Number 172 · Salle de lecture - CECC • .· Volume 36 .. Spring 2003 · Reading Room·- CCCB Vatican II: Are We Part I - Foundations 32-572 I national bulletin o"Litur ]11111111. Vatican II: Are We There Yet? Part I - Foundations . I National Bulletin on Liturgy is published by CCCB PUBLICATIONS. Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. It appears in spring, summer, fall and winter. This bulletin is primarily pas toral in scope. It is prepared To Order Subscriptions for members of parish liturgy committees, readers, musi Subscriptions to the National Bulletin on Liturgy cians, singers, catechists, are managed and distributed by NOVALIS. Please teachers, religious, seminari ans, clergy, diocesan liturgical · copy this coupon and send it with your payment to: commissions, and for all who Novalis are involved in preparing, celebrating, and improving the C.P. 990, succursale Delorimier, community's life of worship Montreal, Quebec H2H 2T1 and prayer. Telephone Fax (514) 278-3030 Editorial commentary in the 1-800-NOVALIS (668-254 7) E-mail bulletin is the responsibility of or (514) 278-3025
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