The Esa Exploration Programme – Exomars and Beyond
Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI (2005) 2408.pdf THE ESA EXPLORATION PROGRAMME – EXOMARS AND BEYOND. G. Kminek1 and the Exploration Team, 1European Space Agency, D/HME, Keplerlaan 1, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Management and Organization: The countries Technology Development for Exploration: Two participating in the European Exploration Programme categories for exploration technology developments Aurora have recently confirmed and increased their have been identified: contribution. The ESA Council has later approved the Generic Exploration Technology: They have a Agency’s budgets for 2005, including the budget for long-term strategic value, both for robotic and human Aurora. These developments enable major industrial exploration missions. Planetary protection, habitable activities to continue in line with original plans. These systems, risk assessment for human missions to planets, include work on the ExoMars mission and the Mars grey and black water recycling as well as psychological Sample Return mission, in-orbit assembly, rendezvous support for the Concordia Antarctic Station, Facility and docking, habitation and life support systems plus a for Integrated Planetary Exploration Simulations are broad range of technology development work. examples of selected generic exploration technologies. The Aurora Exploration Programme has been inte- Mission Specific Technologies: Specifically devel- grated into the Human Spaceflight and Microgravity oped for the programme’s missions, and will eventually Directorate , which now forms the Human Spaceflight, be implemented after reaching a minimum technology Microgravity, and Exploration Directorate of ESA. readiness level. EVD, sealing and sealing monitoring Early Robotic Missions: Robotic mission have technology, containment technology, specific instru- been identified as necessary prerequisite before send- ment developments, sample handling and distribution ing human to Mars.
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