Of the Sixty-Sixth Session. Congress
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PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS THIRD SESSION. SENATE. l\lr. JONES or Washington. Those of the grade of first lieu tenant, commander, and lieutenant commander. They are in FRIDAY, F eb1"Uary 18, 1921. line of promotion in the ordinary way, and not for any definite term, or anything of that kind. (Legislati vc day of Monday, Febn1a1·y 14, 1921.) l\fr. SMOOT. Does it inc!ude the director of the service? The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., on the expiration of tlle l\Ir. JOI\TES of Washington. No; no director, or anything recess. of that kind ; they are simply routine promotions. l\Ir. SI\fOOT. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a Mr. SI\fOOT. I prefer to look over the list, and therefore I quorum. · object at this time. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll. THE PA.TE::.'\'T OFFICE-CONFERENCE REPORT. The reading clerk called the roll, and the following Senators l\Ir. NOHRIS. Mr. President, yesterday I asked unanimous amnvered to their names : consent to fix a time for voting on the conference report on llall Gooding McLr an Spencer the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of Calder Harris McNary Sutherland the Senate to the bill (II. 11984) to increase the force and Capper Harrison Moses Swanson n. Cha mberlain Heflin New Thomas salaries ·in the Patent Office, and for other purposes. Objec Colt Hender8on Norris Townsend tion '"as then made because of the absence from the Senate of Culberson Jones, N.Mex. Overman Trammell the Senator from Connecticut [l\1r. BRA~DEGEE]. I have seen Curtis Jones , Wash. Phelan Underwood Dial Kellogg Phipps Wadsworth the Senator from Connecticut, and he has no objection to the Dillingham Kendrick P omerene Walsh, Mass. request I now make for unanimous consent that at 4 o'clock Eu .~e Kenyon n eed Warren Elkins Knox Sheppard Williams on next Monday the Senate shall vote on the conference report F ernald La Follette Simmon.s Willis on House bill 11984. France Lenroot Smith, Ga. Wolcott Mr. Sl\IOOT. l\Ir. President, I have just asked that the Sen F relinghuysen Lodge Smith, Md. Gay McCumber Smith, S. C. ator from Connecticut [111r. BRANDEGEE] be sent for. He is de Gerry McKellar Smoot sirous of being here. I ask the Senator from Nebraska to with Mr. B.A.LL. I wish to announce that the Senator from Wash hold his request until the Senator from Connecticut comes in. ington [l\Ir. PoiNDEXTER], the Senator from New Hampshire l\fr. NORRIS. I have talked with the Senator from Con [l\Ir. KEYES], and the Senator from Maine [l\1r. HALE] are necticut, and he himself has told me that he has no objection to absent on official business, engaged as members of a subcom the order, and I think he told me that in the presence of the mittee of the Committee on Naval Affairs. Senator from Utah, who said he would be willing to take what The VICE PRESIDENT. Sixty-one Senators have answered ever action the Senator from Connecticut, who is against the to the roll call. There is a quorum present. conference report, was willing to take. Mr. SMOOT. The Senator from Connecticut said he had no REFERENCE OF EXECUTIVE NOMINATIONS. objection to taking up the report. l\1r. \V A.DSWORTH. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con Mr. NORRIS. I told the Senator from Connecticut explicitly sent, as in open executive session, to have referred to the Com what I had done, that I tried to get up the report yesterday, mittee on Military Affairs a number of nominations for promo and that the Senator from Connecticut was not here, and I did tions in the Army from the grade of first lieutenant to that of not want to take it up in his absence. I told him what I would colonel, inclusive, which have been sent to the Senate in the ask, and he told rue explicitly that he had no objection to fixing last few days and which are now pending before the Senate and a time for voting on the conference report. are in the office of the Secretary of the Senate. l\fr. SMOOT. There may be other objections to the bill. '.rile VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? l\fr. NORRIS. Of course. l\Ir. LODGE. I undersfand that does not go beyond the rank l\Ir. SMOOT. If the amendments were the only questions that of colonel. may arise, that would be one thing, but other questions affect 1\Ir. WADS WORTH. I said between the grades of first lieu ing the bill may arise. Therefore, I could not agree to a specific tenant and colonel. hour for a vote. I will say to the Senator that I will vote with l\Ir. UNDERWOOD. I did not hear the request. him to take up the conference report on Monday. The VICE PRESIDENT. The request is that, as in open 1\fr. Sl\IITH of South Carolina. May I ask what conference executive session, all nominations for promotions in the Army report is referred to? from the grade of first lieutenant up to· and including the Mr. NORRIS. It is the conference report on House bill grade of colonel be referred to the Committee on Military 11984. Affairs. 1\Ir. Sl\IITH of South Carolina. I mean from what commit 1\Ir. UNDERWOOD. I thought that had already been done. tee? 1\Ir. W .A.DSWORTH. .Another batch of nominations has Mr. NORRIS. From the Committee on Patents. Permit me come in. to say now on this question that the bill has been under con The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? The Chair sideration by the Patent Committees of the House and the hears none, and it is so ordered. Senate for about a year. It has finally reached the stage where 1\Jr. NOURIS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that it is here in the shape of a conference report. I realize that the nominations for the office of Commissioner and Assistant there is objection to it. Some who are opposing it are doing Commissioner of Patents be referred, as in open executive ses so bitterly. I have no criticism to make of that. All I want sion, to the Committee on Patents. is that the conference report shall be voted on by the Senate, The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? and jf it is voted down and the Senate does not want it, that is Mr. SMOOT. I object. the end of it, of course, with me. But I have had it intimated to 1\Ir. JONES of Washington. 1.\.fr. President, I make a similar me, from a source that I consider absolutely reliable, that there request to that of the Senator from New York [l\lr. WADs is going to be au attempt in the Senate to prevent a vote on the WORTH] with reference to certain nominations in the Steam proposition. bol'l.t-Inspection Service and several in the Coast and Geodetic I have been physically unable to be here for some time. I Survey and in the Coast Guard. Th.ese are nominations made probably will not be able to be here much of the time during the in the line of promotion and seniority. I ask, as in open execu remainder of this session. I can not very well be here all the tiYe session, that these nominations be referred to the Com time trying to get the conference report up. I did not want to mittee on Commerce. take it up, even if I could do so, to displace an appropriation bill. Mr. MOSES. l\Iay I inquire the grade of the officers re The Senator from Michigan [Mr. TowNsEND] kindly consented ferred to? that he would agree to lay aside temporarily the unfinished busi- LX--212 3359 3360 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. FEBRUARY 18, nes , the Post Office appropriation bill, if I could assure him I appeal to Senators that there be action on this important that there would be no extended <lebate. Unfortunately I can measure. Let any one of them fix the time for a \Ote. I do not give that assurance, particularly when I have already been not care who .fix:es it or what time is fixed. Of course, outside informed that there is going to be an attempt to pre\ent a vote of other considerations, it will be a personal favor to me for on the conference report, and we are, I think, honestly and hon reasons which I have stated, although I am not urging that. <>rably entitled to a vote on tl1e proposition. If the request to fix: next l\Ionday as the time for a vote is There ought to be a \Ote on it. That is all I am asking. If objected to, I ask unanimous consent that the date be fixe<l one next 1\fonday is too soon, let us fix: a later date. I am not par week from to-day, next Friday, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, ticular when th~ vote is taken. I do not care if it is put off until and that the Senate shall vote then on the conference report. a '' eek from 1\fon<lay, but it will be a great personal accommo :Mr. SMOOT. l\Ir. President, I am going to object to unani -dation to me if I knew when we were going to have a vote on mQus consent to vote upon the conference report but I will it, so that I could be here at that time even though I can not be say to the Senator any time after to-morrow that he desires continuously in attendance on the Senate.