Abel, Ruth E., One Hundred Years in Palmetto, Reviewed, 102 Aboard the U.S.S
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Florida Historical Quarterly Volume 48 Number 1 Florida Historical Quarterly, Vol 48. Article 1 Number 1 1969 Florida Historical Quarterly, Vol. 48, Number 1 Florida Historical Society [email protected] Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/fhq University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Florida Historical Quarterly by an authorized editor of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Society, Florida Historical (1969) "Florida Historical Quarterly, Vol. 48, Number 1," Florida Historical Quarterly: Vol. 48 : No. 1 , Article 1. Available at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/fhq/vol48/iss1/1 Society: Florida Historical Quarterly, Vol. 48, Number 1 July 1969 - April 1970 CONTENTS OF VOLUME XLVIII Abel, Ruth E., One Hundred Years in Palmetto, reviewed, 102 Aboard the U.S.S. Florida: 1863 - 65, ed. by Daly, reviewed, 106 “Accounts of the Real Hacienda, Florida, 1565 - 1602,” by Paul E. Hoffman and Eugene Lyon, 57 Administration of John Quinlan, Second Bishop of Mobile, 1859 - 1883, by Lipscomb, reviewed, 92 After Slavery: The Negro in South Carolina During Reconstruc- tion, 1861 - 1877, by Williamson, reviewed, 450 Alachua County Historical Society, 454 Alexander Porter: Whig Planter of Old Louisiana, by Stephen- son, reviewed, 448 Allegiance in America: The Case of the Loyalists, ed. by Evans, reviewed, 450 Alligator Alley, by Burghard, reviewed, 445 Along This Way: The Autobiography of James Weldon Johnson, by Johnson, reviewed, 105 American Association for State and Local History, 112, 347 American Conservative in the Age of Jackson: The Political and Social Thought Of Calvin Colton, by Cave, reviewed, 219 American Revolution Bicentennial: Library of Congress Office, 348; Florida Steering Committee, 454 American Scene, ed. by Farnham, reviewed, 449 Published by STARS, 1969 1 Florida Historical Quarterly, Vol. 48 [1969], No. 1, Art. 1 Amphibious Campaign for West Florida and Louisiana, 1814 - 1815: A Critical Review of Strategy and Tactics at New Orleans, by Brown, reviewed, 318 Annual Meetings, Florida Historical Society May 1969, 225 May 1970, 452 Arthur W. Thompson Memorial Prize in Florida History, 110, 226, 231, 455 “Aspects of the Development and Exploration of the Forbes Purchase,” by John C. Upchurch, 117 Austin, Elizabeth, Collection, 418; book review by, 422 Award of Merit, Excellence in Presentation of Florida History in the News Media, 226, 232, 452 Bahamas government records, 416 Bahamas newspapers, 416 Bailey, Hugh C., Edgar Gardner Murphy: Gentle Progressive, reviewed, 202 Baldwin, Agnes Leland, First Settlers of South Carolina, 1670 - 1680, reviewed, 447 Barrett, John G., book review by, 329 Basis of the Plantation Society, ed. by Land, reviewed, 448 “Battle of Olustee” (color print), front cover, July 1969 Bauer, K. Jack, Surfboats and Horse Marines: U. S. Naval Op- erations in the Mexican War, 1846-48, reviewed, 327 Baughman, James P., Charles Morgan and the Development of Southern Transportation, reviewed, 99 Beater, Orlando (Jack), obituary, 114 Bellamy, Jeanne, book review by, 321 Belz, Herman, Reconstructing the Union: Theory and Policy During the Civil War, reviewed, 432 Bennett, Charles E., book review by, 86; Papers, 419 Bibliographical Guide to the Study of Southern Literature, ed. by Rubin, reviewed, 343 Bickford-Jones Memorial Library, Papers, 417 Bigham, Julia S., ed., The Marjorie Rawlings Reader, reviewed, 107 Birmingham, Stephen, The Right People, reviewed, 219 Bisceglia, Louis R., “The Florida Treaty and the Gallatin-Vives Misunderstanding.” 247 Black Manhattan, by Johnson, reviewed, 346 https://stars.library.ucf.edu/fhq/vol48/iss1/1 2 Society: Florida Historical Quarterly, Vol. 48, Number 1 Bleser, Carol K. Rothrock, The Promised Land, reviewed, 345 Bode, Carl, ed., Ralph Waldo Emerson: A Prolfie, reviewed, 343 Boney, F. N., ed., The Diary of Sergeant Mathew Woodruff, June - December 1865, reviewed, 106 Borderland Empires in Transition: The Triple-Nation Transfer of Florida, by Gold, reviewed, 319 Braxton Bragg and Confederate Defeat. Volume I: Field Com- mand, by McWhiney, reviewed, 329 Brevard County Anthropological Society, 455 Brevard County Historical Commission, 455 Brevard County Historical Society, 455 Bricks Without Straw, by Tourgee, reviewed, 448 Brody, Richard A., Richard R. Fagen, and Thomas J. O’Leary, Cubans in Exile: Disaffection and the Revolution, reviewed, 441 Brooks, Edith G., Saga of Baron Frederick de Bay & de Bary Hall, reviewed, 109 Brooks, William E., ed., From Saddlebags to Satellites: A History of Florida Methodism, reviewed, 317 Brown, Adelaide, and Barrett Brown, eds., Early Days on Estero Island:An Old Timer Reminisces, reviewed, 220 Brown, Wilburt S., The Amphibious Campaign for West Florida and Louisiana, 1814 - 1815: A Critical Review of Strategy and Tactics at New Orleans, reviewed, 318 Buker, George E., book review by, 327 Burgess, Robert F., A Time for Tigers, reviewed, 217 Burghard, August, Alligator Alley, reviewed, 445 Burns, Augustus M., III, book review by, 334 Caldwell and Company: A Southern Financial Empire, by Mc- Ferrin, reviewed, 447 Cape Florida Lighthouse Museum, 453 “Captain Young’s Sketch Map, 1818,” by Alan K. Craig and Christopher S. Peebles, 176 Carleton, William G., book review by, 100 Carpetbagger’s Crusade, by Olsen, reviewed, 448 Carse, Robert, Keepers of the Lights: A History of American Lighthouses, reviewed, 342 Carswell, E. W., book review by, 326 Carter, Dan T., Scottsboro: A Tragedy of the American South, reviewed, 204 Published by STARS, 1969 3 Florida Historical Quarterly, Vol. 48 [1969], No. 1, Art. 1 Carter, James A., III, “Florida and Rumrunning During Na- tional Prohibition,” 47 Cave, Alfred A., An American Conservative in the Age of Jack- son: The Political and Social Thought of Calvin Colton, reviewed, 219 Chalmers, David M., Hooded Americanism: The First Century of the Ku Klux Klan, 1865-1965, reviewed 104 L’Amerique en Cagoule: Cent ans de Ku Klux Klan, reviewed, 104 Chapman, Margaret L., book review by, 421 Charles Morgan and the Development of Southern Transporta- tion, by Baughman, reviewed, 99 Charleston in the Age of the Pinckneys, by Rogers, reviewed, 325 Charlton W. Tebeau Florida History Collection, 111 Chidsey, Donald Barr, The War in the South, reviewed, 345 Chita, A Memory of Last Island, by Hearn, reviewed, 217 Circuit Rider Dismounts: A Social History of Southern Method- ism, 1865 - 1900, by Farish, reviewed, 449 Civil War Books: A Critical Bibliography, Volume II, ed. by Nevins, Robertson, and Wiley, reviewed, 106 Clark, Eugenie, The Lady and the Sharks, reviewed, 442 Clark, Patricia, “A Tale to Tell From Paradise Itself, George Bancroft’s Letters from Florida, March 1855,” 264 Clark, Thomas D., book reviews by, 202, 428 Clausen, Carl J., book review by, 338 Clay County Historical Commission, 455 Clay County Historical Society, 455 Cleveland, Larkin, Papers, 417 Coleman, Kenneth, book review by, 437 Collier County Historical Society, 455 Collier Family Papers, 417 Collins, LeRoy, Papers, 416 Colonies in Transition, 1660-1713, by Craven, reviewed, 87 Coltvany, Yves F., ed., The French Tradition in America, re- viewed, 448 Commerce and Contraband in New Orleans During the French and Indian War, by Nasatir and Mills, reviewed, 217 Confederate Shipbuilding, by Still, reviewed, 451 Confederate Supply, by Goff, reviewed, 431 Consolidation: Jacksonville-Duval County. The Dynamics of Urban Political Reform, by Martin, reviewed, 214 Controversy in the Twenties: Fundamentalism, Modernism, and https://stars.library.ucf.edu/fhq/vol48/iss1/1 4 Society: Florida Historical Quarterly, Vol. 48, Number 1 Evolution, ed. by Gatewood, reviewed, 206 Cook, Raymond Allen, Fire From the Flint: The Amazing Careers of Thomas Dixon, reviewed, 337 Cooper Papers, 417 Corlew, Robert E., Stanley J. Folmsbee, and Enoch L. Mitchell, Tennessee, A Short History, reviewed, 446 Corra Harris:Lady of Purpose, by Talmadge, reviewed, 212 Coulter, E. Merton, Negro Legislators in Georgia During the Reconstruction Period, reviewed, 218 Cousins, Paul M., Joel Chandler Harris:A Biography, reviewed, 337 Craig, Alan K., and Christopher S. Peebles, “Captain Young’s Sketch Map, 1818,” 176 Craton, Michael, A History of the Bahamas, reviewed, 218 Craven, Wesley Frank, The Colonies in Transition, 1660 - 1713, reviewed, 87 Crawford, Charles W., book review by, 91 Creation of the American Republic, 1776 - 1787, by Wood, re- viewed, 193 Crews, Harry, Naked In Garden Hills, reviewed, 344 Critoph, Gerald E., book review by, 337 Cruden, Robert, The Negro in Reconstruction, reviewed, 334 Cubans in Exile: Disaffection and the Revolution, by Fagen, Brody, and O’Leary, reviewed, 441 Cunningham, Horace H., Field Medical Services at the Battle of Manassas, reviewed, 94 Curl, Donald W., book review by, 82 Current, Richard N., ed., Reconstruction in Retrospect: Views from the Turn of the Century, reviewed, 435 Daly, Robert W., ed., Aboard the U.S.S. Florida: 1863 - 65, re- viewed, 106 Daughters of the American Revolution, Gainesville chapter, 347, 348 Day of the Dolphin, by Merle, reviewed, 345 Dear Ones At Home, by Swint, reviewed, 450 Democracy in the Old South and Other Essays, by Green, ed. by Copeland, reviewed, 335 “Deprivation, Disaffection, and Desertion in Confederate Flor- ida,” by John E. Reiger, 279 DeVane, George Albert, Sr., obituary, 351 Published by STARS, 1969 5 Florida