“Delivering news and information. At home and around the world.” • “Transmettre des nouvelles et de l’information, d’ici et d’ailleurs.” Volume 52 • Issue 31 • August 4, 2017 Sandra Hussey sales representative

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S e r v i n g 8 W i n g / C F B T r e n t o n • 8 e E s c a d re / B F C T r e n t o n • h t t p : // t h e c o n t a c t n e w s p a p e r . c f b t r e n t o n . c o m INSIDE ExIt’s #1 salEs rEprEsEntatIvE PROFILE OF IRP DND Approved COURAGE 15 RCAF'S 93RD ANNIVERSARY CANADA'S 150TH ANNIVERSARY CFB Trenton gets a sneak peek of new aircraft By Makala Chapman

During a world tour meant to showcase Story on page 4 the C-295 airplanes, the Brazilian Air Force OPERATION LENTUS AND (BAF) made a special stop at CFB Trenton. THE B.C FIRES Military personnel at 8 got the chance to get up close and personal with the new aircrafts set to replace the currently aged transport and rescue aircraft. The BAF also made stops at Royal Cana- dian Air Force bases (RCAF), 19 Wing Co- mox, British Columbia and 17 Wing Winni- peg, Manitoba. Photos submitted It was just last De- (Left to right) QW Mayor Jim Harrison, MP Neil Ellis, Wing Commander Mark Story on page 6 cember that Defence Goulden and Lt.-Col. Leighton James with 424 Sqn, each show off a model of the C-295 which Minister Harjit Sajaan will be coming to 8 Wing in the near future BRAZILIAN AIR FORCE unveiled the govern- ment’s plans to pur- STORY CONTINUED chase 16 C-295W, cue missions and more. tired,” he said, “but it did a great the arrival of the C-295W and which are scheduled The contract for the aircrafts was service for us for many, many that the feeling was comparable to arrive in 2019. awarded to European aerospace years in the worst of conditions to getting a new car. The new machinery giant, Airbus Defence and Space, for generations.” He further explained that mem- is set to replace the for a total of $2.4 billion. As for the C-295W, which will bers of 424 Squadron are de- RCAF’s six CC-115 Although the price tag could go come in bright yellow, Col. Goul- ployed on various search and Buffalos, as well as the up to as much as $4.7 billion if den said it would be a “game rescue missions, such as locating legacy CC-130H Hercu- Canada decides to purchase an changer” for the RCAF. vessels and people, and that the les, which rst entered extra 15 years of maintenance “It will (provide) that essential right tools to do the job was criti- service in Canada in and support service for the state- search and rescue service to Ca- cal. the 1960s. of-the-art  eet. nadians that they have grown to “When I see this, I see a new tool The CC-130H Hercules But 8 Wing’s new commander, expect,” he said. “I think we’re do my job,” said WO Bygrod. “If is a four-engine air- Col. Mark Goulden, said while going to be able to provide any we can make it more ef cient, craft that is used wide- he is looking forward to the new even better service with this new more strategic, and make it faster ly by the military for aircrafts, he has to give credit to aircraft.” to just help someone, I’m happy things like transport- the CC-130H for its years of ser- Warrant Of cer Aaron Bygrod, with it.” Story on page 9 ing troops, delivering vice to Canada. with 8 Wing’s 424 Squadron, Continued on page 9 cargo, search and res- “That airplane is old and its said he was looking forward to

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447 Dundas St. W., Trenton www.trentvalleyrealty.comwww.remaxquinte.com 41 Main St., Brighton 613-392-6594 1-800-567-0776 613-475-6594 2 - The Contact News August 4, 2017 CFB Trenton lends a hand to Habitat for Humanity By Makala Chapman

hen it comes to getting in- Wvolved with the community, (CFB) Tren- ton is all hands on deck. While members of 81 Construction Engineer Flight (CEF) are normally busy applying their skills to proj- ects around 8 Wing, they recently got the chance to help Habitat for Humanity Prince Edward Hastings (HHPEH) in Belleville. 81 CEF is home to a number of highly skilled tradesmen who specialize in electrical, carpentry, plumbing, heating and cooling. As for Habitat, the non-pro t orga- nization focuses its mission on of- fering affordable housing to fami- lies in need. The homes are also zero interest and require no down payment. Once built, the mortgage payments are tailored to the family’s income so that they are then able to work towards owning the home. Tasked with building decks for the latest two builds located on Donald Street, Lieutenant (Lt.) Joshua Kim of 81 CEF said he was happy to be out doing some hands-on work. “I’m usually in the of ce or doing a lot of paperwork,” said Lt. Kim. “It’s great being out here with the guys, getting on some tools and building.” He further added that the project had been a great exercise in team- work and that he’d be open to help- ing again in the future. “CFB Trenton is always involved in the different community stuff,” he said. “It builds great relationships with the civilians as well as (their relationship) with military person- nel.” 8 Wing Commander, Colonel (Col.) Mark Goulden, said when he Photos by Makala Chapman caught wind of what 81 CEF was Habitat for Humanity’s Executive Director Bob Clute (left) up to, he couldn’t have been hap- thanks Capt. Jonathan Lemon, the Of cer Commanding 81 CEF pier. (right), for all the team’s hard work. Continued on page 3

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préparons les diriGeants de l’arC de 2030 Home Auto Life Investments Group Business Farm Travel Mon rôle le plus important est de préparer l’Aviation royale du Canada de « 2030, en établissant aujourd’hui les conditions de notre succès en 2030. Save up to 35%* Lgén Michael Hood, commandant» de l’ARC attention offiCiers suBalterns when you combine fin de mener avec succès l’ARC jusqu’en 2030 et au-delà, il nous faut adopter une culture de puissance aérienne, chercher à maîtriser cette Apuissance et acquérir la meilleure compréhension possible de l’organisation. La difficulté consiste à trouver l’équilibre entre la satisfaction des besoins opérationnels et la responsabilité que nous avons d’examiner ces derniers et de nous y préparer. Pour alléger le fardeau, nous avons ap- your Home and porté d’importantes améliorations au perfectionnement professionnel pour vous préparer à mener l’ARC vers 2030. En voici quelques exemples. proGramme de perfeCtionnement Cours de Culture de la puissanCe des offiCiers de la forCe aérienne (ppofC) : aérienne dans les opérations (CCpao) Auto insurance Vous permet d’améliorer votre connaissance des rôles des officiers de l’ARC aux Après avoir terminé le segment 5 du PPOFC, votre nom pourrait être retenu pour Get the coverage you need AND save more. niveaux tactique, opérationnel et stratégique. ce nouveau cours exigeant de six semaines à temps plein donné au Centre de guerre Ask us how today. aérospatiale des Forces canadiennes, à Trenton, dans le but de développer vos ▶ Divisé en 5 segments faciles à gérer. aptitudes dans les domaines suivants : ▶ Les segments 1 à 4 sont passés de 240 à 135 heures d’instruction. ▶ adoption de la culture de la puissance aérienne; ▶ Il suffit de síinscrire soi-mÍme et de suivre les segments 1, 2 et 4 en ligne. ▶ planification d’opérations aériennes intégrées; ▶ Segment 5 : cours de deux semaines sur place à l’École d’études aérospatiales des ▶ exécution des fonctions d’officier d’état-major; Forces canadiennes. ▶ attribution de tâches aux ressources de puissance aérienne en vue d’opérations dans le CanairGen 015/17, on annonçait que le ppofC serait dorénavant un préalable à la promotion au grade de major pour la plupart des groupes aériennes intégrées; professionnels de l’aviation, dès la tenue des conseils de promotion à ▶ exécution d’opérations aériennes intégrées; l’automne 2018. ▶ évaluation de l’efficacité opérationnelle. dans le CanairGen 015/17, on annonçait que les diplômés du CCpao commenceraient à obtenir des points en vue des critères de sélection pour la plupart des groupes profes- sionnels de l’aviation, dès la tenue des conseils de promotion à l’automne 2018.

Pour obtenir d’autres renseignements au sujet du PPOFA et du CCPAO, adressez-vous à votre superviseur et visitez les pages d’accueil de l’École d’études aérospatiales des Forces canadiennes et du Centre de guerre aérospatiale des Forces canadiennes. Gardez l’œil ouvert – de nouvelles améliorations seront apportées au perfeCtionnement professionnel des offiCiers et des mr de l’arC.

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*Monthly membership fees also required and vary by location. Offer based on 12-month recurring billing fitness membership. 50 Valid at participating locations. Cannot be combined with any other offer. No cash value. Expires 7/20/17. With annual membership © 2017 CURVES INTERNATIONAL, INC. 4 - The Contact News August 4, 2017 Pro le of Courage: Earthworks at CFS Alert Second Lieutenant Morley Roy Shier By Projects Of cer Lieutenant Jack McDonald By Major Bill March, Historian, Air Force History and Heritage 8 Wing Trenton uring the summer months when the well as into coarse gravel for compact- Dweather gets warmer, infrastructure ing. While the rocks and gravel were orn in Scott Township, near Leask- be carried. projects turn Canadian Forces Station being transported from the quarry to Bdale, , on December 4, 1894, On September 6, 1918, a relatively foggy (CFS) Alert into a hive of activity. From the job site, heavy equipment operators Morley Roy Shier attended school in day, Flight Lieutenant Shier took off in June 27 to July 12, a Technical Assistance from the station’s main civilian contrac- Leaskdale and Uxbridge before embark- DH6 C5172 on a North Sea patrol. For Visit from 1 Engineering Support Unit tor, Nasittuq, lifted the backhoe into po- ing on a career as a teacher. He had ac- reasons unknown, the aircraft ditched in (ESU) designed and led a project to con- sition. The backhoe had to be airlifted in cepted a position at the Earl Grey School the sea about 32 kilometres (20 miles) off- struct a retaining wall to support the sta- because the entire job site was surround- in when he made the decision shore. His body was never located and he tion’s incinerator building. ed by sewage and fuel lines that pre- to enlist, and on November 15, 1917, he was presumed to have drowned. Since 2012, virtually all infrastructure vented direct access by ground. With the joined the Royal Flying Corps. News of his death did not become gen- maintenance at Alert has been complet- backhoe in place, the heavy equipment After completing his training at various eral knowledge back home until October. ed by the station’s civilian contractors. operators dug a large trench along the Royal Flying Corps (Canada) establish- Family friend and writer, Lucy Maud This project, however, was unique in that length of the building, while the 1 ESU ments in Canada and the United States, Montgomery, author of Anne of Green it also made use of the station’s military team began preparing the gabions. Once Second Lieutenant Shier was commis- Gables, noted in her diary that “On resources. The project was born when the the trench was complete, the 1 ESU team, sioned as a pilot in the newly formed Tuesday came word of the death of Mor- six-person engineering reconnaissance along with the entire compliment of the (RAF) in April 1918. A ley Shier, a ne young fellow from our team lead by Captain Cameron White- station’s General Duty (GD) military month later, he was in England, where he church… .” In January 1919, she dedi- head from 1 ESU noticed a potential op- personnel began lling it back in with would spend the next few months com- cated her latest novel, Rainbow Valley, portunity to stabilize the footing of the the gabions, as well as some compacted pleting his advanced training. In July, to the three members of her community building that houses the station’s incin- gravel and carefully placed geofabric. he was posted to No. 256 Squadron and who were killed in the war. The inscrip- erator. The 1 ESU team had only planned Once the gabions had been lled in with stationed at the village of Seahouses on tion reads, “To the memory of Goldwin on performing reconnaissance tasks and the large shale rocks and sealed shut, all the Northumberland coast in northeast of Lapp, Robert Brookes and Morley Shier, staying for one week, but soon after ana- that was left to be done was to level off England. who made the supreme sacri ce that the lyzing the situation on the ground, Capt the surface and to clean up the site. The squadron operated two-seater Airco happy valleys of their home might be Whitehead decided that he would ex- This project was a big success for the DeHavilland 6 (DH6) aircraft in coastal kept sacred from the ravage of the in- tend the visit for half of his team in order station. It would not have been possible and anti-submarine patrol roles. Under- vader.” to design and build a retaining wall be- without the efforts of all of the people powered, the DH6 could not accommo- Because his body was never recovered, hind the incinerator building. The plan who helped out, including the 1 ESU date both bombs and an observer, so pa- Flight Lieutenant Shier is commemorated was ambitious; a crane would lift a back- team, the Kitnuna quarry crew, the Na- trols were often  own solo by the pilot, on the Hollybrook Memorial in Hamp- hoe into position behind the building, sittuq heavy equipment operators and thus permitting a small weapons load to shire, England. He was 23. and the backhoe would dig a massive the station’s military GDs. Infrastruc- Though Flight Photos Sub- trench where gabions lled with large ture projects can often take a long time Lieutenant mitted rocks would be placed. Once the design to complete at CFS Alert due to the com- Morley Shier Portait was approved by Real Property Opera- plexity of the contracting process and went down at shot: A for- tions North and 1 ESU in Kingston, On- the supply chain. To have a project go sea with his mal portrait tario, work began. through the initiation, planning, design aircraft, he is of Second The rst part of the project was done in and implementation phases all in two commemo- Lieutenant the station’s quarry, operated by a ci- weeks like this is very rare. The success rated with a Morley Roy vilian contractor called Kitnuna. They can be attributed to the teamwork and headstone. Shier. blasted shale from their pits and crushed hard work from all of the different par- it into large rocks to ll the gabions, as ties involved.

General duty workers  ll gabions with large rocks as a part of the incinerator building re- taining wall project.

An Airco DeHavilland 6 (DH6) aircraft like the one own by Flight Lieutenant Morley Roy Shier. PHOTO: Imperial War Museum, 12736-A The Contact Newspaper The CONTACT is an unof cial publication of 8 Wing/CFB Trenton. The CONTACT is a weekly ARTICLES AND PHOTOS military newspaper that provides accurate and timely coverage of issues and events affecting The Contact produces news and infor- • Articles may be mailed, e-mailed Canada’s largest and busiest air base – 8 Wing/CFB Trenton. mation about 8 Wing/CFB Trenton at ([email protected]) or We are the primary internal and external communications tool for 8 Wing/CFB Trenton and home and around the world. We de- delivered in person and must include began publishing in November, 1940. We strive to build awareness, morale and ‘esprit de corps’ pend on our military community for ar- the author’s full name, rank, (if appli- among both the military and civilian communities. It is our privilege to showcase the efforts of ticles, personal stories and photos. cable) unit and phone number. the men and women of the at work. • Articles should be typed in upper • Whenever possible, photos should be The CONTACT is published every Friday with the kind permission of Col. Mark Goulden., and lower case (not all caps) and in included with your article and should MSM., CD, Commander, 8 Wing/CFB Trenton. The Publisher reserves the right to edit copy plain black text. Acronyms should be contain the name of the person who and reject advertising to suit the needs of the publication. Views expressed are those of the spelled out on rst reference, then ab- took the photo and an appropriate contributor unless expressly attributed to DND, CAF or other agencies. breviated when referred to thereafter. caption to go with it. Photos should Where typographical errors are discovered in advertisements (including classi eds) that result • Do not include clip art, graphics or be saved in a jpeg format at a high in goods not being sold, this newspaper is only liable to refund the money charged for the photos within typed pages. Addition- resolution for quality reproduction. advertising space. al graphics, logos and photos must be • Articles must be received by Monday The CONTACT is produced weekly under a Publication Service Agreement with a division of sent as separate les. at noon prior to print date. Metroland Media Group. Letters to the Editor: 8 Wing Personnel All letters must be signed and include the name of the author, which will be pub- Publisher: Col. Mark Goulden lished. Include a phone number for veri cation. We reserve the right to edit the text Proprietor: Her Majesty the Queen, in right of Canada, as represented by the Commander of while preserving the main objective of the writer. We cannot guarantee that any 8 Wing, Canadian Forces Base Trenton, P.O. Box 1000 Stn. Forces, Astra, ON K0K 3W0 Canada particular letter will be printed. E-mail letters to: [email protected] Public Affairs, Internal Comms: 8 Wing Public Affairs PSP Manager: John Snyder Metroland Media Staff: A Military Community Newspaper Advertising Manager: Melissa Hudgin 613-966-2034 ext: 504 The CONTACT newspaper is a Personnel Advertising Sales: Orlinda Johnston 613-966-2034 ext: 526 Support Programs (PSP) entity. Our newspaper News and Feature Content: Martin Durkin 613-392-2811 ext: 3976 relies almost solely on revenues generated through Advertising Production: 613-966-2034 advertising and sponsorships. Of ce Manager: Marlene Hicks 613-969-8896 x242 Circulation: Melissa Hudgin 613-966-2034 ext: 504 The Contact ~Wing Headquarters 250 Sidney Street, Belleville, Ontario K8P 3Z3, CANADA Building Annex, 8Wing / CFB Trenton SUBSCRIPTIONS: First Class postage charge $65.00 per year for inside Canada, PO Box 1000, Station Forces, $130.00 for international. ASTRA, ON, K0K 3W0 August 4, 2017 News 5 - The Contact 11 New Residential Housing Units are Coming to 8 Wing Trenton Contact News

he Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA) Trecently, gave the approval to build new Resi- dential Housing units (RHU) as part of the In- fra2016 Investment Plan. The project proposes the construction of 11 units which will include four semi-detached units seven single detached RHU’s in the Residential Housing Photo by Martin Durkin Area (RHA) of 8 Wing Trenton. The units will be Breaking ground on Laird Drive! 8 Wing Commander Colonel (Col.) Mark Goulden and Wing Chief Warrant Of cer three bedrooms, two-storey unit with an attached (WCWO) Troy Zuorro represent CFB Trenton during the groundbreaking ceremony held at Laird Drive. Also included in garage and a full basement. the photo are: Judy Dort-Pepin CFHA Acting Manager of Housing Services, Bradley Barker CFHA Chief Technical Ser- The units will be erected on vacant lots in the vices, Judy Tromp DCC Site Manager, Sule Kisac DCC Project Coordinator, Kirk Putnam President of Absolute General midst of Middleton Park on Laird Drive, McEwen Contractors (AGC) and Associates Inc. and Corey Putnam Vice-President of AGC and Associates Inc. Drive and Johnson Drive.

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By: Master Warrant Of cer Matthew McCormack

Lieutenant-Colonel Cathy Blue and Chief Warrant Of cer Lori White attended the of cial “Switching Off” of the Legacy ASR at 8 Wing Trenton on July 25, 2017. The ASR was commissioned onMay 7, 1982 at 8 Wing and had LOCALLY OWNED AFTER RETIRING undergone multiple modi cations over the last 35 years to keep the Radar functioning. FROM THE CANADIAN FORCES IN 2013 • Chicken & Beef Shawarmas SO THAT • Donairs/all Halal • Homemade Hummus WE MAY • Baba Ghannouj BE FREE. • Garlic paste For every war, there are • Lentil soup many who bravely and • Garlic potatoes proudly leave their loved ones behind to protect EAT IN/TAKE OUT the freedoms that we as Canadians are afforded. OPEN: 11 am – 8 pm weekdays It is these brave 12 pm – 7 pm Saturday few we honour. CATERING, DELIVERIES, Closed Sunday TGIF’s AND OTHER OCCASIONS Trenton East Trenton West 21-C College Street West, Belleville, ON 29 Bay Street 170 Dundas St. W. 613-394-2433 613-392-3579 613-771-1311 www.weaverfuneralhomes.com [email protected] • Follow us on Facebook 6 - The Contact News August 4, 2017 Operation LENTUS and CFB Trenton By Martin Durkin aptain (Capt.) Skye Simpson Cof 436 Transport (T) Sqn is currently ying her second mis- sion as part of Operation LEN- TUS, and this year, she’s doing her part as a member of 8 Wing Trenton helping out in the British Columbia Fires. Her  rst mission with Operation LENTUS was the year previous when she was part of the sup- port team battling the  res at Fort McMurray in Alberta. While the original idea was to be ready to help in evacuations if needed, 8 Wing’s role in B.C. has also focused on delivering sup- plies and helping out the local  re  ghters by dropping them off in needed locations. “I expect to be here at least an- other week, because we are here for the province as the need us,” said Capt. Simpson. Capt. Simpson says the devasta- tion in B.C. is quite obvious, and Photos submitted as she ies over, the plumes of Courtesy of 1 Combat Engineer Regiment, Maintenance platoon, a candid shot of the res in British Columbia smoke make visibility dif cult especially in the valley’s where it land at Williams Lake, the high- tive. “When we do a mission like this out your fellow citizen during is now settling. ways were able to stay open “The nature of disaster is it’s un- in Canada with Canadians, it’s so operations such as LENTUS, “We were actually called in for around the area and people were foreseen,” said Capt. Simpson. much more ful lling,” explained Capt. Simpson says she will be an expected evacuation at Wil- able to escape. Helicopters were “Ask anyone in B.C. two months Capt. Simpson who recognizes ready for a third mission if called liams Lake,” said Capt. Simp- also brought in to medevac any- ago how lucky they felt, or think the connectedness of working upon again. son, "The , which we one needing medical attention. about the ooding in Ontario. alongside those who could easily That being said, she is ready to touched down on because it was In comparison to Ft. McMurray You can’t take your situation for be your friends or family. get back to Trenton, for one big supposed to have a clear way last year, Capt. Simpson says the granted and don’t underestimate “Yesterday when we took off reason, to see her common law because of a zero tree line; was mass evacuations in B.C are run- nature.” and we had these  re ghters in partner Capt. Graham Voreen, on  re."Her team had to change ning more smoothly because of As a member of the Royal Ca- the back of the plane, we could who is a pilot at 8 Wing with 437 course since the area was of cial- highways staying open and also nadian Air Force (RCAF) Capt. hear them cheering, and that Airbus; and who is also prepar- ly deemed a national forest  re. because those involved are oper- Simpson says being a part of feeling it’s just…well…it’s….” ing to y to Germany for his own “The smoke was so thick it was ating in a more proactive way. operations such as LENTUS, can said Capt. Simpson who couldn’t mission. almost like you were in a coastal Living in Ontario and away from leave you speechless at times  nd the words to match. fog,” explained Capt. Simpson. the  res out west, Capt. Simpson knowing you are doing your There is never any hesitation Continued on page 7 While they did  nd a place to says it’s still all about perspec- part for the national community. when being called upon to help

Cleaning 8 Wing Chapel / & Polishing Chapelle de la 8e Only $99 10% Military Escadre Discount! Location/Adresse: 91 Namao Drive East 91 Promenade Namao Est Office hours/ Heures de bureau: Monday to Friday 0800 - 1600 hrs Du lundi au vendredi 08h00 à 16h00 Services Times/ Heures des services religieux Protestant Service: 1115 hrs Service protestant: 11h15 RC Sunday Mass (Bilingual) at 0900 hrs Messe CR du dimanche bilingue à 9h00 Unit Chaplains/Aumôniers des unités: Capt (Rabbi/Rabbin) Bryan Bowley RC Weekday Masses at noon Capt (Fr/Pére) Eric Davis Messes CR quotidiennes à 12h00 Capt (Fr/Pére) John Funelas Jewish Community at Lt(N)(Fr/Pére) Félix Roberge Call Today for Your FREE Consultation 8 Wing, various services, call for details. Lt(N)(the Rev./Rév.)Mary Anne VanHeuvelen Communauté juive de Quinte West à la 8e Escadre, Capt (the Rev./Rév.) Daniel Walton divers services, appelez pur plus de détails Phone/Téléphone: and Necessary X-Ray! Wing Chaplain/Aumônier de la 8e Escadre: Administrative Assistant/Adjointe administrative Maj (Fr/Pére) Roy Laudenorio Brigitte Gamache, (613) 392-2811 ext/poste 2490/4593 Same-Day Emergencies & On-Site Denture Lab! Early Morning, Late Evening & Saturday Appointments! Official Bank of the Military Implants • Sedation Dentistry • Invisalign® BMO has special employee pricing mortgage rates Day Care from 10am–4pm! For all military members, with several enhanced benefits. Contact me directly at 613-921-8141 and put 25 years of military relocation experience in your corner. Three Locations to Better Serve You!

Craig Dick, DND Relocation Specialist Frankford 613-398-8888 Mobile Mortgage Specialist Belleville 613-961-7050 Phone: 613-921-8141 [email protected] Cobourg 905-372-7400 bmo.com/ms/craigdick www.FamilyDentalCentre.com ® Registered trade-marks of Bank of Montreal. R0013740906 August 4, 2017 News 7 - The Contact Continued from page 6

“It’s the nature of the job,” said Capt. Simpson. “We do under- stand the complexity of the job and the multiple changes that happen to our schedules. But we both understand what this job means to us.” By both cheering one another on, and being supportive, Capt. Simpson says you find ways to make the most of the time when you are together, and in between, you simply love the job you’re in. Echoing her sentiments, Capt. Voreen says he is very proud of his partner, and agreed, there is no other job like being a pilot in the Canadian military. “If you are committed to the job and to each other as we are, you find ways to stay strong and be creative,” said Capt. Voreen. Knowing communication is vital, Capt. Voreen says no matter the , you make the effort to call when away, whether it’s over breakfast, a break time or during the dinner hour. “There are times when we can go months without seeing each other because of deployments but there is also times when we are together for long stretches and we can plan vacations together and recharge our batteries,” explained the Capt. who mentioned they had just returned from a stay in Europe before heading out once more. Lucky enough to be both serving on the same base, Capt. Voreen says he loves seeing and knowing the fulfilment Capt. Simpson receives Members of the CAF Search and Rescue team help with evacuations by being able to help out her fellow during Operation Lentus and the British Columbia fires Canadians. “I am very proud of her, she has worked very hard to get where she is and I support her as best as I can, and will always encourage her to go after all of her goals and be the best pilot that she can be for 436 Trans- Meet Captain Skye Simpson as she prepares to make another flight port Squadron.” run into British Columbia from Comox

Can you relate to these cartoons? Health Promotion offers a great course called Stress Take Charge. This course helps you work on managing your stress which ultimately can improve your mental fitness! STC July 20, 0830 hrs – 1600 hrs. To register call 3768 or visit hp.cfbtrenton.com

Meanwhile back at Health Promotion………..




0830 – 1600 HRS



LOC 3768 8 - The Contact News August 4, 2017 Invictus athlete using archery to combat mental illness By Makala Chapman and credits it for helping him manage his mental health. ith the Invictus Games just around When the bow is in his hand, the athlete Wthe corner, Sergeant (Sgt.) Kristo- noted that “nothing around matters and pher Vaughan says he’s wasting no time I can just focus on the target in front of when it comes to preparing. me.” Currently serving at Canadian Forces While he added that he isn’t entirely Base (CFB) Kingston with 1 Engineer comfortable with the idea of having thou- Support Unit (1 ESU), Sgt. Vaughan will sands of people watch him perform at the be competing in the archery division of games, he said he’s honoured to be repre- the games. senting Team Canada. The 39-year-old construction technician is “For me to represent the country in ar- just one of more than 550 ill, injured or chery (will) be an amazing experience wounded servicemen and women from that I’m looking forward to,” he said. all over the world set to compete in the “I’m not an overly athletic person so to international competition. represent Canada in any other sporting Sgt. Vaughan said he has suffered from event is not likely to happen.” mental health de ciencies and symptoms But Sgt. Vaughan went on to express of post-traumatic stress disorder ever his support for the games and said that since his return from Afghanistan in 2010. sports and physical tness is a key in- Determined to adapt to the new obstacles gredient in the rehabilitation process for Now in its third year, the 2017 Invictus Games will see over 550 competitors from in his life, the Kingston athlete said once many injured military personnel. across the world compete in 12 different sporting events. he nally came forward to receive help, He also noted that through training for he was eager to nd a hobby that would the competition, he has had the chance to mental health, Sgt. Vaughan said he had courage others to open up and hopefully help him regain his focus. meet a variety of other military person- come to realize the importance of sharing get the help they need. He explained that since he had always nel, including veterans, who have all had his own story. As for the Invictus Games, he said was found shooting guns at the range thera- to learn how to adapt to their acquired “Education is key,” he said. “If I’m 100 ready and would continue preparing peutic, he decided to get his civilian re- injuries. per cent open about it, I’ve contributed both physically and mentally. arms license. But one day, on a whim, he He described his encounters with his fel- directly to another one of my friends This year’s competition will be held in picked up a bow and arrow and said from low teammates turned friends as a “hum- opening up.” Toronto where the athletes from over 17 then on he never looked back. bling” and “eye-opening” experience. He also said that that while mental health countries are slated to compete against Now over a year later, Sgt. Vaughan said Although he was originally not comfort- still has a lot of stigma attached to it, talk- each other from September 23-30. he’s learnt quite a fair bit about the sport able talking about his own struggles with ing about a personal experience will en- Safety

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He also noted that the airplanes would be a wel- comed addition to a squadron that already has been operating at peak performance. “424 Squadron is committed to what we do and we love our goal, which is directly helping Cana- dians,” he said. “It’s what motivates us and brings us into work everyday.” WO Bygrod then jokingly added that the aircrafts would look even better in orange, instead of yel- low, so that they would match his uniform. In a written statement issued by National Defence, Sajjan noted that he was looking forward to the ar- rival of Canada’s own C-295 aircrafts. “We are committed to ensuring that the women and men who serve Canada have the equipment and training they need in order to ful ll these key missions,” he said, adding that search and res- cue mission were a top priority in the Canadian Armed Forces. 8 Wing Commander Col. Mark Goulden Representatives with Airbus Defence and Space says he’s looking forward to welcom- were also on hand at CFB Trenton and noted that ing the new C-295 aircrafts home. production of Canada’s C-295W have already be- gun.

A Brazilian Air Force C-295 aircraft sits on the tarmac outside of CFB Trenton.

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Captain Dan Gagné of 436 Squadron (left) learns about the C-295 44 Quinte Street monitor system from Airbus Defence and Space’s engineer Julio Trenton, ON K8V 3S9 MEAT SHOP & DELI Gutierrez (right). Ph: 613-392-2537 www.lottiejonesflorishltd.com Produce & More 10 - The Contact News August 4, 2017 CFB Trenton’s men’s soccer team rocks regionals By Maj. Terry Fascione

fter a hard fought mum 20 players on oc- Abattle against some casion. of the top teams in the Standing in second region, Canadian Forces place in their division Base (CFB) Trenton’s and with two games in men’s soccer league hand on the leaders, the were able to come out Trenton boys’ aim was on top as this year’s re- to win the division and gional winners. earn promotion to divi- But this soccer sea- sion one. son has been quite the Over the week of July 24 challenge for the CFB – July 28, the CFB Tren- Trenton Base Soccer ton men’s team attend- Team. With funding ed the Soccer Regionals constraints across the Tournament held at CFB board and the departure Kingston. The squad, of the long-time coach, including the coach, Major (Maj.) J.P. Landry, was 18-men strong. things were not looking The Ontario Region- Submitted photo too healthy at the start als Tournament was MensRegional1: Back Row: Cpl. Gabe Cloutier, Avr. Nick Reynolds, Cpl. Jeff Hatfield, Pte. Shane Christie, MCpl. AJ Van Der of the season. comprised of a round Velden, LCol. Brent Hoddinott, Cpl. Marcin Lukaszynski, Cpl. Bolivar Pazos, MCpl. Jude Julien, Maj. Terry Fascione (Coach), But once the new coach, robin between the five Front Row: Cpl. Eddy Ford, MCpl. Cesar “Junior” Borquez (Team Captain), Cpl. Henry Asiamah, Cpl. Tyler Van Uden, Capt. Maj. Terry Fascione, participating teams: Colin O’Rourke, 2Lt. Josh Hill, MCpl. Tim Terrington, MCpl. Adolph King. stepped in, he called Trenton, Petawawa, upon all squad mem- Borden, Kingston and teams, including the ladies teams, to showing nerves early on. However, inance of the Trenton midfield players bers for a financial com- Toronto (North Bay did play on the artificial turf in the dome a first-half goal from Corporal (Cpl.) soon began to show and the first half mitment. It was then not field a team this sea- and at the John Machin facility on Jeff Hatfield settled Trenton down into finished 2-0 to Trenton. The second decided that a team son). The original plan Highway 15. All teams agreed to play their two-touch passing game. Despite half saw the depleted Toronto start would be entered into was for all games to be on the artificial turf in the hopes that Kingston hitting back hard, the final to fade and with Trenton able to rest the Bay of Quinte Men’s held outside on the CFB the weather would improve later in score was 1-0 to Trenton. some key players. Another two goals Soccer League on their Kingston Hospital and the tournament. With two games per day in the round made the final score 4-0 with the goals ‘own dime’. The player Regimental pitches, but Trenton’s first game, the opening game robin phase, Trenton’s second game coming from Cpl. Henry Asiamah, commitment level to the the weather this year of the tournament, was a hard fought saw them matched against Toronto, Master Corporal (MCpl.) Cesar “Ju- league games has been did not ‘play ball’ and event against the “home” team, Kings- who had been waiting for the arrival nior” Borquez, Cpl. Jeff Hatfield and almost unprecedent- heavy rain meant the ton on July 25. It has been noted that of a couple of their key players. Could MCpl. Tim Terrington. ed from the 25 player PSP organizing team it’s often a tough fixture whenever the it be that the soccer gods were favour- squad, with the game had to solicit unani- two teams meet and this game proved ing Trenton for a change? Toronto Continued on page 11 bench being at the maxi- mous approval from all to be a challenge with both teams provided stiff opposition but the dom-

Top Fuel for your TREE AND SHRUB Fall Race Season! REMOVAL

STUMP TREE GRINDING MAINTENANCE STUMPED? 905.372.4233 OUR SERVICES: This great ½ day Nutrition brief is open to the DND community: Deep Root Fertilizing Military members, spouses, DND employees, NPF employees, and Crane Services retired members. Dangerous Tree Removal 24 Hour Services Tree & Shrub Maintenance Join us to learn more about fuel requirements pre, during and post Stump Removal workouts, as well as what race day should look like nutritionally. In Cabling & Bracing addition to fuel requirements we will discuss caloric requirements, Sonic Tomography food groups, hydration, sports and energy drinks along with supplements. For more info please contact Amy at 3768 or visit hp.cfbtrenton.com. When: Tuesday August 22, 0830 hrs – 1200 hrs. www.wharramtreeservice.com Where: Health Promotion – 177 Hercules Attention All Current&Former Military Families The following Military Rebates are available Accent Elantra Sedan Sonata (including IONIQ bellevillehyundai.com Elantra GT HEV) (excluding EV) Santa Fe XL TOWN CENTRE DR. EASY TO FIND Santa Fe MAITLAND DR.

SIDNEY ST. 22 Town Centre Drive CLOVERLEAF DR. Veloster Tucson Sport 62 (Hwy. #62, 1 Mile N. of 401) 401 BELL BLVD. NORTH FRONT $500 $750 $1,000 $1,500 On select models, Rebate after tax, limited time offer August 4, 2017 News 11 - The Contact Continued from page 10 time to rest and met with the women’s team for dinner. The team received best wishes from last The following day, Trenton played two more year’s coach, Maj. J.P. Landry, and the outgoing round robin games. The  rst game against Pet- team manager – MCpl. Albert Elliott. Morale awawa proved to be the hardest challenge for was extremely high and the team knew they the Trenton squad. Petawawa once again sent had the strategy, tactics, individual capability Employment Café an extremely  t, fast and capable team to the and  tness levels to win. soccer regionals. However, Trenton proved The  nal game kicked off on Friday, July 28 as Is online learning for you? to be a very able match for the “Pet” team Trenton took on Petawawa. An early goal by and dominated much of the  rst half of play. the opposition had Trenton on their toes. How- ever, Trenton stuck to the game plan, which Showing the resilience needed to win games Join Petra Blain from and tournaments, the Trenton team kept the involved using quick passing to wear Pet- pressure on Petawawa. Petawawa eventually awawa down. After a foul against Cpl. Asia- was able to score a goal. The opposing team mah, MCpl. Borquez’s free kick was directed scored a second goal after it ricocheted off a into the net by a Petawawa defender. With the clearance that bounced over the goal keeper’s score at 1-1, both sides went into the half time outstretched hands. The  nal score was 2-0 to break with everything to play for. With a few Petawawa, but the Trenton squad had learned players needing a rest, some minor modi ca- As she makes upgrading basic tions were made to the Trenton line up for the much from the game and was convinced that literacy/workplace skills, completing high with some better  nishing, Petawawa were second half. Once again, Petawawa struck hard theirs for the taking should they meet again in and early with a nicely worked back pass to the school, learning a new trade, or earning the tournament. penalty spot and a  ne strike set the score 2-1. college diploma or university degree The  nal round robin game for Trenton was As the second half wore on, the Trenton game against Borden and thankfully the weather had plan started to rock as the  tness of Petawawa without leaving the community possible. Register by: Aug 22, 2017 dried out the pitches. With some quick changes began to tell. However, it was Petawawa’s turn This session will provide an overview of to be shaken with a side foot equalizer from Location: Trenton MFRC to the starting line-up, Trenton hit Borden hard various online offerings with the main in the  rst half. With some missed chances at Cpl. Asiamah. With the score  nely balanced Time: 9:00-10:30 both ends, Borden proved dif cult to break at 2-2, it was time for a tactical change and focus on free or inexpensive online down. It was not until well into the second half MCpl. Jude Julien was returned to his left back courses and workshops. Fee: 0 with a text book passing game goal from Cap- position allowing Second Lieutenant (2LT.) tain (Capt.) Colin that the ood gates opened. Josh Hill to assist the mid eld. The extra help The game  nished with a dominant Trenton in the middle of the pitch began to pay off and Date of the event: August 24, 2017 win of 3-0. Two of the goals were credited to with minutes to go, the intense pressure being Capt. Colin O’Rourke, with one  zzing strike applied by Trenton paid off with a scrambled from Cpl. Bolivar “Golo” Pazos. This win goal by Aviator (Avr.) Nick Reynolds against meant Trenton would indeed take  rst place the Petawawa goalkeeper. The  nal minutes Participants will be accepted on a first come first serve in the round robin and meet Borden again the of the game left a frantic Petawawa trying to basis as space is limited! following day in the  rst semi- nal. As for Pet- equalize the match, but to no success. At the awawa, they would meet Kingston in the sec- referee’s  nal whistle, it was noted that Trenton ond semi- nal. had at last won the Ontario Regionals! Come and enjoy a coffee/tea and chat The semi- nals saw a tired Borden meet an The most valuable players, as voted by the ascending Trenton with three goals scored by team, were Cpl. Tyler Van Uden and Cpl. Jeff Hat eld, who also snagged top scorer with Trenton before the  rst water break. The strong To register or for more information contactact start allowed Trenton to rest many key players four goals. An honourable mention was also with the  nal score against the opposition set given to the team manager, Kelly Milliken. [email protected] or at 3-0 for Trenton. Two goals were sent in the It should be noted that the CFB Trenton’s wom- net from Cpl. Jeff Hat eld, which put him into en’s team also had an extremely successful [email protected] Trenton’s top goal scorer position, with the tournament, which was reported elsewhere in third point of the match thanks to Cpl. Henry full. But extremely strong plays by Petawawa 613-392-2811 local 3852/4655 Asiamah. and Borden knocked the women’s team out at Before the  nals, the Trenton team took some the semi- nal stage.

The living area in this two-storey, two-bedroom garden. The great room and dining area look Plan No: 14-2-273 coach house is located above a three-vehicle ga- out to the back garden. rage, making it an ideal addition to a large lot with a home already built on it. The two bedrooms share a three-piece bath Tree Service with room for a side-by-side washer and drier. Trenton Tree Entry is through a covered porch with the stair- Service case to the second oor directly ahead. Up- Exterior  nishes include wooden shingles on Tree Trimming & stairs, the great room includes a wood-burning the upper storey, with stucco below. Decorative Removal, Chipping  replace that will be visible from both the din- woodwork between the ornamental garage & Stumping ing area and the kitchen. doors lend interest to the facade, along with • Free Estimates • Fully Insured painted woodwork. Afair price for everyone www.colestimbermart.ca The kitchen includes plenty of counter space, as well as a large window overlooking the front 613-392-7415 12 - The Contact Community Events August 4, 2017

Alcohol, Other Drugs, Gambling and Gaming: Supervisor Training Screening of 16, 17 August 2017 0830-1600hrs Course Coded AODG Supervisor Training provides mandatory supervisor training outlined in CANFORGEN 043/09 for all CAF members in leadership positions. Topics dis- cussed include understanding risks and bene ts of alcohol use; recognizing the A SMALL ACT early warning signs; developing effective interviewing skills; and understanding and changing the culture of an organization. Quinte Grannies for Africa a school teacher in far- Funds raised at the screen- Space is limited. 613-392-2811 x3768 will host a screening of the off Sweden becomes his ing will be donated to the hp.cfbrenton.com award-winning documen- sponsor. Her sponsorship Grandmothers to Grand- tary, “A Small Act”, at St. allows Chris to eventu- mothers Campaign of the Thomas Anglican Church, ally earn a law degree and Stephen Lewis Foundation Formation des superviseurs – Problèmes liés à Belleville on Friday, Octo- become a United Nations and The Hilde Back Educa- l’alcool, aux drogues et au jeu excessif ber 20th at 7:30 p.m. Ad- Human Rights Of cer. In tion Fund. The screening of mission is $10.00. the lm we see the ripple the lm is one of the many 16, 17 aout de 8 h 30 à 16 h effect of “a small act” as small acts of Grandmoth- Le service de Promotion de la santé offre une séance de formation à l’intention des The lm illustrates how we meet and hear the story ers groups working to mo- superviseurs, sur les problèmes liés à l’alcool, aux drogues et au jeu excessif. Au a small contribution can of Chris’ benefactor, Hilde bilize support in Canada cours de cette séance, les superviseurs recevront la formation décrite dans le CAN- have an impact on count- Back, and learn about the for Africa’s grandmothers FORGEN 043/09, qui est obligatoire pour tous les membres des FAC qui exercent less lives and argues that education fund created by and the orphans for whom des fonctions de leadership. Les sujets suivants seront abordés : comprendre les ris- each of us has the ability Chris in her name. Chris they care. ques et les bienfaits de la consommation d’alcool; reconnaître les signaux d’alarme; and responsibility to effect believes in the transforma- développer des techniques d’entrevue ef caces; comprendre et changer la culture change. Chris Mburu is tive power of education be- Tickets available at the d’une organisation. a bright but poor school- cause that is what changed door or call 613-968-9659 Le nombre de places est limité. 613-392-2811 x3768 boy in a village in Kenya. his life. or 613-962-5507. hp.cfbtrenton.com His life is changed when Sports & Recreation March 31 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Tyke Terrain Drop-in Program Costs: Free drop-in (six months to Tyke Terrain is the place for parents three years old). and children birth to three years to be! Come enjoy our play group in the gym- Intersectional Sports nasium and enjoy our wonderful toys for little ones! Where: At the RecPlex I/S Golf- runs on Tuesdays at 1300 gymnasium. When: Starting Fridays, I/S Slo-Pitch- runs Wednesdays in the 16:30 & 18:00 time slots

Are you considering quitting smoking this summer?

Health Promotion 8 Wing, offers a self-help smoking cessation program. Offered in a one on one, or group format we will work with you, along with Pharmacy to help the ‘quit’ be as easy as possible. Meet with HP first, and then onto Health Services who will work with you on starting your replacement therapy medication.

Photo taken by Gisele LeBlanc-­‐Turner www.facebook.com/artbyglt/

Come and enjoy the sounds of the Canadian Military Wives Choirs (Trenton) as they perform in their first official debut.

FUNDRAISER th Date: Sept 9 2017 Time: 6:30pm What to Expect? Place: CFB Trenton Chapel, 91 Namao Dr. INVICTUS

Behaviour modification is the basis of this program. Funds raised will assist the CMWC Trenton with travel to the Invictus Games, being GAMES held in Toronto, to perform at the opening ceremonies with 250 choristers from 10 TORONTO 2017 • Learn proven strategies to reinforce your decision to quit using. other CMW Choirs across Canada along with BriCsh soprano Laura Wright. • Discover and apply techniques to cut back then quit. • Find out about tobacco cessation medications and if they might work for you. Cost: $10 per person • Analyze your pattern of use. $20 per family • Pinpoint your triggers for using. • Plan and map out different actions you can take instead of using. • Choose and practice coping strategies that have been proven to work. DonaCons can also be made at, "GoFundMe" CMWC Trenton to Invictus Games • Learn how to manage the stress of quitting. • Prepare for high-risk situations to avoid relapse. • Address concerns about weight gain.

We offer a Coffee and Quitting program, and walk in appointments as well. Contact us at +HealthPromotion on the DIN or local 3768 or visit us online at hp.cfbtrenton.com

August 4, 2017 MFRC 13 - The Contact TRENTON Military Family Resource Centre www.trentonmfrc.ca • 613-965-3575 • 50 Rivers Drive East, Siskin Centre

New Programs at the Trenton est offert de 7 h à 8 h et de 16 h à 17 h sans Souper – 15$ Expérience mystique et huiles MFRC frais supplémentaire. Boeuf rôti ou porc rôti essentielles Épi de maïs Visit our website - www.trentonmfrc.ca Venez au centre de la famille pour un Walt’s Sugar Shack Shindig Comprend des frites, un breuvage + des- - or our Facebook page to find new and sert atelier d’information sur les huiles es- returning programs or events for adults, Walt’s Sugar Shack is hosting a free, family sentielles avec Anna. Vous pourrez aussi children, and the whole family! event on Saturday, August 5 in support of Friandises – 2$ rencontrer Melanie, une médium avec the Trenton Military Family Resource Cen- ‘Walt Drops’, un délice populaire une approche empathique, possédant sa tre (MFRC). Barbe à papa à l’érable de Walt’s Sugar propre entreprise 'Healing Energy with Nouveaux programmes au CRFM Melanie'. Venez vivre une expérience mys- de Trenton Shack Join us at Walt’s from 12 – 9 p.m. for live tique et intensifier vos sens avec les huiles Visitez notre site internet - www.trenton- entertainment including music from The Walt’s Sugar Shack est conforme aux essentielles bienfaisantes, pour toute une mfrc.ca - ou notre page Facebook pour Reasons and Steve Wilkinson, lunch, local normes d’accessibilité| Aucun al- après-midi. trouver les nouveaux programmes et évé- vendors, contests, draws, games, a petting cool | Seulement les chiens-guides ou Le dimanche, 13 août nements en plus de ceux qui nous revien- zoo, face painting, dinner, and more! d’assistance sont les bienvenus de 13h30 à 15h30 nent, pour les adultes, les enfants et toute *Nous acceptons l’argent en espèces, Visa, Gratuit la famille! Admission and activities are free but you’ll MasterCard & AMEX – AUCUN DEBIT Au CRFM de Trenton want to bring cash for a delicious lunch or Inscription à la réception ou à rabia.s@ trentonmfrc.ca. Summer Hours at the Trenton dinner! Walt’s Sugar Shack 1671 Salem Road MFRC What’s on the menu? Consecon, ON Essential Oils & the Heart’s Tuesday, July 4 - Monday, September 11 Lunch - $7 613-965-6381 Electromagnetic Field The MFRC will be open from Monday - Hamburgers or Sausage-on-a-bun Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please note Includes fries + a drink Join Anna and learn about the heart’s elec- that this does not affect the daycare or Bellydancing with Amara tromagnetic field. An Itovi is a biofeed- Youth Centre hours. Dinner - $15 Learn the timeless art form from the Mid- back scanner. It will scan your body to Roast Beef or Roasted Pork dle East know and produce a report of which es- Corn on the Cob sential oils your body best reacts. Heures estivales du CRFM de Mondays starting August 14, 2017 Includes fries, a drink + dessert Wednesday, August 23, 6:30 p.m. Trenton 7p.m. to 8:30p.m. $55.00 for 8 classes $10/person Mardi 4 juillet - lundi 11 septembre Treats - $2 To register visit the MFRC Reception. Pay- At the MFRC Le CRFM sera ouvert du lundi au ven- Famous ‘Walt Drops’ ment to be made in cash at first class. Register at reception or email rabia.s@ dredi de 7h30 à 17h. Ces heures n'affectent Walt’s Sugar Shack Maple Cotton Candy For more information call 613-392-2811 trentonmfrc.ca for more information. pas la Garderie. ext 3265 Walt’s Sugar Shack is accessible | No alco- Les huiles essentielles et hol | No pets – Service dogs only l'électromagnétisme du coeur Summer Kidz Kamp Registration *Accepts cash, Visa, MasterCard, & AMEX Bellydancing avec Amara – NO DEBIT Anna vous offre un atelier pour apprendre Our Summer Kidz Kamp has a wide range Apprenez l'art éternel du Moyen-Orient ce qu'est l'électromagnétisme du coeur. of activities and experiences that you will Walt’s Sugar Shack Lundi à partir du 14 août, 2017 Avec son “Itovi”,un lecteur optique de ré- not find anywhere else such as rock climb- 1671 Salem Road 19h-20h30 troaction biologique, elle fera une analyse ing, parachute packing, outdoor swim- Consecon, ON 55$ pour 8 classes de votre corps et produira un rapport ex- ming, the WIBIT and weekly excursions. 613-965-6381 Inscrivez-vous à la réception du CRFM. pliquant quelles huiles essentielles réagis- For children 6 - 12 years of age. Vous pouvez payer en argent comptant au sent le mieux avec votre corps. premier cours Le mercredi, 23 août At the RecPlex Monday to Friday: July 3 - Walt’s Sugar Shack Shindig Pour plus d'information, appelez 613-392- 18h30 au CRFM September 1 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Walt’s Sugar Shack organise un événe- 2811 poste 3265 10 $ par personne ment familial, gratuit, le samedi 5 août Inscrivez-vous à la réception ou rabia.s@ Before & After Care is available from 7 - 8 pour démontrer son appui au Centre de trentonmfrc.ca pour plus d'information. a.m. and 4 - 5 p.m. for no additional cost. ressources pour les familles des militaires Mystical Afternoon with Essential Oils (CRFM). Join Anna, our essential oils instructor, and

Inscription Au Camp D’été Pour Melanie, a medium and empath whose Venez vous joindre à nous chez Walt’s de Cake Decorating Les Enfants business is Healing Energy with Melanie. 12h à 21h, il y aura de l’animation incluant Spend the afternoon exploring the mystic Have a sweet tooth? Want to learn a new Notre camp d’été pour les enfants pro- de la musique du groupe ‘The Reasons’ and have all your sense heightened with skill? Join us for our cake decorating class! pose un large éventail d’activités et and Steve Wilkinson, un lunch, un marché, healing essential oils. Learn how to make a beautiful cake for d’expériences qu’on ne trouve nulle part des concours, des tirages, un petit zoo, du Sunday, August 13 any special occasion! Each participant dec- ailleurs, telles que l’escalade de rochers, maquillage, un souper et beaucoup plus ! 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. orates and takes home a 6” round cake. No le pliage de parachute, la baignade extéri- L’entrée et les activités sont gratuites mais Free workshop experience or tools necessary. eure et le WIBIT, en plus de proposer des apportez des sous pour un délicieux lunch At the MFRC excursions toutes les semaines. Le camp ou souper! Register at reception or email rabia.s@ July 25th at the MFRC d’été s’adresse aux enfants de 6 à 12 ans. trentonmfrc.ca. $20.00 per person Qu’est-ce qu’il y a au menu? Register at the Trenton MFRC reception by RecPlex de 8 h à 16 h, du lundi au vendre- Lunch – 7$ Friday, July 21 di, du 3 juillet au 1er septembre Hamburgers ou saucisse sur petit pain Contact Rabia at [email protected] Comprend des frites et un breuvage with questions. Un service de garde avant et après le camp BRUNO’S CLASSIC CUTS CAMPBELL’S AUTO SHOP barbering & hairstyling • straight shaves 327 COLEMAN STREET, BELLEVILLE colour & highlights • up do’s • extensions • COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIRS SINCE 1915 $10 OFF • ALL WORK GUARANTEED COLOUR OR HIGHLIGHTS We carry all sizes With this coupon 1062 Old Hwy #2 • FREE ESTIMATES • PAINT ROOM Singles starting at SENIORS DAY EVERY TUESDAY Belleville,ON • CUSTOM JOB SPECIALISTS $130.00 • FRAMES • UNIBODY & RAIL Mon - Wed: 9 am - 5:30 pm • Thurs: 9 am - 7 pm 613-779-8363 Custom sizes available • ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PAINTS Fri: 9 am - 6 pm • Saturday: 8 am - 2:00 pm WALK-INS ONLY E-mail: FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Website: www.baysidemattress.com 613-968-5791 [email protected] 266 DUNDAS ST. E., TRENTON, ON 14 - The Contact Classifieds August 4, 2017

To Place an Ad: 613-392-2811 or 613-966-2034 For Delivery Inquiries, please call 613-966-2034 Email: [email protected] Classifieds www.thecontactnewspaper.cfbtrenton.com Articles Articles Appliances Appliances A for Sale A for Sale A A

Belleville Volkswagen NEW & USED Volkswagen REFRIGERATORS LOOKINGJust FORarrived NEW OR JustDemo arrived Sale! Stoves, washers, dryers, freezers, 2013PRE-OWNED Jetta VECHICLE Hybrid 20132013STOP JettaIN Jetta AND MEET HybridHybrid THE dishwashers, 3 months old & up. BELLEVILLE VOLKSWAGEN TEAM! Sold with written guarantees. Fridges $100 and up NEW APPLIANCES at the lowest prices in the area. Trade-ins accepted on the new appliances. Big selection to choose from PAYS CASH At Belleville Volkswagen, we recognize that your for good used appliances in expectations1.4L Turbo are increasing Gas &every Electric day and we drive. are up for the challengeGas of meeting / Electric your needs. with We look forward working order, or not, but no junk Automatic,1.4L Turbo Comfortline Gas & Electric Trim drive. Level please. VISA & MASTERCARD to providingSave4.2 youGas L/100 $$with / Electricfroma best-in-classkm Highway!new with sales with and service experienceAutomatic, and7 are Speed preparedComfortline Automatic. to go the distance Trim to Levelwelcome accepted. We have our own youNew to the4.2 CarVolkswagen L/100 Financing family.km Highway! Come available in to Belleville financing. Shop at our competitors In stockSave now... $$Volkswagen from Call today! newfor Test with Drive fromNew 0.0% Car7 Speed upFinancing to Automatic. 60 months available OAC. & then come and see for yourself, Email:In stockEmail: [email protected] now... [email protected] Call for Testfor additional Drive quality at low prices. fromEmail:details 0.0%[email protected] and up to scheduleto 60 for months aadditional test drive. OAC.details for additionaland details to schedule and to a scheduletest drive. a test drive. CL484045 Open 7 days a week & evenings. Email: [email protected] for additional We deliver. We like Base people. Email:details [email protected] and to schedule for aadditional test drive. details

and to schedule a test drive. CL484045 613-966-3333 239 North Front SMITTY’S 613-966-3333 Belleville APPLIANCES LTD. www.bellevillevw.com239 North Front 613-969-0287 Belleville www.bellevillevw.com TRENTON Military Family Resource Centre www.trentonmfrc.ca • 613-965-3575 • 50 Rivers Drive East, Siskin Centre August 4, 2017 News 15 - The Contact Canadian Armed Forces takes on 2017 Nijmegen marches Story Submitted military and civilian, from over 50 countries. ver 13 teams com- The annual event, now Oprised of Cana- in its 101st year, has dian Armed Forces been attended by Cana- (CAF) members from da’s military for the past all over the country 65 years and commemo- have formed the Cana- rates the over 7,600 Ca- dian contingent sent to nadians who died to lib- the Netherlands for the erate the Netherlands in International Four Day World War II. Marches Nijmegen. CAF members marched Delivered by 8 Wing’s the same route taken by 437 (Transport) Squad- their fallen comrades be- ron, over 140 Canadian fore them and paid their military personnel spent respects to the more four days marching 40 than 2,300 soldiers laid kilometres for a total of to rest at the Groesbeek 160 kilometres through Canadian War cemetery. the countryside and The event also serves towns surrounding the as a training exercise city of Nijmegen. as each participant is Members of the Cana- expected to complete dian contingent trained the trek while wearing for several months be- the standard combat Photo by Cpl Rob Stanley, 8 Wing Imaging fore departing on the uniform and a military The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) contingent for the In- four-day trek and were backpack weighing over ternational Four Day Marches Nijmegen arrive at 2 Air joined by thousands of 10 kilograms. Movement Squadron’s National Passenger Service Centre fellow marchers, both (NPSC), 8 Wing Trenton, Ontario on July 24, 2017. WANTED: Re-enrollment Air Force Experience The (RCAF) is actively seeking to re-enroll ex-military members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) who were fully trained in an RCAF occupation, and meet the suitability requirements. Due to manning shortages, per- sonnel from RCAF occupations are being sought. Story Submitted The Air Force Intake & Liaison Team (AFI<), which is based in , works to identify and staff initiatives aimed at im- proving the re-enrollment of former skilled personnel into the RCAF. In an effort to reduce waiting times the AFI< is work- ing closely with Canadian Forces Recruiting Group (CFRG) and the career managers to expedite re-enrollment.

For more information on re-enrollment or to re-enroll Please contact the AFI< team:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 1-877-877-2741

Save The Date Retenez la date Trenton MFRC and ADHD : A Family Matter Presents : Le CRFM de Trenton se joint à ADHD : A Family Matter pour vous offrir l'atelier : Raising Great Parents Workshop September 23, 2017 Raising Great Parents 10:00 am to 2:30 pm Le 23 septembre, 2017 De 10h00 à 14h30 Strategies for parents from infants to teens : Des stratégies pour aider les parents de Getting out the door in the morning; l’enfance jusqu'à l’adolescence : How to short-circuit a child's defiance; Des solutions pour faciliter la course du matin Avoid power struggles; Des trucs pour mettre fin à la désobéissance Why not to say 'good job'; and Des astuces pour éviter les luttes de pouvoir Build self-confidence and resilience in De meilleures façons de féliciter un enfant your kids. De l’aide pour développer la confiance en soi et la résilience chez les enfants For more information please contact Orlana at [email protected] or 392-2811 ext. 3953 Pour information veuillez communiquer avec Orlana Financé par Kay Stafford Sponsored by Kay Stafford au 392-2811 poste 3953 ou [email protected] 16 - The Contact Advertising August 4, 2017

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16 DODGE DURANGO $37,995 13 FORD EXPLORER $21,995 16 DODGE JOURNEY $25,195 $21,995 $16,995 R/T $ XLT $ CROSSROAD $ 16 MAZDA CX3 GS $ 13 HONDA CR-V LX $ 30727E Auto, 5.7L V8 Hemi, 7pass, 229 30696 Auto, 3.7L 6cyl, 7pass, keypad 168 30694 Auto, 3.6L V6, 7pass, AWD, fact 152 30633 Auto, 2.0L 4cyl, alloys, pwr roof, 133 30561 Auto, 2.4L 4cyl, AWD, keyless 129 AWD, fact remote start, alloys, pwr roof/ bi-weekly entry, fl ex fuel, alloys, pwr seats, heat bi-weekly remote start, alloys, pwr roof/seats, bi-weekly push btn start, leather, heat seats, AC, bi-weekly entry, alloys, pwr roof, ecomo mode, bi-weekly seats, push btn start, leather, memory 96 mths @ 5.9% seats/mirrors, 3 zone climate, nav, rev 72 mths @ 5.9% push btn start, leather, heat seats/ 96 mths @ 5.9% rev cam, Bluetooth, pwr group, cruise, 96 mths @ 5.9% heat seats, AC, dual climate, Bluetooth, 72 mths @ 5.9% seats, heat/cool seats. 42,057 km 0 DOWN + HST cam, park aid, Sync, cruise, pwr liftgate. 0 DOWN + HST mirrors/steer, 3 zone climate. 27,668 km 0 DOWN + HST skyactiv, touchscreen. 32,006 km 0 DOWN + HST pwr group, cruise. 93,492 km 0 DOWN + HST PREVIOUS DAILY RENTAL 61,882 km PREVIOUS DAILY RENTAL

14 DODGE GRAND $22,995 16 DODGE GRAND $22,995 14 TOYOTA SIENNA $29,995 16 HONDA ODYSSEY $39,995 17 CHRYSLER $35,495 CARAVAN CREW $ CARAVAN CREW $ XLE $ TOURING $ PACIFICA TRG $ 30627E Auto, 3.6L V6, keyless entry, 139 30613 Auto, 3.6L 6cyl, fl ex fuel, alloys, 139 30688 Auto, 3.5L 6cyl, alloys, pwr 201 30541 Auto, 3.5 6cyl IVTEC, keyless 241 30603 Auto, 3.6 6cyl, fact remote start, 214 fl ex fuel, roof rack, alloys, Sto’n’Go, bi-weekly Sto’n’Go, econo mode, pwr seats, heat bi-weekly roof/seats, leather, heat seats/mirrors, bi-weekly entry, alloys, pwr roof/seats, push btn bi-weekly alloys, push btn start, leather, sto’n’go, bi-weekly econo mode, 3 zone climate, pwr 96 mths @ 5.9% seats/mirrors/steer, 3 zone climate, rev 96 mths @ 5.9% 3 zone climate, rev cam, park aid, 84 mths @ 5.9% start, leather, memory seat, heat seats/ 96 mths @ 5.9% heat seats/mirrors, 3 zone climate, rev 96 mths @ 5.9% group, heat mirrors, cruise. 38,817 km 0 DOWN + HST cam, U-connect, pwr group. 20,250 km 0 DOWN + HST Bluetooth, pwr group, cruise, pwr rear 0 DOWN + HST mirrors, 3 zone climate, rev cam, park 0 DOWN + HST cam, park aid, Bluetooth, pwr group, 0 DOWN + HST PREVIOUS DAILY RENTAL PREVIOUS DAILY RENTAL doors/liftgate, captain chairs. 45,920 km aid, Bluetooth, cruise, BSA. 69,550 km cruise, pwr slide drs/liftgate. 10,469 km

13 DODGE RAM 1500 $24,995 16 DODGE RAM 1500 $48,995 14 DODGE RAM 1500 $32,495 14 DODGE RAM 1500 $32,495 17 DODGE RAM 1500 $45,995 SLT $ LARAMIE $ OUTDOORSMAN $ SLT $ REBEL $ 30570 Auto, 5.7L V8 Hemi, 4x4, fact 190 30619 Auto, 5.7 8cyl, diesel, 4x4, crew 296 30617 Auto, 3.0L eco diesel turbo, 4x4, 218 30675 Auto, 3.0 6cyl ecotec, diesel, 218 30687 Auto, 5.7 V8 Hemi, 4x4, fact 278 remote start, short box, trailer hitch, bi-weekly cab, short box, chrome wheels, pwr bi-weekly fact remote start, crew cab, short box, bi-weekly 4x4, fact remote start, quad cab, short bi-weekly remote start, crew cab, alloys, push btn bi-weekly tonneau cover, AC, pwr group, heat 72 mths @ 5.9% roof/seats, push btn start, leather, 96 mths @ 5.9% trailer hitch, alloys, pwr seats, AC, rev 84 mths @ 5.9% box, trailer hitch, box liner, chrome 84 mths @ 5.9% start, leather trim seats, pwr seats, heat 96 mths @ 5.9% mirrors, cruise. 58,474 km 0 DOWN + HST memory seats, heat/cool seats, dual 0 DOWN + HST cam, park aid, U-connect, pwr slide rear 0 DOWN + HST wheels, pwr seats, AC, U-connect, pwr 0 DOWN + HST seats/mirrors/steer, AC, dual climate, 0 DOWN + HST cliamte, nav, rev cam. 34,857 km window, heat mirrors. 97,663 km group, heat mirrors, cruise. 59,816 km rev cam, U-connect. 5,603 km AGGRESSIVE FINANCING RATES & OPTIONS AVAILABLE WITH FLEXIBLE TERMS TO FIT YOUR BUDGET. UP TO 600 CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED VEHICLES IN STOCK! Open HOURS: MON-THURS 8AM-8PM, FRI 8AM-6PM, SAT 9AM-5PM, SUN 10AM-4PM Days a BAYVIEWAUTO.CA • 1.866.594.2262 • 6692 HWY 62 Belleville 7week!

Deferred payments subject to fi nancing. All payments are based on bi-weekly payments. All 2011–2012: 60 mths, 2013: 72 mths, 2014-2015: 84 mths, 2016-2017: 96 mths: P.P.S.A, License and taxes extra. EG: $10,000 + Taxes $1,300 + P.P.S.A. $65 = $11,365 fi nanced over 60 mths at 5.9% = $117.34 Bi-Weekly with a cost of borrowing of $1,962.47 on approved credit. All cash deals are price of vehicle + taxes. Terms & rates are current at time of print. 0 Down + HST. Most 2016 & 2017 vehicles are former daily rentals. Bayview Auto is not responsible for pricing, vehicle option or mileage errors printed in this fl yer. Contact dealership for more information.