOQQ Previous Gonwshee or judgement accepted. 395 Broad St. 741-5180 Red Bank C. Douglat Alan Evea. until 9 / $3195 NOW £X»QW SO Reprocessed cars must be sold. RELIABLE-DEPENDABLE MERCEDES-BENZ 1958 SPRITE! - Mechanically excel, lent Need« valve lob. »5M. Ml- 1967 FORD T897. V-8. Custom 4-door sedan Automotlc Sabs & Servie* 1865 VOLKSWAGEN - Stdan Radio TRY US heater. Excellent shape. Asking J9W>. IranamliSlon, power steering. SALES & SERVICE Fortign or Domettic CREDIT COUNSELOR AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES. Call 747-1877. Delivery DATSUN WAS $1130 WASHINGTON'S AUTO BERVICE $1395 NOW I 137 "69 MERCEDES-BENZ '67 MERCEDES-BENZ '67 MERCEDES-BENZ One block from 370 Brold Bt 864-1323 Keyport • 280S lli e(l Little Silver R.R. Station 2805, fully equipped including ' '""v •"' PP including 200D, dieiel, four-speed Irani- FOR INSTANT CREDIT 1H Ocfonpcri Ave, Little Illnr | 1967 CHEVROLET f ctory ii diti nn minion, AM/FM radio. (More Classified Ads factory eir-conditlon. ' • '-"'''"'' °° - V-B Impolo. Two-door tiarfllop, outo- CALL NOW 842-5353 On The Next Page) Itiatlc tronsmllHon, power (leering, '67 MERCEDES-BENZ '65 MERCEDES-BENZ •48 MERCEDES-BENZ rodlo. 230S, automatic tronsmiision, 220, automatic Iranjmiwon, AUTOS FOR SALE WAS S1/.AQ 2B0S, fully equipped including power itearing and brains, power steering and brakes, $1895 NOW I OPT factory air-condition. AM/FM radio. AM/FM radio. 741-2433 '68 CADILLAC 1967 CHEVELLE 1969 DODGE 196S CHRYSLER 5S 396, 2 door hardtop, automatic DeVille, convertible, fully equipped including factory air-condition. % Ion pick up. Fully equipped. New Yorker. 4-door hordtop. Eric Bender Says ... transmission, radio, power Peering;. Full power. 1969 DART G.T. WAS $lAdQ Hardlop, full power. 1965 FORD GALAXIE WIN THE MONMOUTH COUNTY'S OLDEST 1968 CHEVROLET 500 hardtop. Full power. WORLD'S LARGEST $1895 NOW I Of* Comoro convertible. 4-speedr 1965 PONTIAC fully equipped. Catallna hardtop.. Full power. 1966 CHEVROLET MERCEDES - BENZ DEALERSHIP 1968 VOLKSWAGEN STOCKING (mpola Six, 4-door sedan, automatic Station wagon. Fully equipped. 1964 CHEVROLET tronsmiHion, radio, power steering. »/< ton pick-up. Full power. 1966 PLYMOUTH WAS $1 1 CO OUR CUSTOMERS AGREE — EXPERIENCE COUNTS! Belvedere II wagon. Full power. 1963 MERCURY Colony Pork wagon. Full power. 1966 DODGE CHARGER $1395 NOW I 137 Hardtop. Fully equipped. 1963 OLDSMOBILE F-85 1966 PLYMOUTH Full power. 1966 OLDSMOBILE Wagon. Full power. Custom Vista Cruiser. Automatic 1962 CHEVROLET 196S PONTIAC tronimuiloei, power ite»rlna, rodlo, Impala wagon. Full power. Orond Prix hardtop. Full power. Murphy & Davison 1962 PLYMOUTH WAS $1770 196S CHEVROLET 9 passenger waoon. Full power. HWY. 9 462-5300 FREEHOLD impalo full power. $1995 NOW I ##7 1965 OLDSMOBILE 1963 CORVA1R 1966 CHEVROLET (Just North of Freehold Circle) 442 coupe. Full power. Fully equipped. V4 Impalo, 4-door honjlop. automatic Irorumlulon, rodlo, power ilnrlng. LABRIOLA MOTORS. INC. WAS $1595 NOW '1449 DODGE Come in Today — Fill Out a Coupon Open Eves 'Til 9 P.M. — Wed. 'Til 6 — Sat. 'Til 5 P.M. 1966 FORD Year End Newman Springs Road Red Bank — No Purchase Necessary — V-l Galoxle MO, +door hordlop, auto- matic tronimlwlon, power iteerlno, Drawing 6 P.M., December 15,1969 Irodlo. I WAS $1000 1967 RAMBLER 1968 PLYMOUTH Cross Country station wagon, GTX, "440" engine automatic $1495 NOW lAOT automatic transmission, radio, transmission, power itcerlng and 1945 BUICK whltowall tires, luggage rack. power brakes. USobre, 2-Ooor hardtop, ogtomotlc SAVE THAT 1963 CHRYSLER rronimlillon, power iteerlno, rodlo. Town ond Country, station wcgon, 1963 LINCOLN automatic transmission, power Continental, 4-door, full power WAS $1190 itcerlng, power brakes and Including factory air condition- luggage rack. $1295 NOW I 1*7 Ing. 1965 CADILLAC 1969 PLYMOUTH jedan OiVtllo. Full power, «lr eondl- USED CARS Snllellte, 2-door. hardtop, • V-J, 1963 IMPERIAL automatic transmission, power llwlno. GREEN STUFF steering/ power brakes and olr Le Baron 4-door hardtop, full 1969 CHRYSLER 1967 DODGE 1966 CHEVROLET conditioning. power Including olr conditioning;. WAS $9A0Q Four-door hordtop, yellow with Coronet "440", 2-seot station wagon, Impalai 2-door tiordlop, 6-cytlnder, black vinyl roof* power steering, V-8, automatic transmission, power automatic transmission, power $2295 NOW AVO7 power brakes, air condition/ auto- steering, ItMrlng. IO95 NOW *919 Daily Rentals — Long Term Leasing economical F-85, the sporty Delta Custom or the lux- 1964 PONTIAC urious Ninety Eight, you'll find the right price at Grand Prix. Automatic transmission, WIRE radio, power steering. Russell Oldsmoblle. Come in and select your 1970 WAS $ $1195 NOW 1099 Buhler & Bitter .Escape Machine today! SELLING 1964 PONTIAC Bonnevlile. Two-door hardlop. Auto- CHRYSLER ft PLYMOUTH malic transmission, power steering, SALES: 264-0198 EttabMcd 1925 SERVICE: 244-9090 '69 DEMO SALE THEM AT radio. NEW LOCATION: 3290 HWY. 35. HAZLET :WAS $1195 NOW PRICES SLASHED!

If you're looking for BIG CASH SAVINGS, con- TRUCKS sider one of thase. We have a 93 Luxury Se- BOOK 19(8 CHEVROLET V-», l';-Ton pickup. Rodlo. dan, a Delta Custom $1879 and the exciting Toro- VALUE! nado. All are complete- 1967 MERCURY 1966 CADILLAC 1967 CHEVROLET GET WITH THE GOING THING ly equipped including Six, W-Ton pickup. Radio. XR-7 Coupe. Blue-Black padded Sedan DeVtlle. Light gray, red $1689 factory air condition- top( air conditioned. leather Interior, air conditioned. ...AT A BETTER PRICE! ing. They're ready for $2195 1964 CHEVROLET immediate delivery and $2895 s Six, i>Ton pickup. 1968 CADILLAC the prices will amaze 1969 MERCURY $1069 you! Eldorado. Yellow with block vinyl top, air cond. Loaded. Cougar 2-door hardtop, low 1968 CHEVROLET mileage, air condll on;d, white- black vinyl lop. Executive cor— lVi-Ton, laddtr truck. BUY NOW and SAVE! $5195 Priced to sell. $1629 1966 T-BIRD WE HAVE A NICE SELECTION OF 1968 CHEVROLET Landau Coups. Maroon-whlta 1961 CHEVROLET tmpala Sport Coupe. Vinyl top, vinyl top, air conditioned. olr conditioned. Vi-Tcm pickup, utility boxes, $2095 ladder rack. 1970 CADILLACS $679 3 $2395 IN STOCK AND READY FOR 1967 CADILLAC 1953 WILLYS Sedan DeVille. Beige-black vinyl Jeep pickuptup,, Four-wlFour-whee" l drive 1966 MERCURY and plow. MAVERICK for 1970 top, air conditioned. , $889 WE'RE HARD TO BEAT! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Colony Pork. 9 pass. Wagon. $3995 MUSTANG — LTD — MAVERICK — TORINO _ GALAXIE $1695 1967 FORD CUSTOM — FALCON — T-BIRD — COUNTRY SQUIRE, Country Sedan, opaiopais waoon. ALL MODELS and COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM 1965 LINCOLN Dark bluee. Continental 4-door. Light blue, $1895 KITSON DAILY FORD RENTALS I I ACRES OF USED CARS air condllloned. Jl RUSSELL $1995 , OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC v HIGHWAY 36 V00 Newman Springs Rd. . Red Bank EATONTOWN TOM'S FORD SHKEWSIURY AVE. at SYCAMORE 542-1126 HWY. 35 264-1600 KEYPORT 741-0910 747.5400 !•••••• -THE DAILY REGISTER, BED BAM-MTDDLETOWN, W. J.: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 190 AUTOS FOE SALE AUTOS FOB SALE AUTO RENTALS BUSINESS NOTICES HELP WANTED-FEMALE HELP WANTEIMULALE HELP WAWTED-MALE BELP WANTE&-MALE •j -. tsaautCBXVIlOLBT DAILY • WEEKLY • MONTHLY PAINTING AND DECORATING - MOTHKK'S HELPER NBEDDD — ACCOUNTANTS ENOIHEtTtmO OHXHICAL Su5S A Stiff* ** Prices start *t W99 and up Boom- Residential and commercial. BUrtlng For working mother, Must be tond al Car of Red Bank. 210 B. Nevmi ratei: one-Uml.y. J1Z5, two-famHy, children, for detalU. call cveolniB, CADOliAC — Full power, 1L Springs Rd. 747-0173. $225, six-family, $276. Roams doors, ._ llr, cralu control. Four-door le 1968 BONNEVILLE office, hallways }20 tnd up. Free ei 916-8628. COMPOUNDER EMPLOYERS PERSONNEL n, BxeepUooally clean. 12670. ca CONVERTIBLE TOM'S FORD timatea. 2S4-Bgl8. WOMEN AND GIRLS EXPERIENCED OR TRAINEE We ecek an Industrious Inulvldtial "BEST ON THE SHORE" RENT A CAR CARPENTER - Will do repairs and Several women and girls needed to skilled in the measuring and mixing VOLKSWAGEN — New Ur< remodeling- Large or small jobs. Rea- work in locai office handling tele- ALL PuSITlOHB FEE PAID . Call 100 Hwy. 35 214-1600 Keypol sonable. Call 787-1907. phones for large Newark firm. Morrv of creams and lotions We alao have 842-2104 RASSAS PONTIAC Ing and evening hours available. Col an opening for a BRIGHT trainee, re- 395 Broad St. 741-5180 Red Bank PLUMEINO AND HEATING _ Stall qulrlngr someone with an aptitude lor 1968 BMW 1600 — Red with bis BOATS AND ACCESSORIES licensed, fully Insured. Call lege Hludenta accepted. Excellent HJ " figures. ACCOUNTANTS ELECTRONICS Eves, until d • ary to Btart. AU persona interest) Radar-TranKmltter TOP Interior, &m/fm radio. Radlal-pi 462-(162 must be Interviewed. Contact Mr Wo oiler splendid working condi- Auditors-SOTo foreign travel to $15K tji-gfl. Best offer. 261-3226. 1960 METRO — Oood condition. Ex, 1968 19V, SAILSTAR CORINTHIAN— tions and liberal benefits combined Radar-Antenna TOP ccllcnt local transportation. 5100. 7il. Douglass, 229-4787 8r. Accountant to S14K Radar-Indicator TOP US1 VOLKSWAGEN — Wllh 1D6J Flrterglas weekender keel elotji* En- 1th a congenial atmosphere In our 3352 after 5 p.m. EMPLOYMENT DENTAL ASSISTANT—RECEPTION UHleiii ttlr-condltloiied jtliuit. Budget AEmlyfit In fl.iK Dlrector-DiglLal iwltchinj to S30K fine. 1300. Call closed cabin, two bunks,-ficad com Manager-Digital switching to 42SK 462-4035 1968 FORD XL, —•Convertible New pass, lights, main and-Jlb, roller reef 1ST — Ma-tawan. Three ri»y w INTERVIEWS Cost Accountant to (12K condition. 26,000 mllej. Warranty. Ing, c h.p. Johnson outboard, large HELP WANTED-FEMALE occasionally lour or live day week. TUESDAYS * THURSDAYS Tech Staff-Power supplies to S25K 1888 VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK— cockpit, teak and mahogany trim No evenings. Experience and/or train. 9 a-m. • 10 a.m. 2 p.m. • 3 p.m. Seml/Sr. Coat Acct. to J11K Applied Research Mgr. to S25K Excellent condition. Call Positive floatation, hnom tent Beau Ing preferred or will train applicant LANVIN- Seml/Br. General Accl. lo I11K Manaser-Analog, nyatema to $23K i. 747-4388 1961 VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER —f350 tlful condition. Excellent rale farall having only business experience. Write A.ccounta payable clerk to H0K Digital-Computer design to S20K Call boat. Asking $3800. 8(2-3284 EXECUTIVE SECRETARIES — T< Boat N-179, The Daily Register, InBtriimenLs-Scleniifli: to $20K -Pat Keelan's Auto Sales 222-3759 Bank. CHARLES OF THE RITZ Sr. Staff Acuuuntant-Internal to JlOK aALES-Sopli. Instruments to $20K INBOARD SKIFF — 24' with Intercep- $125. Interesting "ajvd diversified re. Hwy 3» - 787-1113 Keansburi THE FIOTS1 SELECTION - Of new sponalbilitles. Top companies. Some tT. 35 HOLMDEL. N.J. Jr. Accountant to $ IK Communications-Data. to J20K tor Inboard, many extras. Call 542- fees reimbursed. EXPERIENCED COCKTAIL WAIT- CommualcatlonH-Syatemfl to $20K and used cara In MonraouUi County. 1874 alter 6 p.m. weekdays. RESS — 21 or over. Apply at TONY'S EXPERIENCED BUICK MECHANIC W70 NOVA — Black, two-door, $70 Over 100 air-conditioned new cara In RESTAURANT, Hwy 35, Hazlet. 26*. — For Monmoulh County's largest Communications-Switching to J19JC down, take over payments. Call 67] Btock. BOB WHITE BUICK - OPEL GIRL FRIDAY — (3) To $100. Thes 3777. dealer. Excellent benefits and work- Clrcullfl-Mllltary to $18K ' Shrewsbury Ave., New Shrewsbury, THE BOATMAN'S SHOP ara not routine otiice jobs. But d Ing conditions. 741-7643. EDP ProJectE/M, Logic to «18K 741-6200. Let us winterize and store your out- require good "oil around grals." BALKS HELP — Full time, part Programmer Br.-^fiO Cobol to $HK EE-8r, DigiUl Analog By«. to $18K _KN 1966 — Blue. Extra; time. Experience helpful, t>u! will &s Commonicatlona-r.adlo to J18K on. (2,600. Call 5780. East Newman Springs Rd., Red Bank. MKT-Prod. Mgr. Mlcrawavs to «?K 671-5923 19B6 VOLKSWAGEN — $1095. BAILLY WOMAN - HOUSEWORK Logic-Designers to $17K BROS., Newman Springs Rd., Red TURNABOUT SAILBOAT — 'Exce CLERK — Accounts payable. $70, A TANK TRUCK DRIVERS — MallacK fflJS BUICK LB SABRB - Convert Bank. curate tape worker. Light typing, FEI Salary JBO per week, six days, houri Communicatlons-Tc8t to $17K lent condition. 5200. 11' wooden row REIMBURSED. 9 to 5:30, Transportation necessary Inc. needs experienced drivers for lo. SALES AloK-Servofl, eymt to I17K lb)e, Excellent condition, call l 19S7 .CHEVROLET CAPRICE—2-door boat, $50. 872-0777. Call 4S3-4323 ftttcr 5:30 p,m, cul and over-the road work. Minimum Test Equipment -design to J17K Th.p.m., 787-0773. age 23 with good lafety record, Call Steel & Tube OPEN hardtop. White with black vinyl top. 23' SKIFF SHELTER CABIN CRUIS- Organic Chem ia 510K Rellabmiy-systcms to $17K 1S«2 PLYMOUTH VALIANT - Nei Automatic, power steering, white- d/r Personnel Service COUNTER GIRL WANTED — Ex 382-4800. SONAR, RADAR-Systema to J17K walls, radio, altf-condlUoned Excellent ER — 125 h.p. Chrysler. Head. Afc perlenced. prcrerred but not neces Industrial-hardware to S15K brakes. $225. Call after 4:30, ing $1000 or best offer. K6-736<. 157 Broad St. Red Bank 812-350 sary, Part-or full tlinc. Paid holidays, TO WORK IN HARDWARE; STORE— Wood & Paper Prod. to $12K Syatema-Annly^ls to $18K J»" 787-0513 condition. $2150, Call 741-6985 after 0 Part-time. Semi retired man pre toS12K Math-Mod el ing to $16K p.m. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR — PHI vacation with pay. Blue Cross partlc Petroleum Magneilc amplifiers to $15K 1967, THUNDERB1RD — All extrai COLUMBIA YACHTS time. During 8 to 4, 3 to 11 ehi lpatlon. Apply Top Hat Cleaners, Rt ferred. Call 747-950O. Extruder exp, to 511K 35, Mlddletown. candy-cxperlencDd to J11K Cable TV-Project to $15K JCilt sell. 12300. 1004 BUICK — Alr-condltloned. Call The YACHT SHOP and weekends. Call 741-4700. DRAFTSMAN — . Experience on elec Edltor-Oommutilcatlons to J15K 872-1716 ,., 711-0341 1184 Ocean Ave., Sea Bright. 8(2191 tro-mechanlcal assemtillea. Appl/ Lubricants-chemicals to SlOli ajteir 7 p.m. NURSES' AIDES — 7 to 3 shift a« HOUSEKEEPER — Five days ELECTRO-IMPULSE, 116 Chestnut Cosmetics to tlOK Systems-Teat to S15K 1568 ROAD HUNNEB — Excellent 18' MFB — 100 h.p, Johnson, canvas, 11 to 7 shift. King James Nurslni week. With relerencea. Own trans St., lied Bank. 7(1-0)04. Constnictlon-concretB toS OK conditionindltton,, 91800. Call after 6 p.m. 1907 FORD Qalaxle MO convertible. walk through trl-hull. All accessories Home, 201-3400. portation. Hazlet area. 261-6464. Induatrial-tEipcs to i 'JK A-l, warranty, lfi,600 miles. 153 Fair except radio. Tip top shapo. $1695, SHORT OKDER MAN AND COOK— PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY BEAUTICIAN — Experienced. Fu Food to I 9K CHEMICAL VOUCSWAOEN — Wluto sedan, Haven Rd.. Fair Haven. 741-8604. 7(1-7608. or part-time. KELLY'B BEAUTY Bxiierlenced only. Apply In person, Pharmaceutical totSK Eng.-Water Pollution to $20K ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Martini's Diner, Rt, 3G, Keansburg, to S 8K I new. Ca.ll 1964 PONTIAC — Convertible. Power BLUE JAY AND TRAILER 20 Thomas Ave. 747-3494 Shrewsbur BALON. Call 7B7-2034 for Interview. Flour products Mlcroblologiflt-Tolletrlp* to $18K 767-2397 steering, brakes. Factory atr. Asking Needa 'some work. SoUNG MAN ^ Mechanically in 8oan lo ! IK Product Manager-Food to $18K ATTENTION-YOUNG LADIBB HOUSEKEEPER — Cleaning an Color Formulations to 317K 1660 FALCON — Four-door. Automa 1650. 536-2615 after 6:30. 842-1345 laundry, Red Bank. Mon., Wed., Fr! cllned. Carliuretlon, Ignition experl. Hair Spray tot re Five neat-appearing, aggresslv ence beneticlal, to work on propane .Sporting Goods to % 7K Plastlca-Researcii to JITK IB," New Urea. Good condition. 71' BEST BUICK — OPEL BUYS 18' FABUOLAS CABDJ CRUISER — young ladles for Circulation Bulldlni References. Call alter 6, 7*1-6166. 0803 after 6 p.m. carburetlon. Mostly shop work. Bal- Soaps & Detergents to*7K Physicist-Reaearcti to J17K Straub Motors With tandem trailer, 120 h.p. stern Tour for leading fashion editors. No LPN's — 3 to 11. 11 to 7. King Jame: ary contingent on ability. Apply PRO- Mild products to | IK PhyBlcal-Reaearch to $17K •-- GEM OLDBMOBI1E Hwy. 35 Keyport 264-4000 drive. Less than 100 hours. Fresh experience necessary, on-Job training. Nursing Home. PANE EQUIPMENT CORP., 11 Apple Metallurgist-Powder to J18K 110 Main St. M 1965 VOLKSWAGEN BUS — Low water sink, head, sleeps two, power Excellent salary. Must be able to be- 291-3400 St., N. Bhjewabury. Inorganlc-Catalyat Res. to $15K I," 666-3600 mileage. 1S2350. After 3 p.m., 5 Shcl. tut. call alter 6, 671-2929. gin Immediately. See Mrs. Crawford. Prirfuct Manager-Cosmetics to J15K Thursday only, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., WAITRESS — Apply In person be WANTED — Service Btatlon mcchan MANAGEMENT Organlc-8yntheBifl to 515K 1867 CHEVROLET — Btscaync. White bern llr., Lincrolt. tween, 7:30 • 10:39 a.m. The Burgei lc. Top salary plus coin mi salon. Call Holiday Inn Motel, Hazlet to 515K Metaimrglat-Platlnga to J15K KUr-door. Stick. 39,000 miles. A-l con' 1965 DODaE — CUBtaan Sportsman STORAGE AND SERVICE Bowl, 13 White St., Ited Bank. 5664105. Store Mgmt.-relall Sclentlst-Cosmetica • to $15K flltton. 787-5454. station Wagon, elght-Dajsenger. $1095. HOUSEKEEPER — COOK — Bleep Warehouse Supervisor to SH'K In. Nice home in New Shrewsbury, RN — For atari position In publli CARPENTERS AND MILLWORK Proc68g-Oll3, Alcohols to $15K Call 671-3972. WHY HAUL YOUR BOAT? - Many health agency, Long Branch. 229-081) MEN — Willing to learn trade. Apply Product Manager to SlfiK Analyst-Dyes, Pigments to $12K fflSTMUSTANO — A-l. small repairs can bs made, bottoms Call 842-6320 befora 11 a.m. Call 1065 CORVAlft 1IONZA — *500. between 8:30 and 4:30. UNITED STAIRS CORP., Hwy 35, Financial Mgmt. Trainee to S 9K Packaging-Pharmaceutical to Jl'iK scraped In tha water. Try our Diving CASHIER AND CANDY ATTENDANT Cllffwood _____^_ Product. Control-Plant to J12K Call Service. Reasonable ratea. Call 566- CLEANING WOMAN — Fridays, 9 ti Blue Print Trainee U> $ 51C * 264-0188 Evenings and weekends. Must be ovei 5 p.m., $14. Must be honeat, rcllabl' Appllcatlonp-Vlny! to S12K J8fH CADILLAC — Convertible. A; 6181. 18 years of age. Apply In person AIRLINE RAMP MEN Mgmt.-Rcla.ll to i 5K Pharmaceutics-Jr. Dev. to $8,500 conditioning, stereo, leather Interior. 106B CHEVROLET MALIBU — Auto- Canton Theater, Red Bank. References. Call 671-2519. Sill 264-3685. 5150 week after one year. 5120 to matic, 27,000 miles, two-door, vinyl CLEANING WOMAN — Own trans start r>lU3 all ltenetlls Including over- MUST BELL, DIUFTED — 1961 hardtop, power steering. Excellent BUSINESS NOTICES 'EXPERIENCED portation. $2 a.n hour. Middletowr time and, free travel for you and your TECHNICIANS ENGINEERING -' Jtldcet MG. Call between 4-7 p.m condition. $1900. Call 29MG81, 6 to 9 area. Oall 671-9367. family, but more Important, here is p.m. SEWING MACHINE Maclilnlsl-Metal, Tools HIGH Director-Prod Development to JliOK EXECUTIVE SECRETARY — To |110, a position with a guaranteed future. Mfg. Process-Project to J21K Tho Airline Industry In growing m Toal-Deslgn Molds to S13K CbKVBTTE CONVERTIBLE — 19G6 1960 OLDSMOBHJE—Cullass "S" W-31 OPERATORS Tills, is the chancB of a lifetime, fo Computer Malnt.-Disc. Tape to $12iC M.E.-Mgr., Castings lo |20K 350 cu. tn. 4-speed. Polyglas wide TV SPECIAL $2.50 an attractive, capable gal who cai leaps and bounds, wliy not grow with Macliinery-Defllgn Manager to J20K billow, black vinyl top. 396 rebuilt Stead/ work, three •weeks paid vaca- It? Start out loading airplanes and Production Cnntrol-PkR. to $12K IMS engine, J3295. 946-1830 or- 787- ovals While with black vinyl top. HOUSE CALLS ONLY tion. Seven paid holidays, plus othei communicate with top executives. Somi Machlncry-Guslomery Liaison to $12K Mfg. Eng. Maiuiger-MethodS to $10K Asking S280O. 671-1094 after 5 p.m. Color slightly higher. knowledge of airline ticketing an move ahead fast. See AIR-LINE 3D99, ask [or Dave. benefits. PLACEMENT SERVICE. 130>,i Main Design Checker-Piping to J12K Induatrlal-Sr., Foods to $18K scheduling helpful. Great fringe h Foreman-Tool & Die to siIJK Qcars-ToolB, Design tn JI8K 1068 BUICK V-8 SPECIAL — Four. BRIDGE SPORTSWEAR lita. , ' , St., Mataman. 566-7605. Evening hours -Swor, full power, radio, heater, net* PERMAFIX TV by appointment. rroductkm Control-Pkg. to J12K MFG.-Automation-High Vol. to S18K TRUCKS FOR SALE 247 Bridge Ave. Convey or-Design Controls to $12K, Foods to $18K tires, mounted mows, wnite win Packaging-Foods to $18K -•lack vinyl upholstery. $995 firm. 671-5583 747-1373 d/r Personnol Service TMCK DRIVER WANTED — Over Tool & Dle-Supervlior to S12K 1961 JEEP — % ton pickup. Only 21. Apply between 0 and 8 at Chemical-Paper Lab, to $11K Facllitles-Nlcc, Clean - to (17K Koch'fl Oarage, Rt. 36 and Leonard- 16,000 miles with 7* Mcycra plow and 715 Hwy. 35 Mlddletown 15T Broad St Red Binlt 842-35ftl Food Technologist to J11K viUe Rd., AUanttc Highlands. STENOGRAPHER — At leaat CRATE'S BEVBEAQES, It North Production Planner to SUK customers. Call 741-4324. El a.m. to 9 p.m. years legal experience, for Red Ban! ADMITTING CLERK — Part-time. Bridge Ave., Red Bank^ Field Service-Water to $HK I.E.-Train, Plant Mgr. te $17K U63 PONTIAC — Grand Prix. A 1000 GAL. OIL TRUCK TANK — law office. Excellent tllary. Call foi Interesting and diversified posiuor Conveyor-Design Syalem te J10K Specifications-Power to $17K condition. Rebuilt engine. Radio, heat- LIGHT HAULING—CLEAN CELLARS available In modern hospital admit SALESMAN WANTED — For Men'« Rotating Maclilnery-Project to $16K Beit offer takes It. Call YARDS GARAGES — Free estimates appointment. 747-3730. Shop, Goldln's Men'i Shop, 25 Broad Lab-Dlgltal Circuitry to S1OK *r. ' Reverberator. 4-Bpeed. Bucket 747-3879 Call after 3 p.m. 741-2149. ting office. 9 «.m. -5 p.m. shift. Weclt Field-Computer Maintenance to $10K Electrical-Rotation, Dev, to $16K -ieati. All weather radial tires. New FITTER — Experienced fitting and ends and. holidays. Good salary and St., Red Bank. Lab LtneRr IC* to S10K Manufacture-E/M Assembly to $lfiK littery. A steal at $995. 229-B479 af- 1969 CHEVROLET EL Caralno. Must FURNITURE MOVING — Attics and altering better dresses, coats, suits. plo&s&nt working conditions. Contact EXPERIENCED MEAT CUTTER - Student-Machine Eng. to S10K Clvll-Bolla to $15K ,1cr;;5 p.m. sell. Call 5:30 - 7 p.m. cellars cleaned. Free estimates. Call Top salary. Frederlck'i Gowns, 111; Personnel Olllce, Rivervlew Hospital, UnlDn. ill benefits. Apply FOOD C1R' Btudent-Machlne Eng. to |8,&0fl M.E. Conatr.-Convcyora to $15K 291-2738 Third Ave., Spring Lake. Phone 449- 741-2700, Ext. 225, An equal opportuni- Metallurgist-Materials to $15K IBM BUICK SKYLARK 747-3002. CUS Rt 35, Ulddlelown. 571-2220. Foreman-E/M Assemtily to $8,500 1967 CHEVROLET — Half ton pick- 4483. ty employer. InspecUon-Eloct/Mech to $650 Electrlcal-Ind. Design to 515K Call DISHWASHER - Apply at TONY'S Q.C.-Mgr. Mechanical ta$15K up Excellent condition. (1200. Call HAVING A PARTY? WOMEN — (3) Griddle and « WOMAN TO CLEAN AND IRON — RESTAURANT, Hwy 35, Hailet. 26) Trainee-Prod. Planning to *EO0 787-8022 FOR CUSTOM CATERING wlch, Industrial cafeteria, Kolmde] Writer-Spec, Data to Siftt Project-Plastic Parts to $15K 1M0 CHEVROLET 'elation wagon — area. Mon. thru Fri., 8 a.m. to 2:30 Tucs, and Frl. Good pay. Steady em- 3777. Machinery-Automatic to J15K MUST SELL — 1960 DODGE rack CALL IIERRI-MAIONGS ployment. References, call 671 -5944 Prod-'Assembly Teat to $125 «ood condition. $175. Call 741-5933 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Cal before 10 a.m. or after 3 p.m. Musi PIPE LAYERS AND IAB0REKB - Solid SUUe-Bteadboard to $150 Tool & Die-Design to J15K 264-4660 truck, 8x12' bed, very good condi- at once, 871-93*2. Some experience required, for «ewer ProducUon-lnslrumenu to $125 I.E. ProccflS-Cosmetlc to J15K tion, 5475. Call between 8-5. 717-5555. have own transportation to Mlddl arid water contractor. 5g6-i698, LIGHT HAULING — Clean-up around COUNTER GIRLS AND CHECKER* town area. Q.C--lDconi(ng, Line to $125 Electrical-Consumer, Project to J15K 1962 FORD — 'A ton pick-up. Good factory, attic, basement and garage. Q.C.-Tent Black Saxes to $12S Heat Transfer-Military to J15K CLEAN POWERFUL BEAUTY —For dry cleaner store. ^Experience CLERK/STB1TO — *2.25 hourly. Ar TULL TIME MECHANIC (Also Part Teat-AeroapacQ-Proposals to $15K 1S87 FORD OALAXIE 500 — Oni condition. $675. Call Small buildings torn dawn and Hauled not nacessary. FuJT tlmt and part' time) — Good pay Apply in person at Electrical-Plant to ?125 787-0329 away. Call 462-2363. tor Civil Service Tost, {4,373. to $5.63; I.B.-Electronics Assembly to J14K owner. Low mileage. White four-doo time for mornings. Applicants musl Mlddletown residence only. Excellent J M. FIELDS AUTO CENTER, Rt Electrical-All Plant to $14K liardtop, power brakes, power steering. SCOUT — 1962 — Four-wlieel drive, MASONRY WORK — All types, plai be neat and personable. Apply Little typing skills a "must''. RECRK 35, Hallet. I.E.-Product, Plan, Coat to $UK Radio, rear speaker. Automatic trans- full cab, S750. Call tering, concrete, brick and block, Silver Cleaners, 601 Branch Ave. ATION COMMISSION, 7U4B44. FUEL OIL TRUCK DRIVER — Per- DESIGNERS M.E. Dev.-New Bltlff Mtls to |HK mlsBlon, air conditioned, tinted glass. 482-9011 542-4230. Little Silver. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES — manent position. Call Machinery-Intricate Mech. lo (13K Pack aging-"Country Club" to $14K $1850. 741-9394. TV ANTENNA WORK — Dona by WOMAN — Part-time for counter an 741-0618 Plastic-Molds, tools to Jl^K Mech.-Platlng Equlpt. to J14K Full or part-tlms nights, 5 to D p.m. I.E.-Asflt. Plant Mgr. to |13K MOTORCYCLES qualified specialist. Free estimates. kitchen work. Wed., Thura., Frl., 5:3t Apply in person, Peterson's, 183 Rl MAN FOR RENTAL COMPANY - Maclilne-metal removal to $12K 1960 VOLVO Good condition. In Army, Call 787-8153. to 8:30 p.m. and Sun., 12:30 to 5 p.m eralde Ave., Red Bank. Good driving record. Steady position. Electric apparatus to $ flK Electrlcal-Plaat Inetr. Jr. to J13K must sell. Will accept any reason, LIOHT HAULINO — Clean yardi CaU R1VERVIEW COFFEH3 SHOP, Call for appointment, George Heden- Liquid bottling machines to 5 9K I.E. Jr.-Machine Methods to $13K able offer. 741-3352 after 5 p.m.. 19G6 B3A—Spitfire Mark II. Flat track 7U-2T00, Ext. 262. DENTAL ASSISTANT - Experience Electronic packaging to 5180 Plant Super-E/M-Asaembly to $13K racing cam. Amat concentric carbur- garage-3, move furniture and tree only. Must be capable of responsibl burg. 66B-8111. "jranche3. Free estimates. 741-6762. Plaatlc, products to $115 Appllcfttloni-Ferrous to |I3K IM1 PONTIAC Safari nlne-pauenge etors. Recently rebuilt. $700 or best of- EXECUTIVE SECRETARY duties. Apply with complete resum MASONS AND MASONS' HELPERS Machinery-plastic process to $130 Process-Wire Drawing to J12K station wagon. New tires. Low mile ler. 291-2434. only to Box 0-157, The Daily Reglr —Call between 5 and T p.m. •ie. Moving must sell. 741-3968. JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER With bookkeeping and administrate Aerosol-New to $12K 1967 B9A — Royal Star 500 CC. $695. experience.'Excellent salary and work- ter. Red Bank. 0945. I.E. Plant-Layout to J12K 1M8 FORD — Wagon. Must sell. Ex- Oall M6-8830 or 781-2659, 7S7-2869. ing conditions. Send resume, Box 232, COUNTER GIRL WAITRESS — Ful MAINTENANCE AND HANDYMAN DRAFTSMAN ProcEas, Jr.-PlasUcs \M J12K cellent condition. $1900. 583-9511 o ask for Dave. CUSTOM BUILDERS — Wo buUd Shrewsbury, N. J. time, six days. Apply in person, Call Mech. or Civil-Structural to $12K ALL CAPABILITIES KEQUIRED Maintenance-Electrical to jlOK 5(9-0100. custom homes and other types of SALESWOMEN—Full and part-time, MORT'S CORNER, 7 E. Front St. 591-1576 1MB. SUPER SPORT NOVA 350 - construction. We will accept home year round. Apply FREEDMAN'fi Ked Bank. Four-apeed, superior mags. Eicel MOBILE HOMES trailers on trade, We are specialist BAKERY, Newman Springs Rd., Un< COUNTER GIRL — Pull or pirt-Llm^ PURCHASING AGENT — MANY ADDITIONAL Pn3ITIONS AVAILABLE — lent condition. H300. After 4, 787-MB8, In lire damage rebuilding. Call or croH. Apply In person, LUDWIG'S DELICA Experienced purchaslnE agent lo EMPLOYERS PERSONNEL NEWLY DECORATED. painted. writs MANNING ASSOC, 516 Union ^,N, 10 Wallace St., Red Bank company engaged In munfacturlng o MOl RAMBLBR STATION WAQON Drapes, rugs. Call 787-5421. Ill Har- La,, Bridle. 223-6373. WAITOESBB3 WANTED — Sir, full electro mechanical assemblies both 77 Broad St. Red Bank 741-3555 •Ix eyltoder automatic, good tmno- mony Ave., Keansburg. or part-time. Apply In person only, SECRETARY—Legal to $100 porUtlon. 1150. 542-0145 alter 5:30. MERMAID DINER, Hwy 35, Leonar SEORETAIIY to 5105 commercial and jovimment. Apply HOUSE TRAILER — S'x32', three LEAF RAKING 116 Chestnut St.. Rca Hank Hl-0i0t. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S IMPORT do. SECRETARIES—-Sales to W0 LEADER—Rel Bank Auto Imports rooms, full bath. S15O0. Will trade, on TREE WORK OliEJHK-TYPOBTS—Many to car or bouse. 787-2805. REASONABLE RATE3. BOOKKEEPING MACHINE ACCOUNTS PAYAKUJ-31XP. to * ENGINEERS WAREHOUSEMEN Aotlotlifd Dealer For Volvo-Triumph. BOOKKEEFER-Machine to SIW jSnmlt-BMW. Newman Sprlngi Rd. CALL 741-8420, CASHIER—Part time $2 T41-5888. Red Bank. OPERATOR EXPANSION — Our client needs sys- WANTED AUTOMOTIVE SUSPENDED CEEUNGS - Paneling. MATURE PERSON CLERK—Phone and typing $1.9! tems, design and test engineers in toe Due fo our growth wa nsed more man, so check the Flnfsh recreation rooms and attic*. CLBRK-Flling and typing $6; following disciplines. Sheet-rocking, tapng. 8tM288. Experienced or will train. SECRETARY—Part time 56( job that gives you . . . MOBILE HOMES JUNK CARS EMPLOYERS, PERSONNEL SLIPCOVERS PROFIT SHARING PLAN 77 Broad Bt. Red Bank 741-355 • RP equipment and packaging PICKED UP • Digital devices and systems • • HIGH STARTING SALARY OF $125. Twinbrook Auto Wrecking Sofa $35, chair 520, sectional or love WRITE OR APPLY TWO WOMEN WANTED—For tell • Logic design JCHIFFMANS seat $25 each. Welling and zlppen EBSCO BUILDING phone contact work, evening hours, • Communications systems • • AUTOMATIC INCREASES. . CAMPERS & TRAILERS Eatontown 542-2235 Included. WlUi your own fabric. Fab or 6 to 9, working from our office, • Image processing rlcs available. Call anytime 671-2384. [Opposite airport) Mon: through Frl. Garden State Car • Hybrid circuits and packaging • • PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT. TRAILERS - CAMPERS GET CASH FOR YOUR FOREIOK - I1OU3E PAINTING — Experienced. Shrewsbury Ave. Shrewsbury pet Co. Call 2S4-5779. Ask for Mri • Mechanical optics MOTOR HOMES AND BPORTS CAR3 AT MONMOUTH Klein. • Project engineering • • EXTENSIVE FULLY PAID BENEFITS. N. J.'« lorgttt dtoler, over 100 units MOTORS, INC., Hwy. 35, Eatontown, Interior-Exterior. Seasonable. Phon ATTRACTIVE GIRL FRIDAY 542-2414. 842-0369. MURSES' AIDE—Over 21. 3 p.m. t • Reliability ind quality muranco on display. Aggressive, pleasant, dependable, will- 11 p.m., five-day week, year-roun • Propulsion *r No experience necessary to learn warehouse selecting. Norrli Gold Seal. Monitor, Avion. WE DON'T SELL JUNK — PAINTING AND DECORATING - ing to learn, under 30. Good salary. position. Paid holidays and benefits. • Imaging sensors and display! Dtl/Rey. Volunteer. Swlnoer. Nor do we buy It, but — tsrlor and exterior. Roofing and gut* Two locations—Asbury Park or Key- Apply In person, Brookdale Nursing • Electro-optical systems Position with the most rapidly growing company in its Wlnnebago. Clle». Aristocrat. Smokty. Wo do buy clean, late model cars lerlng. Neat work and reasonable port, call 26(-1003. Home, 3325 Hwy. 35, Hazlet. • Data, handling system! You con tee them all at at top dollar. See or call WALL price. Free estimates. 787-1877. PART-TIME CASHIERS — BOOdtOiv. field. LINCOLN-MERCURY, 747-5400. SECRETARY — Top resort hotel. Ex- BRING OR BEND YOUR RESUME TO: SCHIFFMAN CARPENTRY — Low winter rates. Sea Bright. Appl/ in person, 1160 cellent working conditions. Many ben CARS WANTED — We pay top SS Additions, garages, remodeling, new Ocean Ave., Sea Bilgbt. -WANTJKX KNOW! MORE? at llw Colllnowoorj circle. Rt. 33 & U homes. Bob Martin, 291-3234. efits. Phone 222-5800. d/r PERSONNEL SERVICE Forntmodalt, N. j. ito-siu. for clean used cars. Call Mr. Vincent LPN AND MATURE NURSES' AIDE 157 Broad St Red B»nk 8I8-3801 S42-S300. DRAPERIES AND CURTAINS — Cus- —3 to 11 p.m. Full or part-time, WOMAN — With own transportation, tom made, lined or unllned, to you SHREWSBURY MANOR NURSINO to baby-sit occasionally a.1 nfffht. Flv MANAOBR TRAINEE — Young ram Come In and See specifications. 542-7037. HOME, T41-2059. children. Call 741-4076. for fine Jewelry itore. sales ei- WANTED AUTOMOTIVE AUTO PARTS-REPAIRS MERRY CHRISTMAS! perlence desired Excellent oppor- The Company Representative INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINT- BOOKKEEPER— Experienced, want- tunity lor advancement. Good pay ed lull time lor prlmte school olflcis. AVON gives you the opportunity U. ING — Experienced, Free estimate turn apwe time Into money, sell- while learning, two weeks paid Tuesday 9 a.m. to I p.m. Also light hauling. 787-8514. Wrllo P.O. Box V, Eatoruown. 07724. ing impart) line of gUt Items tc vacation, hospltallzatlon and other Winter is Jilst neighbor*. Start now. CaU J. benefits. Apply Llttman's Jewelers, Blrcball, 741-4343 or 462-3377, 774- Monmouth Shopping Center, Ea She1! Dworkin Around the Corner... AAMCO AUTO RENTALS BUSINESS NOTICES 1220. tontown. N. J. STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE •ltd w; n«d 100 Uied Carl MAN — To varnish 9' dinghy. OLERK9 Call 48 East Front Street ; W» will trad* or buy out RENT A CAR ATTENTION TYPISTS 842-1345 GUARANTEES HONORED AT ANY SMALL BUSINESS TELLERS TAXICAB DRIVER FULL TIME - Red Bank, N.J. right — Call or Coma in AAMCO SHOP NATION WIDE DAY • WEEK • MONTH SECRETARIES Must have excellent driving record. (Or larger office overflow) BOOKKEEPERS RED BANK — B42-2500 Apply at White Star Taxi Service. We con assist you In office problems, KBYPUNOHBRS Railroad Station, Monmouth St., Ked For special evening appointment A TOM'S FORD 193 Newman Springs Road WALL bookkeeping, lyping, moiling llsti, *tc. Bank. LINCOLN-MERCURY Call A.P.S. Call 741-5050 ASK FOR ED SIGLER Shrewsbury Ave., at Sycamore Employment service specializing In of- HANDYMAN — HEAD PORTER — ASBURY PARK — 774-6800 BAY OFFICE SERVICES fice help. Routine housekeeping and mainte- No fee charged Hwy. 35 264-1600 Keyport 809 Railroad Avenue 747-5400 872,1710 130H Main 81. Matawan 669-1118 nance. Some carpentry, upholstery. painting, general repairs. DO NOT SALESGIRL—Permanent position, rul PHONE. Apply In person weekdays. AN MUAl, OPPORTUNITY time, for general selling. Experience 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. ATLANTIC AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE preferred, but not necessary. Apply HIGHLANDS NURSINO HOME, 8 In pefison to Mrs. pimley at Klslln's, Mlddletown Ave., Atlantic Highlands. Front St., Red Bank. HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED-MALE SHORT ORDER COOK — 5 p.m. to OPERATORS 1 a.m. HARMONY COFFEE SHOP, Section work on ladles' coats and IU. 35, Mlddletown. EXECUTIVE SALESMAN car coats, openings In varioun HCC- DRIVER — Light deltvery, 9 a.m. National firm offers permanent career PRINTER Uons. Union 81iop. 7 tioura t>er day, to 5 p.m., Mon. through Frl. Call opportunity to person qualified to call SHORE OOAT OO. INC. 22 Bridge 566 0021. on top business executives. Intangible Compositor. Steady year round tm- Ave., Red Bank. sales experience preferred. N. J. terri- SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT — tory now available with established ployment on night shift of dally nawi- ALTERATION SEAMSTBESS — Ex Full time. Median:'^'!<• inHinod. FORD GIVE YOU BETTER IDEAS' accounla. (jCommission plus bonus with perlenccd better dressee, coau, suit*. Benefits. Oood pay follows rfispon- group Insurance and profit sharing piper. Excel lent fringe benefit*, good Frederick'! Gowns, 1113 Third Ave., ilblllty. Call 741-9641. bcncFiti. Call Mr. Olaan lor confidential Spring Lke. Phone 4(0-1498. CARPET MECHANIC. — Conscien- Interview. 741-4300. faJary. For further HeUlIi, write t* RN'B — 3 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., tious man, experienced In all phases ( 11:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.. lull and part- of carpet Installation, steady posi- ASSISTANT MANAGER — Full time. Box R-132, Tha Daily Register, Rei MOUNT ENGLISH GIVES YOU time Apply 229 Bath Ave, Long tion. Salary S40 a day. call CEN- (;ood pay. Apply J.M. FIELDS AUTO Branch. 220-4300 tor appointment. TRAL JERSEY CARPET SERVICE, CENTER, Itt. 35, Hazlet. •Bank, N. J. 07701. 787-1384. MAID — R«tirement home, tear AUTO MECHANIC and New Car Qet round work live days week, U.70 per AUTO RODY MEN with at lea-it two Heady Man. All Henelils. hoapltallfca- PART-TIME — Nights and week- • c hour. See Mn. Davenport, Mon. years experience. Ton wages. All tlon, pension, life insurance, clc. Ap- ends. Must be 21 or over. No ex- BETTER DEALS— through Frl,, 40 RlTerilda Ave., Red icnellta. 222-3G14. ply In person. See Service Manager, perience necessary. Apply in person, Bank. ASSISTANT MANAOEIt - Good op- Nick Trocchia. Circle Chevrolet Co., KRAUSZEIfa DAIRY STORES, M portunity. Apply J.M. FIELDS AUTO 325 Maple Ave., Red Bank. First Ave., Atlantic Highlands. ENTER, Rt. 35, HazleL 'IZZA PIE MAN — Over 21, fur HELP WANTED-MALE Italian restaurant. Call ENGINEER — Structural design. CoW DATA COMMUNICATIONS BT2-1322 lego graduate!. Exrerienco desired but MEN WANTED With any experience In Systems An- not necessary. Salary commensurate ilysis, Design, or Test, you owe it wllh exparience. Excellent benefits. MCDONALD'S DRIVE-IN o yourself to investigate wonderful MACHINE OPERATORS An equal opportunity employer. Write 925 Hwy 35 illddlelown lew opportunity. No Fee -- Send Box K-131, The Dally*. Register, Rei Bank. Full or part-time workers for- eve- Wo have immediate openlnga for de- nings. Must be at least 18 years old. EMPLOYERS PERSONNEL pendable men In our production mi- LUBS MAN — Excellent opportunity EXPERIENCED BACKHOE OPERA- 7 Rroiul St.. Ucd Bunk 741-3555 chlno shop. Dulles, include material for dependable, hardworking Individu- 1970 TOR ~ John Deere or Ford. Call TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVER — Ca- handling, light machine and bench op- al. All company benetlta Including 671-5333. pable or lifindllriK 13 Rpced Road eration. Earn progressive wage In- paid vacation and pension plan. Ap- Ranger. Apply BEHOER INDUB- creases and enjoy excellent benefits ply In person at Russell Oldsinobllo- LTD DISHWASHER — And maintenance. TRIB8 INC.. Edison Industrial Ccn- Including health and life Insurance, Cndlllnc, 100 Newman Srplngs Rd., Apply In person, Bow Knot Restau- U.S Hwy l, Metuchen, N.J. 5M- perm Ion anil profit-sharing plan. All Red Bank. Ask for Bill Grieg. rant, fi!> Broad St., Red Bonk. qualified candidates will he conald- FOUR-DOOR HARDTOP rod. call or stop by between TV BENCH MAN WANTED — FLOOR WAXER, WINDOW GLEAN- a.m. ami 4:30 p.m., Mnn. through parlenccd only. HAROLD'S RADIO ER Experience desired but not ncces- Frl. Ank for Mr. P. A, Durantc. (More Classified Ads ELECTRIC SHOP, 49 Broad Bt., iry. Call 5Gfi-701B. Oa The Next Page) CARPENTER — For general main- FOJIEMAN — Experienced In ollll tenance repair worlt. Driver's llcenso WREELOCK SIGNALS INC. dren's or ladles' conts. This Is an ex, required. Year-round employment. 273 Brxnchport Long Branch USEFUL CARS-GUARANTEED 3-W AYS cellent opportunity wltli a prngroaslve Oood salary. Paid solid ays. Call 787- 222-69B0 HELP WANTED-MALE * llrm. Shore, iron. Call 220-5511 before 1030 during day, 671-1032 fitlcr 6 p.m. > n.m. Alter 0, 741-25T5. TWO DEBIT AOENT9 ,— Needed to 1969 KARMANN GHIA $1995 1915 GALAXIE Two-Door Hardtop $1050 SALES — Truln at S400 per month, sell and service life Insurance In Iho 19i» THUNDERBIRD Four-Door $3795 * Spar! Coupe. Like new. Automatic, power sleartng. DEPENDABLE MAN -To drive and tlm commission, with a OO-yoarold, Hazlet-Kennsburg area. Salary wtillc LomJau. Full power, air conditioned. ' cook. Small family. Wrll« to Box R- ilghly respected Life Insurance Com- training. Profit nharlnR. Call for ap- OLDER . 5-50 loclory warranty. 1948 TORINO Two-Door $1995 1945 FAIRLANE 500 Hardtop $ 995 147, The Dally Register, Rod Bank. iany. Phono ^7-lV.M. pointment. <42O773, 8:30 - 3:30 p.m. I Hardtop, automatic, power steering. Twa-door, 3 cyl.. automatic, power steering.. TRUCK MECHANICS — Experienced ' cnlnB.i. 7S1-MB7, 0:30-9 p.m. OR RETIRED MEN 1949 COUNTRY SQUIRE Wagon 53495 Top wages and benefits. Apply In — PART-TIME CUSTODIAN — Dnyn, for Koncial Demonilrolor. Air cond. S-SO loclory warranty. 1967 LTD $1695 1945 FALCON Future Wagon $ B95 person, RARITAK OARAGE, s. Main NlRlils c'lt.m. to 11 p.m. Permanent cleaning and tight repair work. Patten To rake leai/cs In Fair View Ceme- TwcKfbor hardtop/ automatic, pow«r steering. Automatic. Bt., Keyport. J04-0301. office cleaning work in Middle tnwn olnt Yacht Club, L^ng Uranch. Call tery. Apply al office, 1949 GALAXIE "500" Four-Door .52595 5-50 factory warranty. building. Good pay — steady — rion- 7*7-tfi87. 8ALK8MAN — Experienced. Stenrty plUUzntlon. Nr> nxnerlenco necessary. Demonstrator. 5-50 factory worraniy. 1944 GALAXIE Two-Door Hardtop $ 795 emrloymont. Apply In person. A-jtiey 1966 COUNTRY SQUIRE Wagon ....$1650 Automatic, powor steering. Our reprcafnUtlve will bo Interview- 454 Hwy. 35, Mlddlolown 1W TORINO Two-Door Hqrdtop ....$2595 Automatic, power itoerlng. Men'! CHOP, 62 Drolil St., Itcd Bank ing Wednesday. Nnv. 1!), !i:3ft p,m. to HELP WANTED-MALE *-if Automatic, power steering. 1944 CORVAIR Four-Door $ 495 7 p.m., at ttie Eliirmuny BDWI, Rt. 35, * Middle town. 1967 CUSTOM 500 $1295 Aulomatlc, very clean. 1948 GALAXIE "SOO" $2195 Four-door ledan, radio, automatic HELP WANTED-FEMALE PANTRV MAN — Experience neces- Twiwloor hardtop, aulomatlc, power stecrlno, power fleering. 5-50 factory warranty, 194J GALAXIE $ 495 .air conditioned. sary. Top wiiRea. Apply In pornOn, PRODUCTION EMPLOYEES Four-door. Automatic, power storing. CLARE3 k COHY'S INN, Junction Rt. 1946 MUSTANG Hardtop $1095 » and 31. Madison Township. NJ. Wo need psoplo to work rotating shifts. 1948 GALAXIE 500 4-Dr. H.T $1995 SWITCHBOARD/ ElnM-cyllnder, outomollc. power itwrlno. 1965 GALAXI6 Convertible XL $1095 1943 COUNTRY SQUIRE Wagon ....$ 495 MEM — With cam wanted to deliver Wa are willing to supply tho following: i S-SO loctory warranty. Automatic, power iteerlng. Buckets. Aulomatlc, power steering. RECEPTIONIST morning and/or Hun, papftra In Red Bank area. No collecting. Call 74T- • Stead/ employment cloie to home Personable, neat appear ones wilt) 2L43. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S LARGEST FORD DEALER • Excellent wages Including lhlh differential payment! Oood typing ability. Pleasant working YOUNO MEN • Hospltalliotlon condition* with nor- To bo trained In aiUca and service. • Lilt Inlurorice Hftlnry and commtsalon. Company c&r mal frlnofl benefits. • Disability and tick hnetlti fiirnlnlicd. All company bonolltn. Only • Retirement plan Hours 7:30 a.m. to Intc-rcalctl In stendy position ncciil apply. Apply In, person, no . _ . 4 p.m. Apply": iliono. THE niNriER COMPANY, 69 FORD [Irani! Bt., itQd URiik, KB MOUNT ENGLISH If 'OUTERS—Two for gpnor»l nleanlnjt •MM M»»U»«tU»W0 CSUPMIATIOH i ami full cans at (loom. NnAt and nn'ier. Top naliiry and fringe benefltti. fACKAOINO roOOUCTt OIVIIIOM Monmouth and Mapl« Av». Sine* 1904 Rsd Bank 741.6000 ATCO CERAMICS CORP. DO NO PHONIl Apply In person, •eirl and Froncl, Stl. Ktyport (VCPkdayii only, 10 to 2, All untie Hlgh- HWY. IS ZM-UOO KEYPORT lindn Nitrding llnmB, S M 1(141 etown An equal opportunity employer' Ave,, Atlantic lllthlandi.. -THE DAILY SECISTER. RED BAHK-MIDDLETOWN, N. U MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17.19» MACHINERY FOB 8AJ* to FOB SALE MRS WANTED-MALE WLP WAOTSD-MALK BELT WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED-^IALK F«ULfllly ClnMv SUPERMARKET NEW FACTORY SELL • Ground floor opportunity OPPORTUNITIES • Excellent advancemant FAST • Growth company WITH A QUICK ACTION • Leiding supplier of modular claiiroomi. LOW-COST DEPARTMENT MANAGERS DAILY REGISTER WANTED • Stsady work ' Used oriental Bugs MANAGER TRAINEES • Overtime FAMILY AD Chinese and Persian I CLERKS • Paid vacation 3 LINES . 5 DAYS • Hospitalixation FOR $ JUST 2.00 Hera it * great opportunity to forge ahead in the super- • Assemblers Available for Merchandise For Sale service, 261-1003. only. Article must originate from a market field with this dynamic, expanding organiiation • Forlclift operators household and may nol exceed a sale price of JMO0 per article. tnat offers limitless potential to the right individuals. • Material handlers Price MUST be advertised. Each ad- ditional line $1.00. No copy changes • Mill operators may be made and no discounts or We seek full time help, experienced, or we will train, returns will be made It ad Is can- Apply in Person celed before expiration. Oakhurst im-16M_or 229-0892, and we offer good starting salaries, company paid To Placa Your Daily Register FAMILY AD, CALL . . . BUY AND SELL SWAP SHOP• - Stoves, power mowers*, -util- benefits and excellent working conditions. EDUCATIONAL INDUSTRIAL ity-trallcrt, bicycle", etc. 787-6180. FACILITIES, INC. 741-6900 — Two matching o • GROCERY e MEA 24-Hour Service Ear»tc doors, 7'x9'. Call after 5 p.m. Marlboro Industrial Park, Marlboro, N. J. 2M-8BM. _^ ' , • APPETIZING EARLY AMERICAN — Two end ti • PRODUCE (Vanderberg Rd. off Rt. 79) ble4, coffee lablp, two chairs, lamp glassware, art objecls and brlf »«r»C, and table Kitchen set. Emerson TV- Immediate cash for anything and. ev- • DAIRY • FROZEN FOODS 1 Record Plsyer. RefrlKer.-Hor-freezer An Equal Opportunity Employer "S«e? I'm ALMOST your age I In excellent condition. 542-3295 morn- erything. Ruscirs 25 East Front. St. Ing* Afternoons until 8, 222-8681. 741-1693. * " SOR^STNINO ROOM SET .irint- FOR THANKSQIVING OE Christmas with cabinet space, good condi- giving. Cake stands, compotes, cruets, tion reasenalile. 747-4878. BIG APPLE decanters, tumblers, punch cups, old white dinncrware. Tureens, pitchers, QUANTITY TAKEOFF INSTRUCTION FOB SALE assorted serving pieces. 295 Norwood Ave., Long Branch. PETS AND LIVESTOCK MATH TUTORING — 1 yMr« ttich- SUPERMARKET Hailet, N. J UNPAINTED FURNITURE CEDAH CHE8T — Natural finish *18. noa GROOMING - Small Wi-M«- Rt. 35 Inr experienceexpel . All fride livelj. Call dlum W. Large $10. Batt and,,nJUl 747-S102. Alio itoola, chain, doKBi cheats, at Lounge chair, 512. Poker table, 6 and ESTIMATING discount priccn. Caah and carry. chairs. $30. Mahogany corfee table. $3 - S3. Call 741-0464. 191 »r»wi- COMPUTER CAREERS 17. 671-1531. bury Ave., Red Bank. RED BANK LUMBER FREE KITTENS - 10 weekr; old Apply in person In bujInVss, Industry and government Pearl and Wall. Red Bank 74I-5W0 «i TON CARRIER AIR CONDITION Metal library shelving and wood furniture. «Urt with ECPI training. Day and ER — 220 amps., $20. Two 7.50x14 Call after 4 p.m. - •venlnsH- Call ECPI at M2-28OO or AMATEUR RADIO — Transceiver, wheel $S. 10" Craftsman table saw 747-4016. . ;.'l Experience mandatory. visit ECPI, 285 Monmouth Fark Hwy., Swan &O0. wlU) a.c. and mobile pow- complete. Oil burner thermostat and AI.,ASKAN MALAMUTE PUPPIE8-- CHEMICAL OPERATORS Weit Long Branch. er supply. Arlg Mosley mobile an< stank control, 515. 16 quart pressure AKffiO registered. Call 747-5975 or.*842- tenna system. 10-80 meter. $550 M2- cooker, 'J8.50. 842-035(1. 2803. ««3 AND HELPERS 100 DRIVERS NEEDED 620 KODAK CHEVRON — With Syn KITTY KATS' — Not name brands, FIREPLACE WOOD (OAK) chro rapid BOO shutter, Ektar lEns 78 out Kute, Kuddly and tree. 5 TOlu, ESTEY METAL PRODUCTS INC. LITTLE SILVER REPAIR CENTER mm F3.5., C70. A.MPRO 16 mm sound 4 cnlors. Call 671-2300, Mrs. Winter, Full tim» employment. Day shift. No experience necei Aik for Mr. Schnsid For Tractor Trailer Training 7<7-O573, 7«l-3888 projector with speaker, $125. Kod«k YOUNG TOY FOX TERRIER; DODS lary. Opportunities for advancement. Good earning po USED GRAVELY .— With 36" rotary sound 8 mm projector, 5240. Can af- —All shots and worming. To-lood 542-5000 Vang mowers, snowlhrower, Bulky, ter 5 p.m. 741-2718. homes for »25. 747-2878. tential. Excellent paid benefits, EARN UP TO $300 A WEEK MM, Toro Professional 76", ^ $500. Other used mowsM. TWO MICROPHONE STANDS — And I/ARKADOR RETRIEVER - -- - Transporting cars and trucks LITTLE SILVER REPAIR CENTER one Shure microphone. Best price Fat and Healthy. AKC. ,8foti. See Mr. March: 7*7-0573, 7U-3888 Call 741-6430. Whelped Oct. 14. SI25. 046-4285.-. HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED-Male-Female SIAMESE~KITTENS - StUi lecjlce. Nu Car Carrier U now hiring ind DESKS J15 up FILES, tables, chairs, TANDEM — Like new. Kelly rreen. POODLES, standard, white, agrjcot, Interviewing Interstate graduatei. adding machines, typewriters, «ftlc« Asking 183. Call after 6 p.m.. 3M BunlnePB Prortucti Salps Im\ ha« equipment, etc., . a>. bargain prices. • 229-1055 chocolate. 842-2S54. ,., BIRMA PRODUCTS CORP. openlno In Sirnien-et, Mlddltiex and WAITRESS OR WAITER No experience needed, mint hive New or uied AAC DE3K OUTLET, FEMALE — lrlsn letter. 3 moathi. Monmouth coiintten tor nudlo visual Counter and tables. Dependable. 5-12 Kt. 35, Oalthurst 631-3MO. CENTRAL. FLOOR HOT AIR HEAT- sale? reprenentatlvp* lo handle excit- midnight, five or six nlghti. All year. drivers license and meet, minimum AKC registered. •»» Jernee Mill Rd. Sayraville, N. J icc physical requirements. ER with thermostat. Heata 4-5 rooms. J Int new line of prodiifts. Base lalary. Guaranteed salary. Apply in person BNOWUOBILB — Skl-Doo (or 1970. (75. Call 671-3424. Call 264-2579. 257-6674 cornmlMlonK, pxren"". pl«8 excellent after fl p.m. SANDS MOTEL, Rt. 33, world's finest. Prices from »695. Now MINIATURE SCHNAUZEn PtlpAlEB inrentlvrv Company car. majnr ben- (1 mile oouth of EatontoWn, circle). JOBS OPEN TOR NEWARK. ME- available at Red Bank Auto Imports, USED OVERHEAT) OARAGE DOORS AKC. 9 weeks old. Private tteftflw. erltfl. training and no overnight travel. TUCHEN AND MAHWAH. N. J. TBR- 119 E. Newman Springs Rd. 741-G8SR. S'x8\ IV thick. Reasonable. Also, Female mid male. 741-8744- An H»l opportunity employer COOK — Full time. Large nursing MINAL3. used gas suspended heater. 671-167 HELP WANTED-MALE HELP ff ANTED-MALE aend nnumc !o Mr. V. Maloney. ISO home. Modern kitchen, good working CHRISTMAS TREES after 5 p.m. I AKC REGISTERED PUPPlrt conditions. 566-6400, Matawan. • Scotch Pine (wholesale) AUrrn' Av^^IloK JM^Tcaneclt^N^ J^ APPROVED FOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE — Blacl PUPP^-VILLA :'i' VETERANS TRAINING UTTLE 8ILVRR REPAIR CENTEB i^RIV^ERS — Bee large AD under 747-0573, 7<1-38R8 wrought iron dinette, black easy Hwy. 35 I Mldillrtow» OENERA-L. ACCOUNTANTS — 2 Mnle Instnn-llon REAL ESTATE SALES INTERSTATE IS DANK APPROVED and pttomen, wool rug. 8X10, corne MATERIAL ALSO INTEREST FltEB ANTiqUK FLAX SPINNINQ WHEEL ALL BREEDS AVAILABLE' yean rxpcrlpncr. Excellent advance 100 DRIVERS NEEDED FOR Excellent opportunity with "Llvt mahogany desk. 542*2686. PROFESSIONAL GROOMINO mfnt. All hcntriu. To jno. FEE PAID, TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING Wire" agency. Proven training pro- STUDENT LOANS AVAILABLE 1150 UP TO $300. Call 7*7-4062 WE BUY UTTERS gram. Call for appointment. 1*7-0498. BASKETBALL Look for the bright purple HANDLERS STOCK BOY-DRIVER — Central M»- Backboard with rim and net S14.83 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS — Dig rlne Supply, 1228 H»y. 36, HazleL AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ALLSEW SHOPPEB across from the Cobblestones. ttal circuitry. 3 y<"nra experienc* oi BALAHY $3.50 PER HOUR Any mtko vacuum repaired suitable for wall mounting — for pole 747-3834 29(-7<0O Must be available Immediately. No EMPLOYER $2 Plus Per Hr. heller. To $8500. FEE PAID. 495-0177 mounting. Bracket $5.50. Heavy duty PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING - Pennine nlmpr>rary... Fill I Tim* BARBER - TART TIME experience necessary. Good advance- •teel galvanized pole $25.20. Ball $5.45. Call ment Guaranteed Incressment within For Information Call KING8IZE BLANKET 55-26" blcyclf By appointment only. AKC SoodlO No Mperlenre TIP cms a ry PKOGRAMMBIl-SCIENTIFIC — 2 first month. Call 741-4015. $10 chord organ $20, outboard motor. RED BANK LUMBER and schnauzer puppies. 871-9821...^ INTERVIEWS yearn experience. LOCAL. 114,000 FEE 787-9668. After 6, 088-S778 5 h.p.. $50. AC. generator, 300 W, TUESDAYS A THURSDAYS PAID. INTERSTATE SM, gas lantern |5, ham radio (ear Pearl and Wall. Red Bank. 741-5300 PROFESSIONAL POODLE GROOM- PART-TIME WORK - For men or ING — We groom to pleBjft.,.£a.U 9 *.m. • 10 a m. 1 p-m. • 3 p.m. women at SI Id die town's BURGER »5. 747-1090. SURFBOARD '-- 6'4", Blng Foil. PAYROLL CLERK — Experience pre- HELP WANTED—Male-Female CHEF. Hwy 35. It tD 6:30 p.m. 775-8890 Four months old. $187 new, sale for 542-5550. — LANVIN- fprrort, or college credits. LOCAL. $110, WOODEN STORM WINDOWS •$150. 842-1593 after 3 p.m. plus overtime, weekdays, and 11 to 7 p.m. weekends. Jl EACH BEAQLE — Male, six weeks, AKC CHARLES OF THE RIT2 Ple&se apply In person or call 671- Or Write Call 671-2589 PORTABLE SEW1NO MACHINE — »40. Call after 8 p.m. RT. 35 H0LMHEL. N. J. 9774. Never used, zlg zag. Cost over $300. 776-7283 d/r Personnel Service NATELSONS J. KRIDEL INTERSTATE TRACTOR 9U2 BBIOE WOOL RUG — Excel- Will sell for $200. 54S-OO05, EXPERIENCED FURNITURE FIN- PART Olt FULL TIME — Apply In TRAILER lent condition. Rrrieroratlng. GOOD HOMES FOUND for older tf ISHER—Wanied for retail more. Ex- 15T nrond St, Red Hank 812-3M1 per.'on, JOYCE'S SUB SHOP, Lln- S6S-6581 TWO SHOW TIRES — 600x13. Four- Caah paid (or pedigreed Utteri. celltnt.opportunity fnr right mmi, Sal- Now hiring for Christmas croft. (Next to Pout Office). Eayrestown Rrt. Vlneentown, N. J- ply. $15, O.E. Rollaway vacuum with Lerner, Dog Trainer, 228-7781...','.',? FURNITURE! SALESMAN — Estate CERAMIC TILE — Buy direct from attachments, $10. 787-5186. ary oprn lo your nMltty. Paid vacft ATCO factory and Install It yourself MOBILE DOG GROOMING-" lion pi in mpdlrai benefit*. Apph llnlini retail firm desires man expert COOK,,.— For a nrw Italian restau- 30 DESK CHAIRS — $4.50 each. 01 fncpil in HEiHng anility furniture SALESMEN AND rant ti. Hazlet. Small menu. 264-2700 with mastic on any surface. Full line WE COME TO YOU TI. J. Btutt Emploympnt Service. 48 MERCHANDISE of brilliant colon, trim shapes, tools, all. $3.50 each, Bench vise, $10. 741- EDEN ACRE 842-4039 "•" IB. Front Rt., Hed Bunk. No Ire. Straight ralary plus paid vacation »n< nr call 541-8700 after 3 p.m. medical benefits, Apply N. J. gut SALESWOMEN FOR SALE etc. Factory store open Mon. • Frl. 1543. •EOUHITY OITARDH—Fiiir~anrl~i Kinnlnvmrnt Rprvlre, *9 E. Front St. STUDENTS - HOUSEWIVES 8-4:30 E-Z Charge. ATCO Ceramics WALNUT SPINET DESK - SS I AM A HANDSOME- timn pnnltinnx open In New Bhrrwiv IUd Dank. No fee. Earn extra Chrlntman money, selling Corp., Hwy 35 at Parkway Exit, Key- small living room tables, $5 to $20. fcury and Anbury Park. Apply Ml Permanent full time, part- Chrlatmas wreaths. 681-8573. port. • TOY FOX TERRIER .'".-. otrirc. Atlantic Puperama, N Call 741-8296. Looking for a girl friend. I tm"two Rhrcwiitmry. MEN-Learn* carpet *ml furnltur tima and seasonal openings. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ORAFLEX XL — 80, 100, 180 m.. years old, from a champion liner With clfinnlnx. $04 tr» $130 ppr week to nturi HAMMOND lenses. Roll film, film backs, filters, papers. Won't you please contafct*my p7ff No skills required. BervtccMnater, 741 SITUATIONS WANTEDFemale SURFBOARDS — Sport fllte, 8'2", sun shade, fltum gun and case. Ex- owner In Neptune Township t*9*8 loolon. Hmin tl to 6, Hazlel 1314. WRAPPERS Weber Performer, 9'6", removable cellent condition. Reasonable. 946-4423 0566? Fee, choice ot litter. CfcU T-0 p.m. 2ft*-5tm. GENERAL INSURANCE — Export- skeg. Woman's wet suit, size 8. Alt ence ii. phases, seeking, good posV ORGAN in excellent condition. All lor »100. KOYAL ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER— COLLIES AKC — Reducing* IBOnel. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily tlon In congenial office. • Write Box Call 842-2712. 1964 model, 8125. IBM Executive, Excellent opportunity tor br«C(]ers. SALESMAN SHIPPING CLERK JR. K-132, The Dally Register,. Red Bank. electrical proportional spacing, $125. Expcrlrnrni. Knll llrnc, pprnu- All ages and colors. Proven .-.brood THREE-PIECE LIVING ROOM SET Both excellent. 787-4650. bitches and some puppies. Sptl renl. Apply In prrjon, AHI1EV Wo nre look J rig for a per Don vltr or 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. daily COMPANION HOUSEKEEPER — •^Flve-plece dinette ; set, Naugabyde MKN'B Bllor, 62 Brail SI., norm experience in rpcelvlnjt, storage, One adult. Will live In. Hkye driver's STUDIO reclining chair, etc. 787-1395. BOLID MAPLE TWIN BEDS — Fold. priced. MISTIBANK COLLIES; Rail Bxtik. aril flliipment of goorln anil niaterla liconsc. Write to Box 11-166, The Daily away bed. 20 gallon fish tank, with 3563. Kxcpll^nt company benefit" Inctm) and all day Saturday, Talk Register, Red Bank. OF ASBURY PARK A BUY — On cut crystal, china, stand, air pump, heater, many ex- TOY POODLE —• Sliver male. AKC 1 Jewelry, and furniture for Christmas tras. 842-1047. progrciiilvp wnjee increase*, profi CHILD CARE — My homfe, for work- NEW HAMMOND giving. Antique Mart, Brookslde and registered. Excellent health. Lovei HELP WANTED-MALE aha ring, pension, paid holiday* an it over with Harry Eastwick, ing mother. Hazlet neati Lily-Tulip. Uonmouth Rd., OakhursL MINI BIKE — One month old. Needi grown-ups and children. 284-5828." vacation nnrl health insurance plan, Call 7W-I463. CADETTE ORGANS clutch. $120. Call AH qualified candidates will he coiv 1968 APACHE TRAILER — Mesa III ALASKAN MALAMUTBS — Cham- BABY-SITTING IN MY 'j HOME ~— 787-7119 pionship lines. AKC. Two yrt.t? old sldercd- Please call or stop by be- $555 Bought new, In use 7 weeks. Sleeps female, 11 month, old male. MM9S2 tween 9 a.m. tind \ tfO p.m., Mnn. Manager, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 from Infancy to four yeajrs old. Call »lx. $1100. 222-2788. MOVINO TO FLORIDA — 23" Ad- HANDY MAN through Frl. ABk for Mr. K A. Du- 787-0487. Includes bench,- delivery, lnfltint-pl&y miral TV. Mahogany, two years old. after 6 p.m. 'V rantc. book (Icta you play songs on your own CHROME DINETTE AND FOUR Like new. 5100. 291-1193. Mofurt, txrurlenced on power sow a.m. daily. WIM. RABY-SIT — In my homa for from the start) and 6 weeks of lesions CHAIRS — $40. White hutch, $35. 38' POODLES — Three males, oni fe- and ollur equipment (or lighl fobrt- working mother. Call 842-5125, 134 at no charge, COME IN FOR A FREE gas range, $35. Two maple living KOBE DAMASK SOFA — Excellent male.. Two black, onQ cocoi,r>oris callon of plastics, «ic. in youno Bridge Ave., Red Bank, DEMONSTRATION. room chairs, $40. Wringer type wash condition, $75. Call white. Call 787-2368. prowlng display odvertlilnn flfm. WHEELOCK SIGNALS INC 671-1131 273 Branchport Avp. NATELSONS J. KRIDEL . er, $35 All in good condition. 495-0467. "BUCKO" (Bay seldlngl — II-' for Mr. Lang Long Brand PR 5-9300 sale. Call Ruts Davis, 542-2587 pr*S31- 522-6HJO Tlroa ORDERLIES January 1st. RL D and Taylor'i Mill Excellent condition. $10 each, call Phone 741-5278. excellent location. Furnished ,^IH- —All shirts. Attractive atnrtinit wagc.i. Rd., Manalapan, N.J. 3J2-5700. TYPEWRITERS, ADDING machines, 747-4534. clency. Short/long term. 462-1231.- INSURANCE AGENTS Full fringe benefits. DO NOT PHONE. Alt makes new or uied. Guaranteed. RADIATORS — Four 12 sections, hoi Apply In person weekdays 10 a.m. to TAVBUN BUSINESS — And property Low as $25. Berpico's 101 Monmouth DON'T WAIT water, narrow type, $12 ea. Large RED BANK — Furnished threV WHY NOT SELL THE PRINCETON PLAN? 3:30 p.m. Atlantic HlgMnnd! Naming for aile. With two apartments, and Bt Next to theater. 747-W8S. wrought Iron gate, «60. 747-3904. rooms and balh. All utilities In- weeks and -weeks for your win cluded. Adults only. No pets. 747-5320. Home, 8 Jllddletown Ave.. Atlantic ono store. Asking $60,000. $17,000 shadei. Bring your rollers or sizes, LARGE DRK83B3R and night table, Substantially Higher Commissions! Hlhlrt down. Will take mortgiBe. 721017U. 1M9 8 H. P. JACOBSEN — Lawn and Sficretary China cabinet. Room di- garden tractor with 38" rotary and mast orders ready In less than one MONMOUTH BEACH — River A Surf Compar« wllh what you receive, on a $100 a month con- hour, We stock aha ties 'up to 72" vide vider shelves, 2 mgrv9xl2 and 12x15. Club Apartments. One and two bed- BARBER BHOP — Mlldletown. All 38""flnow-biower. New. 5300 off list. Call 747-3548. tractual plan. Tin islo of th« Princeton Plan p reasonable offer considered for man Springs Rd., Shrewsbury, 741- RED BANK — Luxury hlgtt-rise and *hird y.arl — 5% next 7 yean — 2% (h.raaftar — prompt «alo. Call 771-0750. 1969 ZlgZag 217 Weit Front St., Red Bank. apartments. Immediate and tutuM oc- Slightly uned. In perfect condition. 0040, Borrow Bhampooerji, Moor Band- cupancy, itonmouth county'r • ihiest vaitad contract. Fully paid vacation for 2 aach year for Does everything, no attachment* need- SEARS 8" POOL TABLE: — plus em, pollshen, painting and wall pa- balls. $100. Excellent condition. Call centrally air conditioned building. qualifiad producor. BUXTONS ed. $51.20 cnah or J8.M monthly. Free tiering tools. One. two. anil three bedrooms. fcWlm- MONEY TO LOAN delivery. after 3 p.m. 741-7352. ming pool, sauna rooms, boab'-*jna- STOCK OPTIONS AND INCENTIVE PLANS. Solid lupport SHOPS GIRL'S—Lovely single white eplndli CROWN DRUM SET — Five pieces, bed. $35. Crib, Colonial style, Hitch- rlna, and garages on premisei.. U, hr. from on» of the faitait growinq financial planning firmi. Talk FINANCIAL PROBLEMS? 842-1250 $50. Call doorman. Hlvervlcw Towers. 2S Illv- cock design, complete with mattroM erslde Ave, 741-1732. •- • with ui and find out about trie many benefih availabla to BUSBOYS Real estata owner, avail yourneU of 8AVINSS TO 70% OFF-New . and 741-6127 »nd bumper pad, $35. Matching dress- canh equity in your home. AB a re- used rugl. Over 1,000 rugs and rem- POLAROID COLOR PACK CAMERA ing tahle. $1!. Maple playpen and you. Opaningi for managtrt and supervisors. null or prenent day Increase In real nants In stock. pad, 56. Black and white padded cir- TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENT -U In estate valuox, we will (rec this cash —Model 210. flash and one color-pack two-famil.-•u ,u,.,,,yj housuuuneo IHnI Leonardo.ueunarao. - :_AVKlAvaii1 - Call GRILLMEN HAMRAH-EMERSON film, $40. Perfect condition. 264-6832. seat, $3. tricycle, toddler's size, $4, All able Dec 15 Call between 7 and 11 equity by recasting your present mort- (THE REMNANT KINO) excellent. 747-1563. »ble Dec. 15. Call between 7 and- 11 Howard Kaplan Night and Day Shift KRge. KIRWAN CO., Realtors. Belford, H« Rt 35. MUlletowr,. «71-5880 ANTIQUE FRANKLIN STOVE - P.m. weekdays only. 432-0989. "*.'. 7B7-6KK), DomB top with double lids, front and SNOW TIRES — Town & Country, APARTMENT FOR RENT -. Unfu~ PRINCETON PLANNING CORP. POOL TABLES — Natural «lat«. T'. side openings, foot bar, $150. 787-6180. 825x14, whltewhalh, studs, used nlshfd. Apply 105 Locust Ave., ADt APHY IN PERSON J.12D; 8'. U20. Dellvory ar.d Instill!.- season, $40. Call 842-5097. 1., Red Bank. Subsidiary tlon. «3^ An/ Uroi, «»-7tti- SOFABED — aood condition. Rea- 11 A.M. — 6 P.M. INSTRUCTION sonable. Baked enamel kitchen table AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE— 1.2 AND 3-BEDROOM APART1IENT1 Intoi-funding Plans, Inc. Living, dining, kitchen yictit. CALIFORNIA with extension leaves. Five storm -Furnished. Winte r mrent.lm . CO1..IHPHiL - 747-5552 431 Iroad Stie.l windows with screens 39"x33". 747. 787-2368 JOBS WAITINGI! WINE GRAPES 9322 after 5:30. 1969 EMERSON BLACK AND WHITE S\l^ " & Assoc? . "Broker, Shnwibury, New Jersey 787-9085 BEAUTIFUL AUTUMN HAZE MINK TV -- 23" screen. In A-l condition. SEA BRIGHT- Bcnutiiui Uiree-rmra Trained Operators LET A TO Z RENTAL CENTER — STOLE - Worn twice. Cost $900. Will 187-8039. atiartment, furnished, ready for^i Needed Now! Make your holidays more enjoyable. •ill for 1300. Ideal Christmas gift. cupancy. 81217D4, i_ Borrow anything your heart desires. 741-6520. THE LOWEST prices on aluminum combination TWO-BEDnoOM~APAnTlIENt' —1st Learn IBM 181 Newman Bprlngs Rd., Shrewsbury. WEDniNO DRESS — Size 16-18. per- floor. Ailulls only. $135 monthfOn. •KEYPUNCH 7U-O04O. fect. Other, clothes, J4-16, men's and window* are at Prawn's. WHITE months security; 787-7928. • OFFICE AUTOMATION wonicn's./aome antiques. 741-7378. aluminum installed Tor as low as •COMPUTER PROGRAMMING CUT LUMBER? $14.98 «a. 15 year paint guarantae THREE RnOMS AND BATH -"rlooa APARTMENT STZETOAS RANGE — Stop In (or free estimate. IBM 360 Computer Sura wo do It, and at modovt price*. Asmorted \slxe Venetian blinds. Call Brtnf In written list of «1ZM. W» will 671-5052. . PROWN'S on Premises nave order In 24 hours. We cut circle* 32 Bro&d St. Red Bank 741-7500 ArrRACTIVE Nicely fur . FREE PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE wtdgM, bracket*, italr «lrlniin, •tc. MAHOGANY DININO SET - Drop- rooms bed/living room. Kl DAY OR EVENING CLASSES No phone ordera. leaf table, china closet, T chain MAN'S NAVY CASHMERE OVER vcnlent location. 741-8301 APPROVED FOR VETERANS RED BANK LUMBER Bent offer. 747-ft6.V). COAT — 38-« lonj, like new. J(o ATTIC SALE--CollPctlon of old (rials- Man's tuxedo, s&me size, $20. Phnne NORTHEAST Corner Pearl and Wall Red Sank ware, brass brrt, osk- rot-kpr, rhlicel- 8«-08fl«. (More Classified Ads- COMPUTER INSTITUTE TOT BELLIED STOVE . — That hu lanpous. Tile*, and Wed., Nov. 18, 19. SCUBA OJ5AR — Two tnnkr One rtif been electrified us floor lamp with 0 to 3 p.m. IIS Church St., Belford. viator, mask, rlns, and weight belt. On The Next Page):, V> Enillin Plaza Red Bank red burlap shade. {100. Call 7(7-1062 (Oft Hwy. 361. 1175. Clll 264-1670. CALL 7171917 HAY FOR SALE QSo a bals and up. Also Itra' HELP. «2-9273 CRAFTSMAN LAWNMOWER, Park- HELP WANTED-Male-Female way Wet Suit, cheap. Also, 19S< Stud- baiter, JM. Call 6t2-IS8(. atter f p.m. FENCINf) — Surplm — Chain link — FACTORY JOBS wood fencing. Erected on your prop- CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY IMMEDIATE MEN.WOMEN erty. Discount prices to the home owner and builder. Phone T47-H98. Zi Good pay tor, 40 hours steady work. hour service. A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! " Ytar-round Indoors moktng fine LG* ramie till. No experience needed. PIANOS AND 0R0AN8 — Grand Old factory Isn't fan- Opening; 8ale • Now Pianos and Or- cy, bur you'll tike gans from Ji95. Used Grands, Flay erti. Spinet.., Student Plnnos, Organs. Atco's friendly peo- Unlimited Rentals from' .07c per week. Accounting General Contractors Falatlng and Decorating OPENINGS ple. Paid holidays, Lay-a-way now for Chrtslmai deliv- vacation, Insurance* ery. FREEHOLD KIMBALL PIANO RECORD KEEPING, tax service. other benefits, w« AND > OROAN WAHEHOUSR. 1] Oeneral accounting Year round. ACME CONSTRUCTION were an equal op- Thrnckmorton SI., Freehold. I62-1730. WMtehlll Systems, Inc. 741-4761 COMPANY • EXPERIENCED MEAT CUTTERS portunity employer Open 9:00 0.00. Spw yean befor« It be- i came fashionable. SUNS Adding Machines-Typewriters Additions — Alterations — • NIGHT CREW GROCERY MEN ATCO CERAMICS CORP. browning, Winchester. Remington, New Homes Franchl, etc. Will buy, sell or trad*. »DI)INO UAOIUNB* — TjplwrtHr. HWY. 15 mum KEYPORT MANNY'8 SPORT BHOP, nt. 31. East •old, tented, r«p«Jr«d. l«rple«'« lttl We Do The Whole Job! Full benefits, the most beautiful now store in the area. Keansburi- 787-0308. UnnminiUl It, R«d Bank. 1sT-4)U9. 264-1099 222-9259 1 Excellent opportunities for advancement. HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED-MALE Diamonds BOURW or Kestyled Moving and Storage \ • Apply in parson to Store Manager on buy lha diamond* rou tfm'1 r er l*t us restrlt them for rou ANDERSON BROS. TECHNICIAN ll RxiulllM'. M Broc4 M. INC. PACKING. — MOVINO m Oik|C0RRlSAN'S i: ELECTRONICS General Contractors STORAOI ANDERSON PLUMBING S. Wt ort looklnj for o technician wild compuljr circuitry knowltdot lo twlld and maintain production test •qulpmtnt. OAltPBHTRt - AddtUotM. vat. Repairs - New Work i I Iff. «td«w«l». MUM. odd lob*. liimtbli raiM. IIMM Til-mi Kcmodeling •; • STOP AND SHOP APPLY IN PERSON •OOTTO AND *ONS For Home or Industry'! i INTERVIEWING: 1:30 TO II A.M. DAILY AIX TtPEI UF HUUE REPAIR* AGIWT/AUHDWN AlUratloiu, rflmodillnj, r^nd painting. lUuiaafclr prlovd. rra* *stlmaita«, MKknkit. 741-4010 Rtd»on» Prwnsil »nlu. Call 741-J943. Odd Join 2 Lrflcen! PI Ocianport, N, BUIXDIR — Additions. UOBT RAUUMO—Cai RT. 36 and POOLE AVE. HAZLET (Building dlrKily Mrihid Holiday Inn), OITIKI. Roofs and N«w 8«>M. UMO—Caiian, nmt« An Equal Oooortunlly gmnloyw t of H>H » truekt . rr»« •all. TUJ301. Ittlph A. Cote. - flfnu Mlw IH **• -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK.MIDDLETOWN, N. J.: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1969 21 APABTMENT8 REAL ESTATI FO« SAU HOUSES rOB 8ALE "'"J&X5JlT J""l OA*D«a* APART- HOUSES FOE SALE MBNT— Ona (J»Jioom. Adults only CUSTOM RANCH •^ffiGl electric, iit. 3*7 *4 WMkb£ ;•.'*« Highlands Brldis.ont block ONLY $22,500 • -from oeesji. Locs.1 ind N. ™ ti « OLPER STORY AND HALI Health Centers Plan Open House door, »n-52S2, " COTTAGAGE Four-yeir-old three-bedroom rttoeh •FOR BALE — Twa-bsdroom co-op F",">,'KesJ"™ bed™>n>s. Near rite RED BANK - MCOSS In charge of refreshments •newly renovated, $87 pa.ys all utili- Lot 150x200, Including eara bulldl Road, New Shrewsbury, will provide two additional clinic services in Allenhurst, As- .-MM except heat. Call Mt5933. lit Good echooll. 130,000. SIX MONTHS OLD Family Health and Nursing include tours of the new wings rooms, nursing offices, a chil- bury Park, Bradley Beach, at the Hartshorne open house MARLBORO — All utilities supplied Service Health centers in Mid- of the centers, which provide dren's waiting room and two Deal, Eatontown, Interlaken, is Mrs. Kenneth Smith of Mid- ;;1J&furnlrteii. Five rooms, call S16- RED BANK Builder sells his own custom bum 893« alter 3 p.m. Wallace Street oldster needing aoi two-story Colonial. Four bedrooms. dletown and New Shrews- nursing headquarters and clin- interviewing rooms. The ad- Little Silver, Loch Arbour, dletown, president of Hart- attention. Basically solid. Seven, bed Oarage. Many extras. shorne Auxiliary of MCOSS. LONG BRANCH — Modern four rooms, two baths. «l,ioo. bury, which have been en- ic locations for the MCOSS dition, as well as the original Neptune City and Township, rooms and bath. Furnished. Halt and larged to double their original community nursing services Mrs. E. II. Urion of Ocean- «»t«r.i»pplle4. Until June l^Ho pets. ONLY $35,000 building, were made possible New Shrewsbury, Oceanport, CARRIAGE HOUSE BEACH AGENCY, Realtor size, are /being opened for in- in 20 communities. througii a grant from the Shrewsbury Born and Town- port, president of the MCOSS Sptclous remodeled home In excellent iJHBEE ROOMB — Nicely lurnnhed. condition, compact lot, 12x24' livi 164 Rt. 35 Mlddletown, N. J sjpectlon Wednesday from 2 Invitations have been ex- Bodman Foundation. ship, and West Long Branch, Bodman Auxiliary, heads the --Seautitul view. All utlUUet supplied room with stone fireplace. Full dlnii 842-2S2S Even J31-4788 Open 1 dayi to 5 p.m. tended to county officials, The 20-member staff which making 18,009 visits to 2,- committee planning the re- ••JUS month. Responsible adults only. room, beamed ceilings, new kltcaei .391-1742. terrace and screened porch. Tall tree, LINCROFT SI The open houses for Hart- governing bodies and health occupies the Bodman Center 500 persons in these munici- ception at the Bodman Cen- Well landscaped. 127,(00. f(ORTH LONG BRANCH — Four Spacious four-bedroom home In ex shorne Memorial Health Cen- officials of the 20 communities provides community nursing palities in a year. ter. .' "Jfooms, furnished, on second floor with eellent condition. Centrally alr-condi •?,.»**•*• entrance. All utilities txcept 747-3500 tloned. 214 bathi. Two-car garage ' ter on Leonardville Road, Bel- served by the two centers, •lectrlclty. Month's security required. Call 842-0110 TODAY for an appoln ford, and for Ixwise C Bod- persons who have contributed ,,;P.fcrfect foe single person. Call 229- ment -:OTU aitsr 6 p.m. WATERBURY man Health Center, Wayside to the expansion fund, health MkUZ — Wishes to share apartment EDWARD A. HANLON and -welfare agency represen- with same. $85 per month Realtor LEGAL NOTICE 741-7S60 AGENCY tatives, and others. The gen- REALTOR-INSUROn 504 Shrewsbury Ave., New Bhrewabur NOTICE Pinpoint Landing Is eral public is also invited to •PORT MONMOUTH — Three large ESTABLISHED 1925 SUPERIOR COURT rooms. Living room, bedroom, kitch- 62 Mapls Avenua HORSE COUNTRY OF NEW JERSEY visit the centers Wednesday. . en, baUt, separate entrance. 7B7-H89. CHANCERY DIVISION Red Bank 07701. COLTS NECK MONMOUTU COUNTY The addition to the Middle- Five acres; fenced In, 2DX30 brick HOC IlKT NO. rOOMl town Center, built originally COMMERCIAL RENTALS barn, five-year old three-bedroom two- STATE OF NEW JERSEY- bath solid brick ranch. Magnificent UNKNOWN OWNW, his heirs, in 1935 as a memorial to Rob- RUMSON WATERFRONT condition. Asking 170,000. CARL F. devisees and personal representa- Top Apollo 12 Goal •"QWICB SUITE-RED BANK-7SJ ««. II you're still breathing, why not gl ZELI.KRS, Realtor, Main St., Holm- tives and his, their or any of ert Hartshorne, a descendant • It, In excellent location. Desirable for this Uie once over... besides the usui del. P48-4443. .their successors In right, title and ' any profession. Call T47-3TSO bttireea two or three bedrooms...and no> Interest as owner for the year of one of the earliest settlers • end 8. comes some of the extras like marlr I960 and all subsequent years to to Monmouth County, includes By BILL STOCKTON One factor space experts discovered railway, priced at J15.000, great fc HOLMDEL '$46,900 date of Block 131, Lot 15 on the contributed to Apollo ll's down-range land- 'flUSlKHBS OFFICE - Store or shop the boatman and of course boatwon Four-bedroom Colonial. Dining room Tax Duplicate of the Borough of 3,000 square feet, adding two SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) - on ^my B. Newman Sprints Rd., an. Aa usual there's more, so you' kitchen with .dinette, den with fire, New Shrewsbury, County of Mon- Apollo 12 eommarvfer Charles Conrad's ' ing was a small change in Eagle's velocity JBrewmury. Phone 741-5888 for attain just have to call and we're easy place, 214 baths, and two-car garaie. mouth and Btate of New Jersey. examining rooms, a dressing talk to. UNKNOWN OWNER, his heirs, parking lot on the Ocean of Storms is 400 when it undocked from the command ship. XTORII — WlW. Alls three larte For appointment call today! CARL F. devisees and personal representa- room, dental screening and efftais, Res.sons.ble rent Available HASSINGER & ZELLER3, Realtor, Main St., Holm- tives and his, their or any ot interviewing rooms, and a feet wide. On the moon, that's a pinpoint. A change of only one foot per second, if —July 1st. Apply Bernico'B, 101 Mou- del. 046(443, their flucceasors In right, tltlo • 'ninith St. Red Bank, next to Cirlton GLAZEBROOK and Interest as owner for the soundproof area in which re- If Conrad and Alan L. Bean can ride. uncorrected, could produce a landing error --Tneatre. REALTORS ROOM FOR ONE MORE year 1960 and all aubMQuent of almost two miles. lit one of MiddUtown's nicest areaa, years to date of Block 132, Lot sponse to sound tests can. be their lunar lander Intrepid to this site, they 105 B. River Rd. Rumsoi walking distance to railroad and sta- 7 on the Tax Duplicate of tho Because of this, Intrepid will use a "soft OFFICE- S — (Private) In Urn suite. administered to young chil- will assure future safe landings in rugged :,TU small w 70 n. Jl AJ1 services 842-5880 tion, Is this great Unree-bedroom EorougS of New Shrewsbury, as deslrea. Executive Center, 1 llaln ranch. Large sunny kitchen, family County of Monmouth and State dren, Staff offices are also lo- moon terrain where a small error could undocking" technique to begin its 214-hour «t,, Satonttwa 142-3291. • room, formal dining' room, living of New Jersey. AUTHENTIC/COLONIAL room with .& fireplace, plus an unfln cated in the new wing. The ruin the mission. journey to the lunar surface. TWO 7,000 Sq. Ft. floors, one 3500 FAIR HAVEN lshed room privately located awa: You are heresy summoned and re- center, originally owned by Just landing Apollo 11 safely in July Engineers also learned that firing small "-if. ft. floos suitable for light manu- Immediate occupancy. Three bedroom from the entire house that woul< quired to serve upon Healy and thrusters on Eagle and venting water from faclurlnt. [or Call 747-noo. two baths, large L. shaped Ifving-dli make an ideal In-law or newlywed Welnsteln, Eaqs., attorneys lor Plain- the Middletown Public was good enough. But geologists want ing room. Country sized kitchen, laui suite. Price reduced to $48,900. tiff, whose address Is 1S03 State future missions to go to the more interest- the spacecraft introduced slight errors in -RBD BANK - 600 to 1200 «q, It. dry room. Covered front porch, basi WALKER & WALKER, Realtors, Highway #35, Oakhurst, New Jersey, Health Association, was deed- available In blih rise bulldlnt. Ex- ment. New two car detached jirig. Hwy. 35, Bhreweiury. 7414212, 24- an Answer to the Complaint filed in ed to MCOSS in 1967., ing, but much rougher, lunar highlands. guidance computer information. Thruster "eellent location for doctors, dentists, Large trees. 100x100 plot In ouli Hour Service. a civil action In which EMIL 8TALD- • ltd other Will alter to established neighborhood. Walk ti ER Is the Plaintiff and UN- At present, a staff of 18 Future astronauts and guidance systems firings have been eliminated as much as , >ult. 28 Riverside Ave. 741-1732. schools and shops. F.H-A. mortgagi A FEELINO OF COMFORT AND KNOWN OWNER, his helm, devi- possible and venting changed. available to qualified buyer, Just re WARMTH—When you walk Into this sees and personal rspresentatlvea and nurses, supervisory personnel, must bring each lunar module to a precise DENTAL OPFICll FOR RENT - Ex- duced to J23.9O0. lovely four-bedroom, lv^-bath Dutch his, their or any of their successors landing or else abort the mission to avoid In addition, guidance data fed into - (client location, 1517 Main St., Eaton- Colonial home located on a qulel In right, title and Interest as owner health center assistants and :;<6wn. Call evei. S or after, 741-B241. HALL BROS., Roaltori street In Fair Haven. Priced at J36,- for the year 1060 and all subie. secretarial staff Is assigned damage to the spacecraft. spacecraft computers from earth on this Available Dec. 1. 111 River Rd. 7<1.7S8S Fair Have 900. CAMASSA AGENCY, Realtor, MLS, 4 Packer Ave., LHtle Silver. uent yean to date ot Block 131, Lot to the Health Center, • which MISSED ITS MARK flight will be updated more frequently. For , BUJU>INO FOR LEASE — 70' x 100'. Member Multiple Listing Service lives, and SUB. 229-0903. S1 on the Tax Duplicate of the Bor- Large parking area. Two large over- Opsn 7 Days ough or New Shrewsbury, County of provided 22,000 visits to 2,100 Apollo 11 missed its mark almost four Apollo 11, descent to the moon was begun .J«ed doors. Zoned for an; Dullness. Monmouth and State of New Jersey, with tracking information almost four hours - days after No- Mlddletown, Keansburg, High- . . BED BANK— Office suite, approx- ond floor with two bedrooms, living fireplace, formal dining room and vember 24. 196S, exclusive of such lands and part of Hazlet their craft, Eagle, after assuming manual The Apollo 12 landing site is farther '.^Uniatels' "0 «4. ft. River view. Cs.ll room. eat-In kitchen and one bath; three bedroonu. Wide board floors. date. It you tall to do so, Judgment or the first floor with one-bedroom, Cannot be matched at 112,600. Call us by default may be rendered against Township last year. control and steering away from a rock- west than Tranquillity Base, which means dining room, living room, with lire, now, 671-3311. WA.LKBR ft WALKER, you for ths relief demanded in the filled crater. the spacecraft will be in contact with earth SHALL OFFICE OR STORE— In plica and nested porch. Walk t Realtors, Hwy. 35, Mlddletown. Send Complaint. You shall rile your An- The Bodman Health Center desirable Fair Haven Professional schools, shopping sad transportatloi for Illustrated catalog. (Open 7 days,> •wer and proof of service In dupli- After studying Apollo 11 data, engineers longer before entering the final, critical Building. Paneled decor. Excellent Asking only >2t,500. cat« with tilt clerk of the Superior given to MCOSS in memory •*«i*arklng. Rent $75 per month Includes RUMSON—This lovely two-bedroom Court, Stata House Annex, Trenton, of Mrs. George M. Bodman, said a combination of factors, when added moments of descent. Mission Control will hot and electricity. Call 741-TOM. STERLING THOMPSON retlrftment home brings the outside New Jersey, In accordance with the have time to send up the latest information Inslda with Its generous UIB o( glass. rule* ot Civil PraoUC* and Proce- philanthropic and civic lead- together, caused the down-range landing. And ABSOC, Realtor dure. OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE -Will 45 W. River Rd. ftumson (And the gardens are magnificent). Apollo 12's descent and landing procedures about Intrepid's exact position for Conrad • -•build to suit. Hwy 33, West Kenns- Reduced price f<9,900. Excellent con' This eotlon has been Instituted for er, In 1957, has been made * "bUrf. 7M-M20 Off 787-0833. - 747-0900 ditlon. ELLEN ». HAMILTON, Real- the purpose of foreclosing a tax sale larger by 1,400 square feet to have been modified to eliminate the factors. and Bean to punch into the guidance com- tor, 13 W. River Rd., Rurtuon. 142- certificate dated December 28,' 1051, The point where computers have been puter. __0WICE SPACE — Any size now BUY NOW - MOVE LATER 3200, made by Ruth B. Crawford, Collector - »vallat>le. 30 Linden Pi., Red Bank, of Taxes of the Borough or Nsw programmed to guide Conrad and Bean in As Intrepid nears the lunar surface, the -i.Poons 747-3630 or 7414321 eves. March or April occupancy. Shrewsbury, Oounty of Monmouth and Middletown. centrally air con- State ot New Jersey, to EMIL To Address IEEE Intrepid is 2:990 south latitude and 23.403 spacecraft computer will tell Conrad where --•TOM — Middle Rd. and Lturel ditioned three-bedroom bl-level. LOTS AND ACREAGE BTALDER, and covers real estate lo- ^'Ave. shopping center. Barbershop, Family room and den or 4th cated In Uift Borough of New Shrews- On Enclosures west longitude in the Ocean of Storms — to look for landmarks. When the lander '-'-tlorlst, professional. 264-1577. bedroom. Fire and burglar Alarm system. Bxterlor oom- LEONARDO — 125X110'. Improve! bury, County of Monmouth, and State where Surveyor 3 landed April 19, 1967. reaches an altitude of 500 feet, Conrad, while pletely painted 4 months ago. lota. High and dry. Four blocks fron of Nsw Jersey known as Block 131, FT. MONMOUTH - The Close to schools and Chapel Marina. 201-1118. Lot 15 AS shown on the Tax Assess- A point about 1,000 feet from Surveyor watching the lunar surface, can begin guid- HOUSES FOR RENT Hill Shopping Area. Excellent ment Map and Tax Duplicate Of the N.J. Coast Section, EMC 3 was the original target for Intrepid, but ing the spacecraft manually. condition. A terrific buy at SOUTHERN VERMONT — Lots, Borough of New Shrewsbury; and a Chapter, Institute of Electri- -..BED BANK — Downtown. Three bed. $34,<00. Call evenings 842-0818. acreage. Will custom build, Ski, golf, tax sale certificate dated December space officials announced last week the If he is satisfied with the job the com- - rooms, living room, dining* room, swim. Owner. B42-3&93. 28, 1981 made by Ruth B. Crawford. cal & Electronic Engineers, Kitchen, garage, walk to stores. A SPACIOUS HOME — With brlcl Collector of Taxes of the BorouKh of site had been changed to the Surveyor 3 puter is doing, he can allow the guidance cliurchef, schools. 922b per month. front for easy maintenance, gatnt LINCROFT — One acres lot. Heavily New Shrewsbury, county of Mon- •will meet tomorrow in Gitobs Security, references. 741-1123. room with fireplace, four bedroom! wooded. Near shopping an! schools. mouth and State of New Jersey, to location to give Conrad a better view of the system to land Intrepid automatically. 2ii Baths. On an acre of slush gree: No brokers. 229-5789. MIL STALDBR. and covers real es- Hall, Tinton Ave., Eatontown landing area during the final seconds of Because Intrepid will carry a little more RED BANK—Three-bedroom house. lawn. Newly listed at (47,000. tate located In Uie Borough of New at 11:30 a.m. - Living room, dining room, kitchen. Shrewsbury, County of Monmouth descent. fuel than Eagle and the horizontal descent (200 per month. Security, references STERLING THOMPSON HEAL ESTATE WANTED and Btate of New Jersey known as Guest speaker will be My- required, call after I p.m. 842-1773. And Assoc, Realtor Block 132, Lot 7 as shown on the Conrad hopes to park Intrepid in a velocity on this flight is slightly higher, 46 W. River Rd. Rumsoi Tax Assessment Map and Tax Dupli- ron Whittlin, product mana- WHY NOT CALL BOSiKONB WHC cate ot the Borough ot New shrews- smooth, level spot near the unmanned Conrad and Bean will have a few more sec- •WIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS - 747-0900 KNOWS? bury. ger, Fil-Shield Division, Fil- - jrurnlshed and unfurnished. Immedi- List your homo with Ray Van Horn spacecraft, which is squatting on the side onds to maneuver their craft than the crew ate occupancy. SAMUEL TEICHER Agency. Multiple Listings. 747-41M. You and each of you arc made tron Company, Inc., Flushing, • -AGENCY, Oceanport Ava., OcelnpoiL Defendants in this a^ove entitled ac- of a 600-foot wide crater. of Eagle had. 642-3500. CEDAR VALE - COLTS NECI tion because you have or may claim N.Y. Mr. Whittlin is a special- Colonial. Four bedrooms, 214 baths, COLTS NECK-HOLMDEL to have some right, title. Den or i.GUBST COTTAQB — Two bedroom, zoned heat prepared for air condition. We hav« ready qualified buyers, K othsr Interest affecting the real es- ist in the design and con- "•paneled. Landscaped, privacy. $200 lot, two-ear garage, fireplace, etc. for fast efficient service, call J. D, tate being foreclosed, by rlrtu« ot struction of shielded enclos- ' '''monthly. Near ocean and Monmouth On approximately % . acre., Call 462- ROCHE, Realtor, Rt. 34, Colts Meek. ownership, Inheritance, descent, in- "College. References required. After it 9011. ' 462-2741. Member Multiple Listing Ser- testacy, devise, dower, curtesy. mort- ures for military and commer- "779*4097. Beiore. 223-2030. gage or'lawfulrlght, conveyance, en- RBD BANK — RUMSON AND MILES vice, try of Judgment or other legal or cial applications. He received --; WO to $350 Per Month AROUND - uultipia Lutings, send for lawful right, the nature of which his bachelor of science degree Air, Artillery Strikes THE 8BRQ AGENCY free catalog of modest homes, farms, WE CAN MULTIPLE LIST and the reason that you and each of Jtt. 35 MlddleUmn palatial Rumscn estates, waterfronts, you are Joined as Defendants is get from New York University, acreage, lots, business opportunities. YOUR HOME forth with particularity In the com- e7i-iooo RAY STILLMAN, Realtor Call today and live detain and casl plaint a copy of which will be tur- and holds a reserved commis- • SKI CHALET — 214 bedrooms, two price. STEHUNO THOMPSON * AS- nlshed you on request addressed to ~-b«th»,. Lake Placid. N.Y.. ares. Ski "Our 51st Year" SOC. 747-5000. the attorney for the Plaintiff at the sion in the U.S. Army Signal Whltetacs, Paldace and Oore. Avalt- 841 Hwy. 35 Shrewsbury 741-8601 above-mentioned address, Corps. His topic will be "Se- - -able by week or month, 741-8930. LIST WITH CONFIDENCE Dated: October 30, 1089 Hit Cambodian Area HOLMDEL $30,500 MORTIMER O. NEWMAN, JR. cure Conference Rooms, Their •MONMOUTH BEACH - Furnished Exceptional three-bed room split level Our 1< professional salespeople ar Clerk of Uie Superior Court or unfurnished. Three bedrooms, llv- In mint condition, Fenced-.!, bach ready and able 10 maricst your prop- Nov. 3, 10, 17, 2t »10800 Purpose and Design." By GEORGE ESPER Bu Prang and Due Lap the North Vietnamese artil- Ini room, large kitchen. Hi baths, yam. Excellent neighborhood. Low, erty successfully. have been under pressure for lery that had been shelling Bu r>and garage on almost ^ acre lot. low taxes, ?530.73, CARL F. ZBL' Trads-Ins —• Exchanges SAIGON (AP) - The U.S. LKRS, Realtor, Main St., Holmde Member Multiple Listings Service! LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 'Call 222-MH. WALKER k WALKER, Realtors Command said today that air the past threecweeks from two Prang, HAZLET TOWNSHIP North Vietnamese infantry , The two pilots made an HIGHLANDB — Three large rooms, Shrewsbury S2M? V0I1CBEB DISBURSEMENTS and artillery strikes yester- -Ve*r round. Ideal location. Available 141-5212 Wl-331 •Bee; I. 435-6582. HOLMDEL $59,500 1969 day against North Viet- regiments and an artillery emergency landing at Bu Five-bedroom Colonial. Dining room, Voucher Prang and were reported un- BAST KEANSBURO — Avalltble Im. kitchen with dinette, den with fire WE BUY HOUSES No. Payee and Explanation •> Amount namese gun positions inside battalion. Three U.S. artillery , mediately. Furnished or unturnlshed. place, 2^i baths, and twe^car garage For cash. In any condition! 1457 Hazlet Township Payroll , , . 512.011.08 Cambodia were exercising bases near Bu Prang were hurt. ' ' * .1-1121) a month, including utilities. One on fully tree'd lot. Call today! CARI Call 291-0496 1468 Andy Mulacheck-Rec - .... 20.00 '.-ionth's sKurity. Call 787-7119^ F. ZELLER3, Realtor, Main 81,, Holm 1459 Welfare Dept. Food Stomp Acct 26000 "an inherent right of self-de- abandoned two weeks ago be-- More American bombers del. 9464443. WB BUY HOMES — For cash. Re 1460 J. Russell Woollcy — Legal Fee 800 gardleis of location or condition. Call 11.6O2.B1 fense against enemy at- cause of heavy fire from the were called In, and observa- 1 TRANSFERRED, OR JUST OUT- Francles Associates. 083-7*79. 1461 Hazlet Township — Payroll ..-,.-. I --,, WANTED TO RENT OROWINO YOUR HOME? — Call ot 1462 Peter Armstrong — Rec .... . ,. 85.84 tacks." -i • North Vietnamese guns inside tion pilots said two artil- 1461 Frank Agresta — Expenses .... 54,00 write for AppleBrook's monthly Homes LISTINGS OF BETTER HOMES — 13 95 Cambodia. lery pieces were destroyed, ROOM HOUm WANT- for Living mateilne. otters pictures, In Keansburg - Mliddletown • Hajlet - 1494 American Photocopy Co-Toner American fighter - bombers prices, descriptions. Absolutely no 146J Bayshore Sewerase Co. — Maintenance ... 1.138,30 ' — Small family. Reference!, Call Holmdel. Tho Smolko Agency. 787-0123 114,17 The American observation there were two secondary ex- 1-7I1J. cost, ro obligation. APPLBBROOK KM Bayanore Stationers — (applies streaked across the border AQENCX, Realtor!, B5O Hwy. 30, Mld- 1467 James Bailey — Rec -.—«...-.. 18.41 plane downed yesterday was plosions and the other guns •rr.WB «BED RENTALS - From tlOO dletown. 871-2300. IN A HURRY TO SELL? 1466 James Boehler — Rec .. 107. B9 near the Bu Prang Special -.ji UM, THE CURTIN AQENOY, Real. We buy homes Immediately for cash 14* Bocckh Division. The American App 120.90 Forces camp to attack 85mm reported hit by antiaircraft were silenced. FAIR HAVSN - Custom horns jusl No red tape, Call BILL KINNEAR. 1470 William F. Bourbeau jr.— Exuences ...... 70.00 fire about half a mile across No further action in the BE completed. Four bedrooms, 2^ baths, Broker, 67M0OO. 1471 Bro-Dart Inc. — BOOKS — 581.M and 105mm artillery and Tff'jfAMILT OF 3 ADULTS prefcra Falr- d(n with fireplace, large foyer. Ail 7,801,28 . n vUw section or Red .Bank. Either & 1472 H. Thomas Oair — Bnglneerlng 37mm antiaircraft guns. the border as it was directing Prang • Due Lap area was conditioning, 117,000 down. Morlgagi 1473 The Courier — Ordinance .. 174,(2 :u;4spar«ta home or a first floor un- available. Call 741.0516. BUYERS WAITING 4B1 American bombers attacking reported today. ^^furnlatied apartment with 2 bedrooms. 1*7* Clark Equipment — 1 Seal . The U.S. Command said the HIVER PLAZA — Half-acre of natural for homes. nUttea, f&rmi. water- 1475 consolidated Laundries — 184,00 .».;KHM Box K-133, The Dally Reiister, fronts, business tad induilrlal proper* . 3,210.00 •-Jte-4 Bank. _^ beauty. Two or three-bedroom ranch 1478 James Decker — License Fee — artillery had fired more than with flroplace, carpeting, detached lies. Off-street puking at Ifta offlct of 1*77 The Dally RegHter — Legal Adv. — 17.00 A'.'JWl, NEED — rite or lit. *3 bed- two-car garage. Many extras. 131,900. 1478 Domenick Davmo — Rec. 70,40 100 rounds at the camp, 110 "room Rental Homes, (urnlihed or un. Call B43-4B1B. 1479 Ern Realty Co. — Public Works 2S0.O0 TOrnlilMd from SS5 to S350 per month RAY H. STILLMAN 75,16 miles northeast of Saigon, CRANBURY L»KB - N.J. Enjoj REALTOR HBO O * W Lumber Co. — Supplies — • Cor Incoming personnel. THE EERQ 1411 Void - . "* Void while the antiaircraft guns Marlboro Council AfilNCY Rl^, Mlddletown. «7MO00. that vacation horns you've alwaye "Our 61st Year" 53.50 Member Multiple Listing 1482 Raymond Oreterson — Rec. — - - wanted. Four-room completely fur 1413 ' 0«MM Hay — flee ..... 122,14 had forced down, a small "WO-BEDROOM HOME — Vlclnltv nlshed cottage with soreened porch, (48 Hwy 35 Shrewsbury 741-ltOO . \ 48.33 Kaansburg or But Keansnurg. Call For additional Information call T47- H«l Hatry Ll«uot Store — Hsc, •••- American observation plane. - W7-8116 before 3 p.m. 1485 Rlcnard 8. minis — Civil Del...... 20.5B 1081. LEGAL NOTICE 14M Haiiet-Holmdei Youth Athletic League 2M.00 Guns Destroyed COLTS NECK - Brick, three-bed' 146T Hallet Township — Payroll — . «,M4.2B Approves Easement room ranch located on completely en. U89 C. J. Hesse — Coiutr. Bethany Rd. . 9,326.80 ..... FURNISHED ROOMS 6.00 The command said the raid- closed landscaped acre lot. Two fire, NOTICE TO BIDDERS lilt Hyman Camhl — Civil Det. — -.-. •J ,-miUJIBHBD ROOM— For rlfined plaofti, finished basement Hot watei H90 Jaja Sporting Goods — Rec. .. - D2,O0 ers destroyed two North Viet- MARLBORO — Despite the processing system. nntleman. Ona block off Hwy 35, hut. Paneled family room. Jl'loO1 Separate sealed bins will be re 1401 Jersey Central Power & Ught —. .... 719,61 _._S»ar Mill House Restaurant, Middle- bulldln; on property. Asking iiS.ood celved by the Hazlet Township Board 1*92 New Jersey Natural Gas - —.. 57.M namese guns and silenced snouting and disruptions at . In other business, counci; -"town. 741-M52. Call 462-7S31. of Education at the office of the Sec- 1403 Koch Florist — Service 2S.7B the others. retary, 1710A Union Avenue, at Mid- 1M.M Thursday night's meeting, released U.S. Homes and De- ATLANTIC IIIOHLANDS — FIV«'bei. 1(91 Kernoo Equipment — Public Works •"" ALPINE MANOR HOTEL dle Road, Hsilet, N. J. until 2 p.m 1*95 J. H. Kelly — Road Dept 71.M During the night, about 20 Township Counoil managed to velopment Corp. from a per- hurne. Formal dining room, on Novamber SB, 1060 for furnlshins 1*98 Joseph King — Rec —.• • ,M,74 .,J3OTBL AND MOTEL ROOMS - Sp«- _..; water heat, City water and sew Transportation of sludent by taxi 1*97 Herbert J. Kupfer — -Expenses , .68.00 B52 bombers dropped some work on some of its regular formance bond covering sec- r ->^lfcl *ff season rated. Hotel rooms ers. S24,OOO. Oil 2S1.3434 or 201-1808. Erection of chain link fencing and 300.00 '" with tnald nrvlce, 120 per week. gates. HOB L * R Floor Waxing — service 600 tons of bombs on other business. tion 8 of Whittier Oaks West. Votel rooms, (39 per week and up. NEW SHREWSBURY — Bsautmil 1*39 John Lane — Rec - ...... 93.00 : Special late II paid by month. 1 ranch home on % acre. Consists o[ Bids will be opened by Uie Secre- 1500 Richard Lautenbach — Rec . • 31.50 North Vietnamese targets less Council passed a resolution After (he meeting, several 'Portland Rd., Highlands. 87M173. living room, dining room, three bed tary of the Board who will publicly 1501 Hugh Long — Expenses 60.00 approving an easement agree- residents of the section in- rooms, Jalousled porch, lft baUin announce the bid total. 1502 William Luther — Rec ». . ~—, 28.30 than two miles Inside South TLARQH ROOM — With shower. Fint kitchen, breetewav and two-car at- The conditions, terms and »peclfl- 1503 Lurline Waring — Civil DeT ——.- 0.65 Vietnam between Bu Prang ment with The Central Rail- volved complained to council •" tioti. Prlvata entrance. Call 741-1011. tached garage. Huge 50' recreation cations for Uie above may be ob- 2005 Manio Contracting Co, ~- Servloe. „... . 49.4M.81 •""M p.m., 4-8 p.m. 948-8441. room with 3&r, slate roof, awnings, 2009 Matty's Auto Parts — Service — ,..., 34.40 and Due Lap, another Special road of New Jersey for $2,500. members that all of the im- aluminum storms and screens, tained from the Secretary of the 60.00 liAnoB FURNISHED ROOM -• Neit Board of Education at the address 2007 Herman Meyer — Pigeon Control _ The easement is necessary provements specified in the wall-to-wall carpeting. Beautlfull W0S Monmouth County Planning Board 36.00 Forces camp 25 miles to the to bath^ Tull house privileges. Gentle- shrubbed snd landlcaped. Automatl shown below, , 17.3B man, convenient location In residential 2000 Metuchen Center Inc. — Rec...... north. for the completion of the bond had not been attended sprinklers. $48,500. Call 542.1073. The Board ot Education reserves 2010 Joseph Morales — Expenses BB.00 motion. 741-8380. the right to reject any or all bids 20,00 Orchard Parkway-John St. to. Council informally agreed LEONARDO — Two houses. Immedi- 2011 Monmouth County Court Clerks - — 20.00 U.S. headquarters issued a FURNISHED ROOM — In private and to waive any immaterial infor- 2012 Municipal Receivers, Tax Collector - , ate occupancy of five-bedroom home. malities. 40.00 drainage project. to reinvestigate the require- Mms (or woman alone, Convenient Seven rooms total. Yes, large kltohen. 2013 Ruth Murphy — Bcrvlce - - -. 33.10 two-paragraph explanation of Sod Bank location. Call 7*I-t3»7 for Os« hot water hedt. Income from ROBERT O. HAVENS, Secretary 2014 o. John Recil — Expenses — The grace period for pay- ments of the $136,000 bond. appointment. Hartet Twp. Board of Education 123.00 the attack inside Cambodia. five-room house on same property. 2016 Frank orabona — Rec - 21.15 ment of added assessment Since council's next regu (Ktiffi ROOMS — Clean, comfort- Asking ?25,OO0. 291-1389. P O. Box 257, 2018 Oxford Chemicals — Public Works —. 10.00 It said: able. Reasonable. Gentleman pre- 1710 Union Ava. at Middle Rd., 201T Harry R. Pesusx Jr. — Welding 1)0.00 tax bills was extended due larly scheduled meeting falls OAK HILL — Gracious living In n Hazlet, N. J. '. tared. B2 Wallace St., 741-5302. Colonial stylo. Family kltohen with JOis Ronald Petrooco — Civil Defense _.._•„...- 66.71 "The U.S. Command has Nov. II I8.T6 M10 R * S Auto Stores — Rec 1(7.61 to the delay in sending the on Thanksgiving day, the : i RED BANK — Two lurnlihed rooms, tirlok flroplace, Wall-to-wall carpe throughout. Three bedrooms, tw SOW C. H. RoHernon Inc. — Public Works . 1.0HS.20 previously stated that if fired bills. The delay was caused meeting was rescheduled for • • Near butel, trains. Private homi. 3121 Herbert H. SmlUl Assoc. — Services ... 8B.50 74I-010J anytime, 747-OO13 after 5. baths. Attached garage. Ranch house upon from enemy positions on nearly one tcrt of woodland. Ask- I.KUA1, NOTICE 1121 Robert J. Smith — Expenses -. M.00 by the transfer of the tax Monday, Nov. 24, at 8 p.m. In :i niCD. BANK—Furnished room with tic $88,200. Favorable mortgage. C.J. 2023 Henrietta Bmlth — Service,.... 422.70 outside South Vietnam, U.S. records to an electronic data the Central School. - • own private kitchen, Nice lection of ilEATH RBAL ESTATE, 741-7331, Healed Proposals will be received by 5054 SwariMl's Farm * Garden — Rec - 80 O0 ;! town, close to shopping and transpor- Uie Ilolmdel Township Board of Edu- 2o25 Leo Waivers ~ Expenses -. 80.00 forces are authorized to re- ;• tallon. Call after J p.m. for appoint. COLTS NECK - Won iullt three-Bed, cation until 3:00 p.m. (prevailing time) 20!» James Weldon M.D. — OIWl Defense 10.00 turn fire. 'This is an Inherent "! ment. 842.1093. room ranch home with many gram on, FrUay, December «, 1980 at the 2027 H. E. A. Welding, Harry Pescux ..... 0H.2R features. Five fertile aoros, two stall llolmdel Township Board of Education 2028 Winifred Cnllen — Public Works - right of self-defense against horse barn. Call (or appointment to Administration Building, Hlllcrest 2029 Whllmyor Bros, — Public Works . , 1R5.00 ,ee this beauty. HAROLD IXM» Road, RD llolmdel. New Jersey 01793. 2030 W and W. Laboratories — Analysis " 20.00 enemy attacks. Isaac Stern to Open = COMMERCIAL RENTALS MANN, Broker. Katontown. 54M1O3 for supplying the 1970-1071 School Year J031 J. Woltklnd — Rec - 16.25 MIDDLETOWN (Village) — Oldei requirements for: 2032 Usher Publishing — Court 4.85 "With respect to recent op- home, 8 room., Hi b»th«, S icll 1 - GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 2033 Richard Halnce — Civil nofense 7.21 erations conducted in the Bu Assume FHA 514% Mortgage. 2fl!-ltrc 3 - AM SUPPLIES 2034 Ed C. Broeje — County Trensurer . 8,327.R4 IDEAL LOCATION 3 - CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 2035 Ka O. nroene — Oountv Treasurer _ . 101.200.85 Prang area, some of the ene- ARE YOU BUYING OR BULLING 100,000.00 Symphony Hall Series 2O3fl Board of Education -. RED SANK YOUR FIHST H0MB7 - Confused Specifications and Bid Forms may my artillery positions firing about mortgages, multiple H'tinis be secured from the Office or the 20,17 Board of Education . 100,000.00 ind tsxes? Consult E.A. ABM- Board Secretary at the above address 20J8 Prank Auresta — Expenses INI. 00 at Bu Prang were located NEWARK - Violinist Isaac the opportunity to attend pro- Modern Office Suite BTRONO AGENCY, Realtors, 741-4W0 botween the hours of 0:00 a.m. and 2030 Margaret Smith — Expenses l.'ioiin Stern will open the 1989-70 4:00 p.m. dally except. Saturday and 20(0 Baynhoie stationers — tunplici 3.05 across the border in Cambo- grams, 914 so. It. Sunday, 2011 M. S. Brennan — Service 08.4(1 dia. Allied forces operating In conceit series at Symphony, "The series has shown an 2012 Collln» Brothers Inc. — Public Works 5111.90 CALL 741-7044 HOUSES FOR SALE The Board of Education reserves 20*3 Anthony DeMalo — Expenses : 1511.11(1 the area have returned fire Hall with a program Sunday, increase in subscriptions this the right to reject and/or accept any 2014 Qetty Oil Company — Police Dept -,. 020.31 -Nov. 30, at 3 p.m. hit! In whole or In part, to waive Im 8015 ootty oil Company — Public Works . " 2;H.ilO with artillery and tactical air year which is due, we believe, THE FINEST mo.terla.1 Informalities to award con- 2016 Globe Petroleum — Service 50.00 strikes." The series, presented by to the selection of a day when Designed for pr«stlje ond country llv- tracts at Its discretion, as well n 2017 Jack Qrcgemon — public Works 112.011 [lie tight to reject any or all bid*, 2016 Knapp Radio Co. — Publlo Works 57.2S Fall to Comment Symphony Hall in associa- families can attend with their inp. Library* fomlly room, lovern If deemed In Hit best Interest 6f the 60.00 llrMloceii I've klng-lll* bedroomi. 20tB Kemco Equipment — Public Work* children," Scptcc said. Board to do so. 2050 Matuto Contracting — Public Works .— 100.00 U.S. officials did not say tion with Moe Septee,,. will Exquisite onpolnlminU In thll Cu<- Oinr 0. VANDBR VLIBT, Heorelsry 2061 Mat-Key Prels — Public Works 41.1)0 whether Prince Norodom Si- offer a schedule of nine art- Following Stern, the series tom-bullt homt. Good Wr commullnp Holmdel •fewnshtft Beard of Blduottion 2052 Lane's Inc. of Red Bank — Public Works 41,1111 or porkwny. Mortoiiai t«rmi ovoll- Illllorent Itoad 2053 New Jersey Natural aaj 14.10 hanouk, the Cambodian chief, ists and groups concluding will present the young Soviet oblr Bn|oy Chrlilmos In your NEW 2054' Perth Amboy Tire — Pubilo Worns 214.02 home. 159,300. RD llolmdel, Nsw Jersey 07733 of state, had given permission with a performance by the pianist Alexander Slobod- NOT. i: , |«.7O 205B Rarltan High School Booster Club 2056 William O. Reya — Public Works 12.00 to bomb within his frontiers. American Ballet Theatre in yanik on Sunday, Dec. 14; BREATHTAKING 20M Blale of N. J. — Bureau ol stale Use Industries . 2(15.50 IS THE WORD 2(M8 Robert SmiUi — Expense 150.00 Sihanouk has often charged April. violinist David Olstrakh on 20M! Edward Bavaie -- Expenses 18(>.(>0 Sunday, Jan. 18; the Moscow picture your new horns custom-built HOUSES FOIt SALE 20S0 Walling Bros. Block — Public Works 3.10 U.S. and South Vietnamese An innovation will be the tin thll gorgeous lofctlront propirty. 2081 Amlel Klmmer.i Jr. — Public Worlti , fill.01) forces with attacking Cambo- Sunday afternoon perform- Philharmonic on Sunday, MognlllMni Irw ... 0 view ... 0 J082 N. J. Bsll Telephone — Shrewsbury 7BI.2I Jan. 25; pianist Van alburn lovely selling, pish ond bool ot your FOR REAL S1RVICE dian villages along the bor- ance dales fur six of the nine doorstep. Other loti ovollobls with Total Current Fund 482,027.5J der, but he has acknowledged concerts. Septee, who has on Sunday, Feb. 8; soprano loka rights, 111,00) to 140,000. Coll - IN REAL ISTATIBI we'll show youl welfare ao #141(1-1421 , that large numbers of North produced concerts for the toonlync Price on Wednes- Coniulr a Dog Trust Acct. #207-209 Vietnamese and Viet Cong last decade at Symphony day, March 25; pianist Sviato- STERLING THOMPSON Membfr of Ciplts.) Improvement #735 And *ll«., Realtor Swimming Pool ao .. ... troops are operating Inside Hajl, said the choice of Sun- slav Rlchter on Saturday, a W. River Rd. RumMO R«d Bank Art* Kscrww ft 1011 -108 his country, and he can't do days was made to give more April 11, and U19 Amcrlvnn M 10M hli mini Ulca 747-0900 Ml* 4B/,1J!'8 r«] any .tang about them. families 'and young persons Ballet .Theatre on April ID- with Dilly R»9l«»»r wn\ •<"" November 17 $60.00 THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK-MIDDLETOWN, N. J.t MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1969 cottonwool - i • 4 Wing: Ut. 5 Study 29J5weU Peannts Puzde BWardOtt 30 Snare 7Torture 31 Pierced el By Joseph IaFattd device of old toro'sway 33 Feel mgBEEGJSTER ACROSS author 8 Mrs. How- 371943 song ard Duff 36 Certain 1 Galileo's musicians birthplace hit 9 Individual 38 "— Dreamer 10 Cay and 37 First-rate 5 "City of 39 Symbol oi Lights" (aren't we holm all)" 11 Theatrical control 10 Hankering 40 Wrest 14 Graven 39 Scope motto 40 Bestir 12 Chesterfield 42 Recoiled image 43 Certain 15 Circument 41 FoolL* talk or raglan 43 Became 13 Roll call china pieces 16 Lisi's 45 Succinct "scarpa" high-strung answer 17 Soviet river 44 Reproach 21 "Budden- 46 Narrow li DO YOU REALIZE THEN HOW COME 18 Summariza- 45 Principle brooks" opening IT TAKES ONIV IT TAKES THREE OAVS tion 46 Parts of author 47 The O'Hara A FRACTION OF A SECOND TO SET OUR PICTUOES plantation FOR THAT PICTUPE FROM THE ORUS- 19 Cordelia's ships 23 Completed TO SET HERE? 6TORE? Children's Letters to God pappy 48 Part of a 25 Contended 48 Merry £ 20 Fall behind rosary with 50 — jacket 21 Darkness 49 Understand 26 Twist about 51 Docile 22 "— Fideles" 52 Dalai or 27 The 54 Gold: Sp. 24 Seaman's Teshu bobwhite 55 David's chief call to step 53 Wastelands 28 Texas officer 26 Betrothal 55 Whit 27 Pooch 56 Algerian Answer to Yesterday's Puzde 29 Farewell city appearance 57 Worn away avail 32 Of bygone 58 Chamber days 59 Armored 33 Grofe's vehicle "Grand 60 Set of nine Mary Worth Canyon —" musicians 34 Seek a pi Patron saint MEANWHRE, IN WE LOCAL HIGH 4CHOOL-- YE5,1 APPRECIATED lady's of Brittany HAVING VOU-BUT favors DOWN Mtttt BARBIE AND I BACK GOTO THE SOUTHWEST 35 "Shane" 1 Tiresome WKTCHItt CAN MANAGE reR HER PURSE! CORNER OF THE person RlflHT NOW 15 MORE UK.E •A5 WE DID .i iURt HOPE. 5HE. star TO LEAVE, MR. MANUAL TRAININ 2 Thought TURN A RELIEF THAN PAIN!-I BEFORE!^ 36 "Games anna DOHDO AT WOOD! ROOM! ^ DISTANT 6UE« ITS A5IGNTHAT * People 3 Vaudeville rUBEd HI3EBB CORNER- fM GROWING OLD! Play" bill feature rrn FTBpT U1J3IU "ff" I i i1 ^Hlu 22 |» 1 I |B^ 1 Hri FM -LJJ

Andy Capp © King FcUnre* Syndiertt, Int., 1969. I UOVEfOUTOO. w\ -U».m :-«nu»1i LOVE MESELFGOLATEW-NONE SER, AN THAT'S KIO -WHAT'S THAT "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean OFMBC10TMKFITWE.I BANK ACCOUNT LIKE THE AtAlN THING ;; Upn 11 U^'HI CAN'T BE MUCH Sunday, November 16 rH 1 lBFl 11 bn Mil OF AM PRESENT-FOR YOU AND YOURS . . . Outlook RT] T pn 1 ATTRACTION good for the most part, particularly In creative 1 III** 1 1 1 1 1 1 areas. A novel twist, a new approach, could spark •••« interest in a dormant project. Day may, however, -U- LJE get off to a slow start with delays, frustrations, obstacles—but good results denoted by the end of •""•••gi" the day. Pf156 1 P The Day Under Your Sign ISTT I ARIES (Born March 21 to LIBRA (Sept. 2J to Oct. 23) April 19)—Be loyal, sincere. Take extra care of personal Keep no secrets from fam- possessions. Possibility of ily members since they are theft accented. Involved In. outcome. SCORPIO

Hi and Lois /I WISH THE MORNINGS ._ S vou KNOW ( 4RE HOME YOU UOOLDM'T /fg?r3)i f HOW QUICKLY V GO AROUND UNSHAVEN 7M -J I THE CHILDREN y£ i,D{ I PICK UP OUR „ . vomv MVv^i \ BAD HABITS ftONNA 96 FIMMM J NOR/MNT / XU BBIVftWHOtt S VASHW6. MtAMMSUR AC*NOV. 4 mvmmiLJ o ) S ii -fflE DAH.Y BKKTCR, RED BAKK-MTODLETOWN. N. J.s MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, TV COMMENT ion Today Original Drama Due This Week I WCBS-TV IWNIW-TV QWOR-TV ©WNDT-TV , By CYNTHIA LOWRY Fame" or an "On Stage" three intensive weeks of re- dy about a failing writer who ' WNBCTV IB WPIX-TY S Indicates Color NEW YORK (AP) - Last production was set in the net- hearsal and shooting. Then turns out a dirty best-seller week il was an entire eve- work schedule like a rare that's it. H's not at all like under a nom de plume with, JAYTIME MOVIES O ON BEING BLACK 8 ning of variety and comedy jewel. They are the prized doing motion pictures in lit-, hopefully, hilarious results in rS?k*£!!lLTo KJ5P From Oyl"*-" Top comedians specials. This week NBC will and prestigious dramatic se- tie pieces." his private life. George C. 9:00 O "Carounl" Dick Gngoty, "Moms" Mabley, stu OUUam-take ries of NBC, never before put a humorous, sometimes aaUrlcal, jooJt at tbe Black offer two' original dramas "Mirror, Mirror, Off the Scott and Maureen Stapletcn J0:00 O "TJw FW$ |n» : America each knows so well. back to back on Friday together in one economy- Wall" is a David Shaw come- star in this one. 11:30 O "SBeend Chine*" •tl5 O THE NEW PEOPLE & night. sized package. Even more un- All Way on Launch 12:00 0"Comr.d. X" usual, both productions are l »no. when missing part of the 'The Fantasliks' out, as usual, in their cover- h" cMming *• "yterioui assailant George Schaefer, who pro- O "At War With Th. Army" tajSredh network's At Howell High age of Friday's Apollo 12 8:30 6 HERE'S LUCY © new sched- duced and directed many of EVENING the old "Hall of Fame" launching, starting hours be- MUton Berle plays a fast-talking used car sUes- uling gam- HOWELL TOWNSHIP - mick which shows, produced and directed fore blast-off and staying with 4:00 BO NEWS 8 • The musical "The Fantas- it calls "The File on Devlin." II stars tiks" will be presented by the it afterward. 0 LOST IN SPACE 9 ID FELONY SQUAD © "Multi- Spe- Dame Judith Anderson and Howell High School Dramatic Since the public has "Kidnapped in Space" 1 care for his cial Nights." David McCallum. Arts Club the evenings of watched so many previous O EYEWITNESS NEWS-4:00 REPORT S A 90-minute A Spy Take-Out Nov. 20,-21»and 22. launchings and so much of ©CATCH 13 8 "Hallof B GILLIGAN'S ISLAND S "We tried to do a take-out The play will be directed by the coverage consists of sim- When Gilligan's hair suddenly turns white, tilt Pro- 9:00 B MAYBERRY R.F.D. 8 Fame" sus- LOWRY on the spy melodrama, and ulations, animations, „ inter- fessor can only surmise that he has contracted t Sam hires a colorful farm hand who quickly be- faculty adviser Miss Patricia raw tropical disease that accelerates thi ratti ot comes little Mike's Idol. pense tale, "The File on Dev- we're playing it in the spirit views and only an occasional lin," will be followed by an of camp," Schaefer said. "I McCorklc. glimpse af the departing aging. O NBC MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES & "Mtdlgan" starring Richard Wldmark, Henry hour-long "On Stage" produc- like actors and I like televi- Miss Judy Marz is the de- astronauts and the rocket on ID BATMAN 8 tion of "Mirror, Mirror, Off sion and I think it Is easier signer of costumes and sets. its pad, it does seem that the « Side 7:15; f.a. Allee'I ncsUurant T:00: 10:30; At- "BUONA SERA, MAYFAIR- Mr tht FM 9:00. Est. 1925 MRS. CAMPBELL" Allce'a ReiUurant 2:00; 7:30; 9:30. KEYP0RT PARAMOUNT- STRAND ART- alto K«nny Hill 7:30; fM. Till Bent Hou» In Lotiion 7:111; Jaton ROIARDS ST. JAMES- 10:25; (HioaU. lullin SITU 5:60. f> tert LAHR In on Tuesdays & Wednesdays funny Girl 8:30, EAST BRUNSWICK "THE NIGHT THEY PAT QUINN JAMES BRODERICK NEPTUNE CITY TURNPIKE- Iroum's suni^ ARLD GUTHRIE • , RAIDED MINSKY'S" NEPTUNE CITY- OUTDOOR — T>t S>de ^M•, 10:3S; COLOR by Deluxe Un.trt Arhitt... ™ Flral Tlmt T.It; Lut lum- Thrto in Uia Attic 9:00. Both In color Ratid M mftr 9:20. INDOOR — De Bade 7:»: 11:95; Call 741-7500 BRICK TOWN •K In tht Attic 8:30. BRICK PLAZA- 7:30; PERTH AMBOY Buon« Bern Mrs. Campbell AMBOYS DRIVEIN- A EATONTOWN FOR Tht NUht The» R«Meil Mlni Curtoon 7:00; Do sade 7:06; 11:13; 9:30. MALL CINEMA- Million Balangas S:2S. Montnouth OMMUNITY ADULTS the Little Joe poiil T:20; II H'« Tuc«d»», MENLO PARK Arts 542-4201 Must B« Belgium fi:lS. CINEMA- ONLY RIBEYE OINNERi TOMS RIVER Allcs'i n#staurtnt 3:00; 4:00; 8:00; Foundation BAKED POTATO.BALAO, COMMUNITY- ft-M: 10:00. TEXASTOMT Alica'i IteiUurant VA6; 0:10. Presentation beyond the age of innocence.. into the MONMOUTH COLLEGE A delightful, informal series of age of awareness Sorry, Boss. STUDEKT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION Prcsciif* We think every family should hav* atttik place. THE HOMECOMING CONCERT CHAMBER MUSIC ttcHnicobi/a p Featuring the 1969-1970 « Valenti and Hillyer • Michael Lorimer SIRLOIN PIT. CHAMBERS BROTHERS From the country HWr. 35, MIDDLETOWN guitarist 'that gave you, 11:30 A.M. re I P.M. With Guest Star harpsichord-viola duo ARAMOUHT 747-OOU • Severino Gazzeloni • '.•••*-••:• "tiwto "I A WOMAN," JILL WILLINGER • Berkshire Quartet flutist "INGA" and EXCLUSIVE Solurday, November 22nd, 8:30 P.M. All CONCIRTS HELD IN-THI-ROUND AT AREA FIRST fMSIYTERIAN CHURCH, RUMSON. In the Gymnasium ENGAGEMENT

, TICKETS: $3, $4, $5 SUBSCRIBE NOW! '15.00 NO ONE OR t*h In Tht Student UniM mi at Ike Deer UNDER (STUDENTS S7>. FOR FULL DETAILS PHONE: ' IB Fer IMbtmotlon Call: 122-tiO9, ««».«» MRS. RICHARD WEXELBLAT, 842-407B. ADMITTED f " • ' '

-THTHE DAILY REGISTEBREGISTER,, BED BANK'BAIWC.. MTODLETOWN, M1DDLET0WN• ,W K. J. « MONDAY, WUVfcMBKitmmWTm^mjZimH J7, 19W " "V, : p Airplane Noise limits Are Set for December sidered the noisiest part of RRJ* HAIlCIAMn h*v«> » niskA raitmi* on talro- nlnnos Mir* >I W7B and tmic» ormiml altwvHc tho Jnnrih rn rmoJinif ho n "hflrtor nftiRP npirflhor dose tOo the new FAA rere-- SI er « By VERN HAUGLAND have a noise output on take- planes such as 747s and noise around airports, the and is one-fourth to one-half be a "better noise neighbor a flight - than the oMer 707, • WASHINGTON (AP) - The off and landing of 110 to 120 DClOs. FAA said. times quieter than the sounds in airport communities." quirement as we now under- stand it," Boeing said. even though it will be more nation's first UmUs on jet EPNDB —effective perceived Since noise generation The FAA noted the 1024o- produced by a typical rock "Because of these exten- than twice as heavy as the , SirpJane noise go into effect sive nacelle and engine im- The company said it ex- noise decibels. Depending on doubles with each additional 108-EPNDB range is equiva- and roll tend." 707, and its engines will be Dec. 1, but it probably will size and type of plane, 93 and provements, preliminary esti- pected the 747 to be 8 to 10 10 EPNDB, the new regula- lent to "noise experienced Boeing headquarters in almost two and a half times •be many months before Hie 108 EPNDB, will be the maxi- tion eventually will reduce by Seattle said the 747 was de- mates indicate that the 747 EPNDB quieter during land- by the operator of a four- as powerful. public notices any less whine mum permitted /or new one half the current level of cycle engine power mower, signed from the beginning to will have noise levels very ing approach — often con- in the sky. Initially, the limits are •aimed at the four-engine Boeing 747, first of the jumbo Jets, a 360-passenger flying .hotel lobby scheduled to en- ter airline service late in February. The Federal Aviation Ad- ministration said the new rules will not be applied strictly at the start because the 147 engines will come close to, but will not actually meet the standards. In addition to the 747, the standards, announced by the FAA Nov. 12, will apply to the three-engine Lockheed 11011 and Douglas DC10 air-bus giants, scheduled for deliv- ery to the airlines late in 1971 or in 1972, New Restrictions FMiMM Twin Freth Produce v.-S Some time after next June 30, however, the FAA will come up with noise-restric- Golden Ripe tion proposals for Jets now in operation, such as the Douglas DC8 and the Boeing CHIQUITA BANANAS 707. With a six-month allow- 1 ance for ttie filing of com- ments, the amended rules STEAK** *! could hardly go into effect before 1971. Oscar Bakke, FAA asso- ciate administrator for plans, estimated that engine acousti- ' Sweet cal modifications for the DC8 would cost about $665,000 per ANJOU PEARS plane, and the 707 about $1.2 million each. Bakke said these planes WHITE ONIONS JtaljcH, AA CHESTNUTS Narcotics Crisp Red Jonathan APPLES 4 Battle Flares Ocean Spray Whole In Highlands CRANBERRIES ' HIGHLANDS - "This may sound severe, but I am great- ly concerned about the use * of narcotics In Highlands. . . ' Those found guilty here can' expect no leniency unless the arresting officer recommends it," Municipal Court Judge Seymour R. Kleinberg, an- nounced. r There was no recommenda- X lion for leniency from Pa- You Save More! Foodtown Regular : frolman Robert Beatty, nar- Del Monte- cotics officer, in the case of Charles Andrews of 78 Val- ley Ave., who pleaded guilty CRANBERRY DIAMOND ALUMINUM SWEET to failure to register as a narcotics user. Judge Kleinberg imposed a SAUCE WALNUTS FOIL PEAS 60-day Jail sentence, unim- pressed by the youth's pro- tests that he didn't know the law required him to register after his conviction here this summer of possession of a hypodermic needle. BUUUIIJLUIJI Scoff Aluminum Fo3 •< The judge added that the SWEET CIDER M53V narcotics situation in this bor- REYNOLDS WRAP ough is the worst he has seen 2 lor in the half dozen municipal- DEL MONTE PEACHES £T29 ;i Pridt ol tbt Farm Hatvii Frttitont or Sliced or ities he serves as Judge, PtanUr»Ca»htw»orMUtdNirti FOODTOWN PEACHES Tomato ' CRANBERRY SAUCE $£?•• 1. City Youth CAMPBELL'S SOUP 10«r1 FANCY YAMS Fined $55 FOoilOWN COFFEE \ 59' P|E CRUST PRESTONE R a Foodtown On Driving «-»I UBBVPHMPHN «19*| " ~- ANN-FREEZE Ubby Dippy Canon, Softy $urf«n, or Cam Skit LONG BRANCH - Rich- # c BURRYSNACKS ard H. Nims of 335 Ocean PUMPKIN PIE MIX i?39 Ave. was fined $55 in Munici- pal Court by Judge Stanley Cohen for driving while im- FoodlownPuie Hondo paired Aug. 17. CoW Medal Shortening Mr. Nims was originally ORANGE FLOUR charged by police with drunk- S*VI18< SCO en driving, but the charge JUICE Me was lessened to impaired af- Unit ont ptr adult family ter testimony by Patrolman Anthony Gervolino. The pa- trolman also testified that Mr. Nims refused to take a drunkometer test. Attorney Stanley Katz rep- resented the defendant. MAXWEUHOUH Judge Cohen also fined Er- INITANT COFFU nesto Colon of 144 Westwood Shampoo SAVI24* wnHi»scoup


Prktt tfltcthn through Saturday, Novtmbw 22. Not mpamibto for typographioil •iron. W*i

W0 Eit. 1925 Mladltiown, N. J. TORI Rlnr. H. J. NcptUM, N. J. Jockson, N. J. Rt. 35 1 Ml. Hill Roid Fillitr Blvd. Routi 33 7 Brook Plaia FmkoW, H, J.: {•fllittewi, N. 1. Watowot. N, J. x W«it lad, Long BTPnck, N. J. Port Monmntk, N. J. Park Avt. * Hwy. II IrouM's 12ft Main J». ' Wait End Court i Mtrktt Plata Hwy. 3* I Briy Avt. 42 Main St. Tami Rlvtr, N. J. Wo Irigkt, N. J. taut* 37 . 11 tO Ocata Avt. ta Ntwmaa Springi Road 10 tank Strati